e the record give me vot resolution okay okay uh good evening everybody July 17th meeting of the zoning board Francine okay in accordance with the open public meeting njsa 10 4-10 and the regulations governing remote meeting njac 539 1.5 I hereby announce that adequate notice and electronic notice of this meeting was provided in the notice dated January 14th 2023 that was sent to the gbury press to River Times posted on the bulletin board and on the main access GE to town hall filed in the clerk's office and posted on the Township's website www.om township.com roll roll call Mr burkel Mr Burl Mr Burl is is campus campus here M Gart M here Mr Mr here here Mr hson so being that we have no alternates we can't appoint anybody to take anybody's spot so it's us okay okay uh Pledge of Allegiance and then remain standing for our First Responders and Military pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all it number item number one public hearing zoning Board of adustment 202312 Mohamed CH one new court Circle block 13 2.03 three or4 or Zone appeal of zoning officers decision applicant is appealing zoning officer letter dated October 5th 2023 regarding Roberts of homeow 161 Highway 34 block 13 lots 2.02 and 2.02 Q application has been withdrawn thank you uh public hearing item number two Zoning Board of adjustment 20 23-10 Andrews Management Group llc2 125-127 Red Hill Road lock 21 Lock 4 and 4.01 all 40 a Zone D1 use variants bated application seeking a D1 use variance to construct two three story Medical Office Buildings in the all 4A residential Zone this item will not be heard and will be carried and reot to a future zoning Bo meeting you're doing very well okay next one Memorial legation resolution number three Zoning Board of adjustment 2024 home developers LLC block 58ck 25 cm-3 Zone applicant granted the following both variants relief the signage third floor signage is proposed with the maximum permitted is the of second floor Windows four signs are proposed on the front the facade where one sign for w is permitted 40 square ft per sign with an aggregate area of 10% of the front facade or 100 square fet whichever is greater okay Marty y so this resolution was prepared sent to our professionals and the applicants Council uh no comments there's only one special condition that they submit they lighting to our board professionals to make sure it's compliance uh quick reminder there's four signs but three of them are just directional essentially L finding signs office and two loading signs uh the other one's the identification sign okay okay anybody else have any comments or anything pretty straightforward uh can you uh can we have a motion from whoever is eligible who's eligible on this one definely the only one not okay I'll move to accept the memorial memorializing resolution has set out um previously for homeor second I'll second it okay roll roll call yes yes yes yes yes yes it item number four Zoning Board of adjustment 20243 mandra andn Jennifer drive1 All 4 Zone granted variants releas to construct a 4 45t full Cabana accessory structure within the side yard setb 25 so I was going to say Mar really old business I mean we've approved this resolution at a previous meeting and the applicant called and just just this is just for informational purposes we're not taking any action we can't take any action uh and he indicated that if you remember this had the little outdoor shower what disc that want I don't know that's MO that's