okay we're going to get started 7 o' um the meeting is called to order let's start with the Pledge of Allegiance Chief Smith will you lead us please to honor America I pledge Al to the of the United States of America and to the Republic for which stands one nation under God and this is a meeting of the Hillsdale borrow Council on this 6th day of February 2024 notice of the time and place of this meeting has been provided to the Ridgewood news and the Bergen Record the copy was posted on the bulletin board outside of this meeting room and provided to any interested parties please silence all cell phones please wait to be recognized by the mayor during the public hearing and a public comment part of the meeting you will need to state your name and town and town of residence for the record will the clerk please read the role council president Escobar here council member Fox I can't hear because now it just kicked off again he is here but he's council member lendy here council member Oso here council member ruko here council member choim is absent mayor Seinfeld here do we want to wait a second so you can try again try again we're having technical difficulties doesn't want to cooperate we have a member of council who's coming in by Zoom so we want to make sure that I can put on speaker phone mayor yeah to do that this doesn't work okay there he is he's on okay can you want to make a statement about the officer all right so we have some swearing ins tonight obviously I think that's we usually don't get this kind of attendance for a normal meeting so let the chief give an explanation okay good evening everybody it's a goodlooking crowd we have here it's great to see a packed house so tonight is a very special night for the bur of Hillsdale as we swear in three new officers and we assign a new detective to our Bureau this is another big piece of Hillsdale Hillsdale Police Department's transition firstly I'd like to thank the burough administrator and the mayor and councel for understanding our needs and approving these hirings back in November we conducted a competitive hiring process and I'm pleased to report that we were able to recruit three highly qualified officers to join the ranks of our Police Department these officers passed a rigorous physical psychological and extensive background check before joining our department upon being sworn in they will also go through several weeks of field training program where they will learn the nuances of our burrow and learn to become most importantly a Hillsdale police officer the first officer to be sworn in tonight will be Martin Kim Martin will you join me up here please Mr Mayor so before Martin gets sworn and give a little little brief file Martin joins us from the Palisades Park Police Department with 5 years experience prior of law enforcement he served in the United States Marine Corps and participated in two combat tours in support of operation enduring freedom in Afghanistan Martin is currently work working towards obtaining his master's degree at nyak College in 2021 he was awarded with Person of the Year by Fort Le Chamber of Commerce Martin is a father of two beautiful children Jacob and Juliet who are here tonight where they reside in this beautiful bur of Hillsdale today his wife Tiffany will be holding the Bible as he takes his oath of office and pinning his badge on will be his Uncle Chris now for the oath Mr Mayor up too bring the whole G everybody comes up you got it all everybody's got protection there your cover want to hold that okay after I'm Martin K I'm Martin Kim you swear do Solly swear that I will support the Constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will support the Constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith that I will bear true faith and Allegiance and allegiance to the same to the same that the government established and the government established in the the United States in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people I do solemnly swear I do solemnly swear that I will Faithfully I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly and justly perform all the duties perform all the duties of the office of police officer of the office of the police officer for the Hillsdale Police Department for the Hillsdale Police Department effective February 7th effective February 7th 2024 2024 according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability me God so help me God congratulations salute congratulations okay next up we will we'll be swearing in Brianna aliri so Brianna come on up Brianna joins us from the New Jersey state Human Service Police Department with two years experience prior to that she earned a Bachelor's of Arts in Stockton University with a minor in victimology Brianna became a Communications officer for the selbrook police department before attending the Mars County Police Academy in 2022 bran has attended numerous police schools including the New Jersey women and law enforcement Leadership School and we are very fortunate to have her join the ranks of the Hillsdale police department and I know coming from a law enforcement family that her family is especially proud today her mom Lisa will be holding the Bible while she takes her oath of office and pinning her new V on will be her dad Richard also supporting will be Brian's fiance Salvatore come on up gang okay to me I Brianna alier I Brianna Alfieri you Solly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith in Allegiance and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people I do Sol swear I do solemnly swear that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly and justly perform all the duties perform all the duties of the office of police officer of the office of police officer the Hillsdale Police Department for the Hillsdale Police Department February 7th 2024 effective February 7th 2024 according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me go so help me God to the attendees [Music] you Mario come on up tell me Mario doesn't look look like a [Music] superhero okay I'm going to get this name right it's Mario vak okay Mario vdovic joins us from the Patterson Police Department with 5 years experience PR of law enforcement Mario attended the wington high school and upon graduation worked as a radio tower technician as well was an emergency medical technician after graduating the Burton County Police Academy he served the Patterson Police Department where Mario was assigned to the SWAT team and ultimately became an instructor and trained new members Mario's Awards include the Chiefs medal and life-saving efforts today his fiance Cassidy will be holding the Bible and pinning his new badge on while he takes the oath of office Mr Mayor okay I Mario I Mar of doag do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey and I will bear true faith and I will bear true faith and Allegiance and allegiance to the same to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established in the United States in the in the United States and in this state and in this state people under the authority of the people I do Solly swear I do Solly swear that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully and partially and partially and just per all the duties perform all the duties of the office of police officer of the office of police officer for the Hillsdale Police Department for the Hillsdale Police Department effective February 7th 2024 effective February 7th 2024 according to the best of my abilities according to the best of my abilities so help me God so help me God congratulations w [Applause] mat come on up last but not least detective sutz joined the Hillsdale Police Department in December 2017 after participating in the buron county alternate route program prior to law enforcement Matt went to Vernon Township High School and graduated from East straussburg University with a business management degree Matt has served our department proudly as an officer in Patrol while also contributing to the Firearms unit accreditation assistant manager and field training officer I look forward to seeing Matt's contributions while we assign him in the detective Bureau today his wife Cassie will be holding the Bible and pinning his new badge on while he takes his oath of office I was going to say that but here partne up please I Matt Suz I Matt SES do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and Allegiance and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people I do L swear I do solemly swear that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly and justly perform all the duties perform all the duties of the office of of the office of detective patrol officer detective patrol officer for the Hillsdale Police Department the Hillsdale Police Department according to the best of my ability according to the best ability best of my ability so help me God so help me God [Applause] congratulations okay this is Lieutenant Camp Rell this is Lieutenant Woods here this is the command set for the hillso police department we want to remind everybody here especially residents that we are 100% committed to you we also want to thank you for making our department for progressing our department and again uh I say it but I mean it we will make you proud thank you very much y I got it take a 5 minute break now probably to Cate this to do so be those of us have to remain [Music] [Music] thank you con con congratulations pleas to congratulations great to see you [Music] usually [Music] [Music] don't beautiful great job married don't get much you very [Music] nice I [Music] repl dumping you out the meeting allow Zoom access to your camera your Zoom settings this [Music] is [Music] theost you have control you [Music] just [Music] up you need to log off yeah I don't know why can you loog call you on the phone that you're an unwilling participant in the parade it's like a wood oldie [Music] F [Music] Little John did you turn up the heat no 77 [Music] morning may it well Clen put on a sweatshirt chil this is in South Florida okay are you in control again there's no Zoom audio there's audio out here and the recording should have zoom will have audio but I don't on Zoom so let's put so let's put on the phone should be good but I still don't have audio no but I mean [Music] so we'll keep you on the uh on the phone yeah [Music] [Music] J if we're with this just go over to the right zo see the next one see the last movie see yeah I like that I think I actually are we good yep okay I can shut the doors let's shut the door and we'll what starting yeah we're going to start now we're just going to close the door because we want it's getting too cold in okay that's them and out the Kim family is on their way out my anyway look at this okay we going back on the record are you recording all right we're good all right uh we have some appointments to make so let's begin with that um we have the planning board the alternate number two Dr Arthur Weinberg retired DDS do we have a motion motion second second will clerk please read the role council president Escobar yes council member Fox yes council member Lundy yes council member Oso yes council member ruko yes council member CHS great then it's passed uh we have uh for the environmental commission Tracy Hansen is a motion motion second second those please read the role council member Fox yes council member Lundy yes council member Oso yes council member rugo yes council member tro council member sorry council president Escobar yes that motion passes as well Library trustee Jonna Davis before I ask for a motion I just want to make everyone aware that jna is my fiance um she has her m M's degree in library science um and has been a librarian for more years that if I said it out loud she'd probably kill me and she is currently uh a department head at the T Neck library and is infinitely qualified for this position do I have a motion motion second second please read the role council member Lundy yes council member Oso yes council member ruko yes council member TR council president Escobar yes council member Fox yes okay the last one is the uh Library trustee Liz Leonard we have a motion motion second second the clerk please read the role council member ooso yes council member ruko yes council member truk sorry council president Escobar yes council member Fox yes council member lendy yes that motion passes great okay uh we don't have make Proclamation okay we're going to move on to the approval of minut minutes and clerk please read the minutes to be approved council meeting minutes of January 2nd 2024 council meeting minutes of January 9th 2024 and council meeting minutes of January 22nd 2024 motion motion second second second okay can we get the rooll discussion please oh discussion yeah I want to request a correction to the minutes of January 2nd uh page n the minutes as written say that Mr Richard Savino quote commented on the byw amendment presented by councilman ruko regarding a person on the police committee who themselves is a PBA member the video audio tape that has been made public makes it very clear that Mr saino was not referring to my efforts to amend the bylaws uh but rather but rather was referring to my attempt to amend the proposed membership of the negotiating committee that will have to negotiate a new PBA contract uh Mr saino never referred uh to bylaws nor did he mention the police committee which is a separate committee as we all know from the negotiating committee um he raised the same ethical and appearance concerns that I did about having councilman Fox serve on a member as a member of the negotiating committee while he is still a member of the PBA accordingly I'd like to amend uh that portion of the minutes to read as follows only the first uh first sentence of that uh to read Mr Savino commented on councilman ruk's objection regarding a person on the negotiating committee who themselves is a PBA member and then the rest of that paragraph stays as is is there objection objection it as amended assuming of course and I think in good fa in good faith we have to assume uh councilman ruko is explaining that there was a subtle distinction in the minutes and that he would like to corrected Mr Savino is nodding and and I remember that as as well I don't I so no objection to that ument objection the vote would be to the minutes as amended so for all three then are we going to take a motion to pass them with the with the amendment for the for the second I have no objection to doing them all at once assuming that the votes are of course only to the minutes that you're eligible to vote for correct so if you miss the meeting it will be assumed that you are not voting for those minuts Okay so we've already passed the motion in the second will the clerk please read the role council member ruko yes council member choim Muk council president Escobar yes council member Fox no council member Lundy yes council member alsoo yes okay the minutes passed uh we have an initial public comment period uh 3 minutes on the agenda only uh one topic per speaker please state your name and town of res resident for the record is anybody interested in making a comment see a lot of shaking okay then we will move on um will the clerk please uh read the correspondence uh first one was an email received from Linda Giovani regarding a Hanukkah request second one is a letter received from Bonnie Stevenson requesting a street name in honor of Ida and Bert Dar Brandt and an email received from Glenn Morton requesting the 15th annual go to the build the distance through Hillsdale is there a motion to receive and file motion second second will the clerk please read the role discussion discussion y okay um I'd like to move that the letter received from Bonnie Stevenson requesting a street name in honor of Ida and Bert gaban be uh referred to the Our Town committee uh the naming committee because that is essentially what Mr Dem is asking right okay objection to that okay we got a we got a motion in a second can we get a roll council member CH council president Escobar yes council member Fox yes council member lendy yes council member Oso yes council member ruko yes passes okay we have a letter received from the Hillsdale volunteer fire department requesting the use of the West lot for their annual Carnival from May 6th to May 11th of 2024 can I get a motion motion second second any discussion no uh will the clerk please read the role council president Escobar yes council member Fox yes council member Lundy yes council member Oso yes council member ruko yes council member Chim AB okay we have the professionals report now the burrow engineer excuse me mayor yes um I just got a texted with somebody on Zoom who wanted to speak during public comment but they said they weren't they couldn't uh they couldn't be recognized or they can't can they hear us I didn't see any hand raised they want to raise their hands I see I can't see it I still don't see any she couldn't she can't here so she was asking when she could do it I guess she asked somebody else who's watching or just Tex said that she can do it but but can if she hear can she speak she's not going to be able to hear us back anyway right so how would this work call if she wants to call in if you want to alert her to call in so we have a hand up I guess that's Meredith case um can she Meredith maybe the internet keeps Dr can I un muted her so all right does anybody have any objections to taking this I Meredith can you hear [Music] us so if you could explain that there was someone who wanted to share the members who wanted to share somebody somebody else on Zoom wasn't wasn't merth so is there so so it's not Meredith who's interested correct somebody else it's star n star n you going to unmute star n M Star n no that's what they hit oh they hit star I didn't know who the person's name is I have no idea who okay is there somebody if somebody wants to talk we kind of want to move it along there like a three just skip she came on my phone qu question um my wife is saying there's no Zoom she's trying to get in and then she says the T the TV she went to the TV to listen in and she said they she can't he on the TV so again the zoom is the zoom component of this is a courtesy it's not part of the open public meetings act um we can pursue these efforts as long as the chair seats fit or we can have perhaps a little better Arrangement well this seems to be an ongoing issue I hate to cut somebody off who wants to comment but if the system isn't working properly hopefully they're close enough they can come down I don't know if they they can hear us even um and we would take their comments we're going to have a second public comment period uh towards the end of the meeting but otherwise I think we're going to have to move on um will the engineer please give his report I have good evening mayor and Council um so updates from engineering we have a couple Paving projects the NJ do projects the fiscal year 2023 which is Magnolia and fiscal year 2024 we're planning to um build this year 2023 the uh plans and specs have already been approved by the do so we're just awaiting Direction on when we can go out to bid on that project um and 2024 we're awaiting Direction on when a proposal should be submitted in order to put together design and bidding documents so those are the two things that are holding up those two projects um for the 2024 Riverside Co-op um Mike and I had a a meeting this afternoon where we were going through um roads that we think we want to Target for Paving we're still finalizing that list that list should be completed at the end of this week um we're targeting around eight roads to be paved um and the anticipated schedule for that project is to go out to bid in late March early April um Centennial Field we're going to need a uh a follow-up meeting on this to iron out how we want to move forward on this project there's been a lot of balls up in the air um I think we just need a little bit of direction to kind of determine and finalize what the plan of action is on that and the same goes for Memorial so um I think we will have meetings in the near future and I'll be able to give you a little bit more um information as to what the direction is going to be for those two projects but as of right now I don't really have that much of an update um and before we move on can I just ask the ba um do we have some input from the rec committee with respect to the field you'd want to share or I do but the chairperson of the field committee has that on her report okay okay so we'll let that go until end then okay does anyone have any questions for me thank you all right okay we're going to go to committee reports um okay uh council president Escobar uh the uh police committee met the other day uh but I'm going to get a report on that at next week's meeting okay and that's all I have as far as that councilman Fox can you hear us do you have a report M you're not you're you're not muted you're you're here on the day if you're not on the uh Zoom got okay nothing to report nothing to report okay councilwoman Lundy okay I see that the ambulance Captain is here so rather than give an ambulance report on the ambulance Comm I'll defer to them to give their report the environmental commission um members met with the ba and myself on January 31st we discussed the needed revision to the tree ordinance which must be made by May the EC will Redline our existing ordinance and send changes to be reviewed by the attorney and governing body um excuse me we also discussed the scope of the Beachwood Trail project Colliers will begin to prepare the bid documents and specs in the environmental commission will review review them before going out to bid just a reminder that the EC will be holding their annual seeding Distribution on April 13th from 10: to 12:00 at the train station and in the event of inclement weather it'll be held at the Library they held their reorg in January and Fred Rell was selected as the new chair and Scott Raymond as the vice chair um Stony Brooke also met in January excuse me to work on their new ordinance which will be introduced at the next meeting registration for membership will open for Stony Brook on March 18th and the field committee uh met with the ba this morning as um Nick said we'll be moving ahead with a scal down renovation on Centennial Field that'll address the drainage issues as well as repair the existing lights um we anticipate going out to bid on this project in the spring we also discuss the Memorial Field project and we'll be meeting with the engineers to discuss the renovation of the field so that football soccer and baseball will be accommodated I'll give a further update once we have a proposal um all Fields will be ready for baseball and softball opening day on April 6th and we'll be purchasing clay to ensure the fields are both safe and playable thank you councilman Oso uh yes with regards to Recreation um we were fortunate enough to Source a new Rec director uh Mike uh mikali has provided us a uh very worthwhile candidate we were able to interview that person his name is Dan KY um he is the assistant director uh for recreation at West Westfield New Jersey formerly he he also worked for pamis as a recck leader uh he seems very energetic and uh he seems to be a selfstarter and I think that he could provide us a great deal of experience uh that we could leverage going forward for our Recreation Department just wanted to say that Sergeant seers uh is planning a Special Olympics New Jersey fundraiser at Beachwood uh field on June 1st it's a 12-hour Marathon ultramarathon um he's looking for um a $75 registration fee for runners um I think it's a good opportunity for the town to partake in a very worthwhile event uh to to raise money for a worthwhile cause uh abund provided an update with regards to uh the Centennial and the memorial uh projects also we as part of the rec commission uh meeting the other night we also identified a list of things to do uh for baseball's opening day uh and that list was provided over to the ba uh we're going to provide an update on fire after the meetings are held on the 12th and the 26th and with regards to school boards I'll have an update on the next council meeting is that it okay councilman Roo thank you Mr Mayor uh the Board of Health met on January 16th they elected Cula L as president Louisa Toledo as the vice president Dr Douglas fenart as the Board of Health Physician they reappointed the Northwest Bergen Regional Health commission they adopted a meeting schedule for 2024 um they also discussed a number of issues I'll briefly mention them uh skin cancer screening at Stony Brook pool they're planning that sometime during the summer they are preparing for Town day in the fall uh they're looking for ways to improve the Board of Health visibility um they talked about a new system being implemented that will facilitate producing the quartery reports to the municipal Alliance Group nurse deer is going to be trained to do that uh they talked about the need for following up on the towns that have not yet paid for the portion of the child health care contract um they talked about the desirability of having nurse lowest Cohan be assigned more hours and more compensation um there was a complaint made by an individual over an incident that occurred at the shop right pet supply store but they discuss that sett after their have satisfaction and lastly they discussed the impact of the transfer of our local assistance Board of County and the impact that Mrs El's departure uh might have on Hil resid the finance committee met January 11th to review where we are in the a budgetary process then again on January 25th committee met with departments several departments then again we met on February 1 to go over various capital budget requests the uh plan is to introduce the budget either at the March 5th or the following meeting the 12th um and adopted either at the council meeting of April 2nd or April 9th uh you do have until I think the first meeting in May as the ultimate deadline set by the state so I think we're in in good shape there um um the committee instructed the burough administrator and the CFO to prepare for a special public Council working session to be held sometime before the introduction of the meeting the introductory meeting to allow the full Council to discuss the budget uh to ask questions um and to have an opportunity to suggest changes and that concludes my report thank you what was that dat what what was that date for that me it hasn't been set yet the bur administrator and the CFO is supposed to settle on a date B ad administrator thank you Mr Mayor uh for the uh Ambulance Corp uh the 2024 elected officers our chief Justin hopis deputy chief Mark Richards Captain Matt Austin president is John Bey vice president Khloe Whit secretary Jim Clark Treasurer Ralph lorello and uh since uh September um they finished off by answering a total of 471 call for for services in helale since September the per deem crew have answered uh uh they uh put in 1200 hours of scheduled shift they have answered 194 medical calls with an average of 76 seconds the average including volunteer shifts in three is 3 minutes and 37 seconds the average dispatch to n to uh on the scene time for all calls is 7 minutes and 13 seconds uh that's uh a lot less than the average of 15 minutes uh as an average for the county uh they continue to talk with neighboring uh towns in regards to sharing services and combining the agency we have the chief and the president here if anyone has any specific questions Beyond this report uh they'll be happy to answer if anybody has any questions for them uh during the past snowstorms our trucks destroyed several mailboxes during the plowing operation uh we currently don't reimburse for mailbox damage by our crew I would like to suggest recommend to the council that we consider reimbursement of $100 per mailbox for mailboxes destroyed by our crew how expensive is that going well we do between four and five boxes snow storm big snow storms but I I will put that on the agenda for next week uh in case you want to consider it the construction and flood abatement pre-work are in progress and expecting all work at the police station and the lobby to be completed by mid April I'm also going to be submitting to the council a proposal next week to create a social services leaon position that will be working with families in need to help them navigate the fire fing process with the county and the state social services and to guide families during their hardship times on where and how to find help I will be working with the finance committee and chair and the CFO to secure the funding for this position hopefully before next week and present it to you uh next week for discussion that's what happen mayor so be resolution for if you agree to do it after the discussion then we'll have to put next month correct okay you want to say anything you're [Music] no great can we can we question the B administrator on a couple of topics that's why he's here okay um I want to thank him for Distributing the final design plan for the community center at the patteron street Comm uh Redevelopment the members of the U Redevelopment negotiating committee councilwoman troin U councilman pel who was there the time and myself contributed to that effort and then you and I have contributed here I think turned out to be very good um I do think it's important to put a copy of that on our website so that people can can see that if that look agreeable to you um have a question the engineers report says that there's a proposal for a design and bidding services for the revised scope of work to be done in Centennial Field you mentioned that you alled to that right um so I conclude that that was submitted to the to burrow not here let let me clarify that so the revised scope of work that that refers to is actually the previous revised scope of work which is now being revised again okay right so that was that was when we were talking about doing a grass field but much more elaborate than what we're talking about now so we still have to put together a proposal for the the the new um you know scaled back version of that project yeah cuz I I read the report and maybe I read too much into it but it says you scers has submitted a proposal for design bidding services for the revised scope correct right but that's Antiquated at this point it's been so so we we issued these engineering report a week back and I didn't have that information at the time this was issued so that's why there's that uh confusion there okay so it's it's really mood at this point correct that's yes and the other question I had you know it was reported in the pat press um that they've been trying unsuccessfully to obtain a copy from the burrow of the ecological due diligence 8 page report that was done on DPW um and it was dated September 29th of last year so the reason cited by the Press was that they had been informed is still in draft um would the ba be willing to update the governing body tonight with uh since 5 months have passed it's still a deliberative document what it's still a deliberative document so we which is why I'm asking if document itself that is correct Mr Mayor but the question my question wasn't allowed to finish it was um would you be willing to update the governing body since the months have elapsed since that report um as to where efforts to safeguard the DPW compound stand especially since it was necessary for us to approve a move of the administrative offices of the DPW to um to Woodcliff Lake that's fair uh that's fair question uh so uh the the the DPW committee met actually this morning yesterday with the D DPW super intendent on site uh we've been trying to do the due diligence uh meeting with the surrounding towns to see if we are looking at shared service at shared space or to continue continue to operate from our current location uh so we're still in a due diligence phase uh and I'm hoping by next week we can come back with a proposal again on option one two and three uh we're shooting more toward option one which is see if we can uh stay in our the curent location if we can find ways to mitigate the flooding issues moving the the mechanic shop maybe or uh doing some changes to the Sal shed so that's one option we did meet with the Bor of wood Lake uh yesterday the two committees met and uh I've been talking to the westw ba uh so we're still in that du intelligence phace okay I mean thank you for the for the information um with respect to the to the letter I I I was going to ask for and with with acknowledging the mayor's comment I was going to ask why that report is still not available to the public since we all have received it we've all read it presumably um it just focuses on the ecological challenges that face us if we were to spend money trying to strengthen the compound so I was just curious as to what damage it would do to the main the main reason would be if we were to go out to bid if we were to do any work at this location and go out to bid and one contractor would have their hands on it and one does not before we go to bed so if we do go to bed that document will be part of the bidding process for everybody at the same time so it's still in progress this is still working progress we can't release it and then someone says well I didn't have a copy of that but but is in the act of releasing it and making it available to everybody but when we do the bidding if we go to bid right on that project on that project this document will be part of that bit package then I got to say it doesn't make sense to me we don't want to release it now because not every everyone knows it's out there and one will have advanture uh advantage over somebody else yes it's out there in the public and in theory they should be able to have it if they know it's there and what to find it so we we we don't want to make it available to the public now because we're not sure that the public would get access to it that everybody in the public especially the biders potential biders would have access to it that sounds counterintuitive to me but look if that's if that's your decision that's your decision but I I you know we've all read that September 29th letter and it it just focuses on the the issues and the challenges and I uh I really think that it should be made available to to so that the public can understand better what we mayor and Council face we are very close give us another week or so okay Mr Man yes I just want to uh bring up one point about the community center um one consideration there is the parking right it's a fair 5,000 ft location um and it seems like we have very limited parking available and I think that over the next year and a half or so we should try to plan on where those cars are actually going to set themselves aside when I go attend events um because I I don't see what options are back there I think that we should plan accordingly sooner than later you as opposed to it being a surprise when we open up well we know there's 18 parking spaces allotted to us just for us uh the developer promised nothing writing yet that if we do have a big event uh during 2 hours that they will give us enough spots in the garage temporarily for those two three hours right I'm just saying is the 5,000 spare fee you get 100 some odd people there yeah more than cars problem yeah they committed to that the if I may they committed to to do something what the lines of the ba were saying at the planning board session when when they approved it the other option is to try to find a spot to run the the van what the cars park and then run the van from that spot to this when there's a when there's a I'm just saying the plan should be impi to the opening okay um let's move on let's move no objection all right so um let's move on to the ordinances um we have ordinance 241 up for adoption tonight it's an ordinance establishing the recreation department program and summer camp fees in the borrow of Hillsdale is there a motion to open the hearing on ordinance 2401 motion second second um I guess I'll read this first before we go further favor well we've already motions second we have ation that's what I all in favor I I okay so we have a vote so we have a vote statement that's I will now open the meeting to the public if anyone desires to be heard regarding ordinance 2401 please say your name and wait to be recognized once recognized state your name and address for the record I will now entertain a motion oh oh we didn't have it is anyone see nobody I will now entertain a motion of the public hearing on ordinance 2401 be closed and the be resolved that the ordinance was posted on the bulletin board on which Public Notices are customarily posted and published in the r Ridgewood news copies of said ordinance were made available to the general public motion to close the public heing motion second second all in favor I my voice uh motion passes um motion to adopt ordinance 2401 motion second second clerk please read the role uh discussion just for one I'd like to suggest one small Amendment to the very bottom of page two when we discussed this at a prior meeting it talks about the all programs and F rentals are non-refundable and are subject to a covid-19 fee of 10% per person I'd like to add the phrase when and if deemed necessary by the mayor and councel say the phrase again the bottom talks about all the numbers there being subject to a covid-19 fee of 10% I I simply would like to add the phrase following that following that bottom when and if deemed necessary by the mayor and councel because that is exactly what our general counsel as well as we all agreed to when we last when we introduced this I asked the question why was it necessary and the answer came back was well it depends if the mayor and Council gives us the flexibility better to have it not better to have it and this that my suggested Amendment just makes it clearer as amended yeah as amended is there any objection to that Amendment okay so we will be taking a vote with that added with that minor Amendment minor okay it says all programs are subject to a covid-19 fe of 10% per person as needed when and if approved by the mayor and the council yeah I I just think when and if needed when and if deemed necessary by the mayor and Council okay okay please read the role order council member also yes council member ruko yes council member Chu council president Escobar yes council member Fox council member Lundy yes now therefore we resolve that this ordinance is adopted and the Boral court is authorized to advertise the same according to law okay we're moving on to ordinance 24-02 an ordinance establishing salaries for the recreation department motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 242 second second all in favor all in favor I great okay I will now open the meeting to the public if anyone desires to be heard regarding ordinance 242 please say your name and wait to be recognized once recognized state your name and address for the record is anyone anyone up on the zoom call seeing nobody I will now entertain a motion uh that the public hearing on 2402 be closed and that it be resolved that this ordinance was posted on a bulletin board on which Public Notices are customarily posted and published in the Ridgewood news copies of said ordinance were made available to the general public motion to close the hearing on ordinance 2402 motion second second second all in favor I iOS the eyes have it motion to adopt ordinance 2402 motion second second will the clerk please read the role council president Escobar yes council member Fox yes council member Lundy yes council member ooso yes council member R yes great now therefore let it be resolved that this ordinance is adopted and the borrow clerk is authorized to advertis the same according to [Music] law good okay we are now um moving on to the consent agenda 2459 through 2474 okay does any does anybody need anything to be moved to the off consent no okay so do we have a motion motion second second okay and there's no discussion uh will the clerk please read the role council member Fox yes council member Lundy yes council member Oso yes council member R yes council member council president Escobar yes the consent agenda passes we have nothing on op consent it's public comment again I know that uh Linda Giovani had her hand up uh is she still there yes okay can you activate Linda and tell her how unmuted okay you're unmuted Linda thank you very [Music] Lind every December we have and all very wonderful we have Holiday Lights competition Santa Claus makes several appearances and even rides in the in the fire trucks throughout town our Christmas tree and Veterans Park is beautiful and you can hear Christmas music in nearly every store for several years now a rabbi and who is also hille resident has asked their former mayor and Council to hold a lighting celebration in town in veterans Park on only one of the eight days of Hanukkah this request has been repeatedly denied meanwhile Wood Lake bark Ridge Westwood and River all F lighting celebrations led by the same Rabbi on a day of Hanukah while it is wonderful that a local business owner steps up to hold a candle like ceremony the first ever in Hilla um this past year residents deserve to celebrate this holiday in V's Park okay that to share with you you do have correspondence from me and I'm just asking that we certainly have enough time between now and then to make this happen okay thank you thank you very much for your comment um do we have other people looking to either he Jared Bey hi Jerry BD 64 Westdale Avenue Hillsdale um I just wanted to say on behalf of the 125th anniversary committee uh that it's great to hear that the community center final plans have been distributed to the council we look forward to seeing them on the website we did suggest earlier last year that maybe consider be given to putting a display case in the community center that where Hillsdale historic information and items could be displayed the library has um a whole lot of them in a room there but the room is locked and the things aren't out in public and it could be a rotating display um and you know somebody from the library I've talked to them about helping with that or um perhaps somebody from our committee or the hotel Heritage committee could participate in in that endeavor okay thank you thank you is there anybody else that wishes to be heard no and seeing nobody else online which to be heard let's move to council commentaries uh normally I would start on I've got nothing of substance to uh announce this week um uh let's start go from this way to this way uh councilwoman Lundy okay i' just like to congratulate our three new police officers and detective Suz on his new assignment and wish them all very safe and long careers with the ATT thank you councilman council president Escobar uh I also would like to congrat congratulate officer Kim M kry and detective Matt Suz and I wish them the best long healthy careers and uh hope they stay safe okay great we're going going down yeah I'd like to uh wish the new officer as well as okay councilman R I also want to welcome our new police officers Kim alier and Dev Jack hopefully I'm saying that right um and also the assignment of Matt Suz as our detective I want to thank you Mr Mayor um for highlighting in the town notice the new urgent care facility that the county owned Newbridge hospital has opened up in uh in shoppr right uh but I also want to highlight the other guide down the street um the the service that our U AFC urgent care located on Broadway on the border of Westwood um provides to us they've been in existence since 2017 and they'll continue to provide to the residents Services um as I said in November at the Grand Opening it's great that shop right which is sort of like a middle ground for people to meet that we have a facility like that new bridge facility there there um but it's also good that we have some competition perhaps from the perspective of choice service and hopefully cost but um taken Point yeah and uh that's really all I have to say at this point and we don't want to forget the uh voice in the clouds um councilman Fox do you have any commentary to congratul new wonderful okay thank you um Mr May there is one other point I just wanted to make if actually I may um we'll go back to you forgot um wanted to thank the departing members of the planning board as I remember you put some new members on um and they're fine additions um but the two members that will not be uh staying on will be I guess Adam Berliner and um Miss Toms right um and I just wanted to thank them for their service over the past year year and a half it's it's not easy being a planning board member there's a lot of work to do um and if you do it right it requires some reading and and some soul searching when you come to the meetings which are twice a month okay um being that that seems to be the end of the meeting do we have a motion to close the meeting motion second second motion is oberved meeting is adjourned thank you