me call the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance I United States America indivisible with libery and Justice good evening everyone this is a uh meeting for the hillvale F Council on this 9th day of November 2023 notice of the time and place of this meeting has been provided to the Reg news and the Bergen Record a copy was posted on the bulletin board outside of this meeting room and provided to any interested parties please silence all your cell phones wait to be recognized by the mayor during a public hearing and public comment part of the meeting you just need to state your name and your town of residence may I have a roll call Madam council president D Roa here council member Escobar here council member Fox here council member Horvath council member Lundy here council member tro here mayor ruko here uh first order of business is the approval of of minutes um for the uh council meeting of October 3rd a closed session um meeting minutes of October 3rd and council meeting minutes of October 10th I think we should do them separately that together okay uh do I have a motion motion second any discussion not hearing any um I have a roll call please council president josa yes council member Escobar yes yes council member Fox yes council member horbath yes council member Lundy yes council member TR yes okay that carries six nothing uh we have an initial public comment period coming up uh it's time limited and topics uh one topic for speaker I'd ask that you could find your comments to items that are on the agenda there'll be a second public comment period Waiter on uh about any other matter uh pertaining to uh the burrow uh would anyone like to raise their uh address the council you're going to be reporting on um yeah what what's other people first go uh CU that legitimately should go at the end but we'll put you in the front yes go ahead please uh Doug Bagwell in Hillsdale New Jersey uh so I have uh one small item here uh regards to the resolution 23278 this to cease all activi of the Centennial uh field uh Turf project I noticed in this resolution that it says cease all activities towards construction of a Turf plane surface at Centennial Field remember from the last meeting we discussed or it was discussed to uh try to do a natural Turf project there so we just wanted to clarify this resolution is to cease uh activities towards the construction of a Synthetic Turf because Turf applies to both natural and synthetic I want to make sure that the resolution didn't bar any ction towards the natural tur field okay well there'll be uh because of your comments there's certainly an opportunity for the council when it takes up that resolution to modify it I I can sorry my intention when I wrote it was Synthetic Turf understood I don't generally refer to Grass as Turf um when my wife says go to Lowe's and get grass seeds she doesn't say get Turf seed they have to work on the turf out front so I meant and intended and I think the council understands it to be I fully understand the intent Wonder okay great um I did want to address the overall uh field projects in the town uh I was at the last meeting I've been working alongside James Lawler in trying to develop plans for the for the town here what the what the next steps are um so this resolution that hopefully will be passed tonight will hopefully stop the synthea tur project at Centennial and will be the first step into investigating a new plan for Centennial and the other fields in town uh so I've been working doing investigation working speaking with outside industry professionals um about what the opportunities could be um I think while the council has been very focused on Centennial Field I think as we go to a natural Turf project there it's important that the council evaluates all the fields in town so that Centennial doesn't get redone and just gets overused so all the fields in town really do need a lot of work uh so I would ask that the council consider are investigating both in tennial field as well as all the other townn fields uh in you know release to be able to start that investigation immediately so we can hopefully get some projects done in the spring um I would also suggest that the council considers hiring a field tur professional to do this evaluation rather than necessarily having the bur Engineers do it have a uh you know a field ter professional that really misses their area of expertise to do these investigations and put together a report so the town can move forward quickly and then work working alongside the B Engineers to to put together an RFP or uh going through a co-op program to get these projects implemented so I'm working alongside James we've been speaking with the other uh ined Sports organizations in town and they're all support of uh going this direction so if I may um the field me just met about 10 minutes ago a little bit longer um and we're actually we have a meeting schedule on the 20th with represent from the Sports Association okay we are looking at all our Fields like you said M we pretty much have a plan on on going forward want to share that with that group okay um but I will add that one of our bar Engineers teaches courses at ruers as far as tur Fields go so we certainly you know your your company is you know going it's on my company and whatever company does you bid on is great but we got a lot of faith in our engineer as well okay I'm all right thank you thank you Jerry did you want to come and make the report on 125 hi Jerry V 64 West Avenue Hiller uh just to catch you up on the what's been going on with the anniversary committee uh we had a car show thankfully after all those weeks of rain and postponement on November 4th we had um over 50 cars we had a great turnout from the community I want to thank um councilman uh Horvath for his assistance in uh planning that event um the gala uh the ticket sales are going very well we have over 190 tickets sold we want to thank the dedicated residents and the friends who have bought tickets we'd also like to thank kie shaizy and Mr gasali who bought uh tables for the gala we have a number of new sponsors we'd like to recognize uh at the diamond level Claremont developers and March development um they are Partners in the Patterson Street project at the Gold l oh and the Burton agency um they were both uh Diamond sponsors at the Gold level uh Ray whis uh Esquire and Tim whis Esquire and at the silver level Demmer Farms Hillsdale volunteer Ambulance Service and beer funeral home uh we have sold 90 bricks for the pathway so far um we're looking to sell more we hope that you'll all take the opportunity and make yourselves part of Hillsdale permanent history and um have a brick in the park um we have uh businesses we have families that used to live in hillsil we have current families who are all um been participating in um ens shrining their their family names in the park uh as far as the 125th anniversary Journal Janny franton Sean Smith and I have been gathering information and writing articles about our history and about Hillsdale today um also ads are being sold that's another opportunity for you to say something nice to uh the town of Hillsdale and to its residents we encourage you to do that information can be found on our website Hillsdale 125th anniversary. uh the Time Capsule we're Gathering items for the Time Capsule including letters um we have a signed U cover of the Sports Illustrated that Olivia Dunn was on um we have the um under 14 baseball team signed ball menus memorabilia from anniversary events highlights of world events Church Bulet and things that are pertinent to poale local history um did any of you I me I sent you all an email can anybody have the opportunity to write the letter to people of the future anybody something but okay what is what what is the deadline for the Time Capsule and the journal so um we had said that for the journal it was November 15th for the um for the letters it was supposed to be tonight um I can extend that you can um we probably have uh two more week weeks to do it if you can get it um and if you leave it at Burrow Hall um maybe in uh if you leave it with eileene I've been picking up things from her there so um that would be an opportunity just to you should all have an email from me but to remind you um it's to write something nice to the people of the future about life in Hillsdale and um you know wishing them well or you know you know something about our times today and in spite of the fact that many of us have struggles along the way we're not highlighting that we're highlighting the positive things of hillo H um I lost my notes oh god um time capsule on uh December 7th uh we're going to have an Interfaith service at St John's and Hillsdale the churches have come together to plan this event um we'll be also reaching out to um uh people of the Jewish and Muslim faiths to uh to join us there to pray for the people who helped make Hillsdale what it is today who created this town and built it to pray for the people of Hillsdale today and to pray for the future of Hillstone um it seems like a perfect way to be ending this year on a on a note uh real positive note um and for the people of the future and lastly we are um on the website you can kind information about Hillsdale merchandise we're selling sweatshirts t-shirts Dolf shirts hats um mugs uh Tavern glasses and um insulated cups along with ornaments and um uh so you can find that information on the website also um and um I guess that's it anybody have any questions Jerry the Time Capsule is there a ceremony to yes we're going to we're going to have some something that and I haven't finalized the date because of all the other stuff going on we are looking at hopefully the weekend after Thanksgiving okay so after the gala uh we could put in something from the gala into it and um that's that's what we're hoping for I got a little behind on life all right anybody else have questions okay we look forward to um I don't think there's another council meeting until the gala um I think am I right about that sure sure I would just like to make a comment I think you and the 125th committee are doing a fantastic job this would never have taken place without all the expertise that you and your committee have put into it and I think you've been doing a great job so kudos to you I'm sure that uh they'll look back 50 years and they'll remember you because you'll be there to do the next one I'll write them a letter thanks very much look forward to seeing you at a g thank you jar anyone else want to council s uh could you come to the somebody's telling I can do but you show okay we've had our fair share of of glitches both at the planning board level as well as at the council and I've asked the burrow administrator to to look into it uh and maybe the bar administrator can give us a brief report in terms of where we stand with the electronic problem out now I just changed the setting on my microphone so I don't know if that did anything the microphone looks like yeah but I don't it's not even that's not even connected to this but I you know hey I'm worth worth shot okay um so if you get any indication which just let us know um but I'll proceed now um anyone else wish to address the council anyone on Zoom hands raised anyone no okay um so we'll close the first public comment period move on to recognition of Correspondence we have a six emails they are listed on the um on the um agenda uh do I have a motion to receive and file motion second all in favor all opposed that motion carries six nothing uh brings us to the professional reports pale Police Department is there anyone Mike who's going to be giving the police the agenda no okay uh DPW I saw yeah I thought I saw you yeah here you are good evening mayor council residents I have my October monthly report um continuing with Fields as we do every month um in October we were still dealing with the storm damage from uh September 8th storm that came in uh there was some lingering tree issues and clogging and Brooks and culverts that we had to deal with um we did 10 tons of B throughout the town with potholes um we repaired two catch basins on Magnolia one near Ralph and one near cross street um we repaired a storm water pipe breakage sinkle um right at the entrance of Centennial Field link and half it was an 18in line that broke uh we did it inhouse our guys took care of it um sanitary sewer maintenance we completed our cly maintenance hwood Park Nature Trail we installed some new signage labeling the different trees throughout the nature trail uh this was environmental committee um project that we assisted with um events we had the Beachwood Park Halloween parade that we did prep workk for and Fleet we were just uh assisting the mechanic with Leaf equipment maintenance and repairs and that is all I have for October unless there's any questions I have a question just for general question how's Leaf season going yeah Leaf season is always challenging um equipment we've had some equipment breakdowns but we've been able to restore pretty quickly um we've had some staffing issues has been the latest problem in the last week or two were down right three guys uh for various reasons so uh we're doing it we we have help from G we got two trucks from G that's definitely helping so we're getting through it um so so far nothing tragic it's just you know some bumps some hurdles but it's moving along any further questions thank you thank you uh engineering report Nick good evening mayor and councel I had the U October engineering report there are a few items I'm going to keep this commentary limited to things that we have active updates on that happened in the last month um three Paving projects the first is the njdot 2024 project the burough was awarded $145,300 dot project Magnolia we just recently completed design plans on that that's been submitted to the do we're awaiting comments from them so once we go through that process where the the plans are approved that will give us the green light to go ahead and uh bid the project the fall Capital Paving project that is underway Paving began on November 1st we're anticipating that should be complete by the end of next week um we continue to monitor that project with full-time inspection we have them on site and we've been tracking and addressing resident concerns as they come in and then the uh the last project I have an update on is the Beachwood nature trail we're currently in production on design plans on that that should be submitted to the D by the end of November so we're getting very close to completing that project as well we have any questions that that's the one listed at the bottom of page three right Beachwood nature trail is no that I'm sorry that's the it's on it's on to page 4 yeah what's with the Beachwood Park improvements Nick the that one has a you say here that has a deadline and it's coming up soon are you talking about the project that deals with the Band Shell yeah well it's the one mentioned at the bottom of page three and correct so you're talking about the 2021 open space Grant yeah yeah so that project you have grant funding that does have a deadline um usually with open space grants it's fairly easy to extend the deadline for that as long as you request it that's my understand as long as show you had a plan get but that uh that project we actually have minimal involvement and that was decided to be handled by DMR the architect okay so then should I ask I mean we on that to get the uh time extension on that you're working with DMR to get the extension when and that that has to go to the county by or is it the county or the state county they're working on that they're uh so they have the whole project so that's that's part of the project at the extension over the DMR DMR is yes okay and you haven't heard anything from DMR that indicates that there's going to be a problem getting the extension okay any questions for the engineer I I do quick question on the Beachwood Park Nature tra you said you're working on the design specs to send to the D correct the plans and specs yeah okay my understanding was we were going to get some input from the environmental commission before we did any design specs and anything conceptual so that we had input from them the design is just where the path is right we're not talking about what kind of material I like that is just to get where so the location of the path is the same doesn't change so we're not doing that Loop or anything no not as part of this project if we want to address that as part of another project later on we can we can certainly look at that there um we have provided concept plans like progress sets as as we've been moving through this so this is not the the first um submission we made okay we have the design of the sidewalk and the walk from the sidewalk to to the is it the the bridge or is it the walkway the walk path on yeah that that that entrance area so we we we provided the full set of plans Con well there's two pro there's two grants and we combine two projects correct um both the ADA compliance and the repair of the nature trail the boardwalk itself but we had met with the environmental commission said that they would have input um I don't want to move forward I don't want to go out to bid on anything until the EC house at least sees we can show you the footprint of the path is the same it's just the foundation of it will have to change where we have to go to the D to get the permit to change the foundation but the actual footprint is the same yeah so I mean if the if the concern is what material path is made out of is that that's one concern are you know do we need to remove anything within the Nature Preserve itself to do the work all right so what what I'll do is I'll I'll speak with our design team I will get a progress set over to you as as soon as I can make that available um and then hopefully we can forward that to who with you know whoever needs to provide comment on that so we can make sure that all buttons are you know everything is buttoned up before we we make a sub but even even if we did had even if we had submitted it to the D they're not really concerned as to what material the boardwalk is made out of I don't think it's more just disturbances okay so for the look for the permit this is just CU we're going to be touching W Wetlands that's correct and flood Hazard area I believe and flood yeah it doesn't do anything with how uh where the path is does not change in that's number one but the type of material stays that's not a d issue is it I I don't believe so though okay well so what I have from them is just the 8 designs that's all I got and then the put it's just a schematic of where the path is and I think some there's some details of the way the boardwalk would be laid out okay um the plans are pretty simple it's not uh you know it's not like a 10 page set or anything like that it's a very simple if you want send me the latest that you have I'll just on put them thank you further questions or thank you thank you uh ambulance there's a report here that was distributed to the council anyone from the ambulance which to address No need no need here very good okay I did have a question though just about and maybe I can direct it to councilman D roza because I know he's the chair of the ambulance committee um is that are you familiar with the chart that they gave us I mean you got it I know responsive yeah yeah the um if I read this correctly the service calls handled by HVAC 60% are in Hillsdale that's how I read this the labeling is a little bit but I think the text supports that interpretation so of of the calls handled by R andu core they handle 60% of them if you're doing the math with the numbers I'll Trust You on the numbers yeah it's the 180 the 186 as opposed to as a percentage of the 311 and I think that number is probably higher because now we have the PID an service dedicated just I was I was driving toward that um Can 40% of our hvac's calls went outside of Hillsdale that's the the counter comment to that right um and yet h AC of the total number of calls from hills in other words the total number of calls that Hillsdale residents pick up the phone and make the call and there was 458 of them I'm concluding that our guys handle 41% of them that's the yes that's cor that's correct okay do we have or can we get an update of these numbers now that we've moved to the new system have they CH the question be have they changed I know it only went what September so do we know how even it's initial we only put in like a month and a half I guess on September October two and a half months can we get an update an early sure we can yes we so we have this so just keep in mind the servic is from 6:00 a.m. to 600 p.m. for Hillsdale only corre 600 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. they can respond to Mutual Aid to different towns the volunteers can the PID don't unless there is disaster right help I was aware of that I but wondering if we have a way to see if these calls if if the picture here changed in any way um so and I'm not as close to it as maybe Anthony is because he's I know the captain former captain and chief um pretty good numbers on this so I'm sure we can get that okay do you think you could have it for the next meeting sure okay thank you um administrative report thank you Mr may I have a short report and if there's any questions on that uh my time during the past few weeks U has been spent working with the insurance company and thejust are uh to work on fixing the flood issues downstairs at the police department uh we we work the contracts that we'll be voting on will be discussed at the CL session later on for the police for the clerk for the DPW uh the CFO and I are working on the budget process and we're on track and we're on schedule uh the video system to your uh to your question Mr Mayor uh the way this system is set up is very complicated because of uh the pening board the zoom the council meetings um and then it's also on TV uh I'm going to ask to put some money into the budget for next year to revamp it and possibly had maybe more more screens where it's actually usable and more uh user friendly but as far as we know right now it should be all working uh the planning board should be fine with that and the system should be fine but uh it's not as usable as we would like it to be where if we have you know screen coming down uh SES we discussed that and that and that I'm fully aware of it was just that even that the system that we did have doesn't seem to be carrying audio at times planning board seems to be um not heard by anybody uh and uh here I didn't expect that that problem but now according to one of the residen yeah she had to a technical was a technical she had to hit one button to turn Richard are you getting any um positive feedback from whoever texted you didn't come back so good okay good I ask for a sound check good thank you um that brings us to committee reports council president d roza uh okay so the um uh Regional Board of Education had a brief meeting um some residents from pascot Valley expressed um concern over the dis similar between the concession stamp at Pas Hills and PAs Valley board to to look into that local Board of Education um there was a second meeting regard of citizens regarding the referendum um there are as I reported last time there are three options um the first option is to remodel George White and with expanding metal Brook and Smith so that the fifth grade can stay in the grade schools um option two is that same model but with extra space for addition programming like stem um teaching and then option three is like two um but somewhat like two but add extra space for the fifth grade to remain at Geor way um cost-wise option three is the least expensive somewhere around $500 a year on the average he household however they're they're refining their numbers because a a rebuild or remodel you can only borrow over 20 years uh um if it was a full um uh new construction you can B over 30 years because the asset has a longer time to um appreciate over so that would be a compressed time frame for the payments which means that the payments might be higher so they're planning another meeting um and I think that's going to be after the holidays uh sometime early January um recognition me uh they recap the Halloween EV which went very well so we had a great day which is great also 125 people were there um and just a great turnout um there they also reviewed their budget um and they have some money in there for regular Field improvements that's not the big projects that we've been talking about but we've been talking for years about having money in the budget so that we do regular maintenance not just cutting the grass on the on baseball field so there is money in the budget and I just urge the finance commun when it comes around to please that there will possibly keep that money in the budget um and then as I mentioned the FI Committee just met a little while ago um we talked about where do we go now now that um Centennial can't be artificial turf um so we're going to we have a plan for um addressing irrigation there probably changing out the lights um and uh really now focusing attention on the Memorial Field as far as perfing that and how we make that a multi-use uh facility so there's a meeting scheduled on the 20th with representatives from the Sports Association field committee couple people from Rec commission um so I set that in motion that is all I have I was going to raise a point pertaining to the uh the field committee and the rec commission uh waiter but I think given that you introduced some comments I'll I'll make it now I I did get an email from a member of the rec committee um that indicates they want more of the not decision- making but they want more input into the process and they their concern is that the field committee um is just you know another unne I don't want to use the word unnecessary but it detracts from the right of the coaches the the the aspect of getting public comments because the rec committee does have public meetings they want more of the the discussion to be run through the wreck committee as opposed to an all Council uh populated field committee which I know it consists of yourself John and Abby um so that's the concern I've got the email I I'd rather not read it I can forward to you just uh got it you know earlier uh this evening um so can you can you say anything about how the process there is going to work that that was one of the reasons why I scheduled the meeting on the 20th um because I wanted to involve me members of the rec commission so the rec director will be there and two other people from direct commission so I'm also trying to keep the meeting um small enough so that we're agile enough to move on things so um you know it can come back decisions can come back to the recommission for review and recommendations um but I think I think we're covering the base as far as having representation from the rec Commission going forward okay I I'd ask you to pay attention to that going forward because I know that the it's a sensitive topic with a number of them um given the way that the prior discussions about Fields have been handled um some they were involved in those too but they've even said you know why did the council even create a field Comm a field committee um I think that one of the one advantage of the field committee is that it can interact more directly with the engineer um as opposed to the commission although I could see that the engineers could be called forth at a public meeting of the rec committee to also make their presentations is that not correct that meeting on the 20 also includes the engineers as well right and who from the direct committee is going to be there the director in is invited I said he could ask to that's dan t and he could invite okay because I think that there's great interest on on the part of the rec committee to uh to be more involved okay um councilman the uh police committee met regarding concerns with Manpower and I think we can discuss that further with the ordinance adoption or the introduction rather and uh that's all I have I didn't hear you John the police committee met regarding concerns with Manpower and we been discuss it further with the introduction of the that's going to be that's okay that's on the agenda and I think the ba can probably expand on it okay and when was that committee meeting held uh week and a half ago a week ago week half ago a week ago Monday yeah yeah okay yeah and that's all I have councilman Fox nothing to report Council horv I have nothing to report councilman Ry have I lost my notes okay um the excuse me finance committee received the monthly reports on Monday we have not had time to meet so we will meet before the end of the month to report at the December meeting Stony Brook commission met last night they finalized their budget and the capital plan which will be submitted the environmental commission excuse me um with the anj gramp as um superintendent hay said they had 17 signs made which were installed with the help of the DPW and along the beach with nature trail identifying foliage that's there they are also holding a fall cleanup day November 18th with volunteers and with the assistance of the DPW um anyone interested will they'll be starting at the train station 10:00 on the 18th and they'll be doing their styrofoam drive again in January on January 6th that's all I have right now thank you Council councilwoman char uh no rep thank you that brings us to uh ordinances we have ordinance 2318 up for adoption which is an ordinance Amendment chapter 96 animal 96 which is W for Animals covering animals with the B code to prohibit the sale of dogs and cats in retail stores do I have a motion to open a public hearing on this ordinance motion second all in favor or opposed I'll now open the meeting to the public on this ordinance if anyone desires to be heard concerning the ordinance 2318 please come to the podium state your name wait to be recognized anyone wish to address it sir uh good evening mayor and Council um I just wanted to quickly touch on three things so your name my name's uh to short half I'm from Hillsdale 2602 Washington Avenue thank you um just want to quickly t on three things so some people might think this ordinance is anti- capitalism or anti- business it's nothing like that it's really meant to to take businesses that are doing irresponsible things and not bring them into our town um I previously supplied to all of you letters from pet stores who are in support of this so clearly there are businesses that support this um that was number one number two was just what is a puppy mill I think a lot of people don't know what a puppy mill is there really is no standard definition of a puppy mill um unlike responsible greeters puppy mills Pro don't provide Universal preventative medicine um they don't test their dogs for genetic conditions they commonly sell puppies over the internet at flea markets or places that are not regulated um puppy mill dogs are often housed in overcrowded and dirty cages you guys have probably all seen the footage um I don't need to go further into that but you know if you think about what happens with puppy mills they're really just factories right to produce dogs and then sell them um and usually what happens is it leads to medical issues which a lot of people in our town would have to deal with and spend tens of thousands of dollars to take that their loved one to the for medical treatment you may think hey how prevalent is this um there was an article that was just a week ago on new uh published where they mentioned that New Jersey pet stores bought puppies at least 89 times mentioned in um what's called The Humane Society's horrible hun list uh from 2019 through 2021 this horrible uh breeder list is consulted by state and local officials and it Flags breeders that are cited for violations of Lake local and state laws um the last thing I wanted to ask is you would not be alone doing this there are already six states that have passed measures like this California Illinois Maine Maryland New York and Washington have Pro prohibited the sale of dogs and cats and pet stores Nationwide there's 477 municipalities that have passed a similar similar ordinance and then in New Jersey specifically there are 141 M municipalities that have passed this already including over 30 in Burton County so I just wanted to present that just for further um evidence in the support of this ordinance and I thank you for all of your time and attention thank you sir than anyone else wish to address the mayor and councel either here or on this ordinance no no hands raised okay I'm going to uh close the public ordinance I'll entertain a motion uh that we do close on 238 motion second all in favor all opposed motion carries six nothing um motion to adopt the ordinance 20 318 motion second any discussion on this not hearing any discussion let's go to a roll call vote council member Lundy yes council member tro Muk yes council president D Roa yes council member Escobar yes council member Fox yes council member Horvat yes that motion carries six nothing okay therefore be it resolved be it resolved that this ordinance is adopted and the bur CLK is authorized to advertise the same according to law we have another ordinance uh 2319 for adoption it's a capital ordinance of the burough of Hillsdale authorizing the replacement of the pump in engine 33 operated by the fire department appropriating the sum of $70,000 and providing that such sum so appropriated be raised from the bur's capital Improvement fund do I have a motion to open this ordinance to a public hearing motion second all in favor all opposed okay carries six nothing I'll open the meeting now to the public if anyone desires to be heard regarding ordinance 2319 please just state your name uh and uh your town of residence come to the podium you have any comments okay not seeing anyone um I'll entertain a motion at the public hearing on ordinance 2319 be closed that it be resolved that this ordinance was posted on on the bulletin board on which Public Notices are customarily posted and published in the Ridgewood news copies of said ordinance were made available to the general public looking for a motion to close the public motion second all in favor all opposed motion carries six nothing now I'm looking for a motion to adopt ordinance 2319 motion second any discussion not hearing any roll call please council member Escobar yes council member Fox yes council member horbath yes council member Lindy no council member choim Muk yes council president doosa yes okay that carries 5 to one therefore be it resolve that this ordinance U is adopted and the bur cour is authorized to advertise the same according to law um that brings us to the introduction of an ordinance number 2320 the capital ordinance of the burough of Hillsdale authorizing the undertaking of various improvements to the municipal building in by and for the burrow appropriating the sum of $180,000 and providing that uh such sum be appropriated uh that such sum should be raised from the buroughs capital Improvement fund we resolve that ordinance 23 is now hereby pass a first reading and set ordinance be further considered for final passage of the meeting of the mayor and Council um on December 5th and it's that time in place all persons interested will be given an opportunity to be heard concerning the same and the cork is hereby authorized and directed to publish set ordinance in the r news once at least one week prior to set hearing with a notice of its introduction the time and place when and where set ordance would be considered for final passage so I need a motion to introduce this ordinance motion second okay any uh discussion on this I have a question go ahead what what is it for when we did our capital budget we had a number and for improvements it wasn't this number it was 108 um so I'm just wondering what it's for or what are we adding or MH no I have this my question I had a question too which is seems like it would be similar to yours because the the numbers are a little different at first I thought it was a transpositional error I don't think it was because I had a conversation with the with the cmfo or um and I think the quotes for the work on the municip building um that was part of the June ordinance that we we passed 2312 that indicated we would have 68,000 for internal building improvements and another 40,000 for the outside improvements so that's where you get the 108 um this one it's coming in higher um I and I'm assuming that this Capital ordinance is providing additional funding because it's needed uh I was told insurance is not covering the cost of replacing the furniture that we that we uh have in the police department because it was damaged so that's the reason why we need to increase the amount um Su up this includes the police department well who put this that's what my understanding is we the CFO did CFO and the um this this um the difference between the 108 and the um the what's it 180 um that's going to be made up in cash from our Capital Improvement fund that's the understanding that I have I wanted just to get that out there so if anyone else has a different understanding please speak up now so is this supposed to be for the work that's being done in the police department downstairs is that what we're saying that's not what you're saying there's a lot more work in the police department that's require that's not what there but that's not additional work that has to be done can we ask the CES here yes we can get yes good that would be probably good David Young CFO I so this both it is for additional funds that we need to complete the original work that was considered in the ordinance that was passed in June uh quotes came in much higher than originally anticipated so this is to support that funding and it is to support the funding that is not covered by insurance for the work that needs to be done downstairs most specifically it is for the furniture that has to be replaced that insurance will not touch probably about a 6040 split on furniture versus the work up here but it's both so it covers the same items that we talked about when we pass the the Jun coordinance yes but the price now is the price iser higher than additional factor of the furniture not downstairs flooded not being covered yep and would that then cover would we be expecting any other costs in the future related to the police department downstairs or that's going to be covered by insurance and then this piece for furnishings and that's it that that is currently where we're at right now with insurance they've indicated that the other thing is going to be covered yeah cuz the expense to the police department correct me if I'm wrong I think I was understanding it was the total amount after talking to the very administrators something close to 300 Grand right but that the insurance company will pay cover yep about it okay does that include Electronics of equipment along that line so finest thing is most of the electronics were okay there was I think one or two items that were damaged that are included in the insurance repair but everything except for for the furniture incidental things that you need to run a police department so I just make sure that I'm straight it includes all of the capital items for borrow Hall that we approved in June just at a greater cost y there's nothing additional and there's nothing being taken away correct got it crost the police crost the police anyone have more questions no everyone's happy good on this ordinance all right so we need a roll call council member Fox yes council member Horvath yes council member Lindy yes council member truk yes council president doosa yes council member Escobar yes that ordinance passes six nothing and we'll be discussing that again at the next council meeting for adoption uh this thing brings us to ordinance 2321 an ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 63 of the code of the B of Hillsdale in order to revise the table of organization with the police department um be it resolved that ordinance 2321 does now pass the first reading and that that ordinance be further considered for final passage at a meeting of the mayor and councel uh on December 5th and it said time and place all person's interested will be given an opportunity to be heard concerning the same and the cor is hereby authorized and directed to publish set ordinance inividual news once at least one prior to set hearing with a notice of its introduction and of the time and place when and where set ordinance would be considered for final passage do I have a motion to introduce this ordinance second any second I heard it from the left so we'll go with with Janetta um any discussion on at this point on this introduction councilman Escobar you had said that you were going to be com commenting on this I I'll the be a comment on I more appropriate okay this includes uh two additional officers to the table uh to be total of 23 officers we are short of two officers and we'll we'll be discussing more on why and how to address it uh at the close session when we talk about Personnel but uh this will include two additional officers to the department okay and this is not this is not a a request for an approval increase it is just to set the framework for it in when when and if we want to do that exactly okay okay um so we have a motion we have a second any further discussion not hearing any let's move to a roll call vote please council member Horath yes council member lendy yes council member try Muk yes council president D Roa yes council member Escobar yes council member Fox yes okay that introduction passes six nothing brings us to the consent agenda we have uh quite a bit on the consent agenda I will not read them um I would ask if there are any that you wish to have pulled uh we'll pull them and then in effect move them to the off consent part of the agenda uh but if you just have a question regarding an a resolution without that and you don't want it pulled for a separate vote um we'll leave it here so uh does anyone have questions about any of these resolutions I have a lot of questions oh okay so sorry go right ahead all right I'll start from the very beginning 23252 this is the one on time and place our meeting so it looks like we are changing from the first and second Tuesday to the first and third Tuesday that's what the resolution is asking you to decide to go to First reason why I I I'm not responsible for the resolution so the discussion should be when there's a uh a motion and then a second and a discussion you want to do it now if we to move it to all why don't we do that okay then I can just give you my list why don't we why don't we pull that one okay and move it pull it what's remaining will decide on a consent basis then we'll come back for the ones uh but you had a you had a question have two more I want to pull think go ahead uh 23255 55 and 2 that's the street sweeping one correct and 23269 which is another street sweeping one9 got it okay uh that's it that it that's it for me okay anyone else want any of them pulled for for the discussion and separate vote yeah mayor can can you pull 23260 please for which one John 23260 for a SE 60 service weapon okay anything else um [Music] um I want to pull 23272 2327 two that's the cancel on the capital balances for discussion okay all right so we're going to be voting on everything other than 23252 23255 23260 23269 and 23272 do I have a motion motion second roll call please council member lendy yes with exception of the payments to Har blade uh council member Tren yes council president josa yes Council U member Escobar yes council member Fox yes council member Horvat yes okay so we have one two three four five resolutions that got pulled off the consent agenda we basically in in the off consent part uh but let's take the ones that were on the consent agenda first 23252 is up Abby okay so that's the calendar one that's the that's the council meeting one the council meeting calendar you want to just curious why we would be moving from the first and second to the first and third so we have the first and second and then that leaves us between 3 weeks sometimes four weeks when it's a five we month it it makes it very difficult for us in terms of the uh administration of the whole process if there's an ordinance for first reading second reading sometimes it's almost months before we get to the second reading so we finish today is a Tuesday if this was the first meeting the second meeting will be next week we would have to work on the agenda tomorrow for next week okay it makes it very difficult for for the clerk to actually organize everything within short time I think if we have it if we have one week in between it would be a lot more efficient for all of us that was the reasoning I think we sort of discussed this in the past and uh I I personally think could you speak into the mic Council I never have that problem but okay um I um I think it makes sense I would like to have it every two weeks rather than like if you finish the meeting today tomorrow you already what could possibly happen between now and next Tuesday of really any great significance that is going to make its way on to next next week's meeting whereas if you have it every two weeks there's more time to push things through I think quicker and more efficiently as you said um I just think it makes more sense having it it's almost like it doesn't even make sense to have one next week if you're going to have one next week you might as well just have one a month because it doesn't really it's not conducive to anything is what I think um and I think it would just be better from the perspective of what you said to do it every other week that gives some time to actually get something meaty on the agenda if you go to next week's agenda that you're going to put together tomorrow it's it's what is it going to have that isn't on this agenda right now nothing cuz what what happened between today and tomorrow so it's like it doesn't make sense that's what I think further comments or discussion I think um I don't know the the clerk disseminated alternate I can we vote on which ones which dates we want to accept she she voted she voted she she distributed an alternative resolution which I don't see in the packet but it was for informational purposes and it was basically the same schedule 1 and three on the first week and the third week that we have um we that we followed so if we kept this resolution and we voted no it would remain as it is um you'd still need you'd need to pass a resolution that covers what your meeting schedule should be like um this this is to actually change it to every to the to the um one and three all right so if you if the council decides not to turn if the council decides to turn this resolution down we would need another resolution I don't know whether do you need it tonight I have it you have it I mean it's just a matter of changing it to the first and second Tuesdays with the dates that I've provided everyone and that was the schedule that we've ad here to for the last like several years um so I would say let's determine what we want to do with this resolution if you like the one and two version you know first and second then you'll vote no if you like this resolution you'll vote Yes any further comments I don't know does anyone have any further comments it's mov to me but I concur with Janetta I think you'd probably be more efficient to uh run it the way we proposed I'm sorry didn't hear you it would be more efficient to run it as suggested one and three the first and the third right yeah okay I just want to add it is the business of the town right so the ba the town clerk I think they know better or have a s better uh look into the type of business as it comes across the table and so I think their opinion should really weigh very heavily on this since I'm understanding that it is something that they think would be more efficient more efficient for them and if it's more efficient for them it's more efficient for the town I mean that just makes sense it it doesn't need to be what suits our schedule better it's really them conducting the business of the Town more efficiently for the residents so to me that's why it makes sense oh I did I did check with the clerk prior to the meeting to see if it affected any adoption of ordinances it's not it's not going to we're still whether it's the first and the third we're still not going to be able to introduce and adopt so it doesn't affect that so there's no gained deficiency in in ordinance adop option it doesn't I don't think it affects that I think it affects just the exact point that we're having a meeting today tomorrow morning they need to start working on the agenda what are they putting on that agenda it's it's what is happening between tonight and tomorrow that is going to fill a whole agenda for next Tuesday's meeting so that's really the the concept we only seem to have full agendas matter well I don't know I think if you look at them they're not necessarily that robust on the second Tuesday but you know it's um okay I I is there any other new ideas or New Concepts that You' like to put on the on table with this this has been discussed for many many years uh prior councils have have weighed going to this schedule and decided more or less on their personal uh schedules I guess um uh and the main concept being it frees up the bulk of a month so that they can go about personal travel business or professional business or Vacations or whatever going to a one and three basis means that you either Miss meetings um or you'll have to cril your vacation yeah I mean if you're doing the job right you've got a lot of other meetings and it's it's nice not to have a meeting every every week at least the the the month is front loaded with a lot of meetings the first two weeks um it's a little easier for planning and just easier to get to other meetings too okay all right so let's um we have a you want to a consensus because then I can just switch it out however you want to do it let's vote on this first so uh motion yeah we need a motion motion second second roll call please lost my spot so my apologies council member lendy no no council member choim yes council president D roza no council member Escobar no council member Fox no council member horbath yes okay the vote is no 4 to two the the resolution is rejected cons yes so now good question um basically the uh bar attorney is asking if we are willing then to do a resolution to enact the current schedule that we've we've adhered to for the last a couple of years going forward into 2024 do I have a motion for that motion second okay there is motion a second any further discussion on this although I hope not good um roll call please council member Cho Muke no council president josa yes council member Escobar yes council member Fox yes council member Horvath no council member lendy yes that motion carries 4 to2 so we will be meeting on the uh first and the second Tuesdays of the month okay um next pulled resolution was 23255 which was on the street interlocal agreement for street sweeping and I think Abby you had pulled that one I did and I pulled 23269 as well because it also has to do with Street sweeping so if we could maybe discuss them concurrently mhm I'm a little bit confused um why we're going to enter into a shared service agreement with pamis where we pay $5,000 a day for street sweeping when the other resolution is going to the county to rent a street sweeper for $1,500 for a week we can do our four times annual street sweeping for $6,000 renting the equipment as opposed to $20,000 in a shared service agreement with pamis so why are we doing this we have uh the super intendent answer this sure David a superintendent um with paramis we pay 5,000 for the sweeping operation it's 2 weeks um it's basically 8 days they don't do Fridays so it's 8 days for five gr that includes the sweeper and the operator why we're looking for this through the county is paramis has told us they have no one available for the rest of the year so we can't get our fourth Sweeping in we sweep do four um so an alternative was to get it from the county we'll rent the sweeper for $33,000 we have to use our guys to drive it so we'll have that Sweeper for two weeks but it'll be Man by us the numbers work out to be the same they're very similar once you put our labor cost on there um doing it throughout the whole year is not good for us because then we lose Manpower so it's beneficial for us to have paramis with a man coming this way we don't lose a guy for 8 days during the year and this gets our fourth Sweeping in for this year which we want to help clean streets with the leaves so it's going to be a December sweeping operation and that'll help clear leaves off the road that's that's what we're doing okay and the shared service agreement with pamis where it says that they can raise the cost at any time in the past have they ra I think I remember last year they increased the cost mid year um I think that was um with the actual uh debris removal which we we don't we don't do that through paramis we do it ourselves so we've taken that away so we'll have a fix number on the cost for the driver and the sweeper um getting rid of the debris we're doing ourselves they were marking it up 25% um we have a driver we have a guy uh it takes a day to do it so we've eliminated that and we just pay the fee it's the same fee they pay but there's an administrative cost of 25% that they put on top of it so we're absorbing that with our Manpower okay okay so that was that answer the the question that you had on 23269 they're connected if basically if paramis would have allowed the guy to come this last round we wouldn't have done any of this so would just stay with pamis we go over it but they just don't have any availability so well then are we getting a refund on what we paid them no no we pay as we go so we're not paying that last 5,000 so cuz it's 5,000 every time we use them four times a year okay so we only use them three times so we paid 15,000 that's it so this this this 23269 the shared service agreement uh with the county for the short term right though is basically a substitute both in terms of function and cost for the fourth app for the fourth call that you would have made abis can't do it exactly it's it's a swap we're not losing you know and we're not paying anything more so it's net net Financial effect is zero it's already in the budget y the other option would be to not do it so I think it's beneficial for the residents and for all of us to get some leaves off the street at the end of near the end of sweeping with the Lea season yeah and I think the if I read the county agreement correctly it's $1,500 for 7 days and we're going to pay $3,000 for 8 days we can't get it done in one less day no it's it's $1,500 a week and we're taking it for two weeks oh you said 8 days well the the paramis paramis do that on 8 days cuz they're s properties don't work on a Friday so it's $5,000 for 2 weeks which is 8 Days the county is giving it to us for 10 days two weeks okay and we'll use our guy to do it okay okay 255 May would be in order right um we could we could vote on both of you can yeah go from 255 to 259 all right so money this is $3,000 versus the current five we have to use our own guy or our own driver right okay so but Cashwise putting you you know Cashwise if I understood what he said it's going to the same when you load it up yes but otherwise it's uh cash that you're paying is 3,000 versus 5 and then you already have those guys working here so I'm looking for a motion on 23 255 motion second uh roll call please council president josa yes council member Escobar yes council member Fox yes council member Horvat yes council member Lundy yes council member try mute yes all right so 23255 Tes by a vote of six nothing I'll jump to the one that's connected to it 23269 do I have a motion motion second um roll V on 23269 council member Escobar yes council member Fox yes council member horbath yes council member lendy yes council member tro yes council president D okay that resolution passes six nothing that brings us to next one that got pulled uh that was 23260 Council MCO you would P that I I just want to vote on it I didn't I just want to sear vote on it oh okay okay so um do we have a motion for this motion second any discussion not hearing any roll call please council president D Roa yes council member Escobar no council member Fox yes council member horbath yes council member Lundy yes council member choim yes okay that is passed 5 to one uh yes thank you for keeping me on straight and narrow Capital resolution 23272 canceling the capital bounds I um I wanted to clarify um my understanding is that this the effect of passing this this cancellation of capital BS it has no effect on the uh on a current fund still discussing this CFO no effect on the current fund Surplus no effect on the uh current fund cash um there's no effect on the Barrow's ability to meet Uh current fund Appropriations I do think though and I mentioned this to David that it does significantly improve the Burrow's position to meet future obligations that would have to be paid for out of the capital Improvement fund it's based basically a setup basic a setting I don't that in a pajor way but um it improves our ability to um meet our obligations to pay out of a any future obligations to pay out of the capital Improvement fund as well as our future debt obligations that would be paid for out of the reserve for debt servicing um and the net effect as I said or hinted at what ear is an improvement in the B's overall Financial Capac aity um so I just wanted to say that I probably shouldn't have even asked for it to be pulled just wanted to make a comment on it but since we did pull it um do I have a um a motion motion second okay a roll call council member Escobar yes council member Fox yes council member horbath yes council member ly yes council member Chim mute yes council president josa yes that resolution is adopted six nothing and that be done with the uh consent agenda moves us to the formal off consent agenda we have resolution 23278 it's a resending any approval or authorization to install a turf field at Centennial Field and this gets back to the comment of one of the residents earlier just is there a need to make this a little clearer in one part of that resolution uh but the the Barrow administrator said that that was his intent all along to the word synthetic pleases anyone how do you feel about it Council that's fine had the word synthetic sure okay uh so with that change um we have a motion motion second any discussion okay um V roll call up please council member Fox yes council member horbath yes council member Lindy yes council member troh yes council president josa yes council member escavar yes okay that resolution passes six nothing uh the next one is a similar resolution it's resending the authorization of burough professionals to seek out a second Community Center at Stony Brook Swim Club do I have a motion motion second any discussion the only thing I I would say here um you know this there's no I I always felt that there was never a need for this uh to have Hills they'll have two community centers um the debt market right now if we had gone ahead with that isn't conducive to borrowing at all um a council could always visit revisit having a second Community Center uh after the first Community Center in the Patterson Street is up and running um there's a significant group of residents I think that you know especially with those with children and who rely on the use of the fields uh in the sporting program um who came and spoke and they spoke against the utilization of funds for second Community Center uh they wanted the funds redirected more to the Improvement of the fields not just centeno but all the fields in town so I think this um resolution is consistent or at least it's one step in that direction should be consistent that's all I really wanted to say on that um so we have a motion we have the second we need a roll call vote on this council president josa yes council member Escobar yes council member Fox yes council member Horvath yes council member Lundy yes council member you that resolution passes six nothing brings us to the second public comment period we missed the vote here I miss a vote I actually didn't even say anything oh but I would you want it to pass Five nothing you want to abstain I'll uh say uh um yes what do you want to do I will vote Yes okay passes 6 nothing was adopted six nothing um that brings us to public comment period number two um anyone wish to address the council Sarah Madam hi Jerry b64 Westdale avenue hill sale I forgot to say before um that in October we had the Scarecrow uh design contest and um the wreck department partnered with us and uh thanks to Melissa mazang who uh really LED it on our end we only had five submissions from the town but they were hanging on polls downtown and made um they'll still a little more festive for the holidays and the rec commission is going to take it now and make it a an annual event okay thank you jar anyone else in the audience sir com it's always appreciated Rick Savino 64 Westell Avenue first I'd like to just Dave's here thank the DPW I was with the EC putting those signs up the two guys were great and they act and they knew the trees they were really knowledgeable about what we were doing there getting the getting the tree signs up on the trees and that's a continuing project we have a grant that's going to um we're going to install two larger signs at either side once these plans are in so that lead and I'd also like to thank the mayor I had a big question would could have taken a while about the capital budget cancellation and you answered it all so thank you I would give more credit to this G Financial Officer um I guess this is for the engineers as the Beachwood Trail is being reworked is there will the plan include um removing the those toxic railroad ties that are underneath just a technical Point all questions that a public member would raise would be addressed to the council well that cuz that was one if they want or if I if it's determined that we need these of the and they can they can put that in the plan but that was one of our concerns to to use a more sustainable product uh going forward um the railroad ties are not you know that's pretty old technology and they're they're not good at all so if we can look at that and the other thing um I know there was a uh email circulated from a Rec commission member suggesting that the environmental commission have a seat in the field discussion and I'd like to suggest that we have three members of the commission who have significant background in soils and geology I don't know which member will go will participate on the 20th but I think between us you know we we might have a you know might have good input into that conversation I know I mentioned last month that the um Beachwood and Memorial are both built on Phil already um and have significant you know we'll have probably have significant drainage issues but we'd like to be you know the the commission would like to participate in that the environmental commission yeah as the field discussion goes forward um and we and like I said there's some real talent in our group for sure that knows a lot more than I do so thank you okay thank you anyone else sir uh Tom dienzo 125 Dwight Avenue um just one thing I I just want to uh bring up I guess um uh council president to Roa as you kind of move forward with the with the fields um you know Beachwood field it's it's an all dirt field I I coach a lot with the um with the girl softball and uh the improvements that were made to Beachwood field this year were great um we got complemented all the time on the field um other coaches you know couldn't believe that the the field was in such good shape um one thing I think you know um moving forward just to kind of keep in mind is if you are going to keep some uh dirt Fields especially for softball we want to make sure we keep in mind some sort of a a maintenance program because I think what winds up happening is you know the soil and I don't really know much about this stuff but uh towards the end of the season the soil gets really compact underneath right so the DPW obviously does a a phenomenal job with the with the fields but you know having maybe conditioners or you know doing some sort of um you know maintenance throughout the seasons would just be something to keep in mind yeah we actually that was a point that was brought up right before this meeting when we're talking U with the engineers the recognition that just because it's grass doesn't mean it doesn't need you know it needs more than just mowing along yeah and needs to be rested as well so another reason why why Synthetic Turf is helpful because you can play on that a lot more and you can rest the the field but uh definitely you know whatever concerns you have be sure your Sports Association presidents know because they'll be at that meeting okay thank you okay thank you any further members of the public wish to address the govering body yes okay we'll close the second public comment period uh that brings us to council commentary uh I'll lead off want to thank the residents U personally for supporting my bid to uh to have a Council seat here um I want to congratulate all the winning candidates um and acknowledge the Civic Spirit and the willingness of all the candidates who ran uh to put themselves uh on the line and devote their time to to improving Hill stale um I pledged a transition to whoever is the uh the new mayor it appears to be Mr shinel at the moment although there're still counting votes regardless um I pledged uh cooperation to fill the seats uh on filling seats where the mayor normally uh needs to appoint and make recommendations such as on the environmental commission the planning board uh the rec committee um there are number of seats that are expiring on those committees this year and uh the new mayor will be making uh those uh recommendations to the council for their consent or in some cases we'll be making the appointment directly if if War allows him to do that um I also suggested today to council president D roza via email an approach that hopefully will uh allows the council to reach a consensus or near consensus on future committees uh that are needed here in the burrow um the uh the byw list a whole range of committees probably needs to be uh weeded out or swimmed down or uh rethought at some point um and um also so uh part of that suggestion to Anthony was um you know that if he could play a role as as the council president in U making the uh selections uh G gathering information from the uh council members of the 2024 Council um as to what their uh preferences are to sit on various committees and why ason so um My overall sense is that we frankly have too many committees here in Hills although I know other bus have have other more committees but um I think it only contributes to bureaucratic ethy you know sometimes it it bogs us down I wanted to make a mention of Karen foot she runs Moon magic here in town um I want to thank her for her recent act of kindness to a resident upon hearing that this uh that a resident's child had a serious physical situation I don't want to get into the details but Karen donated her time and talent to give the child a free raiki session at her studio um I I want to thank her for her generosity as a session right that cost several hundred uh she did it for free apparently U I also want to wish the ill child all my prayers for relief from the pain uh that the child is currently suffering uh I wish all the residents a Happy Thanksgiving it's a uniquely American holiday frankly it's my personal favorite because it focuses on family and food which is both of which I love very much as to the gift giving um but it's awkward for me to extend the wishes um to our Jewish and Palestinian residents given the events that are occurring in the Middle East right now uh and the reappearance of blatant and public anti-Semitism in our nation uh around the world that we've not witnessed since the Third Reich of the Nazi Germany it's very troubling to know that such Prejudice and hate is occurring in our centers of wedged High Learning including my own Alma ma um I think Americans should uh go back and read some of the history books about how the third right began because the parallels are beginning to be very similar um that's all I have to say uh when we turn it to councilman londy no comments councilman Fox no comment councilman d roza uh so I want to thank the residents who participated in the election process um there were um the race was closed for mayor um and early on it was a little too close to call more votes have come in which indicates that Michael sh has surveil so I called them and uh spoke to them today wish him the best of luck um and if I can help in a transition all I will um also want to thank or congratulate uh John ruko and Clemente Oso um I've gotten to know Clemente over the past couple months and uh aside from wanting to talk on the phone all the time uh I think it will be an next standing outstanding asset to his Council um so I look forward to uh to move here uh Saturday is Veterans Day there's a ceremony at Veterans Park um it is uh Saturday the 11th so if you recall your history it's the 11th day the 11th month at the 11th hour when I believe arm uh when um victory was decare uh so that'll be 11:00 on Saturday um please thank you veteran um a lot of times veterans will be happy to share their experiences some are not unfortunately some U for some inok um other types of emotions um if if you are someone uh you know is uh needs some help um there is a number the text which of course escapes me I'm sorry um but it's a it's a it's not even a form just a three-digit text number um to get some help uh and so we don't have another meeting before Thanksgiving so I just want to wish everybody a Happy Thanksgiving to your friends and family that's councilman es I have no com there councilman uh yes I want to thank to and his friends and their commitment to uh to the cause uh to this cause and bringing it to our attention um I'm also very pleased with and thankful to my fellow council members for their support uh and I want to wish everyone a happy and healthy Thanksgiving and that's it thank you thank you coun uh Council that yes I would just like to reiterate the uh sentiments made by councilman D Roa in reference to Veterans Day it is this Saturday please do come out and show your support for veterans it's much appreciated and I especially invite the council to participate this year um do come out and shake a veteran's hand and thank them for their service they much appreciate okay thank you um that brings us to a motion to adjourn to close session one thing it's simple as 988 and press one if if someone needs help okay thank you um we have a motion to adjourn to close session r 23280 that uh is to provide for a meeting not open to the public in accordance with the provisions of the New Jersey open public meetings act to discuss burrow professional positions read Personnel rep pleas readministration a shared service item and solid waste removal um do I have a motion motion second all in favor all opposed okay so we'll go into close session I anticipate this maybe 45 minutes and we will resume in Open Session um do not anticipate PA business well being conducted we back on okay so the Hillsdale burough Council having conducted business in close session um and made some decisions in order to execute those decisions we need to come back into open do I have a motion to go into open motion second all in favor I all opposed we have that in Open Session uh there is a uh as a result of the conversations we have a couple of resolutions to uh go over resolution 23281 this is a resolution approving an employment agreement between the bur of Hillsdale and Denise Coan um Council having seen the employment agreement uh do I I have a motion motion second any discussion not hearing any uh Madam Kook have a roll call vote please council member horbath yes council member lendy yes council member TR yes council president D Roa yes council member Escobar yes council member Fox yes okay that resolution is adopted 6 nothing the next resolution that was thought appropriate is resolution 23283 it's a resolution promoting David sers to the position of Sergeant in the Hillsdale Police Department um do I have a just make an adjustment to the number 23282 23282 okay all right um so that was promotion of David seos to Sergeant um do I have a motion motion second any discussion not hearing any roll call please council member Lundy yes council member TR yes council president josa yes council member esar yes council member Fox yes council member hor yes okay that resolution is adopted 6 nothing next resolution tell me if the number changes 23283 all right 23283 this is a resolution approving a memorandum of understanding between the bu of Hillsdale and the Teamsters Local 125 that represents the Department of Public Works um do I have a um a motion motion second okay any discussion not hearing any roll call please council member Chim yes council president josa yes council member esar yes council member Fox yes council member horback yes council member lendy yes okay that resolution is adopted 6 nothing and the last resolution that count before we do this m yes go ahead this is our bur attorney thank you I'm sorry um you want to go to no I'm fine here I'm I'm going to I'd like to go back into close for just a moment to discuss specifically resolution 23 284 at this point um so if I could have a motion please to go into close 28 4 but we just 284 we have that would Beth okay okay so we have a motion to conduct further business on a matter that was discussed and en closed um just want to jump back so I'm looking for a motion to go back and to close motion second second second all in favor or opposed okay we will go back into close and we will come out in about 5 minutes Mark okay thank you okay so we had a request to go back into close just to clarify something uh request from our bur attorney that's been done I need a resolution to come back into open do I have a motion to come back and vote yeah motion second all in favor all opposed okay we're back into open uh there is a resolution dealing with uh garbage disposal uh contract Mark you want to go ahead that's correct May that's resolution 23284 authorized the execution of contract for garbage uh I'm sorry contract for the collection and transportation to a designated disposal facility of garbage recyclables and refuges for the bur of Hillsdale whereas the burrow of Hillsdale received bid proposals for garbage collection services in the burrow of Hillsdale on November 2nd I can inform the council and have that that was in fact two bids uh whereas the apparent low bidder uh submitted a non-conforming bid that did not meet the qualifications of vid specifications whereas gor recycling company located at up year round and the burrow wishes to accept this bid commencing on January 1st 2024 and ending on December 31st 2028 year one of that service and I'll I'll expedite a little bit 1, 24,200 year two of that service 1,160 year three of that service 1,1 188,00 year year four of that service 1, 244,000 year five of that service 1,273 600 for a grand total of 5,836 th600 where there whereas there has been filed with the burough clerk certification pursuing to 40a 4-57 and jaac 5 col 30-14 5 based upon the anx certification of a availability of funds it is hereby determined that the funds required for the here and after authorized contract is appropriated in the municipal budget and there shall remain under set appropriation a sufficient balance to pay the expenditure hereby authorized now therefore being resolved the mayor and borrow administrator is authorized to execute the 5-year contract with gor recycling commencing on January 1st 2024 and ending on December 31st 2028 although it's not in the resolution and I don't think it has to be uh of course our administrator will also contact the uh other bidder and advise them of the outcome of the bids okay having said that mayor that's the read in to the record uh and in your hands mayor thank thank you uh Mark um so I would need a motion on this second any discussion I would like to observe though um I don't think that this is the right uh I'm not in favor of this particular amount because um we could have achieved considerably more savings if we had gone to um twice a week pickup except in this a twice a week pickup during the summer only and gone to once a week pickup during the other Seasons um I think that this uh increases our uh our liability over the next 5 years by about 700,000 roughly $700 $800,000 but um that's my comment I'm not I don't think this is the way to uh to go but it's the council's decision um so we've had a motion we had a second um any further discussion not hearing any roll call please council president D Roa yes council member Escobar yes council member Fox yes council member Horvath no council member lendy yes council member Tren yes okay that resolution is adopted by a vot of 5 to1 uh I believe that concludes our business in open session today um so I'm looking for a motion to one more thing we received the rfqs for Professional Services for Bor attorney and for the Auditors uh we have them in the office we'll dis them to the council members to take look at them at their convenience thank you uh again I'm looking for a motion to adjourn motion second all in favor all opposed it we're adjourn the next meeting isn't until December 5th of the mayor and Council good night everyone