build let me take a excuse Meer passw and everyone is here no special characters no capital letters want to wait for her but we the mayor's talking with Vanessa outside no's can I just see the like who signed up can can we get like a at symbol in there you think would be more people you know what I still might yeah they talk to thema for me I'm G give you public I wasn't here all our password need to be changed tomorrow can't be one right we have everyone here I went to Bahamas last I checked I won't be able to read any of these names maybe maybe Island Desiree Walker Johnson Johnson Al Parker Miss Parker what do you want she's on there ready good evening everyone we're going to start I would like to advise all those present that notice of this meeting has provided to the public in accordance with the provisions of the open public meetings act and that the notice was published in the Jersey journal and the City website copies were provided in the record The nework Star Ledger and also placed on the Bolton board in the lobby of City Hall any written objections if any should be made to the city clerk please all rise for the Pledge of Allegiance thank you taking roll call councilman Cohen here councilman Doyle councilwoman fiser yes councilwoman Jabor councilman president Zano pres councilman Cano pres councilman Ramos councilman Russo council president gtino here all present thank you council president uh unfortunately this past Sunday evening we had a very uh I don't even have the words to describe it really I'm not going to lie uh we had a very uh tragic incident that impacted uh our Hoboken Community far and wide Uh current Hoboken residents former Hoboken residents uh one thing that Hoboken uh has always been very good at was rallying around each other in in in our times of need and or our families time of need and unfortunately the Murray family is is going through that time of need right now with the uh ridiculous incident that occurred uh Sunday evening with the loss of their son uh and beloved friend uh beloved teammate uh cooworker in our Public School System uh Damon Murray uh so right now with the council president's behest if we could have a moment of silence on behalf of Damon Murray his family and all his friends amen amen amen all right so we'll start with the public hearings or Jerry we're going to suspend the agenda and have public portion first this evening um Daniel Murphy Vanetta Miller Vanessa she's not here though they're outside can you latrenda is outside still yeah H in that case we we should unsuspend the agenda and we'll do um the public hearings and if if people come in we'll suspend the agenda at that point and go to public portion yes okay uh thank you council president um tonight uh we are going to present we or host a public hearing for three projects that are being recommended by the um Arts advisory Council um to start I'd like to call up lzo who is the chair of the Arts advisory Council just to present kind of the overview are you ready yeah okay um of the three projects then we'll turn over to Annie McAdams who is the public art administrator for the city good evening everyone uh my name is Liz Conan doy I'm the chair of the Hoboken Arts advisory committee and I have been in this capacity for 2 years I have lived taught and practiced my art in Hoboken for over 40 years and I was the founding director of hoboken's only artist Cooperative Gallery Hobart gallery for 12 years I have been a teaching and professional artist for my entire working life art is my life Hoboken is my life I here tonight to briefly explain the process our committee follows in order to create our list of chosen recommended artist to submit to the mayor for his approval the process began with a public call for art on the Hoboken City website as well as to various media Outlets artist lists and arts organizations the mayor's office chose several artists from submissions to this call and this list of 26 artists was then given to the hobok and arts advisory committee members of our committee were given a complete application for each submission which we looked at and studied thoroughly if any information was missing from a candidate we asked for followup from the candidates once all relevant information was submitted we began the process of selecting the top 10 applicants from the larger pool of submissions our calendar was approximately as follows March 2023 the administration forwarded proposals for the Arts committee to read April 2023 number one the Arts committee gave feedback to the mayor and suggested locations for the artworks number two the mayor reviewed recommendations and finalized proposals October 2023 number one the art committee voted to recommend not recommend or recommend with amend amendments the final proposals sign number two the art committee sent the mayor the vote and an evaluation which set forth the reasons for the art committee's decision number three the Department of Environmental Services relay the decisions to the art artists our criteria for the selection of artists was as follows number one is the candidate a professional artist number two what are the candidates qualifications number three we looked at the artist's media and style we considered all forms of eligible artwork provided it was original to the location of the project and the project number four we evaluated the appropriateness and relevance of the proposed artwork that included the scale material and form reflected of its surroundings number five we did a permanence evaluation of proposal proposals based on longevity of structure materials and appearance six we did an elements of a design evaluation to see the ways the work of artart enhanced the enjoyment appreciation meaning or understanding of the place it was installed it would be installed seven we looked at a diversity of form and location to evaluate if the artwork was based on how the proposal would contribute to the city public art collection and ensured a diversity of scale form style and media and finally number eight in our criteria we considered the relationship to other planning and Design Concepts and evaluated how artworks contributed to the development of linear or spatial experiences such as wayfinding landmarks and path corridors and trails either existing or planned our criteria dovetails very closely with the existing criteria now stated in the Hoboken public art master plan I am very proud to say that we worked extremely hard over the years to create a system that was as objective as possible with the current candidates being presented to you tonight we spent many many meetings and months discussing whether or not their work was worthy to be shown in our great City our final vote for the top 10 was submitted to the mayor he requested that we then choose our top three we used the same criteria above we did so and then submitted the three that you will hear presented tonight we believe the artists we have chosen represent some of the best in the world and are more than worth the financial investment we are asking tonight we again proudly stand by our recommendations we salute the mayor's decisions and hope that the city council will approve the mayor's proposals for public art for our Fair City I would like to also add a commendation for Jen gatino for her commitment to this committee and her time on the committee she worked extremely hard for the Hoboken Arts committee and also now Phil Cohen he's only been with us for a short while but kudos to you both thank you for your hard work thank you Liz council president do you want to continue or do you want to suspend the agenda now no suspend the agenda so we're going to suspend the agenda now just to hear a public portion and then we'll come back to the public hearings thank you Daniel Murphy Vanessa Falco if anyone else would like to speak you have to sign your name on the sheet up here under public portion good evening Council and everyone else here this evening uh on behalf of uh the family the Murray family uh and Damon Murray who was murdered I would like to have a moment of silence thank you the great thing about hope boken is that we rally for our community when there's a tragedy we all come together and work together to rally for what has happened it's all hands on deck always and that's the great thing about living in Hoboken having it be one square mile where we can move around and get to one another but what happens in instances like this is that when the emotions die down when everyone goes back to their normal way of living the residents of the Housing Authority are still left with the same issues the same issues that have plagued that Community for decades Damon to all of us mothers here who have black sons represent our son I have two sons that could have been my son I look at Damon as a son this is a tremendous loss outside of this community Damon represents another black male who has lost his life prematurely due to senseless gun violence so at the core of this problem it's gun violence but the overarching issue that is a contributing factor is his environment I'm going to say that again the overarching issue that is a contributing factor to his murder is his environment and at what point are we going to prioritize improving this environment the housing has been there since the 1950s it is time that we all work together to make improvements we cannot and we will not continue to have this conversation without action we appreciate I'm fully aware that the city has taken a step has been involved in the Redevelopment plan has work colle collectively to get this done I'm fully aware of it mayor Bala has been more than receptive to get this accomplished but we need action and we need it now we need to move faster it is moving too slow for any of us I would like I would like for you council members to turn around to your colleague and ask your colleague have you ever heard gunshots from your window do you pass drug dealers when you're going in your buildings do you have to step over people that are sleeping in the hallways this is what residents of the Housing Authority experience every single day every single day [Applause] ask your Council colleague have they experienced a murder has their neighbor been murdered ask the people in this audience yes they can say yes I can say yes my neighbor Chris Garcia was murdered in the Housing Authority today is his birthday he would have been 30 years old what have we done as this Vibrant Community to make change since that last murder here we are today because there's been another murder and some may be saying you know in other parts of the world oh you're lucky you've only had two two is far too many far too many my time is dwindling so let me let me let me I know I'm a former councilwoman so you may give me a little Grace but let me just get through this this um so what I want to say is that today is a call for Action we're coming here so that we can work together we can open the dialogue and what we realize and what we know is that this does not happen overnight what some of the asss are is that we want equal representation we want people that look like us at the table making talking about Solutions how can you solve for our problems without us you can't we have to be included we would like to partner with the Hoboken business Alliance an organization part of the administration that was created here for businesses so that we can create jobs for our teenagers what you don't understand and I'm not speaking to you directly but what you people of Hoboken don't understand or may not understand is that while they have the opportunity for their children to go to the mountains in the summer or to go to the beach house in the summer our children don't have that option our children want to work and don't necessarily know how to go about it so let's partner with the business Alliance there are plenty businessmen in Hoboken that will happily happily employ our youth to give them and show them a better path and the the last thing that I would like to ask for is that we want to understand the parameters of safety what can the HHA do what can the police do and what can the residents do to better improve the safety of our environment and we want accountability for that we don't want to hear the same thing again and again the mayor has given his commitment to opening his door and to listen and to take action and to improve and for right now that is a great start no one in this room can bring Damon back but everyone in this room can work together to make sure that this does not continue to [Applause] happen Damon didn't deserve this he did not deserve this he deserved to be coming home today and to say to his mother and to his father and to his brothers that he did a fantastic job at his interview for the fire department because his interview was scheduled today his interview was scheduled today and we have to do better as a Comm community and I just want to say because I have to get this off my heart director Reco in life we make good choices and bad choices I've made good choices and I've made bad choices but the fact that you were not present when there was a death on your property where you are the executive director is disturbing to me and I I swear to you we we have worked together for years and I'm not trying to call you out in that in this type of way but that was not a bad choice I mean that was a bad choice that was a bad decision on your part you needed to be face forward with the residents of your community thank you Council I appreciate you giving me the extra time I really do I really appreciate it thank you thank [Applause] you Alissa can I just do the list I did give Vanessa additional time but everyone if you could stick it's going to be 3 minutes if you could stick to the three minutes that would be very much appreciated Daniel Murphy Vanetta Miller I just want to let you know that when we were outside the mayor said we each had five minutes um we typically do five minutes but when we whenever I have this many people I always limit it to three because if we did five minutes we would unfortunately go a little bit over that just to let you know um hello for those of you who don't know my name is Vanetta Rivera I'm a mom of three born and raised in a Hoboken Housing Authority when I heard about the death of noooo I was sick to my stomach and heartbroken in fact there was a pain in my heart and stomach that was that has not left since hearing the news I've known Carolyn and her family for many years and my kids are also friends with her kids in a sense I feel like we're family this death has crushed the whole city and that right there speaks vums of nuno's character and the Marquees left here on Earth he was a person of that I you looked up to a person with a smile always on his face a person with so much life left to live after sitting down and trying to process it I started to feel a sense of anger and rage like how did this happen again as you all know just a little over a year ago there was another homicide in Hoboken Housing Authority another one of our sons killed by a gun another life cut short both men with such promis in Futures and their whole life ahead of them and just like that stolen due to gun violence but as I sat there and continued to think I asked myself what is the a bigger problem here the lack of funding at the Hoboken Housing Authority is one of the problems when I was younger there was when I was younger there were boots with security guards security guards to watch the area and possibly prevent things like this and S senseless killings from happening I'm assuming the lack of funding doesn't allow us to have Security in the community anymore there's always a lack of resources not only for our youth but the entire Community there's also a lack of opportunity opportunity to do things that people in this town are able to do we are tired of negatively surrounding our negative um negativity surrounding our community we are tired of only being recognized and acknowledged when one of our sons are killed we are tired of the gunshots the rest in pie the funerals when I was growing up we had so many resources readily available to us so many safe havens for teens just to speak about a few there was the YMCA the Boys and Girls Club big brother sister programs Girl Scouts and located in the housing authority and we had a teenage group with these programs we were given the opportunities that our parents could not afford I was taken to Broadway shows camping amusement parks I even remember being in a team group and I told them what kind of career I dreamed up having when I was an adult I was literally taken there to experience a day in a life of that what opportunities are offered to lowincome families in hobok now to show our youth that there are other things out there yes there are a lot of programs around town but none that we can afford and none of these programs are offering schol scholarships to underprivileged kids either and I know that because I've called around and I speak on this to shed light that the fact that our children have nothing in this town nothing that they could be a part of nothing that we could afford if we are not offering our children in one part of town the same opportunities as the r of the town then what do you think the continuous result will be we are continuously building Parks everywhere around town but guess what teenagers and young adults don't spend their days and nights in a playground what is being built and geared towards teenagers and young adults in Jersey City there are safe havens Crisis Intervention inter uh interventions mentors young men groups Hoboken has none of that what hurts more about this is that I know I could be standing here tomorrow next week or the week after mourning another death that can not only possibly be my son or daughter but yours too we do not need politicians and lawmakers in town expressing sympathy today and then forgetting about this a week or month later when are changes going to be made and I don't stand here at the manding it from just you guys but from everybody here in this community if we want change we have to be the change we need to work together as a community and offer each other support you don't have to be from Hoboken Housing Authority either to show support I'm tired of our community failing our kids I would like to formly request right here public publicly that our politicians give us a sit down face- Toof face meeting so we could be begin to not only plan and produce Solutions and resources that our community so desperately needs let the change be today so so we're not standing here again [Applause] [Applause] tomorrow latrenda Ross good evening Council people and to the city of Hoboken when someone calls me in the middle of the morning and says latrenda I need you because this is what's happening tonight and I knew I had a meeting to be at tonight but my heart was so heavy my spirit was guiding me to say latrenda you need to be at this meeting tonight and so I had to cancel a meeting tonight to be here and I'm glad I'm here because my spirit wouldn't sit right if I wasn't here so I come tonight to say to you on behalf of the Mery family I offered them my condolences and to the entire city of Hoboken because we are mourning I live in Jersey City now but Hoboken is my home Hoboken been my home for 43 years I'm only across the street over there but when anybody calls me and tells me there's a problem and they need me I run over here I don't hide I don't divide I come when I'm needed I come because I care about this city I care because I got family here I care cuz I got friends here I care because this is my community too I always say I got two Mayors but what I want to come and bring to your attention tonight is that we as the people have the power power to change stop letting people tell you what you cannot have and what you cannot do you have the power to change you have the power to make decisions that will affect your entire family you have the power to stand up and say what you want stop hiding tell people what you need and what you want they're not mind readers they're not mind readers we're not mind readers so we have to tell them what we need and what we want right we cannot And I stress this tremendously we cannot stop you can't just say well I want this and then you don't and seven months down the road nothing happened cuz I'm going tell you right now and we all know this gun violence is not going to stop stop thinking that it's going to stop because it's not guns is not going to stop people are going to have it whether it's legally or illegally but we as a community we as a community can make change we can bring support systems into this city that's right and so what I'm proposing because it happened years ago I don't know if any of you remember this but Carrie groom was the one that started the anti-drug [Applause] Coalition okay and how I know because I had my kids myself and I believe Gail Johnson the Girl Scouts the Girl Scouts we were all out there marching around hoken housing authority to stop the drugs to stop the violence and then when she left everything died but I tell you what we going to bring it back alive we going to bring it back alive I said we're going to bring it back alive because let me tell you if that is not what you want there's no reason for us to be here because if you don't want change it's not going to happen right you got to want change and you got to stop saying and stop and start being a part of the solution as Vanessa said yes in Jersey City they got so much stuff I know that cuz I'm a part of it but they can also have a part of this stuff in the city of Hoboken so that our children can have summer jobs why on God's green there these kids don't have summer jobs they need to have summer employment we need to have support groups okay we need to bring back the antiviolence and Drug Coalition that too but we also need and and there's I'm going tell you right now it's not going to happen it's not going to happen if we don't come together with love if we don't come together with love and we don't come together with support and engagement it's not going to happen you got to stop we have to stop killing ourselves we have to stop perpetrating the fraud as they say and we have to start we have to start bringing these things back into our city so thank you Council people thank you to my city Hoboken family it's always about love I come in peace and Harmony thank you thank you latrenda you're right Patricia waiters let me say this with all due respect Miss Murray the family and y'all know nooo know me as Auntie pad this go out to all of y'all I am so hurt for y'all to be here tonight seeing this type of attention and I don't want to be the bearer of bad news but I'm a realist and this is so disingenuous is ripping me apart I'm only staying strong for my family till you make your son lay down in peace I have here a poster back from 1970 down to today's date in big letters screaming help help help help help the Housing Authority you know what the problem is guys you know even in the military when you have to seize a threat I am a threat in this community young lady I forgot your name the young lady here in the wheelchair she pulled me aside and hugged me Patricia I'm here for you guys my son was close I told y'all before it's not a white or black thing I said wait and let me prove that to y'all if if it's systemic racism I don't have to say nothing action will speak louder than words y'all Overlook me for that seat I'm not saying about I would have been a commissioner nothing wouldn't have happened but I bet you one damn thing what you seeing now you would not have witnessed it if Pat waiters was on that board I would not care about the director I would not care about the Commissioners I would not care about the mayor I am a people's person and I can actually pointed this poster and it got milk crates over over 2,000 documents and some of these problems y'all Overlook Housing Authority is still having the problems or of y'all got blood on y'all hands shame on all of y'all Emily y'all run down there and y'all build hate for me instead of uniting with me you know what hurts you know what hurts all of y'all know I need to vote to get on a Housing Authority y'all will not put me on that board but you can't stop me cuz I do it from my heart I'm still down in the house in the D I took complaints as of yesterday this lady lady Miss Peterson she's high as it going H but when she come down Mr Reco you make everything cushioning when I go complain to Mr Reco about drugs he called the police Department chief to have me escorted out I I don't make this stuff up I record everything guys so watch our FBI okay I got a recording he told me get out I said how many more people got to die if you think I'm lying look at the damn dates on this thing two days before my nephew got shot the 20 look at the date I'm on the phone screaming to HUD you in Atlantic City having a good time time the day right after I went in the office I said where's Mr Reco he's at a convention what a convention for what to C to contracts did you see the inside of them units and all of these negative people walking up to me I'm respecting y'all by not answering if one more person link the Housing Authority with drugs we going to have a problem cuz the people down there buying the drugs don't look like them you feel me do you feel me so don't go there don't go there I'm upset I'm trying to refrain from being emotional Vanessa I promise you girl I'm sorry that I'm here for Solutions I don't trust none of y'all I don't care what none of y'all say everybody got their eye on the big prize the may you see shame shame shame on all of y'all every last one I don't care how many cookies you bring down there I don't care how many donations I don't care how many Gund me I'm asking action I'm demanding action and I swear as a director mark going to have to go give me a director that's going to do for these tenants stop putting people down there on the commissioner board I'm wrapping it up Jen cuz I go to meetings and I see it pack worse than this and they don't get no three minutes I come here when y'all do presentations about a park and people speak 35 minutes okay Pat Wade has been coming in this Chambers for years and we're all due respect with the acception to you Ruben excuse me being the council person down there my heart go out to you because I I need housing authority to know tonight you need the vote Reuben and they know that okay so if you don't got the vote you in the same boat I am you feel me they not going to put us there cuz we are solely for the tenants I'm telling you guys again the mayor and this city council appoints the director how do you want change with the same people and expect different results wake up y'all they got to go the illegal activities going on in there they doing more than the people that you Alle sell drugs or use drugs let's focus on this family and every other family that got to live down there after today don't come down there like Robbie did yesterday talking about community community is here and hhj is here they never accepted them when my grandmother moved here in the 60s we was never accepted we not considered part of your communities or was it a black kid yeah they live in the HHA I said excuse me I don't live in HHA I live on 14th Street my son got a ride home where did Dro them off in the project you live down here why cuz we black this don't come off we can hug we can love we can unite and really work together as a team give them the same resources they get across town give them a job and an opportunity even when they was jumped and then you fire them okay give us the same opportunities give us the resources the same attention you get when y'all want their signature for y'all to be voted in give them the S attention I want tonight I'm asking my HHA people for one thing tonight y'all not no more projects okay a project is an assignment that you handing to get a grade on and all of y'all got a poor grade every last one of y'all I want them to be respected and accepted so that means tomorrow we're going to start tomorrow for our Solutions or you will hear from me we need the lock hands to tell all y'all get out these seats save us some time and energy it's about respect at the end of the day thank you and I'm Pat waiters and I approve [Applause] [Applause] message no it's it's all of P you know what I'll I'll keep you for later no I'll do public portion after another one mini Gillard number one I'm a bingo player I'm a 85y old senior when we had to take two days of bingo they took from us for no reason and last month the SoCal director down there said wait to make come you w two days we have karate after karate we do Bago no we have all kind active after that no Bingo and when you tell him you got a problem he says I don't want to hear it what kind of man is that has no respect when things go wrong you look at the black with swe of my mother and me nobody else he that prejudice he don't need to be there respect seniors and I'll respect you if you don't respect us take a walk that's [Applause] it Denise Walker Denise the next one's John listen my name is Odessa Patterson and I'm 69 years old I've been in the project for 60 years and we never had this you know what this is rats you can't even set outside with the kids cuz the kids running from the rats and things and I really think something need to be be done Mr Reco you need to start walking those grounds and do something about them rats cuz our kids can't go outside you see that big rat in the building it's a shame you got to walk to the hose is so big I could put a body in there that's how big the H is something need to be done Mr Reco I like you but get on the ball if you can't get on the ball get the stepping [Applause] Gail [Applause] Johnson hello hello you can hear me my name is Gail Johnson can you guys keep it down it's very hard to hear the speaker my name is Gail Johnson I've been living in the projects for 58 years the Ballfield is named after my mother that Ballfield didn't have nothing in it it was dirt the kids had to play in there in the dirt dirt snow whatever they played in there my mother had to get out there and get uniforms and stuff for the kids so they can have a uniform to play football and B and basketball they took away the basketball court over there my mother did a lot in that project right now the kids can't even go over there to play in there they have the door lock everybody else can go in there and they can play and they can do what they want to do and then they have these dogs coming up in there dogs is running all around inside the Ballfield they in the Ballfield and everything we don't need that we don't need none of that we don't deserve that we need to live just like Uptown living we need to live like that we need have fine things and everything we got apartments and stuff that got mold and it got um the walls are falling down and stuff we need to get that done never mind trying to find out what's going on in the outside check out what's in the inside I'm just up here to let you know that we need a change and even with the kids we lost so many kids I have grandkids I got 13 grandkids and that child that was killed it felt like it was mine I still cried today over him he came to the school where I work at he was he was a nurses aid I mean a he was a teacher Aid he just started it just started it then he was going to be a fireman this is the Fort fireman black fireman we was going to have today where he's at now he's going course the situation there was nobody over there to protect him no cops know nobody over there protect him for getting shot like he got shot nobody deserve that so what y'all going to do about this is there going to be a change can y'all change can y'all look at what's going on in the house in the da you never get us up here we get up here when it's tragedy cuz we don't come up here with ain't tragedy or nothing because we don't get nothing done and we need this done I want to thank y'all and good night thank [Applause] you Miss Parker oh Mark REO director REO well good evening those are some tough words to follow they are and I come to you with I I come I come to you with great love and respect as I always do we came here tonight for two reasons originally one was to talk about the Housing Authority's great grief over Damon and yes we have the staff the residents the people that know us know where our heart is and how we were all affected by this I also came because there's an ordinance that will forward tonight security at the Housing Authority that we've been working with the city on which is an ordinance to allow the police to enforce an open container law on our on our developments which is really important it's a it's a it's an ordinance that will give the police more Authority on our developments but I do come to you Mr director EO one second I I can can you face us and also I know I know every you know it's very difficult but if we could allow the speakers whoever they are to speak I think okay it will be beneficial to all of us at least in the hearing aspect so I I do I do ask the council to pass this first reading tonight because it will be very important for the security of the Housing Authority I do ask the council with great love and respect to continue to support what we're doing cuz many of you know how hard we're working there I do ask the council to understand that when this tragic event happened and that I had major meetings with people from HUD in Washington that it was important that I go to those to push our Redevelopment project it was very crucial that I spent that one day and my heart was breaking and I think the people that were on the phone with me for 24 hours 48 hours after the event including our chairman including the police department know that I was completely engaged with everyone even though I couldn't be here personally for that one day so with great love and respect we hope to move forward with great love and understand when we say we need to come together we need to come together all of us so thank you thank you commissioner Barbara Reyes good evening good evening Council um so before we start I want to say I know individuals came up here and we so upset that the director was not present when this happened and I will take full accountability as the chairwoman of the Hoboken Housing Authority because right after this event happened I received a phone call many of these officers who were out there can vouch that I went out there I spoke with Sergeant Collins who constantly is in Conta in communication with the with the housing authority and I was told by Sergeant Collins that at this time it was considered a homicide Hoboken Police Department was no longer in charge it was now the Hudson County prosecutor's office I asked him I I explained to him the director was not here what could we do he said at this point as we all know Hoboken police department has a live feed they have access to our cameras they have access to the footage at that point there was nothing that director Reco could do he I did call him immediately he said he would be available at any time and if he needed to come back he would I stated to him because it's very important as you all know we're in the middle of a Redevelopment he did have these meetings prior to this incident happened I said to him I preferred for him to stay at that point and if needed then he could come back to say that he was at these meetings and he was not working for the Housing Authority is absolutely false I have been on the phone for the last three days on top of doing my eight hour shift probably eight hours every night we have met with the congressman we have met with um City officials we we had a impromptu meeting with the mayor last evening where director Reco did participate via FaceTime along with with Frank Merchant and commissioner Edwards so I just want to make that absolutely clear and I apologize if maybe that was not the best decision for me to make to him to say to come back I guess as as some of some people came up here and said we all make good decisions and bad decisions maybe that was a bad decision but I will take full accountability for that um and then I'm also here to speak not only on the tragic incident that occurred this past Sun Sunday in front of you there is an ordin an ordinance about open containers for first reading and I'm not asking you I'm imploring you guys to please pass this ordinance this is the first step to making changes in ensuring these violent incidents do not continue to occur on our property alcohol 99 as we all know alcohol 99% of the time is the root evil of all issues that occur in my community I am Al also asking you the elected officials the authority and the administration to find whatever is needed to have more policing in the HHA and I'm not saying this because the Hoboken police department does not go down there and do their job that's not what I'm saying what I'm saying is we need more policing we need them there we need them there um as Miss Falco stated as a mother of two black young men Miss M Murray's loss is not the loss of Miss Caroline and Mr Tariq tariq's loss this is a community loss he was a mentor to many of our children and someone who they looked up to so the question now is how can we fix this as I said this last night it cannot be the elected officials alone the administration or the HHA it takes the entire Community I also want to express the sadness I feel of the false narratives misinformation and miseducation that is spread throughout the community HHA just so that everyone knows HHA has quarterly meetings we have a resident Advisory Board we have Housing Authority commissioner meetings and I would wish and I would welcome that all these residents that are here today attend those meetings because then they would kind of understand what goes behind the scenes it's not that we as Commissioners sit at a board meeting once a month and it's over there are numerous hours that are put into this and I can assure that I'm a resident down there so everything that happens affects me and my children so I'm here to implore you just like many of these residents that yes we need the help we need you guys to find ways to help our youth we are the only city that doesn't have a summer program for our youth that's right we are the only city where something happens and then everybody comes down there and we all see it we all see it I think sometimes as as many here were upset that our director wasn't there I was upset that my mayor didn't go down there until there was an impromptu meeting created last night so with that being said I think we all have to take accountability and if we want change and we want these problems solved we have to be part of the solution and let's turn the pain that we're having for the loss of Mr Murray into purpose so that's what I'm here to ask you all guys and I always appreciate um you guys because anytime I do come and I do ask for assistance you guys help me so help us we need policing we need more security whatever you guys can do and however you can help us and however you can guide us to do that I would greatly appreciate it thank you thank you Alexander delera you don't have to touch this she'll move it thank you good evening my name is Alex doara and I'm a hobokin resident I'm here tonight to speak on the tragedy that happened Sunday night we lost a legend a good man my mentor my friend Damon nunno Murray was taken from us and I'm angry or and so my friends you see I grew up no KN nnoo as a high school athlete I looked up to him he would help at field day at Wallace he would play at the pro basketball games he was so cool and then last year he became my Aid at Hopkin Middle School I couldn't believe it we we laughed and talked every day about our similar Taste of music what team was turly rooting for for for football and his big dreams being a firefighter noooo was a kind man his life was taken over 30 bucks why where was the police that night I'm tired of asking why change needs to happen tonight and it starts with you no more lies lost enough is enough please keep us safe I've spoken about finding safe place for us to hang out at night I've spoken about more programs for the older Youth and nothing has been done how many more lives need to be taken before you do something Noo-noo I know you're watching me right now I love you and I miss you thank you thank you [Applause] are there more [Music] Manny Manny Rivera Sol Solair good evening council president oh that's fine go did you need somebody else to go no I will y uh council president thank you um really calling me after that young man uh has spoken it's a disservice to me uh but I just want to say I want to unite myself in uh as everyone is in condolence to the Murray family especially um his mom his dad and his um immediate family and of course his community who loved him dearly um to all of them uh my sincerest condolences um it is tragedy of course that anyone has to die but especially a lovely person a person in the prime of his life a person who has so much promise for the community for H booking in general was going to be a hero for all of us and now gone too soon but we have to continue we have to ask all of you that a moment of silence it's nice it shows respect thoughts and prayers are nice they also show respect but what the community is asking you here tonight as they always do not only when it's tragedy but all the time they want equality they want respect they want a safe Community for everyone everywhere in all of hobokin we shouldn't have to distinguish one side from the other as I always say to you I always come here and say this to you so I unite again with other members of the public who have spoken tonight we need equal representation at all levels we need better opportunities for the Youth of the community we need to take care of one another we need to hold each other we need to come and talk to each other as well you the public officials the mayor anyone who is a leader has to come together and has to find a way that we can all find solutions to problems that perhaps have plagued us forever so this is the time let's take action now thank you thank you [Applause] I cannot make out this next name I am so sorry but J initials JF maybe ah hi I'm Jacqueline Ferguson I'm giving condolence to the Murray and the rice family I've been growing up with them since I was born with with his grandmother and them and I said it's a tragedy every time there's something outside I call the cop if I hear alarm go off or anybody car and I look out the window and I hear noise I call the cop I have to call the cops the cops will be riding around at that late at night ain't they scheduled to ride around they should be riding around if they see a crowd disperse it they don't have to harrass him but disperse the crowd that's all I'm asking I call I complain I even contact Emily when I got a problem I ask Emily what should I do when who should I call and she tells me she gives me the advice she tells me who I should call I call Greco I call Barbara my ex Barbara I said I'm not playing I'm tired I don't even come outside because the rats a bed I can't get nobody in my house and already to come fix nothing in my house I have to pay somebody to come fix it so I should get reimbursed for what money I'm spending on to fix my apartment to make it look what how I want it and that's not fair I said noooo was in school we call him nooo but his name is Damien he was in school with me gil every day we call him Noo-noo the kids call him don't leave us noooo where you going every day he come in there every day with a smile he's never upset he always got a smile on his face I said this is tragedy and the community is a family I may argue with you but I don't want to hurt you this is ridiculous they need to stop and the officers should go down there if they see a crowd cuz at 10:00 I think everybody should be calmed down and sleeping cuz I'm in bed at 8 4:00 in the morning I look out my window they in the street dancing my daughter tell me get out the window M they they buy my car get away they shouldn't be outside at that night dancing the street at 4:00 in the morning I'm getting up at 4: I call a house and my mother lives under me director and Barbara her oven haven't been working I called last week they didn't get there yet I called today I want to see when I got home did they get there I got pictures of my bathroom that I had paid somebody to do but they came back and I've been calling since last year for them to do it nobody came I said but everybody hanging outside in my in my building I had to call the um what you call the Board of Health how you got six dogs in one apartment and three upstairs and a cat the whole building SM like do do how is that don't y'all give us funding or the state give us funding the money shouldn't go for outside cuz the dog doodling outside anyway you got the rats outside we can't live right I go by I go um on Park Avenue on colle I don't see no no trash on the ground they said they got rats there but I don't see no rats and remember I leave at my house it's dark so the rat should be outside everywhere right no when I come out my building I got to blow my horns like five times to make noise and then they tell me come to commission me and why it's dark I want to go home right now cuz it's dark and the Rats all over the place running Theo and like M um Peterson said the holes are so big like what you putting in there I don't know some I'm got to give y'all all I don't know who to blame well nobody sticking up or coming down there when camela was there camela used to they said he wasn't there but camela used to help clean up Camelo used to help clean up the area I don't care when nobody said if he was whatever he did he used to come and clean the area up he picked up the trash with his hands too and if you're going to hire our guys hire them and don't pay them less money to hire them pay them money they men they want money to work but they don't want to work for Chum change nobody want to work for a chump chain and I've been there I'm 60 years old and I've been there I'm tired my daughter is there when my daughter's finish doing what she got to do I tell her to move out don't stay with me go go somewhere else because you can't live in her boing decent and I I grew up here I love hoking it's a shame I don't know y'all have to do something y'all got to come together and do something about it [Applause] E King good evening councelor and thank you for allowing me to speak on of the community and my brother noooo my name is Eire King and I was not related to Damon Nuno Murray by Blood but by Journey I grew up with him since I was playing five for Pop Warner football if you love him you had to know him he was always he always been the most talented person on the field in the classroom and the hoken housing authority and especially to his family and friends Damon Murray was not the kind of person who would run the streets who would get into fights who would even end up in that situation if known the last we heard of new new achievement was is that he was on channel channnel 4's news EXC excelling in Hoboken Red Wings football and basketball as a walk- on for Ruckers does that sound like a gang member to you aside from that what what he was doing for the generation now was almost uncomparable to anybody else if you knew his plan he wanted to become a firefighter while being a teacher and to always show passion to his sport and the kids to become a coach if that sounds s similar to you it does because that was the story of Tyrell dorch and Keon Walker who gave back to the community [Applause] hobok he wanted to become like his mentors and he looked up to them he wanted to become like his mentors and he looked up he looked up to them and unfortunately he was close to he was close to that opportunity but never had the chance because his life was ended too early and I just want to ask y'all do y'all know what it feels like to have that phone call of your brother dead do y'all know what that phone call is to have your brother going the next minute after just speaking to him do y'all know what it feels like to have roaches roam around your apartment to have rats roam around your apartment do y'all know what it feels like to smell piss in incinerator do y'all know any of that feeling but I bet you if you can ask everybody that's standing right behind me they'll say yes Damon was not only just trying to help people in the community he was trying to help people outside the state he was helping people inside Ruckers helping people in PA corwell he was helping people at uh Keystone College his brothers he made sure his brothers was good no matter what at the end of the day he made sure his family was there and that's what this community is we nothing but family we stand strong and United thank you thank you [Applause] Aisha Montalvo okay um I don't have a speech I didn't plan to speak today I didn't want to speak today um I want to tell you guys who I am I'm Maisha mavo my brother technically my uncle but my brother we grew up together this is this is us this is this is my blood my blood okay and um I want to say first and foremost we failed n as a whole as a whole Community the city hoken housing the police department and everybody everybody because this could this could have been prevented in many ways 18 years ago mooki was taken from us my grandmother was sold these hopes and dreams there was supposed to be a youth center in place and from my time mind Nuno would have probably been going to that youth center you know what I'm saying Chris would have been going to that youth center um I just think I just really think that the city like I said the city housing the police department need to tighten up okay I lived in 310 Marshal Drive which was right by where nooo was murdered which was up the block from I believe where Chris was murdered 310 Marshal Drive I lived there for 5 years I could tell I can count on one hand how many times my kid went to the park behind that that building because it's drug infested literally I cannot take I couldn't take my kids there we had to walk up town to enjoy a nice day that's that's that's crazy that's crazy there's cameras everywhere you guys nobody sees the drug dealers outside nobody sees nothing happening it's like you guys turn a blind eye to to what's going on wake up wake up and really take the whole city as a whole H boken is a whole we not it's not even a big city anyway um tighten up tighten up I we need to do better my my son is growing up and I'm afraid I need to move and and it I was a little irritated because I was watching the news I don't watch the news very often but I watched it because I wanted to see what was going on with with with Noo-noo and um the the news reporter started off after such and such many days hoken has another murder and it was it was like 500 and something days almost two years like and I think maybe uh people might feel like oh wow okay it's been so long or it's been that many days it's not doesn't make it okay it doesn't make it okay um I'm I'm I don't even know what else to say but hopefully we have some changes coming up and hopefully our our youth that are growing up now hopefully we can get a teen center for them or teen programs because like like N Miller said when I we were growing up we had programs we had things to do I had something to do every day after school so you know put it in the budget slide it in there somewhere we don't have anyone else signed up to speak was there anyone that wanted to [Applause] speak like I don't got no speech we lost my nephew that smile was the brightest thing I know my family going through it yall came to I asked for help personally I told you this would happen didn't know it was going to be my nephew though see the people behind me they got kids growing up just like my nephew I don't want them up here making a speech for their loved ones because we lost them I don't know none of y'all y'all don't know me Reuben you've been with us all our lives man I knew you since I was four y let these people know who we are Pat I went to high school with you I watched you say you was going to be a cop every day of my life you know how it feels to here my nephew was shot and it was a cop called by the Light ra and didn't move but I supposed to show y respect when yall come around y surrounded me like I was a criminal when I was in a time of need looking for help we're not crying for help that's not just words I'm crying for help you better do something before people start making changes themselves [Applause] hi my name is eileene Martinez born and raised in Hoboken raised three kids and I'm originally here because of my friend Caroline and her son noonu but when they spoke about the other death that would have been Chris Garcia he would have been standing next to me supporting cuz that was the type of person he is today he would have been 30 years old his family would have been here but they're in a cemetery laying flowers I'm a wreck I'm nervous I hear sirens I see a fight I get nervous to have your child wake you up and say ma noooo die your daughter is coming to you how how is that how is you're getting a phone call from your son Chris got shot you're running I know a lot of us here suffer from PTSD for that reason things that we all go through that you guys don't know what we go through the gun violence needs to stop I'm scared for my grandchildren my daughter I like right next to me I'm scared to lose someone we need to get together all Hoboken Uptown downtown Middletown however everybody calls it we're Hoboken we're United we're Unity you see how we all come out this is the downtown section that comes out and reunite we don't have other people coming out they segregate let's let's get it together please thank you all I'm going to say is issues need to be noticed and changes need to be made now right now as soon as we walk out changes need to be made now [Applause] I first want to look at Caroline nuno's family I want to say I'm so sorry I'm so sorry and I feel your pain I feel your pain 100% okay Mr Reco how about we put up that pre sent back open okay let's get it together come on this is happening way too much now Hoboken the mayor come on let's get this together we don't need to lose our kids no more especially in this way to gum violence come on my brother it's been 18 years since this happened with my brother okay in the projects okay 18 years later for some reason and it's happening more and more and more and more and all in the same housing complex it doesn't happen Uptown it doesn't happen in Washington Street where in the projects the enforcement another thing the enforcement with the police I see cops on there you know where I see most of the cops at thir and Jackson sit literally sitting in the car having coffee you know all right that's not cool cuz everything that's happening around them guess what they they blind they're blind there's guns going around there's drugs plenty of drugs okay our kids don't need to be around this our teenagers don't need to be gunned down let's get this together let's get this let's enforce let's do this ASAP we don't need to lose another kid okay it's not fair for us you know a lot of us parents parents struggle to raise our kids okay all right and look at what these kids are looking forward to okay these kids want to you know have careers very good careers okay their lives are not do not need to be taken away no more okay let's get this together Hoboken come on all right let's get [Applause] I did put my name down but your name was on there yeah sorry sorry um you guys know me some of you may not I'm Marla Decker um you guys know me as a friend a political Ally maybe a political adversary but I'm here today as a mom and a member of this community there are too many phases in this room that I know there are too many kids in this room that I know and no kid should ever have to see gun violence no kid should ever have to hear it no kid should have to run from it no mother should lose her child in this town No it should not happen here you guys all also know that I'm my family lost a child in a gun in a gun violence incident which was different than this one but nonetheless I know what it does to families it would have been her birthday today too she would have been 21 years old today said she died at 14 to a gun we can't solve the National Gun problem I know that but we live in a one M Square community and we have a concentration of a problem in an even tinier radius we can solve that and I ran for city council and I know that there are so many competing concerns and I know that there's so many bureaucratic issues and who's responsible for what but you're but here today there are people talking and telling you specific things that they need and none of them sound crazy none of them sound out of the realm of possibility so do it and I'm also here to say that if anyone needs me to do anything to be of service to you to be a listener to be a volunteer to be someone who can organize some of these programs that we're talking about I raise my hand to help and I guarantee you that I can find other people to raise their hand to help that live in uptown Hoboken like I do or wherever in Hoboken one more final point about Community cuz I think this is about community and how you define Community okay Damon defined Community he live he grew up here I can't say that I've lived for 20 years I'm a newbie he defined Community he came he was born here he went to school here he played Sports here he represented us at Ruckers he came back he taught in our public schools and then he wanted to be a public servant and serve as a fireman that is community it and we should fight for that thank [Applause] you I'm full of so many emotions right now man I can't take this man I got to bury my brothers next week that was my best friend he went to Ruckers with me and the change got to happen now because it is why we been couldn't can't why could we been have changed why are we running these different camps why can't I have NFL friends we could do so many different things why is this city have to go through this when my brother has to leave I can't believe I oh I can't take this I can't take this change got to happen it it has to happen you know like we can't keep living like this you know we can't keep living like this I seen Damon every day you know I drop my son off always seen my son bright smile you know chains have to happen look at everyone that's affected you know I wish I would have been here to been more prepared but but it's just hard hard thank [Applause] you do I have to close public portion I have to close no one else wishes to speak motion to close public portion oh I'm sorry good evening everyone hi puppy can have any okay I I wish we could all be in a circle talking to each other and I I I didn't want to come up here because of the hierarchy and um things that come from being in the front of a room but I feel like um it's just really important to share with Community First like honor and respect to the recent ancestor that has just ascended um I think it's really important to remember that this is one part of our experience and that we have access to communicate with the people who have come before us I want to say my honor and respect to the lape indigenous people who were stewards of this land before we came to the africanamerican people who were in this land before we came this is super SEMA um and um Mom I think that what comes to my heart is that we need to it just to to acknowledge that we We Are One connected in spirit in different bodies and I didn't know the ancestor who has just made the transition but enough of my friends did and are hurting enough for me to to want to show up and listen to what was happening and what comes to me is uh what Vanessa Falco said former councilwoman is um the feeling of understanding what it is what is our personal role and responsibility so um the the Mayans and ancient toltech said that the new world the new sun is birthed through us through every single one of us it's not something that we wait for it's something that we embody and so it's so interesting cuz I haven't worn this shirt in years um and I just want to say that I'm stepping in today holding myself accountable for for the way that um I can do programming in my community uh and there are two of my former classmates in the back and we've been talking about coming together and creating program and offering that to young people and how are we going to fundraise for it to be free and so I'm glad that we're talking about this because it means that there are things that we can do um and also I want to just in invite all of us here to a meeting as Community to come together because the world gets birthed through us we don't have to wait for someone else to do it we we are co-creators of it so thank [Applause] you calm down now um I just have to let those tions out it was a lot of rage in me for the moment and it's just been a hard week today I had the the fireman interview and all I could think about was him I'm I'm in the meeting I knew he was by my side but for this tragedy to happened this week is just doesn't make sense so like I said we just got to continue to improve as a community as a town got to do better and continue to keep my brother name going honestly just got to say one thing my my brother Noo-noo man I'm just like it's just I just can't like this is not processing I lost my mom a few years ago I'm so numb like I just and one thing I got to say to the police department my brother called my brother called 911 nobody answered that phone nobody they called him 17 minutes later asking if we still needed help and for him to say that there was a cop car standing at the Light Rail and didn't do anything got to get better man that's all I got to say RP my brother nooo man damn this is hard bro this is hard here one sec they'll lower it for you this is hard bro hard was just in a car with him man I was just in a car with him I just said n can you just drive me around the corner bro come on we just listen to some music let's just talk said Come on B got in the car first thing he said to me bz just keep doing what you doing bro said go be great said go be great oh my God just can't believe I L my big cousin my brother was just with him just with him in the car he was just listening to music he drove me around the corner came out of school I would always see him he would drive cross he would drive past the school and just dab me up with the smile on his face bro just can't believe I lost my brother I got his sweater on today I will forever love you new just keep looking over me new I promise I promise I promise I got the family I promise I promise n we going to get through this n love you miss you [Applause] councilman Ramos I'm going to give you the floor thank you Jen uh you guys have known either I think two things in this room tonight either I known people here their entire lives or people have known me my entire life and there nothing more than I can say is that I'm sorry I'm sorry this happened to all of us I'm sorry that's continued has continued to happen in our community uh I think Barbara said it we try and work hard every single day on your behalf on our behalf to improve our neighborhood to improve our city but ultimately you know look in the mirror and we didn't do good enough we didn't do good enough we Tred to address the issues every day that's something that I say try to take pride of representing you guys as someone you sent to the city council for a number of years and a neighborhood a community that I'm proud to be part of but I need to do better we need to do better and I think when I when I try in at Council meetings when you guys aren here and I advocate on your be on your behalf and I implore my colleagues that we need help and I implore to the mayor that we need help you know uh and and sometimes we don't get that help when members outside of our community like look down upon our community all those things hurt us personally and and I got to keep my chin up or I do keep my chin up to keep to keep on fighting and boxing for you guys for ourselves for our neighborhood the way I was taught the way you guys taught me the way your grandparents taught me the way your parents taught us to keep on grinding to keep on going in spite of any obstacle we Face to try and be better in every room we go to because the way some people may look upon us and who we represent and who we are or what we are or what neighborhood we live in what neighborhood we grew up in understanding that challenge to try and be better and ultimately you know we've lost too many people and when Carmelo you I think people said this earlier too right he had Vision 2020 right and instead of working were you liked him or not and they were adversar did not like him for some reason Vision 2020 would have been around today right that that dream if we had worked together instead of being adversarial when we went into rooms like this you know that would have been done today and lives would been changed for all of us right and and that's why we work really hard with director as a city they're trying to approve the Redevelopment plan and think that's after Chris passed away you guys got we we we put the pedal to the metal on that we just approved it recently but again it's too late it was too late for someone else I mean I know Tariq when I was a guidance counselor at the boy Boys and Girls Club my first job Damon's dad I was 17 just starting college and he was like the coolest kid I knew I couldn't stop in basketball save my life he would kill me every day on the court every day and he was like one of the reasons that I became a teacher were were were was him and whole and the whole crew that was in the boys club and I'm I'm hopeful I'm hopeful and I see Damon's friends here tonight and I've known them so they were kids and the path that they're on and I bi said it he wants all you guys to be great right and so as we take these next steps as we all take these next steps tonight we leave here tonight in these Journeys take these next steps together and try and and and do not try right we say try try is like a means to fail but do do what needs to be done to advocate for our neighborhood to make sure that they have everything they need to be successful right and so when I know when people like you know when I go out when I I don't know if they feel I go after or I make comments where the HPD could do more and I get resistance on those types of things but we want to sponsor a Southwest Festival like we did last year and to to want to have it again this year and get resistance on picking a date and now we're able to get a date for for the fall no that doesn't hurt me it doesn't hurt me when when I said we need more policing on Third and Jackson we need more police on Third and Harrison it doesn't hurt me it hurts our neighborhood when we can't get a date when send emails from December for a festival that doesn't hurt me right it hurts the neighborhood we trying to bring together so when when I speak and they may not be at all the council meetings that's who I'm speaking for right that's who I'm speaking for not for a $500,000 art project I don't give a about right they don't care about that $500,000 to a Mobile Police Unit those are things we gotta we try and talk about so I'm sorry guys I'm sorry and I'm going to do better I'm going to do better uh uh on all our behalfs so thank you everyone counc [Applause] presid thank you council president and I'm not going to speak to everyone here I'm going to speak to my eight colleagues I grew up in Hoboken just like Ruben did I know every family that's sitting in this audience here tonight and they know me and a member of the public came up and they made two comments talked about the potential of Bureau bureaucratic concerns or competing issues I think what we have to understand right here and right now is that we need to prioritize this community that is never prioritized Ruben H on it it's not about a Southwest Fest it's not about somebody in a bouncy house or having a mechanical bull on Jackson Street it's about the feeling of being ignored time and time and time again because you put another concern before there and it doesn't have to always be theirs but it does have to be sometimes theirs sometimes no one in this room expects that they they get moved to the Head of the Class every time but they should never be moved to the back of the class every time and that's the feeling that you have in this community every single issue every single day when it comes to our rodent issue when it comes to our ball field when it comes to our housing conditions it's every single issue that they feel they're moved to the back of the line that has to stop it has to stop now that's what you see here that's what they're asking we need to do better we need to prioritize our community in the Housing Authority I have the privilege of not only serving here as a councilman but serving on that Authority I see it every day I deal with it every day and I'm there fighting for it I'm fighting for that change Ruben and I beg you at times for things and a lot of times we hear it right and sometimes it it's okay but a lot of times we hear it what but we have something else we got to do something else too and that's okay but we can't forget this community I beg you my Council colleagues I beg you start making significant changes don't touch around the edges let's get aggressive we have a piece of property down at the the psng site maybe we maybe just maybe we rebuild the police station there and then maybe just maybe we rebuild a Housing Authority building all the way up where the police station is so that maybe some of our residents have a waterfront view those are big those are big bold ideas that we can make happen immediately they're pieces of land that we own we don't have to buy them we don't have to talk to a developer about them we could do that right now we just need the will and I'm begging my Council colleagues let's make bold changes let's make bold decisions and let's make sure that our community is remembered every time we make a decision that's all I ask of you thank [Applause] you I just want to really thank everyone that came tonight um your words were definitely heard and I especially want to thank councilman Ramos for his words um hopefully this really does bring the community together obviously we can see in this room there's a tremendous community in Hoboken and I think it just needs to spread thank you all we're going to take a five minute recess not that's what Tiffany wanted thank you hi Mary no and remember um should e the for R he thank you Emily I saw saw all right I might L I feel like we should like so bad for e e that e excuse me excuse me e EX can we get the council members back good how are you where did he go Emily Phil where did Reuben go council members who else is wait Ru Ruben just left Reuben just left G no I was going to call Joe but he's here yeah I put a call out after you text me that's fine I like yeah all right are we all [Applause] back thank you oh here they go that's Danny Hansen's Mom do you know him is that name yeah we don't have to reopen or anything right there you go all right um just a few housekeeping items we will not be hearing the public hearings on the art this evening b661 actually can you yeah can you close the doors for us thank you b661 is being carried cd12 3 and T6 have been removed and the minutes are being carried correct cd1 two and three what else was being carried I'm sorry the first one you said T6 oh uh b661 cd1 is also not it's not going to be heard yeah and what T6 and the minutes are being carried so we'll do second readings yes second Reading Please B 659 in ordinance amending chapter 125 lead [Music] paint Patricia waiters I can't speak on the Arts cuz you pulled that right Jen you yeah this is lead paint you signed up for no I signed up for the housing the Housing Authority um the one for the police thing right that's on here it's two things for you you signed up for all ordinances for first re uh first second reading we're on B 6659 ordinance amending chapter 125 lead paint okay wait give me one quick minute I know what you're looking for official you know what I'm talking about first reading right let me it's a resolution I think that oh no it's a first reading it's a first reading ordinance okay b661 right b661 is carried you see the hous I want to First reading the safety the public safety yes it's it's on for first reading you you're signed up in a different part for that is on for first P1 is resolution you know what you don't want to talk on this I just want to close public portion and then I don't want to talk on that the pain yes so we have no members of the public signed up to speak motion to close public P second all in favor I council members please call the vote Mr lore councilman Cohen hi councilman Doyle hi councilman fiser councilman jaor yes councilman pronano hi councilman cantero hi councilman Ramos hi Council Russo hi council president gtino yes all right B 660 an amendment to Hoboken city code section 54-32 Corporation Council to authorize the settlement of workers compensation or tour claim matters equal to or less than 21,500 we have no members of the public signed up to speak motion to close public portion all in favor I council members please call the vote Mr lore councilman Cohen I councilman Doyle I councilman fiser yes councilman Jabor yes councilman president Zano I councilman cantero I councilman Ramos hi Council Russo I council president gtino yes public portion on consent items Rose Markle seven Hi cd1 was carried pulled or something okay correct um ca1 there's no amount listed for how much is being spent on the cameras is that just an oversight um ca5 can anybody give a ballpark figure in how much the Southwest Park is cost to date the cameras was I think pulled wasn't it oh ca1 was pulled sorry C no she said ca1 C1 is Millennium Communications there cameras yeah it says for security cameras no1 climate action and Innovation yes ca1 if you don't have an agenda that's upd you have the current agenda I printed it last night it was security cameras but it is not oh it's a different item now all together oh all right sorry about that you look at it C I guess I got to print it in the morning then okay um sorry about that let's scratch that one out um where was I left off there's on ca8 I see that they need issues fixed within City Hall Once these are all fixed will workers come back to work in person are we still going to have people um working from home and will City Hall be open to the public without appointments um CD4 there's no backup whatsoever so I'm really not sure what's that all all about unless it's a carryover CC1 another attorney um I'm not sure what they're doing but it has something to do with opra docents does that have to do with people requesting too many opah documents or the city not releasing them um cc2 another legal expense are there caps on any amounts that we are willing to spend on legal fees as of tonight we know we could spend money in other places um then on the clerk agenda says when will um about the acting mayor when will residents be notified of an acting mayor um you know it would be nice that you also know but since we pay for that salary it would be nice to know and maybe moving forward this should the mayor's position should have a contract with rules hours to work vacation six days and no other jobs PS1 $100,000 for the animal control does anyone know how many times a year that we actually call for animal control in the city of Hoboken a lot uh tx1 2 and 3 my favorite tax refunds I just had to bring that up um T1 this new pilot program the loading zone enforcement so this company used Bethlehem Pennsylvania and Pittsburgh Pennsylvania as compatibles Hoboken is 1 square mile with 65,000 residents Bethlehem is 19.4 square miles 76,000 residents Pittsburg is 58 square miles with 303,000 residents I really don't see that as a great comparison but you know I don't know anyway let's get into the details um what I'm reading is there will be areas will be designated for delivery deliveries and monitor monitored by cameras delivery trucks now have to pay to use these spaces so do we think delivery services will eat these charges do you think the stores or the restaurants will eat these charges no so ultimately this comes back to the consumer paying for more services and goods little skeptical there the bottom line on this as far as I can read isn't about parking or bike Lanes this is about filling a budget Gap because at the end they say the projected revenue from this is 2.9 Million a year so if we don't get a huge tax increase we're getting higher prices elsewhere um and number four for the first reading about the housing authority and the uh alcohol consumption that is within the buildings or is that with outside the grounds on the grounds on the grounds grounds outside okay I'm not arguing it but it should be done Citywide it is it it is it is this is just adding it well it's really not done cuz I'll take pictures for you cuz every weekend I have to clean up liquor bottles cups and urine all over my property from the bar down the block um so that's it tried to keep it short and sweet thank you thank you Rose Patricia waiters agenda items I was getting ready to say I found mine um cl2 resolution of the city of Hoboken the city of Hoboken requesting notification prior to the Des designation of acting mayor priano what is that about you can keep calling no I'm going to get answers because I don't want to lose my Chain of Thought you can keep calling yeah okay the legal fees to the r addressed I want to know about that and I if a person don't this is for Corporation councel if a person don't sign a rights notice we can't know who the person is with with the litigation right for the uh you got two litigations on here the settlement authorizing the settlement of a workers comp you can't expose the person because they don't sign a right notice right d can't expose the person because it's It's A Private Matter workers comp you know that's a personal thing like they got heard or whatever but after you get copies of you get copies of settlement agreements after the council votes on it becomes public and then with the open containers with the Housing Authority I mean it's sad that we did have a tragedy there but every time a tragedy is there the cops is not their personal or nobody's personal bodyguards to keep you safe or unsound I live on 14th Street and it's drinking and containers everywhere she took the words out my mouth I hope this applied to everybody and again after tonight let's look at HHA to as part of the Hoboken community so it's kind of dishearten let's think of another way maybe some different language so we could stop cuz it seem like they're being targeted let's get the cops down there nobody don't want to be watched 24/7 in they home home you guys are not being watched and those Hoboken police officers is not private bodyguards I've been threatened so many times to call the police these people left here last tonight with a broken heart they don't need to see nothing like this and I'm I'm hearing comments is getting me going crazy oh well they shouldn't have been out there they shooting at each other maybe we need more police protection they not animals if you treat them with respect we don't need all of that I see animals real animals up where I live every weekend getting drunk having sex outside peeing outside and ain't nobody talking about that so this open container thing make sure it applied to everybody and I want and then the housing authority and Paul that's you right this your resolution for the alcohol opening uh thing right y okay so then I want to see why how did you become acting mayor over the council president thank you cuz I thought is a pro I'm being honest is a protocol he just he just proposed it yeah but you could propose what you he's not the I don't go back and forth I'm finished I'm wrapping it up thank you let me finish wrapping it up I wish y'all really realized do me a favor please I have my eyes open like this 20 years I'm telling you one more I've been coming to these meetings y'all know nothing get past Pat waiters what I'm saying to you even when director Pelini was there if Jen don't want it then it goes to the business administrator this is how it's normally done so if this a new way that's my right as a resident and taxpayer to know how did you pick Paul that just got out of a runoff that just got all us to support him I'm about integrity it isn't it isn't picking Paul he's saying if the mayor is not going to be here we still a proposal Jen you understand what I'm saying to you not listening if the mayor is not here if the mayor is gone for any reason whoever his replacement is and he can pick a director while he is gone for 3 Days on vacation or out sick it's saying that we need to know who the the acting mayor is yeah but he could pick still you saying Ravi could pick no that's not how it go unless I'm it is all right can I see that legistation please Jerry soon as possible I'm just talking about what went what took place in the past that's all I'm saying I have it up come here Pat thank you have a good night thank [Laughter] you I didn't know that easy Manny Rivera Solair mayor any Department sometimes it's me go on vacation any other department good evening council president Council yes uh very quickly I'm not going to mention a couple that were already mentioned but I would like to uh hope that you uh obviously vote for uh PS2 uh it's it's always like was mentioned earlier uh this always feels like an afterthought that uh the Southwest um gets something after everybody else has the bite at the Apple and we get the core um can we no offense but it's how it feels uh so being that I mentioned it last week I want to I mean last meeting I want to mention it again as well as again I do want to um also be in favor of PS1 it is important to know pardon me PS1 yes uh AB the Animal Control um it was in the um budget Workshop so um information was given um in regards to what is being um what we are getting for our money with Jersey City Animal Control and as I thought I thought it was just dogs situation but we have a lot of other um wild animals um that need to be um controlled in Hoboken okay my next one is going to be T1 council president I have a concern in regards to how many studies are we going to now continue to do for loading zones which you know that that is a pet PE for me even though this loading zones are in a different um ballpark than the normal ones but members of the public should have more information first of all the amount of monies that are being spent when a budget is so tight um it's just can we get more information and a clearer picture of what's uh the situation with these proposed studies as well as T3 again um I'm interested in knowing about these abatements that we give again I saw the the crocking I may be confused with both of my um my questions tonight but um I saw the cracking we were given an easement for the Sinatra um is that because you need to access or the the construction needs to be done for a specific corner of the park I mean of the street or is it just going to be access because you're just going to let everybody uh work on projects in that area because it is a public right away I know that the question perhaps doesn't sound um sound but it is trust me please let us know if members of the public can know a little bit more about that at easement and now back to councilman pres Sano trying to usurp the mayorship how dare you sir uh how dare you I'm trying to do that no um I just want to um hope that you vote in favor of it because it is important for members of the public to know who is in charge of their City when their chief executive is out I would like to know the name of the person at the hour at the moment when they swear in what powers do they actually have can they control uh anything in the city that you can't control what is that power because that is an important thing for us to know as members of the public exactly at the moment that it happens council president and um and the teer of people that it should be again there was a confusion is is it this is it that person I'm assuming that it is perhaps business administration administrator but I'm not sure it's whoever the mayor appoints I'm I'm assuming because that's how it works in a uh country like this with no uh guidelines but anyway if that could happen tonight that would be appreciated and to close it off again the first reading which I guess I'll speak on it uh in two weeks but first reading for the um number four for the Housing Authority obviously and for all of hob booking to feel safe again safety is our main concern again council president I was abbreviated if you notice and uh even though I lost Chain of Thought but thank you so much for listening and God bless you all thank you Roberto hi um I came to the Arts but uh I had a couple other questions since I'm here um first on the claims uh it wasn't clear to me because again the claims come with like one line why we paying a reimbursement of $7 million to FEMA I'm sure there's a reason I'd like to hear about it um and that's in the largest claim that we have H for this month and the second is I want to I want to um also Echo that I think it's great that we're adding the HHA to the Citywide ordinance and I think it's terrible that neither as far as I know neither pant or agar were here today because there were a number of things that were told about the police that I think they should either hear or they should be aware of but among other things I see it in uptown it's not just a question of the HHA having issues with um you know canisters and people drinking in public and the behavior we have it right in uptown in front of the water in the Waterfront you know as well so I I think it's great that we're adding them but we should Step Up Citywide the uh the control so that it's really we're not we don't want to just you know suddenly we're like focusing on HHA for uh the persecution of open canas area where where the rest of the city is just let loose I mean that would be like discrimination the other way so at least you know be consistent but if you have an ordinance enforce it if the this more than once when we go to these meetings the Caps meeting meetings the police is like wishy-washy about enforcement wishy-washy about their possibility of enforcement so either we have them or we don't but to have things in the books and don't get enforced is is really uh pointless so hopefully you can have a conversation with uh parante with aiar this is a problem you know we have a reputation in the city that everybody knows of being a Party City and people come here with the expectation that they can party but this is not this is our town this is where we live and this is not just a place where people can just you know fling cancel beer and just Waddles in the street and do all kind you know throw garbage all over the parks etc etc etc thank you thank you and just all of the chiefs were here for the entire meeting they were all here still here was a big crowd and and director fan will tell them too I was including him in the Chiefs um we have no other members of the public signed up to speak motion to close public portion second all in favor I um I know a lot of people ask asked about and it's an ordinance for first reading but um open container in the Housing Authority you want to explain yeah I can explain it as well uh Housing Authority is federal property and so if there if an incident occurs on federal property it's like there like actually a case that happened a federal case where a crime was committed but a local police officer arrested someone on federal property in a park that person cannot prosecute that crime because they're not the jurisdiction Authority so they need a permission to have jurisdiction on federal property so this is what essentially that does gives local local police uh jurisdiction on federal federal property which Housing Authority is technically to uh adhere to local laws which this would be a local law now so it's just carrying over to the rest of the city as well just get that Authority on that property so the the treatment is not you know everyone is being treated the same everyone's being it's just just make everyone throughout the city not being treated the same where in other parts of the city this is already where whether it gets enforced or not is a different conversation but this is just spreading what existing law in the city of Hoboken throughout the rest of the city make it easier for what they would do in a public in a public park in Hoboken they can now do on the campus council president and the amount of the fines are the same they're not any everything's the same everything the same council president it literally just adds like five words that says and Housing Authority into our because it's up to $1,000 and I was like that's a lot of money for an open container but if that's what the rule is for the whole city that was just a concern that I had thank you this was one of the things in the subcommittee that we this was brought to us uh last meeting and this was the questions that we had that it was fairly distributed amongst the city so this was already we got clarification before we put it on the agenda so we did ask the question is every city property falling under the same thing so that's the reason well you would have saw this last week instead we waited a week to make sure we got everything our ducks in line I think and now you see it thank you you want to add no I'm sorry but well do you want to answer some stuff councilman do you took notes for me no I I don't have the $7 million question oh oh $7 million in claims oh um director sh if you want to speak to that FMA FMA that's the one thing I wrote down council members um the reimbursement was to the ibank we short-term financed through the ibank received the FEMA money afterwards the money paid to the ibank was to offset our debt service thank you all right council members there can I just answer one of the question of the public there was a question about CD4 yeah uh that M marle asked about uh she said there was no backup for it it's the uh oh redel it's the 930 uh Monroe property uh the plan doesn't change it's the exact same plan that the council previously approved the the difference was is that the developer wanted to build the middle building first as opposed to the south building first that's the only difference so it needs the council's approval to change the order of the construction uh City wanted to make sure that there was no change with respect to the linear Park that was going to be built and that was going to continue on the exact same schedule irrespective of which building was buing being built first so that was the purpose of that change on CD4 thank you councilman any council members resolutions wait let me uh was it sorry I heard P2 and T1 P2 and T1 uh P1 P2 P1 P1 oh I even though you said it I still was like no T1 you pull T1 okay I'm sorry council president what what was it again I'm sorry T1 T2 T1 any other council members cl2 P1 P2 Mr frea sorry Mr lore please call the vote on everything except cl2 P1 P2 T1 consent agenda councilman Cohen hi councilman doy hi councilman fiser uh no on C4 and then no on one claim or abstain on 24- 00243 great yes and everything else councilwoman Jabor yes councilman presen Zano hi councilman Cano I councilman Ramos I councilman Russo I and council president gtino yes cl2 you buddy thank you coun may may yeah May mayor preso uh thanks thanks for uh Miss Raiders for the compliment um I just wanted to explain this here that a lot of times when uh the mayor's busy or he's on the other side of the country doing something uh and as he's running for office uh he has the right to appoint someone as you can see in the beginning of the resolution um many times the public doesn't know this and I feel for transparency and accountability that it was something that I would ask that the mayor would adopt that he alerts the council and the public that we have an acting mayor I think it's important because things are happening so quickly in this town as we've seen uh we've had law big lawsuits coming at us left and right so I think it's imperative that we as a council and we as the public know who to speak to when that person is appointed and I I I really don't think it's too much of an ask it's more of a transparency thing I have to say in in my time in involvement um before I sat up here I didn't know who was appointed I didn't know how many times it happened uh so this is really just a transparency and accountability issue other council members Mr lur I I you know when it sounds like we're talking about appointing the mayor to to become the mayor for some period you know 6 months four months whatever I mean I work in the federal government and every time I'm not at work someone acts for me they so that there is a chain and when my boss is not present I often act for that person so this is like if the mayor is out of the state someone certainly the administration knows who that person is and so I don't know if there's a fire or an emergency or you know that you call the mayor up you would call the police chief up or the fire chief so I I don't think the mayor will have problems letting us know when when someone will be quote unquote appointed to act for him but I I just I think this is kind of Petty and it just makes it sound like the mayor's gone all the time and I don't think that that's even remotely accurate on your example you're hired he's elected big difference employe we report to we report to the people and that's simple it's report to the public well you report to your boss you get a paycheck from your boss You're Not Elected to your position the mayor is elected to the position well I'm elected to and if I if you're not here we don't say you know can you designate someone I for you at the meeting I can't do that you miss a meeting no no I can miss a meeting but I can't designate anybody for my vote or for making a decision on my behalf yeah the mayor can yeah that's because there's the executive branch and there's a legislative branch but anyway my point is only it's the I have to say uh Manny you know I respect you but the notion that the instant that he's appointing someone you know that that moment we no it's five days there's five days beforehand so if you know you're taking a trip I think it's pretty simple council members yeah um just just quickly I mean this was a practice since I've been on the council mayor Zimmer did this every single time and we always would get memos almost every not every meeting but every couple meetings when she was out for a day or something franty was once and director other directors were once and we were just told that and in it in the beginning of this Administration uh we were two and then it just stopped so I think this is just a request to reinstate a practice so the council's aware um who's make who's signing off on things the Public's aware you know that that's it it's just adding transparency you know for everyone any other council members no I I agree it was standard procedure for years as I was on the council with mayor Russo mayor Roberts mayor Zimmer and just reverting back to standard Opera procedures so what it was since when Capell was the mayor and everyone else Pas schooly just reverting back to Jimmy would read it off in our Communications saying acting mayor for this day to this state was Joe Smith but this is not binding so no well but but it's a spirit right it's a spirit of what it was before it was never binding before either but all those Mayors but all those Mayors did it all those Mayors thought was important to the public to know that this person is in charge cuz I'm not here right now this person if I'm not here to sign off on resolutions a member that he designates in those 10 days could sign off on every resolution here tonight and they have the authority to do that council president I just wanted to add I mean whoever is appointed as the inter mayor for that period whether it's a day five hours whatever it is they have all the statutory authorities correct as a mayor so they literally could hire someone they literally could sign an ordinance they could do all of the functions of the mayor so I think it's I think it's just from my perspective anyway just want to know who that is and make sure that Jason didn't go crazy and give everybody raise in the city of Hoboken right so we it's one of those things you want to know what's going on so but you know we can't do but I mean he can within the within the Mr L call the vote to councilman Cohen hi councilman Doyle hi Council fiser yes councilwoman Jabor yes councilman pres Zano I councilman Cano I councilman Ramos hi councilman Russo hi council president gtino yes P1 resolution to award contract to will will Scott in the amount of $ 38,8 33 for Police Department mobile office lease for a term of one year uh thank you thank you council president uh I'm fully supportive of this I just want to call attention that uh we often don't make we we pay for things but don't necessarily invest in things uh in the city and I think this is one of the examples of that we have aging infrastructure for all our Public Safety apparatus uh you know we've had opportunities over the years to to to move on that in a strategic uh way and and have not followed through on those things and you know just to explain what this is um we have the need to expand the women's locker room in the police station uh the way we're solving for it is we're going to move some of the offices internally uh into a trailer outside in the parking lot so that we can bust through one of the walls in the women's locker room and expand it that way um we have to do it it's the right thing to do right now but we need to take a serious look at all of our Public Safety infrastructure and make real serious Investments for the long term because this is just not an efficient use of our funds again I fully support this but we got to we got to be serious about investing for the future here Mr lur call the vote for P1 councilman Cohen hi councilman dle I councilman fiser yes councilman Jabor yes councilman president Zano I councilman cantero I councilman Ramos I councilman Russo I council president gtino yes P2 resolution supporting the location of the Hoboken Southwest Park Farmers Market every Thursday beginning June 6 2024 and ending Thursday November 21st 2024 it was I that did it sorry this is aside from it's a good thing that the we got the farmers market back up and running in the southwest uh there was a typo in the third pair third Warehouse Clause that said there will be that it would be on Tuesdays and it's on Thursday so we crossed it out and fixed it but letting you know what we're voting on okay we love you happy it's back for a second year Mr lore call the vote P2 councilman Cohen I councilman Doyle I councilman fiser yes councilman Jabor yes councilman pres Zano hi councilman Cano I councilman Ramos hi councilman Russo I council president gtino yes T1 resolution awarding a contract with autom modus Inc in accordance with sourcewell cooperative purchasing contract number 12423 in the amount not to exceed $174,500 for a curbside utilization analysis and a pilot smart loading zone and automated curbside enforcement program yeah that was a lot that was a lot uh if we could just get more a little more clarity as far as like what the enforcement looks like because we had an Amazon delivery company owner come here with $23,000 worth of tickets and what I see here potentially is just like do we want any vendors to do business in Hoboken anymore or we just going to find the crap out of everyone and not be welcoming to anyone like not even businesses now because that's I think it's egregious what the the what this amount is what the potential Revenue amount that we're looking at for this is that what we're trying to do are we really trying to help is this helping our businesses grow no so uh I'll clarify and I also have someone this is Matt from automotives here who came to explain any technical questions so there are multiple components to this right so phase one uh of the pilot would be a purely analytical phase and it's really a critical component for the uh data collection for our curbside management plan this was always something that we envisioned we needed to have an efficient uh way to collect really complex curbside uh activity and uh utilization data um and to do that in different parts of the city right so not just focusing on our retail corridors um but also uh permit parking zones right there's a lot of scope in the curbside management plan that looks at our RPP program and and how to make that better and how to make parking more convenient uh and so so that's a critical a critical component there and that's kind of the first uh75 to $80,000 there'd be multiple locations across the city for about 2 months where these cameras would be mounted and would be able to record uh everything from the average length of parking session to the number of uh parking transactions per day right if people are paying for metered parking um the amount of time that someone's uh staying in the loading zone for example all these different things uh then there's a second phase and that phase would be initiated months down the road uh when you factor in permitting and getting past phase one and so forth uh but that phase involves uh two components one is kind of converting uh loading zones on Washington Street from Observer highway to 8th Street to be uh kind of quote unquote smart loading zones and uh basically one of the challenges that we're facing and and that um that company that came in that small business owner that was complaining about uh the number of tickets they had received uh well we've spoken with her and we agree and and we are committed to through the curbside management plan and everything that that we do whenever we add a loading zone at you know every other council meeting uh we're trying to be more accommodating and and and kind of convert some of our curbside space so there are dedicated spaces for these deliveries to happen safely uh and uh conveniently right so uh this is one method that's been used uh in Pittsburgh and Atlanta and Miami and actually Fort Lee New Jersey uh is preparing to launch almost The Identical program with automotiv uh in in the coming weeks um so basically it takes a loading zone and uh you have a camera that's mounted that scans that loading zone and uh you can if you're if you're uh a freight driver right your delivery driver or uh it could also be opened up to be a flex zone this something that we've talked about uh councilman preso about a way to have these short 15minute zones where people can kind of run in and run out to pick up food or deliver food and so forth um it doesn't just have to be a delivery driver or commercial driver for example so um that's something that we've wanted to do for years uh but I said many times in subcommittee meetings and at Council meetings and so forth that uh it's almost impossible to do that now because it's almost impossible to enforce right when you have a a short period of time 15 minutes 20 minutes uh it's very difficult when there's High volumes of people using these spaces uh to enforce that you have to log the vehicle at two points in time right and so that's what the technology that automotiv provides could potentially solve for right and that's why we want to do a pilot program to test that out first and one of the coolest parts of that I think is that for the loading zones at least it's like an Easy Pass model right so uh when you go into that loading zone Council would eventually have to if this if this is adopted tonight have to pass another ordinance anyway to uh codify a per minute fee based of a few cents or something uh this is how it works in other cities and when you drive into that loading zone there's LPR in the camera that picks up your license plate and will automatically you know start kind of charging based off of a per minute fee structure uh if you are registered for this program and there'll be signage that has a QR code that helps you log in and register then it automatically will deduct from your account uh kind of like easy pass for example uh if you're not a a member of this Pro not a member but if you're not registered for it then basically it becomes an invoice by mail right other states you go through a toll booth you may not have an Easy Pass uh or it's just pure toll by play and you know they will send you a bill in the mail for like you know 28 cents or 74 cents or $110 cents or whatever the toll was um and you have an opportunity to just pay that amount uh and not get a ticket automatically right um so that that's an Innovative way I think that we could possibly have more turnover in our loading zones that's what we've seen in other cities I don't know if you want to hear from from Matt D go ahead director so you're saying above and beyond the allocated time they would be charged or is it immediate so uh I'm a delivery driver I pull into the loading zone do I start getting charged immediately for that time or is it if I go above and beyond the 15minute allocation that we as a council set you get charged immediately but there's also a grace period that you could you could program in there but the whole point is to drive turnover right we don't have enough loading zones and we'll never have enough loading zones we i i f understand that but my concern is that we're especially if it's not just for companies and delivery drivers and and if it's used as these flex zones for residents we're going to charge our residents to stop at a loading zone to drop their groceries off that's Bas that's basically what we're saying right like I I think we may I I love the model of of monitoring it and figuring things out I just don't agree with starting to charge residents or anyone for that matter to use a loading zone that we're allocating as a loading zone right I I think we need to rethink that side of it but that's neither here nor there I think we when it comes to this having this conversation about do we want to move forward with the pilot to understand the data I think that's I think there's Val in that and and who's going to pick up these costs I own I'm a produce company and I I'm deliver I'm delivering to Black Bear psycho mics that next to each other I'm delivering produce to both of those companies I park in the loading zone now right I'm there for 30 something minutes every couple of days we charge them XYZ dollars right who's going to pick up those costs at the end right now right now it's the small business is getting hit $70,000 in instead of just paying for uh a fraction of that for for the actual per unit cost right and it's trying to turn those over loading zones I mean that's standard practice in hundreds of cities across the country and and and really that's the whole point of having a loading zone you're trying to you're never going to have enough curbside space to accommodate the volume of delivery traffic we have right and with all these projects that we do we're adding these loading zones for for for a reason because we're trying to provide dedicated space so that people are not uh parking in or they're not double parking and getting a ticket right which is one of the main reasons that that small business owner came in and and and I sympathize with her right and that's the point here this is not to try to write more tickets this is trying to balance our curbside management so that there's safe places and convenient spaces for people to do these critical services for the community um so you know this is a kind of thing that will help small businesses whether you're the delivery business or whether you are the retail uh brick and mortar business right so right now tens of thousands of dollars of of of of fees are going or of fines are going to these companies it's a cost of doing business basically and that should be changed and that's the whole point of this program is to change that so that we can get to a point eventually where the cost of doing business for just delivering critical Goods in our city is not a parking ticket or a fine right it's just enough money to help pay for the value of that space and turn that over so that the limited amount of loading space that we have available can be used by more than one vendor that needs to use that space or for the hundred and hundreds of people that are driving on our streets every day that really just need to get in and get out to pick up food right to make a quick delivery to drop something off to pick somebody up real quick we're talking about balancing our entire curbside management system which breaks down if we don't have these spaces available and that leads to parking in uh double parking and parking in bike lanes and bus stops and before you know it that's where the hazards are and that's where additional tickets are so that's the point and it would only be a pilot program and again we're talking about other communities that are already preparing to do this in New Jersey so councilman doy well director you you started um to say maybe got interrupted that that there the system could build you could build in uh 10 minute 15 minute whatever the the Divine wisdom of this legislative body decides because there's no there's no fee structure to this what we're voting on tonight we're voting on getting the data and then in the future whether it's a pilot or correct a permanent program we could say everyone gets 10 minutes and beyond that you have to pay these yeah that phase phase two that I mentioned can't even move forward without the governing body Without You adopting an ordinance to establish the rules and the parameters around how that would look right so whether it's the fee structure or the time limits or a grace period all those things are in your purview and would be H would have to be adopted to move forward uh basically at this stage we're just trying to get to phase one which is timely and necessary for the data collection for a curbside management plan right um so hopefully that that helps council president yes councilwoman yeah I mean I I look at this and just think of my own driving and all my neighbors like this potentially ends up being an amenity for our community that doesn't exist right now and even if it my even if we charge for the first 15 minutes um it's a lowcost amenity and I do think that you know we've had this conversation before about charging our own residents for parking um and I think when we get there we'll probably have that conversation where 10 minutes 15 minutes is free because it really is meant for people it supports our businesses too right it's it allows people to know that they can come to Washington Street or somewhere and there's a spot where they can run in grab something from a store and leave and not Circle the block or decide not to go or you know whatever like I I think what could come out of this is actually really great for Hoboken so I'm glad you're doing it and council president if I could just add I think actually one of the complaints I hear most often in terms of how this hits small businesses is the fact that they can't use the loading zone because people Park in them in a long-term basis and how frustrated they get that the intent of that was to make their lives easier to not have delivery trucks double parking and Bloss blocking crosswalks and this actually really helps us get a handle on what's going on in those situations in a way that doesn't take resources from say our Police Department to be there to monitor so thank you yep uh I mean I I like the approach Kino thank you uh excellent pronunciation you like that I like it a lot um I like the Innovative thinking um with complaints I've heard about the delineator posts and and the uh you know the improvements that we've made for for daylighting which you know I think most of us agree that is a net good from a pedestrian safety perspective is is folks had used those spot Bots illegally to run into the store drop their kids off or drop you know Grandma off or whatever uh and and you know it it it's it's an inconvenience for them uh you know putting in those things even though it did lead to kind of more dangerous uh Crossing of streets um and so I see this as kind of a step towards getting back to that amenity where somebody can stop briefly do what they have to do without thinking about you know paying a toll or uh um you know the meter uh or what have you so uh I I'm supportive um I I I always you know love the Innovative approaches that are coming out of uh out of the department so uh I hope the rest of the council agrees councilman cins yeah just uh to Echo a few points one uh I like the idea of this being automated so it's not on hpu it's not on HPD uh we're going to get this information it's going to be streaming in uh Fort Lee I believe is the other community in New Jersey that's already using it uh i' like to be first on these things but being second there's no shame in that but the fact that it's proof of concept is out there it's working is great and I do think that it's the kind of thing that I mean once we see the numbers and see what the violations look like see where there's abuse uh which we know I mean councilwoman Jabor mentioned the idea that stores are frustrated because they can't use the loading zones for the purposes that they're in intended uh I I anticipate that this will be a revenue positive investment for the city in the long run but again it will have to be based on the rules that we feel comfortable the idea here isn't to punish people but for our curbside management to be done in a way that's fair and uh and rewards people for using it as an amenity as Council Fischer described for that purpose and not for like a you know a dedicated parking spot for someone who likes using it because it's available uh on on a street because we know that happens I want to clarify one point too y so uh in that second phase where there's you know actually having a LPR turned on it's also still collecting data right so there's a positive feedback loop where uh it's going to tell us again what is the average length of stay in the loading zone right how many vehicles are using that loading zone what vehicle classes are using that loading zone is it 70% commercial vehicles 30% non-commercial vehicles or is it skewed the the other direction and that's valuable information that will allow us to then make additional policy decisions on you know do we need to uh is this loading zone getting getting overwhelmed right we need to extend it by 20 feet do we need to change the hours right is it ending too soon each day um do we need to add another one somewhere else in the block where we're not getting that activity right or where there is no loading zone uh but there's a lot of loading activity happening right legally or or or illegally so that positive feedback loop is a really important kind of secondary component uh as part of that phase two as well that will help inform our decisions that I see and and I assume others have seen it as well that bus stops are way too often used as parking spots or standing zones so what happens is when a bus comes in and drops people off it literally cannot use the bus stop it has to stop all traffic on the street and people are let off instead of in a safe place in the middle of the street because the bus stop place isn't available so I think that this Council will have an opportunity I assume there'll be data that will be generated for uh people that are illegally parked in bus stops using that as their you know custom parking spot uh situation or uh or or restaurants that use it for their drivers for which again would be an improper uh use of those bus stops that that abuse would be something that we could monetize as a council as well we could decide that you know we need to make a priority in keeping bus stops clear for the purpose that they're intended with this kind of data we could see you know what who and what and what type of vehicle is idling or parking in bus stops so that would be another piece of day with but this doesn't include bus this is just loading zones right now at the it could it has a potential to do no no I mean for for the most immediate need right here in this in this study just we're not we're not including bus stops or we are it's there's two phases phasee one is the analytic phase there's no LPR no enforcement no nothing phase two is Phase One yes are we evaluating this is what I'm asking yes okay there will be how many locations that's why I asked there are 24 cameras in phase one that would be scattered at so that you're going to have Washington Street I think it's lower Washington Street upper Washington Street got a chance to see uh how well the cameras do picking up reverse angle parking right there's sort of a unique Dynamic there uh you also have permit parking zones um you have kind of these hybrid zones actually think that by the Monroe Center uh one block is included between um on uh Monroe Street between 7th and 8th where we have a lot of different activity right we have uh pickup and drop off activity for the schools there we have loading zones I think there's on Clinton Street we have one one location where there's a loading zone a bus stop um and and just a lot of activity happening near the high school so uh the intent there is to get data for different street topologies not just Washington Street or River Street or places that have a lot of commercial and Retail activity uh because that data is going into decision- making and policym down the road that will help us hopefully be able to make decisions that will improve the convenience of parking in all parts of the city not just our commercial areas president president gun can yes uh director sharp there is one thing I do want to ask if we are going to take the data MH we have to pass some of this data back to New Jersey Transit because these guys don't pull into the bloating the bus zones even when it's clear and I every day I see it they don't pull in that is a massive swwa of parking spaces that they have to pull in and they don't it's not the double deckers or the double buses y so if we're going to do this both ways we're going to have to communicate with New Jersey transit to you get better get your guys pulling in because they're causing problems on the road as well of backing up traffic and causing issues so only it's not only people double parking or parking in the bus lanes themselves it's actually New Jersey Transit as well so I hope that we can somehow have a discussion with them that it needs to be done because it's it one I can tell you um yes and you'll be surprised that I say this they're in the bike lane you can't get around it right if we're going to have the bike lane in Washington the reason why we gave him a bus lane was so they could pull off and you can get around them all right right so yeah I agree and I think we'll have the ability to do that it can register vehicle class right so it can tell if it's a bus if it's an emergency vehicle if it's a car it can even determine I think if it's an EV or not right so there you go uh so has that level of sophistication perfect hopefully that's why we're doing a pilot program sorry Matt Mr lore call the vot Reuben okay T1 call the councilman Cohen I councilman doy I councilwoman fiser yes councilwoman Jabor yes councilman presen Zano I councilman cantero I councilman Ramos councilman Russo I council president gtino yes first reading ordinances I oh sorry all right first reading ordinance number one an ordinance amending chapter 190 d71 entitled municipally managed electric vehicle charging stations to add electric vehicle charging St on Fourth Street please call the vote Mr lure councilman Cohen I councilman Doyle councilman Fisher yes councilman Jabor yes councilman president Zano I councilman cantero I councilman Ramos I councilman Russo I council president gatino yes ordinance number two ordinance reinstating chapter councilwoman Jabor yes councilman president Zano I councilman cantero hi councilman Ramos hi councilman Russo hi and council president gtino yes ordinance number three an ordinance amending chapter 19-3 entitled parking prohibited at all times to facilitate safe turning movements in and out of the DPW garage and coffee manufacturing facility please call the vote councilman Cohen I councilman Doyle hi councilman fiser yes councilman Jabor yes councilman pres Zano hi councilman cantero hi councilman Ramos hi councilman Russo hi council president gtino yes ordinance number four amendments to Hoboken city code sections 68-3 and 145-12 to authorize enforcement of public consumption of alcohol on Hoboken Housing Authority common areas please call the vote councilman Cohen hi councilman doy hi Council Fisher yes councilman Jabor yes councilman prano I councilman Cano I councilman Ramos hi councilman Russo hi council president gtino yes ordinance number five ordinance amending chapter 192 parking for persons with disabilities to add reserved accessible parking spaces please call the vote councilman Cohen I councilman Doyle I councilman fiser yes councilman Jabor yes councilman Pres hi councilman Cano hi councilman Ramos hi councilman Russo hi and council president Gino yes ordinance number six ordinance amending chapter 190-11 to add loading zone to Bloomfield Street at Third Street and modify an existing loading zone on 9th Street please call the vote councilman Cohen I councilman Doyle hi councilwoman fiser yes councilwoman Jabor yes councilman pres Zano hi councilman Tero hi councilman Ramos councilman Russo hi and council president gtino yes before we go I do it was I just didn't feel that it was appropriate earlier but I feel like it's something that we need to do and have another moment of silence for a Hoboken resident um Kevin Tumi he was one of those people that had the ability to just be so kind to everyone and take care of everyone else in the world and uh he was a firefighter he worked for the city of Hoboken and he was just a really really truly kind man amen amen council president if I may if I may just add one more tragic event in the city of Hoboken unfortunately um maryan Kennedy who was the mother of two Hoboken police officers uh the wife of a Hoboken police officer and and so often when we have so many public servants in a family we we we tend to not recognize those that might not necessarily be in the Limelight uh marann was was uh almost like a second mother to me she was my neighbor growing up and um she deserves that respect so I would ask for a moment of silence for her as well amen amen thank you council president motion to close second