e e flag of the United States of America and the it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all all right welcome to this May May 6th 2024 subcommittee master plan subcommittee uh meeting this is going to be a little unique so what we're doing here is this is going to be a first of a series of kind of manyi meetings so to speak not hearings they're they're kind of unofficial meetings um the purpose behind them is also unique we we don't have to do this we're doing this uh for public input for transparency purposes to make sure that everybody has got the opportunity to put their two cents uh into these right so ordinarily what happens with the master plan um revision to the certain extent is that the work is done kind of Quasi behind behind the scenes and then all the way at the very end after all the elements are taken care of um all the work is done there's one final hearing that allows the public uh a chance to give their input and feedback and everything like that so what we wanted to do because um of the significance of this and how long it's been uh since really it's it's been conducted in this way is have a series of many public hearings for each one of of the elements or or a combination of the elements to allow the public to have their own input um so really this is the first of a series of hearings um now when it comes down to what we're we're looking for we're looking for the public to give us their personalized feedback as to their own experiences what they believe um in the area should be like what they believe their own personal experiences have reflected uh or or what an area could be what it could evolve into what it was already evolved into um along with each one of the elements uh that the meeting is for So within a master plan and we're going to have um the U master plan planner um put give a presentation as to um kind of like the um introduction as to what's going to be taking place and how everything is defined and and broken apart and everything like that but the bottom line is is that each one of the elements is his own unique individual creature and comments um from the public are unique as to each one of those elements um so so the feedback has to be personalized as to each one of those Elements which is why we're going to have a series of kind of many forums uh hearings on it um so as of right now I'm going to I'm going to introduce everybody um first we have uh the master plan subcommittee uh introduce begin with shimi heler second we have Lisa demarzo uh we have the president uh of the um of the committee Michelle Campbell we have Morty Burstein uh and then we have the planner from CME uh Mela apte and I will hand it over to her okay perfect my m is on right yeah because half the time I say something and then I realize the mic has not been on for all the while um good evening everyone um thank you Mr Shay uh for the introduction um so what we are doing today is talking about as Mr Shay pointed out um Township of Jackson is over is looking at doing a comprehensive master plan and as part of that uh comprehensive master plan there are several elements the state statutes has depicted that are require wired and some of them that are optional what Jackson Township wants to do is look at each element and prepare it for as a vision for going forward for next 20 years or have you um could I just get the PowerPoint up please oh okay so while he's walking out I'll just um talk about what we're going to talk today today we are just this is our first uh public meeting to kind of introduce the two uh major elements that we're going to talk about today goals and objectives and the land use plan element and look for input from the public uh because you guys know your Township the best and you can provide what is it that you vision and you uh think should happen for your Township um having said that I'm just going to so so the overview of the PowerPoint is we're going to go with uh four it items today first so the next slide um what is a master plan just brief description what it ISS what our vision goals and objectives and uh what is the land use plan element and then I'll open the floor for any public comments as we see forward we get to the next slide and then the slide after that so what is a master plan um our Municipal land use law the state statute basically says the every planning board of every Township has the right to after public hearing public meetings to adopt or amend or prepare a master plan that will guide the use of lands within the municipalities in a manner which protects Public Health safety and general welfare um then yeah perfect so what essentially is master plan master plan is a policy guide document it's a blueprint uh uh to provide for Township to go ahead and adopt ordinances as stated in as made by the recommendations in the master plan it acts as the vision as the goal for the township to move forward for next 20 30 years um it also um under the state statute you are supposed to reexamine your master plan every 10 years that's what a reexamination report is but a comprehensive master plan is a more intense a more uh thorough review of a vision of a master plan and that's why it's you know not done as frequently as a reexamination report next slide please so the next slide shows us uh the uh required elements of the master plan now as per the state statute you are required to have the statement of objective goals and Visions for the master plan you are supposed to adopt a land use plan element which identifies the existing land use and what you propose for coming land use over the years you have to provide a relationship to other Master Plans by other Master plans we mean all municipalities that are adjacent to Township of Jackson we have to review their master plan and see you know if they are consistent with what we are proposing as a vision um a housing element and fair share plan as uh all of you know is another requirement and the other requirement is the climate change Hazard and vulnerability assessment this has been identified as as per the new uh State Statute that has been adopted which is looking looking at where townships are vulnerable with what kind of natural elements that would be um happening so if you're a Sea Coast Town you look at any kind of coastal flooding if you are um you know um you have flood damage groundwater or as recent as earthquakes maybe a probability in your town so you have to look at that next Slide the second set of elements these are what the state statute says a supplemental element these are not required element every time you're doing a master plan but optional again townships have the authority to look at which elements is important which is it what we wanted to look at and how we want to do it these are some of the elements that this planning board this subcommittee would be looking at in this comprehensive master plan circulation open space Economic Development utility elements and historic preservation next slide please uh so for today we are focusing only on what are goals and objectives and what is a land use U move forward please next slide um what are Vision goals and objectives now most of the time it all means the same thing but it's almost like a pyramid vision is is a comprehensive vision for your Township for your municipality for the next 20 30 years what goals is specific goals for the type of elements say you're looking at land use plan say you're looking at open space plan what is the goal is goal to preserve more properties is goal to look at Housing Development is goal to so you're looking at that and finally objectives are uh you know uh short short and sweet uh moving forward as to what are the two list that the township would want to do so that's basically what an objective is next slide please um now this vision statement I'm not going to read the whole thing but this is what existed in your 2009 master plan what it uh eventually says is that you envision looking at township and collectively looking at diversity of residential opportunities Community with commercial areas capable of serving and uh looking at Industrial development while preserving the critical components of natural environment through proper regulation so this is what a vision would be vision would Encompass the entire you know vision for um the future next slide please and these are some of the examples of goals again these exist in your 2009 which was the last comprehensive master plan done by Township of Jackson for example to achieve a pattern of mix users that achieve various Community planning objectives to preserve open space for public use and for Access due to its unique ecological or Recreation value so this is what we mean by goal next slide please and objectives now objectives would be more straightforward to direct growth into areas suited for development to encourage preservation of areas and to direct large commercial industrial again these are not currently these are examples I'm providing is to give you what is the difference between Vision goals and objectives next slide please now what is a land use plan element again land use plan element is one of those required Elements by the state that you have supposed to adopt when looking at a comprehensive master plan what this gives us is as a planner I have to make sure that all this exists in your master plan what things are applicable shall be included and what things are not then shall be a statement awarded uh regarding it like we have to look at the demographics and Census Data what has occurred in the past 20 30 years uh we have to look at um you know how are the existing land use plan uh what are the land uses within the township today and then based on that look at the relationship of what is it that the future would hold for the township next slide please um what what does a land use use plan element do what land use plan basically does is it provides the foundation to support your Township zoning ordinance this is what this document is the policy guide document on which your ordinances are adopted moving forward every time a council or a governing body is looking at a zoning ordinance they have to do something called consistency review consistency review is what they have to make sure that that is consistent with the master plan the ordinance that they are adopting so that's why a land use element is of that priority or of that importance it identifies the existing land uses and development patterns and it makes appropriate recommendations to reach land use and goals objectives next slide please now these are some of the guiding questions I had made in preparation of tonight if that that's something to bring up to you guys if that's something you want to come up and make a statement about so these are just a bunch of question questions you guys can think about and uh bring forward as a statement to the subcommittee and uh next slide is um the final slide which just uh provides you a link uh where you can go in and input say you know at the public meeting you were not able to come I believe this is being te televised so somebody's not able to come they can log on to the um Township website and add their comments um I believe there's an ideas's wall page if you would like to make make a comment or two if it it is about a goal specific goal you want to talk you know recommend to the subcommittee if there's a specific objective you want to recommend to the subcommittee and that's about it thank you madam chair thank you very much now to be clear nothing has been written this is the time that we're listening to what residents are interested in what residents have to say and please believe that we are taking this very seriously which is why we have posted these things on the township website so that you are encouraged to go to the township website and give us your ideas things that you believe should be incorporated particularly at this time into the land use portion all of these things will be on the web page this PowerPoint will be at on the website so that if you would like to review it read it a little more carefully to have some ideas about things that uh have been said in the past or that you need examples that this should help you with this um what we're going to do tonight is if you would be so kind as to raise your hand if you are planning to give some uh Insight I'd like to just have an idea of how many people are going to speak so that I can figure figure out how much time to a lot we have one hour now to listen to what you have to say as residents so so far only two three four five six about okay so let's say five minutes to come up give your name speak for five minutes to give an give your input one time for each person and if you have more to say and you're more than welcome to have more to say go on to the site onto the web page and put as many suggestions as you'd like on the web page Dr Campbell one question the the slideshow that was presented would that be available it will be on the it will be posted okay amazing it will be posted the maps are there are a tremendous number of maps and other documents on the website that you might want to take a look at there tonight there will be no questions no answers from this group we are simply here to listen to what you have to say she wants that slide up anth if you could put the go back to the second to the last slide tempate questions had templates of questions good idea thank you good suggestion would you make that the whole page please Anthony so that they can read the questions great all right if you would come forward just give us your name and address and then speak you got to raise all right do you swear or affirm to tell the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth I do all right state your name and spell your last of the record Ed Bannon b a n o n all right your address 22 aorn Lor just say it one more time 22 aorn before we go on with any more building we have to start looking at expanding our road system the infrastructure is getting too overwhelmed in the town right now for all this building that's going on we don't have the roads sufficient to handle all the traffic that's coming through here right now I want to cut start the roads no that that that's good so uh just to expand on that there's going to be a circulation uh element that is going to be covered specifically for that reason and that's going to most likely have the balance of almost a full hearing um so it's going to have one just on that um so that that's a good intro because nothing else can function without that uh but do you want to expand on that no that's enough this okay thank you all right please raise your right hand you swear or affirm to tell the truth the hold truth nothing but the truth I do all right uh Jim Sakia s i l e c c h six hardfield Drive um actually he took one of my points is so I'm going to just say it this way is infrastructure has to be the number one priority in this town roadways everything one of my other big concerns You' you've seen me at meetings before I've spoken before and my main topics that I always speak about is the safety in this town one of my concerns that I see happening is we are bu in more and more warehouses the bigger schools are being built and our fire departments are shrinking so what's going to happen then the fire departments are going to be required to go out and hire more in increase in the tax rates for this for the me the citizens they're also going to have to go out and buy new equipment because these warehouses are going to require different apparatus than what we currently have and if you were here at the last Town council meeting you heard the fire department speak about exactly what the struggles they're having because of the the budgets being not being passed um so th those are the things that I think we need to focus on I've been in this town for 51 years so I've seen change I remember Brews Bridge Road when it was a wooden bridge that my father as a fire depart fire member was always per terrified going over on a tanker truck because he thought he was going down on it I remember RX Hut no one probably unless you've been here forever knows Rax Hut if you want to know what raut is Rax Hut yes it's it's where the Veterans Memorial is now um big horse exactly so I I I've seen a lot of change I went through the school system here talk about changes in the school system I can tell you when I started the school system was not rated very well became very highly rated well now we see what's going on with the school system so we have to really look at what we want this town to to to have I because if we're going to continue to build these warehouses it's it's not going to be the pretty trees that we've you know that we've had in this town we're not going to be the rural or the Suburban Town anymore we're going to be more city-like and my other question along the way Warehouse line I'm sticking with it because I think that's my biggest complaint these days is how many of these warehouses are going to be filled you know I understand at planning board meetings when they present the the the project none of them have res you know tenants because you know it's two or three years down the road that they're going to have these buildings but the question I I can I never hear it any of the none never hear from any of the applicants there is I've never seen seen them present anything that shows the need for these types of warehouses I mean the biggest thing now lately was it the the smaller warehouses contracted Warehouse huh yeah contracted Warehouse contracted Warehouse yes I didn't realize they were that many contractors in this world that are all of a sudden going to need you know warehouses to to to to work out of so those are the things that I want to see us really focus on I know he spoke about the roads one of my other uh concerns with the roads and I've spoken to a couple of you about it is I don't want to see such large areas being developed where there's only one access okay we need to really look at how many access points are going to be be used okay and my biggest the one I'll use now because it's it's occurred is if you go to Crystal Crystal Brook okay that is a one Road in and out into that complex and last year when they had the structure fire no one was getting in there out of that complex because of all the apparatus that was around so any Resident that was in there whether it that weren't even impacted by the fire were stuck there because there's only one access point and if we're going to build places like this you know the schools on Chandler Road are another one that that's come up you know that's one access point you know I it and I guess let me go back you only have 20 seconds the the 2009 master plan that's posted that's the latest that's out there there's been no amendments that have been added so the amendment that you guys did last year is included in this it is so let if I may answer 2009 was the last comprehensive master plan there have been couple of reexaminations but they are all on the website yeah so how do you know when when those changes were made based and what's out there because everything looks like it's 2009 so so that's part of what we're working on what malva is working on right now is is taking all the changes that have been made since that period of time consolidating them and then taking your recommendations and and kind of going back to square one because there is no there is no official document outside of the 2009 one so it's kind of just a living organic evolution and and the I think you're referencing the ordinances that were passed a couple of months ago right um the stuff that had that came up because that's what I'm saying so so what happens is that that map is um that's a zoning map it's not reflective of the ordinances when the ordinances get you guys did an amendment to the master plan because I remember the meetings there there were meetings held by this board by the planning board that the amendments to master plan as the result of the the settlement for no that's why so so the master plan self was amended but not but that amendment is not reflective of the so that didn't change the map itself so that 2009 map is the foundational okay but that change that I'm talking about is that included in what's out on the website yeah yeah it is all everything is so on the township website you'll find all the documents of what has been adopted up until now what we'll do is we'll review all the earlier documents and make sure you know there's some statement of that moving forward say in your 2023 master plan which reflects what happened in last year what was the amendment what happened in 2019 what was the amendment all that would be so is it included in the one file that says Jackson Township Master planner are these all individual files because I don't see any individual files that say amendments I see a lot of maps you're correct there's there's got to be 200 Maps out there yeah that that are impossible to read in on a small you know computer screen so but I I and that's why I'm asking the question I just want to know for my information because I don't want to look through what I'm seeing now and find out well it's changed so so if I could just interrupt for a second what you're asking is what was done about three months ago if that was put into a document that's online for the from 2009 yes so that and not only just that one but obviously from 20 any other any other Amendment anything that may have changed plan is that something that's posted out there or will be posted out there probably possibly it might it might never have been imported into that document but we could check into that I don't want to step on the township Clerk's toes um no I know and that's why I'm just it's a question it's not I'll check I'll check with the clerk tomorrow yeah we I'll talk with but assuming that we are but anything that's relevant to what we're doing is going to be put on that um on the sub web page that we're going to have for full transparency everybody can access It Go do anytime they want and pull them up thank you we're we're going we're not really here to answer questions at this point because otherwise we won't get to hear what you have to say so let's let's listen to what other people have to say thank you hello how are you good how you doing uh do you swear or affirm to tell the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth always do okay and please uh state your name and spell your last of the record Deb Jones j o NES heis Road um I have a couple things things to say first when you're talking about that you need to look at the master plans of the towns around us I would urge you guys to not only look at what worked but pay more attention to what didn't work because there's a lot of towns around us that are overcrowded that things are falling apart that was never Jackson and it should never be Jackson most residents in Jackson move here because of the area and I've said it at other meetings if I wanted to live in a city I would have moved to a city also in your master plan we really need to take into consideration the Jackson Public Schools we're suffering our schools are going under and all the new building and all the new people coming in and everything that's going on is not helping the school district as a town and every Council every board you owe it to our students and our staff and our residents and our taxpayers to make sure our schools stay what they were and what they should always be and it's not helping when we're just changing Master plans you talk about the safety and health of people the roads I see accidents every single day the Jackson Pages you go on them there's nothing but accidents and most of us see the picture and all we think is dear Lord I hope there were no fatalities it's not working nothing that you're doing is working and we have to stop turning a blind's eye thank you thank you anyone else anybody else we we've given you another 40 minutes here to hear what you have to say evening all right please raise your right hand do you swear or affirm to tell the truth the hold truth nothing but the truth I do sir all right please spell state your name spell your last of the record Michelle m i c h e l e w a r y and your address 751 heis road we are neighbors um I'm not a very well spoken person up in front of people so I'm just going to add some of my thoughts I do agree with the road infrastructure that was said by the first gentleman um and I do agree with the third comment about the the school staying the way they were when my daughter went there and she graduated in 2018 so we were in the school system up till you know from 2004 to 2018 I'd like to see less accents um I'm not on any social media so I'm not following those accidents but I know there's a lot more going on than there ever used to be I like ruralness so I don't know how we retain the ruralness other by then leaving trees up and you know that's the only way I can I can put it current strengths I think are that we are centrally located to everywhere so that's good and um we did have a good school system so let's maintain that type of development I'd like to see is way more open spaces and um I also like to would see all of the land uses such as residential and commercial in particular um not to look crowded beyond belief it's got to look like it's being used properly that's all thank you very much I would encourage you uh if when we end this meeting to take a look at the um land use map over here it'll give you an idea this is uh from 2009 it will give you an idea of uh the land use in 2009 of course we know things have changed and we're we are working on updating those Maps we also have um an overview of the Town a uh that you could take a look at and then feel please I encourage you strongly to use the website use master plan ideas wall that we've created so that we can hear maybe some people are a little shy about getting up and speaking usually you're less shy in writing so I'm I'm looking forward to reading what you have to say so that we can pass it on we can sit down we're working on these things once twice a week the subcommittee is meeting so we we're taking it seriously we're looking at these things seriously and we'll take everything you have to say into consideration we still have some time left if anybody any Resident more than welcome to get up Mr Man we've already heard from you after after after Mr brazy Mr Bry kth bressie do you swear or affirm to tell the truth the hold truth nothing but the truth I do 462 Diamond Road all right a question more like your last statement there and I know we're talking luse and I think we have to look at the effect land use the final product has on taxes I think there should be some knowledge of what the basis is now how much percentage of our taxes paid by residential how much is paid by commercial or non-residential and how much by other entities and then when your plan's put together and you can show a forecast what your plan would do to the tax rate on those basis residential commercial and other entities and figure maybe with 75% filled out as the master plan calls for you can't figure 100% because the zoning board can wave a lot of things but if you get 75 C and give some sort of projection of what that would do to residential and nonresidential taxes on the balance thank you thank you could I just ask do we have that data from 2009 just so we can see where we've come in in okay thank you I figured and and just so everybody's clear it's you just don't it doesn't have to be grand grandiose ideas or um you know big broad overarcing Concepts it could be as simple as hey I live in the R3 in this area between you know this street and this street this Zone and I've seen it evolve over the last 10 years 15 years into something else maybe now it's more of a mixed use or mixed use went from mixed use to residential and it just hasn't been properly identified as such it could be anything it's more about your life experiences that that we don't here unless we bump into you in the street or know you personally um that that we could benefit from your story um so any anything of any nature of any scale could be beneficial this uh the land use section will be left up uh for you to comment on for the next two weeks after uh on the 20th we will have another one of this type of meeting we'll Identify some different areas for you to discuss or at or point out uh your information on so we're we're working as a process and we're moving along in sections so keep an eye on the web page so that you can have an idea of what we'll be discussing at the meeting on the 20th anyone else feel they'd like to speak yes the the the web page that we have it's a subpage on the planning board web page uh on the township website no if we can Anthony if we could pull up the next page I it's the last page yeah on the website there's a link that you can go on to and uh upload your own comments and if you go on to the top right corner there's a little search box you say master plan there's a big long list of things under the master plan one of the things that it says is master plan idea page yeah good sir please raise your right hand you swear or affirm to tell the truth the hold truth and nothing but the truth I do all right please state your name and spell your last with the record Dan Flanigan f l a n a g a n three perrywinkle place all right I am a 13-year homeowner in Jackson I love this Township I'd like to see it remain a retirement community I'm opposed to IND industrial commercial expansion in favor of residential and recreational uh to be discussed at another time of course and I would volunteer my services to serve on the master planned committee uh I guess I should go to the website to do that uh I just uh uh I think we're a lot better off it's a much nicer place to live when you don't have a lot of traffic and most buildings are one story and the crime is way down compared to all the other 250 cities and townships in New Jersey uh one final thing just uh it's it's rather a minor but I think it can be corrected and that is that Jackson residents who are very nice people overall but they just don't recycle enough and that's it thank you sir all right please raise your right hand do you swear or affirm to tell the truth to hold truth nothing but the truth I do all right please St state your name and spell your last for the record Susan Cooper c o p r will let a Drive in Jackson all right um as far as the goals and everything I would also like to um keep things as rural as possible I know it's probably impossible but um I think smart building is really important I've said this at a million planning board meetings and Zoning boarding zoning board meetings just because you can build something somewhere doesn't mean you should um the traffic is just getting crazy I know my husband he works in Lakewood and he drives from Jackson to Lakewood and every time we see something going up he's like there goes another way to work you know and then I go out cville you know through Millstone and it's becoming the same thing for me you know the lines of traffic and a lot of our roads are very rural and they're only two lanes and sometimes there's just nowhere else to go and you're just sitting there and sitting there and I know they always say you can't take traffic into consideration but I think even the people that are building this should think in their own heads like what they're building what the traffic is going to do to whatever they're building there so someone's building an office their office workers are going to be in that traffic so we need to definitely be smart about that and smart building and um I would like to see more developing of recreational um Properties or whatever like we have the open space on leeville that was just closed on I know there's an old farmhouse sitting there like is that what's going to happen with that I'm not asking you because I we can't ask questions but maybe make that something that the residents can use I personally walk all the time around my neighborhood and leeville is becoming a racetrack like every other Street around us as is cville and I see people walking their dogs that are running across the street no one slows down no one cares that there's pedestrians and I'm you know I'm always telling my husband track me on on the phone when I'm out walking because you know you don't have no idea if you're going to get hit someone's going to like pick you up or something it just becoming dangerous it used to be such a nice raw or place to go but maybe some walking paths I know I've talked about this with um other members Mr Bernstein um you know like walking path something U like I said my neighborhood is filled with dogs and we're just a whole bunch of C sacks on that are off of what is now a very busy road so if that can be taken into consideration trying to keep trees I know a long time ago I came to the meeting and I talked about the seal here of what our Township represents and I feel like that is going to have to be redone probably sometime because there won't be any trees left there won't be any water there won't be any nature and I think that we have to kind of get back to that and like remember where we came from who we are and try to in all of this always remember that there's people here that that love this town myself I've been here 24 and A2 years we're people too we love our neighborhoods we love our town and the rest of the world is crazy a lot of times when you come home you want to be happy you don't want to be upset seeing things and there has to be some sort of humanity in all of this instead of just saying oh well this land can fit you know 45 houses where 10 should be built or we can fit 30 stores where there should be four you know like we have to think about Humanity of how this is affecting everyone and all of our mental health and how we feel like I've said it before I see sometimes I see foral signs go go up and I literally get a stomach ache you know it's like oh God what's to come what's to come and I don't feel like anybody's seeing the forest for the trees because now there's no trees and there's no Forest left we're just putting down cement Concrete Jungle and this has to be thought of smart because it affects everybody affects the people that even want to build like does this really want your where you want your kids to be you know think of the safety think of the roads think of all of it but all that being said I do want to see somehow this you know be represented in reality not just a picture on the wall because I feel like it's phony you know we all come here and say this and you guys say that and we want this and then that hangs there and it's like a slap on the face to those of us who have been here I've been here as long as some people but I've been here a long time and I want to stay here I don't want to move and I feel like my husband and I that's our conversation where are we going well where are we going and I'm I hate that I feel like I'm wishing my life away well when we retire where are we going I want to stay I don't want to be constantly worrying about where I'm going cuz I want to stay here and I want it to be what it has been what it I mean I know there's going to be some building but if we can all try to think smartly and think of everybody as you know who it's going to affect as humans not just oh it's okay on paper like I said on I'll close with that too just because it can be built doesn't mean it should that's all thanks thank you hello everybody long time no say uh Joseph Sullivan 31 Kathy Court here in Jackson Joe yeah you swear affirm to tell the truth to hold truth nothing but the truth I do okay um just to make a statement I know a lot of people have been mentioning schools um and the school district uh the biggest problem facing our school district is the fact that our governor and the legislature have cut funding to our school district by 50% this is what the major problem is right now so I encourage every resident especially the ones that are here to reach out to the governor reach out to the legisl legislators and request that they restore the funding to the levels it used to be and I think that would solve a majority of the problems facing the Jackson School District so I know the Jackson School District website has the links to all that I know other people have sent that information out including uh councilman Bernstein so if you really are worried about the schools and I believe you are everybody here please write the governor and write the state legislature and let them know how you feel and that you want the funding restored thank you anyone want to speak about the master plan and the uh goals and objectives or the land use please all right do you swear or affirm to tell the truth the hold truth nothing but the truth I do all right please St your name spell your last for the record my name is Brandon Rose r o e the 435 Fister Road um along with all the development that goes on we should really I'm sure you do take into consideration uh water use and Sewer um especially with as it relates to climate change and what we're seeing recently uh we've had a lot of rain and what I've seen with that is in some areas it's not draining very well and we're getting large um pools of water that we have to drive through so I'd like to make sure that as the master plan is developed that we take into consideration the water use and Sewer use especially as it relates to climate change if you can get us the specific areas that you're talking about that would be much appreciated well I could tell you uh immediately off of Farmingdale Road there was an area that was um somewhat you know underwater for a while you had to avoid it while you were driving makes it um very dangerous I'm sure I can you know go around the next time it rains and and let the board know exactly yeah if you can get a get a radius as you know Street to Street and then put put that on the idas page just the specific areas that would be a help thank you specifics helps us a lot guys so we can zero in on on that specific area on that zone um on that on that grouping of uses something to that effect so we can kind of have a um kind of a zero ground all right please raise your right hand do you swear affirm to tell the truth the hold truth nothing but the truth I do all right Michelle spach SHP AK 364 Cedar Swamp rode I've been here for 23 years I wasn't planning on coming up here until he mentioned the use and you wanted specifics so I live at Cedar Swamp Road around around the back side of my house is the the newly built Club part of Jackson 21 there's two big water reservoirs there that were instilled if you drive down Freehold Road um especially with the past rain those um the retaining ponds overflowed the all the waters in the um ditches so far as they have an external pump there if you drive my husb has pictures of it and he's not here they had to put an external pump into the retaining pond and they're blowing the water out into the side areas my neighbor in the back has had more water in his yard than he ever has so is H so you know I have too that's a new development there and the retaining ponds already can't hold the water that you have there which says something to me it was built on land that was a swamp and it's not sufficient and they're still building there which worries me what's going to happen to Freehold Road like I said during a big storm it's sleeping onto onto the um roadway and that's when it's you know it hasn't been winter time come next winter that happens you're going to have ice on that roadway from that overflowing so I really do think that you know that needs to be taken into consideration you wanted specifics that's a specific right there that's great thank you thank you anyone else Mr Bannon B from 22 aborn Court good the gentan came after me reminded me the grand Harmony project that you're going to have 212 or so some odd town homes on Harmony Road opposite Cook Road we need to have another access to that neighborhood as well I don't care if it goes all the way out back to Challenger way but you will have to upgrade Challenger Way in that case so that people could go front or back in the neighborhood and be able to get out uh realistically because right now one entrance for 225 or 212 Town Homes whatever it is is not going to be sufficient opposite cook route thank you thank you we have 10 more minutes anybody has anything they want to share and then what we'll do is we'll we'll close this portion of the meeting you can uh come up and read the um maps that are placed there and take and what we'll do is we'll run this PowerPoint again slowly just so that you can read it as these things go by and you can uh see it on the website as well at a later date thank you very much for coming we really appreciate it we'll be doing this again at prior to our uh next meeting on the 20th and uh by six o'clock we'd appreciate uh clearing this room of anyone but people who are coming to the regular planning board meeting which will start at 6:30 thank you e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e un States welcome everybody to the May 6 Jackson Township planning board meeting this meeting is convened in accordance with the provisions of the open public meetings Act of New Jersey in adequate notice this meeting is provided in all sources and forums Mr chairman good evening everyone uh we'll look for a um motion on approval of the minutes please April 15 motion Bernstein second Sullivan thank you everyone uh in agreement say I I I please uh a reminder for the board uh an email form D2 cyber security with sent out on uh April the 11th please uh let um the secretary Miss Morrison know when you have completed that cyber security training it's really very interesting it's not half bad um it it was well done it took me about two hours but it was moderately entertaining so uh please please complete that uh we have some resolutions tonight congratulations attorney we have resolution 20245 resolution of the planning board of the township of Jackson County of ocean state of New Jersey granting preliminary and final major site plan approval with required variances for a non-med office building a contractor warehouse and a paved parking area for Whitesville Development LLC block 22203 lot 11 eligible to eligible to vote are Mr brei Mr Bernstein Mr Herman Mr rker Mr marzo Mr wall Mr Sullivan and Dr Campbell and will uh at the same time we'll be doing a roll call for this evening please my fault okay let's do roll call First Mr Brey Mr Bernstein Mr helard Mr Herman Mr rker here Mr Ro Miss Rose Mr marzo here Mr Tremor Mr wall here Mr Sullivan here and Dr Campbell here thank you okay um back to 15 can we get a motion for the 20245 resolution I'd like to make a motion to approve and there's one minor correction which is amusing uh there's a line in there that allows Raptors instead of apparatus so I forbid the applicant to have Raptors on the property from here on out well done well done nice catch somebody reads them it's nice second I read everybody likes dinosaurs is fine all right so we have a roll call vote somebody second second somebody okay Mr brei yes Mr Bernstein yes Mr rker yes Mr marzo yes Mr wall yes Mr Soloman yes and Dr Campbell yes 20246 resolution of the planning board of the township of Jackson County of ocean state of New Jersey granting preliminary and final major subdivision approval with required variances and design waivers for two new building lots for Ali construction block one 18602 lot 20.01 eligible to vote are Mr Brey Mr Bernstein Mr heler Mr marzo Mr Tremor Mr wall and Dr Campbell take a motion Please Mr brei yes Mr Bernstein yes Mr heler yes Mr marzo yes Mr Mr Tremor yes Mr wall yes and Dr Campbell yes thank you resolution 20 2417 resolution of the planning board of the township of Jackson County of ocean state of New Jersey granting an approval Amendment for preliminary and final site plan approval for a private high school for tius Kim Inc block 3601 Lot 2 eligible to vote are Mr brei Mr Bernstein Mr hel Mr rker Mr marzo Mr Tremor Mr Sullivan and Dr Campbell motion Bernstein Mr brzy yes Mr Bernstein yes Mr heler yes Mr Riker yes Mr marzo yes Mr treemmer Mr suvan yes and Dr Campbell yes resolution 20248 resolution of the planning board of the township of Jackson County of ocean state of New Jersey granting preliminary and final major site plan approval with required variances and design waivers for a contractor's office warehouse building for 450 Business Park LLC block 4801 Lots 24 and 25 eligible to to vote are Mr brei Mr Bernstein Mr heler Mr rker Mr marzo Mr chmer Mr Sullivan and Dr Campbell entertain a motion please motion hel second Bernstein okay Mr brei yes Mr Bernstein yes Mr heler yes Mr rker yes M demarzo yes Mr chmer Mr Sullivan yes and Dr Campbell yes resolution 20249 resolution of the planning board of the township of Jackson County of ocean state of New Jersey granting final major site plan approval and final minor subdivision approval with design waivers for an officewarehouse facility for ysep Rothenberg block 102 lot one eligible to vote are Mr Brey Mr Bernstein Mr heler Mr rker Miss Rose Mr marzo Mr wall and Dr gam entertain a motion Please Mr brazzy yes Mr Bernstein yes Mr heler yes Mr rker yes Miss Rose yes Mr marzo yes Mr wall yes Dr Campbell yes yes and the last one is 20 24-20 resolution of the planning board of the township of Jackson County of ocean state of New Jersey granting preliminary and final major site plan approval with with design waivers for three 1story Warehouse sloff buildings for Ram Development LLC block 22301 Lots 301 17 20 21 22 23 R and 24 eligible are Mr brei Mr Bernstein Mr heler Mr rker Miss Rose Mr marzo Mr wall and Dr Campbell entertain a motion please some move rker second Bernstein okay Mr brei Mr Bernstein yes Mr heler yes Mr Riker yes M Rose yes Mr Mar yes Mr wall yes and Dr Campbell yes thank you uh engineering and planning matters gentlemen thank you thank you um let's see uh any changes to the calendar nope okay good and M dearo good evening from 5: to 6:00 p.m. this evening the master plan subcommittee held its first public public meeting after an initial presentation by our Consultants the public was invited to give comments and their insights for the master plan on the vision goals and objectives for Jackson and the land use elements the next open meeting for the public will be held on May 20th from 5:00 p.m. to 6:15 p.m. information from this evening's meeting can be found on the township website thank you thank you um any board m matters for discussion and anything from the attorney nothing at this time very good so we'll move on with the application please good evening Madam chair members of the board Sor Al clear giobi alferi and Jacobs on behalf of the applicant and I'm assuming this is stuben Lane right was listed number one on the agenda that's what we're doing number one thank you thank you um the before you just brief introduction before you go to the board professionals essentially what's happening is the applicant is going is proposing to eliminate a single family home in the highway commercial Zone and replace it with an office building an office use I should say no changes or propos opposed to the structure but we do have site changes to to remove a swimming pool that was on the property and to add parking spaces essentially but I know you want introductions from your professionals first so I'll defer to them thanks thank you thank youself thank you madam chair um quickly summarizing Mr alfir is correct this is basically conver converting an existing single family dwelling to a um an office building it brings it into compliance with the Zone where residential would would be permitted single family wouldn't be permitted in the H um HC Zone but now we have a use that is is um is permitted um from engineering perspective no issues with the development but I do have one question as to why we can't have the off street parking on the property as it's proposed we have all the parking that's off street parking that's provided for the use backing out onto um Oak Drive it's in violation of the ordinance I don't consider it safe um so from Eng he in perspective that's really my only comments thank you madam chair the only item I'd add to Mr C's introduction is there should be some testimony about the usable square footage of the property so we can make a determination of the required number of parking spaces for the site regardless of whether they're on street or off street thank you thank you and we have answers to both of those questions believe it or not okay we're going to call up our engineer please raise your right hand do you swear or affirm that tell the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth I do pleas please state your name and spell your last of the record Yehuda back BAC K all right and your credentials I'm a licensed engineer with new lines and engineering I have testified before this board once before that was my first time since then I have testified in numerous boards throughout New Jersey and the board accepts the credentials thank you thank you okay Mr Bach um first of all why don't you Orient the board as to where this property is located and how it's currently developed sure can we pull up exhibit A1 please okay this is the existing conditions as you can see um North is kind of towards the top to the right um here's Oak Drive where I'm pointing on the northeast on the south side is stuben Lane we have the existing one-story frame dwelling I'm trying to outline it this is a deck in the rear and a pool we have a shed in the northwest corner currently on the site there's a two th two around 2,000t frame dwelling which we are are asking to be converted to an office um the site contains 20,000 Square ft north and west of the site I should say north and east of the site really North on this side east really our residential homes to the West we have a uh commercial property it's an attorney's office and to the south on the opposing side of stuen Lane there's really a parking lot from the strip mall which is further down um um our proposal is we're seeking minor site plan approval to convert the residential dwelling to a small office as s said there's no improvements to the building other than a proposed handicap R can we please pull up um A2 exhibit A2 thank you our proposal is to remove the swimming pool from from the rear yard and remove the shed that was there we are proposing 10 new places along Oak Drive which are backing directly into Oak Drive um these were designed with the input of our traffic expert will testify uh as to the safety of this um our proposal with this parking is to reduce the intrusion of uh a huge parking lot with lighting and everything that includes into a mostly residential neighborhood I know it is zoned HC but when you drive down there it still is residential NE neighborhood um we are requesting some bulk variances most of them are existing uh maximum corner lot area 45,000 sare ft is required where 20,000 is proposed that's existing condition minimum corner lot width 200 feet is required where 100 is proposed again existing condition minimum corner lot Frontage 200 ft is required 100 ft is proposed for both the stuan lane Frontage and the Oak Drive Frontage again both of these are existing conditions minimum front yard setback 60 ft is required where 2191 is proposed again that's an existing condition and one new variance is a parking area setback from the RightWay 20 ft is required where 12T is proposed from the back of the space until the RightWay um there are some design waivers associated with this application as was mentioned for the parking lot design overall a few a few uh design waivers going to that um the design is consistent with the neighboring commercial site can we pull up please A4 it's an aerial view of the neighboring properties so as you can see to the I guess the Southwest this is the attorney's office and they have parking pulling straight off of stuen Lane um this design does work it's a it's a relatively quiet neighborhood or really quiet neighborhood um this design is consistent with the neighborhood and we again we did design it to allow vehicles to pull in and out safely um last we're asking for a design waiver from providing lighting the office is closed that night as we be testified to and the parking is not a new parking lot as much as was as we can see it's just spaces straight off of the road with um with regard to storm water the site is considered minor development with regard to storm water since there's less than a quarter acre increase of impervious surface um there is no increase in storm waterer runoff rather all new impervious has been graded so that the runoff is contained on site with regard to utilities the existing site is serviced with well water and a septic system both of which are to remain um for landscaping we will coordinate with the board professionals to ensure compliance with the Landscaping requirements other than that I have read the board Engineers letter the board planers letter and the township Tree Specialist letter and we will comply with the requirements in those okay so um in terms of the business operations we did submit a statement of operations for this business but I just want to get on the record um what it so it's going to be used as a back office for a real estate business is that correct yes and up to seven employees yes and the hours are 9 to 6 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. there's a question um on the square footage of the building for the purpose of calculating the number of required parking spaces we have calculated using 2,000 square F feet as the number which is the first floor floor area is that correct yes there is a basement but the basement will not be used for office purposes is that correct yes for storage only right so are and mechanical if there's any cical basement right so um we were of the opinion that the basement wereare footage should not be counted for parking because it's going to not increase the employees there's no visitors and it's not office space um otherwise Mr chairman chairwoman is the basement finished I I don't know we'll have to ask the client I've I've not been in there so I don't know the answer to that we'll find out you know we we know what it is now but we don't know what it will be in the future would have to be stipulated well we have no issue stipulating the the business operations that I just put on the record um as as the business operations do do you have an architect that you're going to be presenting no the architect no because there's no changes to the building U we the applicant is here so he's he has the knowledge of after the testimony the engineer then we'll we hear from the applicant correct yeah yeah um and then the other thing that came up in one of the reports is when will the pool be removed so we will agree that um within 30 days of adoption of the actually upon expiration of the appeal period we'll take the pool out we don't want to take it out if for some reason it's challenged and the house has to stay and the office can't be used so after the appeal period immediately will'll be move the pool um and I that's really it we've agreed to address all the technical comments other than the parking which we are going to defer to the board on how you want to handle that but you we request that you before you decide on that here from the app and then here from from Scott keml our traffic expert and then it's in your hands Dr Campell any questions from the board quick question you said it's this is a Highway commercial or neighborhood commercial Zone highway commcial highway commercial okay fine Mr back mentioned neighborhood commercial um secondly you don't have by any chance a diagram of of the of the building behind you in stuan Lane do you with the parking over there I don't cuz you're I'm assuming you're following the same model of in and out right yes okay I mean I drove by there I'm want to make sure all the board members saw it yes I I drove by today and it is almost identical to the attorney's building the correct not crazy about that either all right anyone else Mr Reich is there any reason you can't move the parking to the other side of the property and just use a t entrance you're saying on the stuen lane mm side I I don't left left side of your plan put the parking inside here let's go let's go to uh 82 Anthony A2 you're saying on on Stu and Lane no no no the parking comb is on the right side of plan right move it over to plan left and put a driveway into it like you see it's not that much more impervious space on the other side of the swimming pool put the parking in there on the property driveway is there anything that's prohibiting you from accomplishing that from a technical perspective no there's no engineering reason why we can't do it it's just that the applicant and when he comes up he could tell you also he just I'm I'm sure the applicant is going to tell me it's pretty you know wonderful parking spot but it doesn't stop somebody from you know rear ending somebody or whatever if it can be done I don't understand why we're just not doing it and calling it a day right we we know from an engineering point of view it could be done and it won't trigger storm waterer management um it's not enough land area to trigger the next level of storm management we know that nice so can we do that if it doesn't trigger a financial constraint to the applicant you'll hear from the applicant do do we have a planner no no we didn't bring a planner on because they're all existing conditions but if you need planning testimony we'll bring a planner except for the one well I would note that the variance relief may require variance variance the parking relief may require a variance so to the extent that there needs to be some testimony to support the request for not providing off street parking in accordance with the ordinance I think that's the point Mr reker was trying to make we can you know are there other areas in the in the residential portion of this neighborhood that have on street parking for conforming uses that sort of thing but um again to that point we haven't heard any testimony other than we wanted so far anyone else on the board so is there no on street parking on suum Lane just to confirm that legally wise you able to park there I don't I don't believe so there's no restriction there is no restriction right I didn't see any signs seen car sometimes double packed there even triple packed in the front there so which is the reason for this appc I but the question is with your parking lot will that still be happening I don't believe so I mean we like we said we have we're providing 10 spaces including a handicap space and EV space and we have seven employees Max okay call the applicant please so is that just to be clear wait so are we are you done presenting your affirmative testimony with the engineer with the engineer and unless he needs to come back after you hear the rest of the testimony yes I don't I don't even think he I mean the board professionals letters I don't know if he addressed everything in them well he agreed he would address all their technical comments if you want us to go in more detail we certainly so let's hear from the applicant first and then we'll all right please raise your right hand you swear or affirm to tell the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth and state your name and spell your last of the record Shaga Shore expelling yes please s h r a g a s c h o r r and and Mr sh what is your affiliation with the applicant uh I'm the owner of the property how long have you owned it um eight years so okay and I guess there are two issues that we want you to address first is there's a question on the square footage and we our position was that the basement is only going to be used for storage or Mechanicals um is the Basin current and the question came is the Basin finished today it's not so it's just she is there sheetrock is it um there's I don't believe there's sheetrock uh there's a small window that would sort of obviate uh putting offices down there but uh it's it's not finished and uh no bathroom no all right and then the second question question it's it's also not under the whole building it's a small piece the other question is um the parking which you've heard some of the board members comment on you you've taken the position that you felt this was the best design because of the character of the neighborhood can you just Express the board what your concerns were and what you why you wanted to do it this way um yeah so I thought that the off street parking on Stu and Lane would be would be better because the parking on St and Lane is more commercial in nature but having said that uh if we were to make parking spaces the way they are um like uh the professional said it would be more in uh concert with the the local residential use on that side I drove by there again today and uh it's very overgrown and uh you know big bushes that have been there for 40 years 50 years and the siding is not in terrific condition are you going to do anything about the exterior look of the building um I wasn't planning on it I wasn't aware it was overgrown I apologize for that but we have a landscape takes care of it how can you not be aware that it's overgrown you own the property I again you don't you don't know for for certainty if the basement's finished or not to what degree and you own the property and you're here testifying to us you find that troubling because I find it troubling you're here to testify to the character of the property and you're unaware is that acceptable I I don't mean to disagree with the chairperson but again I have I I I disagree with you because you you you not understand that the property needs attention and it's overgrown have you watched any other proceedings with this board uh no okay maybe you should because we're driving a point home that properties are going to be updated they're going to get cleaned up and they're going to look presentable we're just handing out approvals anymore if you're going to own a property you're going to own a property you're going to make it look like something you you you said you hired a landscape company to maintain the property obviously there are people that believe it's not properly maintained you know you have any issue addressing those comments going forward no definitely make sure it's maintained I'm I'm als I was also wondering because I knew Mr Tremor would be sitting down at the end of the table there doesn't look to be really a a convenient way for any emergency vehicles or fire trucks to get into that property at all it's it's all very uh tree bound which is nice um but there's just no entrance areas uh for emergency vehicles Mr T will you buy there at all but the bottom line is you are 100% correct and by moving the parking lot to the other side would at least give access to two sides of the building I understand that you're an investor and you don't go there but it's about time that everybody really started looking at what's going on here we're trying to change the Optics of what people see here because we're trying to do the best we can for the public and safety right now you have unsafe conditions and we are not just going to overlook fire and safety the unfortunate part is yes fire fire looked at it but they only give you the basic same as traffic the basic of what they can the bottom line is you need accessibility if it's an office you're going have people coming in and out you just took any access away from the building so I I think it should be reconsidered and maybe redesigned yes and and just we've had this discussion internally and um we decided that we were going to present the application that way we wanted it but we were obviously going to react to what your position was if your position was you liked what was designed obviously it's easy and if you don't then we understand and we know we'll have to comply but we wanted wanted to at least make the effort well it I think about the neighbors too there are neighbors next door there are neighbors across the street they're going to be coming around that Corner um I'm concerned about the safety we're concerned about how it looks in the neighborhood I I would think a parking off the street would be less difficult in the neighborhood it would it would make it accessible for the uh Emergency Equipment and it would make it less uh of maybe an eyes sort to the neighbors so if you could take a look at that okay and Mr CLE actually attached to his report that you did this right Doug did a sketch of what the parking lot should look like um in his eyes if we did it that way so we we understand what it should look like if if we if we were to could look like if we yeah so um we we saw that but again we wanted to get the board's reaction as to what we had versus what Doug is suggesting I think we've heard from you loud and clear so far ideally too if you movees side I'm sorry if you move the parking lot to the other side you're not disturbing the neighborhood on street parking too which one less thing for the people to be upset about so something to consider sorry Mor can I Dr Campbell um I also agree with some of the board members about moving back Su um Oak Street while it is quiet like Mr back testified it's a quiet residential street there's a commercial usage down the block there's a lot of traffic that goes down that block and I think if we move it down and drop if it's if you can get the same amount of parking back there I would agree with that second um you testified seven employees um 9 to six are all seven employees there at the same time or some in the morning some in the afternoon some come and go yes some in the morning some in the afternoon generally you're not seeing seven cars there at the same time I assume no generally not okay yes it's it's a back office so it's not there's there are no um no people coming to meet with the realators they're just there to work no other people coming and your employees I mean they're not sitting there like I asked before all day long they're in real estate so they come they go and at their convenience right yeah they travel any other board comments yes sir just a couple things you're approving an office okay what he or a successor does you don't have a whole bunch of control over so how many people show up it's a parking requirement so this is a character of neighborhood issue it's a design waiver of variant so I appreciate the testimony I want the board to be focused on what their responsibility is which is our land use ordinances so I'd like to ask I'd like to have Mr Alfieri get answers to a couple questions from our report so you have a copy of our report page five your comment five letter D it says they're looking to legalize the existing office use um it doesn't indicate in the application how long it's been converted from a residence to an office question was um it's currently being used as this real estate office is that correct yes how long has that been uh about four or five years and were there any interior Renovations done to the house to make it this use no So the plan that's here that shows three bed three bathrooms a full bathroom and two half baths that was existing when you bought the property sorry your architect's plan shows two half BS and a full bathroom two of them are back to back that was an existing condition when you bought the house do were two bathrooms this plan shows three sir and S I'm trying to find out if your client needs to get building permits simple question so the question simplified further is if you did any improvements within theide the building and you didn't get building permits you're going to not have as a condition of approval assuming it's approved you're going to have to get building permits to legalize whatever work you did inside the house and well this it appears from the layout that's on this Architects plan that was submitted is this going to still be a residence or is it just going to be an office just an office so one use one off that's all I have Madam chair Madam chair you're stating for the record you've done work without a permit you youve modified the structure somehow yes you've got a lot of go appearing before us not maintaining a property not knowing whatever is going on doing work without permits you are exactly the problem we're having in Jackson right now I'll be blunt about it you just come in you do what you want you're asking for a ton of stuff you're not maintaining the property you're not familiar with the property I don't even know why you're here I'll go so far and I think you should leave I think we should adjourn this stop it right now and stop wasting our time I I I think we I think we we should hear the testimony of the uh traffic engineer and let's just and and we're we're pretty we've made it Prett testimony on a parking lot that's going to get moved right I don't think um the traffic testimony is going to be NE Neary if we eliminate the proposed parking and do a parking lot yeah a couple couple things that we need to address um def definitely a couple things that we need to address uh first foremost let's just knock down the issues that we currently were hting around right now number one basement basement's unfinished correct you don't you don't know the extent of you're not going to be using it correct correct in any capacity for any reason whatsoever a storage Okay so so you're going to make a add condition of approval that the basement is solely going to be used for storage and that's it yes okay that's number one uh number two let's talk about the traffic report from traffic safety dated 4424 um so they addressed a consider which I think Mr CLE also addresses in his uh in his sketch um but they have a major concern with the Ingress and egress of the site uh and they' like to see it you know one way in one way out is is that amendable and I understand we haven't gotten the traffic circulation yet but yeah I think so yeah so yes so the the answer is that the design that Mr Clee roughed out would have to be engineered but yes print it be substantially similar to what he did all right so so you're going to be you're agreeing to that as a condition and then you're going to be supplying the board with with additional um renderings to to take a look at it correct and that's exhibit for the board could you put up A4 please or A3 I think now hoodie yeah all right now uh is that is that one way in when it comes down to the circulation that's yeah that's it I'm sorry so that's what okay so if if we want to if we want to agree to a condition that that complies with the spirit intent of Mr C's rendering but also the traffic safety report maybe have a combination of of the two you know oneway Ingress uh oneway egress with um with the spirit and intent of what Mr CLE put together yeah and that rendering that we're looking at lat now uh now now this is a question for the professionals if if they do something to that effect does that also reduce the potential variance that they would have to theoretically put um um the the existing dimensions of the lot um that's not going to change the area the withth but you know yeah it would eliminate um a number of IND deson exceptions um I don't know if there's only 10 employees if we need a parking lot that big um and um there's more than one way to skin the cat and keep everything you know on site um a one way in and a one way out you know sure but I just think all the parking should be on the site yeah and and we're not sure I just to respond to the comment and the police report I'm we're not sure where the parking lot as small as this might be that a separate one way in and one way right is necessary but we'll deal with that satisfy the spirit and intent of it you know with maybe separations lines you know something to that effect um yeah before we do any approvals I believe the I would like to see the applicant come into compliance with the building permits for the other bathroom how do we approve a building to be used that's in violation right now we we could certainly make application for the building permits uh I just don't know how long that process takes but um it would have to be a condition of approval either way when if and when this is ever why does it have to be a condition of approval he had the opportunity to do the right thing the day he bought the property he's not done the right thing we're here no no no no no no no no no no no it does not need to be a condition of approval so it's it's just not right it's just not right that's what the problem is it's just not right I'm not comfortable with making it a condition of approval I think the applicant can go back fix the solu fix it come back to us with some renderings and whatever he's going to do to the Landscaping to the siding whatever and bring it back to us as a full package this applicant had the opportunity 8 years ago to do the right thing the rest of us have to take out building permits we have to take out building permits for work that was done before we bought the property and clean it all up Suddenly he's exempt and we're going to reward him with a conditional approval I I don't think that's fair well I I think that also addresses the other concern that I would really just from a legal perspective fact they really like to see some kind of planning testimony because me just looking at the legal standard of of a waiver just the the you know double prong test I don't think that's going to cut it um you know because even even though it's a reasonable standard I mean you still have to look at the impra ability you know and and the nature of the site itself and I don't you know I obviously can't testify but I'm just saying when you're looking at the situation and you're looking at that legal test it may not uh you coincide with one another so if uh I would just request that the applicant get a planner to do kind of a deep dive into some of these or some of these variances that you may or may not need it's fine all right so is the applicant done with his T and we and we don't need the traffic expert to testify because his report really no longer relevant to the application you want open then I'd like to open this to the public if anyone would like to uh ask any questions of this applicant strictly questions of the two gentlemen who have uh testified would anyone like to come forward certainly all right please raise your right hand do you swear or affirm to tell the truth the hold truth nothing but the truth yes please state your name and spell last of the record my name is ysf hman h o u s m and your address 12 Oak Drive I uh basically out across across the street diagonally um I moved in uh three years ago in change um I have we have children um who you know I have family with children we live on the Block we um as as they've mentioned it's a very quiet black it's uh it is one side oddly enough I don't know who did this but one side side is I'm my side is zoned residential and across the street is zoned Highway commercial which is quite curious however all the houses on the black are residential meaning the entire black it's a very pleasant black our kids play and although there is a a big Supermarket down the block and occasionally you do have a truck or two generally speaking my children know already how to cross properly and they play on the sides there is no sidewalk it's a very you know I would call it residential or almost even like somewhat rural you know just it's really uh Suburban um stubin is very different stubin is is pretty much commercial there's one house there otherwise it's commercial there's trucks there's cars all of the all of the stores to the all of the buildings to the further down this way have parking in the front I would never let my my children turn down stuen because that's you know it's a commercial block and the car can back up at them you know I I'm not a professional I'm just as a neighbor as it is right now it's really we it does I moved in three and a half years ago I see I see Mr Shore occasionally I see his workers it's it really hasn't changed the character of the black because there are three spots on Oak Drive they Park it's basically like a regular driveway doesn't really concern us um people do Park on stubin but as I said stubin is a totally different character my request is if it's possible to retain the character of the block which is very you know residential to retain that and whatever plans are done it shouldn't affect the uh the the character of the the residential character of black there is even personally I would say even a concern somewhat of a surfy concern if cars as it is now a regular driver with three cars children can be careful but if it's a it's a bigger the original plan was 10 spots backing up it's it's literally kids walking through a parking lot it's concerning but something where it's much less of a strain on the both on the character and the children should be able to bike and play the area be a concern to us we appreciate that thank you very much anyone else I'm assuming based on that testimony and again I'm assuming you're going have to come back anyway right Mr CLE plan I would request that you can put in some additional landscaping around that parking lot so the neighbors shouldn't be so visible from Oak Street if that's a possibility thank you and one thing I didn't ask the applicant but just for the record there's no freestanding sign existing Andor proposed so it's a very low intense use U since there's no visitors we don't need signage anyone going there knows where they're going correct yeah correct that's fine one more thing yes go ahead you've already been sworn sorry yes I I did forget one thing I I when I was here I heard discussion about lights um I would say as as as a neighbor first of all I never see any of them at night no one's there at night and lights would shine at us I mean the the block is dark and if the township wants to add some street light that would be great but to have facing into my into my living room you know a bright light wouldn't be a pleasant thing so if that could be kept away in any way that would be great I would add that I I I drive there every day I didn't notice anything overgrown he actually when my when I had my landscape become I showed them the front of his thing and I said try to imitate that so so I I think it was a standard of could be I'm I haven't think but I just appreciate it uh just one other thing so um if you could since you have the additional time if you could present kind of a a more flesh a lighting plan yes number one number two um a more fleshed out version of your statement of operations just going just taking a look at it I mean three sentences long um you know so let's let's get a more detailed statement of operations which I'm I'm assuming is a real estate firm that has been conducting business for a while now correct all right so let's let's give it the significance that it deserves uh and garbage pickup okay please raise your right oh it's you again please raise your right hand do you swear or affirm to tell the truth the hold truth nothing but the truth I do saided Bannon from 22 aborn Court okay if that parking is improved that way I'd also like to see a sidewalk leading from the parking lot to the building on the plan thank you I don't believe there are sidewalks on either side of that street at all he's not talking about Street side not Street not just walk walkway yes walkway will be will have to be part of it thank you Mr seeing no one come forward I move to close the public portion second so I so we'd request that the application be carried to the next available date within that time frame we will get a building permit and submit a revised plan um to address all the comments we've heard this evening the the applicant waves time to the decision yes good just just one thing um as if with the uh Revis design um some type of drainage calculations or drainage analysis I'm comfortable conceding it's not a major development and we can work with that but as proposed we have a 4 foot wide Stone trench um 12 12 in deep but I have nothing that tells me what that's based on there's no soil borings it doesn't tell me the volume runoff or anything so if we're going to revise the plans can we have some drainage design good yes engineer said yes July 15th we actually did just put something on it's a very large subdivision so August 5th or 19th August 5th is fine okay thank you thank you thank you Mr sh would you make the appropriate announcement to the public for the Carri application right to do a motion to carry want I make a Mot to carry until look for a second second Bernstein all in favor all thank you all right so just so the public is aware uh there'll be no uh public notice required it's being announced to the Public Public is on notice August 5th thank you thank you you don't have to move Mr alfair okay we're going to take we're going to take a five minute break we we've had two meetings already tonight e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e say good evening Madam chair again members of the board salvator aluy on behalf of the applicant um this is a second public hearing on this application we did submit revised plan since the last application and new reports were issued by your professionals I um thank you madam chair um as Mr Valery indicated this is a second hearing um which proposes a 115,200 ft mixed use building involving 10 14,400 ft of warehouse and 10,728 ft of of office um it's compliant with the um uh zoning require requirements um I think there was some testimony at the last meeting regarding access to the um to the to the site and possibly um access easement or Road easement to um adjoining Lakewood um Township um which is indicated on the revised plans which also provided for a reduction in the um overall floor area and was once um originally requested was a reduction in the buffer area to Lakewood Township has been eliminated but I'll leave it to the applicant to get into the details as far as um the additional plan revisions that were done thank you madam chair um the uses permitted in the zone there were some questions regarding the uses on the site believe the area to the north of the building was previously proposed as outdoor storage and I think now it's an overflow truck parking area that should be put on the record so it's clear what the uses are on the site so that we have one permitted principal use on the site um that's all for now thank Youk and and one other before we get to Mr Stevens I guess one other um point was that um since the last meeting uh well I should say we've reviewed both the professional reports we received um Ernie's April 29th and Dougs is May 6th um and I believe there's there's no issues within those reports but Mr Stevens will get in and get into more detail on what changes were made and how the plan report how the profess reports will be addressed what we did not get to at the last meeting is the architect and the traffic expert both of whom are here tonight so hopefully after Mr Stevens we do get to them please raise your right hand do you swear or affirm to tell the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth I do all right and you were qualified last hearing I was yes and I have been presenting before this board for quite a long time and you're more experienced than last time yes I am thank you all right so um thank you and good evening what since it's been a little bit of time since the last meeting would you Orient the board as to where this property is located and what's being proposed so I'd be happy to th this property is located along Houston Avenue which runs basically in we'll call it a east to west Direction in this area Houston Avenue comes off of Faraday which is located where I'm showing my highlighter at the bottom of the map the Lakewood Township Jackson Township Line exists along this property boundary so it's a bit unusual this property is truly in fi development what we're looking at is 21 A2 acres of land that uh the applicant owns in its entirety it is surrounded by the Whitesville industrial park located to the top of the map call it West the Faraday Corporate Park located off of Faraday to the south of the subject property to the north of the property is residential development in Lakewood Township and then to the east of the property is the Eagle Ridge Golf Course so the property is truly infi Development Houston Avenue if the this board may recall although it's it's been quite some time was constructed by the a toz company they built Houston Avenue this roadway off of Faraday to access their corporate headquarters which is located at the end of Houston Avenue as part of that construction of Houston Avenue and as part of their properties they also owned the lot across the street which is this little lot it's an inset into the subject property this board granted approval for an outdoor storage yard a toz construction is a is a site underground utility contractor so as such they have large equipment large materials that they have the ability to store outside within that yard and that use is proposed to continue the area where we're looking to construct the building it where it's proposed is directly along the Whitesville industrial park in the top of the map and that should orientate the board as to where the subject property is all right and then let's pull up the next exhibit to show the proposed site plan and then you could describe what changes have been made since we were last here is that good enough or you want the next uh let's just go right to the site plan Anthony please one more down uh maybe one more that's fine so what the site plan shows is it shows the proposed as Mr CLE stated in his opening testimony 115,200 squ foot mixed use Building located in the center of the map Houston Avenue now located on the left side of the map the applicant is before you say mixed use building but it's Warehouse with office office is is ancillary to the warehouse use it's not a separate office use correct that is correct yes I'm sorry continue the property will be accessed off of an extension of Houston Avenue Houston Avenue currently ends about about the middle of this project it will be extended further to the West towards the Whitesville Industrial Park as part of this application the application is also or the applicant is also proposing to widen Houston Avenue from the existing 24 ft to 30 ft and also to provide curbs along our side of the street along this side of the street we're going to provide a curb as well as providing storm water management which will be collected first coming off the roof into an underground recharge system located in the truck loading area then to a small scale infiltration Basin then down Houston Avenue to where there will be a another larger small scale infiltration Basin before ultimate discharge out to the county to the county road [Music] okay and what changes were made um I know you described them but Jen just highlight what was changed so so that's a good point so when we were here at the last year I don't know if everybody will remember it was late at night one night and we were going through some things quickly one of the things that we had originally asked for my client purchased this property from Jackson Township that was recalled from the original testimony but as part of that this this 100 foot buffer to Jackson Township was in existence from the prior file maps to this map that were done before we were involved in Lakewood Township along their residential development there is presently a 50-ft buffer so what we were asking for originally was for Relief to allow that 100 foot buffer to be reduced down to 50 feet providing the 100 foot buffer half in Lakewood half in Jackson we thought it was appropriate because that's what Lakewood thought was appr appropriate but there were some neighbors who had come out and and addressed some concerns about that so we just decided to reduce the size of the building leave the 100 foot buffer the way it is so that is now our proposal we are going to leave this 100 foot wooded no disturbance there was also a question that Mr Peters mentioned at the beginning of this application tonight about the clarity on the proposed use um and whether it's one princip use so so yes the what the applicant is proposing is this office warehouse use for this building and we had previously shown a gravel yard to the rear of the building which we are proposing to keep it was always intended just to Simply Be overflow truck parking a place where people could stage vehicles and necessary between loading and unloading at the building it was never meant to have outdoor storage we do as I said earlier have this outdoor storage yard that is currently existing is approved by this board and we do intend for it to stay in the industrial Zone we are allowed more than one permitted use principal use in the zone but I just wanted to be clear that I think what Mr Peters was asking is is this one use in other words is this gravel yard going to be something else and it is not going to be it's it's part of this building use but in the sake of clarity I just wanted to say that we also have this gravel storage yard out the outdoor gravel storage yard which is to remain so I just wanted to be clear about that does that address your concerns Mr Peters or um and then just hang on one sec so um are we stipulating anything there I I know that in the past we had a prior situation on another application where there was a storage yard but it was intimately linked to the teny um and the warehousing that was taking place on one of the properties is that what's Happening Here we are we are stipulating that that the gravel lot that's attached to this parking lot in this triangular area call it to the north of the proposed building is is only for this building and it is certainly restricted to use by this building and also beyond that it's it's not for storage either it's for truck overflow parking that's what it's right make that a condition of approval thank you and one of the one of the other things that happened at the last hearing unexpected to me but my client said okay so we just simply did it was the township of Lakewood actually came to ask for a 30 foot right of way located along our Western property line along the line of the Whitesville industrial park so we again have revised the plan to provide that we have provided that 30 foot wide potential rideway should Lakewood Township ever get serious about this their hope is to build build some other roads in this neighborhood to try to alleviate some cross street traffic if they ever get serious the RightWay is there and could be acquired by them in addition to that one of their concerns was the board may recall there there's a lot of topography out here this is a a steep hilly area we had had a retaining wall it was running all on the Whitesville industrial park and then where you see the retaining wall now we went in and obtained approval from the owner of the Whitesville industrial park to be able to grade onto the Whitesville industrial park to remove that retaining wall so in if Lakewood ever does get serious about building this road that it would be engineering possible if that's a word physically possible maybe it's a better word but it could it could be built that's that's quite a steep it's almost a hill it it it is it is very steep ma'am um this property is some of the most sought-after property in Ocean County the Whitesville industrial park and this area it is a a deep vein of of sand and gravel the soils here I I can't begin to tell you they're the be the best that I've seen in any work that we that we do so that that is really why the Topography is there the way that it is we have really good underlying soils here the um you heard me at the beginning of the presentation mentioned the April 29th RVE report and then the Owen little little report of May 6th um are you prepared to stipulate that um you would address all the technical comments as a condition of approval just glancing very quickly see if I made any any notes one of the points in Mr Peters area talks about the Overflow truck parking area we're just talking about saying that in order for it to be fully compliant with your ordinance it would need to be paved have curbs striping the whole bit we we're we're asking for that to be a gravel overflow area so we would be asking for a waiver from having to pave that area and and while we're looking at M Mr Peter's report and I know you testified to this at the first hearing the um section 63 A6 of the ordinance for warehousing there are three conditions no storage of no no goods for retail um all stor all items stored with completely within the building for warehouse and um no hazardous chemicals we would agree that those conditions would would apply to this Warehouse use is that correct yes we would agree to that anything else within the reports I think that was the only point I had outlined in Mr Peter's report I was trying to go through Mr C's report quickly no I think that is it we can uh address the rest of the comments in the review letters that's all we have M Mr Stevens Madam chair did we address waste disposal so waste and recycling pickup here will be by a private hauler we have as you can see looking at the plan four TR trash enclosures located along the western edge of the property hard to see on this plan but they are located along this this Western Property Line we have four enclosure areas that that uh in my opinion will satisfy the refu and recycling pickup here it will be done by a private hall or it is up to the owner to satisfy that there was a comment in Mr C's report if I recall correctly asking about the adequacy of that of that uh those facilities and we believe they would be adequate when we have these kinds of facilities and and the the onance is left to the owner for pickup if it becomes necessary they can pick up more than once a week it's it's something that can be done it's just the frequency of pickup any board member questions for the refuges I I don't have that off the top of my head Mr brasty normally it's done during during business hours Le that's when they pick up mine yes Adam chair Mr wer okay to save us conversations about dumpsters and whatnot owning a garbage company let me just sa for the record six to three o'clock at three o'clock the landfill shuts down that's the last truck in so I'm gonna say six to four is the answer that you're always going to use because that's when it shuts down and that's unless there's a hurricane that's it 12 o'clock on Saturday 6: to 12 so just that's your patent answer for the rest of your life and you'll right than Mr reer okay um what prevents the Overflow parking from being rented out as additional parking well I think that's what your board professionals are kind of driving at we're not proposing that this is not to be used as a bus company or ambulance company or anything like that this is simply for convenience of the building you know there's times listen my I don't know if you've been to my office I'm looking on how you're going to attenuate that comment we are going to do it through a condition in the resolution which is which is what Mr Shay was driving at okay that's that's what I'm looking for and no that is not the intention okay just asking for you to put that on the record uh if you would U being that the environmental commission hasn't been meeting because we haven't had a secretary what not I've gone through town hall I don't have the Eis for this if you would e email the Eis and the drainage CS we'll use the 11 by 17s for the plans and we'll get you on the agenda for this month this way should this be resolved tonight we don't have to wait for resolution compliance to resolve the rest of it that'll be fine Mr rker and and thank you for that I know there have been some issues and some issues with my office which I apologize for and and I appreciate that we haven't had a secretary we finally got a secretary and then unfortunately I had surgery and we are now back and uh this is one of them that I don't have good Madam chair we'll take care of that so you would stipulate that if the uh Environmental commiss comes back with a concern you'd have to come back in front of us if no concern you can keep moving forward so what we'd be happy to uh hopefully Mr BR what I'd like to do is get an approval condition upon the environmental commission and we'll go meet with the environmental commission and address their comments mean that's normally what that's normally answer yes that would have been simple all right the I do the outside storage area parking area why don't you want to pay it just because it makes it easier to to to to just to leave and leave it loose and um have the ability for for people to Stage there that's that's really what it's about it's it's meant to be that why don't I want to pay it's a good answer I don't know I haven't talked to my client my client's a material Guy this is what he does for a living it's what he wanted yeah I think it also changes the impervious coverage so well it does that it certainly creates more storm water thank you thank you man yeah I mean you you put truck on it starts leaking where's it going to go in the ground I have a Hazmat where if it's a imper um I was curious with that the retention Basin can I ask why it's so close to the building why is it so close to the building I mean my concern is we have a real crazy rainstorm and that starts overflowing you're to me it looks like you you could compromise the side of the building well we have a whole series put in place of how this works it it goes from the roof to underground storage through through that Basin down Houston Avenue down to another Basin that's located on Fa Day I mean we we have calculated this we have designed it uh we did the original design for Houston Avenue and we we think we have a good design your your professionals but it's not impervious it's it's going to be sand correct sand and soil the Basin yes the Basin yes will be pervious so could wash out and could compromise the building let alone it keeps any access around that side of the building well I I wouldn't expect that you know typically we have water inflow and water outflow it's it's controlled uh as far as emergency access goes so I was waiting for for for your questions on this one Mr Tremor because in this case we have designed this so that you can have 100% access to this building there's there's access entirely around here you can run the biggest fire equipment you have around this building and also in and out one of the things I don't know that I touched on here I probably said it last time we're also in in addition to widening Houston Avenue to 30 feet we're improving the intersection at Faraday the county has asked us to put in 65 foot radiuses which I said yes to Mr kennel our traffic engineer who you hear from is going to tell you that's beyond Overkill but I the county asked me for it and I said yes well no listen you'll be one of the first ones they'll say access around a building is great I'm just wondering why you're putting a pond next to the building me you kind of scratched my head a little bit I I appreciate that Mr chmer thank you now the septic system what size is that so the septic system is designed to be 44 feet by 68 ft is for a disposal field this of course will have to go through all the OSHA County Health Department approvals for this there is Municipal sewer in the Whitesville industrial park but there is no capacity which is why why we're not connecting to it we are bringing Municipal Water here it's another thing I wanted to address for our fire firefighting abilities there is no Municipal Water in this neighborhood we will be bringing municipal water from the Whitesville industrial park down Houston Avenue to Faraday so we will have firefighting abilities here at at this building but unfortunately right now there isn't there isn't S capacity for us to connect to the sword so we have to do this by the by an underground septic system it is also important to know we already have site plan approval from the O County Health Department well and that's my curiosity with all this you have basically 18 Bays is going to be 18 toilets correct I would expect something like that and no no other office space we we have some small office space in the front of each unit okay but that still there'll be one bathroom per unit right it it's all calculated and it's all measured th this can be done has been done uh here in Jackson as well as other places okay but 18 toilets for a 2500 foot field that's the same size as a five bedroom house no the field is much larger as I said it's 68 by 44 and that's really a Board of Health consider they have to they're the ones who ultimately have say on what qualifies and what's approvable or not so well can I can I ask you a question how come we don't have that approval and no know the right size before it's here in front of the board because we the the first step always is to get the town's approval like for example we reduce the size of this building since the last meeting so we always do that and then get all the Outside Agency approvals that's just the only practical way of so if you find out that you need five times this field are you coming back to the board with the redesign no so how do we control that how do we know what's what because it's a Board of Health right it's an outside agency approval this under this doesn't have true also though that this is new construction the Board of Health and no outside agencies inspected it's only certified by the engineer who designed it so not exactly true so what happens with the health department is we would do the design PDS would we would submit that to the health department they would review it for compliance they would ultimately then approve it and then yes the inspect is done by us we do the inspection and the certification my firm does more septic systems than anyone else in Ocean County I can say that for sure so we know the process well and we know what we're looking at and then at the end of the day there is a a certificate of compliance that's issued by the health department once the system's up and running so this system will meet and exceed all the current requirements by the health department so you're saying that that system can handle 18 toilets correct yes that is that is what we expect the size to be that's not not to say that it may not change during the design process because it may well CU I find that curious because six or more bedroom house is subject to State uh approval and you know the design is as per living units these this is basically 18 living units so so how houses generate a lot more flow than than commercial spaces do because we don't take showers in our offices we don't do laundry in our offices they they take a lot more flow so it it really isn't about the number of of units that are here it's about the flow and how the flow is calculated and there's state standards for that so this system is designed to be less than 2,000 gallons per day that's what we expect to see here Madam chair Mr Stevens I realized the money and stuff you put a septic system in because there's no flow available right now from the MUA if flow becomes available would you stipulate that you would hook to it at that point we've never discussed that with the client um I don't know if Jackson has a mandatory connection um you don't have a mandatory I'm just asking that if it became available the flow was available you then consider hooking to it we would we would certainly consider it Mr Bradley and and honestly I I would I would honestly expect that we would want to why I'm saying the best way for everybody and if it's available I'm not saying they have it will have it but it becomes available because a flow situation can be corrected between the county and the jacksona if if they could get that straightened out we would love we would we wouldn't even be having this discussion I can tell you that for sure appreciate it else I mean I really didn't get the answer I was looking for I mean I don't understand how 18 units could have three four five people and it flushing the toilet numerous times a day you're talking a massive amount but I guess the board can't really control well I think I think this is also a county issue the C the county will approve this and you know that's the that's the system we work here then it goes to the county the county can make that determination no I understand that but it just seems like there's something lost in the checks and balances you know it's not like I don't trust you I don't mean it that way but you know how do we know it's it's problem because we have to trust that the county will do its job well no it's it's more than that actually Madam chair what happens is that should this board Grant an approval which I would hope they would being that we're a conforming use then the goes through what we call the process of resolution compliance where we have to get all of the outside agencies not only get them but get them addressed uh address Mr Riker's comments for example as another example the county health department and whatever other permits are necessary they go back to your Professionals for review before there's a sign off for the drawings so there are checks and balances I understand that but it's just just just to be clear so the just so everybody's clear the um if the county does not determine that the current size of the leech field is it 18 toilets 16 or 18 so we have 18 units 18 units right um that can't handle that volume you then have to redraw the plan you have to you have to redraw and and redo the plan according to whatever state guidelines require you to and if that impacts um any waivers or variances or setbacks or anything that could possibly impede this plan you have to come back correct correct correct we have to get we have to get an approval by the necessary agencies to make this work right but that's not just self-certification no it's not just self-certification okay Mr CLE that's just a you're your involvement on the resolution compliance end of this thing correct how does that sounds about I really think that comes after as part of the building permit process once we sign off he gets a zoning permit then go to the construction Department construction department and they'll be looking at or looking for the approval from the Ocean County Health Department right for the seing based upon the state guidelines correct thank you appreciate it Mr Stevens it's my understanding there K5 sand out there we have really great soils out ofct what is K5 sand used for and why why is everyone selling it we want we want to use it for our septic systems yes that is why the matter of fact Mr eger you have a very good memory this was the Sittin septic property originally okay I sorry I had to let you go a little bit on that one thank you but thank you on the expertise on this board really is impressive the things they know all right anyone else on the board have any comments Madam chair just just a quick one the um storage yard that was I guess approved in conjunction with a to z yes that stay with a toz or is it be a component of discipling we're not looking to change anything about it it just happens to be on this property um it really almost is a lot unto itself but we we're adz owns the entire property it's a different entity they call themselves Faraday Associates but the same people but um that storage yard isn't going to be used by this applicant no that is correct that's all thank you we're now call our architect [Music] good evening please raise your right hand do you swear or firm H swear firm or test to tell the truth the hold truth nothing but the truth I do right please state your name spell your last of the record sure it's Richard toari T O K A rsk Ki with the firm of the carski Millman architects of Wall New Jersey all right your credentials um I'm a licensed architect in the state of New Jersey I've appeared before this board and the zoning board numerous times over the last couple years as well as numerous uh municipalities throughout the state of New Jersey thank you and Mr T carski you obviously prepared the architectural uh plan that or elevation that was submitted in support of the application uh yes we have and the elevation is in the packet that we've handed to board members but Anthony can you put up I don't know how they numbered them um plans and elevations are at the end of the Civil Engineering drawings A8 please you know I do want to say I appreciate the Coler renderings and the fact that even though it's in the back of nowhere you really made it look very nice it you didn't just slap up a building I think you've done a a nice job in giving it some character giving where it is and and probably I driving down there once a year will be the only person that ever sees it but good job well we'll take pictures and put on the website so you can take a look at it okay thank you very much yeah you keep going could you go one more Anthony okay you could stop there um you'll notice on the bottom of the sheet we have the floor plan um which shows the offices along the front the warehouses along the back there's 18 units uh with office bathroom the warehouse unit an overhead door and then there's emergency erress out the back to a stair which each two unit share an neeg stare down to grade um detail number two you have an enlarged unit Flo plan um which you can see the office space a little bit better bathroom Warehouse overhead door and stare out detail three shows a typical elevation where you have an entrance door to each unit a canopy typically two windows to either side architectural lighting and then these score lines and coping across the top of the building anony if you can go to the next slide which would be A2 this shows detail number one has the front elevation shows all the units detail number two is the rear elevation showing all the overhead doors and then three and four both show the left side elevation and the right side elevation um the left side elevation facing the street has a little bit more detail that we carried around from the front the building and then Anthony if you could backtrack up to the second slide has the architectural um rendering on it you could is there a possibility of zooming in on rendering thank you very much so you'll see on the front elevation um in order to break up which is normally a typically a mundane box for a warehouse um we're utilizing both color by the utilization of like an off-white a gray and then a darker gray along the bottom to demarcate the water table um we're utilizing Windows canopies architectural lighting an accent color and then also score lines to create some visual interest on the front facade um and they're from an architectural standpoint they're reminiscent of trees or nature with the kind of branching out of the score line to create some visual interest and some architectural features to the building um we've carried that treatment around the side elevation to the facade so um anybody passing by this building will see hopefully um one of the more beautiful warehouses in town really nice job thank you I if you've been here before you might know that my constant question is will will you be f for solar uh yes we're going to design the building structurally to be able to um hold solar and there you know basically the owner will look at the uh economic feasibility of putting in solar and I'm sure there'll be EV charging stations the limited amount that's required as well thank you that's all we have for the architect mam chair anything board members for the architect from the front elevation it's 47 feet um in the back it's a little taller at 51 so it'll average under the 50 uh yes there one story thank you I just just one comment I do want to uh applaud the applicant and and the architect for designing a beautiful building and I like the accent lighting on the outside it's also very nice so kudos to you thank you very much last witness is Scott Kennel one more question just for the the architect the the site signage is everything in compliance we we're all good with site signage um any site signage that would be put on here would be compliant with the ordinance okay oh you again who's this guy do you swear or affirm to tell the truth to hold truth nothing but the truth I do all right Scott Kennel K nnel with McDon and Ray Associates and Scott would you place your credentials on the record please uh yes I'm a principal with McDonald and Ray Associates with over 35 years of traffic Transportation Planning experience I've testified in over 2,000 site plan applications many applications before this board as well as the Z Jackson zoning board welcome thank you thank you all right Scott um your office prepared a report like the most recent what February February of 2023 yes generally describe what you what you studied and what your conclusions were yes um again the date of the report is February 15 2023 and as part of that uh we conducted traffic counts at Houston and Faraday in January of 2023 during the morning and afternoon peak hours where we found the peak hour at that intersections 8:45 to 9:45 a.m. and then 3:15 to 4:15 p.m. with approximately 400 Vehicles being processed through that intersection for both peak hours the report that we had prepared showed a slightly larger building approximately 123,000 plus Square ft so with the revised um site plan our analysis represents a more conserv analysis but in essence this type of use will generate approximately 40 to 45 peak hour trips and we assumed that traffic would be distributed 50% to and from the north on Faraday and to 50% to the south on Faraday towards Whitesville Road and consistent with the Ocean County uh planning board protocol we looked at a design year of 2033 utilizing growth rates published by the New Jersey the department of uh transportation and evaluating the intersection of Houston Avenue and Faraday Avenue with the uh proposed building determin that the intersection will operate at level service B for the morning and afternoon peak hours with average delays of anywhere from 11 to 12 seconds for people to exit Houston onto Faraday uh that's well within acceptable level service ranges um accepted by Ocean County and then Bill discussed the site plan where we have 153 parking spaces where 142 are required so we meet and exceed the township requirement and the site has been designed in my opinion to provide positive uh on-site circulation as well as access for the large wheel-based Vehicles that'll access this building uh so in essence the site's been designed to provide positive circulation there's more than adequate parking and the level of service at Houston and faray Avenue will be at a level service B uh well within acceptable ranges and the driveway itself access point operates safely and efficiently as well that's correct that's all we have of Mr kenel Madam chair that concludes our presentation thank you do you swear or affirm to tell the to truth and nothing but the truth yes I do all right please state your name spell your last of the record Ed Bannon b a n o n from 22 aborn Court how many EV stations would be required I don't recall Mr CLE I think did the math I thought the answer was five whatever the requirement is we we agreed to provide them okay six thank you Mr Peters I was looking in the wrong letter Michael license that 24sd circell hang on sure you swear or affirm to tell the truth the hold truth nothing but the truth I do all right please state your name spell your last of the record Michael ISAT e s n St a DT 24 St Circle Lakewood one of the notified parties I'm sorry I didn't hear you I'm sorry right around the corner yes and we okay okay thank you okay I just want to thank Mr Stevens and the owner of the property for accommodating all the requests that were communicated and certainly is beautiful property uh I we just had one question and that is I understand that the according to the elevation there's supposed to be 47 feet of height to the to the building I and I understand that the actual plans might be a little bit less I'm just not sure how that's going to play out so that that's my question what what are the actual plans of construction I didn't I don't understand the question I understand that the the building supposed to be 47 ft High according to the plans well yeah that's the average gr um height I don't know if Rich would probably be the right one they answer that bill or right I mean it's it's it's fully conforming we're allowed the building's allowed to be up to 50 feet tall okay I just want to know what the actual plans are not I understand you're allowed up to 50 feet that's we're fine with that I just want to know what the actual plans are I think the architect should come up there's a 4ot paret on the building so we should get what the height is the height to the parapet plus 4T permitted in the ordinance just get the right numbers on the record Mr thank you for your support um the front elevation from the top of slab to the um top of Power Pit is 47 ft no it's a no it's a top of powerit so there's it's you know it's not to the roof line it's to the top of powerit is the 47 ft last handout that was given number two the rear elevation shows 51 ft to the top of the parit right front elevation shows from the slab to what appears to be the bottom of the parit 47 ft just is it the bottom or the top that's a DI right this is a dimensional that's the top of the parit is 40 from the front elevation it's 47 feet the grade drops around the building that's why thank you okay thank you just as a point of curiosity if if it's all just one floor what's the purpose of having they use stacking for shelving for warehous point of curiosity thank you so much need a very tall H to get up that high the applicant is going to comply with the ordinance regardless of for height yes yeah good evening all right please raise your right hand do you swear or affirm to tell the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth I do all right please say name spell your last Eric Jones j o NES Ty Road Jackson my question is for uh the engineer he had made a mention as to after all the the water the storm water goes roll its basins it drains out on Faraday now if you know anything about Faraday that is a total flood zone there is no drainage on that road so if you're dumping more water on the road you're going to drive through a foot of water instead of six inches of water so you said the county gave you approvals for certain things but is that to dump the water on the road right we already we did receive a county approval so the way storm water management works is that the the site itself generates certain amounts of storm water in pre-development conditions and then we have to reduce the pre-development conditions with our post-development design so that the detention basins reduce the rate of that runoff coming off of the site so the development actually ends up reducing the rates of water going out the but I I don't disagree with you and I don't think the county would disagree with you even you look at the other neighboring property that's in let him finish but the neighboring property in Lakewood also has a small retention Basin that dumps out on Faraday that floods the road and that's a small retention Bas and I can imagine what a big one's going to do to Faraday there's no drainage on that road it goes the goes nowhere what I was trying to say is that I think the county would even agree that Faraday does need storm water management I believe it's something that they're working on years that should be considered highly safety issues also thank you Mr Jones seeing no one come forward I move the close public portion I that was just cross-examination just to be clear seeing no one come forward I move the close the public portion I I second a second drafted it C can I ask one question is this a standup slab building um currently we're it's proposed to be a tilt up concrete structure okay so it's it's something that the fire department should be concerned with possible collapse that's why I'm asking possible collapse in in God forbid is a massive or something or we have another crazy tornado that damages a building these slabs come down in one piece that's why I say collapse on it's something new that the fire dep department is looking at that's why I asked Just for information yeah I mean in terms of the construction uh you know tilt up concrete building is probably one of the most fire resistant buildings it'll have a steel structure internally um with columns and steel Bary supporting the roof the exterior is a you know a poured tilt up insulated concrete system no we saw that when the tornado hit the building on the Commodore out here and the tornado would probably do the same thing to pretty much any other type of building as well if not worse he never know lately we could be Locus next for sure we know thank you but they wouldn't eat the concrete um yeah very briefly we've through the input from the board and the members of the public from the last meeting to tonight we've now addressed all of the comments we've agreed to address all the technical comments we're variance free and we'd request that the board and we've there are issues that were raised this evening that we've agreed to address as well um we request that the board Grant the approval subject to all those stipulations so just to be clear no variances um I believe just the W one waiver one waiver um so just to put this on the record so this is almost a fully conforming application with one minimal waiver that meets the impracticability standard you guys have to render that determination but that's what we have in front of us um board professionals you want to put anything else in the record I'd like to make a motion based on the uh changes the applicant made and listening to the public even the public coming up and thanking you for the changes and our professionals testimony and I think basically a very clean application I make a motion to approve I'll second the the uh motion okay Mr Brey yes Mr Bernstein yes Mr heler yes Mr Riker yes I like to thank the applicant for working hard on it as well as the architect for bringing something for a good to table two PDS and came together Mr marzo yes Mr chmer yes Mr Sullivan I also would like to thank the applicant for putting together a a very well put together application and for working with the board uh to make it even better I vote Yes and Dr Campbell yes congratulations thank you thank you I'll make a motion to close second all in favor have a wonderful evening