I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all and I'd like to take a moment of silence for our soldiers that we just lost overseas and for all those serving us here and abroad thank you I will now read the open public meetings act statement as chairperson proem of this meeting of the January 29th 2024 I hereby publicly announc that in compliance with the provisions of the open public meetings act adequate notice of this regular meeting of the Jackson Township planning board has been advertised in the manner prescribed by law may I have a roll call please Mr brassie Mr binstein here Mr Hower here Mr Herman Mr rker here Mr marzo here Mr Tremor Mr wall here Mr suvan here Dr Campbell thank you all right next I'd uh like to take a motion for the payment of the voucher for the recording secretary for January 29th 2024 so moved second all those in favor I thank you all right next up is the approval of minutes for December 18 2023 motion Mr uh Mr brunstein yes uh Mr heler yes Mr rker yes Mr Sullivan yes Mr marzo yes Mr Tremor Mr wall yes thank you and our minutes for the January 8 2024 reorganization meeting do I have a motion motion second roll call please Mr brunstein yes Mr Herer yes Mr rker yes Mr marzo yes Mr trammer Mr wall yes Mr svan yes um I just like to also remind everybody as a courtesy to our uh secretary that from going forward when we um motion we give our names that way it's easier to keep record of who motion for what also I'd like to um remind everybody that our next meeting is in a week and therefore your uh agendas will not be mailed uh they will be sent to you by email so look for them in your emails thank you all all right next is resolutions we have resolution 202 24-1 resolution number 2024 d01 resolution of the planning board of the township of Jackson County of ocean state of New Jersey granting administrative approval Six Flag Great Adventure 2024 Capital Improvement program block 3101 lot 11 motion please motion by rker Mr brunstein yes Mr Herer yes Mr Sullivan yes Mr Tremor yes Mr wall yes thank you resolution number 202 24-02 resolution of the planning board of the township of Jackson County of ocean state of New Jersey granting administrative approval six Flex Great Adventure 2024 Capital Improvement program block 3101 L 11 motion please motion rer second Bernstein Mr Bernstein yes Mr Herer yes Mr rker yes Mr suin yes Mr marzo yes Mr Tremor Mr wall yes resolution number 20 24-3 resolution of the planning board of the township of Jackson County of ocean state of New Jersey granting minor subdivision approval for two new building lots for Jackson development company block 4201 lot 25657 motion please motion Bernstein second Mr rker yes Mr suan yes Mr marzo yes Mr wall yes thank you resolution number 20 24-4 resolution of the planning board of the township of Jackson County of ocean state of New Jersey confirming the election of officers appointment of professionals selection of personnel the appointment of the boards recording secretary and setting the 2024 meeting dates motion please motion rker second Bernstein all the members are eligible to vote Mr Bernstein yes Mr Herer yes Mr rker yes Mr Moro yes Mr trer Mr wall yes Mr suan thank you that would be all for tonight thank you thank you um any engineering or planning mans that we need to discuss gentlemen no sir excellent all right um we have changes to the agenda schedule uh block 6501 lot 42.2 D my address LLC will be carried from the meeting tonight to 4:15 2024 with notice required do I have a motion to approve that motion rker second heler roll call please Mr berstein yes Mr Hower yes Mr rker yes Mr Maro yes Mr Tremor yes Mr wall yes Mr San yes next will be block 22301 Lots 17 20 21 22 23 and 24 Ram Development LLC will be carried from tonight's meeting to May 6th 2024 with notice required do I have a motion to approve motion Mr benstein yes Mr Herer yes Mr rker yes Mr marzo yes Mr Tremor yes Mr wall yes Mr s yes do we have any uh legal matters for discussion tonight not at this time okay excellent um do we have any board matters for discussion tonight okay uh our applications tonight are from the Jackson Township MUA uh first will be block 13001 Lot 24 Jackson Township mua 34 London Drive are you uh should be a switch right there good evening uh my name is Brian heson AIT CIS o I'm the um architect of record for the uh improvements to the municipal utility authorities um uh work at the Manhattan Street Administration complex as well as the London Drive water uh Filtration plant thank you um do our professional have any questions um Mr chairman this is a a courtesy review both both um matters the London um the London um drive and Manhattan Street um again a courtesy review I see the applicant and you know has um like a PowerPoint presentation ready to go so um I would suggest suggest that the applicant describe the projects and answer any questions the board has okay before you get going have to swear in uh please raise your right hand you solemly swear uh or firm to tell the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth I do and please State your full name and and spell your last for the record Brian hes AI t c h i s o n thank you very much all right so we'll start with the Manhattan Street complex uh if we can uh move forward to the uh okay so um um the work involved at the Manhattan Street complex is uh an expansion parking lot um on the um southwest corner of the property uh that wraps around an existing large cell tower that's there uh um and the other gray portion is the existing lot which is very deteriorated and we're basically um refurbishing that lot taking it down to base course putting a whole new course and base under it and rep Paving that lot and then um there's an access there is an existing access gravel driveway to the uh gravel driveway into the um cell tower which is the dark gray hatched area and into that area we're expanding a parking lot to wrap around it 34 spaces it's going to be uh it's an overflow lot used during uh voting times when they have semin ARS um it's got It's got lighting it has drainage carried worked down into the existing sump that serves the other lot as well uh Curbing and uh Paving uh striping and it's it's outside of the secured area of the main employee lot so that it's going to serve in in general generally the public and and uh overflow during events that do happen from time to time at the at uh the administration building and that's the project that's the work being done there um if we go to London Drive um uh we can go over the um new building at London Drive um okay right okay second all those in favor I sorry so do we have a motion uh do we have a motion to approve uh make a motion to approve any the affirmative rker we have a second second hel is there any discussion any anything anybody wishes to State on the board good luck all right uh can I have a roll call please Mr brunstein yes Mr Herer yes Mr rker yes Mr Marza yes Mr Tremor Mr wall yes Mr Sullivan yes all right next will be the London Drive uh 34 London Drive block 24 13 uh block 13,1 right we go forward to that so at London Drive um uh the authority is uh going to build a uh a four a 4 Bay uh vehicle parking garage for uh their larger uh their larger trucks their vacuum trucks will fit in they have two vacuum trucks that op that keep their their systems operating as well smaller trucks in them Park in this garage and they also are putting making a Consolidated office for their maintenance group um in the building um it's located in what is currently um a gravel storage uh storage area back behind the London Drive water plant and um if you go to the next if we go to the next so so uh there are the three water tanks and that whole area indicated just below the tanks is currently a gravel yard with storage and some um fabric shelters for small vehicles are located back there and there's a fence line so we're pushing the building and building the building back into some of the forest there's plenty of buffer we're not really affecting the buffer to the housing to the right or to the school we're just moving back into the forest and if we can go to the next slide where we see the actual proposed so that we get the for Bay the 4bay building we have offices um locker rooms showers for the workers and there's parking uh 13 vehicles are accommodated in parking for the employees on the gravel surface and uh in front of the building there's a driveway that already runs up to this area and act uh a paved driveway and we've obviously paved the whole area in front of the building so the build the vehicles have access in and out in any weather and it's easy to maintain um and there's plenty of turnaround room for the larger Vehicles the VAC trucks being 42 foot single body trucks requiring a a substantial turning radius to get into the building um and it's going to obviously meet all all codes it's going to have very efficient energy conserving um heating cooling system and um there's dry dry Wells underneath the gravel area to handle all of the uh all of the flow and contain all the flow coming off of the building and off of the paved area and um that's uh it's a one-story building um and um that's basically description of what they're doing thank you sir uh um gentlemen do you have any questions no questions here all right I'll will now open it to the public anyone wishing to come forward on this application and this application only please uh please feel free to approach the microphone seeing no members of the public we willing to approach uh make a motion to close public session for this part of the application only all those in favor I I when anyone one like to make a motion to approve sure has this project been subject to uh the Fire official coming out for firefighting purposes I don't see any um hydrants or water connections out there I mean I may be missing it I don't know right right um they are reviewing the plans as we speak now um yeah the the nearest the nearest hydrant is on London Drive Right by the entry to the driveway there's a hydrant there it's a there's a there's a fair distance so we'll see what they want if they want something in addition to that I think that should be done prior to Mr chairman if I might as this is a courtesy review it's not um a normal site plan review where we we Grant a preliminary or final approval and they do resolution compliance with Mr C's office the purpose of a capital project review is to give comments so to the extent that this is a fair comment we could incorporate into an affirmative resolution the comments that we want to make sure it's coordinated with the local Fire official it's not it's not a I have a brief question through the chair for the attorney just for the folks in the audience for the applicants for the board members can you just delineate courtesy review versus an actual application just so everyone is is has the same set of facts as it as it relates to what we're hearing and what we do and and for that matter what we don't do sure thank you so uh so what we have in front of us is a little bit different than what we usually do what we hear is is ordinarily to straight up applications courtesy review is uh kind of like a um it's a cutout by the government basically saying okay they have the right to present this to you but because of the fact that um certain things uh like the vocational schools or educational uh systems or the MUA in this in this instance um they have a right to do certain things per statute for public safety reasons um and and kind of for the benefit of society so to speak so they they have a much lesser standard of review than the ordinary applications do now in this situation is necessarily A a vote uh in the sense that we're approving it but it's in the sense that they brought it before the board um for the courtesy of us to take a look at it give feedback they could they could take a look at uh any feedback that we give them take it into consideration because it's more of a statutory right than than it is um a right under the ml so it's it's a lower standard of approval um which is why that they're coming before us as a courtesy review so as uh as Mr Shay said um given the fact that this is a courtesy review we will I think incorporate the the suggestion that um all proper uh fire safety measures be taken and that a thorough review be made by the fire district yeah so they have to take into consideration the feedback we give them um any recommendations anything like that thank you so we'll incorporate that in our decision um do I have a motion to approve I'll make a motion to approve in the affirmative rker second treamer all righty uh any other further discussion on this from anybody in the board anybody else want to say anything seeing no one else uh roll call please Mr bristin yes Mr Hower yes Mr rker yes Mr Mora yes Mr Tremor yes Mr wall yes Mr solivan yes all right congratulations thank you and thank you for coming out tonight appreciate um I would now uh like to have a motion to go into an executive session uh to discuss outside um to the Outside Agency uh procedures yeah Outside Agency procedures would someone like to make a motion for that executive session motion to go in executive session shamer do we have a second second Riker uh roll call please Mr brunstein yes yes Mr Herer yes Mr rer yes Mr morom yes Mr Tremor yes Mr wall yes Mr San yes meeting motion to reenter the meeting do I have a second second rker all those in favor I I do I have a motion motion to close Bernstein do I have a second second rker all those in favor I thank youbody have a good night