e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e 16 2024 6:02 p.m. hereby call this meeting of the H Township Council to order this meeting yes thank you this meeting is being held in accordance with public law 1975 chapter 231 open public meeting meting act adequate notice has been provided in the manner prescribed by law this agenda is complete to the extent known and formal action will be taken I'll begin with a roll call councilwoman Fischer here councilman gager here councilwoman odonnell here Deputy Mayor Nal here and mayor burer is absent this evening is there a need to go into executive session this evening yes there is we have uh subjects including contracts and Personnel I have a motion to go into exact motion for executive session second councilwoman Fisher yes councilman gager yes councilwoman odonnell yes Deputy Mayor Nell yes thank you right and way we go e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e well that worked out well it's now 7:04 like to reconvene our council meeting I'll begin with a roll call councilwoman fiser here councilman gager here councilwoman odonnell here Deputy Mayor Nal here thank you uh stand for pledge of allegiance followed by a Moment of Silence PL allegiance to the flag of the United States of America the repic which stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you going to start the meeting off with a couple of presentations to how ayfc Fury and how ayfc super surge [Applause] do Fury first do Fury first yes we have we're all good all right we're going to acknowledge Fury for national champions and the quest recreational National Championship that took place on March 9th of 24 so as I call your name just come up and you could have a stand next to the backdrop for a picture afterwards Briel [Applause] Brady Stella [Applause] hell Emily [Applause] Waki Giana gitlin Addison Gad [Applause] Arya CIO Niti Madison por Natalie [Applause] Schultz Ros Shram hazley Kista Daniela [Applause] Morales Gat [Applause] Goron Savanah [Applause] rickle head coach Lauren gitlin coach Britney wasaki [Applause] coach Danielle for [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] you all right next we're going to honor super surge [Applause] National national champions the quest recreational national champion on Marth 9th of this year is this a second third year in a row third year in a row national champs uh maybe in the fall we'll get sub with the board boys here for a football championship got cheerleaders every other meeting doing a good job girls all right first one is Melania [Applause] CI Leela [Applause] SS Liliana [Applause] o Julia Thor [Applause] Nina gck Giana [Applause] Ambrose Emma [Applause] classy thank you lenon [Applause] Murphy lla [Applause] varcas Emily [Applause] deski hyy Pez ninski ree rki Scarlet McCarthy I'm her cousin Charlie Valen Emily [Applause] Sanchez Amelia secaris Skyler johnsona KH Sage teresi congratulations Hernandez [Applause] Molly [Laughter] [Applause] howardson head coach Carly Doyle coach Caitlyn [Applause] K coach Aaron [Applause] coli coach Joanne Valen cour [Applause] CH coach Jennifer [Applause] streski coach Ashley Vargas [Applause] three one two [Music] three good job [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] thank you thank you I gotta say hello [Music] [Applause] [Applause] got thank you everybody thank you good night not on the AG thank you very much the first one you want me go you want me go we have a few proclamations first one will be for Arbor Day read in by Lisa Dow other proclamation of the governing body of the township of Hal National Arbor Day April 26 2024 whereas the very first Arbor Day took place on April 10th 1872 in Nebraska with approximately 1 million trees planted that day in 1949 the New Jersey legislature set aside the last day the last Friday of April as Arbor Day to promote the planting of trees and to encourage the protection of our forest from fires and pests that destroy the beauty and usefulness of our woodlands and whereas half of New Jersey's total land area is forested or tree covered and whereas trees play an important role in the ecosystem in which we live and trees reduce the erosion of our precious top soil caused by wind and water clean the air we breathe and the water we drink produce oxygen provide habitat for birds and wildlife and reduce Heating and Cooling cost by moderating temperature and whereas trees are a renewable resource giving us paper for fine literature wood for our homes fuel for our fires and countless other wood products and whereas trees provide increased property value enhanced economic viability and pleasing aesthetic qualities along streets and properties in municipalities and whereas tree planting in yards and farms in schoolyards and parks and along streets and highways creates an enduring Heritage for Generations that follow therefore be it resolved that Teresa Berger mayor of the township of Hal on behalf of the township council do hereby encourage observance of ARB day April 26 2024 in Hal Township and urge all citizens to support efforts to protect our trees in Woodlands to support our Township's urban forestry program further I urge all citizens to plant trees to Gladden hearts and promote the well-being of present and future generations and I also just wanted to take a moment um to go over some of the Arbor Day activities that the shade tree commission will be holding in honor of Arbor Day um on Sunday April 21st from 8:00 am to 12: pm. we will be at the how Township uh DPW garage Distributing free seedlings um these are made possible by two grants one from the New Jersey tree recovery campaign and one from the Arbor Day Foundation in conjunction with support from the shade tree Foundation uh we will also on Friday April 26th be providing uh Arbor Day presentation to the how Township third graders at the schools uh along with providing each third grader a free seedling to take home planting a tree at each of the plant the how schools and providing a shrub for each of the program winners for the Arbor Day contest um I also wanted to add the P this past Friday we're at all Al school where we planted their first pollinator garden and we also distributed over 300 trees to all of the students at ald school thank [Applause] you next we have a proclamation for National Day of Prayer yes whereas the people of this great Community have forever turned to prayer for inspiration strength and guidance prayer has helped pull people through struggles and fears of every kind and whereas thre our nation's history leaders have urged citizens of Faith to pray for our land and those who defend our freedoms at home and abroad through prayer we give thanks for our loved ones for the abundance of our land for our rights and Liberties and for a great nation and whereas whether your place of worship is a church a synagogue a temple a mosque home or another sacred Place prayer can provide a sense of peace and comfort and whereas a Congress of this great nation has called for our citizens to recognize the role of Prayer in our society and to honor religious diversity by establishing a National Prayer day now therefore be it resolved that we on behalf of the township Council of Howell do hereby Proclaim May 2nd 2024 as the National Day of Prayer in the township of Howell and encourage all citizens to join in observing this day by taking time to pray for peace next Proclamation is global love day Global love Day May 1st 2024 whereas the love Foundation Inc a nonprofit organization has announced Global love day to facilitate and establishing love and peace on our planet and whereas Global love day will establish a worldwide Focus towards unconditionally loving each other as we love ourselves and whereas we are one Humanity on this planet and whereas all life is interconnected and interdependent and whereas all share in the Universal Bond of love and whereas love begins with self-acceptance and forgiveness and whereas with love excuse me with respect and compassion we Embrace diversity and whereas together we make a difference through love and whereas a love Foundation Inc invites mankind to declare May 1st 2024 AS Global love day a day of forgiveness and unconditional love Global love day will act as a model for all of us to follow each and every day on behalf of Mayor Teresa burer and the township Council to hereby compl Proclaim May 1st 2024 AS Global love day in Howell Township and invite all citizens to observe this day which honors the public cause for Global love world peace and Universal Joy move on to acceptance of minutes for previous meetings may I have a motion for the acceptance of minutes of April 2nd 2024 motion to accept minutes April 2nd 2024 second councilwoman Fischer yes councilman gager yes councilwoman Odon yes Deputy Mayor Nell abstain thank you move on to reports of Township officials Mr Clark couple of quick reports tonight um just a reminder that this August we will be having movies under the stars um we put a flyer out on Facebook about it uh their 2nd of July celebration um will be at Soldier Memorial Park from 5:00 to 9:30 featuring the Amish Outlaws and then our summer concer erts uh series will be on July 2nd 17 24 and 31 again at Soldier Memorial Park we invite everybody to come out and enjoy um couple of announcements from our engineer Justin Yos NJ natural gas will be installing gas Mains within portions of Kent Ford brown driftway church and friendship roads and Rodeo Court starting next week it's a 3 to four month long project it'll require some tours and alternating traffic residents will have access to their properties throughout the project buses and eer emergency vehicles will have access through the work Zone at all times police officers will be on site each day as part of traffic control um number two Monmouth County is scheduled to complete road work next Monday and Tuesday April 22nd and 23rd on Souther Avenue between squankum yellowbrook and manasse sou will be closed between these two roadways from 7: a.m. to 5:00 p.m. both days Mr Howard so I wanted to give an update on some of the the Hot Topic which is the farm or Farm special event ordinances we're still tightening up a few items just kind of mostly legal stuff uh within the ordinance we did meet with our board attorneys we're also um just having some conversations with some of our other board professionals to make sure we're in good standing but we think the drafts we have aren't going to change substantially we've kind of gone over all those hurdles just an idea of what's coming um what we've done is we've increased the number of guests um so we've done we've taken the suggestion of the farmers to increase the number and to also use a tiered system smaller Farms those that are 10 acres or less with qarm would be up to 50 guests over 10 acres would be up to 80 and if you're a preserved Farm you could go up to 100 under the administrative approval we've also upped the number for the total that would trigger the use variance from 100 to 200 so between that 80 and 100 to 200 you're still a permitted use we're still working on the site plan checklist but it would be a site plan application with less requirements than a normal site plan over 200 um you would also you'd be looking at the the D3 use variants um through the zoning board plus the site plan um we took the suggestion of an annual fee structure um right now it's looking like a $500 fee for the entire year that would be Unlimited Events 52 if you do one a week 104 if you do it every weekend 365 if you want them every day um that $500 fee is going to cover all the inspections that we're going to deem fit to do um but if you're not if you're only looking to do a couple special events there is a per price $85 just for one or two events so you don't have to spend the full 500 um the architectural standard language which was subjective we've removed um that's completely add um we're offering the annual permits and we've also fixed the definition of qarm uh and what our farm definition is to match qarm um that was just uh a little bit of clarification needed um so we're hoping that this Bridges the Gap gets us moving in the right direction and we could get some real world experience obviously these ordinances will be looked at in real time over six months a year and so on for modifications in either direction um that that is we're going to share those draft ordinances with the farmers advisory committee later this week if not tomorrow then Thursday and we hope to get some feedback and then maybe bring be able to bring that to council um we are also for certain items in these Farm events so those are the special events and that's kind of how this the structure is going to be there's also a right to farm a which is an agricultural management practice um through the sadc and it's for on Farm direct marketing it's like your agrotourism type uses Township's going to take an entire step back from those we're going to say as long as you have your right to farm protection through the county they have a set of guidelines and an approval process through them as long as you have that you're not going to have to get any permanent requirements through us that legal pathway exists under right to farm it's there through the sadc and through the county a board we don't need to recreate the wheel we don't need to add extra layers so we're not there the only ordinance that we are going to pass with the special events is because there is no right to fign protection for that and the state has not carved out an exemption from your local ordinance so that's why there's a difference there um but that's also in the ordinance to encourage those Farmers to get right to forign protection and and to go on um that's all I have right now any legal updates no anything from the clerk I would now like to open the floor for hearing of citizens and public comments each person shall give their name and address to the clerk the council should be addressed as a collective body and not as individual members each person shall have one turn to address the council and comments shall not exceed a total of 5 minutes speakers shall be notified when their time has run and no time extension shall be permitted Betty fed gimple 97 Victory Road owner of scram Brook Farm sounds good thank you um of course we have plenty of farmers that will have to review and and take a look at it and we appreciate that so pleased um we are in support of your efforts to make the necessary changes to support how Farmers so thank you we understand this has been a learning process and experience for everyone so we appreciate that your um understanding of that time is of the essence and we're really coming into the height of our season so it's difficult for the farmers to be here tonight I believe we may just be on the same page now after learning through with tonight and comments in previous Council um in the untangling of the direct marketing and the right to farm from the special events that's wonderful I know that for all of you it's and for us as well will be joyous to witness the children of Howland Joy the hay rides and pumpkin patches and immersing themselves in the wholesome life of farming through agriculture agric AGR tourism apologies it would be great to see the Farms coming together Out of the Shadows to provide the much needed recreational venue for this town I know we all agree that towns uh that the farm is a very special and unique place we look forward to sharing this beauty with residents and visitors as they celebrate significant milestones in their lives our goal is to strengthen the partnership with our governing body through continued collaboration and communication with the focus of fostering successful farming practices as we move forward we hope both Council and administration have a better understanding of the farmers and the vision of the Garden State in support of farming in New Jersey we encourage the administration to continue to utilize the farmers Advisory board and the farming community of how Farmers United in future decision- making involving Farms as it should have been from the start I implore you to follow our example although tedious and timec consuming and reach out to the talent and skills within our community for valuable input as chairwoman Ela as chairwoman Elaine Taylor was graciously willing to do over the past few months our interactions should not be adversarial in nature we are of the same goal to save rural howl for our residents and for our children we look forward to reviewing the ordinances this week and perhaps meeting with you next week again thank you we appreciate this [Applause] hi Lauren gitlin 19 laurelai Drive Howell um just have a couple questions I know it's not a discussion but just throwing these out there um the basketball courts in ramtown Manor Park the poles and the backboards were removed back in February and I was told that the court was beyond repair totally understand just kind of looking for an update on the timeline and replacing that if that was the choice to do so I did receive the survey I know multiple residents did as well um it seemed like back in March that it was looking like new basketball courts could potentially be where we were going with that space um so just would like an update whenever appropriate not sure kind of the next steps plans for the future there um so that's that Park that I was asking about ramtown Manor also curious about the courts that are being put in in the Deerwood Park area pickle ball and basketball it looks like construction has started everyone's really excited just updating you know all of us on maybe like when we can expect that I know coming into the warmer months it's not really kind of blocked off from children especially the pickle ball one so just maybe consider doing something there so that people don't go in it and kind of ruin what we haven't even started um in other update I'm very thankful and looking forward to the summer concerts too so thanks anyone else wish to come up evening everybody uh I'm Jerry Baron 37 D way and how uh I'll try and be quick uh the first one is that the First forers Market of the year is going to be May 19th same place Echo Lake same hours 10 to two uh second of all on April 30th of this month uh at 7 o'clock the D of the county is going to have a health hazard home Hazard type uh program they're going to have it's free it's going to be in this room uh Fred you were there so you know about it it's it's officially going to be there at 7 so uh it's going to be a question and answer period after they're all done it starts at 7 maybe maybe we'll have an hour presentation or something we'll see what happens but they're in charge of that so you know we're looking forward to having a lot of turnout from the town it's here so it's you know air conditioned or whatever that night so we'll see what happens and finally I'm just curious it's been almost a year but whatever happened to Marrow Road uh the last update was May of last year and I'm hoping somehow that four of you or five of you know something about what's going on is the dup going to take another year uh what happened to all the chemicals they found was their soil phase one phase two done just you know what's going on there's nothing on the website I know the D is in charge but it would be nice if there was some type of followup it's been over a year now so something to consider that's it for me thank you have a good night good evening Elaine Taylor Maxum soued Road I just wanted thank everyone for you know working on the ordinances and working with the farmers we really appreciate it very much and uh you know we're looking forward to looking looking them over but I just I have a question I I have this dream of having what's going to be called a farm crawl and it's where the public can go from Farm to farm and experience just a little a little bit of uh each Farm in howl and I'm wondering how um if we could do that you know and if you could think about how that could be done and um I just think it would be really interesting like in Bricktown they have a um a flower a garden tour so this would be like a a farm tour to make uh the public aware of everything that is on the various farms in Howell so if you could give that a little thought and um just let me know if that's a possibility okay thank you seeing no other the speakers may have a motion to close public comment make motion to close public comment second all in favor I I now uh we respond to the public comments I'll start on a few of those um in terms of the farm ordinances I appreciate you know the the positive reception there was a lot of talk out there that administration's dragging their feet purposely or whatever I just want everyone to know we're creating law out of nothing this is not an easy process we've had multiple attorneys in the room for days on end um reaching out to professionals researching different things it's it just it's not a quick process everyone wants it to be quicker it's not something that we could just paint with a broad brush we have to be very specific the tentacles turned into looking at the on Farm direct marketing and IT it gets bigger and bigger every step you take so um I'm glad we are where we are now I just wanted to be very clear that we never dragged our feet and we try we really put a lot of resources into this um in terms of The ramtown Manor Park um so the survey results were in um basketball courts are definitely very popular so we are looking to reinstall those we have the ability to do that work in conjunction with the dearwood park work um with that the contractor so we're looking to do that soon um because I don't want my Township engineer to hit me over the side of the head I'm not going to give an exact time frame but we're looking at a few weeks hopefully maybe uh a month or two until that work is complete um we've also got good feedback about um pollinator Gardens revegetating some trees and putting some things in like that so we're going to look into to doing that as well Deerwood Park updates I might get kicked in the head tomorrow by my engineer but we're hoping that the project is done around Memorial Day we're hoping for a uh ribbon cutting the is biggest issue now trying to get pavement done and that final work and we all know the weather we've been having uh it's hard to pave when you're getting two to three inch rainfalls two times a week um so that that's been part of the holdup but we're we're hoping it to get that done shortly um Marl Road most of the feedback we got from the EPA was positive um there was a lot of drums that were just asphalt that was um hardened so it was not a contamination risk a lot of the drums were in better shape I'll work on getting some feedback from them and some specifics and put together just a quick summary uh for Council that we could put on the website um but we have not heard from that in terms of progress towards a phase two or any other type of sampling um luckily it seems like everything was in better shape than it first anticipated I'll try and get some more details for the next meeting um in terms of the farm crawl love to hear a little bit more about it and what the event entails um it sounds like it may be an on Farm direct marketing event and again that was the part of the ordinance where we're kind of carving Howell out County's got the program to to review that and uh we'll be supportive of any right to farm applications to the the county if that's what it looks like did I leave anything out I'll just I'll just jump in really quickly too and note for the record um you know the hard work that Matt especially and Caitlyn have put into crafting the farm ordinances I know somebody at the last meeting had mentioned okay well you guys are the policy makers is if that's a magic wand that you can just and then make whatever you want happen it's not how it is you can set the policy and then it takes time to make sure that it's compliant with a variety of different laws out there they've been working very hard to do that and I know count it's been a priority of council it's been a priority of Matt it's been a priority of Caitlyn we've had to work to get them done um we think we're in a place where we're able to put something in front of council that I think is a very very good product that balances the Town versus the farmers rights so you know we're looking forward to getting it in front of you guys on to comments by the council Council G just want to thank you for all the hard work on Farmers ordinance I mean we know what goes on because we probably talk every day and every day the conversation is dominated by the farmers so we're glad that's moving along also I'd like to give credit where credit is due to Steve our special events coordinator and everyone else who was involved for setting up everything that's going on this summer this isn't something that just started like three months ago we started talking about this over a year ago uh and happy to see it happen and hope to continue it in the future quickly Echo that Stephen did a great job with this I mean he has really been on it and like you said it's been over a year since we first started planning for all of this and fireworks fireworks councilwoman odonnell yes thank you um agreed that the the farming ordinances although they've taken some time if you think about the compilation and the things that had to be addressed um it's really been since last November so in six or seven months we formulated some strong potential precedent setting issues so it's quite an achievement uh secondly uh the National Night of Prayer of course the first Thursday of May May 2nd Flyers are on the table by the restroom um every year that we have this we have five to seven clergy come um held in this room it's a night of open prayer of coming together uh not just um different religious sects but community and we all share the same uh ideals and safety for our homes our children religious freedom uh happiness security so when you think about communities and not just how is represented here Jackson comes brick comes um but there's so many things going on that night that my very own church winds up going to Trenton which is disappointing to me I wish they were here too but um when you think about the amount of people that take this evening very seriously um it's really heartwarming to know that uh God finds his way into every Community every home and in the communities across our state and our nation so I'm thankful for the one night we all come together uh also I'm sure and it'll be brought up again the tunnels the towers did a second home in Howell today so I'd seen uh or somebody had said to me it was nice to see something done but I want to be sure that everybody remembers on White Street we did one not we tunnels to Towers did one maybe two years ago and um every timeone um from that incredible Foundation I think about all the other uh organizations that are out there but um I will say that tunnels to Towers is um one of the ones that I can actually say that out of every dollar I believe it's 97 cents goes direct so it's remarkable and it's really heartwarming to know that where you put your money to actually gets there um as many of you may know that uh Administration is working on something we own some property and we're hoping that we're able to construct something for a veteran and administration's working on that property and some subdivision so we may in fact you know have tunnels to Towers uh giving us a helping hand along with Congressman Smith who's been we've been speaking to and um we're very lucky that we have people in um positions that can assist so hopefully we have something coming uh in Hell through the venue of our own Township officials and support of the township Council [Music] um again with the things that are coming this summer amazing that we've been although it seems like we've been talking about a long time it's really difficult to sometimes formulate a plan that's going to go through an entire summer not just you have to find the dates and the location but it's always a matter of money and um I think this will be money well spent I think it'll help bring a community together and then July 2nd will be our July 4th um celebration so it's it's nice to know that there'll be something your F you can look forward to with your families coming out to movies and music music and and things that are actually geared for the whole family so we're trying very hard to bring the community together and to unify so hopefully um through social media and uh having the meetings on TV that word will get out and through the community um that they'll all be well attended but true that Steven fetcher did a remarkable job this year in bringing everything together along with all the other things he's done like the pray night the Easter things um while he's doing the special events that's coming he's keeping up with his standard uh calendar of events so um thank you Stephen but I know it's the um suggestion of administration and this Council that that keeps those ideas flowing so if people have an idea of other things that might be welcomed in the community that we can also add to the scheduling of events and as long as we can afford to do so when we're trying to be ambitious but be responsible financially please bring those comments forward you know give um the manager a call or drop us an email because anything that we can add to we're always happy to do so we have a nice big field Soldier Memorial which uh gives us a lot of good safe parking so we're in an excellent position in my opinion to hold large Gatherings along with such things as as holiday so uh we're open for all suggestions and I appreciate you letting me ramble on it's been an eventful couple of days so um we're very proud of some of the things that are coming forth so quickly thank you then that just to jump in that's a smattering so we have more planned in the fall I think Steven's ready to just murder us all because he's he'll give us the plan and then we'll inevitably pick at it until you know but and he's doing a great job DPW I always say they're the engine that makes the town move and the police and traffic especially with the planning so a lot of moving Parts with it there's more coming up in the fall so we'll be making more announcements thank you C Fisher yes I just want to thank Jerry for bringing up those dates um farmers market May 19th April 30th here in town hall 700 p.m County DP um and the Marl Road update it it's a good reminder so thank you Jerry um we will update the website but we did know so we did get the good news so no you know no news is good news um but thank you for reminding us so we can update the website also want to say uh Deputy Mayor Nell and I were uh lucky enough to be able to attend the tunnel to Towers event today for Sean AER it was incredible patriotic uh very moving uh they redid the house they remodeled the house uh to make it accessible for Shawn and his family believe they added th000 Square fet to the back back of the house in the basement um it was incredible our our own how police presence was there um state troopers it was just Absol an absolutely beautiful beautiful ceremony and a beautiful day so thank you and I'll just have to Echo what everyone else has been saying just know just another great job by stepen fetcher with these programs and I know he's working on more stuff for the fall that's been mentioned and additional programs just just doing more for the residents and just embracing that sense of community and if we could do anything more like Council woman OD Donald said just give us the ideas and you never know what we can do um yeah tunnel to Tower is just a great organization they do a lot whether it's outfitting homes for disabled veterans disabled First Responders paying off houses for you know members killed in the line of duty they just really it's all about giving back and that's really something to say and I'm sure that uh councilman gager could attest to how that State Police Brotherhood really you know comes together in times like you know when in times of need when their members really need it and it was good to see today I've experienced that in in New York when I was on just how law enforcement when people are really struggling at times of need everyone really comes together and it's really nice to see and you know just even regular community members out there today supporting Shan AER when he was welcom to his new home it was just uh made me proud to be how resident um now move on to the consent agenda does anyone want to vote on any of the items separately not I all right may I have a motion to accept resolutions R 24149 through and including r24 4 168a is in adom that will be for the appointment of a planning board member Matthew WS class 4 member for a four-year term expiring 1231 of 24 I'll make a motion to move all those items second councilwoman Fischer yes councilman gager yes councilwoman odonnell yes Deputy Mayor Nell yes thank you the resolutions pass move on to unfinished business adoption of ordinances ordinance 2 4-10 ordinance amending chapter 57 Article 2 domestic animals and amending chapter 139-3 license registration and permit fees of the Township Code of the township of Howell may I have a we need to open for public hearing motion to open for public hearing I'll make a motion to open in public second councilman Fischer yes councilman gager yes councilwoman oddon yes Deputy Mayor Nell yes thank you if anyone wishes to comment on the ordinance please come to the podium seeing none I have a motion to close public hearing I'll make a motion to close second all in favor I thank you may I have a motion to adopt ordinance 24-10 I move to adopt ordinance 24 41 second councilwoman fiser yes councilman gager yes councilwoman Adon yes Deputy Mayor de yes thank you the ordinance is adopted introduction of ordinances ordinance 24-11 an ordinance authorizing Howell Township to enter into a lease with Howell Township Fire District number two for the provision of ground space for the radio communications Tower I have a motion to introduce ordinance 24-11 motion to introduce ordinance 24 second councilwoman Fischer yes councilman gager yes councilwoman odonnell yes Deputy Mayor Adell yes thank you the ordinance is properly introduced the next regularly scheduled council meeting will take place on May 7th 2024 executive session begins at 6 regular session will begin at 7 is there any further comment before we close I have a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second all in favor I I