thank you so much first things first on March 29 2023 Governor Haley signed into to law a supplemental budget bill which among other things extends the temporary Provisions pertaining to the open meeting law to March 31st 2025 specifically this further extension allows public bodies to continue holding meetings remotely without a quum of the public body physically present at a meeting location and to provide adequate alternative access to remote meetings the language does not make any substantive changes to open meeting law other than extending the expiration date of the temporary Provisions regarding remote meetings from March 31st 2023 to March 31st 2025 pursuant to Mass General Law chapter 30 section 20 I'm hereby informing all attendees that a video and audio recording is being made of the meeting and the meeting is being live stream and run live on the city's Community TV channel I'd like to acknowledge that here on the call with us remotely is acting receiver um acting commissioner Russell Johnston and also from Desi Miss Lauren woo thank you so much for being here thank you for having us our first order of business and most important is discussions around the turnaround plan with a focus on Improvement so for this I would like to acknowledge um acting commissioner Johnson so that he can lead us to the start of this discussion thank you Dr Rivera colog I'm wondering if we could begin by deciding sort of the process that we want to take I have a proposal for you but I'd like to just you know talk about maybe process before we get into substance before we talk about the specific spefic areas of improvement but just how do we want to approach this is it okay if I offer a suggestion or would you like to uh to begin is it okay if we start with the idea of process and offer a suggestion yes as of now the way that we have it in our agenda which was published for everybody we have it all the discussions broken down by priority areas yes so I am ready to listen to your suggestions excellent thank you thank you very much so as I said previously we're very happy that we get to focus on this topic first this idea of uh focusing on Improvement and uh I appreciate that uh you had suggested that and agreed that we would all go back and look at the turnaround plan with fresh eyes and I appreciate that this subcommittee also looked at additional information prior to this meeting and I also appreciate that we agreed that we would come back to this topic that we wouldn't consider it sort of a you know one meeting topic and be done with it that we would in fact need to come back to this to explore it further it's an important topic and so I wonder if um as a process we we did our homework as well we went back and relooked at the turnaround plan and we have about 14 or 15 areas that we see as ways in which the turnaround plan helps to focus on Improvement and we're wondering about kind of going through those areas um you know let's just take again the idea that the high school the redesign of the high school and the ability for students to have Pathways at the high school and including early college is one area one of the 14 or 15 that we might want to talk about and so if we take that topic and say you know is this a topic that we agree we would want to focus on after receivership and that we we all feel very committed to making sure that the idea of students at the high school having opportunity to determine you know to have Pathways opportunities including Early College we say that's something we want to continue on there kind of two questions that come up the first is does the school committee need any additional information about that topic is there anything that the school committee needs as sort of training or resources about that topic and then the third piece of it is and then how will the school committee continue to take action on that topic and in particular you know a lot of this focus on Improvement is about what goes on the agenda for uh future school committee meetings um a lot of these things are actually a lot of the topics for tonight's discussion are in the also in the district's strategic plan so you know what we want to see you know uh a school committee doing post receivership is continuing to focus on the Strategic plan not sort of you know bringing new ideas kind of right and left one meeting to the next but more like steady focus on the uh on this on the Strategic plan and so um again if this is a topic we agree that that uh the district should continue to focus on after receivership we would then ask is it something that the school committee needs more information about in the way of either resources or you know a training session or anything like that from Desi and then the third part is and how will the school committee um show its focus on Improvement by continuing to you know look at data um by looking at uh you know the progress that the district is making with these initiatives um and that that would be sort of the third critical component um and so it might be for a lot of the things we talk about tonight you know perhaps the answer is let just imagine yes we want to continue on with this initiative we think it's important maybe there's no need for any additional training or resources and then the third answer to the questions that I've laid out might be you know we're going to agree that there should be sort of periodic updates on the Strategic plan from the district with the review of data and you know the school committee sort of you know shining that light on what progress is the school district making towards its efforts in these areas that we have that we have decided to continue on post receivership um does that make sense uh and certainly glad to adjust any of those uh uh you know recommendations for this uh important work that we're doing together thank you so much members of the committee do you have any else to add or questions before we move forward um I just think so we sorry can you guys hear me okay so in preparing for the meeting we uh broke down the priority areas amongst the members to study more indepthly so as you're going through the recommendations as as you want to go through them if you could just kind of suggest as to what priority area what we're discussing at the time falls under so that way we can like kind of keep track of things as we go and just because like that's how we referenced it in the agenda too so um you know instead of five of us or four of us trying to really understand 50 pages we thought it was best for us so we divided the work amongst the four of us and really dove into our sections um so as you're coming through we can just kind of hone in as to what priority area that that what we're discussing as the time falls under so that way we can uh you know that's how we kind of broke it down to keep track of so it'll just be helpful tidbits as we go Dr Cav no I agree entirely with um Miss Brunel and uh that will give us a better structure you know for our discussion thanks thank you and again for all the people who might be watching it's important that we have everything completely lined up with our agenda so that they know what we're talking about at all times so I agree as well thank you so much great I actually I don't have U my information organized quite that way but I but we'll make sure that we we do just what you're saying uh it shouldn't be a problem in Lauren I might need your help a little bit with that too yeah I think we can probably help with it too as we go through great great um so any other thoughts or questions and then maybe we could begin I thought it might be useful if we start with some of the more concrete ideas as opposed to um you know the ones that are sort of like a little bit more obvious than ones that we need to uh you know like like I was saying like the pathways is something that High School Pathways is something that's a little more clearcut might help us sort of gain our momentum as opposed to um you know the uh um uh a focus like certain areas of in of instruction might be a little bit more uh just broad whereas the pathways is sort of a bit more tangible and so I wonder if we want to jump in with some of these more concrete items and sort of see how it's going as we build up our momentum tonight yes that sounds good great all right uh so let's let's start with um personalized Pathways which is in priority area two of the turnaround plan is that a good way to frame that to say we're looking at priority area too great and uh so just toggling back and forth real quick so with the personalized Pathways uh we think about things like uh sorry oh sorry okay so the um within the category of personalized Pathways we have the focus on Dual language programming that the district has done so much to expand uh in recent years we have the uh High School linked learning acmis and alternative programming like opportunity Academy and so we see that you know we've uh created those opportunities for expanded dual language um the redesigning the high school experience to offer highin Pathways for all students uh including the updated schedule for uh to create opportunities for for more deeper learning experiences for high school students so just starting with um those those three areas in particular the Dual language High School Pathways and alternative education options for students um that's my sort of again my my my initial question is you know are these areas that the school committee would want to continue to support post receivership um I'm starting off with them because uh we certainly do but really glad to have a discussion like we said you know this might be something that if we need to go back out and find some more information about rather than deciding tonight yes or no it might be that you know we need to go find out more information for a an upcoming meeting Miss Bruno uh the short answer is yes yes and yes um the Dual language program is absolutely The Shining Star of our of our district I believe and um you know I think this I think I'm not I think I'm okay speaking for all of us when we say that we're firmly committed to continuing and enhancing the Dual language program in any way we can um to see what's coming out of the high school at this point in time is is nothing short of amazing of what our student can accomplished when pushed there um as far as theem and the pathways to the high school go um I think I I like what we're doing there I think the the block scheduling um that we've shifted to for next year um you know according to the principal and all the administration there is going to go really well um I was fortunate enough to sit in on the high school's budget presentation just this past week and they seem to have things really well organized and and really laid out I think there's one area that we could strengthen in our middle school with regards to the pathways at the high school which is just providing potentially more opportunity for arts and media education to be uh you know feeding that particular Academy at hooai um I think there's some work we can do in our middle schools again is first year with them um so some strengthening we can do in that regard to make sure that we're feeding the the theater the Arts the media Academy other than that I think that we're doing a really good job there and then as far as alternative education if everything goes forward with the purchase of 225 High Street which the city is working on now I know that we plan to move a program over there um and then we can look forward to when you know when the new Middle School opens and we have um a building that will no longer be in use as of that fall and what can we do there and you know we've discussed whether or not that could potentially be an early An Early Education Center or maybe the more important need here in the district is creating that alternative pathway and creating even more opportunity for that especially with the social emotional crisis we've had since postco so I know that's something the district is definitely looking at and it's something that I would fully support uh expanding and and ensuring that we could service more students in District potentially and and save money at the district level by sending less students out of District so any supports that we can do uh in the district to to support that I I can speak that we would wholeheartedly be supporting those so these are three key priority areas that I could say that we would certainly be supporting uh moving forward yeah I agree and also as a uh word of I don't even want to say caution but um just thinking forward a lot of the reasons why this initiatives work is because we had the funding to be able to do that so as we're planning forward and we're stepping out of receivership it is important that we continue to have the financial support to continue those programs so that way we can continue to improve and see all the great things that our students are able to do when they're given the proper tools um Dr Gloria cavero thank you so much so yes I support my my colleagues opinions and I have a question um is there are or are there any standards to which we should be you know um adhering to when we talk about um dual lingual programs and funding what are the expectations of the Department of Education with regards to these programs thanks yeah that's a that's a great question and so we do actually have guidelines for developing dual language programming for example and um I wonder if that sort of brings us to the next question that I had so it seems like we're pretty universally in favor of maintaining personalized Pathways dual language High School Pathways as well as alternative education and so my next question is you know are there resources or is there information or workshops or anything that the school committee needs we think about you know the school committee is going to continue to focus on this area of improvement post receivership then what does the school committee need now in order to be ready for that and it you know what I'm hearing is maybe you know could be useful to get just you know maybe some more information about what is you know what are the components of quality dual language um uh offerings for students and so that's a good example of that that second question that I have and so I wonder if it's useful to go there and just sort of you know make a determination of what would be useful for the school committee to to learn more about if anything right um about any of those three areas that we would continue to push forward on that you would continue to push forward on post receivership Miss berell so I would say I think we have a really uh great working relationship with the district now around dual language education we've been at it for nine years now um last year I believe last year the district hired uh Laura espanosa which is the director of dual language education um I know she has a wonderful open door policy um we've had many presentations on what we expect from Dual language uh there was just an open house for say you know fifth grade parents coming into the middle school dual language so I think we're pretty good there um we can certainly make sure our our newest member is well up to speed with what we've got going there and I feel pretty comfortable and confident with the high school academy and Pathways too um like I said I just think it could use a little work maybe in the Middle School level on how we can enhance what our middle school students are experiencing to get up there but most importantly I would say uh alternative Pathways um I think one of the most areas we've been I don't want to say out of touch with but I would say the less like indepth and involved with and again maybe just for me because it's not my specialty like we all kind of have things we focus on um would be like the sped department so getting a little bit more education about the sped Department um getting a little bit more education about like funding resources grant opportunities um and then also finding out more about like what we can provide and how can we provide it and just you know making sure I know there's a lot of laws and a lot more depth or detail when it comes to like providing services to this special needs um population of the district so I know that I could learn more in that regard so um I would like I would say that that's probably something that we could uh make sure we're getting a little bit more educated on as we move forward then another thing that I want to make sure that we're also focusing on since we are talking about um at the high school level is also our vocational programs as we hopefully like Miss Brunell would would say give Dean its identity back so that's something that that I know that as a as a school committee we also want to make sure that we focus on as part of this process because we want to make sure that that we're taking care of all our students so that all our students have Pathways regardless of what high school they go to so um Miss Bernell and then Dr cavaler yeah thank you for that point because I feel like too quickly we say high school and we think of ho high school and so that's a really good point because the theem and the pathways does continue into into our vocational school when you think about the shops and the Freshman experience of um exploring the shops and everything like that so making sure we absolutely keep a focus on you know the fact that we do have two very distinct programs here and that's another benefit you know my priority of my study priority areas were four and five so you know keep thinking about our investments in our district so I go back to the opening of the new Middle School come fall of 2025 and then we'll be able to move the middle school students out of this campus and so reinvigorating our vocational offerings here and making sure that we're you know providing you know not just access for the middle schoolers for the programming at ho Kai North but also here at the dean campus so thank you for bringing that back to the attention Dr Cav as you as you were telling I was just thinking about so dual lingual is that only emphasizing Spanish how about the students that are coming without English are we focusing on that kind of dual lingual as support for our students because then they struggle taking tests and the mcast and are we supporting them enough that's another question that I have and if we could focus on that because it's part of also the growth of our student body and not only to learn another language and studied in a you know in a foreign language in this case Spanish but then as we move on and get a lot of families who need support in English um are we can we expand the concept of dual linguage to also include English as a second language and English literacy that's a question Miss bro that's one of the wonderful things about dual language it's not only enhancing the experience that our English language students learning Spanish have but it's also a great pathway for our students coming that are are now being able to be immersed in English in a new way because they're getting a lot of their instruction in their native language and being able to learn English through that process so for example we don't take Spanish language Learners after a certain age but we always take English language Learners into the Dual I excuse me if I'm like misspeaking that exact sentence but we're much more willing to take English language Learners into the Dual language program it's it's you know back in when we were in school in the 90s we had um I can't think of what it was called but they had more submersive programming for students learning English right so now with the Dual language program it it affords us that opportunity for them to be getting a good amount of their English or their education and their native language and helping to get them through that so you know as we continue to grow it through the high school that leaves opportunity there to help those later age students that are coming too but it's definitely something a district with so many we need to focus on for sure so it sounds like there are a couple areas where you're interested in following up further uh particularly around alternative education and high school Pathways including vocational and then it sounds like it could be useful though if we were to um provide some more information about dual language programming um sounds like there's a lot to already share from within the district but we could more incidentally just send on information for you all to uh to look at as well um that sort of brings us to the third question which is um how would this school committee go about about um having you know a focus on these areas which I had said earlier maybe is maybe for this meeting today we don't have to say well in September we're going to have a meeting about Pathways but more to come back to this point of how will the school committee kind of focus on these something like this that's in the Strategic plan for the district how will the school committee sort of look ahead to planning agendas for the 2425 school year that will you know periodically come you know come back to this as an important issue as part of the a review overall of the Strategic plan and you know uh hear information from the district and offer input that will help with things like budget development because you know like you said Dr Rivera cologne you know how well knowing you know about whether how you're going to fund these types of programs starts with just understanding what they are and the district's progress towards them so uh I would put out there that we don't have to solve this problem right now if we agree that what we want to do as part of this planning process is just you know maybe as we're pulling it all together in our final meeting is to say how are we going to make sure that this focus on Improvement is embedded in or you know is a recurring theme in school committee meetings during the upcoming year with um you know like I said updates review of data and then you know kind of uh planning and feedback from the the school committee one thing that I have to say and and again in this we we are hard workers and we're also lucky that we have a great relationship with the receiver and as the agendas have been put together through at least the time that I have been here because I'm one of the newer ones but in the time that I have been here I have seen alignment with the Strategic plan and our agendas 100% all the time so that's not going to be something new that we have to learn this is something that we've always done when the agendas are put together with our receiver Mr SoDo who's always willing to give us more information that sometimes we need but it's it we all we already do that so that's not going to be a hard push for us to be able to do this sounds like it that's great to hear can I ask then an an additional question now that we've gone through one example uh and we talk about by August we're going to have this a written plan um I want to make sure that our words tonight just don't get lost right and so how are we what we're doing right now this example that we just ran through how we didn't talk about sort of essentially what we often say here at Desi is who has the pen you know who's beginning to draft um this plan based on what we've talked about tonight and you know really want to be differential to you all in terms of you know this is something that a plan that we'll agree on together that we'll all stand behind and um you know I think we're all feeling positively about the experience so far um just wondering though about you know how do you as a subcommittee imagine us actually taking these ideas we're talking about and putting them in writing so as of one of the things that we were talking about because of course we want to have everybody's voice and input in this would be there there are me meeting minutes of this me this meetings of course and as um as the chair of the committee I'm starting to compile what are the big ideas and putting those together so that way when we meet with the full committee they will get uh not only the summary but as the ideas are coming to put that draft together so that way all of us in the committee you guys at Desi but also everyone who gets to listen to this is going to be able to have a say and see what what our progress is because often times these things happen in a way that people don't get to see so that that my proposal is that um as the ideas keep coming this will be shared with everybody with the with the subcommittee first for approval and then to the full school committee so that they can see and obviously we'll be able to get everybody's um voice as part of the process Miss Brunell but to your point too um we can certainly create a a a Google Drive a working sheet like we do for the for the agendas with those thoughts and those ideas and be taking notes there as we're going that you and Lauren can have access to as well to be adding in and highlighting to make sure that we're formulating this outline as we're going so like you said so nothing's getting forgotten in in in a meeting right moving forward um but I would like to point out like you know they they are in writing already because you know as far as the turnaround plan goes the Strategic plan was such a thorough process here in the district and there were so many meetings and so much input given and so much Outreach done that you know we feel like fully aligned with what most of the goals of the Strategic plan are I mean like obviously there's some stuff in here about covid still that's like not not important anymore right so there is some editing to do of course um but like we just feel like you know there's going to be some tweakings but like it's not really so much of like let's like recreate or reshape the district because so much of what we are doing is going in such good Wells it's fine-tuning in and and getting to have a little bit more say in things like you know discussing like Center based and play based learning in kindergarten right like things like that like when we get into like the really nitty-gritty of things but like the overall like strategic plan and goals and and priorities for the district I feel like we're all so involved with now too so like you know to J's point I guess is like we're we're doing it right like we're in it we're we're we're there um so like I feel like this is such a good thing to be going through because like everything you're saying so far it's like yeah you know like yeah we're there we're with that we support it so like you know like I said we'll create that Google sheet to ensure that notes are being done and the plan's being formulated but really it's like you know the district already has a really solid plan so you know the Strategic plan is there so like really we're just GNA like add to enhance and and you know we fully support the Strategic plan I guess is kind of what I'm saying so um you know just enhancing moving forward from there obviously there's things to be added like you know how are we as a body functioning differently and things like that but you know the overall art in goals of the district like you know are are pretty clear and pretty set I feel like right right right um so I wonder I wonder uh as we sort of think about the the process like we um spent a fair amount of time on on one item um and it's been informative like instructive because we don't we've never done this before so it's it's a new process for all of us and it's really confirming and um you know pretty exciting to think about that the work that was put into this strategic plan how closely the Strategic plan aligns with the turnaround plan and so maybe a different way of looking at this is to say is there any part of the Strategic plan that the school committee wouldn't continue to promote or you know support post receivership if so let's have that conversation um and then see what's sort of left after that and then if you know if there are items you know how can we look at more support around them if necessary or agreeing that uh we'd let them go but it might be a little faster than you know my list of 14 or 15 things like I mentioned we might be able to uh to get through the process a little more quickly to tell you the truth if we say we continue to endorse the the Strategic plan and then there are some items from the turnaround plan that do that still need to be named but it would certainly cut through a lot of the the time perhaps if that's where we're wanting to land is with a continuation of the Strategic plan I just want to acknowledge that Mr Romero has joined us then Dr cabero and then miss Bruna yeah we're talking about the Strategic plan and I guess this this shows how much the school committee has been working for so many years with the school Department with the receiver and uh so much work and energy has been put into this that having SE I am a new member and having read you know how much work how much thorough and dedicated work has been putting to creating all these documents so that we transition in such a way that everybody has their saying and that there is such an alignment to me it's really amazing I would like to I don't know congratulate the members of the school committee and the ones that preceded me because we're has been this committee has been very active even through pandemic people have been meeting and working with the community and with the department and that is really uh something that needs to be highlighted and uh I would like to know also if how can we know if just before the receivership if there are any other the points here that should be left behind I would love to see how it works all these points um work uh once we get out of receivership and and then this de side well this is no longer in need of support or this we should reinforce but this is my uh how I would like to see you know let us go through um out of receivership let us continue implementing all these strategic plans and then let us see what continues working or what doesn't need to um to be incorporated uh after that thanks thank you Miss berell yeah so I was just going to suggest if you want to quick like just run through your list um and then we could dive into the priority areas CU like we made individual notes on those so if we brief through those and then you know obviously we reconvene offline and then reconstruct the you know the the takeaways moving forward and if you give us your points then we can do some homework on those points and see and come back to you with talking points on your points and then when we go over our points you can come back to us with potential talking PS talking points on our points so if you if you wouldn't mind going through I we have one through three so if you can go through the rest of yours um that awesome Dr Rivera colone does that sound all right yes okay all right so uh investing in high quality instructional materials so this is in priority area one um that we would recommend continuing on with um the development of District instruction expectations also in priority area one um providing all leaders and staff with professional development um and uh Hool Public Schools instructional framework it's number two number three is development of the multi-tiered systems of support so that students get what they need in an individualized way this is in priority area one high quality instruction for all and we're excited that District leaders are currently planning districtwide PD on multi-tiered systems of support for next school year next area also in priority area one am I going too fast no okay all right excellent priority area one uh development of early literacy instructional programs so that focus on early literacy such as you know providing all teachers and leaders um of students in grades K to2 with the knowledge they need around foundational reading skills and then measuring the implementation of the early literacy strategies um using walkthrough tools and other systems that the district has to collect and data and information about progress students are making the next area in priority area two is the one we just talked about the personalized Pathways that includes dual language programming um High School linked linked learning activ AC emies and alternative programming the next area in priority uh the next section or the next recommendation from Priority area 2 is expanding preschool access and so we're uh excited that during receivership Holo has nearly doubled access to prek programming and added nearly 200 full day prek seats and so that's one that you know we'd love to see continuing on post receivership uh the next area also the next uh item from Priority area two is development of social emot systems and opportunities so thatal work that we'd want to see continue on uh the next one within uh priority area three is about family regarding family and Community engagement is the um uh professional development and planning uh that uh for um for staff around uh family engagement as well as the train ation and interpreter Services uh to continue to expand uh the next uh item from Priority area four is the development of pipelines for developing uh educator Talent from diverse backgrounds so thinking about pipeline development to advance careers of Educators with non-traditional preparation to increase the diversity and effectiveness of the educator Workforce um then the the next two are ones that we you know might want to decide who else should be part of the conversation but these are perhaps you know us meteor topics that also relate to uh negotiations so the compensation model that's used by the district through receivership which is a performance-based compensation system uh the next one about the use of time so the instructional annual professional development time that teachers have um 8 to n PD days per year knowing that you know uh Traditional School Districts have sometimes five or fewer and that there's uh every school having at least two uh two hours per week of professional development time outside of student hours is also something that's unique to uh to the district through the turnaround plan and sort of relates back to the compensation model uh within priority area five the uh streamlined um central office supports for schools and then finally within priority area five uh the extended student school year and school day about the um supporting empowered schools in priority area five so that's that's my list uh that we gleaned from the turn around plan but certainly glad to hear any thoughts or questions then obviously your your items as well Dr cavalero thank you so I was reading through the recommendations and um the questions that always came back to me was what is the plan to implement all these um suggestions uh how is this going to be carried out um what are the um I don't know departments or who is going to be involved doing all this um how is that going to be measured up uh etc etc everything was how is that going going to be implemented yeah Miss Ral so if I may make a suggestion so you had divided the priority areas to us so if you want to have like whoever had priority area one um you know send these items to them or like if they could comment on them now on what knowledge they have of them as we go through them um I just want to be conscious that we make the best use of our last 14 minutes so I don't know the you know how to structure that the best but you know my initial thoughts with some of these um I mean you know the everything almost everything in the turnaround plan is still relative and important I think with the exception of the covid-19 um stuff that we talk about um you know in the priority area number five as well or was it four no it's five um but you know the district's doing so much work on teacher retention and so much work on so many of these priority um areas that you talk about so I think the best thing is for us to take the list he has and for us to be able to come back with the information of what we are doing um unless people are prepared to talk about these now in in what exactly we're doing and then like what our our ideas are and how to strengthen them um cuz I'm not obviously I don't think we're hearing anything that we wouldn't want to continue our focus on right like I said I think the only thing that needs to be updated here is probably the covid-19 stuff because I think we can all comfortably say that we're past pretty close to past the pandemic um and then the only other thing I would say we want to obviously keep focusing on is infrastructure and making sure that our buildings are being taken care of and we're doing a lot of work around that so I didn't hear you mention that as a point but I know it is a point in the um turnaround plan and the district's been doing a lot of really good work there as well the msba has been a great partner here in the district um and so you know we're like finally getting our new school and doing a lot of work to the schools that we do have um so I would just like probably add that in as something because you know when we talk about longevity we want to make sure we're planning ahead for those kinds of projects as we look forward and that's a huge budget Factor so I think it's wise for us to just include like you know operations and infrastructure as as an additional talking point with these points as we move forward um so however you feel best but like you know yes I agree as well especially because now we have less than 15 minutes left and it would be important for us to have that list so if you can send us that list of all your suggestions that you just read off so that way we can have some time to digest that and then be able to request any additional data that we might need yeah that will give us more time for us to really think about it through yeah Miss Brun he pulled he pulled them right out of the priorities in the turnaround plan so as he was reading them I was able to follow along uh right in there um so you know the the detailed information is here so I think it's in you know a lot of the benchmarks and implementations and all that information is here it's just if we have specific things he wants us to look at then we can go back and study those exact specific things and bring back the talking points so you know I think that will be really helpful for us um and then just like moving forward if we could get those kinds of lists or or have some kind of like touch point a few days after a meeting leading to the next so that way if you have thoughts of what you want to talk about we can have thoughts of what we want to talk about so that way we're structuring the meetings as effectively as we can because if we you know for example if we had had your 14 things ahead we could have prepared our talking points for those specific 14 things um so just in you know in time we only have an hour so we want to make sure we're all using the best use of our time uh moving forward so and just to point that out you know our next meeting is going to be about budget just so you know like we already have a meeting lined up between uh Dr Rivera cologne and uh Mr SoDo and our finance uh department and Mr willan who's our chair of Finance uh to like plan ahead for how we see that meeting going so we'd love to like extend that invite to you guys if you want to sit on on if somebody wants to sit on that meeting and kind of see what we're processing as how we Invision that next meeting going so that way you can have input on the format of that meeting too because like like I said we want we we're trying to do the background work so our background work can be more efficient if we have you at the table and the planning of the background work too um so yeah absolutely and just in case that meeting is going to be April 11 at 8:15 so if you can check your calendars and see if you want to be a part of that meeting then and is zoom yes and then we're doing the same thing planning the same thing with uh our chair of policy as well in advance of the policy meeting um so you know we're doing doing all that in advance to have the the most effective meetings that we can and yet again we are going to loop back around to the focus on Improvement and the turnaround plan so that's going to be a meeting coming up as well well so to not lose track of that that there there will be more opportunities for that as well can I um then just sort of back around on sort of next steps from tonight's meeting uh and see if we're overall an agreement about where we will go next with this focus on Improvement um so I think what's you know I think really gratifying about our discussion tonight is that our I think our plan would say loudly and clearly the school committee is going to continue to focus on the Strategic plan for the district post receivership and the elements in it uh we will send you our the list that we just read off that's not a problem at all or that I just read um of the items and uh like Miss Brunell said they're taken right from the turnaround plan so no surprises there whatsoever and I think uh as a followup if there are kind of there's anything on that list that we need to delve into more deeply that's you know not already part of the Strategic plan we can certainly have that conversation I would say that the the final items on the list like the compensation model and the the hours that that is not part of the Strategic plan and so I do want to make sure that we don't sort of in our overall kind of excitement my excitement at least about you know yes there's already a p pathway here with this strategic plan and the school committee continuing to focus on it is going to be the way that uh they just continue to do their work um and that's that's great it's like a it's a it's a building on and uh if there are any areas when we send our list that you say though actually we would like to get some more information about this we would like some more training or some more materials or more information that would be a next step so um so again we'll send you the list if there is anything you want um more information more research more training from us we'd be glad to make sure we provide that as part of the plan and then the third part of it is that I think in the in the plan what I'm imagining in August is we would just you know write down and um have a I think a brief explanation of how will the school committee continue to focus on the Strategic plan as we U go into the 2425 school year um that you know what what you already have set in motion will continue and that you you know we are all we all have our eyes set on that together and that we all stand behind that process that you have already started and um and it's really a continuation this piece so um again just wondering if that that seems to you know make sense so to look at this as like overall we're supporting the Strategic plan as opposed to needing to take these items one by one by one um with the exception of some of the things that aren't in the Strategic plan that we do need to come back to like um the compensation model and the hours um just to talk about what needs to be discussed here and also through uh negotiations in the future thank you Miss brunau yeah I mean so the compensation model isn't specifically discussed in the turnaround plan but teacher retention is so I feel like it's tied in even though it's not as specific um and so the district is doing so much around retention I know contracts you teacher Union contracts will be up for renegotiation next year I believe um so Mr stto has already been doing a good job starting to talk to me about planning ahead and just education and you know getting to know what we're going to be offering what we're are offering we're always adjusting what we're offering I know that he's working on something already for the fall um so like yeah it's it's absolutely conscious in front of mine and something that you know we look forward to being more in the process of those contract negotiations um you know off top of my head I think the longer day has been a little bit of a sore Point here in the district and so it's come up a lot in our teacher retention working groups so it's something that you know I can't say that we'd be committed to without further investigating and and really diving into with the teachers because you know we've lost a lot of our long-term experience teachers we have a lot of teachers in the district with one under three years experience we want to keep them we want to build on them we want to ensure we're keeping our teachers for the long term and you know when we're asking more of them and a longer day and a longer year and Comm commun surrounding districts aren't you know that's something that we need to seriously consider so but to my point is I know that's something that we're we're always looking at and that the the district is is looking at now so you know that's the kind of thing like we can't say right now like oh we're committed to keeping because that's something that maybe we can't commit to keeping but we have to do that work and and do that research to find out because you know we need qualified dedicated staff in front of our students and if that's going to be one of the big things that's going to keep them here then that's going to be one of the things that you know maybe that we'd have to compromise on um but again we'll we'll do that working get those points but you know other than that thank you Dr cavalero yeah very quickly thank you so much um Miss runel for for your words I also wanted to highlight the um the need for support of par professionals they are the backbone also of our schools and um keeping them also as well as the teachers and the rest of the staff will guarantee continuation you know and belonging in the parts of our students thanks thank you so much any last things that we might be forgetting or that we need to focus on before we adjourn this meeting and start our full school committee meeting Miss Brunell no I guess just the key takeaways is we'll start a a Google sheet a working Google sheet between all of us um we'll share the meeting time with you that we set for the fin in preparation of the finance meeting um and then when you share the that brief list with us you know I'm sure uh Dr Rivera clone will divide that work amongst the members whose priority areas that falls through and we'll do some due diligence on that and get back to you so that way when we revisit this topic it's all ready to go and and prepared but um yeah I'm just excited to be at this table and and to continue doing this work and I know that we're going to get there right and it's going to be what's best for the students here in hak so thank you thank you thank you Dr cavero and I would like to thank um both of you or all of you who are there on Zoom thank you so much um acting commissioner and and your A for supporting this process uh I'd love to see this because it's a community effort and thank you for supporting what we're all trying to achieve here in hly which is you know a path for success to all of our students and their families thank you so much yes thank you so much everybody and with that I will take a motion to a journ so moved Dr caber on the motion seconded by miss brunau all in favor I thank you so much this is the end and it is 559 thank you thanks