[Music] planning board meeting Thursday March 21st 2024 I hereby declare this meeting of the Howell Township planning board to be open adequate notice hav't been given pursuant to the New Jersey open public meeting act in the following manner first on January 5th 2024 a copy of said notice was mailed to the Asbury Park press and the Star Ledger second on January 5th 2024 a copy of said notice was hand delivered to the clerk of the township of Howell third on January 5th 2024 said notice was posted in the office of the planning board and on the bulletin board in the Howell Township Municipal Building 4567 Route 9 Howell Township New Jersey in accordance with the fire prevention code and your safety please be advised that this facility is designed with two emergency exits which are at the front and rear of the meeting room furthermore smoking is not permitted in the municipal building please take note that this meeting is being videotaped for possible future broadcast on Howell Township TV 77 thank you roll call roll call Mr Cristiano present Mr Greenfield's been excused us Mr huster here Mr leio has been excused Mr Mercer here Mr tanhouse here Mr Rebel has been excused councilwoman Fischer's been excused Miss Pike has been excused and so has Mr Carbonic chairman B here you have a quum thank you okay can we all uh rise for the pledge of the flag in a moment of silence for our troops serving here and abroad I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all do we have any minutes I have uh no minutes okay uh uh any vouchers I have no vouchers any correspondence I have no correspondence but Mr C is here and would like to address the board for a minute sure good evening Mr chairman Kenneth Pape I'm here on behalf of mar chikano our professional planner is Mark Rema and he is out of the country and we respectfully ask that they applicate scheduled for this evening be heard on April 4th and I will Ren notice and republish for that date if that date is acceptable to the board it's fine okay thank you very much have a good night okay no I'm not going home I also have the privilege of representing oh there you got them we'll see you in a couple minutes we don't have to anoun let's deal with Dennis yeah and then uh we have an issue with the last application Carmine Caruso so if Mr Collins could come up Mr chairman uh we have a board member who needs to recuse himself with regard to the Caruso application which would leave the board with four members which is not a quarum so you would not be able to hear the application tonight so we need to carry it uh to a date certain the applicant will not be required uh to Reen notice okay um Mr Collins you just want to enter your appearance yes uh Dennis Collins on behalf of Carmine Caruso uh for property on Route 34 North and how um these things happen not a problem um I think Eileen said it was going to be May 9th without further notice I did check with all my professionals so we'll be ready to go um and uh at least I get paid to drive here and back there you go but I'll get a couple more hours on May 9th I appreciate I don't know Mr chair let me let me just make the formal announcement application sp-11 120 Carmine Caruso will be carried to the board's May 9th 2024 meeting that is a live meeting beginning 7:00 here in the main meeting room at Town Hall there will be no further notice to Property Owners thank you thank you m Mr chairman we'll see you see you in back y have a good night thank you take care thanks you're welcome so we all finish with correspondence I'm finished with correspond no no that's another prop Brian by any chance did you certify to vote on the Lowe's application from November 2nd of last year I'm not on the list oh you weren't at that meeting you were excused on November 2nd I sent you an email to qualify oh no sorry I missed that one sorry Ken sorry Mr Pape all right I I apologize Mr Pape will April 4th do for that one too unless the board wants to take uh the next application and then give me you know five or 10 minutes I can quickly run through it it's just the the capital the chiano They Carried is disaster I'm glad how long would it take you want to take 10 minutes how long would it take it's probably more than 10 minutes it was it was a at least a half hour we don't we don't have a transcript I do have a transcript it's a very kind offer I honestly Mr tenant house I'd rather that you read it in depth okay I I appreciate the offer we'll carry it okay all right the application of L's companies in application sp114 is going to go on the n9th also the fourth of April okay so we carry to the board April 4th 2024 meeting uh it's a live meeting beginning 7:00 here at Town Hall there'll be no further notice to Property Owners now we're done now we go to Res I just learned that Christine Kone who is our planner and a critical member of our presentation is not on available on the 4th we are is available on M May 9th if there's room on the May May 9th that's fine yes so just to correct that the uh application of L companies sp114 be carried to the boards May 9th 2024 meeting it's a live meeting beginning 7 o' here in the main meeting room at Town Hall there'll be no further notice to Property Owners I just need an extension of time on the record the applicant grants an extension of time to May 31st 20 2024 and will'll follow with correspondence thank you Mr Pape thank you and good night all right so we're going to move on to corres uh not correspondence resolutions yes so we can actually get something done thank you okay first resolution case number SP 1083 6679 Route 9 New New Jersey LLC the formally ice fund 6679 LLC resolution granting two one-year extensions of time eligible voters Cristiano huster Mercer tannin house and myself could I have a motion I'll make a motion to memorialize I'll second I have a motion in a second Mr Cristiano yes Mr huster yes Mr Mercer yes Mr tannin housee I didn't have a chance to fully read all those resolutions so I'm going to abstain and chairman B yes motion carries thank you okay next one case number SP 11113 271 ad Delio LLC resolution granting submission waivers eligible voters oh um John Leo's here oh so do we want to grab some of this Mr we probably carried Mr Leo's here we carried him yeah sorry oh it's already carried we wouldn't know whether there was somebody here or not that no yeah sorry you want me to go run and grab him I can't a to go home early my wife if I come home early my wife's going to say where were you that's like a permission a permission slip I'll they won't let you watch anything on TV either what happens man yeah yeah no all rightn um eligible voters Cristiano huster Mercer tanah House and myself I'll make a motion to memorialize I'll second I have a motion in a second Mr Cristiano yes Mr huster yes Mr Mercer yes Mr tannin house I'm going to abstain and chairman Bai yes motion carries case number SP 11120 Carmine Caruso uh resolution granting submission waivers eligible voters Cristiano Husser Mercer Tanana house and myself I'll make a motion to memorialize I'll second Motion in a second Mr Cristiano yes Mr huster yes Mr Mercer yes Mr tanhouse I'm G obstain and chairman Papi yes motion carries okay case number SP 11119 squankum Holdings LLC resolution granting submission waivers eligible voters Christiano Husser Mercer tanan House and myself motion to memorialize I'll second I have a motion in a second Mr Cristiano yes Mr huster yes Mr Mercer yes Mr tannin house I'm abstaining and chairman bavay yes motion carries okay case number SD 2998 wador Development LLC resolution granting preliminary major subdivision approval with ancillary V variance relief eligible voters Christiano huster Mercer tanan House and myself motion to memorialize I'll second I have a motion in a second Mr Cristiano yes Mr huster yes Mr Mercer yes Mr tannin house obstain and chairman bav yes motion carries okay and last but not least case number sp111 KET Inc resolution granting preliminary and Final site plan with design waver relief eligible voters Cristiano Husser and leio I'll make a motion to memorialize I'll second I have a motion in a second Mr Cristiano yes Mr huster yes Mr leio yes motion carries thank you okay and no submission waivers no submission waivers okay so the only application case number SP 11124 CR how Township pal Capital review Mr chairman I know many of you have done Capital reviews before but just in case we have anyone who's new to it and any members of the public under the municipal land use law whenever a public entity is expending uh funds for a capital Improvement they're required to come to the planning board not for an approval or a denial but to present what the proposal is and to receive comments from the planning board so you're not voting to approve or deny but you're are free to uh give your thoughts and comments to uh to the applicant tonight okay go ahead good evening David book by under LA office of cap bookbinder on behalf of the how pal uh we have uh Mr Grover here uh from Insight uh project management and we have Mr Hill and Mr Santa saac as well okay who would you like to start with um Mr Grover yeah do you swear or affirm the testimony about to give this boards the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth I do please State and spell your name for the record Andrew crover k r o v r okay you could either sit there's a microphone at the desk where you could stand at the podium where uh where can I put this that is this the right location is that one that you've already submitted this is um it's submitted in far as as far as the storm water reports it's the uh drainage uh areas so you do have a copy of them but they're just in the put they're in the record we if if you submitted it we have it digitally we can put it up on the screens yeah it's page three uh page um 13 and 14 there you go that's what they are that's part of exhibit A3 so that's already Mar you want I okay my credentials you're not really it's not really a hearing but go ahead this is just odd for me I haven't done one of these before so okay no go ahead go ahead uh I I'm Andrew Grover from inside engineering we have prepared the uh the site civil uh uh plans uh that were brought to you tonight uh just wanted to talk briefly about the project uh located at 115 Kent Road uh the Southard uh School in the rear uh block uh 73 lot one and two uh majority of the work is in the rear of the property uh with a disturbance of around two acres uh we are within the the a uh-2 uh the uh rural estate Zone um currently the school is using the area in question as their Playing Fields their their grass in nature and what we're looking to do is to propose to convert uh 4,300 Square ft which is roughly 155 ft by 260 ft of grass to Synthetic Turf field uh along with the turf field we have the necessary storm water management storm water basin and storm water conveyance um so at this point uh Mr chairman members of the board perhaps I could just kind of jump we have issued a uh review letter not really a review letter sort of a comment letter because as Ron indicated this is strictly a review and recommendation among those were consistent with quite a few drainage comments so um Mr Grover and I although we played phone tag had the opportunity to just exchange so I asked that he just walk the board through um I don't think it needs to be technical in nature I think the main component is does the proposed design comply with the storm water management regulations uh yes it does comply with the uh the Water uh uh quantity uh requirements water quality is not triggered we do not have uh water quality is triggered typically when you have a quarter of acre of vehicular um impervious area we do not have that it's a turf field that uh Vehicles will not be on um so what we have done um what what's represented in front of you is what existing conditions are typical Mr Grover I think she just asked yes or no does it comply going on no I get it but like they can't even vote on this so they just want the 10,000 foot version of what's going on understood and then to the extent we had had a couple of comments about soil testing pipe conveyance do you have any issue complying with those we don't have an issue we'll do the soil testing and uh provide the additional information uh needed so Mr chairman with that I don't know what else the board wants to hear I did ask for the direct drainage and so I didn't want him to keep going down that path as much as I wanted to just kind of get On The Record does it comply and would they agree with some of the recommendations we had offered okay Laura I just um because I've done a lot of work on these fields in the past as you probably have too and it's the Hot Topic item in New Jersey now of the posos in in the turf um you know they're they're testing these turf fields that have been put in historically and they're coming up positive with posos over levels so there are posos free curf um that are available for installation has that been discussed because I would just you know I just see microphone that that you pull it closer to you let me let me let me just swear you in first do you swear or affirm testimony about to give this boards the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes sir please just State and spell your name for us just pull it closer to you Chris thank you Christopher Hill c h r i s t o p h e r last uh h i okay go ahead than um yes we met with Shaw uh Sports and they they brought it up to me and they said that that's what they're using because of the people perfect cool easy Mister else you the the baseball field staying Mr Hill no eliminating the baseball field eliminating the baseball field well taking out the back stop the back stop and are you leaving the little the the little outdoor Arena thing that we have to the building that that'll stay yes okay and is that being the the concern that Mr uh sir I'm sorry about the PF is that being changed in there too or that's that's been existing or that's already up to that's already up to stand up to standard yes wow very very very uh on the this my town I was born and raised here I'm take care that's great making it appr when do you want to started yesterday you go so Mr chair yeah we got nothing um it's it's not required to be a public hearing if you want to open it to the public you can and then um since it's not an approval or denial it would basically just be um that you've considered it subject and you agree with the recommendations from CMA okay um is there anybody from the public that wants to comment yeah no was okay so seeing that there's no public comment I'll close public comment and then uh yeah I think we're good thank you for that's it no just take a motion to uh adopt the recommendations from C take a I'll make a motion to adopt the recommendations of the CME presented second Chris I did I'm sorry have a motion a second Mr Cristiano yes Mr huster yes Mr leio yes Mr Mercer yes Mr tanhouse yes and chairman B yes carries you're all done you're welcome anytime have a good night thank you do we have any reason to go into executive no Mr chairman take care see you do do you have any Master Plan update are you having a meeting next week do you know no no so I can cancel it yeah okay okay so uh with that uh I'll entertain a motion to adjourn make a motion to adjourn all in favor I do it done thank you