[Music] good evening everyone I'd like to call this meeting to order it's the Howell Township Council regular meeting July 16 2024 this meeting is being held in accordance with public law 1975 chapter 231 open public meetings act adequate notice has been provided in the manner prescribed by law this agenda is complete to the extent known and formal action will be taken I'll begin with a roll call councilwoman Fischer here councilman gager here councilwoman odonnell here Deputy Mayor Nell here mayor Burger present thank you Mr Clark is there any reason to go into executive this evening yes we have several several topics to cover including attorney client and litigation thank you may I have a motion to go Motion to go into an executive second second thank you councilwoman fiser yes councilman gager yes councilwoman odonnell yes Deputy Mayor Nell yes mayor Burger yes thank you good evening everyone thank you very much sorry we're running a couple of seconds late it is July 16 2024 and I'd like to begin our open meeting I'll begin with the roll call councilwoman Fisher here councilman gager here councilwoman odono here Deputy Mayor Nell here mayor burger here thank you I'd like to have say the Pledge of Allegiance and then a moment of silence for all of us fallen heroes unit States America to the stands one nation God indivisible withy and thank you sorry okay we have two presentations this evening one is from the alliance Crystal would you please come up would you face us face us would you like us yeah yeah okay good evening is can you hear me okay is that up yes ma'am yeah okay so I am here tonight with Dakota gardano she is a member of the how Alliance for four years um volunteer and with Julie Ain she's the how high school student assistance coordinator part of the alliance so we're honoring Dakota tonight as she departs to college on the 30th or 23rd 30 30th of August so um we're going to read a plaque we have a plaque for her and we're going to just read a little bit about her to let the community know what a great young person she is and then I'm just going to do an opioid settlement agreement update for you and that's it so hi good evening thanks for having us I'm Julie Atkins I am the Student Assistance coordinator over at Howell High School um I had the pleasure of knowing Dakota for the last four years she is a phenomenal student um and just a well-rounded individual so the how Alliance thanks Dakota Giordano for her four years of volunteer services for substance use prevention and mental health awareness this award is a token of our appreciation for takota's dedication to our community commitment to our mission and concern for her fellow youth so we thank you so much Dakota we're going to miss you and we'll just give a little bit of background information to further embarrass you tonight so a dynamic young person committed to making the world a better place and helping those around her Dakota has partnered with the how Alliance for four years as a youth leader on behind the-scenes projects and Community facing events to advance substance use prevention and to wellbeing she has also participated in several trainings and youth conferences in these areas to increase her own education and ability to help others in need of support Dakota always stepped up to help the alliance with eagerness and a smile no matter how early or late the hour of the event or how time consuming the task her dedication to positively impacting others is a personal passion stretching far beyond seeking recognition or meeting her requirements for National Honor Society volunteer service hours it is a part of who she is as a person as a peer leader Dakota recruited and oversaw other youth volunteers and offered her ideas and creativity to improve initiatives as a role model for youth she never missed an opportunity at community events like Trunk or Treat to chat with children about making good choices or to listen closely and sincerely to what they had to share in addition to volunteering for the Alliance Dakota has served as the president of How High School's students against destructive decisions or sad and the how Elks antlers and as the how Elks antler's first vice president she has earned awards for her participation in state photography and design competitions as a member of How High School's student technology Association and has also studied dance for 10 years as Dakota heads off to Stockton University this fall to pursue a degree Dee in Visual Arts and graphic design she plans to remain involved in the hall Alliance during her visits home especially at Halliday and National Night Out and use a trunk or treat too when we're sitting there she would like to get involved in volunteer substance use prevention initiatives at college and possibly start a new club to serve this need if one doesn't already exist and being who she is she already found an opportunity to do that in the wellness center there um the H Alliance wishes Dakota a bright future in college and Beyond and extend a great appreciation for all she has done for the h Community thank [Applause] you so if you want they can just stand here it's going to be a quick update for you on the um I just wanted to say that is you've accomplished so much in really a short period of time it's exemplary I mean outstanding job I really you will propel good luck thank you I want to congratulate you as a I'm a former TSA advisor and uh Graphics teacher and I want to wish you all the best thank you we were very blessed to have her so now we'll segue into the other which is not as fun as this but um the how Township's opioid settlement agreement funds report which I did provide ahead of time but I like to keep the community a breast of what we're doing and Council advised as well um so the last time I reported was January uh 16th um as you know from then all expenditures must comply with the agreements approved uses criteria and each year by September 1st we have to file a report as how Township um with the New Jersey Department of Human Services um so our current account balance is $158,300 so as part of the settlement um so we can roll that over year over year for larger projects we can save it we don't at first we weren't sure but now we know we can keep it and then fund larger projects um our strategic plan with it is to report at Council meetings for transparency and to acknowledge those impacted by the opioid epidemics tragedy to implement General Wellness and prevention programs to foster a healthy Community across age brackets and other demographics to prevent and mitigate sub subance use and mental health disorders to provide benefit to those impacted by opioid misuse and abuse EP epidemic in coordination with State and County programs that also have funding and to create and Implement community and cross- Department collaborative projects so just a few of our recent ones um we do ongoing mental health support workshops our next one we're doing is a light breakfast we're doing it here on um Saturday August 24th at 9:00 a.m. um we do prevent mention education support materials we provide them for Student Assistance coordinators at the high school and the prek to8 district um as well as health teachers and school resource officers from how Township Police Department um we support the h fire Bureau each spring they do a a great presentation called after the fire um it's on situational awareness and decisionmaking for the seniors leaving for college um so we support that we do um support law enforcement against drugs or lead um we do an annual graduation for all the fifth graders in the district who participate in the year-long program um and then we offer support um you know along the way with projects that they do um and that involves the police department and the the prek-8 schools we do annual Statewide Elks peer leadership conference that's every February um at the Ocean Plaza I think it's called Resort in Long Branch and you went actually um so we sponsor about four high school students through sad each year and then they TurnKey what they learn about substance juuse prevention and decision- making to their school Community um we did hooked on fishing not on drugs again this year a free fishing day at Echo Lake some of you were there great day we served breakfast and lunch we had about 200 people this year at Echo Lake um so great family day um we did get a larger event tent for the how Police Department to provide more room and interaction at our community events so they have the ability to bring vehicles and set everything up under there and it's more of like a you know conversational atmosphere rather than us all tucked in there closely underneath um and they can do demonstrations and more Community engagement um we do the annual New Jersey prevention Network Conference in Atlantic City for alliance members you went and that gives us information on drug trends at the state um national and local levels and then just um our ongoing initiative the alliance and the how Police Department partner on a joint campaign to disseminate behavioral health support resource ources um and you'll see in the lobby one of the banners that we have there with QR code so people can just scan to um recovery and treatment Support Services um and to get an Ouran as well and there is one at the police department Lobby too so just to keep you a breast of what we've been doing and um I guess that's it thank you for your time very nicely done thank you [Applause] we have our second presentation it's a police accreditation presented by Mr Harry had uh Del delato mayor yes sorry mayor and members of the council it is indeed a uh my honor here tonight to come here and recognize your Police Department if I haven't achieved um their secondary accreditation and just to add context to what that means is U and we were having a conversation back there someone asked me the significance of the achievement it is uh in plain English is a big deal but accreditation is a rigorous process out of all the agencies law enforcement agencies in state of New Jersey that we would be eligible to apply about 54% of all of them have made it once about 32% have made their first reaccreditation but only about 12% actually have gone as far as making their second re accreditation and that's the elite group that your Police Department actually belongs to is that 12% of all the law enforcement agencies of the state of New Jersey so if you indulge me for a couple of minutes I'd like to share with you the significance of the achievement so the how police department has once again made a commitment to adhering to best practices at the state and National level in a highly regarded Statewide law enforcement accreditation program this program administered to the New Jersey State Association of chiefs of police and the New Jersey Law Enforcement accreditation commission has help to transparently demonstrate the professionalism and preparedness of state's law enforcement agencies it is purposefully designed to enhance professionalism and transparency in the state's public safety system now during this uniquely challenging times in the threat to a health and safety encouraging law enforcement agencies to follow standardized practices and policies is a potentially life-saving and cost effective investment of time and resources accreditation gives an agency like the how Police Department a a preparedness plan and a verification of Excellence creation status represents a significant professional achievement now creation is a process in theate state of New Jersey and an agency needs to meet 112 standards many of which require multiple proofs of compliance it is a progressive and time proving way of helping law enforcement agencies calculated and improve their all their overall performances and certainly it is a rication by an independent re reviewing Authority that the cre agency was carefully measured against an established set of state and National standards and has met or exceeded accepted practices in the field of law enforcement and just to abbreviate I just like to share with you at the end of these three years there's a report that is generated because it's an on-site um on-site assessment that is conducted where they have to actually demonstrate and show tangible proofs to all the standards um there's a report generated that I get to review and if in fact it meets the criteria it gets passed on with with recommendation to the U uh uh to the commission i' like just paraphrase some of the things that were I believe remarkable in that report under the leadership of Chief Jon sto a high level of competence leadership and professionalism is evident within the agency this this is evident by their assertion that the department must change and adapt with the current societal climate and culture both local and National and international level public support confidence and respect are crucial as such according to Chief storo the agency focus on on future issues should be to continue Community focus focus policing excuse me enhance the already strong bond between the agency and the school district striving for continual Improvement by reviewing revising and instituting policies and procedures that reflect the best practices of this profession increase the swor strength of the department and the number of Command Staff and Frontline supervisor Personnel to ensure adequate supervision at all uh levels within the department that strikes us a a solid strategic plan uh by a head of an agency so in closing it is the opinion of the assessment team that the how Police Department is a highly professional and committed agency which exemplifies all of the tenants of law enforcement and ration at the State national level and again indeed this is my honor here tonight on behalf of the New Jersey State Association of chiefs of police and the New Jersey Law Enforcement commission to congratulate Chief John sto accreditation manager Lieutenant Scott RAC the members of the H Police Department some of which are here tonight the mayor the council and those citizens that they so proudly serve for having achieved in their second state accreditation joining a very very exclusive group of law enforcement agencies that have made this commitment to Excellence in policing so to all indeed congratulations I'd like to present the Chief with the certificate Chief so on behalf of the association like to present you with the certific accreditation congratulations thank you I just want to say thank you to the mayor and the council for your support for this accreditation process as Mr Delgado had mentioned this is a three-year process every time it resets it's another three-year uh uh process that the officers have to uh get involved with and make sure it gets completed and I'd like to thank Lieutenant revac who's here there he is uh for all his work in the accreditation process over the last seven years he's been working on this so he did The Lion Share of the work so I want to congratulate him and thank him I'd also like to wish good luck to Sergeant poic who is here as well because he has taken the torch from lieutenant revac and he's going to be moving ahead with our accreditation process hopefully to get recredit for punishment yeah kind of I also like to thank uh Joe Clark and his team and the professionals that have supported us uh both financially and uh whatever we needed for the accreditation process it's it is a big deal but uh I'm proud of it and I appreciate all your help thank you congratulations to you and the entire department I really it it is a big deal thank you appr um I'm very proud to say that that it always has been a great p so continuing the tradition thank you mayor thank [Applause] you at this time may I have acceptance for the minutes of June 25 2024 may I have a motion yes second second councilwoman fiser yes councilman gazer yes Council noon yes Deputy Mayor Nell yes mayor Burger I'll abstain I was not at that meeting thank you um do we have any reports from our professionals Mr Clark a couple quick ones so first as has been announced on our website the concert for tomorrow is postponed we're expecting some pretty bad we uh it'll be rescheduled and we'll get an announcement out there is another concert scheduled for the next Wednesday and then the Wednesday after that so um the first one was a pretty big success we're hoping to continue it that's it it was outstanding would you all agree yes yes great job okay I have the hearing of citizens um Mr ryger each person shall first give their name and address to the clerk the council should be addressed as a collective body and not as individual members each person shall have one turn to address the council and comments shall not exceed a total of five minutes speakers shall be notified when their time has run and no time extensions shall be permitted Paul uh Ray Berger 147 honor Boulevard uh I've been coming in here now probably eight years past couple of meetings I've been trying to call to your attention about that intersection on uh Lakewood Allenwood Road in aror Boulevard where the trucks uh can't make that turn they uh not only are in the opposing Lane they're in the opposing Lane's shoulder but I sent a video I don't know if you saw it it was from an actual dash cam from our vehicle I and it just wants to show what these bus drivers are seeing uh it was a uh probably 880,000 lb tractor trailer coming head on into the vehicle so just imagine a school bus someone driving a school bus with 30 little kids behind it and uh you're looking at the truck coming straight at you my question is though this isn't the first time I talked about this about a year and a half ago and you people sent your um this guy right here Howard Howard yeah to investigate that intersection okay and I saw him out there and I got witnesses that saw him out there but yet the guy was over here the first the I was in here around the first meeting of February he's sitting there saying there's no reason to get the trucks off the road I got a 100 I gave you the um document from the police Department last meeting uh there was 115 trucks using that intersection something like 40 something school buses going through it and believe me there's a lot more school buses than that I'm going to do a uh a a video for you document there's probably twice as many school buses but my question is what what's going on here I went to the meeting with uh Joe Clark the first thing that guy threw in my face at that meeting was I know there's a school on that road but it doesn't matter because all the schools all the kids are busted in but yet when Mrs odonnell asked him if he was familiar with the uh schools on that road he said he had no idea they did the police department did two reports surveys of the road not once did they mention the that interception so how can you go out there and do reports on that road and not even mention the fact that the trucks can't even fit on the road I mean is that what we're going to wait for a truck to crash into one of these school buses I just don't want to see what happened the last time when somebody over at the police department you got a road here two 2, 2500 vehicles trucks cars buses a day use that intersection average speed on that road is 35 mil miles an hour they average 80% of the cars are doing 50 m an hour so one of the Geniuses over at the H Township Police Department put a um took the no passing zone out put a passing zone in I left messages I says someone's going to get killed out here sure enough head-on collision and a little girl was killed another one mangled Clark had details on that accident when I was at that uh sham me about a year ago and the occupants of the vehicle were ejected from the vehicle probably the two little girls it was a head on collision so they probably flew right through the uh windshield they still I had to come in to get it back to a no passing zone Mrs Berger worked on it Mrs O'Donald and the late Mr Walsh we put it back into a uh no passing zone so now they want to do another survey they already did two these two guys right here all they keep saying is let's do another survey with nothing but a delay tactic I mean how long are we going to play this game somebody needs to step up and do something Diane has my phone number anybody needs a further clarification on anything give me a call I'll be more than happy to show you exactly what's going on I give you a history of what's going on something needs to be done that's all I got to say thank you thank you sir is there anyone good evening council members and our paid professionals Larry white 15 Runway I have a couple of questions about the agenda this evening actually Four r24 d271 r24 d271 I'd like to know what service Buist is providing to the township it's not mentioned in the resolution r24 d276 r24 d276 where is there a copy of the emergency plan that's been updated that the citizens can view it's not provided to us that 277 24 I believe maybe I uh how town of emergency op I apologize that was a typog graphical area thank you 24- 277 where's a copy of the emergency plan I don't know that the citizens have been provided with the updated emergency plan that you are about to adopt where can we view that and perhaps uh public review and comment about that plan should be solicited before that resolution is passed r 24- 278a uh when I opened up the agenda this morning there was no information next to that uh received two updates during the course of the day and finally uh I know what's involved with that so I watched the planning board uh meeting recording from July 8th and the resolution as I read it does not reflect the agreement that uh active Acquisitions made with the zoning board at that time and uh specifically the zoning board allowed them to delay the remediation of Fairfield Road because of the uh stavola property uh that active Acquisitions also got approval for and owns but is currently under litigation and so consequently he asked the zoning board to wait until that was resolved and then he would take care of the roadway all the way up to the North End of the stola property that's not reflected in the resolution and I'm wondering why finally I'm happy to see that the farm ordinances are finally being reintroduced this evening and my question for the conso and the professionals and the plan plan board or I'm sorry not the planning board so what transpired with the eagle Oak's objection they wrote a letter in the spring when these things were first introduced through a big wrench into the works and the process by which that was resolved and their objections overcame was never made available to the citizens and I'm wondering how that compromise or resolution alter the ordinances being introduced tonight thank you is there anyone else would like to come up to speak good evening Elaine Taylor Maxim soued Road um I'm here to lobby for the change that you want to make in the dog ordinance to include all of the animals in howl including farm animals now to me this is a problem for the Farmers because I have had horses break out from my place that wanted to go across the road to find some mares to hang out with and you know I mean it was inconvenient you know and it was a problem but if I had been fined for that I think that I would have been in bankruptcy okay because it it does happen it that was a joke okay that does happen and and it's hard sometimes for the farmers to control that situation because all these animals have to do all day is to find a way out and they really do work hard at it so I I think that this is another I think it's a money grab I'm sorry to say I think it's a money grab I think it's very unfair to Farmers once again it's not farm friendly I really wish you would not vote for this change because it's very important to the farmers that I mean I know that you know there are some people that don't do things properly okay but to to punish everyone for the few is not really acceptable and I wish you would not vote for this change or at least rewrite it some way that's fair to the farmers because this is not fair I'm sorry okay I'm getting emotional okay that's enough on that please don't vote for this it's really important for the farmers um another thing on my mind which you know I think we have to start now is I think we need to create a committee for the homeless and the needy in this Township because there are so many hungry and homeless people people living in their cars living everywhere and we need to do something for these people just create a committee just like we have a farmers advisor we have you know environmental we have this let's create a committee I we used to have the citizens committee let's do something we have to do something before it's winter again I mean everybody's suffering out there in the heat now but you know please as a community we need to do something it's very important and just I mean I have a million things but these are the few things that I'm feeling one day I was at the senior center and I saw this woman practically crawling up the walkway to get into her car okay it was it's just too long of a path for this seniors to walk that are not in good condition now you know I have tried to I have two uh golf carts that aren't working I wanted to donate one I went to Gerards and I asked them to help me to get them going so that we could donate one to them so that they could you could give the people wide up to their cars up on the hill they couldn't do it for whatever reason but if there's anybody out there in the world in the in the Howell Township world that can help make this happen can we please try to work together as a community to make it happen because the senior center they do such a good job they need they need our help and and we all have to work together to help the seniors okay that's very important to me very important I want to thank everyone for getting going on the ordinances for the farmers uh ordinances and uh hopefully we'll keep moving forward positively on that and not have too much overreach and too much expense for the farm Farmers but thank you very much good day thank you good evening hi Bob Carol 406 Oak Glenn Road um just had a couple of questions maybe some clarification on the same ordinance that Elaine touched on the -24 -29 for the livestock um the way it reads right now I I understand the benefit to the community for it uh rampant livestock that people just don't take care of running in public areas absolutely should be controlled the way it's worded um is that you're automatically guilty if your livestock gets out in the event of a storm a tree falls across the fence I raise livestock commercially cow walks out you know those are uh those are an act of God that's not negligence on my part um I feel that that should be rewarded if someone is knowingly letting their livestock run rampant in public areas that's probably something that needs to be addressed if it's um you know if it's something that uh something happens tree falls across the fence fireworks spook the animals uh a deer runs through the fence happens quite a bit on our Farm Deer will run in front of a car panic run through the fence ruin the fence and then the livestock gets out that's not necessarily negligence in my opinion um this kind of stuff happens especially in my case the last thing I want is my livestock out in the street at risk of getting hit by a car um I rais cows they're worth quite a bit of money that the last thing we want is for them to get injured um so just in that wording if somebody is knowingly letting their livestock you know interfere with the public I think that would be better worded than just if any livestock is out that somebody is automatically guilty which is the way it's written in section A right now um have a couple other points uh who currently handles like if livestock gets out who handles that is that animal control I believe so all right yeah it's DCA okay anytime uh I live on Oakland Road there's several people that raise livestock um anytime there's been an animal out usually it's the police department and if I see I will help them get it back in um is the ordinance for a specific problem is it is it like in a residential zone or is it is it the whole town is is there any difference between you know uh maybe somebody that has someone in a residential Zone that's close versus an agricultural Zone um you know some people do freerange their chickens on their own Farm they're a benefit you don't have to use pesticides the chickens eat the eat the bugs instead of having to use pesticides um is that an issue so that was just some of the things that I saw and um I could understand you know a public nuisance if someone is you know mistreating their livestock but uh I think that could probably use a little bit of work in the wording um does anybody have livestock experience on the council or I should address you as a whole does the council have livestock experience no okay so I'm sure you're familiar the last thing you want is for your livestock to get out so same with us um I would just prefer if that could be worded so that you're not automatically guilty that's all I have I believe that's reasonable [Applause] there is no one else on the list is is there anyone out there that wants to come up otherwise I will close the public portion may I have a motion motion to close public second all in favor I I okay so could we pull out one of the could we pull out that well just kayin do you want to explain why this is on there tonight yeah yeah so we can go through some of the questions uh that were raised but I will address the uh the livestock issue as that was just addressed um we were we received a request from the County SPCA to incorporate uh that type of language into our existing running at large ordinance so as it was it was the existing ordinance only pertained to dogs now we are including all types of livestock and other types of pets as well into that ordinance um and it it's really for repeat offenders honestly um it's because s SPCA is spending a lot of time and resources assisting people getting their animals back back and that's kind of a deterrent for repeat offenders are issuing these violations uh specifically I believe uh this the request came to the township after a particular incident with a pig getting loose um and since our ordinances didn't cover it that's why they asked us we matched it to match other towns nearby and we tried to actually make the fines and violations lower than some neighboring towns so we we did take that into consideration um when drafting this ordinance Fred has a good idea if you're done you're done uh listen I understand why we need it and why we should have it but in my eyes that first violation should be a warning like we do with just about everything else that that can be an easy effects yeah and we could do that and just to clarify it's not a strict liability statute so it's not an instant fine if if your dogs or chicken or this was a particularly ordinary Pig and I guess it gave the SPCA some fits and we we didn't really have it covered so you know there's obviously discretion involved and even then if a summons is issued it goes before the municipal court judge and she'll be able to weigh everything out too um is sort of an impartial third party to it all so yeah so what do we want to do with that do we uh pull that rewrite it and then reintroduce uh yeah we we can do that if the council's happy with that I can easily make uh the first issue a warning and then do a tiered kind of approach going further I'm okay with it yeah is there more to the ordinance than what's actually on here on the agenda so yeah it's the entire chapter I only called out the specific parts that we were amending so when I say running at large it's the domestic animals chapter of the ordinance so there's different regulations there's pet license fees and stuff all covered under that chapter it's not in our ordinance because I wasn't touching any of those sections of the of the code so I only pulled in the relevant sections are we okay with the change I think that was a good um opportunity to hear some of the suggestions from the gentleman could we add language that says if acting in a negligent manner or knowingly lets a pet or an animal Escape my suggestion would be a tiered approach um sometimes State of Mind is difficult to determine and you know if it's a repeat offender the State of Mind might not be the the issue um a deterrent might be the issue but uh I I think I would suggest a tiered approach instead with issuing a warning exent circumstances mentioned in the full ordinance or probably not they're not but we you know 's always discretion when we're issuing summonses as and violations as well yeah I mean if they come in and they plead as a defense well there was a lightning storm and a tree fell over the fence and my my cows got out that's a very different situation than I left my fence open for the 13th time so you know there we'll give the judge some latitude on it and situations like that so so we'll we'll pull it what number is that nine 29 it's an ordinance um 24-29 oh no yeah yeah I just want to say something to the German and asked if we had any experience with animals no uh but I had a few incidences with animals that got out and uh one of them was a giant bull that got out on Route 80 that was running along the shoulder of the road we didn't know what to do with it finally the owner showed up he walked right up to it grabbed it by its nose ring and led it away and that was it so oh yeah yeah I understand the's aspect verus our view yeah or horses I was told once that if a horse gets out it's going to usually run downhill I don't know before we move forward can we please complete all of the answers got a so we dealt with the livestock um ordinance um you know we we'll look to work with the senior center on Ingress egress I'm not sure how much we can change that but that's you know it's good to hear that concern um homeless we'll look into that see what we can do and in terms of Mr rger I I don't know what to say anymore his story keeps changing to the point where you know there's blood on our hands as far as I know from traffic there's been no fatal accidents on that road at any point ever um we've had multiple meetings we've looked over all of the the paperwork in the file and the road nobody likes speeding is the biggest complaint by far that we get in this town on every road and nobody likes it and I sympathize with them and we're looking to do enhanced targeting down there and posting some of the dazzler type speed signs um you but the meetings that he claims to have attended with us are not meetings that I ever recall being in so I think a lot of it's fabricated and in terms of Matt being at that intersection observing it that's an outright mistaken identity I don't do those investigations I leave that to the traffic safety unit um we'll reach out to Mr rayberg let him know the chief's always got an open door to discuss this we have done the studies the police department has and we've met on those studies and there are studies from past police Chiefs and past police departments and they all say the same thing it doesn't warrant a truck ban it doesn't warrant a lower speed limit all that does is create more speeding because the people don't listen to the speed limit um it's been we've really got over the issue a a lot and um when we explain I'll out what about a bum I'll throw it out I know we've talked about that multiple times then not only do you have speed bumps everywhere you can't plow the roads so that's an issue the suspensions on cars are a lot better nowadays so they're able to hit the bumps at speed believe it or not and all you end up doing is a noise problem right so whatever house is in front of it with the speed bump you're going to have them asking why'd you put the speed bump there so we didn't specifically study Arnold Boulevard and the circulation element when we updated that a couple years ago so I don't know the exact count but it's a collector Road at least it could be an arterial Road maximum soued road got upgraded there's a lot of traffic on these roads if we go and put a truck restriction on that road it's going to another another road in town not only is do we have to come up with the warrants to justify it they don't exist we have to get the counties the other towns surrounding us involved and those trucks are going on other roads so we're just going to move the issue to a different to a different spot so that brings up a good point too cuz that's how all this started if if everybody remembers we we talked a while back about creating a system of truck routes in town so you have to do counts you have to go and put together your paperwork and then the only person that can sign off on it is the director of Motor Vehicle in in New Jersey We Can't Ban trucks now Mr Ray berer originally said well I'm going to figure away a short circuit to that and he clearly hasn't because it goes from here up to the DMV and it's a difficult process and again like we've said if you burden interstate commerce unnecessarily it's an unconstitutional restriction that's not worth the paper it's written on so there's a lot of uh a lot of work that goes into that determination before it even gets to Trenton um with regard to Mr White's questions um resolution 271 bu Incorporated we had a situation where the compressors on the air conditioning on the north side of the building um failed and so we had them replaced that's what this is for uh 277 the emergency plan it's a public document when it's adopted so it'll be available um we can send it out in digital format if he puts in an O if he even puts in an email and requests it um 27 8 a I'll let uh Caitlyn address that so 278a is a resolution uh for you tonight and it is authorizing the township to enter into an agreement for a municipal roadway improvements um this is for um active Acquisitions uh they own the The Rock Solid warehouse and they are they went before the zoning board uh either this week or last week the July 8th um to request uh a waiver or a delay in certain conditions from their zoning board approval including uh Paving uh the length of the road installing some storm water drainage systems um and the zoning board approved their application pending certain conditions and that was because they uh they said that they would do certain things above and beyond than that what they were originally had to do so they are going to be widening uh Fairfield Road they're going to be repaving Milling it uh do edgo Edge uh Paving with some curbing um the only catch is it's going to be completed by the end of 2025 um but in the meantime I believe uh they're going to move forward to get their coo and for us as a Township uh I do believe this is a great deal because one once they get their CEO the uh Warehouse comes onto the tax rols for the prop uh for the township so we're going to be seeing some positive revenue streams with that and two we're going to get a completed project at the end of 2025 so this roadway that they're going to be Paving and completing if they were to rush and do it now there's other projects along Fairfield Road that's going to have to tear up the road and go into it so at this point in time we're going to get you know some patchwor done and they're going to clear out the storm water drains so hopefully some of the flooding on the road will uh disperse and in return we're going to get uh performance bonds and guarantees that this work is going to be completed by the end of 2025 we're going to get a complete uh product at that time so I think this is kind of uh a great deal for everybody involved and and just a little bit about the alternative is we don't pass this we don't enter into the agreement we don't issue a CO so not only do we not get the tax revenue but the the site's going to wait the road's going to wait for the other litigation to be settled for the other development to occur and the road's not going to get paved anyway this gives a drop dead date it's got to be done if it's not done there's B in place the town's protected we have all the money in place to do it ourselves and we will on the on the day that it expires we will um this gets the clock ticking um and if we really just kind of decide not to go this route it's not going to get done in that time frame anyway so let's put a date on it I just Caitlyn uh as per our discussion earlier about this uh where's the real guarantee that they're going to do this so the guarantee is going to be in the signature of the signing of the roadway Improvement plan that that we're going to do the there's plans that are going to be attached to it that were reviewed by our Township engineer um the agreement I I've reviewed and edited as well and then additionally with this they're going to be posting the bonds and we're going to be holding the bonds and there's a certain cash percentage that's going to be sitting with the township um associated with those bonds so those are really powerful assurances uh for the town that this is going to be completed and if not like Matt said we have the ability to go ahead and do the work ourselves okay thanks have we answered everyone's questions or concerns just there was a question about Eagle Oaks and the the farm ordinances so um we did meet with eagle Oaks I think there was a question as to the public nature of that I mean we have meetings every day with with people um so we met with them we discussed the concerns they ultimately called us out on the ordinances they they were pretty clear about the liability we were going in uh with those ordinances and the amount of people they have events of all different sizes they have a proof of concept and they let us know very firmly exactly what we were missing things like buffering things like noise attenuation um parking and how repeated parking in fields repeated parking off driveways causes not only issues on the site storm water issues but uh tracking onto roadways and then the motoring public becomes unsafe it was you know it was a meaningful conversation and we got to hear it they operate a similar facility very close to Residential Properties they've had to deal with their own complaints and they've dealt with their residents nearby and and they gave us a little bit of real world experience and it definitely opened our eyes you know we tried to be very giving in the last set of ordinances and we were going to take that as saying we're going to see how this goes because we didn't know it was too much too little um this is New Territory for everyone the only other ordinance in the state that we know of has a 50 person cap on it and that's where we've come down to in the ordinances because it's it's where we're most comfortable it supports if you're putting in um parking that it keeps you under storm water management levels and we're um going so far as to make every special event in the a zones um permitted uses so we're getting rid of use variances and we're shortening the checklist for the planning board so um we I don't think anybody's happy with the deal on the township side there's still some liability hanging out there on the farmer side we know that they're not thrilled with everything but that's the nature of a compromise so I I think that's where we are thank you at this time may I have a resolution for r24 253 through 278a 278a thank you motion to approve resolutions r24 d253 through R 24- 278a second councilwoman Fischer yes councilman gager yes councilwoman odonnell yes Deputy Mayor Nell yes mayor Burger yes thank you the consent resolution is pass um is a new resolution R 24279 providing for the insertion of special items of Revenue in the 2024 budget of the township of how chapter 159 clicket or ticket amended may I have a motion to approve resolution r24 279 motion to approve r24 279 second councilman Fischer yes councilman gajer yes councilwoman odonnell yes Deputy Mayor Nell yes mayor Burger yes thank you the resolution passes there is no unfinished business but we do have introduction of ordinances we are pulling the first ordinance 024 4-29 for um review and change in the wording so may I have a motion to pull I'll make a motion to I will make a motion to pull that ordinance second councilwoman fiser yes councilman gager yes councilwoman odonnell yes Deputy Mayor Nell yes mayor burer yes ma'am thank you ordinance 24-30 an ordinance amending chapter CH 188 land use Article 1 title purpose definitions section 4 entitled definitions and rules of general applicability of the revised General ordinances of the township of Hal may I have a motion I'll make a motion to introduce second councilwoman fiser yes councilman gajer yes councilwoman odono yes Deputy Mayor nidel yes mayor Burger yes ma'am thank you ordinance is properly introduced uh ordinance 02431 ordinance amending chapter 188 land use article 9 zoning requirements to add section 64.1 entitled Farm related special events small scale of the revised General ordinances of the township of Howell may I have a motion to introduce I move to introduce ordinance 24-31 second councilwoman Fischer yes councilman gager yes yes Council odonnell yes Deputy Mayor Nell yes mayor Burger yes thank you the ordinance is properly introduced ordinance 0 24-32 an ordinance of the township of Hal supplementing chapter 188 article 10 zones supplementing section 18869 entitled AR agricultural rural estate zones A1 A3 A4 and A6 and section 69.1 agricultural Ro estate A2 to include Farm related special events large scale and farm related special events small scale as a permitted use [Music] seriously them may I have a motion to introduce motion to introduce ordinance 24-32 second councilman fiser yes councilman gager yes Council odonnell yes Deputy Mayor Nel yes mayor burer yes thank you the ordinance is properly introduced ordinance 0243 three I want to say thank you for putting the number in the numerical number I mean I try every time an ordinance amending chapter 139 fees article 17 land use subsection 31 entitled land use certificates and chapter 139-3 4 entitled site plans and subdivisions of the rules of general applicability of the revised General ordinances of the township of how may I have a motion to introduce motion introduce ordinance 24-33 second councilwoman fiser yes councilman gaser yes councilwoman odonnell yes Deputy Mayor Nell yes mayor Burger yes ma'am thank you the orance is properly introduced our next meeting would be August 20th we only have uh meetings once in August and September September for um in those two months so the only one in August will be on the 20th um at this time do we may I have a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second second all in favor I I I thank you very much thank you for coming in and speaking to us this evening okay