##VIDEO ID:ewBC7HWZZgI## J on the conversation [Music] for [Music] check check Noble one check one two ambient mic just uh call me on my cell phone check [Music] hello it's working thank you yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I calling me into order please rise salute the flag Ali to the flag of the United States of America this meeting is in compliance with the open public meetings law and has been duly advertised in the newspaper as an official meeting roll call M Cardella here Mr McCarron pres Mrs barokas pres Dr Osman Mrs Rivera present Mrs Cass present Mr P present I need a motion for approval of the agenda with addendum motion second discussion roll call Mr cordella yes Mr McCaron yes Mrs barokas yes Mrs Rivera yes Mrs Cass yes Mr Tri P Mar yes I now turn the meeting over to miss permil for her superintendent report thank you Mr plary and good evening everyone so it's really hard to believe it's just about two weeks until we open school again crazy um it is hard to believe we are entering and getting ready to open the doors for 2425 uh it's however very exciting we always look forward to seeing our schools come back to life uh seeing them fill up again with with staff and students it's just really exciting uh busy time definitely busy time preparing as many of you know and know that we have just recently released middle school and high school schedules uh Elementary class assignments are coming out next week on the 26th and then bus passes after that on the 29th so definitely a busy time our uh crews are busy in the schools our staff our facility Crews our custodians are all quickly preparing and working very hard to make sure that we are completely ready for receiving our staff and our students and we're very much looking forward to it um even our fall Athletics have started we see practices happening it's so nice to see the students out the weather's been really Cooperative there as well um so they're preparing for the season and we are so grateful that our students still have these options for athletics it's taken a lot of work and a lot of sacrifices a lot of problem solving um a lot of sacrifices in other areas across the district to keep these athletic and co-curricular programs for students and we are very grateful for that along those same lines we are very grateful for the work that has begun on the Fieldhouse and the concession stand here at Memorial a tremendous amount of um people in this District who have donated uh not only money but time and there'll be more information on that in the next few weeks but again I just want to say how grateful I am to this community for stepping up and helping so along those same lines we know that uh through this budget this very difficult budget that we've had to to put in place we've had some significant Cuts one of those was our late buses um for the 2425 school year and as we know those lay buses can help provide that transportation for students to participate in the very important co-curricular and Athletics programs that really help to well-round uh to make a well-rounded education for students so working with um Mr binsky transport the board transportation committee um Central Administration here um and our grants coordinator we are looking to be able to at the middle school through a grant be able to at least provide late buses two days a week for um most of of the seasons that are available for um Athletics and we are also working hard uh together to put together subscription busing and allowing for subscription late busing so there's at Le at least an option for our families to sign up if they have no other way for students to be able to participate so that information um will be coming out real soon so please take a look at that look at that and see if that can help um your children be able to participate in these co-curriculars and Athletics it's not the best scenario obviously um there is a price tag to subscription busing but it is at least an option um it's better than having no option so also as we well know um in this budget we've had to close Rosen hour and begin to prepare and do all of the um necessary forms paperwork updates to our long-range facility plan in order to um sell Rowen hour so all of that is currently underway but we have been able to meet and discuss and set a date for honoring Rosen hour the date of that and it's we've really done um I think a great job of really thinking about how to honor it best we're going to call it the Walk to Remember uh is the theme it's going to be held on uh Saturday September 21st from 1: to 3: p.m. um and there's a flyer that Miss Irwin has um you can see it behind me with the QR code is getting ready to push out um either tonight or tomorrow that will share even more information about the event but there will be lots of um a memory hallway with lots of memor shared presentations um there will be some activities held and just some really strong ways to honor the wonderful education that has happened in that building so we're looking forward to that keep an eye out for that and we hope to see everybody there with us on that day um just as a reminder there are um free and reduced launch applications are available and again um very important that you fill that form out if you're in need not only of the lunch services but also other things that by filling that form out it becomes other services and other money to the district to help offset other things for families who are struggling so please um if you're in need please make sure you fill that form out and we're here to help if you have any questions about that form I do also want to just remind um everybody that the town's Jackson day is September 15th so that's always a great day to come out um and see your your fellow community members as well so with that I'm going to move on tonight to the several presentations that we have this evening um we are going to begin this evening with Dr godleski and she is going to review the annual nursing Report with the board Dr galeski good evening so each year the Department of Education requires that all school districts there's a presentation sorry did you say oh say uh all school districts present the district nursing plan that focuses on Staffing as well as levels of acurity and use within each of the school buildings uh student wellness is always a district priority and our School nurses play a huge role in ensuring this for every child in the Jackson School District the second slide shares a handful of the responsibilities of the school nurse it's a very comprehensive position and their duties range from completing and maintaining immunization records to managing Emergency Medical Teams this next slide is a chart that demonstrates the frequency of nursing visits for each of our operating schools during the 23 24 school year the number in that middle column demonstrates the number of visits for each school and the number on the right is the number of visits at that same site the previous year for comparison uh but when you're comparing please note that the school population may have shifted over the course of the year and through that time span which could impact of course the number of visits I'll give you a moment to take a look at that understanding our nursing is understanding that nursing needs vary and this is demonstrated by the level of Acuity uh there are four levels of Acuity with level one being the most severe in the first level of Acuity care is provided on a onetoone basis and it's the most complex and dependent of the four levels some examples of this level of care include students who require continuous feeding tubes to students who require daily medication the second level on on the right hand of the slide requires daily interaction and skilled nursing care often with close home contact Acuity levels can include seizure disorders toileting or other personal care functions skilled nurses are essential for these two levels of care level three and four have decreasing levels of nursing involvement and monitoring as needed this care ranges from administering short-term medications to addressing a minor illness as a note most of our nursing care falls into level four characterized as minor nursing involvement this chart takes those numbers of visits and delineates them uh into the levels of Acuity at each of our school locations for the past school year this data demonstrate that most of our students as I stated by a significant margin are treated at a level four of Acuity requiring minor nursing involvement all this data is of course utilized in planning for the next school year so this is our nursing staff for 2425 uh we do have a current opening so that's there's a TBD on there as we have a position that is yet to be filled we also utilize uh floating or substitute nurses two to four days per week to help um some of our nursing needs at some of our more populated schools I want to also identify uh Miss mink as our nursing coordinator in the district and she does an exorbitant amount of work in creating this nursing plan for our district again looking forward to the next school year there's points of emphasis that um I want to take a look at it's really important that we continue Recruitment and Retention efforts for full-time and part-time School nurses and substitutes it's a challenging position to fill all over so it's something that we have to keep keep working on and keep working towards uh we want to make sure we satisfy all Health rated trainings for staff members EpiPen um glucagen delegate training cardiac response teams and signs and symptoms of anapilis uh and Hyper hypoglycemia with all key stakeholders this is really important in ensuring our student safety renewing CPR and first aid training for all scho School nurses as well as building capacity in this area and training some of our staff to become trainers to again be able to right on site train more people complete all required health screenings uh including all the screenings required for our preschool student population increasing parent involvement in the area of Wellness for our youngest Learners this is a a prek initiative and support student mental health concerns by having nurses play an active role on IAP 504 inrs and school climate teams and that is it it's a pretty short report any questions okay okay no questions comments thank you do Dr galeski very comprehensive so also this evening we have Mr maloi director of security with us for the second report period of the district violence vandalism and hip report and also the the 232 24 self assessment submission scores thank you Mrs pelly uh the first report and good evening everyone the first report I'd like to present is the violence and vandalism report uh this is in regards to sub uh violence vandalism substance abuse and weapons offenses within the school district again this is report period two which is the time period of January to June of 2024 just a little bit of back ground and overview seems there might be a little bit of problem oh there it goes uh the purpose of this uh report and the objective is to collect and Report incident data concerning serious student misconduct in the following areas violence vandalism harassment intimidation and bullying weapons and substance abuse the chart up on the screen is a list of our last three report periods with report period two our most recent report period to the far right as you can see through the comparison for our report period our last report period there were 32 incidents of violence you'll notice that that number is has increased from uh January June of 2023 there were 19 in that report period vandalism there were three incidents for this most recent report period harassment intimidation and bullying there was a total of 73 investigations weapons incidents there were two in substance abuse there were 22 and as you'll notice there has been a decrease in that number from previous report periods the slide up on the screen right now is our violence incidents reported by our elementary schools uh it appears there was one fight reported at the Johnson School uh zero across the board for our other schools in the areas of fights simple assaults threats and sexual offenses to the far right are the totals for our harassment intimidation and bullying investigations for this most recent report period uh 10 at Crawford Elms there were a total of two two investigations at hman Johnson had 10 Rosen hour zero and switlick six our secondary schools are middle and high schools in the category of fights as you'll see there's a number 21 there that number is obviously there's been an increase from previous report periods in looking at that data and speaking with some of our principles and our staff members it seems that some of these incidents are attributed to social media and bullying I'll need to take a closer look at this and and look a little bit more in depth uh as far as simple assaults threats and sexual offenses uh the totals are up on the screen there Hib investigations to the far right the get school had a total of 15 hi inves tigations mallof 6 Liberty 12 Memorial 10 a breakdown of our vandalism incidents for the last report period there were a total of three vandalism incidents one at Memorial one at Liberty and one at mccauliff all of our other schools reported zero vandalism incidents to the far right on the screen is our substance abuse data for the last report period to the far right you'll see there were 12 incidents involving marijuana these are incidents involving students who may have been under the influence uh alcohol zero prescription drugs one substance suspected but an exam was refused there were zero reported uh incidents involving possession of substances marijuana there were 12 incidents drug paraphernalia nine reported one alcohol incident and one unauthorized prescription drug incident was reported through the district weapon offenses for the last report period there were two reported incidents by our schools action taken by the school district to response to these incidents uh again a comparison the last three report periods to the far right is the most recent there were 20 incidents involving uh police notification uh but no complaints were filed by the police um in school suspensions there were 12 incidents out of school suspensions this uh number is broken down by suspension days there were a total of 307 suspension days implemented by our schools in regards to these incidents and again a comparison to the uh previous report periods impacted oh if you just go back impacted students uh student offenders to the far right the most recent there were 92 student offenders and eight student victims in regards to these incidents and in conclusion for the violence and vandalism report we're going to continue to create a safe School safe district and school environment by bringing our school and District safety teams and school anti-bullying Specialists together to review this data uh to use the data to plan programs and informed practices and approaches in curriculum uh continuing to build strong Partnerships with the Jackson Police Department and local law enforcement providing training for our school administrators on the intive prevention and resp response to violence vandalism and substance use and educating all of our stakeholders on how they can make Jackson schools safer and that concludes my violence and vandalism report be happy to take any questions if there were any I just had a qu maybe like a comment so when you saw the you know the report periods and it was like January to June September December January to June January to June was higher September was lower I was just curious if you had looked just out of curiosity on your own regard on the September December period prior and if that's like you know maybe a cyclical type thing that might be happening with our students it could be and I I try to look at as much data as possible one thing that you have to keep in mind for report period two that period consist of 6 months so naturally that number might be a little bit higher than report period one which to December so I just want to clarify that I didn't think of that math in my head so I appreciate it yes was that your question D yes okay so any other questions all right the next report I'd like to uh present is our harassment intimidation and bullying report for report period two again this is the period of January of 2024 to June of 2024 the Jackson School District's commitment is being committed to creating a safe safe learning environment for all of our students investigating all complaints of harassment intimidation and bullying and preventing all acts of harassment intimation and bullying as part of that commitment we're committed to being proactive and prepared through training some of the ongoing training that's going on throughout our district is behavioral threat assessment training for our staff members behavioral threat assessment team training for our district and our individual schools understanding School violence training uh standard response protocol training uh and Implement implementation of that program uh which is uh part of uh the training that we receive and the data we receive from the New Jersey Department of Education and specifically the office of uh School preparedness and emergency planning the standard reunification method implementation and training uh District training at all schools and with our abss in regards to policies and procedures for addressing and Reporting harassment intimidation and bullying violence and vandalism sub and substance use and lastly our ABC ABS meetings where we typically uh discuss Hib policy and data review and also review our Hib investigation procedures to the far left on the slide is the antibullying specialist that were assigned at each of our schools for the last report period some of our continuing events and initiatives across the district are assemblies at every school and grade level focusing in on what is be bad behavior uh classroom lessons through uh appropriate activities such as bucket filling uh P mediation morning announcements school spirit days character education groups also social and emotional character education diversity and Equity um parent student social emotional evenings uh presentation of mindfulness districtwide Suicide Prevention education and lastly climate and culture meetings and surveys that are used to strengthen the use of the data to Target our programs and approaches the next slide is a u list of our Hib investigations at our elementary schools there is a comparison from 2022 2023 to the most recent report uh from 2023 2024 the breakdown is the total number of Investigations to the far right out of those total investigations are the number of Investigations that were founded after investigation just to clarify at our secondary schools our middle and high schools again a comparison from last year to our most report recent report period out of our 35 founded Hib investigations for the last report period there's a breakdown at the top of the screen the motivating factors for these founded hibs in 12 of the investigations appearance was a motivating factor race 8 color six perceived weaknesses there were three so sexual orientation two Medical 2 gender one religion one some of the outcomes of all the investigated hibs there's a list there of some of the consequences and remedial measures that were implemented during the last report period the location of the 35 founded hips 29 of these incidents occurred on school grounds four of the incidents occurred on the school bus one occurred off school grounds and one was related to a cell phone internet incident um classification of actions of all the investigated hip incidents these are some of the classifications uh to the far right that we found as part of our investigations next up on the screen is our school self assessment grades as you're aware every year we're required to assess our harassment intimidation and bullying efforts across the top of the screen are the eight core elements that all of our schools are required to assess themselves in with the maximum scores allowable for each of those eight core elements and the scores uh that our our schools uh were able to grade themselves with this last report period to the far right is the total score for each school now the Crawford School came in at 70 with a maximum of 78 Elm 74 hullman 75 Johnson 76 switlick 75 and rosenow 77 on this slide are middle and high schools again with the eight core elements that our schools are required to assess themselves in to the far right are their total scores for the report period and for the the year um 66 was the score for gets Mall of 69 Liberty 75 Memorial 75 overall our score did increase from our previous school year in 2022 2023 our district score was 70.2 and I'm happy to report that our district score for this previous school year has increased to 73.2 and in closing HP complaints as I previously stated we investigate everything uh him complaint submission uh they are received in person through the telephone email or via links located on our district webs website through Hib form 338 which was uh enacted into law a few years ago uh provides a means for parents and guardians or a school staff member to report an incident of Hib in a confidential manner 24 hours a day seven days a week and finally all of our Hib complaints are promptly investigated in accordance with our district policy 5512 regarding harassment intimidation and bullying of students and that concludes my hi report I'll be happy to take any questions I have another I have another comment I'm so sorry so I remember last year gets had a a low self assessment too did it improve from year over it has um just give me a second I do have the score the previous score was a 55 great and the gets school was able to increase their uh score up to 66 this report period that's wonderful thank you you're welcome and what mcalla I believe their score also increased I have it actually M callif score went down two points um they scored in at 71 last year they were at 69 this year they stayed about the same but they did go down about two points keep in mind that these are self assessment scores we assess ourselves on this and sometimes we are are you know hardest critics um because we we want to make sure that we're in this you know this is serious topic we want to make sure that we're doing everything we possibly can to address any kinds of bullying that might be happening and so if we think we can do better we score ourselves that way um so I'm sure the action plans behind these will be strong to help us improve and strengthen so that there is less bullying happening it's definitely an attention for us um our surveys that came back on school climate we realize some of the students too feel like they are experiencing bullying and so we're addressing it we're making sure that we have action plans behind this to um have our students feel safe and secure in all of our buildings all right thank you have a good evening thank you Mr mki very nice report very comprehensive so next I am up next I will come to the podium we are going to have a discussion around the district goals for the 2425 school year and the board goals so this obviously is the time of year I make sure you all can hear me can you hear me okay okay we work over the summer with our admin team to review data to review do uh the school year the previous school year and we be we work together to um present goals discuss goals and things that we need to be working on over this school year so for the 2425 school year these are draft goals that I'll be taking you through um as well as the board goals so we've we've been navigating very much changing and challenging waters for the last s years as many of you are well aware of facing drastic Financial challenges constant reduction in Revenue constant reduction in everything in our district challenges to keep strong expensive programs and co-curricular activities it has been a strong um definite challenge for us over the years we have changing student population uh with different needs diverse needs lots of challenges in maintaining staff and filling positions with qualified candidates as we well know across the state and the nation there's a teacher shortage struggling to keep morale positive during seven years of reductions um very difficult and as we all know doing more with less it has been definitely challenging we've been trying to navigate these waters for a while I have to say though we have incredibly strong people here strong captains strong strong crew smart creative talented Innovative problem solving hardworking staff who've helped us to navigate these Waters to have the least amount of effect on our students just by looking at some of these very small sampling of the evidence of that that indicates how our students are always put first in our decision- making and we work hard and we are creative in maintaining our programs such as evidence of our off offerings still for our 2425 school year we've worked hard we've made sacrifices everywhere to be able to offer these strong programs for our students and it's to the credit of the incredible staff across the board here with all of that though it is time for us now we've what navigated these Waters it's time for us to raise our sales and navigate a new course for the Jackson School District it's time for us to look at strategic planning together we need to steer our ship to ensure students and our community have strong schools that are sustainable for our future that we keep these strong programs and these strong offering for our students and it's time for us to come together to make a plan for that our foundation is here we have a strong Foundation if you want to use the ship analogy we have a strong ship we really do now it's time to make sure that that ship stays strong and navigates in the right direction for our students we need to rechart our course a bit and we need to look at how we are able to sustain ourselves with the budgets that we have with the revenue that we have how do we use our facilities in the right way how do we address our curriculum instruction assessment co-curriculars and all of the social emotional learning and life skills that we teach effectively and efficiently so our very first goal and our main goal here as you see goal number one is strategic planning we will revisit our mission and our core beliefs we'll recognize our challenges together we'll discuss our priorities and we'll chart a course forward some of the objectives under that goal will include as I said revisiting our mission and core beliefs we'll talk about that a little further in a minute analyze districtwide enrollment and use our fac facilities and the use of our facilities and our trailers and how do we do that efficiently and smartly plan for redistricting with a goal of removing our trailers and making Equitable class sizes districtwide we will pursue facilities referendum time to when current debt Services expire in 2027 resulting in a zero impact to taxpayers that's a smart thing for us to do to maintain our facilities so that's goal one and if you recall one of the objectives is to revisit our mission and our core beliefs we have a really strong mission statement we rely on this often it's always used as the big picture Focus for us as we plan as a district as we move forward on our daily practices just look at some of the red highlights there in that mission statement it's hard to argue how this is not a strong mission statement and I do believe when we revisit it much of it will stay intact but it is time to look at it and see if it still fits the focus and the vision of this District that is true of the core beliefs and the values and the beliefs as well again hard to argue with these These are strong serve as Good Foundations for our practices daily in our classroom but I do believe there's some revisions and tweaks that we probably need to make again focused on the different Learners in front of us and again being able to maintain strong programs so we will look at that as we go through strategic planning as well but again look at these things I mean all students can learn how can we not can't argue with that um we can't argue with the importance of critical thinking and fostering creativity these are good solid core beliefs but I do believe we can do a little bit of tweaking in additions to it as we know the social emotional pieces of learning are key you know you go back to the very um solid and classic approach of maso's hierarchy of needs we use this to guide a lot of what we do here because we know without basic needs being met no one no human being reaches to the higher levels and so we use this to guide us as we are planning again just as we use our mission statement and core beliefs this is important to the social emotional pieces of any human being in order to progress to higher levels of thinking um and functioning so with that we move on to goal two we know the health and the safety the bottom layers of maso's hierarchy if they're not met feeling safe uh feeling your needs are being met and feeling safe and secure less learning is going to happen so goal number two focuses around health safety and connections students staff's physical and personal safety must be met in order for individuals to perform perform learn and grow academically and there you see the physical pieces of of that safety component will be the objectives under that goal we'll continue our safety uh self assessments and protocols we'll continue to drill We'll add new ways of drilling to practice for more different scenarios such as during lunch and after school and as always we'll continue to collaborate with our security and our Police Department now addressing the emotional and mental health pieces of the hierarchy we will obviously and we know that we have been working on this um over the last few months since the announcement of Rosen hour continue to support the smooth transition for students staff and families through the Clos the closer the closing of Rosen hour Elementary School we um wholeheartedly believe that's super important we'll use you heard me reference a little bit the climate survey a moment ago we'll use that data to build and set goals in our buildings related to continuing to strengthen a positive uh School culture for students and staff and families in our schools we can always improve upon that and we'll use the data to drive those goals building positive relationships with students and between students and understand students interest and backgrounds again still continuing on that masa's hierarchy very important to form relationships to get to those next levels of learning and connectedness um in your academic achievement as always we will continue to address chronic uh tardiness being absent and disciplined through logical consequences and remedial measures we can continually always strengthen and expand our approaches you can't learn if you're not here doing an assignment doing work when you're not in class is doing the work but it's not doing the learning right the lot of the Learning Happens within the classroom through the dialogue and the conversation that's happening so it's very important that our students are with us every day continue to build student resilience while focusing on the signs for individuals at risk and the use of our threat assessment teams we'll expand upon our proactive approaches to reduce bullying and expand remedial measures and restorative practices for uh not only bullying but also for discipline so moving on from the social emotional focus and the the other areas of um the bottom layers of maso's hierarchy you then move to once you're feeling you know connected to your school safe in your school uh feel that you are part of the learning process that's where the growth begins to happen and we will focus goal number three on the academic growth and rigor identifying students academic needs setting growth goals while keeping the instructional rigor at the same time it's important to be a ble to identify needs and also push push that that uh that rigor so we'll increase our academic achievement through implementation of new curriculum resources K through 8 literacy and 6 through 12 math um and there's a lot of professional development that's going to be happening for our staff in those areas um and we're very um excited about this we believe this is really going to be a tremendous support for our staff who have a variety of different needs in their classroom uh with lots of of resources available to them and it's also going to be a great benefit for our students so students with teacher support will also set goals for learning they need to be part of the experience and they will monitor those goals throughout the year set new goals and be responsible as well for their learning we'll expand the use of our district approach to formative assessment and differentiation and using that assessment data to help differentiate what's happening in the classroom so each student's needs can be met and we'll continue our professional development around those areas we're creating opportunities for students to take responsibility of the learning such as the goal settings I mentioned and we are going to expand and strengthen the use of the tiered system of support by addressing intervention using a multi-tiered system of support platform that will really help support our teachers again with uh supports and ideas and suggestions for how to meet the needs of students in the classroom the best learning happens in that general education classroom that's growth moving on to rigor you see some of the objectives there communicating High academic standards for all students engaging students in cognitively complex tasks creating lessons of higher order thinking open-ended problem solving problem-based learning and authentic application of learning really takes that learning to another whole level so continuing our Focus this year on that and creating lessons that are involved um on a daily basis for students to think at higher levels and provide that necessary scaffolding to get them to think to those levels and to achieve higher levels of academic success and letting our students believe they can get there is is part of that creating opportunities for students to expand their knowledge through enriched and advanced work career and college exploration we started a lot of that last year and we're going to expand upon it um and we're excited for that goal number four focuses around Finance facilities and transportation we need to ensure District facilities and transportation are maintained safely and efficiently while advocating for fair state aid funding and seeking creative ways to offset our budget so in these areas you see some of the objectives that will fall under those goals for goal four we'll continue as we have for the last seven years um advocate for Equitable State funding continue to research grants other available Revenue sources and I have to say here in this District it's amazing what uh grants we do have uh everybody has just really stepped forward to help with that our staff suggesting grants they see writing grants at all levels um teachers supervisors directors assistant superintendents um you know Grant Specialists all writing grants to to bring in more money for us and wonderful services for kids as mentioned earlier through the Strategic iic planning they'll be at the same time we'll be running um to plan for a facilities referendum again um to help keep our facilities up and current and futuristic for our students into the future as well again working through a Debt Service that's going to follow off the books that will allow us to do those things without a an impact to the taxpayer um currently what's happening through uh the grant that the town got and has graciously um provided Elementary playgrounds for us uh will not monitor the installation of the elementary playgrounds and we've have done a lot of that over the summer already so many of them have already been installed and we'll manage facility upgrades um that have been needed to create the annex here at Memorial for the preschool which is just about done as well and we'll plan for addressing courtesy busing as we know this year we figured out how to do that but the following year we need to work out a plan because we cannot continue to put that in the budget and transition to upgrade software for transportation and implementation of that as we move forward will bring along a lot of wonderful things for our transportation efficiency so The Homeschool and human resource connection you see there is important that we effectively recruit and monitor School staff while also creating productive and cost- effective approaches to the human resource office um and recruiting is is Big we know there's a teacher shortage and we need to um really get out there and make sure that we can have the best qualified staff in front of our students um I do want to say um I'm so incredibly impressed again we put out to our community that we needed bus AIDS and boy did everybody step up to the plate we had I think Mr vinsky said 36 applicants and many of them are going to be hired so thank you everyone for stepping up to help again in the community we'll we have to we're going to be transitioning to a new web page and app this year um at a necessity the other one has expired no longer in service um and so we'll be transitioning you'll hear more about that um over the next few months um it is actually exciting it's going to be beautiful and much more efficient Miss eran's been working on that and we will continue to promote Community engagement in the things that we do and continue to expand ways to recruit diverse teaching staff and heart to fill positions through this goal so with all goals it's very important that they are smart goals and that they are goals that are in alignment so this is the big Vision the district Vision we go over this at the administrative week the administrators share this at their staff meetings and opening days and we set School level goals based on these grade level goals teacher goals and student goals that all are in alignment with the district goals um and so those things will be happening over the next month so moving on I do want to thank board members for completing the survey I provided um that would allow us to get some things on a slide for uh board goals so that we could have a discussion this night tonight about where the board would like to see their goals separate from the district goals so we always say to keep them limited obviously and the first one is around fiscal and the board will Advocate identify and Implement Revenue generating cost-saving Endeavors for the district you see some of the objectives under there the board and administration will develop a budget that addresses the fiscal challenges forced upon the district by the S2 funding loss the board will work with the District administration to create a plan for referendum that I mentioned earlier that supports the Strategic plan and redistricting that will bring upgrades to the facilities while also again not costing the taxpayer any money and the board will continue to support Administration in seeking out grants and other alternative funding sources I think this makes sense it's in alignment with the district goals and helps support everything that we're going to be doing this year and it's a big that's a big Endeavor those two things uh strategic planning redistricting and looking at a refer down the road curricular and extracurricular obviously very important the board will support and monitor the district's commitment to strengthen opportunities to improve student achievement involvement and progress the objectives under that goal the board will use data and input from stakeholders to work with Administration to create a strategic plan and redistricting that will support balanced class sizes equal opportunities for students and strategic facility usage to best meet the needs of students that will also be sustainable fin financially and into the future review our annual state of schools school performance reports and other data as we present to the board and provide feedback on curricular opportunities to improve student achievement goal three for the board follows um under the realm of communication the board will support and monitor efforts to further strengthen communication and engagement with families and Community the board will utilize the committee structure that we have in place continue to timely report back out to the board publicly um and use through the committee chair use uh that as the form of communication back out to the full board and the public continue to utilize the chain of command communication method when responding to community concerns about the District operation and student needs continue to educate lawmakers on the financial situation from S2 and advocate for change continue to review educational legislation being proposed osed and share that information with the community Through the advocacy committee that the board has formed and reach out to other school boards to join an advocacy for selected proposed legislation goal four always focuses around it's important to have goals and to monitor those goals so mid year we'll monitor those goals as a board and then again at the end of the year um just to check in and see where we have been over the year with the implementation and the progress of those goals so some big work will be done this year those are lofty goals district and board goals so with that lofty goals we will continue to move forward doing great things for students but we will be moving forward doing it with less um and even with that we have a massive um commitment and we'll continue to always put our students as the priority in all decision makings uh that we have here but these are some lofty goals but um with the staff we have the board we have I know that we will achieve them so any discussion comment or questions from the board oh we're off oh no I'm on I thought the go we good uh do you want to try Allison are you speaking into it I think so yeah yeah okay hear quick go I said I I think the goals were good you know um thank you for getting all of our ideas together um from my perspective I think that we can achieve them and I concur with you that you definitely have the board that can at least Notch off some of these goals for the year thank you okay thank you everyone job Mr P Mar I turn it back to you thank you Miss Peril we will now have our standing committee's report we have buildings and grounds chairperson is Mr McCarron yes thank you uh Capital Improvement projects districtwide Crawford Rodriguez there was a repair leak on dehumidification for the heating system gets the new alarm warning system was installed for domestic water station uh Liberty there was a repair to broken windows due to vandalism outside Stadium Press Box switlick portable one remove and replace drainage piping under the floor install new toilet and floor PVC tile Johnson trailer 2 there was a repair to Broken handrail gets repair damage electrical piping inside the Boiler Room Liberty the gymnas gymnasium floor was resurfaced entire floor uh repair and paint all new graphics gets water tank project is scheduled uh completion is for August 29th home and Elementary School gym HVAC project tenative start date of September 27th 2024 thank you thank you Mr McCarron uh Transportation Miss Cass um transportation met on August 14th um it was Mrs Peril Mr binsky myself Mrs Osmond and Mr palmary um the things that we discussed were the routing for the 2425 um which is in good shape and the new software upgrade um is a great benefit we do have a shortage Advantage which was discussed in the presentations um so um we know that a lot of people did apply for that so that that looks to be looking up late buses for 2425 um we're going to do Title One is paying for activity bus for two days a week at mcalli title four will be paying for an activity bus for two days a week at gets possible use of subscription service for late bus um for the remaining days at the middle school and all five days at the high school Mr binsky is working on outlining a detailed plan for subscription busing the committee agrees that we should move this forward um so that'll be in the coming in the future uh we also discussed the cost for electric buses versus traditional diesel um on the agenda there is um a bid right for for um electric buses which we have a grant for um but we want to look at the long-term Financial strains um for both of them so there'll be more discussion on that um we did receive a a grant for the electric buses um a possibility of 12 again we just need to you know go over all the facts and figures um the first two grants completely cover the cost for the buses and the charging statements it's recommended we go with that that's for the two buses correct the two and then the third Grant will cost the district a little bit more but it does not cover the cost of the charging stations so again all of this will be um a continued conversation um we also um discussed the exchange about C courtesy bus routes that occurred between the town and district and the safeguards needed for these routs and again that'll be an ongoing discussion thank you thank you Mrs Cas and while I have you if you could report on policy as well okay this one's a long one um policy met on August 7th um it was Dr godleski myself Mrs barois Mr McCarron and Mrs pmell um so I'm going to just read all of the policies that were discussed and what happened so there was a board member um number and term that was just revised um that comes from s um Strauss and Strauss night um this is mandatory uh remote public board meetings during a declared emergency that was abolished um policy 2200 curriculum content mandatory it was revised language changes um policy and regulation 3160 physical examination this is also mandatory it was revised there were new revisions regarding um tuberculosis testing and drug testing for recreational marijuana policy and regulation 4160 physical examination again mandatory it was revised same as 3160 has to do with um the TB testing and so forth regulation 5200 um has to do with attendance mandatory it was revised there are clearer definitions for excused absences policy 5337 had to do with service animals it was just revised again language policy 5350 student suicide prevention mandatory was revised training requirements for staff members to warn and protect if they have any information of student intend students intending self harm policy 8420 emergency and crisis situations again mandatory revised it has to do with the fire drill policy again language and terminology policy and regulation 8467 firearms and weapons again a mandatory policy revised language update policy 9181 volunteer athletic coaches and co-curricular um activity advisor assistance it was revised it was a change in title and the TV testing policy 2363 pupil use of privately owned technology cell phone usage in school um and updated language uh regulation 3425 modified duty early return to work program that has to do with teaching staff members new workers comp guidelines regulation 4425 modified duty early return to work program support staff members um new policy 02 introduction language and title changes for staff policy 5756 transgender student reviewing the policy revisions within the state guidelines um the committee reviewed a policy from sparter that Mr zider provided we will review this policy further and meet again to discuss any changes that are recommending to our existing policy I think that is it thank you great job mam vice president thank you state and County School Board representative chairperson Miss River you have anything to report for us yes next County meeting will be Wednesday September 25th it will be hybrid at 6 o' Claren hotel in Tom server thank you I need a motion for approval of policy and regulations first reading motion second discussion roll call Mrs cordella yes Mr McCarron yes Mrs barokas yes Mrs Rivera yes Mrs Cass yes Mr P yes I need a motion for approval of policy abolished motion second discussion roll call Mrs Gardella yes Mr McCarron yes Mrs brokas yes Mrs Rivera yes Mrs Cass yes Mr P yes I need a motion for approval Ral of the minutes the Clos session meeting July 17 2024 the official board meeting July 17th 2024 business meeting the official board meeting July 24th 2024 special business meeting and the Clos session meeting July 24th 2024 motion second discussion roll call Mrs Gardella yes Mr McCaron yes Mrs barokas yes Mrs Rivera yes Mrs Cass yes Mr Pay yes I need a motion for approval of the bill list motion second discussion roll call Mrs Gardella yes Mr McCarron yes Mrs baroas yes Mr River yes Mr Cass yes Mr Pay yes I need a motion for approval of treasurers and board secretaries reports motion second discussion roll call Mrs Gardella yes Mr McCarron yes Mrs barokas yes Mrs Rivera yes Mrs Cass yes Mr Tri Marr yes I need a motion to open public forum on agenda items only we will hold another public forum during this meeting for other questions this public forum will be for questions on agenda items only motion second please sign in and state your name and whether or not you are a Jackson res president each person is allowed a maximum of 3 minutes to speak no person may speak more than once on the topic until all others have been heard okay seeing no one come forward I need a motion to close public forum motion all in favor I I I need a motion to move Finance motion second discussion roll call m g yes Mr McCarron yes Mrs barokas yes Mrs Rivera yes Mrs Cass yes Mr Pay yes I need a motion to move facilities motion second discussion roll call Mrs Gardella yes Mr McCaron yes Mrs barokas yes Dr Osman Mrs Rivera yes Mrs Cass yes Mr P yes I need a motion to move programs motion second discussion roll call Mrs Gardella yes Mr McCarron yes Mrs baroas yes Mrs Rivera yes Mrs Cass yes Mr P yes I need a motion to move students motion second discussion roll call Mrs Gardella yes Mr McCarron yes Mrs barokas yes Mrs Rivera yes Mrs Cass yes Mr P yes I need a motion to move Personnel motion second discussion roll call Mrs Gardella yes yes Mr mcaren yes Mrs Bokus yes Mrs Rivera yes Mrs Cass yes Mr P yes I need a motion to open public forum on any topic pertaining to the Board of Education motion second please sign in and state your name and whether or not you are a Jackson resident each person is allowed a maximum of 3 minutes to speak no person may speak more than once on the topic until all others have been heard hey D uh I'm Nick Deo Jackson residents um uh just a quick question I heard something about a a revised mobile phone policy in one of the speaking like personal technology uh can someone explain what that revised policy is I'm just hearing rumors about collecting phones and things like that the policy change that was made has to do with um a change vers in the policy at state did it originally that the phones can be used at the teacher discretion in the new policy it's at the um administration's the school building administration's discretion so that's the change that's made in the policy any other um changes to procedures we might make would be communicated out um via email um if and when we make any changes okay so is there nothing currently in the works for like collecting phones at the beginning of class and then distribute them like then the kids pick them up after so we are working on something yes but we're not at a place to communicate anything yet and it would be um for any change that would be made in procedure would absolutely be communicated with our parents and our students um and then we would obviously give the rationale of why we felt something was important to change but there is there is some conversation around it yes all right thank you appreciate it are there any additional questions or comments seeing no one come forward I need a motion to close public for motion all in favor I we'll now have board comments starting with Mr McCaron just wish everybody a uh safe and happy ending to the summer and look forward to seeing everybody coming in September oh I want to thank everyone for coming and you know viewing us on live stream thank you for the presentations and everyone have a wonderful and safe night my mic's not working but there it is okay I just want to thank everybody for coming out thank you for the presentations from our Administration they were very thorough and um comprehensive and I appreciate that and you know I look forward to continuing another school year with the Board of Education up here um at least you know most of you through January and I think that we're going to do great things and thank you to the community have a great night Miss barokas um uh thank you for everyone who came out tonight thank you for those that are watching online I too am looking forward to a successful school year and uh working with everyone on the board and working with our community uh everyone have a good night M cas I just want to thank everyone for coming out as well and I want to thank everyone um we got some generous donations for the field Health concession stand and work work is started correct right so that that's a great thing um again I want to thank everyone for your presentations today they were great and I do think we have great goals and I think that we're going to have a great year ahead so looking forward to this school year and this team thank you thank you I would also like to just uh thank the community the businesses and organizations that have don't donated not just monetarily but also time and skills their skill set into the uh Renovations for the memorial concession stands and Fieldhouse this was something long overdue um unfortunately with the seven years of S2 this was something we were not able to do uh within our own budget but the community Has Come Together We have had great support from our mayor uh Mr Mayor Arena as well as the council um especially Miss uh council president cun who has helped facilitate a lot of so when a town and its governments come together I think just just goes to prove that great things can happen and this is just one small nugget of great things that is coming to fruition and I'm excited to see what else as a town that we can do together to keep not just this school district strong but the community at large as well so I'd like to thank everybody for that and I'm looking forward to having our Memorial students enjoy uh the Fieldhouse and the parents enjoying the new renovated concession stand so thank you and have a great evening I need a motion to adjourn motion by acclamation I [Music]