e e e e e e e e so the United States of America to the repu for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all all right welcome everybody to the May 20th 2024 master plan subcommittee meeting is the second in our iteration series of meetings that we're going to be having to going over the different elements of the master plan that we're going to be redoing uh tonight is uh the environmental portion as well as the affordable housing uh we have um MVA apte here uh from CME who's our professional planner uh we have Robin lebu who is here uh who's our the Township's affordable housing specialist uh she's going to be presenting as well um and we can get into it good evening um so in continuation of our um last uh meeting um tonight as Mr Shay mentioned we're going to be discussing the two other elements which is the climate vulnerability assessment element and the housing element please bear with me I'm trying to learn this I got this you did it so well can I bring it to you thank you sorry about that um so as I was saying um the climate vulnerability assessment is one of the new elements that has been required by the municipal land use law this was introduced in 2021 um given the uh you know the uh recent natural disasters that have occurred in New Jersey the state required that every municipality that is going to um do a comprehensive update to their land use element should add this assessment as part of their land use element um next slide please so this is similar to the last uh last time we had the slides where we talked about you know what are the different elements that are required and one of that climate change related Hazard vulnerability assessment is a requirement that every time a municipality does a land use plan element has to do that next slide please um next slide so um again the state statute requires that what do we mean by uh vulnerability assessment so every municipality based on their geography uh their location has to review what do they anticipate to be the natural disaster that may or may not affect um in case of Jackson we assume it'll be uh flood plone areas flood issues would be one of the main um item that uh Jackson Township would have to review against and then the other one uh is uh possibly uh Wildfire because of the existing woodlands in the property um what this element requires you to do is to identify uh you know what are the threats and vulnerabil ities that are impacting the municipalities analyze you know a buildout analysis A buildout analysis would be you know if to if over the line your as for the zoning ordinance if the township was to developed how which are the wonderful areas that the municipality has to review and then uh recommend uh you know what type of policy recommendations is it that the township can take in order to uh make it more uh you know um prepared for a such kind of natural disasters so these are the requirements that we are required to provide in the assessment report next slide please um again this just shows uh some of the uh you know in summary that we have to identify and analyze the thre threats look at the critical infrastructure for emergencies and uh determine the relationship of Assessments with other emergency planning efforts be it your county be it your neighboring municipal ities you have to review that next slide please and this is where I would leave it to uh Miss labu uh to talk about the housing plan and uh its element hi hello thank you m so for the uh the housing plan it is uh because of the Mount Laurel decisions the the first Mount Laurel decision in 1975 the Supreme Court ruled that every municipality in New Jersey has a constitutional obligation to provide affordable housing this was a result of what's called exclusionary zoning where municipalities were effectively out zoning people of lower and moderate incomes from living in towns by having large lot requirements the second Mount Laurel decision 1983 authorized Builders remedy lawsuits which is um we'll talk about a little bit later um it contemplates that Builders will be able to file suit to construct affordable housing for towns that weren't necessarily complying with their obligations the Fair Housing Act um are will you go to the next slide I'm sorry thank you the uh fair share the Fair Housing Act was enacted in 1985 um for by the New Jersey legislature to increase the supply of housing New Jersey that's available to households whose total gross annual income Falls below 80% of the median income guidelines it created COA which was the agency that would promulgate rules for the first and second round the first and second rounds of affordable housing in the third the third round of rules that they created were invalidated several times and COA eventually stopped working and in 2015 the New Jersey Supreme Court in a decision we call Mount Laurel 4 turned um the affordable housing to the courts and all the municipalities including Jackson had to file a declaratory judgment action with the Superior Court in order to have our housing plans deemed compliant and that the town was meeting their constitutional obligation so um in order for the town to figure out what their obligation was we first had to figure out you know what methodology we would use and all of the all of the counties were going to different judges Jackson Township we were in Ocean County and actually Jackson did start to have a methodology trial to figure out exactly how we were going to figure out what our number would be eventually Jackson did settle with fair share housing center um there was a decision in another County in New Jersey where a methodology was adopted and that methodology is going to be the Baseline for figuring out what Town's obligations are going to be for the fourth round which is the period from 2025 to 2035 so for the fourth round we don't know what our number is going to be yet um it will be determined by The Jacobson formula um and if if we go to the next slide this just is a sample of what the income guidelines are for people because some people are like you know who who qualifies for affordable housing so for an individual the the number in red the 91,000 that is the median income for an individual in New Jersey and then the uh 72830 number that is the qualifying moderate income for an individual so an individual making that amount and between that amount and the 45,000 would qualify as a moderate income household and be eligible for affordable housing in Mammoth Mercer and ocean counties the next number the 45,000 that is um the low income and then the 27,000 is what we call a very lwi income household so these are the people who are qualifying as an individual and then we also have a family of two the median income in New Jersey is 104,000 and a family of four is 130,000 so if you have a family of four and their total toal annual household income is around 104,000 they would qualify for affordable housing and in order to get into affordable housing fee rental or owner you have to have a demonstrated income it's not a subsidy program it's not section8 these are households that are that are making and can demonstrate that they're able to make this income and they would be they would be able to get into these homes so it's people it's your neighbors it's people who live in Jackson Township who just can't afford what the market is providing right now um so next SL please so our prior round number in Jackson That's the first and second rounds was 1247 units the third round was 1,50 the fourth round we're expecting to be around the same number but we haven't quite figured it out yet um so uh next slide please there's new legislation that uh the legislature has adopted this year and it has hard deadlines that we're going to have to meet in order to determine what our number is going to be we have to adopt housing element and fair share plan and we have to adopt the implementing ordinances and that's what the process we're in right now um so what the township officials will do with the planner is figure out where in town these units can go we have to find vacant land or land that can be converted from uses that aren't necessarily Well Suited such as um vacant commercial or industrial lands and we can actually you know it makes up new units for affordable housing and also you can get bonus credits so for every unit of commercial that's converted into residential you also get a bonus credit that can be counted as as a half credit for a unit and there's a couple bonuses like that um such as you get a half credit for senior housing a half a half credit for each unit of three bedroom housing above the minimum required for that development um and half credits for units that have affordability controls that are extended say we had a development that was a rental and it was restricted for 30 years and the owners agree to restrict it for another 30 years we can also get bonus credits for that um and the failure to meet any of the deadlines that are set forth in the legislation will result in the town losing immunity if you go to the next slide that is what we call a builder's remedy so if we lose our immunity because we don't come up with a number in time or the number is challenged or if we don't adopt the housing element in time or if our ordinance and or if we do everything that we're supposed to do but then we have people coming in for developments that are in the plan and for some reason not getting approved we could lose the immunity and when you lose immunity the builders remedy the builders are able to come in and apply to the court and they say I have this land the town will let me do what I want with it and the court May grant them permission to build whatever they want and they can get density bonuses they can put more units in there than we've approved you really lose control over your development so the the housing element master plan is together with the whole master plan is how we're going to direct the development of our town and that's um that's basically it if you anyone has any questions this is what so ultimately these are the two elements we wanted to introduce to you and just um you know bring up to light this will be other two elements we will be reviewing and um that's it so I'll leave it to Mr Shay to talk about you know where they can leave their comments on the website all right as we talked about before we have the website uh it's a uh subsidiary of the planning board website uh you can go there you can leave whatever comments you want uh you don't have to necessarily speak here you don't have to leave any comments here or anything like that you can have every opportunity of going home or do it on the day off or anybody who's watching this right now has the ability of going online and and making any suggestion or comments not only about what we're talking about tonight but also at the the prior meeting that we had regarding the land use element uh and the other aspects that uh that we were we were talking about as well um it's very easy easy is very accessible uh you can leave a comment and it it gets back to the subcommittee uh and believe me we take everything into consideration because it's much appreciated to have personal knowledge on a lot of the things that you guys are living through that we don't necessarily know about until until the public tells us um that's why we're here here we here here to do the right thing so right now we're going to leave it up to uh to you the members that showed up um and again this is for you guys uh this is to make sure that that you let us know uh your personal information uh maybe on some zones that that you've had a chance to live in um some areas that you've lived in or dealt with or work in or something um that you have a personal nature and knowledge of that you think would benefit us knowing about um regarding the the elements that we're talking about tonight uh so again affordable housing uh and we're going limit to to five minutes uh on the subjects that we're talking about uh just so we don't get into a situation where we're talking about IR relevant stuff all right so anybody want to come up Dr Campbell could I just ask one question just for the really for Miss lebu just to clarify for the I guess for the public and for myself also um is the town have we fulfilled all of our obligations in the past rounds and could we just speak to that are have meaning when people see all the development currently in town are we have we done what we're supposed to have done in the past or are there still units that are pending and credit that are pending we planned appropriately for all of the prior rounds we we submitted a plan that was approved by the court and we received a judgment of propose not everything is built so one part of this process is to take a look at everything that was planned for take a look at everything you know have they been built are they still actually going to be built and whether or not you know new things need to be proposed to fill those goals okay thank you okay come forward please I see a big binder good evening name is Ryan Archer all right please raise your right hand I apologize you swear or affirm to tell the truth the hold truth nothing but the truth I do all right please State say your name spell your last of the record sure Ryan Archer a r c h e r all right for 8 6 Frank Applegate Road I just have a question about the start time for the meetings and I have a request a large population in my neighborhood was wasn't able to make it because of the early time frame I don't think it's feasible with something of this importance to have it at a time where most people can't make because they're still working so I strongly request that you change the time of these hearings to a later time frame so that we can have more people attend to them we've so I think it's a little you know and people that are still working Camp go on the internet and attend these meetings because they're on the clock still or traveling so I think this is a little absurd I apologize for the being a little bit antsy here but I just think it's uh it's not correct so so we we've let's just put that on the record just so everybody is clear so uh when we put these things together we we took a look at like seven different overlaying factors schedules everything I mean go going all the way to different days um in which this room was open and when everybody was going to be available this in all honesty was the only time that we were able to get everybody together to be able to do this now do you feel that's fair to the public though s with with that with that being said well so let me just address it for two reasons number one um this is an optional thing so we're doing this to benefit everybody in the town and we don't have to do this we we the by doing this we're going above and Beyond okay what is normally done in any other town if you go to any other Town whatsoever and they do a master plan review they never do anything like this ever understood um so given that um we thought it was it was better to be more transparent to have some kind of meeting like this but not just this meeting but have multiple steps along the way um but we were restricted by all being available at a certain specific time to be able to get this done now we knew that which is why we also put the website up um to give people more of an access and also this is being um you can view this on YouTube so anybody can leave messages on there I believe the chat I don't think you could leave a message sure yeah I don't think it would be appropriate to leave a message on yeah I wasn't sure if the chat function was so can I ask what the last meeting was about because I wasn't even aware of it sure that's fine last meeting was a was a land use element and okay it was uh on the the 6th of May yeah I know I came we're we're doing four meetings we have two meetings a month the 6th of May the 20th May okay then we'll have two meetings in June the 1 and third Mondays we're do we're giving two elements at each hearing understood people can also go on the website and watch the Power read look at the PowerPoint look at all the maps we have there sure we're trying to make it as transparent as possible given this building is used frequently we are all on several committees understood uh and we have professionals here who have to fit it in three professionals who have to fit it into their schedules so we've done our best to make it um to give you to give the residents and we are all most of us are residents uh the opportunity plus we've put on the um website if you go into the search up on the top right type in master plan ideas you can put your idea there now some people have complained to me that there are only 50 characters yeah I don't care if you post 10 times but I don't want to read a Manifesto here is that due to the public or just you the the the inquiry it comes to the the committee okay I read over every comment I have not deleted any comment but remember this town Township has been sued in the past that's that's the fault of the township I mean it's clearly the government's fault so the township attorney was not pleased that we were holding these meetings because it opened uh uh opened us to criticism so we constructive criticism is appro we don't mind constructive criticism but but we have to be very careful based on our litigation past well anybody does this nowadays so I mean about what people say sure you can say about average citizens so here we are we're trying to do our best we're at least something yes we appreciate that we do and come uh late fall there will be a very large Township meeting in a very large venue to discuss what we have not written word one yet we're listening first so this is a this is a long process year process so please have patience us we're doing our best anything else you need to are we allowed to talk about inquiries about the first meeting now or is that over with no that's over because we're trying to address this if at the end before 6 o'clock if at the end you need to dis ask another question then we'll we'll entertain that come back that sound okay yes thank you very much next person please if you come and line up quickly we can listen to you Mr brei who've lived here for a long long time maybe almost as long as I've lived here Mr bre who are you Kenneth Bry 462 Diamond Road you swear affirm tell the told truth nothing but the truth I do Mr Bo you mentioned about Builders remedies and I think the edification of the audience and even some board members that may been not involved with that stuff the impact it has and I know that someone in firm years ago research for me the results of all the builders remes in Jersey and the builders one all them uh I think we could explain what happens to the zoning that's in place and what a builder remedy could do to that by ignoring it and explain if we don't have a plan by the due date and build the remedies come in that the court 90% of the time approves them and a damage it can do to that's all thank you that's true no they will they we you lose all control over the zoning and the courts take this very seriously you lose immunity which means it's not just the one Builder who can come to court but any Builder you know that that Judgment of repose that we have is only good until until 2025 and if we lose immunity then they can find any parcel of land and build it out completely beyond what what we would Envision in Jackson Township and that's something that that's very important to keep so we have to keep the deadlines and and it's important to get everyone's input because you know the board and the citizens know Jackson Township and know what's going to be appropriate for Jackson Township so that's that's why we're holding these let us know where you think it would be appropriate come forward please if if you have something to say I'd suggest being next be close thank you all right oh good evening Michelle warry 751 heis Road all right do you swear from tell the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth absolutely all right Laura did you get that quary w h r y I'm a 31e resident at that address um just a few thoughts that I'm coming to the table with tonight um I'm concerned about the road infrastructure when you start to factor in uh density housing EXC yes maybe if if uh we hear what our next two meetings are about that would help you we are limiting tonight's conversation to climate change vulnerability and the housing element well I missed the climate change and I would laugh at that anyway that's tonight but that's just need talking out loud just a second that's tonight we have two more meetings in June understood you explained that and I wrote that down explain Mal Mal is going to tell you what the next two meetings are on so that you're prepared for what's coming next we have one one prepar for what comes next specific to traffic trust me um proximity to school excuse me hang hang on excuse me let M let you know what's coming next and when I just want to put it on I also want to know whether it's going to be proximate to schools just a second so on June 3 we're going to discuss the circulation and the utility elements circulation has to do with your road infrastructure we'll just be talking about what the plan would increase what the element would have and then listen to your ideas on that utility would be your uh infrastructures such as your um you know sewer service areas your utility areas I'm off the grid so but I do am concerned with others so that's what that element would be about and then June 17th we'll be talking about the economic development plan element uh which is another uh element of your uh master plan which talks about you know you know what uh Economic Development the township wants to see within the community whether it's commercial whether it's uh um sorry um such kind of um you know these are the two elements that will be covered in the next two meeting well we looking at a 10% increase or a three housing three unit increase based upon the difference between the first two um iterations went from what 1247 to 1250 was it going to go to 1253 I is it going to go to you know 1300 you're talking about the affordable hous number of units yes there is uh typically and there will be a thousand unit cap a, unit so it could go as high as um 1350 well the prior rounds were this is a 10year round the first two rounds uh were longer than that know rounds one and two were combined 1247 and then round three because was an additional 1250 or just three more that was an additional 1250 okay these are these are new units per round they're expecting and proximity to schools uh my concern is drug issues and weed smells being close to schools that's all I'll say thank you thank you good questions anyone else with questions we can't we can't uh put in what you want if you don't tell us what you're interested in so that's why we are holding these meetings so that we can hear what you have in mind and that's okay we'll we'll address that in a second so I so just just to be clear so right now and we'll get to your point in a sec uh right now what we're doing is that if there's any areas that you guys have personal knowledge about um concerns about um want addressed regarding environmental issues uh regarding affordable housing issues now would be the time to come up and talk about that and for anybody at home who's watching ing this if you have any situations like that personal experiences like that if you want to go to the website and put that in in the section to to keep us updated with your opinions and recommendations everything like that we would be more than welcome to that as well um the whole point of this is for you guys is for the public so that when when we're putting this together we we know what you know and we don't know what you know until we know what you've lived and we don't know what you lived until you guys tell us that's whole point of us doing this and kind of going above and beyond to hold these things um for for everybody for everybody in the town so um that's where we're at right now so anybody just on these two just on the environmental and the affordable housing anybody else want to come up and and talk about it all right so seeing no one nobody else has anything with environmental or affordable all right so right now anybody who wants to come up and talk about the the land use element uh what we talked about uh in the last meeting second fight at the Apple you want to come up and and give us any personal knowledge recommendations opinions anything like that good evening arer I hope you're not gonna go through the whole binder well the binder comes back from history 11 years ago so let that go for now depending on where the conversation went all right we already swore you in so you're good yes so the document I have in my hand that was prepared by Remington verdict uh the general amendment of The Master Plan dat is October 5th 2023 is that a relevant document in regards to what is being discussed as far as the master plan let's just pull off the website what what are you looking at it's a general amendment of The Master Plan Jackson Township it was prepared by uh REM okay so so yeah so I just couple questions regarding that so so this um this is not so the the whole point of the of of what we're doing here is is to get personal knowledge and feedback on on your own absolutely and this is about my neighborhood so this okay so if youant yeah some of the objectives here I just want to confirm that the objectives are appropriate and it's a focus of your of just planning board's attention the objective to provide for limited non-residential development in residential zones while protecting exting character of neighborhoods is that a correct is that an objective of this planning board of that plan of the our master plan the one that's getting through now if if it's stated there then it is stated here that's what it is on page two yeah so we um just so so we are reviewing the you know the previous Master plans and the goals and objectives from 2009 onwards 2023 we'll be reviewing that and as part of this element you know we will be uh preparing a new list of goals and objectives which is going to be based on all the previous ones so your goals and objectives are not completely going to change but you know there's going to be discussions yeah the housing plan element will result in a stable and diverse future population does that sound correct what I'm reading here uh to protect the Integrity of existing residential neighborhoods by ensuring that all any new infill or adjacent development is compatible and well buffered does that sound like an objective of the planning board in this master plan I'm just asking subjectively not not agressiv what the master that's what the planning board does now okay I'm just making sure I just want to put it out there okay so as I mentioned to you I have a group of people here from Frank Applegate Road sure the whole length of Frank Applegate Road is listed in this general amendment to be possible zoning overlay M okay right now can you just just to uh set the playing field can you tell us what zone what zone are you guys in uh Frank app between Bennett Mills and Jackson Mills Road are you guys residentials only like R R5 R3 right now R3 yeah and they're asking I guess there was a settlement that's going to possibly allow a Zone overlay right for other than residential units right I won't get into the all that you know language right now our roads about two and a half miles long there's approximately 143 residential homes on that on that street 66% of those homes are between 1500 and 2500 square ft so small siiz homes right now there's approximately four to six non-developed plots of land that are owned by either a real estate company or a property company per se does this overlay only apply to open Parcels of land or does it apply to existing residential homes also so can a 1500t home be rezoned so so so this is I think we're getting a little confused as to why we're here so something something like this uh you want to address that to the township planner all right so so this is e either you want to contact well either either you want to contact the zoning officer okay or you want to contact the township planner and and address those concerns so this isn't kind of like a question answer type thing this is your concern so if if you have if if you let me put you this way if you if you're looking at that um and you have concern where you live and you say Okay um I don't want the overlay Zone here I'm not asking I'm not saying I don't want the overlay zone I'm just asking does it apply to open Parcels of land or to the entire street is what I'm asking it's a it's a pretty cut dry answer the over so what an overlay is right is is kind of what it sounds like it's it's literally you take it you plop it over a certain section of a map and and that's what's allowed right pursuant to um pursuant to the ordinance two existing structures also so I I think that's what I'm asking I'm just just asking that question can I yeah I think we're getting a little but if you give me that I've been authorized I can take a look at it and give you an answer okay so um you doc I can answer you whatever you want to do yeah yeah I'm just trying to get an answer from my neighbors so I can explain to them correctly what the document means and give them an idea about right Dr C if I could add also if you reach out obviously to Mrs labu but if you reach out um after via email we can get you we get you answers you're you're asking aren't pertaining to tonight specific but we want to give you the answer to your question well just so I can understand what the Zone overlay means and how it's part of this master plan yeah email me I'll give you to kind of confirm the the master plan is like a policy D document that will make the recommendation the ordinance language the way it's written is what's going to tell you whether the overlay is zone is for all the parel or specific sections so we can look at the text and exactly see the ordinances what's adopted by the governing body and becomes the rule or the zoning District but this was I'm just making confirming that this was a document that one to hand it to you by a professional engineer hired by the township correct yes and those objectives were put in there correct in October yeah yes okay that's all that's all I'm asking I want to be able to go back to my neighborhood explain to them what the potential impact is of the master plan so they can either come to the meetings or not or watch it on internet but it's hard to explain to somebody when there's varying documents and they go on to the website and they're overwhelmed by just maps and maps and Maps where I go door too and I can explain to them in layman terms yeah what the actual potential impact is to their neighborhood so some people don't understand all the you know the maps and all the language so I I for me I've been through this before with the planning zoning and Town Council like I said 11 years ago and I had to explain people in in a more appropriate language so they can understand the potential impact of their neighborhood that's all and again understand these things are written on paper they're not written on Stone so things change as the township changes and the needs of the residents change things change but we don't make that determination those determinations are made through ordinance and that's made through the town coun not through the planning but the basic objective should be the same I mean it's it's it's not language that affected by mhm zoning variances the language is pretty pretty simple and I would assume that would stay the same so I mean it's kind of a little bit contradictory in that in that statement yeah so so the goals and objectives and and um melik can uh explain this further but it's kind of like a like a foundational guidance document they're not they're not written in stone they're not they're more of a guidepost as to um how the governing body should create the ordinance and and there's exceptions to everything so um I if you want to yeah like I said I'll do the emails I just want to make sure I have the right and I just need to response so I can go to the neighbors uh furthermore there's a lot of concerns with the time frame of the master plan that the master plan is not uh let's say the development process is going a lot faster than you guys are preparing a master plan and we believe that the Township's going to fall way behind with infrastructure improvements pedestrian Corridor improvements and we're with incidences occurring unfortunate incidents because of the lack of knowledge of the increase of population of pedestrian traffic and the outdated intersections that we have in this town y like blinking lights that made her intersections to us this Township's not prepared for the influx of people that are coming and you guys are going to fall way behind because the county oh this is a County Road oh this is a Township Road oh the County's going to handle it I was here at the last planning board we had an get approved for a warehouse I had nothing to do with that warehouse the gentleman came up he said that's going to flood the county road and the statement was will the county handle it and I've been through personal experiences between a county and a Township when I was on a county road where someone dumped shavings on Diamond Road in the curve and I called their local Township and they told me to call the county I stood out there for two and a half hours directing traffic because nobody came out to stop the traffic so I know what's happening here with the county and the township not coordinating their efforts and I feel that you guys are going to fall way behind the time frame that you need to be to make this town safe and let me tell you something everybody has light right to live wherever they want but you guys need to get pick up the pace a little bit and make the infrastructure improvements make it safer for pedestrian traveling sir if allow if you could allow answers to your comments I'm I sorry thank you yeah so Mr archo very valid concerns and thank you for bringing up so couple of things I just want to clarify so um the vision goals and objectives is what will get put in the master plan what that helps a Township is it kind of provides and solidifies what is it that the the municipality wants from the their Vision the final Vision whether it's preservation of open space whether it's looking at diverse housing you know all that gets put into the policy recommendation the goals that's the uh that's the uh stepping stone to finally give a direct objective to the Town Council to this planning board uh subcommittee to kind of look forward as to what is it that the vision of the plans any kind of plant that are coming in that will be the Bedrock that will help you assemble the ordinance moving forward which is going to be the rules and regulations for land use development within your municipality then going back to the circulation plan element that is also going to be part of this land use element said which is going to be study of your roads study of their levels of service and it is going to require us to discuss actually bring County to the table and discuss with them hey this is what the township infrastructure is you know our last master plan was done in 2009 this is where we think our infrastructure needs to be updated what is it that the county can do for us and you know vice versa what is it that we want to so that's why this process is very important going back to you know your point you want to make your neighbors aware that's why this document is very important which is the policy guide document which is going to help your Council to go forward make those rules go for Grants go for you know get all these um infrastructure improvements have that discussion with the county to update the infrastructures to update your utility infrastructures so that that's why this master plan step is very important and just just so you're aware so the the infrastructure I think infrastructure traffic um are two of the biggest ones right because that impacts everybody everything in the township so uh the reason one of the reasons why this is happening now is is due to the fact that um the township has not um has not re-evaluated the road System since the last master plan you can really only do that during each master plan so what happens is that right now we're going to be re-evaluating in in the traffic section we're not even there yet right um the the tier system of the roadway so what that what's that's going to do is that that's going to re-evaluate the our ability of asking for assistance at the county and the state level so so if let's let's say um one of the roads is a minor Road right but it's not really minor anymore because it was minor back in 200 9 when when the master plan you know originally happened um now 20 you know 10 years later 15 years later something that effect um it's major and it happened relatively quickly or or it happened gradually whatever the case may be um but now there's a lot of traffic on it what happens is because the way it was it was um identified hasn't changed that that kind of puts handcuffs on the Township's ability to ask for help with it so the whole point of this is to free up the handcuffs uh get us out of you know free up the handcuffs and and allow us access to different I just feel that in this case the the the horse and the trail the trail is driving the horse here because we're so far behind that so the influx of pedestrian traffic is here already right and it's be it's becoming a hazard but this this is the first it's too far away you guys it's a year away we're going to have a we have a problem now my street is 1,400 linear feet long we're missing 5,120 linear feet of sidewalks out of that 51,2 linear feet the most dangerous curves don't have sidewalks we have a ninein shoulder we have families walking on a ninein shoulder with no Street Lighting on in the dark so this exactly what we need to hear from you so Frank Applegate Road no sidewalks poor lighting conditions those are the things we're looking to hear this we can put that into the mix we are meeting with the county um Engineers the uh for circulation we're meeting with them this body is meeting with them specifically we can't give them information if the residents don't give us I've already given them information on every town problem right now this is restricted to one street I understand but one of the things that used to be allowed was no sidewalks if you come to planning board meetings you will notice we insist upon sidewalks that is a thing that we may be able to put into the master plan to say any residential development will include sidewalks but then we have all the infields we have we have nature areas we have count property but we can only do what we can do and what we're allowed to me that opens the town of litigation in my eyes that my personal eyes if someone gets hit by a car with an inadequate shoulder and inadequate lighting you can't blame the driver for that you can't because the shoulder's not wide enough for people to walk on it's a Township wide problem I have to warn my sons every time they go out please be careful there's people walking on the shoulders of back roads and everything else the infrastructure should come first not after the applications are approved the infrastructure should be here already the township should have forecasted the influx of people into this town five years ago and and been proactive not reactive to the situation that's the issue it's a all we can say is that what we're doing here is the beginning of a process that's going to help that and that's the whole point that's that's why we're doing this so um this process itself maybe will be the beginning to help any situations that you have like that but but but we need to know the individual situations that you're talking about so if you have if you have areas if and all the stuff that you're talking about is good stuff that that's the stuff that we need to hear that's the stuff that we want to hear any any areas that are a danger any any any zones that you think more hazardous or dangerous than you're approving applications without having the infrastructure in place no we are we are making every effort not to do that we have we have constraints we have legal constraints we can approve what we can approve legally but we can't make new laws that's not our role well someone's got to handle this Township's changing and someone's got to keep up with the time Dr Campbell could I just add in one one thing um the I can say I'm the council representative over here there's been multiple conversations with the county because of what you said we are five years behind behind absolutely no one no one no one on this board no one on the governing body doubts that um there have been multiple conversations in person um like like like the chairwoman said we are bringing the county Engineers both of them down here to a meeting um we part of the reason why we're doing this is because we are we've been begging them what's with our roads what what's with our infrastructure and their attitude has been we don't know where you're development so instead of saying where development was we're telling them where we perceive it being but we a we need obviously What the residents are saying but we need our residents to help us a by coming here and by being engaged on the county level also because the more noise we make as a town the better chance we have of getting our feier share and I'm going to say this publicly Jackson has not gotten its Fier share or we can get we can do better and that's what we're do much better we have inadequate intersections we have inadequate traffic flow and we have inadequate pedestrian access it's going to result in unfortunate accident in the future because you cannot foresee people are driving at a higher rate of speed on the average people are not paying attention I had an incident yesterday my right down the street from my house she was doing 20 miles over to speed Lim and lost control of the car and took out people's two front yards that's a spot with no sidewalks where people walk on the shoulder that could have been a family of four walking on there that could be gone today right I'll just I'll say one more thing before we just want to make sure there's nobody else in the room wants to come up and speak um so when when it comes down to uh the different roadway systems just so you're aware there's there's different departments and different jurisdictions for different things that you need to um that that you have to go to to tell your concerns to so one of the ones that the township doesn't have any ability over is the county roads that are in the township so the the proper for for that like and everything you're saying is legitimate right but you may want to go to the county department um the county road department when they have a hearing or or the County Freeholder uh meeting when they have a meeting and address the concerns there because what happens is that you will be addressing you'll be addressing directly the people that handle um the INF structure for that roadway system even though it's in our Township it's a County Road and I I appreciate the directive my thing is just because I understand we put you guys in charge of the township we're all working people like everybody here we only have so much time on our hands right to attend so many meetings between the township meetings other obligations we're going to leave that in your hands and that's where we're going to leave it because because you guys elected officials and this is your town just as much as our town we have a problem at this town it's not going to get better I'll leave it that saying is that that's another that's another Avenue for you to go to if you want to have a conversation with somebody who has direct access to that type of roadway system it would be the Freeholder let me give you a per I'm apologist one perfect example some people don't realize it that's why I'm bringing it up to you we just did glor's glor's intersection over right beautiful there's no committed left turn lane there's no committed right turn lane going north on 527 that's inadequate that was just redone 6 months ago someone's not doing their job we have a light between Jackson Mills and 527 it's been there as long as I live there it's a temporary light there's no right turn lane to go 527 North people drive through the mud illegally to go on the highway that's where I'll leave it thank you for your time you got it thank you anybody else all right please raise your right hand you swear tell the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth yes I do all right and please uh say your name spell your last of the record Donnie Adelman a d l m and 206 Willow Point um I'm not really sure what transpired so far because unfortunately I was a little late getting to this meeting but I would like to say everything that gentleman that that he just said is correct all right um there's a major failing in this town when there's road work that is intermingled with the county let me give you for instance because it's something that's been very dangerous and near dear to my heart for now excuse me sir it maybe would help if you had heard that we will be discussing um Road circulation at our next meeting when we'll have available Maps Etc and that would be the appropriate time tonight we are discussing climate change vulnerability assessment and the housing assessment and the affordable housing those are the topics for tonight okay well all right well as far as the affordable housing is concerned we need more of it when we build it I would like uh hopefully the town meets or exceeds its obligation as far as what the state you know Co or whatever got Miss leau already discussed that sir and we not only and we are meeting that assessment okay well I hope you I hope you exceed it but uh another concern is with that meeting of that number that uh it's not turned into a senior only development a lot of towns around here have a tendency to build these developments to meet their obligation EXC and they turn5 i' like to move the uh slide presentation forward to show you the three forms of housing that uh we are accepting at this point Anthony if you can move those to the bar graph little down farther down farther down far that's one that's the one if you will see that there are three types of housing on three types of income levels uh and among those three types of income levels um there are individual family of two family of four we're we're addressing all those and if you had heard Miss Leo's excellent presentation uh on what we're doing what Jackson is doing with affordable housing I think you would here that we are well compliant and doing a very good job on that's a very good that's very good uh is this presentation available anywhere online it's on the website sir if you would go into um if you would go on the landing page and go on to the top right corner where the um uh little uh uh magnifying glass is you type in master plan there are master plan Maps master plan there are two uh PowerPoints now there are um there's all kinds of information there and there is a place there to put your ideas okay and then with that again with meeting that that number and using your using your different breakdown of the different types of people that you were essentially going after is there going to be a mix of rentals and low income or affordable properties for sale yes yes that's it and also there's a cap on the amount that can be made available to seniors just 30% so 70% of that's the maximum of all the units that can be age restricted the rest will be available to people of all ages awesome thank you for your questions anyone else have anything to add questions good to see you again Mr thank you comments questions areas that you're concerned about roads of specific nature that you're concerned about that you live on and you think need attention uh this this is what we're doing we're meeting with the county so that we can say the level of this road has changed to this level and needs this attention or we need a light at this intersection because of recent uh growth in that area anyone have any specific areas they'd like to give us we're going to give you five more minutes yes sir please come forward thank you all right please raise your right hand do you swear or affirm to tell the truth the hold truth nothing but the truth I swear right please state your name and spell your last of the record uh my name is Harlen Drakes last name d r a k s and your address all right I lived on Anderson Road like your address uh 651 Anderson Road Jackson New Jersey I live on Anderson Road right by the corner of 571 I know that's a count to wrot but what Anderson wrote I've seen several incidents of fully loaded semi trucks trying to turn down and Anderson Road there's no warnings to tell them that they're not supposed to there and the bridge literally on the Ed of Anderson Road only has a limit of four tons so My worry is that one of these days that there's going to be a semi- Tru going to ignore all those warnings and turn down and is there a sign at the end there's no sign nothing there's been multiple incidents of semi- trucks literally trying turn we can ask the township we have a Township council member here we can ask the township there's also been incident of a semitruck leaving Anderson Road so that means he ignored one of the signs there literally came down to my aunt's property I was home at the time so going Tock sounds like you're missing signage right yes after when we're done in because she has a gas line right in front of her house truck literally drove when we're when we're done over here I will give you my email address and you can send me an email tomorrow and I will forward it to the appropriate Department because there should be signage away You're because literally they're ignoring the signage I don't know if it's not properly lied or they're just not caring at all because sign there's no sign they they can't ignore what's not there there's a sign at the end of and road that says no exceeding of four tons so I don't know they so that's a police department issue then what's the name we I can we I can coordinate with I can we can forward to your Anderson and Jackson Mills Road Jack I live on Anderson Road right by 571 and the other end of Anderson Road which is connected to the the highway also that correct there okay we'll look into that thank you very much appreciate it thank you anyone else have a specific location thank you long time NOC Ed Bannon from 22 aborn court all right do you swear or affirm to tell the truth the hold truth nothing but the truth I do all right in response to this gentleman's comment most of your problems are because the GPS tells you to drive that route it's it's got to be something to do with the GPS that's going to bump them on somewhere some way some shape or form to another Direction because GPS tells somebody to turn right they're going to turn right that's I don't know how else to address it thank you yes ma'am we really appreciate this sharing you don't know how important this is to our process thank you very much I live at the same you have to be sworn in ma'am oh sorry do you swear or affirm to tell the truth to hold truth and nothing but the truth and bring the microphone down yeah closer to the microphone thank you my name is Donna Dr D A KES Donna I live at six same address 651 Anderson Road I have a handy cap due to um some medical problems and I try to walk on in the afternoons or in the mornings and their twigs and all sorts of um obstacles that can that hinders me from doing so I don't know who is responsible for taking care of that area you you may want to reach out to code enforcement ume to who code enforc you may want to reach out to code enforcement uh to see if maybe it's a a code violation that somebody's maybe somebody's putting stuff out there that they shouldn't be no the the trees are are on the the the the carpet close to the road and they've fall they've broken and fall down there somebody's responsible for cleaning that up are they public on public property or private property that's on on public roads it's on the road it's on public it's on the road so I would tell you to reach out to probably the DPW and then they can forward it to the right right Department of Public Works Department of of Public Works on call them they're they're on the website their phone number is on the website Department of Public Works okay thank you very much you're welcome thank you anyone else we have just a few minutes left now you know I was about to start talking about the road portion and I was cut off so please let me just say what I got to say the road portion will be discussed in two weeks ma'am you're just asking about the very specific instances can you let me just say what I have to say rather than just cut me up because you're trying to make Through Time m m Mr ad just so just so you're aware I'm well no forget about that all right so just so you're aware what's gonna happen in about two weeks right we're going to have a whole meeting just devoted the traffic issues but we have a couple minutes left so if you want to I promise I'm not going to take very long uh the intersection of North County Line Jackson Mills and East Commodore Road it's been redone multiple times since the road widening project in two at start in 20072 2008 at the time I'm not sure which part of the body which governing body in Jackson essentially seated a strip of land in that Memorial Park and along Jackson Mills Road County excuse me uh Town own land to the uh County thall sidewalks when they did that update so this way you wouldn't have to walk in the roadway it was done so this way uh the bridge would be handicap accessible set this way that you can go fishing or do whatever you want to do there at the bridge and it was approved by the town it was approved by the county the county paid somebody a half million dollars to put it in the thing's not there I brought this to the town council's uh attention I've been dealing with the town excuse me the uh County Engineer's Office for nine years now all right there's a half million dollars missing you give me those that address again just so that we made sure we have the right area it it is the intersection of North County Line yes Jackson Mills Road yes and East Commodore they did correct the curve cuts and the push to cross buttons but basically they go nowhere and on my good days I you know I'm hobbling around here my bad days I'm in a wheelchair either way you have to walk in the road because there's no sidewalk there and so it was approved on paper according to the county those sidewalks are there anybody could drive past and see those sidewalks are not there well we have a town councilman here and I'm certain that he will look into that because he's writing stuff down very quickly Mr Burns heard it before Township engineer you may want to uh well a couple things number one uh you want to contact the zoning officer uh Jeff papora okay um you want to contact the township engineer smoke um all right because then they'd be able to go back to if it's governed by resolution if it's governed by some kind of adoptive um adoptive government resolution yeah resolution governing documents something to that effect uh because maybe it was a combination where it was requiring State funding or County funding maybe contribution I I don't really know but I know I know when in in projects like that I'm familiar with them they usually there's a multi-layer process to it so the funding usually comes from two or three different level on paper it says that it's done the only thing the only problem is is like there's a sign off sheet when all these projects are done by various officials the thing that says sidewalks is literally scribbled in no one can understand who scribbled it in but it signed off as those sidewalks are there and somebody paid for that like I said and I've asked our dear mayor for nine years for help he's ignored me he at the last Town council meeting he publicly acknowledge that he won't do anything to help me excuse me it's not an appropriate comment please we we'll go on um but I've been working like I said I've spoken to the engineer and I think it's the assistant engineer also uh and they're aware of the problem but again they've done nothing about it you may want to reach out to the zoning officer then I will do that thank you so much thank you so much appreciate it anyone else please so there will be two more of these public meetings the first Monday in June and the third Monday in June they will have different topics as you were were told one will be circulation um and utility elements that will be on the third and economic development plan on the 17th so please think about those topics and we more than welcome you to come back and give us your input on those things there are things that we can do and there are things that are out of our purview we're not the Town Council we're just the planning board and we can only deal with things that our planning board matters thank you for coming we appreciate it and we hope to see you next time we'll take a break now the meeting's at 6:30 right regular meeting and the meeting for the um 630 uh planning board will be at 6:30 thank you e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all all right everybody Welcome to the May 20th 2024 planning board meeting for Jackson Township uh this meeting is convened in accordance with the provisions of the open public meetings Act of New Jersey an adequate notice of this meeting has been provided in all the proper forums and sources Madam chairman all right um call to order we'll have a roll call please Mr Brey Mr Bernstein Mr hel here Mr Herman Mr rker M Rose Mr marzo here Mr chmer Mr wall here Mr Sullivan and Dr Campbell here um may we please have uh a motion for the payment voucher for recording secretary motion second Bernstein we have a roll call vote please yes Mr Bernstein here yes Mr hler yes Mr marzo yes Mr chmer Mr wall yes uh Mr sullan Dr Camp yes uh approval of the minutes of the May 6th meeting please are uh motion motion Bernstein uh all in favor I I any changes in the schedule yes um would you like me to read it yes please block 6506 Lots 53 72 73 74 75 and 76 Brewers Bridge land office building is carried from today May 20th to July 1st 20124 with no re notice required um may we have a a report regarding the master plan please good evening from 5:00 p.m. to 6:05 p.m. this evening the master plan subcommittee held its second public hearing our consultant explained the climate related Hazard vulnerability assessment element and the Township's affordable housing specialist explained the housing element comments were given by members of the public information from this meeting will be posted on the Township website on June 3rd 2024 the public hearing will concentrate on C the circulation plan and utility service elements of the master plan on June 17th the public hearing will focus on the economic development plan element comments are welcome on the Township's website thank you do we have any legal matters not at this time and any resolutions next meeting we'll I have a few okay promise um engineering and planning matters please nothing here Madam chair I'm Mr Asher nothing at this point okay um we will now begin with um the with block 14101 Lots 19 and 21 on the Brewers Bridge Road welcome Miss Jennings thank you good evening for the record I'm Donna Jennings from the law firm of Lin Goin and Spitzer on behalf of the applicant as the board is aware the applicant is here this evening seeking preliminary and final major site plan approval to construct a Sho with an accessory residence for the rabbi his family and guest on property located at 2117 Brewers Bridge Road and identified as block 14101 Lot 19 on the Township's tax maps additionally the applicant is seeking minor subdivision approval to divide a portion of 217 Brewers Bridge Road and consolidate that subdivided portion into a joining property located at 2025 Brewers Bridge Road designated as block 1410 Lot 21 in the Township's tax map specifically the applicant proposes the demolition of the existing structures on the lot and the construction of one building the Sho will occupy the front of the proposed structure and the rabbis residence will be located in the rear of the structure The Proposal also involves other site improvements such as parking Landscaping lighting storm water management and refuce enclosures no variances are required for the requests for site plan approval the testimony will show that The Proposal conforms with the requirements of the Township's land use and development regulations with respect to the proposed subdivision the applicant proposes subdividing an approximately 11,800 ft portion of Lot 19 and consolidating it with ad joining lot 20 1 to create proposed new lot 2.01 Lot 21 is currently improved with a residence and accessory horse barn and an accessory pool Lot 21 currently has Frontage on Brewers Bridge Road and since the approval by this board of a subdivision of lot 18 not involved in this application law 21 also now has Frontage on holding Court which is a new Street to be constructed The Proposal does not create any new non-conformities not already present on Lot 21 1 however if the board requires the applicant will seek variance relief for the existing non-conformities for proposed law 2.01 for minimum lot depth and to permit an accessory structure in the front yard both existing conditions the reference front yard along holding court is currently under construction Additionally the board's engineer and planner have identified additional variances for minimum lot width and Frontage along Brewers Bridge Road as well as sidey yard setback for the accessory pool on the lot again these are all existing conditions that are not affected by the site plan improvements with respect to C variances um they are if they are required by the board the testimony and the evidence will show that they satisfy both the C1 and C2 criteria and will also satisfy the negative criteria in support of The Proposal the applicant will rely on the direct testimony of the following Witnesses Joel tesser a fact witness for the Sho uh Eli Halpert the applicant profession engineer and planner sitting to my left John Ray the applicants traffic consultant and Melissa rub applicants architect the applicant is also in receipt of the following reports the board planners report dated May 14th 2021 the board Engineers that's probably 20124 uh board Engineers dated May 10th 2024 the Jackson burough of fire safety District 3 dated April 12 2024 and the Jackson Township Police Department Traffic Safety dated March 19 2024 and oddly I did not get anything from your tree specialist so I don't I assume that report's going to be coming because they always comment uh so with that we could have uh our first witness scorn and we can begin maybe we can uh hear from the professionals first please thank you madam chair um I don't have much more that what um uh M Jennings uh indicated summarize the project very nicely um the variant relief that that that's required um two two things um actually maybe three um both the applicant and my report indicate um an a bedroom or residence as an accessory use so I think there should be some discussion of what is accessory and what is primary and why is the residence not primary versus the sh as secondary but I think that's a discussion that's important for the board um the other item hold in court where that exactly is that as far as construction will holding Court be open accepted by the town um before this driveway's connection to to Holden to um um to the property timing wise and who's responsible for it and lastly just the um a spec on the parking um there was analysis done um on on the plans but just maybe some more testimony as far as where those numbers actually came from that's all for now thank you um so Doug brought up the conversation regarding accessory structures oress accessory uses so that was one of the comments I was going to make before we move forward and then as to the variances regarding the what I'm going to call the not the lot in question um I feel like uh with the exception of maybe the lot depth variance that is possibly changing due to the slight modification in the lot line I think all the other variances are pre-existing and I would recommend that they just stay pre-existing conditions as a result of the existing Lots existing whatever and they just stay and we don't even have a conversation about him thank you appreciate that Miss Jennings in reply uh yeah know we'll address all three of those issues with Mr halpert's testimony um we've talked we've obviously read the review letters and we're prepared to address all those issues oh I'm sorry I wanted Mr tester to go first that's correct we get a some statement of operations going first now please raise your right hand do you swear or affirm to tell the truth the hold truth nothing but the truth is it off you do this to us every [Laughter] time just just punch it a couple times it'll it'll work okay there it is I affirm thank you please state your name and spell your last of the record yel tesser also goes by Joel tesser T be Trail Jackson New Jersey all right spell it spell it real y o e l t SS e r all right and your credentials to the record credentials he's a fact witness a fact witness yes fair enough thank you if you could Mr tesser just uh describe your relationship or position within the schol congregation so I am a um I'm a member of the SCH I'm a member of the synagogue I'm also a representative for the building committee as well okay and what is currently on the property currently on the property it is a single family home with a garage in the back of the single family and why did the sh select this particular site to develop so we decided on this specifically because of the location it's um next to um most of our congregants within walking distance cent center um in a great location that would accommodate all our members and how many congregants does a Sho have so we're approximately between 30 and 40 families okay and if you could describe the operations of the shoes the hours so Monday through Friday we start at 6:00 a.m. um with uh some classes and we have prayers at 7:00 a.m. till approximately 9:00 a.m. and then um again we meet again at prayers is generally from uh 8 p p.m. till about 10:30 p.m. and when you say you meet how many people are coming to the site at those services so we talk him probably around uh you know 30 people 40 people okay and what about on the weekends so on the weekends it's more because we have the uh Cong with their wives and children um as probably aware we have large families okay and what time are the services on Saturdays so Saturday service starts at 8:30 we do have a class before um not well attended but it should be more well attended um that class starts at 8:00 um prayers starts generally around 8:30 but um it's a little bit tougher to start exactly on time due to the walking conditions we all have to walk okay what about evening Services now we have evening services so it starts Friday night so it depends on Sundown generally um whenever Sabbath starts on Sundown it's usually about an hour um from Sundown till Services finished on Friday night and again Saturday like I just said and we have afternoon services and evening Services which also start about an hour before Sundown and then goes till a little bit after Sundown and on Saturday similar to other Orthodox shs the congregants have to walk they're not allowed to drive is that correct correct and on other days how much how many people would you estimat or driving to the sh for services so I would say about 50% of the congregants would drive and probably around 50% would walk if in this new location currently you know it's a little further out so okay and what other types of uh activities will be happening um on the site will there be religious education classes there would be religious education classes like I like I described um generally you know either before or after service um we're not going to have any weddings you know maybe on Sat on Saturdays we'll have Bar Mitzvah you know just uh in synagogue more just attached to uh to the uh Services okay when you talk about the religious education classes generally how many people attend those um like I said we're looking for better attendance but um I would say probably around 15 to 20 people 15 to 20 people out of the okay and what about um after Services the post service kidish room that's used yeah so after um on Saturdays generally we have after after prayers in the morning we have something called Kish which um we have we sit around and we have you know the rabbi speaks we sing and uh enjoy the Sabbath it's very nice bonding time that we have with our Rabbi who by the way I want to just sa for the record we're very thankful that he was able to come today um it's not easy for him to get out he doesn't generally leave his home um he's a handicap and uh it was a big thing for our community that he was able to come out here and show us support so I want to thank that thank you and uh with respect to um when you're having your uh Post Service celebration um the food is it prepared on site so the way it works with kosher is um you know we have we buy by strict rules so we would have to have a kosher kitchen we're generally not cooking we just have it let's say from a caterer and then bring it before a Sabbath and then just have like a oven to warm it up or you know keep it hot we don't cook on Sabbath so we would need a kitchen to prepare and we would need like you know an oven or so to keep things hot stuff like that okay and what about um the refu on the site is that going to be by private hauler yeah that's going to be by private huler just you know we'd have like a bin and we'd have a contract with a private company to come and take it away okay and what about what type of deliveries you think the Sho will have during the week I don't expect any uh anything more than a uh more than much of a residential deliveries you know it's a we order some cups for the synagogue you know on a weekly basis and uh you know just basic stuff that we need for the kidish and uh wouldn't expect any trucks heavy trucks or anything like that it's not a not in a commercial sense um on the architectural plans I noticed that there's an aquatherapy room is that for the rabbi yes that's the rabbi the rabbi is um very into his health as he um had a you know some very very terrible life-ending condition and he's works out every single day tries to go to the gym um for him the cold is extremely painful for him as an amputee and U him being in a in be able to go into water and and due the exercise is tremendously therapeutic for him and so this would not be open to the public that's for his private use correct it's actually would be detrimental to him to be open to the public as germs he's uh exceptionally uh you know more susceptible to catching other things infections thank you okay that's all the direct questions I have for the fact witness may I ask a a few questions here you've said there'll be no weddings but you did say there will be bar mitzah and Bots mitzah correct and I've attended quite a number and I know uh lots of people come to that uh how many people would you expect would be coming to a ceremony like that so the B and bit is that I was talking about is generally on the weekends on chabas so they wouldn't be driving so we sh would get a little bit more full on the Walkers Walker Walkers around the hood or further but I'm one of those drivers who goes to the for mitzvas so I know that I know that we who drive don't walk so so so parking I'm just I'm only asking because of parking uh also you said you're a more popular woman so if you're making a big uh ceremony you're going to have a lot of people but not everyone is so popular very enjoyable um 30 to 40 um are in your congregation um is there a cap on the number I mean what if you become very popular will there be many more than 30 or 40 or would you be willing to put a cap number on how many congregants you would uh maintain so what we were thinking is that we're right now between 30 and 40 plus you know our wives come to synagogue as well they you know we each have a couple of daughters and a couple of sons yes I I understand that but I'm asking about the congregants themselves so you have 30 or 40 families would you expect in the future would you try to build to have 50 families or 60 families I I'm looking for an upward number so we left a little bit room of of growth as we're going to move could be that we might pick up but there are other synagogues in the neighborhood and uh yours might be the most popular okay then we'll have a then we'll have a cap they's not going to want to come if they don't get a seat well that's also regulated by the square footage of the building itself and the building code what I'm trying to get to so is there a number that we will put a cap on for the size of the building yes yeah and I think we probably should ask the architect that question they would know what the capacity of the building is I don't think the fact witness is going to know that okay happy to do that thank I think it's also going to be governed by parking quiteria correct well the parking is based on the square footage not the number of people in the building right right but if concern yeah but if okay all right we'll get to it when we anyone else on the board have a question of this gentleman on the operations yeah Mr tesser you mentioned Friday through Monday through Friday could you talk about the Sunday schedule a little bit so Sunday schedule is is pretty much the same it's just this everything gets pushed down a little bit so we start start later we start a little later yeah sorry about that that's fine sorry I'm looking at the statement of operations and the the times don't seem to match up on that did you prepare the statement of operations that we received yeah I reviewed it with my attorney okay so I just want to reconfirm so you said that services will begin at 6:00 am and then they end at 9:00 am. uh service starts at 7 we we study before service we have stud okay so but it's open I guess for people to come and then you start okay and then you and then again in the evening from 900 p.m. through 10:30 p.m. correct on Sundays through Fridays and then on Saturdays beginning at 8:00 a.m. so we just put a I put a time there just like an average time of because Fridays fluctuate a little bit due to the Sundown right it's based on Sundown it's based on Sundown I just wanted to put a time okay okay and then um I think that was it all right thank you sorry if it wasn't clear I apologize thank you I think that's all the questions we have for now just just a couple more questions so so when it comes down to just because I don't want to get into a situation we now we're talking about different uses here right so so what what what have um what events are you looking to typically hold there is it is a customary C customary events basic you know anything that is done in the synagogue as a relig do you have is is there do you have a lift a list off the top of your head that are just customary events that are kind of uh incidental to the to a synagogue um you like perect example a Catholic Church would be a church group or Sunday school or or something I want to make sure the record is clear so that we're not we don't get into a situation where you know different uses aren't sure so we have Bar B medas um we have them before when a boys is born there's before the the circumcision ceremony we have the circumcision uh um we have when a girl's born we make a Kish Kish we have before a um somebody gets married we have what you call a oof where we have a ceremony there in synagogue we have after someone gets married called the Shas so it's a little celebration for that we have on shabas itself after after the synagogue you know it was Plan before you know some bonding time with the rabbi and singing and we have that's really you know twice we have right before Sundown we have something called shus which is after afternoon prayer as it's getting dark which is a very um mystical time and you know in Sabbath where we sit down and eat as well um and sing again with the rabbi so those kind of things right and you also have religious education classes correct right this something to that effect I'm just going to request that you um just the statement of operations to to reflect those uh different incidental uses you know similar to Sunday school or you know whatever the corresponding um type of events are sure so it sounds like you're using that building from 6 to 10:30 almost every day yeah but not you know not during the day we work so it's not being used during the day mostly but but prayers in the morning in the morning and then again prayers in the evening evening activities events the the most activities are just usually Saturday Friday night Saturday okay thank you for clarifying appreciate it sure and none of those events are going to exceed the times that are in the statement of operations corrected so that there's no discrepancy well I guess the one issue is Fridays we put a time in but it's technically regulated by Sunset so right sunset different during the calendar year right gotcha no Turn to Stone and but it wouldn't it wouldn't be later than 10:30 it's I'm trying to figure out when things will end because I know like now it's light until 8:30 9 o' so would that extend the evening hours the things that are done at night usually 10:30 is plenty of time we should be done by I'm I'm just trying to figure out when people are coming and going I would say that's pretty pretty accurate okay thank you thank you thank you very much and I want to thank all you guys for giving your time dedication to the board thank you for the town of Jackson thank you okay with that I'd like to call up Eli Halper who will describe the site plan and the subdivision all right please raise your right hand do you swear or affirm to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do all right please state your name and spell your last of the record Eric Halpert h a l p r t all right and your credentials licensed professional engineer and planner I have testified before multiple boards and multiple jurisdictions before I received the Bachelor's in science and civil engineering from NJIT I am familiar with the master plan with the ordinance and I prepared these plans you've been in front of us a few times thank you Bo the board accepts SEC natial thank you we accept your credentials okay if you could Eli um just please describe the existing site conditions and then what the applicant proposes and if you're going to rely on any exhibits please just identify them for the record I believe you did hand out a packet to the board so they have their own individual plans that look at as well and you're testifying just as a civil engineer correct as as an engineer and a planner and a planner okay got correct I'll go there I handed out um an exhibit set which is in addition to the um plan set that the board members should have both the uh civil set and the architect set and then there's an exhibit set so just to discuss the overall site and um first to discuss the general issues brought up by the um board professionals the site is located in the eastern section of the township what is up on the board is an aerial of the site it is bounded by Brewers Bridge Road and there is um presently improved on the site there is a residential house on lot um 21 there are structures on lot there is a there are structures a house and other structures on Lot 19 if you could zoom in a little bit um Anthony to get a better picture of the site the black line is the boundary of the site it comprises two lots Lot 19 and Lot 21 Lot 21 was formerly a flag lot prior to the board approved subdivision of Holden Court which created a right of way along the frontage um and now there is Frontage to our Lots per the approved subdivision along the to be constructed Holden Court which is under construction and I will go into more detail I have um information regarding utilities road construction and and other information and uh shared responsibilities to discuss the um um Anthony could you go to the um to the subdivision plan which is a separate sheet it wasn't part of the exhibit plan it's called 2117 subdivision is what is called up on the township website yeah I think it makes sense just to discuss first what is happening with the lot line and then to get back into the site plan which is the most important component of uh tonight's application if you could zoom into the thank you again as discussed there are two lots Lot 19 and Lot 21 the applicant is proposing a lot line shift a minor subdivision to straighten The Irregular lot line that forms the boundary between Lot 19 and Lot 21 which would create a new parcel of n lot 19.01.2016 [Music] app an is has submitted and we have prepared a site plan to create a house of worship with an attached accessory residence in the new lot 1901 can you go back Anthony to the exhibit set to page three page three is the um is the site plan so first to discuss the proposed site plan which is contingent upon certain improvements previously approved by this board that created Holden court and also previously approved utility installations by the Jackson mua and just first to discuss the bigger picture and where our site plan fits in could um could you zoom out a little bit to capture more of holding courts thank you the board is looking at the site plan with Holden court right of way which is presently under construction a driveway is being proposed to open onto hold in court additionally util utility col connections are proposed to the not as of yet constructed but already approved sewer M to be constructed as part of the Holden Court improvements so just first to discuss where things stand in terms of those improvements as per an email with Earl keano from the Jackson mua a preconstruction meeting was held actually last week for the constru ction of the installation of the new sewer M all permits are in hand tww permit everything is in hand and construction for the seain is anticipated to commence within a month as per an email I received from ear from from Mr kiano our application has approval from the MUA to connect to those to that sewer M of course that connection cannot receive final approval until the sewer main that is about to be um about to commence construction is online and judging where we are right now with this application and the soon to be commencement of the construction of the utilities it would work nicely and uh construction should last approximately 6 months to six months to a year it is hard to estimate exactly we know when construction will start we're only a month away from that and our project will tie into that that's in terms of Utilities in terms of the roadway improvements so again part of the roadway improvements involves utilities which we just um mentioned is going to be shortly installed as per a conversation with the owner of the adjacent Lots the storm water management facilities are have been largely installed and the roadway is going to be constructed also shortly I don't have an exact time of when but their approval was a couple years ago they are up to construction our project obvious is dependent on opening this driveway is dependent on the construction of the Holden Court improvements and the two project owners are coordinating the responsibility of the Holden court and improvements remain on the owner of the adjacent lot of the subdivision that was [Music] approved it is his responsibility to to construct the road to to um install all the improvements that were required as part of that subdivision including curb on the other side and we will discuss the sidewalk on our side our applicant would be responsible for the sidewalk on our side and as we go through the review letter I will go into more detail again just to discuss bigger um before getting into the details the proposal so getting into the proposal is to construct a structure which will um which will SP which will be 7,374 square foot footprint comprised of three floors it will contain a place of worship and an attached residence for the rabbi and the rabbis residents it is our position is ACC is accessory in nature the reason why the rabbis residence is accessory in nature is it is customary to have a rabbi or a member of the clergy on on the same premises as a place of worship the rabbis function as the fact witness mentioned in leading the congregation is not only to Simply hold an office but to provide guidance and to um render decisions in matters of religious law and the availability and proximity of the rabbi to the congregants certainly is an enhancement to the use of the place of worship and is accessory to the place of worship the primary use over here is the place of worship that would exist without the rabbis residence and the rabbis residence is accessory to the place of worship can you just explain why there's so many bedrooms there are the rabbi is as the f as under the rabbi is um married his children do not live at home he has adult children who visit and the house was constructed in order to be able for in order for the rabbi to be able to accommodate his children who will visit generally the rabbi and his wife are alone without their children but the purposes for their children sir I have one question yes for some reason the rabbi changes or anything that will only stay the residence for the rabbi or the person in charge won't be a rental for anything else you would stipulate to that that would always remain the rabbi house kind of like a rectory at a perial school yeah the applicant would definitely agreed to that stipulation because if a part of the house were to turn to Sho parking changes so again everything is always related to parking so yes that would absolutely be a stipulation of of an approval if the board were to Grant one so we could stipulate that it would be um the rabbi and his immediate family well they do have guests right you have you so it could be their guest or guest guest Rabbi guest stay oh no no yeah that's my that's my question like they say three days three days fish fish and until after the Kish yeah right uh so uh so stipulate I mean not not precluding guests we all have guests could we stipulate the rabbi and his immediate family yes it's not going to be rented out to third parties I think that's what you're trying to get at or students staying for long periods of time got that's what we're looking for right understood you don't wanted to turn it into a dorm right got it thank you magic okay thank you so that was Dr Campell one question before you turn just because I'm studying over here on the parking on this diagram is there a I'm just I see the number 12 and 15 is there a cross walk just because I my understanding is most of the driving will be you know obviously in the morning and the evening when there's probably not a lot of children but people obviously come Friday before Sundown and they'll be parking on the ouer and there'll be a lot of coming and going very close to sundown is there a crosswalk there is no crosswalk propos proposed you're you're asking about a crosswalk where specific from the the the parking closest to Brewers Bridge um from there to the island and then from from the island to the obviously to the building just just to mark it off so we can have some more we agree do you do you are you referring to the these two these two areas yeah no no no in middle of the parking go down a little bit where the arrows are is there any is there is there anywhere safe for people just to cross one Park the parking lot to the next we could we could stripe we could stripe crosswalk okay yes bless the idea of the C the crosswalk would not be eliminating spot the crosswalk the crosswalk would be at the end Island in order to get from one Island to the other island is what I understood yeah that's what I was referring to yeah thank you and perhaps at both ends of the islands so that that would facilitate things for people the applicant would agree to that good thank you so to get more into the plan and to the review [Music] letters I will go through first the parking calculations the ordinance is new and just to go through again how um we calculated the parking requirements of the site so as per the new ordinance as per the new ordinance the the chapter provides for different requirements different rates of parking requirements per different areas different square footage and that was how the parking calculation was uh determined and this is on the cover page which the cover page is not part of the exhibit set Anthony could you go to the plan set to the Civil plan set thank you to page one and could you zoom into to the bottom so as as shown over here um where I'm pointing and this is on the handout this is on the cover sheet the um parking requirements are as per various um amounts of square footage the architect plan lists what the main sanctuary is what different what other assembly areas are specifically the women's assembly area and the um kidish the Gathering assembly area and per the ordinance requirements the amount of parking was brought to a total of 68 the main congregation seating is 2117 square feet the assembly for the women is 1727 and the assembly for the downstairs Gathering area post Services kidish is 2357 and that totals to um 68 parking spaces required the applicant provided the required parking with the EV credits that was just to discuss the parking requirements under the new ordinance okay Dr Campell quick question I'm sorry and the residential I'm sorry and uh the the res the resident the residence requires three spaces per rsis I'm sorry the uh residence also requires parking and the total of 68 is with the residence and the parking the total amount of parking provided is for the main sanctuary and for the residents which was calculated using rsis now a question which probably goes more to Mr I think it was Mr tester but you probably can answer with the parking generally the Kish and the prayer sessions are not going on at the same time so it's the same crowd who's coming from prayers are going into the Kish is that assumption true th that is the Assumption the part yes the the the assumption that the parking provided was and as per the fact witness that these are post services kidish so it's the same people going from one room to another room is what it is thank you to discuss the board engineers letter we are have not received um comments from the environmental commission uh utilities uh the applicant is in receipt of mua approval the board should be copied on that mua approval um and as stated in the MUA approval it is contingent upon the sewer main installation so this is a preliminary approval the MUA has three steps preliminary tentative and final and the the applicant the application has received preliminary approval for the connections let let me go back just just for a second Mr Cay could you address the parking situations because I remember you had questions on that um I think my ma major questions I'll agree with the um assuming that the architecturals are are correct and the square footage is the sanctuary in the assembly area you are accurate um and um I think was indicated that for parking for the residents three spaces three spaces per rsis there's no provision in IRS for once you get up into higher bedrooms additional parking certain Jackson Township doesn't uh have that provision there are Extra Spaces and the applicant there are two extra spaces there is no specific provision beyond the five bedrooms that you're aware of that you're that I'm aware of um I think there might be I'm not really sure myself I Believe In the case I mean this is I'm going to say it a little strangely in the case of a single family detached home which this is not debate if what this is right but in the case of a single family detached home it would go up 0 five above per bedroom certain townships have that provision the applicant is able to the applicant does have sufficient parking to provide for the extra5 there are eight bedrooms and the 05 would be 1.5 would be 4.5 and there are two extra spots presently on the site plan I think it would be helpful if plans were revised to show plans could be revised thank you and and I'd like to add just on the parking um in looking at the plans I just want to make sure there's there's places where in my opinion there's sort of a mix between the residential spaces and then the Sho related spaces and I could just be reading the plans wrong is the play room for example only for the rabbis use or is that for everyone's use that okay that would be the architect plan the playroom you are you referring to on the on what what sheet of the architech plane a playroom on the right side a playroom on the right side that's on that's for the residents only for the residents and there there is an architect to provide more detailed testimony regarding the arc Lanes so then the food prep room only a door into the Kish that is part of Kish I'm going to let the architect go into detail for the architect plane just so the record clear the the applicant agrees to comply with the parking requirements for whatever whatever number of bedrooms that they have correct yeah and there is um you know with the EV credits there's actually 71 spaces and we're required right now to have 68 so if there's two more needed we're still one extra over and I think it you know to take in consideration the particular applicant he doesn't drive yeah that's well this Rabbi doesn't drive correct I wish him good help but we're planning for the future so we have to consider uh a future situation where we may have the blessing of a rabbi with um multiple children even some who drive so we have to keep that in mind the applicant is not seeking any waiver from providing parking Supply the plans will be revised as per the board engineer okay and we are not seeking a a variance from parking Supply so so if we recalculate something we'll just comply yes okay great thank you uh Mr brzy has M Jennings I have one question um you have not received anything from the environmental commission as of yet no we did not um if this supposed to be approved would you stipulate that if you have a letter of a concern you'd have to come back to us sure thank you thank you it may I ask a question this this is just floating through my mind we have one uh development that is not yet developed I I drive by it every day so I'm I'm familiar with what's going on and then we have this um very nice application I see it as a as a great uh thing for the community is there a timeline when you won't start one until the other is finished the or in process or at least the infrastructure is finished correct the yes the holding Court improvements need to be installed as mentioned specifically the utilities need to be installed the roadway needs to be installed uh part of the Outside Agency approvals we need mua approval who have said that their final approval will not be issued until it is online however knowing the uh process for resolution compliance not quick it it it should it should work there are many unknowns but yes the Holden Court infrastructure will be in place in order for the not all of the homes um of course not all of the individual homes that were approved as part of the subdivision but the infrastructure is currently underway um construction underway and yes that will be all the infrastructure would need to be in yes the lighting the uh sidewalks the utilities the roadway the curbs everything has to be in before this other project would begin uh no I wouldn't say before it begins I would say before you get a COO yes I mean you could certainly start construction my concern is that things happen you know and and things move I I mean I know depends on lot lines and and where things exist and I'm just a little concerned about starting one project when the other is not um near completion or at least the infrastructure isn't near completion the ownerships are in touch and are coordinating and certainly this application this applicant is willing to accept certainly a CEO cannot be issued and the applicant in if the applicant would begin any construction and something would go wrong that would be at the applicant's risk of not being able to utilize work he has put into it right that's that's just good planning yeah in order to obtain the zoning permit you need to get everything through resolution compliance so all the agency approvals anyway so you know even constructed yet it is still it is still under construction so it is storm water has been placed no not necessarily cuz the doing the work is one thing coming off the bond is going to the council and asking them to release it and they may not I have many developer clients that wait and wait and wait for the bonds to get released not necessarily in Jackson but anywhere in the state but the projects are done so it's really are the improvements in and can we safely use holding Court to come in and out and have all our utilities not did the developer get his bond release that's a different issue and then which roow which entrance are you going to use for construction vehicles I I would worry about construction vehicles going into Holden Road which has homes so could you stipulate that you would use the other entrance as instead of uh holding road because they both go out to the same area yes they're both going to Brewers Bridge they're both going to Brewers bridge but my my concern is for the people in the neighborhood should not have to be dealing with construction vehicles uh for your um well my guess would be the road will be in and we'll be building the Sho and they'll be building the single family homes and maybe the first person is living there but you got to build all the homes first they're not going to all be built overnight so there's going to be construction vehicles going up and down holding Court to build the single family homes but oh to build the homes yes yeah so I think they're all going to be being built around the same time once that road is in the infrastructure is there they can be building their single family homes while we're building the Shand on the res res I don't think one is exclusive of the other right and and just if need be um I'm sure that you guys are aware of this but you can get a construction easement from the individual that you're coordinating with if if need be yeah good certainly likely the construction vehicles would be entering off of Brewers Bridge first um Holden court has not yet um Holden court is still privately is is not yet holding court and uh the current applicant doesn't have rights right now to that so correct um it it may be hard to stipulate where the construction vehicles um I'm just concerned that Holden Road residents May object strenuously to construction vehicles let's say the homes are built first and then all of a sudden uh we're starting another project and they're uh they're subject to construction vehicles the lot our project can be looked at separate it's its own Pro it's its own lot and construction vehicles the applicant would be willing to accept a stipulation to enter appreciate that for the for the sake of the residents of gold Road thank you madam chair yes over here Mr C thank you um on on the issue of holding Court Access um to the sh how about you can't make the connection until holding Court's been accepted by the town as a public RightWay correct that's okay yes okay um and was there any thought on where the new driveway intersects or connects to holding Court in relation to the um residences that are going to be built yes I'm I'm getting to headlights coming out shining right in somebody's um front um front door versus on a lot line so the location of the driveway coincides with a lot line versus a house so yes um I have as an exhibit um Anthony could you go to the exhibit set the exhibit titled A7 is simply the adjacent subdivision showing our lot our lot is not superimposed but um could you zoom in to around where I am point pointing so um the proposed driveway um on our plan is approximately 240 ft from the right of way which is um right around here is only opposite the storm water management um lot the driveway is before the residential lots even begin thank you to orient and place in context thank you good catch we do we should have we do have our traffic expert will address Traffic Safety traffic comments and I will not go into the traffic safety and comments and um either of the um board engineer letter or of the board planner letter regarding fire um the fire um official's letter the applicant is able to comply with the re with the um conditions specifically um Anthony could you go back to the site plan um A3 I'm sorry to to the exhibit set um to to um exhibit A3 which is the Z plane the um Fire official requested because of um the propensity for Ev stations for for the uh the batteries to sometimes Catch Fire he does not want the EV parking adjacent to the building as shown and he would like them really located and the applicant is willing to have them relocated Additionally the um Fire official wanted a designated fire zone which per code is 12 by10 there is a large area in right in front of the building and a portion of that will be designated as the fire zone and I had an email exchange with the Fire official and he is comfortable with that the refu will need to be rotated slightly some slight modifications to the refu location although the Fire official indicated in his letter that the refu um enclosure should be 25 ft from the structure per a subsequent conversation an email with the Fire official he is not requiring 25 ft it is the code does not require it does require five ft the plan as shown has one of the refu enclosures at 5T one of them is slightly close closer and it can be modified and the applicant will be able to comply with that condition it would not need to be relocated farther away to the other side where there is room also but there is no need the Fire official was okay with that the Fire official is okay I spoke with the Fire official and exchanged an email and the applicant uh the application is conditioned on receiving Fire official approval could we say Fire Commission written approval please Fire offici Commission written approval written approval yes could we also get some documentation I'm sorry from the uh Fire official just confirming that email conversation so that it doesn't say 25 ft any longer that email could be forward I have an email and I could forward that as an exhibit okay great thank you yes thank you to continue with the board Engineers letter regarding deliveries the fact um witness stated generally the deliveries will comprise some food deliveries on Friday afternoon would be the typical time for the kidish on shabis when the parking lot is generally empty there is no requirement to have a dedicated loading zone and per the fact Witnesses um representation that deliveries will comprise basis food with small trucks there is no need to have a dedicated loading zone and the ordinance does not require it regarding grading and drainage generally the project is going to be a net cut this project again is dependent on the holding Court improvements we were able to receive the site plan from the adjacent subdivision to coordinate of course something may change as of as the plan is um depicted it is generally a net cut there's going to be excavation for the building there is some fill it'll be a net cut if there is a need for soil importation the applicant will comply with the ordinance requirements proposed uh the regarding the storm waterer management the uh storm water management if you could go Anthony to the next sheet of this exhibit set the grading drainage plan comprises uh could you zoom in a little bit more just to the site plan portion thank thank you the um storm water management facilities are provided to comply with the requirements of the township ordinance and then JDP storm water management rules it comprises a a surface Basin for water quality for attenuation and a subsurface infiltration basin the runoff beyond the required reductions are connected to the to be constructed storm waterer um catch Basin on the corner of Holden court and Brewers bridge and there should be no soil erosion issues the calculations show that the reductions are met and it is a robust storm water management system the applicant is able to provide the plans will be revised to provide access from the portion of the site closer to hold in court it will be graded in order to provide access and fencing will be placed around the perimeter of the storm water of the storm water basin regarding lighting and Landscaping can you go to the next sheat please Anthony A5 to A5 [Music] um the applicant has provided screening and buffering generally along the perimeter the requirement is to the Residential Properties tend feet to the right of way and Holden court is a right of way the plan is is um Holden Court will be a right of way and therefore it is 15 ft to Brewers bridge and to Holden court and screening is provided along the perimeter there are uh the the planner point the planner letter pointed out there will be some Dem Minimus waivers requested from certain Landscaping on end Islands which are generally compliant and I will go into it in detail um and um the refu is 5 ft from the from the building and that may preclude a full 5 foot buffer between the refu the the edge Which is closest to the building again generally the buffering and Landscaping will be provided with some Dem Minimus deviations and the applicant will be requesting in a design waiver as to be able to provide the Landscaping as practicable per the layout that is depicted the Forester commission is going to have to review all this I'm sorry the Forester commission is going to have to review all this right we and and we will and you're going to have to get we will comply approval to yes the applicant um is in receipt again as um as stated mua approval the preliminary um County approval uh both for the minor subdivision and for the site plan with one condition there was a comment regarding uh the traffic report um but we have the conditional County um Improvement and um the applicant will need to um compot will need to receive all Outside Agency um approval um and um the update and that is the update regarding mua and Ocean County um planning board we have not received the tree we did not receive the Forester letter we will comply we will have to comply and the environmental commission and all other Outside Agency approvals the soil erosion we do not yet have the approval and I will go through the uh board planners letter the minor subdivision involves numerous um existing non-conformities as the board planner mentioned earlier the minor subdivision does change and improve on one of the existing non-conformity all the non-conformities VAR all the non-con all the all the variances are existing non-conformities and the applicant is not seeking any new proposed variants on the minor subis approved for the record the for the record the um lot width along hold in court if that would be the lot width if that would be considered the lot width or the lot depth from Brewer's bridge to the rear is going to be improved by I'm sorry is is going to be improved by approximately 8 feet but still non-conforming but still non-conforming going through the board planner um comments we discussed the principal use the accessory use we the architect will provide architectural testimony and the architect will also address any signage on the bill building if there is proposed regarding traffic we do have our traffic expert will address the waivers that are a component of the site plan for large parking areas I will address um comment number eight regarding 2441 197k minimum 10ft wide length landscape Islands at the end of parking rows the plan generally provides landscaped Islands generally 10 ft there are certain spots where it is less than 10 ft um around the bend also and the applicant is Seeking a waiver um from complying fully with the requirements but to provide as practicable for this layout landscaped Islands but it will be a Dem Minimus deviation from the requirements and I I believe that that is Justified there is sufficient Landscaping throughout the site there is extra Landscaping in front of the structure there is more there are the the the structure is set back from the parking with extra landscaping and again generally the islands are landscaped and it is a de minimist deviation which I believe would be justified regarding sidewalk um again the Holden Court roadway improvements require the other the Holden Court owner to install roadway and curb the as per the board planner's letter the Holden Court owner owner is not required to provide sidewalk on our side in front of our property and this applicant is willing to provide sidewalk along the entire length of the two properties and it's not appr not requesting a waiver greatly appreciated thank you again parking the applicant is the applicant will be able to comply with the parking Supply requirements and any revisions required shall be made the um can you go in Anthony to the site plan set I'm sorry to the other to the other PDF the site plan the Civil site plan to page um five or six to the circulation plan okay thank you um this sheet shows the circulation for the refu collection as discussed the refu enclosure will be slightly mod will be slightly modified in its location but the Refuge location is accessible as per the fact witness this is going to The Refuge collection will be provided by a private hauler a it will be approximately two times a week the enclosure there are two enclosures one is for recyclables one is for solid waste and two times should be sufficient for the refuges that will uh from the synagogue and the attached residents are there times that you're limiting that to what time you're expecting you are liit on the applicant is willing to stipulate that it should not be before 7 a.m. and what about end and not after 900 p.m. thank you again regarding deliveries generally that would be Friday afternoon would be the typical delivery time the applicant will comply with the lighting requirements and revisions will be made to the plan per the per the letter regarding landscaping again 2441 978 the end Islands the applicant is Seeking a Minimus um weight waiver from providing from conforming fully with the requirements but shall provide Landscaping to the greatest extent practicable which is virtually complying but it will be a deviating from the full requirements a sight triangle easement will be provided and the Jackson Township certified tree expert will need to um uh will need to approve the plan and when we are in receipt of the plan revisions will be made as per the letter utilities again we have preliminary approval from the Jackson mua um again 24428 C in item I number 2244 208c a 5ft minimum width landscape area should be provided along the fence or wall enclosing The Refuge storage area the applicant will generally be able to provide that um the section of the refu that would be closest to the building which will be 5et away per the Fire official may not be able to have the full 5 foot width but generally the applicant will be able to screen the refuges and is Seeking a Dem Minimus waiver from completely providing the Landscaping between the refuges and the building as mentioned earlier the minor subdivision does have variances indicated both in the board Engineers letter and in the board planners letter and it is my opinion and my testimony that the board is Justified in granting the variances these can be granted under what is known as a hardship variant these are existing non-conformities the lot was created um as part of there is a filed map the lot shape has previously been created the 30 foot Frontage and the 30 foot width were previously created and exists the lot depth and lot width as discussed is only being improved and the structures along the accessory structure which is in the front yard is an existing non-conformity which would was created as a result of the Holden Court subdivision which placed the right of way along the property and therefore the accessory structure is existing non-conformity the board planner requested uh information regarding the height of the structures if that will require a variance and the existing structures Anthony are you able to go to um the 217 the subdivision plan could you zoom in to the right to to this area the the boat the house is approximately 23.2 ft that is as per survey shots and an extra measurement was taken to determine the roof uh the height the barn is approximately 18.1 ft high and variances are not required for that the pool is as per the board planner letter is under 50 ft is approximately 47 ft from the lot line and again these are all existing non-conformities and would fall under um the hardship step it would fall under um the hardship because it is these are structures and the lot are both existing and to require the applicant to dismantle the structures and to reconfigure the lot is certainly going to be a hardship and that would be able to satisfy the positive criteria and the the pool is only going to be for personal family use correct the pool is only for personal family useul stipulate that yes yeah yes the pool has nothing to do with the site plan application it's just future concern yes yes when the board grants a bulk of variance the negative criteria need to be satisfied also and this is Satisfied by demonstrating that there is no substantial detriment to the public good and there is no substantial deviation from the zoning ordinance these are existing non-conformities there is no substantial detriment to the public good these exist right now and these are minor um deviations and they're existing and the negative criteria would be satisfied as well and the board will be justified in granting the existing non-conformities um as part the minor subdivision um just asking the professionals the lighting uh you're satisfied with the lighting plan um the um the lights will be provided with shields yes there's a problem Shields and timers to go off at at 11:00 p.m. and the roadway in lights that's pretty long roadway so the roadway lighting is part of the Holden Court improvements okay great thank you yes are our professionals also accepting of the landscape plan um I think the the perimeter no issues with I think that's you know they did did did a good job um I still have have an issue with the internal Islands why not put a couple trees yes the applicant is willing to place the request for the applicant will revise and place trees and shrubs the request for the river waiver is only because referring to the WID but the shrubs will be added they aren shown they will be added trees will be added the waiver is from the dimensioning but the internal circulation aisles they'll they'll get the um trees and the shrs um along the Northerly side of I'll say the norly side of the building there is landscaping around the um trash enclosure um but the whole um length of the building guess to the east there's not really anything Foundation plantings can we get some yes you can add Foundation plantings thank you yeah just a small one regarding the catch Basin um that's on the roadway right the parking that's where you're putting the catch base in the utilities including the storm water the catch Basin are part of the Holden Court improvements and we are tying into the Holden Court improvements cars are going to be driving over those drains which drain um on page A5 or A4 whichever one Anthony could you go please to page A5 of the exhibit set I'm sorry all those black squares that's what you said those are those are underground and they are able to there are specifications to provide for cars are able to go over yes okay just wanted to clarify that I'm sorry I have just a couple more um you mentioned that there's going to be deliveries like Friday afternoon um does that cover for all activities over the weekend as well so the social events yeah there will be no deliveries on Saturday on the on chabis and the deliveries for the services and for the Post Services kidish would be on Friday afternoon correct yes and then could you just um reiterate for me what approvals you're still waiting for we are awaiting approvals from the envir environmental commission from the Forester from the uh Soil Conservation District um we have preliminary approval from the MUA but we are aw but we haven't but we need fi tentative and final approval so conservation ni um I believe that is I believe that is all and if I missed I believe that that is that is all the county we are in receipt of the county um um approval um with one comment and these will have to be complied with during the resolution compliance yes yeah yes and all the ones you have not received you have made application for correct yes thank you just walk me through uh with the variances just just walk me through what what parts of the m M uh that it advances just so we can have a clear record he went for hardship as opposed to C2 right okay all right so they were all all hardship bearings yes gotcha we do have a traffic expert um I will comment that um the Fire official does um like having secondary access um the Fire official always would like when there's a corner lot to have secondary emergency access and um in addition to the secondary emergency access it does provide it does ease pressure off of the Brewers Bridge roadway and um it provides secondary access for um for the congregants but it is it is a secondary access that the Fire official would like um there were comments and I will let the traffic expert address um specifically the comments I would also think for for walking congregants it would be closer uh for people on that side rather than people down Brewers Bridge so it's probably a good plan and and to orient again if um if Anthony if you go to the adjacent subdivision again the the um I'll let him bring it up to um I'm sorry to I what I meant was to exhibit A7 which is the adjacent subdivision plan so again the um driveway was is care is is um kept before the residential portion of the for the residences begin but it does provide a secondary access but children playing would be beyond that driveway you know it I for once when I ask him for a secondary exit is there already so you know I appreciate that because think to myself all the time where's the secondary access and now you give it to you and you don't want it no no no we don't we want it we want it just just a question I think it's a I apologize it's always I think we're very pleased to see a secondary exit it's much safer and it makes much more sense especially given the very long road um that is going to be taking place I I have a lot of questions about that road so um when we get there I thought you were being very quiet over there and I was just keeping my fingers crossed that is a high compliment yeah so I think um if there's no further questions for Mr Halper will call up the architect okay okay great thank you e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e thank you at this time I'd like to call the architect Melissa rub who you may have known as Melissa Mermelstein but you told me she changed her name to her married name congratulations thank you though I always like I like the song Miss Marmelstein so I'll miss I'll miss it I said the same thing I love her made a name I love the way it rolled out but uh all right can't pick who you marry I guess right all right please raise your right hand sure do you swear or affirm to tell the truth to hold truth nothing but the truth I do can you state your name spell your last of the record Melissa Rob rub um I am a graduate of the City College of New York I am licensed in the state of New Jersey and I've appeared before this and other Municipal boards Bo accept credentials welcome thank you thank you thank you and if you could um for the board walk us through both the Sho layout and the rabbi residence and if you're going to refer to an exhibit just please identify it for the record sure um Anthony if I could trou you to go to the next page Z2 and let's actually go to Z3 we'll start at the first floor thank you um so we are proposing a two-story shol with a basement attached to a two-story home with a basement for the rabbi and his family to reside the first floor of the SHO is 4,74 sorry 4374 sare ft and is approximately 82t 9 in Long by 55 ft wide the first floor has a Lobby vestibule coat room and coffee room that's over here um bathrooms and a 2,116 ft main sanctuary um in previous testimony there was a question of the occupancy load for the main sanctuary and code would identify it at 141 persons in the main sanctuary at a maximum um there's also an overflow lady section SL Library over here at the main level um and with the bathroom as well Anthony if we can go to the next G zd4 please the second floor of the Shool is 2,2 56 ft with a 1,590 ft ladies balcony which overlooks the main sanctuary um now let's hop over to Z2 please the basement level is 5,167 square ft um I know there was some confusion about where the um basement extended for the Sho area and that's this line right here so everything to the left on this side is part of the Sho and um the main use of the base is a shabas kidish room um and the ancillary spaces around it like coat room bathroom and warming kitchen um the Shool and the home will both be fully sprinklered um to address the fire the Bureau of fire safety's comments in the review letter we received we agree to the following conditions um one nox boox sorry um Anthony next page Z3 please thank you one KNX boox at the main entrance of the Shool a secondary KNX boox where the Shool and the hom me at the secondary entrance over here um and a remote FDC at the South Side on this side um where they split between the Sho and the residential walkways on the residential side on the home side um this is the ground floor of the residence um and it is 2,984 square ft approximately 77 ft wide by 50 ft deep the first floor of the home has a foyer living dining room kitchen U mud room and home office um with additionally we have provided facilities for the rabbi at the first floor level to accommodate wheelchair access including a primary bedroom bathroom and the rabbi study um page Z4 please thank you um at the second floor of the home we have a secondary primary bedroom um and as well as a laundry room and six additional bedrooms for the Luben visiting children and grandchildren um Anthony if we can go back sorry to page Z2 the residential area of the basement has a playroom Studio playroom studio and as we described earlier the rabbis aqua theapy room and again this is for private use only and has no Public Access if we can go over to the exhibit set um to exhibit A8 thank you very much um this is a you know an architectural rendering of the exterior of the structure um we focused primarily on the Sho elevation um using um classic and stately materials like Limestone and paneling um you know with modern lines and and um and trims um if we can go over to exhibit a 10 please that's a front view and that's a view of the home um it's meant to complement the Sho and its materials um with similar colors and textures um at this time I would be happy to address any of the board's questions if in the future um the uh situation changes that aqua room would only be for home use of a rabbi the rabbi or the family member that is correct it would stay in the use of the home and that would be stipulated yes thank you what is the height of the um the sh sure 31 ft from grade to top of Earth and then the the height of the residence 20 ft from grade to the eve of the roof and then the access to the residence because it looks like there's no there's no con even though they're attached there's no connection between the Sho and the resident I through that yeah sure um if we can go back to page Z2 the or sorry Z3 I believe is the first floor plan um not in the exhibit set in the uh architectural set please yeah one more page thank you very much so right here is the rabbi study and there's a little hallway vestibule that leads to this entrance this is the entrance that's um accessed via this ramp right here this L-shaped ramp um so the rabbi could easily access the main level and from here go straight into the main sanctuary or into his private study there's additional ramp access to the front door of the home okay thank you sure just looking at the diagram here um are those steps leaning to the front or was I just can't see clearly here or was that a ramp I know rabit currently is obviously uses a wheelchair sorry the the residential home into into the residential home yeah yeah so there's steps here and the ramp comes from the parking area and wraps around this way that connects to the porch right here okay so this is the ramp that goes from grade up this long ramp actually accesses the basement so the rabbi wouldn't use the elevator on chabis and in order to get to Kesh you would go in the down the ramp yeah sure Mike the the ground floor is wheelchair accessible and the main facilities for the rabbi so bedroom and his private bathroom are all wheelchair accessible all adaa sure then as far as the capacity the maximum capacity you said for the main sanctuary it's 141 perc is that that's just the maximum capacity throughout the entire um so and then upstairs for the lady section is an [Music] additional sorry one moment um 106 ladies and then do does for the um the ksh room that would be the combination of the two for the the maximum capacity that's correct okay thank you sure on the plans that there is solar consideration absolutely the the roof of the sh is flat and so we would definitely consider solar after the mechanical units have been placed absolutely little more than consider maybe sure okay thank you flat rope is a flat rope you know yeah um I wanted to address one more item um Anthony if we can hop over to um I believe it's [Music] Z sorry you know what let's go to the um exhibit at exhibit A8 please thank you um there's some wallmounted signage I just wanted to point that out for the board um per the township ordinance it would be a maximum of 80 Square fet so we would comply and there's no um site signage so just a building facade right that's correct I also someone asked me during the break um I noticed that there is a small grassy area behind the residents I'm thinking you know maybe now it's not needed for a play area but there's not a very large play area for um the rabbis children future rabbis children uh basketball court or whatever is is that as big as it's going to be big an area is it going to be well we do have an interior play area in the basement um as for outdoor play area I'll maybe hand that question over to Mr Halper yeah um yes that area could be utilized by the grandchildren for example and I when designing the site I did try to leave as much lawn area because I do like lawn area and um it is approximately from the parking area across to the building 30 feet which is actually nice um it's a little bit larger than my uh backyard um but that there is an area where children can play and did I miss it or is there a garage front small just one one storage garage yeah Dr Campbell is there a deck there's in the back the back there's a deck in the rear um we can go back to the architectural [Music] plan kind of tucked between the sh and the home um adjacent to the kitchen sorry Anthony if I could trouble you to go to page Z3 of the architectural set of the architectural set please no the other set if you don't mind the architectural set yeah that's right uh right over here that's the de and that would be used for the residents primarily right only yeah okay quick question what was the total occupancy for the whole building let's say if you had a bmit for something going on so I know you have the two levels I'm just going to do some math so um between the main sanctuary and the lady section we have 247 people we calculated for a non-simultaneous use sorry I'm sorry pardon me for for simultaneous use so um that the no I said it right the first time non-simultaneous use so that the main sanctuary and the lady section would not be used at the same time as the bar mitzvah hall or or the Kish room is um occupied so it would be the same occupants from upstairs who would then go filter down to the basement so if you have a a function going on in the first floor you're not going to have anybody up in the balcony area no I combined the two the balcony and the first floor would be combined for 247 but the basement would not be an additional okay and you can verify that that won't happen yes well it'll be stipulated thank you for the suggestion I wouldn't all right I think we're finished we got witht this oh I'm sorry thiso um in our Engineers report they just indicated um about the exterior finishes of the building and how they're compatible with their surrounding area could you talk a little bit more about that sure I mean we we did a survey of the surrounding area we feel that the architecture of the home definitely fits into the you know to the to the homes in the area and the Sho being that it is a house of worship we we wanted it to look like a house of worship so we we feel that it is architecturally compatible with the with the surroundings very nice anything from the uh professionals I got one um in looking at the plans I just want to make sure so the rabbi's aqua room how would the rabbi get to the aqua room sure there's ramp access that goes down to the basement this is right here that connects to um Anthony sorry if we can shift back one page please thank you um into the vestibule and that leads him into the main or sorry into this doorway right here down the hallway and that would be in in this this is the residential portion of the basement the elevator so so if he's in his house and it's snowing and he needs Aqua he'd have to go outside and then back in yeah we we discussed this you know with with the rabbi and the congregants and we felt that this was the most viable solution he could go additionally in right so this is only the ramp would only be used my apologies on a on a Saturday um during the week there is elevator access to the basement and then the Garage what was termed a garage is really just storage there's no Drive driveway access to garage thank you regarding the outside deck I mean maybe this is just for the rabis privacy that it's not there but shouldn't there yes be a door going from the main sanctuary to the deck if need be for ESS or you know it's always good to have if the was that done for privacy purposes if the congregation and the rabbi choose so there's no code issues with adding a a door from the deck to the to the main sanctuary so that can easily be added it it might be a a safety feature to have a second uh ESS sure we we have that second egress from on the south side of the plan as well but we would be happy to add a third eress out of the main sanctuary with pleasure Mr hel is that what you have in mind thank you all right any other questions for this witness thank you okay okay so unfortunately so we our traffic engineer uh didn't make it um his partner Scott who was supposed to be here this evening had a an issue this morning and he was not able to make the meeting John was trying to get himself here he is in Belmar and he is still in Belmar he just texted me and said not going to happen we just took a break and I have not been cross-examined yet so with that unfortunately maybe if we could open it to the public and get some public comment while they're here that would be great and uh also while while we're listening to the public um maybe Miss Morris can look at at this calendar and see what looks good open it for public comment now this should be cross- examination of any experts that have been presented who are you again it abon 22 I porn Court you swear or affirm to tell the truth the hold truth nothing but the truth I do all right what would the capacity be on the deck in the back that's a great question I don't have that number off hand but I can grab it for you yeah Ed Bannon b a n n you're so quiet I forgot you were there you should always Name by now I think 45 persons okay and just to put it on the record uh I see there's ample parking but I just want to make sure there's not going to be any overflow parking at on Brewers Bridge we were sort of holding all that for the traffic engineer but good good to put it on the record the parking Supply is sufficient and the plans will be revised to make sure that there is sufficient Supply and there will be no need to have overflow on Brew's Bridge need need isn't the issue the issue is is we will be requesting no parking signs uh along the whole of the uh area as well as on your interior roadway the the applicant would be willing to stipulate that stipulate that thank you so much thank you Mr Bannon good question anyone else from the public who would like to speak on this very beautiful project second Bernstein all in favor all right well we will look forward to seeing you again we hope so well we need yeah we'll need a date so we can carry without notice we'll look so I can put it on Myer if you'd like to take a look at the agenda see what you everything's on there so um possibly finish maybe July 1 uh if not we have an opening on August 19th ju take July 1st well we have a very large application which you know it's yours it's yours before that however we're only we're only hearing the traffic engineer correct correct so that shouldn't with any luck I have about 16 questions for the traffic engineer um if that's okay with you and and if we don't get to it then it'll be August no no yeah we'll the July we do our best and you'll move along your first application oh swimmingly yes that will be wonderful okay all right uh just for clarification though I don't need to bring back the witnesses because now they've been subject to cross examination so the only one we need they're fine there's been cross examination the next cross examination would only be for the traffic engineer terrific good oh of course ashy um I just want to make sure uh are you proposing any like construction trailers things like that construction of the building could you repeat the question please yeah will there be any construction trailers on site or is it no not for the site plan no good question and will the site be irrigated it will be there will be a well for irrigation and then just to confirm just to clarify my misunderstanding so I think you're seeking bulk variances for what I'm going to call all of the lot related items and then bulk variances for the pool and garage that's what you're seeking now correct the existing yeah the existing pool and garage okay that's it that's good thank you very much thank you very much have a good evening everybody thank you the applicant the applicant waves time for the decision yes till Janu July second and we we have to we have to vote we have to vote on uh on moving that to um July first everyone in favor I anyone opposed then it passes thank you can I make a motion to close very nice Mr burnston very nice motion to close in favor all in favor I have a good night thank you everyone it was very good it's a good night good questions oh I'm holding I'm not pleased with the traffic situation