all right good evening everybody um we're going to get started and I'll pass it off to Greg for introductions hello good evening everyone my name is uh Greg Frances I'm a transportation planner with the city of Hoboken in the Department of Transportation parking I'm also the city's project manager for the curb reimagine which is um an exciting um curbside mobility and parking action plan that we'll be discussing tonight um I'm join joined from the city um by our director of transportation and parking Ryan sharp and um we have a great team from kimley horn so I'll pass it on to Robert faren who's going to uh introduce his team and start the presentation thank you everyone thanks Greg thanks Ryan um thank you all and good evening um and Welcome to our meeting about the curb reimagined um and if we go to the next slide here I just want to quickly introduce uh our team I'm joined by Helen Shuda Chris Daman um as well as Gabe kovak um I also want to have a special thanks to um some of our partners on this project populace Technologies Civic eye collaborative um as well as Ingenuity engineering so uh what our agenda is going to look like this evening um we're going to start with a short video um to help to explain what we mean by curbside management and what we mean uh by uh uh as we start to look at curbside as well as parking um curbside parking mobility in Hoboken talk a little bit about the plan uh and its process uh start to talk about some of the existing conditions analysis um and understand how the curb is currently managed today and then we're going to jump into uh you know certainly the main part of this conversation which is to hear your feedback and then we'll wrap up um with a little bit of debrief in next steps um so for those that just joined uh we're about to start a video here um listen in and hear about Hoboken uh curbside management parking parking as well as Mobility oh first some meeting guidelines um so please use the raiseed hand feature um we're going to want everyone to certainly participate uh please listen with an open mind and certainly um we want to hear uh different types of ideas uh we certainly um want to make sure that we have that kind of discourse um but not necessarily to the individual giving that idea um when we are in this virtual setting um there is the opportunity to talk over each other so please um use that uh you know certainly use the hand feature um and then mute yourself when you're not talking to uh try to mitigate um any kind of background noise and then when we get into the Q&A so everyone's muted right now we're going to go through the short presentation once we get to that discussion uh period uh you can interact in a couple different ways you can use the raise hand feature we'll start to take people off of mute um we're going to have an interactive exercise as well and you can also um certainly use the Q&A feature um as well to provide feedback also as we get into that interactive exercise it's best to be on a desktop computer however if you're not if you're um if you're on your phone or on an iPad um there's certainly um you know certainly other ways whether it's the Q&A or again raising your hand uh we want to make sure we hear from everybody this evening so with that we'll play the video [Music] in Hoboken our streets are alive with activity every day while we might not notice it there's a valuable public space between the curb and driving Lanes the curb side we use it for parking loading bus stops School pickup and drop off biking and other new things like outdoor dining while we often overlook this space it's serving important roles for everyone in Hoboken that's why Hoboken is creating a curbside mobility and parking action plan we want to recognize the true value of the curbside and make it work better for everyone curbside management is about making the best use of limited space along our streets this means accommodating everything from parking to loading zones emergency access pedestrian spaces bike lanes and more it's about recognizing how valuable our curb space is and optimizing our curb space to benefit everyone in Hoboken here are some scenarios that show the value of managing the curb side managed parking providing parking is critical to drivers in Hoboken and that's why having rules that make it fair for everyone is important having a well-designed mix of paid and timed parking and permit parking optimizes curb side management by ensuring a higher turnover of parking spaces which increases access for more users and support local businesses by making it easier for customers to find short-term parking no parking zones when drivers Park in no parking zones others can't safely use crosswalks at intersections when we follow the rules that enforce them people can safely get where they need to go bike Lanes we often see Vehicles parked or loading in bike Lanes creating hazards for cyclists in contrast when bike lanes are clear and well marked they promote a healthy and sustainable Transportation mode reinforcing our commitment to provide diverse Transportation options to Residents businesses and visitors loading zones we've heard it a lot double parking is a way of life in Hoboken it's time for that to change when delivery drivers can easily find areas to load and unload hoboken's businesses can thrive emergency access obstructions in travel Lanes due to Illegal parking can delay critical responses through clear unblocked access supported by high visibility markings and strict enforcement we provide our First Responders with the unobstructed access they require passenger pickup and drop off zones passenger pickup and dropoff zones particularly around the school zones and public attractions can be less safe safe and chaotic when there aren't rules in place to manage pickup and drop off thoughtful curbside management can help create a safer more predictable environment for everyone Transit efficiency when Vehicles block bus stops buses have to load and unload passengers in the traveling this causes delays and safety concerns for all Road users clear stops help make public transit more reliable demand for the curbside in the city has been increasing due to changing customer habits and technological innovations Rising trends like food delivery services eCommerce and app face ride shares all require curbside space these new demands require the city to reink how the curbside is managed to create a safer more efficient and productive public flow of traffic Hoboken is creating a plan to create a curbside that works well for all those who use it now and in the future by addressing the complexities of curbside management Koken is creating a safer more efficient and accessible environment for everyone through careful planning enforcement and Community cooperation we're not just managing our curbs we're fostering a more livable sustainable City join us in supporting effective curbside management for a better Hoboken [Music] thanks again to our partners at Civic ey collaborative uh for helping to put that together um we're also going to put a link in the chat uh for those that may not have been able to see the video or on their phones and want to see that later that's also that video uh is also posted posted on our project site so what is is the cury imagined uh let's talk a little bit about the plan background and process and and really we have to start when we think about this planning effort previous planning efforts undertaken by the city um and you see some of those on the screen here too uh where we are taking um elements of whether it's the vision zero action plan the Hoboken street design guide the master plan the climate action plan all these plans speak to curbside management and Mobility planning and looking at on and on street parking and so we are leaning on these guiding documents um where I'm sure many of you were involved in these as well um and we are um using these to help develop this plan focused on curbside mobility and parking um this plan is anticipated to analyze how our curb space is manage today in Hoboken and we're going to go into some more detail about that in a minute and how we can plan as a city to adapt the curbside to meet the needs for everyone as was mentioned in the video our curbside demand is changing how we um how we transact business um is changing how we receive goods and services is changing and therefore our curb side needs to change as well uh as was mentioned with previous planning efforts we want to align our curbside management goals with the city's goals for safety uh mobility and climate action and and we want to examine the supply and performance of both the off Street system whether that's City parking garages or private parking garages um and that with the on Street system as well when we think about curbside management we think about the potential uses of the curbside Beyond um typical uses such as vehicle storage um loading zones we think about passenger pickup and drop off zones um still having a place for uh quick access short-term parking um how can Transit be incorporated into our curbs and then how can non vehicular uses Like Bike Share stations and parklets on Street dining um we we want to reimagine what this public space this valuable public space how it can perform for Hoboken citizens uh workers and visitors some of the plan elements we're looking at we're currently in the existing conditions phase and we've been reviewing the city's Municipal Code um often a city manages and operates and enforces parking in the curbside it's based on the current legislation so we have uh we have uh you know taken uh taken a deep dive into both hoboken's code um as well as state code we digitized the curb um and we're going to show you some of those results here in a minute we create a digital twin of what is currently how the curb is currently managed in Hoboken uh we're looking at parking system performance both on and off Street and we're taking a deep dive into your residential permit parking program and how that program is currently managed and how permits are currently utilized throughout the city and then we want to look ahead at Future parking demand there's a lot of great Redevelopment occurring whether it's on the North End um around Hoboken terminal and everywhere you know certainly everywhere between and and how do those new developments create new demands and and where do we need to plan for future parking curbside um as well as Mobility infrastructure we've also been looking at industry best practices and looking at uh cities throughout the country on how they currently manage the curb Hoboken is very unique um in that your curb is in such high demand and there is such a high demand throughout the city but we're looking at different cities uh with similar characteristics to understand how they manage the curb the Technologies they use the operational um you know whether it's around enforcement um how they're pricing the curve Etc we're looking at their off street parking system we're looking at mobility in general uh whether it's uh whether it's bike infrastructure shared Mobility micr mobility and then we're looking at operations and understanding Staffing levels and resources to make sure that whatever recommendations are put in place that they're properly resourced um and that we can maintain uh uh you know uh uh uh um we can maintain a high level compliance with all the posted regulations and make sure that we create a safe environment for everyone we're in the community engagement phase right now we've already heard from a lot of you through the surveys um we'll also be having a public meeting next month that we'll talk more about here at the end of the conversation this is all going to lead into uh what we hear from the public from you tonight through the survey and public me meetings through our industry best practices and our existing conditions analysis uh several policy program and infrastructure strategies that will be recommending um as part of this effort for both the curbside on street parking off street parking um as well as the mobility system uh uh throughout throughout hen we we're completing our data collection phase we started earlier this year we're in our phase one Community engagement uh from that we will be developing recommendations over the summer and then we'll be coming back to the community um and and and uh certainly meeting people where they are again through survey virtual and inperson engagement to help test those recommendations and understand which recommendations we should be prioritizing that will all go into the action plan development this fall and then plan adoption later on this winter so we're kind of in that first first phase uh you know certainly first phase of work and then we will be moving through the summer um and and starting to look at uh what recommendations make sense to improve access and safety and efficiency in the system so the digital curve what have we learned so far it's important for us to bring data to the table and and really understand how is the curb currently managed in Hoboken um for those that live in Hoboken and you certainly understand your street in your neighborhood um if you own a business or you know work in Hoboken you understand those areas but comprehensively how does the curb currently um uh what are the different uses um that are facilitating access to the curb uh just to orient you to this slide there's a lot on this slide um we're also going to show you spatially through some maps how the curb is currently um uh you know U you know get on a block by block basis how it's currently managed but what you see here on the left um we inventoried just over um 260,000 linear feet of curb space that's how much curb space is in the city of Hoboken that is inclusive of everything from the crosswalk to crosswalk both sides of the street the entire square mile Hoboken what you see on the pie chart here is how the curb is currently managed um and the one couple numbers pop out here um about 40% of the curb is currently managed as no stopping or parking and that could be a travel Lane that could be a curb cut for a driveway that could be no parking for a fire hydrant there could be no parking for a crosswalk or actually areas within a crosswalk um so all the above all the areas where you're not legally allowed to stop or stand um uh makes up um about 39 40% of the of the available curb in Hoboken um the majority of of of um current curb space is utilized for parking um 24% is for permit parking those are permit only spaces and then a mirror of that 24% is both permit as well as paid parking and of course we know um you know certainly in Hoboken we have one side of the street that's permit only the other side of the street is that hybrid uh permit uh uh you know certainly permit holders can park there but also uh visitors can park there and then pay uh you know pay uh for um you know pay for parking then we have traditional paid parking that meter parking the commercial District that accounts for about 7% um of again all the available curb and Hoboken so by and large uh split between no parking no stopping and then traditional forms of vehicle storage of of some type of parking and then you see all these other uses um loading zones about 2% Ada parking about 1% Mobility whether it's bus stops Bike Share EV charging stations uh bike parking outdoor dining 0.4% um and then some kind of restricted parking whether it's for uh uh uh uh City vehicles uh school school staff vehicles um that's coming in around 2% so uh by and large again permit parking paid parking flavors of those both um and then um also looking at no stopping and parking it's good for us to understand how that curb is currently managed as we start to think about what opportunities and challenges we have throughout the city this map is a compilation of all those uses I do not expect everyone to be able to understand each of these blocks we're going to go through each of the uses do know that on our project site um and again we've dropped that link in the chat uh there is an interactive map and that's another way that we want to get your feedback and this mirror map um is is um uh is um uh um is available on our project site and it helps to orient you to where all the uses are and helps to orient you to provide that uh great feedback uh we're going to have a couple Maps here we're going to go through and then we'll start to get in the discussion so these Maps will flip through um show where your paid parking is and where your permit parking is and there's some overlaps so if we put these together they would overlap on 50% of the blocks again knowing that some uh we have one side of the streets permit only one's hybrid the no stopping parking map looks really red um and that's because there are a lot of curb cuts and a lot of fire hydrants and a lot of crosswalks and we want to make sure that uh we account for those items the the items that are longer um those are typically travel Lanes um those are areas where there is just not enough room for parking uh because we need to get vehicles uh through um as we go to the next slide you'll see the um spatial distribution of ADA parking um and that is very much throughout the city um and those um and and then we have loading in the middle and there's about 120 to 130 loading zones throughout the city um that's something that is certainly um high on the minds of a lot of folks um understanding that uh everyone gets Amazon packages um everyone gets on demand deliveries these days and so how can our loading zones perform differently now that our needs have changed um and then we have a slide here on mobility and dining um and that's showing again bus stops Bike Share bike parking EV charging and then those um again those select permitted uh uh permitt both parklets as well as on Street dining facilities this gives you a nice distribution um again this is all online you you can zoom in and out uh we're going to have a map here in a minute where you can zoom in and out and give us real-time feedback but please do know that these Maps um all together you can turn on and off these layers um as you see fit those are all on our project site um so you go Hoboken curb Management on that site you can find out information about the plan upcoming events um and more importantly most importantly the survey um survey opened up at the beginning of May and is going to be um ongoing through the end of June so the months of May and June are our phase one engagement months where we want to hear from you and your neighbors and again people who live work and play in Hoboken um and we want to understand how you use the system and what are some of the opportunities and challenges uh you see with the system please take that survey please use the interactive map um we've heard tonight there's some location based like first war there's certain areas where everything's in high demand but there could be areas that are even in higher demand we want to hear that we want to understand where you have loading challenges safety challenges parking challenges Etc um and then the video you heard and saw earlier is also on the website so please um share that with your friends uh we want uh folks to um you know certainly understand that this process is on going we've had almost 300 surveys filled out already we want to see a lot more surveys filled out we've got over a think I think it's probably 90 to 100 pins on the interactive map we want to see a lot more pins on the map um so you can use a QR code here as well to go to the project site and then lastly um we have an inperson meeting coming up it will be a similar format um so don't feel obligated to go um but we're going to have a similar format inperson openhouse it's going to be on June 17th that's a Monday evening from 6:30 to 8 at the Hoboken multi-service Center um in the community meeting space so again we're g to um want to hear your feedback um and understand kind of again the opportunities and challenges around parking curbside management as well as mobility in the city of Hoboken your feedback is going to help us develop a plan um that's going to help uh uh you know certainly um uh you know serve the community uh uh residents uh visitors and workers so as I said all this analysis the survey um our existing conditions analysis I I I hope uh folks found that um I'd say the very least you know uh I'd say interesting about how is the curb currently used in the city um we're going to use that your feedback industry best practices we're going to help develop those those draft recommendations um that'll be coming later on this summer and again expect uh visit the project site uh stay in touch with the city expect to hear more about that in the fall as we come back out to the community and hear your feedback on those draft on those draft recommendations and strategies um with that that's the end uh end of our presentation we we thank you so much uh for joining this evening for offering your comments on mural um as well as to the chat um as well as raise your hand and coming off a mute um Greg or Ryan any any closing thoughts before we adjourn this evening uh I'll just you know Echo Robert you know thank you everyone for for coming out and and providing feedback if you've already taken the survey thank you provided feedback via the map thank you if not um please do it's a really easy way to provide some some great feedback for the project um which we're hoping to you know get and hopefully we can see you um at the inperson meeting as as well so thank you everyone appreciate it thank you everyone have a good night thanks everybody