[Music] Zoning Board of adjustment meeting Monday December 18th 2023 I hereby declare this meeting of the Howell Township zoning board to be open adequate notice hav been given pursuant to the New Jersey open public meeting act in the following manner first on March 31st 2023 a copy of said notice was mailed to the Asbury Park Press and the Star Ledger second on March 31st 2023 a copy of said notice was hand delivered to the clerk of the township of Howell third on March 31st 2023 said notice was posted in the office of the zoning board and on the bulletin board in the Howell Township Municipal Building 4567 Route 9 Howell Township New Jersey in accordance with the fire prevention code and your safety please be advised that this facility is designed with two emergency exits which are at the front and rear of the meeting room furthermore smoking is not permitted in the municipal building please take note that this meeting is being videotaped for possible future broadcast on Howell Township TV 77 this meeting is a Judicial proceeding any questions or comments must be limited to the issue of what the board can legally consider in reaching their decision and the decorum appropriate to a Judicial hearing must be maintained at all times thank you and just a note of housekeeping the men's room up here is out of order so if anybody needs the men's room you need to go downstairs okay mt's not here so we don't have to worry about well okay hopefully we won't need it thank you Eileen may we uh have a roll call please yes you may Mr burillo here Mr caner here Mr Hughes has been excused Mr merens here Mr Orosco has been excused Mr Stanton has been excused Mr Ryan here Mr Rebel here and chairman seya here you have a quarum thank you please join me in the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge algi to the flag United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you Andy can I have a swearing in of the professionals please yes Mr conliff do you swear the testimony you give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth hope be done I do please state your name for the record Charles conliff your professional engineer sworn Mr thank you okay item five on the agenda approval of minutes October 23rd 2023 regular meeting eligible voters burillo caner Hughes Ryan rebell and seya can I have a motion please make a motion to approve caner I'll second that Ryan roll call please Eileen Mr burillo yes Mr caner yes Mr Ryan yes Mr Rebel yes and chairman say yes motion carries thank you thank you ien any vouchers I have no vouchers do we have any correspondence yes I have a letter from Alexander pavli he is the attorney for devidas matzus that's um case number ba 23-13 yes and he asked that this application um be carried to the next meeting as they were finally able to locate an appraiser who do a report on the property but it wouldn't be done in time for tonight so we asked that we carry it to the next meeting which would be January the 8th 08 January and that would be with no further notice with no further notice okay so anyone here here in the audience that is here for case number ba 2313 davidus minkis this application's being carried to 08 January 2024 with no further notice thank you I also spoke to Mr Pape today he is the attorney for application number ba 20-11 a a a RW property that was actually carried to tonight for scheduling purposes uh because we didn't have dates we asked that it also be carried to excuse me one minute here February 26 2024 with no further notice and he grants it an extension of time through March 30th 2024 through March 20th you said March 30th 2024 that's what I thought okay but the date for the hear is February 26th yes Mr chair is this what we already approved a couple years ago I'm not it it was approved a couple years ago they're coming in to amend the approval slightly have to do with the flex okay yes thank you okay so anyone that's here for case number ba20 d101 a a a RW property LLC this application is being carried to 26 February 2024 with an extension of time to 30 March 2024 with no further notice that's all the correspondence I have thank you resolutions resolution ba1 18- 04x Shan and Christina Connelly resolution granting three one-year extension of time for a bulk variant approval to construct a twostory single family residence eligible voters burillo canther hes Ryan Rebel and seya do I have a motion please motion no approve second second Barillo e roll call please Mr burillo yes Mr caner yes Mr Ryan yes Mr Rebel yes and chairman seya yes motion carries resolutions memorialize okay 2023 year year in review or we call it the yearly review do we want to leave that till the end we can so we could add tonight's if you want okay that'll be fine thank you so then that brings us to case number ba 2320 Janine and Josephine or Janine and Joseph Maron yes okay Andy what' you have you could sit at one of the tables there's mics on E each table okay hello hello and Mr Maron Marone will you be testifying or speaking to the board yes okay can can you raise your right hand be swear the testimony you give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth the hope you got please just state your name for the re and spell your last Joseph [ __ ] last name spell n a r r o n e I apologize for mispronouncing it no that's fine M [ __ ] will you be speaking as well um I can maybe just to be safe you swear the testimony you give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God I do and please state your name for the record and spell your laes uh Janine [ __ ] m a r r o n e your uh applicant Witnesses or sworn okay thank you sir so this is a type uh it's a bulk variance for additions to a single family dwelling on an undersized lot the description is the application of janini and Joseph morone as applicant and owner seeking bulk variants approval to remove construct two Second Story additions to an existing single family dwelling on an undersized lot on premises known as Block 14 Lot 5 239 Bri Avenue these additions require set y side yard setback variance relief for both side yards expiration date March 20 2024 sir yes Charlie yeah Mr chair if I could just jump in I probably speed this long uh so the subject property it's on the south side of Bri Avenue it's about just over under a th000 feet west of Lakewood Farmingdale Road County Road 547 uh the property uh currently consists of a two-story single family dwelling uh um the first story um isn't fully two story above the east side of the structure there looks like there's um uh you can see it in the picture there um bedroom or some type of space on the first floor and then there's a garage which doesn't have a second story over top of it um the side is current uh the lot is currently undersized this is A2 the existing lot is 65 acres the Lots look like it it's existed since the 40s if it's had a structure at least looking at add Aerials back to 1996 uh the width also deficient for the Zone 200 foots required were about uh 99.6 ft exist those are existing non-conformities the applicant's not proposing any change to that with the application um because of the deficient lot withd the existing structure does not comply with the uh side your setback to the East and Westerly side Lot line 30 foot is required where 21 ft exists um so by adding a second story addition above the garage space and that first story on the left hand side of the screen there in Google Street View uh the applicant requires variance relief to both the east and west side yard line they're basically matching the existing setback 21 ft they're just adding a second story um as far as the Second Story addition on on both sides uh the existing Second Story I think only overhangs by about a foot the addition overhangs about 2 feet plus or minus on both sides is that accurate Mr [ __ ] yeah we tried to add a little bit more space up there okay and then just to clarify right so the existing floor plan for this second story that was provided indicates that there's three bedrooms and and so basically you're not proposing any new bedrooms it's just a configuration size is being modified so they're the bedrooms are larger is that accurate so uh just to give a little uh uh uh extra detail uh we just moved our mother-in-law in uh not long ago to live with us and we have two children an 11-year-old and and a four-year-old and we're just trying to make a little bit more room so everybody doesn't doesn't have to live on top of each other in these little small spaces everyone has their little you know little bit larger areas to go Retreat to and that's it really uh we we wanted to do the uh the second room on the other side just to uh Square Off the house so I'm just to clarify so I said there was uh three bedrooms so there's there's currently four yeah there's four total I I thought you were talking about on the rear side of the house there's three bedrooms that uh line the the back side of the house okay so you're not proposing any additional bedrooms but there's one additional bath proposed so we want to make the three bedrooms along the the the back of the house into two bedrooms yep and then we're going to add the master bed we want to add the master bedroom over the garage and then um add a bathroom there gotcha so it's one additional bathroom over what it exist exists currently correct corre gotcha all right so uh one additional bathroom there's no change in bedrooms um I would just say as a conditioning approval applicants got to get Board of Health sign off on the additional bathroom usually you know they might have you have an engineer just sign something or an architect saying that there's no additional septic demand because you're on septic here right you don't know okay um and then as far as rsis for parking there's no change in bedrooms the site's got a like an 80t by 18t 20t wide driveway which can accommodate more than what it would be even required for a five bedroom room um uh so I don't see any issues from that as far as stormw management runoff or anything like that uh the improvements are largely over the existing structure you know it's an additional one foot overhang it's di Minimus you know in my eyes um I will say the applicant architectural plan was provided based off of like a 1996 server or something like that there's you can see in the picture here they didn't show those two par um angled parking spaces on the right hand side of the picture I would just say if the board acts favor they should provide a asol survey uh just for closing out of any building permits and if they can have those areas shown on it that would just be helpful um and then I would just say if the calculation when they get the as belt shows that there's exceeding the impervious coverage I would just say that the board grant that as part of this approval uh because it's existing it's just they're only adding a foot you know on the front and back with the the overhang so I don't take exception to it um uh uh what else do we have um uh rightaway dedication so the existing rightaway across the property Frontage is only 33t feet wide our master plan recommends 50 foot for local roadways would the applicant have an issue with providing like right away dedicational on the Frontage would be 8 and 1 12 ft and that just allows should the township ever have a need to widen the roadway in the future um it gives them the ability to do that yeah okay um and then the last thing is Curbing and sidewalk across the property Frontage uh I have no exception to the board granting that relief there's no curber sidewalk along any of the adjacent properties along Bri Avenue um that I can see um and then you're proposing to reside here right and you've lived here for a while right yeah so my mother bought the house uh when it was first built and uh we're kind of just taking over from there families expanding and that kind of thing right you live there this is like our forever I've lived there my you know since I was 15 years old gotcha okay no I think it's just important to get it on a record you know we have anytime we're seeing reconfiguration additional bathrooms you know just want to know what's going on with it um and then there's a couple just plat details that are straightforward clarifying your architectural your architect can correct those as part of compliance said yeah okay that's really all I have Mr chair okay and then as on the planning side Jen she had no issues from what I no and I mean really the variance relief that they're asking for is in you know if this lot was A1 they probably would need the Minimus relief from the setback requirements um you know the lot has existed since the 40s there's a house that's existed there since you know at least 1996 you know if this was further extending into the sidey yards then could it have an impact air light and open space when you're looking at it from Bri Avenue you know it's going to just fill out the rest of the structure you know what I mean uh the view to the south of that there's some properties that are incumbered by wetlands and conservation with the maic con River so I don't know that you're really impeding anyone's sight lines there in open space um I really don't have any issue from it from a plan than thank you John um Charlie had mentioned the the bump outs on the driveway the only issue I would have is since it's not shown on on the survey um driveways have to be a minimum of 5T off the property line on that side so uh when the ASU is submitted uh for the property uh just be aware that uh you can't get any closer than 5T to the property line along that side so if it does bump out you may just have to cut back uh just a bit um so I don't know when that was uh installed but other than that I have no issues thank you John board members no yeah I do um how many bedrooms do you currently have we currently have four total bedrooms oh okay and they're all upstairs yes okay so you're going four bedrooms you're just staying with four bedrooms just kind of moving them around and making them larger making them larger with the addition yeah they're very small the three bedrooms are we moved my mom in and it's she has no space so just to give her more of a living space you know and the bathrooms are one additional yes okay and we're keeping them like you know essentially in the same corner of the house there so no crazy Plumbing or anything like that everything just so you know the new the new bedroom that's the new master bedroom that's being built will be our room uh my mom will get the current master so she'll have a larger space and her own bathroom not to share with the kids so this way the kids have their bathroom she has her bathroom we have our bathroom everybody's happy what's the plan and Charlie the um with the extra bathroom that has is that something with the with the septic what happens with that yeah I think it's typically with uh with bedrooms they regulate that but as a condition of any approval they usually mom County Board of Health will issue memo like no issues or something like that so I would just sayest they get like a letter of no interest or something to that effect just to satisfy it okay and um I saw on your plans you're putting in an automatic sprinkler system no no no not that I'm aware of it's on your plans did you see that Charlie I did not see that and that's not typically something that we regulate from a zoning perspective I know I I found it to be a little strange but I did see it on the what I I forgot what page it was the first page that first page where it has all that yeah it's not something we asked for it's not something that we're trying to do I don't know I will say we've had issues with the architect so I'm just hoping he didn't cut and paste from someone else's CL as you can tell you even spelled our name wrong on the uh yeah on that uh maybe uh stuff like this is you know I don't even know what I'm looking at so I want to say are those numbered maybe like is there like number 13 or above the electrical maybe oh he cut P I know I read it today and I found it to be strange so that's why I wanted yeah so you're talking about like irrigation no not irrigation sprinkler automatic sprinkler for the internal to the structure yeah so is it your representation that you're there's no internal sprinkler system proposed okay I I just asked that that be made a condition of the approval just that that note be stricken from the plan is that something we're 100% fine with okay striking that from the plan gotcha I kind of figured you would be it's nice to have but it's could you know I misunderstood you I I thought you were talking about irrigation system for the yard I was like that's what I thought at first too but and that's when I when I first read it I'm like but it says according to you see it yeah second second line down on the right what does it say mik automatic sprinkler system to be designed and installed in accordance with Section BL blah blah yeah NFPA oh yeah totally strike that and thanks for bringing it our attention that's just another thing that we can uh bring up to the architect okay good because I had a bunch of questions about that so we don't have to deal with that um and you have a basement yes finished no okay no lots of records and yeah yeah just like mine lot of lot of records and bins of story so no so no plans of no having living space down there okay um that's it Mike I'm good Mike any structural modifications to the garage area since you're going to have the bathroom over it um nothing that we were told needed to be needed to be done um we don't know much as far as architecture engineering so we're kind of leaving it and you know the professionals hands and they didn't seem to mention anything uh that I'm aware of is there anything that you're aware of no that should go through the building department anyway for any I would permits for that so I didn't see anything on the plan looked at it nothing else thank you I'm good no we're good okay well I guess we'll have to open this up to public then all right yes sir and there's no public well can I have a motion to open public please to open to the public we have a second second we got a second all in favor I all e this time the chairman has opened the hearing up for members of the public if anyone has any questions or comments on this application please step forward you'll be required to be sworn in and give your name and address chair motion to close to the public not seeing anyone we have a motion to close the public second we have a second all in favor Eileen we're closed to Public public is now closed okay so Charlie the only comment that I have is uh you heard the applicant put testimony in the record I just ask that uh no internal fire suppression systems be a condition that that note be removed uh from the architectural plan it's resubmitted for resolution compliance uh and then you've heard the representation uh no additional bedrooms they get a letter of no interest from Board of Health and that uh there's no intent to have habitable basement or convert the garage to a bedroom at this point in time um I just ask that those be put into the record in the resolution so that's all I have got it Roger thanks do you have any fur last comments for the board no okay then what's the pleasure of the board Mr chairman members of the board I'll make a motion to approve based on the finding of facts it's a very simple modification and motion to approve okay thank you do we have a second second okay so we got Martins and burillo Eileen roll call please Mr burillo yes Mr caner yes it's a very pretty house thank you sorry Mr mer yes and good luck thank you Mr Ryan yes Mr Rebel yes and I just wanted to add on the record I think one of the things Charlie mentioned was the uh future impervious cover just to make that to provide that relief here and now so I just wanted to put that back on the record there and that's a yes and chairman seya yes motion carries applications approved thank you thank you best of luck appreciate it thank you thank you okay Eileen any other further business luck uh yes we have to go back to the yearly uh review of resolution yes and we're going to add tonight's meeting to it okay I read through it yesterday does anyone have any questions relative to the yearly review Mr Ryan no you're good pretty in pretty detailed Charlie I take it you had a lot of input there I had a couple verbs that I gave Andy so hopefully it's intelligible and uh makes sense but I think if you look back at this versus prior years you know you can see a lot of the recommendations that we have made are actually getting struck out because the governing body is codifying those we just had a handful I think what island within the last two weeks seven ordinances yeah or something like that yeah so I mean that's the goal of when we do the yearly review we provide recommendations and it's nice to see that those are uh acted upon so hopefully we start to see maybe less app here maybe more to the planning board or maybe not coming to the board at all you know which I think uh helps out our residents throughout town so absolutely charie thank you we're giving Mr Burell a chance to finish up I was just looking at this one for um number five with the um accessory structures C at 400 square ft I think it's saying and our there was an application that was um carried tonight that has I think their accessory accessory structure is almost like 8 or 900 square feet or something like that are they like grandfathered in how does that work like going forward well we shouldn't be talking about an application if it's still pending okay about a hypothetical um like if a building's more than 5 400 square fet yes yeah so they applied and now this becomes the ordinance but well it's the time of decision so the the law and if the ordinance in effect at the time of application orance in effect at the time of the application and this is just recommendations here unless that's already in the ordinance that's been issued these are our recommendations yes then they they may or may not correct yes wasn't that one of the new orans it was John accessory structures we've been recommending 400 square ft for a long time is that an ordinance now no okay yeah when we when the rules committee met Mr chairman we had crossed off a few this was not one of them got it so we're still recommending it yeah I got you okay good all right so with that being said um you do we have a motion to approve the uh yearly review motion to approve we had a motion to approve do we have a second I'll second that Mr canther Mr burillo and Mr caner ien roll call please Mr burillo yes Mr caner yes Mr mer yes Mr Ryan yes Mr Rebel yes and chairman SE yes motion carries thank you thank you thank you everyone um so wishing everyone a Happy New Year we won't see each other until such time uh first meeting is January 8th January 8th and um stay healthy stay happy may I have a meeting to adjourn please meeting to adjourn motion mot motion to a journ yeah that too I I had to put it okay motion to uh adjourn all right thank you second all right all in favor all right this meeting's adjourned thank you thank you Happy New Year