[Music] [Music] good evening everyone um it is January 16 2024 and we are at the Howell Council regular meeting I would like to call the meeting to order this meeting is being held in accordance with public law 1975 chapter 231 open public meetings act adequate notice has been provided in the manner prescribed by law this agenda is complete to the extent known and formal action will be taken I'll begin with a roll call councilwoman fiser here councilman gajer here councilwoman odonnell here Deputy Mayor Nell here mayor Burger presid is there any reason for us to go into executive session this evening Mr Clark yes mayor we have uh legal settlement to discuss and various other matters pertaining to property negotiations contract and attorney client thank you good evening everyone I'm sorry that we're a couple minutes late please forgive us um I'd like to reconvene the meeting today is January 16 2024 we just uh finished executive session so I would like to make uh have a motion to reconvene the meeting motion to reconvene second councilwoman fiser yes councilman gager yes councilwoman odonnell yes Deputy Mayor Nell yes mayor Burger yes thank you um can we please stand for a pledge of allegiance and then a moment of silence for our fallen heroes I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you um at this time we have two presentations one Christal riddle um for ordinance 23-8 smoking enforcement update and opioid set settlement spending uh she's our alliance coordinator please come up love the hair that's okay good evening everybody um I'm here I'm going to take a few minutes of your time for two important updates so I'm Christa riddle as you heard I'm the alliance coordinator um for those of you unfamiliar the how Alliance oversees substance use prevention and mental health awareness initiatives um and we do public education and collaboration you know and uh programs with the police department schools and community members so first I'm going to present on the opioid settlement agreement funds report um last time I reported was July 18th and what we do and how to provide transparency with the spending of the money that we're getting um I'm reporting to council and administration several times a year um Council Administration have the report but I'm just going to kind of go over it briefly so the public is aware of um the money coming in what we're doing with it and if anyone has any suggest suggestions on the spending so um between my two reports I was actually proudly selected by New Jersey Department of Human Services as part of a three-person panel um I was the only Alliance coordinator Statewide to participate in the New Jersey League of municipalities on this um the funding I sat on the panel for the opioid abatement um State updates and ideas for subdivision spending it was a great honor that was in November um so related to this so some key stipulations of the opioid settlement agreement fund spending are all expend all expenditures must be compliant with the term set forth by the um National criteria and the state um particularly the schedule entitled approved uses so we have to make sure everything complies um we do a report annually by September 1st to the New Jersey Department of Human Services to um document our spending and money left over um and then there's another report due February 16th each year um and that is actually um for another opioid abatement trust um funds received will be paid annually through 2038 to all um municipalities and um counties that are participating um the Jansen settlement will pay annually through 2031 in differing amounts um this year since the last report um we've received $1 14,179 183 for the Jansen settlement $2,125 188 for the Maine settlement um and we received 9,484 38 for the note two which is a separate settlement um see what else um the balance in house opioid settlement agreement a fund account to date is 29,285 69 and we are projected in 2024 to receive 20 thou 27,25324 1819 92 cents for the Jansen settlement um unspent funds can be accumulated and carried year-over-year as long as we report um and there may be additional settlements coming our way as well as to the other um participating municipalities and the uh counties and States so our strategic plan in house to report at Council meetings on the settlement agreement so we are transparent with funding a lot of lives have been lost and families affected due to the opioid um crisis and so this way we are keeping everybody informed who has been affected um as to what we're doing with the money a lot of towns um may be misappropriating it and using it for things that aren't related so we want to make sure we are transparent in what we're doing um and spending it in ways that are fair to the people affected um we're implementing targeted effective and evidence-based opioid misuse and Abuse Prevention programs across Community populations from preschoolers through to our seniors um in collaboration with the school police and other organizations and Community Partnerships uh we work work with the how police to assist populations vulnerable to substance use and mental health issues with consideration to the link between substance use disorders and criminal activity and recidivism um we are also working with how public schools and the how high school to reach students and parents for prevention and life skills programs without the Partnerships it would be impossible for us to implement programs and have people come and attend them um and then we collaborate Community organizations and professionals to implement in-house Alliance prevention programs tail to our community and the specific needs here that we get through data um recent collaborative projects we've done with our funding we finished the Vape detector installations in the middle school and high school bathrooms um we we funded Kevin Brooks just wiggle your toes decision making and substance use prevention presentation at how high school um we do mental health support warnings actions and resources Community presentations we did one for September is suicide prevention month um tackling opioids through prevention is um we did student Club presentations at how high school to let young athletes know the dangers of um you know taking opioids and alternatives to that um hidden in plain site we put together parent and staff education kit with vaping and um substance use paraphernalia to familiarize School staff and parents with what things look like today because it can be pretty tricky to identify um we bought throwing in no Substance Abuse Prevention interactive activity balls for middle schools and for community events and we are putting out flyers on Super Bowl Sunday through the pizzas to give um substance use and Mental Health Resources to people in the community that may need it when they pick up their order or it's delivered to the house they'll have that flyer and I do want to give a shout out to the three pizzerias willing to participate which are Caprices red moon and cores so we appreciate their support um and quickly future projects we are planning with the funding in howl we want to implement and provide botvin life skills training parent program which is evidence based to all um preschool parents once the prek program is at CAPA University capacity and up and running um that'll give us a pipeline to the parents and help people learn how to parent you know these days um Implement further how Police Department collaborative projects to reach atrisk populations um and you know there we would be addressing substance use and mental health and the link with um criminal activity um and also we're providing Narcan um to followup calls for um overdoses at the house afterward we want to expand our project medicine drop and other existing prevention projects to limit access to um unused medications which is often uh the first time that people will misuse opioids and then also to bring some 12-step support programs into howl we don't believe we have any here so we'd like to encourage um 12-step programs to um come in such as um Alcoholics Anonymous Narcotics Anonymous and codependence Anonymous to help our residents have easy access to these programs um and then just quickly um we have updated um our smoking ordinance in how it is entitled smoking in public places electronic smoking device use and sales and tobacco sales the ordinance um was adopted by Council in April and we are starting enforcement this month so I want people to be aware of what that means um we did this to address the youth vaping epidemic and the illegal sale of flavored products and underage sales flavored um ecigarette products all of them have been banned federally and at the state level uh they were banned in New Jersey in April of 2020 so we're making sure stores are compliant they are everywhere um and our job is going to be to you know weed that out um because that's how youth get started with a lifetime um addiction to nicotine it's usually flavored um ecigarette products um we're going to be enforcing smoking on public property and in public places no matter what is being smoked it doesn't matter if it's an electronic cigarette traditional combustible cigarette marijuana tobacco whatever it is it won't be sent out for testing if you're smoking in public places um that are delineated in the ordinance um there will be violations um and then we are requiring our ecigarette retail licensers in um our ret ecigarette retailers to have a license um as of this year so it's an annual license they have to apply for it's $1,000 and they have to um have that license to sell any kind of ecigarette products so um just to give you an idea of the fines smoking on public property $250 $250 for the first offense 500 for the second offense and ,000 for third and subsequent offenses um if someone completes a nicotine and tobacco recovery program at the discretion of judge Clark the first fine may be waved the first time to encourage people to get um a smoking cessation program under their belt um police and Code Enforcement Officers will start um going around to the ecigarette um retailers and it will be selling products to people under 21 selling any kind of flavored products um and not having a license the fines are for the retailers $1,000 for the first offense 1,500 for the second offense $2,000 for third and subsequent offenses um any establishment with two violations a year or five total violations is subject to permanent license revocation by Council vote um and just in general um you know as we said I said before all flavored products are banned so that's going to be the main focus of this for our youth so I appreciate everyone's time and thank you thank you thank you Christa our second presentation is for on the resource engineering settlement is be frank mayor did you want me to start with this do you want me to start mayor yes please thank you thanks um my name is Jerry dasty I'm a special special I'm a litigation attorney representing the township on special matters and I along with our administrator and Matt Cahill and your in-house attorney have been um involved with negotiations with the potential developer of a transfer station uh in town and I want to try to give you first a little bit of history and then um we'll explain how what this means to the Township in terms of what we believe to be a uh a good benefit and then the representatives of the developer are here to show you what it's going to look like I think they have a PowerPoint demonstration to show you uh this started back in 2017 or 2018 when the a transfer station was being proposed by this developer on the same property where it's now presumably going to be located I went through a series of uh public hearings negotiations and now eventually litigation whereby the developer sued the county uh freeholders and the mammoth County swack which is a solid waste advisory commission every county has an advisory Commission which makes usually makes recommendations on these types of facilities to the Freeholder board or Commissioners uh originally Howell Township was not part of that lawsuit um we had to file a motion to intervene because we wanted to be part of that lawsuit we wanted to make certain that if something were to occur it would be in terms of construction it would be in the best interest of the town the taxpayers and the people who live near this facility um you're going to uh we've been going through rather intense negotiations and settlement discussions for a little over a year and we think we're ready now to present to the to the council and to the public uh what we H believe is a good settlement for the township uh and keep in mind this if we don't resolve this to our satisfaction that doesn't mean it goes away uh the developer still makes application to the county and there thereafter the D to get a transfer station and if they're successful if they can show that there's a need for it in this part of the county and they're approved that approval might be without all of what we believe to be the positive benefits for the township so um you're going to see and and and Joe Clark your administrator will go over more of the financial benefits to the town but you're going to see that there would be a proposed uh re uh transfer station which is not a dump this will not involve any household standard garbage nothing that would purify nothing that would degrade it's going to be what we call typ type 13 uh waste which is concrete which is building materials that kind of thing that would be inside a fully enclosed building when the trucks come they go into the building they dump it in the building and they leave uh so everything will be inside uh there will be also a an office accompanying uh the transfer station but only used for the transfer station it won't be rented out to any third party for the office the building would be constructed according to the upgraded storm water regulations which are required by the D it would be properly landscaped pursuant to the Township Code so that we think it'll be sufficiently buffered and sheltered um we've gone through like I said earlier quite a long settlement discussions we have what I think is a 12 or 13 page uh agreement which if the township Council agrees to it this evening uh it will become a court order and it will be enforced assuming that we are able to achieve that tonight it's not over but we would still be interested in the applications made by the developer to swack to the Commissioners and to the D to make sure that what we've agreed to is part of that application and nothing would waver from what we're what the settlement that we expect to receive um Joe do you want to take it from there in terms of the financial uh yeah sure we we can skip over the background because we've just kind of gone through most of that so we can take a look at the 2018 um sort of proposal versus what we have now in 2023 after as Jerry said a year in negotiations so I'm also going to point out that in 2018 we had a very different development landscape in front of us this was at a time when there was a million square feet of Warehouse proposed for a parcel on uh Randolph Road which was right down the street from there which was going to substantially add a number of trucks to the overall project uh that has since gone away and the zoning has since changed so we are in a position now where we're able to more accurately account for and agree to certain things that have been presented to us so in 2018 we had less control over the project we were looking the representation from what I've been able to see was there there would be approximately 150 trucks per day in addition to trucks from other proposed development in the surrounding area which would have been substantial uh it was anticipated that approximately 1,500 tons of type 13 and 13 C material would be processed on site daily some of the material might be coming from adjoining municipalities outside of Monmouth uh resource would signalize the intersection at 547 and Randolph at their own cost they would pay howl 50 cents a ton under state law per ton for type 13 and 13c um as a what's called in the law a host Community benefit and the total host Community benefit under the 2018 proposal would be approximately $215,000 a year under the 2023 settlement um we have gotten very granular with what we're looking at so for example the transfer station building is approximately 30 6,000 square ft so we have control over the size resource will construct approximately 8,000 square ft of office space on the site for its own use um this is similar to the previous proposal but the office bace will be used solely for resources operations it won't be let sublet or otherwise made available to any other businesses the pro uh the project is anticipated to generate an average of 80 truck trips an average of 80 truck trips per day which is an increase of 30 from the current average of 50 um the project will only handle type 13 and 13c waste as those terms are defined in the NJ admin code and if you look there you will see that it includes household appliances uh and construction debris it does not include food scrap waste pressible materials anything that's capable of rotting the type of thing that you might consider uh that would end up in a landfill typically and stink up the joint so all trucks carrying 13 and 13c solid waste will load and unload inside the building so there will be no outside loading or unloading of trucks except for the mulch processing portion of the facility that currently operates we see it when we pass by it on Randolph Road they're currently processing approximately 68,000 tons of of um brush and tops oil and all of that right now the wood recycling portion of the facility will be trimmed back and it's only going to handle the following type 23 materials as that's defined in the edmin code which will be stumps branches and brush they will reduce the processing of those stumps branches and brush to 50% of its current level yardages will be reported annually by resource to the township no material will be accepted from Ocean County or municipalities excuse me within Ocean County the project won't process any other type of solid waste which includes food stuffs normal household trash any pressible material Asbestos and the like the project will uh be open 5 and a half days a week Monday through Saturday uh it'll be Friday from 700 a.m to 300 PM half day Saturday resources agreed to install an appropriate underground filtration system to handle storm water and other liquid generated by the project they will signalize the intersection at 547 in Randolph the traffic signal will be completed prior to the project accepting any of the Class C recyclables Class C recyclables again being the type 13 and 13c waste next page resource will pay pay the township a host Community benefit fee of $5 per ton of material processed at the project which is 10 times higher than previously prop proposed so we've gone from 50 cents a ton to $5 a ton that fee shall increase 2% per year adjusted on January 1st for as long as the project is in operation under state law the host Community benefit is paid quarterly um resource antici iates an average of approximately 680 tons a day this is less than what was originally anticipated in 2018 it equates to a tonnage of approximately 196,000 a year and so the totally anticipated host Community benefit will jump from 214 215,000 to about $950,000 payable to the Township in addition the uh the waste Transfer station will be taxed uh its normal valuation for the tax assessor the resource shall submit tonage reports to the township with each quarterly payment and all other materials required by D as part of its reporting requirements we have the right to conduct an audit of resources tonage reports upon 10 days written notice to them um from the date that they begin con construction of the project until we issue a CO resource has agreed to accept brush waste from the township at a 50% discount off of resources current published rates as another benefit to howl after we issue a CO for the project resource has agreed to accept 1,000 tons of our type 13 and 13c waste that we may get at our uh bulk pickup and drop off in addition to 5 ,000 tons of brush each year from the township free of charge as a benefit to Howell this is anticipated to save us approximately 80 to $100,000 per year at current prices um they've agreed again not to accept type 13 or 13 C materials from Ocean County um they will contribute $50,000 to the Township's open space fund uh which we will use in a manner consistent with the fund's purpose it's is going to be paid in five payments over a five Monon period after the co for the station is issued um we happen to own a parcel of land that is sort of locked within resources broader parcel so we will talk to them uh whether or not they may be interested in acquiring that lot and if so whether or not it is permissible under state law it looks like we are able to do a private sale of that parcel because it satisfies some of the various requirements next page access to and from the project will be achieved primarily through the use of Route 9 547 and 195 uh resource has agreed that truck traffic will be required to exit left out of the project so that trucks reach 547 quickly at the signalized intersection and then can proceed out of howl expeditiously uh the township again will monitor resources applications to swack County Commissioners and D we reserve the right to object to them if the project presented to any of those entities differs materially from that which we envision in the settlement and then in the event that resource breaches the agreement the township is entitled to exercise any and all rights and remedies that may be available in equity which means injunctive relief or under the law of the state of New Jersey so that is the project in a nutshell and as envisioned in this agreement we feel it's better for the township and its taxpayers because among other things it obviously greatly enhances the host Community benefit it signalizes a busy intersection which is approximately a million dollars it minimizes the negative impact by P uh processing uh only non-pc waste so you're not going to get that rotten odor it does not substantially add to vehicle transits once upon a time I think there was some notion that there was going to be 500 trucks or more a day on site we now know that that actual number is going to be substantially lower it assists in recycling type 13 and 13c waste and puts it back into infrastructure projects I'm sure resource will point out that the global demand for that type of reprocessed waste is skyrocketing it's in a non-residential area we have more control over the project uh given the terms of the agreement it enhances our rable base and it represents an overall more beneficial Endeavor to the township than the prior project so that that is where we are um at this point then we can bring up resources PowerPoint and they can go through their materials thank you thank you very much um my name is Frank folo I'm with the law firm of SSC and gross I am the attorney for resource recycling um after looking at those settlement terms I'm lucky I still have a job um I do want to thank you for your patience and your focus on this um this has been a uh from my my perspective a five-year but even longer um process and I believe that the settlement um terms that you've just seen uh strikes a really nice balance and provides uh how with the benefit uh a lot of benefits and it also finally allows us to move forward hopefully with this project as Mr dasty and Mr Clark said we do have um further steps to take uh swack the county and then finally D um but we are very um we look forward to working hand inand as you heard you'll continue to be involved in this process as we move forward um and so to get you acclimated with the project give you an overview how the thing works we have with us this evening Pat Ward he's from Insight engineering I'm going to let him come up here and he'll walk you through the project thank you all right good evening everybody my name is Patrick Ward I'm with the firm Insight Engineering in Wall Township New Jersey what I want to do is just um in a very simple manner kind of walk the Council through the site what we're proposing um show some images of uh you know what what we anticipate the facility to look like and then how it fits in with this part parcel and then the neighborhood can you hear me now thank you so what you see here is a relatively recent aerial um this is from September of 23 um and the site is 34 Randol road which was uh identified from the the Professionals of the township so as you could see here off to the West you have 547 and randolphs on the North End we're in a section of town that's in the you know non-residential s Zone where you have a variety of uses but you have a substation to our South um the million square feet that uh Mr Clark referenced is off which is not proceeding is off to the east there and then on the North side you have some industrial and light industrial uses so you know in some we feel that this is an an appropriate location for this type of facility and it's it's also um as I'll mentioned a convenient location so um if you can go to the next slide so just an overview of what is a transfer station again I want to focus on that that we are you know taking in construction debris or bulky waste that's the the main point of this it's it collects debris from smaller Point sources which you know construction sites um properties you know generated by contractors and homeowners and we transport it in bulk in larger trucks to final disposal sites wherever that may be depending on the type of waste transportations are an integral part of the waste stream you know in general it reduces the cost of transporting waste reduces fuel consumption in turn minimizing carbon footprint and vehicle maintenance costs it produces less overall traffic air emission and Road Weare our type of facility will be a material recovery facility sometimes you'll hear that as called a murf and it's an advanced transfer facility that has the capability to recycle debris as it comes in so really it's a recycling transfer station we're going to intercept construction demolition material before it reaches its ultimate end game which could be a landfill or a dump next slide this is a very simple slide here identifying the operation really showing everybody what this will look like this is all internal to the building now I want to stress that as well so you know smaller trucks will bring waste from a point source and we'll tip it which is you know item one up there onto the floor of this building item two is it'll be sorted by you know uh equipment into areas within the building and then part three here is actual sorting whether it's by mechanical or hand means once the material is sorted by type of material it gets loaded into a larger truck from what it which it arrived and that goes to the ultimate end location for whatever it may be um you know whether it's wood concrete or any other material go to the next slide please again I you know we started with the aerial why here and this was touched upon by uh the township we have access to main roads 195 547 and Route 9 and um resource has agreed you know left only out of the site I'll show you what that looks like on the next slide but um this allows us to the access to the main roads and keeps the trucks that were mentioned off of local roads the site today is a wood recycling facility I'm sure many of you are aware of that um that was very evident in the aerial that I showed you you know very much most of the site is being used as a wood recycling facility so that that has an advantage in that we're really expanding and developing upon a current use we are in the SED Zone which identified the uses that surround us and like I said this we feel this is a convenient and appropriate location at the southern end of Mammoth County next slide please this is a concept layout plan that we we colorized um this has been unchanged through the duration of the project from when we first were in front of the solid waste advisory Council the I'll call it the the the reddish brown area to the West that will be the what is will remain of the Class B recycling facility and you can see there circulation roads and and really the stockpile areas there um it it's not un you know unlike what exists today but again in a much reduced footprint and then off to the east is where the new development is and this is where all th all those external operations that exist today will be internalized so we have a 36,000 square foot facility building right in the middle the office building is off to the right of that and then there's a gate house and scale house so what you see here is the main entrance is Northwest of the main building and we have a long queuing Lane to keep the trucks off of Randolph Road as they're coming in to be uh you know uh weighed into the site and um we feel that this site layout will accommodate the agreement that's been um settled with the township um and again it it we feel it fits in with the type of development that would follow uh in the area you know in accordance with the municipal land use law um and then next slide please this is a 3D rendering that was prepared uh at the onset of the project again kindy to give you an A View From You Know isometric view from up in the air across the street you can see the larger facility building 36,000 Square ft you can see the the office complex there there's off street parking for workers and any visitors if there are any and then we feel that there's um adequate circulation through the site um and just to you know again reiterate that from here there is a process ahead of you know seeking approval from the solid waste advisory c c uh Council of Mammoth County and then going to the uh njd for an approval to actually um approve this type of project and with that there are all of the applicable rules and regulations of the state including storm water management and any any um discharges must be complied with state regulations so um that's really you know very simple presentation that I wanted to touch upon so I appreciate everyone's time and the opportunity to do it thank you and and that's all we have this evening members of council again thank you very much for the time and uh all your efforts we believe this is a win-win uh for Howell and and my clients and uh we do appreciate it so thank you thank you thank very much for your presentation um I'm going to do it a little differently I'm going to say ask anybody if you have any questions regarding this project because we have outside Council here so I would like you to come up if you want to make a comment or you have a question could I have a motion mayor let's open public comment and and then I want to close it when this is done so that the uh officials can give a report because it's probably going to represent things that are already on the agenda am I correct what yeah we're we're just so everybody's clear we're going to do one public comment session so but if we if you have public comments about the resource engineering settlement uh I'd request you guys come up first so we can uh answer those and in as much as we can once comment is over and then we will continue public comment for anything else not relating to the sett be happy I'll tell you that each person shall first give their name and address to the clerk the council should be addressed as a collective body and not as individual members each person shall have one turn to address the council and comment shall not exceed a total of five minutes speaker shall be notified when their time has run and no time extensions shall be permitted may I make a motion to open to public I second my mag all favor do you have a magnifying glass I can use anybody my magnifying glass is back on my chair yeah all right my name is Barbara dixel villes H Township I'm not going to address your project you're finishing but I'm going I want to put something on the record go thank you going back going back to 2017 that this was done in on the cloak of secrecy and whatever you want to call it in the back room CLA French was retiring she was the how she was the clerk of mmed County her family owns this project her family owned the property of this tra waste treatment plant so unknown to the council because this never came to the council two how Township Council people one of which is dead you can't dig them up the other one's still around wrote this letter to swack offering this waste treatment plant and having some kind of an agreement with them and signed by Jeffrey Mayfield the township manager when this came out there was discussion on it and this these official signed letterhead documents were taken out of how Township and delivered to my mailbox so I have them and I've had them since 2017 so I want this on the record so Mr dassy I will give you a copy if you want it here I do have oh you have these oh yes this wonderful stuff so like I said I just want this on the record and I don't know what you're going to do about it but whatever as you know how Township I I can't even I'm sorry I'm I'm legally blind and I have my macular is getting much worse so all I can do just tell you whatever you do with this please I am begging you do not destroy the lives of these poor people who live in ramtown with with anything and when this project originally came up they were going to have 4 or 500 trucks a day please people have to live people have a right to live and don't let any waste treatment plant destroy their lives that's all I ask and like I said anybody else from this neighborhood who wants a copy of this nonsense I'll be glad to give it to you thank you thank you by the way it's also my opinion uh Deputy Mayor odonnell you did sign the disclaimer uh at at when it was presented to the council so it's also my opinion if you vote on this tonight you have a conflict of interest all right if you come up to here hi hi I'm Linda LaVine 67 Lanes Pawn Road in Howell I just have a couple questions um I don't know who to address this to how are the trucks going to get to Route N9 how are the trucks going to get to route nine Miss LaVine please use your whole allotment and we'll answer questions at the end so it's not going to be back and forth oh okay and also I mean what my concern is I we live pretty much across the street on the other side of squankum and um the road is terrible it's a two-lane Highway with no shoulder and a lot of traffic um just putting a light in is really it's it's a little it's much better that intersection really needs a light but on my corner where Alexander comes in there's accidents there all the time so if those trucks are going to go down Alexander to Route 9 that's going to be a horror plus that's a residential area so I'm just curious as to how the trucks are going to get to Route 9 and how is 547 going to be adapted to handle all this traffic okay that's it thank you okay please I don't think I can give you the Geography about it so so could we just answer the question and go to the next one we'll go through the public comments because that way if there's repetitive questions we'll know it and we'll just answer them all at once good evening council members and guests my name is Laurence white I reside at 15 renway folks uh I'm relatively new to this Township but I have been doing my homework about this project and I got to say I don't really have a lot to talk about this evening because the information has only been given to us this evening for the first time and so with respect I would ask that this continue and that we continue to receive information and get our questions answered and I ask that this be tabled till the next council meeting for a vote so that the citizens of this Township have the time and ability in order to absorb this information and to instruct their elected officials about how they should vote on this matter thank you very [Applause] much good evening my name is Sher re revas I live at three Hearth Court sorry my name is Sher revas and I live at three Hearth Court I was not planning to speak this evening but I am absolutely frustrated and angry um I have a lot of concerns about the lack of transparency in the how Township government I am wondering who is running this town when the mayor just said I would like the opportunity for people to ask questions and get answers from the people who are sitting here and when someone asks a legitimate question and would like an answer is told no you we're not giving you answers right now we're taking all of public comment and then going to answer the person who was standing here may have had a follow-up question based on the answer to the question why do we continue to allow the people sitting over here to manage what you are doing and what you think is in the best interest of the [Applause] town I am asking the members of the council to make a change starting tonight bring back transparency are you here for the people of the how for the community to do in the best interest of the town the tax papers taxpayers and the people who live near the location which is how you started saying this agreement was for if that's the truth where is the document 12 to 13 pages and I'm trusting that you pulled out the information first of all I couldn't even see the information people had to take pictures to pull it up bigger on their cell phone so that they could read it couldn't see it went through it so quickly I have really not much information but thank you for putting in there that I should reference and ac7 col 26-2 colon 33g because am I supposed to do that while I'm sitting here in the meeting and miss the rest of what you're saying you want the town you want the community to come here and support what you're doing you don't give us the information to review it before the meeting oh but guess what the resolution or 2467 on your agenda it's in the consent agenda resolutions so you you knew when the agenda was written that you were already consenting oh but you had an executive section session at 6 o'clock reviewing this it says on your agenda you reviewed update on resource engineering but you are you guys already knew you were consenting to it so everyone who stands up here is wasting their breath so if I could just make a point of clarification if they let you I don't know mayor thank you um I think I might be able to speak now since everybody is here um the consent agenda is put together as an a you know you obviously you know but we any one of us can pull out any item on that and I did intend to pull this out so thank you mayor so it's not just this project where there's a lack of transparency I agree with what was said the 12 or 13 page agreement it should be given to the community to review so that we can see what questions do we have because I have no questions I did not wasn't able to process the information on a couple points on a slideshow it's not the only place I pulled up I saw ambulances outside I see our em EMT members here but where did I hear about something for EMT oh that was on Facebook Facebook I heard that the EMT were going to private ize the EMT and how where is the communication from the council to the community and what do I need to just like look at every agenda to see where is this going to come up how are we talking about privatizing anything inh how when we still haven't been able to review the efficiency study that we gave $18,000 to the government strategy group to do an efficiency study to see where the town could save money where is that when are we being given it that's a question I would like answered what's the date that the community will be able to see the efficiency study and will that occur before you start cutting the EMT and privatizing agencies in our town because I know something if I want someone coming to my house to take care of myself or my family I want somebody who knows how and somebody that knows the community thank you time has ended thank [Applause] you good evening mayor and council members in our administrative team good evening my name is Steve Morino 39-year resident 51 peachstone Road uh I was here in 2017 when this came up when it was discussed uh it was objected to then uh this evening I saw I guess a 10 or 15 minute presentation by these gentlemen on what this project is uh I'll go on a record and tell you I've run projects 50 million square feet and more so I have a lot of questions but I haven't seen this project other than what I couldn't see from the back because the font size is so small I don't know what this project really consists of in this short presentation that was done I listen to the Gent over there that says this is the best thing since sliced bread it may be I don't know okay so based on the presentation this evening I'm going to ask you to delay the vote on this because nobody in this audience could absolutely comprehend what this project consists of and if it's so good for Howell you should have this on the front page of the Asbury Park Press so everybody could come here and Accolade you for doing a fine job and this gentleman's going to save us a fortune okay I I heard him before tell us about these wonderful projects okay traffic is going to be a problem even though our experts tell us traffic's no problem well look at Fairfield Road where the warehouses that didn't even open yet they told us the storm water would be no problem well the last rain we had you could float to Queen Mary over there okay you you really need to look at these projects and let the public digest what it is okay you have your area of expertise there's people back here that have an area expertise that far exceeds some of ours okay let the township give you input okay this project could be the best thing since sliced bread I don't know based on this presentation I heard Mr Clark say how we're going to save all this money well God help us maybe we could save the EMT project the EMS program with it I don't know maybe but I don't know what the project is in the short presentation he said it's 13 pages long I didn't even see 13 Pages up here okay so again I'd like to see the 133-page project negotiation that took place for over a year and this is the first we're hearing about it okay a lot of people didn't hear about it today I made a personal phone call I called the mayor of Lakewood Ray Kohl's him and I had a conversation today okay I know him from when I ran for the Senate and we had a conversation I asked him what his input was on this he said he wasn't even aware of it he thought this project was dead in the water that was his words dead in the water he said he would call his manager and find out he said he spoke to him five or six times in the morning prior to my conversation and nothing like this was mentioned so did we give the adjoining town the courtesy of knowing that this was going to be passed and voted on this evening and that this project is such a great project okay he reminded me that Lakewood is looking to put in a temporary waste transfer station that would only house stuff overnight and then it would be taken off site okay so he says by D regulation he can't send stuff here okay they make it sound like we're not going to allow them the D won't allow it okay it's nothing that they're doing okay it's it's the law so again I asked this Council to provide the public with all the documents so that we could review them and see what they're all about and maybe I'll come here and tell you yeah this a great thing let's do it or maybe I'll come here and tell you you must have blinders on okay or you're being sold a bill of goods by a bunch of carpet baggers okay so we need to understand what the project is now it's my understanding I have time to talk about the EMS program at a second bite at the Apple here no you uh or am I doing everything here mayor you can make that decision know even Mr Clark he's not the he doesn't get voted on by I would like to end this conversation because we have Council here so they can leave I agree with you 100% that's why I'd like to come back at a second body the apple and talk about I have no problem with that the study that was done that I haven't seen yet and about EMT so thank you very much so I would suggest that that you ask your fellow council members mayor I'm sorry I would ask I would suggest that you ask your fellow council members what they're willing to do in terms of having a second uh bite at the Apple for everybody so did you you and listen to two different or four different conversations well you only had a minute and something left I would just he I didn't nobody stopped any I would have let him go for the five minutes and then he would have been done can't hear you I would have let him continue for the five minutes and then he would have been done nobody stopped him M mayor um just so everybody in the room is clear on our public comment section let me just go over it so there's no misunderstanding it I'm going to keep going over it because maybe not everybody in the room knows what it is so I would request everybody to be quiet as I'm speaking our public comment is 5 minutes for each person nobody has the ability to extend it or shorten it that way everybody gets equal treatment and gets what they need to say typically we try to answer we're we're over here taking notes and writing down your questions we try to address those questions following public comment if the council wants to extend public comment give people additional time it would have to be across the board for everybody so not one party gets one preference over somebody else so if we're going to do that it should be a vote amongst Council to do that um right now we've asked that it's our typical public comment we've asked that if you're asking questions about the settlement to come up first so we can address those questions and then we would continue public comment um but now there's been the question posed do you want to allow public comment people to come up more than once so that's in front of you for our policy is to allow it once if you want to deviate from that policy there should be a vote I'd call on a vote item on the agenda people speak I'm going to ask the audience not to interject when the council is speaking I again I'm going to ask the audience to stop speaking when the council is speaking so we don't shout from the audience that's why so we are talking right now the time to come up is when you're at the podium and you can speak if you're going to shout from the audience then we'll have you removed if you don't like that I don't particularly care the point of these meetings is for the council to transact business that is absolutely the function of a public meeting the fact that it is open for public comment is also a function of the open public meetings law we don't dictate the terms of that state law does everybody here gets five minutes everybody can speak on whatever subject that they think is of interest to the community so we are not restricting it in any way Mr Marino you want to come up here and talk about EMS come up here and talk about D Ms whatever you want to talk about you can talk about you have a minute left go for it so you run the coun he runs the council obviously state law runs the council Ste Morino Pete Stone Road you people again have no say whatsoever you're letting this carpet bagger run the show here it's time we stop this nonsense I want to stop you I want to explain something you can explain all you want after my minutes up okay is my comment right now I was so I'm going to call for so let's talk about EMS all right we're not going to save any people's lives by cutting the budget of EMS can I can I just call for a recess for two minutes please certainly you may please so take some time compose yourself and we'll come back I don't need to compose myself you should compose yourself I call for a recess excuse me we would like to um reconvene so what time is it just to make sure 8:24 that we're reconvening okay so we're going back to the um the open public hearing portion of the meeting we've agreed because it's a very long meeting that will have five minutes and you could speak whatever is on your mind in those five minutes and then we will respond to those questions so Mr Molino if you would please come back I'm going to just say Gentlemen please it's a family show okay again I'm going to go on record and say it's unfair to the public to talk about three major topics ICS that I want to talk about when we're having a presentation about one specific project that's very important and is going to be here for the next 25 or 35 years impacting the residents of how and I think you folks should allow the public to get some more information and I understand it's a settlement agreement I just spoke to the attorney however it looks like it's very underhanded the way it's being done that being said I wanted to talk about the EMS situation I don't believe we should Outsource it I've used the EMS in this community in the past it's excellent It's Superior to anything I've seen I used to work in a hospital for 25 years I've seen private companies come and go with ambulances okay I've seen some of the people who claim they're medical experts on ambulances okay I forewarn you this is not a good Solution by bringing in a private outside company or going with the county I understand the county bought a bunch of extra ambulances and they're looking to put them somewhere okay we have an excellent program here excellent okay and I don't think the taxpayers would appreciate you're saving a couple of bucks at the risk of their lives because I don't believe a company coming in here is going to provide the services we' seen ended okay I wanted to talk about the uh efficiency study but now I don't have time to talk about it so that's a travesty by itself the money we spent on an efficiency study that this man won't show us is a travesty and we're going to hold you people [Applause] responsible please come [Applause] upar good evening everybody my name is Larry zwickle I live at 89 Randolph Road I'm part of that residential part that nobody knows about I actually live there I can't get out on my road now I can't get out my driveway I can't get to 547 how are all those trucks going to get in and out without police assistance has anyone done a recent study of the traffic I I haven't heard of any I believe I'm just a Layman here but I believe the traffic has quadrupled or maybe quind druple I don't know five times since 20 17 18 20 and uh I just you know I'm not poo pooing anything I just want to know what's going on with the traffic my quality of life is affected by everyday traffic on Randol Road they talked about that trucking company and that trucking company that's not going to go in there and the traffic that was coming everyone talks about traffic but Randol Road doesn't produce any traffic it's all the cut through traffic that is the traffic now you can't stop that but it's there all day long and on Fridays when you're trying to get out on 5:47 we have an exitus from Lakewood going north 547 is a all day long I don't believe that has been taken into consideration and that's all I got to say is there's got got to be a new traffic study before you all just say this is fine and dandy because right now it's not fine and dandy thank you for your time thank you God [Applause] bless Joan Leo 10 station place um if you look at the first aerial view slide you can see that there is a residential neighborhood located around the corner from the proposed transfer station my home is located in that neighborhood so even though it was referred to as being placed in a nonresidential area there is very close proximity to residential areas there um as far as there traffic goes route 547 as previously mentioned is one lane in each Direction there are no shoulders on which dis disabled Vehicles can pull over 3 weeks ago coming home from work late at night there's a tractor trailer disabled on 547 so cars had to alternate to try and get around it so when you see what the traffic looks like on a daily basis there's there's nowhere for anybody to go if something happens to one of these trucks um as far as the existing traffic they just completed a high density housing unit in um or project in Lakewood just over the overpass so just south of me about 600 units are there which are now being inhabited that's aiding traffic and directly across the street from this proposed site for the uh resource engineering there's a warehouse currently being constructed so I don't know what the traffic is going to be for that but that also has to be considered um in the presentation we saw a rendering of the process and it's it's going to be fully enclosed but I could see when the trucks are dumping the bay door is open so to me that's not fully enclosed because that's still going to be noise and dust and debris being released into the air across the street from where I live or around the corner from where I live um also I see that there are Saturday hours that are proposed right now the only respit we have from the traffic on 547 is on Saturdays where we don't have the trucks J breaking or what whatever they do when they're coming down the road or backing up you can hear trucks backing up that's the only day that we have any quiet and now that's going to be taken away from us um next I would like to know who's going to be monitor monitoring what actually gets processed we're told what's going to be processed in there that there's not going to be any asbest or other harmful materials but is that just honor System like how are we actually going to know what's going on in there uh next it says that the community will greatly benefit we're going to receive these host Community benefits what are those funds ear marked for like is that just going into a general fund or are you going to be able to erect some kind of noise deterrence for anybody who's living around there but it's going to it's Community benefits but the people who are really going to be feeling the effects of this are everyone up in down 547 on Oakland Road or lar Boulevard or Alexander where these trucks are going to be trying to get to Route 9 and then the people who actually have to live there listening to what's going on across the street so I I just wanted to comment on that and then I wanted to say that in the presentation um the attorney for resource engineering said that they felt it was a convenient and appropriate area because it was not in a residential area but if you lived in my house you would feel much different ly because we're right there um and I would appreciate if this is we have another meeting to discuss this because like everyone else mentioned this we just saw this for the first time so in order to really absorb and digest the information that was given to us um I would like to request additional additional time and present additional questions or comments thank you thank you you good evening everyone uh my name is Paige hackit I live at 578 Newton's Corner Road um first I just wanted to Echo what everyone has said already about uh allowing the public time to review the um proposed amendment I mean um proposed settlement and um uh delay the vote uh I want to Echo what everyone has said about uh releasing the efficiency study and um um what everyone else has said about EMS um I don't need to to dwell on any of those um but I do want to give you guys a hand and uh applaud the proposed ordinance uh zoning change for Victory Road that's on the agenda for tonight so thank you very much for that um I do have some questions just First Impressions from what I was allow uh what I was able to um Garner from the presentation um how do you intend to stop Ocean County from dumping this is uh I'm sorry from uh bringing the bringing their their waste to this uh facility uh it is very close to the oan County border um and I don't really um I don't buy the um the line that this is a great location for Mammoth County it's the bottom of Mammoth County so it is not um convenient for most of Mammoth County to get to it um the another question I have is I would like clarification on the number of trucks that will be coming to the facility the what I was able to read on the PowerPoint said that there was originally going to be 150 trucks per day which will be down to 80 trucks per day which is 30 more trucks per day than the average number of trucks at 50 trucks per day uh it's was extremely confusing can you please clarify that is it 50 trucks currently and then there's going to be 80 add additional trucks or there's going to be 30 additional trucks which is more than the average of 50 trucks please uh clarify that for for us um the storm water on the facility is that with current D regulations or the recommended State D regulations I only know about this because I've sat in on so many Victory Road presentations about storm water so I would like uh clarification on the storm water um and uh also um the traffic study um the uh resident who just spoke uh requested an updated traffic study I think that's an extremely great idea um as many of you know uh I'm sure you all know uh our how Boe has just um proposed rebanding the schools and redistricting Town um neighborhoods in town so the um Locust Avenue uh and uh Oakland neighborhoods are going to be bused to ramtown now um possibly buses more buses than normal coming down Victor down Randolph Road which is already a throughway for that area of town going to Middle School South so we'll be having possibly increased busing on that route in addition to the yet to be completed Warehouse um which would all be great reasons to uh update the traffic study on this project and that's it thank you thank you good evening Mark pry 2 Castle Court I want to thank uh the Professionals for coming here tonight to give this presentation on this project um just a couple things first I just want to start off sometimes I'm critical but having read the litigation document doents and what was originally proposed back you know several years ago and what they've laid put forward tonight it does look markedly improved and I'm pleased to see that I still have some concerns that I just wanted to address uh first um and I know that I emailed with Miss Harney about this I would have been nice if the settlement agreement had been made public so that we can see exactly what the terms of the agreement are and then marry that with the information that we're being given tonight and then maybe had a week to kind of digest it and understand it and you guys could put it on the township website so members of the public that weren't here tonight could see it and understand it and maybe come back and ask some questions um I I think that would have been a little bit more transparent with the public um I understand you know maybe you guys are up against the clock with with the litigation uh perhaps maybe a special meeting could have been held for this meeting uh presentation tonight so that the you know like a workshop meeting where the public could have had an opportunity to engage a little bit more with the representatives from resource engineering and our own professionals but here we are um so uh I got a bunch of questions uh I know that they're not going to be answered right now as I'm up here but I'll just ask them um I I know that this property is located right next to the uh larby uh substation that is part of the tri collector solution as anyone uh notified BPU about the possible expansion of this um recycling facility and what are the regulations regarding having a utility use like the tri collector how they're going to expand it for you know offshore wind uh with a solid waste facility so maybe our professionals could speak to that and if BPU has been involved and they're on board with uh the expansion of this recycling facility um if the lawsuit itself said that this uh project was necessary because of the building boom in Lakewood and that they were going to be um handling Lake uh construction waste from from Lakewood but now we're being told that that's not going to be the case and there were court documents that talked about how uh Ocean County uh their landfill permits and DP regulations didn't allow for the waste from Ocean County to be brought into um Mammoth County and particularly this facility in Howell so if if this if this location is not going to be accepting waste from from Ocean County or Lakewood what is the purpose of having it in the southern most part of of Howell and not more centrally located within you know Mammoth County and then I guess the next question is that the waste is coming in and then it's going to be sorted and then it's going to be exported where is the waste being exported to is it going to the mammoth County landfill or is it going to be exported out of state so maybe if you guys could answer that because then we can get an idea of which directions the trucks are going to be going I want to talk Qui uh quickly about uh the number of trucks you're saying that it's going to be 80 trucks is that 80 trucks in and 80 trucks out or 40 and 40 out 80 total um you talk about how it's capped at 680 tons uh of material per day if you divide that by 80 trucks that's 8 and a half tons what kind of trucks do you anticipate are going to be bringing in the waste because most of those dump trucks are three and a half ton trucks and if you divide 680 by 3 and a half you're looking at around 190 trucks so if you could maybe just speak to what types of vehicles are going to be bringing in the the the waste uh maybe we can get a better idea because to me the math doesn't really make sense and then with that said you bring it in the waist what kinds of trucks are we going to be seeing as far as leaving the site where's are they going to be the same size trucks are they going to be larger trucks so uh I think there's some clarity near on that because the the math doesn't make sense to me but maybe I'm I'm missing something um the other question is could uh the professionals talk about are there any open D violations because I had the opportunity to go on some website and uh State website and look and I saw that there was a number of open violations on this particular property now that's not to suggest that they're not going to come into compliance at some point in the future but it does concern me that you have you know people that are going to be coming to our town to operate a facility and currently there are pending open violations with the D so you know I I just think that we need to be a little cautious about you know who's going to be coming a how to do business and whether or not they're you know currently compliant with uh you know state regulations so those are my questions I appreciate your answers in advance thank you please hello I'm Dominic Maza I'm not a resident of Howell I'm uh someone from the industry and I just heard some uh facts tonight that didn't quite make sense to me and I want to make the council aware um and I would ask the questions of their professionals I've operated a transfer station for 20 years I know the average inbound truck is three and A2 tons so I was spoking to marker earlier that comes out to 194 inbound trucks trip wise that's almost 400 trucks that doesn't count the outbound trucks leaving materials have to leave the facility whether it's recycled material as mulch or it's debris I can't figure out how you're getting 80 trucks a day um so I would definitely push them for that answer Max truck can hold 24 tons without going over 80,000 pounds so there assuming every single truck is coming in maxed doesn't even make sense because your Township trucks are going be dumping for free and your Township trucks go look I'm sure they carry one to two tons so that's something to look into just something else to warn the council about about once you approve this settlement it's going to go to the county it's going to go to the state and all the regulations are going to be going through either the county or the state them saying they're not going to take material from Ocean County there's federal laws there's waste flow laws it doesn't mean anything to say they're not going to take them to from Ocean County it can change in a second uh they hours 7 three I've changed my hours and again they're not coming in front of you to change the hours they're gonna be going to the state so just some stuff for you to consider thank you thank [Applause] you David Schultz 2014 Oakhurst Parkway Oakhurst New Jersey uh my notes aren't really very consistent here but I do have some observations uh one of them is the witness from if you could call him a witness from resource engineering was not qualified to make a presentation he wasn't sworn in as a witness neither am I neither is Mr Maza Morino so this really doesn't uh make the grade for a public hearing you're just giving us an opportunity to speak now uh to me this this layout of this project really looks like a single stream recycling transfer station now the picture we saw with uh a few people with a conveyor belt with different bins that didn't look like they're sorting construction debris not to me now Mr Maza he uh alluded that the county is going to regulate this the DP is going to regulate this now the township doesn't have any authority to approve this that Authority comes from the county freeh holders Commissioners through this Solid Waste advisory committee you don't have any power to Zone it you don't have any power to approve it you just interjected yourselves into a lawsuit uh thinking that you're going to benefit and apparently the benefits are mostly monetary so you interjected yourself into a lawsuit to try to shake these people down now another uh point that I would like to make is uh back in 2017 uh I had looked at the proposal of the project and came to a meeting here went to a meeting there and I was looking at the uh the property ownership uh information the taxes were in AAR for years now I don't know if they still are but I would think that we would want to know if they're paying their taxes or not uh another uh thing that I can't make any sense out of we don't know who resource engineering is we don't know if they are qualified to operate a solid waste Transfer Station what is their background we have no idea what their background is are they qualified to do this so uh I have one more uh point I see that the uh there's a freight line I believe in close proximity to the site uh I'm thinking that possibly they might look for a rail spur going in here someday that could possibly increase the tonnage now Mr Maza alluded to uh the tonnage and number of trucks presented and it did really Mak sense now I went through it a different way I div divided 1,500 tons per day by 80 and I came up with 18.75 tons so if you're going to use those numbers you're going to have an average of 18 tons on a truck well you can't really go much higher than 18.75 five so if you're you know like you can only go what uh five and a qu tons more than 18.7 average Mr mail ludes typical contractors are bringing two or three tons in like you're going to regulate this so each truck needs to have at least 16 tons like basically I think that's how you're going to work it out uh you need some uh like if you're really going to go through this Shakedown of the owners for this proposal you know for all this money I think that they really need to uh post a bond with the township thank you your time has ended okay thank you very much thank you Tina smik 33 Charles Street Howell um I love how you wrapped this off in a big bow and said look we got a great thing going here what I want to know is what's in the developers agreement that you haven't told us has the council actually read the developers agreement the actual developers agreement not just this presentation and how has the council actually looked all the way back to 2007 of all the emails that went back and forth the emails from brick water asking about the contamination that might happen in the Waterway that's behind it that would affect ramtown residents and their their people that they Supply water to I'm asking you please take your time table this and make sure you have all the answers you need make sure you look at this agreement and because it's going to come back as a repercussion when it comes out because it eventually will come out and if there's something missing from it the residents answer to you we don't answer to the professionals you have to answer to us why this is happening this is not a right now we have a company here who didn't even respect residents enough to pay their taxes the first year they took over they were on a tax lean a year ago you don't pay taxes but now we're going to trust you to say this is what you're going to do for us you started out on a rocky road this property was sold for $3 million a year ago and here we are looking at a piece of property where they can't pay $111,000 a year taxes on which I don't know how it's that low so and yes it's nice that we're going to see a million dollars here but how much of this town are we going to sell off what about um what about our infrastructure when all these trucks ruin our roads or we have to make the roads wider because we didn't account for that how about look at the planning board they're going to make left turns out of there our planning board has talked to all these warehouses and if you go back and look at that there is no way for us to enforce turning left out of a structure or turning right out of a structure we don't have police to put there so who's going to enforce that these trucks are going to go wherever they want to go to get to wherever they have to be the quickest they want to be we're not worried about asbest or anything else well you know what we weren't worried about a bomb either and one showed up there what two years ago so things happen we really need to protect the residents and the people around this area I don't know if is good or not I haven't had enough time to go through it to be honest with you it might be a great idea but right now you're telling me if I had to make a decision I would table this because now is not the time to make a a quick decision so do your residents a favor and table this at least to another meeting please that's all I'm going to say about this one and please maybe what what which one of our professionals look do we have our own traffic study done here did our planner look at this um we're spending how much money have we spent on lawyers how many lawyers do we have now we have a manager that's a lawyer we have a full-time lawyer we have another lawyer doing HR who's getting harassment complaints at the police station from employees come on now and then we're going to tell us we have budget problems yes let's cut EMS who actually is there to help us and we have we're paying lawyers out the Wazoo that are getting complaints about harassment it's time to stop this this Council needs to step up I'm tired of coming here I'm watching you all sit there with d looking at residents not able to talk not able to com have a conversation with residents that's what we're here for we each I love this town i' I've been here a long time I love this town and you know as much as it is there's no communication there's no energy between Council and residents and everything else yes we all have our friends I think everybody is a great person on the side but we need pit bulls up here to protect the residents I don't need you to be my friend up there I'm not going to agree with you you're not going to agree with me I get that but let me tell you something there's people here are ems our police there's people here that protect us we're not protecting them we're not protecting the residents and you're not even communicating with the residents I'm tired I haven't been here for a year you know why why you're not going to answer a question for me I don't even know you don't even have a discussion with each other that we can listen to I want to know what you know how much of this agreement do you know have you read every part of it can you say without any doubt that this is the right thing to do because we only have one shot at this and you're the decision makers who's going to take that one shot so please take a step back let's discuss it again and just table it to the next meeting if they are such great neighbors and they want to they want to work with us then they're going to work with us and give us one more meeting to actually sit down and let the residents absorb this and see what's going on so that's my ask of you um real quick cap Captain going to um OEM I just want to know is that both a full-time position because it used to be a full-time OEM can I just have one second just to ask this your time has ended we have to be fair to everyone thank you you know this really should have been two separate meetings too many people have questions you're really cutting off residents from talking to you and you should want to talk to residents Joy good evening mayor and Council Joseph Della 41 Lions Court I want to First commend our Department of Public Works I thought they did an exceptional job with the first snow we've had in a few years so certainly kudos to the mayor and Council for uh your support of the DPW they did a great job on the EMS issue I was fortunate in the time I was mayor we created the pdms department to support our volunteers because it's very difficult to find volunteers I haven't heard any Buzz that the governing body has been considering eliminating uh that that unit as a function of our police department so I know rumors are usually referred to as unconfirmed lies I certainly going to give you the benefit of the doubt that whatever you're doing you're doing it uh with a comprehensive review and an analysis of the facts but for sure I know the entire Community applauds our police and certainly the EMS that is a part of that department they are absolutely exceptional on the issue tonight in the presentation that I heard look these are not easy issues right people who live close by aren't going to like it no one wants anything like like anything nowadays in their backyard and I respect every single person that had an opport opportunity to get up and speak their peace but I do think we need to do it as a community much more civil people shouting other people down when they're up here people shouting at you all the mayor included there's no there's no place for that so I I certainly hope that as a community we can debate these kinds of very controversial issues without calling each other names or shouting from the back that's not going to make the process any better all I know is of what I heard I heard a reference to we want you to be pitbulls up here I don't really I want you to be a pitbull I just want you to do what you think is right for the community and what I heard tonight at least the facts were that this can generate a million dollars in tax revenue I also feel it very disturbing when we get up and talk about who didn't or did pay their taxes from time to time there have been people in this town that have had a rough time paying their taxes this is a tough time to be in business the the Biden economy has ruined the economy and anyone that is in business knows that so somebody falls behind on their taxes I got to tell you I think we need to cut each other a break they have been members of this Council on both parties who have had issues so I think it's a little out of sorts to condemn someone because they might have been late in paying their taxes and I'm sure you've looked at that as a part of any Arrangement but of what I heard I certainly hope you're giving this every consideration of what I heard in the presentation there aren't materials that are going to be able to seep into the ground you're going to have the ability to do inspections from time to time on an unannounced basis and the town will hold the mayor and Council accountable if this was to be passed to see to it that you absolutely do those kinds of things to protect the people of Howell Township and a million doar in Revenue at a time where we need to improve our infrastructure we need to pay our police and all of our Township employees of fair wage we need to pave the roads we need to fix the plows on the front of the trucks where is this money going to come from are we going to exclusively depend on residential taxpayers to foot the bill so I'm simply asking you to understand and I think you know this in the spot you're in half the people are going to like this plan and half the people aren't your job is to be able to do what you think is right that will impact all 50 plus thousand people not just the ones that are here tonight like myself or the people that might be home these are not easy issues but it appears to me that you've got the facts there was another comment made about you threw yourselves inside this Law Firm to or this this this litigation to shake somebody down I'm glad you did because in 2007 there were many people who were here that said you should stop what might be happening you were criticized then quite frankly when you're in a governing body if you walked on water you'd be criticized because they'd say you didn't know how to swim that sort of comes with the territory but I'm glad that you introduced yourself to this process because to the extent that there is litigation and a judge or others could Sumer decide our outcome and I know this still might have to be approved by the county and the state from what I heard tonight at least you would have done your very best to see to it we got the best deal for Howell Township from a traffic perspective from an environmental perspective and from a financial perspective because if you sat back and didn't do anything and maybe let the Court decide who knows what the outcome would have been so I'm concerned time has ended about the climate I hope you all do your role to help improve that and I appreciate your consideration thank [Applause] you good evening hi Betty valet gimbal 97 Victory Road of course I'm here to thank you very much for ordinance 02401 to rezone AR6 I cannot tell you how happy I am and how grateful we all are on Victory Road as well as the Howell residence I'm sure I'm a little bit confused by the gentleman's comments um if the privatization of EMS is a rumor then why are they all here tonight good question I don't understand so um but if the rumor if it is a rumor then I apologize but I would still like to share my comments regarding these fine people I would like to request the council's support in maintaining the current EMS Outsourcing is very concerning with such a sensitive situation there's a level of Disconnect and you know there's no guarantee in a response time with Outsourcing um housing our own EMS it increases the accountability and awareness there's a great a greater management team and an employee buyin they're dedicated and we're better better satisfied stakeholders thank God I have not needed their services um as of yet but if I do I would want someone who is dedicated to how residents and has a love for this town so Outsourcing again is a huge concern and I would appreciate you again if it's not a rumor um please continue to support them have a good evening thank [Applause] you I don't see anybody standing is there anyone else that wants to come up and speak as I see no one I would okay can I com one turn Miss dixel you've had your five minutes we're going to stick to meeting protocol you can have five minutes but you cannot seed your five minutes to anyone that's against meeting Protocol no you cannot I are we closing public comment is he coming up may I Jerry are you coming up or no no okay so at at this point I would take a motion okay oh you got to come up don't scream from the back all right there are two of you running to the chase here Jerry come on please I live in a Villages your address please uh 628 pza Victoria thank you I live in The Villages and the EMS knows where where everybody is if you going to privatize that they'll never find anybody thank [Applause] you hey good evening good evening uh mayor Burger it's nice to see you again hi John Smith uh 113 White Street um the only thing that I would like to point out is that if you do privatize EMS um currently as I understand it the township EMS does not balance bill and if you privatize it or put it out for bid or or whatever the terminology you want to use if they do balance bill you are going to have residents like the gentleman before me who are going to get massive bills and they are going to come after you with torture and Pitch works so please if you're going to do this and I and I strongly strongly urge you not to do it these people are dedicated they've been here for a long time they know the town I don't know if many of you know that there's a h Road there's a Hal Court there's a h Lane and they are all in different parts of the township and if you go to the wrong one it's 15 minutes before you get the next one yeah so um yeah I just would like to say these people are dedicated and they deserve to stay here and keep their jobs and be treated like the professionals that they are thank you thank you for [Applause] that okay at this point I would like to clo a motion to close the public hearing section of the meeting motion to close may I have a second second all in favor I I thank you okay at this time can we can mayor can I I I think I've taken fairly good notes would you like me to try to respond and maybe everyone else can chip in as necessary uh yeah we all I think we all have questions so well do you want us to respond first yes please okay um and I didn't quite get everyone's name but I'll try all right um this lovely lady who spoke over here this young young lady whose name I didn't get I apologize was um asking questions or making comments about uh what happened in 2017 or 2018 um uh we're not here to to to address that one thing I just want I think it's important for everyone understand the township has no legal say as to whether or not the transfer station is built or not we don't have any say on that we can give our opinion but we don't have any kind of a a vote like a site plan approval for a planning board that's all if it's going to be built it's going to be have to be approved by swack the county uh Commissioners and the D that we have no say on that we we I shouldn't say we have no say we don't have an we don't have a right to deny it or approve it what's being discussed this evening is if it's approved by everybody else what's the best that the township can do for the township that's what this is about so if someone were to vote if someone on the council were to vote for instance and Fa of this what they're saying is if it gets approved by the state this is the deal we want for the township I just want everyone to understand that that whatever vote tonight is not to approve this transfer station okay I'm sorry somebody's trying to talk I didn't quite hear you um so the young lady who spoke here has talked about you know what happened back in 2017 2018 I did have these documents before I have had them in conjunction with the lawsuit that started after that one so I do have them and thank you but that's a different uh horse uh there was a question about um how to get how the trucks are going to get out of the site and go back to Route n and I'll leave that for some maybe one of the local uh people to indicate I think I understand it but I'm not sure the geography Joe or Matt one of you when they leave when they make a left-hand turn out of the parking area sure so I I'll defer Demand on that but I also want to underscore what Jerry's been saying so this this is a creature of state law and it it really exists at the D level they have ultimate authority over it so when we're finished here and assuming this gets approved the work for resource is really just starting they've got to go back to the Commissioners uh and then they've got to go to D so in addition to whatever sort of precautions we've baked into this settlement they're going to have to satisfy all the other regulations as well and we're going to be monitoring all of those applications throughout the process because some of those things are better dealt with in the context of those particular applications as opposed in to a settlement of litigation where some of it may end up being just guesswork so I did want to make sure that everybody was aware of that I think resource engineering could speak a little bit to the truck patterns as well but the position of the site on 547 which connects directly to 195 I believe is part of the big appeal um for the location any traffic that has to go north on Route 9 would be anticipated to be going to 195 and then taking the route 9 entrance from 195 this keeps the traffic on the county state and federal highways uh thank you mat the follow that up one gentleman said that they have a house where they live on Randol I believe if they live on Randol it's further to the right from this facility so if the if you have trucks coming out of the facility making a left and trucks coming into the facility off of uh Lakewood Road they're not going to go past that house that's the point of it um Laura White wanted a commented that she wanted to have the hearing continued we'll just go on with that uh Sher revas uh made some statements about lack of transp transparency and she talked about an efficiency study that is not really relevant tonight and uh M Miss White Excuse Me Miss Rivas in terms of transparent uh you may complain that you haven't seen the document this s the settle on agreement before and the reason is because only within the last few days were there a couple of minor changes to that agreement so we weren't able to send it out to everyone but I can assure you to respond to what someone else asked you've heard what's in that agreement nothing is being held back as was inferred by one of the one of the ladies who spoke you've heard it all um Steve Steve uh no can't you shouldn't do that if you want to speak you have to come up to the to I I am answering your questions we're done with public comment I am answering your answering your questions public comment has concluded at this time the professionals are answering the questions that were asked during public comment this is not a back and forth give the professionals the ability to answer your questions Mr uh Steve Marino um spoke about um Lakewood being noticed and that he had spoken to the mayor in Lakewood about it and and the mayor indicated that he wasn't um really aware of this uh I don't know if um the mayor is I know very very well but um it doesn't matter Lakewood has absolutely nothing to do with this application nothing from Lakewood will be deposited in this transfer station if it's approved because it's a violation of state law the transfer station people after spending millions of dollars to build it would potentially lose their D license if they violated that Ocean County won't allow it because Ocean County wants their stuff to go to their landfill in Manchester so Lakewoods IR relevant in terms of this transfer station and there's a document that was submitted which is part of referenced in the agreement by from the Ocean County uh County attorney confirming that nothing at from Ocean County would be allowed to go to this transfer station in in how Township if it's approved um Mr sprinkle Larry Sprinkle testified about I'm not sure what this about police assistance I don't think there was a question but um the left hand turns only out of the parking lot will be enforced just like every red light and every other stops sign Mr Dy if I could jump in on that one too um a lot of questions about the traffic study and updated traffic study there's a well-known um fact that the intersection doesn't function um it fails I think that everyone who gave testimony to that effect can agree um this project is proposing a new traffic light when you do a traffic study you're getting your warrants to see if signalization which is the ultimate fix is needed that's established that it is and it is proposed so the traffic situation will be greatly improved with the installation of that light the um woman who I missed the name who lives at 10 station Place uh who lives in the area I guess off to the left uh was indicated that she you know she lives in a residential area uh she was complaining about Saturday hours being four hours on on a Saturday that it would be open I'd remind all of you that the township residents have the right to take their debris and and this their kinds of stuff to the to this station and I don't know about everybody else but I usually do that kind of stuff on Saturdays not during the week so that's the reason it presumably would be open for four hours on Saturday and close I think at either noon or one o' um he also she also questioned who would monitor um the agreement well it's like every other agreement we have this is going to be enforced by a court order Not only would it be potentially a violation of the agreement it'll be a coni it'll be a violation of the order of from the judge and Freehold it presumably would also be a violation of the D permits and that is very significant because I said earlier these people are going to spend millions of dollars if they get approved they're not going to jeopardize that permit and those millions of dollars by allowing I don't know what different waste to come to the transfer station which they would beaing just to jump in quickly I will also underscore that baked into the settlement agreement are reporting requirements um for various yardages tonnages there's going to be documentation submitted quarterly with the host Community benefits we're entitled to all the information that the is getting from them so there'll be substantial documentary oversight in addition to our ability to go in and conduct audits um you that's going to be part of the agreement as well the same woman from T 10 station Place questioned uh what is the approximate million dollars per year of host Community benefits going to be used for let's get the bill let's see if it ever gets approved and ever gets built huh we we've had preliminary discussions about what obviously million dollars into the budget does um in one year is worth of million dollars you could repay all Randolph Road and redesign the other end of the intersection which we know is a little tricky with those couple turns with Oakland Brook and Randolph coming together in Lakewood Alwood that's just an example if you just want to put in a million dollars into the road program we normally try and hit about $4 million a year and that gets Us close to our 30-year average of replacing all all of our roads throw another million dollars and it's another 25% so it's 25% more roads uh more Paving and uh could be a big benefit that's just preliminary ideas and just kind of give you a scale of what that million dollars does but the end the possibilities are endless um that uh Pamela Hackett um asked for the vote to be delayed she also um spoke of the liquid potential of dumping I think I've answered that and she said that this location in the southern part of the county wouldn't be convenient to the rest of the county that's right this transfer station is going to assist and if it's ever approved is going to assist in minimizing Transportation costs and other kind of expenses for the towns in this area that's the reason somebody in the northern part of the county is not coming down here that doesn't make any sense but that's the and and for the same reason going to try to people well yeah I I understand that it's embarrassing and it's especially someone is a newspaper person it's very rude for him to do that isn't it so it's it would be totally inex totally very expensive for some one for for a truck to go from Howell to one of the other four transfer stations in the northern part of the county that's a terrible expense for the township DPW their trucks have to go up north why they can say here and all the communities around here would be saving a lot of costs and Manpower gasoline truck wear and tear Etc so yes that's right it won't be convenient for the people in the northern part of bom County that's the point it's it would be convenient and cost effective for the communities in this area uh there was also a question about the number of trucks quite a few times and Miss Hackett brought it up the agreement provides that right now you have about 50 trucks a day in and out right now what's there now will be a cut in half because it's the size of it is going to be about half of what it is now and it the the agreement says and the order will say that there will be an additional approximate 30 trucks that's what it says and that's what's going to be enforced so at most I know that there might have been some confusion maybe on my part I I apologize in terms of what the average was and all this kind of stuff yeah so we're we're anticipating I think based on what we've been told an average of 80 trucks per day which may fluctuate based on seasonal demands with brush and that kind of process the agreement provides and the order that enforces it would provid that there will be an average of approximately 80 trucks total per day right now there's 50 so we're talking about 30 more um I'll leave it to somebody else to comment what Mr Maza had to say I think it's always curious when you have a competitor come up and complain about the new project that might impede on his on his Pro but so be it um um Mr MAA commented about the number of trucks and how that didn't seem to um work out math wise I'll leave that for someone else to speak of uh Mr they won't stop talking will they is it rude if I could jump in um question about does uh laraby switch know about this we have had conversations with um uh jcpnl and a couple Representatives uh in First Energy about the development going on in the site they're very well aware of the project they did not tell us that there's any objections I think if we know anything about real estate especially in this part of town if they did they probably would have just bought the site um but uh we're not aware of any objections that uh I'd ask uh representatives from resource to talk a little bit um about where the trucks are going um where the waste goes after the fact um just as a point of reference that was one of the questions okay so you ought to get to the mic sir so if I may so are you completed no by answering the question answering okay no I'm not there's about four or five other people I'll for four the truck question can everyone hear me yes um the way that the NJ DP permit will be applied for and granted a facility like this has to provide the DP with predetermined truck routes to and from the facility that means that those truck routes need to be reviewed and approved by the state at that point in the application the township and um Mr Clark said this the township will have an engagement as part of that but um those truck routes will be predetermined and pre-approved at this point in time in the project since we are at its its infancy with the permitting process those routes have not been established but I will say that and um Mr Howard did comment on this very briefly the anticipation is that trucks towards Route 9 will be using 547 we predominantly be headed up 547 to 195 and if they needed to go to the route N9 Corridor it would be via 195 so I believe that answers the question Mr Ward while you're still there could you talk about the number of trucks and Mr Maza the competitor talked about three and a half ton trucks and how could it possibly be only 80 trips a day yeah the when I when there's a demolition of a house for example they use a 23 ton truck so although um as someone pointed out they're not going to all be that size and weight there'll be a mix but they're definitely going to trend on on the heavier side and that's that's how if um Mr MAA can get his calculator back out and do the math he might be able to figure that out um but that's how we got to that thank you um m hacket also uh wanted that's not nice Miss Miss Hackett also asked about whether the application if it's ever approved would that need to comply with the new storm water regulations which were adopted by the D in early 2022 and the answer is yes absolutely they'll have to comply with the storm water regulations which have been adopted about a year and a half ago and the Landscaping would comply with within the Township Code so that it would be properly buffered and sheltered as we talked about earlier Mr MAA we talked about okay Mr Schultz um asked about I have a note here about interjecting into the lawsuit or why we did that I guess maybe that's what it was we did it because we wanted to try to do the best we can for the township simple as that this applicant is going to go before the county and they're going to provide presumably uncontroverted evidence as to why this is needed and there's a good possibility that the Commissioners may agree with that thereafter they go to the D and they'll explain why for environmental purposes we need a transportation in the southern part of the county and this is a great spot the traffic will be good and the D might approve it and if it's approved by those agencies and we don't do do what we can to protect the citizens and try to recoup the costs that will just normally occur from a facility like this I don't think that this Council would be doing the best it can do they're not approving the transfer station what they're doing is trying to get the best deal they can for the taxpayers if it's approved if it's not approved we all go home uh here he also indicated and this is a very good question you want to know the qualifications of the people who would run the facility can someone talk about that on behalf of resource any prior experience or qualifications you might have in this type of Industry we have um Bernie guthers here from resource he's actually the corporate representative and he can address that thank you hi Bernie guthers uh so I've been working with this site uh from previous uh from previous ownership uh from approximately the past 8 10 years uh I've worked with the property throughout its uh D meetings throughout all of its swack um U meetings and ultimate vote uh through other uh other County meetings uh so I've I worked predominantly on site uh several days of the week I work with compliance with the D now since uh 200 16 thank you thank you [Music] um Tina I'm sorry I didn't get the last name um wanted to know if the council had read the agreement um I can assure you they've read the agreement more times than they want uh because we have been with them in many occasions of the settlement discussions they've read the agreement many times um She also asked how we're going to enforce the left turn out only from the parking lot it's going to be enforced by the police department just like every other stop sign and red light is in this town so um Mark and I'm sorry to get his last name uh wanted to know if the BPU was had been notified uh I don't think they have been I don't think they have to be so that's not a requirement in any sense but if they have to be both the county and the DP will require that they be notified they certainly have to don't have to be notified at this level of the discussions um and he wanted to know where Lakewood would be taking its waste lakew was going to take its waste where it always takes his waste to the manfi Manchester Township landfill and Manchester Township and he also complained about the lawers getting too much money I I've never heard that complaint before but thank you Mark uh okay um I think he also asked about the type of trucks they've answered that and about some open D violations that we're not familiar with but if there are the D certainly knows where they are and they can take care of that um a woman named Betty testified a good-looking guy named Jerry testified and John Smith but they all testified with regard to the EMS issues and I didn't really hear any questions from them about what we hear about tonight and Mr Della testified and suggested that people be civil and not talk when other people are talking um I think I hit everybody who testified or who spoke and if I missed anybody I apologize not to say you missed anybody but just a couple um other additions uh there's questions about contamination of nearby waterways um Pat do you want to explain just how the storm water regulations work and what laws you're bound to on the DP side yes so Mr Dy touched upon this um the D permit we're we're seeking is for is division of solid waste but with that um any discharge permits for storm water must be fully complied with and obtained um and as we have experience with the subject property now there is an enforcement mechanism D um that is relatively strong compared to other mechanisms at the D that can enforce their um their requirements for their discharge permits so storm order Management on this scale would qualify as a discharge permit with the D and we would have to fully comply with all their rules and requirements including pre-construction testing during construction testing and post construction testing so and then just a couple more items um questions about how we can manage the infrastructure uh I think the the installation of the traffic light is a perfect example of how the infrastructure is being improved approved I touched on it before with host Community benefits um that's really part of the purpose and I can tell you the million dollars is going to be a able to expand infrastructure improvements Beyond just the limits of the site and and the immediate area it's going to be a big benefit for the town um and we did check taxes are paid yeah I can uh I can verify that as of December we saw there was an AAR I reached out to Mr bolo and they were paid I have not checked today but I I believe they're current um and again just to amplify something that I was talking about this this is one piece of a much much bigger Longer process for them so if we vote on this and we approve the settlement tonight then we have the Township's part taken care of and then it'll be up to Jerry and Mr bolo to memorialize that in an order for the court so that the court will have some oversight over the settlement it also lets uh the county know that we've been able to achieve sort of a deal that we believe is suitable for it so that they can take action that they deem necessary on the application and then again the ultimate Authority is D I mean we all know how the rules and rs go with that and it's a nightmare and it's a lot of heavy lifting and it is by no means certain for them that they end up with an approval at the end of this whole process so here we are someone mentioned that Howell does not have control after the fact once it gets approved is that true well I'll tell you what we we've never had control over it right this is something that is carved out of land use so because of the nature of it because it's a state thing listen nobody would have a transfer station if it if it was up to Municipal control nobody would have a transfer station nobody would have anything so it removes our oversight and it places it with the county and ultimately with d so they have to go and apply for their class C C recycling permit now we'll monitor it and we're going to make sure that that is materially compliant with the terms of the agreement and doesn't differ in any real way from what our understanding is but I don't think D really would care one bit if we told them this is not a good deal for us I mean they have oversight over Statewide needs not local needs so we're taking care of Howell by looking at what we can do and the state will look at the bigger picture so but but mayor if I could answer your question more fully we do have control over what we agree with presumably tonight because it's going to be part of a court order and there are Provisions in this agreement that if for instance after all the approvals are obtained after they build the buildings they violate this agreement we have every right to go to court and get relief every right so and that that doesn't even talk about they might be putting their own DP license in Jeopardy but if they don't agree if they don't comply with what we've what we presumably are agreeing to which will be enforced by an order from the court that the agreement provides we can take whatever actions we need to of course they reach that agreement I'm again the hours of operation are we will we be in control of the hours of operation after it's fully built built or can they change the hours of operation if they go to the county or DP no they can't they presumably might I me I'm they can go to court and say judge we want to change the hours we'll be there contesting it the hours are are pretty normal the hours are I think 8 to 4 or 8 to 5 during the week 7 I think 7 to 3 7:00 and 4 hours on a Saturday so yeah I misunderstood your question we retain control over the settlement we don't seed control to any other entity as a result of that so it's this isn't a paper tiger we have the ability to control a great deal of the project through this settlement at this time and we control a lot of the financial aspects and the benefits to the town through it um that's a whole that's whole point of it and in terms of intervening in this lawsuit it's the reason we intervened I mean we're we have the ability to strike a deal that suits Howell because we're able to look at a micro level instead of a 50,000 foot view does that answer your question mayor yeah I just had a question for resource while we're talking about hours what are the current hours of operation with the existing mulching same so it is the same and that's being done Outdoors currently because there is no indoor facility thanks someone had questioned on the um hours during the on Saturdays but as I said earlier I mean the township residents will be allowed to bring their brush there for free well with due respect I live right by the police station and every Saturday morning it wakes me up so if this facility is open at 7:00 a.m. on a Saturday morning I mean noise is noise right let's be fair I just a moment on Saturday yeah May maintain but without all the trucks they have the 50 trucks a day doing outdoor mtch yeah anything else um it's here if you just give me a second go ahead I have a couple things says half day on Saturday Y correct um first off I want to say that how this meeting is run is at our Direction not theirs they follow our orders so the procedure that we follow has been established by us not that so I want to make that clear and as Mr dasty had stated I've read every part of that agreement more times than I care to uh and I completely agree with it and confident that it's the best deal that we can get uh the we all have notes up here too as you're asking questions we're writing it down to make sure that they're going to answer everything that you're saying I've just about crossed off most of mine uh the trucks have been addressed as far as size goes uh did anybody did anybody address the issue of the back taxes that was brought up we did we did they're current okay we know that how about the D violations that were brought up that the township doesn't have any jurisdiction over any violations of the state those are obviously state law violations if if they exist not Township ordinance or anything like that I imagine DP approval is included and they'll have to be in compliance to get that but Council I'm sure that sure that if if directed someone from the township can call the D tomorrow and find out what's going on and if so why are the violations still continuing that has nothing to do with this the thing that bothers me about all of this is that if we don't do a settlement we have no say in this stuff and the and from what I've I I've understand from Mr dasty is that the judge is starting to get a little impatient about this and where where sir and I'm going to say one last thing there's been some great points brought out tonight there's been some points that are the direct result of you believing what you're reading on social media okay I want you to understand that and that goes for the transfer station and that goes for the EMS too all right we have people out there that are Fe feeding you nonsense right I want you to understand that and that's all I'm going to say about it do you have anything to say about what's being discussed well I have a question but I have there a question about this go ahead yes uh according to the concept uh layout that's on the screen presently um how many trucks could queue until they reach their necessary um location to to unload approximately I realize some trucks are 20 ft some may be 28 ft but I mean I think that um there might be a misconception that trucks are piling up on the road correct yeah and it looks like there is also space within the project that could accommodate some trucks as well as when anything is built typically uh there is concern about the the roadway that's in front or adjacent to the location and they have the uh shoulder widened they have another Lane um this isn't the type of thing anywhere in hell where we have you know two lanes and no place for a car to go or a truck to go I me I mean there is safety issues which would say you know they can come off on the lane and wait they get into the project and they're queuing uh you know more than two trucks looks like they can get it that could be comfortable maybe 10 uh I'm guessing I'm just I want people to understand that this is not unlike other projects that considerations given to the adjacent roadways as well as the interior of the project so um trucks could be waiting inside correct yeah it's a very good question the um this facility you get weighed on a scale you dump you leave this is not a high queuing type of facility but I was just told that even if there were an instance where they're queuing they can queue up to 20 trucks on the site itself on the site itself so we do not anticipate any trucks on the roadways at all it's in Wade dump out how long do that process take five 10 minutes when these trucks are traveling if uh whatever you have in them will extend above the top they will be covered I don't I don't know the answer to that well that is the statute yeah I'm not a trucker I'm a lawyer but he he said that they will be covered okay yeah so you're saying it takes approximately 10 minutes to come in dump come in way dump and leave go ahead Bernie why don't you right so um as the trucks are coming in they are entering into that that first entry drive right over there they have the ability there's 20 to 25 trucks if at Max at that time can queue along that drive path that then comes along where the um lattice Tower and monop poles are for the jcpnl as they get weight in those stations where the right just the uh right in that area um they'll come in um their uh items their trucks will be weighed uh once they've moved that process they'll be backing into that indoor structure the 36,000 foot building where they will drop their their product um and then exit the site through that other terminus there they will be able to make the left turn back out to 547 um max I think that whole process should take uh maybe within 30 minutes uh 30 minutes not 10 minutes I thought the question so misunderstanding that first question of the actual way time but the whole process of the trucks coming in dumping their load inside the building and then exiting is that including the time that it takes them to pay as well so some um may be dealing on an account uh type uh basis uh but then they'll be they could either uh pay within the office or we'll have a a Billing System of uh directly to them thank you I don't think I've ever I I've served on planning and zoning and I've never heard of a uh an application ever come in that told me me that uh 25 trucks could be inside their location waiting uh not lining up down the road so so sizable the the initial design of this uh project as again that roadway that's coming in was was particularly designed to allow the trucks to queue on the property not on Randol road so as they come in there is not a regular Drive path if people are coming into the office there's that middle Drive path that allows people that are coming into the office but otherwise those trucks it's a two-lane road that's only going one way to the way scal I I just think the diagram uh doesn't do a service to the ability of the queuing and you know it's much more substantial than just looking at it you might think oh how how could that be you know where would they wait it's it's quite a you could see there that they are waiting on they're queuing on the property not on r hand off agreed I that's an excellent opportunity of good planning and uh that's certainly what would be needed there so I'm just to go back you're saying that it takes approximately 30 minutes for one truck to go through the process yeah so if there are 20 to 25 truck waiting so the whole process May more streamlined once trucks are coming in they're dumping and they're moving out it could be under that amount of time um and we're talking about a peak moment when we're getting in that many vehicles in there uh we're not anticipating that but the process could when items are coming in like that we'll have staff uh that'll be on site in order to handle any influx of additional material that is coming in at that time and the size of the trucks that are going from here with whatever debris they're bringing to another location so they'll be exiting at the end of the day this is that's not a part of that they'll be end exiting at the end of the day to a final destination okay at this point we I we don't know but they're not coming and going throughout the day thank you Joe I have I have one question for you uh technically this presentation that we put on tonight was done to inform the public but as it stood we really it wasn't necessary for us to do it or required no so you don't have to I think it's good Optics and I think it's good to give everybody an overview of it but again the the point of this meeting is for Council to transact business um and that's what we're here to do so you know I think it's it's always good with something that is a larger issue to to make the public aware but no there you guys are are the ones who ultimately vote on this the traffic currently at in the morning and in the afternoon is is horrific currently I live right there so to add all these additional trucks I I I think it's going to cause more issue in the area one two I don't see how I know mean no disrespect to my police department but they're not there every minute of every day he I I just was I'm sorry I'm confused you said you live down by Randolph Road no oh I thought I thought that's what you said by the light for the light no not on R off okay no I live off full Tavern I think a lot of the issue with the queuing right now with traffic is especially the left turn from Randolph onto 547 and that sometimes blocks your view of even being able to make that right turn the traffic light's going to assist with that the traffic light's going to be stopping traffic on 547 I mean there was president that spoke how it just zooms all day long at the end of Randolph Road and you never get a break the traffic light's going to put a red light there and it's going to give you a break so that traffic will have the opportunity to make a faster left an easier right and it's definitely an improvement and it is a fair assessment to your point that traffic there is difficult that's why it's a failed intersection I mean it fails there's warrants for the signalization of it and if they weren't doing it we would probably be looking at doing it very soon because it's a failed intersection may add to that can I piggy back on what Mr Clark just said um first of all we can't table this tomorrow the judge can make a decision and on her terms or his terms and then we'd have no say um you mentioned the traffic signal we found out by being here that a traffic signal costs over a million dollars so a resident had asked what would we do with this money a traffic Glide alone will cost the township a million dollars um we would be getting finally getting a traffic signal there correct correct okay um we want tax relief we need to generate Revenue we don't want warehouses I I'm I'm grateful for Betty you came up the residents of Victory Road finally realized we're on their side we don't want warehouses um but we have to be realistic we need to generate Revenue and like uh Mr dasty explained if we if we table this we will have no say and we will not be able to help how in in any way so we can't table this we have to do this um we want tax relief it's great to see this crowd I'd love to see this crowd go to the school board because that's where most of our taxes go um so we're trying to do our best here and for the residents who think we were just seeing this for the first time I can speak for a few of us here for several of us here we've been talking about this for months so it's almost offensive I'm not going to take it takes a lot to to offend me but we've been talking to Mr Clark Mr dasty Miss Harney Mr Howard we email We call we have meetings we talk um this we weren't just given this tonight so so please I hope the public I mean you guys elected us we take this job very seriously as far as the um the way the meetings run I'd like to add on to what councilman gager said from day one all five of us agreed that we need to bring we needed to bring dorum back to our our Township to our meetings and and I'm glad we recessed that was we needed to regroup and we understand the residents can be upset and have questions and we listen someone accused of looking like deer in headlights well we're looking at you we're listening to you we are taking notes and we make sure our professionals get back to you with answers um as far as the MS we don't know why you're here it's nice to see you um we want you here same with the police which is why we need to generate Revenue so we can keep you here and we do not want to balance Bill our residents we don't want that so again Facebook I'm I'm glad I have my flip phone people laugh at my flip phone but I can't do Facebook from my flip phone um it's it's not good um a resident very aggressive resident came out very angry tonight it's funny because councilman Gage and I took her to breakfast last year we are available to talk to you all the time um email us if we can't answer the question we Mr Clark Mr Howard can you guys answer this question please um we from day one um and I'm looking at councilman gager because he's he's the best at this um I mean councilwoman odonnell has been here for eight years uh Deputy Mayor Nel we we have made ourselves available on so many different levels so so please know that if if you didn't know that before um thank you I'll just jump in with uh what council Fisher was just saying if you want to have discussions with us and Converse and talk about issues for longer than your lotted 5 minutes email give us a call we'll set something up we'll meet in person we'll have these conversations with you but when you were at the meetings is to do business we can't have full-on discussions right now it's approaching 10:00 at night and we weren't going back and forth it was just everyone coming up making public comment so this isn't the time we're placed to have full-on discussions about every issue in town we have other time to to schedule you guys for that we have no problem meeting with residents or talking to them I also met with Miss Reas last year once you want to discuss an issue so like councilwoman Fischer said it's not right to pain us that we don't want to talk to the people we do but this isn't necessarily the time or the place to do it to to piggyback on uh councilwoman Fischer um just it might have gotten lost in the beginning of the presentation the default host Community benefit fee is 50 Cents we're at $5 it's 10 times so when we're talking $950,000 million dollar here and there take a zero off of that and have the same project built doesn't help us improve the infrastructure doesn't help us give property tax relief to the residents couple other things too we don't get the signal right so they'll pay their Pro rad a share for the new for the extra trucks that'll be put onto the street so guess who gets to foot that bill and two more things first somebody had asked about Captain Mazy o OEM part-time for now we're going to look to whether or not it warrants I don't think with the pandemic being over it's necessary to have a full-time OEM person but we will see how it it works out and in terms of EMS we are we can't talk about a lot of it but we are in negotiations with the Union representing our EMS um are we going out to bid we are always thinking about going out to bid if it benefits the taxpayers so there's the operative issue right will it benefit the taxpayers there's a lot of metrics built into it it's not just bottom line balance billing what's going to be the best financially we want to look at things like response time and anything else that we might be able to glean from looking at other towns that have gone out to bid it may not work it might but the one thing that we always do in every single bidding package is we reserve the right to reject every bid that comes in so there is always protection and there is always ways that we can work together and one of the ways we're doing that is we're meeting with the Union next week to continue our negotiations so there's nothing on the agenda genda for tonight there's nothing on the agenda for the future but is it something that could happen anything can happen it's just a question of what's best for the residents and the taxpayers it's tiresome to keep telling the audience it is not time to speak I I don't know how else we can say this it is not a back and forth right now our professionals and our governing body is speaking it is not time for residents to speak uh mayor if I could just say one more time and I I don't mean to beat this dead horse but but for the but I think the council's aware of this and I want to make sure the public is aware of it there's been questions tonight legitimate questions both from the public as well as Council about the concept queuing left-hand all that and it's all good questions but you're not voting tonight and you're never going to vote on whether there should be a transfer station here all you're voting on tonight is if they go through the county and get approved if they go to the D and get approved what's the best deal for the township that's all you're voting on assuming you vote Yes in favor of that resolution it doesn't mean you're voting for the transfer station but what you're doing is getting the best deal you can certainly better than what was being suggested uh six or seven years ago so that's something that everyone should keep in mind thank you okay do we want a motion to close to close the portion may I have a motion to close the I guess it's this section it's not public but it's our conversation can have a motion to close motion to close second all in favor I okay okay at this time I would like to have a motion on resolutions r24 -51 and it goes all the way down to 67 I respectfully request to uh vote separately on 6 62 and 67 sorry I just want to see 62 62 62 62 62 I had a question about that uh sure and just for everybody's knowledge we only need one uh member of the governing body to ask to vote on them separately so we will vote on those two items separately and not on the consent agenda um but if you have a question mayor our statute says that we are allowed three captains and at this point we have four we don't and I would like to know how why we are out of compliance mayor I believe you're talking about our our Township ordinance allowing Okay so uh our Township ordinance right now has three police captains right now we have three active and one um inactive police captain so for Staffing purposes right now we have an additional Captain who's an acting captain and I think now we move on to voting on the agenda with the a motion may I have a motion for resolutions are 51 through 61 excluding 62 63 to 66 excluding 67 I'd like to make a motion to accept resolutions R 2451 through r461 excluding R 2462 accepting r246 3 through r64 2466 excluding R 2467 thank you may have a second I would second that motion with um R 2460 inserting the name of Officer McBride thank you councilwoman fiser yes councilman gazer yes councilwoman odonnell yes Deputy Mayor Nell yes mayor burer yes thank you the consent resolution is passed may I have a motion for R 2462 like to make a motion to accept resolution R 2462 second councilwoman Fischer yes councilman gaser yes councilwoman odonnell yes Deputy Mayor Nell yes mayor burger no the resolution passes may I have a resolution for R 2467 like to make a motion to accept resolution R 2467 I'll second that motion Council fiser yes councilman gager yes councilwoman O'Donnell yes Deputy Mayor Nell yes mayor Burger thank you the consent resolution passes vote I didn't vote oh I'm sorry I thought you said I didn't vote okay Evelyn O'Donnell voted for me actually I presumed based on what you've said so you know I am voting now thank you the resolution passes yeah I didn't drink Bott all [Applause] right okay at this point Thank you at this point does is there any other comments needed from the professionals to be discussed at this point I think we've all said enough I think so um so at this point is there any unfinished business no ma'am I don't ordinances right yeah we have the introduction of ordinances uh but we don't have the adoption of any ordinances at this time so there is no unfinished business yeah we can go to the introdu so I would like to I'll read it uh ordinance 04-01 an ordinance of the township of Howell changing the zoning of certain properties within the township of how to zoning designation Special Economic Development one or sed1 and other properties to our agricultural rural Estate 6 A6 Zone may I have a motion I'll make a motion to adopt ordinance no to introduce I'm introdu I will make a motion to introduce ordinance 2401 second councilwoman Fischer yes councilman gager yes councilwoman odonnal yes Deputy Mayor Nell yes mayor Burger yes thank you the ordinance is properly introduced ordinance 0- 24-02 ordinance amending the chapter 131 of the Township Code Emergency Management to be consistent with the state statute how long has this been in existence before we made it consistent with the state statute uh our prior ordinance we had the ability to narrowly construe it now we are matching the state statute so I don't know how long it's been in effect it was legal before we're just matching it we're for word for what the state statute is now may I have a motion for 0 24-02 motion to introduce ordinance 2402 second councilwoman fiser yes councilman gayer yes councilwoman odonnell yes Deputy Mayor Nell yes mayor Burger yes thank you the ordinance is properly introduced um meeting dates uh February 6th uh 2024 at 5:00 p.m. there will be a reor excuse me 6 p.m. my hour a reorder of the council meeting no that's my error the next meeting is February 6th at 6 p.m that was my error I apologize off the okay February 6 yeah February 6 is our next schedule meeting at our 6 PM if there is executive and 7 for regular session thank you at this point um everybody have a wonderful evening motion to adjourn and I would take a thank you may I have a second second all in favor thank you February I'm --------- [Applause] h be [Music] star I can't even believe it's February I'm like yeah please don't say that I I took your C I'm just making a bunch of copies off the one that you left in there so yeah ready Jo ready all righty good evening everyone um it is January 16 2024 and we are at the Howell Council regular meeting I would like to call the meeting to order this meeting is being held in accordance with with public law 1975 chapter 231 open public meetings act adequate notice has been provided in the manner prescribed by law this agenda is complete to the extent known and formal action will be taken I'll begin with a roll call councilwoman Fischer here councilman gager here councilwoman odonnell here Deputy Mayor Nell here mayor Burger pres is there any reason for us to go into executive session this evening Mr Clark yes mayor we have uh legal settlement to discuss and various other May letters pertaining to property negotiations contract and attorney client thank you may I have a motion to go into executive motion to go into executive second councilman Fisher yes councilman gajer yes councilwoman O'Donnell yes Deputy Mayor Nell yes mayor Burger yes all right I'm going to getus now I'm after you all the time so now I have to remember oh I'm sure m we lost him did he lose where he is he to go you go did you get lost he was excited that did you get lost what are you doing this thank you for sharing all that information on the microphone Open my got to do what you got to do oh Goa I gotta I know they're coming all right good evening everyone I'm sorry that we're a couple minutes late please forgive us um I'd like to Recon the meeting today is January 16 2024 we just uh finished executive session so I would like to make uh have a motion to reconvene the meeting motion to reconvene second councilwoman fiser yes councilman gager yes councilwoman odonnell yes Deputy Mayor Nell yes mayor Burger yes thank you um can we please stand for a pledge of allegiance and then a moment of silence for our fallen hear I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you um at this time we have two presentations one Christal riddle um for ordinance 23-8 smoking enforcement update and opioid set settlement spending uh she's our alliance coordinator please come up love the hair thank you that's okay good evening everybody um I'm here I'm going to take a few minutes of your time for two important updates so I'm Christa riddle as you heard I'm the alliance coordinator um for those of you unfamiliar the how Alliance oversees substance use prevention and mental health awareness initiatives um and we do public education and collaboration you know and uh programs with the police department the schools and community members so first I'm going to present on the opioid settlement agreement funds report um um last time I reported was July 18th and what we do and how to provide transparency with the spending of the money that we're getting um I'm reporting to council and administration several times a year um Council Administration have the report but I'm just going to kind of go over it briefly so the public is aware of um the money coming in what we're doing with it and if anyone has any suggestions on the spending so um between my two reports I was actually proudly selected by New Jersey Department of Human Services as part of a three-person panel um I was the only Alliance coordinator Statewide to participate in the New Jersey League of municipalities on this um the funding I sat on the panel for the opioid abatement um State updates and ideas for subdivision spending it was a great honor that was in November um so related to this so some key stipulations of the opioid settlement agreement fund spending are all expend all expenditures must be compliant with the term set forth by the um National criteria and the state um particularly the schedule entitled approved uses so we have to make sure everything complies um we do a report annually by September 1st to the New Jersey Department of Human Services to um document our spending and money left over um and then there's another report due February 16th each year um and that is actually um for another opioid abatement trust um funds received will be paid annually through 2038 to all um municipalities and um counties that are participating um the Jansen settlement will pay annually through 2031 in differing amounts um this year since the last report um we've received $1 14,179 183 cents for the Jansen settlement $2,125 188 for the Maine settlement um and we received 9,484 38 for the note to which is a separate settlement um um see what else um the balance inh house opioid settlement agreement a fund account to date is $ 29,285 69 and we are projected in 2024 to receive 20 thou 27,25324 18192 for the Jansen settlement um unspent funds can be accumulated and carried year-over-year as long as we report um and there may be additional settlements coming our way as well as to the other um participating municipalities and the uh counties and States so our strategic plan in how to report at Council meetings on the settlement agreement so we are transparent with funding a lot of lives have been lost and families affected due to the opioid um crisis and so this way we are keeping everybody informed who has been affected um as to what we're doing with the money a lot of towns um may be misappropriating it and using it for things that aren't related so we want to make sure we are transparent in what we're doing um and spending it in ways that are fair to the people affected um we're implementing targeted effective and evidence-based opioid misuse and Abuse Prevention programs across Community populations from preschoolers through to our seniors um in collaboration with the school police and other organizations and Community Partnerships uh we work with the H police to assist populations vulnerable to substance use and mental health issues with consideration to the link between substance use disorders and criminal activity and recidivism um we are also working with how public schools and the how high school to reach students and parents for prevention and life skills programs without the Partnerships it would be impossible for us to implement programs and have people come and attend them um and then we collaborate with Community organizations and professionals to implement in-house Alliance prevention programs tailored to our community and the specific needs here that we get through data um recent collaborative projects we've done with our funding we finished the Vape detector installations in the middle school and high school bathrooms um we we funded Kevin Brooks just wiggle your to decisionmaking and substance use prevention presentation at how high school um we do mental health support warnings actions and resources Community presentations we did one for September is suicide prevention month um tackling opioids through prevention is um we did student Club presentations at how high school to let young athletes know the dangers of um you know taking opioids and alternatives to that um hidden in plain site we put together a parent and staff education kit with vaping and um substance use paraphernalia to familiarize School staff and parents with what things look like today because it can be pretty tricky to identify um we bought throw in no Substance Abuse Prevention interactive activity balls for middle schools and for community events and we are putting out flyers on Super Bowl Sunday through the pizzas to give um substance use and mental health resour ources to people in the community that may need it when they pick up their order or it's delivered to the house they'll have that flyer and I do want to give a shout out to the three pizeria is willing to participate which are Caprices red moon and cores so we appreciate their support um and quickly future projects we are planning with the funding in Howell we want to implement and provide botvin life skills training parent program which is evidence-based to all um preschool parents once the prek program is at CAPA University capacity and up and running um that'll give us a pipeline to the parents and help people learn how to parent you know these days um Implement further how Police Department collaborative projects to reach atrisk populations um and you know there we would be addressing substance use and mental health and the link with um criminal activity um and also we're providing Naran um to followup calls for um overdoses at the house afterward we want to expand our project medicine drop and other existing prevention projects to limit access to um unused medications which is often uh the first time that people will misuse opioids and then also to bring some 12-step support programs into Howell we don't believe we have any here so we'd like to encourage um 12-step programs to um come in such as um Alcoholics Anonymous Narcotics Anonymous and codependent Anonymous to help our residents have easy access to these programs um and then just quickly um we have updated um our smoking ordinance in how it is entitled smoking and public public places electronic smoking device use and sales and tobacco sales the ordinance um was adopted by Council in April and we are starting enforcement this month so I want people to be aware of what that means um we did this to address the youth vaping epidemic and the illegal sale of flavored products and underage sales flavored um ecigarette products all of them have been banned federally and at the state level uh they were banned in New Jersey in April of 2020 so we're making sure stores are compliant they are everywhere um and our job is going to be to you know weed that out um because that's how youth get started with a lifetime um addiction to nicotine it's usually flavored um ecigarette products um we're going to be enforcing smoking on public property and in public places no matter what is being smoked it doesn't matter if it's an electronic cigarette traditional combustible cigarette marijuana tobacco whatever it is it won't be sent out for testing if you're smoking in public places um that are delineated in the ordinance um there will be violations um and then we are requiring our ecigarette retail licensers in um our ret ecigarette retailers to have a license um as of this year so it's an annual license they have to apply for it's $1,000 and they have to um have that license to sell any kind of ecigarette products so um just to give you an idea of the fines smoking on public property $250 $250 for the first offense 500 for the second offense and and a thousand for third and subsequent offenses um if someone completes a nicotine and tobacco recovery program at the discretion of judge Clark the first fine may be waved the first time to encourage people to get um a smoking cessation program under their belt um police and Code Enforcement Officers will start um going around to the ecigarette um retailers and it will be selling products to people under 21 selling any kind of flavored products um and not having a license the fines are for the retailers $11,000 for the first offense 1,500 for the second offense $2,000 for third and subsequent offenses um any establishment with two violations a year or five total violations is subject to permanent license revocation by Council vote um and just in general um you know as we said be as I said before all flavored products are banned so that's going to be the main focus of this for our youth so I appreciate everyone's time and thank you thank you thank you Christa our second presentation is from on the resource engineering settlement be mayor did you want me to start with this do you want me to start mayor yes please okay thank you thanks um my name is Jerry dasty I'm a special special I'm a litigation attorney representing the township on special matters and I along with our administrator and Matt kill and your in-house attorney have been um involved with negotiations with the potential developer of a transfer station uh in town and I want to try to give you first a little bit of History history and then um we'll explain how what this means to the Township in terms of what we believe to be a uh a good benefit and then the representatives of the developer are here to show you what it's going to look like I think they have a PowerPoint demonstration to show you uh this started back in 2017 or 2018 when the a transfer station was being proposed by this developer on the same property where it's now presumably going to be Lo located I went through a series of uh public hearings negotiations and now eventually litigation whereby the developers sued the county uh freeholders and the mammoth County swack which is a solid waste advisory commission every county has an advisory commission which makes usually makes recommendations on these types of facilities to the Freeholder board or commissioners uh originally Howell Township was not part of that lawsuit um we had to file a motion to intervene because we wanted to be part of that lawsuit we wanted to make certain that if something were to occur it would be in terms of construction it would be in the best interest of the town the taxpayers and the people who live near this facility um you're going to uh we've been going through rather intense negotiations and settlement discussions for a little over a year and we think we're ready now to present to the to the council and to the public uh what we H believe is a good settlement for the township uh and keep in mind this if we don't resolve this to our satisfaction that doesn't mean it goes away the developer still makes application to the county and there thereafter the D to get a transfer station and if they're successful if they can show that there's a need for it in this part of the county and they're approved that approval might be without all of what we believe to be the positive benefits for the township so um you're going to see and and and Joe Clark your administrator will go over more of the financial benefits to the town but you're going to see that there would be a proposed uh re uh transfer station which is not a dump this will not involve any household standard garbage nothing that would purify nothing that would degrade it's going to be what we call T type 13 uh waste which is concrete which is building materials that kind of thing that would be inside a fully enclosed building when the trucks come they go into the building they dump it in the building and they leave uh so everything will be inside uh there will be also a an office accompanying uh the transfer station but only used for the transfer station and won't be rented out to any third party for the office the building would be constructed according to the upgraded storm water regulations which are required by the D it would be properly landscaped pursuant to the Township Code so that we think it'll be sufficiently buffered and sheltered um we've gone through like I said earlier quite a long settlement discussions we have what I think is a 12 or 13 page uh agreement which if the township Council agrees to it this evening uh it will become a court order and it will be enforced assuming that we are able to achieve that tonight it's not over but we would still be interested in the applications made by the developer to swack to the Commissioners and to the DP to make sure that what we've agreed to is part of that application and nothing would waver from what we're what the settlement that we expect to receive um Joe do you want to take it from there in terms of the financial uh yeah sure we we can skip over the background because we've just kind of gone through most of that so we can take a look at the 2018 um sort of proposal versus what we have now in 2023 after as Jerry said a year in negotiations so I'm I'm also going to point out that in 2018 we had a very different development landscape in front of us this was at a time when there was a million square feet of Warehouse proposed for a parcel on uh Randolph Road which was right down the street from there which was going to substantially add a number of trucks to the overall project uh that has since gone away and the zoning has since changed so we are in a position now where we're able to more accurately account for and agree to certain things that have been presented to us so in 2018 we had less control over the project we were looking the representation from what I've been able to see was there there would be approximately 150 trucks per day in addition to trucks from other proposed development in the surrounding area which would have been substantial uh it was anticipated that approximately 15 00 tons of type 13 and 13 C material would be processed on site daily some of the material might be coming from ajoining municipalities outside of Monmouth uh resource would signalize the intersection at 547 and Randolph at their own cost they would pay howl 50 cents a ton under state law per ton for type 13 and 13c um as a what's called in the law a host Community benefit and the total host Community benefit under the 2018 proposal would be approximately $215,000 a year under the 2023 settlement um we have gotten very granular with what we're looking at so for example the transfer station building is approximately 36,000 Square ft so we have control over the size resource will construct approximately 8,000 square ft of off office space on the site for its own use um this is similar to the previous proposal but the office space will be used solely for resources operations it won't be let sublet or otherwise vade available to any other businesses the pro uh the project is anticipated to generate an average of 80 truck trips an average of 80 truck trips per day which is an increase of 30 from the current average of 50 um the project will only handle type 13 and 13c waste as those terms are defined in the NJ admin code and if you look there you will see that it includes household appliances uh and construction debris it does not include food scrap waste pressible materials anything that's capable of rotting the type of thing that you might consider uh that would end up in a landfill typically and stink up the joint so all trucks carrying 13 and 13c solid waste will load and unload inside the building so there will be no outside loading or unloading of trucks except for the mulch processing portion of the facility that currently operates we see it when we pass by it on Randolph Road they're currently processing approximately 68,000 tons of um brush and tops oil and all of that right now the wood recycling portion of the facility will be trimmed back and it's only going to handle the following type 23 materials as that's defined in the edmin code which will be stumps branches and brush they will reduce the processing of those stumps branches and brush to 50% of its current level yardages will be reported annually by resource to the township no material will be accepted from Ocean County or municipalities excuse me within ocean County the project won't process any other type of solid waste which includes food stuffs normal household trash any pressible material Asbestos and the like the project will uh be open 5 and a half days a week Monday through Saturday uh it'll be Friday from 700 a.m. to 300 p.m. half day Saturday resources agreed to install an appropriate underground filtration system to handle storm water and other liquid generated by the project they will signalize the intersection at 547 in Randolph the traffic signal will be completed prior to the project accepting any of the Class C recyclables Class C recyclables again being the type 13 and 13c waste next page resource will pay the township a host Community benefit fee of $5 per ton uh of material processed at the project which is 10 times higher than previously prop proposed so we've gone from 50 cents a ton to $5 a ton that fee shall increase 2% per year adjusted on January 1st for as long as the project is in operation under state law the host Community benefit is paid quarterly um resource anticipates an average of approximately 680 tons a day this is less than what was originally anticipated in 2018 it equates to a tonnage of approximately 196,000 a year and so the total anticipated host Community benefit will jump from 214 215,000 to about $ 950,000 payable to the Township in addition the uh the waste transfer station will be taxed uh its normal valuation for the tax assessor the resource shall submit tonnage reports to the township with each quarterly payment and all other materials required by D as part of its reporting requirements we have the right to conduct an audit of resources tonage reports upon 10 days written notice to them um from the date that they begin construction of the project until we issue a CO resource has agreed to accept brush waste from the township at a 50 % discount off of resources current published rates as another benefit to howl after we issue a CO for the project resource has agreed to accept 1,000 tons of our type 13 and 13c waste that we may get at our U bulk pickup and drop off in addition to 5,000 tons of brush each year from the township free of charge as a benefit to Howell this is anticip ated to save us approximately $80 to $100,000 per year at current prices um they've agreed again not to accept type 13 or 13 C materials from Ocean County um they will contribute $50,000 to the Township's open space fund uh which we will use in a manner consistent with the fund's purpose it's going to be paid in five payments over a five Monon period after the co for the station is issued um we happen to own a parcel of land that is sort of locked within resources broader parcel so we will talk to them uh whether or not they may be interested in acquiring that lot and if so whether or not it is permissible under state law it looks like we are able to do a private sale of that parcel because it satisfies some of the various requirements next page access to and from the project will be achieved primarily through the use of Route 9 547 and 195 uh resource has agreed that truck traffic will be required to exit left out of the project so that trucks reach 547 quickly at the signalized intersection and then can proceed out of howl expeditiously uh the township again will monitor resources applications to swack County Commissioners and de EP we reserve the right to object to them if the project presented to any of those entities differs materially from that which we envision in the settlement and then in the event that resource breaches the agreement the township is entitled to exercise any and all rights and remedies that may be available inequity which means injunctive relief or under the laws of the state of New Jersey so that is the project in a nutshell and as envisioned in this agreement we it's better for the township and its taxpayers because among other things it obviously greatly enhances the host Community benefit it signalizes a busy intersection which is approximately a million dollars it minimizes the negative impact by P uh processing uh only non-pc waste so you're not going to get that rotten odor it does not substantially add to vehicle transits once upon a time I think there was some notion that there was going to be 5 00 trucks or more a day on site we now know that that actual number is going to be substantially lower it assists in recycling type 13 and 13c waste and puts it back into infrastructure projects I'm sure resource will point out that the global demand for that type of reprocessed waste is skyrocketing it's in a non-residential area we have more control over the project uh given the terms of the agreement it enhances our rable base and it represents an overall more beneficial Endeavor to the township than the prior project so that that is where we are um at this point then we can bring up resources PowerPoint and they can go through their materials thank you thank you very much um my name is Frank folo I'm with the law firm of sales com and gross I am the attorney for resource recycling um after looking at those settlement terms I'm lucky I still have a job um I do want to thank you for your patience and your focus on this um this has been a uh from my my perspective a fiveyear but even longer um process and I believe that the settlement um terms that you've just seen uh strikes a really nice balance and provides uh how with the benefit uh a lot of benefits and it also finally allows us to move forward hopefully with this project as Mr dasty and Mr Clark said we do have um further steps to take uh swack the county and then finally D um but we are very um we look forward to working hand inand as you heard you'll continue to be involved in this process as we move forward um and so to get you acclimated with the project give you an overview how the thing works we have with us this evening Pat Ward he's from Insight engineering I'm going to let him come up here and he'll walk you through the project thank you all right good evening everybody my name is Patrick Ward I'm with the firm Insight Engineering in Wall Township New Jersey what I want to do is just um in a very simple manner kind of walk the council through the site what we're proposing um show some images of uh you know what what we anticipate the facility to look like and then how it fits in with this part parcel and then the neighborhood can you hear me now thank you so what you see here is a relatively recent aerial um this is from September of 23 um and the site is 34 Randolph Road which was uh identified from the the Professionals of the township so as you could see here off to the West you have 547 and randolphs on the North End we're in a section of town that's in the you know uh non-residential s Zone where you have a variety of uses but you have a substation to our South um the million square feet that uh Mr Clark referenced is off which is not proceeding is off to the east there and then on the North side you have some industrial and light industrial uses so you know in some we feel that this is an an appropriate location for this type of facility and it's it's also um as I'll mentioned a convenient location so um if you can go to the next slide so just an overview of what is a trans for station again I want to focus on that that we are you know taking in construction debris or bulky waste that's the the main point of this it's it collects debris from smaller Point sources which you know construction sites um properties you know generated by contractors and homeowners and we transport it in bulk in larger trucks to final disposal sites wherever that may be depending on the type of waste transportations are an integral part of the waste stream you know in General it reduces the cost of transporting waste reduces fuel consumption in turn minimizing carbon footprint and vehicle maintenance costs it produces less overall traffic air emission and Road Weare our type of facility will be a material recovery facility sometimes you'll hear that is called a murf and it's an advanced transfer facility that has the capability to recycle debris as it comes in so really it's a recycling transfer station we're going to intercept construction demolition material before it reaches its ultimate end game which could be a landfill or a dump next slide this is a very simple slide here identifying the operation really showing everybody what this will look like this is all internal to the building now I want to stress that as well so you know smaller trucks will bring waste from a point source and we'll tip it which is you know item one up there onto the floor of this building item two is it'll be sorted by you know uh equipment into areas within the building and then part three here is actual sorting whether it's by mechanical or hand means once the material is sorted by type of material it gets loaded into a larger truck from what it which it arrived and that goes to the ultimate end location for whatever it may be um you know whether it's wood concrete or any other material go to the next slide please again I you know we started with the aerial and why here and this was touched upon by uh the township we have access to main roads 195 547 and Route 9 and um resource has agreed you know left only out of the site I'll show you what that looks like on the next slide but um this allows us to the access the main roads and keeps the trucks that were mentioned off of local roads the site today is a wood recycling facility I'm sure many of you are aware of that um that was very evident in the aerial that I showed you you know very much most of the site is being used as a wood recycling facility so that that has an advantage in that we're really really expanding and developing upon a current use we are in the S Zone which identified the uses that surround us and like I said this we feel this is a convenient and appropriate location at the southern end of Mammoth County next slide please this is a concept layout plan that we we colorized um this has been unchanged through the duration of the project from when we first were in front of the solid waste advisory Council the I'll call it the the the reddish brown area to the West that will be the what is will remain of the Class B recycling facility and you can see there circulation roads and and really the stockpile areas there um it it's not un you know unlike what exists today but again in a much reduced footprint and then off to the east is where the new development is and this is where all all those external operations that exist today will be internalized so we have a 36,000 square foot facility building right in the middle the office building is off to the right of that and then there's a gate house and scale house so what you see here is the main entrance is Northwest of the main building and we have a long queuing Lane to keep the trucks off of Randolph Road as they're coming in to be uh you know uh weighed into the site and um we feel that this site layout will accommodate the agreement that's been um settled with the township um and again it we feel it fits in with the type of development that would follow uh in the area you know in accordance with the municipal land use law um and then next slide please this is a 3D rendering that was prepared uh at the onset of the project again trying to give you an A View From You Know isometric view from up in the air across the street you can see the larger facility building 36,000 sare ft you could see the off the office complex there there's off street parking for uh workers and any visitors if there are any and then we feel that there's um adequate circulation through the site um and just to you know again reiterate that from here there is a process ahead of you know seeking approval from the solid waste advisory C uh Council of Mammoth County and then going to the uh njd for an approval to actually um approve this type of project and with that there are all of the applicable rules and regulations of the state including storm water management and any um discharges must be complied with state regulations so um that's really you know very simple presentation that I wanted to touch upon so I appreciate everyone's time and the opportunity to do it thank you and and that's all we have this evening members of council again thank you very much for the time and uh all your efforts we believe this is a win-win uh for Howell and and my clients and uh we do appreciate it so thank you thank you very much for your presentation um I'm going to do it a little differently I'm going to say ask any anybody if you have any questions regarding this project because we have outside Council here so I would like you to come up if you want to make a comment or you have a question could I have a motion mayor let's open public comment and and then I want to close it when this is done so that the uh officials can give a report because it's probably going to represent things that are already on the agenda am I correct what yeah we're we just so everybody's clear we're going to do one public comment session so but if we if you have public comments about the resource engineering settlement uh I'd request you guys come up first so we can uh answer those and in as much as we can once comment is over and then we will continue public comment for anything else not relating to the sett be happy I'll tell you that each person shall first give their name and address to the clerk the council should be addressed as a collective body and not as individual members each person shall have one turn to address the council and comment shall not exceed a total of five minutes speakers shall be notified when their time has run and no time extensions shall be permitted may I make a motion to open to public I second all in favor do you have a magnifying glass I can use anybody my magnifying glass is back on my chair yeah all right my name is Barbara dixel Village's H Township I'm not going to address your project you're finishing but I'm going I want to put something on the record going oh thank you going back going back to 2017 that this was done in on the cloak of secrecy and whatever you want to call it in the back room CLA French was retiring she was the how she was the clerk of MMO County her family owns this project her family owned the property of this tra was treetment plant so unknown to the council because this never came to the council to how Township Council people one of which is dead you can't dig them up the other one's still around wrote the letter to swack offering this waste treatment plant and having some kind of an agreement with them and signed by Jeffrey Mayfield the township manager when this came out there was discussion on it and this these official signed letterhead documents were taken out of H Township and delivered to my mailbox so I have them and I've had them since 2017 so I want this on the record so Mr dassy I will give you a copy if you want it yeah I do have oh you have these oh yes this wonderful stuff so like I said I just want this on the record and I don't know what you're going to do about it but whatever as you know how Township I I can't even I'm sorry I'm I'm legally blind and I have my immacula is getting much worse so all I can do just tell you whatever you do with this please I am begging you do not destroy the lives of these poor people who live in Ram town with with anything and when this project originally came up they were going to have 4 or 500 trucks a day please people people have to live people have a right to live and don't let any waste treatment plant destroy their lives that's all I ask and like I said anybody else from this neighborhood who wants a copy of this nonsense I'll be glad to give it to you thank you thank you by the way it's also my opinion uh Deputy Mayor O'Donnell you did sign the disclaimer uh at at when it was presented to the council so it's also my opinion if you vote on this tonight you have a conflict of interest all right if you come up to here hi hi I'm Linda LaVine 67 Lane p on Road in Howell I just have a couple questions um I don't know who to address this to how are the trucks going to get to Route n how are the trucks going to get to route nine Miss LaVine please use your whole allotment and we'll answer questions at the end so it's not going to be back and forth oh okay and also I mean what my concern is I we live pretty much across the street on the other side of squankum and and um the road is terrible it's a two-lane Highway with no shoulder and a lot of traffic um just putting a light in is really it's it's a little it's much better that intersection really needs a light but on my corner where Alexander comes in there's accidents there all the time so if those trucks are going to go down Alexander to Route 9 that's going to be a horror plus that's a residential area so I'm just curious as to how the trucks are going to get to Route 9 and how is 547 going to be adapted to handle all this traffic okay that's it thank you okay please I don't think I can give you the Geography about it so oh could we just answer the question and go to the next one we'll go through public comments because that way if there's repetitive questions we'll know it and we'll just answer them all at once good evening council members and guests my name is Lawrence white I reside at 15 renway folks uh I'm relatively new to this Township but I have been doing my homework about this project and I gotta say I don't really have a lot to talk about this evening because the information has only been given to us this evening for the first time and so with respect I would ask that this continue and that we continue to receive information and get our questions answered and I ask that this be tabled till the next council meeting for a vote so that the citizens of this Township have the time and ability in order to absorb this information and to instruct their elected officials about how they should vote on this matter thank you very [Applause] much good evening my name is Sher re revas I live at thorth court sorry my name is Sher revas and I live at three Hearth Court I was not planning to speak this evening but I am absolutely frustrated and angry um I have a lot of concerns about the lack of transparency in the how Township government I am wondering who is running this town when the mayor just said I would like the opportunity for people to ask questions and get answers from the people who are sitting here and when someone asks a legitimate question and would an answer is told no you we're not giving you answers right now we're taking all of public comment and then going to answer the person who was standing here may have had a follow-up question based on the answer to the question why do we continue to allow the people sitting over here to manage what you are doing and what you think is in the best interest of the [Applause] town I am asking the members of the council to make a change starting tonight bring back transparency are you here for the people of the how for the community to do in the best interest of the town the tax papers taxpayers and the people who live near the location which is how you started saying this agreement was for if that's the truth where is the document 12 to 13 pages and I'm trusting that you pulled out the information first of all I couldn't even see the information people had to take pictures to pull it up bigger on their cell phone so that they could read it couldn't see it went through it so quickly I have really not much information but thank you for putting in there that I should reference njac 7 colon 26-2 colon 33g because I'm am I supposed to do that while I'm sitting here in the meeting and miss the rest of what you're saying you want the town you want the community to come here and support what you're doing you don't give us the information to review it before the meeting oh but guess what the resolution R 2467 on your agenda it's in the consent agenda resolutions so you you knew when the agenda was written that you were already consenting oh but you had an executive section session at 6:00 reviewing this it says on your agenda you reviewed update on resource engineering but you are you guys already knew you were consenting to it so everyone who stands up here is wasting their breath so if I could just make a point of clarification if they let you I don't know mayor thank you um I think I might be able to speak now since everybody is here um the consent agenda is put together as an a you know you obviously you know but we any one of us can pull out any item on that and I did intend to pull this out so thank you mayor so it's not just this project where there's a lack of transparency I agree with what was said the 12 or 13 page agreement it should be given to the community to review so that we can see what questions do we have because I have no questions I did not wasn't able to process the information on a couple points on a slideshow it's not the only place I pulled up I saw ambulances outside I see our em EMT members here but where did I hear about something for EMT oh that was on Facebook Facebook I heard that the EMT were going to privatize the EMT and how where is the communication from the council to the community and what do I need to just like look at every agenda to see where is this going to come up how are we talking about privatizing anything inh how when we still haven't been able to review the efficiency study that we gave $108,000 to the government strategy group to do an efficiency study to see where the town could save money where is that when are we being given it that's a question I would like answered what's the date that the community will be able to see the efficiency study and will that occur before you start cutting the EMT and privatizing agencies in our town because I know something if I want someone coming to my house to take care of myself or my family I want it somebody who knows how and somebody that knows the community thank you your time has ended thank you good evening mayor and council members in our administrative team good evening my name is Steve Morino 39-year resident 51 peachstone Road uh I was here in 2017 when this came up when it was discussed uh it was objected to then uh this evening I saw I guess a 10 or 15 minute presentation by these gentlemen on what this project is uh I'll go on a record and tell you I've run projects 50 million square F feet and more so I have a lot of questions but I haven't seen this project other than what I couldn't see from the back because the font size is so small I don't know what this project really consists of in this short presentation that was done I listen to the gentleman over there that says this is the best thing since sliced bread it may be I don't know okay so based on the present presentation this evening I'm going to ask you to delay the vote on this because nobody in this audience could absolutely comprehend what this project consists of and if it's so good for Howell you should have this on the front page of the Asbury Park Press so everybody could come here and Accolade you for doing a fine job and this gentleman's going to save us a fortune okay I I heard him before tell us about these wonderful projects okay traffic is going to be a problem even though our experts tell us traffic's no problem well look at Fairfield Road where the warehouse is that didn't even open yet they told us the storm water would be no problem well the last rain we had you could float to Queen Mary over there okay you really need to look at these projects and let the public digest what it is okay you have your area of expertise there's people back here that have an area expertise that far exceeds some of ours okay let the township give you input okay this project could be the best thing since slic bread I don't know based on this presentation I heard Mr Clark say how we're going to save all this money well God help us maybe we could save the EMT project the EMS program with it I don't know maybe but I don't know what the project is in the short presentation he said it's 13 pages long I didn't even see 13 Pages up here okay so again I'd like to see the 133-page project negotiation that took place for over a year and this is the first we're hearing about it okay a lot of people didn't hear about it today I made a personal phone call I called the mayor of Lakewood Ray Kohl's him and I had a conversation today okay I know him from when I ran for the Senate and we had a conversation I asked him what his input was on this he said he wasn't even aware of it he thought this project was dead in the water that was his words dead in the water he said he would call his manager and find out he said he spoke to him five or six times in the morning prior to my conversation and nothing like this was mentioned so did we give the adjoining town the courtesy of knowing that this was going to be passed and voted on this evening and that this project is such a great project okay he reminded me that Lakewood is looking to put in a temporary waste transfer station that would only house stuff overnight and then it would be taken off site okay so he says by D regulation he can't send stuff here okay they make it sound like we're not going to allow them the D won't allow it okay it's nothing that they're doing okay it's the law so again I asked this Council to provide the public with all the documents so that we could review them and see what they're all about and maybe I'll come here and tell you yeah this a great thing let's do it or maybe I'll come here and tell you you must have blinders on okay or you're being sold a bill of goods by a bunch of carpet baggers okay so we need to understand what the project is now it's my understanding I have time to talk about the EMS program at a second bite of the Apple here no you uh or am I doing everything here mayor you can make that decision you know even Mr Clark he's not the he doesn't get I would like to end this conversation because we have Council here so they can leave I agree with you 100% that's why I'd like to come back at a second by to Apple and talk about I have no problem with that study that was done that I haven't seen yet and about problem EMT so thank you very much so I would suggest that you ask your fellow council members mayor I'm sorry I would ask I would suggest that you ask your fellow council members what they're willing to do in terms of having a second uh bite at the Apple for everybody so did you you and listen to two different or four different conversations well you only had a minute something left I would he I didn't nobody stopped anybody I would have let him go for the five minutes and then he would have been done can't hear you I would have let him continue for the five minutes and then he would have been done nobody stopped him mayor um just so everybody in the room is clear on our public comment section let me just go over it so there's no misunderstanding it I'm going to keep going over it because maybe not everybody in the room knows what it is so I would request everybody be quiet as I'm speaking our public comment is five minutes for each person nobody has the ability to extend it or shorten it that way everybody gets equal treatment and gets what they need to say typically we try to answer we're we're over here taking notes and writing down your questions we try to address those questions following public comment if the council wants to extend public comment give people additional time it would have to be across the board for everybody so not one party gets one preference over somebody else so if we're going to do that it should be a vote amongst Council to do that um right now we've asked that it's our typical public comment we've asked that if you're asking questions about the settlement to come up first so we can address those questions and then we would continue public comment um but now there's been the question posed do you want to allow public comment people come up more than once so that's in front of you for our policy is to allow it once if you want to deviate from that policy there should be a vote I'd call on a vote two separate items on the agenda people I'm going to ask the audience not to interject when the council is speaking I again I'm going to ask the audience audience to stop speaking when the council is speaking so we don't shout from the audience that's why so we are talking right now the time to come up is when you're at the podium and you can speak if you're going to shout from the audience then we'll have you removed if you don't like that I don't particularly care the point of these meetings is for the council to transact business that is absolutely the function of a public meeting meeting the fact that it is open for public comment is also a function of the open public meetings law we don't dictate the terms of that state law does everybody here gets five minutes everybody can speak on whatever subject that they think is of interest to the community so we are not restricting it in any way Mr Marino you want to come up here and talk about EMS come up here and talk about EMS whatever you want to talk about you can talk about you have a minute left go for it you run the counil he runs the council obviously state law runs the council Morino pach Stone Road you people again have no say whatsoever you're letting this carpet bagger run the show here it's time we stop this nonsense stop you I want to explain something you can explain all you want after my minutes up okay it's my combat right now I was so I'm going to call for so let's talk about EMS all right we're not going to save any people's lives by cutting the budget of EMS can I can I just call for a recess for two minutes please certainly you may please so take some time compose yourself and we'll come back I don't need to compose myself you should compose yourself I call for recess I the you El by has anything to say [Applause] as if I was making millions know ch better [Applause] [Applause] job give e [Music] e [Applause] another [Applause] SP you know I don't no yeah [Music] I 10 [Music] so and I don't know where e I so [Applause] yeah for is AG [Music] on for to hand [Applause] excuse me we would like to um reconvene so what time is it just to make sure 8:24 that we're reconvening okay so we're going back to the um the open public hearing portion of the meeting we've agreed because it's a very long meeting that will have five minutes and you could speak whatever is on your mind at those five minutes and then we will respond to those questions so Mr Molino if you would please come back I'm going to just say Gentlemen please it's a family show okay again I'm going to go on record and say it's unfair to the public to talk about three major topics that I want to talk about when we're having a presentation about one specific project that's very important and is going to be here for the next 25 or 35 years impacting the residents of house and I think you folks should allow the public to get some more information and I understand it's a settlement agreement I just spoke to the attorney however it looks like it's very underhanded the way it's being done that being said I wanted to talk about the EMS situation I don't believe we should Outsource it I've used the EMS in this community in the past it's excellent It's Superior to anything I've seen I used to work in a hospital for 25 years I've seen private companies come and go with ambulances okay I've seen some of the people who claim they're medical experts on ambulances okay I forewarn you this is not a good Solution by bringing in a private outside company or going with the county I understand the county bought a bunch of extra ambulances and they're looking to put them somewhere okay we have an excellent program here excellent okay and I don't think the taxpayers would appreciate you're saving a couple of bucks at the risk of their lives because I don't believe a company coming in here is going to provide the services I wanted to talk about the uh efficiency study but now I don't have time to talk about it so that's a travesty by itself the money we spent on an efficiency study that this man won't show us is a travesty and we're going to hold you people [Applause] responsible please come up PR scared good evening everybody my name is Larry zwickle I live at 89 Randolph Road I'm part of that residential part that nobody knows about I actually live there I can't get out on my road now I can't get out of my driveway I can't get to 547 how are all those trucks going to get in and out without police assistance has anyone done a recent study of the traffic I I haven't heard of any I believe I'm just a Layman here but I believe the traffic has quadrupled or maybe quind druple I don't know five times since 2017 18 20 and uh I just you know I'm not poo pooing anything I just want to know what's going on with the traffic my quality of life is affected by everyday traffic on Randol Road they talked about that trucking company and that trucking company that's not going to go in there and the traffic that was coming everyone talks about traffic but randoff Road doesn't produce any traffic it's all the cut through traffic that is the traffic now you can't stop that but it's there all day long long and on Fridays when you're trying to get out on 5:47 we have an exodus from Lakewood going north 547 is a all day long I don't believe that has been taken into consideration and that's all I got to say is there's got to be a new traffic study before you all just say this is fine and dandy because right now it's not fine and dandy thank you for your time thank you God bless [Applause] Joan de Leo 10 station place um if you look at the first aerial view slide you can see that there is a residential neighborhood located around the corner from the proposed transfer station my home is located in that neighborhood so even though it was referred to as being placed in a non-residential area there is very close proximity to residential areas there um as far as traffic goes route 547 as previously mentioned is one lane in each Direction there are no shoulders on which dis disabled Vehicles can pull over 3 weeks ago coming home from work late at night there's a tractor trailer disabled on 547 so cars had to alternate to try and get around it so when you see what the traffic looks like on a daily basis there's there's nowhere for anybody to go if something happens to one of these trucks um as far as the existing traffic they just completed a high density housing unit in um or project in Lakewood just over the overpass so just south of May about 600 units are there which are now being inhabited that's aiding traffic and directly across the street from this proposed site for the uh resource engineering there's a warehouse currently being constructed so I don't know what the traffic is going to be for that but that also has to be considered um in the presentation we saw a rendering of the process and it's it's going to be fully enclosed but I could see when the trucks are dumping the bay door is open so to me that's not fully enclosed because that's still going to be noise and dust and debris being released into the air across the street from where I live or around the corner from where I live um also I see that there are Saturday hours that are proposed right now the only respit we have from the traffic on 547 is on Saturdays where we don't have the trucks J breaking or what whatever they do when they're coming down the road or backing up you can hear trucks backing up that's the only day that we have any quiet and now that's going to be taken away from us um next I would like to know who's going to be monitor monitoring what actually gets processed we're told what's going to be processed in there that there's not going to be any asbest or other harmful materials but is that just honor System like how are we actually going to know what's going on in there uh next it says that the community will greatly benefit we're going to receive these host Community benefits what are those funds you're marked for like is that just going into a general fund or are you going to be able to erect some kind of noise deterrence for anybody who's living around there but it's going to it's Community benefit but the people who are really going to be feeling the effects of this are everyone up and down 547 on Oakland Road or larby Boulevard or Alexander where these trucks are going to be trying to get to Route n and then the people who actually have to live there listening to what's going on across the street so I I just wanted to comment on that and then I wanted to say that in the presentation um the attorney for resource engineering said that they felt it was a convenient and appropriate area because it was not in a residential area but if you lived in my house you would feel much differently because we're right there um and I would appreciate if this is we have another meeting to discuss this because like everyone else mentioned this we just saw this for the first time so in order to really absorb and digest the information that was given to us um I would like to request additional additional time and present additional questions or comments thank you thank you good evening everyone uh my name is Paige hackit I live at 578 Newton's Corner Road um first I just wanted to Echo what everyone has said already about uh allowing the public time to review the um proposed amendment I mean um proposed settlement and um uh delay the vote uh I want to Echo what everyone has said about uh releasing the efficiency study and um um what everyone else has said about EMS um I don't need to to dwell on any of those um but I do want to give you guys a hand and uh applaud the proposed ordin uh zoning change for Victory Road that's on the agenda for tonight so thank you very much for that um I do have some questions just First Impressions from what I was allow uh what I was able to um Garner from the presentation um how do you intend to stop Ocean County from dumping this is I'm sorry from uh bringing the bringing their their waste to this uh facility uh it is very close to the oan County border um and I don't really really um I don't buy the um the line that this is a great location for Mammoth County it's the bottom of Mammoth County so it is not um convenient for most of Mammoth County to get to it um the uh another question I have is I would like clarification on the number of trucks that will be coming to the facility the what I was able to read on the PowerPoint said said that there was originally going to be 150 trucks per day which will be down to 80 trucks per day which is 30 more trucks per day than the average number of trucks at 50 trucks per day I it's was extremely confusing can you please clarify that is it 50 trucks currently and then there's going to be 80 additional trucks or there's going to be 30 additional trucks which is more than the average of 50 trucks please uh clarify that for for us um um the storm water on the facility is that with current D regulations or the recommended State D regulations I only know about this because I've sat in on so many Victory Road presentations about storm water so I would like uh clarification on the storm water um and uh also um the traffic study um the uh resident who just spoke uh requested an updated traffic study I think that's an extremely great idea um as many of you know uh I'm sure you all know uh our Howell Boe has just um proposed rebanding the schools and redistricting Town um neighborhoods in town so the um Locust Avenue uh and uh Oakland neighborhoods are going to be bused to ramtown now um possibly buses more buses than normal coming down Victor down Randolph Road which is already a throughway for that area of town going to Middle School South so we'll be having possibly increased busing on that route in addition to the yet to be completed Warehouse um which will all be great reasons to uh update the traffic study on this project and that's it thank you thank you good evening Mark pry 2 Castle Court I want to thank uh the Professionals for coming here tonight to give this presentation on this project um just a couple things first I just want to start off sometimes I'm critical but having read the litigation documents and what was originally proposed back you know several years ago and what they've laid put forward tonight it does look markedly improved and I'm pleased to see see that I still have some concerns that I just wanted to address uh first um and I know that I emailed with Miss Harney about this I would have been nice if the settlement agreement had been made public so that we can see exactly what the terms of the agreement are and then marry that with the information that were being given tonight and then maybe had a week to kind of digest it and understand it and you guys could put it on the township website so members of the public that weren't here tonight could see it and understand it and maybe come back and ask some questions um I I think that would have been a little bit more transparent with the public um I understand you know maybe you guys are up against the clock with with the litigation uh perhaps maybe a special meeting could have been held for this meeting uh presentation tonight so that the you know like a workshop meeting where the public could have had an opportunity to engage a little bit more with the representatives from resource engineering and our own professionals but here we are um so uh I got a bunch of questions uh I know that they're not going to be answered right now as I'm up here but I'll just ask them um um I I know that this property is located right next to the uh larby uh substation that is part of the tri collector solution as anyone uh notified BPU about the possible expansion of this um recycling facility and what are the regulations regarding having a utility use like the tri collector how they're going to expand it for you know offshore wind uh with a solid waste facility so maybe our professionals could speak to that and if BPU has been involved and they're on board with uh the expansion of this recycling facility um if the lawsuit itself said that this uh project was necessary because of the building boom in Lakewood and that they were going to be um handling Lake uh construction waste from from Lakewood but now we're being told that that's not going to be the case and the were court documents that talked about how uh Ocean County uh their landfill permits and DP regulation didn't allow for the waste from Ocean County to be brought into um Mammoth County and particularly this facility and how so if if this if this location is not going to be accepting waste from from Ocean County or Lakewood what is the purpose of having it in the southernmost part of of howl and not more centrally located within you know Mammoth County and then I guess the next question is that the waste is coming in and then it's going to be sorted and that's going to be exported where is the waste being exported to is it going to the mammoth County landfill or is it going to be exported out of state so maybe if you guys could answer that because then we get an idea of which directions the trucks are going to be going I want to talk Qui uh quickly about uh the number of trucks you're saying that it's going to be 80 trucks is that 80 trucks in and 80 trucks out or 40 in 40 out 80 total um you talk about how it's capped at 680 tons uh of material per day if you divide that by 80 trucks that's 8 and a half tons what kind of trucks do you anticipate are going to be bringing in the waste because most of those dump trucks are three and a half ton trucks and if you divide 680 by 3 and a half you're looking at around 190 trucks so if you could maybe just speak to what types of vehicles are going to be bringing in the the the waste uh maybe we can get a better idea because to me the math doesn't really make sense and then with that said you bring it in the waste what kinds of trucks are we going to be seeing as far as leaving the site where is are they going to be the same siiz trucks are they going to be larger trucks so uh I think there's some clarity near on that because the the math doesn't make sense to me but maybe I'm I'm missing something um the other question is could uh the professionals talk about are there any open D violations because I had the opportunity to go on some website and uh State website and look and I saw that there was a number of open violations on this particular property now it's not to suggest that they're not going to come into compliance at some point in the future but it does concern me that you have you know people that are going to be coming to our town to operate a facility and currently there are pending open violations with the D so you know I I just think that we need to be a little cautious about you know who's going to be coming a how to do business and whether or not they're you know currently compliant with the you know state regulations so those are my questions I appreciate your answers in advance thank you please hello I'm Dominic Maza I'm not a resident of Howell I'm uh someone from the industry and I just heard some uh facts tonight that didn't quite make sense to me and I want to make the council aware um and I would ask the questions of their professionals I've operated at transfer station for 20 years I know know the average inbound truck is 3 and2 tons so I was sping the mark earlier that comes out to 194 inbound trucks trip wise that's almost 400 trucks that doesn't count the outbound trucks leaving materials have to leave the facility whether it's recycled material as mulch or it's debris I can't figure out how you're getting 80 trucks a day um so I would definitely push them for that answer Max truck can hold 24 tons without going over 80,000 lb so they're assuming every single truck is coming in maxed doesn't even make sense because your Township trucks are going to be dumping for free and your Township trucks go look I'm sure they carry one to two tons so that's something to look into just something else to warn the council about once you approve this settlement it's going to go to the county it's going to go to the state and all the regulations are going to be going through either the county or the state them saying they're not going to take material from Ocean County there's federal laws there's waste flow laws that doesn't mean anything to say they're not going to take material from mocean County it can change in a second uh they're hours 7 to three I've changed my hours and again they're not coming in front of you to change the hours they're going to be going to the state so just some stuff for you to consider thank you thank [Applause] you David Schultz 2014 Oakhurst Parkway Oakhurst New Jersey uh my notes aren't really very consistent here but I do have some observations uh one of them is the witness from if you could call him a witness from resource engineering was not qualified to make a presentation he wasn't sworn in as a witness neither am I neither is Mr Maza Morino so this really doesn't uh make the grade for a public hearing you're just giving us an opportunity to speak now uh to me this this layout of this project really looks like a single stream recycling transfer station now the picture we saw with the a few people with a conveyor belt with different bins that didn't look like they're sorting construction debris not to me now Mr Maza he uh alluded that the county is going to regulate this the D is going to regulate this now the township doesn't have any authority to approve this that Authority comes from the County freeholders Commissioners through this Solid Waste advisory committee you don't have any power to Zone it you don't have any power to approve it you just interjected yourselves into a lawsuit uh thinking that you're going to benefit and apparently the benefits are mostly monetary so you interjected yourself into a lawsuit to try to shake these people down now another uh point that I would like to make is uh back in 2017 uh I had looked at the proposal of the project and came to a meeting here went to a meeting there and I was looking at the uh the property ownership uh information the taxes were in AAR for years now I don't know if they still are but I would think that we would want to know if they're paying their taxes or not uh another uh thing that I can't make any sense out of we don't know who resource engineering is we don't know if they are qualified to operate a solid waste Transfer Station what is their background we have no idea what their background is are they qualified to do this so uh I have one more uh point I see that the uh there's a freight line I believe in close proximity to the site uh I'm thinking that possibly they might look for a rail spur going in here someday that could possibly increase the tonnage now Mr Maza alluded to uh the tonage and number of trucks presented and it didn't really make sense now I went through it a different way I dived 1,500 tons per day by 8 80 and I came up with 18.75 tons so if you're going to use those numbers you're going to have an average of 18 tons on a truck well you can't really go much higher than 18.75 so if you're you know like you can only go what uh 5 and a/4 tons more than 18 .7 average Mr Mao alludes typical contractors are bringing two or three tons in like you're going to regulate this so each truck needs to have at least 16 tons like basically I think that's how you're going to work it out uh you need some uh like if you're really going to go through this Shakedown of the OWN ERS for this proposal you know for all this money I think that they really need to uh post a bond with the township thank you your time has ended okay thank you very much thank you Tina smik 33 Charles Street Howell um I love how you wrapped this off in a big bow and said look we got a great thing going here what I want to know is what's in the developers agreement that you haven't told us has the council actually read the developers agreement the actual developers agreement not just this presentation and how has the council actually looked all the way back to 2017 of all the emails that went back and forth the emails from brick waterer asking about the contamination that might happen in the Waterway that's behind it that would affect ramtown residents and their their people that they Supply water to I'm asking you please take your time table this and make sure you have all the answers you need make sure you look at this agreement and because it's going to come back as a repercussion when it comes out because it eventually will come out and if there's something missing from it the residents answer to you we don't answer to the professionals you have to answer to us why this is happening this is not a right now we have a company here who didn't even resp expect residents enough to pay their taxes the first year they took over they were on a tax lean a year ago you don't pay taxes but now we're going to trust you to say this is what you're going to do for us you started out on a rocky road this property was sold for $3 million a year ago and here we are looking at a piece of property where they can't pay $111,000 a year taxes on which I don't know how it's that low so and yes it's nice that we're going to see a million dollars here but how much this town are we going to sell off what about um what about our infrastructure when all these trucks ruin our roads or we have to make the roads wider because we didn't account for that how about look at the planning board they're going to make left turns out of there our planning board has talked to all these warehouses and if you go back and look at that there is no way for us to enforce turning left out of a structure or turning right out of a structure we don't have police to put there so who's going to enfor force that these trucks are going to go wherever they want to go to get to wherever they have to be the quickest they want to be we're not worried about asbest or anything else well you know what we weren't worried about a bomb either and one showed up there what two years ago so things happen we really need to protect the residents and the people around this area I don't know if this is good or not I haven't had enough time to go through it to be honest with you it might be a great idea but right now you're telling me if I had to make a decision I would table this because now is not the time to make a a quick decision so do your residents a favor and table this at least to another meeting please that's all I'm going to say about this one and please maybe what what which one of our professionals looked do we have our own traffic study done here did our planner look at this um we're spending how much money have we spent on lawyers how many lawyers do we have now we have a manager that's a lawyer we have a full-time lawyer we have another lawyer doing HR who's getting harassment complaints at the police station from employees come on now and then we're going to tell us we have budget problems yes let's cut EMS who actually is there to help us and we have we're paying lawyers out the Wazoo that are getting complaints about harassment it's time to stop this this Council needs to step up I'm tired of coming here I'm watching you all sit there with d eyes looking at residents not able to talk not able to com have a conversation with residents that's what we're here for we each I love this town i' I've been here a long time I love this town and you know as much as it is there's no communication there's no energy between Council and residents and everything else yes we all have our friends I think everybody is a great person on the side but we need pit bulls up here to protect the residents I don't need you to be my friend up there I'm not going to agree with you you're not going to agree with me I get that but let me tell you something there's people here our EMS our police there's people here that protect us we're not protecting them we're not protecting the residents and you're not even communicating with the residents I'm tired I haven't been here for a year you know why why you're not going to answer a question for me I don't even know you don't even have a discussion with each other that we can listen to I want to know what you know how much of this agreement do you know have you read every part of it can you say without any doubt that this is the right thing to do cuz we only have one shot at this and you're the decision makers who's going to take that one shot so please take a step back let's discuss it again and just table it to the next meeting if they are such great neighbors and they want to they want to work with us then they're going to work with us and give us one more meeting to actually sit down and let the residents absorb this and see what's going on so that's my ask of you um real quick cap Captain going to um OEM I just want to know is that both a full-time position cuz it used to be a full-time OEM and it we have to be fair to everyone thank you you know this really should have been two separate meetings too many people have questions you're really cutting off residents from talking to you and you should want to talk to [Applause] Residents Joy good evening mayor and Council uh Jo Joseph debella 41 Lions Court I want to First commend our Department of Public Works I thought they did an exceptional job with the first snow we've had in a few years so certainly kudos to the mayor and councel for uh your support of the DPW they did a great job on the EMS issue I was fortunate in the time I was mayor we created the pay EMS Department to support our volunteers because it's very difficult to find volunteers I haven't heard any Buzz that the Govern in body has been considering eliminating uh that that unit as a function of our police department so I know rumors are usually referred to as unconfirmed lies I certainly going to give you the benefit of the doubt that whatever you're doing you're doing it uh with a comprehensive review and an analysis of the facts but for sure I know the entire Community applauds our police and certainly the EMS that is a part of that department they are absolutely exceptional on the issue tonight in the presentation that I heard look these are not easy issues right people who live close by aren't going to like it no one wants anything like like anything nowadays in their backyard and I respect every single person that had an opportunity to get up and speak their peace but I do think we need to do it as a community much more civil people shouting other people down when they're up here people shouting at you all the mayor included there's no there's no place for that so I I certainly hope that as a community we can debate these kinds of very controversial issues without calling each other names or shouting from the back that's not going to make the process any better all I know is of what I heard I heard a reference to we want you to be pitbulls up here I don't I want you to be a pitbull I just want you to do what you think is right for the community and what I heard tonight at least the fact tax or that this can generate a million dollars in tax revenue I also feel it very disturbing when we get up and talk about who didn't or did pay their taxes from time to time there have been people in this town that have had a rough time paying their taxes this is a tough time to be in business the Biden economy has ruined the economy and anyone that is in business knows that so somebody falls behind on their taxes I got to tell you I think we need to cut each other a break there have been members of this Council on both parties who have had issues so I think it's a little out of sorts to condemn someone because they might have been late in paying their taxes and I'm sure you've looked at that as a part of any Arrangement but of what I heard I certainly hope you're giving this every consideration of what I heard in the presentation there aren't materials that are going to be able to seep into the ground you're going to have the ability to do inspections from time to time on an unannounced basis and the town will hold the mayor and Council accountable if this was to be passed to see to it that you absolutely do those kinds of things to protect the people of Howell Township and a million dollars in Revenue at a time where we need to improve our infrastructure we need to pay our police and all of our Township employees a fair wage we need to pave the roads we need to fix the plows on the front of the trucks where is this money going to come from are we going to exclusively depend on residential taxpayers to foot the bill so I'm simply asking you to understand and I think you know this in the spot you're in half the people are going to like this plan and half the people aren't your job is to be able to do what you think is right that will impact all 50 plus thousand people not just the ones that are here tonight like myself or the people that might be home these are not easy issues but it appears to me that you've got the facts there was another comment made about you threw yourselves inside this Law Firm to or this this this litigation to shake somebody down I'm glad you did because in 2007 there were many people who were here that said you should stop what might be happening you were criticized then quite frankly when you're in a governing body if you walked on water you'd be criticized because they'd say you didn't know how to swim that sort of comes with the territory but I'm glad that you introduced yourself to this process because to the extent that there is litigation and a judge or others could suilysin perspective and from a financial perspective because if you sat back and didn't do anything and maybe let the Court decide who knows what the outcome would have been so I'm concerned your time has ended about the climate I hope you all do your role to help improve that and I appreciate your consideration thank [Applause] you good evening hi Betty valet gimbal 97 Victory Road of course I'm here to thank you very much for ordinance 02401 to rezone AR6 I cannot tell you how happy I am and how grateful we all are on Victory Road as well as the Howell residents I'm sure I'm a little bit confused by the gentleman's comments um if the privatization of EMS is a rumor then why are they all here tonight good question I don't understand so um but if the rumor if it is a rumor then I apologize but I would still like to share my comments regarding these fine people I would like to request the counil support in maintaining the current EMS Outsourcing is very concerning with such a sensitive situation there's a level of Disconnect and you know there's no guarantee in a response time with Outsourcing um housing our own EMS it increases the accountability and awareness there's a greater greater management team and an employee buyin they're dedicated and we're better better satisfied stakeholders thank God I have not needed their services um as of yet but if if I do I would want someone who is dedicated to how residence and has a love for this town so out sourcing again is a huge concern and I would appreciate you again if it's not a rumor um please continue to support them have a good evening thank [Applause] you I don't see anybody standing is there anyone else that wants to come up and speak as I see no one I would okay one turn Miss dixel you've had your five minutes we're gonna stick to meeting protocol you can have five minutes but you cannot seed your five minutes to anyone that's against meeting Protocol no you cannot I are we closing public comment is he coming up mayor I Jerry are you coming up or no okay so at this point I would take a motion thing okay oh you got to come up don't scream from the back all right there are two of you running to the chase here Jerry come on please I live in a Villages your address please uh 62a pza Victoria thank you I live in a Villages and the EMS knows where where everybody is if you're going to privatize it they'll never find anybody thank you he good evening good evening uh mayor burer it's nice to see you again hi John Smith uh 113 White Street um the only thing that I would like to point out is that if you do privatize EMS um currently as I understand it the township EMS does not balance bill and if you privatize it or or put it out for bid or or whatever the terminology you want to use if they do balance bill you are going to have residents like the gentleman before me who are going to get massive bills and they are going to come after you with torches and pitchforks so please if you're going to do this and I and I strongly strongly urge you not to do it these people are dedicated they've been here for a long time they know the town I don't know if many of you know that there's a how Road there's a how court there's a How Lane and they are all in different parts of the township and if you go to the wrong one it's 15 minutes before you get the next one yeah so um yeah I just would like to say these people are dedicated and they deserve to stay here and keep their jobs and be treated like the professionals that they are thank you thank you for [Applause] that okay at this point I would like to clo a motion to close the public hearing section of the meeting motion to close may I have a second second all in favor I I thank you okay at this time can we can mayor can I I I think I taken fairly good notes would you like me to try to respond and maybe everyone else can chip in as necessary uh yeah we all I think we all have questions so well do you want us to respond first yes please okay um and I didn't quite get everyone's name but I'll try all right um this lovely lady who spoke over here this young young lady whose name I didn't get I apologize was asking questions or making comments about uh what happened in 2017 or 2018 um uh we're not here to to to address that one thing I just want I think is important for everyone just understand the township has no legal say as to whether or not the transfer station is built or not we don't have any say on that we can give our opinion but we don't have any kind of a a vote like a site plan approval for a planning board that's all if it's going to be built it's going to be have to be approved by swack the county uh Commissioners and the de that we have no say on that we we I shouldn't say we have no say we don't have an we don't have a right to deny it or approve it so what's being discussed this evening is if it's approved by everybody else what's the best that the township can do for the township that's what this is about so if someone were to vote if someone on the council were to vote for instance in favor of this what they're saying is if it gets approved by the state this is the deal we want for the township I just want everyone to understand that that whatever vote tonight is not to approve this transfer station okay I'm sorry somebody's trying to talk I didn't quite hear you um so the young lady who spoke here has talked about you know what happened back in 2017 2018 I did have these documents before I've had them in conjunction with a lawsuit that started after that one so I do have them and thank you but that's a different uh horse uh there was a question about um how to get how the trucks are going to get out of the site and go back to Route n and I'll leave that for some maybe one of the local U people to indicate I think I understand it but I'm not sure of the geography Joe or Matt one of you when they leave when they make a left-hand turn out of the parking area sure so I I'll def for Demand on that but I also want to underscore what Jerry's been saying so this this is a creature of state law and it it really exists at the D level they have ultimate authority over it so when we're finished here and assuming this gets approved the work for resource is really just starting they've got to go back to the Commissioners uh and then they've got to go to D so in addition to whatever sort of precautions we've baked into this settlement they're going to have to satisfy all the other regulations as well and we're going to be monitoring all of those applications throughout the process because some of those things are better dealt with in the context of those particular applications as opposed in to a settlement of litigation where some of it may end up being just guess workor so I did want to make sure that everybody was aware of that I think resource engineer could speak a little bit to the truck patterns as well but the position of the site on 547 which connects directly to 195 I believe is part of the big appeal um for the location any traffic that has to go north on Route 99 would be anticipated to be going to 195 and then taking the route 9 entrance from 195 this keeps the traffic on the county state and federal highways uh thank you mat the follow that up one gentleman said that they have a house or they live on Randol I believe if they live on Randol it's further to the right from this facility so if the if you have trucks coming out of the facility making a left and trucks coming into the the facility off of uh Lakewood Road they're not going to go past that house that's the point of it um Laura White wanted commented that she wanted to have the hearing continued we'll just go on with that uh Sherry Rivas uh made some statements about lack of transp transparency and she talked about an efficiency study that is not really relevant tonight and um is Miss White Excuse Me Miss Rivas in terms of transparent U you may complain that you haven't seen the document the S settle an agreement before and the reason is because only within the last few days were there a couple of minor changes to that agreement so we weren't able to send it out to everyone but I can assure you respond to what someone else asked you've heard what's in that agreement nothing is being held back as was inferred by one of the one of the ladies who spoke you've heard it all um Steve Steve uh no can't you shouldn't do that if you want to speak you have to come up to the to can I I am answering your question we're done with public comment I am asking your answering your questions public comment has concluded at this time the professionals are answering the questions that were asked during public comment this is not a back and forth give the professionals the ability to answer your questions Mr uh Steve Marino um spoke about um Lakewood being noticed and that he had spoken to the mayor and Lakewood about it and and the mayor indicated that he wasn't um really aware of this uh I don't know if um the the mayor is I know very very well but um it doesn't matter Lakewood has absolutely nothing to do with this application nothing from Lakewood will be deposited in this transfer station if it's approved because it's a violation of state law the transfer station people after spending millions of dollars to build it would potentially lose their D license if they violated that Ocean County won't allow it because Ocean County wants their stuff to go to their landfill in Manchester so lakids irrelevant in terms of this transfer station and there's a document that was submitted which is part of referen in the agreement by from the Ocean County uh County attorney confirming that nothing at from Ocean County would be allowed to go to this transfer station in in Howell Township if it's approved um Mr sprinkle Larry Sprinkle testified about I'm not sure what this about police assistance I don't think it was a question but um the left hand turns only out of the parking lot will be enforced just like every red light and every other stops sign Mr Dy if I could jump in on that one too um a lot of questions about the traffic study and updated traffic study there's a well-known um fact that the intersection doesn't function um it fails I think that everyone who gave testimony to that effect can agree um this project is proposing a new traffic light when you do a traffic study you're getting your warrants to see if signalization which is the ultimate fix is needed that's established that it is and it is proposed so the traffic situation will be greatly improved with the installation of that light the uh woman who I missed the name who lives at 10 station Place uh who lives in the area I guess off to the left uh was indicated that she you know she lives in a residential area uh she was was complaining about Saturday hours three four hours on on a Saturday that it would be open I'd remind all of you that the township residents have the right to take their debris and and this their kind of stuff to the to this station and I don't know about everybody else but I usually do that kind of stuff on Saturdays not during the week so that's the reason it presumably would be open for 4 hours on Saturday and close I think at either noon or 1:00 um he also she also questioned who would monitor um the agreement well it's like every other agreement we have this is going to be enforced by a court order Not only would it be potentially a violation of the agreement it'll be a coni it'll be a violation of the order of from the judge and Freehold it presumably would also be a violation of the DP permits and that is very significant because I said earlier these people are going to spend millions of dollars if they get approved they're not going to jeopardize that permit and those millions of dollars by allowing I don't know what different waste to come to the transfer station which they wouldn't be able to handle any just to jump in quickly I will also underscore that baked into the settlement agreement are reporting requirements um for various yardages tonnages there's going to be documentation submitted quarterly with the host Community benefits we entitled to all the information that the p is getting from them so there'll be substantial documentary oversight in addition to our ability to go in and conduct audits um you that's going to be part of the agreement as well the same woman from T 10 station Place questioned uh what is the approximate million dollars per year of host Community benefits going to be used for let's get the buil let let's see if it ever gets approved and ever gets built huh we we've had preliminary discussions about what obviously a million dollars into the budget does um in one year's worth a million dollars you could repay evolve Randolph Road and redesign the other end of the intersection which we know is a little tricky with those couple turns with Oakland Brook and uh Randol coming together in Lakewood Allenwood that's just an example if you just wanted to put in a million dollars into the road program we normally try and hit about $4 million a year and that gets Us close to our 30-year average of replacing all all our roads throw another million dollars and it's another 25% so it's 25% more roads uh more Paving and uh could be a big benefit that's just preliminary ideas and just kind of give you a scale of what that million dollars does but the end the possibilities are endless um the uh Pamela Hackett um asked for the vote to be delayed she also um spoke of the Lakewood potential of dumping I think I've answered that and she said that this location in the southern part of the county wouldn't be convenient to the rest of the county that's right this transfer station is going to assist in if it's ever approved is going to assist in minimizing Transportation costs and other kind of expenses for the towns in this area that's the reason somebody in the northern part of the count is not coming down here that doesn't make any sense but that's the and and for the same reason going to try to he people are talking well yeah I I understand that it's embarrassing and especially someone is a newspaper person it's very rude for him to do that isn't it so it's it would be totally inex totally very expensive for someone for for a truck to go from Howell to one of the other four transfer stations in the northern part of the county that's a terrible expense for the township DPW their trucks have to go up North why they could say here and all the communities around here would be saving a lot of costs and Manpower gasoline truck wear and tear Etc so yes that's right it won't be convenient for the people in the northern part of bom County that's the point it's it would be convenient and cost effective for the communities in this area uh there was also a question about the number of trucks quite a few times and Miss Hackett brought it up the agreement provides that right now you have about 50 trucks a day in and out right now what's there now will be a cut in half because it's the size of it is going to be about half of what it is now and it the the agreement says and the order will say that there will be an additional approximate 30 trucks that's what it says and that's what's going to be enforced so at most I know that it might have been some confusion maybe on my part I I apologize in terms of what the average was and all this kind of stuff yeah so we're we're anticipating I think based on what we've been told an average of 80 trucks per day which may fluctuate based on seasonal demands with brush and that kind of processing the agreement provides and the order that enforces it would provide that there will be an average of approximately 80 trucks total per day right now there's 50 so we're talking about 30 more um I'll leave it to somebody else to comment what Mr Maza had to say I think it's always curious when you have a competitor come up and complain about the new project that might impede on his on his Pro but so be it um Mr MAA commented about the number of trucks and how that didn't seem to um work out math wise I'll leave that for someone else to speak of uh Mr any stop talking well like is that Rudee if I could jump in um question about does uh larby switch know about this we have had conversations with um uh jcpnl and a couple Representatives uh in First Energy about the development going on in the site they're very well aware of the project they did not tell us that there's any objections I think if we know anything about real estate especially in this part of town if they did they probably would have just bought the site um but uh we're not aware of any objections that uh I'd ask uh representative from resource to talk a little bit um about where the trucks are going um where the waste goes after the fact um just as a point of reference that was one of the questions okay so you ought to get to the mic sir so if I may so are you completed no by answering the question answering okay no I'm not there's about four or five other people I'll men for for the truck question can everyone hear me yes um the way that the njd permit will be applied for and granted a facility like this has to provide the DP with predetermined truck routes to and from the facility that means that those truck routes need to be reviewed and approved by the state at that point in the application the township and um Mr Clark said this the township will have a an engagement at as part of that but um those truck routes will be predetermined and pre-approved at this point in time in the project since we are at its its infancy with the permitting process those routes have not been established but I will say that and um Mr Howard did comment on this very briefly the anticipation is that trucks towards Route 99 will be using 547 will predominantly be headed up 547 to 195 and if they needed to go to the route 9 Cor would be via 195 so I believe that answers the question Mr Ward while you're still there could you talk about the number of trucks and the Mr Maza the competitor talked about three and a half ton trucks and how could it possibly be only 80 trips a day yeah the when a when there's a demolition of a house for example they use a 23 ton truck so although um as someone pointed out they're not going to all be that size and weight they'll be a mix but they're definitely going to trend on on the heavier side and that's that's how if um Mr maik can get his calculator back out and do the math he might be able to figure that out um but that's how we got to that thank you um Miss Hackett also uh wanted that's not nice Miss Miss Hackett also asked about whether the application if it's ever approved would it need to comply with the new storm water regulations which were adopted by the D in early 2022 and the answer is yes absolutely they'll have to comply with the storm water regulations which have been adopted about a year and a half ago and the Landscaping would comply with within the Township Code so that it would be properly buffered and sheltered as we talked about earlier Mr ma we talked about okay Mr Schultz um asked about I have a note here about inter ing into the lawsuit or why we did that I guess maybe that's what it was we did it because we wanted to try to do the best we can for the township simple as that this applicant is going to go before the county and they're going to provide presumably uncontroverted evidence as to why this is needed and there's a good possibility that the Commissioners may agree with that thereafter they go to the D and they'll explain expl why for environmental purposes we need a transportation in the southern part of the county and this is a great spot the traffic will be good and the D might approve it and if that's approved by those agencies and we don't do what we can to protect the citizens and try to recoup the costs that will just normally occur from a facility like this I don't think that this count would be doing the best it can do they're not approving the transfer station what they're doing is trying to get the best deal they can for the taxpayers if it's approved if it's not approved we all go home uh he also indicated and this is a very good question he wanted to know the qualifications of the people who would run the facility can someone talk about that on behalf of resource any prior experience or qualifications you might have in this type of Industry we have um Bernie guthers here from resource he's actually the corporate representative and he can address that thank you hi Bernie guthers uh so I've been working with this site uh from previous uh from previous ownership uh from approximately the past 8 10 years I've worked with the property throughout its uh D meetings throughout all of its swack um U meetings and ultimate vote uh through other uh other County meetings uh so I've I work predominantly on site uh several days of the week I work with compliance with the DP now since uh 2016 thank you thank you [Music] um Tina I sorry I didn't get the last name um wanted to know if the council had read the agreement um I can assure you they've read the agreement more times than they want uh because we have been with them in many occasions in the settlement discussions they've read the agreement many times um She also asked how we're going to enforce the left turnout only from the parking lot it's going to be enforced by the police department just like every other stop sign and red light is in this town so um Mark and I'm sorry to get his last name uh wanted to know if the BPU was had been notified uh I don't think they have been I don't think they have to be so that's not a requirement in any sense but if they have to be both the the county and the D will require that they be notified they certainly have to don't have to be notified at this level of the discussions um and he wanted to know where Lakewood would be Tak taking its waste Lake was going to take its waste where it always takes its waste to the manfi Manchester Township landfill in Manchester Township and he also complained about the lawyers getting too much money I I've never heard that complaint before but thank you Mark uh okay um I think he also asked about the type of trucks they've answered that and about some open D violations that we're not familiar with but if there are the D certainly knows where they are and they can take care of that um a woman named Betty testified a good-looking guy named Jerry testified uh and John Smith but they all testified with regard to the EMS issues and I didn't really hear any questions from them about what we hear about tonight and Mr Della testified and suggested that people be civil and not talk when other people are talking um I think I hit every everybody who testified or who spoke and if I missed anybody I apologize not to say you missed anybody but just a couple um other additions uh there's questions about contamination of nearby waterways um Pat do you want to explain just how the storm water regulations work and what laws you're bound to on the D side yes so Mr Dy touched upon this um the DP permit we're we're seeking is for is division of solid waste but with that um any discharge permits for storm water must be fully complied with and obtained um and as we have experien with the subject property now there is an enforcement mechanism D um that is relatively strong compared to other mechanisms at the DP that can enforce their um their requirements for their discharge permits so storm water management on this scale would qualify as a discharge permit with the D and we would have to fully comply with all their rules and requirements including pre-construction testing during construction testing and post construction testing so and then just a couple more items um questions about how we can manage the infrastructure uh I think the the installation of the traffic light is a perfect example of how the infrastructure is being improved I touched on it before with the host Community benefits um that's really part of the purpose and I can tell you the million dollars is going to be a able to expand infrastructure improvements Beyond just the limits of the site and and the immediate area it's going to be a big benefit for the town um and we did check taxes are paid yeah I can uh I can verify that as of December we saw there was an AAR I reached out to Mr bolo and they were paid I have not checked today but I I believe they're current um and again just to amplify something that I was talking about this this is one piece of a much much bigger Longer process for them so if we vote on this and we approve this settlement tonight then we have the Township's part taken care of and then it'll be up to Jerry and Mr bolo to memorialize that in an order for the court so that the court will have some oversight over the settlement it also lets uh the county know that we've been able to achieve sort of a deal that we believe is suitable for it so that they can take action that they deem necessary on the application and then again the ultimate Authority is D I mean we all know how the rules and regs go with that and it's a nightmare and it's a lot of heavy lifting and it is by no means certain for them that they end up with an approval at the end of this whole process so here we are Joe someone mentioned that Howell does not have control after the fact once it gets approved is that true well I'll tell you what we we've never had control over it right this is something that is carved out of land use so because of the nature of it because it's a state thing listen nobody would have a transfer station if it if it was up to Municipal control nobody would have a transfer station nobody would have anything so it removes our oversight and it places it with the county and ultimately with d so they have to go and apply for their class C C recycling permit now we'll monitor it and we're going to make sure that that is materially compliant with the terms of the agreement and doesn't differ in any real way from what our understanding is but I don't think D really would care one bit if we told them this is not a good deal for us I mean they have oversight over Statewide needs not local needs so we're taking care of Howell by looking at what we can do and the state will look at the bigger picture so but mayor if I could answer your question more fully we do have control over what we agree with presumably tonight because it's going to be part of a court order and there are Provisions in this agreement that if for instance after all the approvals are obtained after they build the buildings they violate this agreement we have every right to go to court and get relief every right so and that that doesn't even talk about they might be putting their own de licensed and Jeopardy but if they don't agree if they don't comply with what we've what we presumably are agreeing to which will be enforced by an order from the court that the agreement provides we can take whatever actions we need to if that agreement so I'm again the hours of operation are we will we be in control of the hours of operation after it's fully built built or can they change the hours of operation if they go to the county or DP no they can't they presumably might I me they can go to court and say judge we want to change the hours we'll be there contesting it the hours are are pretty normal the hours are I think 8 to 4 8 to 5 during the week S I think 7 to three 7 o' and four hours on a Saturday so yeah I misunderstood your question we retain control over the settlement we don't seed control to any other entity as a result of that so it's this isn't a paper tiger we have the ability to control a great deal of the project through this settlement at this time and we control a lot of the financial aspects and the benefits to the town through it um that's the whole that's the whole point of it and in terms of intervening in this lawsuit it's the reason we intervened I mean we're we have the ability to strike a deal that suits how because we're able to look at a micro level level instead of a 50,000 ft view does that answer your question mayor yeah I just had a question for our resource while we're talking about hours what are the current hours of operation with the existing mulching same so it is the same and that's all being done Outdoors currently because there is no indoor facility thanks someone had questioned and the um hours during the on Saturdays but as I said earlier I mean the township residents will be allowed to bring their brush there for free well with due respect I live right by the police station and every Saturday morning it wakes me up so if this facility is open at 700 a.m. on a Saturday morning I mean noise is noise right let's be fair I don't think just a moment on Saturday yeah May maintain but without all the trucks they have the 50 trucks a day doing outdoor mulching yeah anything else um it's here if you just give me a second go ahead I have a couple things it says half day on Saturday yeah correct um first off I want to say that how this meeting is run is at our Direction not theirs they follow our orders so the procedure that we follow has been established by us not that so I want to make that clear and as Mr dasty had stated I've read every part of that agreement more times than I care to uh and I completely agree with it and confident that it's the best deal that we can get uh the we all have not not up here too as you're asking questions we're writing it down to make sure that they're going to answer everything that you're saying I've just about crossed off most of mine uh the trucks have been addressed as far as size goes uh did anybody did anybody address the issue of the back taxes that was brought up we did we did they're current okay we know that how about the DP viol ations that were brought up so the township doesn't have any jurisdiction over any violations of the state those are obviously state law violations if if they exist not Township ordinance or anything like that I imagine DP approval is included and they'll have to be in compliance to get that Council I'm sure that sure that if if directed someone from the township can call the DP tomorrow and find out what's going on and if so why are the violations still continuing that has nothing to do with this the thing that that bothers me about all of this is that if we don't do a settlement we have no say in this stuff and the and from what I've I I've understand from Mr dasty is that the judge is starting to get a little impatient about this and where where sir and I'm gonna say one last thing there's been some great points brought out tonight there's been some points that are the direct result of you believing what you're reading on social media okay I want you to understand that and that goes for the transfer station and that goes for the EMS too all right we have people out there that are feeding you nonsense right I want you to understand that and that's all I'm going to say about it do you have anything to say about what's being discussed well I have a question but I have no there's a question about this go ahead yes uh according to the concept uh layout that's on the screen presently um how many trucks could cue until they reach their necessary um location to to unload approximately I realize some trucks are 20 feet some may be 28 feet but I mean I think that um there might be a misconception that trucks are piling up on the road correct yeah and it looks like there is also space within the project that could accommodate some trucks as well as when anything is built typically uh there is concern about the the roadway that that's in front or adjacent to the location and they have the uh shoulder widened they have another Lane um this isn't the type of thing anywhere in hell where we have you know two lanes and no place for a car to go or a truck to go I mean there is safety issues which would say you know they can come off on the lane and wait they get into the project and they're queuing uh you know more than two trucks looks like they can get it that could be comfortable maybe 10 uh I'm guessing I'm just I want people to understand that this is not unlike other projects that considerations given to the adjacent roadways as well as the interior of the project so um trucks could be waiting inside correct yeah it's a very good question the um this facility you get weighed on a scale you dump you leave this is not a high queuing type of facility but I was just told that even if there were an instance where where they're queuing they can queue up to 20 trucks on the site itself on the site itself so we do not anticipate any trucks on the roadways at all it's in weighed dump out how long do that process Take 5 10 minutes when these trucks are traveling if uh whatever you have in them will extend above the top they will will be covered I don't I don't know the answer to that well that is the statute yeah I'm not a trucker I'm a lawyer but he he said that they will be covered okay yeah so you're saying it takes approximately 10 minutes to come in dump come in way dump and leave go ahead Bernie why don't you since you're the right so um as the trucks are are coming in they are entering into that that first entry drive right over there they have the ability there's 20 to 25 trucks if at Max at that time can queue along that drive path that then comes along where the um lattice Tower and monopoles are for the jcpnl as they get weighed in those stations where the right just uh right in that area um they'll come in uh their uh items their trucks will be weighed uh once they've moved that process they'll be backing into that indoor structure the 36,000 foot building where they will drop their their product um and then exit the site through that other Terminus there they will be able to make the left turn back out to 547 um max I think that whole process should take uh maybe within 30 minutes uh 30 minutes not 10 minutes I thought the question so misunderstanding that first question of the actual way time but the whole process of the trucks coming in dumping their load inside the building and then exiting is that including the time that it takes them to pay as well so some um may be dealing on an account uh type uh basis uh but then they'll be they could either uh pay within the office or we'll have a a Billing System of uh directly to them thank you I don't think I've ever i' I've served on planning and zoning and I've never heard of a uh an application ever come in that told me that uh 25 trucks could be inside their location waiting uh not lining up down a road so um that's sizable the the initial design of this uh project as again that roadway that's coming in was was particularly designed to allow the trucks to queue on the property not on Randol road so as they come in there is not a regular Drive path if people are coming into the office there's that middle Drive path that allows people that are coming into the office but otherwise those trucks it's a two-lane road that's only going one way to the way scales I I just think the diagram uh doesn't do a Serv to the ability of the queuing and you know it's much more substantial than just looking at it you might think oh how how could that be you know where would they wait it's it's quite a project you could see there that they are waiting on they're queuing on the property not on Randol agreed I that's an excellent opportunity of good planning and uh that's certainly what would be needed there so I'm just to go back you're saying that it takes approximately 30 minutes for one truck to go through the process yeah so if there are 20 to 25 trucks waiting so the whole process May more streamline once trucks are coming in they're dumping and they're moving out it could be under that amount of time um and we're talking about a peak moment when we're getting in that many vehicles in there uh we're not anticipating that but the process could when items are coming in like that we'll have staff uh that'll be on site in order to handle any influx of additional IMM material that is coming in at that time and the size of the trucks that are going from here with whatever debris they're bringing to another location so they'll be exiting at the end of the day this is that's not a part of that they'll be in exiting at the end of the day to a final destination okay at this point we're we don't know but they're not coming and going throughout the day thank you Joe I have I have one question for you uh technically this presentation that we put on tonight was done to inform the public but as it stood we really it wasn't necessary for us to do it or required no so you don't have to I think it's good Optics and I think it's good to give everybody an overview of it but again the the point of this meeting is for Council to transact business um and that's what we're here to do so you know I think it's it's always good with something that is is a larger issue to to make the public aware but no there you guys are are the ones who ultimately vote on this the traffic currently at in the morning and in the afternoon is is horrific currently I live right there so to add all these additional trucks I I I think it's going to cause more issue in the area one two I don't see how I know mean no disrespect to my police department but they're not there every minute of every day I just was I'm sorry I'm confused you said you live down by Randolph Road no oh I thought I thought that what you said by the light for the light no not I'm Rand okay no I live off full Tavern I think a lot of the issue with the queuing right now with traffic is especially the left turn from Randolph onto 547 and that sometimes blocks your view of even being able to make that right turn the traffic light's going to assist with that the traffic light's going to be stopping traffic on 547 I mean there was a president that spoke how it just zooms all day long at the end of Randolph Road and you never get a break the traffic light's going to put a red light there and it's going to give you a break so that traffic will have the opportunity to make a faster left and easier right and it's definitely an improvement and it is a fair assessment to your point that traffic there is difficult that's why it's a failed intersection I mean it fails there's warrants for the signalization of it and if they weren't doing it we would probably be looking at doing it very soon because it's a failed intersection to that can I piggyback on what Mr Clark just said um first of all we can't table this tomorrow the judge can make a decision and on her ter terms or his terms and then we'd have no say um you mentioned the traffic signal we found out by being here that a traffic signal costs over a million dollars so a resident had asked what would we do with this money a traffic light alone will cost the township a million dollars um we would be getting finally getting a traffic signal there correct correct okay um we want tax relief we need to generate Revenue we don't want warehouses I I'm I'm grateful for Betty you came up the residents of Victory Road finally realize we're on their side we don't want warehouses um but we have to be realistic we need to generate revenue and like uh Mr Dy explained if we if we table this we will have no say and we will not be able to help Howl in in any way so I we can't table this we have to do this um we want tax relief it's great to see this crowd I'd love to see this crowd go to the school board because that's where most of our taxes go um so we're trying to do our best here and for the residents who think we were just seeing this for the first time I can speak for a few of us here for several of us here we've been talking about this for months so it's almost offensive I'm not going to take it takes a lot to to offend me but we've been talking to Mr Clark Mr dasty Miss Harney Mr Howard we email We call we have meetings we talk um this we weren't just given this tonight so so please I hope the public I mean you guys elected us we take this job very seriously as far as the um the way the meetings run I'd like to add on to what councilman gager said from day one all five of us agreed that we need to bring we needed to bring dorum back to our our Township to our meetings and and I'm glad we recessed that was we needed to regroup and we understand the residents can be upset and have questions and we listen someone accused of of looking like deer in headlights well we're looking at you we're listening to you we are taking notes and we make sure our professionals get back to you with answers um as far as the M we don't know why you're here it's nice to see you um we want you here same with the police which is why we need to generate Revenue so we can keep you here and we do not want to balance Bill our residents we don't want that so again Facebook I'm I'm glad I have my flip phone people laugh at my flip phone but I can't do Facebook from my flip phone um it's it's not good um a resident very aggressive resident came up very angry tonight it's funny cuz councilman gager and I took her to breakfast last year we are available to talk to you all the time um email us if we can't answer the question we Mr Clark Mr Howard can you guys answer this question please um we from day one um and I'm looking at councilman gajer because he's he's the best at this um I mean councilwoman odonnell has been here for eight years uh Deputy Mayor Nel we we have made ourselves available on so many different levels so so so please know that if if you didn't know that before um thank you y I'll just jump in with uh what council Fisher was just saying if you want to have discussions with us and Converse and talk about issues for longer than your allotted five minutes email give us a call we'll set something up we'll meet in person we'll have these conversations with you but when you we at the meetings is to do business we can't have full-on discussions right now it's approaching 10:00 at night and we weren't going back and forth it was just everyone coming up making public comments so this isn't the time we're placed to have full-on discussions about every issue in town we have other time to to schedule you guys for that we have no problem meeting with residents or talking to them I also met with Miss Reas last year when you want to discuss an issue so like councilwoman Fisher said it's not right to pain us that we don't want to talk to the people we do but this isn't necessarily the time or the place to do it to to piggyback on uh councilwoman Fischer um just might have gotten lost in the beginning of the presentation the default host Community benefit fee is 50 Cents we're at $5 it's 10 times so when we're talking $950,000 million here and there take a zero off of that and have the same project built doesn't help us improve the infrastructure doesn't help us give property tax relief to the residents couple other things too we don't get the signal right so they'll pay their PR r at a share for the new for the extra trucks that'll be put onto the street so guess who gets to foot that bill Bill and two more things first somebody had asked about Captain Mazy on noem part-time for now we're going to look to whether or not it warrants I don't think with the pandemic being over it's necessary to have a full-time OEM person but we will see how it it works out and in terms of EMS we are we can't talk about a lot of it but we are in negotiations with the Union representing our EMS um are we going out to bid we are always thinking about going out to bid if it benefits the taxpayers so there's the operative issue right will it benefit the taxpayers there's a lot of metrics built into it it's not just bottom line balance billing what's going to be the best financially we want to look at things like response time and anything else that we might be able to glean from looking at other towns that have gone out to bid it may not work it might but the one thing that we always do in every single bidding package is we reserve the right to reject every bid that comes in so there is always protection and there is always ways that we can work together and one of the ways we're doing that is we're meeting with the Union next week to continue our negotiations so there's nothing on the agenda for tonight there's nothing on the agenda for the future but is it something that could happen anything can happen it's just a question of what's best for the residents and the taxpayers so I guess it's not a rumor the coun it's tiresome to keep telling the audience it is not time to speak I I don't know how else we can say this it is not a back and forth right now our professionals and our governing body is speaking it is not time for residents to speak uh mayor if I could just say one more time and I I don't mean to beat this dead horse but but for but I think the council's aware of this and I want to make sure the public is aware of it there's been questions tonight legitimate questions both from the public as well as Council about the concept queuing left-hand all that's and it's all good questions but you're not voting tonight and you're never going to vote on whether there should be a transfer station here all you're voting on tonight is if they go through the county and get a approved if they go to the D and get approved what's the best deal for the township that's all you're voting on assuming you vote Yes in favor of that resolution it doesn't mean you're voting for the transfer station but what you're doing is getting the best deal you can certainly better than what was being suggested uh six or seven years ago so that's something that everyone should keep in mind thank you [Applause] okay do we want a motion to close to close the portion may I have a motion to close the I guess it's this section it's not public but it's our conversation can I have a motion to close motion to close second all in favor I I okay okay okay at this time I would like to have a motion on resolutions R 24- 51 and it goes all the way down to 67 I respectfully request to uh vote separately on 62 and 67 sorry I just want to see 62 62 62 62 six I had a question about that uh sure and just for everybody's knowledge we only need one uh member of the governing body to ask to vote on them separately so we will vote on those two items separately and not on the consent agenda um but if you have a question mayor our statute says that we are allowed three captains and at this point we have four we don't and I would like to know how why we are out of compliance mayor I believe you're talking about our our Township ordinance allowing okay so uh our Township ordinance right now has three police captains right now we have three active and one um inactive police captain so for for Staffing purposes right now we have an additional Captain who's an acting captain and I think now we move on to voting on The consent agenda with the ation may I have a motion for Resolutions R 51 through 61 excluding 62 63 to 66 excluding 67 I'd like to make a motion to accept resolutions r451 through r461 excluding R 2462 accepting R 2463 through r64 2466 excluding R 2467 thank you may I have a second I would second that motion with um r 2460 inserting the name of Officer McBride thank you councilwoman Fischer yes councilman gager yes councilwoman odonnell yes Deputy Mayor nadell yes mayor Burger yes thank you the consent resolution is pass may I have a motion for R 2462 like to make a motion to accept resolution R 2462 second councilwoman fiser yes councilman gaser yes councilwoman odonnell yes Deputy Mayor Nell yes mayor burger no the resolution passes may I have a resolution for R 2467 i' like to make a motion to accept resolution R 2467 I'll second that motion councilwoman Fischer yes councilman gager yes councilwoman odonnell yes Deputy Mayor Nell yes mayor burer thank you the consent resolution passes vote I didn't vote oh I'm sorry I thought you said I did vote okay Evelyn O'Donnell voted for me actually I presumed based on what you've said so you now I am voting now thank you the resolution passes yeah I didn't all right okay at this point Thank you at this point does is there any other comments needed from the professionals to be discussed at this point I think we've all said enough I think so um so at this point is there any unfinished business no ma'am I don't ordinances right yeah we have the introduction of ordinances uh but we don't have have the adoption of any ordinances at this time so there is no unfinished business yeah we can go to the introduction so I would like to I'll read it uh ordinance 04-01 an ordinance of the township of Howell changing the zoning of certain properties within the township of Howell to Z zoning designation Special Economic Development one or S1 and other properties to AR agricultural rural Estate 6 A6 Zone may I have a motion I'll make a motion to adopt ordinance no to introduce I'm introduce I will make a motion to introduce ordinance 2401 second councilwoman Fischer yes councilman gager yes councilwoman odonnell yes Deputy Mayor nadell yes mayor burer yes thank you the ordinance is properly introduced ordinance 0- 24-02 ordinance amending the chapter 131 of the Township Code Emergency Management to be consistent with the state statute how long has this been in existence before we made it consistent with the state statute uh our prior ordinance we had the ability to narrowly construe it now we are matching the state statute so I don't know how long it's been in effect it was legal before we're just matching it word for word for what the state statute is now may I have a motion for 0 24-02 motion to introduce ordinance 24 02 second councilwoman fiser yes councilman gayer yes councilwoman odonnell yes Deputy Mayor Nell yes mayor Burger yes thank you the ordinance is properly introduced um meeting dates uh February 6th uh 2024 at 5:00 p.m there will be a reor excuse me 6 p.m my hour a reor of the council meeting no that's my error the next meeting is February 6 at 6 PM that was my error I apologize I it off the okay February 6 yeah February 6th is our next schedule meeting at uh 6:00 pm if there is executive and 7 for regular session thank you at this point um everybody have a wonderful evening motion to adjourn and I would take a thank you may I have a second second all in favor thank you