e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e good evening everyone welcome to7 uh meeting of the House of the school committee um bit disjointed tonight some in the room and some on Zoom uh before I begin the meeting because we're meeting remotely I'm going to read the uh the statement I already read it before to Executive session but it again pursuance the governor's July 16th 2022 act Rel extending certain covid-19 measures adopted during the state of emergency uh suspending certain provisions the open meeting law mgl 38 20 the halls of the school committee will be using REM participation for this meeting the audio of this meeting is being recorded and will be posted to town web page uh as soon as possible in accordance with keeping a public public inform of actions during this meeting at this time I'll take a roll call attendance Don yes Frank SEC yes Cynthia yes Hillary yes and Dan yes so we are now in um open session um to uh be I I'll motion to approve the consent agenda move by Don um actually I had some a couple updates that I just sent to Lisa but she's not here so can we hold on it sorry cuz nobody had a chance to look at them yep so then we will we will postpone those minutes and that was all that we had for our um uh for our attention anyway um with are the student representatives in the room no no okay uh school committee individual um Hillary no comments Cynthia happy summer back here again yes happy we haven't met since last day of school so sounded like it went well that half day on the 17th so other than that no comment no comment okay um and I just wanted to thank everybody who turned out at the at to meeting Asal to meeting uh we'll discuss for a little bit but the official count was 411 people for a special town meeting uh that's quite impressive I think the May Town count um which we also had some big import was 440 so special time we Ed 41 was a great turn up really appreciate the committee uh coming out and support of schools and um voting overwhelmingly uh you know in favor of her additional appropriation um let's see moving on okay we're we have the opportunity for public comments um I just want to say if there is anyone in the room with public who has any public comment about anything tonight um this is going to be the opportunity for you to have to to make a public statement we're not going to do public comment that there any the additional um topics that we're discussing tonight okay so there's no public comment in the room no public comment in the room no okay any public comment on The Zo uh you can use the raise hand function if you wish which is under the reactions okay seeing none uh we will now be moving on uh to central office administer updates thank so I didn't know if you wanted me to kind of walk through the process for um my recommendation for tonight now or wait till later I can do it later if you'd like let's let's do it when we when we actually get to interview Dr Jord that's fine I don't have anything else okay um I just wanted to thank all the teachers that are hard at work at um doing summer work so a lot of exciting things are happening right now and we had a meeting earlier this week and um the central admin and ssas assistant principal and principal are hard at work and planning PD for next year so very excited about the possibilities of what's going to happen next year um anything else okay uh m r I have a few things um Capital related um the first is the siding is commenced going up on our green wall outside um you know I know everybody was hoping that the green was going to stay but um but on the plus side the we had no leaks um after the green was put up but the green was not it's not it it's got literally like a 2-year lifespan if it's out in the sun so um so that's why it goes behind the covered oh I see so but again it seems like the leaks were all plugged um through a couple of rainy days so um that's a plus um I did get finally get a quote um from the or I should say first I had the P the company that resurfaced the track the last time came out finally they came up finally from Georgia and South Carolina and all the other places they were um took a look at the track they agreed with my assessment that it's a resurface not a replacement um the price has gone up unfortunately so it's going to force us to bid so we'll be putting something out next week um with the hope that it'll be this summer if not it'll have to be as early in the fall as we can get it done to not impact um the the the the se you know the cross country season I mean the cross country use it for training more than anything else but it should be fine but we're we're working through that um and then the uh it's those two and then the uh final thing is I for Cynthia's edification I brought pictures oh um so working again with James ke on things um for the playgrounds uh the resurf the resurfacing the middle playground is actually going to commence on Monday um they it will be done this summer so that'll be done that's really again it's a more of an aesthetic thing um the the as Turf is gotten torn up etc etc but it's not unsafe inaccessible but um they're going to lay a rubberized surface down which is what new code is for that so any new playgrounds would have that so that's going in again that's going to actually commence on Monday they they could squeeze into their slot um the the the kindergarten playground um the the people that came out the different vendors that came out determin that it's really just one element that really needs to be replaced everything else was in good shape and the swings need kind of a a spruce ing up we'll say of of materials so that new element is going to look like this which one is which element that new element it's the one so if you go into the kindergarten that's the leftmost element the one on the right with the climbing thing I was able to procure um through crazy means but I was able to procure more of the little red things that hold it up so we'll be able to replace all those ni um and they said they'll have these for a while so we purchased I think five or seven more than we needed so right so so we have that so that's going to go in place there they're going to do some work on the on the swings and and do what they need to do on the surface so that'll happen there can we just show everyone oh yeah going to show for the camera the camera thanks Kei I'll ship you a copy if you want one don't make promises and then um on the on the first and second grade playground the one right behind placentino um the element was viewed as it's an old style old style element they didn't view it had enough play area things and stuff like that so we're going to be replacing that with is a solid surface again and a much larger element with many more activities on it um the at those sides so is a solid surface like a rubberized surface so it's like Ada accessible but soft so landing on it's not like when we were kids and we were landing on the concrete you're not landing on asold or concrete but on the other hand it's not going to be as soft it's not going to be as soft though I mean as mulch would be or or even the rubber rubber tires but it's going to be more accessible and you're allowed to fall from like a 12T height or something there's some number in there that they do stand standards on so um but yeah so that's what that's going to be um so I think as you all know so hope for doesn't mean you won't skin your knee it just means you won't break likely likely not break something um and they give us something to be able to repair small tears or well there's no tears it's rubber so there's no tears okay it's it's it's a surface solid surface if somebody went and dug at it you know with with a pick or something we'd probably have to have them come in and and put some sort of material in fill ital but yeah it's not a it's it's again there's it's it can't tear you'd have to cut or dig a chunk out so um so yeah so that's uh that that that progress is there um you know we we we'd hope to keep this under you know a half a million dollar we've been setting aside money you know through through extended day over the years um to carry a portion of this or a major portion of this and it came in under that so we're you know again with extended day of program such as that you know guidelines um would be you want to have 3 to six months in reserve for rainy day type things it's what helped get us through the pandemic truthfully and keep the program in tax so um so again that the the half million will keep us in that 3 to six month um window of of reserves for them to make sure they stay whole and and stay strong and uh so yeah we're we're progressing along so I we're hoping that everything will be done for September that's the plan that's the that's the plan and and the vendors again squeezing Us in um the issues are the the materials are the the equipment's available it's just not in their shop yet so whenever that shipment comes then they'll be able to schedule us so right now but we didn't buy we didn't select anything that was not available same company for both playgrounds the the the two plastino playgrounds yes okay are there any other outstanding projects that are kind of on the Event Horizon that are you're looking at this summer or no the the I mean the summertime again it's it's basically getting ready for September yeah um you know we we have I mean the the skylights we're waiting for the vendor um they're available we're waiting for the skylights at plastino Miller for them to get going um every day they're late they getting less pay there'll be a point where you know they get there's a penalty clause in the the uh in the contract every day that they're late they may get to to a point where saying that's screw we won't do it so I'm we have to be careful on that one so um but uh that that's the only one we're we're obviously waiting for the uh Adams roof replacement as part of the accelerator repair repair program hoping that that comes in because then there's some things we'd like to do with solar going forward so I mean it's all a network of things you know so but we're not going to hear about that until like the fall October October is what they said so okay thank you so much okay appreciate that update what I'd like to do to just ensure that we don't prolong things and the is providing oversight is uh take a motion to uh approve you know expenditures for for the track the playground over the summer sort of that's outlined by move by Don second by Cynthia that requires a roll call vote because we are hybrid uh Hillary yes Cynthia yes Frank yes Don yes yeah I'm yes as well thank you very much Keith that's a great progress that we're making important things for and it's the ongoing partnership we have with the town with the with the facility director for the town that's been very successful you know again he's he's had the opportunity to to save a lot of time and effort on my part um while he's been getting to expand his Horizon so I think it's been a good partnership so thanks James thank you James help apprciate all those do for all right um moving on to uh personnel and the uh just New Year 25 Merit vote okay um and this is something that's required uh to be done prior to I think June 30th um so uh a motion for us 0% on the Merit seconded by Hillary any any uh debate take a roll call vote Hillary yes yes Frank yes Don yes and I yes as well um okay um now moving on so to uh Communications I know I know Sarah's not here she's she's traveling she sent out um before this meeting a list of of dates and through of assignments uh so for the community we have a list of eight dates um that we're going to be emailing out uh shortly I think the first one is in mid July July 1 begins so I'm not sure if the email will come out tomorrow or next week when I'm back but we'll communicate out the dates um it's a mix of inperson and um Zoom based information session information session on the school's request um I know that there were some questions at that time meeting about further information and the ability Tovey some of that um this is the opportunity for the community to to ask questions um we can answer them as best we can or take back those questions to Administration if there are things that we simply you know don't don't have information yet follow up with with people um I think that this is uh a significant opportunity for the community to to engage with with us um I also think that uh as I was was sah settings up uh we may look to do a big sort of forum maybe appr posted type of thing um in September within the week or two of of the actual quot up once everyone is back from from the summer um but um that Dan I just wanted to add in I think we should just briefly go over some of those dates because some of them are coming up soon and I know Sarah will get a communication out um regarding these but um I it's eight different sessions the first one is Saturday July 13th at 9:00 in coffee Haven the next one is Thursday July 18th 6:30 um via Zoom followed by a Tuesday July 23rd 6:30 p.m. at the hollon public library followed by Saturday August 3rd 9:00 a.m. Zoom followed by Tuesday August 13th 6:30 hollon Public Library followed by Saturday August 24th 9:00 a.m. coffee Haven followed by Thursday August 29th 9:00 a.m. Zoom followed by Saturday September 7th 9:00 a.m. at Coffee Haven so all seven of us have committed um to a number of these at least probably two to three each eight different sessions at different times different locations uh trying to get something where everyone can participate I will also say that I have been in communication with v spell about setting up another uh uh uh session or two at the senior center um to continue that that dialogue um but while those are are at the senior center they are also going to be open to to anyone in the public wants to to attend um anyone have any U any additional sort of suggestions or things that you know might be [Music] helpful okay um and and obviously if anyone in the community has any additional sort of ideas suggestions and things that they'd like to see from us you let us know what we can do um okay uh policy the report from sub sorry about that right yeah so um I don't have any policies for tonight I was uh we had to um cancel our meeting from the 18th but we did have a meeting on the 12th um we were discussing uh a policy will be coming up for a first uh read in August they just wanted to call your attention to and that one is about staff conduct it is gbb um also another staff policy a gbgb which is about personal security it's going to be a first draft so it'll just be opportunity for folks to um to offer their their thoughts about it um I I am anticipating that um Mr poud will have some more information about um policy an acceptable use of digital resources policy this has been like a policy that's been kind of a bare and a moving Target that um Dan has been trying to get a lot of feedback from um from teachers and particularly in other staff uh to make sure that it's uh clear and um and get and it and its right for for Holliston so I'm hoping that he'll have that on the horizon in August as well um and uh additional policy of of retention of students will be a first draft first read in August um and then lastly I just wanted to call attention to um Mr list had sent out an email um I believe it probably just went to high school parents of high schoolers regarding a new cell phone Pro protocol um it is not a school committee policy as such but it is a new protocol as part of um uh what Dr I'm sorry what Mr list is putting forward for this next year um in in his protocols he met and reached out to 25 other peer districts um this is something we've been talking about all year do we make this a policy is it something that um comes up from the teachers that they have the the support and input from um and so please look for that in the student handbook for in the fall that's it for me for now I don't have another meeting yet but I'm hoping we'll find a time this summer but everybody's kind of like gone to the wind so I'm going to hope to get something in the next couple weeks anyway thanks sure um budgets we have not had a meeting in the last um week or two and we still need to schedule one for July I don't have a date yet okay uh and superintendent valuation um nothing yeah to report on that um so what I'd like to do now just to to be col Dr Jordan's time is the rest of sort of the topics are either um the special town meeting takeaways or next steps uh and then obviously the interview of Dr Jordan so I'd like to um take that up now and out of order and um invite Dr Gordon up and then Dr C to sort of take over and uh introduce him and make your opening remarks thank you Mr Alfred um so yes I wanted to speak to um the why and the process that we went through of recommending Dr Jordan for this very important position in h in public schools I will say um in my career I have been involved in many search committees and the hiring of this role in other places um often times School business administrator which is that school business administrator license is required of this role it's title to me very different sometimes it's a director sometimes it's School business manager sometimes it's assistant superintendent for finance and operations which is our title here but the most important part is that they do have to be certified and licensed in Massachusetts as a school business administrator districtwide and Dr Jordan does have that license so that's very important or we could not move forward so I'll walk you through just the initial process for how we got to this decision to recommend um Dr Jordan tonight when I started the search um we found out that Mr Beday after 24 plus years was um planning on retiring and enjoying another chapter of his life we posted this position uh right after he received that notice in March and I initially did posted as a director position um after receiving his uh retirement letter and and we at that time I started working with the school committee on establishing an interview team and I had asked Mr Kim our elementary principal to help co- facilitate that process along with Mr Alfred who was going to be part of that process when we started this um planning we had plan to have three central office administrators and one of those being Mr himself on that interview process we also were including two School members One Finance role the actually the payroll person that works underneath Mr bdet and two scoy members the Town Administrator two principles and the three central office leaders that I mentioned I did at the time reach out to staff to see if there would be any interest to have a volunteer of it whether it be a teacher or another role in the school district and maybe the latest in the year we did not receive a volunteer at that time we held off starting interviews we waited to V candidates and determined at that time that we wanted to try to get a wider applicant pool so I did repost it after confirm with school committee as the current role assistant superintendent for finance and operations at that time Dr Jordan had expressed interest in the role he did about a year ago approach me and me that this is something that he was considering moving into in his future he had been working um towards a role such as this and so he did put in his resume and application at that time after I reposted so we reposted for many weeks and in addition Mr BD reached out to all of his constituents to to let them know that this job was open in Holliston to see if anybody that is in another District might be interested I reach out to the mass superintendence organization as well as MC the mass Association for school committees to see if they knew of any candidates really just trying to cast as wide of um a wide of a pool and try to get a wide pool as possible at at that time we started looking at all of the applicants we vetted all the applicants including Dr Jordan for this role and the school committee members Dan Alfred and Dawn did join with the search committee and we moved forward with the interview process I was notified by that group of individuals that Dr Jordan was unanimously going to be recommended to me and I was very happy to hear that at that time um I reached out again to school committee to indicate that I would be interviewing him which I did I had I've had more than one interview Dr we sat down and I reinterviewed him and then I also sent my recommendation forward to school committee and that is how Dr Jordan is here with you tonight I have to say I have am very excited and hopeful that he will enter this role he is very committed he's already indicated to me that he intends to be here in this role for a lengthy time he's not looking to just have this um a hat a feather in his hat he really wants to invest in this role he's been in the district took a long time he knows the community in depth he's worked through all of our budgetary processes as well as our Capital planning process in all of our priority needs presentations he has a strong back background as not only an education leader a manager of school facilities and he's also completed in recently I think it was last year just had finished his Doo program with a business background in Leadership Learning and organizations so in that he has done a lot of preparation readying for this role um and and here he is tonight we're also excited that should you choose to um have Dr Jordan join this team and be proud of this role of central office that Mr Beday has agreed to stay on and he will me to Dr Jordan for the transition period and I'm really confident given all I know about Dr Jordan and all the conversations that I have had with him that it'll be a strong asset on our leadership team if chosen by school committee so I'm excited to hear from him tonight and welcome Dr Jordan to this interview process with the school committee thank Dr k um at this time I think uh Dr Jordan you like to sort of you have any opening comments you'd like to make or uh you want to just get questions uh sure yeah it's I'm like listening to you from behind me and and talking forward but all right yeah you the back of my head um no I you know I am excited to be here um this is my this will be my 12th year uh in Holliston in whatever capacity that is uh it's a position that you know when or not the position but a town and a community that when I moved my family from North Carolina um that I felt very at home um immediately in my interviews in the community uh coming from from North Carolina so uh this is a position that I'm I'm highly interested in it is something aligns to the work that I've done within my my doctorate uh I've had conversations with Keith over the years as far as expressing interest in this um even kind of broaching the topic of mentoring me and talking to me um about different things as I as I looked at this type of role uh and then this opportunity just kind of presented itself um and I I'm excited that the opportunity of being able to kind of have Mr Bud Keith to to kind of support this uh this work but again thank you for having me yes thanks for being there thank you all right great thank you um so um I guess at this point we we'll open it up some questions from uh does anyone have any questions for Dr I do um okay David can you please tell us about your experience in public school budgeting size of the budgets you you work with previously and your plans to expand your knowledge in this area yeah yeah I mean I I think you know there there's nothing that prepares you for the role as assistant superintendent uh of school Finance until you're in that role uh but there are experiences that align to what that is um I I've been principal uh in Holliston for the last s years assistant principal four years before that um assistant principal of a 2500 student uh High School uh in North Carolina um and you know there aren't many opportunities where we can really talk about what the principal does in the building um often times we see that as the kind of the teacher facing or the student facing side of the role of principal uh but the role of principal is very much kind of the site manager uh of a large complex organization um for those who are kind of in the business world that are that are out there um I mean my wife works for Bristol Meer schwi which is a gigantic company uh but they have a site manager within C Cambridge that runs that specific location that's very invested in it into uh a lot of the aspects of the role of assistant superintendent uh of Finance so um for example uh you know they're they're roughly 900 slightly under 800 and something human that come through the doors uh in at the middle school every day and that's you know 680 students that's another 120 uh staff members and then we have parents and different other individuals and workers that come through that that door um I am managing and conscious of every dollar spent uh every person every meeting uh that's occurring um assessing constantly auditing as far as the value that it's bringing um the cost benefit analysis that we're doing um I you know just as a just a small example you know I'm managing kind of a supply budget that's roughly about $106,000 uh and in that you know I I'm setting the line items as far as the budget for each one of those departments uh collaborating with those department leaders uh to identify how we're going to spend that uh for the year what are those essential items um in that I'm kind of on a smaller scale uh we're looking at you know sometimes we're in order for the the benefit uh of everyone uh we're looking at times where one Department might be a little bit shorter than uh a significant need that we need in another department so there often times might be surprises or needs to make large purchases uh that might result in us being a little bit tighter on certain areas that exist uh within our budget on I'd say on a on kind of technology and the different um positions that we have in our building I I've been here long enough that I've been through uh multiple budget Cycles um mult M times where we've had to cut whether that's uh a position or whether that's uh supplies or whether that's being tighter on certain areas uh for the greater good of the district and the benefit for students uh similarly I I've advocated uh to the school committee before in the past um and gr been granted um certain positions that um I felt have had will have uh trans transformative impact on on the school uh and sometimes that may result um at you know cutting costs in other areas um I'm also as far as within technology I'm constantly looking at redundancies that exist within the technology that we P purchase um I also will fully vet things like Star our assessment modules that we we utilize are large and significant have large and significant costs um you know we piloted uh those items we assessed the the cost and the benefit uh of those things uh and moved in the direction of I EXL uh after a similar p and moving in that direction so um you know the Middle School uh the Personnel cost the daily costs the it doesn't I don't move away from or I don't stop thinking about how every dollar even from like the expense of a certain type of pencil um can have an impact on student learning um and and how we can use every dollar that we we conserve and we think about uh can be moved to moved to our teachers moved to our students uh so that that's where the impact is okay um so from budget to Transportation this position requires the analysis of large volumes of data to inform decision making can you expand on your experience in data science and um quantitative or qualitative data analysis y s like the just the absolute technical side of it um within my doctorate uh I've taken um a doctoral level with it's the business it's the it's a C- relationship with the business school as well uh at vanderbelt um B data science one data science 2 um uh Advanced applied statistics um I've also taken uh public policy and administration and uh program evaluation as well um I've got uh significant or proficient in uh a lot of um finance software use um and like statistic analysis tools that exist that I've done through my my doctorate um I also just as part of our doctorate uh we uh our team we gathered a team and part of that team was myself um a c CFO uh a CMO um a dean of a college uh and another educator uh like me a business administrator uh we worked with a um small um university in Kentucky that was uh moving towards bankruptcy um and part of our project was to do an like a full financial analysis uh of their program but also look at a marketing I mean a full markup as far as their financial analysis uh the programs that they offer um what uh what offerings or changes can be made and recommendations be made that to improve um attendance uh at the school um and made recommendations to to to hopefully um improve kind of their outcomes and their trajectory uh at that point in time um you know on the hollist and public school side those who have been familiar and around me for the last 11 years and it's my turn to present a presentation uh you're going to hear me make a claim and then you're going to see evidence to to demonstrate and prove it and uh and I'm also going to show the impact data uh of it and be prepared to show that impact data as well so um I don't shy away from and have never uh when somebody asks me uh I present I make a claim I show the data as far as the reason why this is important and significant um if the school committee supports that I'm also prepared 6 months 7 months one year whatever that is to come back with the data that show the impact uh as well uh I'm very familiar with um crunching significant numbers with uh standardized test uh data with uh attendance data uh behavioral data um and triangulate triangulating a lot of that data understand the impact that it has on on students similarly like I can't you can't I can't um explain how complex a schedule uh is and the the analysis that goes into finding the right placement for students uh it is um you know when you're presented with 20% of your students that are on IEPs a number that are on 504s you're you're looking at several scheduling constraints Li limited staff um and a schedule that fix is fixed in a certain way way um you are in this absolute analysis mode and puzzle piecing to find the perfect fit or the best fit uh that you can in those situations any other questions yep can I jump in yeah um so think about kind of the operational sides of things uh crisis arrive a major leak you've got a bud a road closure in the middle of of the bus pickup um and these things require quick thinking under pressure can you talk about your experiencing managing crisis in your role as a principal yeah I mean I I've definitely been on the the bus side or the leak side uh of that I've been on the power outage at the beginning of the Day Middle the day right before lunch and we've got food in the oven and trying to kind of arrange that um but I'd be remiss if I didn't talk about like serious crises as well um you know I've had dying children uh in in our school I've had um heart attacks Strokes uh major Medicals um I've had to manage the grief of um a staff member that's passed away um for a grieving staff um and Community uh similarly with uh students that passed away as well um I provided privacy uh during um students and staff that are immersed in something difficult uh containing our building while keeping um our school running efficiently uh I've also been at the crisis level of mid dismissal 30 seconds in the dismissal to get a phone call from the chief of police to put our entire building in a in a lockdown because there's a potential armed uh individual in the community as a result of a bankruptcy as well or the bankruptcy um a robber to uh you know we were able to in those situations be able to mobilize our entire staff and the student population of 700 students in 30 seconds uh students were already even on on buses you know preparing to go home getting them off the bus and getting them back into the building getting them into doors closing the doors uh and then being able to communicate clearly to staff um at that same time um you know I Chief Cassidy would talked a lot about kind of triaging and how you how you do that uh in a crisis uh if you're the leader if you're the person sitting at the top um you don't own everything and take over everything you immediately you stay above you assign uh individuals tasks to take on different responsibilities and duties and you trust that those individuals will be able to lead in those moments uh and then you kind of sit and figure out like what what's the plan what's the strategy and and how we're going to communicate um from from there I will say just thinking about Transportation or thinking about uh some of these common common crisis is that um and I go back to kind of the analogy of the schedule is uh you know you might be we might be in a transportation piece where Road immediately closes or tree fell down and uh I describe Transportation similar to the building a schedule is that when you pull that piece or you change that piece it doesn't in just impact that road or that route it affects all of them um and similarly is a change in I a slight change in a schedule a staff member that's no longer able to be here it doesn't just affect that program or that classroom it actually changes as far as how we have to move staff across the entire system so um you know that's that's an area I feel like I as a strength of mine as far as managing crises uh I do well uh Under Pressure um I do well um when in high variable situations that um that require quick thinking um and one more question for me um so kind of going back to the budget component how would you prioritize the budget allocations to meet the diverse needs of our student population thinking about the academic programs facilities maintenance and staff development as well yeah I I'm a big proponent of proactive spending um and in order to prevent Downstream costs uh and and how you think about that um special education costs for example you look at out of District placements you look at the different tuition cost even like Rising collabor collaborative costs uh that exists um and just even kind of the cost of the district that's on top of what we're trying to do in District um I think that there's an Avenue and a place where we can do a better job of proactive work as far as where are we building out uh those costs are not going down special costs are to Rise um and it's not necessarily about the cost it's also about providing an inclusive environment for students uh and how do we best serve students in District uh and provide the programs and systems that that exist um here um you know I I feel like literacy especially early childhood literacy uh cannot be spoken or provided enough um resource uh as far as and the research to support the downstream consequences of not solving that problem as early as we possibly can um that is kind of an all allotment or how you would allocate uh the funding that might exist there um I also I think limiting you know silos that exist within kind of our technology purchases or purchases that we make uh we've been in the past or it's easy to without kind of observation of it that you end up with like the same app that does or you end up five apps that do the same thing uh and it's costing the districts an extra $5,000 that didn't need to exist um so constantly do an analysis of like where are do we have redundancies that might exist um or where do we minimally even just not even have common language that you know we speak in a similar way so that you know it has savings that exist there just to ask to followup so kind thinking about your skills of um data analysis how would you use that to um prioritize uh budget components to meet the needs of their diverse population yeah I I think that one you need to start by assessing what do you what what do you value what do what do we believe is having the greatest value what do we think is maybe not and almost assigning a value to certain some I'm not talking like a financial value but just like the benefit that it's having to students um because not all things need to be weighted equal if something is having a profoundly positive benefit to to student students it can be at a high cost uh but there also might be situations where you know things are at a high cost and have a low value uh in benefit to students and I you know there are programs that exist and there are program there are things that you can run through R even which is statistical analysis tool um where you can take uh you can assign a metric or a number of a value that the benefit that has had to students or you can identify like the the academic benefit that this tool or this thing has had um weigh it against its cost um to to the the district and then it spit out a value for you of whether that's like you know it has the cost benefit that that you're looking for uh for the district thank you that's something actually we did with it's kind of that's something that we did do with uh the university we worked with in um in Kentucky uh but that's also something that I did for um a district on the C for my doctorate uh dissertation as well building on top of dat sorry d i was ask anyone else any questions but I guess oh yeah I was building on uh the data analysis piece cuz this is an important piece data analysis is important for long-term financial planning uh as we look at our enrollment Trends and I'm not going to say the kindergarten enrollment is going to be a trend but certainly is not looking elsewh otherwise how do you balance it against our facility needs right I mean those are only growing we need a new high school we're getting new roofs thank god um for the middle school and elementary schools but enrollment Trends are going down which means less money for the district so how do you plan that longterm you mentioned proactive investment it's hard to do proactive investment when our current Outlook isn't looking bright yeah um I think that you do need to do some Financial modeling uh within the district you need to you need to look at your projected um enrollment uh prek you have to look uh all the way up and see how it's declining and um you know look at your pupil P per pupil cost as a result of that with the current Staffing that we have um you have to look at the research as far as where inflation is going so what are going to be the potential or the projected um cost uh inflated costs that are going to exist within even like a run rate uh of the things that we do in District and set that on a multi-year kind of like trajectory model that we might run um and then you know this is something where it's the art of Finance uh is is kind of knowing and have a feel for like and planning for unforeseen consequences as well um knowing that there is going to be unfor foreseen special education costs or knowing there are going to be unforeseen uh maintenance costs that are that are going exist that don't find their way into the budget and planning for that and knowing that that's going to exist um so in a in a financial model that you're running you're you're trying to include every variable that uh could exist um and how um how that variable is projected to change over time um the cost of it that it may exists as well so um even our Personnel costs will just continue to rise as well yeah no and building on that you mentioned unforeseen costs it's hard to model you could be too conservative too liberal when unforeseen cost hit that are not part of your model how do you prioritize what is important yeah unfortun fortunately unfortunately fortunately I have the experience with that unfortunately I've had to go through that um is that uh I've been in those moments where we've had to um adjust due to some unforeseen costs that we've had uh where in a given Year we We are extra conservative on non-essential items that um exist within the district um if we get into a situation where we're looking at um cuts that might need to be made uh looking at the types of cuts that uh one don't have have the least impact on students um and um allow us to continue to kind of run our buildings the way that we need to um and sometimes that's Personnel sometimes that's you know other budgetary areas that exist um Personnel is is tough because you're you're you're speaking about people who have lives uh who have families and uh for me the thing that makes me nervous about our decline in enrollment is that those difficult conversations or those difficult topics are going to be you know there and present uh as we make these potentially make these through through the the next several years uh in this in this district and my hope is that we look for alternatives to um elimination of the Personnel um I think that you know really working to kind of Highly train and our staff um I think can have a profound impact on kids but I think that that's when you're looking at unexpected things that exist um I think that you are listing things by priority of what can what can be removed and What needs to stay um at certain times that's it for me right now okay I'll go next um so I'm going to switch gears a little bit as I'm prone to do um so you recently um completed your doctorate program at Vanderbilt in 201 22 when did you defend may it was 2023 but yeah it would have been yeah it would have been I finished in 2022 and then I graduated in the May the May of 2023 so ear last year so last year so um and you mentioned your and I was wondering if you could share about your Capstone project with the committee because I feel like we've talked a lot about values and I think I I wanted to hear your perspective and um and your commitment to those values in your Capstone project if that's okay yeah yeah I um you know I'll try to Loop in or or fit this into a little bit of a finance and operations side of it uh but the Ben why I chose the route that I did um is because of my work in hollon my um my doctoral Capstone was um the hiring the hiring and retention of Staff of color in predominantly white communities um I worked with the district in Cape cut uh and did uh a deep analysis uh they granted me access to all of their hiring terminations leaving that they've had I interviewed staff um students uh administrators that existed within the districts I looked at their financials uh in the districts I also um looked at a municipal fin Finance uh funding as well I worked with the town manager there and some of the neighboring communities or neighboring business owners as well um to look at it from a municipal side um the types of businesses that exist uh and then what are the limiters detractors that result and um that impact uh limited hiring of Staff of color uh and even worse uh retention of Staff of color especially in predominantly white communities uh and the the core of that which I get gets out a finan uh finance and operations um side of it um you know it really is the structure of the community uh and the social capital that exists um within the individuals that are that are there uh I found through our interviews that um staff of color predominantly find that they have two choices when they enter in a predominant White Community uh they have to choose the route of alienation or they have to choose the route of assimilation uh and one is I get I choose to be true to myself um but I am going to struggle with alienation uh or I assimilate which means that um that I have to fit into the mold that exists within the community uh versus the community except who I am and that was something that rang uh very clearly um in in those interviews um on more of like a town side is the the way towns are structured uh are construct for construct for the people that choose to move there and live there and the benefits they have which are not which are not staff of C uh they are the things that uh people get to choose to do the types of restaurants the types of hair salons the types of like entertainment that exists um do not pose like as a positive option for uh somebody that might be of a different culture or a different color um to to be a part of um similarly as far as how Housing Works uh is cost of housing has a significant impact and where that housing that the choice of where that that housing is built and we're not necessarily talking about low-income housing just affordable housing um that that the impact that that has uh on on communities I know that and I've talked about this we're we're at low kindergarten enrollment right now um we're in a in a different type of housing crisis is that we've got high interest rates and it's very hard as a young family that may be in their early 30s looking to buy a small home in Hol uh especially when you look at prior uh housing Trends um you know it's harder when they were right out of college to buy that first apartment to that then use that equity on the first home in the community that they want to raise their family that's um these are the same things the same decisions that you know um staff of color when they're considering a community is that is that Community going to accept me um in that but yeah I speak for hours and go into and I'm happy to also provide a a copy of of My Capstone um as well to kind of dig into that CU I think my interest in doing that work um was to bring it back to hollon um it was as I immersed myself in my doctoral work in the classes that I took uh it just became a ringing red flag for me um over and over and I couldn't once you see it once you notice it you can't you can't not fix it thank you um I'm just switch gears a little bit too again but um can you can you talk a little bit about how I mean you've been to this community for you said 14 years now 11 years I'm 12 11 years feels like 14 it feels like 14 I mean I've been here for 14 so maybe that's why I was thinking about um and it feels like you've been here the entire time um how do you think um you'll work on developing relationships with like say other boards in town something you haven't really done or needed to do I mean other than our board so there's like the select board the finance committee and other Community Partners how do you see how do you what's your strategy around that or if you have a strategy around that yeah I mean I think the benefit of being here for 11 years is the reality is I actually do have relationships with many of the individuals that are on uh many of those boards um I've taught many of the the kids of the children of many of you know their their families um and I've had interactions with uh folks um over the years that that I've been here and you know the benefit or one benefit that I feel that I bring to this position that maybe somebody outside wouldn't be able to uh is some of the Social Capital the the relationships that I currently have uh with those individuals um I also I I know about Holliston I know about how the systems play out the people that are at play that exist um I do participate in different panels Community groups uh that exists um where I get the opportunity to meet anywhere from from groups that are part of the select board fincom to parks and wreck to hollon Youth and Family to uh the police department to the fire department uh as well um are all individuals that exist that I have relationships with uh I find that um kind of to your question is if I can develop a system of trust that's rooted in a relationship um when I present hard data or difficult conversations that folks maybe don't want to hear um if it's rooted in a relationship and a mutual level of respect um there's a place to hear it uh and ability for us to work together and move forward and I think that there there's great opportunity for our systems to kind of in our departments as a community and all communities to interconnect to better serve our students uh I think if we can we can do that and we do that well uh um you this this is and can continue to be and can be more uh an even special more special uh Community thank you thanks that's it for me I'm going switch gears from well build on I guess switch Switching gears sing gears and moving on question Frank yeah I got one more I got one more um you know this is definitely a a finance job so there's there's Financial things involved and and honestly not a lot of people in understand Finance um what are some ideas you have to break down the complexities of what's going on with our budget you saw what happened with the budget conversations as well as the override and the number of questions that were out there by the community by the school committee by other committees how would you break ideas you would break those down to make them more palatable more human so that people can understand a little bit better what they're signing up for what they're voting on yeah I I think a a challenge if you're like so immersed I and I'm I'm guilty of this all the time um I get caught in I do Babble I get caught in my own world and head uh on things I'm I'm I you know I'm there um and it's as if like you're especially in finance you're living in those numbers so you speak in those numbers and it makes perfect sense in your head uh and doesn't necessarily for for somebody else uh I find especially when I've done different presentations um and I was speaking to this a little bit earlier when we talked about you know how in 11 years that I've been here how I use data is start with a start with a claim you know so meaning that like we're not looking you're not immediately jumping right into the data and and explaining the data uh is that you're you're making a statement you're making a claim where the person who was receiving that claim like no no way or maybe like really uh and they've already they've engaged in kind of understanding that that claim um and then uh you get into kind of the evidence and the reasoning behind it um um and that's where you know using graphic or um visual representations of data um you know and and being able to kind do that as much as yeah yeah kind of your posters but like yes your visual representation you know simplistic visual representations that you know sometimes you even acknowledge these are oversimplified representations of the claim that I've making and if we really want to dig down I'm happy to uh and I do think that there's a place that there should be whether it's a small subsect within the school school committee um or within fincom that should understand the the depth uh of the data that we go into but at that initial level is making that claim um having it could be potentially very simplified But A visual representation and accurate uh visual representation uh of the data um and then a real understanding of the impact I think you when you sandwich it between the claim and the impact I think that that's where you're going to get the engagement in the in the finances or in the data that you have um you make a claim sometimes that claim is like it's escalating it's like oh my goodness or calming um you have a graphical represent or a visual representation um of that data you know if it's you aimed for it to be simplified but you may lose folks in that point but then you Circle back to like the impact um that this may have or this decision or the the direction that we move in um I found there's been a strategy that's worked for me in presentations that I've done um to the school committee to the town to to uh teachers to you know individ any individual that I'm working with got one more for you um could you please describe your knowledge about transportation in public schools and then what challenges you envision moving forward for you and the district in that area yeah I um it's limited as far as like the the extent that you know the school business manager does transportation and and you know I don't say that lightly um I think it's limited for anybody that's coming even with past experience in a different District um the the variables the situation that you're coming into very unique to the town that you're in um and the constraints that exist within within the town um that said is I understand and have been in the school the the students of Robert Adams Middle School have been very impacted By changes or adjustments or emergencies or crises that have happened with Transportation um you know I was giving some examples of like a tree falls down in one neighborhood or there's a road closing that exists cuz they're kind of not the bridge here um that doesn't just impact that immediate area you need to when we're making an adjustment when you're making a CH change within the transportation you need to understand how moving this variable is going to impact traffic patterns that exist completely across town uh cuz they will uh because when you're moving a or when an area of like a flow pattern of where even like commuters go through it's going to cause traffic in other places and so the normal time it took other bus routes to to make those runs are going to be impacted uh across the district and you know Keith's amazing at this and Brilliant at this um is making those spur the- moment uh decisions that are as close as possibly could be to accurate and the right decision uh and that's the hardest part of it is there's not wigo room to make a large mistake um uh in that area is at the moment's notice you need a full understanding of the traffic patterns that exist and and the residents exist across the entire Community um because a small change or tweak um can still have a profound impact with whether kids get there to school on time and despite High efforts uh by Keith by uh the busing company you might be in situations especially at the beginning of the year where we have kids that on a regular basis are kind of are showing up late that bus is showing up late after it's run it's kind of three runs at the different schools uh to your school um and you know parents aren't going to really tolerate that for long and what they don't see is they don't see um Keith and working with bus busing and working incredibly hard to come up with a tweak and it can't be a major change cuz if he does a major change to transportation to kind of correct that's this problem it may fix that problem but it may create a significant and large problem um in another location uh within the community so um that I do know um I also kind of circling back to some of the scheduling experience that that I do have is that's very that very that is very much an alignment to you know how we think about students and the services that they're receiving and uh how they remove or work their way through the day we have you know your average teacher teaches four four classes um we have maybe one special educator per team that serves a specific need uh we have 680 students we have multiple plannings that are occurring at different times uh we have lunches that are worked in there um and everybody needs to get what they need uh during that day and little tweaks um can still have profound and large impacts thank you I have one more um firstly I want to thank Keith for all of his service before I go into this question so we know where this is going is there anything you would do differently think differently and this is not a reflection of Keith by the way so we don't go in there but just how we've been doing things there anything you would radically change about how we handle this role the role you play uh the very first thing I learned in my doctoral program is is there are no Simple Solutions and often times the um the pitfall of people moving into positions as they come in it's called they our our professors called it solution itis is uh Simple Solutions to really complex things and while there things I may think in my head like oh I'm going to do this if this can to happen or whatever I think it's important before I you know were to actually answer that question is to be in the role and actually understand how the system works because I I feel like that's not completely fair to heat that some some things may exist um that may frustrate people in certain ways um that exist for a reason uh that solve a problem and it's a small loss for a big gain uh that may exist in in other other areas um that said I you know I've I've got a different set of experiences uh that I think would be unique to the position I'm a I'm a former teacher I'm a former assistant principal administrator been at the middle school level the high school level I've worked um at public schools in different states uh not just Massachusetts um and um that's something I think that that understanding of the education side and how resources impact the individual teacher um and the individual student and kind of seeing like this purchase and then how it's impacting um the educational outcomes of students is something you unique that I think I can bring to the position thank you all right so save me for last I guess um talking talking from behind you can you get me right yeah yes yeah just say can't hear I had a question about you know your your technology sort of uh priorities and things we basically kind of address that earlier tonight so I'm going I'm going to go right to off to a harder question um so just looking at the obviously the elephant you know in the room um I think obviously you've done a great job tonight in my mind anyway explaining your skill set and and and your background but if you just CL your resume it does not screen finance and operations and so what I'm what would would I'd like you to help us understand a little bit what what's your entry plan uh what do you think your greatest areas from learning are going to be how you been planning on addressing them um and um you know you know what what what that overall process is going to look like and uh just so you know kind of help the the community and US understand that you know maybe your resume doesn't stream it but uh you know you you're putting you got through a process of getting to where you need to be to Ure that we have the the the right person in this Ro yeah I um even before you know I first applied uh for this position um I wanted to kind of make that uh very clear on how I would fill that Gap or could fill that Gap um in my conversations uh with Keith and and with Susan um you know I I I do believe and significantly believe in benefited from mentorship that exists um I'm looking forward to kind of Keith's presence and being kind of like in his back pocket uh as much as I possibly can um that said is uh Maba the Massachusetts business administrators Association um also does a uh one-year and multiple year uh mentorship program and courses specifically for uh folks that are transitioning from either other areas in education so from Principal to business administrator or from a Finance in the business world to school business administrator uh and are going through those very specific uh courses that exist um in that they also assign you uh a mentor uh sort of pro outside of the district so working with another business business administrator that exists uh in a neighboring District or a district that exists um outside of Holliston um I also kind of when I started as a principal um you I would say equally like moving from teacher to assistant principal is equally as a unique of a jum jump that nothing prepares you for uh and um having a cohort of area principles for me when I went into Administration but also having a cohort of school business administrators or other superintendents of finance and operations that I'm able to call up um text uh a concern or how do how would you solve this problem um and work with somebody who's been in in the the field for years um I found more more invaluable to me when I moved into Administration than any other uh resource that or course that I that I took um that says you know I'm I'm a prolific reader uh I am a systems thinker um I think uh quantitatively and as far as the way that I I dig into things um so I I'm excited uh at the opportunity to kind of really get into it um but I I'm going to need a lot of assistance I know that uh and on the finance side um I do believe my experience does speak to the operations side that said um and uh that while you know it's hard to like write down specific operations pieces that exist within School schools um being a principal is very much an operations uh position as far as the Personnel the impact of everything that's going on uh within the building um is managed and overseen by the principle on that operation site okay um great and I think I wanted as we get I think uh towards the end of the interview I want to bring Keith in a little bit only because he came in and transitions from a different role a different sort job um and just sort of help maybe he can sort of help us understand that why you know where his thoughts are on what when you into the position from outside of school um you know you came in from from the private sector and speaking from some someone myself who's in the private sector it's a very different uh role even Finance yeah no I I I came after I my my job previous to this one was seven years in the Harvard school Harvard University uh budget office so I mean you know there I was man managing a quarter of a million dollars um and most of the technology um there were pieces that were applicable and there were pieces that you know I didn't have um you know I had I had when I was younger and in college I worked in the food service industry so I had a familiarity with it but not necessarily to the state standards that have to be you know followed and going through the audits of that process um transportation I knew what a bus was um but um with regards to um you know the actual routing and stuff I I learned by the seat of my pants a little bit and truthfully Pat Weston who was our transportation coordinator at the time I worked a lot with her on it um we happened to have a great contractor right now who's been with us longer than I've been here um you know that's subject to uh uh bid every three to five years so um but you know again it's it's unless you take take a lateral move into this there always going to be shortcomings and the question is is how well do you adapt to them how well do you adjust to them um when I started there was a very tight group of of school business administrators um through the tech collaborative that we met regularly we we saw each other socially as well and a lot of them became my golfing buddies for more than a decade um of that original group there's three of us left now um uh uh and one is leaving sometime this year like I am um the other ones leaving at the end of the year well we're all going to be gone it's it's what one things has happened in this industry there aren't people following up in it which is we you guys all saw when the you know the job search happened or the job was opened um you know the the differen is now is because the knowledge pool of the industry is changing so much that um it's I think it's going to be even tougher going forward I'm not trying to scare you um but it's even going to be tougher going forward and he and David's going to have to plug in even much more so to others because it is just not that again when I started I there was only two of us who were rookies at the time and um in this area and everybody else was a veteran I mean by a veteran 10 15 20 years you know and and that piece just isn't as as available as it once was and so that's the piece where again it's important to make those connections and and know who you can reach out to um it's kind of like how I'm the one of the state experts on school choice you know and and for lack of a better thing because we've been such an active school choice Community I know the law I know the way that it works for you I know how to present it in a fashion so that people don't think that it's something bad so it's it's you know again i' my my presentations on this have gone into all different corners of the state um but again everybody learned some piece of it very well and when you have a question about X you go to that person who knows X um you know so I mean the transition takes time um there there are plenty of courses with regards to the most important report that I do is my end of year report that usually starts in September um there was a person uh an organization who a class I went to on it um and he's still doing it it's a it's he's a friend of mine now and and we we talk whenever we see each other at our at our conferences um but again I'm going to push I'm going to put if David is a successful candidate I'm going to push him into that course it happens I think it's September 12th um but it's it's you know again it's it's that sort of thing where again you have to pick up things as you go along and you know again none of this is going to be perfect you know as Stacy knows um I used to have my expression of about well you know my my goal is 180 pristine days over for 24 um so um but understanding that and acknowledging that knowing that knowing that there are going to be things that screw up and not even just like emergencies that emergencies is some are the easy piece because you know what something bad's happening you're here to fix it yeah when when it's something you've done wrong you made the problem now what do I do and that's the that's the tougher challenge to understand that um in these roles you are going to have failures you're not going to be able to please you know uh uh the parents of of you know you you know 2742 whatever we're at now students it's just not going to happen and so the there will be people who think that you're I say the greatest thing I know that's not true there'll be parents who tolerate you and the parents who think that you know you're a and and for lack of a better term and you just have to kind of kind of get used to that range of opinions about what you're doing you know David's right I mean we we do all this stuff it's about the children and giving them the best opportunity but when you look at some of the challenges that are there I David's talking about allocation of resources we don't have enough resources to allocate you know what I mean 70% of our of our budget is is payroll ex you know and then add into that things like special ed costs and transportation costs and cleaning costs and you know utilities and stuff and I'm dealing with less than 10% of the budget in any sort of discretionary fashion so when you look at it that way you know it's it's not about you know I'm going to do X instead of Y it's can I do either of them at times and that's that's the challenge of of you know it's not what what can I allocate or even reallocate it's how do I just make sure that I'm not going over budget a given year so it's it's you know it's at times it's management by crisis and how many times has that happened in 24 years never um plus no um look there was the year that we froze the budget on July 2nd so I I I'll say that so um but no it it's it is a learning experience the only people that come into it knowing the job not in your District but the job in all facets of it it's a lateral move right there are a lot of lateral moves right now I can tell you that right now for a fact so that's you know but I can offer there you and my ongoing support obviously so appreciate it well thank you I ioke you came from a non Municipal background not a um you may not want to you may not want to consider Harvard a school CU you know that's fine but it's not municipality you know if it was I could have retired earlier and got 80% so you know there you go all right well um so does anyone else have any additional questions Dr Jordan all right Dr Jordan is there anything you'd like to to wrap up with a inclusionary statement or or anything like that no uh I mean thanks for having me um you know this is as I started this is uh this is a district that I've been very happy in um it's a district that um I am very invested in the initiatives that I've put in place um at the middle school and the things that we've seen through uh and you know this is a place I look forward to kind of continuing and finishing my career uh here in Holliston um and so I just appreciate you all giving me the opportunity to present thank you thank for coming thank you very much um so just for for those of Home obviously um as you can watching noce we are down two members tonight we only have five I think that that uh this is an incredibly important role and I think I I want to have everybody have the opportunity if possible to to weigh in we do vot and um I also think we want to spend some time um just uh you know if other members want to speak to further have any further questions you know so we'll push we're not going to vote tonight um I I'm going to try to find a time where all seven of us can meet and maybe on Zoom to Ser understands um within the coming weeks um but anyone from the community has feedback they want to provide on they can send us emails and communicate with us um and then we'll we'll look to UD uh includ this uh uh you know in the coming weeks okay thank you thank you thank you thank you very much thank you um okay um this is uh so we're now at 9:00 um where where we check we have a dumpster fire to get too that's motion to adjourn motion to adjourn not just just quickly so you know obviously uh with the special town meeting vote passing to appropriate the money the next and and final step is a a September 10th uh Town election um that will be held in the in the gym of the uh of the high school like any other uh election uh that's going to be the week after the primary elections so you'll know the route um and so September 10th I believe the select Bo will be voting uh to officially uh call that election uh next week um but uh that's up their discretion um but so now we're switching into a period where really the school committee sort of takes a less lesser sort of role as far as advocating for for this and and we can you know we can spend more time informing people um but I I I I know that there's group of of parents forming um but you know it is uh Not There Are Rules around what we can and can't do for an artificial capacity and using sort of public time resources so um before doing anything let's just check in with each other and um but but informing answering questions um uh is is very is very much uh you know um prudent um and uh I would just say there having of questions swirling on on Facebook and and there this this the amount that we received and appropriated from town meeting if the override would pass will cover the four years of of the four years the 3 years of of this of this contract um that of course does not mean we will not continue to need the town's increased support as we do every year and we need regardless of this contract or not so um but you know the time support of the schools over the last 10 years a 3.2% rate and the uh built in financial modeling is a 3.25% rate so right sort of right on the nail of what what this town has been able to afford um and so I'm I'm confident that but this this contract is this this uh request is going to cover in this contract for for the threee um here um one thing we you need to do tonight quickly uh is just uh take a vote on um sort of authorizing PE uh to work with town to the tools to cover the cost of the election I don't we don't have an exact number so I don't want to V on an exact number and I think I'd rather sort of just have the C we pay the cost of they come in rather sort of authorizing the total number um I think last number I heard TR to say was using around $12,000 but um I think you know someone would like to make a motion to to authorize keep it sort of uh you know pay have the schools pay for for the cost of the election I think that would be D if we don't know how much it is though um I get yeah we want to do an up to and so up to $15,000 without needing an additional Vote or something like that it's supposed to be under that but face do you have different number I know have no I I i' I've heard numbers from like three to like 70 grand so it's you that's why I put a sealing on it just in case do we vote on it and the number drastically changes well if it is then we can revote it I suppose right like right so so that was kind why I was I didn't think it was going okay move by Cynthia second by Dawn what what what exactly was moved by sorry um a cap of no more than 15,000 to for the election the cost of the election okay so that requires roll vote that's fine that was what U so roll call vote Hillary yes uh Cynthia yes Frank yes Don yes and uh I I am a yes um is there anything anyone else wants to talk about as far as uh the uh supplemental funding uh that meeting any of that no no okay so with that we uh are at the end of our uh of our agenda unless I'm missing something um our next meeting is is TVD uh we have to actually get I don't think we voted on our next year's schedule yet so we'll have to do that but it will be uh sometime in the next couple weeks uh to uh take take a vote on uh Dr Jordan's uh uh appointment uhal appointment as as assistant superintendent Finance operations um so with that I will entertain a motion to adjourn to Executive session uh from which we will have return um for the purposes of discussing strategy which rec bargaining or litigation open meeting they have a detrimental effect on the bargaining or litigating position of the public body the chair so declares this is Rel to col bargaining with our um administrators the E unit and the cafeteria workers as well as um to discuss strategy preparation for negotiation non now um in this case the superintendent PR operations as well as the network Specialists those roles move by Cynthia second by Dawn sorry than yes cyia yes uh Frank yes sorry yes I don't like these and I yes so we stand Jed all go back to the other room do we have to can we go in the other classroom instead cuz it's closed Furniture in there you want on the floor no why is there Furniture in there because we getting ready for September this is it's okay summer for September not we'll go back to the other link um Dan if you need me to attend uh no if you'd like to you're welcome but you know certainly if you'd like the rest of your night and go watch the debate you can do that okay can I'll I'll go but can somebody send me the link because I don't have it it's on the agenda it's just the executive session oh I'm sorry okay thank you thank you [Music] okay e