you're app app good for SC mon afid two all right everybody ready yes okay good evening this is is a session of the board of adjustments in the city of Jacksonville Beach the board of adjustment meetings are qua judicial in nature all decisions of the board will be based on confident substantial evidence including testimony provided in this meeting any person who's not an applicant or agent that wishes to speak need to fill out a speaker card located at side table by the door then turn them into the each member of the public will be given three minutes to speak on each refrain from speaking from the audience and Applause or cheering will not be allowed please silence your phones we have a roll call please John Mor here Owen Curley here Jeff TR Todd Smith here Jennifer Williams here Matt M okay next on our agenda is the approval of minutes for May 21st is motion okay so we move in second all in favor of approving the minutes okay do we have any correspondence no no correspond we have no old business I call Bo number 24127 at property address 10006 North 22nd Street request section 34337 he1 for 48% lot coverage and lure 35% maximum for construction of a new pool and deck to a new single family dwelling okay as a reminder each member of the public will be given three minutes to speak when we open the public hearing does any board member have any exp communication I've had none I've had none had none I've had none and I've have n would the applicate please come forward to be swor in and give presentation please raise your right hand do you swear or affirm that the testimony you're about to give in this matter is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth to help you go please St your name address Streetsville florid 2 Street we recently purchased a home on a substandard lot we are putting in a modest pool we'd like to add fa so that our family and friends can enjoy the pool with us on one side of the pool while leaving enough lawn for our dog to also enjoy um the new home was built in 2012 and they were approved for variance at the time we requesting an additional 4% to accommodate um the additional papers any board MERS have any questions for the you said you're adding papers also but the drawing here only shows like a coping pool is there going to be papers around it there's going to be papers on one side okay can you bring up that which side is it going to be on the left side uh that would be that would be the south side of the of the pool yes where thatt is is is that not reflect on the drawing or is it just really small yeah I don't know why they don't have it on that dra be fairly wi I'm guessing right yeah I think it's probably five or six feet W okay does it connect to your patio yes I wonder how they going get to the pool you know okay yes we would we were just going to have it on the side and then in between the pool and the patio the pool is 5 or six ft offset from where the patio stop it looks like did Cover any other questions for the app okay uh will you please have a seat yes thank you I will now open the do we have any speaker CS is there anyone in the audience who has not pulled out a speaker card that wishes to speak seeing none I will now close the public hearing and bring the back to the board for discussion is there a motion I make a motion to approve boa 24-100 z27 based on the testimony and evidence provided the request has met all the standards for a variance as outlined in section 34-28 the Land Development code second okay move and second any discussion toover all right we have a John Mor yes Todd Smith yes Jennifer Williams yes Matt mes yes Owen cly yes okay your request for variance has been approved thank you is a planning department report our next meeting is on July 2nd and we'll have two new items one on deferred item from the last meeting yes three all together courtesy okay seeing none U is there a motion to move second second okay all in favor oppos