e e you have Clay what Clay on mic yeah everybody microphone microphones are on okay everybody in front of them also should turn them on whatever you're ready okay okay going to call the meeting open of the council and let's start with the Pledge of [Music] Allegiance Pledge alance to the of the United States of America and the Reps Nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all I ask that everybody please remain standing for a moment um for a moment of silence for Thomas D Mna who passed away on March 24th 2024 at the age of 88 Thomas served on the Hillsdale Council in the early 70s and then as mayor from 1976 through 1979 in 1976 Hillsdale purchased the Stony Brook Field Club 12 acres of land with a pool on it at the intersection of permont Avenue in Cedar Lane the northern portion of the property which contained the pool was converted into the current open Recreation field across from metal Brook School the Western portion was sold to a developer who built condominiums and the southern portion was developed by the town into the Stony Brook Swim Club Thomas was initiated into the ibw local 164 on August 1st 1960 and was an IID ibw member for 64 years living in Hillsdale he worked as the assistant business business manager for the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 164 and president of the Bergen County building and construction trades Council he was so proud of the time he served as mayor of Hillsdale and the community benefits to this day from his time in office we offer our condolences to his friends and family thank you SE okay okay this is a meeting of the Hillsdale borrow Council on the second day of April 2024 notice of the time and place of this meeting has been provided to the Ridgewood news and the Bergen and the Bergen Record a copy was posted on the bulletin board outside of this meeting room and provided to any interested parties please silence all cell phones please wait to be recognized by the mayor during the public hearing and public comment part of the meeting you will need to state your name and town of residents for the record will the clerk please read the role council president Escobar here council member Fox here council member Lundy here council member Oso here council member ruko here council member troh Muke here mayor sheinfeld here um and since we've done the moment of silence let's go to the approval of the minutes council meeting minutes March 5th 2024 um council meeting minutes March 12th 2024 4 and the Clos session March 5th 2024 minutes let's handle them all at once unless anybody has an objection to that will the uh can we get a motion motion second second will the clerk please read the rule for all three council president Escobar yes council member Fox yes council member Lundy yes council member Oso yes council member ruko yes council member choim Muk yes and minutes are all passed unanimously it is now time for the initial public comment time is limited to 3 minutes only items on the agenda one topic per speaker please state your name and town of residence for the record is there anyone who would like to speak tonight not on the agenda not on the she's GNA wait till the other okay great um does the clerk have any correspondence to report no uh the professional reports the burrow engineer Nick good evening mayor and Council so for Paving projects majority of these are currently on hold until we have the budget approved but we're expecting to see a lot of uh activity in that area come May um that would include the 2023 and 2024 Paving projects for the njdot um in terms of Paving projects that are already completed and close outs we have the 2022 project still pending we're just waiting on some Financial backup for that to close that out uh but that's in the final stages to close out and so is the fall 2023 Capital Paving project that is just one final invoice to be paid and then that project is closed uh for Centennial Field we had geotechnical testing scheduled to start last week uh but it was delayed due to weather and likely will be delayed due to weather this week as well so we're looking probably into next week for that um but it is good news that that they're getting that on the schedule and they're getting started right away uh Memorial Field we're still waiting authorization on that project um again we're expecting to see movement on that probably in May after the budget is approved um there is a proposal on the agenda tonight for tier a annual reporting uh that is a uh requirement for the burrow to maintain their TI storm water General permit um as part of this proposal we include a internal compliance audit which basically is a explanation of all the areas that the burough is deficient in their permit based on our evaluation we provide that to you as a way that you can assess some of the things that you're not currently doing and prepare corrective action so you're in compliance for next year um we're also going to be updating your storm water pollution prevention plan and doing uh outfall inspections that's all part of that proposal um and then the last thing I wanted to report on is we have two grants currently in the works one is the uh local Recreation Improvement fund Grant we're currently preparing that Grant it's in the final stages of that uh that's going to be applied to the Beachwood nature trail to reconstruct a portion of that trail and then we also have the Bergen County open space grant for 2024 which which is also going to be applied to Beachwood so between those two grants we believe that we should be able to reconstruct the entirety of the of the trail the rest of the the work that hadn't been done as part of the project that's currently underway what's the what's the timeline once grants come through to to make this happen so it's a it's a bit difficult to say because we probably will need to reapply for DP permits because that's an environmentally environmentally sensitive area so it's it's kind of dependent on when we obtain those permits um but typically the grant period is is within two years of a ward so that that would be the target would be to get it done within that time frame Nick where are we with the current Beachwood nature trail grants so my understanding is that has been submitted to DP and now we wait okay so we haven't gone out to bid yet no we we need to have permits before we can go out to bid okay so this this portion of it is kind of out of our control it's it's in the dp's hands everything is ready it's just a matter of obtaining the permits once we have the permits we can go out to bid immediately everything is prepared in order to do that but we can't do that until we have those permits in hand okay does anybody else have any questions what's the uh status on the do grant for uh Douglas and melow Road um those are the that's the 2024 Grant so we don't have authorization to start on that yet so we're expecting after the capital budget is approved that we will get an approval for that and we'll start designing that the goal is to construct that in 2024 anyone else thank you for your report wel thanks we will move on to committee reports I I I think you missed a discussion period I think council member choim wanted to talk about some fence regulations before right sorry we I I I glossed over that to to go Nick um my mistake councilwoman shimik yes if you will yes um um the planning board met last week and um um one of the um things that came out is um so the planning board does a uh annual report every year and uh part of that annual report they make a recommendation um uh based on the applications that had been received in Prior year uh as well as the various type of variances that come before them they make a recommendation uh to the council um and um what they would like to do is um they would like um for the fence that is in front of your house um to be a 50% um unobstructed meaning you could see through it 50% um as opposed to solid like you know either a solid plastic or solid wood it should be unobstructed and they feel that that would be um give a better line of sight for cars as well as for pedestrians um walking um and um they um pretty plus they say that it was um standard in most other municipalities but not in Hillsdale and so they would like us to you know have it up for discussion and then take a possible um action on it in the future um and then I guess our attorney uh Mark uh would um be involved in preparation of of whatever would need to um to get that done so um that's one of the things that I'm to bring FL coun would not be uncommon council members many towns require that fences in a front yard especially and front yard requirements are often different than the rest either as the height or a lot of things um many towns require front yard fencing to be 50% open and they use that phrase but generally it encourages is a board a Bo you know where they have the one board on each side so the fence has two good sides which is an added bonus uh but when those boards are spaced a little apart um it creates a little air flow and even a little visibility it also encourages more open fences like split rail or fences that are maybe a little more attractive that people otherwise wouldn't do one of the ideas that comes up a lot and and this is very common this is how they do it in creskill demerist a lot of other towns um is you can accompany this by prohibiting chain link in a front yard because of course the cheapest option for 50% open is chain link um many people don't necessarily think that's the best look in a residential zone so you can write the ordinance that way um I can I can draft something for people to look at remember that pool code is different so sometimes if there's a pool code issue we'll maybe have to discuss that a little further that's that' be a you're not putting a pool in the front yard I mean so it wouldn't be a pool in the front yard thank you so um I can draft something I'm not going to change Heights I'm not going to change basic configurations we're just going to lean into the 50% open concept that's also something police often prefer too because a solid fence in a front yard is very easy for somebody walking or running down the street to just jump over and lie down and of course they're no longer visible so now would that be different to like in certain towns where they have like walls in front with Gates is something different you wouldn't be able to do that although if it was important to Hillsdale we could carve out an exception that walls and gates are different than fences okay uh for example I've done some some pretty good siiz ones in creskill sure um and they've all been fences rather than solid rock walls uh but for the occasional person who wants a solid rock wall they could perhaps come to a board they would come for a variance they could come for a variance you know so we'd eliminate most of the fence variances but if someone really had their heart set on a stone wall and they were really building that in Hillsdale they might have to come to a board and that's not uncommon and this would all be prospective yeah it would all of course be prospective all right now could could we sort of ease the burden on the resident that maybe wants to have that wall instead of having to go through variance to I I could presumably write it I mean I'm not sure how much of a calling there is for it but but just we could make it easier on a resident what I'm trying to say yeah there may be there may actually be a different definition for fences versus walls I'll have to look at the zoning ordinance but when we draft something up we can keep all of that in mind okay so if the council's interested I can start a draft of that and you know not prioritize it obviously I think it's a little bit of a long-term plan but at least get something on paper and after the budget season maybe people can think about it a little that's does that work Fox do you have anything as a as a police officer I concur with uh the burough attorney yeah okay happy to do it guys Okay so that's for there Janetta do you have something else no not on that topic not on that topic but you have another thing you want to talk about one know when I get to my planning board report okay I don't am I first up I wasn't up first I you could be first up this time when we got well now well well now actually you're going to go to professional reports so I think you did well we've done the professional reports Nick already Comm reports we'll go to Quick committee reports so spoiler alert we're going to committee reports Council memb ser as liaison departments and committees in Hillsdale to provide the governing body and the public with an update on arising issues actions considered and actions taken within a given organization the aison are not expected to be intimately familiar with the granular issues being considered by committees and departments the people responsible for such information are the ba and the internal head of department or committee should anyone have questions requiring an in-depth response and the council person is not comfortable providing the answer I will direct the ba to provide a response if an answer cannot be immediately ascertained it will be the responsibility of the ba to speak to relevant parties and provide the person making the inquiry with a timely response the ba will then report back his findings to the mayor councel and the public at the next public meeting Council truk yes would you like to lead us off yes okay um planning board so the planning board met last week and um Mr Lombardi the superintendent of our K to8 School schools and um Kenneth Ross who's the senior project manager of the Cari Rubino Architects came before the planning board with the George White um C uh Capital Improvement plans for the renovation and I presented all the uh drawings and um the details of the project to the planning board and the planning board is required to um either you know approve or disapprove in terms of whether this the plans meet with the Burrow's master plan and so the board did find that the plans are consistent with the Burrow's master plan and so the plans were approved and now at this point the plans will go now to the state for their review and approval and once that happens then we get a referendum then it'll come back I guess to to the next move which would be um the Board of Ed then I guess schedules scheduling um the date of the referendum that they want to do okay for the approval of the whole project um so that was the planning board um I also had we did have an economic development committee meeting um and again we're still discussing the um Rehabilitation um designating the downtown as an area in need of uh Rehabilitation but um we did meet with Darlene green who's our planner and um we have some more questions for her and so we we we haven't concluded uh on what direction we want to take yet so we don't have anything to present yet in terms of of that but um we are working on it and hope to have something to propose to the Council maybe in another I would say a month or so right yes uh that's it okay move one down Council manoso yeah I'd like to welcome everybody uh to the uh hpsa opening day that's going to take place on April 6th with a rain date of April 7th uh there's going to be lots of activities there uh also food vendors uh so the kids can enjoy uh and eat um hopefully the weather will hold up uh I also want to provide a quick update on uh the fire department's activity for the quarter uh they've aned 61 events o uh through the time period of March 1st through March 31st and for the month of March it was about 14 uh this is in line with the activity that was experienced last year um through the same time period as well as an average of about 20 events over the course of each and every month um I'm going to provide a more thorough update on Recreation and School Board next week uh I mean this meeting is kind of early in the month uh so we hav't had a chance to meet yet Clemente what time is opening day uh uh 10 o'clock thank you we'll start the activities that's Saturday Saturday Saturday Okay councilman roko yes thank you mayor uh the access for all committee met on March 18th um there are still a couple of vacancy genes that they're waiting to have filled by the burough administrator and the councel uh to that uh to that body they discussed a new software package I don't know if it's new exactly in the angel sense uh it's available and with police cooperation and involvement we can use this software um which relies on GPS to locate autistic individuals who become disoriented and wander off um they're going to be reaching out to the burrow administrator and the Hillsdale Police Department to I I guess they haven't done that yet um they discussed better access by residents with disabilities to our Parks um they discussed focusing on Beachwood Park and whether the burough would be willing to pursue a 75 25% uh Grant from the state under Jake's law um now I wasn't familiar with all the with the grant under Jake's law but they told me um that it it would be favorable to um individuals here in in philsdale who who have disabilities I advise them to speak with the rec director and with the burrow administrator uh about uh you know whether what our grant writer Millennium can do uh for us in terms of searching for that Grant and then moving ahead with it uh they're planning still planning for a May 1st art show it starts at 6 PM in the library um and they hope that we can they know that I guess we have a council meeting that day but they're hoping that we can at least attend the first half hour of that which is at 6 p.m. and they're planning a field day with the Rockland Boulders this spring but the exact date hasn't been hasn't been picked yet with respect to the Board of Health they met on March 19th the Northwest Bergen Regional Health Officer Gary dorsy reported on consumer and environmental health programs as well as health um education activities um they are they did I presume they did a food handling training program it was planned in late March I presume that came off um and they also hosted a uh Suicide Prevention class Our Town nurses participated in weekly exercises at Hillsdale house and Fitness Fun sessions at the library that's mostly Lois Cohan she's fantastic um she puts most of us here on on this agend this day as to shame given her uh given her age and and given what she does for the town she she's Dynamite um covid tests were distributed at Hillsdale house at the fitness fund sessions at the library and at the food pantry uh there was a child health Conference held on February 28th um Tao uh animal control report for 2023 is available to anyone who wants it uh they're planning a skin cancer screening it's still on track for July but the the location hasn't been decided yet I presume they'll work that out with the burough administrator and they're planning uh what Outreach activities they can hold um during the Fall Festival in September or I think it's early October I don't remember the exact date that we're holding uh the town day Denise do you call the date I don't either um but it usually is late September uh and they're trying to get Bergen Newbridge to send a representative to um a future Board of Health meeting to go over the shoppr facility and whether it's been successful and what what they're doing so yeah I think there was some concern that that they had there with that that they well they were concerned that people who may not be feeling well would be going into the okay all right that's all I have okay councilwoman Lundy okay um the environmental commission met on March 18th one of the environmental commission members has been working closely with Ridgewood Ridgewood has purchased a styrofoam densifier and um annually the environmental commission does a styrofoam Drive typically right after the holidays the they're interested in pursuing a shared service with Ridgewood to possibly have our styrofoam recy and brought to Ridgewood so I did send the shared service agreement to the ba and the DPW superintendent as well as the DPW liazon to review to see if it would um be feasible to do something like that they've also been very busy working on a revised tree ordinance so that we would be in compliance with the changes that the state has enacted which are supposed to be in effect as of May 1st so I believe that the burough administrator and the burough attorney will be reviewing the tree ordinance to see if how it should become before Council and what changes will be made as far as that just a reminder there'll be a Seedling Distribution on April 13th which will be held at the train station and in case of inclement weather it'll be held at the library as far as Stonybrook registration opened as of March 18th the competition pool is in the process of being serviced with and having some new cing they'll start to fill it next week There's a new filter system being installed uh membership as of today is 177,000 from this time last year I believe tonight we're approving a resolution for the new landscape contract and then they can get started on getting the grounds to be as beautiful as they always are um they're going to be doing a lot of improvements this year they'll be uh seal coating the parking lot and striping the parking lot after that main building is going to be the roof is going to be painted and they're all they're geared up and ready to open there's an open house on May 18th 10% discount for new members and the pool director has come up with some great new programs I think last time I talked about the Forever Friends program there's also some new senior programs there'll be a Hawaiian night there'll be bands there'll be movie night in the they're going to be doing a car show and again the ever popular drool in the pool after the season so we look forward to a very robust summer at ston Brook that's all I have right now do we have a cost on the styrofoam program um I believe it's in the shared service agreement I don't know there's you have to P we would have to purchase bags which are reusable but I think there would be additional costs at the DPW we would have to have somebody down there probably watching what's brought down and then we would have to transport the styr from to Ridgewood so we have to see if it would be cost effective or not fo at our next DPW meeting we can talk about that uh just the dpw's are preparing the field for opening day if the uh ba could elaborate on the process of the clay distribution and the other details of that well I can do to my report if you like I have okay my report anything else that's it council president my uh you know committies haven't met since our last meeting so I have nothing to report at this time okay mayor thank you mayor uh mayor I forgot one oh you forgot one yeah sorry can you hold one moment please okay do you mind my Mr administrator ma the ambulance committee also met last week and we discussed pursuing shared services with some other towns so that we can offset the cost of the paid EMTs and I know that your mayor are pursuing that as well our hope is that we will be able to partner with another town on a shared service agreement um that's really all I what's there what's their um willingness or receptivity to the idea of taking in a second rig so that we can potentially build they are receptive to doing that I did ask them any second ambulance would have to match and mirror as far as painting anything on it we would have to have it either wrapped or painted all the emblems they would have to be to the same ambulance would have to be the same but they are percept uh receptive to doing that okay and just so we're clear that doesn't mean that we're necessarily billing the residents it's the insurance companies so the residents wouldn't have to pay anything else for it we would just offset some of the costs correct as long as we have two ambulances we would would then have to form a we would have to go through the Department of Health which is different than how it's overse how it's overseen now um but we would be able to build the insurance companies we wouldn't necessarily have to build residents through a third party we would we use part billing who would take a small percentage um and we could move forward that way they definitely the bills would still go to the resident though I believe the bill would still go to the resident they would have to submit to their insurance company and then we would accept what is paid by the insurance company and not build the rest and that would be it and this is not going to deplete the services of what we originally intended as far as having own own our own ambulance to service Hillsdale or well if we went with us purchasing another ambulance we would not during the time that we have paid amts we would continue not to do any Mutual Aid in other towns we're not doing any Mutual aid while we have while the pmts are on duty we're only doing Mutual Aid when the volunteers are on if I may the way it normally works in other towns that have this kind of uh Pro program is that the residents um would get a bill but if if they can't pay or they don't pay it the bill just dies like the the burrow or the doesn't col whatever and that's a courtesy to the residents themselves anybody who's not a resident obviously gets builded and is what it is okay Bali thank you mayor I start with uh happy news we have a new business in town Merit trophies and Engraving at 309 Broadway uh sweet one uh they should be in office in business soon we wish them all the best we are on track with the lobby and police department uh renovation project uh which should be done in about 2 weeks and the new furniture will be be here before April 15 that's putting the glass in the lobby and rearranging uh the seedings the DPW and uh the fields uh they're working hard on the fields to get them ready for opening day uh we are expecting two to three inches of rain so between now and Thursday uh we're just preparing for Thursday afternoon Friday uh night and early Saturday the fields will be ready with new clay uh we ordered two truckloads of stone dust we ordered and received 50 tons of clay we have 25 more tons on order and as we get uh through the season we'll be getting more uh more clay so I'm assured that uh the fields will be ready uh Memorial I visited this morning before the the rain took some pictures it looked good ready for the uh uh for the celebrations uh Centennial needs more clay uh so we will get that next week to Centennial uh tonight's meeting uh is being beamed on zoom on the two network channels and for the first time on YouTube live we are doing the testing tonight and next week uh we're looking to avoid spending 75,000 to 100,000 to redo the technology box that operates all this I am on YouTube live now the sound and the picture look good there are five people right now watching I'm one of them so there's four of them uh but it will be uh much easier uh for the public to just click on the link and if they subscribe to the channel uh it'll pop up when we are live uh thank you Denise for making this happen she did all the uh clicking one box uh we have engaged our planner Darlene Green in regards to the 2025 affordable housing uh Bill uh she is working on um the assessment of what the the those numbers might be and what it might mean for Hillsdale uh we have some idea but we're doing more work on the vacant land uh assessment uh she is going to present to the mayor and Council in Clos session uh most likely late May or early June time frame before everyone goes on vacation and that's all I have Mr Mayor okay does anybody have any questions on yeah can I ask the the be question so so with regards M oh is the mic on the mic so with regards to the field work for for next week um and obviously the weather is not cooperating this week uh it seems like that we're going to have maybe Thursday Friday to do additional work that's needed for opening day um you had mentioned that there was 25 additional tons of clay ordered um did you ask Beacon when that clay could arrive arrive uh on site so that the DPW could go ahead and plan as to when they were going to do the work I mean the season starts on April 6th um there's a great deal of of kids that are going to be playing on those fields in the next couple of weeks and I think that uh there is a little bit of a sense of urgency uh to get that work completed um and it seems like with the weather and the way that process works on ordering clay and they make it to order um that it looks like we're going to be stretched out a couple of weeks so do you have any a comfort level as that actually getting here next week so just for reference uh we typically in a season use 25 tons throughout all the fields right we have 5050 already we'll have the 25 additional just for Centennial uh so they'll make it this week they can't make it during the rain so it's an open space in process uh once the r stops and once I get the date from uh the super intendent I guess I can reach out to you first to reach out to see what the schedule is uh I don't know how long it'll take for them to spread 25 tons but we can try and coordinate that yeah yeah I'm just just a little disappointed in the sense that every uh estimate that we had originally was for 100 tons of clay because of the degradation that took place over the last 6 to nine months with the poor weather that we had in the fall and the winter um it seems like we're behind the eightball now now uh in the ninth inning no pun intended um that now we're going to be uh chasing our tail if you will for the next couple of weeks to get especially nickach and core to the point where you know there it's it meets the expectations that we had set I agree I feel the same uh frustration and as as soon as we get this all settled and the game's on uh then we'll have time to go back and and take a look where we failed okay just just getting the clay there is is one thing once they lay it out what has to be what's the time frame once they lay it out before it can be played on so the schedule is all cleared for them to be all decks on all hands on deck yeah uh for the for the DPW uh we will pay some overtime if we have to work overnight uh just to get everything ready uh so as far as for 25 tons I don't know how so we have eight uh eight man crew I don't know how long if they're all working work uh working on it how long that will take uh it took uh two men uh sometimes you know three men it took them about week to do 25 ton so if you go now to a couple of days even if we had eight people on it be several days yeah when you they have to move it first and then it's all manual there some Machinery work but uh spreading and Grading and whatever else is involved have to tell to roll it yeah so we have to arrange when the when there's no games and there's no people are playing there just that's when we do the work okay so picky backing off of uh councilman Oso's comments we order the clay too late probably okay we knew this about 3 months ago uh I know the the councilman and councilman Abby Lundy talking about getting the clay and uh we have people that who's responsible for ordering the clay so I take uh the overall responsibility uh but I don't do the ordering of of the clay we said we need the clay to be done um we're on it but I am ultimately responsible but we have 50 tons who actually orders the clay the superintendent the superintendent correct and when he's not around uh the the former uh the foreman does that but we have 50 tons of clay already spread where in a typical season it's only 25 tons so we'll have 75 tons by next week uh we'll order 25 more tons and as we need them um I can't imagine why why we can't have a a spare clay Mountain you know sort of with a cover and as we needed we go and take some where would that be stored I they typically they used to store it down at the in the parking lot at Centennial to the far end of the of the nicer field covered with a t that's what they did this time so if you go there now you'll see all brown you see clay in the parking lot it's probably watched out night but they'll be ready on Saturday when you stand uh there to speak Mr Mayor it it will be shining as long as I don't have to throw out the first pitch it's okay you may have to they might throw the first pitch at you they might I'll wear my catcher's mask any other questions no okay let's move on to the ordinances 24-7 adoption burough of Hillsdale calendar year 2024 ordinance to exceed the municipal budget appropriation limits and to establish a cap Bank can we have a motion to open it to the public motion second second okay um I will now open the meeting to the public if anyone desires to be heard regarding ordinance 2407 please say your name and wait to be recognized once recognized state your name and address for the record uh does anyone wish to speak on the ordinance seeing no one I will uh now entertain a motion uh that the public hearing on ordinance 2406 7 be closed and that it be resolved that this ordinance was posted on the bulletin board on which Public Notices are customarily posted and published in the Ridgewood news copies of said ordinance were made available to the general public uh motion to close the public hearing on ordinance 2407 a motion to close second second will the clerk please read the role council member Lundy I don't think we did a motion to adopt yet just did a motion to close this is to close to close sorry close the yes council member ooso yes council member ruko yes council member Chim Muke yes council president Escobar yes council member Fox yes motion passes the motion to adopt ordinance 2407 is there a motion motion second second will the clerk please read the role to adopt the ordinance council member Oso yes council member ruko yes council member troh Muk yes council president Escobar yes council member Fox yes council member lendy yes now therefore be it resolved that this ordinance is adopted and the borrow clerk is authorized to advertise the same according to law we will move on to ordinance 24-8 for adoption Capital ordinance of the borrow of Hillsdale in the county of Bergen New Jersey authorizing the making of various public improvements and Acquisitions in by and for the swim pool utility of the burrow appropriating therefore the sum of $12,000 and providing that s such sum so appropriated shall be raised from the swim pool utility Capital Improvement fund of the burrow motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 248 motion second second the clerk please read the role council member ruko yes council member choim Muk yes council president Escobar yes council member Fox yes council member Lundy yes member Oso yes uh it passes I will now open the meeting to the public if anyone desires to be heard regarding ordinance 248 please say your name and wait to be recognized once recognized state your name and address for the record does anyone wish to speak on 2408 seeing no one I will now entertain a motion to the public hearing on ordinance 2408 be closed and it be resolved that this ordinance was posted on the bulletin board on which Public Notices are customarily posted in public lished in the Ridgewood news copies of said ordinance were made available to the general public may have a motion to close the public hearing on 248 motion second second will the clerk please read the role council member choim Muk yes council president Escobar yes council member Fox yes council member Lundy yes council member Oso yes council member ruko yes well now therefore be it resolved that this ordinance is adopted and the borrow is authoriz burrow clerk is authorized to advertise the same we missed the motion to adopt Oh I thought that was no well there we go Motion to adopt I'll motion there we go second second okay now will the clerk be through the role for adopting council president Escobar yes council member Fox yes council member lendy yes council member Oso yes council member ruko yes council member choim Muk yes well there now we've officially resolved that this ordinance is adopted by the buror clerk uh and the bur clerk is authorized to advertise the same according to law we will now move on to the consent agenda 24113 through 24125 um does is there anything anybody wants to pull something yes we we have okay yeah 24125 24 115 125 125 125 was that you have one as well yes I have two 24 24117 and 24118 24117 and 24118 okay so I'd like to pull one okay 24121 121 it may be easier just to see which ones we're going to keep um anybody else okay so with the exception of 24 117 118 um 121 and 125 okay right that's all Yes uh is there a motion to pass the the rest of the consent agenda all motion is there a second second will the clerk please read the role council member Fox yes council member lendy yes council member Oso yes council member ruko yes council member Chim Muk yes council president escapar yes okay well uh it passes unanimously with the exception of 24117 24118 24121 24125 we will now move to the non-consent agenda um and let's start at the top with 24117 is there a motion to discuss mtion okay okay I think we're we're fine motion any motion yeah okay I I just wanted to um I I guess I was reading it and it said that this is a uh qpa has determined that the value of the acquisition will exceed 17,500 but then it says we got um submitted a proposal for 1,700 so I was confused like I so I thought this was trying to say first that it was going to be greater than 17500 but in fact it's only 1,700 so then you don't actually need to to get this the vendor and the commodity and non-fair and open because it's less than the 17 the vendor and the commodity is over the 7 175 so we have to approve the vendor to to use the vendor because they're already over the threshold this particular job isn't but the vendor itself is okay so from other things other projects okay so now it will be over that's why okay that's when I was reading and I I thought that maybe these numbers were incorrect here or something but okay I got it that's it okay anybody else have any questions on this resolution no okay uh let's consider 24 4 118 well do we want to well we actually should you do it one at a time all right so we'll do each one individually we had a motion we had a motion in a second before we commence discussion yeah well so we so let's see is there a vote on 24117 individually uh council member Lundy yes council member Oso yes council member ruko yes council member choim Muk yes council president Escobar yes council member Fox yes okay so the 24117 passes unanimously is there a motion to consider 24118 open for discussion motion second second okay let's start uh who would like to comment okay go ahead you're up I just would like clarification on what this is because I I don't really understand I don't know what it is it says uh resolution confirming endorsement for Bergen County Home investment partnership uh Bergen County Home investment application of 250,000 has been proposed for but so I don't know who put this what is this anybody have add this is the county right this is the the county the County's program and I was requested to prepare the resolution form of the Community Development Grant to build a group home at 40 Central is really the entire context um I think and would have to jump back out back to theol reso Burgen County Home investment partnership has made an application for 250,000 uh has been proposed by the BC U mod housing partners for Hillsdale Supportive Housing pursuant to State into local Services home funds may not be sent in the municipality the of the governing body said project is in the best interests of Hill the resolution does not obligate the financial resources of the municipality as in and is intended solely to expedite expenditure of the home application you're not approving this project but you are endorsing the expenditure of funds in this town in the event that it gets to that point by the count right so it's a four bedroom um four bedroom group home that will be built Community Development is going to give up the money or provide the funds for it we are only allowing the money to be spent to be spent here that's whole point we approving it we're not funding it we're not doing anything with it and we're not even saying it's going to be done in the event that they want to move forward with it they need this before that they can proceed or they can spend money in hill okay is that clarified clarifies it a lot okay you seem like you got another yeah and and what is the location 40 Central Central 4 C 40 4 okay that's the right over here that's the one the Tom and and the United Way folks about that's exactly what it is so they started to work mayor and then they realized that they don't have an endorsing resolution and this is what this is they're they're holding up and waiting on us yeah in the rain in the rain there it is so we have a motion a second Let's uh let's move on to a vote will the clerk please read the role council member Oso yes council member ruko yes council member choim Muk yes council president Escobar yes council member Fox yes council member lendy yes resolution passes we're moving on to resolution 24121 can I get a motion to open for discussion motion second second okay um I asked that it be pulled uh so my sole purpose in asking that it be pulled is just to uh inform the public that this is re this is the hiring is to replace an existing individual who who's leaving um and that the introduced budget as I understand it that we will be taking up for a vote next um next week uh does provide for the addition of an additional 11th full-time employee but this is a replacement this is a replacement but they they they're unconnected in a sense yes this is a replacement our budget allows us to move forward with an additional but obviously until the budget's passed we're not going to move on that right now this is a repl right it's just a replacement higher that anybody have anything they want to say other than that thank you for explaining um will the clerk for the no we already did the motion there's already a yes so clerk please read the role council member ruko yes council member choim Muk yes council president Escobar yes council member Fox yes council member Lundy yes council member Oso yes a resolution passes we're going to move move on to 24125 can I get a motion to open discussion yes second second okay it is open for discussion I believe councilman also opened it um originally when this when this bid came out of payment res Serv me correctly is that this vendor was significantly lower than other biders um I wanted to ask if the the change order was for work that was out of scope of the original Bid And if we could EXP expect more of this so they become more in line with the the other biders um I think yep because because it says that it's for sheetrock and it's for it seems like it was work that should have been addressed within the original bid I think there was a hot water heater in there as well but um it seems like most of it should have been addressed so so my question is on the change order it has additional work as ordered $11,000 which is the majority of the change order what is the additional work so most of the work uh we there was U we found mold as they're doing the work there was some mold which we fixed you know right away in a separate uh proposal uh so they had to redo some of the rocking they had to do uh redo uh the tiles uh that work was not part of the scope of the original scope uh there's some more work that uh we asked him to do separately but it's not included in this so the the $115,000 it's work that did that they did not expect to do when they first signed up for it it's additional work that we asked them to do but we didn't expect correct but you said there's going to be more additional work this is it no no this is this is it they're done uh they'll be done uh because when we when we found the mold we had to fix it right away and now they're just going to close up and do all the rocking and do all the uh finishing so this would have been whoever won would have had it this wasn't expected correctly little been done and so so when Surf Pro or whoever came in and checked everything out they just missed it is that what it is yes uh we found out later uh they actually found the mold behind the walls so we they had to remove all the sheetrock in the corner office for one of the detectives and then we called the Ser Pro to come back it was a black mold I actually didn't know that was mold I thought it was dust uh and I touched it uh just to see what that is like I'm not an engineer or anything then they said no this is M don't touch um so we had to block it call Pro Clean it uh so that there were two offices that had to be redone that we didn't plan on I think even with this change order there's still significantly lower than the next correct high would either way and this is not an insurance issue we back go after the initial claim this is on us uh no sorry this is part of the insurance claim we do have additional money from the insurance claim so there was leftover money for the insurance claim so this is not coming out of taxpayers no taxpayers do right right okay anybody else with any questions on this and when's the completion it should be in two weeks they're almost done um they're working between upstairs and downstairs uh they're waiting for for some more supplies to come back uh so that they can finish they're saying by April 15 because that's when the furniture is also arriving and there'll be an additional air test or there's no plans for that okay to confirm that it's clear to um successful in removing it all we can we test it twice uh initially correct or initially but they didn't pick up the black mold no it was Behind the Walls it was in the walls was there until they started work yeah so was there an air test after the black mold was discovered or no but we can't have one more test yeah I think that would be a good idea we should have enough money uh from the insurance all right okay well we've already done the Motions will the clerk please read the role on the consideration of 24225 council member troh Muk yes council president Escobar yes council member Fox yes council member Lundy yes council member Oso yes council member ruko yes the resolution passes unanimously and now we will move on to the public comment period limited to three minutes on any topic please state your name we have a motion to open it let's do it yes okay Howard rosenb 817 Hillsdale Avenue I'm here tonight uh with my wife Donna uh to approach the uh mayor business administrator and councel for clarification related to the property at 8110 810 and 830 Hillsdale Avenue formerly referred to as the Tandy Allen property uh for those that may not be aware approximately eight years ago as documented in earlier Council notes and new news Publications U such as the pasak press the Hillsdale Council uh declined to pursue open space consideration of this property due to contamination The OSI open space Institute uh did an environmental assessment with two soil samplings reporting unacceptable levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons which are typically found in remnants of asphalt and construction debris quoting the then council president Frank pisella quote uh Green Acres and the county would not fund the purchase unless the environmental status was addressed no one stepped up to pay for the remediation several months ago the property changed ownership with within the last 1 to two months psng identified the power lines and revealed to us the intent to build two buildings possibly Homes at 810 and 8:30 Hillsdale Avenue in addition property has been recently surveyed trees have been marked for removal and excavators have been digging at several sites within the property during the digging my neighbor Bill Drummond spoke with an owner Jose onsite who stated plans have been drawn for building and they were to to they were there to deter to determine the feasibility of adding a basement to the building Jose denied knowing anything about the contamination as Bill Drummond informed him while mayor shinefield and the business administrator I believe are aware of this activity going on at the property the building department has not officially received any plans from the new owner as of this morning when we contacted them for clarification has the burrow been in communication with the new owners informing them of the contamination and Advising them of what mediation is necessary prior to any building activity and am I correct that the property is owned for private homes I thank you for your attention I don't normally this is public comment only comment but but I think that in this case thank you for for it but I I I think that if we can go for um Mike would you like to comment on this there there has been an update for you so there has been some activity between us the Bor and the owner as of this morning we did speak to the owner he is in the process of putting together a side plan to bring to the to the planning board right uh they're doing the test pits and the tree uh work um they're marking up all the trees we sent them a letter three weeks ago I don't have the date here uh informing them that they cannot do anything without uh first applying for permits coming to the borrow uh we told I I I haven't seen it but we're told that they have a d permit which will have to be attached to the S plan for approval so any permits that they have uh they have to show it um that's as of this morning and and the holes that were were drilled were were covered in like they weren't Excavating they were they're test pits they were test pits well we don't know what they were testing for according to him they were testing to see if it was uh whatever they're testing for whether they are from ground water or something else right right they require permits they've been informed that they require every kind of permit okay and that's common with any developer okay I I just want to make sure they're aware of the contamination in the past that's been discovered is yeah isn't it up to the private the it's a private sale isn't it up to the buyer to do their due diligence to see what they're purchasing completely not a burrow issue yet until permits are sought right okay so whatever people talk about while they're standing on the site and enjoying sunny day just they're okay to do that but the burrow will be informed we're aware what's going on when permits are sought then the burrow will act in accordance with the proper filing of those permits that's all I'm asking that's all it could be that's that's fine I'm just trying to get an update clarifications you got the update as of this morning okay 8:43 this morning okay it's what at 8:43 a.m. 8:43 well you've got the thank you okay does anybody else from the public wish to speak okay seeing none seeing none Let's uh let's close the public commentary and move on to council commentary um I get to start this yes yes yeah yes uh I just want to quickly mention um it's been brought to our attention that there is um poor signal cellular coverage by the high school and we are currently exploring the possibility of getting um uh a mini tower on property that we own which would probably be towards towards the uh the pool in some way um to improve that coverage as a safety issue um you know we want to make sure that that parents who are looking for children and God forbid there's some reason that they have to find them quickly that we have that covered so we're working on that um and I know probably the residents who live in that area that aren't getting cell coverage will be happy to hear this as well so would they be renting from us or yes well if if they if they do it on on T Brook us is sort of a vague the town Tony Brook yeah aby's already got the money spent there they be paying Stony Brook but yeah the I mean the police department has been looking into this for quite a while this is not a new issue or anything that's new but uh we're we we found a a a receptive audience um that has found that yes they've gone out and they've s tested it and determined that there is a real need here so it be multiple carriers on the on the the one antenna or possibly I mean I would be happy to start with one and let's go from there may want to speak the pool director has been speaking with carrier so you may want to reach out to her okay that whole area right yeah Beachwood and whatever it is it has to be publicly bid right so we would spec out or someone would spec the area and the type of whatever is going to be there including the ground space as well as whatever vertical uh devices might be included and that would all be publicly Bid And every carrier and everybody who might want it will have an opportunity and the structure and the display of it obviously will be kind of hidden from that's the goal that would all of course be part of that bid process um I leave look like a tree or something like that I leave it they're so natural looking it to the council if they are generally fooled by those TR but that's up to aesthetically pleasing aesthetically attractive trees um and then I would just like to say in my absence thank you uh acting Council acting mayor uh Escobar for he was so busy filling in and taking care of all the emergency task I I have to give it to you it was a t TK you owe me there it is um okay so let's reverse it this time and head this way uh in commentaries council president Escobar uh I just U I hope everybody everybody had a nice St Patrick's Day uh I know you know spring is in the air but this rain is putting kind of a damper on things um if anybody is still I didn't think if people still want to partake in the St Patrick Day festivities the yoner St Pastor state parade is this Saturday and it Rivals the proverb parade so if anybody's still in a festive mood I will see you guys on a parade route uh other than that I have no more commentaries councilman Fox just want to thank uh acting mayor Escobar for his professionalism and his transparency during your absence and uh that's about it councilwoman Lundy I have no comments no comments councilman R up no words yeah I um I watched the planning board meeting this past week uh on Optimum or tried to it was very frustrating uh it was and I I texted councilor mes on to the council to the uh planning board um I think everyone's aware of the problem hopefully what you're doing tonight is going to contribute to not only a better communication device here uh for our Council meetings but also for our planning board meetings because it really was bad it was static on Optimum I don't know what it was on fias I don't have that um so anyway I I urge you to yes sir move move ahead um I wanted to express uh you know my uh condolences to the mishna family I I knew mayor mishna uh more from through through his son uh the mayor of Park Ridge Keith mishna um knew that his dad was uh was pretty ill but I did not know until tonight that uh he had passed away uh and I send my condolences to miss Mna to Keith um I know Keith has a couple of children and so they would miss their grand father very much um and finally I want to encourage everyone to attend the opening day uh which I may have doubts I don't know the rain is supposed to be uh continuous through th through Thursday but but if they're not going to play then that's probably an okay situation for them to appear on Saturday I was told it's 10:30 but is it 10: now between 10 and 10:30 I uh I will I will be there uh to just just to enjoy the day hopefully the be out that's all I have to say mayor okay no comment councilwoman chimu no comment no comment does the VA have anything he wants to add I just want to say I've been U checking the YouTube live uh it has been working really well the sound quality is really really good and the ease of just uh clicking that link uh should make it easier for the public to tune in we'll do it one more time next week and then we'll make a decision with everyone here on what you want to do after that okay right thank you um since we have nothing closed um let's move on to adjournment uh can we get a motion motion second second show hands I all in favor meeting is adjourned thank you all for attending the next meeting of the council and mayor will be Tuesday April 9th 2024 thank you e e