I said it's it's it's it's bad when you go outside your house and you find out your tires are G or slash you know not only me like I said 1700 people in the area you know I think there was about 13 in the city garage and the rest around the center around the area you it's hard which city garage I'm sorry you it was on second or third that's okay right you know I think councilman Paul I think you know about that yeah it's right across from me you know but uh this is something that's got to be looked into cuz if it happened once it could happen yet and then the city's going to be embarrassed and say how it's happen you know like just said it's uh something the city council should look into CU you I'm sure you must have seen it in the paper that this happened but again you know I get involved in I don't want to be another victim of another crime so we need more police especially at midnights you know CU you know you got so many police officers patrolling the Housing Authority but what about the rest of uh the city you know this is uh we got you know to action let the police be seen you know but again you know I don't talk too much but uh that's what I have to say one other thing I like to discuss is I have some time that is the parking your Authority employees Friday and Saturday nights and walking around the bars and stuff like that you always have so many cars parked all over the place for I'm sure parking Mak some money is double Parkers your Park guard and stuff like that you only got maybe three or four them at night have the parking guard and keep the people on the air said I way to keep the police free from Washington Street you know the police can do what they have to do to protect the city you know you said sometimes uh parking employees what maybe for for uh working at night have them uh you know Patrol this area of the city if they want to make money you know stop worrying about about you know the people yes they for myself I park off the corner I pay the ticket if if I get one but you know don't be uh you know you know saying you know we're going to stay in this are because we know we' got to H keep them on Washington Street keep them on gr Street keep them on River Street on front 121 there's a old parking Zone 24 hours a day keep the parking authority up there by the post office and stuff like that where there's no par Zone but this investigation of the TIR fling that should be looked into because it could happen once it could happen again and it could happen again when people have their cars when they smashed in and things are taped and stuff like that and insurance companies forget about the insurance company because all they want to do is collect your money and you get to uh pay they cancel thank you for this thank you thank you Joe Ron simonini mare taxpayers Association thank you council president um over the last few weeks we've had a series of submissions to the clerk related to a referendum to uh provide affordable housing and release some RS from restrictions under red control the uh process has been complicated to say the least and there have been uh exchanges between our attorneys and the attorneys here that have resulted I think in a greater understanding on both sides of what the requirements for signatures are and some other conditions related to submission of materials um we are currently in the fourth day or third or fourth day of the 10-day cure period where we have submitted 520 additional signatures to the original 2200 or so that we submitted plus we've notified the court that we think 235 signatures that were rejected by the clerk should have been counted the original count our threshold is 894 signatures to get on a regular ballot which would take place in November and about 1340 signatures for a special election which uh the statute requires would take place 45 to 60 days after this body has an opportunity to either approve or decline to go forward with the referendum question so it's been a long road uh there were were a couple of emails that went out from this body or members of this body asking people to revoke their signatures of the 2700 or so that we collected so far six people did asked to have their signat revoked and we revoked those six um so I think that we're pretty Square on the idea that uh either the people who sign the petition weren't reached by the idea that they should revoke their signature or uh people are confident that the question we put forward is and legitimate and they'd like to see it on the ballot and I hope that you want to see it on the ballot too absent you want to see it on the ballot ABS you passing it there is a 20-day period um upon which your first reading takes place and then there's a 20-day period upon which you can talk to the petitioners about perspectively passing an ordinance and compel petitioners to withdraw their questions uh as we've said all along and as I've said during this process there's no way to form the rent Control Ordinance by referendum the only thing you can do is ask a straightforward question and have that provision change in the ordinance of course you can abolish the ordinance too but we thought that that was a little extreme so we asked the question that we relieve the miles taxpayers Association members and allow the city to do what the city's been saying it would like to do for many years which is provide affordable housing to people who need it we know the rent control ordance does not do that so we're here before you tonight to say there were many Provisions that we passed last spring in conjunction with an agreement that we made with the tenants organization and we would have those as part of any compromise ordinance in fact I think you should pass those Provisions whether you do anything to relieve the hardship of rent control to Property Owners or not you should pass the provisions the tenants sought because they're Fair they're legitimate and they're right from our point of view you should consider what we're providing here and say that is a window into a new generation of rent control and Hoboken that we'd like to be part of and maybe there's adjustments to that window that you'd like to see maybe there's window dressing that you'd like to see we would be willing of course to discuss that because we agree with you that the referendum question itself does not reform R control hoken it is incomplete it's imperfect but something has to happen and so so I'm sure the CL will report to you tonight that we've uh are expected to have met our threshold for a regular election and we may be pretty close to meeting the threshold for a special election we're not certain whether or not we want a special election even if we meet the threshold we think it's quite an expensive Endeavor for the county and the city to undertake and also by the results of the recent elections we kind of think we probably be better off asking the general populist to agree with us because it looks like uh uh from what we've seen the policies that we're um advocating for um contrary to the ones that that got to feed in the polls recently are things that res bus so I thank you again we're here uh in collaboration and hopeing to compromise if there's such a thing and if not um we'll be on the ballot sometime between September and no thank you thank you Mary Andrea no first of all is this on record at all got microphone there okay so what people are saying can be preserved correct are we recording not great but no I don't want to no Rod is not here make well I'm sure he's not riding very fast yeah this have to be Tren got be me okay well it's sort of a farce then anyway uh I'll start speaking if I'm loud enough because I could not hear without standing there and I couldn't hear the first Speaker all right uh my name is mar Andrea and uh I I've been watching this whole thing from afar but um Ron um I will say rank control is a form of affordable housing with this referendum I'm actually concerned how we'll be worded because um this town is known for not voting and to get the vote out to a hell of a lot of work on a lot of people's part including mine and I killed myself in 2012 and 2013 um I often said why don't they wait till we all die off but I guess that's not good enough and the fact that they would be donating 25 $2,400 to affordable housing they could make that up easy in a month or two so that's a piece of crap because $2400 is not going to help anybody what this referendum will do is finally successfully eventually through process of elimination is get rid of the rent control apartments that are decently priced there aren't that many anymore I mean 3,000 4,00 ,000 rents that are under rent control if you could pay $3 or $4,000 you really don't need to be under rent control I mean uh I suppose the owners could raise it another thousand but uh this referendum needs to be worded correctly because a lot of people do not know what the hell's going on and like I said all it takes is one one time a tenant leaves and then you've got your vacon CD control you go from say maybe $2,000 rent to 4,000 let's say 3,000 and you know and it goes back on rent control okay what you do then it's all rent control in name only there is no such thing as affordable housing in this town the the pathetic projects that offer it it's so I've seen this for years and it's just badly about is though that something wonderful it's not um the rents that uh my rent is it's not a lot but it it's not cheap either but if if I'm not wanted in this town or anybody else you want a town of just a certain class of people well it it has worked that way and I've watched this this uh run control battle for years and it's it's disgustingly tiring and exhausting and I'm sure and I hope Mr Ron see you're paid very well for what you're doing because eventually as I you said back in 2012 we will eventually uh lose it because time passes people move on and we die off so therefore I hope for everyone in the future that this is work worded correctly for the pittance that will show up to vote in this town I'm amazed that this the wealth in this town that people don't vote in this town that it is never never it's always amazed to me is how apathetic people are you may you may not like what's out there but at least vote on something possibly and also I want to mention one of the thing and that is the B airbnbs every single apartment that is a lower rent because the person was there for 40 years they uh die off it becomes an Airbnb you have a force that's got to make a law about that please because you can't throw it off the back there's no law there's got to be a rule a friend of mine M almost a friend of mine around the corner every single apartment is becoming Airbnb I mean and of course when he dies off or whatever you can't you're getting rid of you're getting rid of affordable housing that way too so let's quit saying affordable housing is is going to be the Bron L is going to be the answer for affordable housing when we know that will not be the case at all thank you thank you no not yet um Corporation Council just for clarity I know that you said it to myself and councilman do but we do not need to be recording this it's not required that we record this meeting meting right and the minutes don't have it's not like a transcript just minutes thank you very much Manny Rivera Solair teachers council president I was going to speak to the bike but I just realized that joh don't speak to the mic man he just walked by so anyway I don't know what my voice is going to carry in this chamber but I just want to clear the record from last meeting council president if I could I made a um quick FAA when I was um uh mentioning council member penano and I didn't mention council member fiser when they were advocating for um the ordinance uh for the sellers and I want to correct the record that um I do appreciate council member Fisher advocacy for persons with disabilities um also council president um I also have a concern in regards to that ordinance that was passed um last meeting um in regards to the sellers immediately my concern is I always ask why is it that these ordinances get passed so fast and then all of a sudden in a planning board meeting a company is up for that very same thing to or to get a seller meaning the question would be is and of course there's no inference there's no implying that any wrongdoing is going on but it's kind of too quick when something comes up for an ordinance and when you're fixing an ordinance and then all of a sudden somebody or some entity or some developer some business is getting that immediate good I lost my place that immediate uh uh quick pro quo um to get that space meaning the sellers again that's just an observation I don't mean that quick Pro qu meaning it's something nefarious is going on although my my words are not being recorded but I'm sure in the minutes I wanted to reflect that again no one is is accusing anyone of anything it's just a curiosity of why that occurs because I've seen it happen a lot my next issue would be this evening is I'm very curious um and council president this this would be more um in a conversation and for you and and and members of um your ward um Church Square Park it's being moved forward Ward with um landscaping and um different um movements of of things in the park trees getting removed and stuff um members of the public and especially the neighbors of the park um need to have a better understanding um of how and why that's occurring um has the council voted on that plan already are we going to change the park without more input from the members of the public um that is a concern really because I was at a meeting at the um shade tree commission and that was presented um for a review in the shade tree commission um I'm hoping the people in the back are able to hear me um again these are these are important topics that um of course I may be a person that comes up and speaks a lot and people don't want me to speak a lot but it is important because these are things that you follow throughout the different um uh boards and commissions in our city and there are things that people don't necessarily uh queue in because they don't necessarily go to the meetings I also wanted to say that um tomorrow at the zoning board meeting on 301 Washington Street is going to be um memorialized in a resolution meeting that building is going to be um removed demolished and again as I lobed before for any member of the council to try to get the landmark clock returned or a clock returned to that corner which is very very important um for the hress of our city um the architecture of the the uh historic corner so these are important things again I see that my time is almost up I also want to say that um there is a meeting a uh meeting on the 24th it's very important for the community to show up and council president I also want to say and I want to close with this to all our hoken Knights who will be celebrating commemorating juneth Happy juneth to all of them happy juneth to all of us um we are a better country um for not having um uh people enslaved in any shape way or form um whether it be um with wages or not and again council president as I always say God bless you God bless this Council and God bless Hoboken and that would be I came in long but thank you thank you mad Patricia lady can you let it down it's not work just yell oh I Patricia wait is just is is this any other anything on agenda this is called course on non aend items on non aend items anything you want to talk about all right just bear with me please I was eating so I didn't know where we was at but I have a few things let's start with petitions and communication I I'm I'm trying to understand both all three letters there three different topics here um I took offense to this the last meeting cuz I wasn't able to spoke I came in on the last minute and I know the dying need of affordable housing I speak for myself and nobody else I went out and surfaced these petitions myself and my family and others that I asked to help me we did not at no time try to deceive anyone and we all agree we need affordable housing at Hoboken I don't care who who you are or what side you're on okay I'm not dumb I'm not crazy I'm not illiterate or gullible for all of the names that I was called because I'm out here being fearful of me being tossed out of hobokin this is sentimental to us because I told you again my family lived here since the 60s and it's scary to think that you can still resign and Hoboken thanks to you I can my th side anyway with that being said and done I Sur as petitions for that particular reason whatever we could do to get affordable hous in the broken we need to do it we need to listen to both sides but we need affordable housing at the end of the day the typical political games they play we had a developer willing to build us affordable housing and because an individual don't like him another mayor from another city they interfere these things are serious I'm I'm saying this to let all of y'all know and this is the council chair too this St pay attention because we count on you as a government body to do what's right for this city no don't worry about who's going to get impacted don't even live in this city and and won't let a developer build affordable housing it's deeper in this I know but what I do know is that we need affordable housing so the signatures that I surfaced okay Mr chair or Mr clerk I mean when these this I hope this language is to review those signatures y'all can clarify it later cuz I don't want to lose my chain of door to review these signatures but this still saying that we you still going to accept more signatures and this we trying our best to get this on for referendum so these three things that I'm pointing to right here for communications is that what that's about anybody okay so we still got an opportunity to bring this to the to election on November you're talking about the initiative yes I want no they say it's something's wrong with the petitions right don't the city clerk was supposed to review Jer you must me now day say thank you at least for General so um for Smith it's it's at the very least I like you yeah but real quick Corporation Council so that's not saying they do my petitions out cuz I need to know okay just I just need to know in advance do I need the boxing glps okay um one more one more thing um the affordable housing cd1 cd1 affordable housing is this um I forgot is l i mean it's an increase but will this help us with the whole affordable housing situation I just spoke about is this what this extra $10,000 is for in support of the affordable housing initiative or is this something different nothing that's different something different they just want to give somebody $10,000 gift yes that's it it's that does not okay and I think that's it sure thank you no I'm looking public signed up to speak motion to close public portion motion second favor wild how's the um visual uh we have a camera over there no we got nothing we got nothing working oning we recording right now that's excellent not streaming but we're recording can we connect the presentation screen uh would be able to see at home as of now no Jerry do you know the we have visual yet okay um well then let's move on to Second reading is she not on no Jim's not on don't worry about it okay you want me to read want me to be the reader oh that's up that's fine better one than none don't start yet cuz maybe we'll do the presentation do you think it'll take a few minutes 2 minutes 3 minutes 3 minutes s at least right there that's good we got wait we got one of we got we got the presentation always to be this close to the camera this much work this is like parks and R [Music] absolutely ring record not upload it oh here are you are you shooting me or you yeah joh what's just ask we get later you have it you already AC have two C's two L yes yeah two two SE yeah one what's thanks for coming are we good ready when you are thank you H pres budget presentation thank you so much all right I'll use a teacher voice and hopefully it'll come through Ruben knows what I'm saying all right good evening uh my name is Rock sandly I'm the executive director of the Hoboken business Alliance I'm joined by our President James rle members of our Board of truste and general Council we're excited today to give you an overview of our annual report for fy4 and review our our fy2 budget and work plan and at the end we can take any questions than one more HBA is a driving force committed to helping small businesses Thrive with a strong record as an economic development entity focused on small business support the public realm and tourism funding the HBA is an investment in the future of hokan's prosperity hba's forward-looking plans are essential to achieving the city council's vision for this city the organization's strategic plan invests in our downtown town in cultural events in transit and in the city's strengths and its future next slide please since July 1 the HBA has made significant progress as an organization with increasing recognition of our impact the value of our mission and our ability to help with a team of five staff a board of 15 trustees and a community Advisory Board of 22 Local leaders we are a leading convenor of cultural Civic residential and Business Leaders dedicated to hoboken's success in fy2 the HBA draft budget is 7% lower than our current budget as we bring programmatic expenses in line with our strategic plan the HBA assessment is increased 3% which is a sub inflationary increase to revenues towards a balanced budget which supports new programs and investments in the public realm and the HBA formula is realigned with the goals of our strategic plan bringing costs down for 54.6% of our assessment payers the median Bill Citywide will be $364 per year and the median decrease in bills Citywide will be $17 the accomplishments I am about to share with you are investments that everyone in Hoboken benefits from as the largest Economic Development entity in Hoboken we are ushering in a new era of economic Vitality visitors and business interests are returning to record in record numbers to a city that is ready to receive them thanks in part to the work of the HBA and our Partnerships this year we completed several critical Milestones next slide perhaps the most significant accomplishment for the organization the HBA completed a six-month research effort to create our very first market economic analysis of hobok and we are on this one yep I pulled a few key numbers from that analysis on this screen here um interestingly 47% of our daily customers are Hogan residents students or employees while 53% of our daily customers come from the surrounding region the Hoboken media income is $168,000 with 40% of households making over $200,000 by comparison the regional median household income is $75,000 a clear indicator that our businesses need to support a diverse Market we have competition in 11.2 million square ft of regional retail these are nearby downtowns and shopping centers and does not take into account nearby New York City we have 1.65 million square ft in local retail 26% of which is currently devoted to food and beverage a major draw for daily tourism we have 2.69 million square ft of office space and 621,000 square ft of industrial space next slide please data from the market economic analysis informs our 5-year strategic plan a first of its kind for our organization and together these will shape tonight's presentation over the next 5 years the HBA will seek to accomplish 17 recommendations shown here across five guiding principles that are dedicated to improving our organization's efficiency value proposition and Effectiveness in supporting our commercial districts and worldclass built environment to support and be accountable to this plan next Slide the HBA has also launched a 22 person community Advisory Board composed of local Civic business residential and cultural leaders to guide the h investments in implementation of the Strategic plan next slide now I'm just going to take you through some of our highlights from our fiscal year and our sanitation and cleanliness bucket which includes our city bin program our clean team uh our graffiti and sticker removal backs and Street litter collect we have 28,000 of those this year it's the highest we've ever collected diverting litter from being on the ground and into bags that are keeping it off of our streets uh this includes power washing we had 20 almost 70,000 pet waste bags were provided to the city and this also includes our radent abatement program where we serve 192 catch basins throughout the central business district we also provide a survey where we do CO2 treatments in any Burrows that we find uh and that survey has actually only yielded two treatments since we began that service in October next slide please in our beautification and Greenery program we continue to maintain 235 Planters Citywide 97 hanging baskets along Washington Street our team has repainted 197 public amenities in the last year and we provided six placemaking and art installations four of these were holiday placemaking decor and two of these were the recent electric dandelion installations at Pier a and Monroe Center Plaza which brought 16,000 visitors into Hoboken over a 3-month period next slide please our community and economic development program line measures uh and tracks data across a number of different metrics I'm excited to tell you that visitorship is up over 3 years we are seeing over 30% more visits uh 34% of those visits are staying over 2 and 1 half hours indicating that folks are coming into town they're grabbing lunch they're grabbing dinner they are enjoying our public spaces and they are shopping in our local businesses a total of 2.9 Million visitors a record number in the last 3 years visited 20 million times see our Market health is also showing signs of growth we rents are up for both the market unit rent these retail square footage and the office Market rent we saw 35,000 retail square feet leased in the last year and 130,000 more office space was leased than it was vacated a great indicator for the office Market that is continuing to recover following covid the HBA directly supported or uh produced 35 events at least three in every single Ward with a record of 30,000 attendees we endeavored to include as many Hoboken businesses as possible in these events and featured over 150 our business services line which saw the inauguration of a business networking series hosted three events with local businesses we've increased our advocacy as all of you know as we've had several conversations around zoning outdoor dining and sanitation and we are pleased to have partnered with the government on uh funding 11 hopefully a couple more business uh grants following the uh waterm break last here last but certainly not least we continue to Market hob openen as a destination for new residents for business investment and for tourism we have featured 145 businesses since August of last year these are not just social media repost we are sending a photographer into these businesses they are getting to know them they are producing professional shots and we are able to provide those shots back to the businesses as a value ad for their marketing efforts we have seen an 8% growth in our social media followers a record 58% growth in our subscribers and our advertising campaigns have seen 2.27 million impressions at the bottom of this slide I've got a couple of our favorite campaigns we have our on the Block campaign where we feature a local entrepreneur on the left on the far right we have our hours and Hoboken campaign where we provide guides for 3 six and 12 hours in Hoboken on a theme each month and we also for the first time were able to engage in a Transit campaign the electric dandelion and the car show were featured at Newark Penn Station New York Penn Station Journal Square and Hoboken and we also had a wonderful neighborhood or sound profile in the New Jersey business magazine next slide please now I'll go over our FY 25 budget and work plan next slide please uh we continue to invest significantly across these program areas we will see a 47 so 47% of our budget will be invested in our public realm 24% economic and Community Development 19% in marketing and promotions and 10% across General and administration to support the organization next slide in this fiscal year we anticipate $1.5 million invested in our public realm services our work plan highlights and you may not be able to see this whole call out when I say it out loud uh we intend to expand our street pole lighting for additional holiday cheer along Washington Street we'll be repositioning our sanitation program this is aligned with our strategic plan to reflect the district needs and focus more on the downtown uh we hope to install two or three murals as well as a number of microart and placemaking initiatives we will engage in temporary art and placemaking experiences as we have over the last two years we would like to engage in a streetcape audit and standardization of some of our street Furniture throughout Hoboken and we will continue our rodent abatement program while seeking to RFP our major Services out this fall next slide in community Economic Development we anticipate a $761,000 investment we look forward to partnering with you on much of this portfolio for zoning and Regulatory reform and advocacy for uh business opening process research and reform to make it easier to understand what it means to open and operate a business here in Hoboken to provide Business technical assistance and support to provide and continue to provide business networking and training and we are also launching a new event strategy this year where we hope to provide grant funding to uh inaugurate and sort of seed new and unique events across the city next slide please in marketing and promotions we have a few housekeeping items we'll be tackling this year with that $594,000 budget including refreshing some old logos on banners and doing some redesigns to Spruce things up we will continue to conduct our annual opinion survey we look forward to launching and maintaining a CRM system which is a customer relationship management system this will allow us to better contact and communicate with our 1 299 properties and our growing list of businesses and entrepreneurs in Hoboken we are also hoping to launch and publish Economic Development indicators that can be used by this body as well as the public to make informed decisions on policy as well as business decisions we will continue to focus our ads on visitors and entrepreneurs in the regional trade area to bring additional investment into our city we are really excited about launching a local restaurant Week we've heard from a lot of folks that that's been uh much designed des ired and much needed so stay tuned we're going to hopefully explore somei wayfinding and branding campaigns to disperse visitors throughout our Fair City and we will be designing and delivering on a major Hoboken marketing campaign across all Platforms in the fall and spring last next not last slide second last slide penultimate slide in our general and administrative budget this is the funding that supports the operations of the entire organization uh this also is a lot of kind of my exciting to-do list I look forward to designing and Publishing an annual report kind of like the one that should be on all the screen tonight unfortunately I'll send it via email but uh we want to provide data that tracks key indicators to all of you and to our friends in the public we're looking forward to Growing building and maintaining new relationships with the real estate industry major office tenants and the Business Services ecosystem I am proud and pleased to say that we're working on an exciting partnership with the Hudson County Chamber we look forward to elevating Hoboken through policy and thought leadership and we are really pleased to partner with our community Advisory Board to track and Report our strategic plan implementation through our community Advisory Board last slide you saw this last year uh the thing that is updated primarily is that we have expanded to ensure that we have events in every single ward of Hoboken but this is a chart of our services by those eight subdistricts four of the subdistricts Shaded in Gray are mostly our Central business district or formal business districts while the uh the ones that are not shaded in Gray represent the the emerging markets in our north south and uh North Waterfront Gateway South and Gateway North as well as that concentrated kind of residential serving area the hybrid last slide questions great job thanks uh council members any questions yeah I have one none of these work or do I have to talk any no just talk all right um big white voice thank you uh thank you for the presentation I have a quick question uh I've noticed in your presentation you had mentioned several times a lot of functions that I would think the city should be responsible for so r Road and mitigation cleaning the streets stuff of that nature I would think the business Alliance I mean my understanding when you guys first started before you have arrived it was more business friendly type of things I would think events planning you know maybe lights up and stuff like that but the actual stuff a city should be taken care of it seems like you're I don't want to say mandate but you guys have uh taken over some things on for example Washington Street or where the businesses are is that by Design or is it because there's holes that the city has left and you're trying to fill them or is it we're trying to work together with the city because they don't have the funding to do it what can you expand that a little bit for me so our services are supplemental they are above and beyond what the City provides in particular let's talk about cleanliness our team they're sweeping the sidewalks which a business or property owner would be required to do the the city isn't sweeping sidewalks they're emptying trash cans and I'll let them speak to their portfolio but they're not out there it's the business that would otherwise be responsible for that um same thing with rodent abatement it's a business's responsibility to address their tree pit until or unless the ordinance changes and so we survey and treat those because we know that the power of kind of the collective action we can take action across the heart of the whole city whereas an individual business can only handle what's right in front of them and they may or may not so we combine our resources for that larger benefit okay thank you no problem council president to what are you done I'm done yes so to that point the the residents who are paying into this in the Third Ward are we sweeping their streets are we treating their tree pits for roaden so our services are aligned with how much we also charge within a district so every property is going to be paying $1 to $6 a day on average depending on where they are and the type of property that they have your small landlords within your District are on average paying about 53 cents per day uh and in exchange what we're providing are a number of events and we do doggy waste bag stations in the third W that are beneficial to the residents and also to the streetcape so because they PID less into it we're not afford in them the same opportunities everywhere else in the city the bid statute actually requires that the benefits are proportionate to the I didn't that's not what I asked I asked that we're not affording them the same opportunity I didn't say the same amount I said the same opportunity so if you're sweeping the streets in front of a business on Washington Street four times a week does that mean the homeowner in the Third Ward gets their property swept once a week we are not sweeping uh properties in front of uh spaces that are not along first 14th Washington in the downtown okay we will remove graffiti if anybody has an issue with graffiti on their property that pays into the assessment and frankly we'll do it Citywide um we're happy to show up and send our team to remove graffiti we're happy to show up and S our team to remove um stickers if there are issues in front of a property with something that needs to be repaired we're happy to take a look and paint it like those maintenance services are Citywide but the physical act of a human being walking down the street that needs to be done in a linear footage way and so the board has made the decision that those services are concentrated on 1st 14th Washington and the downtown what what about the um the radent mitigation radent mitigation is 192 catch basins on first 14th Washington Street and the downtown so that same that same area so that that excludes pretty much everything in the Third Ward for both of those Services the primary Road in bement that we do offer in the in the Third Ward actually is we do have a recent City bid installation so I have one city bid installation in the third B good to know thank you my pleasure any other council members yes just one comment I just want I want to thank you for the presentation uh there's a number of Trustees that are here I want to thank them for their service for their hard work I spent two years as a trustee and I think that it doesn't get done without the work of the volunteers who give their time talents to the organization and the leadership so I just want to thank you for the hard work from the thanks thank you councilman yeah thank you uh one thing that uh as a new member of the board this year that we are actively uh working on for the future to try and uh supplement costs going further is uh generate generating Revenue through events where we could lower the fee for residents that are paying into the fee through having events that are Revenue generating that could supplant uh the budget going forward so that's one thing that we are actively working on that uh that we do want to see as well as uh zoning recommendations as well going through our zoning book to try to make it easier for businesses to open throughout this I think we saw an example of that at our last council meeting uh with with with uh GS of restaurant spaces and and below and basement spaces I guess with seller spaces so we are working uh in those areas actively to try and make sure our businesses are aligned properly with the zoning code making it easier for them and as well as generating Revenue through various events throughout the city those are two goals that we were trying to accomplish for for next year as well so we get mitigated uh for future budgets hopefully thank you for your partnership thank you thank you again for the present invitation very much appreciated a pleasure thank was doing another piz um think you're doing something else yeah Corporation Council because we're recording can we have the public hearing on Mama Johnson yes excellent so next will be uh public hearing to discuss plans for improvements at Mama Johnson Fields um he's just writing okay uh apologies for uh certainly all the a issues but um for bearing with us freedom so Council it's uh it's our pleasure this evening to um present the mama Johnson Field improvements project um it has um been a I I understand it's been um announced to the public already but we wanted to come to this evening through the fal Parks public hearing process um to discuss the potential change in news that would add a PR box to M Johnson um with us this evening is K B from uh clar hin who's our architect on the project I'm certain be leading the presentation and um any questions that you may have will be the D as they as they arise thank you so much thank you jalz um I am thought and from kin and the perex uh the Sama johon field is located at worth and Jackson Street it's adjacent to the housing authority of the city of f booking properties Carson bingos to the South and Andrew Jackson Marin to the West construction for the proposed project will take place at three locations the first being the Housing Authority fail building which serves in Jackson Gardens and is H to the hoba C library DS an existing mail and store remove alter TR free invests as an authority director REO has been involved in pring to the project and we Vis by the b s Lead additional satellite mailboxes or proposed to be installed at the exist satellite station um these will Sho than for the mailboxes that are um fre located at front of the Ry finger of the E and the Third location is the grassy area behind CL which is the Peron locations where the Press there also several proposed modifications to existing fencing around the fields construction at the proposed locations does not affect the plane field directly the existing conditions of the field uh Mama Jon Fields is the home for many sports including softball tackle and flag football and adult Sports Le over the years various user groups have made requests for restrooms and things to be installed at madon the field currently portapotty are the only available facilities for athletes coaches and fans other playing fields and Parks throughout Hoboken have facilities with running water the housing authority of the city of hook and mail building was chosen as a location for the restrooms because this building already has Water and Electric Service to the building it's above the flood plane which is essential for anything in Hoboken and it's also accessible by ring the Prest box um that we're proposing addresses the issue that um currently when a sports game is taking place there's a scorekeeper sitting on the sidelines at a folding table um and the scoreboard control is housed Within one of the dugouts obviously not ideal to have one of the teams in in possession of the score controls um unless it's your team well hav um so to put the controls inside a neutral space in the Press Box and it's ideal for any sport and the proposed designed for the restrooms and Press Box would bring Mama Johnson's buiild up to the standards of fil's other play field um the proposed plan plan is for two Ries um to be inserted into the existing mail building that will meet C Cod requirements for acceptability by reconfiguring the Interior Space we can fit two restrooms um existing rear loading mailboxes will be replaced the front loading mailboxes um and those affected units um where doors will be installed we plan to relocate to the already existing satellite station the mail building has exterior lights and we will install motion sensor lights at the interior to keep everything as well lit as possible for Public Safety both men's and women's room changing stations as well as stainless steel fixes for durability solid plastic partitions and fiberglass reinforced panels will make it easy to maintain the space these fiber reinforced panels they're made to look like subway tiled but they still provide that durability and impact the resistance of a fiber reinforce panel that's necessary for a high traffic High use restroom um exterior um elevations you can see the areas a assisting um and those locations of the mailboxes that will need to be relocated integrated where the doors and masonry Ino uh moving on to the Press Box um we have storage underneath the Press Box for recreation this lower level storage of the Press Box is within the flood plane so all lighting and controls are designed to be submersible um and storage is accessed by an overhead door which can be locked um the pr box to 12 will be elevated 12 ft above grade that is above the flood plane um it will have operable windows and a Pac unit for heating and air conditioning um an accessible route is not required per code it would be technically infeasible to um create a ramp that if you reach that height with a limited space behind the pass box so the Press boxes right would be placed right at the corner of uh Jackson forth and it's an opportunity to welcome people to Mama Johnson Field and therefore we have proposed a design which includes both the housing authority and the City of hobi and logos um printed and mounted to the Press Box there is currently a chaning fence back stop uh one of the horizontal bars would um need to be removed to create an unexpected view of the field from inside the Press Box and we are proposing to replace that portion of fening with sports netting similar to what you yet a professional Stadium um our ballpark estimate for the opinion of cost is $575,000 uh for all all the um post work and and that's using C CED and BG funds from the 2024 program year our proposed schedule um is as follows we have received zoning permit and plan riew approval from the building subcode official uh restrooms and the PRX will be bit together as one project to reduce overhead costs um rather than fitting separately with two projects we expect con ction to take place over winter and early spring um with the restrooms ready for use for the spring 2025 sport season and the Press Box ready for use in summer of next year thank you thank you very much for the presentation I'm sorry can you just repeat your name for Mr a l y a n i last name bot b as and boy h at thank you thank you thank you very much um do we have any members of the public signed up for the public here for that when's construction going to start I know the end dat when when oh maybe we didn't have up there would any MERS of the public wish to speak on this public you repat of this year yeah yeah uh this I have question for counsilman um through the Johnson family was they aware of this and I mean I wasn't aware of it either but to inform them that you know the changes whether good or bad I just think I think I think there Vinnie's in charge of the sophomore program so he's aware of the upgrade I me% Gail knows but Vinnie's aware 100% okay well I to get to but I'm saying I think it's a wonderful idea for the betterment of them and I want those kids in the houseing the gy also to have access to that on that playing field I will drive my car on there every day and sit outside I will do it to make sure they not climbing the gates so many times I had to stop them from climbing the gates they the field so that sounds like the gates are open now that sounds like a great idea but I want to see inclusion I want to see the gates are open all day now thank you so much they've been open for for you have no thank you thank you so much have a good night thank you Manny question president if I can um I Heard the presentation um part of it actually in the shade tree commission for it it was for the trees which not mentioned today but um I believe you are re are to remove a tree and replace it with another tree is that correct and as well I would like to know you the presenter thank you for the presentation um you mentioned that you're sending the project out to bid meaning there is no price tag for this um project at the moment and for the maintenance of the Press Box and all of the equipment that's going to be underneath it um okay members have information on that and um again other than that um the compliance for accessibility for the bathrooms um obviously they're be Ada compant and will they be um I guess um Mark or delineated as ADA compliance meaning some type of a obvious sof but mostly the cost of construction there's she just said 575 575000 cost construction and make you got yes we we'll incorporate it in through both our operating budget and also we'll have discussions with the by Community Development block funding which the 24th so I appreciate it thank you thank you council members of coun go fr make you thank you any other members of the public motion close public hearing motion second all in favor I council members any questions I have question yes uh the Press Box the $275,000 is there any way to make and again I don't know cuz my days of around a ball field you know you're lucky you had speakers and a microphone however uh is there any way to make it functional or we can do something where there's more use to this that the community can take advantage of for our youth and not just for a Press Box I mean I know it's 8ot by I think 18 was what I saw I know it's a it's a room however I know that space for young teens and stuff like that to hang out on the you know night time and things like that we're looking for spaces is there any way that that money could be used to give us kind of a double edge you know get two parts of two for one where we still get the Press Box but as well that this room can be used for the community as well for I I don't know I'm going to say birthday parties I'm going to say for you know it's raining and an event can come inside uh for teaching or things like that I it's a question unfortunately it's not really the type of facility that could have multiple uses because there'll be a lot of equipment in there that you know does need to be secured when it's not being used and supervision to operate and natur training to operate um it's also not the largest um you know facility because it's not the larger space there's not a lot of room to actually build this building and in fact you know we are needing to replace one tree which any larger would um is really detract from The Limited areas devel cor forth and so in this particular facility I don't believe so but uh as as you know we are actively looking to expand other Recreation facilities and hope for that very okay thank you council president yes counc I think the point in these Renovations is also to create par at this field as compared to the Little League field at feskin because for a long time I think our mostly male players of the little league league have had the opportunity to have a Press Box in coverage and everything that comes with that because it's a more exciting atmosphere so this is ensuring that all our softball players have that same level of access in terms of how they're celebrated as players so I think it's less about the you know facility itself it's more about how the children are getting to experience that field and everything that comes with it and the conveniences that you have the little leag field now you'll also have it the softball field so for me that's I think the most important thing about why these Renovations are important is we're creating equity for our players across both leags yep the call yes councilman yeah I I believe I remember the numbers on the cdgb grant but just to conf front this is going to be fully funded by the grants it's not coming out of the city budget this is federal funds that you've gotten it the construction of the project will funded by cdbg thank you thank you thank you both very much much appreciated second readings I believe ordinance for introduction no ordinance for uh hearing on an ordinance amending chapter 42 no that's carried Carri that's carried and B 675 and ordance amending chapter 196 Zing section 196 D 27.3 Building facil council member oh sorry uh we have no members of the public signed up to speak You're signed up you that was the other one yes you are are unless somebody Manny you are signed up go get it B we only have pencil disappearing no I'll be I'm going to combine two just for for sake of argument here and for um right gravity um I just um would like members of the public to understand where why are you amending chapter uh 186 in this section again I would like to know the I don't know why I'm talking to here is this on no it is over here recording well anyway I would just like to know where and why is it being amended at this point and at this time at this section as well as so I don't have to come up and b677 so that way because it's going to be combined the same question um how does it relate to the ordinance on b677 when you are now then asking a definition um for chapter 196 so uh can you help members of the public to understand one or both so that way we could move it along and council president that would be my question and thank Youk you do we have any other members of the public that wish to speak on this ordinance motion to close portion second all in favor council president yes two things number one for both this and I'll say it again from 676 the planning board reviewed that and both found them both to be consistent with the master plan and land use element but um Mr solar the um 675 and 676 are an identical change in two different places in the code because there are definitions in the zoning code and there definitions in the historic preservation code and there was some ambiguity in the code and so uh with regard to percentage of of glass versus brick uh for facades and so forth so this is both of these are number one curing the ambiguity to make it clear what was intended and which frankly from what I understand it's not really changing it because we've been operating the Assumption for years that that's what it meant but it didn't really say it properly and then the next one is making it so it's the same thing in both places so you don't have historic preservation with one definition of facade and the zoning code with another so your question with regard to 675 and 677 they're two different amendments Al together um and so I I they're not linked they're not similar um and that's the best I can do for you or you can yeah I mean that was good enough that was great good thank app I'm a little cled councilman Colin yeah so just just to elaborate on what councilman Doyle said uh it wasn't just an ambiguity there was a there was essentially a typo I mean you like to think that our statutes say what they're supposed to say but on this one it said that fenestration the amount of Windows that you have to have on the the side have to be 45% which should have been 25% so that would mean that we' be kind of like I don't know Holland or somewhere where that's very very lots and lots of glass more than almost half the building have to be glass it was immediately recognized as a problem because there were lots of trips from the zoning board where people were saying we only have 25% and they're like you you your variant will be approved no problem only intended for it to be 25% minimum not 45% minimum so uh in practice we've been operating the way Council Doyle said that this has not been the way they've been operating in front of the zoning board uh but it's it's cleaning up something that should have frankly been clean up a while ago so it's that's that's what's being done here with respect to e675 and six and six thank you coun president thank you yes so I have a question and so 75 76 77 are all 75 and 76 are close to each other right just they're exactly the same Y and 77 is not really attached to it or is right it's just another amendment to different the the another piece um does any of these have come about or were pushed forward uh we just got another piece of uh litigation against us from a resident and I have a question that if there's it cites some issues and I don't know if these issues are due to this or that we're voting on this change or this whatever has anything to do with that I mean somebody could elaborate on that that know better than me that sits on the zoning or Clon or or HPC I would kind of look at YouTu because you're both know like I mean you both would be more familiar with it than me it's it's it is similar in that there was some uncertainty as to whether the facade of a building if I'm correct includes only the front and if you're on a corner does that mean the side you you have two facades as oppos one facade and and a traditional more common is the facade is only the front you don't have a corner so the historic preservation was dealing with this issue and they felt that there's a there two facades and so this is we had uh something that came up and you may recall last December and it was roted down and this is uh similar but light it is less it is not what it was last uh you it's not as aggressive as it was last December so the the law or the litigation that was put before us is so this is dealing with some of these issues that correct or not I mean may have they have the counsil but or Corporation I I don't know anything about the litigation so but did Corporation Council the most important thing we're to discuss I don't we discuss litigation compare litigation session back to after Okay then if I can't get an answer to that can I I'd like to make a motion to table these until all three of them well is your question are they at all related yeah I I Corporation C said he can't talk about so until I can get that information I I'm a no vote period but I think I'd like to have that question answered before we do it I think it'd be smarter if a lot if the litigation brought up uh on Friday or was put in Friday if it has anything to do with these I I would like to First hear about what that is before I put vote on I believe that the ordinance that relates the right of way is the one that has a potential issue I don't believe the the definition of fenestration of 25% that have no he's talking about 677 not 675 person talking all of right now right now we're talking about 675 that's all of correct so with respect to 675 I think the answer Council president's answer is no there's there's no relationship between the definition of how much Windows how much windows are permitted to be and that litigation I but I read in the paper you know I mean it just doesn't appear to be uh I don't believe a you want to carry all three of them is that what you're asking well I I want to find out from Corporation Council if what was put forward if this has anything to do with it I mean whether you believe or not say the litigation only followed Frid these ordinances dra I think the I think the concern is it's been ongoing for some time and I think that litigation was festering is this going to impact the city in a way where it makes it worse or better for us at least I don't want to put words in your M but that's close to I have no idea what I didn't even know know there was litigation but um that I don't did you make a motion to carry the three of them being I mean I don't I'm not comfortable voting on SL without knowing what everyone else knows or half the council so Mr finina call the vote on the table on the three rben second for just 675 now correct we can only do one uh on the table Mr con uh no Mr dorl no 675 Mrs Jabor no Mr uh pres Zano I Mr Cano no Mr Ramos I Mr Russo hi president Cho yes uh the table fails I think I make a motion to carry this we don't have to good table taable would remove it on the sponsor I think which is carried for the next meeting it's I'm do you want to just carry the three of them which you can just do uh yeah you have the right to do that car great thank you you know yeah so we going to carry 675 676 677 okay thank you [Music] 678 hearing onance amending the city code chapter 136 nuisances at 136 d8 violations and penalties to set graduated scale penalties um this is actually going back to First reading because it was amended again amended and it's being amended again from 65 I don't have any access to a sheet of paper but going from 65 the fine going from 65 to 80 because other people had concerns about that other $15 9 so first that's also Carri no so I mean we can vote on it now for 67 as first reading yes 678 as first reading but with the amendment the amendment is going from 65 to 80 or down no up up 65 to 80 there was nothing per hour or total per per hour 675 per hour no 8080 $80 from 65 and Rose did you want to speak on [Music] this people who already had um FS you go back to step one yes okay okay no M wrong uh I think you I'm on the wrong ordinance for that right yes thank you yeah garbage it will be a clean slate yes so there is no amendment to 678 it is this one's done it's the other one yes B 678 is 20 o no wait I think someone signed up to speak on it 684 besides Ros no all right council members call V Mr finina call V no no this this is second reading the b b 684 is amended to reflect what the council president just said I'm sorry this is 678 correct correct correct sorry all right you want to make close the hearing motion to close yeah motion to close hearing call the vote Mr Mr Cole I Mr Doyle no M uh Mrs Jabor yes Mr President Zano yes Mr Cano hi Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo hi president Zino yes pleas 679 679 vord car it's Carri okay 680 680 hearing on an ordinance amending the city code section 1921 restricted accable parking zones in front of near residents for persons with disabilities to amend application process May there in couple of those ordinances I didn't mean to cause a commotion in b670 5 7677 but we'll get back to those at a later date b680 um can you help members of the public understand when you say you're you're um amending the application process um in what section is that being changed is it still going to be um the definition that you have on the ordinance and can members of the public understand it's not just persons who have missing limbs or any type of um amputation stuff like this um but it is also persons with other disabilities can you specify it and make sure that that's clear in the language and how less streamlined or how much streamlined rather is the process going to be um so that members of the public understand um that you have taken um great concerns in this ordinance being that a lot of it has been struck through um is that language I guess not necessarily being simplified in the process that is the question if you follow did you follow yes she followed okay there is want to make sure because I still got time but thank you guys the Pres that is the question just where how is it being the process being simplified for members of the public and the definition of person with a disability thank you thank you we have no other members of the public signed up to speak motion to close public portion second all in favor council president yes so to address the question from the member of the public um this is actually not touching the definition at all the Amendments that are being made relate to the process in terms of how applications are reviewed and is moving away from the concept of a subcommittee and instead will provide all medical documentation and application information to an independent medical reviewer so that person will now be making a determination thank you councilwoman and also um director director Gonzalez maybe no par Transportation oh director sharp sorry are you here no it's my understanding that it's not loss of a limb it's loss of you you don't have use of a limb that's my understanding yeah in section B I can read you the def no that's good that's not what this is doing anyway it doesn't that s that is the meaning of it it's not that you have you a full function of a limb right you just don't have use of full use of that limb council president uh just a quick question how are we funding that person yeah the independent medical review process will be funded through the application fees plus uh anything above that will be covered by hpu do we have any indication as to how much each review is going to cost the city hold it will vary on the basis of the amount of documents provided by the applicant I have a concern with that that could get that could get costly equip I think that's better than the harassment that members of the subcommittee faced as a result of applicants were disgruntled again I that's fine but I think it might be a different way I think maybe if we're going to spend money on it I think we should spend money to hire professional know at a set rate rather than doing something on a perase basis that's going to get really expensive really quick just my just my opinion on that I yes councilman Council Russo um I think we I mean we would somebody graced us enough with two meetings that caught us up and if you can correct me it's caught us up in a big backlog and it we were lucky we were SE search and I think before I got in the council I spoke with um uh councilwoman javor and she's like do you have any suggestions and I made a few phone calls we got a couple NOS we finally found someone uh the individual got on IND was like realized there was a little bit more of a workload cuz we were catching up uh that committee seems hot anyway however I think going forward we did get through a lot correctly if I'm wrong we're down to like single digit so I don't think it's like if we would have done this I think maybe 3 months ago it may have been like 25 but now I think we're down and again I haven't seen I'm not on the committee I'm just thinking that it's only a couple here and there now that it's and the practitioner who helped was able to dispense with these pretty quickly I don't think this is that heavy of so again I the biggest concern is why people wouldn't do it we had yeah we had gone to care point and asked them we had some in you know some doctors are becoming interns if they would do it everybody just shied away you would think somebody would want to help but again because of the liability and because of Believe It or Not the reviews that doctors you get on their private pages of you know yel I don't know what I don't review my doctor but they're concerned about stuff like that are people coming to their office so it's a really tough a really difficult situation for any of us when we got the volunteer so the only way to go forward would be to look at a paid way however uh it it's not as if we're doing 25 at a clip of these things yeah that's not my concern so my concern is if the application fees is what is it $30 whatever it is right now that 130 goes real quick right so if if that becomes an extensive case because as the council president said it's not someone who lost the limb it's someone who is unable to perform within a certain distance that could manifest itself in many different ways many different ways because there are members of the public who have COPD that can't walk 10 steps and have nothing wrong with their members right so there there's that process is a lot and I sat on that committee and I did it I did it myself I reviewed medical charts I did all that so I know that could get very hairy at some time but I just think the cost associated with that can can be problematic just my you're saying lock something get I me find somebody who's going to say all right I'll do it for the $125 flat fee I don't have a problem with one page or you know it's it's a it's a flat fee per review whether it's one page of medical documents or it's a whole file the bo so you're you're not against you're I'm not against it at all actually I think it's a good idea I just but it's just my concern is the cost I think HP will be able to right into I mean Council when George is something maybe we could I'm looking right at director sharp I think that that there's a way to handle this you were here okay I asked if you were here and they said no no he came in he came in yeah do you want to come up for a minute yeah thank you and I mean a minute um do you foresee this being like a great expense to the city do you have any idea what the cost would be to the applicant well the applicant's going to be we didn't change the fee so yeah I mean right now it's $130 for the application fee uh that 130 gets refunded if the application gets denied right so um I think as long as it's written in a way where um the onus is on the applicant if they need to provide additional uh documentation or they need to see a followup those costs have to be BN by the applicant so that the costs are predictable and don't uh become a runaway issue that um would be problematic I think that's kind of what we're talking about that's what I'm worried yeah so so I think as long as the application fee remains in that you know 130 range somewhere in that territory and and the costs uh beyond that are are are clearly um the responsibility of the applicants um then I think that you know the amount when you say the cost beyond that is the responsibility of the applicant so the the burden of proof is on the applicant right so if you're submitting an application for this for this process you're demonstrating that you meet the criteria in the ordinance uh that would would qualify for a reserved Ada space right so uh you may file an initial application and maybe it gets denied right or there could be a okay go ahead no no or one of the things that we run into a whole bunch of times is you go through the application and it's incomplete it's missing documentation that be processed ad driver license and so missing a number of things that going be adding on to the reviewer so we defined actually in the amendment that the process will start with hpu ensuring the full Integrity of the application so I think there's like a compliance review you think almost like planning board right that was pain there's some level of compliance review and then beyond that there's a technical review uh by the medical professional that is you know giving their professional opinion and you know ideally if you can reduce the the low that they're reviewing maybe that reduces cost and and that's what progr that that is what created the backlog sending them back and then so you had like four applicants that maybe completed but then you sent 12 back and then just adds and adds and ads to it yeah but what what I think everybody's missing here or at least be and articulate well enough is if you have an applicant and they submit their application they submit their $130 that gets reviewed by a professional independent professional let's just call it an even wash and they're charging us $130 for that review if it gets denied the city of hobokin picks up the cost of that the applicant does not they get their $130 back in the sense that there's other reviews that have to happen the director now is standing there saying that is going to be born by the applicant themselves so it's not going to be $130 to the applicant it's going to be $130 plus any additional cost that their application they um right they War so all I'm saying to everyone is this changes the entire premise of how we have done this if that's what we're okay doing that's fine but don't tell the applicants only $130 cuz that's not true because if that goes beyond the $130 cost we're saying now the applicant is going to pick up that cost and I can tell you to review something that is more than a few pages I most certainly would charge more than $130 and a medical professional who is who who is a seasoned professional may have a very high hourly rate so I just caution everybody need the flat fake yeah that's that's all I'm saying I just want everybody to understand that it's going to change the cost and what's going to happen when that happens the first applicant that comes back and says why did it cost me $450 for my application and then I got denied anyway right but if they get denied they get their money back right correct then we pick up the $450 cost for those applications as a city listen again if everybody's okay with it that's fine I just want to make sure everybody understand that this changes fundamentally changes how we're going to do this and what the cost is going to be I just think we give it a shot and if it turns out that you know we we're spending boatloads of money on this out of the city CER then we'll figure out how many a year I mean that's the first question how many year are there usually that's we talked about it I mean when the committee came back together it was what 12 applications that were on the balance it's probably in that 25 or less per year so I think if we brand it as a pilot program and it's doesn't even have to be branded as P programand it is a pilot program that's what I'm trying to say it's something that is cified by ordinance we see how it goes we collect the data and everything can be changed always we can change it just just one comment I mean we've had we've heard numerous sit down we've heard numerous people complain about the process with respect to hand paring spots this is going to professionalize that process the point of this year is that we do not want to be subject to criticism for arbitrarily denying people so I think the the goal here is a good one it's an important one and you know I think we should give it a shot see how it goes because none of us want to be confronted with people who claim that for for improper reasons they didn't get their spot so this will protect us and I think it's a good I think it's a good idea so anyway thank you thank you Mr finina call the vote excuse me Mr Co hi Mr Doyle hi hi Mrs jaor yes preso I Mr Cano hi Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo no president gtino yes hearing on an ordinance amending chapter 190-11 en tile loading zones resignated to extend the lent and effective hours for the loading zone on Washington Street between North Street and First Street we have no members of of the public to speak motion toose public portion motion second all in favor I council members Mr fin call the vote Mr Co I Mr Doyle I Mr javor yes president Zano hi Mr ganto hi Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo hi presid yeah can just a a comment on loading zones in general not this loading zone so this is all Washington Street this area here obviously right in front of us uh 681 how are we and Dr sh you can try to help us out here for two seconds I'm sorry guys I want how are we managing the loading zones with all the ebikes parking in the loading zone spots on on through Washington Street when it's supposed to be for deliveries how are we managing that so like the truck goes in they just pull out because it's like the wild west there from the perspective of transportation and parking or the parking utility both we can't we can't issue uh ticket to those uh devices because they don't have a license plate effectively they're not registered I have a delivery at Ace Hardware M there's a loading zone in front of there yep there's 10 bikes parked there waiting for deliveries maybe president Z's waiting one of the spots there uh and they're waiting for their deliveries and the truck wants to pull in the Ace Hardware to drop their goods off like how is how's that happen are they just like the trucks going in there people moving or they have to they beeping is there becoming is it becoming an issue zes they do beep they do beep but they tend to just double Park and say screw and they Park and they double Park to work on that if a truck can't fit then it's not going to go in there so how get to move well I think we have to mandate where they can go yes that's exactly what it needs to be police station said once say again it's funny how you say there's there's other issues that I think iror sharp is they may actually be loading and unloading if they're picking up food nine times out of 10 no they you pull up to the resturant you put you're parking there you're literally parking right there no I've never seen that was my question so obviously thank you appreciate it all right next ordinance you missed 681 by the way I think no 681 no we're now we're onance to 190-11 entitled oh we did that 683 no we we we yeah we did voted on it no it's on I it on 681 yeah didn't we vote on it 68 we did and then Reuben said I want to ask if voted on it we definitely voted on it we're on 683 then we missed 681 he read I think the wrong title yeah cuz we only voted on one thing he did Miss 681 missed something that's what it happened it 681 we skipped that one you want me to read it he voted no 68 hearing on amending chap 192 person with dis to relocate General space we have no members the public sign publiction all favor council members mrina call the vote on 681 Mr col hi hi Mr D hi Mrs Jabor yes Mr pres xano I Mr Cano hi Mr Ramos Mr Russo preso yes B 683 683 heing arm Nord amending chapter 190 D 6 entitled no stopping or standing to add stopping or standing Zone on Seventh Street we have no members of the public signed up to speak motion to close public portion motion second all in favor I council members Mr Pina call the vote Mr con I Mr d i Mr yes president Zano hi Mr Cano hi Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo hi president pantino yes hearing on an ordinance of city of Hoboken section 58 days 23 to remove permit fees for nonprofit organization this is the O Amendment um it's going back to First reading and it is changing from $65 to $80 the it's changing what was amended yes corre thank you we have no members we do sorry there was just one suggestion in the union contracts were contractors obligated to have that $5 go to the PBA so that is money the city would have to pick up regardless so if you wanted to keep it make it 70 instead of 65 that would make it essentially neutral no loss of dollarars C it's I I understand he's saying we could cut it back 80 was will the city will that money the city take for administrative feed will agree or wave that for nonprofit there is an administrative piece from the PBA that's great $70 thank you 65 to 70 thank you for that thank you uh we have no members of the public did we already do that council members motion Clos no did we already close the public portion we have no members of public signed up to speak motion to close public portion all in favor council members mrina call the vote Mr call no Mr do um no Mrs jaor no Mr Pano hi Mr Cano hi Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo hi pres yes we did the public uh this is we're up to the consent agenda yeah so public portion on agenda items do you want that Rose Markle okay your board you vote on the last one I was no I think there were three minutes that's what I'm correct 31 but I'm looking at the to only two Emily voted no and then and then also fil just for the record the TR A1 is Carri Carri yes it's car oh it's working for purp thank you just can we bring the mic down it can you put the mic down for thank you thank you so A1 is carrying A1 the mural is being carried all right thank you so then I'd like to speak on A3 business lines um it's a lovely presentation um are but of course I'm a foreseen department owner that pays it and I'd like to go over some discrepancies on that um it said that the um salaries only went up 10% but it's 108,000 increase according to the budget so that's really a 20% increase and I'm not really sure how many employees that is for $637,000 it's an awful lot of money it's either three or four I've opened that have not received I was told I was not entitled to it um let's see there's lots of things that the taxpayers don't know you know you don't the board meetings are sporadic you have to be a part of event right to get to them they're at an hour that nobody can really go to we have uh $50,000 in rent paid to a board member must be nice to have to pay this tax and make some cash on the side they're looking for office storage space for 21,000 can't they house that at the city garage and maybe save this business line some money um supposed to be a supplemental to the city services but uh in reality business Alliance has taken over all holiday decorations and that's not supplemental that's taking over and that's according to your ordinance that's a no no um it seems that we do a lot of duplicate Services we have the cultural Affairs and the art committee seems to be doing the same things that the HBA is doing um let's see what else board members there's 15 board members that's an awful lot um I own a four seed building which is classified as an apartment building and it was clearly stated that I will never get any services from this so I'm asking you there are 1300 buildings that pay this tax a quarter of them are forced properties will'll never get any services or benefits according to the state we should get a direct benefit but because they gave us a little bit to pay we won't be receiving anything I'm asking you to remove us from this and then you never hear from me again because I don't care what they do with this money right now I'm paying for this and I'd like to thank you Ruben I'm sure you had a part of this that this year it has been alleviated somewhat and we haven't gotten an increase but what's going to happen in the next couple of years you know it it you took it back but they're going to need more money they're supposed to be starting self funding but that hasn't been done either most of this is being done on Washington Street First Street 14th Street where all of the businesses are and yes rightfully so and if you don't want to remove the four C's and everybody's benefiting the same way that I am then maybe everyone Hoboken should pay this tax thank you thank you Rose uh Manny Rivera [Music] well I guess I lost the council member but um I will continue uh Council we know where she is yes she she she'll read the transcript um uh Council vice president um I just want to Manu R I just want to ask questions on a few things I don't mean it to be the Manu R asking questions to the council hour sometimes but it just happens that way it's just coincidence that I uh ask a few more questions than other people but I believe that all the questions are important and as we can see this evening there was a healthy discussion amongst yourselves which was um nice to see and I want to thank you for um the ordinance b680 um here at consent agenda um I just have a few questions on again as the prior uh member of the public spoke on A3 um my question is here if you're if you're going to um accept the budget um again there were many questions made um in regards to the business Alliance but my personal question and I guess members of the public would like to know why is that board of um so robust and how can members of the public who are interested in being a part of that board can apply for it is that different than when we apply um for a board in the city does that have to go through their a separate um issuance of membership there that's a question that if somebody could answer that would be great um then I'm going to be brief because again uh in climate action change ca1 uh it's important to to um understand uh that uh resolution again on ca9 that amount of $199,000 uh 19,100 um is that um is that a standard amount or would it be um more better understood because it says design and drawings um again it is funded but members of the public would like to know why do we not tighten up times when we have to um issue these um contracts uh I know that that we personally can't put a price on somebody else's um uh work but we can at least bid it out for for um more competitive um bid there and again Corporation Council uh just uh CC1 again that amount is getting pretty high for the special um Council um you keep adding it's just a question I know that again it is funded but when is a resolution going to occur then finally here I'm going to say in finance F1 can members of the public and and I guess everyone in the city understand I tried to read this but I'm I'm not sure if I follow the 21 uh is this a bond do we already have this bond is this to to decide how we're going to process the bond refinancing oh refinancing this Bond but we already are on the line for that Bond all right that's uh that is it and I would also like to say I appreciate all all of the grants that are being applied for and all of those that we are receiving um again as a member of the public I appreciate it and thank you very much Council vice president president protm uh for listening and thank you all have a good evening you [Music] back thank you who no patrier Sor P this with the Carri would like to be added on you're [Music] on Hoboken talking on ca1 on a on a whole obviously anytime you could earmark money for another park that's a a good thing for Hoboken and it's something we would normally celebrate but over the past 12 months to get to these Parks is getting harder and harder I have two small girls one in a stroller one I got a one's a just turned six last week and the anxiety you get walking there has changed a lot we have council members with older children now that may not have to deal with that we have some with younger children and I can't tell you the fear that you get when you see an ebike going 25 M hour on a sidewalk just disregard so while we spend tens of millions of dollars on these parks and we want to you know be proud of that what good are they if you can't get to them safely we imar 1% of bonds for artwork what good is it if you can't get to the park to enjoy them there should be an aark for Public Safety to address this issue councilman Paul Pano fought vigorously over the rra problem when you the city council realized it was a real problem so money came from the city council money came from the HBA and there was an effort together to reduce that and I can tell you just by walking on the street you've done a great job there's less rats out there but a rat wasn't going to kill us and these ebikes can and it doesn't take much the concentration south of 4th Street I understand most people on this except for Paul here councilman Pano don't live downtown so you don't see it 7 days a week while you order that smoothie and you think there's no harm in it the speed and and the illegal action to get you that is the problem whether you're sitting in the park enjoying it or you're just ordering it from your the luxury of your couch so while you spend all this money and look I know every one of you deep down inside hate this problem there's no reason for you Council joyle yeah I just watched your bike for years legally in the bike lane pedaling at speeds I've never had a fear of you mowing me down even when I spoke against you at a council meeting but when it comes to the ebikes I think you all could agree on your sidewalks they're not safe near your Parks they're not safe so I I pluged councilman Fisher for bringing this up and yet another Park and resiliency but how much time did you spend on this Vision zero and then we just disregard bikes on Vision zero all these bump outs so you can get these kids safely to a park and back what good is it this is the most critical part this is something you never had a deal with before and now it's here you can't deny just walk right in front of City Hall and you'll see them waiting for the next delivery we want I'm not saying I'm against them in particular of having an ebike I'm against the rec that goes on and it's something that it's non-negotiable it's not something that we tolerate it's not something that you wait for the casualty to light a candle and then we all have tears saying you know what could we have done this is what you could do right now when you have something that costs tens of millions of dollars put an asteris next to it and tell them we want some of that money earmarked for Public Safety so that these people can get to the park you know we have laws against school buses passing them six points that they practically throw you in jail if you do it a second time because why because kids got hit but now we're not protecting it a different way you know you can protect them going on a school bus and off but you can't protect them just walking the 50 ft to their house because someone needs to get a smoothie right this moment so I really suggest out the entire Council this is a roll up your sleeve moment you guys have done it before and you've done a great job when you work together and you get things done just you got a whole list of a 100 things this isn't 99 all I'm asking you is to bump it up with this 20 $30 $40 million Park and it won't cost that much and if if the police department needs assistance get them assistance you know like what we did during what happened years back and I don't know if some of you could remember with the the St Patty's Day parade and and all this stuff we got cops from all different municipalities to come here West Field this field that field State Police they were all here they were all here and they had those lights on the corner why because you had a public Nuance that the public said we're tired of this crap you got to do something about it and we're here to say it again crack down on this I don't care if you confiscate bikes do what you need to do to stop it to reduce it so if you want to attach it to a park Bond budget this is your time 20 million and 21 million is not that much of a difference but if that million goes towards reducing this and avoiding one fatality it's worth every penny thank you for your time thank you we have no other members the public signed up to speak oh [Music] sorry sorry council president sorry for the lateness I didn't intend to speak but when Pat waiters was talking before in support of our referendum she asked some questions of you and you asked a question of the attorney and it never got answered I know the next item on the agenda is petitions and Communications related to our petition filing and I just wanted to request and remind the council that there are some open questions about the status of the petition and the council's um time frames to respond to certain issues that came up before but weren't answered thank you thank you I think I think actually there there was a response that there's 20 days starting today or someone said that maybe you even said I got to read read the you don't have the up he be answer J cler's letter that he's going to read thank you um well we're on the let me read the uh this is the most recent update on the initiative petition de C excuse me dear council members please accept this notice purum with the NJ sa 40 col 69 A-1 187 of the certification of the results of the city clerk review of the initiative petition relative to the city rank Control Ordinance the city clerk's office hereby certifies that the petition as submitted on Tuesday May 21st 2024 is insufficient the petitions were advised petitions rised on June 133 2024 and currently in are in the middle of the statutory 10-day cure period i James J F RMC hereby certifi as follows number one my office reviewed the petition submitted by Ron samini on Tuesday May 21st 2024 relative to the proposed ordinance Amendment attached there to number two the F per commit committee members Anthony sores James Vance Rosemary marle Justin calib and Nicholas Deno submitted 2,162 number of petitions out of the two 2,162 signatures 818 were found to be valid pursu with NJ SAA 40 col 69 9 A-1 187 the remaining 1,344 of the petitions signed were found to be invalid signatures as they were not found to be qualified voters the meeting for the the meeting the criteria would include number one legible name and complete address of VO registration list number two resident of a Hoboken Who currently on the Hoboken on the voting RADS in hobok reason for rejection legible not registered or voter reg on the voter registration list number two not legible printed name and signature cannot be read number three legible name and signature without a written address number four legible name and sign for not complete address number five non a resident of hoken pursuant to the voting records provided by the Hudson County Superintendent elections the five commiss committee members Anthony sorus James Vance Rosemary Rock Mel Justin calish Nicholas Dello required 894 signs to meet the 10% threshold and 1,340 signs to meet the 15% threshold to move to move forward due to the fact at the five committee members Anthony Sor James Vance Rosemary Markle Justin Cal and Nicholas lello did not meet the statutory requirements of signatures the petitions is declared defective the five committee members Anthony Sor James Vance Rosemary marle Justin Cali Nicholas dalala were notified of deficiency on June 7th 2024 and currently the second to cure period which expires June 24th 2024 and they have to uh right now we're in the process of reviewing the additional uh 500 uh new signatures that they submitted and then we'll have they have 10 days to to to fure so they need 76 signatures am I in 10 days they put 500 in but there were June 7th was when the notice was provided is that when did the 10 days start Corporation Council when does the clock start ticking the 10day the clock started ticking the clerk had some um there were some issues in trying to determine the number of ballots passed in the last election as well as the clerk's office performed what I'll call a recheck so they had done a check of the initial uh signatures and then they did a recheck and they were more specific with the reasons for denial and that actually did change the toal members so the clock started on June 14th when the clerk wrote a letter um indicating what the current numbers are that the clerk just read so as the clerk indic indicated The Cure period stops on June 24th well why does it say in number seven that the the petitioners were notified of the deficiency on June 7th you're saying they were notified of deficiency but they why would they were notifi the deficiency they weren't told the reasons for the reasons for the deficiency as well as they were given the wrong uh total vote number so once all of that took effect then 10day window the 10day CL last Thursday and and and currently we have 500 additional signatures and that need to be reviewed or plus cured cured signatures correct yeah I remember those Communications thank you consent J consent I that's important question status and that's the second time I have what's the question no they said yes they said yes to the 500 additional signatures and the 20 however many 235 Cur so I didn't hear that did you ask if they reviewed any of those yet I did not know they I I that in the process that was ask earlier [Applause] well process SC say it again Ron other than saying they're in process was there any detail the answer that they already know that we're certified for a regular election or not no correct no they do not um council members consent agenda consent ca4 A3 C A1 so wa P2 C1 P said P2 yeah P for Paul F form feels really weird while like having mics and all that it's a whole different than everything and CA one nothing work what was the last one I'm sorry C uh CA 800 repeat all the ones I have it all okay great um eight excuse me A3 resolution adop adopting business budget oh saying the ones that move yeah I don't need read it all uh on everything but A3 ca1 ca4 ca10 F1 P2 Mr fre to call the vote Mr con I Mr Doyle I Mrs jaor yes Ron Mr President Zano hi Mr Cano hi Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo hi president Cho yes A3 resolution adopting the business Alliance Hoboken business Alliance budget for fiscal year 2025 actually for that we need to open the public hearing do any council members wish to speak on it you can speak again if you want do you want to cuz we have to open a public hearing even though no that was presentation I don't want you to but you may hello we have to make it official um there there was a hearing and members of the public have to ask questions on that hearing is that correct council president okay well I'm going to ask a question again I asked it in consent agenda I would like to know if all members of the council are in agreements with the budget of the Hoboken business Alliance and then my previous question was why is the alliance so top heavy in um their board and how can members of the public regular members of the public I might add um apply for any board or any position in their board these are the questions that I wanted to ask again I thank them for the presentation it was concise and clear but there are some things that I always wonder why doesn't the city do certain things that they are doing why do have to budget out something else when it should be I used to remember and I participated I shouldn't even perhaps speak but I used to decorate things in this very building the Christmas trees and things like that they were sent out for for um them to be decorated um and I'm going to say his name it was Maurice Fitz Gibbons uh who initiated that when he was up there in the cultural Affairs uh office so these are just questions I I they're doing an an an expert job they have all the the knowledge to do so but are if you are happy with the with the uh budget and if they could answer the question or you can answer the question how can a member of the public become a member of that board that they have mentioned this evening thank you council president those are the questions thank you for listening any other members of the public wish to speak in the public hearing motion to close public hearing second all in favor um is roxan gone she's still here roxan the application process how did someone want to do oh how did someone get on the board thank you and also the also mention The Advisory Board as well so the Board of Trustees worked with both legal council and governing Council to like a governance nonprofit governance expert uh to design an application process that application process was published in a newsletter it was published on our Instagram account it was mailing around to all of you we tried to make it as clear as possible how to yeah it was noticed at City Hall there were paper copies available uh that was the process that the board voted on for 2023 election the governance committee will review that process to determine if it is the process they will use for 2024 elections and we will let you guys know what that process is but there was a an application and then the board had a committee that reviewed them all also have all board members all trustees are volunteers so having 15 board members and no cost of the budget actually improves our bread and depth of expertise and part Comm council president yes councilman um a member of the public made a a statement that the salaries were $630,000 is that accurate uh 631 we have a budget line that includes management for that I don't have how many employees is that uh we have five employees they also asked a question about the 4 C Zone uh what what would it look like if in fact the city removed for SE from the overall assessment what would the budget look like let me cuz my my concern again and and I make no qus about saying this year-over-year the budget continues to increase I continue to ask for what the direct benefits for the the Third board specifically are and I never really get any clear answers as to what those are uh I think there's a a big disconnect between what happens elsewhere and in those 4C properties so have you explored removing 4C from the assessment yes what does that look so we explored removing forc from the assessment and the Board of Trustees determined that forese properties are a business and decided to keep them in we provide services that make it easier to rent tenant to fine tenants in Hoboken uh we make we provide uh public realm improvements that increase the kind of I I and I I I don't need to cut you off but and I appreciate the board's perspective on it quite honestly it's not the board's decision to include forc we not City council's decision so I ask specifically what it would look like if we remove 4 c what does that do to the budget we certain work up those numbers I don't know that we have the stop right well it would it would I mean it would increase costs for everyone else is what would happen unless we were to cut Services significantly could you please work those numbers up I'd like to explore that further I just don't see the I don't see the benefits for those properties and I like I would like to remove yeah I appreciate right any other council members while they're up here thank you both thank you uh council members do you have any comments on A3 other [Music] than um I would comment that explaining how we're going to what we think of the budget is will be revealed when you vote on it I would imagine as opposed to articulating I see than for my my vote on the budget is not based on the budget I actually um am fine with the budget and fine with the job the HBA is doing but as I said at the last council meeting uh I did do a little bit of research on uh a member of the council reaching out to someone in the HBA and it was long long before the person even applied for the HBA and I'm just not comfortable with that I think I've always felt pretty strong L that the HBA not be influenced by the administration and kind of makes it feel like that's not happening and I'm just not comfortable with that so I will be in a vote tonight Mr finina call the vote Mr col I Mr dor I Mrs jaor yes Mr President anel I Mr Cano hi Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo no president gtino no okay uh ca1 president y just quickly um I just it really quick resolution approving the concept designed for a Monroe resiliency Park and authorizing action by the administration to effectuate the project pursuant to the chapter 56a of Hope open City Cod thank you uh one I'm very happy to see this com to fruition um the only the only one thing that I wish I had a little bit more time was to communicate back to the surrounding public once we got the draft um I've been asking the administration they've been great they've been kind of letting me know but I think what happens a lot of times is we're so eager to get some of these projects out to the public it doesn't really give us as the council the opportunity to kind of digest them and then go back to the the the very immediate community that it affects so uh just a small little uh issue there but overall I'm happy that it's here and I'm happy we're moving forward CA sorry ca4 ca11 I crossed it out so done C1 sorry Mr con hi Mr do I Mr Jabor yes Mr preso I Mr Cano I Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo hi president gtino yes ca4 resolution awarding of Professional Service contract to akrf for Engineering Services at resiliency Park in the amount of $28,800 funded by B13 councilman P I have a question on this this one's just baffling to me we spend correct me if I'm wrong close to $100 million I mean I'm not 100% confident it's 100 but I've been told that and we didn't think anything about shade I mean and now we have to go pay for a study you got to take get to find out if we need shade we don't need a study we need trees we need something we need canopies I mean I don't need $28,000 to it isn't a study engineering correct me wrong if I read it it said study engineering it's not yeah so but my question is the Park's built right and we have no shade everybody's complaining about shade but we didn't think about this when we built the park I'm trying to understand this we did think about this when we built the park and actually once some of the mature tra mature trees grow in then yes there will be substantially more shape it is going to take several years to get there and our residents would like Shadee now okay so we're going to put tarps up or those three wind sails or whatever called shade structures and shade sales yes I just this just I mean we spend all these money in these Parks I mean this seems something pretty basic if the trees are going to take 10 years to grow or two years I don't know what these trees grow at how do we not think about this we tout this park is like the most awesome Park but evidently I just read that I don't know this is true either that the earthquake evidently broke brand new construction it didn't break any other pipes in in Hoboken which are 100 years old so I'm this is just they're like money pits these parks and and I don't understand where there's a there's a problem somewhere because maintaining a 5 acre Park is going to cost us millions of dollars a year so I'm absolutely confused is when we design these things how do we not think about that the trees are not going to grow quick enough and and the parks going to be super hot I'm just it's just baffling to me I I don't our planning Pro our planning process on this park before I'm sitting up here even though I was just watching it it seems like things break left and right we had we had the basketball court issue where yes it was covered under our insurance plan with the gentleman to put it down or the company to put it down but it seems like one after the next problem with this park so I'm just I'd like to make more of a comment that you know when we when we build Parks let let's think about the shape before we do it if we have to put sales up when we're doing it let's get that in the in the first part cuz one thing I just hate doing is keep coming back and keep putting more money towards it more money towards it more money towards it so any of the council members you know upkeep of parks is is more money into it more money into it I mean you can't expect us to get a park I mean I think the Southwest Park the trees there are now starting to actually they've grown enough over the years where we do have a bit of a can be there and it's it'll only get better so but I I don't you know yes you you have to maintain public parks and you you know there are issues that come up and you address them so earthquakes happen that the earthquake thing's a little question brand there you go it's brand new right I mean how does this break it's not like deep in the ground president yeah I want to speak third time but I'll speak anytime I want no stop stop stop stop stop why don't we ahead no stop councilman Colin thank you I sat under a really nice Shady uh awning for alesia's Cafe in resilient City Park this past weekend uh and a lot of people were enjoying the shade in that Park it's beautiful as you come out and enjoy it I think that uh the purpose of this is is to have additional shade for the park it's not like there is no shade in the park I mean there were I don't know maybe 15 20 people enjoying their or lesio food which is terrific uh and we're getting rent out of that I know that that's a good thing uh and it's a revenue positive thing for the city which is a nice thing so yes I just want to say people should come toan City Park enjoy it Go toos and enjoy the than CC president um I'm going to access some of councilman Doyle's comments in which you know upkeep costs money and and it's it's a part of something it's going to be with us for for 50 plus years um I could also forgive folks for not thinking of every possible permutation of thing that we're going to need ever and per councilman Cohen there is shade but now that we're using it as we use anything you move into a house you build a house you think you have a perfect but you move in and then you say oh actually I wish I could have tweaked this and you make those tweaks and and you pivot and you move forward but let's not forget the main purpose of this park one of the main purposes of this park which really hit home for me on Friday is I ducked into a a bar to uh escape the Deluge that was falling and somebody just recognized me and said hey when are this when are we going to make it through this today or are the cars going to start floating I looked out noticed how much time it was going to take and just said you know we've got this you know we've got this because of these Parks it was also not a full moon low tide so right there I was pretty certain we weren't going to flood no car floting Mr fin called the vote Mr Co hi Mr D hi Mrs Jabor yes president Zano no Mr ganto hi Mr Ramos I Mr Russo only if they greed yes president gtino yes ca1 resolution of the city of Hoboken County of Hudson New Jersey approving and authorizing the execution of bulk waterer agreement with Jersey City with Jersey City Municipal Utilities Authority this this is a technical question uh I saw that we crossed out annual purchase versus committed water and then it was bread can can anybody explain can somebody explain that to me what's a is there a difference or like why do we make the change just scroll the appropriate memo so I see this different he's having a baby um okay so the warehouse cluse that I was looking for is um so unless update so but effectively effectively our goal is so that the um fees will actually be um associate so that we're not purchasing too much water okay um and getting fines for not purchasing the uh minimum amount of water so I'm not going to say this as eloquently as I should and I apologize that I cannot find the document that I'm currently looking so it's just the annual purchase will then be we we say we're going to buy gallons of water I don't know I'm using an example versus if we only use 80 then we get a fine for not using other to that's exactly right and we don't we don't we want the right volume so that we're not fine premature that's fine okay so did we just do I'm sorry we adjusted the purchase amount yeah okay consistent with our consumption Mr Pina call the vote Mr Co hi Mr Doyle hi Mr javore yes pres Zan hi Mr cono hi Mr gamos hi Mr Russo hi president Cho yes F1 resolution of the city of Hoboken in the county of Hudson New Jersey determining the form and other details of note relating to the construction financing program of the New Jersey infrastructure Bank to be issued by the principal amount of up to $21 million in providing the issuance and sale of such note to New Jersey infrastructure bank and authorizing the execution and delivery of such note by the city of Hoboken in favor of the New Jersey infrastructure Bank all pursuant to the New Jersey infrastructure Bank construction financing program well done director lot of infastructure can you just give a brief uh explanation we we bonded with the ibank for the uh construction and acquisition of Southwest Park Southwest Park this is the permanently financing through the i banks program of that Bond and what currently what is our um what is our debt service for the I Bank specifically do you know annually I i' have to go look I I don't have it right in front of me um I can sign that to you afterwards um but this is going to allow us to enter into their principal forgiveness program so that number is actually our hope is going to decrease both on the acquisition and the construction side could you just shoot me an email with the total amount what the that structure is yearly and wereable understood and also add the grants that yeah M call vote Mr doy hi Mr Jabor yes president ano hi Mr Cano hi Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo hi president G Tino yes resolution authorizing propella ofly to have fireworks display from the union dry duck site on June 27 2024 councilman presor did you ask for this no oh it is I read the wrong one wait I have to call you already passed that yeah I was like why did you pull that resolution awarding a contract to Hannah's mechanical contractors in accordance with Educational Service Commission of the New Jersey off again excuse me one um Cooperative purchasing going number 65 MC e SS in the amount of $ 28732 20 for a mini split replacement for the HPD garage B office ER how big is this I mean when I I don't I can't get in it to see it but how big is this place seems I mean that's a massive oh how big is the the actual you're getting garage B of hbd that's I don't know the top floor they have but they got something downstairs how big is this place uh I don't recall the exact square footage of the actual office but it's on the when you pull into garage B it's to the right side where uh HPD has all of their equipment there their motorcycles inside the Gated uh fence area is an office so that office has a mini split system similar to the ones that you see up here the that needs to be completely replaced so it's just again the office it sounds like not that it's not the size of this room is it it's not the size of this room but there is no air flow whatsoever in there without a a system so not only reping or it's new complete replacement so the current one that's there does not have any heat or AC So Not only would this function in in both the winter and summer months okay I I again if it's a small room 288,000 seems pretty they are aggressive they are expensive systems but they tend to have at least 10 years of of of uh use of life um and it does come with the warranty as well and it is on a safe contract we don't have to go out to bid this right CU it's under the threshold cor that's the condenser and the unit itself yeah the unit itself uh they will use uh anything that is still within value and and they could use but the actual unit itself is what the cost is for thank you director thank you Mr call the vote M Mr con I Mr Doyle I Mr Jabor yes Mr President Zano hi Mr Cano hi Mr Ramos hi Mr Russo hi president Jano yes ordinances oh he has to okay ordinance number one for first reading of the city of hobok meing fees and responsibilities relative to filming permits please call the vote councilman Cohen I councilman doy hi councilman councilwoman Jabor yes Council prano hi councilman Cano hi Council Ramos hi counc Russo hi council president gtino yes ordinance number two for first reading ordinance amending Hogan city code chapter 192 parking for persons with disabilities to relocate and reserved 88 Park space please call the vote Council Cohen hi councilman Doyle hi councilman jaor yes councilman prano hi councilman Cano hi councilman Ramos hi Council Russo hi council president gtino yes ordinance number three for first reading ordinance amending hoken city code chapter 166 storm water management to comply with mjdp ms4 tier a permit requirements please call V councilman Cohen hi councilman Doyle councilman Jabor yes councilman prano hi councilman Cano councilman Ramos counc Russo council president gtino yes ordinance number four for first reading ordinance of the city of hobi in the county of Hudson state of New Jersey authorizing the execution of a deed of easement granting an easement on C city property to the North Hudson Sage Authority in connection with the American Legion project please call a vote Mr oh councilman Cohen hi councilman Doyle hi councilwoman Jabor yes councilman prano hi councilman cantero hi councilman Ramos hi Council maruso hi council president gtino yes ordinance number five for first reading ordinance establishing Hoboken city code chapter 169 trees to comply with njd P ms4 tier a a permit requirement please call V Jason go ahead go councilman Cohen hi councilman Doyle hi councilman Jabor yes councilman prano hi councilman Cano hi councilman Ramos hi councilman Russo hi council president gtino yes ordinance number six for first reading amendment to ABC regulations to allow for nonprofit theater license please call the vote Mr councilman Cohen hi councilman Doyle hi councilman Jabor yes councilman preso hi councilman Cano hi councilman Ramos hi councilman Russo hi council president gtino yes motion Clos jour