good afternoon evening Holliston uh welcome to the special uh May 20th uh 20124 meeting of the school committee of the H school committee this will be Amanda mini and Lisa's last meeting we've had a few of those but uh given the election tomorrow um and so looking at our agenda we first have the um where's my agenda we first have up uh the superintendent Summit of evaluation 2 3 24 um so if we'd like to review that now uh before we vote on [Music] it for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this [Music] [Music] [Music] know this s in our drive is it H who know that the agenda for this meeting is Drive I I did not create a share Drive I thought it is on the town's website posted yeah no I know it is I just yeah here it is it's there now okay she's just put it in 5'11 thanks Lisa someone's someone's watching watching it's empty but like all the stuff will go in there thank you she's going to populated I'm guessing we get this one needs to go in there after we vot [Music] on then I could newsletter on here just for you does anybody need more time okay okay [Music] [Music] okay anyone else to leave more time okay um with that I will accept a motion to uh approve Dr Kus submit evaluation um for the 2023 24 uh school year as presented and amended um in in the package in front of you rules a second seconded by Lisa is there any further debate discussion all those in favor closed any exensions I'm going to abstain okay so that carries 5 Z with two exensions and that'll be reflected in the uh document as well okay and two OBS comma with two OBS moving on we have some executive session minutes to uh clean up before we not clean up but to to approve but not release um let's uh yeah that's fine so six let's start with [Music] 66 can you remind me where I find all of these there's there's a folder look look your shared drive a shared folder ex session yeah executive session 23 24 I thank you what are we looking at 66 speci uh I don't see 66 just regular we're not looking at any special it does 623 yes okay trying not to say the year but of [Music] course it's right it's s can go back I'll it is M and we're starting with the executive session well I guess we're not we're going to special executive session sorry this should be in should be in regular it's not showing in Min May 19th was when it was added not updated last I don't know why many it's not show you should be I have it in regular yeah but hers is not showing all it should look like this ever there you go yep [Music] 66 so did we all right did anybody did anyone not have a chance to look at these so we're all looking at them now or is it part of a consent agenda to approve the number of these and just we'll just go one by one it's up to the committee I I let's just go one by one I haven't really looked it though so why don't we go one by one are you looking at 66 now they're not long um and I move to approve 66 well we should should we do it on a block as a block or no let's just do let's do it one at a time okay second alls in favor that carries and I will update the approval date am my tracker we 61 good job on that track uh no that was where 61 was approved okay um 824 824 816 816 no we we appr approved 86 on 824 okay okay so 824 a nice early night 10:45 p.m. yeah that was a well that was our first meeting back after the uh Summer full full meeting back I remember on issues not of would somebody kind of to remind me what JLM is UMB Jo Labor Management take out and as say pertaining to okay it's not it it's it's in the contract with meetings you um if I pass one that you you guys put into the folder and catch already the date then just call it out okay as we go forward I think you highlighted everything I know [Music] okay um all right are we El out with this one all right I'm going to abstain on this one because so all those in favor of approving the uh 824 executive session minutes to be approved but not released move by Cynthia second all in favor uh oppose on Abend one okay it's someone writing these down oh no Lisa's okay thank you Lisa Lisa's writing that I'll say it louder Lisa so to make sure it's uh easier to record Thank you Lisa okay uh anyone for the uh minutes now 8:14 105 10:19 huh is it 11:30 next on the list next I see it's 11:30 yeah okay okay okay well no we have well not not list by date list by just going oh okay we actually need to go into the uh the link can we go into that second folder L special folder y can we just stay in one folder finish one folder all right [Music] 11:30 oh I should have written down at the bottom respectfully submitted I didn't do that sorry there's still time ahead you go for one of course further yeah sorry it's okay question level should Beed oh my God I can't even spell my name right now okay I think you do list mus you do when there's other folks besides us at the meeting you list them on oh we can I can add with her can you I don't believe it's required you don't have to it's not required I like to do that just so people know who was there but I mentioned her fully and name her full name so Y come on R it doesn't say attendance at all our names are listed from the vote results wait how are you feeling my Aller old he sleepy allery medications sad anybody 20% all right we're ready to go it's getting easier as it gets closer in my mail I to accept the November 30th minutes second second by second okay all in favor okay that carries thank you many the the minutes you put in here are the uh the subcommittee minutes but so we're not approving those today yeah that's what I was confused about four okay so what is next April 25th so 44 is different oh no we have to do 44 we have three we two for 44 we have 313 314 I have one that says copy of 44 what's that um oh right next is March 14th yeah we we have 3113 which is listed as 314 okay but 313 that was a is that in oh I say 3:14 okay that was a grievance yeah so this is where do we put all of those names in yeah they're fine it's fine to have them somebody was absent though and it doesn't say who was absent Danny it does yeah it does Amanda which one are you looking at here absent we're on April 4th no we're on we're on March 13th or March March 14th oh we are in April 4th it says April 4th but it was no no no no we're on March 13th but it says March 14th in the in the Fuller no scroll down maybe it's below 44 see right there this no no this uhhuh got oh last one why are we [Music] jumping the tit yeah I wasn't here for this um yeah you got to have C cuz you can't can't tell which title is with which person MH and this is a um this a sub commmittee no oh I'm so sorry yep I remember now okay I help to put ABS inow so the people aren't like who here every after every name there should be a semicolon because otherwise you can't tell which title goes with which name so Dr Susan Kusa [Music] semicolon yep [Music] all right so keep that comma no keep that comma oh I see just do the singing after representative that way you know which title goes with which person yeah thank you was G to do all the punctuation editing after we're on our own you're totally on your own I know we going have to we'll call you you're going to get a text at like 9:45 Lisa like can you put a double space after a should be like I should be like I've gotten rid of all the Oxford commas on every policy wait is there a motion is through a motion to approve the executive session minutes from from March 13th as amended move by Cynthia oh I well I can do I I'm just not going second seconded by Lisa I in favor I abstain I absent so Lisa that is four 4 three exensions y 43 43 four in favor okay okay what's next Now 44 uh Now 44 yep now is there there's two four fours oh yeah there's a meeting minutes and a copy of meeting minutes one minut one says well there's one down at the bottom that says just the very bottom that says four four minute it says dance so which one is the right one the copy is the official one the other one doesn't have the header so it looks like the copy is official the or the below one the copy sitting next to mind's name that has Mindy's name on it you know why I don't see any I think I copied the template yeah just came as copy let's go with the copy yep okay um yeah I'm going to delete the other one okay okay so we need to say in attendance or something before Dan's name [Music] and the motion is to adjourn oh you just edit you're in what what didn't I'm in the copy that had many St next to it yeah and everybody else can we're all there every okay so someone change the height okay but it should say on can you lower case contract negotiation communication and [Music] voting how about we're 26 minutes we're 26 minutes into this I'm going to end the zoom because we we're not does anyone have any objections no that's a sensible move okay can I retype these names not as links yeah are they links yeah they are motion to approve the executive session meeting minutes of April 4th 2024 second all in favor no he wasn't there his AB I was there the beginning the bottom that was one I'm sorry sorry okay so I will abstain then so all in favor obstain 601 Lisa I don't remember that mean all right 425 the oh there is the one next to Sarah it has Sarah's name right yep okay it says 8:32 on mhm change that yeah sorry well not just we're all there right yes okay motion to approve the executive session minutes of April 25th 2024 second by Dawn all those in favor that carries 70 5 20 24 okay this is fun we have regular session minutes from 5:13 for the the pre- sub commmittee is fun yeah is there are those in here the five it's in you go to the main folder are we wait wait let let's not leave this folder until we're done with it are we everything we go back to that one then no I think this folder is done no we have uh sub the subcommittee ones M we can't we can't vote on the subcommittee ones yeah can the subcommittee no yes but we have to meet to do that okay yeah I think we're done with this one so Cynthia gets to deal with all that sure okay so let's go into the special we were supposed to meet to vote on it wait where the 5:15 ones a Minnie the 515 ones Minnie could you move the 5:15 minutes you did them she did them I read them right so where can you I shared it 515 oh all right I didn't M them all right so it looks like we're done with this folder correct we're going to the special folder so is someone going to save this into the folder I'm looking for it many email oh there's only three things in here moving right long right but there going to be a fourth not b hey yes right now the 5:15 okay someone typing that right now some someone should is someone moving it or should I do that moveing yeah why don't you do that yeah all right I think you know permissions for some reason know like I'm able to like upload certain things I don't know like then to put the folder but others are not I don't know why first on here um November 16th okay does that make sense I have no idea what this [Music] is is this the one3 oh God yeah everyone get out of the 515 that you're in she 55 everyone get out of the 515 that you're in why isn't it okay there it is okay so let's go but let's go back and do them in order so November 16th yeah November 16th right are we in that can you can you go up for one sec okay I'm sorry executive session minutes um special executive yeah I think I did these so November you did at least one of these y for [Music] [Music] so we're voting we're going to vote to uh approve and retain right all these are approve and retain yet okay so I will make a motion is everybody done reading yeah I make a motion to approve and retain the executive session minutes of November 16th 2023 second by Dawn all those in favor I um I Abend I was AB so it was Cynthia remember we had office hours Zoom office that night so that's why we left I was so we were there until 7 so I still voted yet this one says you're all pres I was here botom we all present the bottom roll call then no listen listen we had office hours at 700 oh so you left there so we all left at 7:00 to do office hours so that's why we're absent at the bottom but we're all present for the top we were there for the first 90 minutes so I'm comfortable voting to a oh got it got it it should say well there should be a line in here saying oh yeah at 6:50 p.m. Miss big Miss L Miss go left the meeting okay okay got it yeah so all in favor okay they Carri 7 to0 thank you uh [Music] 1129 okay should we copy and paste for the purposes of M there's something missing at the very top um right under call Executive session to order we got to get something in there so this was the same purpose I believe as the previous purpose right the November 15th so want me to copy and paste that thank [Music] you uh no the 1120 maybe the one we just approved the one we just approved had three things and it was like specifically the letter okay and the emails um so this purpose it probably actually it's in the uh it's in the um agenda no it's in my uh tracking folder tracking uh sheet the spreadsheet you go to November 16th bring water thank you very much you don't know that you need to say that because in our regular session I mean was said an open I mean yeah we say it in Open Session why we it why we convene to Executive session you don't need to repeat it again you just say you call the meeting to order at 8:03 like you don't have to do that again well I'm going to just put it in there because should we just say for the purposes of discussing I'm just putting a dispute I'm just putting it in okay [Music] perfect okay okay so I move to approve and retain the executive session minutes of November 16th 20 we did that one November 29th yeah well got to change the date no no that's I think I I so I was I apologize that was my that's okay I pulled back to look at something again [Music] [Music] I'm just going to change that the St request when the um performance evaluation is finalized the update for the the vote can you just put that into the the May 20th folder I'm sorry put the performance evaluation that we just voted on into the May 20th folder in the share drive thank you thank you [Music] you good with this [Music] one who submitted these minutes it's been so long me I did one of say at the end who if we don't know I think it was me because I did one of them and I don't think it was the last one cuz it was too detailed and it's very like me to not say that it was me so you don't penalize the student who doesn't put their name on the paper no I don't I never do maybe should I should they grow up and come like so what do I say at the very bottom submitted by I usually just say respectfully submitted by but you submitted by just did it's just a formality you can say whatever you want you disrespect disrespectfully you want the evaluation in the 23 24 regular session folder or where tank the the 2020 the May 2020 2024 folder that that Lisa just created yep fris it's a public document I know I know that's a word I guess it is it's a good word though I to approve the 1129 exec session okay is your second second all in favor I abstain many abstaining so six to Z to to one past 601 601 and then we've got to do 5:15 right oh you know what you can move to go to move to folder see that little folder I can't move it I can't access it she can't move it cuz she can't access that file to move it to it I cannot I don't have the moving she doesn't have the option she's got other folders she can put it in okay just send it to me with or yeah oh the same you have it already in the regular drive and shared it's a shared Drive so you have okay can you put a comment after 15 mhm it's in my just shared with me thank you are you allowed to say 15th comma 2024 I thought you had to say 15 you say the 15th if you're just talking about like the date I never put in the th but I'm I always put in the th I'm trying to show flexibility cuz it doesn't it doesn't like it doesn't bother me like I'm not offended by it so but is it right though Lisa but you know what when people say how you doing I still say good I don't say well you know I know I'm supposed to say well I say fine you're not you would I am well because well is an adverb you would say I am happy you would say I I say just faty gay that's what I say I'm fine think about it you can say I'm doing well or I am good I am but I am I got your okay are we going people are waiting for me I gota go okay sorry and uh motion to uh motion to approve the executive session minutes 5:15 with uh to uh retain and not release all of these are retaining yeah I know move by Cynthia second by John all in favor obain all right Lisa 601 all right we have one more that's it um then we got one regular session one what you talking about we've got the the meeting before time meeting what's this one here this but that wasn't an executive session it's just right but we're in public session right now so we can just approve it we don't have to we just covered November 16th and May 15th what's this May 16th May 16th was the last school committee meeting an executive session piece so we're doing that one next we on that one yeah we got excellent I took the time s to detailed oh this is last night yeah um so you were absent yep so never mind say that uh okay so where is it just put it on the next line Dan cuz it's not oh for love of well no say absent colon Miss Bigalow cuz the way you're writing it it's not you can't perfect thank you I appreciate youal May 16th May 16th I approve I move to approve and retain the executive session minutes of May 16th 2024 second by Dawn all in favor oh this one I okay um we Amanda is you're going to obain obain yep man obain 601 okay okay are we done with this folder we're done with this folder great the only one is uh is the regular session minutes which where am I going to find that I'm back to share J okay just go in the main got this just regular session why are we doing regular session need do regular session put them on your consent agenda next time we do we don't need do you want to just do may3 can you tell meeting one no we don't have to let's go we done let's just do the town meeting one it's one L fine I it's not minutes it's just an agenda yeah I can't find it we don't have minutes for it fantastic we're done it's right here where I'm going to pass this around oh Jesus okay all right I make a motion or I make a motion entertain a motion to approve the minutes from May uh 13th 2024 the pre- time meeting minutes which is an open meeting so you know we we release and we'll send that to Lisa second by John all in favor sorry that carries can you send that to Lisa just so this that that specific share that with Lisa too so she can share with me I'm not doing anything with it all right um we we have come to the end of our agenda are you sure we don't have um we will have to take up the the rest of we um later but we' come to the end of our agenda um so we don't have our next meeting is going to be this Thursday May 23rd where we will have three new members um and we do not have a need for executive session tonight um so I will entertain a motion to adjourn move by Cynthia seconded by Lisa all those in favor goodbye Amanda Lisa and Minnie thank you we stand adjourned okay e for