[Music] good evening Eileen can you please open the meeting sure zoning Board of adjustment meeting Monday June 24th 2024 I hereby declare this meeting of the Howell Township zoning board to be open adequate notice having been given pursuant to the New Jersey open public meeting act in the following manner first on December 11th 2023 a copy of said notice was mailed to the Asbury Park Press and the Star Ledger second on December 11 2023 a copy of said notice was hand delivered to the clerk of the township of Howell third on December 11th 2023 said notice was posted in the office of the zoning board and on the bulletin board in the Howell Township Municipal Building 4567 Route 9 Howell Township New Jersey in accord ordance with the fire prevention code and your safety please be advised that this facility is designed with two emergency exits which are at the front and rear of the meeting room furthermore smoking is not permitted in the municipal building please take note that this meeting is being videotaped for possible future broadcast on Howell Township TV 77 this meeting is a Judicial proceeding any questions or comments must be limited to the issues of what the board May legally consider when reaching their decision and the decorum appropriate to a Judicial hearing must be maintained at all times thank you thank you Eileen can we have a roll call please yes you may Mr burillo here Mr caner here Mr Hughes here Mr Mertens here Mr Orosco I have not heard from Mr Stanton I have not heard from Mr R present miss scotson here and chairman SE here you have a quum thank you everyone please join for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you Andy please uh swear in the zoning board professionals do you swear the testimony you give will be the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth to help you got I do your name for the record Carles Kliff Jennifer beam Jerry SPO your professionals are sworn Mr chairman thank you Eileen any approval of minutes I have no minutes this evening do we have any vouchers I have no vouchers this evening any correspondence yes I have a letter and an email from John sordo he is the attorney for cranbery Road Holdings which is on tonight's agenda at the time of the posting of the agenda we did not have a date so they have to be rescheduled with notice they would like to be rescheduled to September 9th and they've granted the board an extension of time through September okay so that anyone that's here for case number ba 23-18 Cranberry Road Holdings this application is being rescheduled with notice to September 9th with extension of time to the end of September 2024 thank you thank you e and that's the only correspondence I have great resolutions case number ba8 21-19 restoration Family Worship resolution granting use variants and preliminary final site plan elil voters burillo caner use meron scotson and seya do we have a motion here I'll make a motion Hughes second Martens roll call please Mr burill yes Mr caner yes Mr Hughes yes Mr merens yes Miss scotson yes and chairman SE yes motion carries resolutions memorialized thank you okay tonight we have two applications uh in front of us to be heard uh we're going to start off with case number ba 23-22 in inity Plaza LLC this is a conditional use variance and minor site plan with bulk variances description applicant seeking is seeking to construct a 4,500 foot Warehouse expansion in sed1 zone with other improvements the applicant indicates that the existing and proposed use for the site is a trade contractor business use on premises known as block 169 lot 103 lot 1.03 400 oakerson Road expiration date July 24th 2024 Mr alir good evening Mr chair members of the board uh salvator alfery clear giobi alfery and Jacobs on behalf of the applicant um this is an application as the chairman summarized for a small Warehouse um addition to an existing uh facility that's owned and operated by the applicant who's present this evening and who provide some operational testimony after our engineer um it's not for an expansion of their use it's really just to accommodate the the existing use um but again we'll get into that momentarily we have three witnesses that we're going to present Rob S is our engineer Michelle G follow as a principal of the applicant and then Christine Kone is our planner since there is D variant relief obviously that's why we're here and we request that Mr Civ be sworn in please you swear the testimony you give will be the truth the whole Tru nothing but the choth to help you yes I do please state your name for the record spell your lasts Robert Civ SIV is in Victor E I'm a licensed professional engineer and professional planner testifying today as a professional engineer in the state of New Jersey I have over 29 years experience I'm a graduate of New Jersey Institute of Technology we accept your credentials sir thank you sir just hold on one minute because I see Mr Rosco just showed up y okay Mr Al so Mr Civ uh your office uh has been involved in this application since its Inception and you you or your office under your supervision have prepared the plans that in support of the application that's correct and the um M alfier yes if I may Charlie can you give us a little background on this particular for the board members yes um so this site previously had site plan approval I believe from the planning board uh I think it dates back back to the 90s um it was I think approved for an electrical related company back at the time there's a second story mezzanine office I believe some partial first story office uh with an Associated Warehouse component inside the building um the site has an existing two-way uh movement driveway from oerson Road there's parking along the north side of the building that's paved once you get back past the building there's a basically an existing stone or gravel uh uh storage area that was I think approved as part of the prior site plan approval uh what they're here before us now is I guess to continue the uh the use on the property to kind of maybe you know it seems like they've been using maybe some outside storage and their intent is to maybe move some of that you know into this additional building and then also you know some of the warehouse base maybe make it less cluttered so they're proposing basically a 5,000 foot addition to the if you're looking at the aerial that's shown here this is just a cover sheet of the plan it would just be to the left hand side of that so I think that's the West uh North Arrow there is correct correct um and they're basically they're proposing a Breezeway between the two buildings so it has a shared roof line so it's technically all the same building um there's an existing stor Water Management Basin at the northwest corner of the site that captures run off from the site and then It ultimately discharges you know towards the Little League facility um I'll let Mr Civ kind of get into more of what they're proposing with the the site layout and everything like that thank you sir okay Miss alfier thank you yes and we had several uh technical review committee meetings with your the board professionals they were very helpful and we've gotten to the point where we think we have relatively clean review letters um Mr Civ the exhibit that is on the screen now um we need to Mark and can you identify what that is I think the exhibit is the cover sheet mark it okay sorry is the cover sheet of our site plan we have two exhibits that were submitted electronically [Applause] this is the uh A113 so yeah there's two color exhibits one is a12 which is a colored aerial site display they're under exhibits and then a13 is a colored aerial display of the neighborhood including the site so a12 is more site specific and then a13 is a broad brushed picture of the neighborhood so we can put a12 and I have a I have 11 by 17 handouts if the board wants wants them okay yes please this is a12 turn up for everybody yep all right perfect you give me one minute I'll bring them up [Applause] mm [Applause] you want me to start this better public can't see it okay thank you not La 13 okay there we go we're good Charlie that is a 12 that be the good one to look at correct thank you very much uh Charlie so what you're looking at is exhibit 812 as the chairman indicated we're proposing to construct a 4500 ft storage building addition to the west of the existing building within the open yard area and connect that building with an 8 by10 Breezeway between the two buildings the existing building on the right and the proposed building on the left the primary exterior access to that building will be an Overhead Door that's in the rear of the property whever the hand is correct we are proposing to mitigate the storm water runoff generated from the roof area by an underground exfiltration system drivew along the west side of the building and then the other proposed side improvements we have is a 1,850 ft paved area within the northwesterly corner of the existing Stone rear yard area and that's the park some of the company vehicles and equipment we are proposing some additional Landscaping within the front of the property and then as a result of the trmc meeting we are proposing to curb and sidewalk the front of the property we'll leave that up to the board if that's what you want we are opposing it it's there and that is really the extent of the site improvements it's really just an addition for the operations of the existing building as Mr kff indicated the site was built as part of a 1990 site plan approval and it's been operating as a Trader trade contractor's Trade building for about 25 years now um the can you discuss just the site circulation and how that currently operates and whether it's impacted in any way by the addition right so the existing driveway is off of oakerson Road is along the easterly or right hand side of the screen on the property it's at full movement right in uh full movement in andout driveway there's 19 parking stalls along the left side or west side of that circulation driveway which is paved and provides access to the rear of the property which is the stone yard area and then Vehicles can drive through the gate that's separating the paved area from the stone yard area turn around and come out as needed and so so that it's not the current circulation is not impacted in any way by this this addition that's correct the um are we complying with the EV statute and providing the one required space correct we are proposing to provide one EV ready parking stall which complies with the code um what about Landscaping are we enhancing in any way the Landscaping from what it currently um looks like we are so there's two existing landscape islands along oakerson road that are nice we are proposing a third one between the two that are there and our entrance driveway we are also proposing some shade trees along the left or Westerly property line and then some additional Landscaping in front of the proposed Warehouse building um we did have a chance to meet with Sherry in the field to review that Landscaping Sherry you can tell me if I'm wrong but I think that's what we yeah um overall that was what we had discussed um I I did want the um bed that's along the existing parking stalls just to curve around just to help block the side of that parking stall where you have the tree oh oh okay I'm sorry yeah and just continue it we can do that minor um and I just had just some minor comments on uh the Landscaping he also he also put landscaping around the flag pole typically we asked for foundation landscaping around the sign the sign is you know this that's not changing it's pretty much um landscape with rocks um so instead I asked for foundation plantings around the base of the flag pole um so I was going to just the knockout roses I was worried about the deer for those so I had some a few others I could give sure we can substitute the what we proposed is knockout roses around the flag P or something else that's not a problem um you mentioned storm weer management the where is the Basin currently Loc at and then um just again describe generally how this will this additional perious coverage how it will operate so the existing storm water management basin's in the northwesterly corner of the property where that I'll call it Tanish hatching is um we are proposing a exfiltration drywell system parallel to the proposed Warehouse Edition as shown on the screen which is about 7 4 ft long by about 10t wide which will handle and mitigate storm water run off from the proposed addition roof area Charlie we're good with storm water yeah I think uh the only outstanding comment I had was they're using some exfiltration in the routing analysis so uh they'll just have to provide some testing just to confirm the rates used if it's all good then no changes if it differs and it might just need to be another row or a little bit longer trench or something like that so got it thank you rob the Fire official issued a letter in February and then subsequently revised plans were submitted um have you addressed the fire officials comments and just if you have just summarize what you did to address them I did he was looking for the restriping of the fire Lanes so we proposed the 4in yellow striping along the easterly your right hand curve line as you see on our site plan and we're also proposing the fire lane no parking M uh markings in the drive aisle um and of course if the fire official issu issues a subsequent report we would agree to address his comments is that correct that's correct um how about on-site parking are we compliant with the ordinance standards we are compliant with the ordinance standards um let me just get to that page so that I speak accurately got it yeah got it all right the ordinance requires 300 a one parking stall for every 300 Square ft of Office Space we have 4900 ft of office space we need just a little over 16 parking stalls um the storage requires one stall for every 5,000 square ft between the existing building and the proposed addition we would need two additional parking stalls so we have 18 required for the building and the addition we have 19 right now we are actually converting one of the Stalls to make it more ADA Compliant so we'll have 18 parking stalls that are required for ordinance in addition because this is a conditional use standard we have to provide parking for the company Vehicles there are 12 company Vehicles five trailers and then what I call five small equipment machines which are like Bobcats or skid steers and we do propose 17 parking stalls in the rear stoneyard area and then we also propose an area that's about 20 by 25 in the upper left or northwesterly corner for those small equipment skid steer Bobcat type equipment can we just go back to the company Vehicles because the information that we have says 21 company Vehicles not 12 yeah I think you have the old site plans the new ones show the 12 on so And to clarify Rob because we discussed this earlier so that 21 you said included like some heavy equipments like Bobcat or Skit Steer kind of stuff right how many of those are anticipated but again there's 12 company vehicles and five trailer so I total that to 17 including the trailers um and then I have five skid steers Bobcat type of machine her and that's going to be stored on what asphalt pavement correct so typically the board likes to see that stuff stored on concrete I don't think there would be an objection to we have like I said the area that we're proposing to be paved I'm sure the applicant would be willing to use Concrete in L of pavement yeah and the reason the board has historically required that is heavy equipment Diesel and hydraulics and things like that if there's ever a leak concrete pad's a little bit more resistant to degradation than the asphalt so understood and the um as Sher indicated there's an existing sign we're not proposing to change the sign in any way that's correct um this is a conditional use and we're here because we don't meet all the conditions and I know Christine will get into it in more detail but one of the conditions is the limitation on the number of the size of the office space um which we exceed currently we are not proposing any additional office space is that correct that's correct so the building already is non-compliant with with the conditional use standards which my guess is they weren't in place when the original site plan was approved back in 1990 um just for the board's knowledge uh there are I think it's about 11 conditions we meet all of them but that one condition which says no more than 25% of the Interior Space shall be devoted to office space the existing building with the proposed addition will have the 4,900 ft which is existing which is approximately 32% of the overall building space after the addition is constructed right now we're well over that number as it exists today and we're actually making it a little bit more compliant than what the site is today um and there's a a whole series of waivers that uh Charlie outlines in more detail and his report last revised June 21st um I I I don't think we need to get in any detail on those unless the board or the board professionals require it otherwise other than to state that if the board uh requires any of the information from which we are seeking waivers we would certainly agree to provide it is that correct that is correct um and otherwise that's all we have Mr chair our planner will get into the the details of the variances okay board members anybody have questions yeah I have a couple go ahead um so the offices will remain in the existing building right correct okay unchanged okay great uh the type of existing surface going back in the back right now what kind of surface is that the existing rear storage yard area right now is a gravel Stone surface okay it's gravel Stone except for we're proposing to pave or concrete that northwesterly corner okay and behind the building this black shadow is that a ramp going up to the like a loading area no that's just a shadow of the building itself there is a concrete pad back there okay but it's not an elevated ramp yeah it was kind of okay sorry maybe I picked the bad image to use so if we approve this this is going to be based on your application I'm just looking down the road if you did resell it they would have to come back Jennifer if they were going to change anything if it was the same use it doesn't it's not tied to the user it's tied to the use so if it was the same use okay they wouldn't have to come back I'm just concerned if it was down the road they sell it and then we're getting eight tractor trailers in there this site wouldn't be able to accommodate it so so and just to add to that to right so they indicated they complied with all the the conditional use requirements so for trade contractor businesses um usually any outdoor storage has to be in the rear and it has to have like 8 foot high fence around it it has to have sit back from the property lines minimum 10 ft you know can't stack thing more than 8T Rob like the compound that's there has an existing fence around it right correct there's an 8ot high fence around the stoned area it does meet the setback requirements and it is in the rear yard area so we do comply with those conditionally Ed standards and and you have existing vegetation vegetative buffer that was install when this got a site plan approval along the easterly property line and then can what's to the north of of you is that a storm water basin lot behind you I can't uh to the Northeast is a storm waterer Basin lot I believe directly behind us to the north is part of the Little League facility yeah it's the Outfield to the bigger field mhm yeah it is gotcha yeah so the likelihood of any like thing residential getting built there is next to zero got no I think it's actually Green Acres to be honest is it yeah yeah I'm good thank you any other questions from board members yes just to follow up Mr Ryan the uh proposed Paving area what was your initial intent for that going in there since the rest of the area is Stone so originally we did not have any of the rear yard paved we had the TRC meeting and the board professionals indicated that the board likes to see some I'll call it hard surface whether it's concrete or pavement for the storage of certain types of equipment so that's why we proposed it so originally there was no intention to do that other than to comply with the board's desires and to provide an area to park certain pieces of equipment okay is that where the heavier equipment is currently stored that's where we're going to store it yes but is that where the equipment currently is stored where the existing gravel would be yes and there's no leakage or anything from the vehicles that this is going to cover there's no leakage to my knowledge no okay thank you can you talk a little bit about what's across oerson so I know that there are uh PL there's a planning board approval across the street currently it's a farm that planning board approval is in litigation if it remained a farm you require a 50 foot buffer that's correct and the board our planner will get into the variant that's required for that um there is as Miss beam indicated a farm across the street on lot 7 point I think it's 05 and then just to the southeast of that is a cemetery um as this property was approved in 1990 as part of a site plan there was no buffer associated with it then there is the Landscaping that we talked about there's also our septic system that is in that location and was approved as part of that site plan and our planner will get into the variance and relief for that buffer Mr bero hi um I think you said it before but what's the original building size the original building size yes it is 4 4,900 ft of office and 5,900 ft of storage space now the 4,900 ft is two story so it's roughly 2400 ft per floor we got office and storage right and we're doing another 4500 square feet of Warehouse of Warehouse correct okay what is the current building use what do we what's the business yeah the applicant will be coming up next she'll explain it in more detail okay all right Mr caner you're good Miss scotson has and forgive me because of being somewhat new to to just this whole thing the so I'm just looking at this with the existing Basin and the location of how close it is to Lily field have we had any past issues with regard to any water penetrations or flooding or anything over there okay yeah and I would just add the they're not a major development so they're not over a quarter acre new impervious they're not an acre disturbance so technically there's no stor measurement requirement but this board is historically required some mitigation so they had the recharge if it overflows they provideed grading on the plan where it will overflow into the stormw Basin so that area is not just running onto the league so you got kind of two levels of protection there Mr Hughes Mr Rosco okay Miss Alfieri next up raise your stay there where testimony you give will be the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth the you yes please state your name for the record spell your last Michelle garolo g a r o fism Frank a l o thank you and Michelle what is your affiliation with the applicant member member you're a member with whom Infinity with who else is a member with you my husband husband and what are you you your company currently the own is currently the occupant of this property yes and what business do you run there we have um East Coast site work East Coast Fence and All Seasons maintenance um and they're all owned by you you and your husband yes um and they've been operating there since you bought the building yes and when did you buy the building uh March of 21 21 and you did you obtain a certificate of occupancy to occup I'm sorry 22 sorry March of 22 did you obtain a CEO to occupy the building when you bought it yes um now is is there going to be any change or intensification of your business as a result of this addition no what's the purpose of the addition um more inside storage with climate control and currently and what would you store in there that's climate wood project wood projects that are needed um sorry or wood type of of fence and anything Wood related needs to be in a climate control Warehouse otherwise it gets moldy ruined and rots So currently that's allite currently your storage of yours currently we have a lot of molded and roted that we had to throw out how's that um there'll be no um fabrication or mechanical work on S is correct um purely storage and your business offices um and you we in the office space we indicated we're not expanding and is that correct you're going to keep the office correct um how many employees are on site um during your peak hours uh 3 to four and there you have other employees but they all work offsite I assume um what about your hours of normal hours of operation anywhere between 7 a.m. to 6:00 p.m on site again yes yes um then uh the types of deliveries that you get um are primarily box trucks deliveries well we get anywhere from a 20 footer to a 40f footer uh to that's a trailer and about two to three deliveries a month uh two to three total deliveries month okay and they currently are able to access the site and make a turn in the back and leave yes so that's not changing in anyway no so can you walk us through that a little slower got me sorry so a 20 to 40 footer maybe a tractor trailer like it needs to we need to go a little slower so we can get it down exactly what's happening okay well it depends on the order the product and the month um of course in the winter months you probably don't get a lot of orders at all so um depending on that month you can see let's just take the peak month the highest delivery month you can get a probably one box truck and two trailers per month two tractor trailers yes per month and that's not changing from the current operation right uh um just trying to think if there was another oh there was a question about the um where the the equipment that we're proposing now to install to store on on either the paved Endor concrete area um has there been any leaks in it from the equipment that was been parking there before while it was on Grabel no um and in terms of the storm waterer management Basin have there been any flooding or drainage issues during your ownership no um and is it correct that the little leak field is be directly behind the property yes okay and there's no issues with your business interfering with the little leag field in anyway no okay I'm surprised there hasn't been any balls but no all right and then the terms of the HVAC system you were proposing to install that in that um Center connected area is that correct that's where the and that HVAC would be for the new building not for the existing right um okay I I think that's all we have unless you have more specific questions go yeah s can who was the the third operations the third I won't say operations but you said East Coast site work East Coast Fence and was the property management or what was the last the third one All Seasons maintenance maintenance All Seasons maintenance yes okay and then the 7:00 a.m. to 600 p.m. was that uh 7 days a week what were no Monday through Friday Monday to Friday Friday all right and then um the last thing that I would say is um obviously you know had some questions about stormw management and how you know no known issues I would just say um recommend that the board make a condition that like no removal of the fence around the storm water basin so that way there can't be any storage of equipment or materials or anything inside the stor Basin because then that would you know potentially impact the functioning of the Basin so is that something yeah medical that's why we have no intention of removing it okay um um I think that's really all I have for the applicant Mr chair thank you board members hi hi um East Coast fencing is that's pretty obvious East Coast site work and all seasons maintenance can you explain that a little more in detail what what those are East Coast Fence is it just a new name of a company because we're East Coast site work we don't do site work so a lot of people get confused on the name so we opened a under a new name East Coast Fence uh to make it easier what's East Coast site work do the same thing that East Coast Fence does it just that we get a lot of confusion a lot of people come to us thinking that we're a sitework company that we're going to go do all these improvements and Grub areas but that's not what we do so we figured if we change the name but kept the existing name um that's why and All Seasons maintenance um All Seasons maintenance does um some cleaning for Builders wow some cleaning for for Builders we work for Builders and that's all done offsite offsite they're not there's nobody comes to the office that it's only the secretary processing the bills and so so the proposed Warehouse is mostly going to be for your wood that is currently molding and rotting suppose it's not temperature controlled right correct okay thank you welcome Mr chairman yes Mr C just out of curiosity what is on the south I guess the West corner where you're putting in the Three Trees but there's space between the warehouses and the and the road it looks green is that trees or is that just bushes oh it's bushes okay so they're all that's all staying there that's yes okay anyone else yeah um merant Refuge I don't see any place on here what do you normally we have it existing we're not really creating anything more um so what we have is applicable to to our needs it's in the back right corner it's Corner yeah is it enclosed yes with what chain link fence so we typically require masonry enclosure okay and do you have any bulk storage anywhere as for is like any material that you would require to put it like into a storage you know outdoor bin not that you're doing landscaping work but anything stones or anything no okay and the trucks that you have there you said you only have two or three people working in the office what about the people that come in and operate the trucks uh where do they normally park well they park in the parking lot but it's only about three people everybody else takes their trucks home nobody comes there unless they have to pick something up real quick okay that's all I have thank you okay Charlie Jen we're good up to this point Sherry okay M alier thank you we're now calling Christine Kone our planner Andy testimony truth the whole truth yes state your name for the record spell your last it's uh good evening it's Christine Naro and AZ z a r o Kone c f NE business address is 125 Half Mile Road Sweet 200 Redbank New Jersey 07701 I'm testifying this evening as a licensed professional planner I've testified here many many times and before hundreds of other boards throughout the state and my licenses are current and valid we'll accept your credentials m so much thank you Mr you heard the testimony you've obviously participated in the trc's and you're familiar with the site I assume would you would you describe for the board the variance relief that's required and then place the justifications on the record yeah so this is really a very substantially conforming application it's located in the S1 Zone where trade contractor uses trade contractor uses were am the ordinance was amended to actually allow them conditionally with nine conditions the reason we're here seeking the D3 variant is not because the use is not allowed but because we violate two of the conditions so a little bit different than other Zoning Board of adjustment cases that you hear where you hear the planner talk about particular suit particular suitability and the medich reconciliation we have a little bit less of a burden of proof when you're dealing with a conditional use standard right the proof that the planner has to demonstrate is that absent compliance with those conditional use standards that this Still Remains an appropriate location so it is definitely a lesser standard of proof than for those uses that aren't permitted in the zone the two conditions that we don't comply with as was um testified by Mr Sim are the fact that the ordinance restricts office space to 25% of the floor area so when you look at the fact that we're introducing an additional building with only Warehouse we're actually diluting a little bit the percentage of of office right because that's a non-conforming condition that exists on the property today so that's the one that we don't violate the other we comply with the other one that we don't comply with is the fact that the last condition in the ordinance requires that we provide a 50ft Farmland buffer now even that it is an active Farmland across the street from us to our South across oakerson Road despite the fact that there is a commercial approval on that that's under the board approved it and it's up on litigation but right now as it sits today that we need that relief so it it is an existing condition essentially because they the buffer is not provided there but when you look at the aerial that's in evidence you can see that there is um there is vegetation there we are supplementing the vegetation and we are providing or at least expressed a willingness to provide the curb and sidewalk along oerson so we are certainly upgrading the uh the curb appeal of the site the other thing that we're doing is we're actually improving the um the facade of the existing structure to to be sympathetic to and coordinate um with the new building that we're proposing the new portion of the building that we're proposing so as far as the curb appeal and the view along oerson Road I think with the the approval the if the board were so inclined to approve it I think the board would be very comfortable that we would be improving actually the facade of oerson Road and the view shed and the curb appeal of the site from what exists today um and I think that we certainly absent compliant with those two two standards it still is an appropriate location and just just to follow up the the proposed improvements meaning the addition to the building and the paving in the back nowhere near encroach on that 50 foot correct so they're nowhere near it right so we are there's really I mean our setbacks this is not an issue of putting a building here and asking for buffer relief so that we could put a build a bigger building or have a little bit less parking we are nowhere near violating any setbacks or coverage so this is not an intensity issue it's just that that's an existing condition on the property and where we're proposing to um to make improvements is in a completely conforming location so yes there and you and you mentioned the um Improvement to the exterior of the building we did submit an exhibit today to show the board the rendering yeah I think great if we could pull it up because it actually yeah there it is it looks very nice right we we worked we worked hard to to come up with a structure that we had both vertical and horizontal Brakes in it to meet the the requirements in the ordinance and to provide the the building's you know Improvement to the existing building so that architecturally it didn't look um peculiar or unusual with the new building not not looking sympathetic or or somewhat campus likee to the existing structure and I think that the applicant you know what you see before you is is probably our sixth or seventh generation of that building we really did um our eyes and cross our tees to try to to deliver something that looks good and I think I think certainly um the board could look at criteria I creating a desirable visual environment as satisfaction of the positive criteria but in addition to criteria I I think the board could look at criteria G which talks about sufficient space and appropriate locations for a variety of uses the master plan in 2019 specifically recommended that trade contractor uses be defined and allowed here conditionally so so I do think it's an appropriate location but then I also think that criteria M which talks about an efficient use of the land is appropriate here because the master plan talks again very specifically about channeling and focusing Economic Development opportunities in strategic locations in areas where there's existing development so I think we satisfy that too so statutorily from a planning point of view I think we absolutely meet our burden of proof for the D3 Coventry Square variants um I think we satisfy multiple purposes of the municipal land use law we would really need only to satisfy one to meet our burden of proof but I believe we satisfy three of the positive criteria I G and M and as far as the negative criteria asks you to not hold the applicants that there be no detriment but just that the benefits of the gr of the variance outweigh any detriment and here you have a situation where we can increase um the concrete on site to park some of the trucks that we are improving the curb appeal architecturally we are providing sidewalks and we're providing some additional Landscaping so when we look at all that on balance right which is what we do as planners I think the board can be comfortable that none of the de Rises to a substantial detriment and that there are definitely um betterments planning betterments associated with this application thank you Mr Kone you're welcome Jen I don't take exception to the testimony I just want to clarify something because when when there was a question earli about the dark area in front of the proposed Warehouse Edition by those three trees and it was identified as shrubs it's grass it's not shrubs so I just want everyone to be abundantly clear that it's not like there's going to be this big visual impediment to seeing the building it's just lawn okay thanks thank you Chad board members any questions for the uh planner no say we open it up to the public a motion open we got a motion to open public we got a second all in favor all eae we're opening the public this time the Chairman's open the hearing up for members of the public who have questions or comments regarding this application if anyone wants to speak please come up to the podium you will need to be sworn in and give your name and address please state your name for the record and spell your Kathy oerson o k e r s o n and you said that across the street from this building that is Farm yes I'm aware yeah but that is not going to be developed because that is our form and we've already had a tractor trailer in our f because they cannot make that turn in there so are they going to do anything to make it more accessible to your tractor trailers that pull in yeah the the tractor trailers are going to pull in to the back of the building and there's adequate room for them to back up I'm talking about them getting in there from oerson Road oh they have a problem getting into there and they have a problem getting out and you can see there's a little curve there that people coming down oakerson Road since we have the uh people down the street that fix the souped up cars if they're coming down there they can't always see that tractor trailer in the middle of the road and you're not going to touch the buffers on either side we are not no so I don't have a problem with that if you can do something about getting those tractor trailers in a little bit easier CU right now they have a terrible time getting in there from sitting at the house watching them try it and having one in the field Charlie yeah so this might be a question for Mr Civ you know they are doing curb and sidewalk along the frontage so they're going to have to do some you know at the driveway it could be possible that they could adjust the radius to maybe make the Turning movements a little bit easier with that I going to offer is we can as we're doing the curve we can increase those curb radiuses to widen them a little bit Yeah so they could get in there agree yes okay we are substantially below the impervious coverage so it would not be an issue the impervious coverage allowable here is 70% and we're about 35 so if that driveway were widened and additional impervious had to be created I don't think it would be problematic Charlie so we would agree to work with uh Charlie to on that design Andy you catching all this and Mr chairman thank you question just to be clear lot six which one is is uh Miss erson yeah which lot are you right across the street from that one 705 yeah that's that's informed preservation y lot 51 is the one that has the approval which is on the other side of the cemetery okay being the form that looks at it I don't care about audience you have to come up Sir if you want to speak okay um anyone else from public not hearing not seeing any can we have close it to public please we got a motion to close second second we got a motion and a second all in favor I all right IA we're closed to Public public is now closed okay Mr Alfieri so thank you Mr chair um and members of the board uh again we're it's the application is not for an intensification of a use it's really to accommodate the purpose that the applicant indicated for the wood um we've agre to meet all the conditions of the board professional reports and in fact uh this is we're now going to enhance the site by providing the Landscaping up front now addressing this the the curb radius putting curbs and sidewalk in putting paven in the back putting a masonry structure around the existing um Refuge area and in terms of storm weather management we're addressing ing that beyond what we're required to do but to accommodate the board professionals report so as a result we ask that the board Grant the approval with all the conditions we've stipulated thank you Mr alfier Charlie you want to say something yeah just two last Quick comments so I know Mr Ryan asked about you know prior spills and everything in the concrete pad similar type applications in the past the board has like we kind of condition for the applicant to like agree to have a spill kit on site is that something they'd be amendable to S we already have one they have one but yes that's good simple right uh and then I think it's just important distinction right you know they talked about one of the users was like site work in the name right and we say no it's just a fence company you know based off of their representation of the use with like the type of equipment Bobcat skid steer stuff like that like I wouldn't classify that as like being in the realm of doing site work you know you'd be thinking like front end loaders you know big excavators and things like that so I think that's an important distinction for the resolution cuz this property could get sold down the line cuz he heavy site construction is a lot different than trade contractor business so thank you CH okay what's the pleasure of the board before we vote are we all in agreement I I I think it's sidewalk needs to be there yes what the turn rate is yeah okay so we can yes the theate turn rate in and out yep Mr the caner Mr chairman I'd like to make a motion that we approve the conditional use variance and minor site plan with bulk variances sought with all of the conditions stipulated uh including the the request by the the the owner from across the street to make sure that the curving is appropriate to accommodate trailers okay we got a motion to approve do we have a second Amory is actually not allowed to vote sorry so Mr Hughes we got you're second in it Mr Hughes Mr Orosco seconds it Eileen can we have a roll call please yes you may Mr fillo yes Mr caner yes Mr Hughes yes Mr Mertens yes Mr Rosco yes Mr Ryan yes and chairman SE yes motion carries thank you thank you sir okay everybody's good do we need five minutes or we're good take five minutes yes well thank you everybody appreciate you're welcome thank Youk good luck I we're gonna take five the board will now take a five minute recess they'll be back at 8:00 know so in the last year uh we have like our associ get still in the associ works when they were having last year I have idea on my and uh like Gary Don like great but that was not like I did not click on like how you doing J happened INE so they didn't really it's one thing you actually have just like bus that's [Applause] like exhibit exhibit May weren sure if I did it I'm not sure if they did it so probably no one did it sou it's hard to keep track got keep they all look they all look alike yes who did how'd that go not great I mean I called my own wife jenet a meeting here so I can't really say anything should it was teed up I got that message yeah when I went you going to Jersey City had us Jeff Z very we're not doing any more work for you until you get for over a year and it's like and he theseion wee in July like Jeff you're going to miss your date in July I'm just telling you right now that's right it's like tried to be as cordial about this as I can but you just in case you has any questions you a good remember I don't want to PR and then um if you want to just take a quick look at these before just make sure they gave me a thumb drive didn't see in the exhibit list so I don't know if we just need Tok part of what they send you all this I just USB drive so you didn't well this start no I have somee so we're probably put at least that's fine I have one with a couple of minor comments from Brian Murphy which is the last one I have so I don't have your final that's what I was saying yeah so you have to is that from s sent you one on the 11 oh no on June 12th and then Charlie had comments Charlie's were before yeah I don't like that angle it's not really a good angle here yeah should we move should we move over I'll you yeah because like I say it might be better if we move over I'll talk this out cu is that microphone game seven I'm sorry yeah who s s m blinded I can't land who's using the laser beam this gentleman Eric you can move over here sit there there that's a mic on the table so let's slide over one try not to Blind our when I'm pointing the the uh you stay there I'll stay here oh there we go s likes that table good luck so far okay the board's back the zoning board will now reconvene thank you you're welcome case number ba 23-7 U-Haul Company of New Jersey this is a use variant preliminary and final major site plan with bulk variances application of U-Haul Company of New Jersey to construct a 17,28 ft portable storage unit facility on existing lot 100.1 the applicant also proposes to consolidate Lots 95.1 and 100.1 on premises known as block 144 Lots 95.1 100.1 1401 through 1429 US Highway North expiration date July 16th 2024 Mr alfery good evening Mr chair members of the board salvator alfery clear giobi alfery and Jacobs on behalf of the applicant do you want Charlie to summarize it first no no I'm going to jump right in aren't you the same guy who was just here yeah yeah um loves us so much I always say we all look alike us lawyers but very much alike so um this as you as the board knows there's an existing self U-Haul self storage facility uh uh to the South I I guess it is and now they bought the piece to the north where The Jug Handle is and they're proposing the new use we're going to consolidate the two lots we have uh we've received an NJ doot permit since we're on the state highway we have a traffic engineer here in case you have questions but the dot granted the permit so we think that that should cover the traffic and it's a state highway obviously we also have an architect here if you had questions of the architect but we have agreed and we've been working with Jen to address any architectural concerns she has so um our intent is to call our engineer Eric and then Christine Kone a representative from you Halls here if you have specific operational questions as well okay great thank you sir Eric we're gonna swear you in you swear the testimony you give will be the truth truth nothing but the truth help I do please state your name for the record spell your last uh Eric Belo b a l l oouu uh I serve as a partner at Insight engineering I've done this for approximately 28 years been qualified by over 30 boards uh now I haven't been qualified by this board I did testify in front of the planning board in like 2017 uh I have testified in numerous boards within M County within Long Branch maror Ocean Township you're licensed in the state of New Jersey sir I'm licensed in New Jersey and it's in good standing as well it's a good St where did you go to school sir I went to school at University of Massachusetts oh my goodness I'm a transplant but I've been here longer than Massachusetts well we'll accept your Mr chair I can attest to the fact that Mr Balo and I have worked together in the past it's a small BR thank you sir thank you okay and Mr beloo um your office or Insight through um um your partners and yourself have been involved in the preparation of the plan since the Inception of this particular application is that correct that is correct all right so can you describe for the board what um well first of all we're going to refer to exhibits um Can is has this exhibit been previously submitted I no so that's going to be 826 so Eric can you identify what 82 6 is please yeah so a26 is an existing aerial exhibit that uses the September 2023 near map aerial image U so this is really to give an understanding of the the project site and the surrounding area um so the the building right here that you can see so that's the existing U-Haul building that's on lot 95.0 one which is about 4.9 Acres then to the north of that that's where we have the second lot which is lot 100.0 which approximately another three acres so the overall property is 7.9 Acres uh as you can see you know towards the the western side we have the route n right away which is approximately 120 foot of width as well as we have across further west to Route 9 is going to be a residential use is our understanding a residential Zone the other residential portion that we have is actually in the southeast portion there actually is a residential building that's in the Southeast portion that exists there today uh to the south of us we have the garden center that's there and to the north of the property we have the Atlantic Fence Company U so we have commercial Sur a combination of commercial uses north and south and some residential east and west of us uh the property does have some unique features uh there is a stream along the Eastern the rear portion of the property uh associated with that we have restrictions uh the state imposed 150 foot wide reparan buffer that we got D approval for your ordinance has a 100 foot stream corridor from the stream but then you have to add another 100 feet for the actual buffer so it's basically 200 feet so that's the furthest line that's back besides the stream Corridor repair in buffers we also have in this area we also have wetlands and associ ated transition area so there are definitely some environmental constraints as part of this project the other constraint it sort of creates an irregularity with the property is we actually have The Jug Handle along our Frontage and The Jug Handle the the total width in that is almost 110 feet Beyond this typical RightWay that exists around route n um so we definitely had some challenges with this property to make everything fit and work properly uh if we could advance to the next slide okay so this I believe would be 827 so what a27 is is using that same near map aerial image and it superimpose the colored rendering of the project to really mainly show that majority of what we're talking about for the improvements are really in the Northeast portion of the project uh we talked about the residential portion of the property here and you can see we're not really proposing any real improvements adjacent to where that existing residential use is so let's just give you some context of the area that we'll be discussing the next exhibit I have 28 Mr buo Eric yes isn't there a uh a billboard over there yes there is so we're going to go through some more details you taking that out no no so so I wanted to get into this is the rendered site plan a27 still has the aerial image May 28 May 28 with the aerial image with the rendered site plan a sort of a better scale to go through additional details such as there's an existing billboard on that property that's proposed to remain in front of this proposed building so that will be that will actually remain as part of our project as our propos osal so Jen yes sir that requires an additional variance then yes yeah multiple principal uses on a single up okay Mr bu understood so we'll start out with the building uh so right what we're proposing is a 17,28 square foot on story building that's going to house what we call uboxes they're basically self-contained storage units and these U boxes are about 5 foot wide by 8 foot in length about 7 and 1/2 foot in height so this building is proposed to store the uboxes that U-Haul has as one of their products it's one of those situations you can have it dropped off out your house you fill it up they come and get it and they need to bring it somewhere this is going to be a building where they would actually store a UB box uh the building itself uh complies with the front and rear setback uh but we are asking for relief for the sidey yard setback adjacent to where the Atlantic Fence property is we're supposed to be at 44.94 foot a setback which is equal to our building height which is compliant we're proposing a setback of 36 by .1 foot so we are requesting a variance for some sidey yard setback and when we get through some of the testimony we'll get through some of the reasons why that is okay okay so now that we have the building we could zoom out just a little bit first thing we'll go through uh even a little bit more possible there we go that's perfect okay so uh so now that we have the building place now we'll talk about vehicular circulation uh so we're proposing an egress Lane that will go on to Route 9 sort of adjacent to where the um cesac the Jo candle is now so that'll be an egress Lane right now we're proposing that as 20 ft uh 25 ft is the actual minimum for aisles uh but we're requesting relief to go down to 20 fet to decrease the amount of impervious coverage and the 20 fet we still feel is very appropriate U because it meets fire lanane requirements was approved by the Fire official and is only one way out of the site so we are asking for Relief on a little bit of decrease in width the other proposed driveway we has is an egress in to the facility uh and again both of these driveways were already approved in NJ doot access permit uh internal to the site we do allow we have full circulation around the entire building and we also have an interconnection aisle that connects the new building to the existing uh circulation pattern of the existing building so we have an internal connection that will connect these two buildings operationally uh behind the building uh that we have proposed is we have a loading dock at the back of the building this is to allow the truck that brings the UB boxes to the facility they'll use the dock leveler here and it'll allow the packages the U boxes to be move into the building uh one key component of this building this is only for employee access only so this is not for the patrons or the customers of U-Haul they will not be utilizing this facility this will be U-Haul employees only within this building uh between the uh two buildings that we have and this area here between this is the proposed building then the existing building so in this area here that's where we have what we call truck parking and shunting area so what this area provides is a area that can actually locate the different products that U-Haul has to offer in regards to truck rentals and trailer rentals so this will allow the rental vehicles and trailers to be staged in this area so when people come to rent a vehicle they'll have them ready for them to utilize so what they do in these staging areas when someone wants to actually rent the truck they'll actually drive it to the front of the existing building so the place so no problem thank you so since we're trying to keep everyone away from the new proposed ubox building we're going to utilize the public really having access to the existing building so if they were to get a vehicle they would stage that in the front of this building here and then they could draw utilize the existing driveway and leave the facility when they come to return the vehicle they would come in on the southern side of the existing building leave leave the vehicle there where the employees would clean out the vehicle then the employees would go counterclockwise around the building down through the aisle that we have interconnecting them and then place that vehicle back within the shunting staging area and then this would keep occurring until all the the trucks were utilized or or all the service needs of the patrons were were done so we have this U-Haul truck rental portion as part of this project Mr beloo is that only trucks or is it trailers as well it is trucks and trailers so then in the existing U-Haul facility that's there now you have a full service customer service area that will outfit for the the hooking up to trucks and other vehicles actually this portion I guess i' call that the Southwest portion of the building right now actually has an area that can fit the vehicles for hitch if they need a hitch this portion of the building now can fit that vehicle with a hitch for to receive the trailer and there's different kinds of trailers some are for the actual UB boxes itself you could run a trailer and then there's small trailers you could rent just to have a tow behind to to put things inside as well so and before you go to that so uh the actual like retail sales component of the UB boxes and the trailers is that happen in the existing building or is there a space in the new building for that to occur so all of that will occur in the existing building um so right here is sort of where the front door is and inside this building in a sense that's where the there's available people there to talk to there's even shipping supplies and small retail type of uses Associated so your customer service aspects will occur within the existing building as done today so the only U-Haul employees in the new building is just literally just for unloading and offloading the the containers the UB boxes correct this is really ubox storage uh there is a ubox component that does occur today when in the exist in building um but this will enhance that service by providing more opportunities for ubx storage uh and to accomplish this I know we'll talk about operation sort of on the way um so right now the the applicant anticipating at about six maximum employees for a shift um that would satisfy the needs for both buildings Mr Belo go ahead Mr Ryan is the truck rental and the trailer rental is that part of the existing business that's there now I no I don't believe so no is that going to affect the U-Haul rental at the gas station down by Home Depot we we did talk about that uh we think there anytime you do something different there's always an effect what that effect will be will be time will tell uh because in a sense by having an opportunity here it would allow if the other facility the present business uh became overwhelmed and needed more trucks this would provide an opportunity for them to actually delegate them to another facility they're both owned by U-Haul themselves so really they would both be interacting with each other as needed okay thank you so and they give the board some context so the original approval predates my time but did read the resolution my understanding that when the original facility was built there was like a restriction on no no pot containers like outside of the building and things like that because boy was concerned about circulation things like that and I think there might also been similar restriction on like uh the rental of vehicle and parking throughout the site I can give you a little context Mr say you probably remember this right when we kept asking what exactly was going to be out stored out front what how many vehicles what kind of vehicles what was happening they couldn't tell us exactly what they what was going to go there and we went through multiple iterations of that question and they could not answer us so they ultimately they decided to take it out of the approval so that the building could move forward that's kind of what um so I will say that I'm not asking for an answer today but as we typically do because these vehicles are going to be stored outside we would like an inventory of what is going to be out there so so right now I could say that what's envisioned right now is the various trucks that they have so there's a combination of the trailers some there's actually Vans they have Vans and then they have various siiz box trucks these are interior dimenions if you go to their website uh that range from a 10 foot box truck to a 26 foot long box truck interior Dimensions uh so that's to give an understanding of the types of vehicles that would be stored within this shunting area right but I think the question was how many I they could not the representative from U-Haul was asked on multiple occasions to give us an inventory of what was going to be stored how many and what type and we couldn't get a straight answer so that's why it was abandoned these are our estimates approximately seven cargo vans six of the 10 foot box trucks 10 of the 15ot box trucks two of the 20 foot box trucks and two of the 26 box trucks plus trailers and again this is a you know it's customer driven but these are sort of the anticipated numbers anticipated for this site and none of that's going to be stored in the front yard correct correct we don't allow out right we have that's all in the staging area right it's all in the shunting area here on this plan could I just want to make sure I had the number correct so you said the six of the 10 foot box trucks and two of the 20 what was the in between the 10 and the 15 10 of the 15s I think that depends on so I would say that technically is in the front yard because that Jug Handle is right there so M I think there's one row that will we be requesting relief for within the front row so miss Kone can address that when she comes up to address her testimony and and you said trailers is like so these are like box trailers or just like a flatbed trailer or it'd be a combination so the the flat beds would be the ones that receive the U boxes so they're they're flat but there are some of the trailers that are sort of Toby Hinds that would be above grade okay would the applicant be a meable just showing like a schematic diagram of these type of vehicles in this shunting area just as a conditioning approval just demonstrating that it can fit I know like the inventory probably is going to vary throughout the year depending on like you know maybe people renting from a different facility and bringing here I just I think we want to demonstrate that that trting area can accommodate kind of what you're anticipating the answer is yes I so we would show a schematic layout uh we would probably put a note on there subject the change based upon demand but we would show the schematics of the numbers I put on the record now how that fits on this document so that's uh vehicular circulation uh so then there's still pedestrian so in regards of pedestrian circulation it is limited for this type of site but we do have a walkway that's proposed along the new building um that that's adjacent to where the the seven parking spaces are that we'll get into a little bit more detail uh in your ordinance though there are different pedestrian circulation sections that we do need to address uh so ordinance [Applause] 188-223 5G requires a private walkway from your site to connect to those public walkways and then there's 188 225f that requires a publicly usable site Furnishing such as benches and bike racks for all buildings greater than 10,000 square feet based upon the proximity of our site along Route n i I went out there looked at both there's very limited sidewalks on Route 9 and there's none in this immediate area so Eric I'm going to stop you we require sidewalk on Route 9 it's a New Jersey Transit bus route people walk along this on a regular basis if you look at an aerial photograph you could see foot paaths there hasn't been an application that has come before us on Route 9 that's gotten a waiver from putting in sidewalk on Route 9 so dot has approved it every single time we've asked for it so long as it doesn't exceed 4ot wide so I am not advocating granting a waiver there's a bus route that runs along the Road there's a bus stop not that far from here there's a lot of bike riders and and people walk along this route to get to the bus so I don't care if it's route n or not we require sidewalk understood I would say this then we still would request waivers for the other two uh not to provide a public walkway to the proposed building since we're actually trying to limit non because the's not going to that new building but the but along Route N I would request that the board require the applicant put that in okay and then the other aspects was things like uh bike racks and benches and things of that nature and again this really isn't a an active public building so we wouldn't Envision things like that promoting uh public usage of this building where we're preventing them from entering the building so those two we would request waivers from so Mr Belo when uh someone wants to rent a truck and they drive over to the site do they leave their personal vehicle overnight Mr SE I would venture to Guess that they usually get a ride and then they Le they take their personal vehicle they take the rented vehicle they bring the rented vehicle back with someone following them to take them off I don't anticipate even the even the gas station that Mr Ryan was alluding to that's up on the corner of West Farms across from uh the Home Depot they people are not leaving their personal vehicles there when they're renting the Vans and the trucks Etc they're getting a ride there getting the vehicle taking both off getting a r you know getting followed back and then leaving okay I I've also discussed with my client and he agreed as well that there'd be very limited if any vehicles that would be there overnight okay thank you parking so the existing facility now has 25 spaces that complies the changes that are going to occur for this site is that the new building will require four parking spaces at a parking rate of one per 5,000 and to accommodate the shunting area and the interface with the existing building we had to remove three spaces so what we're proposing is is seven spaces again these would be employee spaces adjacent to the the building so therefore we'll have a total of 29 parking spaces between the two areas to be fully compliant with parking so we're not asking for any relief in regards to parking with the exception of that ordinance 188 226f requires that off street parking be separated from walkways with curving or Ballard uh right now since we have this all as employee parking to you know and then we also have Ada access we're proposing all of this to be flush so we don't have curbing or bers being proposed since it's employee parking in that area so we're going to ask you to put ballers in we've had many a vehicle go through the front of buildings in this town employees or not so then uh then is if that's required we'll evaluate uh either we'll comply not going to cut it you need a b curve is not going to cut it and just to clarify we're we're talking about the proposed bill so it's we're it's seven spaces seven Ballard so moving on understood uh if we could zoom out um to see the existing facility okay thank you uh Refuge uh so right now there's an existing Refuge enclosure associated with the existing building the type of use that we're talking about the UB box origin all that isn't going we're not anticipating generating any additional Refuge of any mag magnitude so we feel that the Refuge will be addressed by utilizing the existing Refuge enclosure not adding a new one to the site and then if there is additional Refuge based upon the UB box they would just increase the frequency of pickup by the private hauler so we're not proposing any additional Refuge facilities just utilizing what we have already uh lightting um so that that that Refuge is in concrete enclosure it's I I'm not sure if it's concrete I think it is I mean I was here when it happened yeah I think the planning board yeah yeah okay all right okay we're not sure well if it isn't can it be not offense we want a Mason re enclosure comes down I think it is too but the gates in the front obviously you're not going to have Concrete in the front but the three sides is masonry that's what it is yeah that's what I figured okay sorry didn't know that uh regards to lighting uh we're going to have we're using the Slender downfacing LED lights uh there'll be a combination of Lights that'll be mounted to the building as well as for the the parking the shunting area we'll have pole lights ranging from 15 to 20 feet in height um the coverage does meet the minimum requirement of3 foot candles uh except uh your lighting restriction lighting requirements are very tight that you can't have higher than a minimum average of 0. five so you got to be3 minimum and no higher than a half a foot candle average ours does exceed that we're at 1.8 foot candles of average um but with the LED lights there's still there is no spillage off our property in that n in that area but it's just that we have to have a little bit of a higher average than one half of a foot candle so Charlie let's talk about this this has been a recommendation at the rules committee we've had for like the last at least since I've been with the board and I think for a couple years with at least with Jack uh that no one can physically comply with that ordinance it's kind of like archaic there's been recommendations to update it to like the IEC standards or whatever something like that IES yeah sure thank you so so so so Charlie you know when I come home late at night you know that's the only thing that's lit up at 2 o'clock in the morning so so what I can say is and Mr Blue can correct me if I'm wrong I I'm pretty sure that there's notes on the plans everything's downward facing they've got like houseside Shields you know and then also I think maximum color temperature of 4,000 Kelvin was on there I believe if not yeah it's the other 4,000 or 3,000 I have to take a look so uh I would say you know Sher right 4,000 is usually acceptable in a commercial Zone yeah so I think the biggest component of that is the hours right you know is they're going to shut off after close the business kind of thing because the existing site is on around the clock yeah so I can address that yeah so I mean the existing use I don't know what the original approval was for on the hours of operation and things like that self storage facilities sometimes can run 247 you know a a a pod storage where you're just literally storing the things inside the building and there's no public and there's no public yeah for the new building for the new building I wouldn't see why we those lights go off at 10 o'clock at night and that's it right that's fine for the new building all the lights will go up at 10 and there'll just be security lighting in case somebody okay wanders over so I to give a little bit of background so hours of operation uh Monday through Thursday and Saturdays at 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. is what's anticipated Friday 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. a little bit later on a Friday and Sunday 9 A.M to 5:00 pm and we've just heard that we'd be willing to turn the lights off at 10 pm is what I believe we disagree to with the exception of security lighting with the exception of security lightting can I just restate I just want to make sure that I got there right so 7:00 a.m. to 700 p.m. Monday through Thursday and Saturday correct and then 700 a.m. to 8:00 P p.m on Friday and then 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Sunday that's correct what was Saturday same as Monday through Thursday s okay so Landscaping this is a we went back and forth a lot with with your certified tree expert in regards to Landscaping um you know with the uniqueness of the property uh you know we we definitely challenged to to fit in planting but I think we did a really good job so what we really did though we focused I guess along the perimeter here so here's where The Jug Handle is so here's where we have the Evergreen plantings and trees that are screening out the parking area as well as we have trees and we have Foundation plantings in front of the building and this is where the uh where the billboard is as well we have plantings heavily planted in that area we've also added some plantings along the back of the property um to try to reduce the number of trees that we need to request a waiver from for the tree fund so we were able to replace all the trees that are required as part of this project so we are requesting a waiver to make up the difference with the tree fund um but besides that though we have actually Landscapes as much as we feel like we can fit in with the area that we have so can I just interject just to kind of quickly go through Landscaping do you agree to work with Sherie to make sure that she's satisfied with whatever your Landscaping plan is yes yes uh we've worked with Sher before we'll continue to do whatever she whatever she's asking for yeah and the only comment that I had was uh the plantings in front of the building some of the heights of those look like they might cause you some issues with your billboard on the site so I just review that with Sher to make sure it's the species don't the trees yeah like 20 foot 25 foot Heights I think and the billboard is like along the Northerly property linee right so right might kind of impact view lines for the billboard and defeat the purpose agreed very good point uh with regards to Landscaping what when the township lost its lawsuit on the B on the Billboards they went up quick they went up quick and we lost a lot of trees during that period of time so if you own the billboard and it's no longer needed there then it can go byebye as a civil engineer that's not my comment to respond on I think we asked that question multiple times through the course of getting this application to hear and they're not willing to get they and they don't own it it's leased to a billboard company how long oh I don't we have this he's here we can get an answer for you so how long is the lease when it expires I mean I guess that would be up to them they're asking for Relief to keep it so miss cfone is going to testify to that when she gets there but there's got to be a periodicity of when it expires no just the leas but the use is allowed to continue indefinitely they got they got approval to keep it there so then so then just to clarify that would delete I suppose at least the two Oaks not the small ones in the front but the ones in between the first set of circles and the building those are white oak trees um that I had them put in for Street trees but no I I didn't consider the billboard um it's possible maybe one could remain um I don't know on line of sight but I would say at least two would have to be deleted or uh species change yeah um you could have a double row of ornamentals I guess well odate your experts recommendations so uh you have a very comprehensive landscape ordinance so there is some relief that we are requesting so I want to go through just the sort of the details and then the planner will go through the and provide further back you don't have to do that good we don't have to go through that excellent so next storm water management is important okay so what we're proposing for storm water management is that we have a infiltration Basin placed at at the back of the property and by having um there we go trying to get to the actual details great uh so we have a storm water collection system that will bring the storm water into the the infiltration Basin and then that infiltration Basin is then going to outlet into the existing Wetlands to make sure that the water for the wetlands is still being there and feeding that the one thing about the storm water management it really dictates the grading of our site so since we have to start really with the Basin as the lowest part of our site and then for a storm water collection system you had to build up from there which means we had to raise the property to accommodate the storm water management that resulted in a 6 and 1/2 foot high wall with a six foot high fence along the northern property line for a total of 12 and 1/2 ft where your ordinance allows 8 ft in height so we're requesting relief based upon our constraints that we have combined with the condensed area of the enironmental we have the awkward Jug Handle so to gain the fee to make this drain properly we are requesting relief from that we're also requesting relief from the location of the wall uh a waiver that your ordinance stipulates a 5 foot setback for the wall where we're one foot setback and again this this is an existing the Atlantic Fence commercial property this is not adjacent to any Residential Properties it's really just the existing commercial property within that area what type of fence is proposed uh black chainlink fence uh mimicking what's out there today and that has the meets the 50% open air uh requirements um so that was the fence that we selected so and it's a modu block retaining wall so and so your site is higher so like your geog Grid's coming on to your s not onto the name room property that's correct so and then um I just want to put on a record it's something that's come up with the township engineering department traditionally um the design for the retaining walls has kind of been deferred to the building department and the it's be coming an issue for construction because you got like two different sets of plans and the inspector onfield never necessarily has the retaining wall Z Would your office agree to provide that and put it on the final plans that are approved by the board so they know what they're at least a worst case scenario for the for the reinforcement yeah we would do a we would do an engineered wall design and place that on our construction details uh we'll still have to go through a building permit process with signed and sealed calculations but that would be the wall detail would be the basis of our building permit submission correct yeah I'm not looking for all the calculations for B Just the detail in accordance with your design so that way like I said it it's caused an issue with the inspection because they're out there with seeing a retaining wall get built without actually a plan set they just have the 30 plag plan set that was approved by the board so just trying to streamline the process for the township so that seems very logical to me I also just want to point out that we don't typically allow chainlink fence so we would prefer a different type of fence okay understood what's the preference I I mean I agree that it has to be 50% open but that's only in the front not on the side um it could be kind of like a vinyl spindle type or whatever but we do not typically prefer to see chain link so Eric we could work with the board professionals on a different fence type on yes definitely great and Eric and just to finish storm water management Charlie has a few technical comments in his report you're okay with addressing those comments to satisfaction as it relates to storm we management I have no choice so yes okay go ahead continue then uh the other aspect we have is the stream Corridor buffer so if we could zoom out a little bit so side so your ordinance has the 100 foot buffer on top of the corridor but it does allow you to average the buffer along as you don't decrease it by SE more than SE by more than 30% so what we've done is we're decreasing the buffer and we'll call it the north central portion of the site where there's a slight decrease then we're offsetting an equal area by increasing the buffer width a little further to the South so we're complying with your ordinance requirements by doing buffers averaging for the stream Corridor buffer so I just wanted to point that out utility sanitary sewer so one thing that this site's benefiting from is actually there was a new sanitary sewer built along Route 9 the existing building actually is on septic right now so what the plan is is to connect to the existing public sewer and then abandon the existing septic system in accordance with the Board of Health requirements and of course we'll connect the new building to the proposed sewer so we're actually going to take a building off of San off of septic and put it into the public sewers we see that as a benefit uh in regards to water so this project has been classified as the New Jersey American Water company franchise area so right now what we're proposing is is that we have the below grade meter vault is along our front it's within the front yard and we're also though asking for the ability to place the above ground water enclosure known as the hot box also within the front yard area when I measured off I feel like New Jersey we're within New Jersey America American guidelines that the backf flow is close enough to the Vault where they wouldn't make us do the above grade water enclosure but we'd like to request relief from an accessory structure to be allowed in the front yard just in case that is a situation where they force us to place that in um so we are requesting relief for that also as well as even the Transformer you see in this location here which is really set back far but technically it's in the front yard so again this is a utility relief for a Transformer within the front yard that's Mr J I take no exception to that this is something that has come up as a after the fact with a lot of the utility they dictate on how close it has to be to the public right away um they're providing landscaping for these facilities so it just helps so it's not just some massive shiny metal box in the front yard a kind of softens the view of that um you know we've we've granted this approval on recent applications similar to this we had the Self Storage up on sunny side and Route N9 there that had the similar instance so uh grin it now so it doesn't become like a logistical issue down down the line I have no issue with it so Charlie you're saying that with the additional egress that they're putting in going northbound that anyone that comes in to use the facility do what they need to do they can go out and they're go out that Northbound erress and they're going to be shielded from all of this front yard stuff that's sitting there yeah correct so uh you I'll let Mr Blue testify to this right so he said they got their aess permit usually dot will look at sight lines and sight triangles at the driveways and everything like that um I don't think that the boxes are not in the right away right they're they're on the site we can put them on our site we can I think right now the Box may be actually within I think actually it's right here so I believe we'll we will place it on our property but it would be within the front yard gotcha yeah and that was shown on the plans that was submitted to do okay yeah so if it's Do's access and jurisdiction so if they issue the permit and it was on their plans they didn't take issue I I don't think issue as well okay great thank you I I ran out of paper what I me that's it um just a general question they the catchall there are other technical comments that we haven't gotten to detail that are in the professional reports of the board professionals will agree to work with the professionals to address those comments correct we reviewed the comments we don't see there's anything there that we can't address thank you that's all we have of the engineer Mr chair board members Mr can can we go back to the Woodlands management plan again um and I know you you agreed to work with Miss buau how many uh it looks like a pretty large area of trees that you're removing from property 100.1 what what's the uh amount of trees that you're [Applause] removing and I I probably saw but did the shade tree commission make any comments about your Woodlands management plan Shri just said um to comply with my comments I probably wrot that I'll help Mr Blue out um if you'd like um so they counted that they had 63 trees proposed I deducted six for the street trees then we also deducted 34 replacement trees because um when the previous site was built they were required you know to do Replacements and 34 of them are being removed when they're constructing where you know the um between the two uh Lots so they are replanting them but I'm not counting them off of this new site right so then they're only being counted for 23 replacement trees so they actually have a a contribution of 26350 um really what for the site and most sites it's just based off of the um maximum contribution of of um well I was going to say 35,000 I think the ordinance has just Chang but I'm assuming they're they have to go by the 35,000 but they've agreed to that yes yeah okay thank you Mr chairman um Mr Belo the from here I've been trying to see where this parking area is going to be for the box trucks and the trailers because it's you said this is a staging area or yes okay so so right here so there's different rows U so this would be the first row is right here here and then there's the second row third row fourth fifth sixth seven so there's seven okay different rows ofart okay that's that answers my question yes sir since this applicant is in front of us have they applied for title 39 with the Township in the prior application I don't know but we have no issue comp doing it as a condition of this as a condition of approval for the entire for the entire site that's fine thank thank you getting back to the um staging area for the U-Haul trucks will the facility um also accept I don't know if there's prop terminology but like relocation trucks so if somebody moved from Connecticut they have a U-Haul truck they'll bring their U-Haul truck back to this place I believe they would receive that vehicle yes okay so how does that affect I know you gave a bunch of numbers on you know what size trucks how is that how does that play into how many trucks we're actually going to have on the property when you run out of space on staging what do you do Conant circulation yeah if you take it yeah but if you take in more than you can hit oh yeah I agree I'm just saying it's always so and Mr chair what I would add is I think the title 39 may help cover that from the boards perspective right there's only so many vehicles that can be parked in that shunting area right you have fire Lanes throughout the balance of the proposed and the existing site if they were parking u- holes throughout these circulation aisles police would be within the right to go on the site and issue a ticket for violation of the fire lane very true also too uh since we have other vendors within the area uh what would happen is if there was no room to to store the vehicle here they would be directed to another U-Haul facility that could receive the vehicle Andy you got that thank you well here's one here's a concern some of these are um Vans right small enough to be in a regular parking space right so that I don't I don't think any of us would want to see that where the facility will use a regular parking space to put a couple of um van trucks to help fit a bigger truck to help you with so the issue is to limit the rental vehicles to only that area not to the other parking spaces on site right correct the employee the employee parking doesn't have whole vans in it and you know just to right I mean so then the employee parking should state that it's for employee parking only correct Charlie yeah so I mean I think the the agreement is s is that any of the proposed or existing like standard 9 by8 parking spaces will not be utilized for any parking of U-Haul Vans or the like type of right is that an appropriate condition that's fine also um this may just be a more of a curious question the how many of these pods or U boxes are going to be into the 177,000 square foot like how does that all work do you like is there ayor system that takes approximately 800 and there's just that one spot where they all kind of get what they get on put onto like a conveyor and it's they get stacked inside the building kind of like cars in a parking garage out of curiosity is it automated yeah is that like an automated thing okay not it's not a computerized automated Warehouse so somebody's actually in there placing these so you're going to have the come give testimony right oh no you're not only if they have specific questions that we don't cover okay okay that's all I have all right just to follow up on that Mr Ryan the U-Haul box the U the U boxes are stackable correct correct how high do they get stacked I believe four high four high there will be a fire suppression system inside the building yes how much space SP is required for fire suppression when you're stacking I know in normal warehousing you have to have flow through space I I'll say this much uh we'll have to meet all applicable fire codes for the building so you're right so this is step one if we get this approv but you're right we'll go through and get the Fire official approval fire sub code official approval um so this will have to go through them as well okay so we haven't taken that step yet no we didn't want to we this was the first step to that okay so I would suggest that the board should they act in the affirmative conditioning upon upon yeah them meeting with the fire and complying with all applicable fire code okay thank you Mr chairman good okay MF thank you um Christine Mr chair I just want to ask one question goe right so so you're doing the buffer averaging our stream quarter buffer there is the flood has area behind with a 150 foot repairing there's no disturbance proposed in that that's correct we're not disturbing the 150 fo repairing and flood heads or we're not disturbing that so do you anticipate the need for any Hazard no you're not disturbing so it was interes so we got a a flood Hazard area verification because it is classified as a stream but it has a drainage area less than 50 acres so you don't uh there's no flood implications associated with a flood Hazard permit so it's less than 50 AC professional experience you're not disturbing the repairing buffer and no flood Hazard a perire for theform that's correct that's all I have Mr chair thank you Charlie Christine you have to get sworn in do you swear the testim give be the truth the whole truth I what the truth yes state your name for the record spell your last it's Christine Naro n a zz a r o Capone c f o n e business address is 125 Half Mile Road s00 Red Bank Jersey 07701 we accept your credentials Mr than you chairman all right Christine um run run with it okay so this youve heard a lot of testimony right you've heard a lot of testimony about the location and the size and configuration of the subject property and we are here seeking the devarian self storage facilities are our permitted use in the HD1 Zone where we're located however what we're not permitted to have is multiple principal uses on one property now we have three with the existing self- storage facility the proposed um storage boxes and the billboard make three principal uses so I can tell the board that in my opinion the site is particularly suitable to support those in this Zone you need to have 80,000 Square ft which is about 1 .83 Acres this site is 342,000 feet of Frontage where this applicant has 615 ft of Frontage along Route nine so I would submit to the board that I think we're certainly the site is particularly suitable for the proposed uses this is a you know a fairly highly trafficked commercial corriddor uh Self Storage is a notoriously sleepy use so I think that there's going to be no issue with the suitability of the site to support this use um as far as the location of the of the the shunting area as we're calling it for our storage that is a technical variance is that it's our front yard but if you look at the board the exhibit that's on the board right it really functions as a side yard because it's in between the two buildings and given the the jusos of that area as it relates to the The Jug Handle as well as the two buildings you know typically when we think of a front yard we think of that being in front of our building so we see here that we have the opportunity to provide some Landscaping adjacent to it which will create a filtered View and that it will be situated between the two buildings so it really does look like it's going to sit in a s in a sidey yard so I think the board can be very comfortable that um we are are not offending the intent of the ordinance which is not to have those type of trailers and trucks and whatnot parked in in the front yard or in front of buildings um here we have we have the ability to have green space in front of both of our buildings which creates a nice landscape feature um along the highway Corridor so I think given the fact that that's where that's sitting on the site it is not problematic or offensive to the zone to the Zone plan I think when you look at what the stated purpose of the HD1 Zone it is to specifically call for um and provide uses which are oriented to the highway on Lots larger than the um in the HD1 larger than the HC zone so we certainly are meeting the intention of the HD1 Zone here and the Lage law does not ask you to hold us to the standard that there be no detriment just that the detriment does not rise to the level of substantial and the benefits of the gr of the variant outweigh any detriment and I think that here we are you know improving and developing again in an area where there is existing development there's a great Synergy between these existing uses on the property with the existing self storage facility the trucks that are coming you know to the property they're coming here today to get to in many instances are coming to the existing facility and I see no substantial detriment um if the board were to Grant this D variance for the multiple principal permitted use as far as the billboard gaset is in non-conforming use the zone does not the the how Township ordinance does not allow Billboards in any Zone they're prohibited through the township but section 256 of your ordinance does allow for existing Billboards to continue so we would be asking the board to you know to consider that and to allow us to continue to operate that billboard on our property and the Zone in HL does recognize that the continuance of existing Billboards um is permissible despite the fact that they're not allowable so I do think that the board can look at criteria G which talks about sufficient space in appropriate locations for a variety of uses I've described to you the configuration of this property and the size of this property which lends itself to suitability to support these multiple principle uses and these uses as well as criteria H which talks about the free flow of traffic the HD1 zone is a permissive Zone that allows hospitals Healthcare facilities entertainment uses retail sales and services adult daycare health clubs indoor Recreations restaurants and restaurants with dyr facilities um schools assisted living facilities so it is what I would consider a very permissive commercial district and I think that there will be no substantial detriment to the intent of the HD1 Zone which is to allow for Highway oriented uses on on larger lots and I think that this is quite quite a large lot and I I've seen no um no substantial detriment to the Zone plan if the board were to Grant the relief we are also asking in addition to the bulk relief for the sidey setback which was also described by Mr Belo um you see that I think you can grant that under the C1 section of the statute this is an somewhat irregularly shaped property with environmental encumbrances and The Jug Handle so that is certainly creating um some sighting issues with where we could place our buildings on the property so in order to balance you know the critical Max of development here and place that structure I think it's appropriate under the C1 section of the statute to grant that side your setep back we are also asking for some sign variance relief in the HD Zone um Standalone buildings are allowed to have two facade signs we are asking for the board to consider allowing us four signs um I think that they are appropriately scaled to the size of the building I I like to think that signs break up the architectural you know they add an architectural Miss Kone yes how big of a sign do you need I mean the uol that's there stands out amongst everything else that's there uh we're going to add more signage to to the new building to the new building chairman here plan is it's an employee only I mean I would submit that the one U-Haul logo sign that's one thing but like Drive-In storage is unnecessary since no public is driving in anything um and I don't know why you need four because you don't you're not on a corner so I I think you there's you could put one I I would which is what's allowed which it says U-Haul Self Storage which would tie it to the building next door but beyond that I don't see the need for any of them since you're not looking to attract the public there the public is not going in and out of that building I just think it's unnecessary relief are we allowed one or two I thought that in the HD1 Zone if you're a standalone building and you're n or 33 that you were allowed to one unless you're on a corner and you're you're combining the Lots right M so it's one lot with an existing sign and we're granting you an existing one potentially for the other building what else do you need I mean honestly the existing I mean right just use the billboard but while you're talking about while Christine's speaking I'm going to check with my clients about the signage okay there probably um we can probably come come to a meeting of the minds with a scale down sign package I would think given the fact that the public are coming to the building don't think um because of that for excuse me what forgive me is isn't it necessary for them to have something because of that one roadway going out that's a exit only no that's directional signage just a directional oh okaye oh you want a building one okay you've heard a representation that the public use of the site is all going to be in the existing building so like why do we need all the additional signage on the new building if it's only employees in that building just brand it's it's branding and for people to know that it's it's because it's I don't think you need any additional branding everyone knows where the U-Haul is I hear you chairman and Mr chair we're fine with just that one U-Haul sign on the new building okay thank you as proposed on the plan so and so I just I don't know if you have an architect or if Mr Blue can just talk so the the orange doors those are faux doors roll doors they're just they're just architectural features correct so they only roll up doors from the loading do in the back of the structure that's correct all right thank you there's to be no VAR sign variances s then correct correct just the one existing correct so we don't need planning testimony so we're done with that then I rest my planning testimony okay any questions for the planner you want to open to the public thank you Jen you're good I'm good okay uh motion to open the public we got a motion open to public do we have a second second we got a second all in favor I Eileen at this time the chairman has opened the hearing up to members of the public for any questions or comments regarding this application if anyone has any questions please come up to the podium give your name and address you'll be sworn [Applause] in not seeing not hearing any motion to close motion to close second second we got a motion to second all in favor all right Eileen we're closed to Public public has now closed Mr alfier before you say anything sidewalk storm water connection to the Sewer title 39 lights out on the new building by 10: right by 10: um what else are we missing Charlie informing fencing conforming fencing we're going to provide concr concrete enclosure if it doesn't already exist if it doesn't already exist we're going to provide you with a schematic and inventory of that shunting area consistent with the testimony that we gave um no parking of any Rental Vehicles outside of that shunting area um uh sidewalk we talked about ballards along the seven spaces uh the lighting comes off at 10 as you indicated except for security lighting we gave you hours operation we're going to walk work with Sherry on the Landscaping uh the fence we talked about we comply with uh the type of fence s we talked about title 39 uh one sign now and we would meet with the fire offish look apply with all applicable fire codes that's what and then all technical comments within and and and including the fire suppression system that Mr Ryan brought up correct yes Charlie yeah so I I would just say um you know I think this being that they're consolidating the lots and it's going to be one sole operator of the site I think that's a good thing especially with the one trash closure and nothing new proposed I think you know if it were multiple users or tenants then it would might be a little bit more concerned the uh other thing that I did want to ask a question too is we ask it on the self storage facil traditional but with the containers is there any auctions like if someone is delinquent and paying a fee like what happens with the contents to that stuff we trally don't have auction on the ues No No auction on the U Box would that be okay for okay that's all I have Mr chair okay thank you you you have something yeah Mr bur the um the original uh Ingress egress that's staying remaining yes okay so you have that then you're going to have the new egress the new exit and then new and then a new those that new egress and in Ingress and I guess it's an njdot and I guess if they were okay with it but I was just noticing they look pretty close together you got you're gonna have trucks or cars coming out you got The Jug Handle there not that that really plays in you got the light and then you're G to have cars you or trucks going in and and J do was okay with the the distance between the two this driveway plan was approved by the do and we have the actual permit correct so we have the permit which we Pro I think we provided we certainly can provide okay okay so then um summary I summarize all the changes we agreed to we addressed all the comments we believe and we asked the board Grant the relief and the site plan approv so we have one more thing sorry one more um can we ask uh any dead Landscaping on the original site be corrected at time of planting that's fine okay Andy we're good we're good Mr chair all right what's the pleasure of the board I'll make a motion to approve this application based on the fing facts and I agree with Charlie this is a good use because you are consolidating two same businesses and U anything on route nine and with the sidewalks which I agree with our planner is a good thing for how so I definitely approve the application we got a motion to approve do we have a second I'll second that sir we have a motion to approve and we have a second iink Mr Hughes roll Mr burillo yes Mr caner yes Mr Hughes yes Mr merens yes Mr Rosco yes Mr Ryan Yes chairman say yes M alfair thank you thank you everyone thank you have a great summer if I don't see you thank you too you're on the winning streak so yeah I'm going to retire until tomorrow night night by guys thank you [Applause] motion we have a motion to adjourn second all in favor all right we're we're adjourned thank you Mr