from I think if we have more than I'm G to make that a thing too we have more no that's why I said why don't you just go take a picture with him mple don't you just write multiple WRAL if you're speaking more than one just write mul away don't s e yes said I should have put in the lobby website working I would like to advise all those present that notice of this meeting has been provided to the public in accordance with the provisions of the open public meeting act and that notice was published a jersey Journal City website copies provided in the record the nor Star Ledger also placed on a Bolton board in the lobby of City Hall uh written objections if any shall be made to the city clerk Mr col here Mr Doyle pres Mr Fisher Mr javor here Mr uh trano present Mr quo present Mr Ramos present Mr Russo present pres gtino here the ordinances I think just go to ordinances have a hearing on an ordinance of the north then Redevelopment plan for the North and Rehabilitation area do you have any do we have any members V signed up motion close yeah none of these no are either of you signing up to speak on this ordinance the Redevelopment plan b636 Manny we have no members of the public signed up to speak motion to close public portion second all in favor council members Mr finina please call the vote Mr con I Mr Doyle I Mr fiser yes Mr Jabor yes Mr barisano I Mr Cano I Mr Ramos I Mr Russo I president gtino yes have a hearing on an ordance amending the hobok and city code chapter 15 5 rent control to change violations and penalties Provisions to be in accordance with the New Jersey state law we have one member of the public signed up to speak Manny Rivera Soler oh good evening council president good evening council members members of the public nice to see the house packed uh I would like to speak on this agenda item are I just need or would like for members of the public to get more information in regards to the exact um change or Amendment going to be done to um chapter 155 um every time this chapter gets touched it becomes a a contest contentious situation even though this one seems to be perhaps a little more clear because it's about penalties and bringing it up to the standards or to the requirements of uh the state but uh members of the public uh just so they're um aware of the changes the penalties especially any um landlord or Mom and Pop landlord that may be uh in the chamber uh council president if uh anyone could elaborate on that for for them or for us uh would appreciate it and uh I guess I yield back my time thank you Eileen do you want to speak on this ordinance thank you we have no other members of the public signed up to speak motion to close public portion motion all in favor this is simply just like the title says um uh changing the penalty Provisions to be consistent with New Jersey state law right now our penalty Provisions are not consistent with New Jersey state law Council members Council council president yeah I just just to elaborate on that point uh the current ordinance allows for uh violations of the rent Control Ordinance of $3,000 per dwelling unit the state cap is $22,000 so we had a an ordinance with a penalty that was not enforcable under state law so now we're harmonizing our local ordinance with the state law that's the purpose of this ordinance thank you yeah they're just waiting to sign in other council members did you just sign the back Mr no they're waiting to sign in correct are those oh Jerry will print some out Mr F to sign up for or do you want to take no I just want to sign sign sheet he needs a sign up sheet he said agenda three times you want to review oh why you just use the back of the Jerry's already printing one out Mr finina call the vote Please Mr con I Mr Doyle I Fisher yes Mr javor yes pres Zano I Mr Cano I Mr Ramos I Mr Russo hi president gtino yes hearing on an ordinance amending chapter 19-9 entitled stop streets designated to add all way stop controls to the intersection of Fifth Street and Monroe Street Manny did you want to speak on this we have no members of the public signed up to speak motion to close public portion motion all in favor I council members yeah council president if I may uh we conducted a lot uh many warrant studies the past two years this is just another indication of oil was stops that we're putting throughout the city uh this one on Fifth and Monroe and I'm looking forward to placing more stop signs for all stops uh throughout the city thank you very much council president council president just just quickly to add um this is a this is an intersection that kind of borders between the third and the fourth ward and it's going to bring much need and safety in that area we've been getting complaints about it for quite some time so I just wanted to thank um Ruben uh and the committee and the administration for making sure this got got done so thank you thank you Mr finina please call the vote Mr con hi Mr D hi M fiser yes Mr Jabor yes the president Zano hi Mr Cano hi I Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo hi president gtino yes hearing on an ordinance amending supplementing an ordinance establishing a schedule of classifications and allocations of titles for all the hearin mentioned positions in the city of hobok Miss waiters just leave it on the pat pat waiters hi Mike I remember last meeting you Pat Wade is 1219 Willow I remember you mentioned last week when this was posted about these are carried over jobs from when you was there but they have you on this resolution could you tell us what the job and titles are yeah so that was a that's a mistake that was amended I was getting ready to say yes is it yeah wait I was going to ask I thought that was the only thing she was asking I was going to ask you was it amended cuz we pulled this over remember you said it wasn't you it was Doyle appointment for whatever I asked you before but could you let us know what jobs and what the titles are and the pocket change that it entails please nowers okay because I'm speaking on the next handicap one so that's it that's it thank you then come back on the next item yes these are ordinances that each have their individual hearing coun council president if I can wait Mr finina we have know other members of public signed up to speak motion to close public portion motion oh sorry Manny yours just says all consent items no worries I'll be brief Jo you want to raise the microphone or please how go once again thank you council president um this ordinance once again it is important to um elaborate once again for members of the public we had questioned it uh last time and I myself read a little further for further information and the titles should be clarified so that people know that uh what they entail as well as their um um salaries not to divulge the salaries but uh if you'd like but that's not necessary it's the fact of uh what is being considered how are they being um uh changed as well as in in this ordinance is the one that we are um removing uh a a title is that correct was that the finance uh director and was there ever a finance director how long was there a finance director are we going to have one again that we might have to put it back for any given reason uh just little questions like this council president if anyone of you could elaborate again it's not to um nitpick anybody's salary nobody really wants that but we just would like the the titles uh thank you very much I yield back thank you any other members of the public we have no other members of the public signed up to speak motion to close public portion second all in favor um all of the new titles are underlined all of the ones that are being removed have a strike through through them we did have a finance director we no longer have a finance director if I had to take a guess she was here about our last one I would say five years um and could the city have another one yes but then they would have to add it back in to the salary ordinance council members you answered it thank you counc president Mr call the vote Mr con hi Mr Dole hi M fiser yes Mr Jabor yes Rano hi Mr Cano hi Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo I president gtino yes hearing on an ordinance amending chapter 192 D4 A and B entitled enumeration of spaces to add and remove reserve and general parking spaces of persons with disabilities Miss waiters Jo hi Pat waiters um I have a question is it Ruben Ramos still over that uh committee or Miss Jabor I'm taking over now okay so um Miss Jabor just I just want to place on the record because are you going to pick more uh people are you going to recruit more people for this committee every like when they when you all did the reor I don't know I mean I set on the committee under Ruben so I just want to know because I'm getting still a lot of questions and stuff about uh people with disability we have I do I do appreciate your question but it this is a public hearing on these specific all right these space but then it moved over to it ain't Ruben no more so yes no but that is these that is something that's going on in the committee has nothing to do with this or so this Reserve perfect for public portion okay thank you madam president again this Reserve you're not telling what particular spots handicap with disabilities is a big but not on here the people don't see it it is in the in the ordinance okay it's in the ordinance but understand we this is a public meeting members of the public have concerns when they see disabilities you see and these spaces I'm getting it all the time so this is what I'm saying to you we know I'm on the committee clarification purposes for people in the audience that's just saying spots it ain't it's not being detailed it just says remove certain General spots yeah but I don't know the one that ising or removing okay you see what I'm saying um Madam president it says move General spots speaking in general any spots so it's not clear but I'm glad you clarified that Mr Ramos there's two specific spots move being removed removed thank one being added okay so thank you but we don't know that so I would like to know that and also when is the next meeting is there going to be a meeting or is anything taking place so would you please reach out and let me know thank you thank you do we have any other members of the public signed up to speak motion to close public portion motion second all in favor I council members Mr finina call the vote Mr con I Mr Dole i m fiser yes Mrs Jabor yes Fano I Mr Cano I Mr Ramos I Mr Russo I president G Tino yes hearing on an ordinance amending the North End Redevelopment plan for the North End Rehabilitation area members of the public motion to close public portion motion second all in favor I council members Mr finina call the vote Mr con I Mr doy hi M fiser yes Mr Jabor yes prano hi Mr Cano hi Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo hi president gtino yes oh public portion yep uh being we have I'd say about 30 people signed up for public portion um as long as the entire council is fine with this I think we and they're all really on one thing we should limit the time to three minutes to get get through it does anyone oppose that no yeah I know but I'm asking yeah no I I'm okay with it I'm asking the people up here but thank you so everyone Pat it's a good try everyone will have three minutes don't worry there'll be another public portion at the end so if you want to talk more you public portion on agenda this is a public portion on agenda items only um commissioner Romano he called in good evening honored members of the hokan city council and uh distinguished members in the audience thank you for the uh privilege of speaking in front of you I just want to say on behalf of myself and the uh Rose Department also of the County uh that we applaud the city council for the action uh they are taking with regards to the uh electronic bicycle situation I think if everyone involved pedestrian safety included for those that are operating the bicycles or the electric bicycles themselves it's a form of protection by registering of them and also it's not a form if it's done either through the parking authority where the drivers and The Operators of these vehicles feel comfortable to understand what we're doing here there's actually especially for those that live here and are out there whether it be a day or night to see what is going on for example as I just travel down Hudson Street one came up with the headlight on as I'm driving in the One Direction and then as I was just parking another one I was parking come right behind you don't even realize if you don't look right behind you and come across from the street to the sidewalk so obviously it's important that we do something as um the the lectors of the people to ensure the safety of pedestrians of vehicle operators and the bicycle operators themselves so the city council by being um proactive in this regard again is ensuring the protection of all it's not uh what some people were saying that it's an attempt to uh limit uh these people as they try to work and that's not the case I think it's important that there's some kind of Regulation because of the number of uh operators that are out there now and it's for everybody's safety because you hear it in the street constantly that something needs to be done and by by you all taking the stand together uh I think that it's a wonderful idea that you have and uh hopefully anything help that we can give you and support uh on the county level we will be there for you so thank you again for the opportunity and also U congratulations I heard there was a good um movement with regards to the elor um uh hopefully the elor problem that is finally coming to some C of good good conclusion where Hoboken will now receive uh ratables and get the project going so again thank you for your work and God bless you and hopefully we can get this resolution passed tonight thank you thank you Miss Waiters Miss waiters Joe you got trick I'm off my game today Pat waiters um first of all I want to say it took courage Mike Ruben and Joe Paul thank you guys you know why I say that when the When I See This Crowd like this behind me even though it took controversy to get us here it takes courage for the council people that we elect to take a stand and this is what this is demonstrating tonight and this is what I want to see continue don't let this be the motive of that mayor seat that's coming up guys cuz I'm going to let you know about it this is excellent thank you so much yes I walk down the sidewalks with little babies weaving in and out bikes everything going on it's about safety even though they changed it into another whole issue with uh kicking one of the members off alleging that they racist Alle that was just a distraction to distract us away from this resolution that going to pass tonight number one educate I like what y'all put educate there's some people ashamed to say they really don't know English and they on the sidewalk don't know the difference between the sidewalk in the middle of the street and putting somebody's life in danger so if you're going to educate them first put some type of legislation for within language that they should adhere to that's number one that's safety of us number two $5 y'all for real that's that's nothing compared to the paperwork that y'all going to get pamphlets or something drafted up at the end of the day it's about the safety of the residents that live here most of these people in here tonight and I'm not pointing fingers don't even live in Hoboken and it's not going to be packed by this we making this serious about the residents that live here that's Fed Up want safety and want the politics out and professionalism in and y'all putting this forth I'm so proud of y'all that's why I'm out here tonight supporting this and supporting other people and hoping that bike shares City bike whatever it is give my good buddy and friend Kevin an apology for kicking them off the committee thank you respect everybody's opinion thank you Antonio Grana uh thank you J thank you good evening council president city council I'm here to speak on shocking amendment to 168 um ebayes so normally when I'm up here I'm usually talking about um I think a project whether it be private or infrastructure that is you know going to have a positive impact on the city and I actually think the resolution that has been sponsored by council president Zano Ramos and Russo um is actually addressing something that I that I actually think I lack of infrastructure is part of the challenge of accommodating ebikes but the reality is is that huge stakeholders in this are our small businesses after covid this has become part of the city's business model so we do need a way to accommodate this form of business however I realized when I was in you know being in the fourth ward that I don't see that much of a problem because I'm more the consumer of these Services all the time in fact so I went to other wards where principally where we see like Washington running through the ward and I talked to my neighbors there and boy did I hear something very different they're the source of the production of all this business and that means ebikes are whizzing in and out of there so we walked up and down Washington and indeed in fact it is um it is Con very concerning Vision zero if you don't read the national press like hope spoken is like the model to follow Across the Nation for vision Vision zero right so we get all the Press usually I would be up here talking about you know the safety as it relates to I don't want to get hit by a car that's not happening but what is happening is people like my wife just walked home and said you know I just had an ebike zip past me walking down first street so I don't like to see these things over regulated and this isn't that from what I have read this focuses on registration and education and sets a Level Playing Field on this first reading I'm in support of this ordinance thank you for listening thank you very much Nicole magnana magana oh sorry thank you hello Council men and women thank you for allowing me to speak on this um I totally support the parts of the ordinance with the education and with the registration um I do do not think that the $5 penalty is really sufficient um also with regards to education one thing I didn't read anything about is and I think this might really just help play into people adhering to the to the rules and regulations and the laws is what is the consequences like after they get caught and get caught and caught is it three strikes are out and your ebike gets confiscate it because I could totally see a garage in Hoboken filling up with ebikes and then we sell them back off and help make additional revenue for the city but something seriously to be considered because if your ebike gets taken and confiscated you probably won't do that again so that's was my only point with that thank you thank you [Applause] oh Rose marle all right I'm not here just to speak about the bikes I have a list here um three minutes okay I'll try to condense it um cd1 we're hiring sisian again um does that mean we're going to have more changes to the rent control law uh ordinances and uh why and what will that entail I I read the backup and there's nothing in there about the backup um on the resolution it states $10,000 but those pesky little details that not everyone reads um line six of that uh resolution is depending on the cost of matter this may exceed $17,500 such as an odd amount for me and with the track record we have here this could go over well over 25,000 why is there no cap on it and we already have lawyers you know that we're paying to sue landlords why aren't they taking care of this um F1 um this is just personal the overpayment on the water company was does anyone know if this was over years or how long that was I'm totally in shock that somebody paid almost $7,200 in overpayment on water fees should everybody dig through their water bills right now um the resolution granting Stevens to work on Saturdays I'm all for that um the Stevens Little League field is there a plan in place if it doesn't get completed because we see how the million dooll Park is still isn't complete tx1 oh my favorite overpayment of taxes is anyone concerned about that yet it seems like every um meeting we're paying back taxes uh I'm almost done T2 the kimley home corporation that you're paying a half a million dollars for to do a uh Transportation study I'll just condense all of this really what this sounds like to me everyone should actually read this plan is a plan on how Hoboken should get rid of cars mind you I don't have a car or a bike I walk um it's it you're putting I mean we all know why there's no parking in town that's but this this plan is pretty sneaky the TDM plan which tells you how to optimize different modes of transportation and you're going to push ride shares and all of that really sounds like a plan to get rid of cars now oh boy the um ebikes great place to start I'm really happy to see that this really is a quality of life issue $5 really isn't an awful lot of money and I'm quite honestly I'm tired of dodging bicycles everywhere in town thank you you are [Applause] amazing three uh Laura within three really quickly if I may council president yes uh $5 is the registration fee not the penalty want to resp $50 is a penalty not not a we're not looking so I just want to clarify that and also on the water yeah just on the water the 7200 um a resident was overbuild over a number of years they were like estimated and when they put in like a new meter they're they realize they over buil so it's literally over like seven or eight years it's not a yeah okay council president good evening council members and the members of the public my name is Lara bizy and I'm a home Hoboken resident for over 20 years own two condos here and myself along with 16 other women are founding members of the American Legion auxiliary under post 107 here in Hoboken okay so thank you girls um I am invested in the safety and happiness within Hoboken due to those reasons and I'm just here to give my opinion and what my thoughts are let me start off by congratulating councilman preso with your new position within our community you are a valued leader and so happy you're there for us so thank you I want to say thank you to councilman prano Russo and Ramos for putting this and putting us first and addressing the growing number of delivery individuals and how it relates to our safety and theirs driving here tonight I personally experienced seven delivery Personnel driving the E bikes on the sidewalk I recorded them as well and they had no they were just driving along with no um consequences and no regard for the people that were walking next to them back in 2018 I was in a horrific car accident along with my dog Sammy that took place outside of Hoboken that accident was caused by a young distracted driver my car was total but thankfully we survived but I wasn't unscathed other than medical challenges that I have faced I became very sensitive to safety and having heightened awareness relating to visibility surrounding signs speed and having us all obey safety measures in place I applauded the speed limit reduction from 25 to 20 here back in 2022 and will admit I do tell speeding cars within our blocks to slow down especially ride share companies with that brief background I am fully supported of the supportive of the ordinance to have food delivery Personnel be registered with the city pay the $5 fee as well as display their license number during their runs I also agree that those licensed with the city either take a quiz or acknowledge the state and local laws pertaining to riding within our streets you want to talk about Vision zero then this is part of it our mayor touts that we had zero f fatalities in 7 years but could he say that his residents are safe to walk on the sidewalks that his residents do not have to worry about any schooter ebike or any other vehicle on the Hoboken sidewalks or streets I don't think so um the answer is no I have personally experienced feeling uncomfortable driving in Hoboken recently when a delivery person on an electric bike thought it was okay to cut me off while making a turn that is not fun nor is it acceptable that is something different than the sidewalks but that's just something that I experienced this that is not fun nor is it acceptable if you are against this ordinance then you are against your residents your taxpayers your representation someone mentioned that it may be discriminatory for them to provide a social security number license or ID or even do a background check we are not discriminating based on legal status I will not get into a con conversation about US citizens or non- US citizens and their right to get a driver's license or state ID but will get into that if you are working for a business in Hoboken you need to be legally licensed under Hoboken laws and you must obey such laws and most importantly they must adhere and to and must be held accountable to this ordinance we need transparency and we deserve this once this is passed I'm sorry but it's three minutes yeah okay so I'm just saying I can't see anybody going against it and I'm fully supportive of it and they will deliver to your home and be safe and that you rather have you just need accountability and we want this ordinance thank you much appreciated thank [Applause] you Sheila Brennan I now you're back on track good evening um council president members of the council thanks for the opportunity to speak um thank you to council members uh president Zano Ramos and Russo for bringing this um up for a vote really really appreciate it I am tired of feeling unsafe walking on my streets crossing my walking on my sidewalks crossing my streets I am tired of watching elderly people have to dodge bikes ebikes going the wrong way on sidewalks these bikes ebikes bicycles scooters um powered um whether they're um combustion engines or battery power do not belong on the sidewalks unless they're being walked by their handlers they should not be on the sidewalk for any reason okay and we're twisting ourselves up in knots about you know and and and all these um distractions about racism and other nonsense and and immigration and all this that's not what this is about this is about Public Safety and anybody who speaks against this should be ashamed of themselves because this town has become the wild west okay they the way they've been behaving they they are a Scourge now I get that they're busy they're under time constraints to deliver the food in it quickly so it's not cold I get that they have pressures fine but I ride my bikes on the street with traffic traffic bike lane or not I'm out there okay I don't need to ride on this sidewalk because I don't have protected bike Lanes this is all a big distraction bikes any kind of bikes of not cannot be ridden on the sidewalk plain and simple and I think that needs to be communicated to these folks clearly and just you know I mean it's just the fact that we're even standing here talking about this is is kind of ridiculous because it has gotten so out of control so thank you for doing this um I want to see a a meaningful enforcement of this I remember hearing that the police can't chase them really what are police going to do when it continues if this is not enough and I hope that it is enough but what are they going to do when it's not enough are they going to be able to chase them are they going to be able to confiscate the bikes and if they do are these folks going to go back to the ebike store on Fourth Street off Washington excuse me boy that's a bad look and buy another one this is absolutely ridiculous let's get this under control let's stop the bad behavior on the sidewalks let's keep our people safe and thank you please thank you chrisa dare hi good evening thank you for letting me speak tonight pardon me my name is chrisad there uh I'm with bike Hoboken I'm with Hudson County complete streets a trustee of that um also on the Hoboken uh Vision zero County task force and I'm a resident of Hoboken over 20 years sidewalks are for pedestrians no one wants bikes and ebikes on the sidewalk I'm sorry Chris could the members of the public stop speaking it's very difficult to hear thank you but this hastily written ordinance is not the answer this ordinance it's a headline Grabber and it's a very complex issue that we're trying to deal with ebike delivery has revolutionized the way we get our food during covid delivery people were hailed as essential workers we have to take into consideration that many of our essential delivery workers may not speak English or may not be documented public safety director Fon wrote an oped recently to explain some of the challenges that he and the police force would have just enforcing this ordinance and we already know that we actually have an ordinance on the books that makes riding a bike bicycle on the sidewalk illegal if you're riding it over that's faster than the speed of a pedestrian so if we're not enforcing that law what makes this one different eight years ago on this very In This Very week on this very dis some of you not all of you voted down protected bike lades on Washington Street that would have created the safe infrastructure that we so desperately need but the city opted out and opted in for double parking and now we're seeing the ramifications of those choices so I would ask for you to either table this ordinance to table this ordinance and redraft something that's more thoughtful that's more comprehensive to create a task force that can work with deliveras restaurant apps companies the police the public safety Safe Streets Advocates to find a more holistic approach to deal with this issue and let's get serious about creating a safe place for B for people on bikes something we should be encouraging not de incentivizing let's update the bicycle master plan let's use data from the curb management study to create a bicycle protected Lane Network through Hoboken so that we can make our streets safer for everybody who's riding the people who are delivering our food and the people who are riding their bicycles thank you thank you Ed Ree there is far too much identity politics around bikes just because you ride a bike or don't doesn't mean you're any different we're all children of God no matter what form of public transit or or or any kind of Transit we use whether we walk whether we take bikes or Scooters or drive you're just as equal a person and I'm not even joking the level of discourse around bikes in Hudson County has been so intense you would think that this is like a a conflict you know from like the disintegration of the Soviet Union or something the the amount of animosity and hate and censorship and viciousness I've seen about the bike issue where you know particularly in Jersey City um where I think there are levels of bike advocacy that are are vicious and hateful that have that victimize people I don't think bike I think there's a lot of good bike Advocates out there who mean well even if we disagree or there's bike Advocates with varying views who may we may I may or may not agree with but there are certain people out there who call themselves bike Advocates who really are haters and it's a kind of I'm not even joking it's like seriously like a kind of bike Supremacy and we shouldn't have that riding bikes is fine it's wonderful I I think in the long term I would love to have protected bike Lanes I know ebikes make a lot of sense for people now about this ordinance there's a few details that maybe need to be worked out like the yellow bib sounds kind of really embarrassing I don't know maybe if there's a more fashionable way to do it um one thing to consider is if some if like a restaurant in the Heights sends someone down to Hoboken like do they need to register like if they're like normally based out of Hoboken but they sometimes drive through Hoboken that's worth considering as far as this ordinance but I think it's important to get something through and details can be ironed out I think the problem with the argument from a lot of bike advocacy grp groups and I think there are some good bike advocacy advocacy groups I think there's a lot of good bike Advocates but the truth is that a lot of folks just want it's basically the NRA you have the N you know the same Playbook just kneejerk oppose all regulation in favor of some future State and you know same idea of people who oppose gun regulation they're like no no no no no you know we can't do anything hands are tied and we talk about this utopian idea that we're going to have protected bike Lanes everywhere I'd love to have protected bik bik Lanes everywhere but if we listen to folks uh now we'd never do anything until we one day get protected bike Lanes which might never happen one thing I also want to point out is the straw man argument the enforcement discussion the whole point of of this ordinance is to make enforcement of the sidewalk rule easier because you're wearing the unfashionable bib that has a number which makes enforcement of the prior ordinances easier people who say oh we need more enforcement that's a straw man the point of the law is to improve enforcement this is how you get better enforcement stop hate end bike Supremacy there's a lot of good bikers though thank you Andrew Wilson I used to work with an Andrew Wilson yes lot of good evening uh the proposed ebike ordinance is unproductive in uh inequitable and misguided the core problem here is that Hoboken has failed to provide a Safe Transportation Network for anyone who doesn't drive a car the resulting symptom is that cyclists feel unsafe riding on the street rather than acknowledging this prior failure members on the council are trying to unfairly shift responsibility onto delivery workers and already overworked and underpaid Workforce this mandated registration will not meaningfully address sidewalk safety concerns it is already illegal for ebikes to ride on the sidewalk the council could also be empowering the Hoboken Police Department to strengthen their existing awareness uh and enforcement efforts and shift officer patrols from exclusively cars towards officers on foot and bikes these are efforts currently underway by HPD that should be supported not ignored other Solutions include creating automated enforcement of bike lane parking violations or implementing a $1 per delivery charge dedicated division zero improvements you could also match and enforce Jersey City's bike lane parking fine of $175 per offense and allocate those funds towards Street safety if safety is your primary motivation for the ordinance there are many potential solutions that do not exclusively and unproductively Target delivery workers this past August I witnessed a delivery cyclist strapped onto a stretcher being wheeled into an ambulance the cyclist was traveling Northbound on Washington Street in the bike lane he stopped at the intersection and attempted to make the left turn onto 11th Street when he was struck from behind by a driver at the time of the crash the driver had 23 driving infractions in the past 5 years as well as a suspended license this person continues to drive on Hope oen streets a couple of weeks ago another delivery cyclist was injured just 500 ft from where you sit right now I've not found any negative repercussions for that motorist's actions either these are the life-threatening Street safety concerns that I would hope the city council would want to prioritize not scapegoating the vulnerable delivery Workforce based on the issues raised I ask for you to vote no on this ordinance in its current form and instead engage in productive dialogue with delivery workers safety Advocates and law enforcement to find more meaningful constructive and effective uh uh and to more meaningfully constructively and effectively address concerns about sidewalk safety thank you thank you emanuela Morgan hi all uh my name is Emanuel Morgan and I'm the executive director of Hudson County complete streets A Safe Streets organization that advocates for complete streets and sustainable transport Transportation infrastructure countywide um complete streets are defined as streets for all Road users all modes all ages all abilities um I'm here tonight to explain my opposition with regards to the pro proposed amendment um with regards to ebikes and to request that it be tabled for further discussion um to explore alternative solutions that the city makes may consider to ensure the safety of pedestrians on sidewalks I will just start by saying that I own an ebike I use that ebike to travel here tonight and I use it throughout hobooken and surrounding communities to carry groceries work materials and all manner of goods however as a cyclist and as a person I feel strongly that we are all pedestrians first no one wants to encounter ebikes on the sidewalk and I believe that no cyclist wants to be on the sidewalk provide a safe alternative a curbside protected bike lane and people will use it Hoboken has had a complete streets resolution in place since 2010 the the Hoboken street design guide that was published in 2019 specifically provides for the safe use and Mobil and Mobility for all users in transportation modes and yet Washington Street where most of our issues are being seen is still not yet a complete Street curbside protected bike lanes are proven methods of reducing conflicts on the sidewalk if we provide a pref this preferable alternative cyclist will take it we need to solve this problem by providing a delivery workers with a safe passage that they deserve our first step could be to initiate a task force that includes representation from delivery workers restaurant owners ebike marketers and ideally the delivery app companies with the goal of providing recommendations to the city council and to the mayor for improving the delivery transportation system New York is studying this problem New York has proposed an office of sustainable delivery that is gathering data on roots that could inform the creation of protected bike lanes and secure bike parking Jersey City is also studying this problem and meeting with Advocates and representatives tomorrow actually before enacting legislation Boston is the mayor of Boston is commuting with constituents to try to understand this new world where everybody has a different kind of device the state of New Jersey is also looking at the definitions of ebikes according to speed so that an ebike would be defined as a bike that can top out at 28 M an hour and anything over would not be considered an ebike would be a moped or a different mode we need to take a step back and consider these definitions and consider a holistic approach that that would be County wide perhaps Statewide we need to understand that delivery workers don't don't stop at Borders they may live in in Hoboken but deliver to we Hawkin time time is up could WP it up I'll wrap it up um I guess I'll just end by saying that last week I witnessed a a car turn in right hook and and run into a a delivery worker on Washington Street um I took pictures of video waited for the police to arrive spoke with the delivery worker gave him my number because I'm an ad Safe Streets Advocate and his he did not speak English but his partner got in touch with us to to let us know that he was injured he had lost time at work but unfortunately because he's undocumented he didn't feel like he was able to do anything about it so I really think we really need to consider what we're asking when we're asking people to come in and register and get licensed and ask ourselves if that is likely and enforcable thanks thank you Dennis [Applause] Vin v y say thank you thank you does anyone want to be on the city council good evening Council I'm not talking about ebikes today my name is Dennis Vin I'm a senior at Steven and I'm a North Jersey native I'm also a member of the Theta zai fraternity at my school um I live over on Castle Point Terrace in our fraternity house I'm here to discuss hosting a walk for Ms in Hoboken so Ms are multiple sclerosis if you haven't heard of it to disabling disease of the brain and spinal cord my fraternity's national philanthropy is the national MS Society two years ago about 10 brothers and I we signed up for a Spartan Race you haven't heard about that it's an obstacle course race um we signed up for it we raised over $3,000 for Ms and this coming year we wanted to do the same race it's going to be April 27 28th in uh Veron New Jersey I recommend everyone does it um but we want to expand our Horizons and create a larger impact that can involve the community I mean Stevens is so intertwined with the city of Hoboken we want to connect our community with the greater City and we wanted to make that lasting impact so I just want to break down our timeline the way we wanted to do it we wanted to host fundraisers on our campus with other Greek life in early April then we wanted to plan the actual walk for Ms which is about a mile walk April 20th or April 21st that's a Saturday and a Sunday towards the end of April following that weekend would be the after mentioned SP uh Spartan Race which is April 27 28th I'm ready in talks with the National Society for Ms I'm talking with represent they sent me resources there's one happening in Jersey City actually in May and I'm not telling you that so that you can say let's do that one but I wanted to create something in Hoboken and expand it past the campus and I will have you know that Stevens would be open to doing something on our campus I wanted to have the walk be in Hoboken as well as on our campus which as I understand is obviously private property and there's different permits there but yeah that's that's what I came here to talk about thank you very much council [Applause] president Ron Batista good evening everyone my name is Ron Bautista uh many of you know me actually from my advocacy on pedestrian safety since 2016 as woman gtino thank you for uh voting that time and also uh C Doyle for the protected bike lane on Washington Street too bad it didn't pass um I'm I'm I'm angry I'm upset I I also don't like uh you when cyclists ride on the sidewalk I have a mom who is a senior citizen I have a 5-year-old I have a baby with a in a carriage uh I'm sure many of you can relate so I cannot not empathize with the frustrations of everybody what I can do is also ignore that there are some realities of the situation that we're not really looking at the problem holistically I I checked the past 6 months there've been 200 tickets for people for riding on the sidewalk so there has been enforcement just like there's enforcement for double parking right and there's tickets for double parking double parking hasn't stopped and really what we can see is both drivers and ERS of ebikes and delivery workers are really everyday people who are stuck in a broken system if there were more pickup drop off zones on Washington Street for example for uh people on cars and there was a protected bike lane there wouldn't be double parking same way it would be and it has been proven as Emanuel had had said earlier that protected bik L reduce the number of people that ride bikes on the sidewalk that hasn't that's just because we're in hobok and doesn't mean gravity doesn't happen here and there's human behavior too and and and there's I I I actually I I and I mentioned earlier in other times that part of my experience and everybody has their own experience and their own lenses so I'm just here to bring my perspective as well I was undocumented for 11 years and you can't close your eyes and say oh we can't we don't see color and we don't see immigration status and that's not going to be an issue I I grew up here in hobok and in those 11 years I was afraid I would never step in City Hall I would never step into police station because of fear and that fear is real I mean my dad I used to work cleaning homes here in Hoban for many years helping about my dad and my mom and my dad would tell me make sure you don't dress like you work in cleaning because you don't want to be seen as this as somebody that's doing this work and that is undocumented so there is that real fear that we we have to pay attention on also I do want to thank that this situation happened you know like obviously the half glass half fall uh I've been trying to get the deliveras from New York the ones that have been organizing the listas over there to come here to be able to have those conversations and understand how we can improve the situation of the Liber and the safety issues for everybody in the streets and because of this they finally came over and they're going to have to speak tonight as well from their experience and their expertise uh both from the lens of the deliver workers as well as how we can improve The Pedestrian safety for everyone thank you so much thank you Karen Karen vanen opin sorry for skipping you um my name is Karen I am not from Hoboken but I have a lot of friends here and I come here to shop I hope that's okay the issues you are trying to solve here today is created by all of us we no longer want to call a place to order and pick up the food we would rather deal with an app and receive Food preferably piping hot as quickly and anonymously as possible if tomorrow most of us drop that attitude much would change we all know that's not going to happen some of us can change our habits and some of us won't the apps will keep taking 30% profits from restaurants and delivery workers will be sent in all weather to pick up and deliver at a base fee of about $2 they have no employer so no boss and that sounds good until you realize that no boss means no break room no bathroom or other facilities that usually are provided by an employer what they do have is the incentive to go fast so they can make a little bit more money for delivery they can do do this by meeting the challenges offered to them that's door Dash's word not mine you can check it on the website the more deliveries in a row and at a quick paste the more money that can be made not all delivery workers become Reckless of course far from but it's the ones that are that the ones that are that get noticed not unlike a double park car I've been told that making delivery workers on ebikes wear a highrise bib would make it easy for the police to stop them and hold them accountable even citizens could get in on the action by sending pictures to the police since that is singling out ebike delivery workers we will likely see more of them using cars or other vehicles that do not fall into the caty of this ordinance and that's probably not good for the environment you're trying to save in a re in a recent new article where delivery workers were quoted it was made clear that most of the workers do not speak English yet in a press release it was said that this ordinance came about after Consulting with everyone involved so if you continue with this will the document that they need to study for the test be in English and if not will the test be in English the language the language in this ordinance about registration is vague what kind of idea will be accepted to get registered 16850 says that e delivery licenses lenses must wear their high visibility bip and carry their license on their person at all times when picking up and making deliveries this means that they can get a fine for not doing the above how will that work will police randomly stop people on ebikes that look like they're about to deliver and pick up food or will police be standing at the entrance of the restaurants all this seems to put a burden on the people at the bottom of the pile and I'd like you to reconsider it thank you for listening thank [Applause] you liia Wala oh oh high technology so nice meeting well good evening everybody my name is Leia walpa and um uh I am a labor leader with over a decade of workers rights experience working uh along with communities but also city government and National groups in raising labor standards for uh workers in the gig economy um as um as the head of the workers Justice project andos we have been working uh to reform the app deliver industry which actually profits from the chaos that they actually are responsible uh for in our streets and also exploiting app delivery workers um the app delivery companies have built the entire ecosystem that they have been profiting from and we strongly believe that regulation is necessary to address the issues of safety but let's be honest regulation needs to happen and who we need to really hold accountable at the app delivery companies like uber grhop and door Dash who actually take the privilege of operating in a city and doesn't pay a dime even in the infrastructure that they get to use and it is really the algorithms of their apps who are controlling how delivery workers behave move and use our City's infrastructure we hope that the city of hobokin will consider a more holistic and comprehensive approach that would include delivery that include reforming the app delivery Industries and will include the voices of delivery workers who actually need to be heard as well and also reimagining how we can reform an industry that offers not only Community safety but addresses the issues of labor protections we want to express our concern of these type of or ordinances in cities that requires licenses because we have seen there is evidence that it is ineffective it's very ineffective especially in cities like Toronto uh Houston Los Angeles uh Long Island Beach San Jose actually implemented and then repealed legislations um like this because one it was very expensive one is a bureaucratic nightmare as who's going to do it how it's going to be processed and then it doesn't really change any Behavior the reality is that we should adopt a new idea this idea has proved that it doesn't work in other cities and it's just going to create more fear and more distrust among communities the approach should be regulating the app delivery industry that currently profits of making the chaos on the city making this job more unsafe and we strongly feel that there is amazing opportunity of of actually regulating the app delivery industry who um we have started to do in New York City we pass a minimum legislation that actually guarantees that workers can focus on driving safe making sure they respect traffic line while earning a living wage um and we're committed to supporting and making sure that deliveras actually have a voice in a decision-making process especially in something that is going to impact and making sure the delivery Community work along theide the community and governments um thank you for the opportunity to listen yeah thank you thank [Applause] you William Melina or medina yes Medina hi um thank you for giving me this opportunity to speak before you today about the proposed ordinance to create the registration process for R based delivery workers my name is William Medina and for the past six years I have been working as an app delivery worker with door Das Uber e and grab Hub I had first firsthand experience on how multibillion dollar app delivery corporations put delivery workers safety at risk by putting an immense pressure to complete more ordered in less time to try and scrape together a living wage these wealthy companies operate without oversight showing no regard for Street safety worker will be or public life in the city of hoken and other CI around the country since the pandemic deliv work have been operated under assistance created by app companies like door Das group and uberit which put delivery workers under unreasonable time crunches and intense Financial pressures these are the structural threats to safety that this proposed ordinance is fundamentally missing the streets of the workplace of theivery workers and in recent year years have based deliv work has made this job dangerous and unsafe we all want Street safety for everyone but but we must recognize that there are clear issues with this proposed ordinance which is ultimately failed to make our streets safer and could introduce new dangers let's be honest this ordinance won't accomplish its intent goal of improving Street safety aside from just being ineffective bike licenses will treaten the livelihood of thousand of people who use bikes and provide the an essential service by by keeping your resident and constitute fed as a delivery worker I strongly fa the regulation and licy regulation must be imposed on the companies who need to take the responsibility of making Street safe to protect workers and to safeguard the quality of life of all people let's create a better a better strategy to reform the industry and breing the voices of delivery worker who live and work in this beautiful City St safety is delivered worker safety it is a priority for delivery workers and the community to advance an agenda that is about keeping everyone safe and protected thank you for listening and your time thank [Applause] you Liz or Teto Liz hi um I want to thank you for bringing this uh ordinance up I think it's important that we have protect our residents here in Hoboken I've heard the word holistic approach from a number of people who have spoken today and I do agree we need to look at other things in addition to what's already being presented but I think we need to start we need to we need to do something now because it we are there's going to be someone seriously hurt who's walking the streets we've had I've had my husband had a stop in East scooter from plowing into a stroller the other day and I watched a 75-year-old man jump out of the way of an e scooter now I appreciate that the delivery people have their own issues when it comes to what their companies are requiring them to do it is pure economics so getting from point A to point B the quickest way they can Will mean sidewalks it's going to mean crossing the street diagonally I've when we've seen it so we know that this is happening um but thinking that the uh dedicated bike lane is going to solve that problem alone is not like they're going to still want to go from point A to point B quick so I applaud Paul for your first ordinance I awesome job and I hope that you all will vote unanimously in favor and like I said it is a step one step not the full picture but one step in the right direction thank you thank you Debbie jobis hello and thank you for listening to me um I just want a couple brief comments on um the two pieces of of legislation you're um looking at today uh both of which have stoked Community interests and are worthy of support uh the first being the bike regulation ebike regulation uh the potential benefits to this are pretty obvious safer sidewalks fewer bike zooming along um okay Public Safety in general uh the key to making this work and this is where it would be great to have Public Safety team weigh in if you haven't already uh is in the enforcement and that seems to be a question now and whatever ordinances passed is going to um have to rely on enforcement uh if enforcement uh in The Proposal being outlined is untenable at this point I think we need to ask what can be done um the second uh item I just wanted to touch on was the uh proposal put forward by council members R prano and Fischer regarding the New Jersey D protection or d uh for briefing on the long delayed rebuild by design project um simply put and I know things are never this simp um members of the council have asked for status reports the city has acknowledged the delays and deferred to the state for further details as a city that Prides itself on being forward-looking on climate and public safety issues these appear to be reasonable pieces of legislature that should in one form or another have the support of both the administration and the council might there be some editing and tweaking along the way probably uh but let's try to to get these items taken care of um tonight thank you thank you Eileen car carvalo he good evening Madame President and council members I'm here tonight to speak about the ebikes and I am in support of it I live in m GRE View Plaza and I am also the committee person for one two which means I see a lot of the ebikes and I hear a lot of people complaining about the ebikes one first of all I want to start out to say we all know that these delivery people are working hard to support themselves and their families we don't dispute that but it cannot come at the expense of the safety of our citizens that has to be our number one priority and I thank you for putting this ordinance on the table tonight when people see these ebikes coming down the street you can see on their face it's either a look of fear or disgust it's either a look of where am I going to move to get out of the way or oh my God they're on the sidewalks again so we need to do something about it um basically there's senior citizens on the sidewalks there's people with families with strollers on the sidewalks if you're standing on the curb and they're coming from the street onto the sidewalk you have to jump out of the way they will not move you need to move this ordinance hopefully will start to solve this problem there has to be some way to identify the people who are not listening to the laws that we already have on our books so again I thank you for making a positive move to try and help our citizens in hoken thank you thank you Kevin Davis good evening good evening before I start there's one more thing I need to do happy birthday not k why did I put on the vest there's arguments if the law the proposed ordinance is going to work how do you look at me and deny that the ordinance is not going to work I mean I already stick out to begin with now I especially stick out I'm wearing a yellow vest with a number on it so if I were on a delivery bike and cuz that's much of the e-bikers in the city and I was involved in an incident currently if I'm not wearing this loud vest I can just bike away and you won't know who I am but if I'm wearing a vest with a number on it and you would like to make a report you say sir I would like to make a report I just got hit by a delivery bike number 720 uh it's displayed on the back I put on the front um cuz I felt like being extra fast able it can be any number I picked number 720 cuz that's how many votes councilman pres Zano got in on the runoff and he ran partially on this issue I mean I could talk about the merits of the issue I only have a minute and 30 seconds left but just look at the types of people who've gotten together to support this from all walks of life the last speaker was active in councilman president Zano's opponent and guess what she's she agrees with me on this um Pat waiters and Antonio GR agree on this and I don't know what else they agree on but they agree on this actually Antonio gr and I agree on on this and I was involved in the school board campaign of the candidates he beat and my candidates lost pretty badly so I'm trying to forget about it but you know we're on the same page about it so um you know I help I helped Paul research this issue the goal was to create legislation that would make the Riders easily identifiable and the city would know who they are but would not be burdensome the New York City proposal is ridiculous because that one also requires bikes to be insured and registered and have a license plate this is simple take a test wear a vest pay $5 that's it stop conflating the issues uh people register government agencies all the time I used to be in New York City 311 operator and I helped undocumented residents get ID nyc's uh so so vote Yes to turn our VIP lanes for ebikes which are the sidewalks currently into VIP lanes for pedestrians very important pedestrians let's turn our side B walks I mean let's turn our side bikes in the sidewalks vote Yes to support pedestrian [Applause] safety Manny Rivera cair those are council president uh I would just like to make sure that I Lobby for next meeting to return the actual meeting me minutes pardon me for um consent agenda uh I will Lobby for it now but I see that the time is uh ticking so it was meant to be as a joke but it didn't land I'm going to start and I'm going to change the subjects here because there are a lot of things on this agenda that people are not um I I appreciate the passion on the hot button issue of this evening but I'm going to ask on a 1 A2 A3 A1 and A2 could you please um give members of the public more information on why these changes occurred you you um changed them or you pushed it for this um meeting without um explaining it to uh members of the public again no begrudging the appointees um just want to know if you can help members of the public understand climate action and Innovation um it sounds beautiful but I would like to have uh more information members of the public I'm sure would like it again now I'm going back to the actual climate action Innovation uh it's a little confusing I thought it was 11 but it's ca1 um I would like information or members of the public in regards to ca1 ca3 again this one I I believe I understand it but um members of the public especially people who live in the area what is the construction what is is is actually happening even though I know it's being funded by B 493 it's not what is being funded for is the um job on hand again um the park is is a sacred park it needs to be um done with respect whatever is being done there uh again ca6 I want to move on quickly T3 oh I skipped uh Community Development cd1 Finance of course like prior uh speaker earlier earlier this evening uh interested in and how does that uh rebate uh work or that refunding uh again Parks and Recreation and Public Works uh uh I'm seeing it here in my agenda because there were no agendas before um I think it's two and three uh the tax collector again that tx2 what is that um members of the public would be interested in knowing what what uh tax sale agreement and and transportation T2 and I'm going to now go into first reading which is in interesting uh I'm going to say in first reading two 4 and seven and now if I have an extra minute uh I want to speak on first reading on T1 in the sidewalk safety okay what could Manny say that hasn't been said eloquently by other folks um other than Manny everyone else did three minutes and I asked him so can you I appreciate it so that's what I'm saying I'm wrapping it up with this what could I possibly say that could convince you to either um vote for it or not vote for it I in favor of Safe Streets I would like to be safe I would like you to consider um the constituents of Hoboken of course listen to the leaders and the people who spoken against it maybe there could be a a form between this meeting and the next one where other people can give better information or get better information or input thank you C council president for giving me the extra view thank you no David haitz thank you Council for allowing me to present my name is David hafitz I'm a proud resident of Phil's fifth wward um a first time caller longtime listener so so excuse me if a little bit of inarticulate but uh I'm also the proud father of a fourth grader and a sixth grader who believe that having pizza delivered once a week is a an entitlement in a way of life so I understand the issue from that side but I'm an avid supporter of of of this ordinance and I hope you'll support it as well for the E for the for the e delivery I read um uh I read director fante's oped and I know that you guys have a lot to consider in terms of enforcement but I'm asking you don't let perfect be the enemy of good putting this code aside until we can have more protected bike Lanes is not the answer hesitating to start on this because big cities 10 times our size haven't figured out is not the answer either please don't deliberate don't delay and deliberate until it's too late it's not an ordinance against bikers let's not connect the two let's not correlate the two let's focus on licensing and not on enforcement we require bartenders in the city to be licensed and I've never gone into a bar and seen a policeman Rush In And and Usher the bartender out because they checked his license it's not we don't need perfect to be the enemy of good I'm an avid capitalist but I believe that we can do good we can do well by doing good I just have two considerations for you on my way over I came by the Waterfront and there's a pro there's a prominent sign that says uh that states um ebikes prohibited on this section of the walkway Hoboken city code 19050 J I have not seen anyone issue a problem with that the second is I work in it and I've been long a longtime advocate of inclusive design I'm very proud in Hoboken such as this I lived in Tokyo for a long time that on our Corners we have raised platforms with the the red platforms of the bumps for blind e delivery bikes are an obstacle to the Blind and I really hope that we'll consider this an extension of that to becoming an accessible City that we should keep our sidewalks as as clear as possible and um this only enhances our Quality of Life by abiding by that thank you guys so much really appreciate it thank you Dominico Celli good evening Dominic Sur I'm here tonight on the bicycle matter I say bicycle not e bicycle matter because I feel that we're not actually meeting what it is that the problem is I am in support of some sort of Education we'll start there I say that because I'm a very well-known advocate so I've said for a long time that we The Advocates need to take on our bicyclist and do something about it we'll start there then we'll go back to my notes hoboken's own code 19050 j7 motorized bicycle I want to go in short anything that goes over 20 miles an hour with a throttle is no longer an ebike there's one guy online that's persistent I never screamed anyone was on a motorcycle like I did not really want to speak because this is quite controversial for someone like myself I feel but one person mentioned it we now have flyy bike on Fourth Street I do not know if they brought a representative to this meeting they should have essentially they have skirted the law they have skirted the law this is a ripple effect we're talking about delivery cyclist because we allowed illegal motorcycles to be sold and operated in our city and there's more than one cyclist and Advocate that is pissed off and do you see this it's not just ebikes we've heard multiple times that there's gas Motors and so the minute that we say ebikes so on that one around that I'm really not in support now if we were saying we wanted pure profession professional New York City baned Uber without a gold medallion if you said we were going to do the food apps for professionalism I swear to you as someone that meets the four on the four in the F Fitzpatrick scale I once spooked one of my neighbors when I brought them a package I own a five unit Home on Park Avenue so we don't want anyone spooking anyone either and I get that much not on the side walk not at a doorstep we've seen all sorts of videos online I am in support of a better future but I do think we do need to stay it a little bit and I do think we need to discuss I had a whole line going down the motorcy bicycle I just I'm lengthy and I'm not used to this I didn't do good at the planning board and I actually wrote this one up and I couldn't even do good I spent days on this and I actually have a pinging headache from my house they do the demo it's ringing ringing my house is swaying every time the cars pass forget about it I hope that you guys forget about it think it over all right I know my time's up thank you so much something needs to be done but the right thing needs to be done as well thank [Applause] you Elaine Mado did it how you doing folks my my name is Alan mu sorry um I haven't done public speaking in a long time but uh I thought i' I thought I'd come by and just let you guys know that I worked basically 12 hours between here uh downtown Jersey City and hob boken and I started working in uh Hoboken when around 2021 and I've noticed a significant difference you know uh I know hoboken's it's a beautiful town and I know you guys want to keep it that way um there's also people here that spoke about about uh what they did in New York recently to delivery drivers um I've been I've been made aware from drivers that are on YouTube that work in New York that were making a lot more than a lot of what these other people were claiming but uh they they passed some laws and Uber decided to schedule a lot of these drivers and now these drivers have resorted to coming to places like Hoboken Jersey City as well more and more often I'm seeing guys coming from New York license they come with New York license plates and delivery drivers with uh New York license plate with you know from New York whatever so um it's uh I noticed a big difference a significant difference there's a bunch of guys usually like piled up here in uh Washington Street so I'm sure that is what you guys are addressing when it comes to the quality of life here in the city um I noticed a significant difference I grew up in wehawken and uh me and my friends used to go we used to walk all the way from we Hawkin and go to Benny's and Benny be seting sitting right there and my friend wouldn't have any money for the pizza and Benny would just give him a slice from like on the house you know and um that's what this place is Hoboken is a community you know this isn't New York City this is a small town and I and I appreciate and love the people that have supported me through their gratuities and Etc and um I also wanted to point out that I had a uh I made a Reddit post here on on I'm not sure if anyone can see it but this right here on traffic enforcement on Washington this is a Canadian uh ebike enforcement officer in Canada and a lot of people took it for uh enforcement on Washington Street here in Hoboken which wasn't Washington Street whatever it got 500 and 560 hits here it's the most viewed topic here on the hok in Reddit and yeah this this is definitely a topic that a lot of people are talking about and um I'm more preoccupied with the enforcement of things how can we enforce things I've tried to talk to police officers I think there's no it's not the gentleman but there's a guy there at the uh bagel on the Hudson I've spoken to him about the same problems um I'm I'm open to talking to anybody about what we could do I'm I'm I'm not for I'm not sure uh what to do about the like how to feel about the vest or anything of this of the sort but um I'm definitely open to talking to anybody that wants to see where we're at and and make change that way all right Take Care thank you very much we have no other members of the public signed up to speak anyone motion to close public portion motion second all in favor I where are we where are we Jimmy uh up to the consent agenda I forgot we don't do that anymore uh council members on consent agenda a c CI 11 I'm pulling pull 12 too J [Music] MH yeah uh A1 yeah we'll make new ones for next time ppw which one oh sorry pw3 no I didn't cl2 yes got cl2 anyone else so uh everything but sorry I'm going to say am out of order I can write them down for you A1 C AI 2 I don't know what I wrote there C 11 and 12 oh yes thank you I was doing R go no it's good thank you CI 11 12 cd2 CC1 ppw that is crazy three and cl2 yeah Mr finina call the vote funny Mr con hi Mr Doyle hi fiser yes Mr Jabor yes pres president xano Hi Mr Cano hi Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo he's in the president J tan yes A1 resolution authorizing the appointment of Diana aalz as a a a Ruben's just gonna say it for me Az as parks recreation and Public Works director disle should have some sympathy I just wanted to make a statement that uh last meeting I had uh questioned the process um for selecting this uh the director for this uh position uh I just wanted to stay for the record that after speaking with the administration uh we had worked on a uh a professional growth plan uh and clear objectives so that there would be progress on this so that any concerns that anybody has uh for um the the person who might be selected for this position uh what they had provided with me was enough to push me over the edge and I'm okay with this so I just wanted to bring that to to the attention of everybody do you just want to know the process of how um no no you're good on everything I'm good on everything I just wanted to bring light that the administration had worked with me on what we had requested or what I had requested any other council members council president I I just want to congratulate misses I'm looking forward to working with her she's an outstanding uh employee of the city of Hoboken she'll be a great director I want to vote now thank you Mr F oh no I'm kidding I said now I want to vote no just because you already congratulated our sorry but she will be Mr finina call the vote Mr con hi Mr Doyle hi M fiser yes Mrs Jabor yes preso I Seco I sorry Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo hi president gtino yes let's see who is next CI 11 11 resolution approving a change order to the city's contract with TOMCO construction for the construction of the Northwest resiliency Park in an increased amount of $228,700 wanted which is even funnier C 11 resolution approves approving the concept design of Maritime Park and authorizing action by the administration to effectuate the project the project pursuant to chapter 56a of the Hoboken city council code um director Gonzalez just really quickly we I don't think we ever got like a and maybe that maybe it did happen in subcommittee um a full like what are we expecting the full project to cost if you could just give a quick overview uh sure we did go over this in subcommittee and we also subsequently provided a memo that's been included in the agenda packet thank you um yep that's okay I can I can um read what it said um so the total estimated direct cost for the project is approximately $ 41.6 million with an estimated 28.2 million in contingency costs which brings the total construction to approximately 68 uh 69.8 million um I will caveat that and say that the reason we provided a memo in addition to of course providing uh you know a streamlined version of the information was to explain for the fact that um this is a very highlevel incredibly preliminary cost estimate based on a 30% design there is a lot that will happen between now and final design that will refine those costs um and there's an entire funding summary in the uh concept report that's also included on aella that explains additional funding sources that are available to offset the costs of this project as well um also goes through the potential phasing of the project and how our goal is certainly to break ground on the Catra Drive Rehabilitation as uh transportation engineering are working on immediately in this year and then move into phase one of the park next year so we will have a much better refined cost estimate for just phase one um in the near future so you know that number while it is certainly large is not what we expect the final number to be it is well you know very different from that it's just a very preliminary astim you want me to I'd like to just respond if you don't mind um we did talk about it in subcommittee and it is a big number and it's you know five years out and there are high level estimates um and I think what we had talked about was um it's really like a three-phase project right the first is the expansion of Sina Drive which is amazing the second is the kind of part that we own that we'll be able to um which is a m it it's a big part of the land but high level guesstimate is it's not a big level a big um percentage of the cost because a lot of the costs are going to be in the water that phase three if and when we ever do it and um we also talked about the designing of it um you know as in when we get there we would phase the design as well because the design element of the whole park is probably 5 million but there's no reason for us to spend the design of the big phase three until much later and we have a little more certainty around timing Etc so I think it's exciting and I appreciate you doing the memo council president just to Y by by all means go ahead just to clarify we own the whole thing I I think you said the part we own and we own the whole own the whole thing but I I know we own it but someone we have tenant so go ahead counc president if I may director yes sir when we were presented um this project in that presentation we were talking about some flood mitigation and um it was one of my bigger concerns about why we're spending potentially a lot of money on flood mitigation at this park was that add and again I'm not at the in the subcommittee so I wasn't prev to any of that so are we have we evaluated that and if we're continuing with that why are we continuing with that um as so just to confirm the the percentage of the cost estimate on flood mitigation and I can get you the exact page that this is addressed in the report um I apologize I had that page but now that it's a part of the larger agenda packet I don't have the full the the number I'll get that for you after but regardless that is addressed in the concept report um when we talk about flood mitigation there's two components there's the coastal resiliency features of the um ecological restoration that's included in the project there's also the fact that this is actually not in our combined can you move a little closer sorry not in our combined sewer area this is actually along the Waterfront and Hoboken is a separate sewer area so we're actually not looking at this for such substantial um green infrastructure and storm water detention as we would say if this project had been located in the combined sewer area on the western side of town so while there are Provisions to manage storm water on site which is a requirement of the DP as well as our own Municipal storm water management ordinance um we are not going above and beyond with storm water detention like we would on the west side of town because this is not in the C the CSO area okay yeah and that was my and that was my bigger concern and then the only thing I would I would just say as a general statement um the Northwest resiliency park now um we're looking at about over hundred million I think when we were first 120 when we were first presented that at around this stage I think we were at 30 million so I would like to we we we could go back to when we started talking about acquisition and we were told in a closed session which is now open by by the way so I could divulge this we were told by the mayor that it would cost us about10 to5 million for that Park so don't let's not get into that but $70 million is a lot of money for this park correct my concern here is what does that look like in cost overruns over time when we're trying to build this out have we looked at that and have we compared that to any potential um increases based on what we experienced at the Northwest well just to be very clear on Northwest the AC acquisition cost of Northwest was roughly about $27 million total project cost was roughly $52.5 million total final project cost as you see on your agenda tonight was a 46% change order uh of the orig of the current contract amount we did not um have dramatic cost overruns as was just represented so I would just like to to correct that in terms of 100 million I don't don't believe 52 plus 26 equals we could most certainly get into a debate over that and we'll argue that off the Record but sure the reality is we I've been tracking this from the beginning of it so um we're definitely close to over $100 million but that's that's besides the point the point that I'm making is are we watching or comparing to cost overruns whether it's that park or any other Park in the city of hobok and and what that would look like into the future with this one yeah your point is very well taken in in that regard and in that escal is a factor um and that is why as councilwoman Fisher said this is a very preliminary cost estimate um we will have a much better cost estimate for phase one as we proceed with design of that phase on a you know on a phased approach um and then by that we will also have a better estimate of of phase two so to your point uh escalation is included but because this is such a preliminary number at this point I would really hesitate to to be able to give you a solid number on on you know escalation until we get further into the project design okay I think counc counc R in the in the conversation I think they were projecting 2025 numbers uh quite estimates not yes 2024 currently so indeed thank you I do have one other question for marit do you have another question no got I'll speak off did we have um I know like with Church Square we had collaborators involved you had different schools did we do that with Maritime Park uh there was substantial Community engagement for maritime Park yes um small stakeholder groups such as uh specifically involving the schools uh no we didn't do small stakeholder um groups in in that way it was a more broad Community engagement and there's an entire chapter in the report that goes through our our community engagement approach thank you I just want to uh I was unable to where where I was I participated in the meeting by listening for the most part I was unable to participate because the location I was in in the meeting but I think uh councilman fiser and councilman Doyle uh both brought up a pertinent question with regards to to cost estimates and other features of the park uh that would definitely to to to the line that you were uh just mentioning uh obviously the price will be looks to be a lot and potentially be aspirational for phase three uh at this point but I think phase one I think uh we'd like to see that completed in the near future but we could operate that one and we'll see what happens with uh the other tenant on the site thank you director thank you council president yes did you need gen did you need no just I just I have a question but it's for The Ether uh so I think there's some statements as to the northwest resy park as to how much it cost hundreds of millions of dollars uh I it's going to be there for 30 50 100 Years hopefully has contributed significantly to our blood mitigation I wonder over that period of Time how much money it's going to save in in in property cost damage avoided uh general safety uh and and and the like Mr Pina please call the vote Mr con I Mr Doyle I M Fisher yes Mrs javor yes Mr Carano hi Mr Cano hi Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo I president gtino yes cd2 resolution of the ca 1122 oh I was you yeah just a quick question that out let me just resolution authorizing the city to procure concessions at Sinatra Park Cafe do the use of competitive Contracting yep counc president thank you uh just a quick question on this um is this we're just basically going out trying to seek other concessions for that space or and in the and then the followup to that is in the event that there's a change are we protected for any changes that have happened to that site over the course of time by the current uh owner of that so I know they did did a lot of structural work in there I know they added um those uh glass enclosures that was all added after the original concession was given does that become property of the city of Hoboken uh if in fact we go with a different um concession to anyone who piing director Gonzalez I don't know if you're heard well we did I will give you an answer to the first part of your question because I have to address the second part of your question with Council I'm actually not positive um regarding the the improvements as to are they city property I believe they are but um and our our um RFP reflects that you know it includes the Sinatra Park Cafe as well as the uh outdoor dining component of the of the site um but the purpose of the RFP is uh the lease is going to expire um in November of this year and we've been informed by Greenacres that we have to do a public procurement process for any uh concession Le lease on um Greenacres encumbered Parkland so this is the exact same process we actually just went through for the cafe at Northwest Park as well um resilient city park so we are going out to RFP um for effectively another vendor um could be the very same vendor they're absolutely uh welcome to apply as is anybody else through the public procurement process um for uh you know dining that supports outdoor recreation so we have to ensure that that the um concessionary that comes in meets the Green Acres regulations um providing a dining experience that is in support of outdoor recreation yeah and and that's the reason I asked because I mean when that was built that originally was a very traditional concession stand right so during the during time where different people came in to they built out that internal piece then they built out that external piece and now it is what it is but yeah my concern always is and I've asked this question all along the way every time that changes does the city retain any of those uh structural changes and that's that's just something I don't want to find ourselves in a situation where somebody thinks they could pull out that glass enclosure yeah I believe the answer is yes I will confirm with the lease and and get back to you after the meeting absolutely perfect thank you director just to confirm so for a concession they can have a fiveyear I don't know if lease is the right word but fiveyear lease and then the city can the the city has the right to extend it for an additional 5 years uh yes with green acr's approval yeah State approval thank you that's right good yes can can I just add uh a number of Prior entities uh tried tried and unfortunately uh were unsuccessful at this location so I just want to uh thank blue eyes for maintaining their business not throughout just the spring summer fall months but also the winter months as well and I think uh I mean we can't have a horse in this race but I kind of like like wi it or not I want a horse in this race so I hope that I hope that uh blue eyes is successful I think they brought a they've brought a lot of value uh and camaraderie to our Waterfront area and I think they've run where it was unsuccessful businesses into successful business model and a lot of you know people know Blue Eyes in Hoboken and that in that establishment in Hoboken so I hope that you know they're successful with this bid going forward I couldn't agree with you more and and just one more I'm sorry council president uh the bathroom rooms associated with that structure currently the vendors keeping those open and and taking care of those correct or is the city now taking care of those bathrooms the bathrooms inside the restaurant no the bathroom inside they're not really inside right they're on the back side the public so the the that I would defer to Jenner Diana but the I just confirm with Brian anything that's built into the facility itself if an operator leaves it's ours Furniture though is that they brought in is theirs think there's something if it's bolted it it stays right correct yeah in terms of the restom the interior restroom they maintain the exterior restroom we maintain yes currently well I think we that's a conversation we should probably have maybe having any vendor including them maintain the operation yeah sure I think they they've those bathrooms sometimes get bad we we can um consider that in the evaluation criteria sure thank you thank you thank you Mr vote Mr con hi Mr d i m fiser yes Mr Jabor yes frano hi Mr cero hi Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo hi president je Tino was being polite council president they might be CD yes but not it is butab clearly it's not in alphabetical order cd2 resolution of the city of Hoboken authorizing an amendment to the Redevelopment agreement with 1500 Clinton LLC for the Redevelopment of the property designated as block 131 blot 13 1 through 32 more commonly known as 1500 Clinton Street yeah I think my only um my only comment on this is it didn't go through committee so are we able to through committee I think it did I think it did prior to prior to this prior the prior committee's iteration yeah the continuation you have questions on it though just gonna obain Mr vote Mr con I Mr Doyle I M Fisher abin Mr Jabor yes Carano hi Mr cono hi Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo I president G Tino yes CC1 resolution amending the professional service contract with Catan now LLC for Council litigation 2023 in an increased amount of 8,500 just for the vote unless anyone has a comment Mr finina call the vote Mr con hi Mr Doyle hi M fiser abstain Mr Jabor yes trano I Mr ganto hi Mr OS hi Mr Russo hi president Jee Tino abstaining yeah abstain sorry abstain okay got it thank you apologize PR pw3 resolution awarding a contract to Hannah mechanical contractors in accordance with the Educational Service Commission of new of New Jersey Cooperative purchasing contract number 65 mccp in the amount of $169,000 9268 for rtu replacement for Jubilee Center to be funded by cbpg funds I yeah I'm if you if it's in there and I didn't see it um how is this being funded by cdbg funds is director Brown here you know oh is he oh there he is sorry the question is how is the Jubilee Center 170,000 being funded by cdbg isn't cdbg for our nonprofits not the city so I can answer you generally that because the Jubilee Center is a community facility that we purchased with Section 10A funds um it qualifies under public facility for for purposes of Hud we can use cdbg funds to um fund improvements on the property is this a prior Year award did we award this or would you where's it coming from don't we these cdbg funds we get our million dollars every every year so what year is this coming out of I would imagine it was probably from um 2023 funds uh it's probably from 2022 or 2023 funds I I'm not it's not in my department um my Department's using fund it's coming from an A funding source which funding source which is managed by by my department but the contract is not um that being said it likely is from program year 2023 but not this year not no this year being programed year 2024 that hasn't been that hasn't been allocated that hasn't use I thought the use had to be like more than 50% low income or whatever the school the the way that it's being used right now is for Head Start Right programming is for well head Head Start level Public School use so therefore it automatically qualifies based on the metrics that they are using on the building I I guess the issue I have is um and maybe it's it's going back and looking at it I feel like the whole point of cdbg not withstanding it's convenient for the city to offset some of our own costs like we just have so many nonprofits and people that work really hard to provide services to our vulnerable populations that I just don't feel like the cdbg should go to the city like we we have like we we have you know $169,000 for Capital item that we could amortise over 15 years at a very low you know interest rate like I don't know why we wouldn't just do that and let this type of funding go to our local nonprofits that don't have the ability to raise that kind of money oh we give a sub I would say that we give oh I know we do I'm just like did we leave any nonprofit without money in order to give us money or this was like oh we we only had asks of 600 and we had 100 left over sold take it for the city no I I don't think that it was something where we um shorted another agency to fund a fund the Jubilee Center I don't that's not the nature of this but there's no way everyone was fully funded in their ask I mean that's a that we'd have to look at I just feel like we shouldn't use cdbg funds on a go forward basis we really shouldn't and we should just think about bonding like these kind of things we should just that's I mean that if that's that's just my own my own view I don't know what other okay thanks sure all right thank you thank you any other council members Mr finina call the vote Mr col I Doyle hi M fiser yes Mr Jabor Pano hi Mr cono I Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo hi president Jan Tino yes thank you who pulled it did I pull it resolution urging the NJ njde to to expeditiously brief the Hoboken city council about the status of and timeline for obtaining Jersey City easements needed to complete the southern alignment of rebuild by Design want me to start uh is Caleb still here oh there he is I was like he couldn't have left he told me he was going to give me an update at this meeting oh and then we're done if you if you could I mean we um this is specifically the easements um I'll I'm going to prime it just for a second because um mayor Philip of Jersey City was interviewed today on a local um show and what he said was he's he doesn't want to get in the way he wants a feasibility study done for his light rail station to make sure that the Light Rail station is still feasible um he said he's not paying for it um uh he wants the city of Hoboken to pay for it um and he doesn't he's not getting in the way it's you know our problem the one thing I'll add just as an FYI um councilman Cohen and I spoke like a week ago about our own feasibility study for our own light rail station and I called Jersey City I called James Solomon and said did you guys do a feasibility study for that light rail station just as it related to ours to get a sense of like cost remember we talked about it and they said no they didn't it was actually the developer that did the original feasibility study so really what's there is a private development a developer that says here's my private development this is where I think the Light Rail station should go and that just a little bit of background so now we're here and it feels as though we're being held hostage by a private developer actually in Jersey City but go ahead you your turn can I just say one thing uh there's going to be a $500,000 give back by the developers that will fund more than fund the cost of that uh feasibility study so it is linked to uh contributions from the developers once they get in front of the planning board they'll be making those payments as well so it just to be clear the same way that Jersey City's feasibility study would be funded by developers so would hope of right so but I I think the issue is is the where they want to put it and where they've been planning it is just somehow in the way of our easements so it their feasibility study will come to a conclusion that says the easements will block the um currently planned Light Rail they'd have to move it so there's there's quite a bit of information about this issue and um I'll give you the information that I have and then I obviously can't represent the DP or the state but I'll give you the information I'm privileged to so the governor's office D and the city has been working with and trying to meet with Jersey City to resolve this issue there are five public easements in Jersey City that we're looking for dedication so we can do gate Crossings at the southern boundary the easement area we're discussing right now was acquired by the d uh $2.1 million was put in escrow more than two years ago and the DP has acquired the rights to develop the RBD alignment on that private property um the Light Rail station is actually like 15 ft above grade there so whether DP built an eyewall for reild by Design or they did not that developer would have to build a station that was elevated in the air and had access from the ground to the Light Rail station um what Jersey city has represented and their posture has been we do not know if there's going to be an additional impact associated with rebuil by design that would increase the cost of developing the Light Rail station and it is not our responsibility to find that out it is the project and uh we don't care who figures that out but someone needs to tell us whether or not there's a cost impact to that what occurred two weeks ago was that there was a commissioner's Hearing in which the d uh provided its appraisal its assessment the methodology of why they gave them $21 million for that acquisition um and at the commissioner's hearing they ruled in the favor of the DP that that Financial value of the easement acquisition was accurate it's a non-binding the developer can appeal that they can take them to court for ADD additional funds um that doesn't change what Jersey city has raised in that if there's an additional cost associated with the construction of that elevated Light Rail station who is going to pay for it how much is it and the DP and the governor's office have said we are not going to undertake that study that's a responsibility of the developer um I'm in the process of preparing uh scope of work for our pre-qualified engineers and I will be presenting it at the next council meeting to do the study to decide if there's additional cost if there's not additional cost aeom the designer for the DP has looked at it they said there's not an additional cost associated with a light rail um there there is steps that we have to take to resolve the need that we have for the project and to do that I'll be coming back to the council say that last sentence sorry there's steps that you have to take for what we will be I will be coming back to this council with the engineering scope of work to try to identify what if any additional CER may be associated with our construction of the REO by design project um and then presenting that finding to Jersey City can I can I just ask a question do if we if we own it we have the we meaning the DB and the project owns it and has the ability to move forward why do we care there are five Jersey City public easements that still need to be dedicated but can't the DP just take them can't they use their eminent domain and just take them I think the DP has the authority to use eminent domain and this is where I don't want to represent right sure well that's why we're the resolution is ask but I will tell you that it is a the the premise of forcing the dedication of easements is something where I think that we have a diplomatic path forward with Jersey City to resolve this issue quicker um with amicably and without the use of additional project funds to resolve that issue we go down the road of eminent domain it is an open-ended question and it is a conflict that I do not think that we need to escalate right now so last lastly just for my questions the at some point and on I don't know if it was on social media if it was in an article I can't remember the governor's office came out and said to FIP um that they will take care of any additional costs if if it you know they'll accommodate it is is what you're saying is the governor's office is backing off of that now I don't think so I would I again I'm not going to represent what the governor's office is willing not to do but they are willing to resolve any known conflict related to this project great so that is executed we can construct it we don't have delays and we continue to they're just the governor's office is saying they're just not going to spend a couple hundred thousand for the or whatever it is for the scope and the D the project with the two 230 million plus 100 million 330 million can accommodate a couple extra 100,000 or whatever it is for the scope of this I would I would say that the DP is not going to present an argument against themselves whether it's an eminent domain proceeding or in what their engineer has said which is we do not think that there is a consequence in construction related to the Light Rail station and uh Jersey city has presented a counterveiling argument but does not have substance behind that argument that we have to resolve thank you council president maybe I missed it so is there a cost associated with what you presenting I don't want to put a number out there before we go to our Engineers but it is going to be less than six figures for the for the schol we're we're taking on that yes that that's all I want to understand I that's what I'm going to ask this Council understood uh just one question would you describe our conversations your conversations with the stakeholders involved as productive I believe so yes thanks do want to do we have a could you give a time frame I mean if you had a guess is it 3 months 6 months N9 months if we get to a solution on this or is there potentially it's going to be drawn out in a court or something I I want to reduce the time of the study to less than 90 days I don't know if that's feasible until we actually go to an engineering firm or a cost estimating firm to see what they can produce in that time frame so um and no I don't believe that this is going to be a protracted issue thank you so much Kell appreciate it thank you for your time thank you Mr fin call the vote no wait one second sorry I'm sorry uh you know obviously this is extremely vital issue for all of us you don't need you Cale thank you uh and I think a lot of hoca residents say what what's in it for us what's in it for me uh if this delay happens or doesn't happen if this project gets completed doesn't get completed well one of the things that we benefit from is obviously storm surge flood protection number one right and the second thing that many Hoboken residents would get is reduction in your flood insurance costs and if you're like many residents that live in Southwest Hoboken recently you may have received a letter from your flood insurance company saying that they are looking for an increase in your flood insurance this year and some people was up to 25% for for their increase for this year New Jersey state LW has 16% they were asking for 25% but if this project never happens those flood increases are going to keep on increasing and we may see instance like we do in Florida and California and New Jersey that then we may become uninsurable with this project taking place your insurance premiums may go down to almost zero that's the goal of re by Design right ultimately storm surge protection as well as pocket protection for Hoboken residents so if this continues to stay in limbo right in the nether Universe we'll never see those cost benefits as Hoboken residents so I think we want to see that as well so people say what's in it for me this is in it for you right council president can I just respond to that um and I agree 100% And I've been the most active council member on this and and uh supporting it but I hear the same exact things from second word residents now that it's real and we you know the entire neighborhood is being disrupted because the majority of the second ward is on the wet side of the structure and they are concerned that their flood insurance is going up that their flood risk is going up they're you know not getting any benefit whatsoever and and a lot of people weren't here when we started this 9 10 years ago so Caleb and director Gonzalez and and the administration is uh you know making themselves available to do what we can to just talk with my neighbors and get them more comfortable that you know the flood rck isn't higher but it's here right and it's starting to we're all like okay we want it done and and boy when I tell you 15th Street residents want it done uh and it's three more years of misery but we'll get there council president yes just a quick comment um I actually hosted uh director Stratton on an episode of coffee with Cohen today it's a half an hour discussion about resiliency issues if people would like to watch it you can uh but we talked about a lot of issues timelines details with respect to a range of resiliency issues I thank him for being my guest thanks thank you Mr finina call the vote Mr con hi Mr dorl no Fisher yes Mrs javor yes r xano I Cano no Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo hi president gtino yes ordinances ordinance for introduction amending the chapter 168 streets and sidewalks at Article 5 currently reserved regarding e e deliveries to promote sidewalk safety to complete sidewalks Amendment Mr fre call the vote council president just I just a question for the sponsors about this that's okay yes thanks so the question I had is that um we heard from a number of constituencies here tonight including B Hoboken and uh Safe Streets uh uh heard from well I'm getting to it no no I'm joking thanks I heard from uh the liista representatives and others uh one of the requests that was made that we got in writing was whether uh this could be tabled for further consideration uh I don't know if you considered that uh request from the bike Advocates uh that that is my whether there is any uh thought about possibly engaging additional uh stakeholders with respect to this ordinance uh so that was my question for the sponsor um we've considered it there's also a time roll out of June 24 and there's a heavy education uh component of this uh if you've noticed on a lot of this that enforcement was never really a big thing in this so I was trying to uh after speaking with council members in New York City Jersey City officials in Hoboken Del uh delivery Personnel on the street uh so in the trenches asking things uh I spoke with delivery companies uh countless hours of research countless hours of looking at other ordinances around the world essentially um we have a time frame where there is plenty of open room for if we have to tweak things we can do it but this is the first step just not the end all be all I do know that the biking Community wants to explore uh uh protected bike Lanes uh unfortunately that's not an overnight decision this is an overnight decision that could be moved pretty quickly for safety on our streets and it's the first step so um we' like to opportunity to speak about it in in Committee in between the just to clarify though the ordinance itself doesn't list a date so where does the June 2024 date come from uh the three a four-month rollout of that n nature uh because there's three phases to it first phase is to continue what uh HPD has started to give their message with the businesses and people on the streets uh we'll be working with uh some Partners inside the city that will begin uh almost as soon as we get stuff printed up uh we would then provided everything even if things don't pass we'll still go along with that uh then it would turn into of course if the ordinance is passed by this body which hopefully will happen we then turn into the phase of Education that this is what we will need to do but during that time there'll be ample opportunity that I think some of my co-sponsors and I have talked about that there's a chance councilman I I I do appreciate it but I just I know the question was do you want to table it it it isn't really the appropriate time to be discussing the ordinance but your answer was I don't want to I don't want to put words in your mouth but your answer was I considered it but I am not willing to do that correct so Mr finina called V but we can add the date yeah we can add that it's not effective until June 202 we could do the companion something that would just Define sort of if you have sort of a phasing like maybe you could do a companion resolution that articulates that I think it would just be helpful to better understand that we can do that at the next meting yeah we can do something yeah be I think the Mr but just just a I'm sorry just to councilman Cohen's question uh yes but I think we want to if this gets delayed tonight our fear is that this dialogue won't take place in the urgency that the members of the public display tonight so I think vote it anyone has any suggestions for it we'll work on those suggestions in upcoming weeks this is just first reading tonight it's not going into effect and you have an opportunity the conversation those conversations before our next meeting on 21st Mr Mr yes on first reading Mr Dole no Fisher yes Mrs Jabor yes on First with the agreement that we can meet before second Reading Please Mr President Zano I Mr Cano no Mr Ramos I Mr Russo I president gtino yes Bard for introduction amending chapter one [Applause] chapter 190 d6.1 entitled restricted parking for police vehicles fire vehicles and official business to designate Reserve parking spaces official City business at the multi-service center and to designate two shortterm Reserve parking spaces at City Hall of public use please call the vote Mr B Mr hi Mr Doyle hi M fiser yes Mr boore yes Fano I Mr Cano hi Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo hi president gtino yes an ordinance amending Amendment to the Hoboken city code to repeal chapter 195 youth advisory commission Mr finina call the vote Mr conen I Mr Doyle i m fiser yes Mrs Jabor yes trino Mr Cano hi Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo hi president all right I give up okay the next one is number four an ordinance amending chapter 190 D1 entitled loading zones designated to extend our of loading zone on Washington Street between Observer Highway and N Street please call the vote Mr con hi mror hi M fiser uh yes I think this should go through the southern committee not Finance next time but yes Mrs jaor yes Mr Fano I Mr Cano hi Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo hi president gtino yes wasn't that the Observer Highway one yes yeah I don't know I think you're one ahead oh sorry I'm one ahead sorry not that one this I was looking at the the the next one went through Finance but I I feel like it should go through ordance for introduction an ordance of the city of Hoboken the county of Hudson jerse approving the execution of financial agreement between the city of hobok and OB zero Highway Urban renew LLC please call the vote Mr con hi Mr Doyle I Mr fiser yes I'm first reading Mr jaor yes Mr Fano I Mr Cano hi Mr Ramos I Mr Russo I president gtino yes ORD for introduction and ordance amending the Redevelopment plan for the Northwest industry industrial Redevelopment area please call the vote Mr con I Mr Doyle I Mr fiser uh yeah Mr Jabor yes Mr fro I Mr Cano hi Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo hi president gtino yes uh resolution CD3 resolution of the city of hokan referring an ordinance amending the Redevelopment plan for the Northwest industrial Redevelopment area of the city of Hoboken planning board for review and Report who the local Redevelopment Housing LW njsa 48 colon 12 A7 please call the vote Mr fno Mr Co I Mr Doyle I Mr fiser yes Mr Jabor yes Mr penano I Mr Cano I Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo I president Gino yes public portion Patricia waiters even though it was first reading thank you council president and all that supported that bike um resolution um I want to thank you Jerry cuz I only got a call from you and if I'm missing anybody I apologize um black history month was last uh Thursday I thought it was that Wednesday I thought it was a meeting but unfortunately it wasn't Jimmy I got your your email and plus your message on my machine Patricia if they're going to be any event or whatever I want to attend I want to thank you for that for thinking of the uh for black history month and you Jerry I did get a text from you but I didn't receive anything from none of my council members and I really need to know why there's like 17 days left and I'm begging you guys to educate again could we give something in the community center or something like that I have some T-shirts I have literature from my uncle which is my hero from 1959 from demeris I got his plaques I got everything to show True black history that was originated right here in Hoboken every sport there was he was elected in the Hall of Fame in demerus never mentioned so it's about education some good things happen to black families here in Hoboken that I want to share with you I'm going to wait again tomorrow and see who reach out to me that's what the Community Hall is for that's what the multi-service center is for get a Community Hall let's go in there get some food cooked get some chicken let's get some greens and get the black people together let them know they count in Hoboken okay cuz they've been forgotten about a long time every other holiday y'all running a house in Authority give them bouncy houses and all of that but you're not educating them you're not letting them know what's going on and what black history mean in Hoboken so when they being impacted with negative things and racial racial incidents and crimes they will know how to handle their self including mine and my children so again guys black history month was a week ago so you're a week later I want you to recognize this month I holding near and dear to my heart we longtime residents in Hoboken and we do count we don't need an election to talk about diversity Ruben you got to be the strongest man in America after those comments I read today too with respect to this bike thing so race do play a huge part and people may not say it because it's a very sensitive topic and we see that happening all around the world but I really applaud you you've been the longest Serv in person and you've been forgotten about too trust me but I'm telling you again Pat waiters y'all all got my information I'm sending it to you tomorrow morning Jerry and I want it in each and every Council member's box I already talked to Reverend Williams the only black church on Washington Street 721 Washington we waiting to hear back from you guys everybody all nine of y'all okay y all nine of y'all I'm waiting to hear back from you oh and you two administrators over there I'm waiting to hear back from you guys please work with me on this one thank you guys have a good night you thank you Edward Reed thank you Ed Manny Rivera Solair thank you thank you it's 10 minutes Joe again me good evening W noes Manuel Riva Soler uh Council uh president um I would like to take some time here and I would like to let members of the public know as well as all of you I I just come to ask questions and to speak not in any um aspect of being uh contrary to to anything it's just getting down to the questions I also say from my own self when I see myself in the videos I look like I'm a little grudging and mean but I'm not I'm a a pussycat but with claws I just want to say that this week and last week were very important weeks um yeah weeks for our city because I as I urged in the last meeting I asked members of the public to please join the other meetings that go on during the month um the planning board zoning board historic preservation all of these boards are very important things are getting done without too much or no input from members of the public these are open public meetings you could come and speak without fear express your opinion give your comments and not feel like you're being demeaned in any way I know I a many of them and I again asked members of the public there are a lot of things that are going um to be um demolished uh there are things that need to be demolished because they have no way of um them being preserved due to their um age uh and treatment and care and there are things that can be saved or at least partially saved and respected but when you go to these meetings especially the planning board or the zoning board you have to come in and speak your mind because they need to hear the input yes they go by code and they cannot take our opinion or our our pleads to don't don't let them build that thing here they have to let them build it if they comply but they when they have the opportunity when it's a variance they can say hold up we need more information so this is something that I would like to let members of the public know in general because um there's not that much that can be said that people can hear in those meetings like they can hear it here and they can rehear it and they can play it again and again but it is important and I and I would not come and and speak about it if it was not I don't begrudge any members of any of the boards if if they feel um that they are being forced to do something because they can't do it but they also need to feel what members of the public are expressing so in that case I want everybody to know that we are trying to work again and partially if not completely save but at least partially respect um 214 Hudson Street in 212 Hudson Street it's coming back again um to a meeting of the planning board in March it's one of those things that it is hard to to to just do it on your own and in one of those meetings so important was this that members of the historic preservation went to a planning board meeting not once not two but three times so these are things that are important so I urge everyone that's uh able to come or able to to join in any in any of these meetings to please join even the shade tree commission it is important you need to know where your trees are going to be planted if you want them uh to be there or not so I thank you council president and and also I would like to say that there there is um there is again the when you speak and I will save my for next meeting for sidewalk safety and other things there there is another element of sidewalks that need to be looked at is we have to also find a way to possibly look at streets whether it's in certain neighborhoods whatever so that we can fix the pavement or the the the the the cement on these streets because they're uneven this is this is a millennial um uh thing um I am a person with a disability I go to all the meetings and let them know this is one of my my pet peeves I know my time is almost up um but it is important to try to start looking we spending we're investing pardon me uh money on many many parks and many many things but it's time to look a street by Street if we have to Ward by Ward somehow we have to fix the sidewalks because that's also for pedestrians for uh um older uh um Hoboken knites um children uh parents and and Guardians with with uh uh uh children and carriages so these are things that are important and I thank you all for listening and I appreciate you and God bless you God bless you all and God bless H broken thanks thank you we have no other members the public signed up to speak motion to close motion second all in favor I I we have two no we have two items for new business um sorry we can vote on them together if everyone's fine with that because one's the resolution saying it's an emergency and the other is extending the construction hours for Hoboken Charter School they are starting work prior to our next council meeting that's why it's on as an emergency could you tell you the hours thank you um I believe it is till and it's indoor work it's all indoor HVAC indoor work it's till 10 10 p.m. on school days and the weekends Saturday and Sunday 10 to 4 p.m. is it actually quiet I mean when you say it's indoor work is it if they don't stay within the noise ordinance which they have to prove that they're doing to the construction officer Mario said he will stop them from working after hours okay I mean okay thank you thank you Mr finina call the vote on both Mr con hi Mr Doyle i m Fischer yes Mr Jabor yes Mr prano hi Mr Cano hi Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo I president gtino yes motion to close second all in favor it's