##VIDEO ID:tbI5Xcvi_ls## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e good evening ladies and gentlemen good evening ladies and gentlemen pursuant to njsa 10 col 4 the open public meetings act notice of this duly and regularly scheduled meeting of the Jackson Township Zoning Board of adjustment has been published and posted in all appropriate locations roll call Mr Hyman here Dr hin Mr Hudak Mr Parnes here miss Rosal here Mr Stafford Smith here miss Bradley is absent we have any resolutions um M um Mr chair if I may sure um we do have several resolutions tonight but if I see that there's uh quite a bit of public here if we could take this out of order and do announcements first um I think that might alleviate uh you know get everybody out here um so we have several announcements tonight uh the main announcement being that every application that's listed has been carried um all right so I'm going to make the announcements as to when those applications have been carried to um so that everyone in the public is aware these applications will not be Ren noticed so you won't receive notice in the mail again um it also will not be published in the Asbury Park Press again um but what you will do is receive the notice this evening via my announcement okay application number one Anthony and Patricia travisano uh variance number 3513 that's block 2801 lot 81 um that is being carried to the September 4th meeting of the Jackson Township Zoning Board of adjustment no additional notice is required and the applicant has wav time application number two Jacqueline Kari variant 3515 that's block 392 lot 95 um that application has been carried to the September 4th meeting of the Jackson Township zoning Board of adjustment no further notice will be oh I'm sorry strike that legal notice shall be required um I'm I'm going to go ahead and guess that this applicant did not notice um but I'm not 100% sure but legal notice for the application will be required which means that particular notice you'll uh if you're here for that application you'll get that in the mail and it will be published uh application number three uh that's 30 cville Road uh Carol Carol noo that was use variance 347 70 for Block 17302 Lot 19 that application has been withdrawn meaning that there will be no further uh hearings on that particular application as the applicant has chosen not to pursue same a resolution of uh of marking the matter withdrawn will be drafted uh and forwarded for review prior to adoption uh then we have application number four application number four is Av Partners LLC um um that is preliminary final site plan 918 with use variance 3497 uh that is block 2901 Lots 79 and 10 that application is being carried to the September 18th 20124 meeting of the Jackson Township Zoning Board of adjustment no additional notice will be required um and the applicant has waved time um that particular application if everybody looks around uh you'll know that we only have six board members this evening um because it involves a use variance um the applicant was notified that we would only have six board members as uh we were aware that one of our board members would not be present um and as is their right um they elected to carry uh until the board had a full seven uh seven member voting panel um so that has been carried to September 18th 2024 with uh no additional notice required um so that takes care of the announcements for tonight and also concludes the agenda in terms of applications for this evening um however the board still has business to conduct which is what we'll do now on to resolutions okay very good uh I think Miss Ram rup will be reading the resolutions um and then calling the role okay the first one is resolution 2024 d32 resolution of appointments to the board of adjustment for the township of Jackson for the period of July 1st 2024 to June 30th 2025 eligible to vote is Mr Heyman Dr hofstein Mr Hudak Miss Parnes Miss Rosal Mr Stafford Smith and Miss Bradley motion you need a motion in a second motion Mr Hyman yes Dr Holstein yes Mr Hudak Miss Parnes yes Miss Rosal Mr Stafford Smith yes next resolution is 2024-25 the township of Jackson County of ocean state of New Jersey granting amended site plan approval for a new single family dwelling with variance relief for a lot width of property located at gomberg Avenue block 1401 lot 11 eligible to vote is Mr Hudak miss parnaz Mr Stafford Smith and Miss Bradley Mr Hudak yes Miss Parnes yes Mr Stafford Smith yes next resolution is resolution 2024 34 resolution of the Zoning Board of the township of Jackson County of ocean state of New Jersey granting amended site plan approval for a new single family dwelling with variance relief for a lot width of property located G Avenue block 1401 Lot 12 a motion who's eligible eligible to vote is Mr Hudak Miss Parnes Mr Stafford Smith Miss Bradley now I need a motion Mr Hudak yes Miss Parnes yes Mr Stafford Smith yes resolution number 2024-25 resolution of the zoning Board of the township of Jackson County of ocean state of New Jersey granting variance relief for six feet solid fence in the front yard at 22 Ambassador way block 15201 lot 125 eligible to vote is Mr Heyman Dr hofstein Mr Hudak Miss Parnes Mr Stafford Smith Miss Bradley second Mr Heyman yes Dr Holstein Mr Hudak Miss Parnes yes Mr Stafford Smith yes resolution number beat solid fence in the front yard and other variances at five Maryland Drive block 7201 Lot 12 eligible to vote Mr Heyman Dr hofstein Mr Hudak miss parnaz Mr Stafford Smith Miss Broadley motion second Mr Hyman yes Dr hofstein Mr Hudak Miss Parnes yes Mr Stafford Smith yes resolution number 202 24-37 resolution of the Zoning Board of the township of Jackson County of ocean state of New Jersey granting variance relief for six feet solid fence in the front yard and side and rear yard setback variances for an existing shed and denying variance for an proposed accessory structure at 50 mil Pawn road block 10 101 lot 72 eligible to vote Mr Heyman Dr Holstein Mr Hudak miss paraz Mr Stafford Smith Miss Broadley motion Mr Hyman yes Dr Holstein yes Mr Hudak yes Miss Parnes yes Mr stapper Smith yes resolution number 202 24-38 resolution of the zoning Board of the township of Jackson County of ocean state of New Jersey granting variance relief for undersized lot improvements including inground pool with fence deck shed roofed entryway entranceway kitchen extension and bedroom extension at 353 Cedar Swamp Road Block 4402 lot 82 eligible to vote Mr Heyman Dr hofstein Mr Hudak Miss Parnes Mr Stafford Smith Miss bradling motion call Mr Hyman yes Dr hofstein yes Mr Hudak yes Miss Parnes yes Mr Stafford Smith yes resolution number 22439 resolution of the Zoning Board of the township of Jackson County of ocean state of of New Jersey granting variance relief for a proposed swing set in the front yard area where no structures are permitted unproperly located at 87 Bates Road Block 6501 Lot 19 eligible to vote Mr Heyman Mr Hudak Miss Parnes Mr Stafford Smith Miss Bradley motion Mr Heyman yes Mr Hudak yes m parz yes Mr Stafford Smith yes resolution number 202 24-40 resolution of the Zoning Board of the township of Jackson County of ocean state of New Jersey granting variance relief for multiple improvements in the front yard area and setback relief on property located at 842 heon road block 1302 lot 13 eligible to vote Mr Heyman Mr Hudak miss parnaz Mr Stafford Smith Miss Bradley second Mr hman yes Mr Hudak yes Miss Parnes yes Mr Stafford Smith yes last resolution resolution number 2024 41 resolution of the Zoning Board of the township of Jackson County of ocean state of New Jersey granting variance relief to permit the construction of an addition to a detached single family dwelling on an undersized lot with appropriate setback relief on property located at 880 Hallmark Court block 2701 Lot 29 eligible to vote eligible to vote Mr Heyman Dr hofstein Mr Hudak Miss Parnes Mr Stafford Smith Miss Bradley second roll call Mr Hyman yes Dr hofstein Mr Hudak Miss parnaz yes Mr Stafford Smith yes that concludes all the resolutions thank you do we have any Minister approve no there any CES to be paid uh there's no I don't I did not plan executive session tonight there will be executive session just for the record there will be a brief executive session on September 4th I I had sent an email to the board uh detailing what that would what that would discuss it will be um uh related to a matter involving litigation and and I'll put that we'll make that resolution at the next meeting matter for discussion motion motion to close all in favor I that was a very difficult meeting 27 minutes