ladies and gentlemen the National Technical Honor Society class of [Applause] [Music] 2024 a great DJ you know [Music] [Music] that once again the 2024 National Technical Honor Society class well good evening everybody uh and welcome to the 2024 Dean Tech National Technical Honor Society ceremony my name is Joel moli and I am the Career and Technical education director here at Dean Tech I have the distinct honor and privilege of serving as the Master of Ceremonies for this event and to kick things off uh I first want to recognize some special people outside of our class of 2024 and our families that are here to join us tonight uh we have in the crowd uh the mayor of the great city of Holio The Honorable Joshua Garcia our superintendent of schools Anthony stto somewhere in the crowd our Vice chair of the school committee mild lefave councelor Patricia dine joining us on stage councelor Jenny Rivera and school Committee Member Rosalie tensley Williams at this time it is my pleasure to introduce the principal of Dean Technical High School Mrs Roseanne Kelo good afternoon everyone I'd like to welcome you to Dean Technical High School's National Technical honor society's induction ceremony today we recognize the accomplishment of an outstanding group of students with one of the the highest honors in Career and Technical education induction into the National Technical Honor Society since 1984 over 1 million members have been recognized for the same effort and aptitude that our students here today have shown in their chosen area of Career and Technical education from celebrating the Excellence shown in developing their skills to offering nearly $300,000 in scholarships each year the National Technical Honor Society believes in empowering each of our students in their journey to develop skills they will need to build a career they love this morning we invite you all to join us in celebrating these students and supporting the time-honored purposes of the National Technical Honor Society [Applause] at this time I would like to welcome to the podium the mayor of the great city of Holio The Honorable Joshua [Applause] Garcia what's up everybody want to welcome everybody and certainly more importantly congratulate uh our students um you know obviously it's um having been born and raised in the city of Holio and having grown up uh through our public school system and now being in this role and just kind of continuing our Traditions as a community Traditions that we've all including our superintendent Anthony s who's actually a graduate of Dean tech class of what Anthony a class was the class 99 class of 99 I was Class of 2004 on the north campus and I'm I'm sure similar for him and he'll come up here and say a few words himself uh you know we we we take a lot of pride in seeing all the hard work that the Educators the people on stage the folks that are out in the audience even your parents all the hard work that people put in day in and day out just to get you to this point in your path for your own personal growth and so each and one of you have a story to tell Anthony has his story to tell I have my own story to tell and many people who grow up in this city and you know Anthony and I kind of do this thing where he talks about the work he puts in with the teachers inside the classroom and I like to talk about what you have learned outside of the classroom just simply growing up in the city of hoyo makes you far more prepared than any other kid in surrounding communities you're much more compassionate you are prepared not just in what you've learned in your your um career track um coming to this school but also what you've learned in your neighborhoods make you much more prepared to navigate struggle and challenges and just tackle issues with compassion and that is your education here in the city of hoo going out into the world and again I'm a product of that and pretty damn proud of it anybody that tells you other wise let me tell you right now they're just being haters make sure you let them know who you are where you from and What You're Made Of but you're in this Honor Society it's a whole different layer I never had the opportunity to be in at that level I know SoDo was uh uh what was it that you were the uh we got to talk about all that you were like the number one in your class Sal valid valid Victorian salute Victorian so again those are things that you know you got this is you got here and you need to be very proud of yourselves and I know your parents are in fact they're so proud I think that today would be a perfect day to make sure you asked them for money so congratulations and I'm proud of you and thank you parents for everything that you've done students faculties everybody here thank you so much for your time your effort that you put into these students thank you thank you Mr Mar and thank you for your continued support here at Dean and it's now my pleasure to introduce another great supporter of everything that that we do here at Dean someone who helps make all of this possible our superintendent of schools Anthony [Applause] SoDo thank you uh I'm going to be real quick I wasn't preparing a speech for this but I just want to Echo everything that has been said we're all extremely proud of you um you know I think about the month of May and I'm I wish every month was like May right November October beginning of the school middle of the Year everything seemed so hard but in may we get to celebrate we have so many celebrations I was just in a classroom where third graders at Lawrence were able to Showcase their musical talents um we had an event last week where uh we have students like you that are committing to entering the teaching field and we offer them a contract to come back to Holy Oak once they're done with their schooling and my man right here was supposed to be there but he wasn't but it's okay it's okay um but these are all examples of like all the hard work like the mayor was saying that all of your teachers put in all the hard work that your parents and your friends and your your loved ones put in they're all here supporting you today but more importantly all the hard work that you put in cuz you are the one that make it happen and uh being a part of the National Honor Society is very much a privilege it means that you pushed through a lot of adversity that you've done everything that your family has asked of you that you've done everything that your teachers have asked of you and more importantly that you're just committed to growing and I hope that you continue to grow it does stop here hope to see you walking across the stage whether that's tomorrow or next year for some of you and continue to uh accomplish really good things this is just a small notch on your belt keep trying keep pushing and keep doing what you're doing we're proud of you thank you Mr superintendent and to everybody here from the superintendent to the mayor we are exceptionally grateful for the support of our students our staff and our school none of this is possible from the top down and so uh at this time I'd like to read the purpose of National Technical Honor Society purpose of the National Technical Honor Society is to reward excellence and Workforce education to develop esteemed pride and encourage students to reach for higher levels of achievement to promote business and industry's critical workplace values honesty responsibility initiative teamwork productivity leadership and citizenship to help schools build and maintain effective Partnerships with local businesses and Industry and to Champion a stronger more positive image for Workforce education in America our students here today embody those values and now I'd like to call up a few students who will help us recognize the special parts of nths at this time principal Kelo and deise torus uh will read the colors of National Technical Honor [Applause] Society the National Technical Honor Society colors are silver white and purple silver represents value and worth White represents truth and honesty and purple represents achievement and honor there are specific there are the specific colors that represent this Miss Buller will now come up to explain the emblem of National Technical Honor Society the official emblem of the organization is made up of a shield crossed by a scroll bearing the letters nths above the shield is the head of an American bald eagle with a wreath of seven stars circling the Eagle's head The Shield represents the individual member the line running through the shield represents a straight Plum line fundamental to building a life and career upon a good foundation the Bald Eagle's head represents the United States of America and the indiv ual's freedom of career choice the wreath of seven stars represents the seven attributes of nths and the individual nth chapters throughout the United [Applause] States now I'd like to welcome to the stage our college and career counselor Savannah Hennessy to bring up the motto of National Technical Honor Society [Applause] I'm going to ask tasa Torres to come up and join me to say the slogan as well as the Moto so the Moto of the National Technical Honor Society is Success favors the prepared mind the slogan of National Technical Honor Society is excellence in America's Workforce begins with excellence and Workforce education [Applause] seven students will be chosen to light individual candles as attributes are presented this evening those students were selected because of their commitment to the nths values in preparation for our induction we will light the candles that represent the attributes we adhere to as members of nths in the center of the table is a lighted candle representing knowledge knowledge is a familiarity awareness and understanding gained through experience or study this candle represents the knowledge you have gained through the experience and study in your chosen technical program the first member attribute is skill I'd like to call up leka Rodriguez Melendez skill Is possessing competency in aptitude in a craft trade or [Music] job the second attribute is honesty to represent honesty I'd like to call up Patrice leer honesty is is the quality of being truthful trustworthy and genuine in your interactions both socially and professionally the third attribute is service to represent service I'd like to call to the stage margerie [Applause] Pagan service is contributing your time effort and skills to help others and your community the fourth attribute is responsibility representing responsibility Jam Liz Rosado Cruz responsibility is being accountable and upholding commitments to others and yourself the fifth member attribute is scholarship representing scholarship Aiden McCarthy scholarship is a dedication to highlevel preparation and achievement in your area of study the sixth attribute is citizenship representing citizenship Samara fison citizenship is supporting nurturing and actively participating in the communities to which you belong the seventh member attribute is leadership representing leadership Evan Kennedy leadership is the ability to inspire and guide others to work towards achieving a common goal members I hope you recognize these seven ATT attributes in yourself and value these qualities that make you eligible for membership in the National Technical Honor Society at this time we will induct each of you into the National Technical Honor Society to do so I call up our DEA student and class of 2024 adviser jabel Bermudez okay okay here we go class of 25 are we ready to induct okay as I say your names pre proceed to the stage first one up William okuno Gro [Applause] next up gazi Kam [Applause] Abu I'm sorry Eduardo canes [Applause] wo Johnny Alis Coro [Applause] Medina I'll practice for next year practice for to correction CH Alis Alis chal ch ch ch ch sh sh I got sh it's my nickname is I'm sorry [Applause] word David [Applause] Colo I'm sorry CH Patrice [Applause] leer oh Evan [Applause] Kennedy Aiden McCarthy [Applause] Jordan [Applause] ortero Marjorie pagang W Joan parichi [Applause] got run I'm just kidding congratulations leka Rodriguez Melendez [Applause] Jam Le hos [Applause] Cruz Chelsea Salas [Applause] Samara badison [Applause] one more Applause for the class of 2025 [Applause] okay now we're going to recognize our second year members of the National Technical Honor Society class of 2024 these students have maintained their standards of the National Technical Honor Society and continue to excel in their chosen pathway so please help us in congratulating the following students first up Christian claro [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Natalie [Applause] Cog jenesy [Applause] Cruz Anisha Lopez [Applause] jedric [Applause] Morales Gayla pagang Figora [Applause] Jana [Applause] Rodriguez Isaac Rosado Cruz Felix [Applause] Santiago y Toro p [Applause] now DEA Alis Torres Sal Tor baby congratulations and Taisha Torres [Applause] inductees you are now members of the National Technical Honor [Applause] Society please confirm this by reciting your pledge of membership Mr Vince salano and Natalie [Applause] clone you're good I'm kind of just a microphone holder folks you ready yeah MC as a member of the National Technical Honor Society as a member of the national Technic Society I pledge to maintain the highest standard of personal conduct IED to maintain the high personal I will apply myself to continue a record of Scholastic achievement I will and I will strive for excellence in all aspects of my education I will invest my talents skills and knowledge I will my talent skills and knowledge in a career of my choosing of and shall always Endeavor to uphold my obligations as a citizen of my community congratulations I officially declare you duly inducted as members of the National Technical Honor Society congratulations and I'll turn it back over to [Applause] Joel thank you Mr Solano congratulations to the class of 2024 National Technical Honor Society we've been applauding you quite a bit tonight but I want to give you a chance to applaud your teachers who are here tonight as long as your parents who helped make this happen so let's give them a round of applause speaking of staff at this time we would like to honor this year's honorary member of the National Technical Honor Society this award goes to a staff member who has made meaningful impact on our CTE programs and our students this year we honor an individual who has impacted our school and community in incredibly impactful ways this person has demonstrated unparalleled dedication resilience and passion transforming challenges into opportunities and consistently striving for excellence for his program and for his students in fact his journey with us began many many years ago as a student walking these very Halls unknowingly setting the stage for a future that would profoundly shape the lives of countless others here at Dean and in our community from the moment he stepped into the role as our Advanced manufacturing teacher he stood as a rock of consistency a mentor to his students and someone deeply committed to the mission here at Dean Tech his tireless efforts ensured our students have received a quality CTE CTE education in their shop and countless work-based learning opport opportunities that he himself helped cultivate his dedication to fostering a culture of excellence and a commitment to our core values embody the very Spirit of National Technical Honor Society he has nurtured self-esteem instilled Pride inspired students to reach new heights of achievement through his promotion of honesty responsibility initiative teamwork productivity leadership and citizenship just to name a few he has prepared our students to thrive in their future careers as we reflect on his contributions and Legacy all of us here at Dean are filled with gratitude and admiration it is with immense pride and heartfelt appreciation that we honor Rick Huard our Advanced manufacturing teacher and a proud alumnist of Dean technal High School's class of 1995 as an honorary member of National Technical Honors soci red please come up on the stage and join us [Applause] you7 yes sir thank you so much Rick your unw dedication and extraordinary contributions have left an able mark on our community you are and always will be a Dean kid for life it is our pleasure to present this W to you as a token of our appreciation for your selfless service to Dean Tech and our students one more time congratulations honorary member Rick hward all right now to wrap this whole thing up and get you guys on your Merry way it's our pleasure once again to introduce the principal of Dean Tech Rosie kachula on behalf of the dean Technical High School we'd like to congratulate all of you on your hard work and installation into the National Technical Honor Society this is an honor that you will be able to carry with you throughout your education and your careers before we close tonight we have Miss Rosalie Tennessee Williams from the school committee who's written a poem about Dean Tech we're very proud of our name Dean Tech so we're going to give her some Applause as she comes on down to speak to all of you thank that's right what okay this is you thank you okay first of all I'm so happy to be here I'm very excited both my sons graduated from this school and to show you how long it's been my baby is 54 and my oldest son is 56 so Dean has been in my heart and all of the schools belong to me all of the children I'm Abella MRE whatever you want just call on me I'm here for you um I wrote this poem that's St June 2nd 2021 at 9:45 p.m. Dean Tech don't look back if you're looking for a high school that's really Keen don't forget to check out Dean and if you're looking for kings and queens look no further they are here at Dean moms and dad knows it's tough the secret to learning is to never give up just remember if if you want to learn stay in school study hard and your credits you'll earn when life gets tough and you know that it will you can survive you have academic and technical skills we love our students and we love this school and wouldn't you say that's pretty cool now listen students please don't be late we want you all to graduate with your talents excuse me don't give up the fight don't forget Awards and show night Dean Tech keep on going don't get slack we want you all to know that we've got your back this poem is over and you know the rules just wanted to say God bless our schools I'm proud of you guys and and to the mayor you're doing a good job keep up the good work thank you for having me and with that I have no better words to give any of you tonight's ceremony is over tomorrow night we invite everyone to watch all of our seniors but especially this group with their special National Honor Society stols to our graduation here in the dean technical gym and to our 11th graders your goal is to move to this side of the room next year you got that all right thank you all for coming Ben Benitos [Applause] [Music] Happ birthday