##VIDEO ID:wcU8PFdsGEA## flag of the United States of America United States of America to the rep for which it stands one na the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all good afternoon and welcome the August 15 2024 meeting of the Jackson Township Council will now come to order councilman berelli will be joining us via phone councilman berelli here councilman Bernstein here councilman Chisum is absent this evening Council vice president Sergeant is absent council president cun here as Clerk of this meeting I hereby publicly announce in compliance with the provisions of the open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting has been advertised in the manner prescribed by law there are no proclamations or announcements this evening we move on to opening comments from Township Council council president Ken thank you okay so I first wanted to to explain why we're having a meeting on 4:30 on a Thursday um obvious obviously you can see there's two council members up on the day we have um a a different attorney and a different business administrator um we it's August uh a lot of people are on vacations the council members nobody knew and unfortunately Council Bernstein um was Ill otherwise we would have been able to have three um so I just wanted to apologize for that but work still needs to get done bills still need to get paid and we have some ordinances that were pretty important to get on for infrastructure for our town to continue to move forward um so I just wanted to explain that secondly I just wanted to go over I know there's a couple H faces that haven't been in here in a while and I want to go over something that it was on and I call it fake book because it's so fake um but I want to give you the truth about what's going on with the Jackson Field House and a concession stand so back in uh March we understood that there were some problems there a lot of cuts so Administration Council Police Department fire department uh DPW there there was a bunch of us Board of Education uh came together and we had a meeting over at Jackson Memorial to assist in possibly doing some Renovations as well as contractors and residents from the area I don't have everybody but everybody that was there um there was articles about it so we wanted to raise we create a board of ed created a uh a flyer for fundraising we had three different sponsors councilman Bernstein can you just mute or brelli can you just mute yourself um so we have bronze silver and gold so um I can say myself worked endlessly to try to collect money I posted everywhere I did everything I called people um we have about $650 that was um contributed from residents uh we have kwell drilling which is a business that did a bronze sponsorship we have fire district 2 um and uh local uh 114 that did $1,750 sponsorship which is silver um we have Dan and Vicky black that um gave $3,000 which is a gold sponsorship uh myself Jennifer linkun did $1,500 silver sponsorship um we have an anonymous donor that um councilman Bernstein collected which was a silver uh 1500 um John Poppy the fire department everybody knows who he is he really worked hard to go to all the fire districts to collect money so collectively we have uh just under $1,000 so we are we need to get to 30,000 I know that there is a proposal that's going around that's being shared um I looked at that proposal it was an estimate done on August 2nd I went there boots on the ground with many others and uh contractors and we went there and we looked did we have like a home inspection I called a home inspection obviously I'm a realer no but we did have volunteers that were going to do it that estimate is1 19,00 in just um labor it's it's the material is not there I myself um you know I have a little bit of knowledge in in things that can be done in repairs I went to Home Depot and spent my Saturday there and went and looked at all the material that the contractors told me that we would need and went and collectively added it up measured everything did it and it came to about $330,000 so that is where that number came from um I'm not going to you know I'm going to be honest the last month I I haven't been you know a aggressively pushing it because I kind of you know almost gave up a little bit because when you put that much into something and it's just not being um you know it I wasn't we weren't getting the funds that we needed let's be honest so if everybody we don't want anything to happen to our football we don't want anything to happen in any any of our sports baseball um band tennis golf I just went and met with a resident and her her son is a a freshman and he's on the varsity golf uh club I'm a golfer I like the golf I'm not good at it but I like it so you don't want to lose these things and you know I am a true true advocate of all the sports and I do try to give back to the community I love our town and hopefully this is not going to be uh a negative we can take this negative and put it into a positive and we can get the necessary funds that we need we're a we're a third there if you want to look at it positively um but let's kind of work together and uh let's collect the money so that I have to say now I have to get back into what my other passion which is traffic safety so I am not going to read reports um because I want to make sure that it's on a regular meeting and everybody you know has uh not everybody knows that we're having this kind of special quick meeting um but we do have the next equipment is going to be at Georgian Boulevard that is the next stop that it's got I believe it went there today or yesterday and then we are going to you will see that director Kido is here and the department head of the traffic safety sergeant hemba um we the ordinance that was created it's 10:24 I've showed it many many times that's it guys it's being implemented we have just we're at the final stages of getting the passes and the permits we had a meeting today we have our final meeting next week with the administration um warnings have started to be written um I had gotten information from director kendin know that he did let the local officers Patrol men on patrol men and women um that they are going to start writing warnings for the next two weeks and then it's going to be ticket time so should you have any questions of how and also title 39 if you don't understand what title 39 is we all had to take it when we got a driver's license so it's not it's not an ordinance it's standard driving just got it with your license so um you can contact the traffic safety uh Sergeant hemba 732 92811 111 extension 3028 should you have any questions there's Flyers are all over Jackson Township and I just really really want to keep our road safe everybody is seeing it on Fakebook it is getting it to be asit out there um show I didn't want to curse but uh we just really really need to you know respect our neighbors and everybody come together and and just be safe and cautious of children school is coming it starts in three weeks uh we have a lot of work to do and we just want to be proactive instead of reactive so I'm sorry I went on so long the meeting will now start thank you that is it thank you councilman Bernstein oh I'm sorry councilman burelli apologies thank you clerk m i wave comments at this time thank you councilman Bernstein um so first of all thank you everyone for coming out thank you uh uh clerk for getting this meeting together at the last minute was important to ensure the continuity of some of the important uh projects going on in town so thank you Miss Moss um secondly I also just want to take a moment and thank council president cun she really really worked very hard um I don't think a day went by where she wasn't calling and asking people to give a little bit of money towards the Fieldhouse um and we hope I guess the project continues to move forward because I think it's important the amount of uh I was sitting with the council president last night having a conversation and her phone was just blowing up with residents with questions so she definitely cares and we definitely want we wanted to move to the next step um I also just want to thank our public safety director and whatever whoever else from within the department who've been actively working with the council president to move our permitting process forward um very very very necessary um as the school year begins we urge everyone to be patient um but the PD and DPW and everyone else is working on ensuring that our roads are as safe as possible when the new year begins thank you have a good night thank you I need a motion to approve the executive session meeting minutes of July 23rd 2024 motion second councilman berelli yes councilman Bernstein yes council president ke yes thank you there are no ordinances for final consideration or public hearing ordinances first reading ordinance 26-24 council president cun are there comments this is the reason why we need to have this meeting we need to get Capital um improvements done so that's thank you ordinance 26-24 entitled Bond ordinance providing for various 2024 General Capital Improvements by and in the township of Jackson in the county of ocean state of New Jersey appropriating 66442 50 therefore including a contribution from the township Capital Improvement fund a capital Surplus allocation and a grant from the New Jersey Department of Transportation and authorizing the issuance of three million bonds or notes to finance part of the cost thereof I need a motion to approve ordinance 26-24 on first reading and to authorize the notice of approval and public hearing to be held on August 27th 2024 motion second councilman belli yes councilman Bernstein yes and council president cun yes thank you council president qar the comments regarding ordinance 27-24 yes this is going to prohibit parking on both s of the road from County Line Road to uh 350 ft P past Bradford Street that's over by the Muse in Cooks um this is something that it's just just just needs to happen so we originally had it on one side of the road and I had asked Traffic Safety to put it on both sides of the road because the cars are just going to go from there to in the woods and I don't want to look at eight cars lined up on the side of the road in the woods and I'm sure you don't or the the neighbors quality of life don't want to look at that um and I just want to put on the record from councilman uh Chisum he is in favor of this he can't be here so he can't vote but he did want his voice to be heard that he is in favor of this thank you thank you ordinance 27-24 of the township of Jackson County of ocean state of New Jersey amending and supplementing SE section 10361 of the Township Code of the township of Jackson entitled parking stopping and standing prohibited at all times and to further amend schedule 1 18 chapter 10345 point1 I need a motion to approve ordinance 27-24 on first reading and to authorize the notice of approval and public hearing to be held on August 27th 2024 motion second councilman brelli yes councilman Bernstein yes council president cun yes thank you we move over to bills and claims I need a motion to approve or hold motion second councilman barelli abstain on vendor numbers d01 NJ d04 NJ m06 st01 sta 28 in st76 yes to the rest on the bills and claims agenda thank you thank you councilman Bernstein yes council president cun abstain from rcs2 yes to the rest thank you consent agenda I need a motion to approve the list of resolutions under consent agenda motion second second councilman B burelli yes councilman Bernstein yes and council president cun yes thank you we move on to public comments of any topic I need a motion to open the public portion of the meeting for all comments motion to open second all in favor I I at this time if any member of the public has any comments to make please address the council at the microphone and state your name and address clearly for the record you will have five minutes and may only speak once good afternoon uh trainer Sergeant 155 y dun Way Jackson on July the 23rd there was a medical emergency with my next door neighbor she's elderly and has Alzheimer's the aid came over and asked if I had a key to access to the house I do not the Aid had been banging on the door and ringing the doorbell but no one was answering I asked if she'd walked around the back and the aid said she was afraid of the de there were deer in the woods we went around the back and my neighbor was on the floor in the kitchen she wasn't able to get herself up no idea how long she' been there I called 911 and in the meantime the aid said she had the numbers for the lock box there was lock box on the front door uh but she couldn't see the numbers she couldn't read the numbers I knew how to work it I opened it for her but there was no key in it and when we then tried the garage door opener as the aid couldn't see the numbers for that either but the garage door wouldn't work the EMS came and a police officer a very astute police officer who thought maybe the battery needed to be changed in the garage door opener kudos to him but it wasn't the garage door simply wouldn't work um fortunately one of the anties was able to get in through a window at the back when he opened the door I chatted with the EMTs explaining she had recently come home from the hospital she cannot be there alone um the EMTs have been there a number of times later in the afternoon I saw the a sitting in her car with my neighbor I asked what was going on why were they sitting outside in the car it was 100 degrees um she had been told she had to get the lady out the shopping anyway and anyway she was leaving at 4:00 so that I was really concerned about my neighbor being alone until the next I know you're wondering what I'm getting to uh until the next morning she had previously been in the hospital for some weeks the son had professional cleaners in and all kinds of stuff the next day I called the Police nonemergency number because I was really worried about her she was totally unable to take care of herself after numerous voicemails I plowed my way through a number of voicemails on the machine messages on the non-emergency phone number when I finally got to the mailbox that I needed for a Ware check to see if someone Ware check you said yeah well just for someone to knock on the door check cu the the she wasn't there at the weekends and she only came in till 4 o'clock the mailbox was full the the machine on the Ware service the O the nonemergency police number the I got nothing but machines and the mailbox was full by the time I got to where I wanted to go after all this what I am asking is please ask the Personnel to clean off their mailboxes absolutely ma'am it um it was very stressful I could imagine I'm she was eventually taken away I haven't seen her since okay but it was horrifying not to be able to I don't know her son okay I've been there six years and so if you could just please ask people if they absolutely you know if they have a situ a position like this they really need to get the messages and or not provide the service I didn't even know if there was a service okay thank you ma'am thank you I'll get that out thank you madam if you wish you can call the oan County Board of Social Services thank you thank you sorry Deb Jones heon rad Jackson um I'm just a little confused as to why this meeting is at 4:30 on a I explained that in the beginning were you here I apologize because 6:30 because we had to have an emergency meeting because two council members were on vacation in a sec and a third council member W became very ill and therefore we we didn't have a quorum I understand that but 4:30 is a little difficult for wait let me just finish and then you can answer me okay 4:30 in the afternoon is a little difficult for most Jackson residents to get here because most of them have to work in order to live in this town so 430 doesn't work for it might work for you guys but any any that has to do with Jackson Every Jackson resident should have the ability and the right to be here so I'm just disappointed at that I'm disappointed that we're sitting here whether it's a quorum or not not it doesn't even look like we're being represented properly from the council it's just and I've been at the meetings month after month and this is not the way Jackson should be doing business 100% ma'am as I had said in the beginning there was an ordinance that needed to get heard and people needed to get paid with bills and claims so when I did cancel the meeting I canceled it I was asked by our our chief financial uh officer to put a meeting on absolutely as soon as possible as you can see Mr mcgucken isn't here this is his partner and he has an event to attend to and we had to get the meeting on so that the town can continue to move on so un understand it being today I just don't understand it being at 4:30 in the afternoon because he has to he he can't come at 6:30 today so therefore it had to be at 4:30 so that we could get the meeting on the agenda because nobody could come tomorrow so it's never happened before it is not a regular thing and it would never happen again unless it was an emergency and that's why this is called a special meeting it's not a regular schedule meeting so you're making decisions for the township of Jackson correct I'm trying to get professionals paid and get ordinances that need that were asked to be put through to get on the agenda so that we could vote on them we have councilman that are calling in that's not a normal process I know I get that but again it's my taxes as a resident that are paying these things so I'm just saying okay and I appreciate that it's not right sorry ma'am thank you hey guys uh Jeff Hena lifelong resident uh 43 years um just a couple things as the last the last person was just up here to comment some of us don't work 8 to four 7 to three some of us work 4 to midnight or midnight to 8 so the meeting time um I don't think it's necessarily A Bad Thing the second thing is um the Fieldhouse I personally played football four years Jackson Memorial that Fieldhouse is in shambles I was there with um the members council president C and um Council uh councilman Bernstein it's a mess in there it's embarrassing quite honestly there's been that that field house is almost historic I mean the thing's probably been there since 19 and from the 70s and uh there's been some really good football teams that that ran through that building and um I'm just hoping that some people could can can donate to fix that um That Snack stand over there the football team really relies on that to pay for probably multiple things that the that that that they're not getting from the board Ed such as uniforms and shoulder pads and helmets um and the thing on traffic you know I go on Facebook I try my best not to comment on there I try being as professional as I can we have a lot of issues with traffic uh we're working we're working our butts off to fix some of the problems uh it doesn't happen overnight ordinances take time to create they take time to to enact um you know people complain when roads are getting widen people complain when roads aren't paved you know so it's like you know it's it's it's it's it's almost no- win situation um there's multiple projects coming in town uh to fix some of these intersections to widen some of these intersections um we're trying to be as transparent as we can be um some of these projects are I get plans for them now they're not done for five six years um that's just how it works you know the county owns the county roadways and the county does what they want on the County roadways so a lot of these County roadways which are the majority in town you could contact the County if you have multiple complaints I will feel the complaints I do the best I can um but a lot of it has to go to the county you can go to the county actually the county meetings and you can complain there um the municipal roads we're doing our best to to fix the uh the parking situations we understand it's a major issue that's why we're trying to roll out this permit process and there's some other things that are going to coming to works as well um you know I don't know for sure yet but you know some things are being thrown around out there maybe one one side street parking in the future and on certain roads not all roads we're doing like I said we're doing the best we can we're gonna have a lot of enforcement details out there in September when school starts um to try getting the the message across that uh you know certain things aren't aren't allowed so um I think that's all I have uh but like again I I'll reiterate that Fieldhouse that that's uh like I said it it was pretty embarrassing in there I mean for our kids even be in there right now is it's not great I mean it's it's in bad shape so uh I hope people can uh can step up some I know times are tough right now can donate some money and we can get this $20,000 more and we can fix the building so thanks guys thank you council president can I just say one thing quickly yes um um I I there as many people may be aware um recently the county started widening South New Prospect I saw a lot of rumors people have been texting me the county is not widening South New Prospect to add parking to South New Prospect the county is widening it for driving so it should be a safer Road I did have the opportunity of having a conversation recently with some of the County Commissioners and Engineers they are actively looking at East Veterans which is obviously a been a mess recently I don't have anything tangible to report yet but the county is putting um two feet forward and I appreciate our the work of of uh our Police Department also thank you and I I just want to add to that so councilman Bernstein um has been uh you know by the mayor and administration he has a liaison for us to the county roads he calls them endlessly I deal with Municipal uh roads that's why I deal with traffic safety a lot when it comes to County councilman Bernstein is the leaz on for us and he's fighting for us and and going to meetings and making phone calls and a Pia for all of us in our County Roads and we have probably the most County roads that I know of of any other town so thank you and thank you for coming up and giving that explanation I appreciate that next I'm Patricia Millo I'm with um the Jackson Memorial High School Football Club um we have I have with me tonight the president of the association um we have some members with us here we have parents that were able to make this 4:30 meeting to meet with us um we are getting um where we have the understanding that there are permits to start work in the concession stand so I am going to personally get the permits filled out so we have the contractor good mowing is going to be doing the construction and am Plumbing is going to be doing the plumbing I spoke with both of them today multiple multiple times they are going to put their licenses get the permits the township Administration I spoke with the mayor is going to wave all fees um that uh and they come with we have to do permits we have to go by the rules and I'm also going to personally hand them to Mr Wilton over at the department headed the building department and ask him to uh not do any favors but just help our our our kids out to get it done as soon as possible and get the inspections out we don't want to we can't we can't bump on other people but we will make sure that we we do everything we can okay um the reason we're here today is after receiving and of course the last one out on Facebook you are 100% correct and it's a shame that it had to come to that um in order to get something going but when we were there in may it was our understanding that yes our boys cannot be in that type of conditions okay um it's it's not only the boys for football it's wrestling okay and it's it's other people that are using that Fieldhouse as well um sanitary needs okay last year and the year before that or two years before that we actually had parent volunteers go into that building and paint the floors and clean that place from top to bottom so our boys had something clean to go into as a school district of this size there should be something that can be done so that we have the proper facilities for our kids now again as the parents okay and the parent club we do a lot of fundraising um for the boys okay none of this money is profit for us we are a nonprofit organization everything we have we give back they get apparel uh we take care of the refs during the game we give them food at the end of games the boys are provided with food okay these are things and our concession closing is a huge problem okay um again um late season just so you have an idea of why we're here um we did some research ourselves okay we purchased the three Bas syc that was needed okay we P we purchased the countertop that is needed we purchased the storage there's storage under there that is needed that was required all we needed to do was have someone install it now this thing became from a swap out of a sink to this huge renovation and I don't I don't think it should have come to that there's so much we do as volunteers and fundraising and thank you for your donation um you're welcome again that's helping out the coaches side um some of the parents took on the project of cleaning up the locker room we supplied the paint and brushes so we're supplying those those things not the school district we do um we purchase the grill we have a grill to be used during games okay we have found that it's being used outside of the concession stand and being taken to different schools that's not your problem but we're just saying okay one day before the game we're cleaning the entire Grill all over again we are trying to keep things as neat as possible trying to keep up with it we need the funds there has to be something that we can do here as a district I mean my taxes just went up an enormous amount of money okay and and it's not easy to take we work tirelessly fundraising asking parents for more and more so the team can have what they need we Supply uniforms coaches GI stiens scholarships okay um during our playoff games that are a distance away we we do packaged lunches we do brown bag lunches so that the boys have food on their way to these these playoff games okay there's a lot we do that nobody understands the Fieldhouse you are probably correct this is our 60th year with Jackson school so you're probably looking at a Fieldhouse that is just about that age I've contacted the health department I've been working with the health department um to to get and get an understanding of everything it seems that there are things that we need and things that we don't I just I ask question I ask one question I just I'm I just want to one your time St I I don't but I I will get crucified on social media if I let you go on any longer um one just want to say you know the the Board of Ed got $2.5 million um and a million one and a half is going towards courtesy busing and we tried to get curbs and sidewalks for the second million and I have in my email was told that it has to go towards the Board of Education buildings that they own the infrastructure so my question is and it's going to be after this meeting I just haven't had a time to email the Board of Ed if if why can't you help us because we're improving your buildings we don't own these buildings you don't own these buildings you guys are running out of them yes and you're self-funding but why can't you in an extra million dollars give the football team and the wrestling team and the band and whatever their concession stand and they residents are coming together to do it I get it you know and I'm happy to contribute and and and I I like to do it I love sports I think kids in sports is the best thing in the world um so I I'm GNA ask to the board of ed do can you can you match what we're doing we have $10,000 we have $1,650 they actually have it because it's in the board board of ed um their fund they have a 501 they have a nonprofit fund so Tina actually has the money in her account because I asked her for a calculation before I came but she was working so she could give me exact dubbers so I calculated myself but I'm I'm literally I'm gonna make that that call like bard of Ed help us you have that extra million dollars you got it from Alex sick's Grant of $2.5 million a million and a half is going to go to keep the kids safe on buses and then take 15 a little bit and and help you know put it into your building right I I know I'm doing you do improvements in your home right every couple years you paint you keep up in your buildings you can't let it go and not do anything for 60 years and expect it not to fall apart as you know Sergeant H had said so and he knows he played in there I walked in there you know I was looking at you know oh let's put some paint you know do this and that but there's there's some serious Plumbing issues in there so I'm sorry council member it's not only the plumbing issues but it's the disappointment on the boys faces when you know they're going to get new lockers and you know actually going to be state-of-the-art stuff that they see in other places we are we haven't given up I have to I have to stop this but you can make I was actually going to ask the same exact question there's one point again it's not my place to tell the board of what to what to use their money for but there's a million dollars left in infrastructure to me this is infrastructure we have a crowd here at four at five o'clock in the afternoon which is rare um it sounds like the parents is something extremely important I I think I I'll definitely ask council president I would if we can send a joint email requesting that this tomorrow with the request so we can talk after you may sure yes absolutely I just I would like to you know stay informed as you you absolutely will I'll give you my card before before I leave thank you I know where to find you I know you can my thank you anyone else good evening my name is Paul I'm at 109 10009 West commer Boulevard I'm very familiar with Jackson but I I'm uh a citizen like two weeks old you know so uh I'm here because um I have a concern about my being able to I'm an objector to the U the proposal to put an industrial excavation construction yard in a highway commercial um and our R3 Zone I I I emailed most of the almost all the councilmen it's not a permitted use and it really is against the the zoning uh our our master plan so I'm an objector and I plan to attend the 21st August meeting but I I feel a little intimidated about being able to present my case why would you feel inated last time I that we were there uh I don't know nobody on your side of that that Diaz should have a short temper you know and it if they do they really shouldn't be back there are you talking about the response you got from from Murphy I'm just uh saying that I wantan to I want to have the ability to say what I say I will not be insulting I'll be factual and uh it's important to have the public participate without getting cut off and anyway uh you know congratulations on uh your appointment and and thank you for your your service and uh that's all sir wait one second I know exactly what you're talking about because I'm Jennifer we had spoke on the phone and I hi I'm Jennifer we spoke on the phone and you emailed me and I emailed you back and I had to speak with the uh zoning board attorney Mr Murphy can you hear me I'm sorry can I get closer you go ahead come here it's okay should talk after I no no no no no I just wanted to I wanted to personally apologize for the way that the attorney spoke to you because I know exactly what you mean all right all right and that shouldn't happen and nobody should speak to you like that so I agree with you you don't to okay no and of 100% no no no yes it absolutely was no worry don't worry sir correct and it's important for you to let us know when that happens and it's important for you to let us know when it happens so thank [Music] you thank you sir you have a great night she's coming up hi Tracy I live on Diamond Road um I'm sorry ma'am I couldn't hear Tracy laaco I live on Diamond Road in Jackson um when do you know like I said you're you're going to reach out to the board of ed when would you have a timeline because our game ST in two weeks I know I know so I spoke to the contractor I spoke with the plumber we're going to get we're going to get I'm waiting for um I actually called um uh Sean balinsky wasn't supposed to but I call he's on vacation um just to see when he was gonna come back so that we who the contact was at the board of ed um and I got the name Anthony Russo is the Board of Ed grounds so I also um spoke with uh Mr Waller business administrator and he actually composed an email to the Board of Ed and said and they are giving the blessing we just have to go boost under ground and get the contractors to get up because we need we got to get their insurance we got to get the permits we got to get everything going um but as soon as we can get that plumber to look at it and say okay diagn you know diagnose it and say it's going to take this as long as we have the blessing from uh the building department we we're gonna we're going to go as quick as we can um we can't we can't Trump other permits processes you know we have to do it um but we will I'll get them in to if I can get the permits filled out by the contractor tomorrow I can tell you I will personally go in there and hand them in to uh Mr wien that proposal that went out on Facebook Facebook don't it's it was first of all it's from Keyport and I I read the comments I stopped reading them after like I was like this is intense because I know how hard I worked on it and I know how hard other people were like you know um you know uh fireman poppy is still out there collecting he's still got more checks for us but um it's a bidding process so that that's the way I believe it works contractors so if we all came together that's why you have local contractors we all came together and said okay we're not going to charge labor for this and we're going to do material and we're going to raise the funds I'm not on that side but I believe that the way Board of Ed has to do is they bid it out they get three bids and whatever's the cheapest of the cheap that's what they go with so um I knew that was the process yeah it's a different process than regular but that that is kind of but we listen we're we're on record we got reporters here so hopefully we just there's a there's a um on that sheet that everybody has you can take a icon a lot of people don't want to do that because they do take a percentage of your credit card um and that's why so many checks are done but everybody I think all yall know where my office is drop if you want to just bring them and drop them off at my office I will make sure that I get them to uh Tina and get them into the account and I will be definitely doing I'll call you all when we have we hit that that amount thank you no worries thank you seeing no one come forward make a motion to close public session motion second second all in favor I I motion to close motion second all in favor I have a good night thank you everyone for coming have a good night every take care