still got it's in the I got in a yeah Oh I thought Corner Lots was off it's on it's on for first I right I think I'm right I'll go through all of it so all these are oh and Arsenal one 3 to one I I let you go back I'll let you go back now it was great game I'll let you go back we had really good seats so it was a lot of fun ni now you wear that shirt again it's loose that's that's what I do I got the scarf I got like the big I wear I wear uh whatever shirt I wore in I keep on wearing that shirt I go to a new shirt yeah so funny everybody we clearly had somebody's like season tickets or whatever everybody around knew each other so they like really so you get them that's the only way to get tickets is that ni yeah yeah yeah that's the only way yeah they were really everybody was like you could tell that they were all friends they hang out and do this every weekend like 50 games a year yeah it's so funny though I grabbed a couple we grabbed a couple drinks and like headed into the game like C you know you walk in you can't bring drinks into the stadium so everybody's outside like Dr as fast as they can yeah it was a lot of fun though um yeah we should be good to go does anyone I think he's probably just late he would have told us by now he was not coming I think okay I would like to advise all those present at notice of this meeting has been provided to the public in accordance with the provisions of the open public meeting act that notice was published The Jersey Journal City website copies provided in the record an or lger also placed on a bon board in the lobby of City Hall written objections if any shall be made to the city clerk please rise to salute the flag flag United States Mr please call the role Mr con here the Fusco here Mr Doyle pres fiser yes CH Tino here Mr ganto pres Mr Ramos Mr Russo pres president javor here um okay so before we start with the formal agenda I just want to go through some housekeeping items because there have been a number of changes um so for those in the room you'll see it on the updated agenda if you have it from up front um but for those following along um the first two items b607 and b608 are being carried as they are still pending planning board approval b611 has been carried A2 has been carried under resolutions ordinances number nine and 10 under introduction and first reading are carried and related to those cd10 and cd11 which are the referral resolutions for those two ordinances is also off and if you're in the room you'll see there's two items that have been un added under new business um one is the resolution to designate an item as urgent and the other is uh an agreement between the city in the Waterfront Alliance for the Waterfront Edge design guidelines program certification of Maritime park I think we're all on the same page then correct that's carried yes um with that I think I'm going to check director Freeman are we ready to go into the hearing regarding Maritime Park yes okay great RJ that um I need to do a motion to open the public hearing motion to open the public hearing motion second all in [Applause] favor all right great thank you um want to introduce yourselves that would be great thank you so much absolutely um I am Aaron Campbell senior architect with dner Architects and I'm Colleen hes I'm a senior associate at scape landscape architect and uh thank you very much for uh having us here this evening we'll uh quickly go through uh the concept design Fork um the agenda basically we're going to say quickly where we are in the process we're going to go through the concept um and then kind of talk a little bit deeper into come of the Salient asks of the park design um in the process we're pretty much at the end of this concept design process uh we got started in March and here we are at the city council meeting so it's been a great ride um we have had a previous concept design uh presentation back in uh July which had three approaches which we vetted through public engagement and have come uh up with a preferred concept that incorporated features Incorporated those designs and other features that were requested through the uh engage process uh we had a lot of participants uh we just also presented this uh project in a public third public meeting for the final um concept design back over uh back in October at the um multi-service Center and um I'm going to let Colleen talk about the project goals thanks aarin um so these are uh five project goals that have been consistent across all of our present tions to the community and throughout uh the process up until this point um we are really setting the design to meet these five goals and so I'll just read these goals to everybody quickly uh the first goal is connect and access it's the idea of establishing a connected and accessible Hoboken waterfront for people of all backgrounds and abilities to gather to anticipate to plan for the effects of climate change to implement a resilient and enduring Waterfront Park programming provide a diverse range of programs and activities that meet community needs uh restore to enhance and restore to enhance biodiversity and restore native ecologies and celebrate celebrate the unique history and character of the Hoboken waterfront through materiality and interpretive experiences um so as Ain mentioned we've had three Community meetings two of those are in person one was on zoom and what we heard through that commun those Community uh meetings was that first and foremost the skate park was very important to people they wanted uh folks wanted us to keep the skat Park um some comments were actually about expanding the skate park a lot of people wanted flexible Green Space for casual and spontaneous Recreation and to preserve the beach and possibly expand the beach for um kind of more of a natural Waterfront experience and then in addition to that folks wanted to see a community building that was devoted to the maritime history and a place that could be open year round um so I'll quickly walk you through the actual concept um this was also presented at at the third community meeting this is the site today uh not many people have actually been to the site because it is privatized the site in total is 8.7 Acres the actual land and Pier area is about 4 and a half um and here you can see we have this the our scope of work does include the existing Castle Point skate park and includes all three peers as well this is the concept for maritime Park that was developed with our entire consultant team you can see if we go from plan left to right the entry Plaza that leads people to the actual uh enhanced skate park this is the idea of an integrated skate park to become a part of the actual Park experience there's a flexible lawn that can hold a different series of uses uh daily we have nature play which will show you a bit of a rendering of that and what that might look like the community Hub which Aon will walk you through that is the uh the building here um and a pedestrian bridge that that connects allean Park eron will also walk you through that uh if we go just below the building you can see the expanded Beach this is actually expanding the beach at Hoboken Cove to have more access to the water and then a quarter acre tidal Marsh this is to really uh filter water and help mitigate any sort of storm surge and then you can see here the the learning Pier just next to the title Marsh that is the idea of uh creating educational opportunities and places for people to bird watch those types of activities and then the maritime Pier we'll also walk you through a uh rendering of that as well so really one of our goals again was to enhance biodiversity here you can see this enhanced Shoreline ecology we really wanted to bring different types of uh biodiversity and different Shoreline ecologies to the Waterfront uh really seeing this as a different typology for the Hoboken waterfront um here you can see a diagram that shows that that the park cools and manages storm water we're hoping with a very kind of rich and diverse tree canopy we can help to cool uh the park and cool people who come uh you know preventing the heat island effect and also we have a goal of capturing and managing all storm water that hits the site on site uh a park that anticipates sea level rise here you can see that we are actually elevating the site to about a 14t elevation that is also kind of goes above and beyond the kind of typical DFE that you would see at a building uh Erin will walk you through that too um and this hopes to mitigate any sort of uh sea level rise and climate change scenarios that we might see along the Waterfront this is a rendering of the title Marsh really we here we wanted to create this kind of unique experience that highlights the kind of historical Ecology of Hoboken and we really saw this as an opportunity to create a different type of uh Waterfront experience that really is not along the Waterfront now this kind of naturalized version of a title Marsh uh this is the maritime Pier uh you can see here that we have the historic plaque that we're bringing back to to celebrate the workers of uh the the maritime workers along the Hoboken waterfront a place where ships can birth as well um and areas that are flexible enough to bring um School groups and to hold various types of activities here you can see a rendering of the expanded Beach and the Hoboken Hub in the background this is really taking the idea of expanding that Hoboken Cove and really creating a a much larger area for recreation and Waterfront experiences and then the skate park this is the idea of integrating the skate park really into the park uh uh design and really taking it as a a place where it can be something that is incorporated into uh all daily activity is not something that's just kind of set aside and then uh the nature play area this is the idea of kind of creating a space that is uh ecologically rich in terms of creating um enhanced biodiversity and pollinator habitat but also a a new way to play that is kind of deeply integrated into um natural materials um and learning and Discovery and eron's going to walk you through the building thank you Colleen um so the um Community Hub Building um the first move is really um to connect alician Park uh to the new proposed Maritime Park and by doing that we are able to um provide pedestrian access between all these green spaces that you see here um that are currently separated by Sinatra drive and it's various uh off sheets and the the the traffic patterns down there the The Hub also responds to a lot of community input that we got around what a building could be we had a baseline of you know restroom facilities and maybe a refreshment kiosk but we really did get positive response uh regarding a place where education and community events could be held within the park um in various types of weather which uh really starts to speak to a covered enclosed space um so really what happens is that we due to the elevation change we brought the bridge connection across from alician Park to the maritime Park site and have a 1 to 20 um slope surface that connects that bridge down to the park level so it's about a 17t grade change between the 29 ft and the 12T of the park so that move as you can see here is it's really just a piece of circulation with the enclosed space tucked underneath of it and also the tucking it underneath um it's also is raised above uh 4 ft above the adjacent area to get it into the correct DF so that we can actually have restroom facilities and assembly space uh because if under the DF we'd have to mitigate it with other flood uh expensive flood uh counter measures here you can see a view leaving lean Park going across the pedestrian bridge which is open um and onto a roof deck which gives panoramic views over the Hudson and the uh new park and here is a uh view from the entry Plaza showing the park and its materiality we were really inspired by the um actually existing materiality of uh weathered wood weathering steel and concrete um not only these materials have a certain Beauty to them and recall the history of the site but also they are resilient and rugged and part of a proposing a building on this site is a low maintenance uh building doesn't have to be painted in that sort of thing and here's a bird's eye of the park uh thank you very much thank you so much questions C members I mean I I I don't have I don't have a question I I just think it's um personally I think it's beautiful like in what it's going to if and when we get there like what it does to the area really transforms not only just the Waterfront but it connecting alion um really transforms kind of that whole corner of 11th and Hudson that right now is or 11th and Hudson and Sinatra it's going to just make that whole area just operate better so hopefully we'll get to a point where we'll get to have this but I think the best part is it I don't think it's a surprise to anyone in terms of the features you know we hear you know our best parks our big Open Spaces on the waterfront and um and it has it's great to see that it really repres represented the input of pretty much everyone we heard from so this this outcome doesn't surprise me based on the input that you know we heard from people so thank you for your efforts yeah I just this is the third time I've seen this so I've already asked questions at the planning board so but I I think it's a great design so I'm I'm completely in favor council president uh beautiful as as somebody that works in Creative Marketing wonderful presentation um preliminary costs I mean we don't we don't have an exact preliminary cost right now but it will be in the tens of millions given the scope of of the project it's a fairly large you know Park um we will probably in in December when the datner and Escape team delivers the the final deliverable um with the whole package of everything they prepared so that is in the works I'd like to be abundantly clear on this to all my Council colleagues I told them they took the same body that doesn't have one one single sponsor for term limits that I've been proposing you are all going into a battle in a site that does not have the proper structural foundations that does not have the money and I don't know if anybody on this council is ready for the costs associated with this so well well may be good that we have a beautiful diagram but shame on Tiffany fer for just looking at a diagram when she's the one that clearly says in every budget and pulls out lines and complains about the administration shame on Tiffany fer for getting elected and introducing this in a public setting 3 days after that or a week after the the election that is a shame for transparency that is a shame for good government and when this is aund million project I will be at that microphone reminding everybody of what I'm saying so the second word councilwoman should really should should be held accountable in time thank you council president council president can you speak to the uh we talked a little bit about flood mitigation could you speak to exactly how that's going to work with this park and why we're not doing a little less of that since we're going to be on the water uh sure um I'd like to go to um a diagram I think this diagram really helps see it part of the idea is that um a park that's consistently underwater um requires a lot more maintenance and it also impedes its usability so especially in terms of the peer structures and um the grassland structures so part of what we were looking to do with the flood mitigation is get the base level of the park as high up as we could get while still tying it into the adjacent landscape and then capturing and dealing with the storm water under the park so that the park isn't just a green uh like a green expanse but it really operates as a piece of in infrastructure uh to basically help it endure longer um with less maintenance right no I I understand that my question really is elevating the park is one thing but creating a this flood mitigation technique which is going to cost millions of dollars when we have the ability to have natural runoff into the river why are we why are we talking about a flood mitigation technique whether that's a detention system retention system what whatever it may be when we have the ability to have a natural runoff which is fine into the river and and save ourselves potentially millions of dollars for that system so uh just to be clear you're talking about storm water correct yeah I'm I'm yeah okay so what we had set a goal that all storm water that hits the site we would capture and treat and hopefully reuse um on site as a means of irrigation um potentially well irrigation would be the kind of the biggest element so that you're kind of offsetting the cost that you would have to pay to potentially irrigate a park um and that way the other idea for the storm water itself and we can go to that diagram um the idea for the storm water strategy is also that we actually treat storm water through a series of rain Gardens and biooils and really to treat the water to almost a tertiary State and then the water would then potentially if it needed to flow back into the Hudson River the idea is really just to clean water before it kind of moves out into the river or capture it in reuse it for irrigation me see it's the capture and reuse that I have a problem with because I think capture and reuse is going to be a a very high cost associated with that um the natural runoff the uh vile swells whatever that may be that that to me is very natural right that's before any development on this waterfront that's how it got into the river in the first place right so that I'm not concerned about what I'm concerned about is creating this system that's going to PO cost a lot of money that we don't necessarily need and can keep down to councilman the FCO Point keep down cost on the buildout of this par understood I I I think that there's a way for us to potentially look at the benef the cost benefits between a potential capture and reuse strategy or a pable irrigation strategy and see what those cost benefits are and then you know move forward with something in that in that realm whichever one is least expensive in terms of best best practices for kind of urban capture um and reuse and urban urban capture and reuse the idea of best management practices is to uh you know treat through uh green infrastructure which are biooils or rain Gardens um or to capture in in vaults and and similar things like that in yeah and and again you I'll just make the point one more time I agree with that wholeheartedly on Jackson Street on Monroe Street on Madison Street I don't necessarily agree with that on the river right on the river is a very different scenario when it comes to capturing storm uh storm Waters right so I think there's a way where we could save a lot of money if we're not incorporating that type of a system where I don't think we actually need to right elevating the park is one thing that of course is is what we want to prevent so people could actually utilize the park and not have to be standing in three feet of water when it rains um but but again I I think there's a lot of questions when it comes to some of the things that are incorporated into this especially when it comes to storm water retention understood and then U the only other question I had was could you go back to the um the slide where it was more of that like Marshland the rendering yeah sorry so in in terms of total square footage of of the park what is that square footage versus the the the whole so the the scope of work for uh our scope including the water is 11.9 Acres okay the tidal Marsh is a quarter of an acre quarter of an acre yes and what was the public input specific to the title Marsh so one of the main um I think one of the main pieces of feedback that we got from the public was that they wanted to see ecological enhancement along the Waterfront I'm sorry that ecological enhancement along the Waterfront and the and the ability to interact with idea a living so H so kind of walk me through how someone would interact in that Mar land so there's a couple of things you can see a stepped edge here um where you see all of these people sitting along the stepped Edge right um You can also see what we're calling the ecological peer the idea of the ecological peer is to have um you know various forms of uh Learning Potentials um where people can bring groups etc etc there's an outdoor classroom which you can see right here with the group of students there's also a bird watching structure one of a large piece of feedback that we got from the community was they wanted to see enhanced biodiversity and so we're hoping that this the idea of the title Marsh will bring back some of this kind of um historic ecology that actually existed on this site prior to development and next the explains that step seating area but specifically on the area of the marsh there's there's noys interaction with public no no and the the the idea is that the public does not actually that that is not an area for which uh any sort of uh water activity recreational water activity would happen we're hoping that that recreational water activity happens here okay councilman we we have near where I live we have like a natural Beach and I'll tell you we have Birds you know tons of birds we occasionally Turtles gotten seals um and there are just dozens of people out there every day like watching people just like to kind of see that that I this is a it's it's a way that you can my life througha and and have a living Shoreline it is also thing people to see you know natural wild they walk by I don't I just think in a city like UTI Fe you know AC half acre so it's those things understand that she said less than a quarter l a quarter a quarter an anchor anch the the total of the total square footage for the title Marsh is less than a quarter of an acre the whole site is 11.9 and Ju Just as as one additional Point um this area um you know would would not be considered a developable area so there there would be no way to kind of fill it in and create some sort of lawn or recreational um experience there uh because it is it it would already exist take a lot of Permitting and extra types of things thank you thank you resident talking thate has fought really hard to keep as a natural site a migrator dist Birds uh and I think that a relatively small but I think significant aspect of the park this is thing that a lot people feedback for which I think um just a few thoughts about this first I want to thank uh scape and Architects for this presentation uh this reflects a very serious investment by city in the future Riv Park we've been fighting for for a long long time 2017 uh we were on the outside looking in we didn't own this land it was owned by Union dry do York War way a lot of us went down to Mar Martin 2018 headquarters in New York trying to prevent back door deal being done where it was going to be transfer out control C essentially I think it was A99 year year lease between Governor chrisy State of newers Transit on day in office I believe giving it to and we on out looking in and here we are today uh five and a half years later six years later legal owners of property looking at the forever use of hul days that could only dreamed about at that time for a the city for land we as85 million nor transaction we did it across the table we can deal and we are in an extraordinarily better place today looking as we head towards 2024 than we could have imagined in 2018 so uh I think we should all be very proud We Are city today uh this is a vision that I think May hoped to have seen in 2018 and to do something this beautiful this extraordinary is a testament to a lot of people who care to fund for better water here in the room tonight they part of than for input and for their support was the begin of the fight continue the fight and this Council back up may every step of way his administration negotiated this retain this AR the city council approved the retainer of the AR this Architects and designers who made this presentation and we're all a part of this all all of us all the entire we all deserve some recognition for this accomplishment really is one and finally respect to the um the uh stairway links the bridge the Flying Bridge I how it's being Dro uh between Park and uh this were Fun Park uh the intersection of lth Hudson uh where the Hudson and nwell and drive come together is a particularly bad intersection it's a dangerous intersection and it's people cross all the time because people who want access the Waterfront who live living that is their main entrance to the park know other is that's the main one by having this bridge it will create a safe Pleasant interaction where we're linking this the Jew of leion Park the most beautiful old Sparks in the city with this water park it will transform the neighborhood I think the people who live on Hudson live in the other side Washington Street will be coming and going that frequently enjoying water in a way that they'll enjoy more now because feel even safer accessing it and uh this will all complemented by the new two-way protected bik Lane which will be built starting next year is not going to be realize that as soon as that bik line it's take a little more time see they have the tenants off that land and but we'll be there and this will happen in the future but we'll start experiencing the expanded bike path on S Drive St next year when that work gets done and that will be on the UN and part used1 thank you presid just about the bridge you no it just and then slops it slopes down that's correct um quickly here so there's three ways to get down the bridge itself comes over to this uh roof deck there's a 1 to 20 uh slope surface that takes you down to the park level there's also a centrally located uh elevator and stair for people who don't want to take a ramp or in in instances of inclement weather or like sometimes you have like two strollers or something like that and you need to get up and down and the uh ramp is out your way to go thank you um It's amazing And best news is in the sixth Bo so we have another great Park coming but uh I really want to thank fun for better Waterfront because you guys the ones who initiated this from the very Gecko and without you we probably wouldn't be here today so thank you counc yeah uh Kudos all around I don't burst anyone's bubble though no one's asked the question uh where does New York Waterway uh fit in to the construction phases of the project as to we're going to do a south to North construction development what's the timeline for that to take place uh and moving forward so how does that all integrate uh with the final design and the intermediate design and uses as far as Mar goes New Jersey you can answer question you come up as far as Marsh goes New Jersey has one of the most diverse bird species population in the world so I think uh I learn from those SPS so I think uh this will help enhance that so I think it's pretty cool uh your your uh question councilman soal um subject your approval of the the concept assigned this evening um there will be a a resolution on a coming agenda then we will proceed with full Design After full design and during that process we'll figure out the exact phasing um it is our intent to uh break ground on a portion of the park that is the um portion that is not going to be least or occupied by uh New York Waterway for the foreseeable future as soon as um feasible based on that design so uh it will be a pH construction I can't give you exact dates yet because that's going to to be determined by the final design um but we'll proceed with that final design uh you know immediately hiring a an engineer to complete that work immediately following your your approval council president can I ask oh okay no just a followup to whatever um to the to the point that a couple people raised we've done this before I mean if this part cost a billion dollars we wouldn't approve building it right if it cost a dollar we would approve building it so can we get cost estimate before we approve the final design so we know what we're getting into because for example I'm being extreme let's say it's a billion dollars but 900 million relates to what councilman Russo raised we would want to not have that right and have the lower cost so we can we do that we don't typically do that but this does look like it's going to be a costly so we're working through the design team is working through the cost estimate right now um and they'll that'll be included in the draft report which we'll receive in December so sure we can work through the timing of that such that the resolution great you know would be after great thanks some did you have additional sure I'll just add R up to sure yep I'm going to just make a couple of comments first and then I'm going to go to the public sorry Ron or yeah uh I just wanted to add a couple of things one um hoba Middle School actually has a really successful program called The River Keeper Institute that's really benefited from these kinds of sites and so when I look at this I see really exciting Partnerships for our students and what they'll be able to study as part of the site so I think that's wonderful um something that hasn't been mentioned I also really appreciate the preservation of the historical context of site um and that was something I heard from a number of members of the public in the process of these meetings was um to ignore the past and to not have sort of any sort of identification of the history of the Waterfront um is sort of a miss and so I really appreciate that this is thoughtful out um celebrating and highlighting that rich history of hoboken's Waterfront um then to underscore something that councilman Cohen brought up I really appreciate the um pedestrian bridge and the safety element that brings in terms of um moving about and the accessibility of that and what that affords for um our residents no matter um how they get around so thank you very much for that beautiful presentation um and with that I will turn it over members of the public we questions and I think we're starting with Ron Hine questions or comments I should say there's an echo got the button yep we're just gonna move the mic up for you just one second perfect so I uh I also have uh some similar concerns that were just uh raised by uh the those of you on the council uh and I'm interested in what all the deliverables are uh under this $1.1 million contract it's a very very big contract and I assume uh that we should be getting uh a lot out of this and and my first the first uh item which you mentioned before concerns the budget uh if you have uh a park that's going to cost $20 million I'm just picking that number out of my hat they're probably going to be more uh and you only have $10 million on your budget to build the park you're going to be faced with some very hard choices about what you can keep and what you're going to have to let go of and you know what are your priorities what of all I mean you have all these wonderful things in this park but uh if you don't know which ones are uh what absolutely have to go into this park uh for us to get something that that is to the standard that we want then uh when we're faced with that choice you you have a cost here you have a budget here how how do you reconcile that uh now mayor Bala said that he wanted the unleas portions of this park uh to start in 2025 uh and we all know that the lease runs um for the next 3 to 5 years so if we're going to start uh for instance with the skate park on the south uh or with the expanded Beach on the North uh I didn't see anything that was presented by The Professional team uh that would allow that to move forward uh next year and I think that's something very important to think about uh the you know if the development of this park can be started right away uh that's going to be another layer of protection which is very important uh next is the engineering report uh La back in June they came out with a pre-design analysis and existing conditions report but I haven't seen anything since that time uh this is very important what's the cost First of all what's the analysis of the condition of the peers I understand that they're not considered feasible in the long term so what's the cost of removing them uh what's the rationale for doing that and so so I I was expecting some kind of final uh engineering report but I haven't seen that yet uh next uh is the environmental cleanup uh I know that's a question on a lot of people's minds I assume this is also part of this project uh but again I haven't seen there's nothing on the maritime uh Park website about this so I I assume that's coming down the line at some point but I haven't seen it yet also uh what's the plan for the uh trees and the other Landscaping elements uh what species of trees are we talking about what planting techniques uh are we do we have details that show uh the proper volume of soil required to sustain these trees the these are all important questions that need to be answered and I hope that's included as part of this contract so so we know that this is a conceptual design that's been presented to us it's not uh construction documents so you're going to have to let out another contract for that and that I'm sure I sure is going to be substantial so so these are all questions that I think are very important to have answered uh thank you very much that's it are there any other members of the public who had questions regarding this hearing Manuel Rivera Solair thank you council president yes I do have questions I had questions at the planning board meeting some were answered some had to be deferred because it wasn't within the scope of the planning board uh question or what they had to um decide Mr do could testified to that and I'm just referring to him um when I asked the question then about the skating rink or the skating park um the location of it being a a prime location um and I had asked the team um would they have considered not that I was trying to change the the design of the park but what they have considered um moving the skating park just a little to the side or a little bit over so that we could have space or in that area for quiet uh uh zones or at least a place where persons with disabilities seniors and um uh other types of folks could um at least sit in that area and enjoy the scenery of the river and and stuff but uh they said that they had gotten over 600 plus uh uh interest in having it there and making it bigger so I I didn't uh I didn't protest 600 seemed a lot to me but uh I am assuming and I would respect and I know that they're not um uh saying anything wrong but that was a a concern or more of than a question but they I I believe that that's what they had answered that's why I'm saying it to members of the public that could hear it here in a bigger setting um as well as I had also asked questions in regards to the bridge and um I had asked would they consider or had they considered the bridge having a a um roof on it again the answer was that that would change the structure would make it I guess a building or the code so that was again nixed and then I believe a member of the board asked them if they were going to put some type of a heating system or something for when the uh snows fall and the Ice uh comes over and uh I believe that they said yes that something would be there I don't know if they're they're answering questions now again but uh I guess the greater members of the public would like to at least have an answer um so those were the main concerns that I had on that meeting the concerns that were raised now as far as environmental and all that is also important um I also believe that I had mentioned and this is where I had to stop asking questions in regards to the um the cost and how would the team being that it's a possible begin date for the complete park or the rest of the park that part that we don't own I mean that we we we don't have um access to it rather um how is they going to keep that that in the eyes of the public in the eyes of the council because it's 5 years so that's approximately if anybody knows um the hands of The reigns of the the council change once again um so how does how does a council continue to have interest in this if they weren't if they don't you know do they get to change it do they say oh we should change this or that that was my my question and they weren't able to answer it and now I'm asking the council how does this project project continue to have a lifespan if in 5 years the mayorship changes the mayor has a different view whoever the mayor may be um and uh th those those are the types of things that I believe um bring pause to to the project and the fact of the cost um just when I asked of the heating system I said how how do you maintain the cost of that heating system um being that it is going to be in that element it is going to be in uh the water and the elements and it's going to break down as many things we can see along the riverfront breaks down and then it's too expensive to fix or we have to bond for something else so you know I guess there were more observations than questions but there are questions in there so if anybody would like to answer it and then again I'm not against first number one the skater the skating park I'm just asking can we locate it and again I don't want it in the back anywhere where the children can't also enjoy the the view of the river CU it's it's for fun for for that for that uh for uh those um members of our community so and as well as I am not against having a park as pretty as that I would like to see it in my lifetime but 5 years is a long time who knows what will happen uh and I'm getting more gray hairs and and I thank you for your time council president and Council thank you any other members of the public who wish to ask questions or make comments seeing none no sorry oh no okay seeing none motion to close public portion second all in favor um I don't know if on that last one if anyone wanted to address any of the additional questions rais from the public no okay um so I think we can move that is the completion is there anything else director Gonzalez you wanted to add on the public hearing or good good okay um okay so moving to second readings and ordinances just as a reminder and I mentioned this at the top of the meeting b607 and b608 are awaiting planning board approval it's noted in the room um but just for those following along and then b611 has been carried so the first item we'll be discussing is b61 15 B uh b615 yes a hearing on an ordinance of the Hoboken authorizing the execution of police agreement between the city of Hoboken 1500 Clinton LLC for property designated as block 131 Lots 1 through 32 with the North and Rehabilitation area are there any members of the public signed up to speak on this uh right anything on b615 though yep b615 carried being it's being carried sorry I wasn't paying attention my apologies to the crowd and let me put all right I was getting geared up for 611 so council president Manuel R Sol I apologize I I this when I print my copy and the final copy comes out here it's almost like two different animals so my apologies but I'm just going to ask briefly a couple questions because I'm going to come up a couple of times just just for um you all to know in the ordinance b615 yes the question is I was looking in the packet page that's why I was trying to see if I could find something in here that I hadn't noted down um I didn't see the date of the lease when it's supposed to start and as well as I didn't see um I guess I I don't know if it's because you haven't passed it yet tonight or or that that's how that works I'm not so sure but it was a long ordinance and there was a lot of uh things that I wasn't being able to follow so that's why I'm going to ask the question here and of course I didn't see is there a value amount that you put when you um make these resolutions in regards to leases and such uh things like this cuz again I couldn't find it maybe it's there I'm not so sure cuz I couldn't find it so those are the top uh couple questions in regards to that and again the time frame the time frame is what's is curious here as well as um I'm going to come up for for b61 because I just want to know you know later on that one how does it how does it correlate but um council president if you could at least let members of the public know how does the how does that work without having date on the resolution in the pack of page the amount of the the lease uh and my third question I've lost my third question Madam president but the third question I guess would be again we are entering in this agreement or land agreement with this uh, 1500 Clinton LLC um the terms that I was seeing again I'm I'm sure that they're favorable but again because we can't see either the the dates as to how how long the leas is going to be for and the amount so I believe that these are sincere questions that members of the public would be interested in knowing if um it would be possible uh that would be my questions for this one thank you very much for listening I guess I'm going to scoot over to the side to speak on the next one thank you are there any other members of the public who wish to speak on this motion to close public portion all in favor I councilman Cohen thank you council president so uh this is a 99e lease for a dollar uh it is going to be a h a community space uh it is going to be uh there's there's there's a few leases that are up the next item on the agenda has to do with um uh maintenance agreement uh as well uh basically it's it's the developer is going to be maintaining it it's going to be operating it there's going to be a 9450 fot Community Flex space it's going to be leased to the city for a dollar and I think that's what this lease is uh there's also going to be a 9450 squ foot space that's going to be the library that's what is being discussed so uh this is it's it's a it's a very nice give back there's also going to be a dollar I think it's $3.2 million on top of that uh these two spaces we're also going to hear about a a 99-year lease where they're going to have a a a bicycle track that's the next lease I believe that we're talking about they're going to maintain that and we approved that in our last council meeting so these are going to be some very nice features there's going to be a the lateral Park will be between these two buildings believe it's 2,110 sare fet a linear Park uh and of that 14,700 ft² in the prominade no less than 6,410 squ ft for dedic ated uh prom 6,410 Square F feet of that there's a dedicated green roof there's more but that's the main aspects of this thank you council president thank you council members any questions comments council president TR or Council mohen um I thought when I read it I know it said Library did it say library or some other use it doesn't have to be the library it doesn't have to be the library but I think everyone is expecting that that's the use that it will be the library board is on board with that and I believe the city is as well it's not committed to right so there there is flexibility here so that people's minds could change right Mr friend please call the vote b615 I pusco yes Mr Doyle hi M fiser yes gtino yes Mr Cano hi Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo hi president jaor yes heing on an ordinance of the city of hobok and authorizing execution of the public access easement and park maintenance agreement between the city of Hoboken and 1500 Clinton LLC for property designated as block 131 Lots 1 through 32 with the North and Rehabilitation area uh are there any members of the public signed up to speak Manny did Manny sign up for that Manny Rivera thank you council president good evening again I was not going to uh speak but um the explanation that was given by council member uh Cohen was uh pretty uh interesting but I just would like to ask when you say a 99-year lease and that's going to that's going to be for a dollar again I'm going back to the other one but it can concerns this one that when we meaning the city decides to give this easement you're saying for 99 years whatever it is that the maintenance will be taken care of by the and that means what they are going to have their crew fixing and cleaning that is the city going to be sending their employees to clean that how does the city then pay the employees that are there to clean that it's a simple you know I know that it might be just a technical thing maybe the councilman will help us council president um but you know that is uh I think is a fair question to to try to understand again the idea in the concept I'm not against it sometimes it sounds like I'm here trying to say that I'm against everything but I am not I'm just trying to get more information so that it could be clear so that it could feel more comfortable for members of the public at every uh point in time um being the fact that a lot of these things go in consent agenda there's there's a whole consent agenda here that I am going a little crazy of so if we could have more more um Clarity again council president we would we would appreciate it uh I personally would and um again it's also so that nothing goes without it being uh doesn't go lonely is what I wanted to say but I didn't know how to put it eloquently but thank you council president and I yield back my 255 minutes to you so see how I'll do it quickly thank you are there any other members of the public who wish to speak on this motion to close public portion all in favor I council president councilman con uh in accordance with section 10.7 of the Redevelopment agreement the redeveloper has agreed to build the coure and shell of 9,450 Ft space of the ground floor of the north building for City's use as a library or Flex space for the sum of a dollar for 99 years with the option to renew the lease for an additional 99 years under the same terms and conditions uh the L the uh landlord is responsible for trash removal and recycling so that's not the tenant's responsibility uh utility hookups maintenance of corn and shell uh the city will be actually the the the tenant actually is responsible for all that the city is responsible for repairs Replacements maintenance of equipment systems fixtures and Facilities exclusively serving the leas premises so they're going to build out the space they're going to maintain the space they're going to operate the space for 99 years okay so that's the deal it's a pretty good deal for the city so that's it council president sure thank you and just to be clear that memo that councilman Cohen's reading from it's in the packet if you look at page 163 there's a three-page memo that summ Rises those summary memos that the directors provide are really helpful to kind of distill out from the more complicated documents that are the longer like lease agreement with the legal terms usually there's an accompanying memo that the directors provide and those are much easier to kind of follow along with so I was reading verbatim from age 163 correct Mr finina please call the vote Mr con I the Fusco yes Mr do I fishero yes Mr Cano hi Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo hi president jaor yes hearing on an ordance AM is B 617 an ordance amending article one chapter 46 of the Hoboken city code entitled lease agreement at 46- 9.4 to authorize the May to execute a lease with Bona Pizza cor D DBA alesio are there any members of the public who wish to speak yep he's there you're good just say his name every time he's add Jim Randy somebody okay good to go I'm sorry I thought there was somebody before me sorry uh yes I am here to say that I am in favor obviously uh there can be no um better Steward of a a business than this uh outfit um uh aloos is right next door to my house it's one of the the uh places to be and I'm sure that when uh they have obviously the lease but when they are operating in that section they will be a benefit to the city and to the visitors that come to hobok and so I'm assuming that you are going to pass it I just want it again not anything go lonely don't uh so I just want again I don't want to minimize it um that it's well no p and uh thank you council president and I hope again you vote in the affirmative which I'm assuming that you will thank you you back anyone else are there any other members of the public who wish to speak on this motion to close public portion all in favor I council members councilman Cohen uh I would Echo Mr soler's comments uh the people who live near the resilience City Park are very excited that the park is going to be completed it's going to be done by the end of the year uh originally was supposed to be done in November it's now going to be done in December uh when it is completed in December and construction ends they're not going to build out alesio alesio will do that uh but they I'm from what I can tell from my communications with the owners of alesio they're going to do that expeditiously they're looking forward to opening it up and the neighborhood can't wait uh for them to open I know that council gtino is a big fan of them in the Sixth Ward I can tell you the Fifth Ward is anxiously awaiting their arrival so I'm fully in support thank you council president thank you any other comments questions Mr frina please call the vote Mr con I the Fusco yes Mr Doyle i m fiser yes J Tino yes Mr can hi Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo hi president Jabor yes ging on an ordinance b618 Bond ordinance authorizing the acquisition of certain real property the completion of various Capital Improvements the acquisition of various Capital Equipment including public Arts allocation related there to in and for the city of hobok and County of Hudson New Jersey appropriating the sum of 7, 70,000 there therefore authorizing issuance of General obligation bonds or bomb anticipation notes for the city of hobok and County of hon New Jersey in the aggregate principal amount of up to 6,76 th000 500,000 making certain determinations and Covenants authorizing certain related actions and connection with the floor going are there any members of the public signed up to speak Manny Rivera Cil president I was uh encouraged to stay by the microphone so it's up to you uh council president again this is uh one that I assume other folks would be standing up for um this makes me feel a little bit sad because it feels like um uh when Tuesday last Tuesday um we had an election and I was a poll worker um an election poll worker that's the correct way to say that uh and there were few participants there should be more more participations in an election as well as in here uh I encourage participation so I'm going to ask the questions and they're very simple so I could deal back as much time as I can it is the the type of bond again it it thank you for letting me know to look at the memos I will do that from now on but they also are L lengthy but um the the amounts 7 million possible less 6 million this is because of why at this time again is it because of tax incentives it's lower now it's better now why are we bonding again because there's another one in first reading um this one is spe specifically for what exactly because it it says various uh Capital Improvements uh um it it's hard for members of the public to know that there is so much need for so many things in the city of Hoboken and we're bonding things and we all as a collective don't know what is it is it completely for we have an idea we read a piece of paper but we're here to ask you again if you can clarify the actual question is can you clarify more in regards to this Bond ordinance how is it it going to be possibly used in what Manner for how long are we going to be uh in for how long is the bond rather uh these are the questions I guess I'll yield it there so that uh uh no one can get upset thank you council president thank you are there any other members of the public who wish to speak on this motion to close public portion second all in favor I council members questions comments Mr finina please call the vote Mr Cohen I the FCO yes M doy i m fiser yes jino yes Mr Cano I Mr Ramos I Mr Russo no president javor yes hearing on an ordinance B 619 an ordinance to amend and supplement an ordinance establishing a schedule classifications and allocations of titles for the Hein mentioned positions in the city of Hoboken are there any members of the public who wish to speak Pat waiters I'm speaking just to break the attention in the room I'm want to re I want to reiterate on just one thing Mandy said that really make a lot of sense always and I've been saying this for years after an election I sit right up here and I feel the tension to come up here and say something but I'm trying to take every ounce of being in my body to be nice cuz the whole agenda is a joke so don't even smile if yall taking it as a joke or not and voting no when you the sponsor for a resolution it's not funny y'all seriously he's right less than 15% of the people coming out they tired in this town y'all waiting for somebody to snap because see it ain't affecting y'all but y'all can sit up there and laugh it's not funny the same thing happening in all of this money and bonding we want answers I mean Manny coming up here every two seconds he going to learn too soon it's energy draining and it's unfair to the people that live here in Hoboken and I want to know why is it you not being specific what jobs it just says mention job positions and on the front page Mr Russo a ordinance to hire M what's mou Mand yes resolution to for a direct A1 resolution for direct hire and then on the back the same mou sponsored by Mr Doyle so is that a direct hire we're discussing b619 yes that's a different item it says direct oh so it's two different hires so where's mik what's Michael Russo's both you see yours direct hire this is an ordinance to add several positions to the this mock a position is going to be added you're talking about two different things right all right but can I talk about hiring hiring is what I want to stick to because the election is done and people that did not come out of hire okay so we not talking about A1 resolution of the city of Hoboken b619 ask what position ordinances for second B6 that's the DU teacher thank you sir teacher um what position could you just tell us please is it this one I'll go through it thank you so much sure thing thank work that's Manny did you also have questions good evening again I appreciate uh fellow member of the public breaking the attention I feel it I feel it lighter thank you Miss Raiders uh it feels good my question is going to be simple she ask most of it I do know the The Hires uh I will let let you answer her question uh there are four and my question would be how how will members of the public anyone interested Hoboken and elsewhere because I don't know if they could be hired from other places how will they be um I guess my question would be is how will they know that these other than this moment at this point in time these hires are they already thank you the word was available uh now for someone to apply will there be a process where people will a be able to like let's say there's one and I'm going to give a little hint that says training does that one need less certifications or or phds than the one beneath it these are the types of questions the members of the public would be interested to know if if it's open for everybody because guys looking for a job so uh that's the question or those are the questions again is very important members of the public really uh would be interested in that and again my also question is the reason why person is interested in is these salaries the starting salaries are very interesting because they are they're pretty high again I don't know the details if they need phds if that's the case then of course they're low then but that's that would be the question how how do these salaries or where will these salaries be reflected in the budget in the upcoming year because obviously we've we've uh exhausted this one almost but uh okay I'm going to yield back and uh again council president thank you and uh again members of the public are interested in hearing the titles thank you are there any other members of the public who to speak of this motion to close public portion all in favor I so on page 212 of the packet there is a summary memo and it provides the following information the purpose of this ordinance is to add the following positions housing and Zoning inspector trainee housing and Zoning inspector a health aid and a public health investigator you will find all of the advertised positions available on the city of Hoboken website they are often also cross-listed on any of the social media channels so if you follow hoboken's Facebook page or the in stag account they tend to all post similar content director Freeman do you want to add anything in terms of the hiring process Associated absolutely not not you everyone else though um no I think you nailed it they're they're not advertised yet um we're hoping for the next budget year they will be though thank you very much council members any additional questions comments Mr finina please call the vote Mr con hi the Fusco yes Mr Doyle hi M fiser yes Jane Tino yes Mr Cano I Mr Ramos I Mr Russo I president javor yes on resolutions public portion on agenda items and just for purposes of um PA petrano post housekeeping just one second Jimmy just for just remind everybody so A2 is off and yes that's the only one resolutions to update so A2 okay turn PA Mr presentano good evening uh I'd like to speak on cl4 the resolution on uh rebuild by Design the resolution is important to the community because it's makes it clear that there's a serious problem or an issue with the easement on the Jersey City side of the southern part of the rebuild by Design alignment it Advocates strongly for the state to step in and resolve this issue so I applaud you on putting this forward the state can help decide if they want to satisfy Jersey City mayor's demands but this has to move forward to protect Hoboken many resolutions passed in this chamber uh have had little teeth this needs to have fangs uh a message must be sent to the state and to Governor Murphy that this easement issue must be resolved immediately uh it appears that mayor Bala has not made this a priority uh to advocate for hobok residents's best interests which is disappointing but I think tonight you guys can help fix that by passing this once you pass it I don't think the job is done I think we need to Lobby the state county and our elected officials to put the pressure on them so that they know via emails via text via anything we can get across to them that they know how it important is to the community this is an urgent matter and I'm willing to help in any way possible whether it be help sending emails make phone calls for you anything along those lines this is something that there can't be any more delays with rebuild by Design it's been 10 or so years and we still haven't completed the project and I want to see Hoboken finally protected please pass this tonight 90 it'd be a great thing for the community tra way is Patricia waiters I just want to reiterate on what Paul just said being one of the only ones in that room from when Dawn zimma first presented this I was one of the first ones I can also to uh Joe provide facts and I and I'm a a budget haul I mean you know uh Manny I collect every agenda I got the original agendas I got pictures of the layout with the whole rebuild by Design I got pictures when everybody came down to the Waterfront and I don't think governor chrisy was there it was Governor Christie I think going out or coming in or something but I know a lot about this and it's sad that if if somebody didn't bring it forth now because I totally forgot about it too this is a long time this is a long time waiting and I think as you Jen Des sponsored this and Ruben thanks but that's what y'all should do with other important stuff like that put pressure on the government even if it means take a a a state takeover like I keep telling you all the time Judy patroli think looking up down but that's what might need to be done I'm serious and yeah I'm I'm really serious cuz this is affecting all of us that live here in Hoboken and Outsiders this is a perfect example of Outsiders need to stay out of our Hoboken politics thank you thank you Manny Rivera good evening council president again the consent agenda here it's very heavy so I'm going to take a few minutes because it's going to it's going to be a few items and again people might not understand but I'm going to try my best again um the Community Development the cd1 be not to exceed CD4 cd5 cd5 is very important because it's a one of those redevelopments so that's important to be uh discussed if you can s CD4 I was in the meeting again for the Hoboken Housing Authority um it's important again this one is I understand it's because it's going to take a little longer for uh for it to uh occur so it's going to incur that amount um again in corporate Council uh CC1 this uh $10,000 for an Oprah amount and it goes up to the final is 47th ,000 I'm hoping that we're in the last weeks of November and December becomes a little lighter uh council president and and it's just that it's it's a continuous the whole year us asking um The increased amount so it's redundant for me again to say cd2 because again it's a CD it's a increase amount pardon me um in Environmental Services E3 E4 E5 E6 uh again any explanation that could be given on this one the amounts again the increased amount even though it's funded by something I think it was right um 97,000 in C and E4 and the E5 although it is a grant how how is that amount um going to be I guess dispersed in that section so I'm going to continue f um pardon Finance F2 F3 F4 F5 and F6 obviously these are insert amounts um what's Curious to me is um we're inserting special amounts and the members of the public again don't have the complete and clear um uh uh details on it again other than reading the memos but how many how many people do we expect to read those memos uh the clicking just is throw me off track pardon me council president um safety Public Safety ss1 um this uh again I'm always in favor of anytime we get a grant for um from the American Rescue plan for the firefighters um that is important I'm going to skip uh the tax collector that makes no never mind um again I'm reading these and I know that I'm losing you because it feels like a member of the public said it's I am just inhaling and exhaling words that just are flying in the air because most of these things are already decided or they are assume assumed I don't like that word but members of the public that it's all said and done but I am trying to be the person that says no it's not said and done some Minds can be changed or somehow I could someone could reach you and you could perhaps help us understand a little better again it's just a matter of government that's what we're here for that's that's the Democratic way so I would continue I lost my track um uh transportation and parking T1 T2 and again the CLS again as a membered public came and spoke I'm interested knowing uh uh that uh cl2 cl3 and cl4 especially cl3 which was interesting because I think I believe that was last meeting it's just a clarification again what weight is that going to carry I mean I hope it carries all the weight in the world because it's important to try to get that um uh a Patterson plaque Road in its proper direction or in a better way and again the reu by design that became headlines over the weekend can somebody tell somebody let's get it done let's work on it let's give the people a complete and clear view of what we're doing can we know this once and for all years upon years upon years again I'm not I know that people have fatigue that they just had an election and they might have to vote again in in another Ward and in the first word I'm assuming that that's the one they're fatigued and then this is happening then we're going to run into another election season in a tiny amount of time it's a blink of an eye a year or two years and this might come up again as a as a a selling point to vote for me so not for me personally but I'm saying to vote for whoever candidate that comes up I really can't see if my time is up so I can uh stop but then again I also want to let people people know that you've introduced there were 15 when I first got the paper and you brought it down ordinance first reading again I always say it so that people could understand everybody has the opportunity and I urge my fellow members of the public if they are interested you have five minutes there are 10 uh I think 11 resolutions next meeting in December and people don't like to be hanging around in December for a long meeting so that's just my point of view and those are my questions can any pardon me I lost my my voice can anybody answer any one of these council president and I know I skipped a few you could just wrap up your comments Mr s thank you so much I I I will ma' I looked at the time thank you council president thank you Mike everage council president while we're waiting for the next speaker just very quickly Mr Rivera was distracted when he was speaking because he heard some noises just to let the public know that there's a pipe behind me that makes lots of clicking noises so it's not us up here making noises the heat pipe old building okay um thanks just gonna move all right you want it to set no no I'm F can you hear me yep okay thanks very much um I I'm here to talk about the the proposed changes to the uh zoning map okay now to start off with a slightly more negative thing that I really wanted to say th this master plan that you're working from if I'm not mistaken is the one that was done under the tenure of a planning board chairman who had to step down because of ethical considerations okay and and I would suggest you keep that in mind as you review this stuff you may have forgotten it because it's been a long time ago okay the key thing that's going on in there in terms of inside zoning baseball is that for the the number of permitted floors in some of the districts particularly the the U soon to be R2 which is then going to creep over to the east goes from three to five that matters because it means they don't need to get a variance for number of floors anymore okay it makes it much easier to increase the density now these section not a single part of Hoboken practically is in need of Redevelopment so it's not clear to me what needs were meeting by by the these projects but I do know that what's going on particularly with the corner lot item that's being changed is you're repeating the same mistake that you made and it was a mistake in my opinion when you upzoned all the residential areas so that developers would have an incentive to destroy the 19th century buildings that are there which also means destroying a lot of rent controlled apartments and replacing them with four-story buildings that are generally condos or they could be market rate uh units and it's simple math okay the incentives are you can build an extra floor okay and you can have apartments that are not rent controlled for the next 30 Years instead of the apartments that exist that are rent control okay it's really a vote against rent control doing this in this case it's on Corner Lots okay it's just a consistent pattern that runs against the fine litigation for limiting un consentable rent increases on market rate Apartments it makes no sense okay if if the goal of this corner lot thing is to preserve retail which is a good idea I feel very put upon when I have to walk more than two blocks to get milk I must admit I've gotten jaded that way um you could just make it require a change of use to eliminate the commercial use in a building whether they're tearing it down or building it up you get the same effect without providing an incentive to destroy these buildings displac rent control tenants and ruin you know eliminate architectural Heritage it's frankly bad politics too um you're B you know sunsu says that soldiers on death ground fight ferociously and if you continue zoning policies to basically tell everybody who lives in a rent control apartment and I'm not such a person in fact I I I I'm a landlord for a rent control Department okay if you tell everybody in town who's a renter that are rent controlled that you're going to pass policies that are hostile to them that are going to increase the chance you're going to destroy their home and really uproot their lives there's a certain point in which you get a reaction so anybody's doing this for politics it's a bad idea okay now a suggestion I would make is simply this there are 41 I counted them all there are 41 Corners in the R2 District that's being proposed to the east plus all the ones in the current r to District I guess I was a little bit narcissistic and thanks Tiffany for putting the zoning map up so I can look at it so it's a lot more than 41 okay there's 41 just south of uh Church uh Church Square okay and then there's all the ones in the current R2 District somebody might want to look at how many rent controlled units are going to be destroyed or could be destroyed okay I if you if you pass this this just this corner lot thing it's going to be in the hundreds and and who's going to benefit uh the people that own the properties okay and kind of smalltime developers that do these kind of projects that's who's going to and and some people who can afford million dollar condos okay that's who's going to benefit and the people are going to suffer all the people who lived in Hoboken for years in rent control departments and their lives are going to be torn apart so I would strongly recommend that you you beg this entire redistricting process because it's it's harming too many people for the benefit of a relatively small few and thanks very much thank you just as a point of order Mr ever the ordinance that's on for first reading about the updating the various zone is has been carried ordinance number 10 okay just making sure you knew thank you gereral phallic good evening council president president uh Mike a just wanted me to come up here so we could put a face on somebody who's impacted by the corner up zoning um but no seriously two things um the declaring the CVS area and area in re need of Redevelopment I just wanted to point out that that a yes vote on that is the beginning of the new portiz of Washington Street with an up zoning of Washington Street I know that the talking point is oh no it's Observer highway but it's on the corner of Observer and Washington and it's seven stories and then I know director Brown is here it could probably go up to I think 10 but I'm not sure it might be more if they give some money to rebuild by Design so it's a fairly substantial up Zone on Washington Street dangerous um but the other and more important to me reason that I'm coming up I know that the right Observer much the changing the Fifth Street and Below Bloomfield Garden Park Willow to our two has been tabled I know there was some confusion because some people said that the corner up zoning had been tabled but that hasn't been TBL so it's clever it's clever because we can upzone it now and then we'll come back and we'll take all that upzoning and we'll put it in R2 um but I I do want to Second literally everything that Mike ever said the city council has been known to vote no on first reading for things that are just I wouldn't touch that um we did see this with the rent control compromise there was it passed but there were people who voted no on first reading literally didn't open up the dialogue which is why we all pass on first reading we're going to open up the dialogue this is a dialogue that doesn't need to be opened a lot of the buildings on the corners already in what is ours R1 but will become R2 our four stories so there's a disincentive to tear them down because you lose a story right now but we're going to turn that around and say instead of three stories now you can have five stories and there's a massive amount of these appear to be rent controlled properties because there's commercial on the base this is something that we just we should be protecting our historic character how do you protect it you don't you you don't say hey we're going to add stories and and therefore add a lot of value if you just tear it down also the zoning board and the planning board do not consider although they should tearing down rent control properties and negative criteria uh we really do need to put that in our zoning code that's a change you should make because there are a lot of rent control properties that are that go to the zoning board or sometimes the planning board to be torn down there's another one coming on November 21st I hope everybody comes and says no don't Grant this variant because those are fully occupied buildings um I can't see the clock anymore but I can't stress enough this up zoning of corner buildings and quite frankly can you move to the side changing um the R1 below fifth into R2 are two things that shouldn't even be considered until we get a handle on the loss of our rent protected properties and the displacement of our residents somebody said earlier that the turnout was really low it was like 16% 15% well when we work really hard to make the town very transient that's what happens oh and I forgot to say maybe the most important thing congratulations to all the council members who were reelected I don't think I I don't think anybody said that tonight so through the chair councilman uh Ramos gtino Cohen Russo Fisher congratulations thank you are there any other members of the public who wish to speak on agenda items motion to close public portion motion second All In favor I um okay so let's just make sure we're all on the same page A2 has been carried but I believe everything else for consent is on Council Members anything for discussion uh cd6 cd6 yep uh CC1 CC1 cl4 you say cl4 cl4 and that's it any additional items council members C3 cl3 okay so consent will be everything with the exception of cd6 CC1 cl3 and cl4 Mr Fina consent Mr Cohen hi fko yes Mr Doyle i m fiser um I am a no on e4 and a yes on everything else Gan Tino no E4 yes and everything else Mr Cano I Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo hi president javore yes uh councilman fiser 86 sorry um just I I guess uh the we're requiring these properties what's the environmental issue at the properties this is just part of the inspection process that's required for closing got it and is um do we if we like if we find something do we have we have the ability to terminate the contract uh the short answer is yes but there's we the short answer is yes but that's part of what our investigation is thanks any additional questions Mr F please call the vote on cd6 Mr con I fko yes Mr do I Mr Fisher yes gtino yes Mr Cano hi Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo hi president Jore yes CC1 Council wi fer yeah what is um what what is this for like what did what do they do so the clerk's office probably gets had had to guess the clerk's office will tell you hundreds of opa requests my office gets probably dozen or so um legal opinions a year going to the clerk's office on what to release or what not to release and what to review and every so often one comes in that's just so large that we do send it out to outside Council to look at to review all of the documents that are potentially responsive and then go through and determine what is public record and has an exception so it's they provide us legal opinions when quite frankly my office gets too busy to do every single solitary Opa request got it thanks any additional questions I'm not asking for something specific but can you give us an idea of what that what an Oprah request would look like that you would send out I know you're saying it's too big but well usually the response is actually too big so you can ask all documentations you know some people can give you a general description of they want with the word whatever pick a word construction and we get thousands of documents and now someone's got to go through those thousands of documents so they spend hours worth of time going through to determine what the documents are whether it's public record or not public record I just want to say because when I do an oah request and I ask much more specifically than that I get tonight me too well that was a bad example I was trying to give you an example just an OP request that's a little on the general side and provides lots and lots of docents right we just get them denied every time Mr finina please call the vote on CC1 Mr con I Fusco yes Mr dorl I fiser yes J Tino yes Mr Cano hi Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo hi president javor yes cl3 councilman defusco thank you so much uh this is Patterson Plank Road right correct perfect Ro root oh it's the uh the wrong I thought you were going with the Dutch the Dutch pronun um so if you'll recall um La at last meeting um there shortly thereafter a tragic incident uh where a few young people lost their lost their lives um councilman Ramos's advocacy in the fourth W resulted in um additional funding and additional planning uh for the Southwest plan uh traffic uh study um I had inquired if the Southwest Redevelopment plan uh the recommendations of that had been adopted by Jersey City or if there were conversations in regards to that to reroute Patterson Plank Road out of Hoboken so if you think about it Patterson Plank Road comes down the Palisades and then it actually have to make a left into Hoboken and then to get back into Jersey City you have to go around Southwest Park where young families people on bikes pedestrians Are all uh enjoying the neighborhood uh and then circumvent the park to to then leave town causing traffic um in doing so would be able to take Jersey City traffic and keep it into Jersey City uh and those who actually needed to come to Hoboken would would would would then make a left turn that would be both a benefit to Jersey City residents and both a benefit to Hoboken residents um so this resolution is really important um in the fact that it urges the uh Administration and Council of Jersey City to um to work with our Administration and our city council to have a collaborative plan on Patterson Plank Road so I hope that is a sufficient explanation as to the importance of this um and I certainly appreciate all my colleagues support in uh in moving it Forward um thank you so much additional comments questions just I could just add to uh Council the fuso's point that over the years we have reached out to Jersey City with regards to the to the road and spoken with their engineers and they really to say they've gotten back to us in any significant way uh would be an understatement so they really never have contributed anything of significance that we've contributed to them as far as this project goes so hopefully with the with the 90 vote tonight they could come back to us a little more seriousness moving forward with this thank you absolutely and I will just add this as the one return council person that chose not to run for re-election to avoid this perception that somehow politics influences me and to invest time in in Pursuits that I actually care about i' would be more than happy to go to the city council in Jersey City work with the Philip Administration and protect this city in a way that you know we're with politics out of it because at the end of the day this is what we need to worry about I'm sorry Pat did I miss something thank you um and at the end of the day that's what we kind of need to advocate for so thank you councilman for your advocacy in the fourth word I'm there for you 100% Mr fr please call the vote on seal three Mr con hi defusco yes Mr Doyle hi M fiser yes dantino yes Mr cero hi Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo hi president jaor yes cl4 councilman fiser yeah so um I think there's been a lot of press lately about um concerns um about rebuild by Design being delayed and I guess um the point of this resolution and and uh I'm not the sponsor of it but I've spoken with um councilman Ramos and councilman getino um is really just to stress how important this is and encourage the state the state has the ability to step in and um exercise you know eminent domain Etc um over any property relating to this project so this is really to encourage them to do it um I don't know if uh if we can get any color do we know exactly what easements these are they private property easements are they public they're public right away are they like on the streets and so is it the answer is someone in in the audience is nodding at us no is it public yeah he's saying they're public easements that they um in the street and is there you know can we even start this project if we don't have those easements secured I feel like it's binary because we all know right like if you have when you have a a sealed when you have something sealed like a cup you can hold water in it but if there's one little tiny any crack or one little piece that's not sealed then it doesn't hold any of the water so can we even move forward without these easements yes we broke ground two weeks ago on Harbor Side park yeah yeah I was there um but we need to acquire the easements to complete the project yeah I'm sorry I can't hear you we need to acquire he thank you yes we broke ground on the project two weeks ago so the Project's moving forward um and we do need to acquire the easement to complete the project and as a do you know is the state working like moving forward to acquire them like is it a you know I I know that we had we've talked about when we had um some pause on one of the easements up north um we had talked about the process for &em domain for the state to it's really a state process that you're the we're the face of it but it's a state process to step in offer money but they have the ability to take it um and I think they have on a couple of them but are are they even moving moving forward with that process yet in Jersey City they are they are okay they're moving forward Jersey City's moving forward no no no the states moving forward with eminent domain on these easements that's not what I said oh sorry the state is aware of the need to acquire their easements and they're working through the different issues that Jersey city has raised okay and are we helping them do we know what those issues are are they writing those issues that Jersey city has their concerns I don't know if it's in writing but Jersey City is making sure that protects its interests related to redevelop in the southwest that's it I mean yeah excuse me so it's private interests their public easements protecting private development is what they're doing I would say that this is similar to what happened with us with elor right and and our Southern portion of it and we work through it because we by Design is a prior priority for us I think we've all all nine of us here Administration everyone for the past decade has made this a priority and shows how far we long we are along on the northern northern side of this and we hope that with this that Jersey City and and the state make sure that Jersey city holds up there into the bargain obviously let I was in my I was in my home for five days right couldn't couldn't couldn't leave with two young kids right and I don't I'm not the only one that was in that situation so whatever we could do to move this process forward faster uh with regards to the state helping us with the easement issue isues are as far as your city whether it's private or public because on our end when it was when it was public private Partnership New Jersey transits property and us with elor we found our way through that process right and and that and that diminished the project significantly significantly in a lot of ways to that detriment so if the same thing has to happen with Jersey City to face the reality of long-term potential flood mitigation through storm surge not the rain through storm surge I think they should uh you know be good neighbors and help us to that process not just protecting hoken but also Jersey downtown Jersey City as well this and we Haw in too correct but but this is the southern por show we we hawen too but but uh so hopefully we can move this uh along a little bit faster and the state is aware of this you said correct state is aware of the issues yeah is there a timeline they gave to anyone us them uh in the past two weeks we became aware of this to when they expect to move this forward I would defer to the state Dan that question thank you thank you when when did we become aware of this meaning the administration no the the when the alignment was finalized in 2016 we were able to identify the private and public needs for the project no I mean when did we become aware that Jersey City had not I've been moved forward we've been aware of this for two years and have we met with Jersey City have we met with with mayor fup has the administration met with mayor fup about this we have and his reasoning for not moving forward with it again I would defer to May FIP I wouldn't want to put words in his mouth listen the reality just the reality is you have the state and Hoboken coming into another city saying give us this property and from their point of view and I'm not advocating for it their point of view is it's our property what's the benefit to the residents of Jersey City that's the argument they have made to us and we understand that just like I think if someone came into hobok and said give me this property I would think the response from the city counil and the mayor would be what is the overall benefit for Hoboken and that's what we're looking to try to navigate with them I guess it depends on which mayor it is but that's kind of a funny argument but this this this process didn't start like yesterday right this this has started 10 years right we're like we're a decade into this process so as Caleb said we identified where the alignment was in like 2016 2017 you're talking six seven years ago we knew where the path was going to be and where the public and private easements were needed so and and by the way in Jersey City we Haw in I mean they've been at that table since the very beginning every single step of the way so right did something change with mayor fup from 2016 till now I don't think so he just was always against it from the beginning again Jersey city's been at the table we're working through the issues these are the last ones to resolve well I hope everyone uh approves this tonight because this giving a 90 vote on this um just shows you know just how important this project is and it gives you know hopefully support and point and uh for the state to make whatever decision act whatever way um they need to in order for this project to get done so hopefully we'll have a 90 vote on this can can I'm sorry M Caleb can you give us the the list of the E maybe not not tonight if you don't have it with you the list of easements that Jersey City is looking to to acquire thank you just a brief comment uh on this I'm I'm fully in support um there's no I don't see any false Choice here this is a design that's to protect Hoboken Jersey City and wehawken that's how it was designed that's how it was presented that's how it was approved if you look at the rebuild by Design original plan it protects Jersey City Hoboken and wehawken it's not just protecting Hoboken so to the extent there's any suggestion that by protecting hobok and what's the benefit of Jersey City I think that's a false choice I think it was always intended to protect Jersey City Hoboken and we Haw if you have the Hudson River on on that side of the Hudson and not on the land that benefits all of the communities that are adjacent to the Hudson thank you president thank you additional I'll just add uh director Stratton and director Gonzalez I know both of you have worked extremely diligently on this project and I trust your opinion and appreciate your feedback on these questions tonight because no one is more knowledgeable about this project than the two of you thank you Mr finina please call the vote Mr Excuse me Mr hi the Fusco yes Mr Doyle hi M fiser yes G Tino yes Mr Cano hi Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo hi president Jabor yes introduction of ordinances an ordinance establishing a new chapter 190 16 169 trees and tree maintenance and amending related section of the municipal code Mr TR please call the vote thank Mr con hi Fusco yes Mr Doyle hi M fiser notino yes Mr Cano hi Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo hi president jaor yes ordinance for introduction Bond ordinance authorizing substantial Rehabilitation and related improvements the various Municipal Park and garages including public art allocation related there to and for the city of hobok and County of Hudson New Jersey appropriating the sum of 40 million4 $400,000 therefore authorizing the issuance of General obligation bonds or Bond anticipation notes for the city of hobok and County of huton New Jersey and the aggregate principal amount $38 m380 th000 making certain determinations and Covenants and authorizing certain related actions and connection with the FL going Mr Fina please call the vote Mr con I FCO yes Mr Doyle I Mr fiser yes Dean Tino yes Mr Cano hi Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo hi president Shor yes ORD for introduction amending chapter 192 D4 A and B entitled enumeration of spaces to add add and remove Reserve parking General parking spaces with persons with disabilities Mr fr please call the vote Mr con hi Fusco yes Mr Doyle hi M fiser yes G Tino yes Mr Cano hi Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo hi president Jabor yes council president may I just clarify the next ordinance um why don't we Mr read the title first sure uh uh or introduction of the city of Hoboken to set time limits for the mayor and city council with the exception of all current office holders as of January 2nd 2024 councilman Tesco thank you council president well I was very happy to hear uh my colleague councilman Russo seconded this or uh this ordinance what it aims to do is limit the terms of city council members and the mayor to three terms on the city council and two terms uh for the mayor's office with the prospect of encourag enaging new people to get involved in politics and to prohibit folks from kind of getting stagnant right and this is not targeting any one person here I have an amazing working relationship with every single person on this de however what we saw is that in this last election including any election that I've ever run in it's hard to beat an incumbent I be I beat an incumbent but it's not easy to do so what this does is that the legal opinion this is my point the legal opinion that was provided by Corporation Council um was was citing 19 70s uh uh you know situation in in in Hudson County that I don't believe applies to this this does not limit one's ability to serve as a matter of fact you can serve three consecutive terms on the city council at large and then run for three consecutive terms at on a w seat so this does not attempt to infringe on the the rights that the constitution in the state of New Jersey permits so what I'm asking for is this Council to do what I've always known it to do stand up to the state like we just did with Jersey City City stand up to the state like we did with runoffs and urging for um and urging for rank Choice voting stand up for what we know to be right this does not impact one person on this deas it does not impact the mayor of Hoboken this is not punitive but what this is important is for the future of democracy not just in Hoboken but for New Jersey so please everybody like this is the right thing to do and I hope that politics doesn't get in the way thank you council president Mr F please call the vote Mr col no Fusco yes Mr Doyle no M fiser no gtino no Mr Cano I Mr Ramos no Mr Russo I president Jabor no council president OD for introduction ordance to this various chapters of the city hobok and code to amend certain Provisions regarding the city administrative departments Mr finina please call the vote Mr con I the FCO yes Mr Doyle I fiser yes gtino yes Mr Cano I Mr Ramos I Mr Russo I president jaor yes ordance adopting Fabian Arch District Redevelopment plan Mr Fino please call the vote Mr col FCO yes Mr do I Mr fiser yes J Tino yes Mr Cano hi Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo hi president Jor yes council president or I'm it's on the next ordinance it's I think there's something wrong in there and I apologize for not can I just let him read the title first and I'll come to you short absolutely if you could just read the title and then we'll address the question uh ordinance for introduction of city of W County of Hudson state of New Jersey amending the North End Redevelopment plan for the North End Rehabilitation area sure Council one it says um director it says site 9A Baseline nonresidential Flex space and it changes it to 70 and then bonus it as 60 and maybe I'm just not reading something but how can the bonus be smaller than the Baseline I don't have enough oh sorry I don't have it in front of me so I couldn't exactly but yeah you're right it t changes the F and the incentive to 6 but I'm not sure how that drives with the 7 the Baseline is s yeah and then the bonus is6 I don't have it in front of me right now so I couldn't but I couldn't is no I I just think it's it sounded it looked like an error to me but without actually seeing it right here in front of I don't have why don't you give them the can you just give them the ordinance can you pull the ordinance from the packet it's site 9A number seven yeah this has to this is for the Herz property there was some cleanup there were some cleanup issues that we had to address in order for them to go to the planning board maybe it I don't know how it could be just the ma the math doesn't seem like it works in the table I mean sure we want to work on the rest of them sure why don't we Mr fin can you please read the title for number eight and we'll come back to number seven number eight is ordance for introduction and ordance amending chapter 196 the municipal code the city of H affecting Corner Lots in the C2 R2 and R3 zones Mr frea please call the vote on number eight Mr Cohen I the Fusco yes Mr DL I Fisher no gtino no Mr Cano hi Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo I president javor yes no can I we could still do the resolution sure why don't we um we do have some referring resolutions to get through so why don't we keep going with that and I haven't forgot I'll come back on the last the ordinance uh cd7 Mr finina you want is it possible to group these from 7 to 9 together because they're all referring to the resolu can't yet do the one that's still on hold okay um cd8 I believe it is yeah so I think we can only do cd7 and then cd9 so I think we have to do them separately okay sorry all right cd7 cd7 Mr con I fko yes Mr Doyle I Mr Fisher yes Mr G Tino yes Mr Cano I Mr Russo I I mean Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo hi president yes too all right n cd9 is the referral for cd9 Mr Mr hi the FCO yes Mr Dole hi M fiser yes Tino no oh I'm a no sorry excuse me I was thinking it was eight I'm a no go tip cd9 Mr Cano hi Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo hi president javor yes um and then we had two items that were added uh under new business oh he's ready for are you ready for me I'm sorry go ahead director didn't see you yeah no ideally you're right when we did the original agreement and did the original Amendment we probably should have um amended the uh the the minimum non-residential space on the Baseline to also be to mirror the incentive but we did not do that and but it doesn't change the no but we changed the what was the minimum if the minimums changed on there yeah the minimum the baselines changed on there too right no the Baseline still 7 the Baseline is 7 for non-residential and for um for uh for residentials 2.8 for the incentive scenario which is the one that they're going for because there's a community benefit payment attached to the project um it's a 6 f for but it was 65 before correct yes it was 65 before now it's down to 6 and that's because they're doing a fire Command Center on the ground floor along with some other minor twe so we um essentially reduce the F to accommodate that in the incentive scenario which is the scenario that they're going for within the plan I totally understand it I still think it's wrong that Baseline is higher than incentive I from a from a we can come back and but from a this doesn't change the the overall project that they're coming in for for cosmetic reasons and for we can obviously make that tweak um but it doesn't change the pro I get it you're they're giving us something other than the space right that's why you're doing it I get it just I hear those two numbers should not I hear it doesn't but it doesn't have any impact on the project itself or the plan can we look to make the technical correction though to make sure if there's anything that needs to be at edited based on the discussion that that's done by the time it comes to Second reading well then it wouldn't be yeah I mean essentially a second reading then yeah I mean essentially if if you want to not logical for for the sake of for the sake of clarification if you wanted to strike we could strike out 7 and put 6 just to just to reflect that just as an editorial it doesn't make it we could do that if that provides more no I I mean I totally yeah yeah just yeah I yeah that's fine if you want to for Baseline you want to just strike out seven and just point point6 to miror the that's fine perfect I'll take that as a friendly Amendment yeah thank you director Mr finina please call the vote on ordinance seven for first reading as amended Mr con I the Fusco yes Mr zo I M Fisher yes yes yes gtino yes Mr Cano hi Mr Ramos I Mr Russo hi president chor yes uh now to the two new items that were added cd9 sorry referral yep cd8 thank you we are all over the place okay cd8 which is the referral resolution to the planning board Mr finina please call the vote Mr con I the FCO yes Mr DL hi M fiser yes G Tino yes Mr Cano hi Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo hi pres jabore yes and now to the two new items that were added in new business one is just the resolution designating uh the nature of adding an emergency item and the second the formal title should actually be and I apologize I when I read this earlier it was not accurate on the first printed copy this is the resolution authorizing the execution of an agreement fund for a better Waterfront that is a different title than what I had initially read at the top of the meeting so council members any what are we this one title was just but this is the right title no that's this is the wrong title that is the wrong title that was initially printed on the first agenda oh no this pertains to what we talked about in our subcommittee yeah but it's yeah somebody should explain yes to the public director you want to give us an explanation of this issue and why it's been added a new business sure this is related to the claim that was made by fund for better Waterfront regarding the lease for Union dry do site and we reached a settlement between the city and fund for better Waterfront that they will um they're dropping their claim of their current challenge but in the event that the city were to sell this property or lease it on a larger scale in the future we agree to go out to referendum not at this point but I will come back to you are there additional questions from the councilwoman did we did did we receive this today the agreement I believe we did the reason it's and I can resend it to everybody the reason that it's of emergent value is that it would allow us to move forward on um obviously putting putting that to bed and and starting the lease with New York Waterway to start that clock jry did you send this to us today how do we vote on it if it was never given to us well director is there concern with carrying this to the next meeting yes unless we would like to have a special meeting um before December no not that I'm aware of yeah because I don't believe any of us were provided a copy of this could someone provide us hard copies right now and get it to us before the end of this meeting can the cler's office print out a copy or n council president and but even even like the public didn't see this understand I'm not being I'm being put in a bad position right now because I I don't ridiculous I understand and I don't disagree with you but I also understand there's some urgency to this do you need to call a closed session for the end of this meeting director or just have a special call for it right we can have a special meeting in a day where we just set up a zoom call we don't have to all come in and meet council president it's ridiculous could we reopen the public portion so that Mr Hine can come up and perhaps I don't know what he's going to say but it may it specific to the terms of the settlement and it does pertain to this resolution correct that's um I don't right well it maybe well we I don't know that it's been concluded that we're not going to vote could you go please a copy of this right away somebody from the clerk's office Council president we're going to just one second we're going to table this we're going to go to public portion I'm going to let I'm going to come back to you first we're going to go to public portion and between now and then we're going to figure out what we're going to do about this but can somebody please go print it right away maybe a few copies nine copies please yeah councilman fiser you had some additional comments from earlier yeah I just I just want to clarify one thing because I see at least one member from the Press here we just had Dan uh you just saw us vote against term limits and we didn't necessarily vote against term limits what we were all advised was that we don't legally have the right to have this ordinance so we voted again we basically just voted against an ordinance that we were told we weren't able that couldn't be affected so if you want to know how we all feel on term limits you can ask us how we feel you can literally send an email to each one of us and we'll tell you but our vote on this order ordance did not reflect that it just reflected that we were guided not to approve this because it violate it it is inconsistent with the state law so if I may respond to this I don't Pander to the press in in the stands unlike my colleague but there's been a number of times that councilwoman's fiser and getino have questioned Mr Loya our Corporation council's legal advice I've had conversations with him and he felt that his legal advice was sound and I called into question some of those points and for all of the reasons I said that this ordinance as misrepresented by Miss fiser uh does not limit somebody's ability to serve which was my understanding of what the 1970s ruling found it was this council's duty to move forward a piece of legislation that allowed everyone to participate speaking from a councilwoman who just won her district with only 15% voting I highly doubt that anyone should listen to her interpretation of what democracy is thank you so much council president it's really more like it was really more like 25% in the second word so we're clear council president can I ask a question about what we're waiting for from the clerk can we go to public portion first oh yeah sure Mr finina do we have members of the public signed up for public portion R Hine Mr Hine on public portion on non-agenda items okay so you do not wish to speak on non-agenda items on non-agenda items no we may we may he's just saying if anything you want if you want to speak on a non-agenda item yeah he he has non agenda Mar all right anything you wish oh here yeah R Ron Hine 515 will uh so I got a call from our attorney um uh just an hour before the meeting uh informing me that this would come up I I assumed it would come up later as well but uh but anyway the rationale is that in uh on October 4th I believe uh we filed a motion to intervene in the uh suit the the con the eminent domain case city of Hoboken versus New York Waterway uh so uh talks ensue between our attorney uh Renee steinhagen and uh the Kevin McManaman representing the city and and we came up with this uh settlement and uh we are uh you know of course there's a long history to this thank you for your uh kind kind words earlier about the fun for batt waterf because we have been at this for a long time and we we did team up with mayor Bala in the city and the city council to ensure that the city would be able to acquire this property and then uh when the lease with New York Waterway was signed in February uh we raised this issue of the city's open space trust fund ordinance and there are key Provisions there that provide protection for the uh you know the maritime Park the union dry do property and uh we uh were very concerned that they that those uh Provisions are enforcable and as a result of this settlement uh which uh require us to withdraw our motion to intervene uh we we're preserving we're preserving that right to a referendum uh we're preserving uh that right to uh restrict the deed for open space purposes only acquired with funds from the open space trust fund so so we're very pleased with this settlement agreement we think it's good for the city we it's good for us it's good for our entire Community it and it it provides the necessary protections to ensure in the end uh New York Waterway uh has to leave at the end of the lease uh so uh it it is um it is something that um so anyway it is something that we're we're very supportive of and uh I don't know if you're going to be able to take a vote tonight or not but uh but we we're we're very supportive of this we we think that the uh this resolution is also a resolution uh resolving uh the conflict that we've had since since March when we first raised this issue so thank you very much thank you council president just are they met I want to go through public portion we're already there so let's keep going Manny Rivera Solair I'll come back don't worry council president thank you once again members of the public uh council president I don't want to take up too many of my minutes in regards to what was just spoken of and what you're reading at this moment um but will members of the public uh be able to um see or hear from you at this moment what the uh ordinance or is about um will members of the public be able to speak on it I guess not because it went in consent agenda these are questions I don't I don't necessarily want to take most of my um public portion on that in case you open it um I would like to speak um again I would have congratulated the members who won reelection at the beginning of the uh meeting but I waited until now to see uh the outcome of that decision to see how members uh elect will be voting if they're voting independently if they're voting again as a team if they're voting for and favor things how was that matchup going to be and I have to honestly say that it's still a little wanting so I'm hoping that um the First Ward which has an election on December 5th that they um Choose Wisely because it is important for members of this Council to be independent and to not fear not fear term limits regardless if it's in a constitution Amendment or whatever it's going to be necessarily to make it you should do it it's a shame that you at least didn't symbolically vote for it even if it was going to be turned down or whatever but you would have shown the public that you are not afraid of no term limits because if you're a good council member if you do the work of the people that revalidate you time and time again even those of you who have been there five terms you could be there 10 terms but is it fair is it fair for everyone if we have in our constitution uh uh of our state that the governor could only be in there twice what makes it different for anybody else why can't it be fair from top to bottom term limits for everyone even in the Congress and even in the Senate why not what is the fear these seats that you hold are trusted it's a truste situation they do not belong to you I'm not saying this to be um uh confrontational to all of you you won congratulations that's the way you win but as the council member said who is the signator to this you could run for something else that is the political aspiration if I was in that seat yes I'll serve my terms do the best I can and if there's something that I Aspire further I go for it but it's not meant to be forever and I don't mean that to be condescending or mean or or to try to be confrontational to anybody who's there five terms by this point but again help us out show the fairness for everyone because again um even people who who want to run feel defeated because even the getting of the signatures starts getting complicated because people can't get into the buildings other people have access to it it becomes a special interest type of deal and it's wrong and I had plethora of things to speak of the zoning District when I was speaking The only voice speaking for the zoning districting I did not speak on it to for you to make it easier for developers and people in special interests to come in and do this I wanted the you to close the loopholes to make it more difficult to tear down a building as easily as it's being done now displacing people they're going to be displaced in the Third Ward The Sixth Ward in all of the wards and yet nobody nobody is paying attention this can't be spoken about in the zoning board and the planning board that's not on their purview it is important to speak it here so please look into that one and help the buildings and not only the buildings help the people who are being displace it is important there is a lot of people who are um out there without homes and yet we are making it more difficult for for or easier pardon me for them to be priced out and for the homeless population to grow further and further because it's going to affect in the long run everyone and again there are many other things that I can say but at this point in time I want to say thank you for your attention again is not being confrontational to any one of you again congratulations on all of the people who all of you who revalidate who are here again congratulations you won but we need Hoboken to come out and vote more thank you again council president for for letting me speak a little extra and thank you and God bless you and God bless Hoboken Pat [Laughter] waiters God Bless America I'm Manny that's why I shouldn't spoke I should have spoke before you Pat waiters 1219 Willow I don't want to lose focus but Mandy hit some of it on the nose but Manny like to sugarcoat stuff I'm giving y'all uncut clear facts years ago before any of y'all picked up petitions I said and I'mma say it again this town is very vulnerable y'all all blamed it on my boy Peter camar and y'all did worse I was in the courtroom the showroom hit with TV cameras protecting Peter camamo to the end because I said wait this man listen to a political boss he shouldn't be here in this courtroom I was on TV every channel and you know what hurt me cuz I was fighting in for the democracy and I'm fighting now Mike I'm so mad at you right now cuz you were have won I did not tell you that for real I said our town is so vulnerable they're going to get three strangers and I'll do Leo in there after they did him dirty but the game once you learn the game in Hoboken you win I give kudos to every yepy that moved here the last 15 years y'all keep thinking Pat waiters is a loser I'm a winner I'm a winner cuz y'all cannot stop me I've been threatened I've been harassed I had it all best friends turning against me Mike we popular in this city cuz everybody watching two old hoken people fight they love it they got us conquered and divided they won but you know what's good and Mania tell you this some people call me Pat Waters I don't even know here for the people I couldn't walk down the street on Election Day people coming with their kids with carriages we voted for you you going to get it this time and I looked at them and said to them I can't in Hoboken but what I can promise you I'mma stay involved and I'mma keep the boxing gloves shining cuz I'mma continue my fight you know what hurt me I don't lose the residence lules and it bothers me from the rich kudos to Maxwell Place kudos to your building I got in the buildings so I'm shocked years they would have never let me in them buildings I don't know what Manny experienced they treated me with respect you seen that Miss Fisher just because I was told to hurt you I helped you that's Pat waiters because when I say I'm a people person you a human being you a resident and you a person so I didn't look at you as a politician I looked at the fact that dirt and harassment and what I endured to not protect you wasn't important to me cuz a political booss can't byass waiters I go to bed with a cheese sandwich am I right Manny huh I go to bed with no food but my pride and dignity and conscience in the morning to say look you loyal when they say to me Patricia waiters I voted for you that's why I'm not congratulating y'all cuz I should have won 15% people came from work got out of their beds that wasn't even going to vote everybody worked the Poland site to tell you we here just to vote for Pat waiters every District every war we want Pat waiters but they got Pat waiters y'all I don't have to win physically our town is so vulnerable I will continue to fight I will continue to open up my arms and heart to work with all of you but this is sad what we getting ready to see y'all witnessing right now with the whole Union dry dock is disgusting and Mike this is the this is why I came straight from work here this the best thing you could have put out when you put this out about this resolution and even though it failed you know why it failed that's people that's scared to lose power I'm looking at Tim calie 30 years I can't believe it I'm seeing it in y'all these people these people are so afraid of losing power they wanted they don't want change they don't want it but do you ever say the people in the residents that voted for you the little handful that voted for you you got a whole city here so whether you in the third W Mike you in the first W Mike Tiffany in the second war your vote impact this whole city this runoff going to impact the whole city people that don't even live in the first war blowing up each other's phone we got to get the vote away from Ravi y'all got to get that concept out your mind take that mindset out your mind and think about the people that live here think about the people that still got to have flooding and no parking the r it's going to continue the same thing going to continue cuz we already got it a divided Council in January ain't even here yet it's them against us you against Robi you against this one and the people again y'all everybody watching this I love you guys thank you thank you continue to vote for me your vote is not going in vain cuz we going to get it one day we will overcome today I'm picking up petition y'all in April for council at Large for mayor for door catcher for the Border I'm going to pick up a and I'm going to continue to run in this town and be a voice for those vulnerable people I want to see you serve us now like Manny just said serve us be bold enough to say ravie no this is not going to be good for our community Ravi no stop letting people go and holding their jobs against them Ravi no stop only hiring your family and nepotism ravie no stop playing with certain departments and director's heads that's doing a good job over there iol if you could just wrap up your comments I'm wrapping it up thank you very much I'm serious I call it when I see it I have not I bet not hear nothing about you negative serious cuz I put my name on the back of good people we have good people in Hoboken I'm wrapping up saying this I'm not going to congratulate nobody cause they won I'm going to congratulate you for your actions and lo and behold we all CED dco cuz you should have been the counsilman and I told you that you should have you was out outand and I got to give you at least honesty no matter what they try to create you the first and only one I ever work with cancer on your campaign and seen how you operate and was set up set up over a stupid racist flyer that they continue to do because they got away with it with you I told you we should have fought to the end so it wouldn't happened again and it happened again with me with the boy it happened with Tiffany it's going to continue to happen cuz we don't send that clear message through our actions we do not care don't ha and Hoboken thank you Pat waiters thank you do you know what today is National kindness day it is really and I'll be kind when that day come Max Thompson it gota wait good evening council members Max Thompson blue v suspens 628 Washington Street uh first of all congratulations to everyone for getting through an election season and reminding me I will never run for public office so congratulations for your seats I want to use my time tonight to uh I guess restart or continue the conversation we start a few weeks ago about pushing for some rule changes to Hoboken cannabis ordinances we've obviously SE seen firsthand that this issue is um it's kind of a mess and so we had proposals we put forth we made them public we made this overview public so I want to talk about it briefly issue number one hoboken's canvas application process unfairly prevents cannabis applicants from receiving protection against zoning rule changes the Cannabis Review Board in Hoboken exactly like on the land use boards it requires a hearing testimony a robust application and site control but a court has now ruled an application to the crb does not receive protection under the state's time of application rule that's problematic it's impacted us it's impacted other applicants in Hoboken uh the Cannabis application process is completely at odds with the state's time of application rule because of that um it was stopped to fix this exact issue rules being changed on applicants when they've already started the process hoboken's current process discourages applicants from coming to Hoboken why would an applicant spend time and money to go through this process knowing the rules can be changed on them and they will lose their opportunity the proposals we put together uh included a solution which makes revisions to the ordinance so that applicants can simultaneously appli to both the crb and the planning board this gives them protection uh under time of application Rule and align with the state's time of application rule as well issue number two hoboken's common sense canus regulations introduced illogical and overly restrictive zoning banss the common sense cus regulations introduced two zoning restrictions that rendered much of the city off limits that was Banning retailers and medical dispensaries from being within 600 ft of schools and completely removed the C3 Zone from contention for any license type not just dispensaries there was never any logic or science to support thatright ban uh from within 600 F of schools and these restrictions are not a true reflection of the will of hokan nightes who voted overwhelmingly in favor of cannabis our proposals include three solutions to address this the first is reintroducing the C3 Zone that's upper Washington Street in First Street where a significant amount of commercial space currently exists the C3 Zone was removed to my knowledge as part of the debate around Story Dispensary and now story has has settle their litigation they will be in the C3 Zone and prior bias towards them shouldn't prevent uh viable locations for future operators the second solution here is replacing the 600 foot School ban with tiered heightened operational restrictions the 600 foot School distance band was never supported by Logic or science cannabis operators are already required to have significant security measures to prevent sales or injury by Miners and protect their business and our proposed amendments include three tiers of proximity 600 300 100 ft to primary or secondary schools and introduce new heightened operational requirments each tier delivery restrictions incident reports to the crb to Police Department cannabis education sessions with the school and PTA uh awareness campaigns things of that nature and finally direct the cus review board to provide an annual report to the city council what is the point of this right the distance requirements are still arbitrary we have to understand what is the point of having these rules in place so the crb has given a directive to compile and submit an annual report to the council you all highlighting the restrictions any recommendations uh any issues they've seen pursuant to those prior restrictions that I just went over and it's intended to provide additional regulatory Clarity so you can actually make sense of what the restrictions should be whether they should be tightened or loosened and then finally hoboken's current canvas ordinances uses inconsistent terms and lacks Clarity creating confusion and unintended consequences inconsistencies are confusing it need needlessly increases the difficulty of complying with regulations these consistencies have unintentionally closed the door for other license types I don't think you can actually have delivery services here right now given the way the ordinance is currently written and things like the basement no one knows if you can actually use a basement for these businesses it's kind of unclear uh failing to make room would mean further stifling hoboken's canabus industry and service yet another hurdle for social Equity applicants that's specifically for delivery licenses and the solution that we put forward is uh ensuring some clarity so that Define terms are used consistently and ensuring there remains room for class six delivery service operators like the whole point of me coming up here and giving this overview is because we'd like to get this conversation started I think there is some Buy in from some of you but for those of you who have not had any Buy in on this I want to speak to your con consents that's councilman Ramos gtino defusco and fer I don't know if we're going to convince you guys but I can at least hear what your constituents have to say about this and include some of those suggestions get that feedback and just continue this conversation we'll make ourselves available either in person email or phone anything you want so hopefully we continue that thank you very much thank Youk Mr Evers I hope this that got out of purgatory because I waited till the end of this meeting appreciates it um I if Ron says this is a good resolution that you're going to maybe vote on that's good enough for me okay but two things one you know it's not like you're trying to vote a summer house for Council people down at the shore and you don't want anybody to find that but the precedent of just having everybody barely read it and vote on it doesn't look good but more importantly okay um and and I say that as the person that recruited fair share housing here God some of you guys tell we're out of puberty it's been going on so long okay this been lawsuit has been going on forever to retrieve 52 units of affordable housing okay and doing this vote this way okay my concern is that you're leaving yourselves open to Legal challenge down the road Ron has told me that New York waterways is party to this great okay what happens if New York waterways is sold lawyers come in I've had plenty of attorneys in my life tell me it shouldn't be a problem and it is a problem so my suggestion is simply and you know it's not don't be corrupt or anything it's do it belt and suspenders because you don't want to have these guys 10 years down the road coming up with 4,000 reasons to delay uh this to litigate and even if they don't win they get another 10 years on the site okay I mean the guys that have been fighting the the fair share housing suit the the 12 years that's been going on they've had market rate Apartments they've been collecting rents on so if it takes another five years that's more money for them that's an analogous position to this New York Waterway thing so i' give some really serious thought to whether you want to risk not being squeaky clean when you vote on this thanks a lot thank you there any other members of the public who wish to speak for public comment moot to close public comment all in favor okay Mr ever I do not disagree we've been put in unfortunate position um but there is a timeliness issue associated with this for the best interest of the city um and it is helpful to know that fund for better Waterfront and thank you Mr hin for staying and speaking on this is in support of the settlement um what it appears has happened is that this settlement agreement is provided for on the website it's on the itemized agenda but it did not make it way into the agenda packet often and I think we've all cited that at different points we each usually download a copy of the packet we read through the packet it wasn't in the packet it was separately on the linked page where you can pull each individual item from the agenda there was a disconnect in how this information was provided it was publicly available but it was overlooked um on our end of things so what I would like to do is we've all been provided with um written copies uh there are two particular key whereas Clauses to highlight in the resolution that I would like to read into the record um some Agreements are you know 10 20 pages long you've seen them in the packet this agreement is relatively short it's two pages um so that makes me feel slightly better in an unfortunate situation um but let me read the two key whereas Clauses that I think are most relevant to this conversation whereas the city of the city and fund for a better Waterfront have conferred and have determined to amicably resolve the issues raised in the motion to intervene and they have negotiated an agreement that provides in summary the following one the city and fund for a better Waterfront agree the lease agreement is valid two any future sale or lease of the property other than the lease agreement would be subject to chapter 55-3 and three the city will amend the Declaration of taking filed in connection with the condemnation action to to so provide and whereas the city desires to enter into the fund for better Waterfront agreement and wishes to authorize execution of the fund for better Waterfront agreement for purposes of memorializing the party's understanding and setting forth in Greater detail their respective understandings rights and obligations council president yes to be clear you're reading from the resolution the resolution that's accompanying correct the settlement agreement council president do you have ADD I'm gonna let Mr Doyle finish if he has any additional do you wanna no I just wanted to I think you began by saying the agreement is two pages and I read from it you weren I apologize no from the I was reading from the resolution so council president I can actually read from the agreement sure go right ahead so there basically are three paragraphs that are significant I think from a legal perspective which are consistent with what is in the resolution uh n number one is validity of lease agreement which the the point of the motion intervene that the fund for better Waterfront made was to question whether the lease was valid and whether things had been done properly and this paragraph States the city and fund for better Waterfront recognized and acknowledge that upon satisfaction of the conditions in the consent settlement order and the corresponding commencement of the lease agreement the lease agreement will be valid and effective and that no further approvement from the city including by referend shall be necessary in connection therewith second future sale lease of the property after entry by the court of the consent order for final judgment in accordance with the terms of the consent settlement order in the event the city determines it is necessary or convenient to sell or lease the property except for the lease agreement between uh uh the city and New York Waterway such sale or lease would be subject to the provisions of chapter 55-3 of the city code chapter 55-3 of the city code requires uh approval by referendum and then the final paragraph uh amendment of Declaration of taking after the court enters the consent order for final judgment the city will amend the Declaration of taking filed in connection with the condemnation action to provide that the property was acquired with funds from the city's open space trust fund and that except for the lease agreement with New York Waterway sale or lease of the property would be subject to the provisions of chapter 55-3 of the city code those are the three opt the rest is just about severability counterparts and recital and that kind of thing those are that those are the core paragraphs I think it's critical here that we had this is an agreement between the city and fund for better Waterfront the head of the fund for better Waterfront has come before us to say that this is what he supports this is what's included here it is available on the city website and there is a question with respect to emergency which we've already found that there is an emergency that we should move forward on this tonight thank you council president council president it if I may ask the question I still don't understand what the timing of this is why is it so crucial that we do this tonight and not week two weeks from now yeah three weeks from now because the this would allow us to start the actual lease once this course of act once this claim is settled so the clock on New York waterways lease would begin would commence so it's not crucial it's the difference of three weeks end soon it starts three weeks yes so not emergent just three weeks and not publicized so we're cool with [Music] delays of 1300 family units in our Housing Authority yeah but we're not cool with three weeks of delays for this correct MH because that to me is something that I think impacts people's daily lives in a very significant way versus three weeks of a timeline that most people are going to have absolutely no clue is in place and again I'm not saying that it's not important because I think it's absolutely important but this was this was a disaster the council didn't read it we had to get a copy from the clerk's office I think Mr I said it perfectly why are we going to put ourselves in a position where 3 weeks from now we could vote on this vote on it properly make it make sense for everybody and now there's no concerns uh I I again I don't have a problem voting on this tonight but I will not be voting in favor of it because of that let's wait three weeks I will say again I have been put in a bad position I am not pleased with this I'm not happy with this but our goal is act in the best interest of the city and the recommendation that has been made is that by passing this tonight we are put in the best position possible we've had representation from the head of fund for better Waterfront that fund for better Waterfront is supportive and the city is supportive so I suggest that we move forward with the vote Mr L please call the vote we have questions on it I've called for the vote please motion motion to table then that's ridiculous that's ridiculous it was just thrown in front of us and we can't even ask a question about it unless you're and there's like legal questions that we have so you're going to force us to vote that's ridiculous I am not thrilled about this position I understand your what are the additional questions councilman fiser I think you were going first right I have one question if we um if we vote on this are the terms saying in five years director Freeman this is really for you in 5 years when their lease is up they can't renew the lease they have to be gone and if they were to renew the lease it would have to go to referendum it's just the terms of this lease is cor that accurate there are the terms of this so there's no in five years they're out of there or or there'll be a referendum this lease has a holdover in it though this lease literally has a Perpetual holdover monthly rent so this is one of those that could go on and on and on and it's falls under the definition of this lease right I would motion to table second did you call for a vote I did and I gave the courtesy to my colleagues to ask questions not to make an alternative call but by all means ask questions sir we have we have we are literally have legal questions and all we're talking about is the difference between 3 weeks at the end of this lease in order for us to understand the legality of the lease right it was thrown in front of us it was we don't know when it was put on the bottom of the lease for no one to be able to see after a 3-day weekend an important issue and we we don't have the ability to have a closed session on it to understand the legalities of this I'd also like to know from fund for better Waterfront like so just so I'm clear you're agreeing even though you've said repeatedly that the lease is not valid now you're putting in writing that the lease is valid and your lawyer has said and you guys have said that you didn't believe believe the lease was valid because there was no referendum you're changing your mind in order to get this future declaration that is that the agreement I mean that that it's a settlement so you're giving up your right on on your legal right and standing Woman They entered into a settlement right so what what are the two right what are the two Sid what's your question the question is what into the no I'm questioning what's the trade so what are you doing I'm asking what they got in return for the settlement they changed their mind what did they get in return for the settlement it's a settlement agreement they just said okay sorry we're not going to they centered into a settlement agreement so the way this agreement a settlement reads a settlement says we're going to agree on terms right so fund for Waterfront changed their View and agreed to stop the litigation and there's there is something in settled the litigation they settled the litigation by I read you the term by getting this future editorials this is your not an editorial ter of the when you have a settlement there's president the terms of the settlement the council wants to discuss the settlement motion to go into close session okay all in favor second I please clear the gallery sorry we're going to have to go into close to have a conversation and then we'll bring everybody back once the closed is complete no no I'm sorry okay so we had a Clos session we answered a number of legal questions in consultation with both Mr lawyer as well as the attorney who's been involved in this I believe that we have addressed all of the questions of my colleagues in terms of the provisions of the settlement agreement uh again fund for a better Waterfront has been here this evening to represent their support for this settlement uh and the urgency which is related to our shared goal I believe is to ensure that New York Waterway is off of the property as quickly as possible and moving forward with this in a timely way helps us with that shared goal so Mr frina please call the vote Mr con hi defusco yes Mr DL hi Fisher yes Gan Tino yes Mr Cano hi Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo no president jaor yes motion to close okay I one it's it's personal it's not about the election okay um so there is someone or several people in Hoboken who have been ripping the kidnapped Israeli signs off trees and posts and when Jimmy finina said today was National kindness day as you're doing that think about that could be my mother that could be my child that could be my grandfather that could be my husband that could be my granddaughter just don't do it it is so wrong and it is so hurtful so whoever is doing it or whatever people are doing it please stop I'll second that thank you all in favor sorry I thought you had something too