I have 6 o' welcome to the March 18th meeting of the Jacksonville Beach city council we'll begin with the invitation followed by the salute to the flag please rise let us pray good and gracious Heavenly Father we lean to you and your word in these times that are challenging our city Lord we just ask you for peace and comfort we ask for Direction and lead us in a direction that will please you and bring Safe Community and safe comfort for everyone that's involved Lord we just ask you to look over our First Responders and provide a blanket of peace and comfort and safety for them as well as they preserve our peace and Lord most of all we thank you for your son Jesus for it's in his name we pray amen amen I Ali to the flag of the United States of America and to the repic stand One Nation God indivisible withy and justice for all this meeting is held to order mad council member Golding here council member horn here council member jansson here council member MAA here council member Sutton here council member Wagner here mayor Hoffman here moving on to approval of minutes I move that we approve the minutes from the city Council briefing held on March 4th 2024 second we have a motion and a second any discussion all in favor signify by saying I oppos motion carries Item B I move that we approve the minutes from the regular city council meeting held on March 4th 20124 second we have a motion and a second any discussion all in favor signify by saying I any opposed motion carries item C I move that we approve the minutes from the city council briefing held on March 11th 2024 second we have a motion and a second any discussion all in favor signify by saying I I any oppos motion carries approval of the agenda I move that we approve the agenda second we have a motion and a second all in favor signify by saying I I'm sorry Mr s i' like to amend the agenda to include a discussion uh based on yesterday's events second we have a motion and a second all in favor of amending the agenda signify they're saying I post motion carries back to the full agenda any other discussion Mr Z like still all in favor signify by saying I I any post motion carries uh announcements Miss Golding thank you mayor um first of all I just want to mention to everyone that the legislative session is now officially over um as some of you know the vacation rental issue uh has been a big issue for our Jacksonville Beach Community and there was a bill that was passed it was Sate Bill 280 and it's not helping the city of Jacksonville Beach address the issues that we need to be able to address um I wanted to recognize our representative uh Michael and our Senator clay yoro who both voted and advocated for us during the legislative session they voted against the Senate Bill 280 um it's now headed to the governor and I would encourage anyone in our community who has vac has issues with vacation rentals and would like to support the city of Jacksonville Beach in meaningful legislation that would help us address the issues that we're having in our neighborhoods please contact the governor's office uh representative Michael has spoken to the governor about it and um she's urged him to veto the bill and right now we need as many people as possible to reach out to the governor and ask him to veto the bill there were other bills that were passed this legislative session that will impact us as well um release of balloons was passed uh the live local act glitch bill was passed and several planning bills that Heather I know I want to talk to you about at some point about uh expedited approval of residential building permits and then harmless camping and sleeping was passed as well and that's one that I know we're going to be talking about more um but I also wanted to um mention that Rett Michael spoke with me today about Senate bille 280 but then she also brought up the shooting that happened last night and uh she did reach out to Chief Smith and she has offered her full support yep they've spoken on the phone she also spoke to the governor's office and I'm very grateful for that um also very grateful for our police department and everything that they did last night and everything that they continue to do to keep our community safe um I know everyone probably feels the same way what happened last night that is not what we want in our community um and I look forward to uh some discussion about what we may be able to do to try to address that but first and foremost um I just I H have to say that I'm very grateful for our police department and I'm hope that all of your staff Chief Smith are doing okay I know that it's been a rather tough last however many hours um and you've got more ahead of you so thank you so much thank you Miss Golding Mr Mesa good evening everyone um start off with a good note welcome back Mr Bill waren came back from his 25th wedding anniversary about to do the same in a couple months hopefully uh I can make it to 60 70 years marriage I wish you nothing but the best for in your wife um I want to echo on what council member golden said um I've been feeling so many types of emotions since last night anger disappointment sad disgust heartbroken what happened last night should have never happened but it did right now at this moment at the current rate we are going with our youth the future to me does not look promising I'm almost 40 years old many parents who are my age and have kids should be disciplining their kids but they are not a lack of respect towards each other is sading and very frustrating the lack of dis disregard for human life and Law Enforcement Officers is very concerning but let me be very clear I do not support nor will I ever support any type of rhetoric that goes against our Law Enforcement Officers as a matter of fact every city that has gone full defund their Police Department should go back to funing their police department and I will call you out and tell you to front your Police Department because this rhetoric of ire police is harmful to every city and society as a whole sometimes I lose faith in humanity but it is restored by the act of kindness from individuals Jackson be has a very special place in my heart and I have seen people here in this community come together to help each other out in times of need we are Jack Beach strong and right now everyone needs to support our Police Department even if you think negative of them right now it's not the time to be divisive but to unite as one and stand up against violence of any sort we are humans we make mistakes but we are better than that I am calling out every Community leader Church leader and any group group to do the same I want peace everyone in this room wants peace as a man of God and a firm believer of karma my message to the evil people who committed this senseless act last night Justice will be served either by our Police Department or by God but if you choose to repent yourself and turn yourself in maybe the victim's family just maybe they will forgive you my sincer condolences goes out to all the victims and the deceased families yesterday St Patty's Day business was boom in in the central business district and it was cut short due to what happened last night I will say this Bars were not the problem yesterday today as I keep continue to read Facebook comments and I will bet my life on it I am proud of my co-workers for how they handle the situation since it happened right across from us and every bar and every business that was open during that time and how they handled the situation and how they Co cooperated with a law enforcement if they had any footage and they have provided footage to help the investigation do not mess with Jacksonville Beach and with our service industry here um I want to begin by thanking our chief of police um I saw him in action firsthand his commanders and every member of jvpd thank you very very very much we'll come back to you when you're ready Mr Mr Jameson yes so I want to piggyback on um Council M golding's uh legislative talk so there was two bills that I was following strongly uh in this legislative season one of them was sovereign immunity um originally out the gate they were wanting to raise for those that may not know what that is that's how much an an individual can sue a municipality on any kind of uh any kind of litigation even trip and fall and things like that and out the gate they were asking for millions of dollars and to wise to raise the solom community caps to millions of dollars and it got dialed back into the hundreds of thousands and ultimately it died on the floor so um though it died on the floor it comes back every year and it'll come back again next year and hopefully we can strike a balance that will be agreeable across the state uh one that small municipalities can afford uh such as ours and I think we're pretty close to getting to that Mark we were pretty close this legislative season but however it did die on the floor um the other thing that I was following was an act called the decer backman act and basically what this bill required was uh law enforcement agencies throughout the state to have a focus on cold cases they had to address certain priorities with cold cases and though there was a component to it that required a lot of funding according to the authority Department of Law Enforcement it did die on the floor but I will make sure that this one comes back next year and I will be fighting in Tallahasse to make sure we did that across the Finish Line um and then about last night's incident uh coming from a law enforcement background of 28 years it's frustrating to me to to see something like that happened in this community um it's happened before I can't say that it will never happen again but I certainly hope it doesn't happen happen again um I want the chief of the police the chief of police to know and I think he does know um I'll speak for myself I'm sure he recognizes from the entire Council that he has full support from us anything that he needs and I also recognize that Public Safety is our number one priority that's that's one of our responsibilities half of our budget is focused on public safety and I think it's time that we bolster that in this community to make sure that all of our citizens are safe all the time Mr Mason my apology my apologies just wave of emotions um last night I witnessed firstand the heroic and bravery that these officers showed right as this went on they rendered Aid to the victims all while trying to tame the crowd around them that was antagonizing them it takes bravery and it takes guts so anyone that wants to talk negative about them come deal with me I am proud to say that the training these officers have had and continue to have pays off in unfortunate incidents like last night the sergeants who were there on scene you know who you are you guys are rock stars your officers are rock stars they handled that situation very very very well professional very calm and Collective and for that I'm very very proud of that very glad to have have you guys part of this Police Department chief I I support 100% if any accommodation for bravery for these officers um I just want to say that I support it thank you I also want to thank the sheriff TK Waters and his officers who assisted our chief with the efforts and the a unit along with St John's County nepon Beach Alani Beach Police Department FDLE our local ATF agency and the State's Attorney's Office who offered the mayor andr Chief their I also want to thank the mayor and C manager for being there last night and support this means a lot not just to me but to the community and to the officers so thank you and God bless thank you Mr MAA um to Echo your comments um in the past not even 24 hours now I've heard from the White House fellow Mayors um our state uh representatives and other community leaders and really every news Outlet here locally as well as several national news programs um this isn't the kind of attention um that we want for Jacksonville Beach and I think we can all agree on that um I just want to read a prepared statement that I posted on Facebook but I'm saddened by the Sens of violence and tragic loss of life that occurred in our community last night at the same time I'm proud of the men and women at the Jacksonville Beach police department and our partners who reacted quickly to three separate incidents that occurred in very quick succession and by the way I'm also very proud of our business owners Mr Mesa one of them who reacted quickly to um help protect and provide for the safety of their patrons I look forward to continuing to support our Police Department as they bring the suspects to Justice Jacksonville Beach is a wonderful City and I'm proud to be its mayor on another note I would like to welcome a delegation of women through the Congressional open world program they're here uh in the front row front two rows please give them a more welome program on our local rotaries led by the P ofer Beach Rotary Club on the Oceanside rotary which is my club work together to bring this delegation into our area specifically to um study and learn from and build relationships with women in leadership positions so they've met already with Mayor Brown um of nept beach former mayor Glasser of atlon beach um they're going to be meeting with several um St John's County elected officials as as well as uh representatives from the St John's and the Jack's Chamber of Commerce um and it's only just beginning this is day one and they've already had a really full day so um I don't know if I mentioned they're from Armenia uh and they have been they've come well prepared with wonderful questions and thank you to everyone in City Hall this afternoon who let me crash in on you with an impromptu tour um so welcome thank you for coming here to our area and we look forward to um a great exchange of information um and dialog and relationships that will last a long time thank you um you see the equipment in the back that is uh voting equipment tomorrow is the presidential preference primary so uh if you haven't already voted make sure you get that done tomorrow um moving on any other announcements from Council moving on to Courtesy of the Flor from visitors and then we'll do the consent agenda and right after that we can go into uh the discussion that um Mr set MAA to the agenda so um I will call your name if you can come up to the podium give us your name and address you'll have 3 minutes to address the council um and I'm sorry Rico I cannot read your last name r while we're getting that situated I am pleased to say that we do have our PowerPoint presentation back up and running and I do believe that we are currently live streaming so uh we're we're getting back back to normal with with as can go ahead all right so my name is Ric onas I've been a resence here at Jacksonville Beach for 26 years love it this home but what happened last night on EX should not be Happ this is our beach you guys got is St and take care of us that should have been preved should not be Happ each and one of you need to take responsibility for it you need to support a police officers bring more police officers into Jack Beach whether you got to supply with bonuses do whatever you got to do help these guys help our community we are tired of it I was here a few years back and I got Rob going home same issue public issue Public Safety I see friends of mine Fernando all people they work at restaurants owners these guys that work all them lost a lot of money last night because of it their safety was also at risk at some point in time it has to stop in 26 years the last five have been crazy in Jacksonville Beach you guys have to do something about it you already know it's back to back weekends it's the same issue back to back you had it last last week at the fear boxing stabing all that kind of crap and it comes right back again to this weekend and look what happened but our guys in Blue Man I mean they're trying their best to do it but they're shorthanded short sta we should have police officers walking the the boardwalk day in and day out on on First Street to avoid this ision from happening but they can because they're short sty so some point in time you all guys got to take respon do something to actually help these guys out but also the community it has to stop please thank you Mr G Mitch Hoffman hello my name is Mitch cofman pinman road Jack Beach I've been in this community for 65 years and I love it it's the best community in the world in my opinion I think the cops do a great job here and I'm basically addressing the same situation I think that um you guys were talking about earlier is um we need more resources not just to keep the community safe but to keep the cops safe make sure they get home safely every night too so same thing but they do a great job thank you thank you Mr Kaufman Steve Zona thank you mayor thank you Council for the opportunity to speak and thank you for your leadership of our great City we have a great City I'm very thankful for our Police Department led by Chief Smith and the men and women who put on a uniform every day um my name is Steve Zona 2302 s brass Road um I was a police officer here in Jacksonville Beach at time I've lived here for well over a decade I'm a retired police officer from Jacksonville Sheriff's Office still heavily involved with Fraternal Order police on the union side for the police officers I've never spoke here at city council but what happened over the weekend is just caused me to come so um look this is not you know I went to school here I've been around a long time like a lot of you have this is not your grandparents uh Jacksonville op it's grown exponentially um the businesses um the people the population the people people that want to visit our beach um and that's a good thing but with it comes problems um and we saw some of those problems uh yesterday and and it's occurred before in the past um what hasn't come with that growth um is the growth of our Police Department um we haven't grown in my opinion fast enough to keep up um with what's happening in our city I'm sure I'm not a planner I'm sure we have uh growth plans for businesses and everything else here here in our beach um but I've never seen one for the police department um in my humble opinion we need to add police officers now not next week not next year not two years from now we need to add those police officers and bolster of this Police Department so it can continue to do the great job they're doing and then on top of that we need to have some sort of task force Strike Force whatever it is whatever you want to call it that studies the growth of our city and that our Police Department keeps up with that growth not only in numbers there is no reason in the world why this Police Department here at the beach at the beach with what they face and what they do every day is not the top pay in benefits and salary um I think that all needs to be looked at I think it needs to be address and I appreciate the time to speak thank you Mr Z Ken Marsh Ken Marsh 2011 Gale Avenue looks like we have a theme going here um we have a safety problem and it needs fixing right now we have a tremendous police force led by what I consider one of the best Chiefs but the big picture is back the fact that we had these shootings last night by a few bad actors but rather all the near misses that this team has been able to address with minimal of resources Jack's gangs like to play in Jack's Beach they come they bring guns drugs there's no border that keeps the gangs solely within our CBD and away from our neighborhood in today's press conference Chief SM indicated that we are staffed for a city of 25,000 and this is where the problem is that's not who we are we are the Entertainment District for the city of Jacksonville our CBD is known through our duall County as a bar District we are known for our large festivals and even though we lack the parking that doesn't deter the beach crowds and generally speaking male health and anger issues are on the rise we have a proliferation of of guns the prevalence of drugs and simply put we need to give Chief Smith more I looked at our law enforcement budget between 2013 and 2023 here's the news flash our budget just barely has increased over the rate of inflation I can share these numbers if you like this is an affront to the entire police force what we need now is a full out offensive against gangs and now contents more police bodies more police technology but it cost money although I appreciate you hav't increased by military I would much rather have a city that doesn't draw these undesirables I sh to think what would have happened if I had a critical incident need that required a police officer at the same time of our downtown shootings so here's my ask the 2024 2025 budget is being prepared now is the time to address our safety needs don't Band-Aid this or hope this passes or we wait for it to rear its ugly head at another point in time money doesn't fix everything but I feel confident that if you give the chief every possible resource to go full thr the word will spread with those that can't behave here and we will be able to turn this around the ball is in your court there is nothing here that doesn't make me think that that you all don't support the chief but what does support mean back it up with the money thank you thank you Mr Mar thank you mayor and thank you councel for the work you do I know it's often times difficult tonight is one of those I'm resident 17 years KAS of ver down the road I think the concern that I express when we see these things is this city is growing tremendously but particularly the real estate values are really growing exponentially and I get concern as a property owner because these kinds of incidents without the kind of controls and the kind of public relations we need is not going to be beneficial to us it's already cycled through on a national level so I think asking you to continue to do the work you're doing with politically try to spend this in a way that shows support for the police force and for what we're doing here in the city so that we can protect the values that we've been able to create here continue to grow like we have but thank you so much for the work you do thank you Mr K Jennifer Cruz good evening uh Jennifer Cruz 3782 Sanctuary Way South um um I support all of you this is the second time that I have spoken in front of you uh both times were issues that were important to me I was embarrassed about what happened last night this is not the Wild Wild West this is Jacksonville Beach Florida okay I don't know the statistics but I guarantee you that the people involved were not Jacksonville Beach residents what happens when they come over that ditch that we all lovingly refer to it as is not only our problem but it's the city of Jacksonville's problem as well where's mayor Degan I don't see her where any Jacksonville uh City Council Members this is not just your problem it's not our problem it's not just Chief Smith's problem it is a community problem problem the people that did the shooting I would bet my paycheck on were not taxpaying residents of our community few months ago my husband and I went broad daylight down to these pizza I was scared to death and I have a husband that is former law enforcement and I was afraid because of the vagrance uh the undesirables I could not wait to get my piece of pizza and get out of there to my comfortable little neighborhood it shouldn't be like that whatever Chief Smith wants by God give it to him I know there are limits that man and his officers cannot do everything for everybody there are other beaches here and I know that they all came to help that's the a good thing about our blue family they rush and they help each other but it shouldn't just be in times of emergency this is everybody's problem Jacksonville St John's County Neptune Beach Atlantic Beach all of the communities anybody that crosses that ditch needs to have respect for not only our businesses but our our beach our pier and our law enforcement I want people when they come to Jacksonville Beach and they want to think that they're going to act crazy and fight and whatever you know BS that they do I want them to think twice before they do that in our city they need to be respectful and I think fearful is a healthy emotion thank you for listening to me thank you Mrs Cruz David Murphy uh thank you very much uh my name is David Murphy I live at 431 12th Avenue North um I've been a jack Beach resident by two since 2016 um I'm currently the uh bar manager at C Marina Marina um and the director of Beverage operations for the 904 happy hour Wagner foundations um I just wanted I was called by councilman Mesa to come here on behalf of the service industry and uh say thank you to the uh brave men and women of law enforcement who respond with um for their quick response and professionalism in the face of last night's tragic events um in behalf of the Jackson Beach service indry I just want to say thank you for your service and saf guard the lives of our patrons and our staff as well so thank you thank you Mr Murphy Scott Rand Rand H Scott Randol 15 palmwood Court um I've been a resident in Jack Beach 30 years plus um I just have a few things to say I haven't spoke I'm not really a very good public speaker um I work all over the United States I live here I spent 10 years in South Florida before I came to Jacksonville Beach I love Jacksonville Beach I'm going to live and I'm going to die here um it's it's the biggest small town you can live in um the um I noticed last night I I I have a lot of friends in Upper FBI police all over the country just guys I grew up with college guys know and I noticed after after the incident last night I have two kids um they're not kids one's 28 one's 31 they're my kids still my daughter's still at home she I don't have Instagram she does she knows everything about everything she gets the pictures before everybody gets the pictures she gets to she and so I just get to know what's happening out there whether I want to or not um the police force last night they when that thing when that went down they were on they were on it quick they were on they those guys were running into those bullets I know because I know people that live down there they told me that I was talking to them while that was happening um and that is amazing these days with how with with the way our world is our world is not in a good way right now um social media has ruined a lot of these younger kids for us it's our challenge to bring it back um it's my challenge I used to think well my dad will take care of it but now I'm 62 so now it's my responsibility to come talk to you people like you and get my city corrected this is my city I I I take ownership in Jax Beach I love it here I help as many people as I can here um the the police did an a just amazing job in my eyes I I look at police forces all over the country and I I look at their their response times I know it's weird but it's just something that I do but these guys they they ran right into that we knew something was going to happen I just felt it but it happens every weekend here when it when it gets warm they come from wherever they come from they're not from here but they come over the bridge and whatever this police force needs this police force should get uh Mr Smith uh Chief Smith he's a he's a standup guy but he knows what he needs if he ask you for something I would say give it to him um that's all I have to say I love the beach and um like I said If he if he ask for it please give it to him it's just money can't take it with us thanks thank you Mr Rand Matt o mayor councel m is m i in the plantation o subdivision and I would like to offer you two perspectives in support of funding requests made by Chief Sith from the Jacksonville Beach PD I was resed to Jackson Beach since 2001 I raised my family here over the course of my Navy career I deployed numerous times leaving my family bonor to the trust and care of the Jacksonville Beach police department and they never let me down over the past two decades City leadership many of you here today have made significant investments in infrastructure Downtown Development and in public safety humbly us submit these Investments have paid great dividends Jacksonville Beach is an extraordinary Community to raise a family operate a business enjoy vacation all under the umbrella of Safety and Security provided by our Jacksonville Beach Police Department today Jack beach has the hard-earned and well-deserved reputation as a safe and secure venue for such events as the 4th of July the Jacksonville Air Show and numerous festivals for those of us who have been around long enough we remember when that was not always the case the second perspective I like like to offer you comes from serving as a prosecutor with the state attorney's office for the Fourth Judicial Circuit for the past 25 years I've had the distinct pleasure of working with the outstanding men and women of the Jacksonville Beach Police Department I witnessed firsthand their unwavering Devotion to duty their daily sacrifices to ensure those who live work and vacation in Jacksonville Beach are safe for the past seven years I've served as director of the targeted prosecution at the State Attorney's office for those not familiar with what we do the mission of the targeted prosecution division is to work with our local state and federal Partners to identify investigate and prosecute the very very small portion of the population that's responsible for a large portion of our violent crime today violent crime is no longer bound by ZIP code today viol crime is no longer limited to certain neighborhoods or to a specific economic demographic and violent crime is extremely mobile unfortunately there is no amount of proactive policies that can completely insulate a community from its potential impact what is required is a public safety infrastructure under the guidance and supervision of community leaders who working with that same Community take all necessary precautions to minimize the impact of violent crime and Foster the public confidence that when violence does occur and as last night proves it is inevitable that our First Responders are ready what happened last night does not define Jacksonville Beach how we responded is how Jacksonville Beach was defined our First Responders need to be ready with the necessary resources they need to be ready with the latest technology and ready with the needed manpower to investigate identify and prosecute those who would jeopardize the Safety and Security of our community you cannot be too proactive when it comes to Crime reduction initiatives you cannot over invest in public safety and that is why I'm humbly requesting that this city council fully fund the budget requests of the Jackson V Beach Police Department to ensure that they have the necessary resources the talent technology and manpower to serve and protect our thriving Community thank you for your time and your service thank you Mr O Robert here ladies and gentlemen in spite of what happened last night I can tell you that God is looking down on Jacksonville Beach and smiling you know how I know that because we have a police chief G Paul Smith and that is leading our law enforcement I stand before you today not as a former former police officer who served alongside Chief G Smith or as a business owner out here at 135 fth Avenue North and a criminal defense attorney at peler Souls deeply embedded in the Fack of Jacksonville Beach but as a concerned citizen alarmed by the recent events and growing issue that demands our immediate attention yesterday our city witnessed an unprecedented influx of young people arriving to celebrate spring break while our City's entertainment offering attract visitors unfortunately that sometimes lead to undesirable outcomes yesterday's Gathering turned violent leaving three individuals seriously injured due to gunshots this incident underscores a glaring issue that we've observed growing over time the acute understaffing of our police force during my tenor as a police officer here over two decades ago I had the honor of working with Jee Paul Smith to develop our CRT unit it's a testament of innovative police community policing that significantly contributed to maintaining the Safety and Security of Jacksonville Beach however conversations with residents and observations of current Dynamics reveal a starkly a stark reality our Police Department is woefully staffed the shortage is not unique to our city but is symptomatic of a broader societal challenges facing law enforcement wide the political climate and debate surrounding police funding have and support have created a challenging environment for Recruitment and Retention despite taxable Beach not directly engaging in defunding conversations the absence of proactive approach to bolstering our police force is palpable our Entertainment District a magnet for visitors requires a robust law enforcement presence to manage the mix of alcohol consumption and a vibrant nightlife the sment towards law enforcement has shifted dramatically with many pressing oh excuse me many uh expressing that they would not choose a career in police policing under current conditions this perception of lack of support from political leaders adds to the challenges creates a climate where morale is low and the risk a high our officers human as they are are expected to perform with the Precision of machines making split-second decisions under immense pressure yet support they need and deserve seems to be waning furthermore When comparing compensation with neighboring jurisdictions such as Neptune Beach where starting salaries are $57,000 Jacksonville Beach is not competitive this discrepancy is particularly tring given the ific growth of our tax base over the years and I realized that I'm out of time so I think I got my point across thank you thank you Mr peler Sarah Brian hi Council um I am a Jacksonville Beach resident born and raised um first and foremost uh Chief Smith I just want to say you know to you and the entire uh police department that stepped up they didn't amazing job yesterday we all know how courageous they are they run to you know what everybody else runs away from um if we had a a different police force I don't think it could have turned out how you know positive it did it could have been a lot worse you know we have a great group that's led by a phenomenal phenomenal leader they've all done an amazing job but it's with the resources that they have I'm just kind of echoing you know what's already been said here but our department is severely understaffed and quite frankly need more support they need more Focus from you guys you know we really need to invest in them which will then you know further invest in the safety of our community we need the appropriate amount of officers to handle the influx we're only going to continue to grow the Beach's downtown district is getting bigger and bigger some of you up here you know we so concerned about igniting the downtown district we're there you know we've got people coming and it's going to continue to come but we really need to focus on prevention and safety and not just tax revenue uh you know the bars adding all you know all the building the new permits for for festivals it's all attracting more people um and that all just leads to more potential for violence um like the height limit increase that was up you know with all that growth and booming we really need to address you know how many officers we have you know to keep up with that but again right now we are under staff and that really needs to be addressed um just as an aside I have family that's coming in town for a cruise um they're going to spend a few days here before and after I I knew their agenda typical you know if everybody oh go to St atin for the day go to Mayport get some food um go to P to get some shark's teeth um this morning my cousin texted me to check in first and foremost to see if we were okay you know how everything was but she also wanted recommendations for neptun Beach because all of the families five families soccer kids everybody while they're here they don't plan on stepping foot in Jacksonville they they are not going to Jack's Beach they want neptun Beach recommendations they're going to go to that beach all day Uber down there spend the day and go home they aren't even going to be here at night but they don't feel comfortable being here during the day after what happened last night um lastly there was a poll on one of the news stations today do you feel safe in Jacksonville Beach um earlier it was 32% was yes 69 68% said no when I was sitting here it's now 69% or no um I think that speaks volumes and um somebody mentioned that there isn't anybody from Jacksonville here and I kind of feel that same sentiment um Rory Diamond was here and happy to talk about the development they're going to do on Penman and you know really kind of monreal salesman to us and at the end he said if Jack spee needs anything we'll do it for you whatever you guys need let us know guys whatever you need let us know we need money and we need funding for our officers so we can get to where we need to be to support the growth in the community cuz we're not safe thank you Miss Brian Bob Benjamin good evening PA Benjamin I live 850 for wor 13 South spoke last month about the Airbnb issues thank you to the council everybody again I want to thank Chief Smith and his deputies and the police officers JSO all the folks that came out last night to help our community amazing job um pretty much saying what everybody else is saying tonight I hear a lot of the counsil folks here say they'll give the police department whatever they want and uh my taxes have gone up I've been here 5 years gone up a few thousand since I've been here um I don't see it the streets getting any better at bike lane so let's put it towards the police let's give Chief Smith Smith what he needs uh as we talked about with the the nightmare of B&B I have next to me I've had the opportunity to meet a lot of these folks these police officers have been out to my house several times they're amazing uh ladies and gentlemen they do a great job they stuck in there last night um but it's a little Mirra and we ride our bicycle out here on First Street during the week you don't you don't feel a problem the weekends there's a different crowd of people coming over that bridge that's all I'm going to say and uh it's making it uncomfortable to take my girlfriend and her six-year-old daughter out makes her uncomfortable um not only that I got my crazy Airbnb neighbor now stalking me at uh you almost like you got to be weaponized uh which is I've had to call the police about him sitting at the end of my driveway now because I've been complaining about his property so now he's stalking me over so that's another subject but that being said one of the other gentlemen said if somebody needed somebody last night was there a police officer available to help us if somebody was breaking in or somebody was at our home cuz maybe they're all here so like I said a lot of you guys guys said tonight let's anything for the police so please mayor city council um you know give these guys what they need these guys are amazing I've lived in several cities I'm an airline pilot I play internationally around the world I had 12 cops in my airplane in London in December over a guy beating another guy's seat and gave him Whiplash 12 12 heavily armed police officers in the UK they don't mess around there they don't mess around other countries we become too light on criminals in this country I hope this city council gives these police officers what they need so that other countries like I fly they don't tolerate this Behavior it's just not tolerated this country's just kind of gotten sof on criminals so please you know when you guys doing your budgeting you look at you know all the people that are here we got a lot of great citizens I moved here 5 years ago to have the beach life so I could ride to the beach bars and have fun with my friends go to dinner but that's kind of fading I'm thinking about selling my home and moving so um mayor please you know all you guys get together help these guys out thank you thank you Mr Benjamin charman Smith thank you my name is Shaman Smith I live in Jacksonville Beach over by the crazy fence lady I know she keeps all of the are I am here to talk about the event yesterday in Jacksonville Beach the last time I spoke at the city council we were voting to make juneth a paid holiday and a Gentleman spoke that day about his friend who had been shot outside of a bar on Fourth of July weekend and no attention had been brought to gun violence at the beach and now that all guys are here let's have the conversation we have multiple bills up in our house and our Capital this year to reduce the age to buy a gun from 21 back down to 18 this weekend we had 250 to 500 kids coordinate on to have a group fight now back in my day when we had problems we took it to the dirt lot outside the school where the teachers wouldn't bother us and Jack's Beach is not the dirt lot where you come to resolve your disputes I want to take the opportunity to thank the chief of police for this not turning into the shootout at the okay Corral but I want us to think about some of those bills coming down the pike at us removing the background check request environment uh making it so that even if you don't pass your background check you can still get your gun within 3 days uh removing the requirement to have training before you can get a concealed carry we're talking about open carry in this state with Senate Bill 1619 do we want to go to the beach with 518 year olds open carrying that's not my idea of a good time that's not the reputation I want my community to have and now an opportunity while we're talking about funding our police force for us to open the conversation to the school shootings because most of the school shootings are done by 18 to 20 year olds who have a grudge and are angry I attended a school Workshop recently with the Duval County public schools where the police chief from the stoning Douglas School down in Miami came and talked to us about the importance of hard corners and people knowing where to hide and while we're building up our police force let's make sure all of our bar owners and bouncers know what to do with the people in their businesses where do we run and hide when somebody comes to the bars at 2: a.m. on St Patrick's Day or at midnight on St Patrick's Day and decides to resolve their problems this is a problem Nationwide and all eyes are on us and we are a military Community here there's a lot of talk about getting uninf fringed but as a military brat whose dad pushed recruits through boot camp I'm here to tell you there's only one way to get infringed you got to step up to the plate sign your name on the dted line issue a check to Uncle Sam equivalent to the price of your life you got to go to boot camp you got to go to C school and a school and get your first set of orders and then and only then will you get to see uninf fringed and most of us can't handle unfringed most of us can't handle the handguns and the short the long guns and the short guns that we're allowed to have our well regulated militia has been in the habit of banning businesses that they won't allow mport members to attend we don't want all of Jack's Beach bars on that list let's be open-minded about the education we provide to the entire community and require safe storage and gunlocks thank you Mr Smith thank you Jacob CAW my name is j quincho this is now the seventh time in emplo Council I've heard a lot of people here talking about yesterday's incident and it is definitely something that I don't appreciate crime in this city has definitely gotten out of control however if you own a business here in the city and you are profiting off those tourist maybe it's time for you all a pony up and from the police if you complain about not having enough police officers and you're the one's property maybe you should pay the price and not the citizens you're the ones making the money why does just assume be a foreign concept of Mis day and AG it's not gluttonous or prideful to want fair treatment we are a nation of laws laws that are not being fairly enforced in this city if you have money you have power but to use that power to deny Justice is just a sin is a sin on itself to use that power to attack somebody financially spiritually and emotionally is not only a crime it's not only a sin in the eyes of the Lord but it is morally wrong to want Justice and to be upset when it is not given is not a sin it is not being who cried for cutness is a basic human right one that cannot one can one cannot continually turn a blind eye and turn the other cheek to do so only encourages Injustice and negates the rule of law and without law we have Anarchy and Chaos like we saw this past weekend not just for those with without power not just for The Young and the old but for everyone everywhere we have I have broken laws in my time I admit that but two wrongs don't make a right you cannot punish someone outside the rule of law for violating a law you have not convicted them of and at the same time you cannot use the color of law to retaliate against someone for an injustice of any kind without admitting or acknowledging all violations I have never asked for anything more than was taken from me but to continue to strip my rights away for personal Financial and Professional gain is not only Injustice but it's dangerous and crosses the law of dictatorship the same form of dictatorship that our politicians use in excuses B on War are refusing to help those at home we are victims here my eviction case against Chief Smith and his police department and this Council will come to light and you will all be judged for it excuse me I got to find the next page every time I come from his councel we sit there siging like turtles in a law you will not take the time to respond to others but you will even acknowledge my my me or my accusations against this Council and his departments the the Crim sh committment are piling up okay we had to body in case we nobody's talking about it now we have this shooting here we have the the Cyber attack that happened on here yall won't speak about it y'all refuse to acknowledge my addiction case and you're just hiding sleep under the road I'm not one of those undesirable famous people because of your Chief and his violating my civil liberties and my civil rights if you're going to try and cut me off after you just L 600 people stand here for 30 seconds after their time you have another thing coming you can arrest me but I will finish my speech this is ridiculous I have support for law enforcement I have support the rule of law but I will not support you and you sitting here that Chief denying you the rights to be to live in this city thank you moving on to the consent agenda I move that we approve the consent agenda second all in favor signify by saying I I any post motion carries we will go ahead and open up discussion by Council of yesterday's events Mr Sutton this is your item would you like to lead us off sure thanks mayor um well I guess we're sort of at a Crossroads here um you know yesterday's events are not new to us unfortunately we've seen this before um uh fortunately it just hasn't escalated to the level that it did last night but uh fact that just happened on May March 8th that did did escalate into I think at least a fight at that point and the uh Chief Smith and his his guys did a great job in Breaking that up um but you know we need to figure out some solutions here that that can be meaningful and obviously one of those is um you know helping to fund uh our police department and and get additional resources um and technology and other things that will help us in uh in both preventing this and helping us uh identify perpetrators uh And discussing with Mr Shephard today it does not appear that we really have the ability to immediately meaning like tonight uh change or Institute an ordinance of such uh in an immediate or emergency manner that I would like to do uh to stop such Gatherings as what's happened on March 8th and then again yesterday afternoon um and not it's not to say that an ordinance uh is going to stop someone who intends to break the law uh that's not going to happen but it certainly can be another vehicle that we have I think that will help uh it will help deter um I think we do have the ability and and I'm going to ask Cliff to speak in in a minute I think we do have the ability via having some special meetings uh over the next couple of weeks to accelerate the passage of of an ordinance uh that will effectively make it illegal to have such gatherings in the future without a permit from the city City uh if people you know want to have a gathering and they they've got a permit to do so then they're certainly welcome to do that as long as it's uh civil uh but unfortunately even even in an accelerated form uh this is going to take us outside the the spring break window and I'd really like to see us do something more immediate um you know that can help us in the next couple of weeks so I think an accelerated schedule would would help us if if we choose to do so um I think an ordinance you know something like making it illegal to have a gathering of 20 plus people in the central business district or along the beach front would would be helpful we we might want to consider having that be anywhere in public spaces but it seems like the central business district and the beach have been the you know sort of the focal point in the most problematic areas but certainly we should have a discussion on exactly what we think would be best um I think in the meantime and again I'm going to ask Mr shepher to comment but in the name of Public Safety and and for the safety of our citizens here in Jacksonville Beach um we should direct Chief spith and and support him in uh significantly increasing petrolum presence in the CBD and and on the beach front in order you know to to more quickly disperse any such Gatherings uh before they become a problem uh sort of proactively if if that can be uh identified when it as it's happening um so certainly I would support and recommend that we approve any required additional funding for that uh resources are also an issue we don't necessarily have those available in Jacksonville Beach uh we all have heard Chief Smith comment on how difficult that is in recruiting but um you know we we may have to go to some other neighboring agencies to uh to try and get those off duty resources to uh to help us in the meantime uh until we can staff up more long term so um Mr Shephard would you like to comment yes sir the the first uh suggestion is exactly the one that you made in the immediate impact the best solution that can be had legally is stepped up patrols which puts a burden on an nardy burden department but there really is no immediate solution uh that will reduce uh this threat other than visual presence in a high Vis way at times when it is the most likely to occur which I presumed to be weekends but I obviously would leave that to the chief's scheduling and and discussions um I do not know for example if the city has an interlocal with JSO but if it does that might be a resource that you could reach out to to try to cover some of those areas it may mean payment of over and other things but um in order to get what needs to be done Legally Legally adopted it simply can't be done overnight um it is a sad fact that three people were hurt one person was killed and I think there at least one or more suspects that are still out there um the problem is that as as bad as it sounds to say this a murder in several shootings is not the way the state find it an emergency um that would allow us to suspend rules of procedure and notices and hearings and all that sort of thing uh the one thing that I had suggested to councilman s that you may want to consider actually it was his idea but I was explaining to him how it could be done legally is a moratorium on the issuance of special events permit giving the city time through its planning staff and others to determine a way that ordinance might be tightened up so that the police would have amongst the tools in its toolbox another tool that would say that if someone if they observed and their patrols a gathering that looks to be larger than whatever youall come up with as a number 2025 in the area that you designate the beach the central business district whatever it is uh that that they would have a basis to go ask the organizer if it appears to be an organized event for a permit in the absence of a permit the right to to uh ask for dispersal and it be legally backed up by the failure to obtain a permit um we already have a special events ordinance uh and I do not know who we're going to to prend to because I don't know exactly what the facts are surrounding this episode what I've heard is that there was advertisement online um and that's caused the Gathering it included fights which that in and of itself is a legal issue um and so uh there there may have been a way to do something with the existing special events ordinance I do not know so I'm not claiming that didn't exist but what I am saying is there's the possibility through a moratorium to stop issuing special events permits tighten up the methods on which they could be issued and therefore give the police a legal right based Bas on actual probable cause to question people who are gathering in larger numbers than the ordinance would allow and do not have permit sometimes these are are are triggered by Amplified speech sometimes they're triggered by activity sometimes they're triggered by advertisement online or the service of alcohol or various other things all of those can be factored into a special events ordinance that would be perhaps tighter than the one that you have the keys to a moratorium are the following um number one you need a formal ordinance which means two readings um it has to be uh follow the same procedure as any ordinance for zoning or rezoning uh public hearings have to be a part of the issue and therefore that's why it takes more than the meetings uh more than just with something that can be done in a couple of days there's notices and and advertisements and so forth but it can be done if you want to do it as a special meeting as long as the advertising requirements are met you wouldn't have to wait you know for another month or so with additional two meetings if you chose to to move that item forward uh additionally it needs to be of limited duration so if after Consulting with your planners or whoever is going to help carry this effort including the incoming City attorney or me if you choose um it would be how long it's going to take to put something together could it be done in 30 days 60 days 90 days moratoriums have to have a specific length in order to be legally valid um up to 6 month to a year have been upheld by the courts I don't think this one would necessarily take that long um and the negative impacts of saying nobody gets a special events is not only you're affecting the people that you wish to affect you're also affecting potentially businesses who may run special events at certain times of the year where they required to get permits and would not be able to get them so in theory you would want the war to be the shortest time it would take to get the job done the third thing is has to be for a good faith purpose legitimate in the best interest of the community in this case I think that goes without saying it's Public Safety that's usually on the hierarchy of Municipal and and other legal values that's right at the top uh and last it has to be non-discriminatory in other words it's not supposed to Target Target a group or groups it's supposed to Target conduct and the conduct here is unlawful activity uh and inability to police that activity because of inadequate security no insurance um maybe unlawful service of alcohol who I don't know all the various details and those are the kind of things that studied properly could be crafted into an ordinance uh a different special events ordinance and in the meantime would be the basis to serve a legal right to to put in place a moratorium in the next week to two weeks um what I would say to you about what that study would look like to get the actual special events ordinance crafted that may be of help to you is sadly uh we are not the only Community here to suffer from the effects of gun violence in all kinds of areas one of the most recently if you've been paying attention to new Mi beach has had an issue with spring Breakers in particular and they have said you're essentially not welcome here um those are places you could look to and see what what other communities are doing because you're not an island and because there are other communities we do not necessarily have to reinvent the wheel but we do need to find out what works and that would be the task of whoever's going to take this lead for you if you decide to go down that road so I don't know if that answers everything you want to commissioner but that's that's what I got to thank you Mr Shephard anything else to add Mr s okay Mr W thank you so much and um obviously I'm the new guy so um thank you so much for the opportunity to to also provide kind of my thoughts on this so there's very few things in this world that are as precious to me as my FIV Monon old goddaughter and her parents were walking into oku at the exact time that a large group of people ran towards them running from a gunshot yesterday and so you know while everybody experienced yesterday differently I'm going to tell you for my wife and I it was heartbreaking it was heartbreaking because it impacted some of the most special people in my life and scared them in addition to that I love this I love this community I'm born and rais in this community and so to take my family members and put a place where there was that type of fear was just heartbreaking I'll tell you what was great is within a minute our Sheriff's Department showed up at that restaurant they made everybody feel secure and comfortable there was a presence there there was great communication to them there was a plan laid out almost immediately and so so for that and you know I attribute that uh Chief Smith to your leadership and your guidance and I really do greatly appreciate it and it really means a lot to me not only to our community but for me personally so thank thank you um when we talk about event um I I recognize we can't always understand what trigger an event but we can tell you that there are certain events that are designed to trigger certain behaviors and that clearly is one they were advertising for what they did and it was out there um so I say you really have to make this the beginning of how we're going to look at these type of events other communities as Cliff shared have very proactive plans as it comes to Spring Break and how they're going to handle things and by the way the all the community has to in some cases give on those right so we have Daytona that average parking at the beach is $150 spry right I'm not saying that would be an answer for us but that's the type of efforts they've had to go to to protect their Community we're going to have to explore the efforts that it takes to protect our community uh as was shared many many times today and I appreciate everyone who said it there's nothing more important to the speech than the safety of the be this has to be a safe place for us to live and love and grow so um I'm right there that is my my focus we can learn from those those lessons and to quote or to to kind of par what was said from the first couple speakers we would we need to be defined by how we react to this that is going to be our Legacy as we go through this and making sure that we keep our community as safe as possible Miss Goldman thank you mayor and uh thank you Mr suton for bringing this up um and thank you Cliff for explaining our options um I would just like to say that I I agree with several of the speakers who have said this is not just our problem this is a community problem and I for a quick response I would say we reach out to Rory diamond and we reach out to representative Michael and we take advantage of whatever resources they can provide us because I would hope that they could do that rather quickly um not something that would require an ordinance not something that would require moratorium if I I believe that our issue our immediate issue is spring break and making sure that the rest of spring break is safe for everyone um and then I support doing whatever we need to do for the long term but for the immediate um I would say we reach out to Rory and we reach out to Rett Michael and we do whatever we need to do to get the support that Chief Smith and his team needs so that they don't burn themselves out trying to address the this investigation which is a rather complicated one and so that our community can be safe thank you Miss Golding Mr MAA um I agree with Mr GRE son my colleague here uh thank you for bringing that up um I also agree with some of the speakers about giv what what the chief needs I've been saying that since before I was even in office before he was even the chief when he was just a commander when some other commanders were just Sergeant um I've been saying since I moved here to ja Beach I've always been I've always been Pro law enforcement and I think in a society we need Law and Order I think every member on this D is Law and Order um I truly support giving the police department what they want what they need um Public Safety has always been a number one issue since I was a young kid in California but there's an issue that a person brought up and is Jacksonville's problem we can hire 15 20 police officers and give them what they want give them the pay they deserve but if the main issue is not addressed that is called lack of respect right now that is going around not in the city in this country but around the state it's very disgusting that certain group of people or just individuals they think it's okay to go out into save neighborhoods and think it's okay to destroy property think it's okay to do God knows what it disrespect the community we can have all the officers on board and scare the living of every single individual but if we don't address the situation in Jacksonville which they are getting more and more crazy and wild it's like the Wild Wild West every every morning I wake up and there's a shooting somewhere in the city of Jacksonville that comes over here becomes our problem but now that's why when I was talking earlier I'm calling out every single leader in this community when it comes to Jacksonville church leaders everyone this problem that we have with high school teenagers thinking it's okay that they can buy a gun off the street and I tell you what let me tell you guys something I don't I don't refer to as gun violence I refer to as to violence TK water said said Real uh real good several months ago with the shooting he picked up his gun put it on the polium this gun right there is not committing any crime if we live this room nobody's going to grab it but if you put the gun in the hands of a criminal who does not care for all order it does not matter what ordinance we have what legislature we have or how many officers we have they do not care for human life and for respect of police officers last night every police officer was here in downtown and guess what we have another freaking shooting while everybody was ducking for cover these officers would go in towards these bullets I saw that first time and I was there so I support whatever decision we need to make in the future get in the police department the resources the pay whatever it is and the message to any individual in the city of Jacksonville or under State think they want to come here to Jackson Beach and they're going to get away with it no you're not as long as I'm alive as long as I'm business owner in Jacksonville Beach and as long as I'm in his D I will do whatever I can to give the support to the police department and to the community members and do what we can um so if you know any church leaders in town and especially in these uh poor neighborhoods reach out to them let's start the conversation because this is not going to stop this is going to continue uh social media somebody talked about social media social media is the worst thing right now it's a blessing and it's a curse as well um these young individuals are looking up to these role rapper Role Models or whoever and are just destroying the minds of these young individuals um so this is not just going to be a L Jackson Beach effort but it's going to be a du County effort thank you Mr horn um thank you um there a couple things I didn't get to mention earlier um when we had the comment section obviously I appreciate everybody who came here tonight I'm saddened by what occurred um there were a lot of comments about and I'll I'll address a few things and I will address what Mr Sutton mentioned um there a few comments about understaffing and I think one of the things that we unfortunately Chief Smith is suffering from is this societal changes that we're having we have a very um a change in the view of the general public of law enforcement um whether it be a progressive agenda whether it be changes in parenting whether it be social media but over the last several years the idea behind defunding police and that the police are the bad people is um not the way that we need to move moving in society um it's led to a level of disrespect of law enforcement that I think is problematic and then that uh ultimately leads to uh problems with Recruitment and Retention and fortunately there are law enforcement agencies ours Jacksonville around the country who have difficulty getting officers to come and want to do the job because they don't want to go out and get either shot at or treated poorly and then the lack of officers sometimes can you know it's it's unfortunate cycle that that spins around itself um one of the things that I can say um Jacksonville Beach has touted itself for years as or for at least as long as I've been around for being itself you know debt free um but as a city if we're debt free uh then we're stuck in our houses because of crime that doesn't help I don't want to be debt free and sitting in my house um uh you know one of the things I will say here is I know we're in the middle of the budget process Mike I want you to make sure that you find out from Chief Smith what it is that he needs and that's obviously you know a long-term issue uh we're going to continue to work on you know public attitude and P perception of law enforcement and I think everybody in Jacksonville Beach has a good the citizens here have a great view of our Police Department except for one um the shortterm um the idea behind moratorium if we can affect that that' be great um if there is you know I I don't know if and I'll move this in the direction towards Cliff I don't know Cliff if there is are there um ordinances in other areas that would address something like that that are already out there instead of us trying to recreate the wheel are there communities that do this currently well it it comes to special events yes and like I said you have a special ordinance I do not know all of his triggers but I know you already have one um and so the question is are there ways that we can tighten that ordinance up to make it where it's more easily triggered so that an officer or officers on patrol in the beach in the CBD can go down go to that group with cause based on what they visually see which is an important concept I'm sure the chief can explain uh and say where's your permit um and not be fearful of a Right lawsuit for asking somebody a question that they don't have to answer so that's kind of part of it but is that the only thing I don't know one of the reasons I mentioned Miami Beach because they're going through it now they've had multiple shootings and lots of people hurt and bannor killed others are the same and one of the tools that Lo local government lawyers like myself use we used to call it the list or it's it's now some sort of a discussion we've got different title but what it allows you to do is reach out to every other Municipal lawyer in the State of Florida I'm sure for example Mr M knows about it um and post questions to be looked at and responded to by other lawyers and say hey this is a problem we're having anybody got any bright ideas um and so there may be some other tools but again everything is a balance and that's really the problem because every community that goes through one of these events whether it's worse or not as bad go through the same routine the immediate reaction to want to stop things right now and then the right recognition that there are con tion rights involved there are groups surprisingly some for some on both sides of these issues when you think there couldn't possibly be another side and so it's not as easy as just this is what we're going to do because every action as you may have heard in science has an equal and opposite reaction that also applies in the law that's why moratorium would give you time to study not only depending on how you craft it your special events ordinance and any other tools that could be necessary to help you legally give the police what they need to do the job really the only job that can be done to keep these things as safe as humanly possible okay and I just want finish it but um and again one of the things that I think we commented 20 to 25 people I don't know if that's I think if I ask everybody here to get their significant other we're all going to have a beach day I think we at that point have to get a permanent so I think that number may be a little on the the short side um uh but I I I do support you know us looking at that the other thing that I will ask again the two things I'm asking publicly now city manager is number one I want you to get pleased with Chief Smith um and then number two can you instruct whomever is under you in the city that is looking at current permits that are that are already issued okay and make sure we go out and contact those those persons again and make sure that number one they either they either understand that we're going to be scrutinizing everybody they either need to have their own security or do something to make sure that they have you know they are keeping our community safe and that those are those are my asks thank you thank you Mr hor Mr Jansen final comment yeah just real quick um I wanted the opportunity just to speak on behalf of some of the speakers that were presented to us today number one councilman Sutton I I think that um I can't agree with you any more than than what you've said um I think this is going to be a process it's going to take some time the moratorium is something that will lend us that time it's it's a complicated process but I can't I can't uh say more than to tell you that when Miss Cruz stood up there and said that she felt like none of these individuals were from jackville Beach I don't know I don't know the answer of that but I'll tell you this this is a a known fact and it's public knowledge and you can look it up if you want to 75% or more 80% of the crimes that occur in Jacksonville Beach are not committed by Jack SM Beach residents so let that be a Lous test for us and the council that we have to address and look at and how we handle something like that uh and another speaker that spoke to us who actually offered resources Mr o'keef and there are some efforts that can be done through the state attorney's office with his department and we we should address that as a council and as through law enforcement to see if that's something that we can bring into the fold to to Target this entity that's coming into our community we have a great Community it remains great you have unified support for our law enforcement across the diere and I think we're going to push that a little bit forward a little bit more heavily uh city manager thank you Mr s quick revisit yeah just to follow up with Mr Shepard um and this is sort of a question I don't necessarily think you'll have an answer to but if we were to do a moratorium of such um as it relates to special events could that include and um you I wouldn't want to prevent those who have permits today from being able to conduct the events that are already I would imagine most people that are going to conduct events over the next couple of months already have their permits um could it could it include you know that those events could continue and then could that also include no the language around no Gatherings of let's call it 50 now no gatherings of 50 plus people um without a special permit of course they wouldn't get one in that period of time during the moratorium uh well part of the question is yes and part of the no so let me explain which is which um yes uh you can uh include in your ordinance uh more t m and would naturally uh that's part of a valid More tour mods is car outs for those that are already in the system have already got this special events permits and have complied with what we've asked them to do and certainly there would be no problem reinforcing whether by actual phone notice or speaking to them or sending something writing hey look we're going to be looking at all these things you know make sure you have your ducks in a row we've had this issue and we're going to be looking very carefully and if we find any violations we're going to shut it down you can do all of that legally but in terms of whether you can say right now you can't gather if you have more than 50 people that's the whole purpose of having the ordinance which we don't yet have you can strictly enforce what you already have on the books and there may be some mechanism within your existing ordinance which like I assume that this would have triggered your special events ordinance had it been noticed quickly and could have that would have been a basis to maybe even get front of it if for example if we knew that it was being advertised in advance as some sort of a boxing contest which in itself is a problem problem um there might have been a way to proactively from a law enforcement uh perspective get out in front of it find out who's putting out the ads making the presence available and so forth I don't really know and I don't want to speak to what I don't know because it may be that all of these things were done and so I don't want to cast dispersions or blame or anything else I'm just suggesting to you in the moment that there may be something that can already be done under your existing ordinance to help mitigate what happened here but on to go forward basis to make it stricter and to give the law enforcement what they need an absolute ability to go up to a group of a certain size if they have a suspicion which is basically going to be built into the ordinance that you would Craft um that it doesn't they're un it's unpermitted or is it any other way unlawful and break it up before it gets contr out of control as I understand the way this unfolded there was an attempt to do that and then when when for scattered to the lens sort of went things went haywired and if that's an accurate description you know I don't know how else to say this more law enforcement is the only thing you can use in that situation and that still isn't going to guarantee that nobody's going to get hurt or shot but it will if you have a high enough presence perhaps dissuade people from coming here to start with um we've got a couple more lights on the board I would say um this is not we're not going to come up with this solution today and we're not going to get all the answers to our questions at at this time I think we've had a very good start to a discussion um with what I think is an Innovative opportunity for us to give more teeth to our Police Department when they do see um a gathering starting I want to throw it back to our staff to evaluate um the intended and unintended consequences of doing something like this um and as well as a short and a long-term um approach and solution this is a really multifaceted problem and it's going to require multifaceted solution that um as much as it sounds like we can just throw more money um at the police department that doesn't necessarily solve everything it certainly would help um but it doesn't solve the various issues that go into this um in terms of asking other agencies um for assistance I I saw firsthand that we do that we do that frequently um if we're going to call Council and Diamond what are we asking for so we need to know what we're asking for we need to know what the resources are with the other departments I count on Chief Smith to know um what those resources are he called them in on uh Sunday night he's called them in on other um events and and issues out here at the beaches so I would say I'd like to throw this back to um staff to evaluate this particular idea um of the ordinance and then um bring it back to Council in the next couple of weeks that as soon as possible Miss Golding did you have a final comment I just wanted to uh follow up on the fact that I believe that we need to do something that's going to address the situation for this week for spring break to make it uncomfortable so that we don't have people coming back to the beach thinking that they can do what happened last night so my my thought would be that we go to council and diamond and we say or or Sheriff TK Waters whoever it is we need to go to whatever the leadership is to say can you give us some additional officers so we can have some additional pres so we make it as uncomfortable as possible for the people that are here to do the bad things or they have bad ideas um and that's what we need to do in the immediate and then work on the other things that we need to do long term uh Chief Smith's in the room I'm not going to put him on the spot but I think we can all agree that we would like um a more assertive presence in this coming week and if there's anything that we can do to assist you on the political side please let us know sound good okay let's move on to our ordinances we have three second readings so we will begin with ordinance number 20242 will you read the ordinance by title in ordinance of the city of Jacksonville Beach Florida adopting amendments to the Jacksonville Beach 2030 comprehensive plan to adopt a new property future land use category of Marina mixed juuse with Associated policies providing directions to the planning and devel planning and development department establishing separability and providing an effective dat thank you Miss irand I'm going to do this in the right order the way that it's on my paper for the first time ever this ordinance for the amendment to the text of the 2030 comprehensive plan is before the council for a public hearing and adoption on its second reading under the laws of the State of Florida an ordinance which changes the text of any element of the city's 2030 comprehensive plan is a quasi legislative proceeding the Quasi legislative proceeding means that a governing body is acting in its rulemaking capacity it is the duty of the council to arrive at sound decisions regarding proposed changes to the text of the adopted 2030 comprehensive plan this includes receiving citizen input regarding any proposed text change the application has been reviewed by the staff and the Planning Commission for consistency with other portions of the comprehensive plan the council may hear from all interested parties in the legislative determination of an amendment to the text of the city's 2030 comprehensive plan the council's decision based on a comprehensive plan Amendment application is based on the criteria set fourth in section 34-12 of the Land Development code each member of the council has been provided with a copy of that criteria I will now open the public hearing on ordinance number 2024-25 other Ireland Planning and Development Department uh since this is the second reading I don't have a full presentation prepared but just a refresher that we have been working uh staff and also our legal councel working with the Winward Marina folks to come up with a creative solution to um help guide them in their Redevelopment and improvements at the marina that include improvements to Second Avenue North and also our uh boat parking and car parking so uh step one to this as you mentioned there's three ordinances on the agenda they're all related Step One is the city creating a new future land use category of Marina mixed use that consolidates all the uses of the marina into one location they'll then be moved from other locations in the city to keep things all in one space um again it was sent to the state for their review came back with no comments or objections so we're moving forward with adoption at this time thank you um the next opportunity is for the applicant to present Mr hangline do you have any updates to your hangline 1301 River Place full um very briefly and I'll speak briefly to this particular ordinance and that can apply to the next two as well and we do have everyone here for questions um actually the first Workshop that we had on this was in May of 20121 and uh time flies um and uh the people who are here were there at that Workshop as well but um let me just say that there was one issue that was discussed in December um that I wish to report on as an update and that is uh uh a person um in the audience in December said hey just want you all to know there's an eagle's nest near the property so we did send our Wildlife consultant out to look and sure enough there is an eagle nest it is not within the area to be for the C plan change or the zoning it's not within those areas but it is just to the east of where Second Avenue North comes up and turns very sharply and goes to the West um basically a very short distance east from where that turn would be reconfigured to be there is an eagle's nest uh as of today and um we have coordinated with the US fish and wildlife service to confirm compliance in terms of the proposed realignment of Avenue nor uh North that is part of this um and we've been working with uh the federal agencies uh on those issues um again that wasn't part of our zoning or our count that Amendment but to the east where the eagle nest is we were considering or Windward was considering putting a retention Pond there that plan has been changed and and there we won't go there uh what the Eagles Nest means for the road uh realignment and the road uh Improvement and construction is simply some timing issues um during the nesting season which is October one until I swept a Catwoman Bing and I didn't know the dates on man but it's October 1 until the fledging of uh Birds and the nest in April and May and basically um any work conducted within a certain number of square feet um has to be monitored uh there are some things that cannot be done within a certain number of feet uh during the nesting season so that may affect timing of the construction but it does not prohibit anything that we are proposing or that the city of Jacksonville is going to be funding uh or that will benefit you all the realignment of the road and such so I wanted to give an update on that issue happy to answer any questions and our Wildlife consultant is here and can answer the questions um the results of this development uh Redevelopment uh still mean Second Avenue North being improved better access for the boat ramp the existing restaurant that is your tenant the existing park that is your park that is there on Second Avenue North additional parking for the boat ramp um and parking for The Preserve what preserve that's the 110 acres that is going to be donated by Windward to the city of Jacksonville to create a preservation Park open to the public but preservation park right there on Second Avenue North another result a net increase in the amount of conservation esterine uh acreage in the comp plant Amendment and Redevelopment of um the marina uh be Marine so that those are still the results um and I will uh let uh Stephan Johansson who was the founder and CEO of Goodwood Marine come up and make a brief comment he has been here at every workshop and hearing since the one in 21 so Stephan you want to thank you Stephan Johanson wward Marina group principal um last five years you guys have heard enough from me so I think there's more pressing issues that we heard tonight and I want to just uh everyone on the council to know that we stand as Windward Marina group and as very significant investors in this community 100% behind the community behind the council behind the mayor and behind everybody here and uh Chief Smith uh I think we've invested more than 50 million we're going to invest another 50 million I sincerely hope some of those additional taxes goes to safety and law enforcement uh Sandy you brought something up that I think is really important and that's like IMM medien of doing something now and uh mayor Hoffman Chris if if I can be of any help uh Congressman Rutherford is a dear friend of mine probably of a lot of you guys he was the uh Chief uh he was the sheriff of city of Jacksonville um did this is right in his sweet spot and if there's anything I can do to help city council or call on him to make any immediate like now um recommendations or maybe they can mobilize folks from City of Jacksonville because as you all pointed out a lot of people are coming from Jacksonville over here and if they can help that'd be great I also wanted to thank everybody and this is really unconventional we were supposed to talk about our ordinance but um really frando your words they they touched me and thank you for those words and as did pretty much every one of your city council members that spoke including the mayor so just from from us at Windward um we're very proud to be here and we stand behind everybody and hopefully those additional tax dollars will go to Public Safety thank you thank you Mr Janson uh we've had the presentation by staff and applicant is there any member of the public that would like to speak for or against this proposal we have one speaker card um Jacob khaw does not appear to be in the room there's no other comment we will close the public hearing before requesting a motion on this ordinance beginning with myself each of the members is requested to indicate for the record both the names and persons names of persons and the substance of any expart Communications regarding this application and xart communication refers to any meeting or discussion with a person or citizen who may have an interest in this decision which outside the public hearing process I had uh several emails that are on file with the city clerk Mr s yeah several emails from M Brit Mr horn um I've had several emails from M Brit I have not had a chance to actually go through all of my residual emails from my long vacation um the last Mr uh couple emails Mr Mr ragner uh the same a couple emails Mr Jansen yes I've had a few emails that I've already for them to the clerk M Golding I've had several emails from Miss Brit and I had a conversation with Mr hline with regard to the eagle and affordable housing thank you Miss Golding uh is there a motion I move that we adopt ordinance number 202 24-8 8210 on the second reading adopting a comprehensive plan text amendment to add a marina mixed use future land use category to the adopted 2030 comprehensive plan second we have a motion and a second I apologize a breach of order I forgot to close the public hearing public hearing is closed we have a motion and a second before opening the floor to discussion or questions by the council please be reminded that our decision will be based on the criteria set forth in the Land Development code staff's report the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the public inut at all hearings Mr Jansen Mr H just quick question for my own donated land that's going to Jacksonville or Jacksonville Beach he is going to the city of Jacksonville back when the first discussions were had as to what uh possible recipients of that property um actually north Forida Land Trust initially was discussed with then City Jacksonville Beach then city of Jacksonville and uh given that there will be expense to maintaining that Park Etc city of Jacksonville seem to be the consensus of the one to receive the land and maintain uh the preservation park there is it going into the land trust no it it's not going to the north for I was just saying that was one of the parties that was discussed the ownership of the land will go to the city of Jacksonville and the City of Jacksonville will be the entity that runs and maintains and funds the maintenance of the park we have been in discussion and there have even been meetings in this room with Park Jacksonville Park staff darl Joseph the head of the Jacksonville Parks and Recreation Department very familiar with all this he's been to meetings uh Brian brette who also works for him has been to meetings here in this room uh talking about uh access parking Etc and and all that so they have been involved uh from the very beginning and they've assured the preservation of that of that land yes sir that will be not not only will they assure that it'll be pres preservation um but that will remain the comprehensive plan land use category that applies to all that property ensuring that that property stays preservation talk of this land being donated as a park began many years ago the prior owner um wished to be compensated and there were appraisals and it was a lot but um when Windward acquired the property and began discussions with you all in city of Jacksonville wward said we'd like an amenity to be there a preservation part we will donate it so that's how all that came to be thank you I just want to give that out in the public thank you so much yes sir thank you Mr J any other comments mam C roll call council member Golding yes council member horn yes council member Johnson yes council member MAA yes council member Sutton yes council member M Wagner yes mayor Hoffman yes motion carries Madam clerk please read 2023-24 by title an ordinance of the city of Jacksonville Beach Florida amending the 2030 comprehensive plan future land use map providing for a change of future land use designations on approximately CC Recreation open space r conservation Co and low density residential ldr to Marina mixed juice mmu Recreation open space r and conservation Co providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances separability and an effective date this ordinance for the amendment to the text of the 2030 comprehensive plan is before the council for a public hearing adoption on its second reading under the laws of of the State of Florida an ordinance with changes to the text of any element of the city's 2030 comprehensive plan is a quasi legislative proceeding quasi legislative proceeding means that a governing body is acting in its rming capacity it is the duty of the council to arrive at sound decisions regarding proposed changes to the text of the adopted 2030 comprehensive plan this includes receiving citizen input regarding any proposed text change the application has been reviewed by staff and the Planning Commission for consistency with other portions of the comprensive plan the council may may hear from all interested parties in the legislative determination of amendment to the text of the city's 2030 compehensive plan the council's decision on a comprehensive plan Amendment application is based on the criteria set for in section 34-12 of the Land Development code each member of the counil has been provided with a copy of the criteria I will now open the public hearing on ordinance number 2023-24 any additional staff comments Madam mayor I think we need to record you saying that so we can just hit a play button he love that sounds I'll work on that um again second reading of an ordinance you guys have heard all this information in multiple workshops and meetings um but again just to summarize it's in the ordinance we're changing some land uses from commercial and residential um to Marina mixed use and there will be some addition in the conservation land use as well as Mr Haine has described so I know they do have a presentation you might want to skip through you know flip through um just kind of refresh everyone's memory if that is the desire of council so thank you Mr H I appreciate the offer but what I think I'll do is keep it very brief and what I would like to do is just for the record reincorporate into this hearing a comments from the earlier ordinances and our comments and presentation from the first reading and with that we do have everyone here engineer Wildlife consultant owner to answer questions um but otherwise uh that's it thank you thank you Mr hline uh any members of the public wish to speak in favor or in opposition seeing them public hearing is closed before requesting a motion on this ordinance beginning with myself each of the members is requested to indicate for the record with the names of persons and the substance of any expart communication regarding this application and xart communication refers to any meeting or discussion with a person or citizen who may have an interest in this decision which occurred outside of the public hearing process I would refer to uh emails from Miss Brit that are on record with the clerk Mr suon same as 2024 8210 Mr horn the same as previously mentioned Mr Mesa the same Mr Wagner the same as PR Mr Mr Jon gold the same as the previous thank you may I have a motion please I move that we adopt ordinance number 2023 -82 3 on the second reading to adopt a small scale future land use Amendment for proper properties owned by wward Marina second before opening the floor for discussion or questions by the council please be reminded that our decision will be based on the criteria set forth in the Land Development code staff reports the recommendation of the Planning Commission and public input at all hearings see no lights on the board Madam CL roll call Mr hor I apologize you went quick just a procedural note this is dated 2023 the ordinance yes sir you're correct so we started this process last year if you recall so the ordinance numbers were assigned in 23 but for the dates of signature it says authenticated this day and the signature date that's how just there a proced we'll make sure that's corrected thank you uh mam on the one for your signature tonight has been corrected okay thank you m golden I just wanted to mention I think it's a appropriate to mention it here about the donation of the preservation land since that's part of this I believe and just want to thank want to thank Mr Johansson for that um that as I've mentioned before that is something that citizens in Jacksonville Beach have been trying to accomplish for many years including a bus trip to Tallahassee to get funding from the Florida forever program which we got but we never could get to the agreement with the with the previous owner so um I I believe that this will provide a a a very valuable public benefit to have that land put into conservation so thank you very much any other questions or comments mam CL cor call council member horn yes council member Json yes council member MAA yes council member member Sutton yes council member Wagner yes council member Golding yes mayor Hoffman yes motion carries next item ordinance 2023-24 Madam clerk will you read the ordinance by title an ordinance of the city of Jacksonville Beach Florida establishing a plan unit development PUD zoning District within the city of Jacksonville Beach Florida as provided under chapter 34 of the code of ordinances ordinances of set City providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances separability and an effective date this ordinance with the resoning of property is before the council for a public hearing and consideration on its second reading under the laws of the State of Florida and application for the resoning of a specific property or development site is handled as a quasi judicial proceeding quasi judicial proceeding means that the city council is now functioning in a manner similar to a court with the mayor and Council sitting as impartial decision makers hearing Tes Tes and questioning presenters who to provide substantial and competent evidence to support their side of the issue it is the duty of the council to arrive at sound decisions regarding the use of property within the city this includes receiving citizen input regarding the proposed use on the neighborhood especially where the input is back based and not a simple expression of opinion it is the applicant's burden to demonstrate that their application is consistent with the Land Development code and the comprehensive plan if the applicant is successful in showing consistency then it is up to the local government to produce competent substantial evidence of record that the application should be denied the council's decision on a rezoning application is based on the criteria set forth in section 34-21 of the Land Development code each member of the council has been provided a copy of the criteria in addition the council has received a copy of the application and the staff and planning commission's recommendations on this resoning request I will now open the public hearing on ordinance number 2023-24 any updates from staff or the applicant U just from the applicant to your hline 13 hor Riverplace Boulevard that we'd like to uh incorporate our previous comments at the previous hearing and earlier tonight into this item as well thank you very much thank you any uh comments for or against one quick question come on up to the microphone give us your name and address Justin rolls boy 312th Avenue South uh every time I go to dock side of that Marina that bridge is an issue I just didn't know if we were planning on updating that that's wooden they have to update it every 2 or 3 years it's clanky and seems to be an issue I didn't know if they were planning on doing substantial updates with the concrete the leveling of the road updating it bringing up the grade that kind of thing and then also uh my brother-in-law's uh I guess Uncle the park was named after uh I can't remember if it was Mike m or MIT so I didn't know if that was going to stay in place with the naming and that kind of thing I didn't know if that was part of their land or anything I didn't know if that was going to be uh renamed because it doesn't seem like it would be it should be or whatever I didn't know if that was third land or whatever so thank you Mr WS it looks like Mr Janson we addressing your questions thank you for that question great question um the whole initiative here the entire road comes out of the 100-year flood plane number one um the bridge is gone uh be a culvert and that bridge will also be called me if I'm around 9 and 1/2 ft more or less above sea level I think we're about four now and absolutely the park will remain that's a great amenity and we thank you for that so that's really um the the whole enchilada so to say I wanted just to do one last quick shout out here to Mike when I met 5 years ago when we started this whole journey thanks for hanging in there thanks for supporting this looks like we're at the end of the road discarding another chapter in this book I want to thank Heather for your enormous Brilliance and terrible Lance and all your support and guiding us to this point and I want to thank every one of you uh John I haven't had the pleasure to meet you yet thank you for joining the commission mayor Hoffman thank you everyone this is truly a community uh what do you call a a private and public partnership that we can do something like this between a private Corporation with the best intentions and you all as representatives for city of Jacksonville and also city of Jacksonville Beach so if we get through this I think it's an enormous success and very proud to be in your all's company and uh I can't wait to get this thing built it's going to be amazing thank you thank you Mr Johansson seeing no other members of the public who wish to address the item we the public hearing before requesting a motion on this ordinance beginning with myself each of the members is requested to indicate further record whether members had expar Communications on the matter and if so disclose both the names and the persons and the substance of the expart communications regarding this application and expart communication refers to any meeting or discussion with a person or citizen who may have an interest in this decision which occurred outside of the public hearing process written expart a Communications whether sent to one member or all members do not not have to be disclosed on the record but must be made part of the record by sending SL forwarding them to the city clerk I would refer to the same uh emails from Miss Brit Mr Sutton same as the prior to Mr horn same as previously Mr mes same Mr Wagner same Mr Janson same as previously mention M Golding same as pre previously noted thank you and a motion please I move that we adopt ordinance number 20238 8204 on the second reading to reone property owned by wward Marina to planned unit development second opening the floor for discussion or questions by the council please be reminded that our decision will be based on the criteria set forth in the Land Development code and the council is required to approve a clear statement of specific findings of fact stating the basis upon which such facts were determined and the decision was made Miss golden um in December when we had these two ordinances before us uh particularly the Pud I had asked about affordable housing and um just wanted for the record to um get you to address that request that I had made at that time T 1301 Riverplace Boulevard I contacted councilwoman Golding because she had asked that and Stephan can get up and and elaborate but essentially um affable housing is a something that a project would do in the public interest um it obviously impacts um uh costs and uh in this uh in this particular proposal this particular project um we believe there's already a lot of public interest in the form served in the form of the park in the form of the about one million in his funding for the road improvements um and in the cost of providing the additional parking at the end of the road parking for the boat ramp and that parking also will likely serve the rest the restaurant your tenant uh out at that property to make sure that they lose not only do not lose any parking spaces but gain parking spaces all of those are uh um affect uh windward's bottom line and they're happy to do all of those the affordable housing Not only would have added incrementally to that in a way that was pres presented some concerns but also this particular site given that it is at the marina around the marina that those units will um in in many ways be related to that amenity that is there it didn't seem to uh WI like the place for um affordable housing either so second you want to add anything to that I think it's a very important question s and we discussed it internally and we said we could have gone back to the north Florida Land Trust we could have made a deal with city of Jacksonville we could have gone you know there's so many things we could have done and we said let's just give the 100 acres we had appraisal between 2 and 3 million some people said it's worth 4 million we said it's a really really important Community donation to open a Park paddle boards you know kayaks you know Ryan our environmental consultant was out there on his side Bo he said this is amazing you should give this land away I'm like it's not that easy just to give land away so and also as TR said you know um getting that this road out of you know we had a speaker come up here out of the flight plan there's there's really inherent a lot of public benefits I feel and we said where do we put some of these units and it got really complicated so I apologize we didn't fit it but I really feel from the bottom of my heart that we've done a lot for the community by donating this park and improving the road and like TR said we're building an additional 60 trailer parking lots for the for the trailers for The Boat Trailers again for the general public so maybe they won't live there but they can certainly go voting and P boarding so well thank you I I just wanted to get that on the record um I do appreciate TR reaching out to me last week gave me a chance to think about it um you know I'm I'm a huge proponent for affordable housing because it's becoming and I mentioned to tr it's becoming harder and harder for people to be able to afford to live here but I do appreciate the benefits of all the things that you are doing um for those of you who weren't on the council several years ago where we had a lot of people coming to us um complaining about the vote ramp parking situation that's a huge public benefit again as I mentioned the the um donation of the conservation land is a huge public benefit um the road Improvement is a huge public benefit so you know thank you for the opportunity to chew on it a little bit and digest it and you know I I acknowledge the the benefits that you will be providing and I will just say that um several years ago about 20 years ago there was a an attempt to redevelop that property with 550 condos five n story units and so I think I can handle this a little bit better than that thank you and now we we took care of that eagle that's no longer homeless yes and thank you for that as well can we get a red can into that Nest that's been a real um I just want to Echo M Gold's comments thank you um to to you and your team Mr Johansen to um the the planning department this is a really complicated um Endeavor and I think it's been um I I hope that it's worth the effort um that you guys have all put into coming up with a way to to make this work here in Jacksonville Beach so thank you for your patience and your tenacity and thank you for your expertise and get Clairvoyance in there what were the other object used to describe Brilliance Brilliance and Clairvoyance so you can put that um on your LinkedIn profile so uh thank you all for that um thank you Council for um paying good attention to this issue Madam clerk roll call council member jamson yes council member MAA yes council member Sutton yes council member Wagner yes council member golden yes council member horn yes mayor Hoffman yes motion carries can I have a motion toour this morning I move we second all in favor signify I say I any opposed we missed you meeting is a Jour thank you