good evening everyone the mayor apologizes he's upstairs finishing up a meeting so I would like to call this Council presentation to order it is my pleasure to present some amazing local artists in helping us to celebrate Black History Month so if I can please please have our amazing artists and any works that you brought join me up here I would love for you to talk a little bit about your process and what inspired you you get into weed so I know that we just had a a artist in the spotlight last month but it just didn't coincide so well with our meetings so we just finished our last artist in the spotlight and this one our Gallery will be tomorrow night so Thursday February 22nd at the the seminal theater 600 p.m. we always have delicious or derves present or sponsored by the friends of the seal theater and always lots of beautiful artwork to be admired and hopefully purchased tomorrow we also are partnering with South Dade connections they are hosting their black business networking event alongside us so please stop by it will be a very very nice evening so let's hear it for these amazing artists up here since the gallery is tomorrow most of them have hung their work but here you can see one amazing sample of The Gorgeous pieces that will be there so if I could have you all introduce yourself say a little something hi good evening my name is Wanda Montas I'm from Dominican Republic and I've been here before uh it's um it's my pleasure to be here and to tell you the black moon history it remind me the mix of my race of my Dominican Republic people of my people it's part of my history it's part of what we are okay and and that's our blood too and I'm very happy to support as an artist uh with our piece of art and so I going to here to Marcel hola marel the republ the black history MO so she is saying her name is Marcel lour she's from the Dominican Republic she likes working with sculpture and obviously she's amazing at acrylics so she is excited to share her interpretation of Black History Month and be able to express the culture and the other beautiful parts that she finds with you [Applause] all good afternoon my name is Claudia Mella and uh I'm very happy and honored to have been invited to this exhibit uh I'm a nature photographer and a finer artist uh this time I'm presenting in a piece of uh mixed media I couldn't bring it because it's already at the seminal theater thank you hi uh my name is Joseph Fischer uh I'm a teacher an art teacher actually at keysgate uh Charter High School I teach AP art uh print making and uh middle school art um when I found out about this show I was just actually scrolling through a newsletter and it uh popped up and and I have a portrait of pervis young that I painted for myself it's actually more of a per a personal piece um just because his story his inspiration of himself uh becoming an artist going through some controversy just going through some hard times and he found art is being his outlet and I've always thought that as the perfect way of any sort of therapy or any sort of uh anything is just creating and I came to Miami 20 plus years ago as a visit um I walked through the bass and I walked through the Miami Museum downtown and I saw some of his work and it just became something that was an inspiration so um I'm a mixed media Artist as well I predominantly do painting so it's a painting SL oil pastel mix uh on wood so it's a really great picture I found an archive photo that I used and I that's how I kind of came about having that as my portrait um I also teach right now since we're teaching uh Black History Month at school tell them about the importance of all other cultures uh throughout the Arts and when one movement has to start another movement has to spark another movement uh and when you have those kind of movements you end up getting something which we currently have right now some amazing artwork that we have throughout all of the museums especially here at Miami um and in Homestead as well I've seen some really amazing art as well so I just want to say thank you uh for having me be part of this all right everyone so you see a sample of the amazing stuff that will be out there tomorrow 6:00 seminal theater come support all these amazing local artists and thank you all so much for being a part of itk good evening everyone and welcome today is what is today today's Wednesday February 21st yes 2024 I'd like to call call the city of homestad community redevelopment agency meeting to order mam clerk would you call the role please board member aula here board member Davis here board member Roth here board member Bailey here Bard member cbal Vice chairman Fletcher here chairman lawner here miss driver are there any deletions or deferrals no Mr chair all right so we have before us the minutes of February 5th do we have a motion to approve moved by board member Ross seconded by the Vice chair any questions or comments all in favor any opposed next item tab two is car number 4149 the Chrome Marketplace proposals M driver thank you Mr chair on January 16th uh 20124 Society 8 Hospitality Group and vaita atilo Hospitality Group each presented concepts for Chrome Marketplace also known as The Old Edison building to the CRA board after viewing each presentation the board directed staff to lead discussions between the two proposals in an effort to determine if or how a combination of both proposals might be achieved in the letter dated February 2nd 2024 ve group stated that they regrettably would not move forward with their proposal the letter further expressed that ve was genuinely excited about the idea of introducing our Resturant Concepts to Homestead our current business strategy has taken a significant turn this transformation has led us to rior re prioritize our efforts and necessitated a shift in our Direction the remaining proposer is society 8 and they have proposed to you utilize all three Bays 204 220 and 230 to build a food Hall concept and dining experience with entertainment a Brewery Bar and live entertainment additional terms include the following the rent will be $1 per year during the buildout society 8 will receive a facility management fee of 6% of gross sales Society 8 shall pay rent to the CRA less the management fee in 12-monthly installments beginning the first month after the issuance of a certificate of occupancy Society 8 shall receive 10% of kiosk rents for collecting rent on behalf of the CRA and the CRA should be responsible for for the exterior Building Maintenance and Landscaping and shall contribute no more than $1.5 million for tenant improvements a complete performa and rent roll exhibit four as well as a scope and timeline exhibit five are attached to the agenda item staff is requesting direction from the CRA board if it is the preference of the board to move forward with the proposed project from society8 staff will come back to the board with a proposed negotiated agreement and Stephen uh with society8 is here tonight if you have any questions I'd like for him to come to the mic name is driver I'll open it up to the board for any questions or comments on this uh on the item initial comments okay I talked about a million and a half dollars in tenant improvements uh on the city's dime that's an add just clarify that's an addition to the roof and and I also noted on you final review of this after we met today it also calls for parking lot improvements on the the separate parcel at our expense do we have a number on that we're waiting for the proposal for the parking lot uh so we don't have a final number on that and we're also expecting probably within the next two weeks the final numbers from Garland for for the roof any idea what that might be a guesstimation would be about 500,000 um and we have $270,000 left from the loan proceeds that are targeted to cover the roof okay all right um question comments councilman Davis board member Davis although I think this is a great project I I would feel much better if we had a complete accounting uh I didn't realize money was going to go to the parking lot for you know additional monies can't hear you additional money be going to the parking lot perhaps you know those kind of things perhaps we could have that complete listing of where all the money is going to go including the roof and the you know and and these 1.5s and the parking lot where all that money is going to go I think that might be a wise way to move forward perhaps and and again just to interject really quickly tonight is I shouldn't say not to diminish are are our authorization to go off and do negotiations and those are numbers that can be prepared when when it comes back to us for you know a more detailed uh review of the actual agreement and and those dollar uh amounts um I want to recall that that when the when we had the the presentation by both Society a and the v& group um we're here tonight because at some point we gave them an opportunity to go try to work out a situation where Society 8 would take a portion of the building and v& would take a portion of the building and then in the interim v& decided to withdraw from from this project my concern is and and was then that we're putting all of our eggs in one basket with this building so my inquiry would be whether or not there's any thought among Council or whether or not it would would chill this deal if we reserved and withheld the Northern Bay to be to be advertised or be read advertised or available for a different concept rather than limiting that three4 of of a block to just the food Hall with a brewery concept um you know we've all had ideas fantasies dreams of certain restaurants and amenities coming downtown over the years and I've I've reminded Mr good and he's passed it along to business flare of some of the potential other users that would be I think a a nice addition to downtown and business flare is is of and running with with making those contacts on our behalf and I would and I understand there are other privately owned buildings but again with a city owned building we can be more creative with the incentives that we can can utilize to bring something really unique to that space so I guess my ask is is are we willing and is there the availability to to withhold in abeyance that that Northern Bay for for potential other project afternoon good evening how we doing nice to see everyone um we could rework the plan we will it will change the business model slightly um in terms of what we could fit in there right you can't put 10 pounds of potatoes in a s pound bag but there's definitely a way to work it and present um what would actually be lost in doing that it might be a couple L kiosks or some other um activation that we were doing in there for example example when I was here I spoke about karaoke rooms and the brewery and that would have to be reworked um it's possible it's definitely possible you know and I appreciate that and and you know and again when we were here last time you know everybody agreed to entertain that that possibility and I'm assuming that that your very preliminary proor as here are based upon the entire building and again not to belabor the point I'm not comfortable putting all of our eggs in one basket that's you know no no disrespect to you know what you've done and what you you you believe you can do here MH I'm kind of looking for you know some fail safe and some variety there right as long as we're on the same pages I can't deliver everything that was in that package so we'd have to analyze it obviously I'm going to try to deliver the things that make the most money which would be best for everyone while keeping it interesting so so um I think you could still get the flavor that way and it is versatile enough where if the success is there and the bay is empty and you're like we're doing nothing we're not liking what could you do we could relook at encompassing another concept into that very good okay um I know you know the package includes renderings is kind of you know something that we came up a generic thing which is not a lot more than just slapping a new coat of paint on the the building no real deep facade work in in that regard so and I'm I'm saying that and I want to ask Mr Good do we have any reasonable timeline as when we might be able to begin taking a look at the rework of the sidewalks the lighting and the streetscape on Chrome Avenue that will impact this yes uh I received actually earlier this week a preliminary draft of the flavors uh so to speak of the different Furnishings from our Design Consultants uh we're coordinating with them to see if they would be ready to present at the March cow or at a standalone workshop with you all in order to get direction on Final selections for uh what style you want to go with as far as all of those Furnishings finishes and I appreciate that and that's that's those atic are important to me but you know it's probably been a couple years ago now when you and I and the manager and Mr brao walk the streets a couple times um you know we looked at maybe we can remove this parking place and relocate it somewhere else thinking in those terms it would create that depth for outdoor dining or entertainment at least at at this location so you know if and it look I guess it'll take another month to bring back you know a fully vetted uh management development agreement for our consideration and maybe before we do that we can have that in front of us and begin to to think through and maybe make some facade tweaks and and you know just talk about even where entrances might might be and and the look of the uh of the building um that's definitely something that that we can do um and we'll we'll get that on the calendar yeah even the textures and you of the materials for the sidewalks yep so um are we all okay I guess we need some some input here as some direction to go forward at least at this point on retaining that Northern Bay yeah board member AA thank you mayor so you hit the nail on the head all the questions um and the things that you brought up are some of the concerns and um question questions I had for staff in my conversations earlier today uh while I'm very excited to see your concept come to life in that um building on crom Avenue I was um a little disappointed that we weren't getting kind of two for the price of one um and I'm and I also was curious to know what recommendations you would be able to make to making the entrance and and the overall look of that building more inviting more exciting um because although the renderings we have are nice and modern and Sleek it's not necessarily something that um I that that says to me come eat in my restaurant so um I appreciate you being am meable to um allowing us to see what else we can bring to the table for that Northern uh parcel it may very well be a great compliment to what you'll be bringing there as well and it'll just be a win-win so thanks for letting us explore that and keeping you on the team yeah no problem at all thank you appreciate that um yes Bailey thank you um I really like that idea too I I made it clear at the last meeting that I'm more of a fan of this food food Hall concept um I know there were some current some concerns about it being something of a Fed um but I'm sure you've all done a little more research and know that it's not not what you would originally think um as far as our investment it's also nice to know that all of these things will stay in the building um so I I would just like you to consider to continue considering the um entertainment portion of it because I think that of course they're coming for the food but there is a need for the entertainment aspect as well so however we can fit a few fun you know I mentioned the pool tables last time um I think the karaoke would be a big hit but something that would be a little interchangeable depending on the theme or um time of year uh that's definitely something that we can't lose I I'm in support of of holding on to that Northern Bay I really do think that we're going to see this take off and then you can figure out what to do with that part of it as well um but it's obviously a great a great peace of mind to know that we've got some other options as well thank you thank you Vice chair yes so yeah just to state I'm a little disappointed that the the other vendor dropped out uh I was looking forward to having a couple different options there but I don't want to handcuff this individual either maybe they can provide us proposal for the two Bas and then have the third proposal that has everything in Incorporated with it that way you know we're not we may love what he has to offer us with the whole building at the same time so maybe you can do like a a dual pathway uh thought process when you're coming up with your design that wouldn't be difficult at all that's all thank you good thank you ber cannibal anything to add of the conversation Davis all right so I guess you've got the consensus to to pull to pull out the bay so we need now a motion to authorize the attorneys to begin negotiating the the fully detailed uh agreement if I could first clarify is this motion going to include the vice mayor's point of a an option for the third Bay to be exercised at to at some timeline in the future or not well I really think you know I I would I like the suggestion think it's really it at his option and expense as to whether or not he wants to do that now we're telling him bring us a design for 2third of the property I mean you know for an academic exercise it would be nice to see I know that's a that's a cost burden and expense for you so you know that's your your choice it's it's not a problem okay it's really not very good all right moved by uh board member Roth second by uh board member cannibal any public comment all in favor any opposed all right I'm hungry I'm hungry say a little historical fact to wait I'm told that back in the old days when the council meetings were held at what we now call Town Hall that they would all walk across the street and the the corner was a drugstore with a full drugstore with an oldfashioned lunch counter and soda fountain and Council and staff would go over there after meetings and have coffee and dessert so when somebody said pool tables I'm thinking that would be a great way to work off stress and aggravation after a council meeting late at night go go go shoot pool rather than go home and stand in front of the refrigerator and see what's exactly that's here yeah yes thank you it's good so all right we're good thank Youk appreciate it anything further for the CRA agenda no Mr chair right do we have a motion to adjourn so moved seconded all in favor and we will convene the council meeting in just a moment so the council meeting's noticed for 6 o'clock we'll begin then good evening everyone i' like to call the homestead city council regular meeting to order today is Wednesday February 21st 2024 and it is uh 6: PM this evening we'll have the invocation by Pastor Gabriel deos president of the homestead Haitian pastors Association followed by the Pledge of Allegiance with Council woman Bailey and the Homestead police explorers would you please rise Pastor welcome and thank you oh creator of all I come before you with gratitude to pray for the council meeting tonight give the council member wisdom and guidance as they debr on the items before them may all decisions be just in your eyes for the h set and benefits and your honor you are always present and will never abandon us your Grace has kept us safe up to this point and your grace will GA us home Lord we are grateful for creating each individual in this wom every person we encounter every resent of this city and every community and your likeness with dignity and boundless value we are grateful for the responsibility you have entrusted to each of us to care for your creation and to show love to others as we do to ourselves thank you God for our mayor city manager City staff and City Council Members tonight I'm grateful for the service they have chosen to do on behalf of all of us we gathered in this room tonight as intrigued individuals bearing burdens joy and Hope we Fai that only you oh God can unite us in your love and peace assist us Lord in deepening our trust in you above all worries hurt and achievement may we find soless in your Eternal support tonight we pray that the decision made by the city council tonight will will reflect your glory we hope to see the anness of our lives and the need to listen and respond to the most vulnerable Among Us for the greater good we pray for the Manifest ation of your kingdom and Homestead on power through your work with each of your servants May truth be unveiled light shine brigh and the voices of the most voiceless be heard clearly protect their cause oh God via this ring body tonight help your servant now in position of authority to seek wisdom power and courage to make fair and suitable choices for all homestad inhabitants let us priorize the interest of others before our own and demonstrate benevolence for the collective work welfare let us strive to be good neighbors by recognizing the similarities we share in each moment we Express gratitude to the council May Municipal personal First Responders medical staff and all individuals contributing to the Excellence of our community which we partly call home thank you Lord may we find Freedom from our anxieties through the perfect love our Savior Jesus Christ amen amen [Applause] [Music] oh right face [Music] all please join me in the Pledge of Allegiance Pledge of aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all order [Applause] of face forward thank you please be seated Mr good are there any add additions deletions or deferrals no mayor thank you all right well now um roll call Madam Court councilman raw here councilman Davis here councilwoman aula here councilwoman Bailey here councilman cannibal vice mayor Fletcher here mayor lman here all right I'll now open the floor for public comments uh I will begin with those who have uh registered in advance I'd ask you to give us your name and address for the record when you come to the podium and limit your comments to three minutes uh first up with the pre-registrants Claudia Gonzalez Miss Gonzalez are you here are you with us Claudia Gonzalez okay Claudia Gonzalez from the Farm Workers Association okay is there anyone else in the Chambers wishing to make a general public comment this evening is there anyone online sir please come on down good evening good evening Harold Ford 22225 Southwest 112 Place Miami Florida 33170 I'm here to again express my dis my dis basically my disdain what transpired last week in this chamber with the termination of the city manager the reason why is as we study this form of government there's basically no checks and balances outside of it outside of the voters so if he says no to something that the mayor wants done then the mayor can do what he has to do to have him either voted out or removed from his particular space or his particular position even if he has not violated it to terms of his contract which we know that he's a contract employee and even with the comments made by the new coming or newly appointed or uh I guess voted on city manager and the comments he directed towards the outgoing city manager I felt were unappropriate inappropriate unprofessional and I hope they don't serve as a Harbinger for what's to come meaning if he's willing to say that publicly when he meets with employees for the City of Homestead what will he say to them privately they have no protections at this point not that they would need any because I would think that this body would be fair and upstanding and understanding as to the role and responsibilities that each of them have so with that said I hope and pray moving forward and like I said we are monitoring the situation the na CP South a ranch we will continue to monitor as individuals come to us we will build whatever we feel is a fair and necessary case and if we need to come back to you in any way shape or form from a litigious standpoint we will but the sad part about it is we shouldn't even be having this conversation to have a body with no checks and balances is basically disrespectful to this community and it doesn't leave them lead them to have any confidence in you to be able to carry out the work that you're commissioned to do as their elected representatives I appreciate councilwoman Bailey when she called out his appropriates as un unprofessional and unnecessary I even appreciate uh Aila alerting me or enlightening me to the fact that the conditions he was working up under could be hostile work environment or otherwise so with that said I will close my comments as far as publicly but understand we are watching and we hope moving forward we don't have to go farther than it's necessary thank you thank you and since since you didn't clarify it at the beginning of your statements You're Here In Your Capacity as the president of the South a branch of the NAACP I am okay just want to make sure I know you we we know that you are that you introduce yourself by name and and not you know in a representative capacity no problem all right very good you probably see every meeting until appreciate it thank you any further public comment no one online all right I will now close the public comment portion of the agenda because I jumped ahead of myself we already know there are no additions deletions or deferrals um our first item is tab one car number 4165 the William Chrome sculpture the first deliverable design discussion Mr good thank you mayor the professional artist Services agreement between the city and bad River artworks establishes the artists shall perform all work necessary for design fabrication transportation and delivery of the public sculpture feature of William Chrome sculpted in bronze and at a Monumental scale the first deliverable final design and scale of the project involves finalizing design of the sculpture in relation to scale height pose Expressions orientation and apperance preferences desired by the city the deliverable is to be completed within 60 days of contract signing the contract was finalized and signed by all parties on January 31st 2024 artist Lee loning of bad River artworks will be available virtually to present a series of options for the city review and approval thank you Mr good so the artist is online I understand yes that's correct uh any preliminary comments from the artists before we open the council and public discussion well we're um we got the contract today so we know we're good we've been regardless of that we've been well into the project we have the Armature with Clay on it built at 8 foot scale so when this is done we we do a Armature with Clay laid over it from which you'll have a final image to say yay or nay or if you want changes at that stage but U that's the biggest part on our end before it goes to the F Foundry but um from we've made some positive changes uh artistically from the original U drawing but working with Dave David henis on that we we're we've improved that there there's always good things come out of discussion in time we added a a large handkerchief in his back pocket where his hand is um resting you with his hand back that I said you know it's hot and sweaty in the Everglades obviously they went through some miserable time with the bugs and humidity so I gave him a a a hanky a sweat mop for him as he's got his hat tilt back and he's just mopped his hat but that's just a a a small touch we also replaced the stump with a replica of a the transit box which is very nice wooden box that they packed up the transit for the surveying equipment each time and it's flips on top of that it's got a leather strap and buckles and it's more appropriate because that went with him from one site to the next and uh there's not that many big tree stumps in the Everglades it's kind of ecologically out of place so um we gave him a a a pencil stuck behind his ear because he just finished jotting down and that's you know he's got the the little notebook he writes all the surveyor things but I get him the pencil stuck behind his ear and he had pretty good size ears so there's plenty of room for the pencil so when give myself a hand that's a that's kind of the state we're in as far as the the size I don't know if you can get a get an idea of the scale 8 foot is big uh that sound is only two two foot taller but the volume on an 8 foot piece is probably about six times the volume of a six foot guy it goes up exponentially so um quay's the quay's going along we've got The Foundry anxious to get to peace so we're going to be um we were talking about the end of fall but I would I would guess if if you needed it for a Fourth of July celebration um the pace were go on Sherry my partner and I work every day 8 nine 10 hours a day two of us so we're a lot lot lot faster than most artists but we have a daily critique it's uh I think you'll be happy it's going to be a very quality piece also I've worked with Dave a bit and uh about placement I'm U I'm for I think the best location in my mind right now we're just discussing is that two palm trees that line the entrance to the courthouse the city hall um I think right between them there's plenty of room to get people in and out but they'll pass really close to the piece uh the the columns on the east side are really great but you're not going to have the foot traffic and most people who see that will only be in their cars and this is designed to be interactive type piece so that's we're working on that right now with Dave any questions okay well well thank you um appreciate the uh the expediency of your your work I know we all remain excited about this and I'll open this up for some initial comments or questions from my elected colleagues council wellan alala is going to chime in first thank you mayor um I might have missed his comment on it but was there a discussion about the boots being accurate was it this um this design or was it a different design that we had a question on the boots don't recall I recall the conversation but I don't know if it was uh as to uh to this design or not so just making sure that these are the boots that we're okay with and that it's it's a it's what we had addressed but overall I think that the um execution so far is beautiful I love the pencil behind the ear that makes it so realistic um and and relatable and um I you know if we can get it sooner than later that's it's even better and the the change with the stump I'm I'm happy with I think that's uh that was appropriate um the map is still going to go in his hand right well those are survey notes right that's the survey notes survey notes are still going to be in his hand right the the survey notes that the the hand know his tablet where he's writing things down is in the hand that's pointing and he's got his other hand on his hip and that's where like his back pocket or side pocket and that's where the handkerchief hanging out and one thing I thought was important as far as the placement is that I'd like to see that his finger was was due south whatever the the compass reading is between there and Key West is it straight south or is going it's really more West than South and that was going to be one of my comments that wherever he ends up being placed I believe to be historically accurate he needs his hand needs to be facing in whatever the true direction of Key West is I got a nice compass on my cell phone and we'll line it up to uh put it spot on the uh the ideally on a piece like this with a South Exposure you looking South you have good sunlight all the time sunrise to sunset um he's not back lit when you get a piece with his back to the sun it's obviously when you take your picture that's face is dark you've done that taking pictures at the beach or what have you uh you get too much sunlight behind you you can't see any of your figures so this way it's uh facing straight south or Key West he's always going to be in good light as far as photographs and um you want people to take photographs in your namesake UE So and i' I've enjoyed on YouTube and got the history of Keystone and they had really nice presentation about the project and I keep learning more and more so um I'm an expert on William chome anyone else yes councilwoman Bailey thank you mayor well Mr loning I think that we definitely chose the right artist for this I think the expression is really nice um my only question is I'm not sure what it would be called but like the Marquee that describes Mr Chrome I'm assuming we're going to have something there that talks a little bit about the history and what he did is that something we discussed tonight or well a plaque was included in in the package and you know the wording will have to be chosen appropriately at some point yeah okay so regarding the plaque is that something that is part of the sculpture itself or will that sit aside or away from Mr chome I just ask Dave about that I don't think we really discuss a plaque but I have access to a plaque company in Utah that does just this very thing get all of our pieces for the presidents and for governors in South Dakota um Utah Utah Bron but um I was know sorry I was curious because I didn't see it included here so I was going to offer if there wasn't a plaque that that could be something perhaps that was inscribed in the book in The Notebook that he was holding um I wasn't sure how how many words we were including but if it was something um that had to do well he's 8 foot tall and his hand is little bit high so I don't think uh read no I I could add something on there but not a not a history I mean I thought I have a recollection of when we were looking at this that there was a notation that over here on the base wall of the chambers there would be a on the wall itself over here some sort of descriptive uh plaque for the for the Statue rather than incorporating it into the actual sculpture I mean we can do that on our own we have you know no that makes sense I just thought if that was an opportunity but phot is a little high high to read yeah well kudos on the details and I am so in so excited to see it thank you I took Liberty I took liberties with his expression cherry and I did I'm glad you pointed it out because everything we had is what I call the uh the the the church register you know looks like he's squinting a little bit with the sun I like it yeah and he's he's yep he's skewered his expression a little bit by the squint and B just concentrate it gives him some Humanity that just a what I call Church photo pose doesn't have but makes him real but I'm glad you like it well and that was a question I had you know obviously all the posed photos that we see from that area have a very serious and stern look um and I get to where we we don't necessarily want that but and not to micromanage and and I'm looking back at kind of your first rendering where he had his one foot up on the stump and had the transit there uh the Hat didn't seem to be as cocked cocked as far far back um I just I hate to use hate you know almost like a a a comedian Cowboy rather than you know a a semi um you know he's the lead of this big team of of workers and surveyors and engineers and uh but to that point and you know since this has come back to us I have recently well no I've recently found out that apparently his actual notebook and his survey tools recently left Homestead and went to the Flagler Museum in Palm Beach and perhaps if it's not too late you could contact them and get some measurements and photos of of his his toolbox as well as his uh his survey V notebook to be more accurate also his granddaughter still lives in Homestead now bear in mind that he passed away couple of decades probably before she was born but and I'm not guaranteeing cooperation here at all from from the family but you know I'll give them the heads up and I'll through staff get you the contact info to see if they will talk to you and maybe provide some less formal photographs that that the family may have and maybe get their input or maybe the photos will tell you that whenever he wore the Hat it was always pulled down or or maybe go into the Flagler railroad archives and just get General look at General photographs of the work Crews you know to council one of the councilwoman's points of are the boots accurate and really the the way he wears the Hat we've got one chance to uh to get this right right here's the the point on the hat so he's it's it's stop action He Has Lifted his head up from the the transit he's pointing to his Rod man the man that's holding State he's pushed his hat back and wiped his brow but he's pushed it back looking down his finger to line up on the guy and the thing about having a cat hold down you suddenly have in space always in Shadow okay um you know I I can make it more of a Cavalry hat where it's folded back or I can straighten it out it's it's it's it is pushed back somewhat but we don't want to Shadow out the face um because it'll it'll always be in shade with that big uh right understand you I think the style of hat that you show here is consistent with the photographs we've we've seen I I haven't worked that over we just got it armatur in and uh we haven't styled it made it um you know that presentable that mostly I wanted to show the expression of him engaged in survey any any thought of having his left foot resting on a rail you know kind of like they've he's at the end of where they finished construction and one foot on the survey tools and the other on a on the rail bad no he they've already built that that way behind the survey he's out in the marsh what we were trying to go for uh that and that was the toughest toughest part of the whole project was the the horrendous conditions of being in the marsh um well it kind of a keep it simple but accurate gotcha the box is very accurate it's an antique box uh it'll make sense um it's got the leather caring strap and the the metal lock down Taps on it and it's very very solid which is what you got to have to be stomp around and you know the wild survey kit um but um you know uh uh we we've worked with all the governor's families uh 11 of them in South Dakota so we work very well with family although sometimes they get uh a little a little bit too picky even though they've never seen him in life but we don't mind that if it looks like him is what we want but there's really no pictures of them at all with any emotion and uh that just makes re boring well I call it the the church catalog or whatever you call it the church you know everybody gets their picture tap and they all have photograph yeah and it's just it loses interest right away the finishes everything and uh we've got just just a few photos and we've researched and researched uh there's three that are usable and likely they're from the early time uh uh there weren't any later photos at all uh but they were all the ones of in the field are at a distance and right you can't see anything basically but he was a skinny guy yeah he was all the photos confirm that yeah um well my last my last comment again I'll kind of repeat myself to council I'm not sold on the placement yet well he's looking at out here on the entrance we would typically use out here from um from the East parking lot and I don't know that that gets the tourist and event foot traffic that we really uh thought about you're talking about putting it out near the flag poles right in the the palm trees it's the there's two palm trees there's two palm trees there on the big the city hall entrance right uh just north to the yeah typically next to our parking spots now and I I just not to the West right the ones on the East are are are not a beautiful background with your columns in the big curve architectural detail but you just not going to have people walking you know yards over there to interact with it I this giv you I think what we if we can we need to hold an abeyance the placement yeah I think the the point tonight was what we were really looking for was to give each of you an idea about where he is the placement is on down the road and we have some time to work on that but we sort of wanted to give the P the perspective of orientation what's due north and what's due south and how it would line up and so I think you're exactly right we have time to deal with that issue be be when I S you now just perspective carry on right yeah what when I send you a clay I'll have a photos shable if you give me a scene I can put them in it I just need a mark at about 8 foot six so I'll scale them up you know like on the pine tree very good we're good at that and that's so let me ask staff if they need anything else from us we appreciate your time from uh from your home and uh really appreciate and admire your all of your work any further Mr good or Mr Hennis no I think but uh this won't be the last time you see this we'll continue to bring this forward as we get closer and closer I think I jumped ahead a little bit on placement so let's I me we'll wait till I get you a good actual finished product for when we're finishing clay then you can critique it and say change this change that okay if you got slight right so we're not we're not Pradas we're we'll make you happy all right and we try not to be tell you you're happy so anyway give me a hand there you go well again thank you appreciate it and look forward to our next meeting and I enjoy working with David Hennis he's a good man you're thank you appreciate that good night thank you right good back good night okay so that's all we need that was uh for that uh informational item all right so we have now before us uh item six on the agenda the consent agenda um so let me ask uh think Mr Good would tab 12 also more appropriately be wrapped into the uh to the consent agenda that was some the the uh class action that we discussed and approved at the the Cal I think that's I think that's tab 11 and well 11 yeah that could certainly be included in if we can include include the tab regarding the uh the form six litigation in the consent approval I'll ask for a motion as uh as noted moved by councilwoman uh councilman Roth seconded by councilwoman Avala any public comment questions for councel all in favor any opposed and amen we have no land use items this evening so that we'll go to tab nine Mr White yes mayor tab n is a resolution of the city council of the City of Homestead Florida accepting a grant award for from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection for the James Archer Smith Park trails project authorizing the city manager to execute the grant agreement and related documents providing for implementation and providing for an effective date Mr good thank you mayor the City of Homestead has applied for and received a $120,000 Grant from the state of Florida Department of Environmental Protection for the James Archer Smith Park Trail staff recommends the mayor and city council approve the attached resolution authorizing the city manager to enter into an agreement and establish a budget for a grant Award of $120,000 from the state of Florida Department of Environmental Protection this grant does require matching funds of $30,000 that are budgeted in Impact fees thank you any questions or comments anybody want to decline $120,000 in grant money didn't think so so do we have a motion to approve move by Council wman B seconded by councilman uh cannibal any public commentary I'll close the uh public hearing and ask for a roll call vote councilman Ross Yes councilman cannibal councilwoman Bailey councilman Davis yes councilwoman abula vice mayor Fletcher yes mayor lner yes the motion carries and next item is uh Tab 10 Mr right yes mayor this is a resolution of the city council of the City of Homestead Florida enacting Revis comprehensive council meeting and agenda procedures through proceeding resolutions on the same subject providing for conflicts providing for separability and providing for an effective date Mr good thank you mayor um as you all are aware this item was deferred from last week's Committee of the whole meeting um and there are several blanks within the resolution that will'll need direction on other than that I'll defer to the attorney I think beyond that but upon I think upon consultation with Council and not only their conversations with our manager design and and my conversations with him and our general conversations here about perhaps adding a meeting that perhaps we should hold those items in abeyance as for for those time frames until we have a better understanding of where we may be going with perhaps a an additional monthly meeting and and the timing there so that we we not take any action on that but just incorporate you know those original original items in in the item that I brought forward I guess a couple of months ago yeah yeah there's there's too many unknowns to fill in those the the new time frames and that's near and de to councilman Davis's heart and uh you know once uh if Ziri hits the ground ground running I know he has some thoughts on you know modernizing and streamlining and uh you know give us maybe even better leeway on on putting stuff and getting into into process so that we we can see it and discuss it uh earlier in our one-on ones so do we have a motion move to that effect by Council woman Bailey seconded by councilman Davis is there any public comment okay we'll close the public hearing and ask for a roll call vote councilwoman aula councilwoman Bailey councilman Roth yes councilman Davis yes councilman conal vice mayor Fletcher yes mayor lman yes the motion carries very good thank you we have covered tab 11 that takes us to tab 12 Mr attorney yes tab 12 is a resolution of the city council of the City of Homestead Florida approving the settlement of all claims made by Stephanie McIntosh providing for implementation providing for an effective dat thank you mayor um on June 22nd 2015 Stephanie mckintosh was arrested by Homestead police at the Marshall's department store located at 1099 North Homestead Boulevard and charged with retail theft the next day representatives from Marshall's corporate office contacted Homestead police and they did not want to proceed with the pro prosecution of Miss mckintosh uh Miss mckintosh was advised there would be no criminal charges filed and thereafter received a statement from Marshalls for allegations of false arrest the MOS filed a lawsuit against the City of Homestead alleging she was falsely arrested and has suffered injuries as a result Miss mckintosh is willing to execute a general release extinguishing any and all claims arising from the above incident for the total amount of $25,000 including all costs and attorney's fees staff recommends the mayor and city council approved the attest resolution approving the settlement of all claims for the total amount of $25,000 thank you Council questions comments okay let's open the public hearing see if there are any uh any public input on this matter hearing none I'll close the public hearing and ask for a motion to approve move by councilwoman Bailey seconded by the vice mayor roll call Madam clerk councilwoman Bailey councilman caral councilwoman aula yes councilman Roth yes councilman Davis yes ice mayor Fletcher yes La yes the motion carries and tab 13 Mr White tab 13 is a resolution of the city council of the City of Homestead Florida approving a settlement of all claims made by Blake Weber providing for implementation providing for an effective date Mr good thank you mayor on February 23rd 2007 we was struck and injured by a motor vehicle within the course and scope of his employment with the city and he thereafter sought workers compensation benefits since 2007 the city has provided certain workers compensation benefits to we stemming from the workers's compensation accident at the request of the insurance company a wash out settlement agreement with what with weever has been reached which will be funded and paid directly from the insurance company and will com will compromise all claims for past present and future workers compensation benefits arising from the accident on a global lumpsum basis whoever is willing to sign a release extinguishing any and all claims for past present and future workers compensation benefits for the total amount of $275,000 inclusive of attorney's fees and costs staff recommends the mayor and city council approve the attached resolution approving the settlement of all claims for the total amount of $275,000 thank you sir any final questions or comments from Council any public comment so I'll close a public hearing and ask good evening Mr McDon 32320 Southwest 199th Avenue um I came in a little bit just at the end of the close of public comments but this is related to settlement discussion so it's okay at have a minute um I've not attended any of the recent meetings however I watch them and I must give credit where it's do councilman Cannonball and councilman Davis I and the public have been very impressed with y'all's actions and your votes so far in the city so we're really proud of you and just want to say keep it up further many of us were utterly appalled to watch members of the ACLU accuse many on the DI of crimes with no evidence I must add I I have no other words for that those who pay attention know that Chief roll is little more than an affirmative action puppet who's usually only dragged out when another POC is beaten or killed by HPD so they can CL they're not a racist organization it's sad that a once worthwhile civil rights organization would choose to be on the wrong side of history that of a criminal chief of police against the abused and less fortunate in our community who want them gone the ACLU members certainly were not standing beside the real leaders of our black community and I as we fought for five years to get body cams and some type of accountability for primarily black men killed at the hands of HPD but I digress you should be aware that outside of council chambers at the November meeting Chief role cussed me out then for baby me from re-entering chambers these actions violate my first minute rights and the open meetings law it's hoped that since it Chief Ro who will again broke the law that he would be a man of Honor show some Integrity apologize and promise to never again prevent me from entering a public meeting due to my speech alas I should not have expected so much from such a trog adite to close up we were in the middle of settlement negotiations although I noticed that your attorneys have never requested an executive session to this end please let me know soon or my attorney if the city's still interested in real settlement discussions or if I need to finish Prosecuting my pining cases and file a bunch of new civil rights cases as well as public records cases thank you and have a good evening thank you Doctor all right we'll close public comment now and we'll have a motion to approve or do we have we had a motion to approve this item correct no all right moveed by councilwoman Bailey second by vice mayor Fletcher roll call Madam clerk councilman R councilwoman Bailey councilwoman aula councilman Davis yes councilman cannibal vice mayor Fletcher yes mayor LNA yes the motion carries all right thank you anything further Mr assistant manager no mayor thank you Mr attorney nothing at this time mayor thank you at this time always got to clarify that not tonight not tonight not tonight all right Council woman Bailey thank you mayor um I don't have much I just want to say super super huge kudos to staff for our lner Park Black History Month celebration it was I mean I have said it multiple times I just stood stood there and looked around and thought wow this is Homestead so awesome awesome job I thoroughly enjoyed myself I think I tried to leave like three times and then ran into somebody and ended up back and I'm glad I'm glad that I did so once again please if you can join us tomorrow night at the seminal theater we are celebrating art for Black History Month and along with the South Dade um Chamber of Commerce uh they are also hosting their black business networking event so yummy food and uh and beautiful artwork so please join us 6 o'clock tomorrow at the seminal thank you good thank you Council cannibal yes you here yes to congratulate mayor lner and Lori lner for 33 years of marriage okay that's a hard work to do man that's amazing congratulations man thank you okay coun Davis I just wanted to take a moment and and thank our Homestead team we've had just well wishes from everyone my my wife's uh illness lately everyone was so caring and kind and many kind thoughts and prayers I wanted to be thank my colleagues for all their for all their kindness in this regard she's on the men she's doing much better thank you very much good thank you councilman I have nothing for tonight thank you thank you nothing for tonight nothing at this time oh but Bailey's gonna take your time no no I said South Chamber of Commerce but I meant South Care South connections okay thank councilwoman AA thank you mayor um congratulations on the anniversary councilman Davis I wasn't aware she wasn't well so my prayers to her um I wanted to congratulate Council woman Bailey again on her um wonderful event this past weekend the uh Black History Month event was not able to go unfor was mine I wish it was mine well it was the city's the city's event but you are such a champion for that and so congratulations to staff for pulling that off you have done a fantastic job once again uh another kudos to staff for helping with the County's classic car show banner and putting it up finding it when it blew down fixing it putting it back up again and now fixing it again because the date is now the 25th thank you Pedro for having that fixed tomorrow um so the classic car show at the county which the city has sponsored um frugally donating popcorn to 200 kids um so we're all welcome to attend and they're very happy with our hospitality and um helping to promote the event but that's going to be the 25th this Sunday at um Bayfront Park and um I also wanted to share that the uh that several about 30 students local students here in Homestead will be attending the youth Symphony at Tropical Fair Gardens due to a collaboration with the Kanas Club of Homestead and the south Florida youth Symphony so I wanted to thank the kaanas club of Homestead for continuing to keep um the the musics music and the Arts as a priority uh here in Homestead and so what a fantastic opportunity to send kids to to see that um concert so thank you to all the local nonprofits that continue to serve our community and um have a great weekend thank you vice mayor thank you Mr Mayor just one comment uh tomorrow several of us from the council will be attending the Miami Dade County zoning Hearing in regards to the uh construction and debris landfill site uh we will be uh presenting again with our resolution where we support the airbase and it's its Mission as well as those of our residents not wishing to have uh the uh landfill that close to homite so again several of us will be going uh to represent the citizens of Homestead tomorrow and we welcome you to join us as well that's all thank you Mr thank you sir that's one last item I have to uh to speak on yeah we'll we'll will be there several council members will be there on on behalf of our community uh want to quickly announce that you know due to uh his inability to attend um we've received the resignation of uh Antoine buan from the faith and Community Based uh Advisory Board and in his stad uh appointed Pastor Reginal Joseph to to fill that uh that seat I too want to to commend staff and councilwoman Bailey and her committees with the uh the Black History Month event in laer park a couple of weeks ago it was impressive just Bas in the glory come on no place for you no thank you and on behalf of um staff thank you to the mayor and Council for your approval of the funding for that event allowing us to to do the work that we do and I want to give a special shout out to um Camila our Pio and pedo our director of Parks and Recreation they were um really amazing at at pulling that event off well what what I want to say it was an event that could be enjoyed by all it was you know there was something there for everyone all night and councilwoman Bailey had the foresight to extend an invitation to Dr awaba to come down down he came down not only with his wife but with his brother who's visiting here from Nigeria and some friends in other family members and they were just blown away impressed by what they saw going on here in Homestead it it reflected well on our community and and all of those who who help put that together so again I just I want to to make that notation that uh you know we're really upping our game on on all of of the events and I know we we've had some good Sunshine meetings on Fourth of July longterm issues holiday events and uh we're going to really show the rest of the county at least the rest of Deep South Dade how to do community events so with that if there is nothing further do we have a yes councilman Roth yes wow yeah thank you I should that's a dollar fine for me at Rotary March 2nd and 3rd the rotary charitable Foundation seafood festival at our Sports Complex I think this will be the fifth annual fifth think it's fifth I think we had a gap year in there one year fifth annual uh again food vendors and merchandise vendor slots are are filled up with more more food so you know hopefully shorter lines and uh come out and enjoy it's a it's a pretty cheap way to have you know and if if this weather continues that we've been having and to the festival weekend we're we're going to be overrun with uh with folks but that's uh that's what it's all about thank you Council ra for reminding me of of that I'm just I'm sitting here thinking about going to commission tomorrow you that's like that buy a cloud over our heads so that a motion to adjourn move by Council Roth seconded by the vice mayor all in favor meeting adjourned thank you all