e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e good evening everyone and welcome I'd like to call the City of Homestead community redevelopment agency meeting to order today is Tuesday March 12th and is now 5:17 p.m. roll call Madam Court board member Davis here board member Roth board member Bailey board member cannibal ni chairman Fletcher here chairman lawon here uh Madame director are there any deletions or deferrals no Mr chair all right we have before us on Tab one the minutes of the February F February 21st 2024 meeting we have a motion to approve move by the Vice chair second by councilman Davis any questions or comments all in favor any opposed next item is tab two car number 4198 a residential Grant guidance lines Amendment Mr attorney yes Mr chair tab two is a resolution of the board of the community redevelopment agency of the City of Homestead Florida amending the CRA residential Rehabilitation grant program terms and conditions to increase the maximum amount of assistance allowed per house providing for implementation and providing for an effective date thank you madam director thank you Mr chair on May 17 20 2010 the homestead community redevelopment agency board approved resolution C 210- 05- 04 creating the residential facade repair grant program the grant is intended to Pro to provide low and moderate income single family homeowners located within the CRA with financial assistance needed to make necessary home improvements to increase their livability lifespan correct code violations and provide for a decent safe and sanitary structure over the past 14 years the maximum amount of assistance per house has remained at $155,000 due to the increased material and labor cost it is necessary to increase the maximum award amount to $20,000 staff recommends that the C board approve the attached resolution amending the residential facade repair grant program maximum award amount from 15,000 to $220,000 per household thank you any initial questions or comments from the board when I had my agenda briefing on this matter one issue that I raised is whether or not not um the funds because it's come up in conversations with me from some applicants as to whether or not the award could be utilized for permits and any architectural uh you know engineering um items because many times folks don't have a survey and if they are going to do a fence surveys are hard to come by these days and they're not as nearly as cheap as they they used to be so I guess in addition to that the uh agency's looking for some direction from us as to whether or not to start the ball rolling to amend those guidelines to allow those expenses to be included in in grant funding anything to add right now permitting is allowable in the in the current Grant guidelines so I don't believe that we would need a any change or or not for surveys no it's it's it's allowable yeah MH we I went back to the office and checked it is allowable now yes all right Thank You tab three residential rehab grant for 214 Northwest 6 a Mr attorney yes Mr chair tab three is a resolution of the board of the community redevelopment agency of the City of Homestead Florida approving the allocation of residential Improvement grant program funds approving a grant agreement providing for implementation and providing for an effective date okay Madam director thank you Mr chair staff recommends that the C board approve the attached resolu resolution authorizing the allocation of a residential Rehabilitation Grant in the amount up to $155,000 to Diane and Johnny Brown at 214 Northwest 6th Avenue Homestead Florida 33030 the grant will cover bathroom repairs and exterior paint of the home and we do have a representative from the Brown family here very good thank you so if that individual would just stand up and let us know you're here welcome I don't think that's thank you appreciate it all right any questions or comments from Council from the board yes I have a procedural question so um this is a great program so it's it's nothing negative so the contractor goes in typical with a bathroom for example they tear it up and they find out a lot more rotten wood and reframing is needed and all that kind of stuff so what happens if there's an additional say $3,000 or $4,000 cost for for framing if there if the contingency is not able to cover it um we've been partnering with Miami dat economic advocacy trust they have a rehab program where they can um do rehabs up to $50,000 so if there's something that we run into and we're not able to cover we would reach out to them to ask them to assist with that and if it's something that they're not able to or they've already given funds to the applicant then that would be a case where we would come back before this board and say we have this emergency um can we uh allocate additional funds towards this granting so there there's not a there's not a scenario that the applicants going to find a hole in their house you know what I mean it's going to get done all together no matter what it'll get done of course the grant is is for emergency repair so we would hate to leave them in a worse predicament than when they when they came to us so yes we take care of them we have that program it's called the holiday Home Makeover who here remembers that no not a good good look um anything further from from the board um one of the questions again that I had had posed and I think you were going to look at it for me is whether or not there were any local contractors that had bid that that didn't make the cut on this again you know I'll Echo you know I think all our concerns that this is not truly a local vendor um the local vendors have the opportunity and and uh we're any in the mix so this their process they being rebuilt together um rebuilt together is the nonprofit organization that we work with that handles all the repairs for for these homes they have a um a procurement or bid process that they go through um very similar to ours where they will send emails out to all of their vendors um their except their contractors saying hey we have this job you know please bid on this job and in that list they do have some Homestead um uh vendors what we've done is provided them with we reached out to procurement since our conversation with you um yesterday and reached out to procurement and asked them for a list of Homestead vendors that we could share with rebuild together so that they could increase their the number of Homestead folk that they are reaching out to when you get your packets you usually only see one quote in there and that is the lowest bidder so we always get at least three quotes for each job I say we rebuild does and so in this instance um we did not have any local vendors that responded to either one of these either one of these jobs and one of the thing that rebuild told us is that they've had some challenges with with uh local vendors meeting the insurance requirements their requirements are very similar to the cities and so they've had some of the same challenges that we ran into when we were trying to do work with some of our local vendors we're hoping to increase the number of respondents by providing that list of vendors to them you Mr thank you Mr Vice chair yes thank you uh real quick to the city manager staff um I know a couple of years ago we request a listing of all of the vendors for the City of Homestead could we maybe get an updated list sent to everyone on Council again so we can take a look at that yes of course we'll get that information to you all thank you yeah that's I think that's an important uh important issue is you said something very interesting that I keyed in on was that Rebuilding Together goes out to their vendors so you're not really casting the net necessarily in in Homestead and you know in looking at at this item and the next one I noticed that you know same bidder um that's titled Madison Building or builders that doesn't seem to exist at least according to sunbiz there's a Madison Consulting by these folks H operating out of a residence north of here but you know the proposal was done in the name of Madison Builders and maybe may form over substance but again my red flag is is why isn't CRA money we got to do a better job of keeping it in town so do we have a motion to approve this item moved by board member Cannibal seconded by board member Bailey all in favor any opposed and tab four similar item uh car number 4170 Mr attorney yes Mr chair Tab four is a resolution of the board of the community redevelopment agency of the City of Homestead Florida approving the allocation of residential Improvement grant program funds approving Grant agreement providing for implementation and providing for an effective date Madam director staff recommends that the C board approve the attached resolution authorizing the allocation of a residential Rehabilitation Grant in the amount up to 15, 000 to Michelle Williamson at 1673 Southwest 5th Street Homestead 33030 the grant will cover fence installation and electrical outlets that need to be replaced very good any questions or comments for the board have a motion to approve moved by the Vice Chair seconded by board member uh Davis does anyone here from the applicant yes sir she's here uh thanks for coming I'll have you out of here in just a second all right so we have a motion of a second on this item all in favor I any opposed all right congratulations I hope the work's done quickly and and to your satisfaction and please come back and let us know if there are any problems Mr we saw the before sometimes it's nice to see the after Mr chair they were also referred to Miami date economic advocacy trust um so these are two other grants that are going to get additional work done that we couldn't cover very good okay that's it's interesting their representative comes down here and makes allegations in connection with uh other Council business okay next item is tab five a discussion under car number 4200 the homestead live site plan Tada thank you Mr chair brief pres presentation which basically is just some some pictures for you all for Homestead live so Homestead live um if you all will recall is an open air event space for music art and culture uh some of the activations that we anticipate experiencing at this facility of live concerts art exhibits festivals um some weekly activations may include uh senior chair aerobics yoga a different exhibitions for the community maybe a Sunday brunch it's a great space space for private events um birthday partings weddings staff Retreats baby showers a community Gathering space um and an opportunity for local entrepreneurs to support their ideas and and share and have at this location so we're excited to bring before you tonight a site plan this is for discussion purposes uh once we get your feedback on the site plan we will go back make any tweaks that are necessary um come up with the cost analysis and then bring back a full plan to you guys that includes the cost benefits our rate of return on investment what we anticipate the space being used for ETC and the architect is here so in case there are some questions about design that I'm not able to answer Stephanie is right here behind me to chime in so if you see the red shaded area that is some land that is currently owned by the CRA that is the site for Homestead live um if you recall we've had a couple of popup events there that have gone very very well the last one was the fiesta USA um so it's vacant land now um and we are hoping to soon uh make it into something really exciting um and an economic benefit to the Southwest neighborhood so if you look closely um here is is the truck access the site plan was built to accommodate two uh food trucks on site for the smaller events and then this here is some seating area right down here in the corner and we have this area here would be a shaded structure so to provide a little bit of shade um we do have some area that's not covered under shade uh then this is additional shading area I mean a seating area and we have more seating area up here at the top on the North End of the facility and then another shade structure that would cover the main this is the main lawn so the shade C uh cover over this main lawn area and then a stage a small staging right here is a container that would be outfitted as an office space and then this is another container that um is multi-purpose it has some storage and then the the third container is here which would be the bar and then additional storage all the containers the vision is that that they would accommodate rooftop seating um and when we go to the next slide you'll be able to get a better visual what this may look like this colorful Street area here that is third court and the vision is that we would close that down make it nice and fun and funky and um where it's you know instagrammable moments um just something that's really exciting and vibrant for the community uh we could also Park additional food trucks there for larger events and um so it is designed to be a part of the inside Space of Homestead live as well as the outside so this is an aerial um better view of of what you can kind of expect to see there we've Incorporated trees to add some additional shading and some Greenery to also just make it look a little nicer one thing that we want to point out is because we have designed this as a flex space all the furniture everything that you see here is movable so if you're having a wedding party and you don't need all of that seating in the middle of the area here and you don't need um the trees there all of this it can can be moved and moved aside and folk can bring in their own furniture or other designs that they they have here is the rooftop seating on top of the containers so if there is a concert going on you know you could sit up here and kind of enjoy a better view of what's happening on the stage to the next slide so here's some additional views of Homestead live the thought is that this sign on the outside would be illuminated um so you'd be able to to see it um you know at night time it' be lit up looking really nice again the idea here with the colors and this design here was that we would have some features that whenever you saw a picture and you saw that feature in it you knew that you were at Homestead live um people love to come and take selfies they love to have those instagrammable moments so the site was designed with several different plots in in in in the space for those particular moments then if you look down at bottom number four you can see the shade structure here kind of what it would look like and again all the furniture is movable so there the thought is that it will be activated during the day as you can see looks like this gentleman is here on lunch break from work so it's a nice little spot where you can just come and relax when there is no activations happening so the next few slides are going to tie in Homestead live with the triangle project so this is an aerial view of Homestead live down here and then up here in the corner is um the triangle project so we kind of wanted to show you the thought was to make sure that both of these um tie in together and then you can see the close proximity so those folk that are living at the triangle can easily walk over to Homestead live to take advantage of whatever is happening in that venue at that time and these white boxes are just represent buildings that are currently um on these Lots here's another aerial view kind of help you Orient um where Homestead live is this is the busway and this is Southwest the entrance of Southwest Fourth Street so Southwest Fourth Street and Railroad Avenue and then this would the triangle project and then right over here Homestead live again this is another view looking Westward if you were crossing Flagler heading down Fourth Street heading west here is Homestead live again triangle and then one last look um this time looking Eastward uh from on Southwest Fourth Street so you have the tri the homestead live on your left and then triangle here on your right so that is and one last shot of Homestead live so that is what we wanted to share with you all and again we are here just for a discussion about the site plan and uh to get your thoughts and your your feedback on that thank you well thank you board member bayy how did you know thank you chairman um very exciting I do like the very colorful Road I think that that is going to be a very big wow um I think maybe we can do a little better on the font of Homestead live on the side of the building I think there's an opportunity there to tie that in maybe with some of the colors um especially with the lighting and I think the only other question that I have right now is that um if you can go back to slides one more sorry no one more one more it's keep going so the entrance the main entrance if you go back one more you can see it better so top right that at um those horizontal pieces that's obviously some type of metal yes and then those gates close to those horizontal pieces and that's what closes It Off good afternoon so I'm Stephanie the Roa I'm one of the designers that worked on the development of this site plan for Homestead live so the idea is to close off the site so if there's a a private event going on so that it's separated from the street so there would be two gates on either side of uh the entrance feature to close it off um of course that has to be designed and drawn with more detail because it is going to structurally need to be defined a lot more in an Nar phase that's what I was curious about because obviously safety and once it's closed at night to make sure that uh that no one is getting in there um yeah I think that would be that would be my main my main question the the movable Furniture I don't know if anybody has been to anything like this but there's some in Little Haiti and it just lends itself to some really creative groups getting getting together with drum circles or um all different all different little Community get togethers in the Little Haiti one there's a great restaurant right next to it that does really well um so that's an opportunity hopefully for somebody who who wants to come in and be in a close proximity to it so Kudos very excited thank you thank you anyone else uh board member Davis uh just a couple questions similar to what we discussed stairs so when we come back if you could have a benchmark for us like like the one in Little Haiti like others this is not an an uncommon idea you know what I mean so we can see where others have had success and not so much success but it's also important I think to have in there a radius a walking radius and the and the number of people that we think will will be walking in or or driving in primary parking secondary parking those types of things that we can that we can discuss to see the flow another thing that's absent but it's premature to have it in of course but also interaction with the police department because we got to make decisions armed guard unarmed guard how many you know some going to be there all night all that kind of stuff uh needs to get worked on as well so we have that um that input at the at the ground level um additionally if you could do something for me is whenever we have developments come up I always ask um how many jobs and what's your your what's your estimated uh you know what's your estimated payroll for the year um so uh if you could do that I appreciate it as well because almost always you're employing more people than we think you are you know what I mean and that's a beautiful thing so um if we can have if we can have that as well thank you absolutely yes sir thank you sir Vice chair not specifically on this item although I'm looking forward to seeing this move forward um again I want to I meant to talk about this the other day and forgot about it going back many years ago we did Street Scapes all up and down Fourth Street uh where we really Chang the look of the community uh by adding different crosswalks and trees and everything and I know we talked about coming back and redoing that again when we do that let's try and tie in some of these color schemes so it you know looks generally the same all the way down Southwest Fourth Street and do we have a time period on when we may be looking at that again so um I'll take this one for kitra uh we are as you are all well aware we have already repaved the the four street we have a $1 million grant for pedestrian improvements uh it is not available until 2029 however uh in the meantime We are continuing to do landscape improvements um we are working with the county on permitting of the um of The midblock Crossings when we went back um we found that we needed to do some additional permitting work in order to make sure that those are fully up to standards um unfortunately the permitting game at the county I I don't have a good timeline for you yet uh however it's safe to say it will be before 2029 and if I may add um if you look on the screen we have these um these are the crossworks that we are waiting for those permitting instructions the uh colors we did ask uh Stephanie to make sure that those colors flowed with homestead live and um these are the actual designs that are going to be in the street and um the colors you know once we leave here tonight we'll determine exactly what the colors are going to be but we are tying it all in okay so two quick questions is it kind of contemplated that the containers on the South Side would kind of block the view of the unsightly rears of the the buildings further to the South is they're pretty bad I don't know that it was contemplated but it definitely accomplishes that goal so well you know whatever we can do to ensure that either those are those are enhanced or we landscape and shield them out of view somehow that's a real real Downer I guess you'd say for would love it for being in that with those really unight those unsightly buildings to the uh to the South that face uh four Street we would love it if they would allow us to do murals on those the the back of the the building so Le they look better and they fit into the whole artsy theme of Homestead live and second question and I'll choose my words carefully I won't even say estimated do we have a conceptual price tag for all of this I think we talked about it a long time ago where where are we on that do we know no we don't know yet after we finish up here tonight then we'll give charge to Stephanie and her group to go back and they're the ones are going to come up with our cost estimates and we'll do some value engineering and then bring back to you but at this time I I could not give you antim fair enough Fair okay so you just need a a nod of carryon from from Council yes sir I think you've got it and we'll let the record reflect that board member Avala joined during this discussion anything to add here thank you uh mayor chair I wanted to just mention on the record that I did uh love the the overall concept I think that the area deserves a um communal uh place to hold festivities I did have a question on the overall capacity what would be the the maximum uh that we could that a that a crowd could have there I mean we're at a little less than 0.5 Acres so then we would have to do more like specific study and then contemplate anything that is related to like fire Etc to have like exact number of the amount of people that so the goal would be to have um you know events that can hold up to how many people like what's the concept that's what she's saying we don't we don't know that number yet um we'll have to get with fire and to see what's allowable with this size venue so but ideally for the purposes of the events we want to hold we're looking at trying to get to what number do we have like is it 50 people is it 100 200 like how how many people come to our Homestead Live Events now we had if I remember correctly we had a couple of hundred at Homestead live um we had more than that at the fiesta USA um we easily doubled that number at Fiesta USA so um that's how how much we were able to accommodate on that site Fiesta USA was pretty packed um but the layout was was was different right so I'm just trying to see about value if we if we go through with an investment like this how many people would we be serving in the community and you know a couple hundred people a couple times a year it's a good amount of um you know exposure and and U value add to the community so I look forward to hearing more information thank you thank you anything further for the board tonight no Mr chair that's all management staff board members hearing none I heard a motion to adjourn in a second all in favor right and we will convene the committee of the whole meeting in just a few minutes that really good n session's over it's now whether or not the big red veto pin hits us go e it's te whe e for for councilman Davis join the party start no it was noticed for 5:30 ready Madam clerk ready all right no problem good evening everyone and welcome again I'd like to call the City of Homestead Comm Committee of the whole meeting to order today is Tuesday March 12th and it is 5:56 p.m. roll call Madam clerk cman Ross here councilman Cal councilwoman aula here councilwoman Bailey councilman Davis here vice mayor Fletcher here mayor lner here all right are there any additions deletions or deferrals no Mr Mayor all right I would ask that thises Council consider deferring item six which is the additional agricult AG architectural and Engineering Services for the sports complex uh for another couple you know till not later than the next Committee of the whole I'd like new management to be able to be in place and and take a look at this I'm really taken aback by a doubling of the contract for just doing the engineering and the architecture for a boardwalk and a a floating dock around the lake and I understand that that doing that opens up the door for for some potential grants because kid fishing could be involved and I'll tell you I'm kind of put out that only when this package was distributed were we made aware that the rest of the work had kind of been paused due to some findings of of soil testing I think we all kind of were of the opinion that this was going forward and uh I'd like to have a new set of eyes look at it um I think he'll bring with him in short order some team members who are well-versed in doing parks and value engineering and finding money and uh well one hand I'll say this is taking entirely too long while I'm asking for a deferral but I cannot in good conscious without having the the next manager that I'm putting a lot of faith and confidence in giving us some advice on this so if we could defer item six we have a motion moved by councilwoman Avala seconded by uh councilman Davis any further discussion all in favor I any opposed all right right so tab one we have before us the approval of the February 13th Committee of the whole minutes moved by councilwoman Bailey exed by councilman cannibal all in favor and let's take as a lump sum tabs two through five regarding the purchase of the various um insurances um Mr Jones you want to to uh come forward and give us a thumbnail version of uh where we are and uh why and where we are and what we've done to uh to reach these premium amounts Mr Mayor members of council Tom Jones 1780 North Chrome Avenue Homestead Florida um last year was a little bit of a tumultuous renewal um the insurance Market was probably at its nater lowest point that I've ever seen we had a segment of the of the city's Property Insurance on this piece of it called the non-power plant property that was a $25 million layer premium came in at $450,000 I met with city manager excuse me the city yeah the city manager assistant city manager Finance director and risk manager and said my opinion if you can self-insure that you should do that and you did and H on wood we got through a year with with no issues uh that same piece it's 450 is 287,000 287,000 this year so when you when you factor in um the 450 that you did not spend last year and the 2875 for that same piece this year you're saving $163,000 or 8% that is incredible in this market because we're not presenting savings we're presenting moderated increases but that happened for one reason and that happened because met with staff and suggested something that we've talked about for many years but it was not politically popular and that was to delete a number of the items that were non-b building from the non-p power plant schedule and we did that it's about $10 million of items we took off they're still about $16 million of items still on there and my opinion was that it would make the schedule much more attractive and in fact it was and in fact it did every layer of the non-power plant property policy came in at a premium less than it was last year so that worked proved out to be a great renewal the city's Insurance property insurance can we looked at is having three legs one being the power plant power plant in a power plant program with a insurance company that ures they do insure other things but they have a segment that ensures only power plants you have an old Power Plant got some old generators but the the underwriter likes it because they lost control people like it because your people do a good job of maintaining an old plant operating in efficiently keeping it clean and no losses except for Andrew and that was actually a minimal loss the next piece is um the police station City Hall and the cium that's in a special program with a carrier that has a very competitive rate in fact it's a 47 Cent rate which is one half of 1% less than one half of 1% um we just I just uh told the assistant city manager that or the acting city manager that um we had a reduction on that price not much but it's $6,000 so it took that renewal down to 7.6% as an as an increase but it made again every piece of the city's um Insurance below 10% in terms of increases so this was a great renewal and I congratulate the city on the maintenance and the effort and the support of staff that we get in working through these these items particularly uh Priscilla Thompson who is not here tonight but um does a yman job for the city comments or questions very good thank you any questions from Council will we uh approve this package of uh Insurance items councilman F vice mayor Fletcher yeah just a quick comment again I want to thank Mr Jones for his very thorough email uh gave us all the information we needed and I want to thank your staff so specifically for working with them and getting that thing done very good job thank you absolutely okay okay so we had we need a motion on Tab Two for the purchase of the terrorism insurance move by the vice mayor seconded by councilwoman Bailey all in favor he oppos tap three car number 4177 the purchase of property insurance from City Hall police station and cyberium do we have a motion to approve moved by councilman Bailey seconded by councilman cannibal further questions all in favor any opposed Tab four motion to place car number 4178 on the council agenda the purchase of property insurance for all city-owned non-power plant property and excluding City Hall the police department and the siaria have a motion moved by councilwoman Bailey seconded by the vice mayor anyone wishing to comment on any of these items and close the public hearing all in favor any opposed and finally tab five motion to place car number 4180 on the council agenda the person purchase of property insurance for the power plant and our substations we have a motion to approve move by Council Bailey seconded by councilman Davis any public comment hearing none I'll close the public hearing all in favor any opposed we've deferred tab six on to tab seven motion Place car number 4153 on the council agenda this is a motor roller service agreement renewal thank you mayor Mr assistant manager or are we're going to punt to the police department uh I'll read the staff report uh staff recommends that mayor and Council approve the attached resolution authorizing the city manager to enter into an agreement with Motorola Solutions Inc for the maintenance and repair of the bidirectional amplifier antennas located at Oasis Publix Waterstone Publix Homestead Hospital apx 8000 and apx 8500 radios and to be included as a subscriber preventive maintenance for a total of $95,900 public that's being built uh when that does come into fruition are we going to get a separate invoice to add that under the Motorola contract vice mayor no we will not they are the the the other Publix was part of a program that they were grandfathered in because they were it existed before the uh um city ordinance came about with the uh having to put the bdas in this new one it's it's incumbent upon them to go ahead and hire a vendor that will install it it'll be tested we'll verify it and then uh but it's the maintenance is on them the purchase of it is on them it has nothing to do with us very good thank you thank you both of you further questions from Council all right do we have a motion to approve moved by the vice mayor second second by councilman Davis further public comment all in favor I any opposed all right that takes us to tab tab seven and eight they're identical items let's take those together and we'll vote separately uh tab eight is a motion to place car number 4171 on the council agenda the retirement of Police Department K9 Nitro and tab uh nine is a retirement of K9 Safar thank you mayor um staff recommends that mayor and Council approve the attached resolution authorizing the city manager to transfer ownership of dog K9 Nitro to Lieutenant Tony Trad as its Handler via Quick Claim Deed this is for Tab 8 and for tab n staff recommends mayor and Council approve the attached resolution authorizing city manager to transfer ownership of K9 dog Safar to K9 Officer Douglas Anderson its Handler via Quick Claim Deed thank you questions from Council okay moved by Council Alan AA yes second by councilman cannibal that's on Tab eight yes Council F vice mayor fleder so again thank you uh Mr good for the response on Friday in regards to the replacement of these canines I know there's not currently not a budget item for them to be replaced other than an emergency budget for both both of these canines that were retiring have already been replaced they've already been yes sir okay yes very good thank you good to hear thank you okay so we have a motion in a second on Tab eight any public comment all in favor any opposed and tab nine for so far have a motion moved by Council AA second by councilman Davis have any public comment close the public hearing all in favor any opposed all right moving on to Tab 10 motion to place car number 4168 on the council agenda restroom renovation for harrisfield Park Mr good thank you mayor on December 15 2023 the procurement and contract divisions Department issued ITP number 20242 restroom Renovations for harrisfield park for the renovation of the restrooms at the baseball field area after thorough review Kuno Builders Corporation was found to be the most responsive responsible bidder this project is being funded by cdbg Grant funds and staff recommends that mayor and city council make a motion authorizing the city manager to award ITB 20242 to canano builders Corporation for the renovation of the restrooms at the baseball field area of harrisfield Park in an amount not to exceed $6,495 this authorization will also allow the manager to allocate an additional 10% contingency for unforeseen conditions or changes required during permitting thank you questions or comments from Council yes Council woman I'll be motioning to approve this as quickly as I can but um when does what's the start date and how long is the renovation going to take so once we get this authorization we'll have our um our kickoff meeting with the contractor at which time they'll advise us of their availability um lead times on products and we'll be able to provide a start date uh normally that's within 30 days barring anything that may be on back order we like to wait until all the supplies are in so that we're not waiting for you know that one last faucet um and then that way the restrooms are only down for a limited time um typical timeline on this is within 30 days okay so from start to finished within a 90day completion period 60 days uh that's reasonable thank you motion to approve thank you we have a second second by uh Council Bailey question councilman Davis or you you got a second okay all right any public comment have a motion in a second on I'm sorry oh okay Brandy Ramirez 2231 Southeast First Street sorry I'm out of breath it's running from the busway so I'm glad that you guys approved that but also can you direct maybe staff to work together with the Harris Field um Michelle she said there's more items that are needing I walk the park and the benches are destroyed damaged uh there's a few other items that are needing attention so just take that under consideration please thank you always good to have another set of eyes on what's going on and mayor if I may uh we our Parks and Recreation staff do meet with each of our ysos including Michelle at harrisfield Park on a regular basis to perform these site visits and checks um so we'll be happy to meet with her again and make sure that all of her maintenance needs are addressed very good thank you all right we have a motion in a second on the restroom inovation for harrisfield Park we had public comment all in favor any opposed next item is tab 11 motion to place car number 418 5 on the council agenda the farida division of historical resources special category program Grant application go ahead Mr G thank you mayor staff recommends the mayor and city council approve the attached resolution authorizing the city manager to enter into an agreement and established a budget for a grant Award of $17,500 with the Florida Division of historical resources special category grant program for the homestead seminal Theater renovation this grant requires a matching fund of $17,500 which will come from cdbg funds okay thank you questions comments from Council are there additional repair items that are going to be coming or that we know about for the building not talking about upgrades and improvements but repairs as far as we're aware this uh exterior waterproof thing um should address the the ongoing uh repair needs there outside of other normal wear and tear items no I I understand that but just you know these glaring ongoing issues that that we've had since the keys were turned over to us and again I guess this is a prerequisite to the installation of the murals that we have in the pipeline that those walls will be waterproofed as well for the installation of the mural yes that's correct and it's our our intent to use these Grant funds and the cdbg funds to entirely redo and re-waterproof the exterior of the building so that once we're ready to start the murals those can stay up and it's going to be perfect so exactly exactly it'll be a blank canvas very good all right there's no public comment do we have a motion to approve okay moved and seconded any further disc discussion all in favor any opposed and moving on to tab 11 to spend some more money motion to place car number 4176 on the council agenda a roof for replacement for 653 Southwest Fourth Street which is the proposed future Code Compliance facility Mr good thank you mayor at the December 5th 2023 Committee of the whole the mayor and city council discussed the change of Code Compliance from a division housed within the police department to an independent Department housed in another facility the building at 653 Southwest 4 street is owned by the City of Homestead and will be vacated by miam County Adult Day queer by June 4th 2024 the roof of the facility is in need of replacement prior to the completion of interior Renovations and the Code Compliance move Garland DBS Inc has quoted out the project locally and will be using Better Built roofs LLC to will form the roof replacement using Master intergovernmental Cooperative purchasing agreement contract number pw1 1925 with racing County Wisconsin and Omnia Partners public sector staff recommends the mayor and city council approved the attached resolution authorizing the city manager to enter into an agreement with Garland DBS Inc for the roof replacement at 653 Southwest 4th Street in an amount not to exceed $129,700 of a 10% contingency for any unforeseen conditions or changes required during the replacement thank you questions or comments from Council is this a metal roof or is it no this is shingle wow it's just insane but that's another discussion for another day yes Council well thank you mayor did we have any followup on the uh request to kind of research Garland's requirements or overlays on their insurance requirements to what we require um yes so the base requirements are fairly similar to what we require um they do have higher limits for certain um application processes I know that their limit goes up to I believe it's um it's $5 million when you're dealing with um applications that involve uh Open Flame which obviously is a much higher risk uh environment than a stand standard roof application which this does not fall into um as far as the the full um requirements I can certainly provide that to Mayor and councel um if you'd like that yeah I think that the the challenge with our local vendors is that they require a $5 million um coverage and that's above over and above what we require as a city and for other contracts so just specifically that item if we can just address that or look at it again certainly we can look into that thank you turn on your mic turn on so the re the um the seniors that are being served there are currently still at that facility um the County's plan is to move them to the South Jade Adult Day Care Care Center which is um located just north of us in paletto Bay um um they about half of the residents that are it at the homestead facility were previously at the South D facility prior to covid so they're actually very excited to be returning um and so that all of you are aware um any transportation needs will be handled by the county or through STS unless the families themselves elect that they want to you know take care of that that on their own okay thank you thank you thank you any further all right did we have a motion move by councilman Davis seconded by the vice mayor public comment Randy Ramirez 2231 Southeast First Street good evening mayor and councel apologize that I didn't not say good evening earlier um I'm hoping you guys would consider deferring this item to your new city manager that has a time to review the reason why I'm requesting that is because the families just received their notices of non-renewal so it actually looks like the City of Homestead is evicting these families it's not being processed like a relocation according to the documentation that one of the families shared with me a photo of the the wording so it appears like you guys are evicting the only elderly families um and if you can correct me if if I'm wrong is this one of the only buildings that currently City of Homestead is supporting elderly families and how many of those families are currently there right now that's the reason why I'm asking you to please defer the item to your new incoming city manager who will have the time and the courtesy to work with the county and the families to make sure everything is done accordingly the other part of this is I would ask you to ask the expertise of your Police Department who can share some insight and their expertise on the area of this I know that you guys are doing this for code enforcement but in reality it's not a good location to relocate them there um it would be it would be nice if you could consider another area that would be in the middle for all of the City of Homestead but this area is a very dangerous area that gets dispatch calls constantly to this area it's good that you do want to do the the the roof but as the mayor noticed it's not uh the other type of roof it's a shingle roof so if you're going to do something do it to you know best uh materials and for the elderly that are there I I don't see a reason why you want to uh move these elderly who are who've been living there for quite some time so just please consider it thank you well to set the record straight didn't the county notify us that they would be ceasing their operation there yes we did not ask them to leave the became available to be considered for code enforcement that's correct so prior to even the discussion of Code Enforcement the county had approached us and said that unless the city was willing to um take over the uh the roof um that they would be leaving and um you know essentially we did the the cost benefit we found out that there were 11 um clients being served if I remember correctly only um six of those are actual Homestead residents um and you know we asked the county if they would be willing to maybe go half with us on the roof and that was a that was a hard no um so after having the discussion with you all in December uh we did um you know notify the county that um you know there were other plans for the facility and they were you and we would be open to discussion of proper turnaround turnover um and in fact to set the record straight um we have actually already agreed to give the county more time they originally said that they would be out by March 6 and due to the challenges they're having with permitting at their other facility you know they they asked for that additional time and we're happy to Grant it to make sure that this is a smooth transition for for those residents yeah and either way let's just say forsake argument that seems to be a lot of building for just 11 participants anyway you know if we were going to go down the road of of keeping that program in Homestead it seems that that building is overkill either way it's going to need a roof whether it's in empty whether it has code enforcement whatever goes there th this is an item regarding the the installation of a roof and you know as as far as I know there's not necessarily been a final determination of where code enforcement is going to be rehomed and that that is a discussion for another day this is simply about putting a roof on a building so we don't lose the building that's correct all right moved by Council aala seconded by councilman cannibal further comment all in favor any opposed and tab 13 motion to place car number number 4110 on the council agenda the Harris Field Stadium Press Box roof replacement CIP number 2334 Mr good thank you mayor the harrisfield stadium Press Box roof is in need of replacement and is part of the city's Capital Improvement plan CIP 2334 Garland DBS Inc has quoted out the project locally and will be using MP General Inc to perform the roof replacement using Master intergovernmental Cooperative purchasing agreement with Racine County Wisconsin and Partners public sector staff recommends the mayor and city council approve the attached resolution authorizing the city manager to have the harrisfield stadium press boox roof replaced by Garland DBS Inc for the total cost of $ 53,9 49 the authorization will also allow the manager to allocate an additional $1 16,5 for any unforeseen conditions or changes required during permitting this project uh is part of the capital Improvement and was budgeted at $70,000 thank you so that was already in the capital Improvement budget we're just implementing this okay Council Ro you wanted to away just a question uh in just comparing this quote to the quote that we just discussed it might understand that this is a 500q foot roof yes this is a very small roof um however it is a an accessible roof um it is able to be used for the um for coaches and for uh filming of the games so that makes it a little bit different from a traditional jingle roof or mechanical roof where you wouldn't have normal access this requires um additional engineering and special materials it seems very expensive for 500 square feet of roof so um because when you compare it to the the other roof and when you say it like that it's it makes a little bit more sense if people have to go upstairs and they stay on top of the roof for for that just a little more sense yeah so that's that was my only question was that just seem to be excessive when it comes to a roof yeah thank you thank you all right it's been moved by Council AA question by the vice mayor we have a second for Mr Davis and a question by the vice mayor yeah just if you look through your package there's a a specific line on I'm in there that kind of irks me a little bit it's a multiplier for material staging because of the size of the roof because it's smaller they want to charge us an extra $25,000 to locate equipment there just little things to take a look at in the future when we're doing these type of structures including our insurance requirements across the board for these vendors okay I'm sorry is there any opportunity to to like when is Garland's is that contracted item by item or is that year round we hire Garland to try to Source these um projects to be completed right so this is done on a a caseby case basis right each roof individually their contract is a Cooperative contract um through Omnia Partners so that's bit out on a on an intergovernmental and a on a national scale so I would have to look at that agreement I don't have it in front of me I don't know when the final term of that is um but if we would like to use Garland and this Cooperative agreement we are bound by the terms of that agreement uh until it comes up for rebid and are there other companies like when's the last time we considered other companies that provide the same services that Garland provides because this the multiplier that vice mayor is bringing up for example that's them including that as an estimated cost so that they can I don't I don't know at the end of the day who keeps that multiplier is it Garland passing it on to the end user end user um service provider or do they keep a portion of it so I'm just I don't know Garland I'm not that word Garland right now is a bad word to me and no offense to the business owner but I'd like to to try to get more um you know more value add with this contract uh I think under the Garland contract we right we are stuck with the terms as they are um however if we want staff to instead um hire out the a consultant first to develop the scope of a bid put out a bid ourselves and then conduct the project management in house we can do that cost benefit analysis to see you know H right what does it look like if we do this in house and we have to hire these Consultants individually as opposed to going through a streamlined process and and you know get that information to you so and that would be one option to uh using a service provider like Garland but surely there are other businesses like garland that we can consider we can definitely look at other Cooperative agreements um to my knowledge Garland is the only one that um that provides this exact service but we can certainly look at that okay thank you thank you good points across the board all right we have a motion in a second we have any public comment close the public hearing all in favor I any opposed all right next item is tab 14 those to place car number 4152 on the council agenda property purchase lodging in Florida 3 LLC and 419 Studios LLC and 419 South at 419 Southwest Second Avenue this is an item that we already seen at the CRA level Mr good that's correct so this is just a housekeeping item because the CRA purchase was approved uh using arpa funds in order to make sure that we're in compliance with the funding guidelines we need a corresponding resolution on the city side of things so we're recommending approval of this housekeeping item all right do we have a motion move by Council Bay second by councilman Davis Public comment close a public hearing all in favor any opposed and finally tab 15 a discussion on car number 4160 the homestead house Distillery project the the background of this was is is that you know we had approved uh our authorized staff and our attorneys to go out and enter into a development agreement for The Distillery proposal that that had been presented uh didn't seem to be coming to fru fruition uh um in the intervening time since I asked this item to come back um that group has signal that they are not going to be able to to proceed that this this project at least from you know done by them is is off the table and and again in the intervening time that I asked this to to be put on the agenda so obviously the next question is how do we wish to proceed with the use of that site and I've got a couple of quick suggestions number one I have already sent business flare off on a couple of wild goose chases youall are welcome to to do the same but we have a shet coming up in two weeks and from where I sit it would seem likely that some you know new and very thoughtful discussion may come out of that for what our vision is is is for that site so I guess need to know you know is anyone anxious to run out and do something right now and put out a 163 notice or let's see you know how we can mesh B business Flair's efforts with uh the results of the charet we're I mean it's I I think you know staff and even I think the attorneys are really disappointed that was an exciting but you know business is business and uh I don't think the onus was on us not not at all it was internally yes on the to do a 163 notice that that costs us uh you know funds right to put out not nearly as much as a RFP or an RFQ but it does it does cost us right so yeah the a 163 notice it cost us basically you know staff time and then publication which is varies depending on which Publications we're targeting and how and how we do it how wide and net we yeah and then we'd have to figure out you know have meetings about what we want to include in the 163 how much information so I I agree let's do the charet and see if that Sparks up some inspiration for us anyway yeah yeah look it's disappointing but we move forward and unfortunately you know we have to announce that that concept will not be going forward at least with with that proposal anything further Mr good no Mr Mayor okay Council um it'll be noticed and invit will be going out but at this point uh it's in process to have an installation ceremony here at 6 o'clock on Thursday March 28th for the swearing in of the new city manager followed by a a reception or derves and beer and wine in the uh in the foyer behind us uh I would say to council that if you want to ensure that you know certain folks that you want to make sure are invited please pass along their contact information either you know a cell number or or an email so that that our Council assistants can get the PDF out and we'll have that the next day or so uh to those who you want to Ure are here for that event any further have a motion to adjourn moved and seconded all in favor I thank you all good night meeting adjourned no we'll have that