to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all good evening and welcome the June 25th 2024 meeting of the Jackson Township Council will now come to order councilman barelli here councilman Bernstein here councilman Chisum here Council vice president Sergeant president and council president C here as Clerk of this meeting I hereby publicly announce in compliance with provisions of the open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting has been advertised in the manner prescribed by law we'll open with comments from um thank you first I would like to request a motion uh to amend tonight's agenda to include resolution 244-248 June 18th uh proposal number 4912 and 4888 for the improvements to Johnson Park playground and whereas the proposal was in accord with um Co-op bid in the amount of 6378 n2. 75 and whereas an additional therefore vendor has further submitted a proposal for installation of durao 3 and2 in and 6 in material in the amount of $ 32,3 20 in accordance with the state contract thank you I need a motion please I'll make a motion second roll call councilman burelli yes councilman Bernstein yes councilman Chisum yes Council vice president Sergeant yes and council president cun yes thank you okay well we're going to open with open comments ladies and gentlemen honored guests and distinguished members of the Jackson Township Police Department it is with great pride and joy that we gather here today to celebrate a significant milestone in the lives of many within our Police Department today we recognize the dedication and hard work of our newly hired police officers as well as those who have earned promotions in the ranks of sergeant lieutenant and Captain first and foremost I would like to extend a warm welcome to our new police officers congratulations on joining the Jackson Township Police Department your commitment to upholding the law serving the community and protecting our citizens is truly commendable you have chosen a noble profession and demand courage integrity and unwavering sense of Duty as you embark on this journey I know that you have fall full support and confidence we look forward to witnessing your growth and contribution to our community to our newly promoted sergeants your advancement and attestment to your hard work leadership and dedication you have proven yourself as capable officers and role models for your peers as sergeants you will now take the greater responsibility guiding and mentoring the Next Generation of officers your leadership will be crucial in maintaining the high standards of our department and we trust that you will continue to lead with honor and integrity to the officers promoted to Lieutenant this achievement reflects your exceptional skills strategic thinking and unwavering commitment to the public safety you have demonstrated the ability to lead manage and Inspire those around you in your new role excuse me you will be instrumental in shaping the policies and Str Strate strategies that encourage the Safety and Security of our community we are confident that you will rise to the challenges and Excel in your new position finally to our new appointed Captain your promotion is a recognize of your outstanding service leadership and dedicated to our department as a captain you will be at the Forefront of the efforts to protect and serve Jackson Township your experience wisdom and strategic Vision will be vital in guiding guiding our department through the complex and modern law enforcement we have no doubt that you will lead with distinction and continue to set a shining example for all today's ceremony is not just about individual achievement but also about the collective strength and unity our department our police department has each of you whether new to the force or stepping into a new rank plays a crucial role in our mission to Serve and Protect your hard work sacrifice and dedication are the foundations of our community safety and Trust As you move forward in your careers remember that you are part of a proud tradition and service of Excellence continue to uphold the values integrity and courage and respect that defines our department your leadership and commitment will ensure that Jackson Township remains a safe and welcoming place for all its residents in closing I extend my heartfelt congratulations to all of you your achievements are welld deserved and we are immensely proud of each and every one of you thank you and have a safe night home [Applause] Council Vice uh vice president Sergeant good evening um Miss cun president cun basically said it all um the new police department officers are are going to do a great job and all the promotions are welcomed all the family that's here it it's it's an amazing thing to watch police officers in action and I know you get to see it firsthand every single day so with the leadership of Chief C I'm sure that all new officers will do a fine job and all the existing officers will continue to do the great job that they do thank you have a good evening thank you councilman barelli uh thank you clerk Moss uh congratulations to all the police officers who've been promoted and your families as well and the two new police officers uh you're all in your thoughts and prayers as you go about protecting and serving our great town of Jackson I always like to say that jtp is second to n in the state Township Administration and the governing body support you thank you and have a good evening thank you councilman Burns um really after the first three council members there's not much left to be said but I do want to take a minute and thank the mayor and administration for making these promotions and these hirings possible um it's it's their constant work and Devotion to Jackson that we're able to continue to grow our Police Department um special I guess um thank you for everyone for their service in the past lots of continued um success out there on the streets um a special call out and shout out to the to the former PBA president I guess it is Jeff hemba um PBA will be will be lacking will be missing but I'm sure your replacement in the PBA will do a phenomenal job and I'm sure our department will continue to be the best Department in New Jersey God bless thank [Applause] you councilman Chisum good evening so welcome aboard to our newest members I certainly wish you a long and safe career here serving the good people and residents of Jackson uh it's an honorable position and we thank you for your willingness to come and serve and I'm sure you'll do a great job of course to all of our newly promoted sergeants lieutenants captains again thank you for all your previous years of service here to Jackson and all of our residents congratulations on your new roles we look forward to what you're going to achieve going forward and we thank you for your accomplishments so far and you know I hate to point anybody else out but I do want to congratulate my C friend Captain George Vialis good job George appreciate you um while I had the mic here before everybody else leaves because I know you're all going to bolt I did just want to say thank you to the mayor the clerk the administrator fellow council members department heads the staff throughout the town I uh lost my mom last week and uh the Jackson Police Department everybody else that came out and just offered their support I really thank you on behalf of the entire Chisum Clan and uh you made a tough time a little bit more bearable so thank you all very much thank you honorable May Mayor Michael Raina thank you good evening ladies and gentlemen tonight is very very to see so people counil has basically gave you their feelings men and women in Police Department support 100 think department but tonight I'd like to acknowledge you the F and thank you all put up with and allowing to serveon is a sa place it's a [Music] place say thank you you make it happen make them they leave we know you're PR all of you a BL night it's a good proud of each and every thank you stay [Applause] safe we'll now continue with the uh Oaths of office presented by mayor Raina Jo do you need a mic okay good evening ladies and gentlemen I'm director candido Jackson Township Police Department uh first I'd like to thank the mayor and the administration for this wonderful evening promotions the new hires uh well needed and well deserved by men and women that are being promoted men to T Council thank you for your support I can't thank you enough for everything that you've done as well to the families thank you for supporting them it is a hard job 30 years of doing this and it it's it takes a lot and it takes a lot of toll on the families as well so thank you for the support that you give them I'm going to start off with the new hires Bradley Bonito R up [Applause] Bradley has been with the Jackson Township police department since November of 2023 as a Class 2 special law enforcement officer and has over two years of law enforcement experience Bradley was born in freehill Township New Jersey and graduated from freehill Township High School in 2020 while attending free hall Township High School he was a member of the National Honor Society and a varsity athlete in both wrestling and winter in Spring Track and Field Bradley is currently attending Stockton University to receive a bachelor's degree in criminal justice with a concentration in homeland security while attending Stockton Bradley was a member of the division 3 Stockton University track and field team Bradley was previously impo by the Avon by the SE Police Department as a class one and class two special police officer from October 21 to November of 20123 Bradley is a graduate of the 44th basic course for special law enforcement officer one and the 104th basic course for police officers and the 55th special Law Enforcement Officers class of Mammoth County Police Academy congratulations [Applause] [Applause] I Bradley Bonino I BR to solemnly swear to solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith that I will bear true faith in allegiance to the same in allegiance to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established in the United States and in this state in the United States and this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully and partially and justly and partially and justly perform the duties as police officer perform the duties as police officer Jackson Township Jackson Township according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations [Applause] okay [Applause] Trevor fox come on on [Applause] Trevor started at the Jackson Township Police Department in November of 2023 as a Class 2 special law enforcement officer with previous experience in Long Beach Township Trevor grew up in barnegate New Jersey where he graduated high school in 2020 completed as a varsity athlete in both baseball and soccer Trevor then worked in the E Electrical trades for three years before beginning his career in law enforcement Trevor began his law enforcement career at Long Beach Township Police Department as a class one special officer completed summer class one officer and then joined the summer class 2 Ocean County officer class of 52 of May of 2023 where he completed that congratulations Trevor [Applause] I say your name I TR Fox do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and allegiance to the same to the governments established and to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and that I will faithfully and partially and justly and partially and justly perform all the duties as police officer perform all the duties as police officer in the township of Jackson in the township of Jackson according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations [Applause] p officer [Applause] gravina officer Gina was born in New York where he moved to Jackson in 2023 and is a Jackson Liberty high school graduate class of 2011 Robert obtained his associates degree from Ocean County College in 2014 from 2015 to 2018 he worked for the New Jersey Department of Corrections before he was hired by the Jackson Township Police Department in March of 2018 during his time with the Department Robert has been a field training officer vice president of the Jackson PBA 168 served in the Department's honor guard and has received specialized crash training as in the department part-time traffic safety unit Robert has also received multiple Department Awards to include a life- saving award congratulations sir your promotion to Sergeant this is a we found out who This one belongs to I state your name I Robert Gina do solemnly swear do Sol swe that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith and allegiance that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the same that the governments established to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people that I will faithfully and that I will faithfully and partially and justly and partially and justly perform all the duties perform all the duties as sergeant as sergeant for the Jackson Township Police Department for the Jackson Township Police Department according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability sh help me go help me God congratulations officer [Applause] [Music] hemba no more headaches anymore now patrolman hemba was born and raised in Jackson Township where he still resides Jeff is a graduate of 1999 Jackson Memorial High School following high school he attended Ocean County College where he received his associates degree in criminal justice in January of 2001 Jeff went to the Ocean County Police Academy for bayad police department and graduated in May of 2001 he then worked for manokan Police Department as a class two officer from 2001 until 2004 where he was hired full-time at manoling on April 17 2006 he was appointed to the Jackson Township Police Department spent the majority of his time in the Patrol Division and moved into the Traffic Safety Division in January of 2023 where he's currently assigned dur during Jeff's time with the Jackson Township Police Department he has received numer a number of Department Awards multiple unit citations 2011 Mothers Against Drunk Driving award 2011 New Jersey Division of highway traffic safety award for most DWIs in Jackson Township officer of the year award in 2016 two-time PBA member of the Year award Jeff probably served on the PBA executive board for several years and most recently as the PBA president for the past three years Jeff was the captain of the PBA softball team for 15 years and has been the PBA yeah and the PBA golf outing chairman for the past 15 years which he's done a tremendous job with that Jeff is an active member of the community par participating in numerous charity events benefiting worthy causes some Hobbies Jeff has enjoys spending most of his time with his two kids and coaching their Sports he also enjoys playing a lot of golf and softball and that's not a lie Jeff is supported by his two kids Annabella and Dalton his parents Dennis and Patricia his sister Christie and many family members and Friends congratulations sergeant emba [Applause] f i state it I Jeff HBA do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and allegiance to the same to the governments established to the governments established in the United States and in this state in the United States and the state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and that I will faithfully and partially and justly and partially and justly perform all the duties perform all the duties as sergeant as sergeant for the Jackson Township police Police Department for the Jack St Police Department according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations officer [Applause] basso Mike is uh an amazing individual uh police officer Mike basso is a loving husband and father of two children he was a longtime Jackson resident graduating from Jackson Memorial High School in 2008 he then enlisted into United States Marine Corps serving four years on active duty following his military service he was a volunteer firefighter with Jackson Mills fire company before being hired by the Jackson Township Police Department in 2015 within the police department officer basso has served as a field training officer Special Response Team operator counterterrorism coordinator police explorer post advisor Honor Guard command Honor Guard Commander wow that's a mouthful physical training instructor Memorial Day Parade coordinator PBA veterans lays on and is a member of the elite bike unit congratulations officer basso now sergeant [Applause] I state your name I Mike you solemnly swear you solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States the Constitution of the state of New Jersey constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith and Allegiance I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the same for the government's EST lished to the government's established in the United States and in this state the United States and this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and that I will Faithfully partially and justly perform and partially and justly perform all the duties as sergeant all the duties of Sergeant the Jackson Township Police Department the Jackson Township Police Department accting to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations sir [Applause] officer coocher [Applause] Mike moved to Jackson Township from Staten Island New York in 2009 this is when he began attending Jackson Memorial High School and graduated in the class of 2013 Mike was a police explorer for the Jackson Township Police Department where he rose to the rank of chief of the program this was while he attended high school and college at Ocean County College where he majored in Criminal jce Justice Mike was hired as a class one special police officer for the Bradley Beach Police Department while working for this agency he enlisted in the United States Army Reserve as a military policeman and eventually deployed to guanto Bay Cuba Mike now holds the rank of Sergeant in the Army Reserves and has transitioned to a new position as a Counter Intelligence special agent which is another law enforcement position giving him the ability to investigate National Security crimes Mike was hired by the Jackson Township Police Department in 2016 and graduated from class 103 of the Ocean County Police Academy Mike served in the uniform services division in the patrol capacity before being loaned to The Drug Enforcement Administration as a task force officer in 2023 this is where he participated in some highlevel drug trafficking investigations which resulted in multi- kilo seizures while being in Patrol Mike served as a field training officer to train and Mentor new officers completing training to perform duties as a crime scene technician investigated matters in regards to the welfare of animals as a certified Humane law enforcement officer was a consistent member of the Department's Honor Guard assigned to the bicycle Patrol unit the Elite Bicycle Patrol unit and held an advisor position for law enforcement Explorer post 168 which is the program he was previously in charge of Mike was also elected to the position of trustee on the executive board for the New Jersey Law Enforcement Explorer Youth Academy and will soon be the coordinator of phase two of this Academy finally Mike is a proud father of his 2-year-old son named venzo congratulations sir [Applause] [Music] i s your name hi Michael coer you solemnly swear you solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and allegiance to the same to the governments established to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of The People Under The Authority of the people that I will faithfully and I will faithfully and partially and justly perform imp partially and justly perform all the duties of Sergeant all the duties as sergeant for the Jackson Township Police Department for the Jackson Township Police Department according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations sir Sergeant [Applause] Freeman I like this one Sergeant Freeman is military brat whose father served in the United States Air Force and the Army he was born in Upstate New York at platsburg Air Force Base and then moved to New Jersey at the age of two before moving to Germany at the age of seven he spent 10 years in Germany before eventually moving to Texas where he graduated from Gatesville High School in 1995 he then moved to Florida where he attended Florida Tech for two years before moving back to New Jersey in 1997 he has been a resident of Jackson since 2002 Sergeant Freeman started his law enforcement career in 2000 with the NJ dooc as a senior corrections officer 2004 left the NJ do to become a federal police officer for the dod police at Fort Dicks in 2006 he was hired by Jackson Police in the Patrol Division where he has worked since he has spent time on all three shifts he was promoted to Sergeant in October 2015 where he served as a shift commander on midnights and day shift currently is assigned to Bravo and Charlie T PL Commander he also serves as one of the agency's municipal counterterrorism coordinators and was recently assigned to supervise the Department's Dispatch Center he's supported in his law enforcement career by his wife Robin and his two sons Aaron and Joshua congratulations sir [Applause] I State the name I Michael Freeman you solemnly swear you solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith and Allegiance I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the same to the governments established to the governments established in the united states in the United States un States and this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully and partially and partially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties as Lieutenant all the duties as Lieutenant for the Jackson Township Police Department for the Jackson Township Police Department according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me godat [Applause] sergeant miabi [Applause] Fred was born in Neptune New Jersey to Ferman and elki miabi who are both unfortunately deceased after being born his family moved to Brooklyn New York where they resided for several years before coming to New Jersey after his mother's passing Fred attended and graduated from Jackson Memorial High School in 1993 and still resides in Jackson Fred began his law enforcement career in 1996 as a Class 2 special for the Jackson Township Police Department where he served in his in this position for four years before taking a position with the New Jersey Department of Corrections in 2000 as a senior corrections officer at Albert C Wagner State youth correctional facility not long after that Fred was hired as a full-time police officer with Jackson Township during his career Fred has been assigned to all three shifts within the patrol division during his employment Fred has also had the honor of being a field training officer a Special Response Team Member for both Jackson Township and the o oan County Regional SWAT team as well as being detached to the Ocean County prosecutor's office Special Operations group where he took part in numerous high-profile narcotics investigations and arrests during the course of his career Fred has received numerous letters of commendation from residents and outside agencies as well as departmental Awards to include two meritorious Police Service ribbons and an officer of the year award Fred was promoted in October of 2015 to the rank of Sergeant where he served as shift commander on both the afternoon and day shifts for both the alpha and Bravo platoon during this time Fred has was tasked with being the gang intelligence supervisor as well as a public information officer for the agency a position he shares with now Lieutenant Freeman still to this day currently Fred is assigned to the Alpha Charlie one Commander he's supported his law enforcement career by his children Jared and Alicia and close friends who are also intendance okay Fred Fred wanted to point point out that when he was promoted to Sergeant in 2015 the Mets were preparing for game one of the World Series although that isn't going to happen this year he's looking forward to the Mets beating the Yankees tonight in their annual Subway Series [Applause] I state your name I FR me a did you spell it sure do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and allegiance to the same same and to the governments established to the governments established in the United States and in this United States and this state under the authority of the people the authority of the people that I will faithfully and I will Faithfully partially and just partially and justly all the duties all the duties as Lieutenant as Lieutenant for the Jackson Township Police Department for the Jackson Township Police Department according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God [Applause] now we save the best for last lieutenant vidalis [Applause] George was born and raised in Jackson Township George is 1986 wow graduate of Jackson Memorial High [Applause] School he actually did following high school he attended Ocean County College where he received his associates degree George continues his educ ucation at fairly Dixon University where he obtained his master's degree George was appointed to the Jackson Township Police Department in December of 2023 and graduated the Ocean County Police Academy in May of 2004 while spending the majority of his time in Patrol Division he became an active member in a number of specialized divisions throughout the department such as the Jackson PD motorcycle unit emergency vehicle operator instructor for the Ocean County Police Academy rifle and Firearms instructor for the Ocean County Police Academy and Jackson Jackson PD traffic unit Ocean County Regional SWAT team September of 2014 George was promoted to Sergeant and was assigned to the Patrol Division in February of 2022 George was promoted to Lieutenant and was assigned to the task of division commander of the Professional Standards and Internal Affairs unit during George's time with the Jackson Police Department he has received a number of departmental awards multiple unit citations multiple command citations excellent Duty award life- saving award Good Conduct award pistol expert physical training award George is also an active member of our community participating in charity events benefitting worthy causes he devotes almost all his free time as an Uber driver getting his boys to various sporting events although he has many hobbies what he enjoys the most is spending time with his family George is supported by his wife a 14 years Tracy two young Sons Christopher and Michael and many family members and Friends congratulations [Applause] I state your name I George Valles do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States the United States Constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith and allegiance that will bear trueth faith and allegiance to the same to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established in the United States and in this state in the United States and the state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people that I will Faithfully that I will Faithfully partially and justly and partially and justly perform all the duties perform all the duties as captain for the Jackson Township Police dep as captain for the Jackson Township Police Department according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations [Applause] again I'd like to thank the mayor and the administration for all the support and the council as well for all your support and uh this concludes our promotions and new hires for this evening I'd like to thank everybody for coming all the newly appointed promotions and new hires please come up here so we can take a [Applause] picture yes do two on each side three on each I can't stand right now only that really [Applause] works conat congratulations congratulations congratulations a e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e councilman burelli yes councilman Bernstein yes councilman Chisum abstain please Council vice president Sergeant yes and council president cun yes thank you there are no ordinances uh for public hearing on Final or final consideration ordinances first reading are there any comments regarding or summaries regarding ordinance 24-24 yes all right so let me just get my bearings I apologize everyone um I just wanted to read a couple things I did want to make a couple comments just to read into the record pertaining to um some some of the township business that we've conducted in the last uh two weeks since the last meeting pertaining to traffic which we always talk about so I just wanted to talk about on regarding South New Prospect Road I got a letter from the C at County Road I got a letter from the county engineer just wanted to let you guys get everybody updated on it the township is in receipt of the email mail dated 5:15 and um it's uh it is our understanding that the new striping proposed will be a three- Lane section with one lane in each Direction in a center lane left um turn lane on South New Prospect from Wood Lane Ro to County Line Road the center lane uh turn lane allows for turning vehicles that want to cross uh Oppo um opposite traffic and a location clear of the through Lane sorry um this was signed by our business administrator Walt and he approved it for the town so that will be a three-lane highway I just wanted to update you that again is South New Prospect from Wood Lane to County Line Road also there is one other thing pertaining to we were doing again continuing with our traffic study we have a traffic analysis report for uh murfield road and it came back actually it wasn't horrible um Pace speed was 18 to 28 the speed limits 25 85% was 27 which I I'll take it all day um 5-day traffic was uh well total traffic for the week was 3ou 2,363 count um there was a little bit of an issue they were one uh they were unable to secure a device near the main entrance way off of South cooksbridge Road to the original as originally planned the device that logged this data was secured after the last house prior to the entryway into the Muse so by installing a gate at this location and removing the gate into Robins Estates you would be adding a daily average of 337 Vehicles throughout these roadways and intersections I've attached a copy of the traffic analysis report to this email for your review the equipment has been removed it is currently being um it's on Beam Avenue so these reports are really important this is what we do them for our Traffic Safety Bureau and then they go to the township and they go to the engineer um and that's where we sit down so I just wanted to let everybody know I do get a couple emails pertaining to Robins Estates what is going on with that that is your update um from me and then we're I'm just going to roll into ordinances I know I know that councilman Bern you wanted to update on County Roads as well so I I just want to give everybody on Council their spot to kind of give a little bit of opening because I did ask them to keep it to quick for um the officers because we knew that was going to be long and I want to make sure everybody has their their time to speak yes ma'am thank so I'll just go down the if you could if you don't mind just give everybody a little bit um Council vice president sergeant comments for the evening thank you councilman farelli uh thank you cler Moss um along with the governing body regarding the Brave and dedicated men and women who keep our community safe and secure I'm glad to be introducing um resolution 239-248 Bill s106 sponsored by state senators Carmen Amato and Jim holsapple and assembly Bill AC R 136 sponsored by assemblyman Brian rump Greg Meyer Paul kitra and Greg mcgucken and uh these bills both ACR um 136 and scr 106 they are identical going to read from the uh resolution 23924 these bills with support a pro proposed Constitutional Amendment to the voters of the state of New Jersey uh seeking to provide a tax exemption for the primary resident owned and occupied by their surviving spouse of a law enforce law enforcement officer a firefighter or first aid uh ambulance or Rescue Squad member who dies in the line of duty um this exemption would also include the surviving spouse of both paid and volunteer firefighters and first aid ambulance or Rescue Squad members the requirement of this proposal will be that the property in question must have been the primary residence of the first responder at the time of the responder's death and the surviving spouse would qualify for the exemption and continue to receive it for as long as the spouse owns and occupies the home as a primary residence and does not remarry and uh concluding the bill would also further require the state to reimburse the state would have to reimburse any taxing district the amount of property taxes that would otherwise have been collected uh on the primary um on the property receiving the exemption established under both bills and in closing um I know we don't have a meeting until after the Fourth of July holiday just want to wish everybody all Jackson residents a fun and safe Fourth of July holiday and enjoy our Town's many parks and recreational areas this summer take care and have a good evening thank you councilman bernin okay thank you clerk Moss um a couple things to follow up with what council president mentioned mentioned um we had the opportunity yesterday of hosting the two County um Engineers engineer John Ernst and Mark jeny here to discuss some of the county road infrastructure um that they are looking at um two points that we we did stress um and that they are actively looking at is um the intersection of South Boston Road and um Bennett Mill um in addition they also they they are also looking at um the East Veterans quor obviously that quor includes many different um Outside Agency approvals um the one we and I received a couple of emails from residents in that area one area that they are um actively looking as intersection of Bowman and um and East vets about about installing a traffic safety light um they're also talking about by grown by that intersection um and over the next couple months they're going to be continuing to do their studies out there and then they will update the administration and the council and we will hopefully disseminate that information to you um additionally I just wanted to um really just to thank the um really just to wish congratulations to all of our um graduates um from all of our schools I had the opportunity in joining by both Liberty and Memorial it was great to see the kids graduating and I wish them all lots of luck as they go on to their next Endeavors thank you councilman chisen there we go so uh you may have heard that uh our beloved lawmakers in Trenton have decided that we want to follow California Vermont and Washington DC if that scares you just with a list of those three states it should because they want to do an outright ban of all gas powerered lawnmowers and leaf blowers sale and use let that sink in everybody that has a lawn or anything else or you rake you blow your machines will no longer be allowed in this state this is abs abely ignorant on every single level it will do nothing for the environment it will place a significant burden on all small businesses and as a result by default all residents and taxpayers what is going to happen you're going to have to buy a brand new machine if you don't do it yourself then you have to hire somebody else and what are they going to do obviously that's more time for them which means more expense for you if it's just time on your weekends that's time away from your family what is that worth to you even if this was a smart idea what are you going to do with the batteries batteries and have to be recycled they also have to be charged how do you charge them if you're out on the side I don't know if you've ever worked with a Lawn Company before but where do they charge their stuff well they don't they fuel it up if you can't fuel it up on site you have to have enough batteries or something to charge them with which means generally a very loud gas powerered vehicle that you plug it into which means the truck will be running while you're mowing the lawn or you have to have a generator also loud and gas powerered this is absolutely ignorant on every single level but what do I expect from King Phillip call your legislators call them now tell them this is not something that is practical or viable in the state of New Jersey when these things happen and we have technology that keeps up the taxpayers the residents Americans are smart enough to go along with it when it actually makes sense for them in any single level it's not there yet so please stay in your lane guys get out there stop this Insanity have great Independence Day and remember that it's Independence Day we're supposed to be independent we are not under the thumb of the Tyrant thank you uh Mr Chism how would that affect uh for instance the chainsaw business like for cutting trees and stuff like that well obviously that's going to be timec consuming takes longer more power more money more labor therefore it's going to pass on the expense to everybody else just like everybody else doesn't matter whether it's your own personal lawn or anybody else I mean you know we live in Jackson there are Tre I'm sure you've all blown leaves off your lawn if you have a blower here we go thank you let's go sorry we continue with ordinances first reading council president cun are there any comments regard regarding ordinance 24-24 yes thank you so much this ordinance is to repeal the current just so that I just want to make sure everybody explains the CCO so there's a CO certificate of occupancy and there's a continued certificate of occupancy so this is to repeal the continued certificate of occupancy so when you go to sell your home the only state law that you'll have to what you should abide by is getting a fire and smoke certificate which after um years and years I think that you know Administration Council and actually our four yes all four fire districts have come together and they've decided to take on um doing the fire and smoke which in my opinion I think is is a good is a good fit they are the fire department so uh we are working that out but by the time hopefully this goes through we'll have all those um Kinks figured out and we'll bring it to you but again this is if you're going to sell your home you will no longer have to go to the building department and fill out a u fill out an application to have a inspector come out and inspect your home and then give you a list of stuff that you will need to repair you will just have to go to the fire department hopefully it'll be online and have them come in and have them do and that's a state law so that has to be um that has to stay and then for if you have wellwater um that is going to be between a buyer and a seller and if they have any representatives to do as you should yourself that is not anything that the township should be micromanaging thank you thank you ordinance 24-24 entitled an ordinance of the township of Jackson County of ocean state of New Jersey repealing chapter 233 of the Township Code of the township of Jackson it's its entirety I need a motion to approve ordinance 24- 24 on first reading and to authorize the notice of approval and public hearing to be held on July 9th 2024 so moved second councilman burelli yes councilman Bernstein yes councilman Chisum yes Council vice president Sergeant yes and council president C yes thank you bills and claims I need a motion to approve or hold motion second council member Elli uh yes uh clerk Moss I will get that for you right now it's uh e01 that I have to abstain on also NJ m06 NJ s04 and R20 yes to the restl on there thank you thank you councilman Bernstein yes councilman Chisum I'm St on R20 yes to the rest thank you Council vice president Sergeant yes and council president C abstain on rcs2 yes to the rest thank you council president just to confirm are tbling resolution R 240-242 chapter chapter yes councilman Bernstein yes councilman Chisum I'm St on 24324 yes to the rest thank you Council vice president Sergeant yes and council president Q um I would just like to bring attention to resolution r232 d24 um that's a grant that Recreation got um for pickle ball so I just want you all to know that we got $770,000 to put pickle ball some I don't know where it's going to go Administration will let you know but um in the best spot ever and I am going to adverti that anywhere possible that I can because I know that our residents are very very excited about pickle ball so our Recreation heard your requests and has answered the call of duty and has brought you $70,000 of pickle ball money yay um and then also I just wanted to go into the resolution that we edited we have met I don't know if anybody heard it but we did do it amended them at the beginning to add resolution 24424 which Administration I have to give credit to Recreation DPW and Mr wall so Mr wall has been absolutely very very heavily involved in in getting us our Parks and Recreations and getting us uh allocating a lot of money to help build them up uh you can see up on the screen is Johnson Park it's the proposed we're going to be voting on it to today well it's on the resolution to go so that is what it it's going to look like right Mr wall um yes uh council president if through the council president Mr pal can come up if he I didn't know if he was okay I didn't see you I didn't know if he was still come on up Jackson Council and Mar Arena have uh are looking to enhance the playgrounds uh throughout the community uh throughout the municipality uh 100 square miles it's quite quite a a a big Endeavor uh but at the same time is to not just add playgrounds do them correctly and do them with uh the most advanced playground designs possible so Greg is going to touch on that he's with Ben Schaefer and Associates Ben Schaefer it may be a person but it's a big company uh so say hello to Ben if you ever see Ben Schaefer um but if you can speak to the design here and what kind of advanced planning you have here because some of these things some of these items are Cutting Edge even in New Jersey with your company and also the surface and how it uh enhances the children of all abilities uh and challenged abilities to be able to have a fantastic recreation in in in their town if you could do if you could share that with us Greg thank you um my name is Greg palum with benj for recreation um saw you guys out here a couple weeks ago uh yeah so in working with uh Mr wall and uh Sean over in public works we uh we came up with a couple ideas uh for enhancements over at John um so what we did is we didn't want to we had a couple different things in mind and we didn't want to go fully adaptive but we didn't want to like leave anyone outse we wanted to make a pretty inclusive design while offering some uh some challenging aspects some new age things um on the playground so just for example this uh this box here it's about 15,000 square feet so um Christian can we go back to the other slide yeah so this will give you a better view so in the the playground here we've got an ages 2 to five unit which is a ramp structure so this is a conducive to like Wheelchairs and whatnot easy access to get up and through the uh the playground the different features here um there's different interactive panels and such along the way there's different uh musical pieces um as well uh we have a five to ages 5 to 12 structure here um with this little piece called an evolution Arch climber really cool you come up to a deck and then you actually climb out off of the deck and it gives you the feeling of of hanging out over nothing as you make your way up to the to the top deck and we've got a few slides coming off of there um one of the things I'm that I really well my kids really enjoy is we've got a a 100 foot zip line right here we've got a few of these in the state of New Jersey not too many not any in the local area here so you'd be one of the first the closest one I have is down in the epin School District um there's a disc hover that hangs off this line here kids will uh kids will go about well 100 feet about a foot or two feet off the ground from the start to the finish uh I've got a a revolved net climber here a spherical net climber uh goes up to about 12 and a half feet uh and then we have two Bay of swings here and the reason I did two different Bays is I figured we would have uh swings over here for the younger ones these are all top seats baby seats um with an ADA seat and a mommy and me seat and then th this Bay of swings here has traditional belt seats and I also have two Ada seats here as well uh and this piece right here is called movement inclusive it's similar to if any members were at the uh League of municipalities last year you would have seen this in our booth but it's an electronic game almost like memory type where the different panels light up you have to hit them uh to move on to the next uh stage the cool thing about this is it's not battery powered or is battery powered but it's it's kid powered so you've got to wind it up to to generate the electricity to make the thing go so no batteries to replace or anything like that and then we've also got two other features here I've got a a Volta inclusive spinner you can fit about eight kids on here there's three different seating positions so different ways to access the spinner and then lastly little seating area and then the surfacing here this is a poured rubber surface uh I know a lot of the playgrounds we have here in town are the loose wood fiber playgrounds nothing wrong with wood mulch still meets all Ada um compliances the good thing about the poured rubber is you have one flat surface it's not going to shift it's not going to move around there's no from a maintenance point of view there's no raking there's no putting you know moving uh Mass back in to keep it level what you see on the top here is a 3 inch wearing course and then underneath we have anywhere from like a 6 in to a three and a half inch subbase and that would that helps with all the the fall height requirements so for example swings here you have to have eight feet of cover eight foot of fall Heights on the sphere here we go up to about 10 feet of fall height and such throughout but it allows for easy access to the playground easy access to different features in there and Sean and I in our discussions we've kind of planned out how we're going to access it from the parking lot um we'll have to build like a sidewalk maybe with some switchbacks to get up to the area but it will be fully inclusive fully accessible Greg you talk uh about Sun coverage canopy coverage uh a lot of playgrounds don't have that protection for children what we've uh integrated here sure so we have a a seating area here we've got a fabric shade cover uh but then throughout the playground here we have some fixed metal roofs but then I also have some fabric roofs over top the ages 2 to five unit and over top the uh movement inclusive so these are just fabric panels um and as we discussed before they're they're recommended they come down in the fall but they provide sun shade for like the little ones who wouldn't know so much not to touch things right away uh just obviously if it's 100 degrees out it's hot you know equipment's going to heat up but this is going to heat up at a lesser Pace than some of the uh other features that are out in the open uh but more and more playgrounds that we do these days and more and more requirements that we're seeing coming up through like preschools and things like that um shades are becoming required on a lot of playgrounds uh I don't think it's necessarily reached you know full total requirements but I know some of the grants that we're going after these days do require it so we did work it in thank you and color inputs excuse me color schemes color inputs so just do that for the folks that didn't hear the last commentary and then just just saying any color inputs from from the council please share them there's uh no in right balance of colors for for the part actually I think that one looks really good does look good like you can speak to what you offer and what the thought process might be behind that so having done this for a number of years I've kind of become uh in favor of lots of kind of like BS and kind of out there colors and uh when I was working with my art department on this rendering I said hey guys just have fun with it you know whatever is kind of like making you happy today um I always try to work in some purples and whatnot I think it's cool but they came up with uh some real interesting designs for the surfacing now for the surfacing say we we have I think about eight standard colors we could do a light gray we can do a sky blue we can do a lime and then here's a gray and a blue again and we can do it in different patterns um now when I work with the art department on this one they came up with this this idea on their own not necessarily something I would choose but because of the nature of the surface we can pour 3,000 square feet at a time uh in one day so this is 15,000 square feet so it's going to take us five days to pour the top coat it's going to take us five days to to pour the base coat so I always suggest every 3,000 square feet or so you know we cut it off and we we do like a creative line then we do a contrasting color and then we do another seam line then another color so these are all things that we can work at as we get along in the design process thank you thank you um can I just ask one question we we got all the questions out last time but I'm just so curious what's the weight limit on the zip line the I want to go on it me and her talking like is there like is there anything even like the the um where you said there could be eight kids on there that's that would be this guy right here yeah is there any kind of like is there any limitations pertaining to that no kind of weight limits on this and this is a ROM plastic that we do with 21 UV baked in so it's gonna take a lot to to take it down um as far as weight limit on the zip line I'll have to get back to you about that but I think I remember getting this question a couple years ago I want to say around like 280 ah is I'm in something like that I'm good so I'll get back to okay is that a typical spinner or is that a new design I can't really no it's a it's a typical spinner and I believe we have one of these over at the Justice complex as well um it's just kind of our our main spinner that we use um in a lot of the playground we had wanted to Justice complex we had to remove it you had to remove it yeah the one that we put in yeah happened it was faulty and the insurance company wouldn't cover it well we can ex that out we find something else for you if you'd like um I'm just saying we should look at it I mean review and see other things that we can possibly put in there if if we can't put that in yeah no problem thanks um if I could just ask I'm not sure if this is question for Terrence Mr wall um where exactly in Johnson Park are we putting this um is this going to the same place that currently has on the way out we want to make sure it's outside any of the the confines of the prior uh paperwork for the landfill that wasn't closed that's why correcto um and it'll be appropriately situated but outside that any of that demarcation perfect thank you thank you sir appreciate your time and it was a great presentation and I vote I'm on right yeah I vote Yes everything thank you yes move on to public comments on any topic I need a motion to open public portion of the meeting for all comments so move second all in favor I I at this time if any member of the public has any comments to make please address the council at the microphone and state your name and address clearly for the record you will have five minutes and may only speak once good evening everyone Donnie Adelman 206 will Point Drive Jackson New Jersey this thing looks pretty cool you had the right idea I was about to ask the same question about the weight limit on the zip line you know so I get it um couple quick things this would be the perfect opportunity to sneak in the funding for the second gate at the dog park and to clear up the flooding um in regards to everything else I do have some questions that were brought to me by other people in the town that for one reason or another don't feel able to come um with everything we've read in the newspaper and online and we know that Rosen hour Elementary is going to be closed up the teachers were laid off and everything like that the school is gonna end up being sold you're short a whole bunch of money and I'd like to know with the reassessment process that went on over the past year two years whatever it's been has all that been completed and the new taxes gone out I'll let our business administrator answer that I don't it's nearly complete the uh the notification of assessment will be I believe in the first quarter of 2020 okay and will that include the the 20% that the state has allowed you to raise the property taxes to make up for the shortfall and will that just be for the school taxes or that be for the entire property tax bill that's going to go up 20% reevaluation is revenue neutral what was that revaluation is revenue neutral okay well I don't understand what that means it's not designed to fill holes and plug gaps and things of that nature I understand that but they the state specifically went through and said Jackson Tom rer and a few other towns were specifically authorized to raise the property taxes above the 2% cap to 20% the school district that's not the municipality that's so it would just be for the schools essentially awesome thank you so much welc have a good night thank you [Music] sir hello um my name is Carlos Martins um I'm a Jackson resident live in Jackson um a few POI kind of things and to start off with I apologize this is kind of my first time I really have never been involved in uh Town politics and things like that so if I'm out of out of line just let me know okay um on the park right and this just came to my mind is there a age and height limit of who can use the park I believe it's 2 to five and if I'm not mistaken 5 to 12 I don't know if Mr Powell's still here but it's it'll be there'll be signage on those sections clearly delineate it for parents or folks who are visiting okay okay that's good that's good would hope they uh wait I guess I'm out you're still out sorry about that um specific hours of operation or is it kind of like open all the time 24 hours or whatever be the general park hours dawn to dusk I would imagine but I would need to clarify that with public works to see if we have any specific hours but when the Park is open it's open okay thanks yeah um I asked that question just the consideration of vandalism and safety and stuff like that once it's closed I'm sure you guys got that covered but unfortunately bandal have their own hours sorry right vandals have their own hours challenge it's just that it you know probably requires some security as far as police vigilance or something like that um okay and the other thing I wasn't planning on talking about it but I think was Mr relli brought it up about the I have to sell all my gas powerered equipment to get battery operated right I think that's oh sorry sorry I apolog again I'm new just so just so you know because you've never been here before we get into the power battery operated stuff yes um you have three minutes left to speak so I'm not sure what you want to go but we only allow five minutes so okay thank you just want to give thank you thank I'm going to go quickly okay because it's kind of minor but I totally agree I two years ago I I bought a lawn mower battery I oh this is great I don't have to put gas and Jackson you know you got your Lawns to go up and down it wasn't powerful enough to go up a light little Hill it's crazy I'll whatever I can do I'm going to get involved in whatever okay appreciate what I really wanted to talk about um if the town can consider so in this board and I think others many times it's kind of required that the resident come up and give their name and their um full you know uh street address and number I would just consider that this is H the secur for security purposes right this is recorded it is on the internet a lot of crazy people on the internet um so just for the safety perspective maybe something to think about maybe redact that part of it once you save it out on the internet um I know that when I was looking at this and I looked at old watched old YouTube videos that came to my mind was a little concerning that I had to give my physical full home address which I you know not a business address it's my home address sir sir um that's actually a state state requirement um that's from the legislature okay um for purposes of the public meetings public meetings right okay um maybe consider redacting that part of it on when you go and save it into YouTube or maybe even I turn off the mic and I give you my address I have no problem giving it to everybody here it's the fact that it's out there you know what they say right you put it out on the Internet it's there forever and there are a lot of crazy people out there so anyway something to consider that's it thank you thank you sir good evening Town Council Ryan Archer 486 Frank Applegate Road I just want to First extend my gratitude to councilman uh president Chun and uh councilman Bernstein for attending my son's graduation I greatly appreciate that I think it's important that the kids see officials from the town at the at those kind of Ceremonies so thank you again thank you uh I wanted to ask a question I want to know to your best of your knowledge has there ever been an elected official in Jackson Township that's institut a defamation character case against a public media company or a newspaper for a false article that was published that you know of I would have to go to work Council I sorry in the time that I've been doing this not that I can remember um but that doesn't mean it hasn't happened understood thank you uh the next thing I have in 2023 the state revised a section of a statute section 40818 talks about the mayor's powers and duties it was revised last year it said the mayor shall Pride at all meetings of the municipal Council have we been in compliance with that change that state regulation can you give me the statute again sir 44081 d8 it was instituted in 2023 sorry I have to review the statute it appears to be under the fauler act so there are different forms of government under the fauler ACT I'm not positive if that statute um is to Jackson Township it's under New Jersey RIS statutes title 40 municipalities and counties understood and then in that statute there are various there's a Township management plan there's a mayor council plan there's various forms of government I don't know the statute numbers off the top of my head I'm throwing it at you so I'll give you time to answer that let me know I just wanted to let you know why I couldn't give a direct answer question at this time town code 26-13 calls out for ethics board do we have that in place right now in ethics board is there an Ethics officer in this town because I can't find it on the web page I'm G to ask our business administrator if you could answer that an Ethics board I'm not aware of one I'm not as Council I am not it's written in our state law in our town laws I don't know when it's been 2613 does that mean it's been in since 2013 or no okay it's pop quiz I'm not aware of an Ethics board if that's the I can show you the document I mean if you want to see it but to your earlier question I represent the mayor here I'm at every meeting okay 2613 it says the mayor shall appoint three members of the public to the ethics information committee yeah I'm aware that has been brought up before and I do have if you want to if you want to send me an email of that I actually do have an answer for you we do have it from our attorney um you know our attorney that we have now is not normally here at every meeting um our our regular attorney unfortunately is in the hospital so but I could yes yes so I've been asked that before and we do have a response to that but it is in my email so I don't want to miss speak know when that when that law was created to know if there was I believe it's not applicable to our form of government but I'm I can't I'm not 100% on that it's just written our by laws that's all I'm bringing to your attention I would think it it would be easily accessible all right the last thing I have I just want to read an article and this is on a lighter note it's an article written by Purdue Global it's regarding uh what is cultural diversity and what it talks about here culture is that Which shapes us it shapes our identity and influences our behavior cultur is in our way of being more specifically it refers to the standard language beliefs values Norms behaviors and material objects that are passed down from one generation to the next I'm just skipping over some of this stuff here and I apologize for that so why is cultural diversity a good thing culture is the lens with which we evaluate everything around us we evaluate what is proper and improper normal or abnor normal through our culture if we are immersed in a culture that is unlike our own we may experience culture shock and become disoriented when we come into contact with a fundamentally different culture people naturally use their own culture as a standard to judge other cultures however passing judgment can reach a level where people begin to discriminate against others whose way of being are different than their own essentially we tend to fear that which we do not understand cultural diversity is important because our country workplace and schools increasingly consist of various cultural racial and ethnic groups we can learn from one another but first we must have a level of understanding about each other in order to facilitate collaboration and cooperation learning about other cultures helps us understand different perspectives within the world which we live and helps dispel negative stereotypes and personal biases about different groups and said how can we support cultural diversity increase your level understanding about the C my time's up I apologize but we do have a multi cultural committee no I'm just just want to read that out that's that's all thank you thank you for your time our attorney just is gonna answer your question and then we're just gonna she's just gonna answer we'll sure just regarding the um ethics board that you referenced that's an Advisory Board only and it was never filled because of new state ethics laws that have been put in place so that board remains unfilled and there are new state ethics laws that would supersede any sort of Ethics board here so when was that law written into the bylaws I sir I don't know I'd have to I'll get an answer in the future thank you for your time thank you sir have a good night have a good night this up a little bit Jim saki S6 hardfield Drive um first of all the traffic studies that you've been reading the last two meetings great are they published anywhere publicly for if you email me I was advised that I can give you a copy of the um analysis that I received but it is not published it is um within our department okay I I think they're great because I do too they clearly show a difference of opinion between what the township is finding and what applicants that are coming before the planning board and the zoning board are coming up with and Mr Bernstein you know I spoke at the meeting at the planning board meeting we'll continue when I get them I will continue to read them into can I make a recommendation of a street I would love to see you do harfield Drive so if you the way it goes is if I get an email um I forward it to our business administrator and I ask him to uh contact the department head and give a give a report and then once I get the report back from the traffic safety Bureau I will call you personally and go over the report with you that's great andas that's the only way you can get a report here it's not gonna happen okay and I I bring up parfield for a couple of reasons I've been there for a long time we used to have it's it's one of three exits out of our development yes it's become I'm aware ridiculous and what bothered me mostly the other day was a school bus came flying down the street and he was not doing 25 by the time he came off of Neil Street coming down towards New Prospect by the time he got to my home which is towards closer to New Prospect there was no way he was doing 25 why does that bother me there are two small children that live across the street one was out playing with a BAS and it fell out of his hands and it starts rolling into the street there's cars parked and the kids don't look they're not and even if they did look they wouldn't see things like that because there's cars parked in the street I agree so that's why I asked for harfield but I do I think it's great um the other thing I know I was here earlier this year and I talked about having dual entrances inel multi- developments I see the planning board is kind of going that route um the zoning board not quite as much I see this this board hasn't taken any anything on about it so um just again I'll bring that up I'd love to see it uh the other one and it's a question I have and I'm gonna it's probably going to be an attorney question question is how does Jackson Township decide when to build a public road that is being you that it will only be used for a private entity it's not for a residential development okay it's just for a private entity how does the township go about creating a private road how how is it designed and I know you can't hear this and so you said a private road and a public road separately so so so we have a there there is an application okay before one at boards right now for a private four private schools off of one of our main roads it's been going back and forth as to whether the entrance is a private road or a public road at this last meeting they came back and said it's a public road because it makes our application cleaner so my question is how is this town how does this town accept the fact that they're coming before us and say it's a public road when the public is not going to use the road other than the individuals that are going to be attended in these schools it's not a it's not a through Street it's a it's basically you it's a it's one Road in the four schools so there's something called rsis which are State Standards um governing roadways and any application before board is going to have to meet the is is rsis standards um so that is at a state level the township cannot create private roads it's not a private I'm saying Public Road they are saying it's a public road on private property so the whole piece of land right now is privately owned what their intention is from what I gather is they're gonna give the town a strip so that they can B build a public road so that they don't have to worry about it because they would create variances which they don't want to do in this application they want to keep it as clean because once it's clean it has to be approved automatically so my question is who is responsible for determining the public road system in this Township and just to be clear council president if I may this is you're you're you have a generic question that you're speaking to because that's an active application in front of the planning board which I'm a class two member so are these is this a generic question I just wanted for anything I mean I understand it's a very nuanced question yeah I well well the time I just wanted to say your time is up so I'm gonna allow her to answer that and then we're gonna we're gonna have and I was going exactly where Mr W was it sounds very specific to a specific application that is still pending and I don't think it's appropriate um to comment on such a specific situation especially when I haven't seen the application when I can't really give you a straight answer as to exactly what's going on on that application and I don't think it would be appr given it's still pending and and I guess I don't want it you're we have to because it's now way over I don't want it specifically to this application right it's a general question as to how you said application multiple times so therefore you're specific to an application you said application multiple times she answered your question and I think it was answered thank you seeing no one come forward make a motion to close public session second okay all in favor I I motion to close all in favor I have a wonderful evening thank you good job good good