for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all good evening and welcome the July 23rd 2024 meeting of the Jackson Township Council will now come to order councilman melli here councilman Bernstein here councilman Chisum here Council vice president Sergeant pres and council president cun here as Clerk of the meeting I hereby publicly announce in compliance with provisions of the open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting has been advertised in the manner prescribed by law we move on and continue with opening comments from Township Council council president cun thank you Miss Moss as you can see we finalized both Johnson Park and Wood Lane Park uh these are the color themes that have been submitted and approved by uh Administration thank you so much uh you can kind of give a visual of what the kids will see we're working on one last Park uh and finalizing that and we'll have that for the next meeting but these are done submitted uh everything has been ordered we do not have a start date but everything has been ordered um to the company for delivery so next thing uh DPW just wanted me to let everybody know that the spray park is up and running so that has been fixed as of uh yesterday so you are good to go if you want to go enjoy that our Jackson Police Explorers are having a presentation on October 4th Murder Mystery Dinner Show um it will be held at Jackson Mills Firehouse from 6:00 to 900 PM tickets are $60 and if you're interested please just email me and I will forward your information to the officer that's running it uh it's a thrilling night of mystery Intrigue as you work with the Jackson Police Explorers to solve a murder case so it sounds really cute um hopefully you guys can attend and then lastly our uh Recreation asked that the Jackson summer concert that was canceled is going to be rescheduled for tomorrow um again that's in Johnson Park from 6:30 to 8:00 pm couple more things that's the Feelgood things now we're down to business um I just wanted to reiterate I myself am going through a little bit of reconstruction at my house I needed a container um dumpster permit so I went myself um the last minute sat at my computer took me all about two and a half minutes uh sdl which is the portal that uh Administration set up that you know they sent me a nice email got it back to myself told them where my dumpster was going I didn't need a survey I didn't need a credit card I didn't need anything um but now they're aware and I have my permit So I myself thought the process was great it was easy uh there was one little glitch that I had and I just I made sure I called um the administration and just said Hey listen can you reach out there it's still requiring a survey and we no longer need that in the description you just have to put where your dumpster is going to be located at and as soon as you do that your permit is in your email no no um bother to go down to the town or anything like that lastly I wanted to just talk about um transportation in the Board of Education a meeting that uh I myself went to Administration councilman Bernstein our Traffic Safety our engineer um and our director candido uh we all went there and met with the Board of Education regarding the concerns of courtesy busing and the grant program that they submitted for uh we were looking for a answer that our kids are your kids are not my nieces are not going to be walking to school I'm sorry we are not we're not ready for that the town is not prepared for that it's not safe there's no way the second that that came out I'm sure all of you got concerns my brother came to my house he lives 11 Doors Down I have a seven and 10 year-old niece not walking to uh Johnson School Mall they're not they're just not it's just not happening the schools are not ready to be walking we don't have enough curbs ins side box so there was a grant that was submitted um and we're waiting to hear if they've gotten it for $2.5 million uh this meeting was talking about safety and and Roads and this and that and uh I was like you know we this courtesy busing so so the board of EDS said listen at the end of the day this meeting in the next school year which is 24 25 we're going to make sure courtesy busing somehow some where we're going to make sure that these kids get busted this meeting is about 25 26 we had asked about a grant for $2.5 million that we heard it was in the paper yall read it that we got it I said to uh the administration at Board of Ed and our superintendent why are we not telling the parents that these kids are going to have buses to go to school well because we don't have it's not in my hand the check isn't in my hand I said well well I want to say our business administrator Mr wall all of a sudden got up from the the table he walking on his cell phone in the corner we're sitting there and I'm like listen this is a problem we understand we need to come to a solution so he came back at the end of the meeting and he talked to uh assemblyman Alex siwicki and said you guys can say that that money is guaranteed that is $2.5 million 1.5 of it will reinstall uh courtesy busing for your kids and the other million now this grant has to be for um infrastructure so right there at the table you were there you were there witness Mr wall say that the township will match their $1 million extra that they have and so that's $2 million that will be implemented towards your curbs and your sidewalks to keep your kids safe at school that's what we need to be talking about then we next went to director candino and the traffic s uh safety and said how are we going to work on this with the township engineer there and the bus transportation those are the conversations those are the rooms I want to be in that's the conversations that I want to have so when I come to these Council meetings I can give you updates like that yes I like the parks are open I love this we're doing great things but traffic safety is very important and that's the kind of things that you guys should be really writing about and talking about and and sharing with your friends and and neighbors that have children that's all thank you and have a great night thank you Council vice president Sergeant good evening um yesterday we lost a 21-year-old bright shining star from Jackson her name was Maddie gross um her family's heartbroken and all our prayers are going to go after the family thank you thank you councilman brelli thank you clerk Moss um in addition to the spray park in Jackson's Justice complex reopening the Jackson library has as well um also in addition to the military appreci day taking place on Saturday afternoon August 3rd at 4:01 um Bartley Road rain day to Sunday August 4th our Town's annual National Night Out also sponsored and organized by our Police Department um it's always a great event and this year it's taking place on Tuesday August 6th um in Johnson Park from 6:00 to 900m quering to the events flyer there will be Raffles and prizes uh free food soda and water uh live music games and rides for the kids kids first responder equipment and vehicle displays and SWAT team presentations and much more local business vendors will also be there too there's never a shortage of things to go to and do in Jackson take care and have a good evening thank you councilman Burnstein good evening um firstly I wanted to get back by the last meeting a resident came up and I meant the email I just didn't have the email address came up and wanted to know about a traffic light by the corner of West commodor and I think it was Diamond so we just speak to County the next morning um that job was approved by the Ocean County engineering department um it is on their agenda what they're currently working on is they are act they are requiring all the permission from all the the property owners on around they said there's multiple um um domains that they have to assess and they're putting together the package and it's being sent to all the I guess all the different um departments that manufacture the the the light every every light is different I did ask them if what we can do to ensure that it's not a fiveyear process they told me the supply chain has eased up a little bit um and they are hoping that about to have the project ready to go out for bid um at the end of The Fall season so that's update beginning of the winter um additionally I just want to um thank our um our Council and really the administration for getting resolution r265 d24 on this agenda um standing together with our neighbors throughout Ocean County really throughout New Jersey assemblyman uh sorry Congressman Smith and Cong Congressman van Drew and opposing some of the mandates that are coming down and some of the environmental concerns that are coming down from the state thank you and have a good night thank you councilman Chisum I have lived a long time sir and the longer I live the more convincing proofs I see of this truth that God governs in the Affairs of men Benjamin Franklin well I haven't lived as long as Ben but I've seen some of those same convincing truths and for 400 years I don't know how many times that the good Lord has intervened in our Affairs and thankfully he has and preserved us a nation for the fourth time in our history a president was spared from an assassin second time in my lifetime I don't think that was by accident and I'm looking forward to seeing Donald Trump correct some of the many disgraceful acts we' have seen over the last three and a half years including Democrats hiding a scile and dementia Laden old man from us for three and a half to four and a/2 years until it became clear that they would had no chance of winning an election so now they pulled out all the stops so they could get the money flowing again luckily for most of Americans Cala how Harris is the only person more incompetent than Joe Biden so thank God for that you will also notice King philli is not in New Jersey at the moment he went down to go to the swamp he wanted to go to the swamp so he can get a new job with the Harris Administration God help America if he does make sure you get out and vote we've already seen his damage including the offshore wind turbine so I'm thankful to see that R 26524 is on here tonight again we have no say here in Jackson about wind turbines and offshore wind farms however they are a disaster they are a safety concern and just last week up in Nantucket liberal Nantucket wind turbines that shattered in a windstorm prompted six beaches to close because large pieces of fiber glass and shards that were going to hurt people for washing up on the beach we need to stop that obviously thankfully Congressman Smith is working against the Murphy and Biden administrations but of course these things are a serious threat not only to our Wildlife marine environment our Fishers radar navigation National Security tourism these things need to be stopped and how and if you didn't think the economic news could be any worse under Mr Biden and Mr Mur I don't know if anybody else got one I got my new insurance letter yesterday that says that they have subsequently filed thanks to all of the inflation bomic at best right we are asking the department of banking and insurance for an overall rate increase of 17.2% which means if combined with the other previously approved rate increases most homeowners homeowners could have a rate increase of 20 26.1% next year did you get a pay raise of 26.1% I know the council did but everybody else you guys did not get a 26.1% increase if you're a renter it's okay you're going to be spared because you're only going to have to pay 17.8% can you afford that for the love of God people wake up stop voting for Democrats kick them all out now have a good night God bless America thank you we move on to consideration ordinances public he Ing and final consideration this is a second reading of ordinance 25-24 entitled an ordinance of the township Council Township of Jackson Ocean County New Jersey amending and supplementing chapter 245 landlord registration of responsibility of the township code to establish regulation governing lead paint inspections for rental properties in accordance with PL 2021 c182 this ordinance was introduced on July 9th 202 4 I need a motion to open public hearing motion second all in favor I I if any member of the public has any comments to make please address the council at the microphone state your name and address clearly for the record you will have five minutes and may only speak once seeing no one come forward and make a motion to close public session second all in favor I this is the third reading of ordinance 25-24 entitled in ordinance of the township Council Township of Jackson Ocean County New Jersey amending and supplementing chapter 245 landlord registration and responsibility of the township code to establish regulations governing lead paint inspection for rental properties in accordance with PL 2021 c.1 182 I need a motion to adopt on third and final reading and advertise according to law motion second councilman brelli yes councilman Bernstein yes councilman Chisum yes Council vice president Sergeant yes and council president C yes thank you we move on to bills and claims I need a motion to approve or hold motion to approve second councilman belli abstain on vendor numbers e01 NJ s04 sta 54 tr26 and tr34 yes to the rest on there thank you thank you councilman Bernstein yes councilman Chisum abstain on B18 coom 44 o1 yes to all the rest thank you Council vice president Sergeant yes and council president C abstain on RCS 02 yes to the rest thank you consent agenda I need a motion to approve the listed resolutions under consent agenda motion second councilman burelli yes councilman Bernstein yes councilman Chisum yes Council vice president Sergeant yes and council president cun yes move on to public comments of any topic I need a motion to open the public portion of the the meeting for all comments motion to open second all in favor I if at this time if any member of the public has any comments to make please address the council at the microphone state your name and address clearly for the record you will have five minutes and may only speak once good evening Ryan Archer 486 Frank Applegate Road just wanted to be noted in the record that um the township has um requested approximately 26 uh business days of extension on my open public records act inquiry regarding a New Jersey d letter that was issued to the township regarding uh non-compliance with the uh consent order from the last latest lawsuits I just want that to be on the record thank you thank you sir anyone else seeing no one come forward make a motion to close public comment second all in favor I I motion to close motion to close second second all in favor I thank you I gotta be thank you all