e e e e e e e e Pledge of Allegiance thank you I pled to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all good evening and welcome the May 14 2024 meeting of the Jackson Township Council will now come to order councilman burelli here councilman Bernstein here councilman Chisum here Council vice president Sergeant pres and council president cun here as Clerk of this meeting I hereby publicly announce that in compliance with the provisions of the open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting has been advertised in the manner prescribed by law we move on to our proclamations for this evening Six Flags Great Adventure yep good evening everyone I have in front of me a proclamation for our neighbor very good friend of Jackson Township Six Flags this year they are in their 50th Anniversary operating in Jackson Township and that if that's not a milestone I don't know what is considering the Way businesses can't stay in business but uh Six Flags has been nothing but that good neighbor and we are proud to call them a neighbor and friend they employ quite a few people a lot of them a lot of our children grandchildren all grew up there working and I'm sure there's people in this room that have not only gone there but still go there and still continue to make memories with that I like to read this Proclamation to them in recognition of Six Flags Great Adventures 50th Anniversary where as established in July 1974 Great Adventure open to the public in Jackson Township as a Visionary combination of Animal Safari and amusement park quickly became a landmark destination enjoing crowds from across the country and whereas Six Flags Great Adventure has continually evolved and expanded offering worldclass roller coaster live entertainment themed areas and seasonal events they have received many industry Awards throughout the years and have been internationally recognized for some of the amusement rides including King the car known as the world's smallest and fastest roller coaster and El Toro which has been the steepest drop of any wooden coaster in the world when it opened in 2006 and whereas last year in preparation of celebrating their 50th Anniversary Six Flags Great Adventure announced their largest investment in nearly two decades this season guests can expect to enjoy the flash a super boomerang roller coaster Splash Island in Hurricane Harbor and the Savannah Sunset Resort and Spa which is an overnight glamping experience located within the wild safari and whereas with the thrilling rides entertainment and events in addition to the wild safari drive-thru and Hurricane Harbor water park it is no surprise that the theme park has welcomed over 150 million guests since opening and continues to welcome millions of guests from around the world each year now therefore I Michael Reena mayor of the township of Jackson County of ocean state of New Jersey along with the Jackson Township Council hereby desires to publicly recognize and congratulate Six Flags Great Adventure for celebrating 50 successful years and we wish them much more success in the years to come now furthermore we encourage Jackson residents to visit great adventur this year as they host a 50th anniversary celebration event from Memorial Day through Labor Day with a special celebration on July 1st 2024 a visit to Six Flags Great Adventure is an enjoyable and Unforgettable experience for visitors of all ages thank you very much we have the park president here and members from Six Flags if you mind coming up for this is the Pres ran [Applause] as [Applause] thank you I just want to thank um the young lady right there from Jtown news she's a young student that is reporting and was covering the proclamation for uh Jackson Township uh Memorial I believe thank you so [Applause] much we're good we'll continue with opening comments from Township Council council president cun just want to make sure the kids are out okay so just want to get down to a little bit of business real quick I just wanted to make sure that the the kids were out for this ladies and gentlemen gentlemen as council president it is my duty to ensure that the meeting is conducted in a professional manner I kindly request that no one approaches the de at any time during the meeting unless I as the council president have given you permission I also request that while the microphone or while on the microphone or in the audience there will be no interruptions that interfere with the procedures it is important that we allow the council to address the necessary business of our town with any with any disruptions should anyone um disregard this request you will be asked to stop if the uh requests do not if they persist you will be asked to have um to leave if necessary an officer will be assisting you off the president presence thank you all right on positive note so Jackson Township um is come together with the fire department the police the council the mayor um contractors in town and residents in town to help um together support the student athletes and there was a couple uh questions regarding the band um there's outside arenas for the at Memorial so we are doing that on May 19th from 10:30 to 1:30 if anybody would like come and support we would like to fix their wherever they have their I think it's their football um showers and stuff like that we have a bunch of the estimates about $30,000 that we're trying to raise and then their concession stance I know we were trying to do uh the athletic one but the band had also request I don't know why they can't come together and use them together but I guess that's that's not working so they're trying to both have them also Memorial Day is Monday uh May 27th for the parade hope everybody can attend it starts at uh 10:00 a.m. and it begins at hman um just wanted to advise everybody on the economic committee we met with the potential uh engineer who will be handling the master plan and explain to the advisory committee how it's they are a significant part of this in regards to Roa Farm we did meet um during the meeting they discussed having two concept plans that will presented presented at the next meeting unfortunately the engineer is not going to meet the deadline to meet the next meeting so we will be pushing that back about a week and I will be sending an email to everybody on the committee thank you have a good night and drive home safe thank you Council vice president Sergeant good evening um Jackson Memorial High School played Point Pleasant Beach last night and the baseball tournament for the short tournament and Memorial won six to5 in Extra Innings so congratulations to them they'll be traveling to Southern on Thursday to play Southern Regional thank you and have a good evening thank you councilman belli uh thank you clerk Moss uh congratulations a great adventure on their Milestone and achievement we wish you another 50 great years in Jackson uh I also want to denounce and condemn the anti-israel and anti-semitic protests occurring on some of the college campuses in our country including at Princeton University and at uh public funded Ruckers University yes of course people have a right to free speech but not to disrupt college life and academic learning and cross the line into unlawful activity students should feel safe at College not intimidated or harassed I oppose any form of patriot racism or discrimination and I support Zer zero tolerance for it I want to thank uh Congressman our Congressman Chris Smith for publicly voicing his opposition to what's happening at and with these college protests um in response to the Jackson Township School District facing a$3 million deficit uh which we may have all uh heard about um by now in the yearly continuation of state A cuts and possible elimination of Staff positions and academic and sports programs I'm glad to be introducing resolution 20524 along with my Council mates in support of assembly Bill a 4294 which our assemblyman Alex siwicki and a product of the Jackson schools is sponsoring which would permit school districts like ours to receive loans from the state of New Jersey to support their operating budget where a significant budget for uh shortfall exists which is certainly the case in Jackson uh please call and or email assembly speaker Greg Coughlin to urge his party to support this bill and to urge him to post it for a vote more information on assembly Bill a 4294 can be found on the New Jersey legislature website and um also speaker speaker coughlin's phone number 732 855 7441 children's education should be a bipartisan issue in priority also I encourage residents to visit the Jackson uh Township School uh District at Jackson sd.org to see how you can help out including sample emails to use and write to reach out to the decision makers in Trenton to make your voices heard and to urge them to equitably and fairly restore state aid to our Township's public schools in closing I hope all the moms out there had a wonderful Mother's Day and as my almost 92-year-old mom likes to say God Bless America take care and have a good evening thank you councilman Bernstein good evening thank you everyone for coming out um since the last council meeting we had a nice longer break than usual um as everyone is aware our Board of Ed hosted a special um meeting to discuss their budget issues um it was really really heartwarming to see such a large um Broad diverse group of residents coming out and supporting our district I think tomorrow night the Board of Ed is going to be presenting their budget and I urge is it today sorry today so if we end up early feel free to get over there it's down the block um but I urge everyone to stay engaged and to continue doing whatever advocacy you can continue doing um additionally as the council member who is the leaz to the master plan Committee just want to update everyone that we did have a meeting um a public meeting recently and there will be more to come and just stay tuned and we will release it on the the on the um a by the next me by the planning board but B by by the next uh um on the town website also I also just want to acknowledge we have a resolution tonight for a to apply for a grant and I really just want to take a moment and thank our public safety director and the men and women in blue um for really just continuing to keep our town safe and fighting every day um for all residents thank you councilman chisel good evening everybody uh thank you and uh congratulations to Great Adventure 50 years I was one of those wide-eyed kids in 1974 that went through the gate I went to the safari rode the runaway train I don't know all the all the cool rides are no longer there right I mean unfortunately you know the Enterprise the Roundup I'm going hopefully somebody's having some flashbacks here they need to bring back the Rock and roller Co or time time machine though bring that back that was the best love that thing um I also like to thank Bank assemblyman uh Alex swii you heard already that he has put forth another bill to hopefully fight Trenton and get some of those funds restored to our school districts a 4294 so it doesn't stop here please reach out to both of our uh assemblymen our Senator everybody in Trenton go down the list bug them all we need that money back we sent it there and we should be giving that back to our children where it belongs um you may have heard you know of course the people in and DC are at it again you may have seen that they voted to continue fisa so that they can now spy on you continuously without a warrant not a good thing yesterday they thought it was okay to get rid of Oprah and change that so now you really can't have an open and transparent government again you know who who's the fox in charge of the then House people I don't know not good stuff um so I will just say um be watching they need to be watched all the time you've heard about the memorial Day Parade on May 27th I hope you all come out and take some time to come not only to the parade but if you can't make the parade take two or three hours on Memorial Day spend time educate your children most kids today believe it or not a recent poll I read was only 25% of the people even know what the heck Memorial Day is for that's sad okay it's great to have a picnic and a barbecue spend time with your family friends do parades but we should take at least two or three hours out of those three days or four days whatever you take for that weekend and pay tribute to to those fallen heroes that gave the ultimate sacrifice for all of us so that we could have meetings and come out here and vent and have our free speech and all the other constitutional protections that we currently enjoy and if we want to keep them we need those Heroes so please take the time for that thank you all God Bless America thank you and mayor Rea any comments sir mayor sorry would you like any comments uh no I want to thank Council for saying everything I was going to say so I'm going I'm not going to repeat every all of it but uh the only thing I will say is uh councilman Chisum hit the nail on the head I think we need to reflect on Memorial Day more now than ever before with everything that's going on in the world uh while we thank our First Responders here at home we have young men and women all over the globe keeping us safe we don't even know what they're doing anymore because of the actions and and the mass chaos that's going on so keep them in your prayers and and remember those who who who Fallen before us to give us what we have right here and now everybody enjoy get home safe have a good evening thank you next item on the agenda is the public budget hearing for Fire District 3 and Fire District 4 I need a motion to open the public hearing all in favor I I at this time if any member of the the public wishes to comment comment on this topic please address the council at the microphone and state your name and address clearly for the record you will have five minutes and may only speak once Raymond Tores Fire District 4 County Line Road 54 good evening some of you may know my name is Raymond Torres I'm the president of the board of fire Commissioners Fire District Number Four the fire department has always been an apolitical apolitical and not involved in Township Politics the first time ever we were being drawn into Township political games this doesn't seem about politics and safety and Public Safety and more about politics something doesn't seem right District 3 lost a vote at a rate of 2 to one and we lost by 28 million votes District 3 has $1.1 million in their general fund we have 250,000 of which 150,000 is allocated and approved by voters for Scot packs purchased this year in 2022 District 3 got 550,000 when we asked for 105,000 in 2023 District 3 got 275,000 and we got 150,000 and now in 2024 we're asking for 500,000 for the future development of our district to keep our taxes the lowest in town you want to cut $150,000 from District 3 and 300,000 from us in District 4 so what's the difference between the two District 3 is is willing to consolidate and we are or not which is why last week I received a call from a third party on behalf of a council member that was told to me the council is going to an I quote quote your legs out from under you if you are willing to meet if you aren't willing to meet with the board member and the mayor to discuss the matter uh even though consolidation will not work for our district I personally reached out to the council member and reive no response last meeting in the public form about our budget the Council made a recommendation of $150,000 in Cuts last week I saw the public agenda post it the cuts for our district went from 150,000 to 300,000 for a council of conservative is interesting that you are defunding the fire department and playing polit playing political games with Public Safety the council keeps saying how consolidation works with no evidence however whoever is feeding you bad information should probably reconsider you should probably reconsider their advice I implore you to look at Cherry Hill fire department there is no cost savings consolidation won't benefit our taxpayers financially and operationally there has been no cost analysis study complete and right off the bat our taxpayers in District Four will get a drastic increase in tax with no higher quality of service from what I hear other districts sold two of their trucks on a closed bid sold both trucks to two people who are related and under market value you could have scrapped the aluminum on the trucks for more than what they paid for them going to public auction would have generated more money and a great and greater exposure still consolidation works right there's cost savings right maybe she'll look at other districts handling the money before you cut a district who maintains the lowest tax in town finally last meeting you bolstered about spending $3 million for new AstroTurf we and District 4 asking for a little over $3 million for Public Safety you want to cut Ours by 300 so I pose a question does public safety mean less than political agenda to you I just want to say to Frank kosi and the men and women from District 3 you're all extremely hardworking and absolute pleasure to work with we look forward to working you with you side by side in the future thank you thank you I'd like to answer a couple of your questions sir commissioner I'd like to answer a couple of your questions I'd like to address that um you you said multiple times what you hear in your statement and you heard that a third party had given information I'm guessing it was pertaining to me I have not I've speaking with the Commissioners I've also spoken with your Chief this morning um your budget last year was you asked for in capital an additional 115 this year you went to 500,000 we are only we're cutting from your Capital your when your Chief had called me he didn't even understand what we were doing he said that nobody had communicated with him I went over the budget and I have it he actually left a message on my Township email saying council president can you please call me and educate me on how we can consolidate District 4 I can play it for you oate okay and in regards to your budget and your Capital we're not cutting you we're not doing your dayto day operations we would never defund the the fire department or the police we're not doing that and I don't appreciate that the way you're you're presenting this because you're not presenting it ACC accurately you went from 115 to asking to 500 okay we're cutting 300 of your Capital we're still giving you $85,000 additional in your reserves you are well enable to do your day-to-day operations so your hearsay is not facts the facts are the numbers in your budget okay you have seven members okay five are driving cars that you do what you do but you have the biggest Firehouse in the whole town what do you need a second level for you're not 2472 okay you don't run EMS like you said last time 24 hours out of your District out of the firehouse so I did my due diligence and you also said the apparatus that you drive can't go through Jackson 21 that's inaccurate information and you're on that email and you said I'm sorry Jennifer I must have misspoke or you misheard me so that is the accurate information I did look into it we are not trying to hurt any fire department from growing and doing what they're doing do we think consolidation is is something that should be considered absolutely even your own fire department says you know what we're not going to survive it's not going to it's not the longevity so that's the truth and I hate to be I'm I'm just being straight with you I'm not fluffing and I'm not doing anything I'm just giving you the numbers that on my paper thank you and have a great night if I may council president it was not my initial comment for the uh board member was not you um it was another member of the board however your representation of everything that you just said is completely inaccurate and I rebuttal with everything you say is uh how you said it uh mischaracterized uh that's all I can say I mean if you'd like to have a conversation in town hall I'd be willing to do so but it seems that we both have different views and ours is accurate so thank you thank you sir Ray Katon 11 forom Road consolidation of the fire department started almost 9 years ago there's definitely savings you have multiple accountants you have a attorneys that have to independently work with each district so to say there is no savings is definitely not true I studied it myself um if you would have Consolidated to one District the estimated savings almost a half a million dollars to the taxpayer so if we would have done it N9 years ago we'd be in a hell of a lot better shape than we are now and I think consolidation is the only way to go thank you thank you sir good evening Council Donnie Adelman 206 will appoint um I'm going to simplify this because I think overall maybe I could talk with the fire captains it should be made a little bit more plain language as far as this entire consolidation process as far as I'm concerned give These Fine men women the fire department their auxiliary everything that they they want everything they need to put out fires as long as they're not asking for Lamborghini fire trucks and Catering by noou and Del Frisco every night give it to them I don't know about second levels or any of these other things because it's kind of buried in a lot of political or process jargon rather um maybe somewhere along the way uh it could be simplified for the residence in the town as far as what want what the town wants to do as far as consolidation because look as far as having different two different firehouses I like having more fir trucks the better more firemen or fire people sorry the better having two uh accountants two lawyers two of everything whatever the other gentleman said you only need one set of administration private companies could sit there all the time they have one operator with two locations it should should be able to be done through the fire department let's save a little bit of money on that end so this way they can go out and buy new fire trucks and new whatever it is that they need because what they do is probably the most important function of the public government in this town as far as people's immediate safety um they do interact with people at their worst moments as far you know a little bit more than the police do and you know maybe if we have to rob from Peter Peter being the police department to pay for the fire department a little bit better I'm all for that as long as we're not taking it from things like the teachers and and actual valued services from the town let's do it have a good night thank you sir seeing no one else come forward and make a mo make a Vince scuo scat uccio 24 Plymouth Court Jackson last time I read your Charter you guys are responsible for the safety and of our community right well the issue is not the budget here the issue is the safety of the residents of Jackson I live in South nolles Four Seasons on County Line Road okay Firehouse is right outside our our development our average age of our community is 75 I don't think I have a 75 year old up there but when you hit 75 uh you usually have a lot of health issues okay that fire department right outside our door has visited our community over the past couple of years hundreds of times because of health and safety issues of our residents so the issue is not the budget you can find money I was here last time I told you what money is okay it's the health and safety if you're going to their response time is minutes to watch development you relocate them because of consolidation now it's going to be 10 minutes 15 minutes you must be the on the other side of town you are going to affect the health and safety of our community people are going to die because of all of you thank you thank you sir seeing no one come forward and make a motion to close public session all in favor I I thank you consideration of ordinance public hearing and final consideration this is second reading of ordinance 17-24 entitled an ordinance amending chapter 244 land use and development regulations of the code of the township of Jackson County of ocean and state of New Jersey this ordinance was introduced on April 25th 2024 I need a motion to open the public hearing motion all in favor I if any member of the public has any comments to make please address the council at the microphone and state your name and address clearly for the record you will have five minutes and may only speak once seeing no one come forward I'll make a motion to close public session all in favor I I this third reading of ordinance 17-24 entitled an ordinance amending chapter 244 land use and development regulations of the code of the township of Jackson County of ocean and state of New Jersey I need a motion to adopt on third and final reading and advertise according to law second councilman brell councilman Bernstein yes councilman Chisum no council vice president Sergeant yes and council president cun yes this is the second reading of ordinance 18-24 entitled an ordinance of the township of Jackson County of oceans state of New Jersey authorizing the acceptance of portion of block 12701 lot 12.02 from the Westlake Master Association Inc this ordinance was introduced on April 25th 2024 I need a motion to open the public hearing sove second all in favor I I if any member of the public has any comments to make please address the council at the microphone and state your name and address clearly for the record you will have five minutes and may only speak once hello Council mayor thank you for the opportunity to speak my name is Jamie Hil Kean I reside at 8 Castle AV in Jackson I've lived here since 197 9 and became a homeowner in 2004 according to Township zoning Maps as of 2009 Robin Estates was considered a medium density residential area South Boston to Beam Avenue via Tilford is also considered a major collector road which means everyone has access to cut through the residential Streets between Bennett Mills and cooksbridge this alone creates excessive traffic into Robin Estates along with other issues such as speeding running stop signs and vehicles unnecessarily traving traveling down streets with no Outlets the road in question was initially only for emergency vehicle access it would open to a side road on a no Outlet Corner into a development filled with small children and not on a main road allowing regular traffic from the West Lake and Muse would not only increase traffic on roads that aren't built for the volume with South Boston being only 33 ft in width it would create a bigger safety issue for the residents and many children that reside ad ramit Estates Westlake and the Muse were built 20 plus years ago this has if this should have been a concern to the residents then instead of being in our neighborhood's burden to bear now I hope you take our view into consideration and considering opening this road into our residential neighborhood thank you Council thank you thank you good evening my name is Fred Morrow and I live at 9 Beam Avenue on the corner of South Boston and Beam Avenue um right now there are tire marks going alongside my house the stop sign at Beam Avenue in South Boston is at an angle it's been hit multiple times not to mention the fact that there's a stop sign at the gate on South Boston that nobody stops at um there's been Untold accidents up until this point um to open that gate up to regular traffic with children school buses um the traffic that we have now coming through South Boston which when I moved in 38 years ago was a fire trail that somebody just paved over Sandstone it's not even full based Road and it's not wide enough for two vehicles to travel down at the same time I've pulled number of cars out of my side yard up against my fence um and I hate to say it but if that gate is opened for through traffic I hate to see what it's going to be like in the future uh I hope you these guys would really consider that thank you thank you sir well Council H mayor my name is Sam Winer I live on 18 South Boston Road uh I want to give my comments about opening up the road uh I think the The Proposal is very irresponsible and dangerous as other me as other residents said it will open up currently South Bon is very narrow Wy Street almost half the width of the regular Street and can barely accommodate two cars traveling by side by side if you have two cars one car is going basically has to stop for the other car to pass by uh additionally people just think this road is an empty road and they're going 70 80 miles an hour uh I almost got hit personally twice uh walking down that road I have to walk on that road every Friday night Saturday day Saturday night I'm walking on that road by myself there's multiple people walking on that road uh as we're Orthodox Jews we don't you know we don't take cars on those days so we have to walk and at night no one can see us and there's like I said personally I almost got killed twice uh so just continue what reading what's what was written additionally Robin States is a residential neighborhood and some streets unfortunately suffer from the some thr traffic this propos would add traffic for additionally 150 housing units onto our roads running them completely unsafe for P for pedestrians and adding a lot of traffic it appears that the Town Council has done absolutely no Research into this before putting the proposal up for vote and attempt to slip a past the awareness of the Neighbors in conversation with the res Robin Estates today one of the council members claimed that were only 80 units in West Lake moves of which he claimed that many of them don't own cars apparently his council member didn't bother making even the most preliminary research which would have revealed that in fact there's 10050 unit 150 units in West Lake Muse and each one having mostly two cars additionally perhaps this council member can advise us otherwise but I wasn't aware of public mass transit system in Jackson County there's no sidewalks on any of these streets and adding another 300 cars for two people is going to be very dangerous of course all these people will be using the roads a s a suggestion has been made to close off access from moose to South Boston this only burden the rest of the robin State's neighborhood streets which are not built to combinate with such high traffic I'm not sure if the cancel is weird but the original resolution of approval for Block 127 lot AKA was like M back 2001 specifically mandated that access only to was only from South cooksbridge and not from Robin Estates through the very concern being raised here I'd like to know if this is a new Mo app of the council to re-engage on the promise and commitments to moments they think that no one is looking one of the council members claimed today that this discussion is Moot and there's nothing for them to do about it because the resolution has already been court ordered when pressed the council member was unable to provide a doc number or any other info are any other council members able to fill us in with more info on the alleged core order because no one was able to turn up any info on it thank you for the time and consideration U thank you sir sir so I'm just gonna couple things that aren't accurate um we did do a due of diligence I know I did and I know that councilman Bernstein did um and a couple things is I pulled the resolution from two uh from 2000 and I read it and in the beginning I believe it was Owen was the engineer and they had four different plans that option you saw it did you see it I saw okay so you saw they had option one two three and four correct correct then all of a sudden they had a meeting and option five came and that's what you're looking at so in doing the due diligence is when we receive emails we forward them to our Engineers our administrators whoever it goes with and say Hey listen a a resident has a concern pertaining to this particular issue right so we send it out and we will look on it and we work on it and currently the attorney's looked into it and it it's it's it's wrong okay you have two communities you have the the The Muse originally was supposed to be a 55 and older adult community lwi income okay I don't think that's currently maybe I don't know what's happening in the last 20 years but I think some something fell away from that and they're going into West Lake the community so they're trying to separate it and the attorneys are working on that it's not well council is just pretty much doing our due diligence and what we have to do I feel for you I know Robin's EST State my brother has a house on 5 georgean Boulevard okay I get it I know that there's but what we'll have to do is we have to move forward with this okay we have legal behind us right we're going to leave it to the traffic safety Bureau right and our engineers and we're going to look into it we're not going to leave you not being able to walk down your street and almost getting hit twice okay it's a narrow road we all know that we all live here we've all seen exactly what you're experiencing nobody wants we there's traffic in a lot of Roads okay if you've seen we've created ordinances to trying to clean up the traffic and clean up the issues this is the next one that was given to us so we're doing the same thing as we would do for anybody else we're doing for West Lake they asked us to look into it we looked into it we realized that something was wrong okay we're not trying to harm anybody's quality of life and we are going to look into the traffic and the going down I know Georgian Boulevard it's like racing strips right down the middle of the road so I hear you okay so I appreciate your comments but a couple of them were inaccurate um I don't know how many people live there I don't we can't really say everybody's got two cars because I have four okay so you don't know how many cars people have so like you know know and I'm one person in my house I have more animals than me so like let's just go let's do a due diligence let's maybe meet with the community and Muse and say Hey listen this is a problem okay you know there you have people that are getting you know we don't want the gentleman just said he has somebody running up on the side of his house like nobody wants that stop signs I've already written it down and it's going to go to DPW we're going to ask that stop sign to be looked at and then we're going to send the traffic safety and we're gonna say Hey listen can we maybe revisit this neighborhood we have a lot of neighborhoods we're 101 square miles but we do want to hear the concerns and when they come through our email you are going to you do have a council that is going to address them we can't make everybody happy right but this is this is above and beyond us this is what legal thank you sir thank you I just say for 20 something years this is they had South clook Bridge why do it have to change now when because it was brought to our attention and it's our job to look into it we're Council that's what we're here for but it struck down three time was struck down three times already so why is the fourth now why is it passing now because we looked into it and Council saying this is the way you need to move forward I understand that not Council meaning us Council mean legal right but previous Council Struck it down so now it's passing it never went this when never went this far that's our concern right it never went past this stage three times was struck in my previous counil for concerns that it's a very dark road we all walk there and you're adding like you said you have four cars so we're adding almost 700 cars on the road and the only the only thing that I have what I got for my due diligence is that it did pass and it passed with the fifth option therefore I have not been on Council for the last 20 years but the last one when I did Oprah and I pulled everything it did pass and it passed with the fifth option that came in front of the council at the last minute that's all I have but I I have to stop because our time's out thank you sir thank you thanks good evening everyone Michael triell 34 bamf um I've been at this address 34 Beam for 17 years I've raised three children on beam I was we were never able to allow our children to ride bicycles on beam um the through traffic coming from Bennett Mills through South Boston down beam ripping down to get to home in school over to the jyfc field um and any other events that you know that or just a someone who's late someone needs to go to the store they don't want to go down to George and uh to make that right and save what 40 seconds and you know do 50 miles an hour on beam it's very very unsafe uh what you're doing is making it even more unsafe uh for for families that are going to raise their small children Min are you know older now and they're not riding bicycles but they never had that opportunity and many more families won't uh have that opportunity uh we um I measured the road south Boston by the way it's 17 ft wide um most vehicles are 7 to 8 ft wide so that to the math it only leaves about a foot distance between vehicles that are trying to pass one another most vehicles have to pull onto the grass to allow the other person to pass um bav is no exception it's a 30 foot wide road now Georgian is 40 feet wide um and considered a thoroughfare um you know a a throughway um um I know Georgian fought to have their speed limit reduced because 35 was too much and it was too much because people were doing 60 um we have no sidewalks on bav we have no shoulder curb to curb we are 30 feet and that's pedestrians uh people walking their dogs um children that may want to ride their bicycle that won't be able to uh we um we've been living with this for a long time and uh you know I wish you would reconsider this is this is unfair and it's very unsafe thank you for your time thank you sir hello again D Adelman 206 will Point um I've heard about this proposal a few times and I just like to say it's a bad idea I have two 10 of fastest cars in Jackson I see people do all sorts of stupid things with their vehicles all the time that neighborhood especially Georgia it's not equipped to handle all that extra traffic and frankly there should be extra enforcement on Georgia I think whichever police officer got that Duty would end up having carpal tunnel syndrome from writing so many tickets but maybe the way to do this is to restrict it for emergency vehicles only um I know that where I used to live in Freehold and rree they had a separate entrance similar to I guess what you're talking about that was primarily only used for EMTs uh the the uh fire department and so forth like that and the regular residents would not use it I hate to say it and it sounds maybe a little biased but adding a second entrance through one of the smallest most narrow streets in town where people already have a tendency to drive badly and adding a bunch of seniors to it doesn't seem like the smartest idea I believe that yes there might a second entrance for that place would be a great idea unfortunately due to construction and everything there's really no place to put it it maybe just maybe like I said you restrict it to emergency use only emergency vehicles but this is not a good idea thank you so much thank you sir hi Council Nancy terella nine Castle Avenue I'm up here for the same reason the last five people have been up here with the concerns for Robins Estates opening the gate from West Lake Muse into Robins Estates development um I live on nine castle in the corner of Tilford I see cars all day fly up and down the dead ends they don't realize their dead ends not out of that development but through the whole neighborhood they come in one section they come in South Boston they go down Tilford they um excuse me they go down Bean they come down Castle they go down Georgia until they find their way out finally it's constant um they fly down the street um I've had a time when my kids were small I had a woman come flying into the dead end and I very nicely went out in the street I was outside breaking the lawn I went out in the street holding my rake and she said what are you going to beat me with your rake I said I no I'm just telling you there's children on this road in the dead end we have numerous families um you know it's just to come in through that gate and if you open that gate to the um Muse residents I believe you're also going to get West Lake residents coming through there as well it's not just going to be limited to the Muse they're all going to use that exit or entrance which is going to increase the number of cars through our neighborhood because it's open it's connected to West um to West Lake there The Muse and Westlake are connected I believe it will no longer Bay oh they're going to close it off I believe so I can't still I believe that it puts too many it puts a lot of cars into our neighborhood into our development where we have children getting on and off school buses all day um the higher population on Saturday walking it just puts a lot of people in danger families out there I was looking down the street this morning and my neighbors down the street playing in in the street with his kid basketball you know you you just have families that want to go outside and interact with their children you know so it's I just I as well as all these other people I don't feel that it's a good idea I've lived there since 1994 thank God I've never had an incident in the neighborhood but I feel that this is a bad idea to open that gate and let the traffic come through into a residential neighborhood thank you ma'am hi I live on South Boston and I'm just going to reiterate pretty much everything that she said we have a very quiet Road on South Boston and it's very narrow ma'am can you just uh state your name I need your I need your name for the record please I apologize Maggie thank you I'm sorry um yes our road is extremely narrow and the neighborhood behind us is very small and unfortunately they don't have sidewalks and they don't have all the things that they would you know to keep their children safe um you know I understand that there's a need for you know things to open up and whatever it may be for the emergency vehicles I'm not really sure um but there's no way possible that you could open up that gate and not expect the worst things to happen you know we are living in the suburbs we are not living in a city we're living here because we wanted to raise our family in a safer environment and give them you know more space and more room to be outdoors I've lived on South Boston we've been there since 2007 we've had a couple of new neighbors move in in the past two or three years with young children I literally went out and told them not to let their children play in the front yard as much room as they have in the front yard because the people coming down our road they're constantly speeding and it's so unsafe you know and we shouldn't have to tell people not to allow their children to play out there it's not fair you know and I just hope that you can understand that we would like to keep our community safe you know and not allow so much traffic coming off of those main roads like Bennett Mills and cooksbridge they're just all funneling in because they think oh it's a shortcut we're going to get from this point to this point in five seconds flat it's ridiculous it's just I don't know what else to say I just think it's we have to think about the children we have to think about our community we got to remember why we all came here to begin with to live a better life and a safer life thank you thank you thank you ma'am good evening mayor and council members my name is th do greenes I live on 11 Castle Avenue um I just want to share a few short points on the matter um the point has been made clearly before already that um this potential move could imp parel the the roads and residents of South Boston I think that's been made pretty clear um i' would like to add a personal angle I live with my wife and young children on the corner of Castle Avenue and Tilford Street which is just a couple hundred feet from the potential route to and from the Muse adding hundreds of vehicles of traffic onto these roads would be highly unsafe for my children and those and those of my neighbors particularly since there is no barrier of a sidewalk keeping children from wandering toward the street additionally often through the year I observed families and children using the streets for walking and for riding since there is limited or no sidewalk on the streets of Robin State our our neighborhood uh I urge you to please consider this this matter carefully um and I thank you very much for your en tieless work for our uh for our Township and have a great night thank you sir hi there my name is my name is Carissa I'm at 37 Birch Drive this is still the ordinance oh this is still an ordinance y I know I'm me we have some answers for you though we were waiting for you good evening my name is Ben I live on South Boston Road I want to just add a couple more points to what everybody was bringing forward tonight um the intersection at Bennett Mills and South Boston Road is an extremely dangerous intersection I've witnessed multiple accidents myself over the last few years there by opening up the Muse into South Boston we'll just create more accidents at that intersection and the actual street is a narrow Street as somebody previously said in front of my house it's 17 feet wide I have tire marks across my whole front yard couple of feet up of cars trying to pass each other going down the street opening up the Muse onto South Boston is a terrible idea it is dangerous the traffic will be backed up South Boston Road to benett Mills because people will be trying to cross over that intersection trying to make a lefts trying to cross over to North Boston even making a right is a very very dangerous spot so my two cent s is I don't know what's going on in the Muse and Westlake or issues that are having there but this is not a gift that benefits the Jackson Township please do not accept it thank you thank you sir seeing seeing no is is she coming forward yeah good evening mayor major uh Raina and uh all council members my name is Rachel Montanez I'm a a County librarian and resident of Robin Estates in Jackson and I'm here to uh Express that along with my fellow residents and Neighbors about uh that you would reconsider uh the situation with this uh with opening the Muse as an entrance there on South Boston Road as uh my previous person who just uh spoke uh I've witnessed a lot of accidents uh and a lot of excessive speed on these roads on Bennett Mills and uh County Line um and um on on Bennett Mills on jackon um 24 um I'm sorry I'm getting nervous okay on Georgian uh Boulevard I live on B uh at 24 georan Boulevard and uh in the last couple of years uh the traffic has been insane uh people no longer respect any of the traffic uh signs anymore and I think uh with Muse's uh residents uh coming in through our roads through the robin Estates development roads into that other development is going to cost even more of a of a major concern uh to safety uh for all our residents uh as well as those roads where there's just a lot of accidents happening lately thank you ma'am thank you Jim Sakia I do not live by this road address please for the six harfield Drive I do not live by this road I'm here to speak because I'm here in the residence and I've been coming into Council meetings now for a little over four months I've gotten to know each of you being up there m cun Mr Bernstein your your biggest thing since you've taken these positions is you are making things for the safety of the residents of Jackson all I've heard so far about this is residents concerned about their safety not saying you're what what is doing is right or wrong I don't know that but you clearly have residents that are very concerned about their safety which is what you two have praised all along that you want to protect the residents of Jackson I think this needs to be looked at I don't know how much discussion you've had with the residents you may have had discussions with The Muse and the the two residential areas but the people that are impacted just outside of it how much impact how much have they been able to talk other than this meeting I'm not sure but it sounds like they haven't had a whole why so what I'm saying is you guys really need to consider everybody that's involved not just the two residential units again you guys have all been about safety i' I brought stuff up to you guys and we've talked about it so this is one that's clearly residents are current concerned about safety so I want to see what you're G to do about it because this will show how you really want your Council to go for the next year thank you thank you sir thank you [Applause] David laskan P Smalls Road I think a lot of things I was planning on saying have been said already but um we this is brought to our attention the residents of Robin Estates just recently um over the last week and we were it seems like it was the plan was to try and serously slip this past the awareness of the residents of Robin states which we feel is extremely disingenuous and unfair as everyone has heard there are many very very fair and valid um concerns about the safety um of the residents of Robin EST States um it seems like maybe there's some back deal deals that were trying to be cut I don't know exactly what between Westlake and the Muse and and whatnot but it seems like the the the concerns of the residents of Rob states were not taken into account um it seems also that some of the council members weren't even aware of the potential hazards um that that that we're going to suffer such as the the just just the amount of units in the in in the Muse some of the council members didn't even know they were off by around half and they didn't they didn't understand the geography of Robin Estates and I just think I I um um council president K has said that that we're make traffic studies and and whatnot but I just think it' only be fair that this be done later and like we could table this and first hear from everybody before like trying to just plow this through and just have this meeting and we all say eye as soon as we close public comment thank you thank you [Applause] sir good evening Linda eager natal uh I'm a Westlake resident and president of the Board of Trustees I think there's just two points that need to be made here the first one is that this is not about Westlake uh this is about affordable housing and that the Muse is the only affordable housing community that does not have their own access to their own Community they go through Westlake but to reassure many of the residents that are sitting here today in terms of safety I want you to I want them all to know that the residents of West Lake will not be using that entrance to access our community they have already our own access and so we will not be using that and adding to the traffic flow thank you thank you ma'am good evening my name is William Lee live at 27 Beam Avenue I'm looking at this proposal and I'm not sure if this is the correct one or not clearly on here this has a Engineers signature on it says the road is 33 feet you just heard it it said I'm sorry I can't hear you it said that the road was it says you can't come up unfortunately I my backet well on your on this proposal written by whoever your engineer is that Drew this up said that South Boston Road is 33 feet wide it's not it may be the right away the right away it may be the right away but the road is not 33 ft wide who's going to widen that road I'm going to let councils the RightWay like many streets the RightWay is larger than the actual pave portion and I'm sure the engineers will advise aach as to whether they think the pave portion should be widened as a result of it if that if it goes that far well you can't put that many cars down a road that's only 17 feet long a lawyer not an engineer that that's for an engineer to decide um but the right away is there well then they should write on these proposals that right it's the right away it doesn't State on there anywhere that it's the right away if it does I can't read it anywhere on this document it's attached to the ordinance and it does show the right one well this was attached to the ordinance because here's the ordinance and the South Boston Road right away is 35 ft that still doesn't because they say it's 33 feet telling you what the ordinance is in front of the council tonight it's 35 feet right away for boster Road okay so you're going to widen the road no sir I didn't say that what I said is the right of way exists if there's a decision to be made to widen it okay so who's going to foot that bill the taxpayer there's a a lot of things would have to happen before any like any decision like that is made again and again like other people have stated it seems like you're trying to slide this through nobody know because to the fact that the Tilford road sign has now been changed to soft Boston Road what did you say I'm sorry I said that the road Tilford Road yes the sign at the corner has now been changed to South Boston Road when did that happen yeah I'll have to ask um DPW sounds kind of suspicious thank you you're welcome thank you sir hello good evening my name is Eli Silverstein 581 Bennis Mills Road um I just moved in here about a year ago and uh I moved from one of the most congested communities in this area to Jackson because I love it because it's much more quiet there's many less cars the street I used to live on had maybe 70 80 90 cars on it um and I'm happy to have moved to Jackson um and I can tell you that that amount of cars is a disaster it's not a question of just safety it's just a question of just congestion it's a question of just making it changes the entire uh quality of life uh I'm not saying you should open the road not open the road what I am saying is that if one Community does need access to be able to get into their Community maybe I'll throw out an idea there instead of opening up that gate just build another road straight to Bennett Mills if you're going to have to widen uh Boston just build them another access road that work straight from their Community to to benett Mills I can tell you that uh from what I've heard that the people are correct um my son comes to visit me and he says hey I found a shortcut you know I just go up Boston and then I make a right turn I have to make a left off of Georgia and I'm like no no no no no that's not what Robin Estates is about and it is a huge concern for me and I feel bad for all these people that have been living here and live their lives here Robin estate is not a big area it's a very small streets and the houses are very close together there are no sidewalks um so I'm just going to reiterate what everybody else has been saying but at the same time say I understand from a legal Point yes we can say you know people need right away people need to go places but from a personal point of view as people like you said yourself you have a relative or somebody who lives in the area and I could appreciate that but at the same time all the residents are going to be saying no so I don't know how that balances out with the legal or the people but I can tell you that it's a bad idea and that's my opinion but I'd like you all to hear that thank you sir I I would just like to make a comment um we we are talking about the good and bad of what's going on in these roads and we all know them I grew up here I grew up here as I said my brother lived on the street and unfortunately he ended up moving uh he rents the house now because of the street so we're aware of that but we all need to take some accountability if we're driving down these streets and we're speeding and we're racing and we want to get to work and we want to get where we're going we all do it so I know it's bad and we we're going to look into it we're going to do what we have to do but we also have to look into you know as this gentleman said that his son was going and he's going down this one road just trying to find his father's house we've all found ourselves doing that and that's something that we need to take accountability for and we need to sit there and we need to look we have to be aware of the children I'm running down my street I have three different driveways that go in and I said the same thing to my neighbors across the street I said please don't let your kids play in the front yard and I do have um sidewalks I don't have curbs but I have sidewalks so and even when we do have curbs and sidewalks we see people playing in the streets and people go down Wyoming Drive in Brookwood 4 you can't get through that that's smaller than South Boston the road getting through there it's absolutely insane I agree so we're trying to work through it and Public Safety is a lot of our concerned it is but unfortunately this issue is out of our hands this is something that should have been addressed a long time ago um but we just want to say it's it's not that we want we don't like Public Safety I'm the biggest advocate for Public Safety I don't want to see the kids playing I love see the kids running around on their bikes and and playing and doing this but we also have to do quality of life for everyone all right and that's that's our job up here and it's not always fun but it's something that we have to do and if everybody can think about what your fellow neighbors said that came up to the the microphone and said it's getting crazy with the speeding it is insane I see cars going in Left Right which way that's that's something if we all maybe take a little bit of accountability on that I think a lot of things would be better for Quality life for everyone that's all I had to say but if anybody else wants to come up otherwise Madam council president can I just correct something gentlem mentioned the South Bost right away he's great it's 33 feet not 35t thank you sir I appreciate that seeing no one else forward seeing no one else come forward make a motion you're allowed up one time I'm sorry sir but you can come up during public comments again that'll be your second one thank you sir make a motion to close public session motion second all in favor I can I ask a question council president absolutely um quick question um because I did have multiple conversations with multiple residents who brought up a lot of very valid concerns today and obviously sitting here on the DAT we have obviously a balancing act we have to follow fix some of the mistakes that may have been made many many years ago and take care of our affordable um we also do care very much about the robin Estates um the residents brought up obviously traffic in and sidewalks um would that be something um I guess through the council president through Administration that we can maybe be in touch with our affordable Council about looking into into sidewalks for the area that that was my next question we all know South Boston I bought there's somebody that used to sell Furniture if you're here used to sell Furniture I've bought my whole backyard from you but we all know that you can't get through South Boston so I don't go down that road I do know the beam I I know a lot of you guys you guys know my you know we know your issue and and I you know I don't want to put Administration on the spot but councilman already did um but if right and and council president mayor do you want to wait till our if you would if you would do me the just do me a favor and repeat what you said because I heard sidewalks where right so my question was that um if we would what would be the possibility there were multiple concerns but one of the big concerns was obviously the children and if there no sidewalks and there's going to be an increase in traffic it's not safe for the children um would be to to look into the possibility maybe reaching out to our affordable um trust fund to see if there would be such a possibility being that it would increase um as part of the increase to accessibility to Affordable development if we could look into which would obviously be a cost savings for theun IP ality I know the mayor we've talked about increasing sidewalks throughout the town if maybe this would be an ideal place to start and look at through that idea I would never say no to that I tell you that right now we'll look into it uh we can get affordable housing attorney to get together with Mr mcgucken and as far as the engineer concerned see the feasibility of it and where do you end it okay who who in this in right in this room is going to get cheated to block short so you know you're going to look at everything so if I'm going to look at the scope I want I want to look at the entire scope but i' rather give it to naturally the engineer the affordable housing see how much money is in that fund number two and number three the attorney's going to have to sit down and tell us legally what we're responsible for so no I'm not saying no I'm saying yes absolutely we look into it thank you thank you mayor we actually reached out I reached before this meeting I did reach out to our engineer and our Public Safety Division all of them and um they did give you the step that we could take to help Robin's Estates um should we be moving forward and that is going to be the first thing I could tell you that we're going to be working on is to try to find a a resolution to this and I do agree with you gentleman in the front South Boston just should it's got It's and council president one other quick question um the residence obviously brought up um South Boston Road when I was doing my due diligence from 20 years ago um one of the concepts that did come up was uh was either like gentleman said about closing off South Boston or possibly um creating no left turns from The Muse into South Boston um maybe those would be ideas that can help and that's we'll reach out to the engineer in traffic safety um all right well we're we're gonna we're going to close it now thank you so much um thank you this is the third reading of ordinance 18-24 entitled an ordinance of the township of Jackson County of ocean state of New Jersey authorized iing the acceptance of portion of block 12701 lot 12.02 from the West Lake Master Association Inc I need a motion to adopt on third and final reading and advertise according to law motion second councilman burelli uh first I want to thank the residents of Robin Estates for uh coming here and speaking and expressing all your concerns about safety and traffic in the are area and um as you might have heard you've heard a a commitment up here of looking into those possible traffic improvements for that area this has been a longtime issue that's been uh facing the Muse and um it's it's finally being addressed um again thank you uh I V yes on it yes yes thank you councilman Bernstein again thank you to all the residents who came out we look forward to continuing to engage in these conversations and I vote Yes councilman Chisum well hopefully we will address some of those concerns as this project moves forward but I have a conflict so I'm going to stain Council vice president Sergeant Madame President um in light of everything that all of the residents have said here tonight I I would ask that we could table this until we have even further discussion I I I'm not saying yes or no to this I just feel like we even though we've had a ton of discussion about it I feel like at this point we need to table [Applause] it what so you could say yes or no well that would are you making a motion councilman making a motion so is there a second to his motion to table hearing none the motion fails continue with the roll call Madam clerk I'm sorry who second it's it's there was no second just a motion to table there was no second on the motion to table so the motion fails so you would continue with the roll call and I believe it's uh councilman vote and that would be a no from councilman Sergeant no he hasn't voted yet ma'am counc vice president Sergeant is there a way to have a no vote on this like you can vote any way you want sir that's your that's your you can vote in the affirmative vote negative or you can abstain sir I'm abstaining thank you council president C so I've heard everybody I have looked into this I've been working on this with councilman Bernstein for months um and I am going to vote Yes this is a second reading reading of ordinance 19-24 entitled an ordinance of the township of Jackson County of ocean state of New Jersey amending chapter 394 toxic and hazardous materials of the municipal code of the township of Jackson This ordinance was introduced on April 25th 2024 I need a motion to open the public hearing motion to open all in favor I I if any member of the public has any comment to make please address the council at the microphone and state your name and address clearly for the record you will have five minutes and may only speak once seeing no one come forward make a motion to close public session motion all in favor I I and he oppos roll call this is the third reading of ordinance 19-24 entitled an ordinance of the township of Jackson County of ocean state of New Jersey amending chapter 394 toxic and hazardous materials of the municipal code of the township of Jackson I need a motion to adopt on third and final reading and advertise according to law motion second councilman belli yes councilman Bernstein yes councilman Chisum yes Council vice president Sergeant yes and council president cun yes thank you ordinances first reading council president cun are there any comments regarding ordinance 20-24 um yes so the maximum height of the pool um fence is six feet this ordinance if adopted will authorize a maximum of 8 feet uh provided the fence is located at at least 50 ft beyond the existing setback line for the Zone in uh question or 7 ft if located at least 25 ft beyond the setback line further into the interior of the lot thank you ordinance 20-24 entitled an ordinance of the township Council Township of Jackson Ocean County New Jersey amending chapter 244-2168 to permit increase height in pool enclosures B based upon setbacks of same I need a motion to approve ordinance 20-24 on first reading and to authorize the notice of approval and public hearing to be held on May 28th 2024 motion second councilman barelli yes councilman Bernstein council president just wanted to add that there was also a provision in ordinance which requires a safety latch and I vote yes thank you thank you councilman Chisum yes Council vice president Sergeant yes and council president cun so I'm very conflicted with this ordinance um it took me a very long time to put it on the agenda because I actually do not agree with it whatsoever I don't think that solid 8-foot fenes should be around any pool um I am going to vote Yes but I would just please please please we went back and forth and councilman Bernstein and myself that's where the latch came in um please please I don't know how you can do it but I do not see how you can put an for solid fence around your pool I understand um there's reasons behind it but if there's any sort of you know cameras or Rings or anything that you could put um you know that's all I ask I am going to vote Yes but it it was I'm not going to tell anybody that's owns their property what to do with their property it's not my right um but yes just please keep in mind thank you council president are there any comments regarding ordinance 21-24 yes this is landlord legislation as you can see this is brought up before us again so a lot of the issues was coming within the department um and you know LLCs and switching and and questions and this and that and identifying uh the actually spoke to a bunch of people that had uh owned properties and they no longer lived in them and they were renting them and their violations or mail or whatever was going somewhere else and they couldn't find it and they're like I don't know what to do there's nothing we can do you still have to go to court you have to pay your fine so what we did was we added that you you're required to give a copy of your driver's license so that there's no if answer buts of where you would like your mail sent to thank you thank you ordinance 21-24 entitled an ordinance of the township of Jackson County of ocean state of New Jersey amending chapter 245 of the Township Code of the township of Jackson with respect to landlord registration and responsibility I need a motion to approve ordinance 21-24 on first reading and to authorize the not noce and public hearing to be held on May 28th 2024 second councilman burelli yes councilman Bernstein yes and just thank you to council president for working to fix up this Gap and we be able to find out who owned what thank you councilman Chisum yes Council vice president Sergeant yes and council president C yes we move on to bills and claims motion to approve our motion second councilman barelli uh abstain on Bill inv vendor number D l01 e01 NJ s04 and st76 and yes to the rest on there thank you councilman Bernstein yes councilman Chisum thank you Council vice president Sergeant abstain to r201 d24 no to R 25-24 yes to the rest on the bills and claims sir that's yes thank you and council president cun um abstained from RSC 02 yes to the AR thank you we move on to the consent agenda I need a motion to approve the list of resolutions under consent agenda motion second councilman belli uh yes to everything on there I'd like to make a comment regarding resolution r204 d24 I think that's a great idea it's going to help us hire more police officers uh to accommodate the needs of our growing Town while trying to save money at the same time and prevent us from adding more money to um our Municipal debt so we don't of course again we don't defund in the police in our town we support our men and women in blue yes thank you thank you councilman Burstein so yes again I I see the public safety director here I just wanted to thank him for getting together resolution 20424 um looking forward to hopefully seeing us get some federal grants for our Police Department additionally I just want to take a moment and recognize the hard work of the residents to get some other uh resolution 19624 persistence never stopping those emails and staying on your game um I'm happy to to see it on the agenda and looking forward and I vote yes thank you councilman Chisum um after the last two meetings and hearings I know that R 20324 did not go exactly the way that uh Fire District 4 would like to see it and uh while I understand you know the cost increases and what we've seen everywhere uh I do have to support the fiscal respons responsibility of the town but at the same time um commissioner Torres if you wouldn't mind at the end of the meeting I'm going to donate this month's pay from my Council so you can buy your guys some PPE for those of you who don't speak that lingo that's personal protective equipment want to keep your guys safe so thank you for all you do all of you guys out there serving and yes to all please thank you Council vice president Sergeant voting no to r201 d24 I'm sorry abstaining that R obain from R2 2011 okay voting no to r205 d24 and yes to everything else thank you and council president C okay so I also on um r 24-24 i see our public safety director is here um and I just wanted to again hop on the uh thanks of doing the grant this grant hasn't been applied for since 2013 so you want to talk about what we needed a public safety director for I think that kind of speaks of volumes he's going to be saving these new officers will be saving 66% okay 66% of their salaries will be paid by this grant I think that speaks volumes in itself I ALS thank you I also wanted to go in uh resolution 19424 I wanted to thank our assistant public safety director Sean balinsky he found the money that's getting these the new roof on this building came from 2019 monies from Capital that he had found so he's going through and he's finding a lot of stuff so we're going back and we're getting things done in this town that is not costing you taxpayers money it's money that's already sitting there waiting that's already been approved from years before so I think what what I'm trying to say is our department heads we're hiring good good department heads and we're doing a lot of good within this town the last thing that I wanted to say is my uh my Gentleman up front resolution 196 the town we don't want anything to do with HOAs we should never you know this is a long thing again this is just showing that council is looking into old things we've been running that HOA for I don't know 20 years I don't I'm just throwing out a number I think it's in 1988 or something like that we should not be involved in any HOA uh HOA is homeowners association um that's micromanaging people that own their homes on how they can do and what they're can and can't do in their Association we should have no say in that so I'm happy to see that that's finally made the resolution and um I vote Yes to everything thank you thank you we move on to the public comments on any top topic I need a motion to open public portion of this meeting for all comments come on all in favor hi at this time if any member of the public has any comments to make please address the council at the microphone state your name and address clearly for the record you will have five minutes and may only speak once hi this is Carissa from 37 Birch Drive and I'm gonna let you talk first because I know I think I can answer everything before you know because the business administrator shouldn't be here couldn't be here tonight so we kind of did give some little information um we have the first round of the application was done the second application should be done by the end of the week and then they were going to uh do a third application the on May 22nd the bamboo container um will be done that's what I have um you ask anything else but unfortunate I'm going to take notes to your questions and we will have to get back to you because the point of contact that you've been speaking with is uh he's not here today got it what do you mean the container I guess you're talking about the barrier yeah a barrier okay okay okay yeah my wheelhouse but that's okay that's okay um I guess I just have questions as far as like I was under the impression that there was going to be talk about how we can get this to work because like the biggest issue is like who's funding to have this done because what I understanding is that it needed to be excavated I know at one point we're looking into the insurance we submitted stuff to them that's correct is being submitted to the TPS Insurance C to see if the T do you know what the turnaround is on that they're not quick but they're not slow I mean they're they're going to take it uh I would say within three four weeks okay because my concern is and I'm sure you've heard this a million times and I'm a little bit frustrated I appreciate everyone's help I appreciate the efforts and I appreciate like having you guys like you know start work but it's a little frustrating because I did say over and over again written verbally everything you guys know how persistent persistent I am at this like like um I expressed that this needed to be done all together this wasn't something that you can do in pieces I've gone over that and it's just frustrating because you guys cut this down back in February very halfhazard um and then just we're still here in miday no no one on the day right now can speak to what you're stating so I would I would again the business administrator is not here and he's really been dealing with you on a day-to-day basis so before we say how it was done right or wrong I think maybe we should just revisit when when I'm just going to say where I'm coming oh okay I mean for public record you know like this is where I'm from he's been helpful I've appreciate he's been able to like get back to me I've reached out to Sean bsky I haven't heard from him maybe he can find the funds that's sitting around somewhere waiting um to help with this because that was the biggest thing that me and Mr wall were going back and forth on us what we were going to do there's also the issue of like what's going on between for that strip of grass between the curb and um the street like that's technically Township property and I'm not looking to have my property excavated to then have Township property creep back in with the roots and that's the biggest thing and that's where I was going with this is that I did Express this time and time again to Shan balinsky to Mr wall to anyone who would listen to me at the township that it had to be done all at once and this was cut down back in February that's a fact it's not it just it was and I appreciate that there was effort but it's like it shouldn't have been done because now I'm here in May and like I explained the hazards and all it did was cause more damage and I have bamboo running farther and deeper into my property than it ever has um and again I'm going to express my concern that this goes down to the curb this goes down to the city pipes to the city street that was just done and and that's Township problem you know like that's something that's going to be an issue down the line so it just feels like I appreciate the effort and I appreciate it but it's just it's not all together and it's like if if the decision was made quickly and he said it was when I asked Mr wall why it was done that way he said that it was because of my persistance and the calls and stuff which I've never been rude to anybody never given anyone a hard time just trying to get the situ situation figured out and it to me like just because I was persistent that doesn't really mean like let's just do this quickly and like I don't I don't know I just feel like that was unnecessary to do without having a full plan um my neighbors aren't here today I've tried to ask them to come they're also the party that's uh involved in this situation because it's between both of our houses um they're concerned that the chicken wire that they had as their back fence to keep the bamboo at Bay um the township had you know removed all of that and got rid of their chicken wire and their fencing and it's just now open nothing's been replaced there and they want to know if the Township's going to be replacing that even if it is just chicken wire again but nothing's there now and they also have a dog which now they have to constantly have an alash to not have the dog you know go back into Township property I can't answer any of that your neighbor would have to email us but thank you I appreciate it okay so is um I guess are you guys going to have another meeting because that's what I was under the impression was today was going to be like guys having a meeting on how to go about paying for everything and when we can that would have to be A Private Matter between you and business administrator I don't think they that would that wasn't discussed today that's what I'm trying to clar there was no executive s No Ex we're waiting till we get the word back from the carrier before we can tell you that okay all thank you good afternoon Donnie Adelman 206 will Point things will be a little bit less interesting than last time um mayor Arena I have a question for you you and I had an anniversary you probably didn't know about but we had a nine-year anniversary last week for nine years as my mayor and also in your day job as Bridge Master for lack of a better term I've been trying to get your help I've called been to your office came to your house no help no nothing not a phone call not a screw you not a not a nothing so I'm going to ask you in front of your Pierce in front of all these fine people here can we set up a meeting to come to your office and discuss my problem that I have with certain handicap accessibility issues regarding the intersections of North County Line uh Jackson Mills and East commodor and even though yes they are County Roads as the bridge master you are responsible for the fact that the bridge right there that I don't know what it's actually called Bridge Dam whatever that everybody uh parks on fishes from the police on the radar from was supposed to be handicapped accessible and somebody stole the half million dollars for sidewalks along that little strip going from the community the Memorial Park down across your Bridge down to the corner of County Line and across there's a half million dollars missing and no one wants to seem to care or be concerned about so will you meet with me so that we could discuss this issue in its totality yes sir if we want to set the record straight let's set the record straight you've never been to my house number one yes I have number two you never been to my house sir I've knocked on your door trust me trust me You' never been to my house okay okay that's number one number two in the nine and a half years I've been working with the county you've never once came to my office that I was there uh well every time you every excuse me every time I've come there you mysteriously seem to be on vacation you take more vacations than anybody I've ever met than even more than travel writers I've been I've been to your office both 50 feet that way and I've been to your office down in Tom's over at the Bridge Commission I've called your poor girl was her named Tracy I feel bad for her I really do because she has to listen to me for nine years all right it's encourageable the last time you and I actually sat face to face was at Jackson day several years ago and you were more concerned about having your cigar drinking your amoretto and the smoking setup that you that you had built then you were helping me you told me that day reach out to me we'll set up something and that was what seven years ago I've been trying for nine years man nine years all right you're not going to tell me that you that your office staff who has no bias or should have no bias is just ignoring me you're not going to tell me your office staff down time server is just ignoring me all right they're not going to lie to me and tell me that you're on V that you're on vacation if you're not on vacation when I ask when he's not on vacation they don't seem to have an answer when I ask your staff over here when they're not on vacation they don't seem to have an answer like I want you all right real simple do you want to help me and will you set up a time to help me it's a yes or a no question you could sit there and give me the the desk there all you want it's not going to change the facts you continue to talk I'm going to be quiet okay so let's get that out okay or what you go Brooklyn on me I'm done yeah sir if you can just address any other questions okay I will not be meeting with you but I can ask the administration if they would like to set up a meeting if the mayor well I think that's telling of the fact that when I that after I asked the the council about how to remove mayor R from the office and I finally got uh guide answer from administrator wall that in less than three days is there a question sir and I want you to just kind of telling me I got 4,000 registered voter signatures to have you removed and the people don't really seem to like you um I have uh another question as far as my other plea where I've asked for uh another gate and to have the flooding problems fixed at the dog park at the dog park at the dog park what is the procedure I guess for a resident asking for a financial appropriation I I I'm I know it's not going to be millions of dollars you know we're just asking a secondary gate for both sides I think you emailed me about that and I was looking into that I it's not really something that's in my wheelhouse to um you know answer you I don't I don't do finances so I'm not Administration so I apologize but if I can't answer your question that's probably why you're not getting an answer I would rather an I don't know versus the wrong answer thank you I appreciate that I completely understand unfortunately your time is up Sir so we have to go I appreciate you coming up here you have a safe night home sir is 12 briwood Court just before I start I would like to commend the administration the council and all of our fine men and women in the blue who protect us as it was recently in the news that Jackson is from the safest towns in New Jersey so I appreciate Mayor Mike for all of you done in the administration and Council and as we come up on Memorial Day we would like to commemorate all of those that give the ultimate sacrifice um just specifically in regards to the ordinance in um 196 d24 um on behalf of our neighbood just to give a very big thank you to the council president council member and all the other council members for giving their time and effort into reviewing this process and I look forward to continued work thank you very much thank you sir Abraham sh for hly Hill Court as Memorial Day is approaching most of us here have family who served and many gave the ultimate sacrifice and they did it for one reason we all came here our ancestor came ancestors came into this country because we wanted to rule ourselves we wanted to govern ourselves we didn't want to live under a dictatorship until today Harmony Farms in a way wasn't under a dictatorship because we had no say the same person took our funds and did whatever he wanted with it with no transparency and no oversight and now thank God thank you Jennifer thank you Morty thank you uh Greg and thank you michaa and everyone else who put their effort into this uh finally we could start governing ourselves and thank you very much thank you sir good evening mayor Dix 65 Hickory Hill Road just want to Second my neighbors express my appreciation I'm sure there's many times when and everyone else is home with their families and the people running the town are at meetings and they're busy and they're at at the doing whatever it is that they're doing to make the town run so I want to express my appreciation and thank you for this particular ordinance but for everything that you do thank you sir hi Jamie hilen I hate to beat a dead horse I just wanted to bring up um or 18-24 one more time because I don't think the residents realize that um I know you said something about you don't want to associate or get involved with HOAs but actually Westlake Masters Association Inc did dedicate or gift this portion of land that would be where we would open this road for the Muse so technically that is kind of working with them um so I just thought like that should be something we and now that you do have that and it is a Township Road you can make this decision safety decision to not open it to the Muse that's really all I wanted to say thank you ma'am thank you seeing seeing no one come forward make a motion to close public comment motion all in favor I I motion to close second all in favor I I thank you