[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] an yeah for make it look really messy perfect thank you I call meeting to order please rise salute the flag I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all this meeting is in compliance with the open public meetings law and has been duly advertised in the newspaper as an official meeting roll call present present pres here M Mrs Rivera president Mrs Rivera present Mrs Cass present Mr P Mar present I need a motion for approval of the agenda with addendums motion second discussion roll call Mrs Gardella yes Mr McCaron yes Mrs brokas yes Dr Osman yes Mrs Rivera yes Mrs Cass yes Mr P yes welcome everybody is this on testing can you hear me kind of on can you hear me we're good all right perfect well welcome tonight we have the pleasure of celebrating and honoring this year's teacher of the year an educational service professional of the Year earlier this week we honored another person he didn't work in a school but he was certainly a teacher Dr Martin Luther King Jr it feels right to use some of his words here tonight specifically intelligence plus character that is the true goal of Education Dr King wrote those words not during his adult life as a civil rights leader but when he was only 18 18 years old they were published in an essay entitled the purpose of education for Morehouse College uh for the morehous college school paper that same idea came can be found in our district mission statement our district philosophy of scholarship character and initiative these are qualities we celebrate in our students and these are certainly the qualities that run deeply throughout through every person we are about to bring on stage tonight these are the people who are responsible for shaping the future and they take the responsibility seriously they innovate they Inspire and we are indebted to them for all they do to ignite learning to offer academic and emotional support to inspire both intelligence and character it is therefore my distinct Honor on behalf of the Board of Education and all the students of Jackson to congratulate and recognize you tonight when each name is called I would like you to please come up with your principles uh of your school and you and uh we're looking to honor you here tonight from Crawford Rodriguez Elementary School teacher Katherine Carly par professional Ellen [Applause] Goldberg [Applause] congratulations congratulations from Elms Elementary School teacher Melissa zeka par professional jacqulyn Burnside [Music] [Applause] [Music] congratulations congratulations congratulations from Holman elementary school teacher Michelle L lria ldtc Haley [Applause] Caravella [Music] congratulations thank you thank you from Johnson Elementary School teacher Lisa sigano sigano guidance counselor Patricia [Music] [Applause] [Music] Chio congratulations from Rosen hour Elementary School teacher Gina Kenny par professional Deborah [Applause] [Music] Jones [Music] congratulations from switlick elementary school teacher Diana Meli special language specialist Amy Meli [Applause] [Music] congratulations congratulations congratulations thank you from gets middle school she's not here with us today but teacher Stacy teranova and and social worker Stacy [Music] Keli congratulations from mola Middle School teacher odet student assistant counselor Lindsay [Applause] [Music] [Music] O'Brien congratulations from Jackson Liberty High School he's not here with us today but let's honor teacher Anthony mamaro and Par professional Anthony [Applause] [Music] Myers congratulations actually teaching the college always working EXC from Jackson Memorial High School teacher Laura Fe F fak third time a charm par professional Joan Dylan congratulations each year we also have the very difficult decision of selecting a district te teacher of the year and District Educational Service professional first we will present the award for the district Educational Service professional of the Year this person chosen for this award has worked in the district for 29 years she arrives at 7:00 a.m. with a big contagious smile on her face and leaves at 6:00 p.m. with the same big smile she is kind patient ient and supportive with every child in the building she attends and supports school events and is passionate about creating an environment where students feel safe and loved she leaves a lasting impression on the students she works with because she is loving fun and caring she makes every child feel important she positively affects the school environment with her humor support for others and professionalism her strong relationship with children is only matched by the admiration she has earned from her colleagues and the parents if you are having a rough day she has an innate ability to put a smile on your face this person goes above and beyond to support the students families and staff and we are proud to celebrate our district Educational Service professional of the Year from Elms Elementary School par professional Jacqueline [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Burnside this the whole [Applause] [Music] thing congratulations thank you just back here to this little corner all three of you together take a picture here I'll take to hold rewards here holding your app yeah just hold the Apple [Applause] and now the award for the district Teacher of the Year this teacher has been described Des cried as going above and beyond for all students she has been instrumental in making MLL students feel welcome both academically and socially advocating for a Spanish class for native speakers and working to develop a more comprehensive class curriculum for Spanish to further uh student development this teacher volunteers as an intr mural coach chaperon dance chaperon dances the class trip and ski trips she has started the international club for students to feel more connected to the school and develop a sense of inclusion and Community she connects with her students and they have a love for both the Spanish language and culture because of her Ingenuity in teaching this language she regularly translates documents for Student Activities permission slips and informational sheets students find Solace soless and comfort in speaking with her and often seek her out proof of her Effectiveness is evident when she has cafeteria Duty where she has handled on each where she has a handle on each student and makes this chaotic Duty safe and fun for these and so many countless ways she cares for our students and staff we are proud to honor as our district Teacher of the Year from moli middle school Spanish teacher odet Farrell [Applause] [Music] together [Music] you [Music] every have you both go right another appuse congratulations sure can we please have all the recipients come to the staircase at this time we will take a brief recess and invite you to join us in the lobby for light Refreshments pictures and to congratulate our Educators and Educational Service Professionals of the year I need a motion to to take a brief Recess by acclamation [Music] I yeah that's are they really [Music] she [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] going Shoe Drive the Jackson Liberty drama club had a fundraiser in a big sale this past Monday at Texas Ro house in how the future Business Leaders of America members are also having their traditional Crispy Cream Donuts fundraiser which will conclude at the beginning of February Liberty was also very excited to get back this holiday season the Liberty staff went above and beyond to provide much needed Necessities as well as amazing gifts to 14 of our students in need the smile enjoyed the spray across their faces were Priceless when they were handed a huge bag of rap presents special shout out to the C for the many hours they spend wrapping those gifts as well as others through December finally in December Liberty was TR to host its first challenge day it was a memorable event to help shift the school Dynamics in a positive direction after a day filled with meaningful activities the students felt closer and more connected than ever at the conclusion of the day it was beautiful to hear the students Express their gratitude to their Fier and Men staff members we would like to extend our sincer gratitude to the ocean County's Prosecutors office for sponsoring this transformative event we are hopeful that we'll be able to make it a tradition and host again next year as you can see Liberty starting 2024 off with a lot of spirit andent trying to make it the best year yet we appreciate all of the support from the board and the community without you our experience wouldn't be what it is and we are so grateful to all of you for that have a good night thank you Jose we appreciate the report and from Memorial Jamal could you come to the podium please good evening Mrs porm Milly members of the central Administration staff and Board of Education members thank you for allowing me to speak here tonight on behalf of Jackson Memorial High School we have entered the new year with High Spirits goals and New Beginnings speaking of new beginnings the future Jags have just visited the school last week the eighth graders were given a tour of the high school and they were able to see how everything runs during the day they were reminded that this school has many opportunities to Ben benefit off of and high school will be what you make of it this is the first time gets has visited the school in a long time and we have to thank Mr palumba for organizing all of this we are transitioning into the second semester at Jackson Memorial High School and there are many things on everyone's mind students are scrambling to get their final assignments in to get their exemption forms and teachers are not making it that very easy the winter sports season has passed the halfway mark and our teams have been doing exceptionally well this year we are on Route to get State sectional titles many Spring sport athletes have been preparing for their Seasons as well since spring is approaching around the corner our students and staff would like to give a special thank you to Mrs feak who has been awarded teacher of the year she's a business teacher and runs the DECA Club at the school she's a lot more than just a teacher though because she has inspired many students to pursue their dreams working in business and economics she is a role model and students always express how she is the kindest person they know we would also like to thank Mrs Dylan who has been awarded support staff of the year she's a huge help to our school taking care of our special education students and providing the care and guidance to any student that goes her way we at Jackson Memorial High School would like to give a big thank you to both of you and we hope you understand our appreciation for all of your hard work and dedication for our school I would like to thank Mrs po mil and the board of education for your continued support and thank you for allowing me to speak here tonight I cannot wait to see you all next month and the new semester thank you for letting me speak in regards of Jackson Memorial High School and drive home safe thank [Applause] you thank you Jamal for the excellent report I want to thank both of you you always give excellent reports it's a pleasure having you both here we look forward to it every month and both of you also please drive safely tonight so there has been no decision yet as to the makeup day for the school closure we had on Tuesday we are hoping to make that decision within a week or two uh however we are um taking a look at the weather forecast for Friday looks like there's some more in climate weather so before we make a decision about makeup days we're going to make it through this week first and see where where it brings us so more to come on that we'll obviously communicate as soon as we have additional information and to make a decision we do have transition day coming up and that will stay in place school is closed on Monday January 29th except for guest get guests students who have an early release day on that day to make up for an earlier in the year closure due to um having no electricity on the 29th on transition day the high school teachers will prepare uh for the new semester that's headed their way with students and other staff will take part in professional development the high school will also have shortened days on January 25th and 26th for exams and as mentioned in the high school reports this month the eighth graders at Mccalla fets have been visited by some of our high school teachers in their buildings to learn more about high school and they were also uh taken to the high schools to learn more about the high school experiences and there were also some parent information sessions held but for that I'm going to turn over U my portion of the report to Mr atan who's just going to give a little bit more information about the happenings there for our incoming freshmen yes um as Jam mentioned and you mentioned uh we had the parent meetings last week for both Liberty and for Memorial um the students uh as we mentioned from gets had an opportunity to go to Memorial the mcalli students got snowed out on Tuesday we have a makeup date scheduled for that for February 6 for the mcalli kids to go over to Liberty um in addition we've had um several of our high school teachers begin coming down to the middle SCH schools and they meet directly with the students in small groups in their classes uh just to talk about uh some of the course options that we have the difference between honors and regular uh some of the academy information um and we'll be continuing that over the next couple months with information um not just on academics but also on clubs on ourmes um and several different things like that uh for the eighth grade students to kind of really hear in a small group versus being in an auditorium style um the last thing is the Academy applications are all open and live on the website we've had a number of students apply over the weekend uh they'll remain open through February 2nd and on each individual Academy's page um it lists whatever the either assessment or audition um whatever other information besides the application is necessary uh is detailed on every Academy and the students can reach out to uh their guidance counselors or their teachers um myself uh Mr Palumbo if they have any questions regarding any anything along the lines um with the with theems thank you Mr rante thank you and thank you Mr Palumbo for all the work that goes into arranging all of those sessions for our students and to our um our staff who was also involved in that thank you so with that that concludes my report for this evening thank you Mr prilly at this time we'll review any standing committees that met since the previous board meeting we had buildings and grounds meet and the chairperson is Mr McCaron please report yes hi uh Capital Improvements projects uh for districtwide Crawford Rodriguez fire panel was uh replacement Crawford Rodriguez walk-in freezer refrigerator replacement Jackson Memorial High School the Clayton cafeteria there was a coil vfd replacement for the HVAC system gets the 100 ton HVAC Chiller coil replacement Jackson Liberty High School auxiliary gym compressor blower motor Replaced Elms the hot water recirculation pump repaired uh building in use uh forgets update tenative schedule Edwards engineering bid documents are available Tuesday January 23rd 2024 at EEG office pre-bid meeting a will be Thursday January 25th 2024 last day for addendum to be issued Thursday February 1st 2024 seven business days prior to the bid opening bid opening at Jackson district office uh Tuesday February 13 2024 uh uh and then the bid award at regular meeting on February 21st 2024 the memorial Fuel Depot repairs update uh we're just waiting on Jackson Township for final inspection and see you thank you Mr McCarron curriculum and instruction special education chairperson Dr Osman please report okay on December 5th the curriculum committee met in attendance with Mrs gardilla Mrs Rivera Mrs perel Mr rante and Miss Irwin during the meeting we discussed how the district's website needs to be updated currently we use the Blackboard platform and we'll be moving to final site which is bought out Blackboard so they're kind of being forced to move everyone agrees that final site has a nicer look and will be more user friendly on the web page and on the mobile devices that will be more user friendly as well the plan is to create a survey to push out to the district Community to see how people currently use the site and how they would want to use the site in the future teachers will also share their thoughts on how they would want to use the site to connect better with parents and after that data is collected and analyzed the site will begin to be designed content added and training for staff would begin training would take place during the scheduled PD uh days in March Andor uh April and the final launch to the public would take place around late May early June if all goes as planned during the meeting we also took some time to discuss and review the district's threat assessment and action PL plan data from 2022 to 2023 and for those let me just read what that is so for those who are unaware the purpose of the threat assessment um Team shall be provided to school teachers administrators and other staff with assistance in identifying student concerns assessing those students uh risk for engaging in violence or other harmful activities and delivering intervention strategies to manage the risk of harm for students who pose a potential safety risk to prevent targeted violence in the school and ensure a safe and secure School environment that enhances the learning experience for all members of the school community so uh it was explained how with threat assessment it's a team approach and teams are made up for what the state tells us they need to be made up with and that's a school psychologist school counselor school social worker or other School employee with expertise in student counseling a teacher staff member a principal or other senior School administrator a safe School a school's resource officer or School employee who serves as a school liaison to law enforcement and a school safety specialist so uh in the 2022 2023 year there was 170 threat assessments were used last year supporting that everybody involved in our teams understand their role and they are comfortable with their role and that is all I have thank you Dr Osman we also have ad hoc committees that meet as needed and uh several of them did meet since the previous board meeting we have scholarship which is the chairperson is Miss Cass please report um scholarship met last month um let's see they discussed the timeline uh for the deadline for sponsorship inclusion on student applications so the scholarship applications open to students will be February 1st um and then June 5th will be scholar night scholarship night this year it will be at Jackson Memorial it does alternate each year and the next meeting is Monday January 27 22nd I'm sorry Monday the 22nd Liberty faculty resource room at 630 thank you thank you Miss Cass State and County School boards representative chairperson Miss Rivera please report next County meeting will be January 31st 6:30 virtual thank you Miss Rivera enrollment study committee chairperson Mr McCaron please report the enrollment committee met on December 22nd to review and discuss a five-year look at the district and school enrollments a discussion was had in regards to the need to better balance the number of students in each of the schools the next meeting will be scheduled for a date in February to review building level capacities thank you Mr McCaron advocacy committee chairperson Miss Gardella please report hi yes um last Friday uh Miss Rivera and Miss barois met with um and myself met with assembly Alex dwiki um we discussed some of the educational bills that are coming forth in the 2024 assembly year um he will be emailing us a list of that uh of the bill CH number changes and we will be reviewing that at our next committee meeting and the purpose is to collaborate with him on improving funding from the S2 cuts to our district um and supporting them as a board of education and also other areas where we can get surrounding towns to participate with us so we will be scheduling our next meeting it will be before the end of January um so we could get back to assembly M zi and also plan to meet with him again thank you Miss Gardella I need a motion for approval of policy second reading adoption motion second discussion roll call Mrs gordel yes Mr McCarron yes Mrs barokas yes Dr Osman yes Mrs Rivera yes Mrs Cass yes Mr pmer yes I need a motion for approval of the minutes the Clos session meeting December 13 2023 and the official board meeting December 13th 2023 business meeting motion second discussion roll call Mrs gella yes Mr McCarron yes Mrs barokas yes Dr Osman yes Mrs Rivera yes Mrs Cass yes Mr P yes I need a motion for approval of the bill list motion second discussion roll call Mrs cordella yes Mr McCarron yes Mrs barokas yes Dr Osman yes Mrs Rivera yes Mrs Cass yes Mr P yes I need a motion for approval of treasurers and board secretaries reports motion second discussion roll call Mrs gordel yes Mr McCarron yes Mrs brokas yes Dr Osman yes Mrs Rivera yes Mrs Cass yes Mr P yes I need a motion to open the public forum on agenda items only we will hold another public forum during this meeting for other questions this public forum will be for questions on agenda items only motion second please sign in and state your name and whether or not you are a Jackson resident each person is allowed a maximum of five minutes to speak no person may speak more than once on the topic until all others have been heard agenda only questions seeing no one come forward I need a motion to close public forum motion all in favor I I need a motion to move Finance motion second discussion I would like to discuss item number 10 um it says that we're Surplus five vehicles for zero cost to the district and I wanted to know if we receive pricing from other scrapyards regarding the value of these vehicles so I'm going to ask uh um Mr Pinsky our new ba to answer that question so the company that we use is Maza recycling at of tinon Falls that's the company that we have used in the past um we last time we did this when I checked the records was last February um so the board historically the board would take action to Surplus the equipment uh they have no monetary value to the school district anymore because it's they're too expensive to repair or they're or they're they're so old that they're uh a danger to to use anymore um so the process has been after the board approves it we then ask Maza to come and then they give us an estimate as to what it will cost uh to scrap it and then they pay us to scrap the vehicles so we have not used any other company other than Maza uh in in the near future here in the in the near past however on most items at the school district you know they do business when we do business we have to have bids for multiple companies and I'm questioning why are we continuing to just scrap with a company and not have multiple bids for the value of the vehicles MH that's something we can certainly look into my concern is that I'm wondering are they giving us the correct value like I understand that they're not drivable and they're not safe but they are should have metal they might have Cadillac converters they could have tires and other items that you know do have a scrap value um and I'm just again um concerned that we're not B taking this out to bid for the who's going to give us the most return on the scrapped items yeah we certainly can can look into that um we do though my understanding Mr binsky as we do take out any parts that are of value and we um we remove them so that we can use them to repair other vehicles that we have um so we they most of the time to my understanding is they're pretty just much metal at that point and that's what we're we're getting reimbursed for is the the weight of the metal is my understanding of it all but we certainly can look into other ways and other places and see a comparative rate if it's if it's similar or if it's if it's more we can explore exp those options does anybody at the table here know you know if we're able to reuse a Cadillac converter or if that's a scrapped item when I check with our garage people uh I know that the buses and the transportation department the Vans the ones that are being surplused uh do not have Cadillac converters uh they're diesel engines um and so they don't they don't have Cadillac converters even that two items the trucks the two trucks um Mr Bruno is here from buildings and ground and he's shaking his head I'm sorry Mr Bruno could you just come to the mic please we have two vans that were part of the maintenance department and they become unsafe the engines are rotting the floor is rotting and they have zero value so in the past practice um we would use Maza they would come out and they would give us a fair price on the weight of the items that we're going to have as Surplus so right as of now um those surplus vehicles are on hold with my discussion with uh Mr bazinsky so at this point it's either um you know we can vote on it we can decide to table it and put it back on or whatever um Miss Gardell you would like to make a motion for or I would like to make a motion that you get at least two other quotes just as we would do with any other bid that we're doing business with listen I understand it might not be a big dollar amount but we're as a board and we're supporting our constituents there's a lot of student program Cuts so if it's a th000 Bucks versus $500 I would like to do that you know it's not going to cost Mr Bruno a lot of time to make a couple phone calls to scrapyards can I motion to table this this item and at our next buildings and grounds we can follow up and see if there's a more lucrative um opportunity for the board with these uh scrap metal Parts yes you can need a second I need a second discussion all in favor I any opposed okay any additional discussion on finance roll call Mrs gordel yes Mr McCarron yes Mrs barokas yes Dr Osman yes Mrs Rivera yes Mrs Cass yes Mr P yes I need made a motion to move facilities motion second discussion roll call Mrs Gardella yes Mr McCarron yes Mrs barokas yes Dr Osman yes Mrs Rivera yes Mrs Cass yes Mr P yes I need a motion to move programs motion second discussion roll call Mrs gordel yes Mr McCarron yes Mrs barokas yes Dr Osman no to number seven yes to everything else no to number seven because I feel that you could find that yes Dr Osman yes Mrs Rivera yes Mrs Cass yes Mr Tri P Mar yes I need a motion to move Personnel motion second this discussion roll call Mrs gella abstain to number 17 number 21 yes everything else Mr McCarron yes Mrs barokas yes Dr Osman yes Mrs Rivera yes Mrs Cass yes Mr P yes I need a motion to open public forum on any topic pertaining to the Board of Education motion second please sign in and state your name and whether or not you are a Jackson resident each person is allowed a maximum of five minutes to speak no person may speak more than once on the topic until all others have been heard hello sorry uh Lisa crate president of the Jackson Education Association this is my last board meeting so I wanted the opportunity to come up and uh thank you for all of your hard work but also to recognize my membership for some of the things that they've been able to accomplish over the last four and a half years since I took over in 2019 this is actually my 31st year teaching and uh it's much like raising a child the days are long but the years go fast so it's hard to believe that I'm standing here right now but I am excited to talk to you about some of the things that we've been able to accomplish and also to enlighten and anyone who's listening uh as to what the Jackson Education Association does and someh some of the ways that we participate to help enhance our district and enhance the opportunities that our students have here in Jackson so just a few numbers for you um so I started in uh 2019 uh the the 1920 school year we did survive uh covid over those couple of years together and I think we all kind of bonded through that so I do appreciate that and one of the things that I come up here and talk about frequently is funding that we're able to provide for a lot of the things that go on around the district so just a few numbers for you in the excuse me in the 1920 school year the Jackson education provided $27,600 in funding for different events in the 2021 school year we provided $ 22,170 directly to our Educators in their classrooms and through events for the 2020 2122 school year we bumped that up to $35,988 and then we really started to hit our stride in 2223 we provided $ 61,7 49 and this year we're headed towards $ 61,62 so for the 5 years that I have been president working with our Union we have provided $28,750 and you might say to yourself well where did this where did that money go uh we do things including providing funds for Honor Society inductions both at the high school and at the middle school all of the boxed Panera lunches and and dinners at every single one of the elll nights all of our Title One and title three nights over the last three years that we've been hosting almost in every building building now we've provided those uh our eighth grade award dinners Elementary art shows kindergarten celebrates America and a couple of our elementary schools we provide money for set materials for both the Middle School and High School drama Productions we have sponsored uh the memorial and the Liberty marching band competitions for the last few years we um we sponsor stem nights at the middle school and the high school preschool family nights uh we purchased congratulations to Homan a couple of years ago they were um became a Blue Ribbon School our funds provided a t-shirt for every student in that building for Blue Ribbon day and they were all able to get every single student got a t-shirt for that we've Pro provided funds for family painting nights uh we are poised to assist with switlick 75th Anniversary next year and uh essentially hundreds of activities if I'm going to be exact 316 activities over the last 5 years we've provided funds for we've also raised money locally for our making strides each year so we've been able to donate uh a little over $88,000 in the last five years towards making strides and this year we included Mary's place by the Sea which provides a place where women with cancer can be surrounded by love and understanding and a lot of our members not a lot but some of our members have actually gone to uh Mary's place by the Sea and we thought that it was nice to donate locally as well we have had optical Academy come to our district and we plan on having them come again this year Optical Academy is a discount eye program for exams and for uh purchasing lenses and frames and that is open to the public here in Jackson so when we host it here in the district every single person in Jackson Township has the opportunity to log on get an appointment and get a very lowcost eye exam uh we held a coat drive that where we collected over a th000 coats and had I believe um I can't remember the number but probably over 500 families come out on that day we also helped out with the Lions closet being opened during these events so that people not only could come and get coats for free but they could shop inexpensively at the Lion's closet and um one of the things that we've been doing for about 15 years is the pride newsletter which we partner with all of you to have that put on our website and that is a great way to highlight every good thing that we have going on in our schools from pre all the way way up to our seniors we have every type of article uh in that magazine and we are thankful for you to uh for putting it on the website so that everyone who who visits the website can visit that uh that news uh newsletter and finally we've worked together to uh over the last few years write over 4,000 postcard cards for various things uh but mostly having to do with school funding and support of um trying to get more funding for the Jackson School District because we understand how important that is now although I'm leaving I have uh Joe Lux is going to be stepping into my shoes and we've had a great partnership over the last five years and I want to commend all of the people who've worked with me on our executive board all of the people who have worked uh through in the in the buildings as unit leaders and my entire membership for stepping up when we needed them to do so during covid and every other time we ask them to come forward to help us we have an extraordinary staff here I have an extraordinary membership who goes above and beyond on a daily basis because we genuinely care about the students in this district and we will continue to do so and I'm happy to leave Joe in charge and I just want to thank everyone for the opportunity to have served um not only my membership but also the students over the last 31 years um so thank you very much and enjoy your evening thank you Miss crate and thank you for your many years of service to our students our town and our district and congratulations on your electoral win and we know you're going to do great things for for Brick Township so thank you any additional comments or questions seeing no one come forward I need a motion to close public forum motion all in favor I we will now turn to board comments starting with Mr McCarron just wanted to say congratulations to all the award-winning uh teachers and service professionals tonight uh we're very fortunate to have great teachers here in Jackson and we appreciate all that you do thank you thank you all for coming out tonight congratulations to all the award winners tonight Mr walren congratulations good luck uh Liberty High School is getting a great VP so um we wish you the best thanks for coming out tonight by Miss Rivera I want to thank everyone for attending in person and watching from live stream congratulations to all recipients and best wishes Mrs crate on your retirement along with all the other on their new Journey everyone have a safe and wonderful evening uh congratulations to all the staff members who were recognized tonight I also wanted to shout out and thank the volunteer teachers um for the Surf Club and the kindness Club it's very exciting for our students um additionally uh I wanted to say that I was able to watch the den experience at mccauliff and I thought that that was a very motivating way to bring staff and students together and I'm excited to see what the school year has to bring for that program I just wanted to congratulate our 2023 educators of the year and our service Professionals of the Year our students are very lucky to have you um in their lives and um you know congratulations uh have a good night everyone uh I wanted to congratulate all the teachers and service professionals as well tonight um my children have had some of them and I just think we have a great group um and I think they it shows based on our Awards this evening and I'm very proud of all of them um and grateful for their dedication I want to wish the best of luck to um Miss crate it's been a pleasure working with you the past couple years so thank you for um everything and highlighting all the things that you've done um and Mr Walden same for you just congratulations on your position be great to see how everything's going to happen thank the high school kids I think they left um and just everyone drive safely and take care have a good evening for me this is one of the most exciting meetings of the year we get to honor uh the teacher and Educational Service Professionals of the year so congratulations it was hard-earned we are truly indebted to you so thank you all for all you do congratulations once again and everyone please get home safely I need a motion to adjourn motion by acclamation