[Music] [Music] okay it is 6:33 uh Tuesday May 7 and I would like to open or reopen we just had our student council and I would like to open and call this meeting to order this meeting is being held in a ordance with public law 1975 chapter 231 open public meetings act adequate notice has been provided in the manner prescribed by law this agenda is complete to the extent known and formal action will be taken I'll begin with a roll call councilman Fischer is absent this evening councilman gajer here councilwoman odonnell here Deputy Mayor nadell here mayor Burger present Mr Clark is there any reason to go into executive session yes we have numerous matters uh to address including attorney client and contracts okay thank you so at this point I will take um ask for a motion to go into executive motion to go into executive may I have a second second councilman gager here councilwoman odonnell yes Deputy Mayor Nell yes mayor Burger yes thank you I would like to reconvene this meeting today it is May 7th Tuesday May 7 2024 it's 7:15 and I would like to reconvene our meeting May I have a roll call please councilwoman fiser is absent this evening councilman gajer here councilwoman odonnell here Deputy Mayor Nel here mayor Burger present thank you at this time I'd like to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence for any of our fallen heroes pledge aliance United States of it one nation under God indivisible and justice for all thank [Applause] you okay we have two proclamations the first one one would be National Police Week and Peace Officers Memorial Day Deputy Mayor whereas there are approximately 900,000 Law Enforcement Officers serving communities across the United States including the dedicated members of the H Township Police Department whereas Peace Officers Memorial Day was created on October 1st 1961 when Congress authorized President John F Kennedy to designate May 15th to honor peace officers the week of each year during which May 15th occurs was claim National Police Week and whereas the police officers in America work devotedly and selflessly on behalf of the people of this nation regardless of the parel or Hazard to themselves these officers Safeguard the lives and property of their fellow Americans and whereas during Police Week tens of thousands of law enforcement officers from around the world Converge on Washington DC to participate in events that honor law enforcement officers who have made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty and whereas the names of these dedicated public servants are engraved on the walls of the national law enforcement officer Memorial in Washington DC where members of law enforcement survivors and citizens can gather to honor those who gave their lives in the line of duty now therefore the governing body of the township of Howell does hereby proclaim the week May 12th through 18th 2024 as National Police Week and May 15th as Peace Officers Memorial Day in the township of Howell and encourages all citizens to recognize the dedicated service of the law enforcement officers of how Township and Across the Nation thank you and we have youth week Howell Elks number 2515 antlers number 34 whereas benevolent of protective order of elks has designated May 1st through 7th as youth week to honor America's young citizens for their accomplishments and to give fitting recognition of their services to Community State and nation and whereas the El have instituted a program called the antlers for youth to become more involved in Elk programs the community and charitable entities and whereas the Howell antlers number 34 are very involved in community and charitable events including the adapta highway program reing trash along ramtown Greenville Road five times a year assisting with the elk special needs Christmas party and Easter egg hunt assisting other lodges by working charity balls and events and participating in the Elks John center Memorial plunge a fundraiser for elks Camp Mo for children and adults with special needs and whereas during youth week we take the time to recognize these young people who represent our nation's greatest resource and who in the years ahead will assume the responsibility for the advancement of our free society and whereas our youth need the guidance inspiration and encouragement which we alone can give in order to help develop develop the qualities of character essential for future leadership and to go forth to serve America and whereas to achieve this wor worthy objective we should demonstrate our partnership with you you are understanding of their hopes and aspirations and a sincere willingness to help prepare them in every way for the responsibilities and opportunities of citizenship now therefore be it resolved that Teresa berer mayor of Township of Howell on behalf of the governing body to hereby proclaim the week of May 1st through 7th 2024 as youth week and recognize the many contributions of the members of Howell antlers number 34 is anyone here this [Applause] evening did you want to come up and did you want to have a picture with Council or I mean that's why not right you can go in front of the step and repeat sign perfect than you so okay um may I have an acceptance a motion to accept the minutes from March 19 2024 motion to accept minutes from March 19th 2024 May second second Council M gager yes C woman odonnell so I have to abstain thank you Deputy Mayor Nell yes mayor Burger yes thank you um may I have a motion for the minutes uh of April 16 2024 I'll make a motion to accept the minutes of April 16 2024 a second second councilman gager yes councilwoman O'Donnell yes Deputy Mayor Nell yes mayor Burger I have to abstain I was not at that meeting thank you um do we want to do the reports Mr Clark uh I don't think there's anything to report tonight other than what we discussed in exact excellent thank you um at this time I would open the floor for hearing of citizens and public comment to consent on the consent to comment on the consent agenda items each person shall F give their name and address to the clerk the council shall be addressed as a collective body and not as individual members each person shall have one turn to address the council and comments shall not exceed a total of five minutes speaker shall be notified when their time has run and no time extensions shall be permitted is there a list right there yeah I thank you [Applause] mayor yes before we uh begin public comment I just want to address one of the resolutions that's on the agenda which I believe there's a lot of people here tonight so kind of just want to set the record straight of what the resolution says what we're doing here um public comment will of course be open to everybody afterwards but just want to be very clear I appreciate that so what I'm talking about there is a resolution on tonight um where we are uh discussing a billboard that was in the township the Billboard's no longer up uh the billboard was it said stand against human or stand with Humanity um I I don't have the exact wording of it but pal stand with Palestine so we were as the township was getting uh complaints from residents non-res resents some of the complaints could have been viewed as anti-semitic um the resolution tonight to be clear as a municipal governing body we have no Authority or ability to restrict the content of billboards that is your first amendment right it's freedom of speech and that's what not what we're doing here today uh we are kind of addressing the billboard company so if those same people have complaints that want to address those complaints to the billboard company that contact information is going to be in the resolution um but we are condoning any type of discrimination any type of hate speech whether it be any type of race religion National or origin oh condemning I'm saying condoning I'm sorry yeah we are condoning any type of discrimination condemning I did it again I'm keeping you on your toes uh condemning any type of discrimination hate speech against any type of protected class or individual so wanted to set the record straight before we got into public comment thank you very much okay all right um H Hamza yes ma'am if you would please come up if you would state your name your address and speak into the uh microphone so the audience and the council sure my name is Dr Hamza h m Za uh I live in 56 East fth Street in Howell uh I'm a private physician in Tom's River New Jersey uh we thank you first of all of allowing us to participate in this platform we appreciate that very much and uh we are here in response to the uh possible uh annoyance from some resident or non-residents uh towards a billboard uh that is can be perceived as anti-semitic first and foremost I have to say that anti-Semitism is real all right and we condemn anti-Semitism very much all right uh not just um as a fellow American but also as a Semite we are Arabs we are from this Middle East area and by our DNA we are Semite so anti-Semitism no absolutely not now we're talking about billboard that is calling upon people of the United States to use their Humanity look with Humanity at some people far away from here Palestinians and what is it actually that the Palestinians have that require us to look at them with Humanity will they have a little bit of a problem right now um they didn't eat they have been starved to death literally to death for six days no actually six months state spons sponsored and imposed starvation and same thing also with thirst they did not drink fluids for six months uh they have been bombed I'm talking about the civilian section of them we're not talking about Palestinians from Hamas not from the resistance not from even the uh official uh Palestinian government that's been elected or Not Elected we talk about Palestinian civilians that's what we're here to call upon people to look at them with Humanity um only 40,000 of them have been murdered and 60 of them are children specifically 18,000 children among them premature babies they cannot really represent any resistance to any state to anything actually in the world usually you don't see militants below 5 years of age so this is really the requirement you know I mean if we call upon Humanity to look at a uh a starved dogs and cats animals will be praised if this billboard specifically said stand for Humanity feel for dolphins feel for dogs and cats you'll be praised you'll be looked upon as as a good person but we talking about humans and it just so happened that those people are living in Palestine they have no control over nothing no who government who governed them who support them who's against them who's bombing them they don't have no control over nothing they are civilians all right so that's if we look at that can we see something that really require or deserve look at with an eye of humanity I think we do all right so that's number one the last point I'm going to make again anti-Semitism is real all right but I appeal to whoever had a problem with this billboard please do not abuse or misuse you know the crime of anti-Semitism and just use it as a scare thing you know to throw it at somebody just disagree with your opinion just you don't like just you disagree with don't please do not do that in essence you're actually hurting us you're hurting yourself you're hurting every Semite individual on Earth because why you're actually diluting the issue when you throw name or over and over and over and over and it's just hit a miss and it's not really anti-Semitism that we're talking about how generic can you be when you call upon the humanity for people who are civilians that's all I have to say thank you very much for listening God bless thank [Applause] you okay I'm going to say this now forgive me if I miss pronounce your name I mean no disrespect suket sh thank you I'm sorry no problem at all my own mother messes it up sometimes it's okay uh my name is Chev yiger I live in 231 Brookfield Drive Jackson I am here on behalf of the Islamic Center of Ocean County um my apologies I prep prepare the speech I don't want to miss anything Congress shall make no law that is the very first sentence in our constitution this statement is the foundation of who we are it is the reason why we are not Saudi Arabia where journalists are melted in barrels of acid for speaking against the king it is the reason why we are not Israel where the government can shut down and entire International Network in a single day because they disagree with their coverage that network was eler for anybody wondering this is the reason why we are free I can sit here say anything about our president the most powerful man on planet Earth and no police officer can touch me because Congress shall make no law that's important as my friend mentioned we go to the same Masque anti-Semitism is real islamophobia is real I was here after 911 I lived it there were moments we were afraid to leave our homes because people would spit on our faces I understand it so I wanted to share something with you kenet Stern is is the professor who created the definition of anti-semitism that you are using this council is using today he is the author of what it means to be anti-semitic he said I quote while we should push back against the speech we disagree with we must not encourage the use of law to suppress it he can continued the definition of anti-semitism is currently being used in the United States to stifle free speech I would like to remind everybody the gentleman who said this is the person who defined what anti-Semitism is all of you have cell phones you can double check the information I wanted to mention what the government of Israel Falls anti-semitic according to Netanyahu United Nations is anti-Semitic humans right watch is anti-Semitic Doctors Without Borders is anti-Semitic save the children Foundation I am not making this up is anti-Semitic Bernie Sanders a Jewish senator of United States is anti-Semitic John Stewart is anti-Semitic basically anybody who says anything against the government of Netanyahu is anti-Semitic why does this matter it matters because it trivializes a concept that is significantly historically important when you call everything anti-semitic nothing is anti-Semitic I can call Muhammad bin Salman anything I want doesn't make me islamophobic Arabia is 100% Muslim Nation I can say anything about the president of India Modi I can call him a human rights violation I can call him anything doesn't make me anti-hindu I can address the pope a person who signifies 1.3 billion mus Catholics in the world any name I want I can address him in any way I want I don't become anti- Catholic the moment anybody who criticizes the government of Israel not people of Israel is automatically labeled anti-semite that's what this resolution was silencing our voices or silencing anyone who disagrees with the government of Israel I want to underline that it's very important it's not going to work it hasn't worked when our government tried to sign silence our voices during Vietnam War it didn't work when our government tried to silence our our voices during South African fireti it did not work when people spoke out against slavery in this country and the government arrested everybody who said something that the government disagreed with it isn't going to work now and I'm going to tell you why it's not going to work thank you sir your time has ended okay look at this room thank you there everyone needs a chance thank there's people waiting thank you thank you is Karen Anne Bennett still here from the Elks okay Gabriella green excuse [Applause] me hi my name is Gabriella green uh 242 Larchwood Court I am quite surprised and confused on why over a month ago the ceasefire resolution that I proposed was given silence and now you have proposed this anti-Semitism Bill instead in regards to a billboard I will reiterate the resolution I proposed this resolution calls for an immediate ceasefire in goza and Israel and resumption of full humanitarian Aid whereas the mayor and the city council of the city of Howell New Jersey recognized the importance of peace and security for all communities and Nations around the world regardless of national ethnic or religious affiliations and whereas the mayor and the city council of Howell advocate for the safety dignity freedom and equality of all people regardless of religion race or nationality and whereas the mayor and the city council of Howell recognize that all human life is precious and whereas on October 7th a violent attack by Hamas claimed the lies lives of over 1,00 men women and children in Israel with 240 more taken hostage and whereas since then over 44,000 Palestinians have been killed including 492 health workers 185 un Aid workers and well over 77,500 civilians injured and whereas lives continue to be at imminent risk of death if a ceasefire is not achieved without delay now therefore be it resolved that the mayor and the city council of Howell New Jersey joined with representatives of other cities in calling our president senators and Congressional members to demand an immediate ceasefire on the of the violence in Gaza and Israel and immediate delivery of humanitarian Aid and the safe return of remaining hostages in all Palestinian political prisoners and be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be sent to the offices of New Jersey Congressional Representatives senators and the United States President Joseph Biden to use their positions and call for an end to this devastating violence and the resumption of delivery of full humanitarian Aid immediately so I proposed this around a month ago and I did not receive any word back and now you guys are proposing instead a bill only to Dedicated towards anti-Semitism because of a billboard but how is that billboard anti-semitic it says and I quote stand with Humanity stand with Palestine is it the underlying issues that doesn't really make sense because if we're saying that stand with Palestine as anti-semitic could you not also claim that the huge Israeli flag across the street in the 7-Eleven Plaza from my house would also be islamophobic because saying you stand with one over the other is automatic condemnation of the other side thank you this resolution is bogus in my opinion and does not address any of the Dee rooted anti-Semitism actually taking place in Howell I cannot recall how many times I have heard or seen people speak of the most absolutely ran of things towards the Lakewood Community but now you claim that a billboard that has no mention of Judaism anywhere is anti-semitic this feels like a slap in the face especially because I received no response after I proposed this resolution weeks ago I deeply implore all of you to not vote on this resolution and to instead vote on the ceasefire resolution that I have proposed that call for peace for everyone involved in the genocide in Israel and Palestine and I also made a Facebook post addressing this resolution and many many comments spoke of how they wished that the billboard was was um neutral or or wanted peace for everybody rather than just one side so why can I not repress the same for a resolution dedicated towards this genocide happening um instead of anti-Semitism why can we not call for no anti-Semitism and no um and a ceasefire for Palestine um I really implore that you guys vote on what I have suggested instead as I feel it covers all of your bases and it does not dictate that the free speech of Americans is automatically anti-semitic if it's against the state of Israel thank you thank you [Applause] Frank Linings hello thank you for your time my name is Frank C I'm from five Union AV Lakers New Jersey I just wanted to Echo my support in the immediate ceasefire resolution that has been proposed my friend hanen is from haza she was displaced after her home and her place of work was destroyed by Israeli forces and she's been dis she's been displaced in Rafa for 6 months she is an English teacher she is a civilian she's an English teacher of eight years who was aspiring to get her Masters before her workplace was demolished when I say free Palestine I am talking about freedom for my friend hanen and justice for the Staggering number of over 44,000 Palestinian civilians whose lives were taken by this devastating genocide it's a genocide as of right now this second Israeli troops are launching air strikes and a ground Invasion into the last remaining safe Zone in Rafa hanen was forced to evacuate again but there is literally no safe place to go after weeks of relentlessly bombing a refugee camp Israeli troops are bombing the last remaining safe Zone and I refuse to be gaslit into believing that saying free Palestine is inherently anti-semitic it actually perpetuates harm I love my neighbors of Jewish faith I have many Jewish friends who share a desire for a Palestine where people live freely where they can actually travel outside their country and do not have to worry about being bombed as a civilian 18,000 children have been killed by Israeli occupation forces I say free Palestine because I believe in a children's right to live they deserve schools to attend places of worship to pray parks to play all of that has been completely destroyed by the Israeli occupation forces the children of Palestine have been displaced forced to sleep in sand live in tents subjected to daily air strikes excruciatingly loud sounds of missiles and warfare they are scared children sustaining near fatal injuries from Israeli a air strikes and their wounds become infected because they do not have access to proper treatment because their hospitals were bombed now I live here where I have access to medication so with that I echo my support for an immediate ceasefire resolution as our tax D our taxes are funding what's going on the genocide our our tax dollars are funding it so yeah um your anti-Semitism resolution is gaslighting and perpetuates a false narrative so again I I support an immediate ceasefire resolution the one that has been proposed thank you thank [Applause] you Mo palistine [Applause] good evening Council I come before you today repres me your name and address please my name is Morad from voice for Humanity and I'm Bergen County resident um I come before you today representing voice for Humanity an organization steadfast in its commitment and fostering empathy Unity understanding among all communities it is with great concern that we address an unjust attack orchestrated against us by how Township officials aimed at stifling our message of compassion and solidarity our billboard bearing the poignant declaration stand with Palestine stand with Humanity encapsulates our unwavering support for oppressed communities particularly the Palestinians who endure ongoing justices injustices it stands as a Beacon of Hope in a world rif of division of strifeful beaconing for empathy and Justice to Prevail the insinuation of potential anti-semitic undertones within our message is not only unfounded but a deliberate ploy to discredit our solidarity with the oppressed such allegations not only lack Merit but also perpetrates harmful stereotypes and societal divisions we strongly denounce all forms of hate and racism including anti-Semitism anti- Arab sentiment islamophobia islamophobia and the an atrocities inflicted upon Palestinians The Staggering loss of innocent lives in Gaza GZA demands urgent attention and and Resolute action we extend our deepest gratitude to the how Community to their overwhelming support and solidarity during these challenging times your unwavering commitment to empath empathy and fairness exemplifies the true essence of our diverse Community as a canel the Council deliberates on this solution we implore you to reconsider and uphold the principles of unity empathy and equality for all it is imperative that we reject any attempts to sow Discord division among our populace instead let us unite in our Collective pursuit of justice and understanding we call upon you to stand with us in opposing this unjust resolution which seeks to under termine undermine the very fabric the very fabric of an of our community together let us strive to create an environment where hate has no place where every individual is valued and respect Ed regardless of their background or beliefs furthermore we express our willingness to engage in constructive dialogue to address any misunderstandings that may exist within the Township community we are open to both private and public conversations with those concerned as we believe the fostering open communication is essential to Bridging the cap and cultivating environmental of unity and understanding thank you for your attention Thank [Applause] You Zed AB rman how bad did I do that it was terrible was kidding My Name Is Zade and I am with American Muslims for Palestine also known as amp and I am also a board me a board member with voice for Humanity um I want to start off by thanking mayor burger and the council for allowing us to speak today to address the proposed resolution um the resolution specifically calls out voice for Humanity and its billboard and I believe Mo did a good job on explaining what the billboard means um calling out a billboard for potentially having an anti-semitic undertone is very unfair and I think that it takes away from an issue that we are facing as a country and Society holy where there has been a rise in anti-Semitism and islamophobic and anti-arab attacks throughout the country I think this resolution should be reformed and stated to show solidarity against all forms of hate and to not Doc's voice for Humanity on public record weaponizing anti-Semitism to the defend Israel and their atrocities in Gazza is does more harm for the Jewish community at whole then protects them the Jewish Community knows the Muslim Community stands with them and they know that the Palestinian Community stands with them and we protect each other as we have historically in this country so using this resolution to pin one side against the other undoubted by outside agitators and influence and political money is a shame to what we call democracy I don't even know what part of that billboard is indicative of an anti-semitic undertone and it is your duty as the individuals introducing this resolution to explain what's anti-semitic about it or what's potentially anti-semitic about it we will not stand here and continue to defend ourselves against something that you have deemed anti-semitic when we could easily engage in dialogue that brings people together rather than dehumanizes a people that has already been dehumanized the attack on voice for Humanity is clearly targeted in February we we took down a billboard in Howell because a company a small business that owns the billboard in this Township reached out to us begging to take it down and they are small business that was being harassed being called terrorists and whatnot and supporters of terrorists by the same individuals targeting this billboard which are not even a part of Howell's community and you can say see that in the change.org petition it shows all the ZIP codes netanyahu's government does not represent all Jewish people Netanyahu does not represent the Jewish faith at [Applause] all killing innocent children and I'm going to show you a picture here that I request be entered into the record just from this morning the these distractions by introducing these resolutions distracts by what's from what's really going on which is the goal of the government of Netanyahu here you're going to see two children under the age of 2 years old just this morning being crushed after being bombed the RAF the last Safe Haven in Gaza this is what we we stand against when we say stand with humanity and we say stand with Palestine everybody you see in this picture this morning we have I asked us to be entered into public record and I tell you all this is an important point in history the tides are changing in this country and I'm an Alum of Columbia University and I spent the last two weeks at the encampment and I witnessed how we changed the whole world we influenced the whole world by standing with Humanity you're all elected officials and your time will come and it will go but you remembered for what you did if you sign this resolution you'll be on the wrong side of history and also if you continue to sign this we will come here with all of our legal power thank you your time has ended thank you thank [Applause] you um Rabbi Weiss please [Applause] my name is Rabbi David Weiss of n the Jews United against Zionism I live in Mani New York I pray to the almighty to bestow upon me his truth his wisdom that I may be worthy of conveying his message and so sanctify his name and bring peace to the world Amen uh I am a little uncomfortable because it's not the Township that I am from but I'm much more uncomfortable because my religion Judaism is being soled is being trampled upon by a organization a movement that has been started around 150 years ago my religion Judaism is 3,000 years we made a covenant with God to be subservient to the almighty to uphold the words of the Torah and throughout our history of 3,000 years we've given our lives proudly upheld the Torah and we're ready to give our lives and gave our lives whether it was the Inquisition whether it was The Crusades whether it was my grandparents and owitz uh and the rest the majority of my fathers and mother's family from Hungary and Poland died because we were Jewish and we did not want to stray even when Iota from our Judaism Judaism is subservience to God to emulate God mAh just as God is compassionate you should be compassionate we are not permitted to steal or kill we have to show gratitude for good done to us part of Judaism is that the almighty commanded us to go into the holy land when he took us out of Egypt last just passed the Passover holiday but we were God stipulated with us that if we're not on the right level on the high level of Holiness we will be driven from the land which happened with the destruction of the temple 2,000 years ago we put on the Oath by God that we are not to return in Mass not to in any way rebel against any Nations we have to be loyal citizens in every country we reside whether it's United States or people of Canada or Iran or it may whatever country we have to be loyal citizens we are uh not to make any attempt Exile and although we went through trials and tribulations suffering like I say the Inquisition and so on where we they they tortured us to death we never never took the option of recreating a Jewish homeland because that is stringently forbidden we look at God for protection Zionism started a 100 odd years ago with a to a transformation of pure nationalism it means that they were the essence of Judaism they gutted and they said we are just Nation amongst Nations and we want a piece of land and they Scorn the Jews who are looking to God for protection they say where was God by the Inquisition where was and they laugh at us these were non-religious Jews and the rabbis at the time universally from every Lithuanian community community from everyone stood up and said this is a rebellion against God this is a this is antithetical to Judaism we are not to kill a steel we are not to uh create a Jewish sovereignty even in an uninhabited land but they went through with it the United Nations ratified it the chief Rabbi of Palestine pleaded with the United Nations and he said quoting robinsky it's in the United Nations records we furthermore wish to express our definite opposition to a Jewish State and any part of Palestine all the Jewish communities universally invariably the very religious the more the religious we stand in opposition to this erat Judaism this concept of nationalism that's taking the homes away from a people with the excuse under the facad uh on masquerading under religion and intimidating others who want to stand up for their rights that is what we call hasem it is a desecration of God's name because that's not what God requires of us of a religion and it's an evil you're killing people people are dying in Gaza my grandparents were killed in oswit the world was silent for 5 years we dare not be silent when people are being murdered and starved to death we dare not we plead with you because everybody will regret that they didn't do their utmost that was P they capable of doing politicians you are blessed with the opportunity to accomplish something God blessed you with your position to go and conflate and confuse and use the lazy way out to say that it's oh it's just Judaism because they decided the ones in Israel who have power in their hands that that is Judaism while the very religious communities are are standing in fast opposition and saying No this is nationalism how dare you confuse it's an insult to to uh to base logic and to the truth please stand up for the people of Gaza let help them save their lives and stand against this resolution that Judaism and anti-Semitism thank you your time has ended thank [Applause] you Eliza Letterman Elman I live at 116 Raper Road in Howell I've been a Howell resident that's lived here since I was 2 years old and I'm now a senior at Emerson College in Boston I'm also a proud Jewish woman who has had the unique experience of growing up in Howell thank you where we have a very large Orthodox Jewish population throughout my years here I've seen and experienced anti-em ISM from my peers at school their parents and many other Howell residents Who hide their faces behind their keyboards on Facebook how however I've never seen or heard the town take any action against the blatant harassment and discrimination that Jewish people face in this town before the events of October 7th which leads me to the point that this town and its residents are not actually concerned with anti-Semitism and discrimination against Jews they just don't want to stand with Palestinians all of my involvement with Pro Palestinian Liberation my activism in my organizing has has been because of my ideals as a Jew I was taught to stand up against oppression and genocide and that is what I'm trying to do here and with joining the peaceful encampment that was set up at my school Emerson College which was then raided by Riot and gang police or sorry the gang unit um of the Boston Police Department as my friends and I were brutalized and 118 were arrested while peacefully protesting taking down a billboard that simply asks for Palestinians to be seen as human beings and for other humans to stand with them speaks for itself as a racist act reminiscent of the Holocaust cost as many other anti-zionist Jews will agree with me zionists do not see Palestinians as human beings worthy of life and they definitely do not represent all Jews the only time I have experienced anti-Semitism since October 7th has been from Zionist Jews telling me I'm not a real Jew or I'm not Jewish enough because I do not support an occupied colonial state in my opinion this billboard is valuable for our town and reminds our citizens that we need to care for every human even those experiencing genocide overseas I only see a dangerous road of supress ahead of us if we Sorry by removing this harmless billboard and quite frankly spending our time arguing over a billboard rather than trying to reach a ceasefire agreement like many of my predecessors had mentioned while 1.7 million men women children children elderly and disabled people are being invaded and bombed in Rafa as we speak is Despicable and is wasting time valuable time that Palestinians do not have in a way that is uniquely bureaucratic genocide is not a Jewish Jewish value and having a billboard calling for people to stand against gen genocide is anything but anti-semetic thank you thank you I have three um members in the audience that have the same last name will you be can would one of you come up and speak for the group would that be okay you can all speak will be that's fine I just didn't know if it was all the same message okay than please um [Applause] lean hello my name is lean Darwish I live on 33 grisol Road um I would like to begin by thanking you all for this opportunity to speak um growing up not only in the United States but in hell I was born here um I've never been able to comfortably speak about my Palestinian identity with my community members I would get odd looks be told my country does not exist or that is Israel not Palestine my entire life anytime I have tried to speak up about the injustices taking place in Palestine I've been silenced but this has never stopped me all throughout High School I would speak up about Palestine and even though I was stating mere facts I would be constantly told that I was anti-semitic and got sent to the office many times in reality I was never anti-semitic as Arabs we are citic and I've never never once spoken badly about the Jewish religion speaking up about the terror that Palestinians live through made my community members uncomfortable and accusing me of anti-Semitism was the best way to silence me it always felt like everyone was against me and when I saw the billboard that said stand with Palestine I was filled with so many emotions but mainly hope hope that our community or hope that our voices had were being heard hope that there would be change in the community and hope that we would no longer be silenced the accusation of this billboard as anti-semitic is not being made to protect our Jewish community members but as an attempt to silence the supporters of Palestine and to protect zionists I use chat gbt which is artificial intelligence to see if the statement on the billboard was anti-semitic and it said that it was not this is not an issue this is not an issue of religion it is about humanity and like the billboard says stand with Humanity I urge you council members to stand with humanity and oppose this resolution as it silences many Comm members of your community and allows for more Injustice and more Injustice to take place and it will be hurting more people than helping instead we should be working together to push for a resolution calling for a permanent ceasefire thank you thank you Zen [Applause] My Name Is Zade derish I am a Howell resident and I just wanted to thank you guys for your time first and foremost in the midst of the turmoil in gulfing GZA it is imperative that we raise our voices for an immediate ceasefire the Relentless bombardment and violence has left the trail and Devastation and claiming countless of innocent lives destroying homes and Liv and different many different livelihoods behind each statistic lies human tragedy and a family torn apart personally I've had over 150 family members killed in Gazza the suffering inflicted upon the people of Gazza is beyond comprehension and our moral duty and it is our moral duty to put an end to it but beyond the immediate relief a ceasefire is a first step towards lasting peace it creates a space for dialogue and negotiation so let's raise our voice together demanding an end to the Bloodshed and commitment to a ceasefire for all parties involved let us stand in solidarity with the people of Gaza the innocent civilians caught in the crossfire and with all those who yearn peace in this troubled land the time to act is now before more lives are lost and just one thing I would really appreciate if you guys could give me your time instead of being on your phones because we're here to speak to you guys so thank [Applause] you please come up thank you I can't I I it's okay can you hear okay so my name is hadil um and I'm also a Howell resident um I would like to thank start by thanking you for hosting this meeting and giving everyone here the opportunity to speak uh as a Palestinian Living in America I feel thankful yet guilty thankful that my family was able to seek Refuge but guilty that I've survived the Decades of genocide side and torment that my people face every day I cannot imagine what it is like to be in GZA right now watching your home and City turn into rubble and watching your family and children die before you watching a world the world turn a blind eye to the genocide that we are facing since October 7th I have struggled to find the words to describe the conditions that people in RZA are facing having no food water electricity medical supplies or any other basic human Necessities is unimagined able the Palestinian Israeli conflict is not about religion or self-defense it's about the complete occupation and ethnic cleansing of a land that doesn't belong to the Israeli settlers the Palestinian land has been occupied for the last 75 years almost one century of death humiliation and pain caused to an innocent civilization colonizing a land that does not belong to you and justifying your actions as self-defense means absolutely nothing to the educated population and does not permit Israeli war crimes the billboard stand with Humanity stand with Palestine is in no way anti-semitic if you understood the definition of the root word Semitic you would know that Arabs are also Semitic people although the definition of anti-semitism addresses the hostility against Jewish people by Google uh how can one be against themsel and where they originate from as a Palestinian Muslim I believe in the prophets of Islam Christianity and Judaism Israeli propaganda has made it appear that Palestinians are human animals and that we need to be eliminated but let me ask you do I look like a human animal as I stand before you everyone thinks that Palestinians and anyone who supports Palestine have some agenda against Jewish people but that's not the case the billboard is no way harmful toward any Jewish member of the community there's no mention of the Jewish religion on the billboard misusing the definition of anti-semitism is not only harmful to Jewish people but also to those who have been supporting a ceasefire in Gazza the Western media is full of information and propaganda it is important to understand the difference between anti-Semitism and anti-zionism the billboard is a practice of the First Amendment and is in no way a hate crime the ones who filed a complaint with the bill board uh with the township must feel threatened by the word Palestine and not acts of anti-Semitism thank you thank [Applause] you Musa Nai [Applause] my name is mus Naji oh I said it right yes we did thank you uh address is 57 uh 570 Broad Street newwark um I am here on behalf of K the Council on American Islamic relations uh thank you mayor and the council I'm here to ask you to vote against resolution 12- 1884 a resolution that inaccurately labels the statement stand with Humanity stand with Palestine as anti-semitic I must assert that this statement is a call for empathy a call for support for all oppressed communities including the Palestinian people who are enduring a genocide this resolution not only misrepresents a humanitarian message but also undermines the values of empathy compassion that we stand for the claim of a potential anti-semitic undertone is not only baseless but appears to be intentional obstruction of efforts to show solidarity with those who are oppressed and the Palestinian people are oppressed 44,000 Palestinians killed tens of thousands more buried under the r was on accounted for eight Decades of living under the occupation and of apar government thousand Indians illegally and unjustly imprisoned by the Israeli government is all the proof that dictates that the Palestinian people are oppressed the resolution attempts to silence support for the Palestinian people by blel and it hateful the allegation by the resolution contribute to the propagation of harmless stereotypes which only serve to deepen the divides within our society it is disheartening to witness officials succumb to external pressures that go against the inclusive Spirit of our community we firmly oppose all forms of hate and discrimination including anti-Semitism anti-arab sentiment islamophobia anti-palestinian hate and all forms of hate and on my way here I saw a bubo that said we stand with Israel and I thought maybe I should approach the city council in that City and present a draft resolution condemning that billboard for being anti- Muslim anti- Palestinian and anti-arab discrimination I urge you to consider its implications and to uphold the principles of unity empathy and equality for all by voting against this resolution and standing in support of humanity you see tens of people in this room wearing kuas that s that symbolizes our solidary with the Palestinian people we stand with Palestine we always have we always will and nothing would change that fact thank you thank you okay this one is not going to be my fault I can read the names for you [Music] sh sh e s h o e s sh u e no l e e i a m could you read it I can't even read the letters I can't read the letters yeah looks like s sh i e l leave something is somebody Sheila is that Sheila is somebody say Sheila you spell it she's trying I'm trying I can't you can't spell it out you can't all the letters maybe somebody could help me would somebody come up sure to yeah Ahmed abdalah I think you okay uh Michael [Applause] Edelman hi there my name is Michael Edelman I am a resident of how town Township uh your address please 221 Ashwood Court um all I have to say is this notion that anti-zionism is anti-Semitism saying stand with Humanity stand with palestin the idea that is that's anti-semitic I'm here to say that is absurd that is more absurd than saying black lives matter is anti-white because I do know that there are some black people who do not stand with um that movement however H there are plenty of Jews who do not stand with Israel who are anti-zionists and yet I have never once in my life heard of a Muslim an Arab especially a Palestinian I've never heard of one that said I stand with Israel Zionism is good never heard that there are some black people who don't support the black lives matter movement that is all thank you mayor can I bring something up very quickly if you don't mind uh it's an urgent concern an urgent concern yeah I believe it is under it is against Township ordinance to carry any type of signs in the council meetings is that correct yes it is I would recommend they take a look at take a recess we would like to take a recess at this point excuse me excuse me ladies and gentlemen excuse me excuse me ladies and gentlemen yes ma'am ma'am he's claiming to be a police officer now excuse excuse me excuse me this is a council room this is not a room for chanting for spewing hate for going against each other yes if you want us to talk about this we are more than happy to do that but we deserve the respect as well that you have have decorum in this room otherwise we will stop the meeting yeah I agree listen it it's you know everybody's railing against this resolution and yet everybody's taking this opportunity to show the worst of emotions towards each other so if we excuse me sir is not time for public comment the township manager speak no we we are not going do back and forth right now we need to understand what happened so we can address it so right now we're going to have decorum everybody's going to put the signs down we're going to get through the public comment and that's what we're going to do and if people can't observe that simple sort of decorum we're going to shut the meeting down and you can all go home and we'll assemble again in the future thank thank you all right we're Americans he came in and called us terrorists because we're Muslim well I already said it that we will not accept that in here than app something put the signs down they're still up put the sign down please the sign down she just said put the sign he put it there intentionally put the sign down the attorney follow your own laws sign perfect thank you put the no no cop cop she's asking for signs down officers stand the law listen to your enforce the law at this time I would like to reconvene the meeting can I have a motion motion to reconvene second second all in favor I I um before we go first further we did amend the resolution we went to the back to amend the resolution which will not be voted on right now until the end of the um open comment but if we would please read the amended resolution we need a uh a motion to amend the resolution please may I have a motion to amend I'll make a motion to amend the resolution in its present form second councilman gager yes councilwoman odonnell yes Deputy Mayor Nell yes mayor B yes thank you I'll Now read the resolution that has been amended pleas quiet opposing hate in all its forms whereas a Tang Howell is committed to free and open inquiry and expression permissible under the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States and whereas the ideas of different members of a community even those ideas protected under the First Amendment will sometimes conflict and governing bodies cannot Shield individuals from ideas and opinions until they find unwelcome disagreeable or even deeply offensive and whereas in the presence of objectable speech even speech that is protected by the First Amendment it can be appropriate for a governing body to make its feelings known especially when as here there is concern being expressed by some residents and whereas acts of hate intimidation discrimination and violence based on ethnicity or religion have no place in our country nor in the global Community now therefore be it resolved by the Council of the township of Howell in the county of Mammoth and the state of New Jersey as follows one it strongly condemns and denounces all instances of hate in the United States and globally and two it calls on elected officials and world leaders to condemn and fight all forms of hate and three it rejects all forms of Terror hate discrimination and harassment thank you thank you I would I will go I will go back to public comment we had another person on the list yes uh haia motion now please remember that the amend the resolution has changed so if you're here to talk about the resolution that we just changed it's kind of moot at this point unless you want to comment on the new resolution does it still include the um Clauses about having the bill board be taken down due to anti-semitic no it has nothing thing in there we took it out she just read it I just full resolution just read I didn't know that changes but I mean I I I don't want to suppress your desire to speak okay I still would like to share a few words if that's okay that's fine okay so I guess I'll skip this part your name please oh yeah my name is haa Mosen I live on 15 Walnut Drive and Howell um all right I just wanted to mention that anti-Semitism is as is defined as hostility or prejudice against Jewish people and the billboard had simply just stated to stand with humanity and stand with Palestine there was no mention of Judaism there was no mention of Israel there was no mention of anything that could have been deemed as anti-semitic and to believe to call for Humanity as a hostile statement against Judaism is pretty ludicrous it might mean that you need to re-evaluate your understanding of the religion which I would hope believes all human beings are equal in the eyes of God therefore therefore all deserve the right to humanity and human rights including the millions of Palestinians who are being carpet bombed as we speak about whether or not it's okay we talk about it a call to humanity does not go against Judaism on the contrary to take down the billboard is an attack on Palestinians and their voice and their First Amendment right in this here in this country nothing hateful was said in the billboard but it was an act of hate against Palestinians to have it taken down that's what it was in my opinion my own Grandparents were displaced refugees for most of their lives as a result of the nakba and the creation of the state of Israel my own mother was categorized as a refugee for the first 27 years of her life due to the creation of the state of Israel and to tell me I can't speak up for members of my own family or to speak up for their right to exist and to speak against their genocide I believe that is hateful and I take that as hateful that's an infringement on my free speech and my right as an American citizen and I'd Al also like to bring to light how the conversation was so it was going in a peaceful route everyone was so peaceful until members of another side had came in to intimidate those that wanted to have a conversation that was more that was taking us somewhere to discuss how we feel and what we're here for today and um I that's all I have to say thank well I hope that you realize that we do not appreciate anybody coming in to disrupt the meeting either yes on either side on either side and I thank you all for taking action and for addressing that when it had happened I do appreciate that thank [Applause] you I I just want to say that um I wholeheartedly defend anyone's right to Free Speech it it is it it it it is your in alible right and also I want you to understand that you know we do hear what you say as what you just witnessed so um I had a nice conversation with the the fellow outside uh who was on the board for the billboard company and uh I had said to him look I'm 72 years old uh I go all the way back to like the PLO in when I was in high school but but after what's gone on recently I really took the time to look historically at all of this and I find it goes back to like 200 BC so it's a very emotional issue it's a very difficult issue for anyone to take any sides in and everybody respect everyone's position and I gave him one suggestion about the next billboard so I think he'll share it with with all the billboard people promise and thank you thank you seeing no other names on the list I am closing may I have a motion to close is there anyone else i' like to come forward would like to talk we we we haven't told people it's only on the list there's other people who want public comments so we're going to remain open for public comment hold on hold on we believe everybody should exactly both sides I'm not stopping anybody I was just going by a list sign the list I going to bring it over so a lot of just do we need to do that tonight so we can do the presentation later we have to adopt the budget tonight but I mean if if people really want to say stuff in the moment it's going to be 10:00 11:00 before they sit there and tell me what a shitty job is about if they want to wait and come back next me if somebody want to come up and speak please put your name on the list add your name and address to the list please you are so well call call the next person up all right I'm G to have the line swing around this way because we're going to continue public comment as you're signing up Cherry Rivas you're you're up next he just walked up and called him the vi the rabbi if we cannot make folks if we don't have decorum we're going to shut the meeting down so I'm going to ask everybody who's not in line to sign up for public comment to please have a seat all right we're going to have everybody be quiet because we're going to continue public comments with Miss Ras you're up next please don't yell from the back of the room so this is not your meeting this is not your meeting this is the council meeting where they're trying to do business if I understand what you're saying and I'm about to say if you cannot maintain decorum if you cannot wait for your turn to speak at the podium to the council then we'll stop the meeting so enough with the profanity enough with the name calling enough with all of that so you know again we're showing the very worst of ourselves at a time when you know there there's all of the so between anybody it's not back and forth we're doing public comment please continue good evening my name is Sher revas I reside at three Hearth Court in how I wasn't planning to speak this evening I was actually sitting in awe of the speakers that spoke before the short break I appreciate and acknowledge the courage that it took for some of those people to stand in front of not just the council but the how community and speak their truth about their experiences and how they have felt in how I am frustrated that this meeting has moved to something else this ordinance was an opportunity for the community to come together and really look at um valuing the entire Community not just the few loud people who want to be heard but seeing everyone in our community I appreciate that the council went back and changed the ordinance we are not going to broker World Peace at this meeting it is a how council meeting and we are here to do business related to how Township now that the ordinance is changed I hope that people can refocus um regarding the ordinance and The Business of how I do appreciate people from outside the community coming to educate us and to give us knowledge about things that we may not have exposure to however especially as a woman I did sit in the crowd in the audience today and feel that there were movements statements and recording that did feel threatening and I appreciate that the council has stopped and has asked for the the signs and those things to go down I do hope that the speakers after me are coming from a place of unity and how we can create a dialogue and work together to make how a better community and not have us be more divisive thank thank you that was really what we should be talking about is exactly what she miss Reas just said excuse me shouting it's being the meeting is being recorded thank Youk pictures of addresses he just took a picture of everybody's name and address the same guy who came and cursed I mean how do you allow this to happen there are three police officers here how do I go home now how do I know he's not going to show up at my house he left the this is crazy he took a picture of everybody's address chief chief what are you doing Chief star do something say your name when you got Chief star okay can you please come up he's right there let him delete the picture but everybody take his phone and delete our names please so first of all Do's everybody sit sit and be quiet again this is the third time in five minutes I've called for decor and we're adults for God's sake everybody sit down and be quiet and let's be respectful we're going to get through this a lot quicker and everybody's going to get a chance to talk I know you're upset about that that's a public document you said your name and address here he could just go back home and listen to the meeting so I would like to take a picture of his name and address go right ahead okay thank you so you know what we can't just sit here and fight all night about it everybody has stuff that they want to say and we need to respect the fact that individuals are coming out as Miss Rea said she made a very good point about people coming to speak here so we should give them the time that all of you got and stop disrupting so why don't we move on to the next speaker the list is still there Caitlyn if you would call the next person [Music] hi thank you cancel people I've never really done this before your name and address please M sorry name is Brook pertz address is 45 Rapala Road Howell New Jersey less than a five minute drive I'm living in HL for nearly seven years and I've met some of the nicest people I've ever met in my life and that's credit to you guys and that's credit to the police officers that we have keeping us safe and I just want to tell you how much I thank you guys and how much I appreciate you guys every single day prior to living here and it it really means something and how was my place of residence for Life hopefully I love it here prior to living here I moved here from Israel I was born and raised in Brooklyn New York after I got married I moved to Israel and I lived there for 4 years my daughter that lives over here right around the corner I had to numerous times take her into bomb shelters from sirens in Jerusalem numerous times she knows the flag and when she saw a billboard with that flag it did something to her it brought back trauma additionally how has been extremely safe and again cus to all of you I recently was walking with my wife it was not in howl it was that The Point Pleasant Beach and a group of teenagers passed by us and they shouted H Hitler not free Palestine but H Hitler all right um and what you people did what you decided to take that sign down ex I'm sorry excuse me I'm sorry to interrupt you there is someone speaking at the front of the room I can hear people in the back of the room if you can't be quiet the only one that will be in the room is the person at the at the at the microphone Mr Clark said it three times I said it once I'm not going to repeat myself but I will ask you to come in who's ever on the list only is that understood please I would appreciate the respect of the person St speaking please continue thank you appreciate it I felt less safe in the world since October 7th like I'm assuming most Jews do and knowing that we have a Township whether it's the committee or the council members and especially the police force that are standing and have our back makes me really proud to be a resident of Howell thank [Applause] you chapl rafay hi good evening good evening your name please my name is Rafael speak lad to the rec chap Rafael you got to fix the microphone my name is Chaplan Rafael Mala and your address 47 Providence just for the record everyone to know good evening everyone I just want to share with all our holy brothers and sisters here that you're giving first of all thank you for giving us the freedom of speech thank you for giving us the freedom of speech I just heard others just said how much they are how much they are calling the seven of October Humanity I was in Israel I flew special from New Jersey within the first week of October 7 just a short while after daating my kidney here in America for a fellow woman her fellow sister that I never met before thanks God I'm a proud Kidney donor and soon heading to denade my liver half of my liver for someone else I flew to Israel within the first week of October 7th what I saw with my own eyes what this Hamas terrorist Palestinians made where they came from Gaza and they're made by those Villages since the Holocaust we never dreamed never saw never thought never believed that we will see witness with our own two eyes what we witness murdering and killing approximately 1,400 fellow brother and sisters men and woman and tiny babies tiny kids Holocaust Survivors cutting off their own hands arms legs putting them in the oven in front of the father and the mother meanwhile the father and the mothers and hand and legs are tight tighten up with a gun to their head and they need to watch how their own tiny babies is getting burned alive in their own kitchen and the the stove none of the stuff that I saw with my own two eyes in those places where I was volunteering for six full weeks in all kind of departments and locations and organizations none of the stuff is considered humanity and if and if the other side will say this is considered by them Humanity so it's exactly Humanity like the Nazi germanies we just memorate yesterday May 6 the Holocaust memory day from 6 million Jewish people that was murdered and killed in tortured and abuse we always say never ever again that's definitely included for Our Generation how in the world could this Hamas terrorist say that this is considered by them Humanity I was protesting peaceful and legally on public property against this terrible billbo that was here in Howell Township that says stand with Humanity stand with Palestine I was protesting there a nice few times every single time for three hours or 4 hours or 5 hours even if it wasn't easy for me and even if no one showed up or almost no one showed up and afterward some other people showed up we always made sure as we always doing only peaceful and legally on public property how in the world could they say that this is considered Humanity I have in my pocket a small small tiny thing I would like to show for the people here I have here two pieces of metals in this bag I could show it around for people where would like to watch that this is pieces of the rockets that explode above my head in Israel after October 7 meanwhile I'm volunteering with my other fellow brothers and sisters and trying to help out the situation this Rockets is not one time a day flying in Israel and I have a video whoever doesn't believe me I didn't know the the rocket was flying there was a video rolling before that and then the silence went off there's a video how exploding how how I'm running to try to help out others many people want to buy that for a lot of money I said I'm not selling it for any money in the world I would like to show our fellow holy brothers sisters here in America and all around the world that this is not considered Humanity raping and molesting fellow brothers and sisters and one of the father's and mother's eyes that's not considered Humanity kidnapping them kidnapping over your time has ended okay so this is not considered Humanity you your time is ended everyone's got the same amount of time sir than you God bless you all God Bless America God bless Israel thank you thank you for your time morai gladman good evening committee thank you give me time to speak to you and I your name please please your name and address please for the record sure um I want to St tonight your name sir your name your name he doesn't hear well your name I apologize I'm sorry that's okay my name is morai globan I apologize I didn't hear you sorry I want to tell you that and I married a long time ago with the Holocaust with 6 million Jews died and this what is most saddest time in entire history and I seen it again and the people don't realize that the palestin don't realize themselves that the hus themselves are killing their own people they don't even care their own people they shoot rocket they shoot the they damag their own property they go people house they damage to people out there they don't care about people so therefore we hear now a riot over here I don't know why people paltin think that the the the sky whatever the river by SE whatever they call it but they don't see their own people that the hamus and the Palestine leaders are the most disgusting people in the Earth because they are the lying to the own people that they are killing even their own people I not understand that what they're UPS upset about they can be upset but they don't realize why they're being upset and they're being angry about the Jewish people and scream at the Jews and hating them and just come back the same thing Nazi this is Nazi the same thing they kill the Jewish people they faifi them they threw them fire they're terrible thing to Jews they ined them so the Palestine people don't realize that they even the hamus are doing the same thing thing at The Naz doing so if they wake up and realize their own people and they think the Jew Israel are killing them I'm sorry the mistaken is the Palestine people are studying books their own Guy books stay to kill the Jews kill the Jews that's what their own tbook say in school and it's the young children they're showing them how to use guns they're showing them how to do this they're showing terrible disgusting thing to their own beautiful CH they can use their ch for beautiful future technology beautiful things beautiful idea beautiful friendship beautiful peace not Riot not killing people and this I don't I don't understand why they're doing it again but I want to thank you for all the people Jewish people came tonight and I understand the Palestine people over here thinks that it's okay to be like this way but I think I feel bad for them because they don't realize their own people the government and their own paling hus people are torturing their own people and killing them and shooting them for getting food on the truck a young boy try to get food on the truck and the sh H shot him to death just for the stupid things I don't understand anyway I want to thank you for your evening tonight I want to thank you everybody police officer and everybody tonight for listening to me I apologize for everything whatever it is I'm sorry my name sorry again but thank you very much I really appreciate it thank you David Dolan um I'm David Dolan uh 203 snip Road lazy you haven't heard of it um I'm the chief of staff for AI schnall fortunately he wasn't able to make it tonight but on behalf of him and all of District 30 I appreciate this resolution from the how Township committee uh Council um there's a war going on in Israel where there is violence there's violence here too but this violence is fueled by hate and prejudism now unfortunately we cannot end hate through just waking up one day and saying saying I end hate that's just not how it happens we live in reality where ending hate and prejudism is a process how how do we conduct this process it is through building blocks on top of each other until we create a foundation where we live in a society without hate this is a momentous block to start with um I I I wished I had like more words more prophetic words but uh I I do appreciate and uh assemblyman schn appreciates this resolution thank you and have a wonderful night thank you E from bre my name is AF ran Beck I live in mon New York um my grandmother a eight Generations Palestinian and she told me that we live in peace with our Palestinian brothers and sisters could you I'm sorry the microphone a little bit closer thank you yes my grandmother are eight Generations Palestinian and she told me how we live in peace with all Palestinian brothers and sisters all the years till the state of Israel was created so I don't see anything in free Palestine to be anti-semitic thank you thank [Applause] you um Regina [Applause] Shanley good evening everybody um my name is Georgina Shanley um my address is 115 Harding Road in Red Bank I'm originally from Ireland another country that was colonized and still has some of the imprints of the colony um I'm here tonight I'm very surprised to see the the anger and the kind of bullying that's been was going on when I walked in here and I really appreciate you Council for handling it the way you did and also for coming up with a resolution that's Universal that's something that all of us here should abide by we all have to get together in this world and we're seeing more and more Division and I am so proud and I'm so honored to be able to address you tonight for what you've done um we've I took a copy of the resolution that was passed in Congress today or yesterday and it says strongly condemning and denouncing the DraStic rise of anti-Semitism but what's missing is that semites are Arabs as well as Jews please please so so when we talk about condemning anti-Semitism when we're condemning any hate against Jews against Arabs against Palestinians it all comes under the same umbrella and until we realize that we're really going to have a very fragmented country in one of the whereases of the uh resolution that was passed it said this is it says whereas on October 8th 23 a car with individuals holding Palestinian Flags this is proof of anti-Semitism right Palestinian Flags appeared to intentionally appeared to intentionally swerve out of its Lane nearly hitting a visibly Jewish Family in Clifton New Jersey and this is proof and this is where we're having a national Congressional resolution for the whole country based on such information whereas we're not even looking at the hate against Muslims we're not looking at the 35,000 people who've been killed in Gaza and many many more people killed in the West Bank and homes demolished and mostly women and children I mean nobody could agree with what Hamas did on on October 7th it's atrocious it was a massacre but for 75 more and more years the Palestinian people have lived in a concentration camp and it would be the most wonderful thing if you city council could pass a ceasefire resolution a permanent ceasefire resolution I think one was introduced by a member of uh of the public here calling for a cease a permanent ceasefire resolution in Gaza and all it means is to stop killing civilians to increase or allow the humanitarian Aid so people don't starve to death and release the hostages who did nothing to anybody and that's all the ceasefire resolution is requesting and it would be your crown of crowning Glory if that could be passed by the city of Howell and it would reverberate all over New Jersey and over the country and that would be my prayer and my appeal to you and I thank you very very much for allowing me to speak as a foreigner from outside the area thank you thank [Applause] you reia AI [Applause] hello I'm R AI from Jackson just neighboring town uh thank you for having me tonight and allowing me to speak and I am so proud and happy to be your neighbor in Jackson and you guys are leading a wonderful example um I would like to say right now my family in Palestine and rafah border is under constant bombardment and while Jackson has had so many tax cuts uh Cuts in the educational system and our school is literally dying all of them our tax dollars are going to should be called Palestine it is Palestine and the people there are illegally OCC occupied and constantly being slaughtered and to not limit semitism to just Judaism semites are from the land of the Canaan anybody that speaks Arabic Hebrew and other languages of the Canaan I feel like the word anti-Semitism has been weaponized and I commend you for acknowledging when to when it's true and when it's not and I thank you for having me here and allowing me to speak thank [Applause] you ad [Applause] Greenberg good evening first of all your name and address please a Greenberg those are initials for the name is AD Greenberg the they are initials for aaham David live in 109 Elm Street Lake with New Jersey anybody wants to come for a good time always invited um and my Affinity toward Howell is the fact that I've worked in the township for quite a few years and I've actually gotten pulled over by our wonderful police officers numerous times treated I'm not sure you should say that out loud no no no no they they were 100% right you know keep keeping the community safe keeping me safe you know whether whether it was for a cell phone or was for driving on the shoulder I was wrong and and I got treat I got treated very fearly and you know driving through hell it remind it reminds me of a Thomas Red song as I was driving up here tonight Thomas red has a fabulous song and if you haven't heard it yet it's called mama's mama's house and it talks this the song talks about the Simplicity of Life about how if everybody just toned everything down felt safe you know a a grandmother M gives that feeling of safety right you go to the to the Grandma's house rocking chair on the porch you know cooking cook in the kitchen it makes you feel safe without getting into semantics of whether anti-Semitism should refer to all semites or Jews whether you know signs should be placed or shouldn't be placed we should all be asking ourselves one question and one question only are we creating a culture where we feel safe this past Friday I actually have it on video a a neighbor of mine was walking through the through the neighborhood and he found a machete and first he was horsing around with his friends and then he saw one one of my neighbors coming home from synagogue and he yelled he yelled out hey Jew and he started chasing after him now does that rise to the level of anti-semitism or is it stupid teenager Antics I don't know does it make the neighborhood feel unsafe definitely was it a stupid act or a hateful act I'm not going to be the one to judge but the fact that the fact that he the fact that he was able to make such a mistake and didn't even get a slap on the wrist the police picked him up brought him to the station he was he was out before I got home from work right that that just makes the neighborhood feel more unsafe in my profession besid besides for working in hell I'm also the principal of teenagers do they do stupid things 100% do I ever feel unsafe with them never and you know without getting into the politics or the you know the greater picture of world peace which we'd love to solve but we can't you know I commend all of you for trying to bring back mama's house thank you for having me tonight thank you Betty vales gimbo Betty valz gimbal 97 Victory Road owner of squankum Brook Farm my heart goes out to all Humanity that continues to endure the suffering placed upon them by their leaders my topic tonight pales in comparison to the suffering described here tonight so I apologize I am here to represent how farmers and the imposed restrictions of our local government although howl Farmers United is encouraged to see the upcoming land use ordinances pertaining to farms in the township introduced this evening so that some farming operations here in Howell can get started with possibly holding an event as soon as possible as the season is now upon us as expressed in our latest Cor respondence we maintain there is a misconception in how some of the ordinances are written in accordance with the state's Right to Farm law those aspects within the ordinances are contrary to the right to farm law afforded to New Jersey Farmers who abide by the adopted approved management practices set forth by the state Agricultural Development Committee in running their Farms this will in turn cause some of the howl Farmers the need need to seek relief from the ordinances as they are written from the County's Agricultural Development board when the applications are denied or found in violation of the ordinances as written something we see as being non-friendly to the farmers in Howell the true special occasion events that how Farmers United was seeking such as Milestone events like birthdays wedding bridal showers Etc as the state intended were not even considered when developing these ordinances in order for how Farmers to seek approval to have these types of events unrelated to the operations on their Farms but sought after because of the Ambiance of the Farm property will be subject to go before the board of adjustment for a costly use variance process a true financial hardship to the small farmers in this town who were simply looking to hold these events to help supplement their income and remain viable along with bringing more customers out to their Farms this is not the actions of a farm friendly Town Council do you remember Mr Howard's claim of taking a hands-off approach to direct marketing did you compare the newly revised ordinances to the initial the original ordinances did not not touch upon Farm stands and markets additional indepth language was added to the farm markets and the farm stands were non-existent and now here they are in detail and incorrect as stated in my email to all of you in an attempt to work with this governing body to avoid the same results as the amended beekeeping ordinance and protect the viability of the farming Community we view the added language Retaliator in nature as repeatedly stated the state of New Jersey has already established law to protect the right to farm and the health and safety of the public there was no need to reinvent the wheel this government this is government overreach at its best the attent of this Administration in developing these ordinances was to solely be the first municipality to put farmers in their place leaving most honest Farmers feeling in intimidated when coming in for their permits as a republican I expected better of you Teresa Reed thank you Juliana oruna good evening uh my name is Juliana orduna uh my address is 353 um Fairfield Road at um Howell um I'm coowner from the garden gift shop and owner of JJ farm and apry um as a farmer we just want to work we are ready um we are ready do the hardest part which is work on the fields and this is one of our busiest time of the year as a beekeeper also we have three three daughters of 8 six and one and yes I'm busy and tired um our plans are to stay in how and raise our grows and for this we need to be able to maintain the farm all Farmers want all what Farmers want is to provide our service with our each unique Farm this is a benefic beneficial for everyone bringing the communities all around to enjoy nature which is being lost throughout the years help us keep up with the Farms because there's no other way we need we need this to be approved and needs to be clear so in the long run there's no confusion to how we run our Farms all I want is to be able to get back to the community for all I was given when I was needed thank you for listening thank you Norma [Applause] alarz good evening uh my name is Norma alaras speaking to the microphone please good evening my name is noral caras uh my address 70 Ruan way um I am co-owner of from the garden gift shop located at 353 Fairfield Road I'm here in support of all the farmers but mainly my sister who owns JJ farm and apry where our shop and our hives are based these past couple of years have been a great struggle and with the grace of God we've made it through covid we've made it through the constructions of a warehouse and train tracks which seriously affected our business as our road would would close for days and weeks not allowing us our customers to shop we are now trying to get by this recession we took a chance here in how because we want to be able to give back to this community that was there for us during the hardest Time Of Our Lives I plead with you to give us a chance to not just get by and make ends meet but allow us to grow our business we want to stay here but at this rate we will not be able to thank you thank you at this time I have no other people on this list may I have a motion to close ask please come up please state your name clearly so I can write it and your address David singer re Callaway Street in Howell New Jersey go on I thank you very much for the opportunity I I was born I'm 39 years old I was born in Lakewood and raised lived there my whole life aside for 5 years for which I lived in Jerusalem and furthered my education both in yiva and getting a nmba at Baran University I've experienced 39 years of tranquility and calm in this neighborhood in Lakewood and all the more so in Howell there are in my immediate neighborhood within Howell there are about 30 30 to 40 families from the Orthodox Community have come from different places we live there we love it we appreciate our Police Department we appreciate our Township officials and we are tax B citizens that bring that bring Tranquility contribute to the economy and contribute to the quality of life in Howell the the billboard that's been spoken about the last couple hours is I saw it once my heart skipped a beat I I was just surprised I was shocked we feel our whole life we feel comfortable here we feel at home here we feel welcome here we do our best to contribute in the most positive ways and that billboard was in another in other words saying Jews get out that's the way I felt and I urge everybody to do the best that's in their power to estab to restore and to restore the Tranquility restore freedom of speech freedom democracy but most of all Humanity as somebody said earlier how Humanity should be defined thank you very much [Applause] come up please your name and address for the record hi my name is Misha Klein I live in larab in Howell I've been a resident of Howell for 5 years my first encounter with someone in how was actually a police officer um it was the night I closed at my house um I went to shoppr and I had a new car and on the way home I couldn't figure out the way home and I had to go back to Alexander and actually started driving through free um towards Freehold and I and I police pulled me over and he asked me why I'm speeding and I told him that I'm lost I'm trying to figure out my GPS um he showed me um I don't know if he was supposed to do that but he showed me the way and then he just gave me a warning and let me off I was pretty shocked because I Liv I had lived in for two years in Upstate New York and that does not happen there they just give you tickets every day um I'm a hardworking how resident I wake up every day 4:00 I drive out every day 6 o'clock hoping my daughter doesn't wake up um if I'm lucky and I get back before sundown in the winter that means like 4:00 I go to the beautiful Manasquan Reservoir and I try to run a little there um every year I donate to the fire department to Police Department even if I don't get my stickers always I'm not sure why and I pay my taxes and I'm a good Howard resident as a Howard resident I did not expect that what happens in Chicago townships can happen in my Republican town I'm sorry mayor um I always thought and I always know that if somebody would attack my how brothers and sisters as Christians as Catholics and even as Muslims direct threats I would stand up and not let hate pass if a resolution cannot pass condemning anti-Semitism unconditionally without any woke additives or anything tried to signal to somebody else we all know what this is about nobody thought about anti-muslim hate in the past this is all about anti-Semitism if it cannot pass then maybe this is not the town I thought it was sometimes the test is in the hardest time I pray and I hope that I'm right and you all condemn anti-Semitism unexplicably thank you [Applause] thank you at this time I believe I would like a motion to close public comments motion to close wait um elain Taylor Maxum soued Road and Howell speaking on the farmers ordinances um the farmers feel the need of course to have the ordinances but it is very important that you that we really get the wording right in the ordinances there's a lot of confusion and I really would appreciate it if you take your time and go over it with our officials because we really need to get it right and it's very confusing and it's really it oversteps a great deal and I just want to make that point okay thank [Applause] you may I have a motion to close motion to close public may I have a second second all in favor I I okay okay consent agenda items is there anything on the consent agenda that You' like to pull out a separate vote 18 184 is already separate no the one that we out yeah okay so may I have a a motion to approve R 24-17 through r 24 183a motion to approve resolutions r24 d170 through resolution r24 d183 a a a 133 183a 183 a thank you may I have a second councilman gager yes councilwoman O'Donnell yes Deputy Mayor Nell yes mayor burer yes thank you the consent resolutions pass resolution R 24-1 184 which has been updated from the de and um read into record may I have a motion to accept the updated resolution r 24184 as um spoken to the to the record motion to accept R 2418 second councilman gager yes councilwoman odonnell yes Deputy Mayor Rell yes mayor Burger yes thank you the resolution passes I I would like to say that I hope you realize that the council supports everybody that lives in how and that's why we we looked at the ordinance and wanted to make sure that it was fair for all people mayor can I say something please we're the governing body of Howell Township we like Miss Reas said we're not solving global politics Global Wars from here we're concerned about our residents and the fact that this resolution was causing more division in our community for different residents we support everybody and we're all parts we're all members of Howell we're all Americans we're talking about the First Amendment everyone sitting here expressing their religion speech assembly you guys are all doing it right here in this room and we have to come under the umbrella of being in America and being in Howell so that's why we amended that resolution we disagree with hate regardless of who it is or where it's going but we're all part of the same community and that's what we're doing thank you thank you okay if we can move forward with unfinished business ordinance 0 excuse me mayor we're going to continue with the cdbg hearing oh I didn't realize you were doing that first that's fine just one moment it's like five minutes go ahead so this is about the time a year um that the township is applying uh for Community Development block grant funding uh we use this uh as a tool to perform some projects in town usually um road paving when we can um if we have to could be Ada improvements on Township property are there similar projects um the grant is uh issued by the federal government administered through Mammoth County um eligibility areas are limited to moderate low-income Census Data um so those areas are limited we can't just spend this anywhere in town um it does make it a little challenging to find projects after a little while um projects um can take place in the eligibility um area or the Ada projects could uh be anywhere excuse me we are still conducting a meeting if you would please speak outside of the room I would appreciate that very much I'm sorry Mr Howard this slide shows just how that um eligibility area has changed over time in 2003 most of the township was included um 2016 2018 it was significantly reduced further in 2019 and 20 last few years we've been dealing with uh a relatively small area west of Route 9 UM north of West Farms Road uh for Plains Road included as well as an area um south of Adelphia Farmingdale Road um to the manisan river the areas haven't changed in a few years in terms of trying to find roads to roads to PVE projects to it's a little tricky um but uh our Township engineer Justin Yos is very good at evaluating these areas the project we chose for 2024 um earlier couple years ago we had done um Paving uh for Plains Road from West Farms Road to Jerry's Lane we are looking to complete that project and go from Jerry's Lane North to Burgerville road that scope of project includes a 2-in millon overlay um as well as minor curbing some drainage improvements um we estimate that cost of the project to be about 300,000 um the grant we're applying for for is 160,000 so we'll cover a good portion of that as you can see um again the scope of the project 2 2in Mill and overlay um some Curbing and drainage where possible current status of the road uh needs some love there's some potholes um some definitely some uneven areas alligator cracking things like that indicative that the the roadway needs to be paved for Plains Road is one of our more traveled well-traveled collector roads so um it does get the traffic and it deserves uh to be in good condition again the total award we're seeking is about $60,000 at this point we're seeking public input and any input from the governing body thank you do are we voting on that or no that's our proposed project so you know we just sort of need like a straw pole I I think you know it's a good project there's hopefully money available for it it'll help defay the cost so I would recommend that we move forward with it and see what we can get on it I'm fine with that okay am I going on to the ordinances now yeah all right um unfinished business is the public hearing for adoption of ordinances ordinance 04-11 ordinance authorizing how Township to enter into a lease with how Township Fire District number two for the provision of GR ground space for the radio communications Tower is there anyone that wants to speak on this topic no reason to open then correct yeah no one has come forward we could motion still open it I'll open for public comment anyone I'll close public comment have a motion to close motion to close second second all in favor I may I have a motion to adopt 24-11 motion to adopt ordinance 24-11 a second second councilman gager yes councilwoman Odon yes Deputy Mayor Nell yes mayor Burger yes thank you the ordinance is adopted introduction of ordinances excuse me mayor uh director Howard would like to say a few words I apologize for for jumping in just we're we're about to introduce the farm ordinances confus me entirely uh I'm I'm dismayed by and confused by the comments tonight from from Miss gimble um that she used terms of retaliatory um putting farmers in their place I can't say it enough how many times I've been at these Council meetings and explaining that we're not taking rights away from a farmer we're granting rights onto these properties right now special events are not permitted and we keep bringing up that this is in conflict with right to farm so we had a meeting about a week ago with the farmers Mammoth County was on on there as well and we specified Right to Farm under the sadc is not an automatic approval you don't just automatically become eligible for it and protect it under right to farm and on top of that special events are not a right to farm activity they never have been it's been that way since anybody started wanting to do these events so I don't know if it's deliberate comments to Mis misguide and confuse the council or the audience to say that we're in conflict with right to farm on our special event ordinances because it's patently not true it's not we are creating ordinances out of nowhere we're creating ordinances that don't exist anywhere else and we honestly think that we're one of the first municipalities to do it and we've had elaborate communication with the constituents who are involved in this we've taken suggestions we've bounced ideas back and forth we've headed language up until yesterday afternoon we updated language language that from our enforcement standpoint we were satisfied with where it was additional language need to be headed so we're talking about two different things special events on Farm direct marketing you know when we have to when we do our research we kind of get to know the laws so we're talking about about special events and really coming out of this is on Farm direct marketing well there is a right to farm process for unarm direct marketing it's dealt with totally different than special events and Mammoth County Agricultural Development board and the sadc have their guidelines MTH county is telling the town that they're not taking the first crack at it the town has to go first so here we are from ground from Ground Zero again are we going to create dozens of ordinances for every that the county and the sadc have we could try it'll take years how do how how are we going to know what size corn maze is the best and where to put that it's very difficult yeah so just quickly to jump in too that's exactly right there's about a dozen AMS that cover a variety of subjects and what's really important about it is they're also known SSM site specific so you have to go and prove that your site is suitable for this it's a process right now without these ordinances and setting aside the right to farm stuff they'll have to come to the township for site plan approval or a use variance the ordinances that we're proposing carve out an exception to that process and we're trying in the case of those ones that have to go for site plan to make that list smaller so we're actually favoring this small group of people to the exclusion of others in the town so when Miss gimble gets out up and says we're not helping Farmers or council's not doing all it can it's absolutely not true they're getting we're working with them to give them a greater set of Rights than other um commercial activities have so and and so to go on more about Farm stands and farmers markets we had to add language so there's nothing in the ordinance right now our right to farm um ordinance covers retail and wholesale operations on farms with two words um there's a lot of places that you know have the chickens the eggs grow their produce and put it out for sale at the road is there any guidelines to that no is there any ordinance that really says that right to farm sort of we're putting we're carving that out of the on Farm direct marketing saying you don't need those approvals we're giving that a fair process saying you have to be a q farm for a Farm Stand you don't even have to be just produ sell what you produce recommendation came in oh take take language from the sad DC let's look at those definitions that's what we were working on yesterday afternoon we put in definitions strictly from the sadc and a decision that was done a decade ago that specified the types of products and how you set the terminology for what can and can't be sold and there's a bunch of terms in there and we're being accused of being retaliatory and putting farmers in their place that's not fair that's not fair to the govering body and that's not fair to us I agree with you it was very hurtful and honestly I do know the time that you put in on this and it's just not it's not fair to not trust the process that's brand new and I invite not that we haven't had discussions not that you haven't been read into every bit of the work we've done so far but I invite every single one of the governing body members to make an appointment with me and we will talk over every aspect of every law and you'll see that the township is doing absolutely everything they can and more and like manager Clark said for a select group of people there should be no yelling from the back I think we've already had that conversation um number one number two I what the town is trying to do is help the farmers at this point their ordinances are currently not in place in the other towns and they're allowing you to do things that other towns are not I'm not quite sure why you're not working with I promise this will be my last comment nobody nobody goes up to the construction official and says don't enforce your rules right look the other way nobody goes to the fire sub code official or the fire marshal says just look the other way I feel like that I'm being asked to do that and these regulations are the way to do it right to do it fairly to do it through the the boards and through the right process and I feel like I'm being told not to do that to look the other way and let no R I'm sorry if you're going to scream from the back I'm going to ask you to leave could you please leave thank you so much enjoy your evening thank you for joining us let's keep going ordinance 02412 Bond ordinance providing for document D digitization appropriating don't laugh 1 million therefore and authorizing the in the issuance of $4,000 in bonds and notes to finance a portion of the cost thereof authorized and by the township of Howell in the county of Mammoth New Jersey may I have a motion to introduce ordinance 24-12 motion introduce ordinance 24-12 may I have a second second councilman gager yes councilwoman OD odonnell yes Deputy Mayor Nell yes mayor Burger yes ma'am thank you the ordinance is properly introduced ordinance 24-13 an ordinance amending chapter 188 L use Article 1 title purpose definitions section 4 entitle definitions and rules of general applicability of the revised General ordinances of the township of Hal may I have a motion to introduce motion introduce ordinance 24-13 thank you may I have a second second thank you councilman gager yes councilwoman odonnell yes deputy mayor yes mayor Burger yes thank you the ordinance is properly introduced may I have an uh a motion to introduce ordinance 0 2414 and ordinance amending chapter 188 land use article 9 zoning requirements to add section 64.1 entitled Farm related special events small scale and section 64.2 entitled Farm direct marketing and AGR tourism of the revised General ordinances of the township of Howell like to introduce ordinance 24-14 thank you m second thank you councilman gayer yes councilwoman O'Donnell yes Deputy Mayor Nell yes mayor Burger yes thank you the ordinance is properly introduced may I have a motion to introduce ordinance 24-15 an ordinance of the township of Howell supplementing chapter 188 article 11 conditional uses adding conditions for Farm related special events of large scale may I have the motion a motion to introduce ordinance 24-14 15 15 15 I'm sorry thank you second second thank you councilman gaser yes councilwoman odonnell yes Deputy Mayor Nell yes mayor burer yes thank you the ordinance is properly introduced uh ordinance 24-16 an ordinance of the township of Hal supplementing chapter 188 article 10 zones supplementing section 188-198 zones A1 A3 a 4 and A6 and section 69.1 agricultural rural estate A2 to include Farm related special events large scale as a conditional use and farm related special events small scale as an accessory use may I uh motion to introduce introduce ordinance 24-16 second councilman gager yes councilwoman O'Donnell yes Deputy Mayor Nell yes mayor Burger yes thank you the ordinance is properly introduced and sorry to break the Rhythm but mayor I thought of you on that title when I was when that was get prepared sorry about that that's okay I I think I read all the words right um 24:17 an ordinance amending chapter 139 fees article 17 land use subsection 31 entitled land use CER certificates and rules of general applicability of the revised General ordinances of the township of Howell motion to introduce ordinance 24-17 second councilman gayer yes Council odonnell yes Deputy Mayor Nell yes mayor burer yes thank you the ordinance is properly introduced ordinance 2418 an ordinance setting forth and amending and supplementing the salary range schedule for the salaries of certain officers and employees of the township of Howell may I have a motion motion to introduce ordinance 24-8 second councilman gager yes councilwoman O'Donnell yes Deputy Mayor Nell yes mayor burer yes thank you the ordinance is properly introduced ordinance 24-19 an ordinance of the township of Hal in the county of Mammoth and the state of New Jersey repealing chapter 188 land use article 24 storm water control and establishing the new article 24 storm water management regulations may I have a motion motion to introduce ordinance 24-19 second councilman gager yes councilwoman O'Donnell yes Deputy Mayor Nell yes mayor Burger yes thank you the is properly introduced so on here there's nothing about it was Student Government day I don't know it's right here here you go the budget and away we go thank you okay the M 2024 Municipal budget may I have a resolution r24 1885 a resolution determining that the Township's budget for 2024 fiscal year shall be read by title only motion to adopt resolution R d24 d185 second Council M gager yes councilwoman odonnell yes Deputy Mayor Nell yes mayor Burger yes thank you the resolution passes resolution r24 d186 resolution assuming responsibility for Budget examination of the 2024 municip Municipal budget and certifying that the 2024 Municipal budget has fulfilled all necessary statutory requirements I would like to open this for public comment on the adoption of you vote on this one and then the next one you open for yeah y exactly we we'll vote on this resolution then we open it it says it says it underneath yeah it's they're kind of crammed together so we'll do the resolution and interesting a motion to approve R 24186 thank you second thank you Council mcer yes Council o Donnell yes Deputy Mayor Nell yes mayor burer yes thank you the resolution passes okay is there any public open I would like to open this portion of the meeting for public comment on adoption of the 2024 Municipal budget seeing no comment I would like a motion to close motion to close second all in favor thank you I may I have a resolution an adoption of the 2024 Municipal budget resolution 2 24147 adoption of the 2024 Municipal budget may I have a motion motion to adopt resolution r-4 d147 second councilman gager yes Council odonnell yes Deputy Mayor no don't yes mayor Burger yes thank you the resolution is adopted um I wanted to bring something up I know it's short but um I I mean late we at one point did um um we named the front of this building for mayor Walsh um I was thinking Sue V uh V grer was also mayor here and past due to covid I was wondering if Council would be amenable to having some type of memorial for her as well um she did serve the town and she was very supportive of Hald I mean she was I was at all the events and I just think that you know it would be a nice gesture for her and her family so if you could think about that and take that into consideration um at this point the next meeting is May 21 2024 executive session at 6 and regular session at 7 may I have a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second second all in favor I I