America and to the repblic for which stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all good evening and welcome the June 10th 2024 meeting of the Jackson Township Council will now come to order councilman belli here councilman Bernstein here councilman Chisum is absent this evening Council vice president Sergeant here and council president C here as Clerk of this meeting I hereby publicly announce that in compliance with the provis visions of the open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting has been advertised in the manner prescribed by law there are no proclamations or announcements this evening we will continue with opening comments from Township Council council president cun thank you madam clerk okay so I received um a couple requests for consideration for administration to extend on our Township website to allow residents to not only see what's currently on the planning board agenda but what um past applications are as well and they related documents I sent this request to our business administrator and he gladly got in touch with Christian and we updated the uh website so now if you go on to the website which Christian is showing you um if you wanted to see what's currently on the planning board agenda as well as any past um meetings you can go ahead and easily get those documents so I believe in the you know uh it used to be just current the current agenda was on there so we did update that and we sent it to the uh chairwoman of the planning board and she was very happy of uh the update so it makes it more transparent secondly um I would like to go into Wood Lane Park project that hopefully that is going to be a resolution on today's uh agenda but I wanted to kind of just show you guys what the project um is proposed I know that the business administrator Mr wall worked very hard along with along with Recreation and getting this out um and I believe he actually uh was going through some negotiations and changing the light out and everything like that so we actually have the gentleman uh from what is it Ben Schaefer Recreation he is here to answer any questions that's probably just going to be from Council but I actually do have a couple questions if we could go into that if anybody if any other council members want to go first and ask any questions if I may council president if you'd like uh Mr poell to give a quick summary quick bullet point of exactly what is laid out here that may help inform uh your consideration this yes if you could please if you want to come up to the Pod yes right there thank you very much that's all right and what's funny is I picked him right out of the crowd I said you must be here from the parks he was like yeah I am I was like I pick people up do you want to point in oh you want a pointer awesome thank you well my name's Greg pal with Ben sh for recreation um we do parks recreation uh Supply install sales stuff like that uh I've done a couple other playgrounds for the town over the years we did uh Scott and I we did a flair Ridge we did Camp Joy and we did hartfeld uh right before the pandemic a few years back and I've been helping out the schools uh for the last number of years but so this one here um when I was talking to Terrence and talking to Sean and in AJ in Recreation there were a couple different areas throughout towns that we talked about upgrading uh this particular one we were uh thinking about putting it over a Wood Lane Wood Lane has a small structure right now and I think the talk was that there's going to be a lot more use over there we want to do something a little bit bigger a little bit grander so in the design we have here and um I had to I modified some things after talking to Sean the other day but I've got an ages two to five unit right here I've got a shade canopy on top it's a big thing these days especially with the the younger kids we' like to cover the playgrounds as much as we can and it's h seems to be a lot of it seems to be a requirement these days also is that shade canopy is that a hard plastic or is that like it's fabric shaped Cy okay yep so this is something that's recommended it comes down in the winter time take it down October November put it back up in the spring you just don't want any snow loads hanging on in that like over a weekend or something like so that has to be removed in the winter it's yeah it's suggested to be removed okay uh this is in ages 5 to 12 structure here and it's kind of hard to see from the this angle point here but this is a pretty large unit that goes up to I think Heights of 16 foot decks this is one of our newest lines this year from Burke it's it's called our Aspire line so essentially we've got these little towers right here that are linked together by these Road climbers it's something new to us it's completely unique you haven't seen a lot of stuff like this like throughout the state of New Jersey so that you would be the first to have Burke's new line of asire uh we did three Bays of uh swings over here I've got two belt seats which is your Traditional Swing seat that you see two tot seats right here you know for the babies uh I've got an ADA seat right here and this is a connection seat this is essentially a mommy and Mei where mother father could sit there child goes in their lap there's a little uh little plastic part that comes down and you guys can swing uh couple freestanding pieces I've got this is called a board rocker here we can fit four kids in these seats here and you can also put two or three kids on the disc here um kind of like a surfing kind of snowboarding type feel as you rock back and forth it's pretty cool because it includes a lot of people at the same time uh down here when I hit on like some sensory pieces we've got a whole musical Ensemble here uh outdoor musical we've got some drums some Chimes um some other features here and I worked in some benches we've got a playground signage here with all your legal and this black border here this is uh these are six foot border sections that are 12 in high this is what's going to contain the playground surfacing you need surfacing for the playground because each of these components has a critical fall height so if a child does fall from here from there whatever the uh the absorption impacts in the surface is going to help prevent and reduce head injuries um and the last thing we added was a little seating area here we've got four tables and three of them are just traditional uh six- foot tables one of them is an 8 foot table with an ADA extension there generally when we try to do cite amenities we try to include uh one qu the site amenities to check off your Ada boxes will those those tables be concreted in or are they movable these are portable yeah so these will these will sit there on site if if uh them walking away is a concern we can look into anchoring them yes you're gonna find them in the fields so let's just move forward and look into anchoring I live in that neighborhood I will take one um and then I'm kidding I mean we sell it no no no no I'm saying like they'll put them in the middle of the field it's a very very you saw the project they end up in yeah yeah 100% they'll be by the water and then this last guy here this is an ADA access ramp so this would tie into the borders and then Sean and I talked about um doing like a concrete path from the parking lot leading into the playground so we can check off that ADA box as well um as far as uh durability lifetime warranties we do 100-year warranties in all the metal Parts any of the the moving Parts like the swing hangers up in here that um we do fiveyear warranties on those those should really be switched out every three to five years new bushings and whatnot um the important thing about most warranties whenever you talk about like our playground equipment or anyone else is these plastic pieces are the are the biggest culprits because uh the sun just beats down on these guys so we have a UV 21 baked into these Plastics which is 21 years of sun protection so if you've ever seen a pink slide it used to be red back in the day what I was going to ask so the the UV protections have really gone up in the last seven years we've seen increases from UV 14 to UV 21 just in the last seven years so what we do is we warranty all the plastic parts for 15 years uh and then say say in year 14 right here this little post underneath that like comes and kicks up like through the through the slide you get it crack we'll swap it out for you no questions asked um we don't prate or like we don't charge anything we don't prate the slide or anything we just ship out a new one um we do lots of playgrounds up and down the coast just SE City we did a playground there uh 20 years ago and in year 14 all the slide exits kind of were like a little questionable and Burke just swapped them all out and just got them re reposition there I just have a question the so the border around that that's actual border that's going to be around the playground correct correct and is that in sections is that removable is that have to come in in the winter as well so what I'm looking at is you're saying that the canopies and the Border are going to have to come in and stored um not the borders not the B so the borders like where're handicap for a handic is there an opening that's going to be there yep this little ramp right here we're going to position this it's going to be tied into the border so there's not going to be a border here per se I just I didn't tie it in yet because I figured that's no no no that's fine I just wanted to make sure when we build it we kind of decide at the time where we want to put it but the borders are six foot sections they're the same Plastics as the Ral PL slide right here same warranties 15 years um sometimes Public Works might Jam a machine in there while they're like mowing the lawn don't tell me just tell me The Border's cracked we'll swap it out for you you're being recorded so I'm gonna hold you to that so these are held in by two uh two Drive pins each so these okay they're they're permanent they're in the ground there they're six foot sections and they're 12 inches deep okay the 12 inches is going to contain the uh the playground mulch that goes in there so we're going to do 12 inches of mulch and that's going to get and what about colors that's my last question so can you do two colors is it one color is it for the borders for everything here for like everything we're seeing there how many colors we can make this we can make this as pretty or as ugly as you want we can we've got a whole color R can I have involvement in the color picking this was just this was my flavor of the week when I put this together this is seab breze yeah listen I was like you know I just thought the more colors if if it could be definitely not green um and what what we can do is you can tell me like what colors you're looking at and then I can just like send you over like renderings and you can say hey Greg change this change this over to green or this be fun we can have some fun with it and make it make it pretty cool cool that was all Council you s a few renderings over so we so we could get a sense of what the color scheme is because once it's it's done um and then we'll just evate that and please share your thoughts colors send my colors yeah I'll resend you the color palette you can pass it along and then we'll get some input and then I can just do some rendering face off of that input and if there's any particular colors that should be avoided maybe that's easier for I think I heard green is like one is that true is there yeah can you let us know that like what colors would you say listen you know I know that we have you know x amount of years but what I mean I don't I don't know if that's bad for your business or what but if you could just say maybe per se I would kind of steer clear of X Y and Z the only thing that I really try to steer clear of is if I'm doing a canopy like this I steer clear of red red comes with seven-year warranties on there where most all the other canopies are like 10 plus years but you don't want black you don't want black but you can do like a you could do like a nice blue or something like that but we've got oranges we've got yellows we've got a bunch of things I was going for blue and orange myself because I just thought that were right thank you so much oh you have samples oh yeah oh that could be cool I mean I can working on this for yeah thank quick question on supply chain um install etas things of that nature and what the Arc of time is farest project management yeah so equipment lead times these days are really good we're like five to seven weeks let's just call it six to eight weeks because as we get into the summer gets a little bit longer uh the issue that not only I've been having but every playgound manufacturer is the laborers who install this thing these things like there's been so much grant money coming down you know through the schools townships and stuff like that so whereas five years ago we were doing x amount of business now doing like four times that it's easy for me to kind of just like push around some paper process some more orders but the guys who install at those companies they just can't go out and get more laborers so if we're doing this project and you said hey Greg where go and is issue posos tomorrow I get this ordered up we're probably looking at a a fall built um the good thing about this job is the surfacing would be a loose Bill surface so we can build that any time of year if we were doing something like Ford rubber um which is like the the flat surfaces you'll see in some playgrounds like you go to the schools here got the Ford rubber there we can only for that certain times of the year weather dependent but this is a project we could knock out fall for and just to give the council a point of reference Port rubber versus the traditional Services Co cost uh differentials yeah so this area here I don't know the area off the top of my head I want to say it's about like 5,500 square feet 6,500 square feet somewhere in that wallpark um the wood fiber surfacing for that is going to cost us let's just say 10 grand for the material and it's going to cost us another 10 to install it whereas if we were going to do poured rubber over a 5,500 sare foot area we're we're north of 150k so there there's a a large difference and a lot of that is the process that goes involved to doing that we have to excavate out soil we've got to put down fora six in of uh of stone subbase and then we've got to do like three bonded rubber layers on top of that wow just wow and in this case the contract is for 9,878 for the wood fiber as opposed to the for fiber correct that's the material cost the wood good I was like um so one more question um with the canopy do you offer a hard surface one that's per yeah we could do uh well as far as like these guys here yes and no we can do like we build Pavilions like big metal Pavilions and stuff obviously we're in a different price range than just like a fabric shaped canopy that has four post and then like a steel like under cage if we're doing like a big pillion or a full metal thing that's permanent of that size I mean we're probably 10x of what we are right now okay so cost will go considerably so when this comes in the fall obviously the canopies because I can see those canopies fading and and probably getting a little bit of wear and tear on them we probably would not put them up in this fall and we would hold them until next year do you guys come out or is that something that you'll your workers of our install is that gonna cost us additional money every year for you guys to come and take it down and put it back up yes okay thank you for your honesty I'm good for the um two different playgrounds you mentioned age groups for each one I guess there'll be signage put in for yeah so I got playground sign here here's one here's the other yeah this will say like ages recomended ages two to have all your legal there and then this one will have your what would you recommend like bright colors so kids also with disabilities could use the equipment there what would you recommend I mean I mean okay like the one we did at C Joy I really like the one the way that came out just brighter colors it's kind of fun I know down road we did more R it's a nice layout I'm glad you included the ADI accommodation and the sensory quick comment on the the Earth Tones often times Earth Tones are chosen because they blend in with the Earth with the surrounding forested areas and things of that nature so you still have the same all the same equipment but it's just lowkey visually lowkey for a reason just put that up and sometimes the colors just depending on the area where it's at I if you're surrounded by you know sometimes people want that their backyard subd kind of natural consideration where you're putting this especially you know some of the musical pieces there's a bunch of houses like right on the playground like we're not going to do anything that's going to create that kind of volume but where Wood Lane is you know kind it's all on its own a little bit the noise coming from these musical instruments at the wood L location isn't going affect those hous yeah no it's far enough away like if you put it a little bit in the back right that's gonna go it's not going to go on Forest right say again it's not going to go on Forest the the musical little things we moved the playground into the back it used to be in the front and we moved it all into the back to avoid that traffic all that that Bic stuff excited thank you so much apprciate your uh presentation if anybody has anything else thank you thank you sir um good all right so next I just wanted to go so last week I met with um Mr wall and our Township engineer and um we had a long discussion regarding traffic concerns um that are happening in that we have regarding projects and stuff that are coming up so he did send me out we recapped our meeting and I just wanted to read a couple um of the notes from the meeting there's been traffic safety reports that are being done um and we get sent them and we kind of review them it goes to the police department and then it goes to Administration it goes to the engineer and then it just kind of asks like where where do we end up with that and I learned a lot at that meeting there's annual uh meetings that the administrator has with the department heads but just to get into so we had a um Traffic Safety at Melissa Lee Drive uh there were some concerns from residents so there's 37 Homes located on this street um the speed limit is 25 miles an hour the maximum speed recorded was 76 miles per hour it's a dead end Road it's a caac the average was 30.8 there was 3387 total Car volume that's approximately 480 per day again this is mainly from residents it is it's not a drive-thru it's a CAC um the key to note is that 90 6.9% of all the vehicles are passenger vehicles only 3% of vehicles could have been buses or delivery trucks Etc the vast majority of the traffic is from the neighborhood itself including visitors then we did another one on Linda Drive um classic cut through Street off of South Hope Chapel Road and White Road all roads have curbs and sidewalk as well as let me just add to Mill s has curbs and sidewalks on both sides of of the neighborhood um Linda Drive all roads are curbed and have sidewalks on one side on on uh Linda Drive approximately 50 homes total in the neighborhood speed limit is 25 miles an hour average speed was 30 miles 30.6 miles the maximum was 59 miles an hour going through this street 6530 cars in a week that's approximately 930 cars per day so the total is significantly higher than 505 per day that were predicted large Vehicles traffic again is only 3.3% so it seems that all traffic um has even is even worse than last year when construction was going on in the area and there were detours going down the street there was a concern that plan development in the areas will increase the traffic in the future which would be similar to what was experienced last year the goal at this time is to plan to work together for a long-term solution tnm will be contacting the planning board and the zoning board Engineers to identify approved or pending applications in this area so therefore our Traffic Safety Bureau can work with them and know when they make plans and when they're looking at these plans to make suggestions that they can make the proper suggestions also our business administrator had I said we went over the problem which I'm going to get into um I'm going to go into a little bit more before I make any more comments so the police department is completing traffic studies in Robins Estates over the next three to four weeks that data will also require review and planning both short and learn term development for our future for our town the master plan subcommittee should be discussing increased traffic from the development and un updating the um certain elements of the master plan for future development that and the approvals that we've had on the books for the last 20 years so a lot of the development has already been approved and you're just seeing it being um constructed now we also discussed the pending Capital um ordinance and the 2024 Road Improvement program we will include the striping in the signature at County intersections as the series of alternate bids by DPW and to getting prices start that process so I believe DPW will be doing in sections but again the business administrator will be going over that so that we can start implementing the ordinance that we have right here um chapter 10363 this is parking restrictions on Township roads and County intersections I know that there was a a comment on Fakebook a couple hours ago pertaining to this ordinance um if you have a question on it you can ask me and I'll educate you on it because your comment was inaccurate and inappropriate we are trying to stop the cluster at the county of the municipal roads and the county roads so that these kids can get on the bus safely the only ones that are allowed to stand or park on these roads where it's where permitted is where a permit is required is a resident that lives there because they don't want everybody else parking in front their street and then can't even get into their own home and then when the kids are trying to get the bus let the buses have an easy access to go to the bus stops so you don't have 20 cars from the stop sign all the way down and then all the way down from the right and the left of the county roads that is the reason why the ordinance was created me and the traffic safety Bureau walked the streets and did exactly what that ordinance was about took us about four months to create it went to all the bus stops realized made the changes implemented it and it's made a difference so that is the accurate you know explanation to that and again if you have a question you're more than happy to email me I'd be more than happy to answer you next thing um tnm will also be reviewing an engineer and if recommended for an outside consultant if it's needed so when we were at the meeting um Mr wall had graciously said you know what I I'm here ing you guys and maybe we can get our own engineer to actually look into the development and be involved in this and handson for towns that have experienced the growth that we are experiencing now so that we could be proactive instead of um reactive and I appreciate that meeting Mr wall and the last thing sorry but I really want to get this out there because I believe it's important um the county we had a problem in South Boston and Bennett Mills uh I received an email and we also had had some conversations so I forward that to the County engineer and they are currently um conducting an intersection investigation between Bennett Mills in South Boston Road in Jackson Township um please be advised that a member of our Traffic Division will be investigating this situation so that is also being addressed thank you and have a great night thank you Council vice president Sergeant I'm waiting comments for this evening thank you thank you councilman brelli uh thank you clerk Moss I'm glad to read about ocean County's plans to make upgrades and improvements to County Parks including in Jackson at Patriot uh Park Sports Complex on Bowman Road so in order to make them usable for all children including kids with disabilities also I'm glad to be a part of with the governing body supporting future improvements at our Township's Uh Wood Lane Park so with the summer upon us I encourage our fellow residents of all ages to use and enjoy our Town's many par parks and recreational areas they represent a positive reflection on our town and create a sense of Pride among residents and visitors alike also I want to recognize and acknowledge Shava UT for those who observe and celebrate the Jewish holiday in the next three days enjoy and happy upcoming uh Father's Day to the dads up here on the dis here in the audience and out there in our town en joy and also just a quick mention I I mentioned Administration administrator wall um about a faded stop sign that needed to to be replaced which it was um today kudos to Public Works uh for the quick turnaround and um for the new stop sign that two communities use in that particular area local government certainly closest to the people the most Grassroots where you see a lot get done and quickly and this is just one um shining example of that thank you and have a good evening thank you councilman Bernstein good evening thank you everyone who made it out tonight um I just want to take a moment and thank our Recreation Department for kicking off the Jackson Summer Concert Series this past Wednesday night I I had the opportunity to stop in for a few minutes and it was great to see residents at and about in our Parks additionally um as was mentioned earlier the township um economic advisory committee met met last week um it was great to solicit and hear from residents from all over town about where future economic growth makes sense to be um some of those ideas are going to be forwarded to the master plan committee for them to look into and I very much recommend that our residents go onto the town web page and submit any comments and ideas for the master plan because at the end of the day we only know um the best way of us being informed on on the committee and the planning board being informed is by residents um communicating with the board so thank you again for coming out and have a wonderful evening thank you I need motion to approve the exe executive session meeting minutes of May 28 202 four motion second councilman burelli yes councilman Bernstein yes Council vice president Sergeant yes and council president C yes thank you move on to consideration of ordinance public hearing and final consideration this is the second reading of ordinance 22-24 entitled an ordinance of the township of Jackson County of oceans state of New Jersey repealing ordinance 50- 79 which has established Andover Road as a oneway street this ordinance was introduced on May 28th 20124 I need a motion to open the public hearing motion to open second all in favor I I if any member of the public has any comments to make please address the council at the microphone state your name and address clearly for the record you will have five minutes and may only speak once [Music] good evening counc good evening Ryan Archer a r c e r 486 Frank Applegate Road sir this is just for Andover this is just for the current that's okay thank you so when it comes when they open it to public comment you come on up all right thank you seeing no one come forward make a motion to close public comment on this ordinance second all in favor I this third reading of ordinance 22-24 entitled an ordinance of the township of Jackson County of oan state of New Jersey repealing ordinance 5079 which had established Anova Road as a one-way Street I need a motion to adopt on third and final reading and advertise according to law motion second councilman brelly yes councilman Bernstein yes Council vice president Sergeant yes and council president cun yes thank you this is a second reading of ordinance 23-24 entitled in ordinance of the Township of Jackson County of ocean state of New Jersey amending chapter 3-12 of the Township Code of the township of Jackson with respect to extra Duty assignments within the Department of Public Safety this ordinance was introduced on May 28 2024 I need a motion to open the public hearing motion second all in favor I if any member of the public has any comments to make please address the council at the microphone and state your name and address clearly for the record you will have five minutes and may only speak once seeing no one come forward to make a motion to close public session on this ordinance motion second all in favor I I there a reading of ordinance 23-24 entitled an ordinance of the township of Jackson County of oan state of New Jersey amending chapter 3-12 of the Township Code of the township of Jackson with respect to extra Duty assignments within the Department of Public Safety I need a motion to adopt on third and final reading and advertise according to law motion second councilman barelli yes councilman Bernstein yes Council vice president Sergeant yes and council president cun yes thank you there are no ordinances on first reading this evening we move on to bills and claims I need a motion to approve or hold motion to approve second councilman Bry uh stay on vendor numbers r02 st01 um sta 28 and sta 76 yes to the rest on there thank you councilman Bernstein yes Council vice president Sergeant yes council president C abstain from RCS 02 yes to the rest thank you we move on to consent consent agenda I need a motion to approve the list of resolutions under consent agenda motion to approve second councilman belli yes councilman Bernstein yes Council vice president Sergeant voting no to r227 d24 yes to everything else thank you council president C yes thank you we move on to public comments on any topic I need a motion to open the public portion of the meeting for all comments sir motion to open uh second all in favor I I at this time if any member of the public has any comments to make please address the council at the microphone state your name and address clearly for the record you will have five minutes and may only speak once good evening Council Ryan Archer a r c r 486 Frank Applegate Road as you know I was here two weeks ago uh with a five minute speech opening words regarding my inquiry into certain things aspects of the town and how things were handled tonight I continue that I looked up certain information one of them is the oath that officials take I apologize for the re here I pulled this off of New Jersey state and you can tell me if I'm wrong regarding the word the wording of an oath for a political official it states here I blank do solemnly swear or affirm that I will faithfully and partially and justly perform all the duties of the office of blank to the best of my ability and that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and in this state under the authority of the people does that seem to be the correct wording for the sworn oath or similar to that yeah yes okay thank you I want to refer you to something I've been doing a lot of research uh I don't by the way disclaimer I don't claim to be uh a lawyer an official uh knowledgeable person on state law Municipal law or any of those facts I come before you based on the information I obtained either through uh Opa requests or through articles that I've read or through complaint orders consent orders anything that's available to the public I'm not here to create uh controversy I am not here to throw stones at you because I believe stones on both sides have already been thrown from the people before me what what I'm concerned with are certain aspects of things one of the things I'm concerned with is some of the verbiage that was used in December 12 2023 Town council meeting specifically by special counsel Brett pman at Hour 1 hour and 17 minutes he gave a great opening speech very professional very well laid out and he stated I will not say it on the record or repeat allegations or quotes as they I think they are appropriate in this case okay pretty standup statement here's my problem at Hour 2 33 minutes he chose to open up the complaint order and read for verbatim the most hateful speech that exists in that document so he contradicted himself you can look for it yourself I'm not making this up that's where my concern is as far as the honesty of the township and how they handle this case thank you for your time thank you sir good evening Council Donnie Adelman 206 Willow Point um got a couple of things tonight and hopefully we just go through it real quick um YouTube I'm glad to see that's back off a kids YouTube I thought I was gonna have to make a little uh point tonight glad that doesn't have to happen um couple of things in regards to the dog park still would like to know about getting secondary Gates and having the uh flooding problem taking care of also just so you know that every time I talk about they come through and they put this fill in to help fill in the holes and add some more substance which is great but they're basically using leftover Road patch and we are we sent it out for analysis because we don't feel it's safe to use essentially uh recycled Road pieces to fill in the dog park so maybe something could be done to avoid that just by getting real fill dirt instead of ground up Road pieces um I'd like to know if there's been any updates with the county uh Engineers office in regards to my sidewalk issue I don't know if you've had a chance to speak with them about that but I sure sure have and uh me and Mr erns kind of got into it a couple weeks ago because again on top of the missing sidewalks it's there's the issue that I'm a little sore about and I would think that other government officials would be sore about the missing almost half million dollars that were paid that sidewalks are there somebody paid a lot of money that and it says the sidewalks so there if you look at all the paperwork but it's very obvious that they're not um as far as I heard I was listening to the uh session on the way over would it be possible for either the town to start its own Facebook page an actual official Facebook page to eliminate some of this or possibly uh purchase or alleviate in some other way Mr Stan's control over what has become the def fact Facebook page to eliminate a lot of this vitriol that we have because I I saw the comment that you referred to before about the road reports and a lot of misinformation gets out there and there's no real moderation I believe that a certain population of the community is getting their chance to be heard and others not um Mr wall we spoke in regards to a employee issue that I was having with with the animal Control Department I said that I was going to type something up look I I've had I've suffered for multiple concussions it's hard for me to use a computer I was wondering if it's possible set an appointment come in talk about it and as far as what it is that I'd like you to see as far as like the evidence s to speak I have a I have a couple of different YouTube Channels One's got half a million subscribers has nothing to do with personal stuff the other is a personal page I put it on there so this way you could hear it and make it to because there is a volume issue s to speak so I made it and I'll give you update as far as how you can view that and I the last thing um believe it or not I have a couple friends that are Jackson police officers it's come to my attention that about three four months ago there was a major incident in headquarters where a couple officers got into it and one of them Drew their gun on another officer how come we haven't heard about that I remember hearing two months ago when we were talking about the police score native position that the police chief Coons was talking about internal I'm gonna I'm gonna stop you right there our our public safety director is literally sitting behind you and he could he could put that to rest for you so it's not Facebook it's fake book because it's nothing but people writing fake stuff on there so I don't know the township could could create their own I wouldn't in any way recommend it I wouldn't want it I wouldn't think it would be a good thing but yeah I don't it's it's just anybody out there that can write whatever they want um but that's just going to be your answer all right well I mean that that takes care of that but okay you know like I said um the incident I'm referring to at the police department is was never posted on Facebook all right well I'm sure our public safety director again that is sitting right behind you and is going to be at all these meetings I will address that with him I guess after the meeting's over all right um with that let's see I asked Mr Wall YouTube uh the other thing I'm gonna post on there is when mayor rain was here two sessions ago whatever it was there was some question as far as whether or not I did things like go to his office house all his other office down in Ocean Camp down is there a question because you're your well no I just want to I just want to make it aware on I'm posting the video and audio of that on the same YouTube for for just in case anybody has a question about it so your time is up sir we have to be respectful of the time thank you so much I appreciate you coming out have a nice night have a great night thank you you too director candino if you want to uh assist him in that question I don't know anything of it does he have to no I mean no thank you okay seeing no one else come forward make a motion to close public comment second all in favor I I motion to close motion not second no you faor thank you thank you J you responded I saw an email resp I