e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e for e now and good evening holl and welcome to the what April 25th 2024 meeting of the hallon school committee um we have a few things on the agenda tonight uh but first um it's not as bad I will entertain a motion actually I will entertain a motion to approve the uh consent agenda do that camera move by Amanda second byor rotate perfect thank you and we have no grants or gifts um so we'll move right on to the report of our student Representatives sure so first we'd like to highlight a few past events um from the I believe the week or the week or two before break and then um coming back from break so we had successful um GSA dance so that's the gender and sexuality Alliance dance on April 5th there was a very successful Su successful Cabaret through the performing arts department on the n9th um the freshman and sophomore classes um had the think fast interactive presentation on the 10th of April and then the Juniors and seniors had the same presentation this past Monday and that presentation is regarding substance use and students were very engaged and and um they were it was really well done and so I am very happy that that was um brought to Holliston High um and then the performing arts department also went on a field trip they had a tour of the weighing in Boston and then they watched a performance of the Steven saim musical company and that was the 11th and then lastly many students took this deal of by literacy um and they did testing for that on the week of 48 and this is the second year that students are doing this testing um and it is to get the Seal of B literacy on their diploma upon graduation so that's super exciting sure and coming up um for Deca club we have uh the ICDC Nationals coming up so we will have three teams competing and four leaders which would be 10 students total um and DEA is a business club uh run by Miss Lang our business teacher and has seen a a lot of success in the past few years and we wish all this competing good luck um additionally AP tests will uh start coming May 6th and um we will have a spring play called radium girls next week um Thursday Friday and Saturday and they've been um working very hard and uh we can't wait to see them and then um there is just an outdoor track meet against Norwood where the boys and girls both won and the girl score was 97 to 35 so that was like wow yeah it was very impressive very impressive um and then there are many senior events coming up um as we're approaching the end of the year and then on May 4th there is a bu budd's friendship walk and a Tomorrow there's going to be a best buddies friendship dance in hopkington and also there's going to be a Special Olympics event tomorrow um so we wish the Special Olympics team good luck that's all we have today great thank you very much can I ask a question about what you guys thought of the think you mentioned thinkfest can you tell me a little bit of you did you guys go to it can you tell me a little bit about your experience with it of course yeah um I'm happy to talk so um I actually intered with um Zoe uh who runs hollon drug and alcohol awareness Coalition and um she had mentioned me a while back that in when she was in high school she had this presentation at her school and and it went over like really well with students and I wasn't really sure what to expect and um just a kind of give an idea it was um the students would go in and grab these almost little like clickers and it was a bunch of different it was kind of like Jeopardy game show style and so you answered questions and it was related to substances and substance views but then also there was like pop culture kind of fun music and other type trivia questions um involved and there was a dance battle there was an acting battle and um it was very high energy and there was like fun there was projectors and this whole kind of stage set up and I think you know definitely with high schoolers it can be challenging um to get that um I guess Buy in um but I saw even with the Juniors and seniors during dsb um a lot of energy and enthusiasm and I think I I feel like even you know if one person can get something out of it great but I think way more than one person a large number um we're invested and paying attention and have fun I'm glad to hear that it was so engaging so definitely something we should continue in the next year it's offered yeah it looked very engaging when I stepped into it but I didn't know did you feel like the students gain value from the content to thank you for sharing I appreciate it yeah of course great thanks um so uh moving on to school committee individual comment uh we'll start with U Minnie I'm good thank you come on okay Ed my one to ask a question Amanda I'm okay uh so the only thing I have is I just I heard something I just wanted to clarify at least my my vote last time or a couple times ago we voted on you know 25 26 um algebra and I think that uh I I personally was not we were not talking about algebra one for all I don't know if anyone else uh viewed it that way but I just had heard some concern from parents and and and teachers and I think that would been pretty quick to do an algebra one for for all so um just you're clarifying not for for the 25 26 year what when we voted for for to bring back into the algeb one course offering it was to have a course offering not Al one for all an opportunity aailable for all to do it but that doesn't mean that everyone is going to be we're not going to Cambridge model which is no we're not requiring algebra one for allers offering a full algebra we wanted to have an offering an opportunity okay yeah that right I mean that's what I thought we were vo yeah as an advanced math option a couple parents and some other you know were like so I like I think I don't know about you but Joanie and I we I thought we were hearing it as that it was we wanted Elder one for all students if they could do it and then we might have some a group that maybe couldn't you know there might be so it's an opportunity for for kids but the majority yes okay want to make sure because I was saying the majority I don't want to speak differently so okay yeah I don't think we specified I just said that I think the vote was just we would offer it and then leave the details up to the committee I understand it clearly it is like if there are 20 kids if two want to have algebra one and rest have to have want to have CB1 they are fine it's fine correct what wouldn't be I me if this is an eighth grade it's eth grade and two two kids I me you probably need more than two kids for a class I'm just saying you know we would be offering the other correct it would basically be the honors class like like we us to do in the in before um before times before yes so I I apologize I that's not so I may have been misinforming people as well I was hearing that you wanted it to be an opportunity for all students if to be available for all students but that some students may not be able to do and might have so I I may have imp that it's not a requirement guess right it's going to impact our discussions all next year as we try to plan so it's good to know what you're thinking so I want to make that part of our presentation when we come back about how we're going to get there for the following year sure I think we'd have to do a lot more scaffolding to be at a position where all students would be required to take out Cambridge 5 six years some really long that would be unreasonable to do in one plan does that make sense no and I think that's what our think so our thinking was that our hope is that as many students as possible will get to aler one in year one they'd be doing a modified version we we would be doing we would be proposing a staggered approach right that makes sense but I think we have to get through some of the other pieces too okay um but how how many years until it's actually Algebra 1 so a staggered approach to me means like right now they're doing half of Algebra 1 and then the other half they do as freshman year right so a standard approach means we continue at 50% 60% 70% and if so how long until we're actually offering all of el on no cuz the vote was that we would offer 100 during year correct that is the that is what the teachers understand as well however when it's if some kids have not been exposed in sixth and seventh correct they they're not going to be able to cover as much as what it's going to happen so we're going to have to prioritize well and that's why the the the other part I guess we talking staggering the other part that we didn't I don't think actually technically vote on was to Simply see if the math CRI review team could come or anyone could come up with a way of accelerating some of the standards so pulling forward seven grade standards into six starting this next year so that there'd be more and I thought that's what you wanted Joanie and I to present on before the end of the year is sort of a pacing in how we're going to work with teachers to get there okay we are um Mr off uh chairman on May 1st that is part of the PD that we are looking at standards and how standards can be moved around great in order to make that happen okay and if we think we're prioritizing for those first year of algebra kids is there also going to be a conversation a corresponding conversation with the high school teachers as they come in so like I know we were able in recovery mode for out of the covid hybrid year uh geometry for example added a term and covered some Algebra I mean I guess I would imagine there's be a conversation with high school that's exactly what we want to happen talked about I met with the um Middle School Math teachers the other day to have this conversation and then we want to include the high school teachers as well it they stop be missing and the high school will be present at that may may right they're all doing that May 1st okay great didn't mean to have that much conversation but it's always good to make sure that we're all on the same page um we do not have any official presentations tonight though we do have some sort of mini presentations we go forward with some of the other agenda items policy we have nothing on the agenda so we're good um so we will move forward uh with our central office admin updates there's a lot going on but after coming back from vacation people are getting re acclimated so I just wanted to talk about a couple things that I did this week that obviously kind of the fun part of my day that I don't get too much of but uh yesterday I did have a round table at Miller school and then I had another one at Rams and I have to tell you these kids are awesome I hope more high schoolers will come to my next round table I have't I think just the conflicts and schedules but I'll I'll get a communication out soon cuz they've been pulled in so many directions but um at the Miller School the kids were talking about literacy and how they feel the literacy instruction been going and sharing a lot of feedback and and I feel like they're getting more comfortable and being feeling they're in a safer environment to speak openly which is wonderful and then at Rams I've had some of the same children for I don't know two maybe this might be my third year with them I'm not sure um so we're familiar and they were also very open about talking about some of the things that they think are going well at rims things that they'd like to improve upon we talked about how they get their voices heard and one thing I really I brought me to the high school model with advisory and and teachers working with some of the students and having a platform and I'd like to see if we could come up with a platform for students at the middle school to have a similar model where and they talked about this that maybe they would have an advisor where they could then share some of things that they wanted to work on as a school and have a voice to get those things moving and I think that so that's something I'm going to work on with them in the next upcoming months [Music] great okay I'm good okay uh Dr Mard we have our last professional development Day on May 1st so I will make sure to tell you what happened at our meeting the following day and that's it perfect Mr sorry oh yes so the focus of that this professional development is the math curriculum and something else it will be we I am still awaiting some of the agendas so I don't know all of them yet okay I'll be sending out hopefully tomorrow to all sta um but there is a lot of sharing of I mean like World Language is going to get together you math is getting together at all levels I mean so there are a lot of meetings at all levels and nurses are getting together on their own paers are having training okay I'll get you more details so on a second okay everyone good all right all right just so I can point to you for to look um what's contained in your packet and also in paper in old school little bit um is is some information about enrollment just kind of a preview of where we are enrollment wise right now um the reason we felt it was important to do this is just because there's a significant issue or situation um with our kindergarten enrollment which is um been here for a few years as many of you know and currently we're our enrollments right now at 119 students which um if you can scroll down a little bit Dr um thank you thank you you know we're looking at you know the last six years or so of history or 7 years of History 173 94 now while it's lower than it has been when we had our old again our when I first started here we were around 250 per grade that very quickly down to about 225 210 and now you know we've been looking in the in the high 100s but this is 119 and at the same time of those last years or is that's the total this is the October 1st rep so what I did was um for this piece I took out the school choice number so that's actually the actual hin enrollment so I'm comparing Apples to Apples okay um not time frame wise but again if you go up just a hair you'll see that these 15 kids these 15 students students um they're on the census but haven't registered yet what can happen there is they've moved away and they we just can't have approved that yet they may not have told us yet they're coming or not coming could beginning of last week that number was at 20 or the end of the week before she said that of 20 a number of two students enrolled and three others said they're not coming so it's it's that's the sort of typical Pace we get from that but so if we picked up every one of those students plus movein over the summer I mean with everyone those students we get to 134 movein over the summer the number has been as low as seven or eight I think at one point as high as 40 but it's not 40 anymore since we've been tracking them down much tighter so we haven't had a big number in a long time so could this could this number not this number could this number go up by maybe 20 I have 18 right now is my projection so um so this is kind of where we're sitting right now and just for anyone at home so 2020 and 2021 would you say sort of safer to sort of average those almost if you will because there were some parents that probably kept their kids a year if they were if they were close due to co and things like that I didn't think we had a lot of kids that were older that for that year though I we had a really big cohort and I didn't think that was an as much of an age issue I I don't think it was an age issue wise and if you hold back for a year um you may be going to first grade always autom you're not coming here and and truthfully the reason that most parents choose not to come here in their kindergarten year is because they want a fuller longer day program and not that a full day isn't enough but since kindergarten is not mandatory um you know they need they need they want to put their child in a place of 7 in the morning till 6:00 at night and if that's the case you know while they could do extended day they may want to keep them in one facility you know through that that t they may that may have been their dayare facility so they know the people there there's a lot of reasons why they choose not to come if you recall that's the year that I did the proposal to get them funding and SED with Opera to get um full dayk in and that's the number we had that actually helped us financially with the town because the Chapter 70 funds came in at a $600,000 increase because we had that high number so that was a good year to have that high number sure and what we're doing now so that that's when we at that time we did have to add more kindergarten teachers and then now they've gone up we've had to move the teachers for that reason but that same bubble will go over to um Miller this coming year so we'll be shifting teachers as a result we do this every year anyhow we look at where the needs are and we shift related to that so that's an unusual bubble for us but this is also um much lower than than we're seeing at this time of year with the hope that it's still a little early we'll come back to you again and and have this conversation and see where we are in maybe a few weeks right well this is not we're not done with this yet so if you scroll down a little further [Music] please okay so go that way be a page too so basically this is the way that I always look at at enrollments which is our current enrollments by program and grade um which gives us our sections our average class size ranges um and then my projections my projections are rolling the children forward and adding a 5-year attrition rate factor of of either new kids coming in or or students leaving it just again use a fiveyear thing because you go back too far it's just it's too it gets weird because especially because it's a uh full dayk piece but it also gets weird with high school high school has had some big fluctuations this 5year perer is actually fairly steady um the two ones that are in whatever color that that is that I chose that's just show we have a second grade teacher we went from 8 to 7 and then 6 to 7 based on that bubble that Dr Kuser was talking about so um again you'll see if you just look through your sheet we don't have to see it all up here but you look through your sheet you'll see where the enrollments are um with regards to the entire um all the grades and I also do want to say at Miller um when we add this additional third grade teach or shift a third grade position over um we're maxed out for space at at Miller School right now we have 30 we have 30 um General like classrooms in the building we'll be using 30 General like classrooms for for next year for Miller so we don't have space to add another section um so if we add another section that teacher a mider teacher would be located in a different building so um if you scroll down a little further down this side here you'll see I do the enrollment by grade over the last two years so you just see the fluctuation again that that's not the 119 number that's with by projection of additional bodies in it so okay moving on and just oh sorry no I mean just so what are we seeing Statewide I mean I know that there's some I mean this is this is a pretty significant yes it is um what we're seeing Statewide is many and I mean many I won't say most but I'll say say many districts are seeing reductions and and in some cases severe reductions the inner city or this more suburb Urban there we go more urban schools are not seeing that currently um from uh you know from reports out to the business administrators um it's it's a Suburban thing and if there was an article in the globe was it maybe two weeks ago or 3 weeks ago talking about the number of working age adults leaving Massachusetts working age adults have school age children correct and so this is this is that piece that you know this is a follow on to that that that people are you know adults are leaving Massachusetts as well yeah right the housing you know the housing price and we know in all of our suburbs are increasing and there's not a lot of stuff on the market as and people having less children they're not having one or two kids are not having six and and the birth and again many people are not I know people don't like it when I say this but I do track birth rates not personally but and so um you hang in there Dan um but again the the birth rate year-over-year was actually down 16 this year so that is a component of it as well and is some of this also just I mean got to be a holl specific to some degree right is it we're not turning over housing stock we not turning over housing stock um we don't have new builds going up you we've talked about Dan's talked about the the fact that new growth is not going to be high this year um you know the the you know they've talked about how there's no more raw land to be you know building on so there's there's a lot of reasons why this is kind of a little bit of a spiral right now and the question for us going forward will what is the kind of new Norm for our grade size historically we've had Peaks and valleys if you looked I have I have enrollment data going back till mid99s but you'll see Peaks and valleys where some grades we've had as high as like 280 290 you know and this is our new low um but you know again you have a wide variation it's just that at this point in time with with empty nesters not leaving with with with housing sty where else are they going to go there's no like there's no affordable senior housing for them to go into here commun are more expensive than the houses they own right now exactly so like how are they supposed to have turnover of single family homes for have to not St sorry I'm we don't we don't have the ability to get census beyond the kindergarten right do we have preschool census we do have preschool census how do so how does the 2026 have not extensively at that the census for that and way back when when we were talking about possibly having span 10 years ago about um the data was very unreliable with regards to the children who were coming here so because again it's outside of having mandatory prek um you know it's it's that data just did not there were so many kids that were missing parents just don't report their kids all the time or don't report so it's a year old census it's not census from yesterday so yeah um so we go down a little further oh sorry you were went that sorry go back up sorry so school choice interest um in order to try to combat this a little bit we extended the deadline for school choice from the 15th of of April to the 30th of April advertised it just trying to see what we could get um it did create a couple of more bodies not a ton um but what we have right now so if you just screw up like a quarter of a page you're up you're up is my down down you want me to go down y AB Castello right now tell me you want me that's good so right now right now if you look um for for our three kindergarten programs we have those numbers we actually have a per a family that um moved here from France or possibly moving here from France who's applied so we would have the child tested but there our French ersion program in first grade and we do have space so that could likely happen you know fourth fifth sixth again sixth is one of our high ones not as high as I normally but 9th 16 um and through the high school so a total of 72 seats which is actually more than the last couple of years so's a lot of interest to coming to H especially at the high school level especially at the high school level you know the high school's a little richer in bodies than normal they must they must Afra we we're looking at the schedule do you want the new page um so have you go down for the next one this one yeah so what I basically did here was just quickly put the enrollment um if I added every school to's child what the new enrollment would be and then just could put a class size down when I normally do my school choice presentation to you I will show you how that school choice actually reduces class size because again we get all these students if I took them all out I'm going to lose X number of teaching staff which raises class size so the way we manage school choice um is an effective way to actually reduce class size even though it does not always seem intuitively that way so but that's that's a that's a presentation for you either probably not maybe next week who knows and even though the ninth grade has school choice interest of 16 that really only brings it to 218 which is historically pretty low it's not it's not a huge class for high school correct I mean our high school classes they hover around 200 it's it's been in the 2 to 220 range so it's not it's not pushing us out of bounds in any way share perform correct and again just I will say this in another week or so um the the uh high school has the lowest rate of of of acceptances with regards to we open up 20 seats 10 kids are going to come right you know kindergarten has the highest rate you know parents sometimes use school choice as a weapon you know they get their kids to do certain things it just happens so um [Music] but any other questions I took them in real time but great thank you thank you all right well let's uh Che on um moving on to that was it for you Mr rud I'm done on on May uh 2nd could we get an updated sort of um budget uh yeah I was trying to do it for this meeting it just this was a kind of a crazy week to say the least so yeah there been a few things going on okay thanks um no Personnel so we're moving on to reports of subcommittees communications um we do not have a report we have not met policy um I don't think I scheduled the meeting last time we met we'll be meeting again next month we met we have a bunch of things we went through a bunch of policies last time so okay we'll have some more forth coming budget uh we had a meeting before April vacation we at this point don't have anything scheduled for next week but by next week we'll be able to report on our um our next [Music] budget and then Super eil so we had a meeting today um we discussed and made plans for our next steps and then we have the next meeting is on May 1st at 8:30 Wednesday um on zoom and then on Thursday as well which is May 2nd from 5 to 7 [Music] just you're not posted yet for May 1st no no no we are still you know you just decided that today okay I'm just were running out out of the um okay great um so the 2023 2024 this is this school Year's calendar right we had one inclement weather day um so instead of ending on the 14th we be ending on the 17th which carries over to the week which is a Monday which is a Monday just wanted to be clear about what that was it sure is that was a great snow though we will have to uh change that to the 17th with your vot okay um since we don't really have any discretion over this anyway uh I want entertain a motion to set the new last day of school to be June 17th of 2024 V second all in favor carries unanimously can I ask a question I mean it's it's sort of calendar related um graduation I probably should ask this before are we doing graduation at 10:00 a.m. yes again Indo outdoor what are we doing this time he let eled to do it outdoor I believe I think so yes we're doing outdoor it's at 10: a.m. on Sunday yes okay and it's Sunday June 2nd y it's always the first June first Sunday although we've had some discussion about doing it on a Friday night something I personally think Thursday night or Friday night I mean people want to have their Gatherings on the weekend Sunday's tough for families at work the next day but Saturday because some of the religious organizations didn't want that either so no perfect time but I don't know I think in the future we may want to think about it Thursday or Friday right well I know we used to have it on Sunday afternoons but it just got so unbearably hot was ridiculous that was so hot yeah 20 best decision I think I made that all right thank you for confirming that just wanted to make sure okay um so we're we're continuing on with our fiscal year 2025 budget discussion as we talked about uh we we are going to have we do have a budget Gap that we're working to close and so as a as a a start to to that um Dr kuska has an update for us on um an organizational up change that she's proposing or making sure so um I've met multiple times with Mr B and Dr manard and our principals and central Office Team and we know we have two things going on we just shared with you we have some enrollment shifts that are happening um and that might lead to some changes just related on enrollment um and then on top of that we have a year where we know that we're not going to be able to make the number um that we that the towns not going to be able to meet the number that you proposed for the budget so we've been working and crunching as much as possible to see what we can do on our end to see are there positions that we can shift um or reduce as people retire and things like that are happening so right now um we have an a really strong plan that we're working on with the principles and Mr Bay and we have identified six positions that we would be able to reduce that will not negatively impact student class size so we're really trying to make sure that we're not increasing class size as a result of any shifts but the if we if we do make those six um changes what would happen is we would have approximately $400,000 um offset that would allow us to then get closer to the the number that we propos for our needs for next year okay but was this did you also have an update on the yes I was going to do that par fro so I'm not I can't discuss the shifts yet but we'll have more on that later and then um part two of that is I've also heard um lots of feedback since we implemented the curriculum coordination rol in the past couple years and we've listened to what might be the best way um in a perfect world adding more people that can do this work would be ideal but we're not in a position to do so so I've met again with the principls and central office and we really looked at what would be the best we can do given the budgetary constraints but also not giving up on teaching and learning and we made some real momentum um we want to make sure that we do have work happening that we have people that can coach teachers and help them um Implement some of the modeling in classrooms and help them work on units and instructions so we want to keep the curriculum specialist roles in place but in a different way I also heard especially with this new math change that we're proposing that there's going to be a need for students to have more support So tier two and tier tier two and tier three interventions so what we're proposing is that instead of our current model we have a k to2 curriculum coordinator for stem and we have one for humanities and we have one four World languages and and unified Arts I do think we should keep the K to 12 ccum coordinator for unified arts and moral language in place because we need someone that can manage and support those people in all buildings but I have um proposed to change the model we will keep the model pretty close to it as it is with the same three positions at the elementary school currently we have a prek-2 literacy Specialists or is it called Humanities I believe Specialists 3 to five um Humanity Specialists and we also have a currently a prek-5 math role that I I'm looking to see what we can do more with that but at the middle school we have a fulltime interventionist role that's really working directly with our tier two and three students and then we also have a full-time General curriculum Specialists so thinking of all the changes to come we're taking those two Middle School roles and we're going to change those to um one of them is going to be a curriculum specialist that is for humanities and interventionist so those work with kids part of the day and they'll also work with teachers and go into classroom supporting teachers with modeling instruction and um teaching and learning and similarly we'll have the other Position will become the stem curriculum specialist interventionist role so I feel like that's a good model that we're still getting support for teachers in this model but also having people that can work directly with students and more content specific than we have currently similar we want to follow that model through at the high school currently they don't have people that are dedicated full-time in the building for that n work so we're going to do that same model the high school we're going to put together so it would be a 9 to 12 Humanities curriculum specialist SL interventionist so again working with children but also working with staff and the same 9 to 12 stem curriculum specialist interventionist so overall it would be 1.0 less FTE in the curriculum piece because we're putting in that intervention role so it's the same amount of people but they're um more working with students than working before did you would be did you want to share the the or chart that yes I forgot that I I'll put that in your packet we find that I do think did you send that to everyone would just to the budget team okay just just pull that up you did but I don't have H in this file let's see [Music] second try in someone's in the waiting room it is see I have it up but no [Music] so here is a change I'm going to walk you through see the blue here can you CL when you do that can you clarify which ones they're like it's a 1.0 versus and then it did looks like you did it on part of it but not all of it so I'm not really sure so right now if you look at the blue this is what um we have currently pre 12 plus stem and Humanities coordinators that work districtwide and they pulled into four buildings so we're going to take those two rolls and slide them into the 9 to 12 stem curriculum intervention specialist so they really half of we're taking half of that to make the curriculum piece and then we're going to have half of that be a teaching role and then same with the humanity so they'll just be at the high school and the two positions we currently have at the middle school that are the separate rols one interventionist one curriculum specialist is sliding over that they're going to be half and half to really me it's a 5.5 yes and it may not be as clean as that right but they're basically they full-time in the building to be able to fit into student schedules and teacher schedules okay so that's and then you see in the pink there that's where we're keeping that role the same because we still need someone that can be um did um the current curriculum coordinator there is doing a ton of work with World languages right now and and really making a lot of movement in that area so that makes sense to keep that role as is it's really time to provide that alignment again and that consistency and getting that support for both students and teachers can you explain the arrows that are going both ways yes that's really just showing that overall we we have because now we're going to be having right now Joanie oversees people that are in four different buildings right these three curriculum coordinator roles but they're now they're going to be specific to each building so they're going to be hous in one building two people in the high school two people in the Middle School the three people at the elementary school so they will have direct oversight by principals but they're going to have less contact overall with one another so we still need to have that districtwide lens where Joanie will still be directly supervising them along with the principles and that's why they go back and forth that make sense yes my model might not work for I know I'm like I'm not sure if that how I would do that or chart differently but I know there's many different ways you could do yeah okay what do people think I mean I think it's a Evolution that uh that seems to make sense yeah um we we probably don't have to vote on this but we did vote on the curriculum coordinators do I mean do we and there is a budgetary impact here do we do we want to take a vote to support this and or yeah I would agree with that so then I'll make a motion to support the the um proposed reconstruction of the curriculum instruction for 2024 25 school year second nobody wants a second second like you're causing Confusion And Delay let's go all right all those uh in favor is that unanimous okay okay so that's unanimous so thank you um I think it's a good you know way to potentially move things forward and we'll see how that that uh that goes I know you've F some more work too sort operationally behind the scenes yeah I think what I'm hoping though is this will help us with this transition to the changes in math as well especially with new implementation of curriculum to have people that are dedicated to the building that can dive in and support staff will be great so um we're good with that I'm good thank you um so next up is is I put on here but is no longer necessary um because the so the select board uh voted last night to put a warrant article on the warrant rather than the creation of a stabilization fund I guess there was still some concern sort of on the long-term guard rails around that so the there's still a going to be a warrant article on the town meeting warrant for $750,000 to help uh offset our increase in special education costs um but the the the way it's being set up is sort of one time in nature and not recurring so we don't need a policy or they don't need a policy it was a little bit interesting that they came to the school committee to create a financial policy that's why I emailed you going why are that's we don't make Town policies today make poliy correct but they asked where I I supplied it and um but we don't need it now I think that there did seem to be some some openness to reconsidering in October for something to for for longer term I do think it makes sense to sort of build up a fund so that we don't have to hit the general stabilization account given that that has implications with Bond ratings and with just sort of overall fiscal um responsibility um but I think the important thing is that they at least did support the funding uh so next week the uh the finance committee will be taking that up I'll be attending that meeting to make sure they have any questions answered so hopefully we can get their support for it um but we don't did we miss another email that because the last email I saw was read over this draft policy was there another subsequent email that came out I I I was sending you guys a lot of emails I didn't send another one today just uh I heard about like at 930 last night and then got caught up in a whole bunch of things no you did not miss an email I okay but they just decided that whatever that wording is not going to use or cuz they requested wording but now they're saying they don't want the wording I'm confused sorry so they decided they didn't want to create the the stabilization account oh so like just scrapping it entirely so scrapping the stabilization account entirely and what there is is a warrant article is a warant arle appropriation taking money from got lost yeah sorry it's taking 750 from General stabilization and essentially appropriating into a war article almost like a capital article but then he or his okay can charge against for one time supplemental sure okay but but it won't increase our budget got it yes I get it okay so as there a thought about putting that as a creating a town policy around that for the fall town meeting using some other best practices I'm we're not the only town that has one of these so I just feel like most towns create them under a separate section of that was created under the massachus municipal modernization act that is really it's not really a stabilization account it's a reserve fund so it would be used if you had uh unexpected increases Trier during the year when it would happen but but it's during the years you can't really what what we need now is something that we we're budgeting off of right that's true so this is why for us it made sense to to to create a stabilization as a as a general special purpose stabilization account rather than the so like hington has a has has this and they that is the one under and and that requires the school committee to vote to request the money in the select were to sign off on it right this would be a town meeting vote the one that we that we had been discussing would have been requireed a town meeting vote yeah but now we don't need a town meeting vote Keith or his successor can just send the the bills to the accountant once it's approved by town meeting right okay thank you y any more questions about [Music] that um newsletter no news um so um let me just [Music] see Christen Melissa do we do we want to wait for for Mark um yeah Mark's supposed to be coming so okay we can just give him a few minut be soon yep we are running out of of run things but running of SCH we are of iock running a of SCH shockingly no this is this is my life goal is to run ahead of schedule and I actually haven't announced it yet but yes we are well ahead of schedule we're 27 minutes ahe is over proud sooud well we can Skip and go to the next one we are we're going to but uh I just I I didn't know if they were for Mar okay we'll wait for Mark so so we'll just skip right on to to the next uh very popular topic so we um received an email from from Resident Mari lamb uh requesting uh that we fly the Israeli flag for Jewish American heritage month which is which is May um you know in the letter he had uh specifically stated uh that he believed that there was had been a request to fly the uh transgender visibility flag uh for for transgender visibility day um and so I think that it's important you know there's a lot of things going on the town has just created a new policy there was a the shirtliff case which is the Supreme Court case um and so I'd like to just you know turns over to Dr Custer to explain sort of how the uh that that flag came to be flown and um give a little more color on that sure so since I've been here um it's been a practice that we've been flying the C pride flag for the last few years and I don't know get predates speak HEI I believe at least a couple years so every June we do have the GSA goes out and flies the flag up on the flag pole here at the high school and typically at the other schools they don't have a second they don't do it on the flag pole they put them on the building so kind it's been a practice of us to support with safe and support of schools our pride um flag process and recently we've had some discussion about the transgender flag and whether we should be having that on the schools as well my understanding is we've had that inside Rams for the last I don't know how many years that's been something and we've never flown them on the flag pole before but this year because there was interest um I met with the principles and said is this something we want to consider and they were very enthusiastic about having that for our students because as you know there's been a lot of um challenges in other parts of the country with some of these populations and really making sure that our students feel safe is important was important to us so we did put them up um over that weekend um I think it was around right before April 1 they just were on the outside of the building at the placentino Miller and middle school and then at the high school I believe the GSA like they did with the pride flag went out and flew the flag as well so again I think it's a good practice for us and it is in tune with things that we've already done in the past but it's really kind of something that the administration and I thought this would be a good practice given the climate right now and the support for our students so so just to clarify though while there may have been members of the community who were proponents of this at the end of the day this was a decision made by you and your administrative team to to to fly to fly the flight yes some people had mentioned to me they asked me do we do and I I have to really check I hav you know I hadn't thought about it so I that's when I met with the principal say have you been doing this and some of them indicated that they've already had them inside and they would like to do them outside and then I I was also hearing that some of our students were interested but didn't really want to come forward because a it can be um an unsafe environment to come forward sometimes so I think our students probably would agree that high school students are were a supporter of that as well correct yes so I have a question now um are there any specifics that we assign to flags for example would you say that a pride flag would be a value flag and as opposed to say a religious flag or a country flag I don't know that I'm really the person I mean that's probably more of a legal question that I really don't more to look into on that issue but I think certainly we we as a committee wanted to get a better understanding and I think some of us were aware of the you know with the pride flag and the more and other flags originating the student interest within our community which is a little bit different than um like an outside third party but I think I think it's the beginning of a discussion and I think we're in a place where we have um another meting meeting as soon as next week so I I think um I think you know this is really just come up for most of the committee's consideration um but I think it's part of an ongoing discussion and and um maybe touching base with Dr Cusco with some additional questions that we bring it up for discussion again next week I mean there there a lot of uh all most many communities are going through this um we uh just given the the the separation between the schools and the towns the town when they set their policy car carv this out which you think was appropriate uh but you know essentially this shirli supreme court case said that you know there's a difference between government speech and and and you know free free speech or public speech and so what Boston had done is basically allow everybody to fly the flag on the flag pole and so the Supreme Court said well basically you made that a public speech you made that sort of almost like a a public open space so when they denied another group it was then you were denying sort of free speech I think what's important here to not is that well there may have been people that were were proponents of this ultimately it was a decision made by the administration and so ultimately flying this flag or hanging his flag was still a um was still an AC of government speech of the school department you know making a decision to to fly it not we weren't opening the schools up open not the and since I've been here I've never actually had a formal request to fly anything the only thing was um the pride flag has come up as June because of the celebration and that was preexisting for long long time so um what I think you know like and you know obviously uh Cy you can decide whether you want to do this or not but I think maybe it is time to start looking at different policies and seeing if we want to adopt the policy I think it should rely heavily on the administration you know making these decisions but I think we do want to just protect ourselves you know I I think that uh that that Marty's you know request um while you know it it it I think it's the beginning of of of the conversation and I think we be scheduling a policy meeting and then we can start to put to my knowledge though I don't think we've ever flown a flag from another country there was some you know that we put raised the Ukrainian flag I don't so I don't believe I around I but we need to find out we need to find out a little bit more about all of those aspects right I mean I think we've had a lot of the flags inside the high school correct and also at Rams I believe there's a lot of of celebrating and that's all just for multiculturalism that we put out like the flags of but we those are not flown in the flag those are just in in the building but they're just kind of like you know around the interior and I just think like well I think flying it outside of the school because obviously the the the trans visibility day flag um was not actually on the flag P it was still on it was on the school just like the pride flag had been on the town hall building rather than but it's it's it it doesn't the flag pole is is it doesn't need to be on the flag pole to sort of still fall under this I think we need some additional information addition discussion so I think I you know we I I put on here because uh I I've been having conversations about that wouldn't sort of surprise the community by making any sort of decisions that we weren't going to vote on this tonight we don't have a policy around it at all I don't right but I mean we could still I [Music] think but I think that we don't want to start taking applications if you will to from the general public from the general public I think we should be doing that so I I'll work uh we may essentially need to put together some sort of memo I don't know if andyw needs to to be involved just to to to make it clear you know sort of where what our position is and then we can look to to setting a policy or something at a later date um I just think I wonder if offering or I don't know if um if Marty lamb had reached out to the town about flying it at Blair square or something like that that's like a place of public discourse and that I did not actually ask but but that would have an application for you people to request that I think the biggest thing it was a I don't know whether it would be denied or accepted I'm just saying like that's a place for it seemed like there was a misunderstanding that we have had a policy and in a practice that we happen I think there's a there's a disconnect between a school committee policy versus the town's policy so so I'll work to to to get back to to him and and um okay well I me I can put it on my agenda for May but it's not going to be until like you know we'll the summer no I know and well the other thingo you know we've got it's we won't be right it won't be in time for this may and if time for this may then we take our time we've got new members join I you know it's going to be a long sort of so yes you can begin to think of some of the questions and and there's some examples out there that no I know there are yeah um I know fra when we talked about Framingham yeah Framingham has like has the most detailed um policy out there there's most of the flag policies that other schools have are very just limited to the American flag being in a class right yeah they don't talk about even their outside well then what what do we need to address at the same time you know uh flying of different flags in a classroom you know I mean I I should start looking at various districts policies and ideally we we get into as little of that as possible but you know just so you know masc has no guidance on this whatsoever so it's does that anybody it's this is definitely they shouldn't I would urge them to because it uh yeah there's a lot I'm just saying doesn't exist so there's long ways to go tackling this lot of colleges tackling this issue too um so why don't um hopefully this can be [Music] um all right um so with with uh Mark and and Co here now um we've had a uh request uh from from where's my do we have the school naming policy up too so Theo but we we've had a request from Parks and Rec to consider naming the uh High School baseball field in honor of Bob nem uh Bob recently announced that he would be leaving the department after years of uh many years I don't actually have the the exact number but many years of incredible service to to the town and the schools um just you know for those that don't know uh Bob has sort of worked for the schools in some ways because we we pay a quarter of his his his salary um sorry okay um and through a job sharing arrangement with the highway department he he wants to make sure the highway department is not the DPW Department um and uh he's also been has been on the Miller building committee as well as I think some other building committees for for the schools so uh in addition he was a a Parks commissioner for for a number of years uh hollison Pantry Shelf board member and is one of the first people to be selected by celebrate hollison is in the year um so he's had a lot of dedication to the town so I think it's this is an appropriate request to to consider um in addition in your packet uh I emailed some that came in later but I put them all into your packet we've received at least 14 um letters of support from members of the community uh including uh one from from a former Town Administrator a former select board member the chair of the finance committee as well as several current and former Parks Commissioners um we've also received a letter of support from holl's current athletic director um as well as other you know past presidents of hollon Youth Football uh long-term member of of Youth Baseball Softball and and Haba and uh other um Parks Commissioners who have been involved and have had um uh their kids play on the VAR City baseball team um we also have gotten a couple letters um expressing some support for for for Bob but then also some concern about past Decisions by previous School committees not to name uh the field after uh very a longtime uh coach of the of the um varsity baseball team coach uh krupnik so I think that uh we want to start the conversation tonight um we'll look at our policy um sort of gauge what people are thinking and then um look at some options and can kind of maybe probably continue the conversation next week unless people have a strong view of of voting on that tonight um we're definitely meeting next week I'm sorry I'm getting off right now we're pretty much meeting weekly through the 16th um hopefully maybe not the 16th but um actually the 16th and then the 23rd for the four of us that will still be here but we'll work on keeping them short minimum as possible but um why don't we have few remainings that really be off uh you're leaving time done for you on that one so um do you you guys either want to come up here or we I don't want to K the student Representatives off so maybe you can come just you need to hit we need you in a microphone yeah oh come on there room at the table for [Music] everybody so thank you guys for having us here uh we appreciate you hearing this on sort of short notice I just brought it to Don and initially uh I don't know 10 14 days ago um and uh you know we think that the timing is right to honor Bob um you know just given his years of just incredibly dedicated service specifically to facilitating Sports of all different kinds in town here um you know nobody put in more work both on Town time and on their own time to um you know just make sure that people had the safest best possible Fields out here um he took so much just sort of on himself and he's really received very little recognition um I know that he has you mentioned the things that he that the town has recognized but uh for the amount of time that he has put in to these different uh you know really important aspects of the athletic Community um you know I I think that this is the least that we can do to um you know honor him honor his family some sort of a um you know long-term salute to just the years and countless hours that he put into um you know making sure that everything was um the the best that it could be in some pretty lean times here in hollon so um he made he made a lot happen with um few resources and um you know we uh as a commission and as you saw from all those letters of support as a community um you know I think you know we certainly owe something to Bob and I feel like this would be a fitting tribute to him so and in terms of timing um I don't know how many of you have seen the new back stop project that happened with the baseball field so it it somewhat aligns with you know um as you said him stepping away and now we kind of have this great new um up renovate update space and we feel like you know this is an appropriate time to be putting a name on that space versus just the the you know High School baseball field so that's where a a bit of the timing where the stars aligned of like all right now now's the perfect time um because we are doing a a ceremony you know opening I think on May f for that field maybe maybe I was the meeting last um Fields open but um you know they're using it already and it looks beautiful and it was kind of a joint it was like a parks and schools you know coming together kind of project which is um I think really in the spirit of how Bob handled things was kind of bringing different aspects of the Town athletic Community together to get things done so um we think it's it's a fitting way to do it um I had written in my letter I had looked up the policy um just to you know make sure like cuz there's a lot of people that's you know you can do a lot of great things and naming but why is this fitting and you know and looking at being um staff or member of a school building committee which he's both you know working for the schools and then also being on um the school building committees twice I believe and also the property should be appropriate named appropriate to the person it's honoring and it's like well here's a field that he has spent countless hours on and he has maintained all the fields and um when we look at the history of our field maintenance we had the highway department but Bob was the main person working for Highway schools and parks and with the new DPW we've greatly expanded our um outdoor field maintenance crew and now we have multiple people and we're hoping to add to that but for countless decades it was you know it was Bob there were other Highway people there obviously offering support but he was it he was the field guy anyone knows if they ever had a kid in you sports like those phone calls that came in like can't use the fields today or this is happening or you forgot to remove the you know goals from the field so that we can mow that was Bob behind the scenes you know 247 some people may not have liked the midnight text but it goes to the dedication of this man has put in countless hours and Beyond the schools he's just somebody that I feel like should be honored um with his dedication to hcat to the food pantry um he's he's just everywhere all at once so I feel like that's the type of person you know that's volunteering in all aspects of the community and there's no better way to honor him than to like have his name on something as as Ken wrote in his his uh letter uh you know you're a time meeting when when when Bob is looming over the finance Comm yes with this camera this camera these show yes did you guys have questions I didn't have any questions I just I know you spoke on the on the park side of it of the 14 letters we received um you know the fruit Pantry letter was was compelling but I also just wanted to bring to light you know the the DPW and um on behalf of the schools the athletic director so if we can just so um kind of understand some of the the letters that we've re some of the 14 letters we've received um I'm honored to write this letter in support of naming the hollon High School baseball field after a longtime Town employee and Resident Bob Mt Bob's devoted over 25 years as an employee and many years before that as a volunteer his dedication and commitment to the town schools and our Athletic program has been immeasurable over the years it's not often you find someone who is willing to go above and beyond in the manner that Bob does whether it is prepping the baseball or softball fields for an afternoon game after a last minute rain shower or shoveling down steps and walkways Bob can always be counted on no matter the task I always know how to find Bob by where his green truck is head to a field lip first truck and you will see Bob lining or painting a field dragging an infield or just making sure the fields are ready for our hman athletes from high school down to youth Bob is meticulous in his planning as evidenced by the notebook in his truck with all the town field dimensions and nuances written down he is an asset to the town and someone I've relied on almost gily during my years as athletic director as hon High School through rain slid or snow Bob is one phone call away always ready with a plan to get our teams outside as quickly as possible and thinking specifically about the baseball field Bob's commitment goes beyond taking care of and prepping the field he spent countless hours there volunteering and watching his own kids play he takes tremendous pride in our facilities and cares about making them something the community of Hollen can be proud of I cannot think of someone more deserving of this honor than him respectfully Matt Baker hon High School athletic director just one more and I know we've received many but um from Deputy uh DP uh W director Robert Walker I was told of the renovation of the hall from High School baseball field that they want to name the field after Bob nit as we all know Bob spends a lot of time making sure all the fields in town are ready for all the different sports groups Bob also donates a lot of his time to the parks department food pantry and other organizations and events in town I worked with Bob for the last 18 years not only is Bob a dedicated employee but he's also a great friend this town should feel lucky to have an employee like B with that said I'm very much in support of the High School baseball field being named after [Music] ProVet I I found all of these letters just so moving about his commitment to community and that everyone wants to come together to name something after him was really moving to me so thank you for bringing it forward he would hate that we're all I I want that on the permanent record when he watches this happy but that's just like he wants you know right but in a time where I feel like we've lost sense a little bit of that I think refocusing our energy back on something like this is very inspiring to see his [Music] story and if we have any additional questions next week we should we okay we can reach out to Mark or if anybody has any followup on it we do meet again next Thursday as right so we do we had choices we we could vote on it tonight um to be clear if we're voting on it we we will also uh have to vote to wave our policy for the six-month um waiting perod we have to you know wave just that aspect of the policy I suppose correct just that ASP but we um but and I think that that's put in place just to make sure that you know the due diligence is done but I think that uh right two DS on Bob is is probably not not not necessary so I think that that's a more than than uh appropriate but do we think it's should we give the community a week to sort of yeah we're going to we're going to meet next week yeah I'm comfortable doing that so that we can make sure that we're would that work for for you guys if we just kind of you know and if people have questions individually that you want to if you want clarification on anything you can reach out to me directly certainly over the next week beforehand too so yeah I think that it's makes a lot of sense but I think also just you know we don't want to Spring anything on the community think some of these things are it's good to just get out there and let percolate and um the we move forward we'll be back next week yeah thank you very thank you so much so much for [Music] coming um so the last thing on our agenda tonight is a discussion and decision about s setting either setting up making a recommendation to Dr Kusa about uh you know setting up a committee um to search committee for uh Keith's replacement I still think it's an April 1 Fool's joke but uh um um so when you say appointing and you mean like for the hiring process cuz we haven't we haven't selected anybody yet correct for the process to I'm like well to make a recommendation or one or multiple people to Dr kusco to then put forward to us right because we have to have a contract with whoever the business correct you V right we we haven't um had to do this we haven't had to do that ever ever thanks like our whole lives it feels like so we need so I think it's better Dr will set up the hiring committee but we going to um kind of get a feel for what this is make a recommendation on what we'd like to see for it and I think um like the who should be on it who should be on it and is there likely some principal interest that where I think I have one already um so I had I had proposed and I that I would put I think it would be good to have the student services director because as you know with circuit breaker how often is she working with you on transportation and finances and special Edge so that's a very important role I also think the director technology considering how much we do spend depend on technology this that's also a role that works very closely with Keith um I I would like to try to get two principles but given there's only four and there's a lot going on we trying to get this done quickly um at least one but I've reached out to them and I think I at least have one interested already um I thought it would be a good idea to have the Town Administrator on it just because we've had a very good collaborative working relationship and sometimes Keith or I have sat on hiring for the position so I really think that I wouldn't have said that in every town that I've worked in but in this town I do think that's a really critical role to work collabortive together and I want to start on the right foot with a new person coming in as well two School commity members would be a good idea as well and then um I know that there was a there's a thought that maybe it would be great if Keith is willing to sit on the committee and he wouldn't be the running the committee that it can be very intimidating for someone coming in but I don't think it would I be a good idea to have Keith have input into the process of be receiving on that committee definitely I normally haven't had a teacher but I'm not opposed to that if we wanted to have one teacher on there I mean just because I don't know typically the teachers aren't working that closely with um this role just because it's you know central office and not as visible in the building but Keith has been here so long so I think some of our teachers do have more visibility into his role normally that's probably not true in other districts I've been but one teacher we could see if anyone's interested and then I thought it would be also good if um we offered um one seat to someone in Keith's direct Department he has three three people that work directly in um central office underneath his role which is um our payroll super payroll analyst please be a tell me the titles of each it's our it's the district's bookkeeper the the HR analyst um for payroll and uh Kim's the office assistant so so I would like to see if we could offer one of those three Rs see if any one of them want to be part of that because they work so closely with Keith as well processing all the payments and so forth I strongly insort of having um ke be part of it if he's willing and also um someone within a staff I I do like the idea of a teacher representative on it I know they don't may not work as closely with his role but in the same sense that I think like when you're doing the super search or assistant superintendent curriculum search I think it's still um an important voice to department so that'll be 10 if all St so I think that's not an unfeasible to work with what about a parent parents I know that we generally on hiring do I've never had it for this role just because they don't they're not visible to parents in the same way but and honestly and I've hired it was business manager my previous but we had a lot of changes and I think I hired four or five in my time there and we typically had even a smaller committee than this which I'm not I think this is a good committee but I don't know that a parent would really I I don't know have you had that no I've never I I haven't seen that either here or other districts not okay I mean I my search commun had had 17 people so um all internal though law internal is all administrators and um Carol white was the last one standing from that committee so the Model T or after things before dinosaurs and we are trying to get right now um you know we don't have a ton of candidates but we have a a solid number to interview um viable number and I think um if we could get it started the week of what do we say the the next the yeah and try to get see if at least one night and see what we come up with and then and at that point the committee would then make a recommendation to me to do a follow-up interview and then we present hopefully a finalist to the committee I think it's a power night too where we're meeting hour so to go over questions how we're going to approach all of this um kind of the rules of it because sometimes people are not you know professional each people um for interviews we want to make sure everybody's you know on board with what the plan is and then backto back interviews with maybe a quick break in between so we're talking about more of like a 4 and 1 half to 5 Hour Power Session One Night hopefully okay but are we figuring that we'd be doing this over a course of you know when are we have we already um advertised the position yes yes okay so and how many how many um applications have we received I think there's five right now okay it's open through it's open through May 1st okay so we would start looking after that I would also suggest that um Heth of course but I think because his team is going to work so closely with with with the new person in I think having he has how many do you have three that was what Dr Kus was suggesting is it one of one of his so why not all three I me why not why all three yeah why not all three why not all three why not that I don't think they would want to do that I mean have obviously a lot of people in my organization whether it be you know my my food service director my maintenance director I mean you know you know the the the three people in my office I think you know we may be lucky to get one to participate just there's a lot of time involved and you know it's at some level I mean they kind of have to work for whomever shows up so so I would like to try to um reach out tomorrow and try to reach out for a teacher volunteer if we can get two scho commit members tonight and I'll reach out I did already ask the director technology and student services director if they would be able to um I think one principal said they could so far I have to double check my emails so I reaching out to Keith's team tomorrow and ask the same um because we really need to get the dates rolling it's possible Don we could do um like the usually we do a confidentiality discussion and review that might be able to be done by Zoom then do the interview in person so you might be able to do two separate lights for that and rather having you know too too much time well and if we get extra extra applicants who are you know reval [Music] then more um right because it could be could you might have to add a second people's availability it could be as many as it could be several hours well we typically offer like three different days well it depends on the number of applicants right yes and there's a lot of competition right now which is another reason we've have to move pretty quickly because um there's I don't know if Keith told me there were about 10 similar positions or 13 um so there's a lot of competition so we don't want to lose viable the dates you're looking at 6th 7th or 8th right if we're looking at the week of May 6th because uh we have a school committee meeting on the 9th and I don't think anyone wants to do it on Friday night um but are we looking at the sixth seventh and eth were any of these dates absolutely out for you Dr kusar ke I mean I wouldn't be sitting in on it I would just kind of help set the process up so I don't know about you keyth that would be really depends on Brin G well are there any potential ruins I think got win the first round first so so you're not helpful um what's changed Fair okay so we we we'll work through it we'll work through as we once we get the finals start getting the people together and propose that maybe it's one to two of those three nights we would probably want to have if we do a something the week before we'd have to like a zoom if somebody did he would help set up a zoom where he could go over confidentiality and things like that so before we get to the the school Comm members you would can we have a motion to to sort of make this recommendation that follows Dr kusco just for setting up that committee as as proposed all right all in favor this unanimous now um D and I have both uh um express interest the email and the um at the meeting um thoughts I I I do want to be part of it I I think I mean I I think um just through the work on budget the last two years and the work um with Keith in the negotiation sessions we've had um I I'd like to be part of this I know I when it came up um in terms of the the equity steering committee and Coalition against hate ADV it wasn't a great time for me to add that on but I do think right now I'm in a good place to be able to commit to this too to the extent that I'd like to help out in this um I had some experience um along with Cynthia with the superintendent search but wasn't part of the assistant super the last assistant superintendent search and I do Finance we know you do Finance that's not going to change one way or the other um okay well I'm not having a contest for this I I have the time available to do it um so um I've been on a number of search committees so I'm I'm familiar with the process and the vetting and the questions now I haven't we have never had to hire a fin somebody for budget and finance before so I would say that you know Dan definitely has that background that I don't have but matter to you so and I I think it's important that we have input from everyone so things that we've thought about that um you know we're looking for in this candidate it's important that every U provide sort of that information as we go into the search committee right CU we' be acting as your representative why don't we just have all three of you a sub we turn into a subcommittee essentially and well if it's no if it's two people then you got majority of a subcommittee we don't want to do three people it's going start getting into you're posting now parties of three subit so have to post it and then it's not I then it's get on whey size again having 17 on mine day it was UN so um a we did talk about this briefly with Andy wall in terms of recommendations oh would he said you need to only do two no it it would only be a sub if we were the ones that were establishing the so three of you can be there no no I mean three becomes three becomes a subcommittee that's why that's why we have yeah okay [Music] well I think we need Dan because of the finance background so and then we need a dos and then the two of you can arm wrestle clearly not serious but someone make a motion then no one can make that motion what do you mean make a motion for what to a point Don you may take the place okay go ahead thank you s all right so we all to accept Don and Dan as representatives for the school committee on the search committee for the assistant superintendent of business and finance operation director director of Finance operations second okay those in favor that's unanimous thank you um that is the last thing on our agenda for this evening uh please join us for the next uh uh entertaining uh no anyway for May 2nd um we are 36 minutes early uh but who's counting um so with that I will entertain motion to adjourn oh sorry sorry sorry to to Executive session from which we will not return to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining or litigation of an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining or litigating position of the open of the public body and the chair so declares and this is related to uh strategy uh with with the uh hft CL un roll call vote I need I need [Music] to roll call vote Minnie yes Sarah yes CIA yes Lisa I already made motion before he started talking so yes we stand for