call order the FL all right welcome this meeting is in compliance with the open public meetings law and has been duly advertised in the newspaper as an official meeting roll call M Gardella present Mr McCarron present Mrs baroas present Dr Osman present Mrs Rivera present Mrs Cass present Mr P present I need a motion for approval of the agenda with addendums motion second discussion roll call M Cardella yes Mr McCaron yes Mrs barokas yes Dr Osman yes Mrs Rivera yes Mrs Cass yes Mr Tri P Mar yes I now turn the meeting over to Mrs permil for her superintendent report thank you Mr P Mar and good evening everyone uh typically we get started with our student board reps we um I think they're running a little bit late so I'm going to go ahead with my superintendent report and then pause if they come in so that we can hear some updates from the high school so I would like to address uh the budget situation in a a few different comments this evening I'm going to start with just reminding everybody we have recently put out a lot of information uh out to our community about the 2425 budget situation with a budget gap of $30 million the district has reached that fiscal cliff that predicted and communicated for years about to our department of education and the governor's office that should the S2 state aid uh reductions continue here in Jackson we would reach a point where Cuts could would no longer be made they would just be too deep too deep not allowing us to provide a strong thorough and efficient education and we hit that Cliff we hit that Cliff this year in this year's budget and during the 23 24 budget season uh after reviewing our 23 24 budget with our County Superintendent ba uh he determined at that time that this District was fiscally responsible and that there was a revenue problem he said we needed assistance and told us to request West alone for advancement of state aid in which we did so last year in on May 2nd we submitted that letter requesting that and since then we have every month updated the department of Ed on our cash flow um answering questions uh providing data and information many a meeting and many of questions have been answered uh it appears that that process is moving it is moving slowly but I wanted to be clear that we have not received any additional money or advancement of state aid from the Department of Ed for this current budget at this point we are predicting we will receive it shortly we're hopeful we'll receive it shortly but no confirmation of that at this point so I just wanted to make our community and our board aware of that moving on to the 2425 budget and the planning that we're doing currently uh we have recently we communicated this move to the public hearing on the budget to May 7th so on May 7th we hope to have a little bit more information at that point as to our request to the county and the department of Ed for assistance I would like to say a big big thank you to all who have taken time to call text and email the governor the commissioner and our legislators to help us find a solution to this funding shortfall that has pushed us to the edge of this fiscal cliff we are facing without action on the part of decision makers in Trenton we are facing a $30 million deficit to our budget for next year and the state may be forced to come in and make cuts that are just unimaginable our staff has come in early on their own time to do what they do best to work together to serve our students some of our parents staff and community members have shared their Communications with us that they've sent and it was exactly what we needed our decision makers to hear the value of the activities that we have here our athletic programs we offer to have our student to help our students the impact of class sizes in the 30s and 40s will have on their education and the devastation that will'll ensure uh happens if we do not receive this assistance so at the risk of being a little emotional here I would like to offer my very personal and heartfelt appreciation to all of you we have been fighting this same fight for years um we will not stop and it is sure nice to have some help from the community the Board of Education um in educating the people and the decision makers having said that we still need more help we can't stop if you haven't done so already please see our website for how you can help it's all right there emails are cut and paste that you can take right from there sample letters you can use or you can write your own I have to believe if the decision makers understand what's happening here and understand what's at St at stake they will work with us to find a solution we are fiscally responsible we do not have a spending problem here we have a revenue problem we have cut everything we can over the past six years there's nothing left to cut that wouldn't have a deep effect on our students we hope that people can hear our plea our logic and our understanding the future generation cannot afford to lose more teachers more opportunities and more experiences and should not be denied our students should not be denied a truly healthy and safe thorough and efficient education the value of the experience of Education they have here is evidence in our daily operations what happens daily in our classrooms with some of the examples you can see behind me on some of the slides that Miss irman has put together so the board may want to turn around to see some of these one of our Jackson Liberty High School students Kayla Simon just earned a place in the Governor's School of New Jersey in engineering and Technology at Ruckers University this summer this is a highly highly selective program that brings together some of the state's most talented students muli student Katie Dressler was selected as a National Junior Honors Society outstanding Achievement Award recipient she is one and only 500 students across the the country to win this award which is which is based on scholarship service leadership character and citizenship amazing this year both of our bands got the opportunity to perform in the parade right down Main Street in Disney we showed you some some shots um some pictures from Liberty's performance last month at the board meeting and so we're happy to Showcase Jackson Memorial's performance recently in Disney this is a once in a-lifetime experience for these students and it would not be possible without their efforts and the work of the band directors and especially the band parents for their fundraising and volunteer efforts thank you to all to allow our students to have that experience Jackson Liberty jazz band well they did it again with another first place at the Lacy high school jazz competition and was the only band with a superior rating they earned section Awards in sa sax saxophone and trumpet and jayen Ramirez earned the best solist award the mcalli middle school jazz band also had a very big month they won two of the four section awards at the Liberty jazz festival and student Kaylee Fiera and Kai Williams also won outstanding individual Awards both the solar eclipse and Earth Day allowed students districtwide to experience some fun real time Hands-On science lessons kudos to our staff for always finding ways to inspire our students in creative ways in the matter of caption I wanted to take a moment to highlight some IV League acceptances you see up on the screen in the Jackson School District we value all paths that students choose to take after graduation but we are also very ploud proud to be able to highlight the hard work and dedication it takes to achieve Acceptance in these prestigious programs congratulations to all these students meanwhile as you heard in our well you will hear in a few moments hopefully in our student board member updates you'll see on our screen our students are breaking all sorts of Records excelling both on the field and off and are demonstrating strength in both character and initiative with all that we have going on during this budget crisis I cannot fully Express how proud I am of our students and staff who support them they deserve to be supported and we will Advocate and educate passionately for the Privileges to continue to provide this education that they so well deserve here in Jackson I think I saw our board member reps come in do we have Jam here from Memorial you ready to go to the mic you can go ahead and give your report good evening Mrs porm Milly members of the central Administration staff and Board of Education members thank you for allowing me to speak here tonight in regards to Jackson Memorial High School summer is right around the corner so allow me to update you on what has been happening at Jackson Memorial High School on Friday the 26th the school will conduct its annual Arbor Day tree planting tradition it is an honor of Earth Day and is a cross-curricular event the World Language club and English Department will be writing poems about the beauties of nature the tree planting ceremony will even have a therapy talk and attendance for the comfort of everyone many seniors are anticipating decision day which is May 1st the class will have the opportunity to represent their new College by wearing a sweatshirt or t-shirt that represents their college or university the week of respect will be held next week as well from April 29th to May 3rd each day represents a different topic the topics are mindfulness empathy comfortability resolution and school spirit along with the we along with the weaker respect there will be a positive decision assembly by Gabe Hurley this assembly is for juniors and seniors and discusses good decision making perseverance and hard work Gabe has a truly motivating story and our school is very very lucky to hear from him Junior former is right around the corner on May 10 at Jumping Brook Country Club many juniors are very excited for this event and there's been a lot of talk about this year's Junior formal king and queen May 9th will be the annual spring band concert our band has been working very hard these last couple of months and there will be a big crowd showing their support AP season is right around the corner as well with over 200 students in AP classes this year testing begins May May 6th and will end on May 20th May 3rd Begins the 6th and final marking period I truly cannot believe it is already here and trust me when I say it is a very Bittersweet moment for the class of 2024 the next few weeks will be an opportunity for all our jmhs students to be recognized at a special academic Awards ceremonies RC honor societies and other special Department Awards several of our seniors will be in attendance to receive receed the special scholarships through the next few weeks as well very exciting next month I will host the last Board of Education meeting on behalf of Jackson Memorial after that there will be a new student council president and I wish good luck to whoever wins the election I would like to take the remainder of this monthly student update to talk about a topic that I've been hearing and thinking about lately this year was a little different than most as a student has attended Jackson schooling my entire life I I remember as a kid dreaming about everything I would experience when attending High School however with recent threatened budget cuts many sports and academic programs busing and clubs may be Consolidated reduced or eliminated completely these wonderful programs build the positive School environment that has made Memorial an award-winning School in so many ways and created legacies for the younger generations to look up to just like it did for me on behalf of all students in Jackson We kindly ask the state to contribute their part in funding this wonderful district and programs for generations of Jackson students to come I would like to thank Mrs por Milly and the board of education for your continued support and thank you for allowing me to speak here tonight I am very excited to speak again at our next meeting in regards to all the events that have been happening at Jackson Memorial High School thank you drive safe have a good night thank you for that jam and and thank you for sharing your personal experiences and the impact that it's had on you um this is an exciting time of the year for our our seniors and our students in the high school level and all levels actually but um really very very special for seniors so enjoy every minute and I can't believe a whole year already and your last report's coming up soon that's going to be sad um so thank you for the report uh I did read my my notes and shared my superintendent report before that um High School Board member uh report to the board but I would also like to just conclude with um all of the information on our budget is on our district website and we also have a newly formed Facebook page so you can follow us there and get information there as well so we encourage you to get informed ask questions and um again uh we appreciate the support and that concludes my superintendent's report thank you Miss peril at this time the standing committees that have met in the previous month will report we have buildings and grounds chairperson Mr McCarron yes some uh building improvements Capital Improvement projects that happen districtwide where Crawford Rodriguez had the heat actuator replaced in the cafeteria at Liberty there was a new ice machine installed including new Electric and Plumbing also at Liberty the concession stand freezer had a new compressor installed Rosen hour playground there was some repairs and general maintenance completed Memorial and Liberty all athletic scoreboards were updated with new wiring and LED lighting gets room 409 had a new compressor installed homman there was a roof leak repaired and also that was to uh Portable 2 and then gets water tank project uh update the bid will be awarded to Montana Construction Corporation and the start date is to be determined thank you Mr McCarron uh next is budget and finance and I think Mrs prilly reviewed that rather well um we are still under uh undergoing our budget for 2425 we are working with the Department of Education as well as uh the county and as Mrs pril said the county is sending uh a couple of business administrators this week so we'll keep you posted uh May 7th is our budget meeting and uh we'll move forward from there I have curriculum and instruction special education chairperson Dr Osman we don't have anything to report tonight thank you um we have policy chairperson Miss Cass bear with me I have a lot of lot to read uh we had a meeting on April 16th I was in attendance Dr godki Mrs barois Mr McCarron and Mrs pelly um so managing for equity and education policy and regulation guides there were mandated revisions which included they removed the list of protected categories and replaced it with the expanded list as divined defined by the state code um so anything to do with minorities ethnics and things like that instead of listing each one separately they now have a code um and it also addressed comprehensive Equity plans so I will read the policies that included that was policy 1140 which was educational Equity policies affirmative action policy 1523 which was the comprehensive Equity plan 1530 the equal employment opportunities 1530 regulation Equal Opportunity Employment Opportunity compliant procedure policy 1550 equal employment anti-discrimination practices and regulation 2200 curriculum content then for policy 2260 equity in school and classroom practices revised there was a relocation of information addressing access to adequate counseling services and updated C which is the comprehensive Equity plans regulation 2260 same title revisions provide additional guidance for a person filing a complaint title changes and C in place policy 2411 guidance counseling revised um and all of these by the way were mandated so just an FYI these are all mandated um policies additional details regarding student access to adequate counseling services and C policy 3211 code of ethics revived remove the protective categories replaced with the list regulation 5440 honoring student achievement protected categories policy 55 570 sportsmanship updated the categories removing two optional Provisions for determining unsportsmanlike conduct policy 5570 Equitable Educational Opportunity reference to Amistad and Holocaust Education was removed they are referenced in another policy 2260 so they're not removed from the curriculum they're just already in another policy so it's just taken away the redundancy policy 5755 equity and educ educational programs and services was abolished um policies 1523 and 2260 address all of those requirements again redundancy policy 5841 secret societies again change to protective categories um students prohibit are pro are prohibited to form secret societies policies 5842 equal access of student organizations line number three has been removed meaning no employee will lead such organization policy 7610 and regulation 7610 protected G categories and a of graffiti will have a court order to order the student to pay resolution to the district and be assigned community service policy 9323 notification of juvenile offender case disposition protected categories and confidentiality statement has been added to the policy policy 2423 and regulation 2423 bilingual education addresses the services for multilanguage Learners need to meet or exceed the New Jersey learning standards to reach graduation and postsecondary success the revisions are definitions identification organizations and additional requirements the title was also updated lastly policy 2431 and regulation 2431 prevention and treatment of sports related concussions and head injuries it was Rewritten to align with provisions of the new guidance and we do not have a me another meeting scheduled as of yet thank you thank you Miss Cass we have a advocacy committee chairperson Miss Gardella hi good evening um we've been busy uh I'm going to just go through the meetings that Allison brockus taraa and myself have had um for the month of March and part of April we've met with assemblyman rumph assemblyman sh sh schaffenberger assemblyman Fryman Senator Henry Senator mcnight Senator OS scallion and Senator sarlo um we met with them virtually the purpose was to educate them on the compounding effects of S2 funding Frozen categorical Aid and the tax cap Levy that the districts had over the past years the Committees offered suggestions for Solutions um to assist with categorical Aid funding and urge for future school funding formula revision um even possibly using different tax collections to do so additionally we urged all the legislators most recently to vote no to the New Jersey state budget until all the New Jersey schools are funded adequately um we've reached out obviously to many more assembly people um assembly woman lampit was unavailable for a meeting um however we did send her an email with information regarding Jackson and some of our thoughts so that she could be educated that way um we do have upcoming meeting with assembly men zki just to see the state of what's going on and see kind of like what our game plan should be for the coming weeks um we also have a meeting scheduled with Senator Testa and um we actually just put on the schedule or hoping to put on the schedule um a meeting with some of the Department of Education members on behalf of the commissioner um we've also been sending out emails um looking and hoping that we hear back from assembly men Wimberly um Carrie Booker and the governor's office uh additionally um we did host a meeting on March 25th with other S2 districts in our local area kind of to brainstorm some collective advocacy work um and I'm sure that we've done other things to Advocate throughout that time but that's our list uh we don't have a formal meeting schedule but we will be meeting together with uh legislators until it's resolved for Jackson Community and other communities in the state thank you Miss Cardella I need a motion for approval of policy first reading motion second discussion yes I felt like it was a lot of information to read um the 88 pages of policy and I wanted to see for some of the more um uh for some of the policy I felt like I needed more time to digest it so I was wondering if we could table a couple of them for next meeting which policies would you like to table um policy 1140 policy 1523 policy 2260 regulation 2260 and policy 5750 I need a second to that motion second all in favor I I any additional discussion could you just repeat those those policies you want table sorry Mr pinsk um sure um policy 1140 policy 1523 policy 2260 and this regulation policy 5750 no no no yep yes please sorry thank you thank you any additional discussion roll call Mr cordella yes Mr McCarron yes Mrs barokas yes Dr Osman yes Mrs Rivera yes Mrs Cass yes Mr P Mar yes I need a motion for approval of policy abolished motion second discussion roll call Mrs gordel yes Mr McCaron yes Mrs baroas yes Dr Osborne yes Mrs Rivera yes Mrs Cass yes Mr Tri P Marr yes I need a motion for approval of the minutes the Clos session meeting March 20th 2024 and the official board meeting March 20th 2024 business meeting discussion I'm sorry motion motion discussion roll call Mrs Gardella yes Mr McCarron yes Mrs barokas yes Dr Osman yes Mrs rera yes Mrs Cass yes Mr Pay yes I need a motion for approval of the bill list motion second discussion roll call Mrs gordel yes Mr McCarron yes Mrs barokas yes Dr Osman yes Mrs Rivera yes Mrs Cass yes Mr Pomer yes I need a motion for approval of the treasurers and board secretaries reports motion second discussion roll call Mrs Gardella yes Mr McCarron yes Mrs barokas yes Dr Osman yes Mrs Rivera yes Mrs Cass yes Mr P yes I need a motion to open the public forum on agenda items only we will hold another public forum during this meeting meeting for other questions this public forum will be the qu uh for questions on the agenda only motion second please sign in and state your name and whether or not you are a Jackson resident each person is allowed a maximum of five minutes to speak no person may speak more than once on the topic until all others have been heard the finance not during Finance when to okay absolutely so before I open up to agenda items only we are adding Finance number 15 Finance number 15 resolved that the board approve the settlement in the matter captioned Jackson Board of Ed and the Jackson Education Association docket number Co d222 d239 anyone would like to speak on agenda items only please come come on up okay seeing no one come forward I need a motion to close public forum motion all in favor I motion to move official meeting schedule second discussion sorry bless you bless you uh just to clarify the official meeting schedule we Mrs prilly stated it it's uh we're having a meeting May 7th and May 14th roll call Miss Gardella yes Mr McCarron yes Mrs barokas yes Dr Osman yes Mrs Rivera yes Mrs Cass yes Mr P yes I need a motion to move Finance motion second discussion roll call Mrs Gardella yes Mr McCarron yes Mrs barokas yes Dr osbin yes Mrs Rivera yes Mrs Cass yes Miss triple muray I am a no to finance 13 yes to the rest motion to move facilities motion second discussion roll call Mrs Gardella yes Mr McCaron yes Mrs baroas yes Dr Osman yes Mrs Rivera yes Mrs Cass yes Mr Tri P Mar yes I need a motion to move programs motion second discussion I had a question regarding [Music] um I don't know if this is the right where to add of it but um number 15 which was professional days requests um I was just reading it and then I just it popped into my head to ask about um like child study team professional development is that okay to ask I don't know if it corresponds sure you can you can ask a question yeah absolutely so you know because I was looking through the professional development and I you know obviously I understand a lot of it's for ML and we have a big Pusher regarding mental health and I just wondered if we are training any of the social workers and psychologists and what kind of professional development through those ini initiatives are we offering to them and and when we'll see that I guess is so that's a great question question so I just want to ask a lot of reasons why you don't see that is we do a lot of internal training because we have some very strong internal trainers uh Dr Taylor being one of them do you come and explain some of the significant trainings you've done we've done a lot of trainings with them um we did trainings in cultural competency implicit bias Aces childhood trauma um we also had 30 about 15 about 17 staff members and 12 interns trained and prepared two crisis training through the National Association of school psychologists two-day training it was just grant funded so what you're seeing is we are getting a significant amount of training as part of the school-based mental health services Grant we get training through ruter we just did one on interpersonal therapy for depressed adolescents um we've done transgender there's a whole Litany of topics that we're getting free trainings on through ruter through that Grant so you won't see it there because we're not paying for it thank you you're welcome thank you thank you Dr Taylor any additional discussion on programs roll call Mrs Gardella yes Mr McCarron yes Mrs barokas yes Dr Osman yes Mrs Rivera yes Mrs Cass yes Miss triple Mary yes I need a motion to move students motion second discussion roll call Mrs Gardella yes Mr McCarron yes Mrs barokas yes Dr Osman yes Mrs Rivera yes Mrs Cass yes Miss triple Mary yes I need a motion to move Personnel motion second discussion roll call Mrs Gardella yes Mr McCarron yes Mrs barokas yes Dr osbin yes Mrs Rivera yes Mrs Cass yes Miss triple Mary yes I need a motion to open the public forum on any topic pertaining to the Board of Education motion second please sign in and state your name and whether or not you are a jack resident each person is allowed a maximum of 5 minutes to speak no person may speak more than once on on the topic until all others have been heard excuse me good evening everyone um I won't continue on the budget uh discussion because I think you've done a great deal of work um you really rallied the forces um I find it unfortunate that 420 districts got an increase and 120 didn't so those 420 districts are probably not going to be your allies I don't think cuz they were able to get their budgets improve uh increased Newark received a $100 million increase so and again I think it's across all different demographics um col snck Mammoth they also got an increase so but some areas that um you would think didn't didn't get an increase so um I think it's important that you keep educating the voters I know for folks we did not vote the increase that we really needed in our last budget um keep trying keep uh you know let let the residents know as important our students I have a freshman and a uh and a senior in Jackson Liberty are asking hey where should we live so what do you think I'm going to tell them right so that's an important part this a great Community I love New Jersey but I see why my friends are moving to Florida now so um I think that's important and then the second item was and again I don't want to go into details too much but I want again want to remind our Board of Education our parents Educators there was a a very um uh disturbing attack that happened in the school in Philadelphia what makes it Troublesome is that it was a middle school and it was a 13 and a 12-year-old and what's even worse is that it appears that the school knew that this student had some issues that should have been watched should have been uh monitored um the student apparently had a Hit List out on other students so again I I'm I my students come home we talk every night at dinner we talk about things that are happening for them they don't see the bullying you know that that some districts are being exposed to which is a great Testament to our leaders and their discipline which has to happen but again I remind parents because I'm sure a lot of those parents in Pembrook were thinking right now wow if we only were more involved one person spoke on a radio show and she said I've never been to a Board of Education meeting well that night she spoke so that's very tragic that that was her fourth first Board of Education meeting so again I appreciate the training that we're getting because it's important that these young people get the therapy and help they need there is definitely something going on and we really need to get to the heart of it um before we lose control of these students so again thank you thank you hi good evening I am a Jackson resident I have a a lifelong Jackson resident went here and have two sons one's a freshman in college and one's a junior at Liberty um I applaud the board's stance on challenging the state to come in and make the cuts because we're not going to do that to our kids I did just want to kind of put out there that those of us and I'll speak from personal experience but I know it's not alone we love our Liberty teachers we love our Liberty Administration and everything that they do for our kids but as we talk about cuts for classes and things like that as an educator myself I know that one of the things that we first look at is like minimum numbers in order to run classes so I did just want to put it out there that those of us at Liberty have had increasing difficulty with shifts in population and things like that getting access to multiple sections of higher level classes classes and honors classes so I know my oldest Junior and Senior year had to sit down and work with this guidance counselor and choices had to be made because there was only one section of honors physics one section of AP Lit one section of AP History and not everything fit in um my junior currently couldn't take AP History because there wasn't enough to run it at Liberty and he would have had to bus over to memorial for the second half of the day and then try to bust back for sports and so we ultimately decided that that wasn't best for ham so my concern is that if either the board or the state have to make the decision and say well 35 or 40 kids in a class that I'm kind of just asking to be kept in the back of the mind that that bar hitting it at Liberty with our population numbers and changes in population is might look much different in terms of how it's affecting our kids than it might look at Memorial that might have run three or four sections of AP of one class whereas we struggled to get one so that was just the one thing that I wanted to bring up thank you thank you any additional comments questions see no one come forward I need a motion to close public forum motion all in favor I we now have board comments starting with uh Mr McCarron just wanted to thank uh Mr Jackson of the gets middle school for putting on a great show uh the High School Musical from what I understand I think he's not going to be uh doing the shows anymore but he did a great job with growing there was close to 100 students that were involved in that program so it's a a great program that he developed there um just wanted to also acknowledge all the great things going on in District and that I will continue to send letters and fight for our district to get proper funding thank you thanks everybody for coming out today um we want to definitely encourage people to keep writing letters and getting on the website our Facebook page and staying informed it's really really important uh you know I love this District I I went to school here so it's kind of hard freaking when you think about this um but we need everybody's help also we had a nice number of people who um on today's agenda who were retiring and I just wanted to wish them all luck and thank them for their service I want to thank everyone for coming out this evening and VI viewing us on live stream I want to ask everyone to please support our advocacy efforts and everyone have a wonderful safe evening I wanted to start off to just say thank you to all of the teachers and parents that volunteer in our schools day in and day out I think that that's what makes Jackson schools and the success of our students um despite what the state is looking to do you know over the past 6 weeks um with other board members I've sat through many meetings with legislators who talk about short-term Funding Solutions through bills and you know you listen these best case scenarios are going to be able to fix everything where they give you really hard to swallow thoughts like you can't fix this because people are already budgeted like all of this money and they they they need to spend it too um you know my takeaway is is that if us as a board of education as volunteer elected positions we're expected to vote no when things you know ethically are not right or financially don't make sense um and I say that all assembly people as Senators they should uphold their oath to the constituents that they serve and the communities they serve ve um you know they're paid leaders and they need to put their political uh differences aside and they need to recognize that children throughout New Jersey are being negatively impacted by the decisions of just a few um so you know I just want to say thank you to the community members and the teachers the ja um ptns for continuing to put some pressure on the state and hopefully on our May 7th meeting we have a bigger audience than we have tonight but I really appreciate those of you who took the time to come out tonight and support us thank you very much good evening um I'd like to read a definition it's the definition of the word fully fully is completely or entirely to the furthest extent make no mistake our budget was our districts in the state were not fully funded they were partially funded if they were fully funded most of us would not be spending so much time trying to fix what should have been handled in the first place so I am asking our legislators I'm asking everyone to vote no you were voted in by the people and it's going across the state now work for the people and vote no thank you um I would like to thank everyone on this board um for all the hard work that they're doing um they they've been stressed to the max um having to answer the same questions repeatedly over and over and over again to the state um meanwhile we get an advocacy report from the state telling us that we're $23 million underfunded and yet they're still questioning us so to both these ladies points I totally agree and I would like to thank both of you for all of your work again your volunteers um so I'd like to thank all the public everyone the teachers everyone who's helping us to advocate for for what should just be done naturally and is not being done um and as you've all seen on all the slides up here we have amazing things in this school we have amazing programs none of us want to see any of that go away um so if you can just keep advocating we will keep fighting and other than that everyone have a great night thank you so much thank you I would like to express my gratitude to the parents who have sent emails to the governor the Department of Education and the state legislators I would also like to acknowledge the effort our teachers in our schools who have organized email campaigns before the start of the school day schools like Elms and rosenhauer have sent over a 100 emails to the governor Department of Education and legislators I was recently contacted by an assemblyman who does not represent our district and he asked why is he receiving so many emails from Jackson your voices are being heard I appreciate all the amazing campaigns that are are driving awareness to the more than 7,700 students we have in our district and this great work is being facilitated by our school reps our teachers are doing an excellent job and I encourage them to keep up the great work I hope everyone in the Jaa gets on board the governor and the Department of Education have awakened as sleeping giant here in Jackson we must continue our efforts for fair funding because our children's education depend on it to quote President Ronald Reagan when you can't make them see the light make them feel the heat thank you all for your hard work and dedication let's keep the pressure up and continue to fight for what's right good night I need a motion to adjourn by acclamation all [Music] he