[Music] Eileen can we please uh open up the meeting Township of how Zoning Board of adjustment Monday January 8th 2024 7 p.m. reorg and regular meeting I hereby declare this meeting of the how Township zoning board to be open adequate notice having been given pursuant to the New Jersey open public meeting act in the following manner first on December 11th 2023 a copy of said notice was mailed to the Asbury Park Press and the Star Ledger second on December 11th 2023 a copy of said notice was hand delivered to the clerk of the township of Howell third on December 11th 2023 said notice was posted in the office of the zoning board and all the bulletin board in the how Township Municipal Building 4567 Route 9 how Township New Jersey in coordinance with the fire prevention code and for your safety please be advised that this facility is designed with two emergency exits at the front and the rear of the meeting room furthermore smoking is not permitted in the municipal building please take note that this meeting is being videotaped for possible future broadcast on Howell Township TV 77 this meeting is a Judicial proceeding any questions or comments must be limited to the issues of what the board May legally dis considerer in re reaching a decision and the decor of appropriate to a Judicial hearing must be maintained at all times thank you thank you Eileen Andy it says we got Oaths now for the for the new yes okay the reappointed all right how would you want to do that whoever down over here and you want to do them jointly you can do them joint okay you all have the wording on there to follow but ra your hold that they got to hold the Bible need a Bible left hand Bible right hand up here I'll do it I got it not a problem I just want I just want to get in the video we start over I state your name you swear youly swear I will Faithfully impartially andly that I will faithfully impartially and justly all the duties of per all the duties of the office of the office of off zoning board to the best of my ability to the best of my ability and I will support the Constitution of the United States and that I will support theti of the United States and theti of the state of newy and theti of the state of newey I will be true faith and allegiance to the Saint and that I will faith and Ali to the and to the government establish the government establish in the united states in the United States in this St and in this St the authority of the people authority of the people help me so help me go congratul thank you sir conrat could you just make sure you sign that and return it to us please oh yeah thank you that's all right thank you thank you now you're official okay will everyone please join me uh saluting the flag we got to do roll call First oh roll call okay let's do roll call ien roll call please Mr Barillo here Mr caner here Mr Hughes here Mr merens here here Mr Rosco is on his way Mr Stan here Mr Ryan present miss scotson here and chairman SE here here Mr SE sorry it's okay it's all you have a quum okay thank you e all right Matt lead us I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all okay thank you all right since this is a reorganization meeting um we have to self appoint right you know before we move on to any other business so the first position up is the chairman uh is there any nominations for the chairmanship I'd like to nominate Paul SE for chairman okay we got a nomination do we have a second second okay we have a second do we have any other nominations not hearing any um ien roll call please Mr burillo yes Mr caner yes Mr Hughes yes Mr Mertens yes Mr Stanton yes Mr Ryan yes and Mr SE yes congratulations thank you thank you thank you I appreciate that you all have the confidence in me to at least we don't have to get a new name PL yeah it's the driving Factor right okay next up is the uh the vice chairmanship um do we have a nomination for vice chairmanship I'd like to nominate Rich merens we got a nomination for merens we got a second any other nominations not hearing any Eileen roll call please Mr burillo yes Mr caner yes Mr Hughes yes Mr merens yes Mr Stanton yes Mr Ryan yes and chairman seya yes thank you guys everybody look forward to and I got a big shoes to fill and you're not here Paul so well you know you do a bang up there'll be a few of those okay okay thank you okay Secretary of the board um we have a nomination for secretary I'd like to mat nominate Matt Hughes we got a nomination for Matt Hughes do we have a second second we got a second okay any other nominations not hearing any Eileen roll call please Mr burillo yes Mr caner yes Mr Hughes yes Mr mer yes Mr s yes Mr Ryan yes and chairman seya yes motion carries thank you thank you Mr Hughes welcome I will get my signature pen ready baby okay all right um all right so we have now the professionals to go through all right so um Consulting attorney do we have a nomination Mr chairman yes I'd like to nominate pashman Stein Walder and Hayden okay do we have a second I'll second we got a second any others not hearing any Eileen roll call please Mr Baro yes Mr caner yes Mr Hughes yes Mr Mertens yes Mr Stanton yes Mr Ryan yes and chairman seya yes motion carries thank you Consulting engineer Mr chairman yes sir I'd like to nominate T and M Associates T and M assoc Associates okay we have a nomination do we have a second I'll second we have a second any other nominations not hearing any Eileen roll call please Mr burello yes Mr caner yes Mr Hughes yes Mr merens yes Mr Stanton yes Mr Ryan yes and chairman SE yes motion carries thank you let the record show that Mr Rosco is a all right jacket next up Top Gun I love was going to say coolest guy in the room right now Jose okay next up is for Consulting planner do we have a nomination Mr chairman yes sir I would like to nominate Leon s avakian Inc we have a second on that as well any other nominations not here he in any Eileen roll call please Mr Baro yes Mr caner yes Mr Hughes yes Mr merens yes Mr Rosco yes Mr Stanton yes and chairman seya yes motion carries okay next is the certified tree expert do we have a nomination for that Mr chairman yes sir I would like like to nominate CME Associates CME Associates okay do we have a second I'll second we have a second okay any other nominations not hearing any ien roll call please Mr burillo yes Mr caner yes Mr Hughes yes Mr merens yes Mr Rosco yes Mr Stanton yes and chairman seya yes motion carries thank you okay Eileen administrative officer is that going to be well you could name two it's up to you guys however you guys want to handle it do both of us or because if it's not one it's the other got it okay all right may I have a nomination for the both uh yes Mr chairman yes I'd like to nominate uh Eileen Rano and Eileen Kusa to be both the administrative officers and and is that recording secretary as well yeah and and Shar share responsibilities of administrative officers and recording secretaries that's items H and I on the agenda very good we got a nomination do we have a second second we got a second okay ien roll call please Mr burillo yes Mr cancer yes Mr Hughes yes Mr merens yes Mr Rosco yes Mr Stanton yes and chairman seya yes motion carries thank you okay item J the 2024 meeting dates resolution um we went through a lot to get there um I think everyone is pretty satisfied uh have you seen them okay uh there's some adjustments because of holidays and other things and conflicts but all right can I have a motion to approve the uh the meeting dates motion to approve the meeting dates okay we got a motion do we have a second I'll second it got a second thank you I roll call please Mr Baro yes Mr caner yes Mr Hughes yes Mr merens yes Mr Rosco yes Mr s yes and chairman SE yes okay the official newspaper talk to us that is determined by the council and it is the Asbury Park Press and the uh Star Ledger Asbury Park Press and Star Ledger thank you okay we have the site Review Committee looks like the chairman is automatically plugged into to these things uh at the rules committee we are oh but I'm saying we're here no but we usually have three other we're on the rules committee so would be the chairman on that yeah so we don't need this no okay good site Review Committee then um I would like to nominate Mr Bell would you like to yes thank you okay and would who else would Mr Cantor Mr canor on the site Review Committee and one other M um Mr Ryan do you want to be on it sure okay great I'll second that awesome do we need need a roll call on that no that's a Chairman's sorry okay okay move my second and then on on the on the rules committee um you know what's the three of you yeah it's three of us it's a three it's the three of us say Martens and use okay we're good there so that takes care of the minutia now we're on to uh the regular meeting approval of minutes November 27th 2023 regular meeting eligible voters burillo caner Hughes Mertens Orosco Ryan Rebel and seya I'll make a motion to approve got a motion do we have a second second we got a second okay Ian roll call please Mr bur yes Mr caner yes Mr Hughes yes Mr merens yes Mr Rosco yes Mr Ryan yes and chairman seya yes minutes approved thank you December 11th 2023 regular meeting eligible voters Martens Stanton Ryan Rebel and seya I'll make a motion we got a motion we have a second I'll second we got a second ien roll call please Mr Martin yes Mr Stanton yes Mr Ryan yes and chairman say yes minutes approved December 18th 2023 regular meeting burillo caner Mertens Ryan rubella and seya do we have a motion please I'll make a motion caner I'll second it Ryan ien roll call please Mr burillo yes Mr caner yes Mr merens yes Mr Ryan yes and chairman say yes minutes approved thank you e are there any vouchers no vouchers tonight great e do do we have any correspondence I have one thing for correspondence uh Eileen Rano emailed the board about the battery energy storage system for vessie about the ribbon cutting on January 16th 2024 and just let her know if anyone would like to be going thank you did everyone get that yes okay we'll make sure that you get forwarded do you have a Township email yet yes okay good thank you Eileen okay Andy swearing in of the zoning board professionals please do you swear that the testimony you give will be the truth to hold truth and nothing but the truth to help you God I do do just please state your name for the record and uh Charles Jennifer beam Sher speiro your professionals are sworn sir thank you sir Eileen any resolutions no resolution Solutions tonight okay then we're up to item six applications before the board case number ba 23-13 Daves Marines this is a bulk variants for construction of a single family dwelling with a septic system on an undersized lot thank you have a good night application of the vus minkis is as applicant and owner seeking bulk varant approval to construct a single family dwelling with a septic system on an undersized lot in the ar2 zone along with Associated driveway private well septic detached accessory structure inground swimming pool and Associated Concrete ptio and lot grading approvement on premises known as block 144 lot 6.01 516 West Farms Road this application was previously heard on October 23rd and carried to January 8 8 2024 the expiration date is January 23rd 2024 eligible voter is burillo caner 's Ryan and seya Sir Mr chair can I just ask a question I know you're about to get started but when we left off this application there were aside from the buy sell situation which I'm sure you're going to discuss there were modific ations to the driveway that we have not received since October there were architectural plans requested for structures on the property that we haven't received since October and so I guess before we get started is there a reason why you didn't revise the plans and submit because you're putting Charlie and I you know like revised uh coverage calculations based upon the driveway so I feel like you're putting Charlie and I in a position where we haven't seen it we haven't had a chance to review it but you're gonna ask us to advise the board and expect some kind of decision and I feel like that's difficult I'll give you the exact reason why as you recall when we adjourned on October 23rd there was an objector here Mr uh Ryan Leonard uh Mr Leonard indicated to the board as well as the applicant that he would be interested in purchasing the lot the board directed us to get appraisals and to come back at that point now I believe Mr Stevens will cover his end of it but uh he indic he believed that they were going to purchase the lot and we weren't going to going to be here and that would resolve the matter we took a while to get the appraisal it was almost impossible to get an appraiser we finally found one the appraisal was completed uh Thursday of last week I took or actually Wednesday I took it to Mr Ryan Thursday morning he reviewed it and he called me that afternoon and indicated he would not purchase the lot and he was there for waving his objection based on the delay of the appraisal I think Mr Stevens was under the impression it was going to be purchased I know he has a preliminary uh plan done but that's the reason he hasn't submitted an updated plan to you so you you're basically expecting to present this revised plan tonight that we haven't seen I have an exhibit for you this evening yes prepared to give testimony you'd like to swear me in happy to tell you I I mean I don't know how you guys want to proceed but it's going to be difficult for us to give advice I mean we certainly can but to do this on the Fly we don't typically allow this to happen yes I I understand so Andy we've cleared the first hurdle right yes which was the objector whether or not he was going to purchase the property is it prudent for us to move this out to the right a little bit to give it time for the board professionals to work with the development of this piece of property rather than developing it on the Fly that would be the prudent way to go yes so if that was the case what would you recommend with regards to expiration date and extension of time and so forth well right now the expiration dates January 23rd according to this the agenda when's our meeting I me when's the next one it would be it would be the 22 is there a room there's three applications so I uh the administrative secretaries are reporting that there's um three applications on the 22nd already okay February 12 two on February 12th but how big are they I mean they're not all created equal right right what happens in March March 11 we have a bulk variance for a single family home and a use variance March 25th we have a site plan excuse me variances April 8 is a use variance 31 sounds like March 11's the S day right sir yeah how do you feel about you know us giving you an extension of time and moving this to the right to allow you to work with the professionals and give them what they need Mr Stevens certainly plenty of time for us to get that done yes okay so March or April would be what we're looking at right now March 11th April yes we'll do it for March 11th if you can get us on there I mean this our case has already been presented I mean it's just going to be amended I understand stand yes but we want to make sure that we're all on the same page here and okay so um for anyone that's here for this application then you just grant us an extension of time through the end of March yes we'll Grant the extension and Appraisal if the board wants to see it as well I think we also should probably get some kind of something in writing from the neighbor who's saying that they don't want to purchase the property they will contct him but generally don't get anything usually certified letters come back unclaimed and you almost I know but I mean you're making representations which I I'm sure 100% the truth but we need something from them say he has to show up it's a public date he shows up if he doesn't show up thetion is it's negative that's up to the board on whether he did claim last time that he hadn't received the certified correct but he was here to know that it was being carried to tonight correct with no he wasn't yes he was he was here he was here on the TW in October right was originally going to be scheduled in December and they asked for an adjustment right he wasn't here for that I agree I agree good point Mr Ryan I mean maybe if you could at least you request something from them in writing if they ignore that at least we know you've attempted to get something from them in writing I think that's probably the best we can ask for I can ad I can advise them of the hearing from March 11 well really what we're looking for is them to agree with what you said okay right so if you put that in writing to them and they don't respond at least you've attempted to get what we've asked for okay I can send the Bell letter where you check the box stating I am not interested in purchasing it right and maybe send it certified too because you have plenty of time between now and March okay so case number ba2 33-13 Deus minkis this application is going to be carried till 11 march with an expiration date uh C extended to 31 March 2024 no fur with no further notice sir we're good Eileen yes okay John we're good we're good Charlie John yep okay gentlemen thank you thank you thank you okay okay so there's no other business of the board next meeting is June 22nd June June wow Paul I'd see you in the summer Mr SE is yearning for summer yes just before we adjourn I would just like to ask all board members if you're not going to be here I understand you text the chairman everyone has a Township email address for a reason if you can't make the meeting you need to let Eileen or I know preferably both of us in case one is not in the office that you're not coming the last time an applicant was here with all his professionals and we only had five members they're paying for those people every time they come out if I know before 4:30 I can call them and say look I got five members do you want to come or not it's up to you and that saves the applicant from coming here and finding out we don't have a full board so please remember to email us and you can text the chairman as well but we need to know thank you okay any other administrative business not hearing any so then the next meeting is January 22nd right all right we'll see everyone then may I have a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn I'll second we got a second all in favor I thank you we're adjourned I thank you