okay are the children's table here this is the Dess be I never touch okay so we're good try fing cross I'm recording here too good evening everyone I'm calling to order the meeting of the April 30th Hillsdale burough planning and land use board to order we'll begin with the open public meeting statement read by our deputy secretary Tanya followed by the Pledge of Allegiance this is a meeting of the Hillsdale planning board on Tuesday the 30th day of April 2024 which is being held in compliance with the provisions of the open public meetings act and Associated regulations notice of the time and place of this meeting has been provided to the rwood news and the Bergen Record the copy was posted on the bullon board outside of this meeting room and the burrow website and was made available in burrow Hall and provided to any interested parties a copy of the agenda for this meeting was made available for review on the Burrow's website near the posting of the meeting notice and in burrow Hall please silence all cell phones please wait to be recognized by the chairperson during the public hearing and the public comment part of the meeting you'll need to state your name and town of residence for the record a copy of below listed applications may be obtained by requesting a copy in advance of the meeting by contacting the board deputy secretary at1 666 4800 extension 1543 Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 400 p.m. in addition the application documents are available for viewing or download on the planning zoning board page of the burrow of Hillsdale website at www. Hillsdale nj.org Oro appointment at the Hillsdale burrow Hall 380 Hillsdale Avenue Hillsdale New Jersey 07642 please stand for the pledge of allege Alle United States of America the stands na indivisible when you're ready Tanya we'll have our rooll call chairman Kei here Vice chair Bearden here Secret Terry Raymond here Mr alter here Mr Freedman here Mr grief here miss Gman here Dr Weinberg here Council leaz on chuk here mayor shinfield here thank you at this time I will open the meeting to the public on any items or issues other than those list on the agenda below or that may come before the board on another evening seeing there is no one here we'll close the meeting to the public and we we move on to our business that we have this evening first we have some invoices to approve and we'll start we have a number so let's start with Burgess Associates there are two bills there's also a line item which is not attached to a charge it's the March 12th parison Street urban renewal that is an error we're just ignoring that as there's no charge for that but it should be costed off so um when you're ready we'll take a motion or questions anyone has have one question prepared to Escrow eoll escrow Council yes yes thank you no no I'll happily say motion to approve thank you Mr re motion do I have a second second thank you Mr Freeman chair yes Vice chair rean yes secretary Raymond yes Mr alter yes Mr Mr fredman yes Mr greef yes mrman yes Dr Linberg yes Council leuk yes may trying to yes thank you we'll move on to clear jaob Al Jacobs LLC two bills for a to well two separate bills for a total of $1,732 another question escro one is one is not um 307 Evergreen Street the first one which is I think it's 133 345 is escrow and the planning zoning board matters is just built to the board thank you motion motion Mr Raymond second Mr alter chair yes Vice chair veran yes secretary Raymond yes Mr alter yes Mr fredman yes Mr greet yes M kman yes Dr Weinberg yes Council liazon truk yes mayor Shin yes thank you moving on to CSG law that's our 7,000 per month for new Attorney Services do I hear a motion S one question is this Associated to a month yeah well it's a April invoice so is that for March yes that's for March so maybe in the future we'll put the month the month of payment um generally I will say we have a voucher from Hillsdale but because this is new and his secretary was away there was kind of some overlap so we haven't received the voucher yet but generally I'll ask to make sure that this information is filled out on the voucher great thank you mot motion Mr second second Mr G okay chair rates yes Vice chair wearden yes secretary Raymond yes Mr aler yes Mr fredman yes Mr GRE yes Miss kman yes Dr Weinberg yes Council liaison yes mayor shinefield yes motion pass thank you everybody we also have an invoice from MSB that's nma's new firm and that's for uh Services provided February 8th to the board um total $88.50 do I have a motion motion mron have a second second Mr G chairman Kei yes Vice chair rean yes secretary Raymond yes Mr alter yes Mr fredman yes Mr greef yes M Gman yes Dr weberg yes Council and chuk yes may shinfield yes thank you and last but definitely not least Mr Christel we have three invoices for to of $810 I'd like to pass a motion to approve but uh Chris if you could just write which is escrow just put a little memo on here I have this this question of what is escrow what's not escrow that's all but my motion to approve I think it's up the top did did I miss it I'm sorry Hills not on the M item subm bur one on his actual ones with his the actual it's on the second page third page okay great job Chris I'm sorry I missed that it's still clearer when we see when I see an esro account being charged I'm sorry housekeeping all right we have a motion on the floor from Mr Raymond yeah motion the second second Mr R chairman yes Vice chair rean yes secretary Raymond yes Mr alter yes Mr fredman yes Mr GRE yes Miss Guzman yes Dr Weinberg yes counc and yes M shinefield yes thank you everybody we'll move on to a few sets of meeting minutes that we need to approve the first is March 20th the open minute meeting um so please take a look through through those and as you're ready I'll take a motion thank you Tanya you had a significant number of minutes to this may this is the special meeting this yeah this is the special meeting with the open minutes open okay are we V on both one at a time because I know there's a correction that you found on the other so one at a time motion approved motion by Mr Raymond is our second second Mr G okay I know a couple people were not at this meeting yes Vice chair ween Mr Freedman and Council and truk chairwoman Kates yes secretary Raymond yes Mr alter yes Mr greed yes Miss kman yes for the part I was oh yes um yes okay Dr Weinberg yes and mayor sh yes I was from a part of thee from the open meeting I was present we're just clarifying for our attorney that the mayor and I were present for the open meeting we were uh not present for the Clos okay thank you thank you for checking we'll now move to the closed minutes for this special meeting of March 20th and I know Miss Dr Weinberg brought up a a correction under Bernstein and Associates Eric bernon was not the attorney that was interviewed so we need to correct the name can the committee provide us with the ran hack HK HK I okay thank you any other comments or motion to [Applause] approve motion to approve thank you Mr G second to approve second Mr Raymond okay chairwoman Gates was recused wasused vice chair was not present Mr Freedman was not present Council and was not present and mayor shinefield recused himself so I will take a r call with secretary Raymond yes Mr alter yes Mr gree yes Miss Guzman yes Dr Weinberg yes motion next thank you and our last set minutes to approve is from March 26 2024 please review and questions or make a motion when you're ready this is the meeting where we heard the proposal about the school concept project motion is there a second second thank you Mr lber Dr lber Mr G and the mayor were absent at this meeting chair Roman Kates yes Vice chair rean yes secretary Raymond yes Mr alter yes Mr Freedman yes M Guzman yes Dr Weinberg yes Council and thank you motion thank you and thank you for your very thorough minutes including the residents comments okay we have one revised resolution this is number pz 0523 this is Lock 12622 lck 4 307 Evergreen Street Irene Davis irrevocable trust we found a little typewell in the original resolution TR on yes um it referenced to Pool and Patio that was not present at the application so it needed to be revised okay so we so I can point that out on page 12 number eight the original resolu res olution said we place and expand an existing patio around an existing inground sing pool on the property that was not for this application so I check I took that out and um thank you for checking our resolution so carefully it's important and uh changed what I needed to put in there for what the application was actually for and that was page 12 where was that located if you look at page 12 number eight okay it originally said to replace and expand an existing patio around a pool and ground pool now it is just to uh construct an addition to the existing home so number eight is there associated letter it's been correct it's been corrected this so this was signed last at the last meeting okay and then when I went to publish it I was noticed that there's this is the correct revised version we're voting on so I'll need to I spoke to attorney leedman and he said to make the correction have take a vote again and then I'll publish it in the paper tomorrow do I have a motion motion approve Mr Raymond actually I'm sorry Mr Raymond you cannot because you oh I'm sorry sorry yes so let me just say um one person that mayor sorry sorry the mayor and the on we're are not eligible to vote on this and Mr grief and Mr fredman were not at the meeting and secretary Rond cannot vote so that leaves um Vice chair Reen Mr alter mman and Dr Weinberg second okay he all right chair M yes Vice chair rean yes Mr alter yes Mr Gman and Dr Weber yes okay great if I can uh make sure you were Tanya when was this pass I think I was at this meeting oh were you but you were not at the that's the subsequent uh I was at the spe special meeting after that but not at the subsequent not you were not at the first I wasn't let me see uh check yeah he vot I remember that he voted you did vote on this I had that you were not at the did you vote on the application oh actually it should say right in here just give me a seconds I look no problem I thought you were not at the first one but I could be wrong the first 326 you at the meeting on 3:26 I have you as here on I'm sorry I think your dog was Ill you that's yeah that was 326 so oh okay all right maybe I'm getting did we vote on 326 I thought the only business we did that night was the school hearing and we voted on we started this was the that was the second they they came twice okay ever his mon I definitely V on that I don't think this was on 326 yeah I don't think it was I think it was prior to the special meeting yeah right only give me one moment let me look at the minut attorney um had six people voted yeah is looking through the resolution says it was on March 14th and six people voted March 14th okay thank you miss fedo all right so Seth was that the meeting then I'm sorry I don't have down being eligible to vote on that so and your vote is uh yes abstain after all that all right I apologize for that okay so we are we we're good yeah I have to just publish yeah and you add him to the motion all right we have a a few completeness reviews now and that's really all our business for this evening one of these the first one pz 0524 lock 504 lot 71 Len court and Terio Cortez covered patio we setback this has already been scheduled because of the um timing of Passover and how our meetings had to be pushed we needed to make sure this got on the agenda in the 45 day window normally we would have the please review and then schedule it so Chris we turn it over to you okay this is a this is a variance application for re rear back for a like um an open uh patio with a roof over and a fireplace outside kitchen so that's just all it really is so it's a setback to the rear yard um and it's complete and can be scheduled for public hearing which already is though it's fine which it already is any questions not about the application but about the requirements for completeness Ed yeah does does black count cover what's that does that count as imp yes it does yes it does yeah if you look at the little picture it's a roof roof [Music] structure I don't think we got the picture just just re re our setback all requir so Chris cuz this is on next Thursday already we just will we'll need P photos by then make sure we have everything yeah there's pictures I have pictures of mine so well we need the we need copies of the photos here that's right sorry Tanya did mention that because the meeting is next week at the end of the meeting we be providing what we need for the hearing and you can take it that's my problem is it necessary or or should we have pictures with the Comm the complete Mis review is that that we just need to know that they're in we don't we shouldn't be reviewing things without the applicant here you we checked them on our checklist yeah part of my checklist yes you refer to that's what I'm mention y um I just got just because I know this was submitted but that's strikingly close to our fiveyear limitation on site plan so stay submitted before April 11th I take it it's closed no that's fine good okay so we'll have a motion to deem this application complete motion Mr alter do I have a second second Mr Vice chair rean yes secretary Raymond yes Mr alter yes Mr Freedman yes Mr GRE yes M Guzman yes Dr Weinberg yes Council on Muk yes may yes yes motion's passed thank you and we're scheduling them for it's May May next meeting next Thursday moving on to pz 224 block 1517 Lot 10 1332 Riverdale Street Michael and Fran taner existing patio retaining walls outdoor kitchen and pervious coverage and Patio setback Chris same sort of application is the exterior of outdoor kitchen plus uh a new deck in the backyard and they do exceed ous coverage by 4.4% and um the the setback to the the um kitchen is 2 feet versus 10 foot required so it's an 8ot deviation yeah they right against the property line This is already done they I caught yes this when they got caught off okay the requirements of of notification that's been taken care it's complete yes it's complete yes any further questions yeah I just have a comment you know we see this all the time lately of constru without and it's probably another conversation we have to have not tonight but we should set up some method of finding either the construction company or the owner especially when it's this garious uh you know the setback is ridiculous on this um and I mean if we decide that call compensation for another understood thank thank you Mr alter do we have a motion to deem this complete motion Dr Weinberg second Mr sorry second was Mr Reen Vice chair beon yes secretary Ron yes Mr alter yes Mr Freedman yes Mr grief yes kman yes Dr Weinberg yes Council leuk yes mayor shinfield yes CH yes she thank you and one last review pz 0524 when are you scheduling this application for oh I'm sorry May chairman there's a so um May 28th would be after the 9th and next meeting do we have anything on for that night CH off nope okay so we'll schedule this I thanks Chris okay pz5 24 block 221 block 35 Strawberry Hill Road Mar and Isen 6 Trans location Scott is didn't you have to rep yourself I do I cannot I canot uh yesy told me you won't be commenting on this I will not be commenting okay thank you so Scott is won't be voting um for complete okayed himself from the entire application no yes um Chris can we have an update on this please on what talking about five Strawberry Hill the last okay yes thank you sorry keep up everybody there five Strawberry Hill this is a application to replace an existing wood fence along Ruckman Road you see in the photograph there on my report they want to replace the 5- foot fence with a six foot high fence and it's in the front yard so it's not permitted straightforward that's it so you notice also if you look in the photograph there's also a little twoot curb in front of the fence so you got the curb then you got the fence on top of the C is is the isn't it a 4ot fence that they're allowed and is a 5ot already this 5ot already I checked my files I don't know how the 5 foot was I have no variance application for the 5 foot so they're going they want to go to Six Mr Al yeah do we have the owner's permission for on-site inspection on these I thought that was in the application package is it not used to be take a work Haven seen the application because we're just on completeness usually keep that in so should be part of the completeness package well part of the application to allow you know board members to make visit to the site here but I thought it was in here I have to look see in here it's best to go like when you see a car in the driveway and ring the bell otherwise I would always suggest if you go to a home that you knock on the door to make sure there's no dog in the backyard before you start walking around I mean it's got a sidewalk and it's on the road yeah all all three okay oh okay so that's the easy yeah right is that on our checklist Crest I don't remember seeing on our checklist per a checklist it was in the wave allow you on the property holding a copy of the owner sign onite inspectional and when I knock on the yeah yes you said something a couple meetings ago that there might be a bedge or something to wear if you go to the house yes a way to get one at Camp go but still applicants need to know when they're applying that that we have the that we have the right to do that that we're asking to view but and then when you go you want some identifying info as well in the inum you can say you're planning board member and Ed was saying having that that document shows that you're planning board member second question can I go with another planning CU I don't want to go of course you can arrange that I but you and we can't talk about the application yeah I know you know you both together you got a date you can't go in and have call off your TV thank you for your interest so we don't know if we have onside inspection allowance for we don't do we have the owners I think we need the I don't see the application package I thought we used to have used to have it automatically in the package to allow the board members to run the property for inspection I don't know why it's that but I'm going to ask our lawyer to weigh aren't you glad you can knock on their door I I would prefer that there was something written where they gave the authorization I don't know if it's in here or not I didn't for that I'm sure I've got one I can insert the appli just review the application as it stands now and if not then it should be added to the barel call you can't email we could email these three in the interim and then make sure it's added to our application for the future M Chris are you okay doing that yep can your office apply thank you I so Mr C is going to email them yes okay and check the application packet and if not I think we have some members volunteering to provide forms I have a form okay thank you without absolutely um we also need to schedule this did we deem it complete yet no okay do I have a motion to do this complete motion Mr second second Mr AER Vice chair rean yes secretary Raymond Mr alter yes Mr Freedman yes Mr greed yes M kman yes Dr Weinberg yes Council animu yes may shinfield yes sure yes thank you everybody we have a few very short discussion items oh we do this to schedule jump in ahead uh so what do we have I don't know how long on the it seems like the May 208th may be like a sticky one in terms of time the memorial day is the 27th and I know my kids have off on the 28th too is there any I won't be here that's all I'm saying you can bring them to the meeting if you want it's Al it's also my daughter's birthday so I'm definitely not we have a cake here he's fine she's the middle daughter and um sorry to hear that well what I was going to say I think I think we're pretty tied up the 20 we are with that other application right so I don't know is that what's what do we need in terms of 45 days for for this one well once it's deed complete let's see hold on one second the you think that the 32 River down road is going to be I don't know it looks like it looks like it's a big one in my opinion I that's the one I wish I was going to be hon like that one is that scheduled for the 28th yes yeah what's the following June meeting if you don't mind meun yeah that's pretty fir okay you do what you got do I mean it seems to me like that they they're going to be sitting a long time waiting to be heard that night can we fit two what do you think Chris you've seen applications can we fit two on the 28th you yeah thank you sure that'll compel the board to move things along a little too I think it's okay so put both the that's F so we're going to put two on 28th yeah looks like that and what do you have for June what was the first one in June June 13th but we're gonna that's a little far out so we're going to try to put too on if we we'll probably need to continue the second one per I don't know it's just defense we good we're good okay a few short discussion nams first of all I want to thank both the mayor and our cath showing me because it was the first time in 11 years that I've sat here that I remember actually having a planning board Le going give a report and give a very um detailed and helpful report on a planning board event which was our annual report and I know the mayor was helping with that as well and sort of um guiding the council about next steps so I wanted to give you a chance generally at a meeting when we have a discussion item doesn't have to be every every meeting to follow up or just provide anything you'd like as it l as on to us in response Janan so do you have anything tonight for us no okay but I know that you sort of celed the board to look at our annual report and do you know the status of that or the mayor any file if that will happen um I'm trying to recall we the the the main issue I think was the um front was was the was the fences in front and we've instructed Mark male to draft an ordinance that's coming on the 28th that's what you're hearing yeah that's what we're going to be hearing on the 2018 meeting is next Tuesday meeting so it's not on the agenda yet so but it's not on the agenda yet not that I know no no I put to theend okay so just keep an eye you know like a reminder to them to follow them you could still recommend it for you know what I'm I would be very surprised if we didn't pass it cool yeah the majority majority okay thank you thank you for getting the ball rolling and keeping it in play and um Michael I know if you want to give a very short there's not much to say yet just update on the on how the planning board will be working with the Council on moving forward with affordable housing yeah we have um obviously round four of affordable housing coming up and we're still closing out the door on round three we had a meeting with cers today um I created a subcommittee um to address this I guess a mayor's committee board um and I asked Meredith to put somebody on from the planning board she showed up herself I guess on makes of times that she can't make it we're try to do it once a month um she can nominate someone else to go if people are interested absence if they wanted um so we have CL from the the board we had Mike gali was there um it's basically it it's the idea of and we had Mark M there as well and the idea is to try to get ahead of what Our obligation is going to be figure out what the planning board's role is going to have to be what the council's role is going to have to be um because this is not going to be a situation where you're going to want to be late to the dance um if we get if we get caught developers remedies could this town as in any town so our goal is to get out ahead of it so that's what what uh what we're trying to do do you have any I'll just say that um Darlene green was wonderful and she was very happy to see the planning board actually there because she remembered how counterproductive it was to present to us when the planning board had not been involved in the conversations at all or the updates at all and that was counterproductive we had to be filled in on everything and vote and it felt like we didn't have a say in the process so I appreciate the that the mayor heard that and Darlene said that's customary in other towns that there's a planning board representative so we'll probably be meeting monthly that's that's the ambitious goal I suspect it will be I think it'll be half that but but let's see what we get I think it's very helpful helpful to have people on who've sat in the past who sort of have sat on some of these hearings and remember applications and can fill in some blanks about relevant applications what is the deadline for our our fourth round well the deadlines are are all moving it's sort of the the the one the one that we really have to really be concerned about is next January because next January we not only have to have our numbers that they don't give us a number we have to estimate what our number is and then we have until the end of February to pass all the resolutions codifying that by the end of February so we have to have we have to backtrack to figure out how it's going to take take so there's a lot of action going that what's what's you have you haven't estimate on numbers yet I mean have you guys talked have you guys talked about spe big numbers there's too preliminary speculation the whole format of the plan is changing so everything is new so we're going to have so we don't know how they're going to treat our RDP which is our realistic development so um I think you know it it's going to I I you know I don't want to speculate and then the other thing that we have to worry about is that according to the state legislation um whatever number our aspirational number was going to be they're going to tack on the 25% difference between what our RDP was and our aspiration number is so if there's a 400 unit difference between what they come out with because of you know what's really developable versus what they wanted us to do and it was a 400 unit difference they'll tack on extra 100 of them so we have to make sure that we're realistic about not only where we end up but where they're starting so we have to provide them with information come up with a real number I think we like we're going to be very proactive from what it looks like and prepare way in advance okay yeah details we dialog details to go into continues with the state or is this a dialogue that that is is finished at a certain point is there a continued dialogue it's a process there's a process or dialog the issue is the issue is that even some of our plans that we come up with if we come up with them let's say that we all every one of the 594 whatever the number of municipalities in New Jersey submit our numbers at one time then they're going to have then basically this board this program is going to have one month to to come up with a number from 594 different municipalities which means that they're going to pump and they're going to delay so we'll be in a negotiation but we can already anticipate that because no one wants to give the developers our number beforehand right nobody would do that so we're going to throw out the numbers everybody will throw them out the last possible minute and the joke we're having is that every single municipality is going to have a mysteriously special meeting that last day right right and so every time we'll put it through and then you know the program this this governing body has got 30 days and how are they possibly going to do mod well they can't so they're going to come back to you saying well we're going to delay but we're going to give you an arbitrary number and so you're just going to we're just going to go back wrestling for a long time until they're going to eventually what what we think is going to happen is they're going to go back to the state and say you need to clarify this for us so there's a timeline and what reality is going to be who knows who knows thanks for that I thank you it does feel good to be looped in early doesn't it after sure being here okay um and a membership update we have uh we had a new member appointed by the council correct mayor shano it will be tomorrow tomorrow we will'll officially name that person and then we can swear them in at the next wed Oh you mean you're going to swear them we can swear them in no our next council meeting which will be next week next sorry I'm losing my mind here next Tuesday no Janetta you there's no special meeting so next Tuesday is that the 7th I think it's a seventh we're having a meeting and then for our next meeting we'll and he'll be taking um an alternate place and Gio Gia will be moving up to full members so we're and art will move into her space and the new person will move into Arty space right so at the next meeting we'll be we actually have to paperwork yeah paperwork and officially appoint people excuse me I you going to swear him in here the new member he'll SW in here yes yes we've already met with him yes oh you know him okay good I think I believe that's all I have on my end oh and we will also be switching to YouTube recordings as as of our next meeting because we are told it's really going to help with our sound our AUD our Visual and the council it has it worked well last time right yes and since we don't allow anybody to call in anyway it's not going to be any different for us for us it won't be different and because T has nothing else to do she's ready ready to learn a new system um and we'll have we'll have a short prob sorry are we making any progress on the audio well that's the whole point the whole point is that we're switching we're getting away from the zoom that we were using because of audio issues and we're just going to go right to YouTube which for the council's perspective we have had no problems with it okay yeah it should help a lot uh and people just have to subscribe to the channel That want to watch correct well we don't have to subscribe to it you just have to be able to to know how to find us so okay we may be helpful for the public to know how well it'll be you're going to put the link it's going to be on the uh agenda the new it'll be publicized it'll be publicized and if they can't get enough of the stuff they can subscribe like the three of us that do um also we may have a short discussion at the next meeting about our process of um deeming applications complete like today we had to come in to deem applications complete and hold a meeting even though we didn't have a hearing that's not so bad because we haven't met for a month but generally to come in and have applicants pay for professionals to come when we're only deeming applications complete is not what most other towns do they actually Chris correct have the engineer deem applications complete I do think we have to discuss this because we had this process n Lima had said it really is the board's J job to demon occupation complete and that that would help with some issues we were having so now that we have a new attorney on board I think we can discuss it again um and that's all I have so if there's nothing else I'll take a motion oh and the next meeting will be the next meeting is May 9th so I have your packets ready here just take the 11 um 11 Len court with you from Chris the completeness review so you could put this with the application and then review it at home you'll take that along with your yes yes and I just want to make sure we're on the same page sorry I was a little um discombobulated before about the St you were not here March 26th right I was not okay that's when we voted on I don't the resolution the resolution yes we wrote it on we voted on the resolution 307 every G they came I just check they came that February 8th and March 14th and then we voted on March 26th that's what it says in the minutes we voted on the resolution March but but we're re we're rev voting on the same resolution so I have to have the same people I'm assuming right that voted on you can have a new vote because it's a new I could take a whole new vote resolution but it's doc okay all right that's where I was a little confused because you weren't here for the vote here to vote on the application I was here to vote on the appliation on the application yes the resolution now I have a different thing so I just wanted to make sure okay okay so we're you said take uh 11 just 11 Chris's review of 11 that's all you need and then everything else you can put back in your packets for me and I will give them to you on the I think it's 28th and then when you leave today I have everybody's packet here and I do need I think a couple signatures from the chairwoman and the secretary we will sign that in a moment our next meeting is May 28th 2024 no may I keep thinking I'm sorry I'm away with kids all week May 9th I'm jumping ahead May 9th sorry Thursday May 9th next Thursday uh do I have a motion to adjourn everyone second Mr Al excuse me the oh yes I guess I should open to the public before we make the motion that okay um we are not we did not accept that motion toour I told you I'm new St motion to strike don't tell my dad thank you all right we will now open the meeting to public is there anyone from the public wantan to come forward to comment somebody come he throws me off seeing n Clos meeting to the public and now take our next meeting will be on May 9th 2024 do I have a motion toour motion mayor shine down there do I have a second Dan Freedman thank you thank you everyone is this a