stand for the Pledge of Allegiance thank you I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all thank you good evening ladies and gentlemen Mayor Michael Raina Township Council business administrator Mr Terence wall as municipal clerk of the township of Jackson it is a honor and privilege to welcome everyone to the Jackson Township 180th annual reorganization meeting of Mayor and town and Township Council as chairperson proem for this meeting of January 2nd 2024 I hereby publicly announce announced that in compliance with provisions of the open public meetings act adequate notice of this reorganization meeting of the mayor and Township Council has been advertised in the manner prescribed by law we will have official roll call of the J Jackson Township council members councilman barelli here councilman Burnstein here councilman Chisum here councilwoman cun here and councilman Sergeant thank you as chair person protm at this time I would like to accept nominations of council president for a term commencing January 1 2024 and ending December 31st 2024 i' like to second that for count sergeant I'm going to take a roll call first because the nomination for councilman Sergeant went through first thank you councilman belli no for Council councilman Sergeant as council president nominated him yeah for sergeant yes okay Sergeant yes yeah okay uh councilman Chisum yes councilman Bernstein no councilwoman cun no and councilman Sergeant no we will now take a motion for councilman Sergeant's recommendation for Jennifer cun as council president councilman burelli no we need a second Madam clerk I second yes Council burelli wasn't no councilman uh Bernstein for yes councilman Chisum yes councilwoman C yes and councilman Sergeant yes so councilman uh councilwoman cun is your council president the oath of office for council president for Jennifer L keun will be uh given by the mayor honorable mayor yes ma'am thank you and I would like ask Justin to come up to hold the [Applause] B thank you repeat after me okay I I your name Jennifer L solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same in allegiance to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially and justly impartially and justly perform all the duties perform all the duties as council president for the township of Jackson as council president for the township of Jackson according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations thank you sir good job thank you at this time Council pres council president cun will accept nominations for Council vice president for a term commencing January 1 2024 and ending December 31st 2024 for I would like to second that thank you councilman burelli no councilman Bernstein yes councilman Chisum sure I could have avoided the last one if he'd let me know yes Council vice president Sergeant yes and council president K yes thank you congratulations and the oath of office will be presented by our honorable Mayor Michael Raina just that's just a little EAS I I Scott Scott Sergeant do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and allegiance to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established in the United States and in this state in the United States and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and I will faithfully and partially and justly perform and partially justly perform all the duties as Council vice president all the duties as Council vice president for the township of Jackson for the township of Jackson according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations thank [Applause] you congratulations and at this time council president I need a motion to change their current seating chart to the following if you're facing the dice from left to right The Honorable Mayor Michael Raina our business administrator Mr Terence M wall councilman burelli Township attorney McGuckin council president cun councilman Bernstein Council vice president Sergeant councilman Chisum and Madame clerk Moss motion thank you second thank you we're going to all change seats at this time now it's thank you sir thank you thank you thank you thank you madam Clerk thank you everyone um council president if I may before comments by the uh Township Council regarding the agenda uh for this evening uh thank you for noticing the typos regarding the dates on some of the resolutions that are presented this evening the typos have been corrected reflecting the correct Years thank you uh Mr Keith Brey has been added to the member uh for R 56-24 that's toova fova n r79 d24 has been added to the agenda this is a grant for the Jackson Township Police Department and may oral appointment ma07 d24 for the open space committee has been added as well thank you so much and opening comments by Township Council councilman belli thank you clerk Moss uh it's nice to see our residents and some of our elected County and state officials uh here tonight want to thank you for being here and coming to Jackson the gateway to the Jersey Shore first uh happy and healthy and blessed New Year Jackson residents I'm honored and thankful to be serving as your councilman and appreciative of serving as council president for some time last year I assure you I will continue to do what's in the best interest of all Jackson residents and thank you to councilman uh Chisum and Resident volunteers on the Roa Park committee for the time you've devoted to preserving the historical Roa Farms area town and for your work and vision and making Roa Park happen take care and have a good evening thank you councilman Bernstein good evening I just want to start off by congratulating the new council president and vice president um together council president um cun and vice president sergeant and of course mayor Rea I am honored to work with you and Jackson's in great hands councilwoman cun is one of the hard hardest working people I've met since I've been involved in government here for about a little under a month and together with president with vice president Sergeant who has many years serving on various boards from the Board of Ed um I'm sure that we will continue seeing great things in Jackson we have a lot planned for the future here in Jackson and we very much appreciate all the residents who apply to various boards I had opportunity in interviewing almost every resident who applied um and I was very very impressed with the with the with the knowledge and vision that everyone shared and we look forward to um utilizing all those talents going forward um we also have a very full room of residents and dignitaries throughout Ocean County Jackson's very blessed as as councilman burelli said we are a Gateway but we really a gateway to the entire County and I just want to thank everyone for coming here and showing your support um your support means a lot to us here in Jackson we look forward to being a two-way two-way street um in particular I want to thank chairman Gilmore for making the track I know you have a busy busy evening this week in particular commissioner Haynes I saw you in the back thank you very much and um I guess commissioner alect select is after January Frank sedi sitting there snuck in in the back over there Frank's expertise will be a huge benefit not just to the entire Ocean County but to Jackson particularly and we look forward to continuing to work with with uh commissioner Hayes congratulations we look forward to supporting you tomorrow night in by the county sheriff Mady I saw you sneak back there also so we very much appreciate your friendship and we look forward to continuing to work together in supporting the tremendous work that you do for our entire County I also notice um Senator Owen Henry I'm gonna call you Senator at this point um thank you for making making the trk down to Jackson your friendship means a lot to us over here in Jackson assemblyman Clifton and then assemblyman suuki um thank you for coming in particularly in particular assembly Mani who is a former council member former council president here in Jack Jackson um I've had an opportunity of having many conversations with with assembly M week I look forward to continuing that friendship and look forward to knowing that I have a a local assemblyman who I can pick up the phone answers and is here really for our residents and we very much value that that relationship and that friendship um the room here tonight is full of energy and excitement and I look and I'm looking forward very much to building upon that energy this year and as always feel free to send me an email give me a call if you need anything have a great night thank you councilman Chisum good evening thanks to everybody for coming out might as well start the year on the right foot obviously maybe some of you guys have heard the news today King Philip has himself a conundrum there have been some busloads of people dropped off that don't belong in our country and they're being dropped in New Jersey and shipped into New York some of them are not making it there I've told you repeatedly bad policies at the state and federal level trickle down and they will affect Jackson so we'll just leave it there for tonight congratulations to our new president and vice president I wish you guys the best and hope you have a great year would like to thank everyone else for the honor of being president this last year it has been an honor to serve all of you with that I wish you all a happy healthy and prosperous new year God bless you all and God bless America thank you Council vice president sergeant good evening my microphone doesn't work so uh free to uh still doesn't work there we go there you go I'd like to thank the honorable Mayor Michael Reena for swearing me in this evening his leadership has been um unmatched and again I want to thank you for that mayor um I want to thank Jennifer cun and morai Bernstein for working so hard um to try to get Jackson where they want it to be and where I'd like to see it go as well um and I'd also like to say that it's gonna snow on Saturday and uh so everybody drive safely thank you thank you get your cars off the road council president cun thank you good evening and thank you everyone for coming out today I'm honored to be here and support um and confident with all my fellow counselors ALS um although there is a lot of work to be done I look forward to all of us to work together along with the administration and mayor Rena we also continue to protect this great town and move it forward I'm particularly excited about the new and revitalized Community um committee uh communities we are about to appoint our Economic Development open space and Public Safety are prime examples of how we will bring together more residents of Jackson to create fresh ideas to help better connect the work of Council and our community the jointly shared communication and efforts of the council and the residents is vital therefore as council president I'm committing to have each of these boards meet regularly to engage with many res with as many residents as possible I would like to give a big thank you to all that have signed up to serve the year ahead is full of opportunities and challenges I want the residents of Jackson to know that we will do everything in our power to keep Jackson an affordable safe and familiar place place to live build a business raise a family and retire to that end I commit to you that in 2024 this board will preserve more open space to protect the unique character of Jackson we will find ways to make your tax dollars go further improving services without ballooning the budget we will support local law enforcement and work with them hand inand to ensure that our communities are safe and we will expand our partnership with the county to improve road conditions as we do all that that I promise you're going to see a lot of us as a small business owner I know nothing beats face-to-face contact I didn't run for Council because I had all the answers I ran because I love this town and I wanted to help so from my board meetings to senior groups community events and popping into local businesses I look forward to meeting and hearing from as many residents as possible I'm excited and ready to get ready to work I hope you are all too thank you thank you for being here and happy New Year I would also like to recognize our elected officials with us tonight Senator Owen Henry assemblyman Alex Sicky I sold him his house assembly Robert Clifton chairman George Gilmore commissioner Jenny Haynes commissioner Frank elect but Frank sedi um and Sheriff Mady also all of my friends and family that came out tonight and that might be watching online thank you guys so much it means the world to me I look forward to serving you in 2024 as your council president thank you uh comments by the mayor Mayor Michael Raina thank how about well good evening ladies and gentlemen uh I'd like to First congratulate Miss cun being council president Mr Sergeant congratulations Mr Chisum thank you very much for the service for last year did not go unnoticed we really appreciate all you have done for the township moving forward uh all of our dignitaries in the back and up in the front row have already been mentioned but I would be remiss if I Didn't Do It All Over Again they're all good friends of mine so I will start with our chairman Mr Gilmore Alex worked alongside of you I continue to do so I'm looking forward to 2024 bringing good things I know there's Rob Rob Clifton thank you very much Senator Owen Henry's here looking forward exciting man to work with uh our commissioners Jenny old friend Frank tomorrow I'll shake your hand again as be official looking forward to that as well your lovely wife Sheriff thank you very much for coming out uh and everybody else that's here we really appreciate the input and the support uh everyone in everyone in this building as well as the township knows my relationship with Public Safety meanwhile a men and women in blue which we have some here tonight I'd like to thank you all for what you do for the township keeping everyone safe 247 365 during the snow and on the holidays you guys are always here and we really appreciate the service and the dedication so thank you as well ladies and gentlemen 2024 is here it's a new year it's a new time uh the promise of council and administration working together is strong now it's ever been the professionals that were chosen to represent the township will provide us the finest service and dedication as they have done in the past my Administration is committed to continue moving forward keeping the budget sound the township fiscally responsible and like I said safe our Department of Public Works is being completely redone I don't know about the buildings yet but as far as getting equipment and new Staffing that's already in route and that's uh thanks to our business administrator assistant business administrator and our Chief Financial Officer so all these people play a very integral part of moving Jackson forward and keeping everybody where we need to be that being said I wish you all a happy healthy and safe new year and I hopes uh Council vice president Sergeant is wrong and it does not snow on Saturday all is get home safe have a great day thank you at this time we will continue with Council president's appointments to Township Council subcommittees council president will read into record subcommittee's appointment for the calendar year 2024 Administration chairperson Jennifer Lun Vice chair morai Bernstein Board of Education chairperson Scott sergeant Vice chair morai Bernstein business and finance chairperson Jennifer Lun Vice chair Scott Sergeant Community Development and land use chairperson Jennifer L cun Vice chair Scott Sergeant council at affordable housing chairperson morai Bernstein Vice chair Scott Sergeant Economic Development advisory committee chairperson morai Bernstein Vice chair Jennifer elun Emergency Medical Services advisory committee chairperson Scott Sergeant Vice chair morai Bernstein going green commission chairperson Ste Steven Chisum Jr Vice chair Nino barelli law and Public Safety chairperson Jennifer L cun Vice chair morai Bernstein mobile home park advisory committee chairperson Steven Chisum Jr Vice chair Nino barelli Municipal Court chairperson Jennifer Lun open space preservation chairperson Jennifer Lun Vice chair morai Bur private residential Community advisory chairperson Jennifer Lun Public Works building and grounds and vehicle services chairperson Scott Sergeant Vice chair morai B Bernstein recreation parks and Senior Services chairperson Scott Sergeant Vice chair morai Bernstein Roba Farms Advisory Board chairperson morai Bernstein Vice chair Jennifer lyun uh shade tree commission chairperson Scott Sergeant Vice chair Jennifer elun veteran services chairperson Scott Sergeant Vice chair Jennifer L thank you thank you council president you're welcome we move on to consent agenda I need a motion please motion second councilman barelli um I just have some questions regarding the resolutions that I've been after our review them we usually get an email from the Township Clerk in previous years about which committees uh we like to serve on and the new year that didn't happen for this year and who changed the process and who determined who was going to serve on these committees and uh my other question was when and why was the process changed I see ear that last year they did the exact same thing so you'd have to ask whoever was in charge last year as to how the pro procedure took place and why Council vice president Sergeant you were appointed I believe the five committees and council president C was appointed to six after red the list from last year we were appointed we were not we got only we were instructed we were not the opportunity to talk about if you want to know an answer I'm going to give it to you if you don't want an answer let me know now so I'm I'm asking question like who appointed who to these committees that's all well I can say that I called each and everyone that has spoken with me throughout this year in 2023 councilman you've never called me once councilman Chisum and belli you've never spoken with me Council chisman you spoke with me at Jackson da and that was the first time I could say the same about both of you H you were the vice president I was newbie be a leader be a leader we extended an olive branch I'm not going to add but it didn't happen okay it's a 3 just asking questions that's all I don't think there's anything wrong doing that absolutely not I would have asked council president could I could I add something for a second coun I called councilwoman cun and I asked her I I asked her to have her support for various boards and commissions and um and I solicited her support and I asked her where I thought I would be able to best put my time and I volunteered my time to areas where I thought I would actually show up and contribute to the town and I'm very happy that she took the time and she acknowledged what I requested thank you okay let's put it AR rest I have another question and I about the resolutions I I'm just like going through them and I just see that some longtime residents who applied were not reappointed to Township boards and commissions especially given their experience and intimate knowledge Town what what happened there please explain who you're speaking of I'm saying there was people that were not appoint reappointed if you're going to make an accusation I'd like a name what's that a name who are you you're obviously referring to somebody you have your phone out you're looking at CL glory to the MUA okay why wasn't you reappointed councilman burn Ste would you like to that all those years of service to our town sure um and and I'm actually going to say um and I think Clara is actually in the room with utmost respect for Clara I consider clar a friend and a mentor but I did actually have a long conversation with clar in her house about the MUA and Miss Glory told me that she plans on moving within the next two to three years and therefore I felt that the continuity of the board and the continuity of the MUA it made sense to have someone who'd be willing to serve out the board for the en entirety of her term okay sure Elanor Hanam to the Roa Farms committee who is a teacher who meets that criteria because you're we were looking for teachers originally they serve on the Roa parks committee okay the Roba Park committee and um she lives in the area she has in she grew up there she raised her family there has so much knowledge about the intricate details and the plans have gone into it but she wasn't reappointed but it seems like everyone else has or newer members were appointed that I never seen before okay so um I called every single person that submitted an application as well as councilman Bernstein we spoke um everybody we asked them five questions I asked every single member of that committee to same five questions and my what I gathered through um my due diligence is that they felt that there was a lapse in administration and Council working together and in regards to uh Miss Hanam I felt that her attacks on the council members up on the de and her social media and her constant um I would say litigation threats were not a good fit for moving forward in 2024 as we are trying to move forward and work together and new faces and new residents and new people on committee is a positive it's not a negative if things have not changed and move forward on these commit in The Last 5 Years why are we just putting names and that's exactly if there's anybody out there that I had called that put it an application I said is there something that's happening with this these are these are committees that's nothing is happening with do you want it on your resume that's doing nothing or do you want to move Jackson forward do you want to make a difference people that are on these that we selectively went over or want to make a difference and do not want to come up here every twice a month and just scream they want to make a difference so we are making it open to all residents of Jackson that want to have a change information was and shared with us and you've and you guys have been Heming and Hauling last year about open and transparent government and I don't see it happening roll call are we are we done okay roll call Council M barelli uh well here on my notes on the following resolutions R1 d24 R2 d24 R 3-24 R5 d24 R1 14-24 R 21-24 R22 d24 R 34-24 R2 r 52-24 r 53-24 r 54-24 and r d R5 r 55-24 thank you sir after R 21-24 was there another 20 22 22 24 thank you I have the rest and yes to the rest yes to the rest thank you councilman Bernstein yes councilman Chisum I have a couple of questions if I may Madam Clerk sure um unfortunately even as council president I did not get to see this entire agenda until after late Friday afternoon so there's a few things I probably could have answered ahead of time so obviously this is no reflection on you or your office you guys are awesome hardworking and I'm sure a lot of this was dumped on you in the last second but um I'm just curious about a couple things so one of them is just a typo um r924 um the state of New Jersey has not had certified Tree Experts for about six years now I should know it's licensed tree expert so we probably should change that I don't know if that changes the vote or not because it's basically just a word change but there are no certified Tree Experts any longer so I don't know if our Council what resolution number was that please R 924 so um maybe our legal team can answer that one for me sure it would not change the intent of of the adoption of the resolu just checking okay um on R 5424 since I've served on the economic development committee um both as an advisor and as a chair member um in the past we've also had not just the two members but I didn't see a mayoral appointment this year and also there are other folks which I had to pull out some old paper work um there are other members of the committee I don't know if they know they need to be named or not since uh usually consisting of the zoning board chair the planning board chair president of the Jackson chamber so I don't know if that needs to be I've reached out to them and they did not respond and we're waiting until the after the reor for zoning and planning board but there is um Christopher a resident of Jackson that is going to be appointed to that committee here tonight no I saw the other names that were I'm just looking at the other seats that are usually present and I don't know if that needed to be listed in our document Council I don't know if that matters Mr McGuckin I'm I'm sorry I didn't there's there's 11 members that are appointed to the economic development committee being that it's rorc today and the planning board and the zoning board have not met yet they have not made their appointments so it's either the chairmans of those boards or their designes as well as the Chamber of Commerce i' reach out to the Chamber of Commerce multiple times with no response and then also you have an mua um that would have to be an appointment as well so so far the council has done their due diligence and send asking out rums and going over the resumés from the residents but and administration as well but we're waiting for those others to make a full Committee of 11 that's fine you can make the appointments that the council has to make this evening okay just making sure it didn't need to be in the document maybe going forward in in the past obviously it's very long night for everyone if the clerk has to read you know 89 resolutions um so we probably don't want to do that but perhaps council president you may want to work with the clerk next year to shrink this into some more manageable bite sizes like 20 or 30 at a clip absolutely would make it easier for obviously questions to be asked and also for the residents since they've also only had this since Friday or less to look at all these and that's a lot to you know bite through so unlike DC I don't like 2000 pages of documents that we vote on with no chance to read them so uh perhaps we should look into that next year just a suggestion and finally I think uh there might have been a typo or a mistake and Omission on R 124 for on the Roa Advisory Board because mistakenly my name is not on there and I'm not really sure why that would be because I'm a founding member of that committee and I'm the only Committee Member that's been to every single meeting so being as how I have the institutional knowledge and intimate workings of the entire committee and what's going on with the plans um I mean I get it you know Nino might need to be removed because he had a burden of all those committees he was on last year and Scott's health so I get them being removed and I'd be happy to work with either you or Mr Bernstein but I'm just not sure I mean if our job is to actually keep Jackson moving forward I'm sure that the mayor would agree with me that we want to have that continuity and uh we wouldn't want this precious project to take a step backwards and we want everything to kind of continue forward so I don't know if I need to make a motion to put myself in the chair Vice chair position there to work with either councilman Bernstein or councilwoman cun but I think that was a mistake somewhere along the line please make the motion um I don't really need accolades does I'm not sure would I be working with you or with Mr Bernstein and do you want to be chair or vice chair I really we can make in the past if I may council president there have been um second Vice chair so I can certainly add that can we do that please thank you madam clerk are we allowed to have three council members onard the three people it was it was kind of a mess so the three of us couldn't be there at the same time so that's kind of so I think if if we'd like to work together I think that doing that suggestion that the clerk made works for everyone and that keeps you know um the administration and Council working together because respectfully that was the feedback that I got that you know members of the committee felt that the administration and and Council were not able to work together so therefore we we were trying to alleviate the Gap in that but I do respect that you've been on that committee since day one so I think that an alternative um to have and I you know we'll make sure obviously No Sunshine Law will be broken and there will never be more than two you know council members at any meeting and we can coordinate I would support that also thank you can we do a motion in a roll call uh that's um R20 I'm sorry r124 it's you R1 adding a second Vice chair to the RO reforms advisory Bo I'll make a motion I'll make a motion to add councilman Chism as a second Vice chair to the RO committee for second please roll call please please one moment councilwoman K you motioned and councilman burin you you second I motioned it I second and then I ask for a roll call please yes said just for that one just for the one the first yes and we will add it to I will add it tomorrow and correct it on the resolution councilman barelli yes councilman Bernstein yes yes councilman Chisum yes councilwoman no council vice president Sergeant no and council president uh King yes thank you thank you good teamw work guys that was yeah all my question so um I will just vote no on r524 and r222 24 um yes to the rest thank [Music] you Council vice president Sergeant no to R1 d24 which we just voted on yes to everything else and council president cun abstain from R1 17-24 yes to everything else thank you we will now continue with mayoral appointments read into record by The Honorable Mayor Michael Raina I'll be quick with this as quick as I can I promise appointment to the environmental Commission uh Jeffrey rker as Environ environmental commission chairperson congratulations on your appointment the township Council and I look forward to working with you regular appointments to the environmental commission Fred Wert Keith Bry regular members to expire 12301 126 Sean Alexander 12312 to fill the unexpired term of Robert llant congratulations on your appointments the township Council and I look forward to working with you appointments to the members of the Jackson Day committee myself Terren wall administrator Samantha Noak mayor's office Anthony hoarder Recreation Casey wolf Recreation Arena darar Recreation Captain John V John Giovanetti jpd officer Michael basso jpd Officer Jeff H jpd Shan balinsky from DPW Steve Katona DPW Ray Katona resident congratulations on your appointments the township Council and I look forward to working with you appointment that a designate to the piland municipal Council Eugene fer once again Eugene I don't know if you're here congratulations on your reappointment you've done a fantastic job for Jackson the township Council and I look forward to working with you in the next year appointment members of the planning board Terren wall Class 2 appointment to expire 12324 Michelle Campbell class 4 appointment to expire 12312 Lisa demaro alternate one appointment to expire 12 3125 congratulations on your reappointments the township Council and I look forward to working with you appointment to members of the veterans commission Barry Kos veteran resident David whan veteran resident Greg worthmor veteran resident Frank bartholomy veteran resident Poler Robinson resident and Kenneth bressy veteran resident to all our veterans thank you very much for your service we appreciate you more than you know congratulations on your appointments reappointments the township Council and I look forward to working with you appointments to the open space committee at this time we have Raymond Katona Ryan Smith shimu gotle Paul noello hyan bbounder casano congratulations on your appointments the township Council and I look forward to working with you thank you madam cler thank you mayor we move on to bills and claims to approve or hold I need a motion please motion council member uh yes thank you clerk Moss uh I like to abstain on vendor numbers uh e01 NJ m06 NJ s04 r04 R14 and uh sta 28 yes to the rest on there thank you thank you councilman bernin yes councilman Chisum abstain on r T4 and R14 yes to the rest thank you Council vice president Sergeant yes and council president C abstain from rcs2 yes to the rest thank you very much ordinances first reading ordinance 1-24 entitled an ordinance of the township of Jackson County of ocean state of New Jersey repealing ordinance 03-17 04-17 and z and 20-7 I need a motion to approve ordinance 1-24 on first reading and to authorize the notice of approval approval and public hearing to be held on January 23rd of 20124 motion please motion roll call councilman barelli uh yes councilman Bernstein yes councilman Chisum yes Council vice president Sergeant yes and council president cun yes thank you we move on to public comments on any Topic at this time if any member of the public has any com comments to make please address council at the microphone and state your name and address clearly for the record you will have five minutes and may only speak once seeing no one come forward i' like to make a motion to close public session Ohad click sorry Peter Veno Jackson New Jersey um one of the last meetings I was here I question you Mr um Raina about my application to the open space committee and you said you would get back to me that was months ago I soon I've not heard a word from it I replied to it three times as you know so what was your resolution you said you'd get back to me I will get back to you sir what was that I will get back to you you won't get back to me thank you thank you sir elanar hannam Jackson New Jersey first and foremost I want to say it was an honor to help develop and create the river forms project that we diligently worked on uh the entire plan the entire project is completed it is a beautiful design I worked with the most amazing people um who genuinely have the heart to see this move forward it is very disappointing that um this Administration and the head of this Administration is uh not following suit and this project should have been started but it was not uh still waiting on the funding and that would come from the purse of the mayor um I also want to say that it's very disappointing but I understand my vial towards uh cun uh she would not reappoint me um but what I have to say and cannot uh go without saying is that I find it very very disheartening I find it very disappointing for all the residents of Jackson Township when we have a c a new council president who has two lawsuits against her for basically stealing money from people in her joint ventures um in her real estate business um and they're ongoing and at the same time we still have this council president that lied on her financial disclosure forms one would hope that uh Miss cun will disclose her ownership of the REO LLC the ABC LLC um disclose the uh mutual fund or hedge fund that you do land Acquisitions for that residents are not aware of but then we put her on the Ocean County uh Land Trust which is even more upsetting for all residents of Ocean County I also want to comment on the fact that the change of venue or the change of time that these meetings are taking place uh truly disenfranchises the residents of this town there were other residents that wanted to make the meeting but when you get out of work at five o'clock or 5:30 there's no way you can make it to this meeting so I don't know it sounds more like the diminishment of our due process because of course some members up there do not want uh any opposition towards what they do and I cannot go without stating basically now that George Gilmore is here All We Have Heard over and over again is the fact that it was the residents that brought on these lawsuits so I'm going to read some quotes directly from the attorney general's complaint the township treated suspected tools differently than other forms of worship according to the news reports and leaked audio recording mayor Raina was asked on November 16 2019 by former Ocean County political party chairman George Gilmore if these were churches would we be fighting them the mayor answered absolutely not and that was recorded so you have a GOP County member recording and actually helping create these complaints but at the same time I see Morty Bernstein's picture up there and of course that is the picture from his Philadelphia inquire newspaper article when he made the allegations of civil rights violations um shall I continue going on how while mayor Raina encouraged aggressive enforcement of the Township Code against prayer meetings and it goes on and on and on so once we hear that it was the residents the mayor needs to take responsibility for his part in these civil rights lawsuits and quite frankly it's very disheartening that we have one who violated civil rights of members of this community still sitting as the mayor of Jackson that should have been a term of the consent and the settlement for him to step down while while we're watching Ivy League school leaders stepping down thank you thank you have a great night Ria aie Mahmud Jackson New Jersey res for past 10 years I'm not very well versed in all of these political terms I will speak freely from my own verbiage as a citizen a lot of citizens here don't understand a lot of the things that are set up on these stages from my perspective as a citizen point one when Miss cun you were asking Mr berelli for a name a name for a resident that had applied for a position here when the town asked for names regarding the lawsuits that was brought on an entire town nobody gave us a name not a sing not a single name as a plain citizen what I see is corruption and crime from a group of people almost as if it were to totalitarian it's not a democracy here you guys sit here make all these decisions claim safety for our town how about when a minivan speeding through my development attacked me and my kids in the street while carrying how many students in there I came to file a complaint I told I was told I can file a citizen's complaint for a traffic violation I come from New York City we don't do that in New York City the officers here in Jackson how about finding your own verbiage and your own own ways to fund the police department to stop the real concerns for the citizens if you heard the citizens actually heard the citizens complaints you would see there's traffic there's speeding there's violations littering littering on heisen Road in an area where nobody even takes their trash out where did that litter come from there's no pickup in that spot for garbage there's litter there's noise pollution there's air pollution there's light pollution there's traffic there's speeding there's me getting attacked by a minivan how are you addressing the real concerns of safety for these citizens who is making these decisions excuse me there's still time and when I'm done I have a good there's still time okay on my timer do not take away from my time to speak I sat and I heard you all clearly this is my time the concerns of the citizens are not being met by anyone on this board when you were in the campaign with Mike Raina you said you wanted to move Jackson forward reduce development instead we have overdevelopment pollution ution traffic I I had a man stop in front of my house make the most perverted sexual gesture in front of my kids do not look at the time it's my time when I'm done speaking this is all your pledge for safety of the citizens they're not being met the guy stood in front of my house made a perverted sexual gesture I did not have pedestrian tra traffic the way that I have now let alone a man stand in front of my door and make a perverted gesture there's traffic I got attacked by minivan in the street with my kids I almost had a head-on collision okay how about find your platform to address the citizens needs this is what your pledge is for who voted all these people up here in the order that they we voted it doesn't even seem fair from a a nonbiased citizen perspective you all a handful control everything who says this where where are the people the public involved in these decision makings we feel silenced I'm telling you we feel silenced we feel oppressed we feel neglected there's nobody addressing the real citizens concern that are here can I can I respond to you now ma'am so I I know you don't know this because I don't write about it and I don't publicize it I work with traffic safety for the last eight months there's an officer here that is in the division I know your problem I've that is the number one thing that I have an issue with as well my little niece that's 10 years old almost got hit by a bus I get it I am working on it it is not easy this is 10year problem but we're over developing is causing traffic okay so that was the last 10 years of approvals okay I can't control that I'm trying to come in okay in 2023 do the best not overdevelop I'm not I'm overdeveloping you're creating traffic there traffic with overdevelopment comes traffic a lot of us moved here for the quietness it's my time to speak I need to respond to you very good very good and that's why he's here and that's why we changed the seating order because that's the way it should be that's the way meeting should be totalitarian he's our attorney so ma'am I'm going to you and I'm going to give it a 30 seconds and then I'm not going to speak again I've been working with it for over eight months I see your problem I hear your problem and I've been trying to address the problem it's not easy it doesn't happen overnight there's many many meetings that happen you have the engineer you have Traffic Safety you have myself you have the chief of police there's multiple you have Administration you have the business administrator long are we GNA waiting how long are we gonna wait because I've I can't answer that right now because I complaining for three years 100 and this is the first time I'm meeting you and it's very nice to meet you it time you're meeting me this is common sense these are the concerns of the town thank you ma'am have a great night very well dictatorship any else come forward we motion to close public session roll call I I I I thank you guys have a great night motion to sorry I apologize a motion to close please motion toour second thank you roll call no all in favor all in favor I