##VIDEO ID:GjX1zS9dMTE## ready you are attending a board of adjustments meeting for the city of Jacksonville Beach the board of adjustments meeting or quasi judicial in nature all decisions of the board will be based on confident substantial evidence including testimony provided in this meeting any person who is not an applicant or agent that wishes to speak will need to fill out a speaker's card located side table by the door and turn to the clerk each member of the public will be given 3 minutes to speak on each item please refrain from speaking from the audience and Applause or cheering will not be allowed please silence your phones do we have a roll call please John Morin here enen Curley here Jeff Jer here Todd Smith Jennifer Williams here Matts here La here okay we don't have any uh minutes to approve is there any correspondence uh no okay seeing there's no correspondence or old business can we call the first case for new business please first case Bo 244 Shannon L Smith address 2201 221 board and Avenue 2201 board and Avenue Motion in Center sections 34-34 E4 CE for rear yard set back at 17 ft L of 30 ft minum 34-34 E4 C2 for sidey set back at 9.4 ft move of 10 ft minimum for proposed addition to rear property to an attached single family dwelling located property address 2201 Gordon okay as a reminder each member of the public will be given three minutes to speak when we open the public hearing does any board member have any expart communication I've had none I've had none I've had none I've had none none and I've had none will the applicant please come forward to be sworn in and give their presentation please raise your right hand and state your name and address Shannon Smith 2201 Gordon Avenue do you swear or affirm that the testimony to give in this matter is the truth the whole truth and nothing about the truth so go I am thank you so this is my first time of the board of adjustments I'm assuming I'll just want a synopsis of what we're doing at the property yes okay and explain your hardship um so the current um porch my understanding from Nev is um we couldn't deviate from making it any bigger it needs to be redone it's completely dilapidated red and all that um so and in that being said we wanted to expand the porge and so that is basically why I'm here um you know it'll make the property a lot nicer um you know it doesn't it's not intrusive to any of the neighbors um it's really pretty easy youall have any questions um have you spoken to your neighbors about your variance request I have what was their reaction um they're completely fine with it all of them my my back neighbor I actually just purchased last month the property to the South so that neighbor is super excited about it um and um the neighbor across the street there there is three airbnbs so they don't care anybody else have any questions I was looking in the backyard how far you extending now I think the extension it's in the application I want to say it's an additional 8T from the current is that right now yeah yeah so it's it's an additional 8 ft so does that mean that that the deck itself is going to move forward 8 ft and then you're going to have steps down correct and the steps are actually next to the deck so the steps don't extend past the deck they're they're parallel like they're in they're with the deck so if you go to that one um next one I think sorry so the stair goes down stays in the same perpendicular line to the deck extension that one it goes past the deck John that's what I was looking at that stairs to go into the backyard that does look but but it it actually runs it will run like the I don't know how to explain it well but you know this is the deck this is the front the stairs end like at the at the end of the deck they're not GNA they're not going to protrude into the yard any further than the deck saying okay just yeah sorry if it's honestly we've been going through we've had like three different renderings and this has been quite a process so cuz you're increasing your coverage by 184 sare F feet I was just trying that's mostly from the width of the deck correct so it'll come east 8 ft and then I believe North a feet okay yeah okay any other questions for the applicant that's question go ahead have SE thank you so much do we have any speaker cards no this is not the case I have no cards for that case in that case is there anyone in the audience who has not F out a speaker card that wishes to speak seeing none I will now close the public hearing and bring the item back board for discussion is there a motion make a motion to approve case number bo8 24-104 based testimony evidence provided the request is made all the stands for variances outline section 34286 of the Land Development code okay it's been moved in second uh discussion read through is the deck I mean I guess they going north east change a lot initial thought I just need some clarity of how the stairs going down I understand how they have to do with switch back okay that's ITF also okay um do we have a roll call vote please John Morland yes Jeff TR yes Jennifer Williams yes Matt me yes an Curley yes your request for variance has been approved great thank you Cas boa 24-1 z41 applicant Dave and Justin lurman property address 1108 North 8th Street motion to consider 34- 336 E1 C2 for sidey set back of 5T Mo 10 ft minimum 3 4336 E1 C3 for a rear yard setback of 10 ft 30 ft minimum 34 336 E1 e 41.6% lock cover blue 35% maximum all for proposed addition to side and rear of property to existing single family drawing located property address 1108 North 8th Street okay as a reminder each member of the public will be given three minutes to speak when we open the public hearing does any board member have any ex communication I've had none none I've had none I've had none none and I've had none with the applicant please come forward to be sworn in and give their presentation please raise your hand and state your name and address Justin lurman 604 12th Street North do you swear or affirm that the testimony you're about to give in this matter is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth to help you go thank you hi thank you so much for your time really appreciate it um so you have all the information um I would just speak to the three hardships on the property the first one being the existing structure is built back far from the build line um we've already reh the inside of that structure we don't want to knock it down we want to keep it um so it was it's really far back um especially when you're looking at the other houses like on the the left our houses their newer houses much further out the second one would be an undersized lot I believe it's around 8,000 and I think the normal size about 9,000 and then the third one is the properties at a skew so it's uh sort of hard to like get a good build a garage that with five with 10 ft because the property is coming in as you as you go back Happ to answer any questions excuse me it is I believe it's an undersized lot I see in design be pushing the second structure that connects it back far back you design correct the exting structure of the house is about 925 ft um this would add about 1,200 plus the garage um right now at 900 S ft it's a pretty small house understand I I guess just how far you push the second structure back I guess my question drove that direction sure so it's all when you say second structure this is all connected it's yeah second structure being added to the existing structure you have that connection little should pass I don't know see that I guess you can see that there's a family room connecting to the to the master bedroom so I mean they're all connected okay explains better it just looks weird on the other yes nobody bre way that would be OD uh have you spoken to your neighbor this so the first neighbor I think to talk to is the one behind us because but it's a shortterm rental Airbnb so I have not reached out to the neighbor um and I haven't talked to any of the Neighbors about it but no one's approached me saying like hey this is good or bad I don't live there currently so I I'm not in that area like talking to neighbors very often is this the least amount you can develop on the property is this the least amount least least am um built this off quite a bit is there a way you can ACC your goals um well then the house would just be smaller I guess but um I think this like if you look at any kind of like new builds in Jackson M Beach you know they're all around 2,000 sare ft that was the the goal to obviously not do a new build because we're keeping the existing structure but just get in line with the amount of square feet like that a family would want in in house these days I know back in the 1930s and 40s 900 ft was very small can you remind me how much I saw in the report how much is the finished space when you complete this project it's a darn good question it should be on one of the documents for sure because it's split by garage and um so I believe it adds about 11 or 1200 ft to the existing structure that's 900 ft so somewhere around 2,000 ft give or take proposing 1100t addition saying 2000 yes sir okay uh any more questions for the appli all right sir you could step back then thank you very time uh I will now open the public hearing do we have any speaker cards speaker cards submitted for that case is there anyone in the audience who's not filled out a speaker card that wishes to do so seeing none I will now close the public hearing and bring the item back to the board for discussion is there a motion make a motion to approve case number DOA 24-1 z41 based on testimony and evidence provided the request is all the standard for variance as outline 34286 of L development code second case been moved and second any [Music] discussion a lot of house a substandard lot OD shap so we have that the made Aid observation the existing structure being so Farine which push you toward developing something awkward and arrow in the front or building farther back so thinking of the rear set back and what's existing on the that does create con them to work with and of theot does continue to hinder from the side so from a coverage perspective I think the coverage being requested is less than 35% of standard is reason from the rear yard issue the side currell and then side think the way the ls does give some challenge add I agree anyone else at the end results it's 2000 living space which is not rs1 kind of going through a kind of contradictory to the staff analysis kind does make sense yeah okay anybody else any comments okay can we have a roll call V please Jeff TR yes Jennifer Williams yes John Mor yes Matt Mets yes yes your request for variance has been approved thank you very much for your time here we call the next case case number boa 24-1 z43 applicant Christopher Calvin property address 15 Oakwood Road motion to consider sections 34 336 e1e 43.2% lock cover Mo 35% maximum 343 36 E1 C3 for excess rear yard set back of 3.5 ft l a 5 ft minimum 34356 E1 C2 for a norly side yard set back of 7.5 ft and a Sly yard set back of 7.2 ft L of 10t minimum 3 4336 e1c 3 for a rear yard set back of 20 ft L of 30 ft for the construction of a new Po in debt to rear yard and to address existing nonconformities of the existing single family dwelling located property address 15th Oakwood Road okay as a reminder each member of the public will be given three minutes to speak when we open the public hearing does any board member have any export communication I've had none I've had none I've had none I've had none and I had none will the applicant please come forward to be sworn in and give their presentation please raise your right hand and state your name and address uh Chris Colin 15 Oakwood Road Jacks Beach 3225 do you swear or affirm that the testimony you're about to get in this matter is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth to help you God I good so yeah so basically we're trying to get a pool I do have a deck there that's 16 by 22 that uh that hasn't been accounted for on the square footage which has the three quarter gaps um I have no Neighbors in the backside there's a easement and I have an irregular size lot my lost figure in the front yard in the back have an 8-year-old daughter try to get a p for her have some fun in the backyard there any questions did you check your neighbors I did yeah our neighbor next door already has a pool and they just had a kid and they're positive about it and anyone who walks by with the dog is to wish us good luck and hope we get it just a couple clarifying points on what's being requested to address existing non-conformities versus what's being requested for the addition I'm going to speak to it based off of my interpretation from the document but just asking you correct me on Miss speak on anything so it looks like the lot coverage request is for the new decking around the pool essentially is going to expand the permeable space that's covered um so that is part of the addition but the 3 and 1/2 ft and 5T side yard re yard set back is an existing shed that is already there but you just need a variance for that as an existing condition the sh the shed I'm getting out of there that's okay so that's when we the house that was there so that I'm going to remove so in the left corner of the the backyard is the three and half foot accessory rear yard set back I can I can answer that if please raise your right hand and state your name and address John spitler 2 6 R Street St Augustine Florida do you swear affirm that the testimony you're about to give in this matter is the truth the whole truth and nothing about the truth to help you guys I do thank you your question on the three and a half foot setep back so if you look at the pool design right where the sun shelf and the stairs are that corner right there is where we're got our set back where we're closer on the property line right there that's my understanding on the plans when we and that's CU it Curves in that is that that sort of curve exactly back of that prop and there's an easement behind there but the back of that property kind of swails in and it it's we really minimize pool decking if you see the pool itself we just have basically a little bit of deck in front of the sun shelf uh a kind of 5T carry there that just kind of goes around the hot tub no decking on the perimeter on the outside we're obviously trying to minimize that and then his existing wood deck that's behind the house is a raised wood deck with a 3/4 gap which that is not accounted for as far as like a 50% um forgiveness of square footage because it's obviously fairly permeable but we didn't and we didn't account for that the too survey so when the too survey was done obviously they just look at everything and say these are the footages but but it's wood deck back there does have a 3/4 in gap on it as well and then the 72t and 7.2 side yard to the existing edge of the home existing or is that I think they're counting for the setbacks on the other side of the pool like at the deep end corner where it's uh adjusted to the yard there in the back for the pool equipment pool equipment we have um on the far side of the house I believe on the left side we've also looked at placing it on the right side there's a couple different areas we can put the pool equipment and then it looks like there's some pavers on both sides of the on the existing survey but I'm not seeing them on the prop I'm not seeing them on one side on the proposed is there any change to what papers you have on the side of the home or is that going to remain as is we were planning on removing them like most of them are like half buried in sand they've been there a long time is that just the side where the pool equipment is going or is that on both sides of those papers are coming up on on both sides is kind of my understanding we're laying out the project is the old existing papers that were on the far left of the house and there's some over on the right side we were going to remove thank you okay any other questions no thank you okay sir you can step back with me thank okay I'll now open the public hearing speaker starts anything else want to add oh I just you is there anyone in the audience who's not F that speaker star that wishes to speak anyone okay I'll close the public hearing and bring the item back to the board for discussion is there a motion make a motion to approve boa 24-1 z43 B testimony EV provided the request all standard as outline is section 34286 Land Development code second okay it's moved in second any discussion okay we have a subard law that is sh issues okay can we have a roll call vote please Jennifer Williams yes sorry John Morland yes Jeff Jer yes Matt me yes Owen car yes your request for variance has been approved thank you okay uh moving on to the planning department report um the next meeting will be on uh September 17th and there'll be three items on there and then tomorrow we'll have an LC workshop for all the board members and then next week we'll have it for on the council so you say September what day 17th 17 that's one two yeah um we won't be here on the 4th so we do have anything on the do they want us to go to the LC worksh yeah Bo yeah showing you guys like the new LDC and all that stuff proposed changes and all that stuff that that to but all right next is courtesy of the FL visitors anyone officer Isaac okay um is there a motion to adjourn I move second moved in second all in favor I I think it's uh