##VIDEO ID:YBBhD65jhQ4## good evening everyone I'm glad everyone is having a nice time catching up after we have been apart from each other for a little while but we have a double meeting agenda since we lost our meeting for uh hurricane Debbie and it is a super blue moon tonight that rises at 8:08 for anybody who's interested in seeing that and tomorrow is election day or we should say the last day to vote in the primary so our uh polling place the freein volunteers and staff may be here at some point soon uh ready to start setting up because City Hall does serve as a polling location so we will begin with our invitation followed by the salute to the flag delivered by Mr Jansen let us pray good and gracious heavenly father as I lift my brother and sister up in prayer tonight I'm reminded of your word I'm reminded of your word where you tell us that those who wait on you will have renewed strength Lord we love you for this and Lord we just thank you for the perpetuation that we received when your son died on the cross for us Lord I just ask you to renew the strength in our Law Enforcement Officers our firefighters and our military it's in the master's name of Jesus we pray amen amen I pledge Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with Li and justice for this meeting is called to order Madam council member Golding here council member horn here council member Json here council member MAA here council member Sutton here council member Wagner here mayor Hoffman here moving on to approval of minutes item I move that we approve the minutes from the regular city council meeting held on July 15th 2024 second motion give motion a second any discussion all in favor signify by saying I any oppos motion carries Item B I move that we approve the minutes from the budget showcase held on August 2nd 2024 second we have a motion in a second any discussion all in favor signify by saying I I any post motion carries item C I move that we approve the minutes from the budget Workshop held on August 6th 2024 second we have a motion and a second any discussion all in favor signify by say n any post motion carries item D I move that we approve the minutes from the budget Workshop held on August 9th 2024 second we have a motion and a second any discussion see none all in favor signifi by saying I I I any post motion carries item F sorry I was so close I was so close I me I'm move that we approve the minutes from the budget Workshop held on August 12th 2024 second we that full moon King in we have a motion in a second any discussion all in favor signify by saying I I any opposed item s please I move that we approve the minutes from the city council briefing held on August 13th 2024 second we have a motion and a second any discussion all in favor signify by say I I any oppos motion carries all minutes approved we been very busy as we always are this time of year thank you everyone for your attendance and participation in the budget workshops and to our department heads and key staff for um doing such a great job presenting their uh accomplishments and initiatives for the coming year uh moving on to approval of the agenda I move that we approve the agenda second all in favor say I I post motion carries the approve agenda is approved announcement from Golding thank you mayor um first of all I want to say that I welcome back from your trip and um I had the privilege to participate in some things in the mayor's absence and and it was a it was a really good experience and had an opportunity to participate in the city of Jacksonville's tabletop exercise that they had out here at the beach with all of our Beach's um staff and that were needed to discuss hurricane preparedness and a and a scenario that they presented to us so that we could discuss what what would we do if this were to happen and uh it was it was actually very very interesting um and very timely because a few days later we started having meetings about hurricane Debbie or tropical storm debie which became hurricane deie and so I also had the privilege to be able to represent the city of Jacksonville Beach at the EOC um on behalf of the mayor and um I just want to say that um I was able to see a lot of the behind the scenes that a lot of us don't get to see and um our the city of Jacksonville Beach I'd like to uh recognize our staff who were working well in advance of the storm to get things done so that we were prepared if we needed to have to be you know deal with things like fear flooding and that sort of thing so just want to thank all of our staff who put in the extra time um that a lot of us don't know about prior to a storm and thank goodness we didn't really have any issues um from Hurricane Debbie uh also want to mention that several of us have gotten back from the Flor Lega City's annual conference and personally I felt like it was I got more out of the conference this year than I have in years past and there were a lot of great workshops they there were some workshops on Mental Health cyber security uh best practices for natural disasters um AI for municipal leaders and the camping in public legislation that was passed re recently um and I had an opportunity to talk to several other people who live in communities who have uh vacation rental ordinances and talk to them about what they're doing with regard to Vacation Rentals and I have a lot of really great ideas that um I'm compiling and we're plan to bring back to um the to my colleagues so that we can talk about some of these things um also want to mention uh that we had a briefing some of some of you may or may not have been able to be there but the city of Jacksonville had a briefing to go over Penman Road and the safety improvements that the Consultants have revised and uh there have been a lot of changes since since we last saw it a year ago um they've removed a lot of the meetings and they've done a lot with the moving the multi-use path and uh adding pedestrian crosswalks and things like that so if anybody was not able to attend that meeting I put the diag the uh the updated diagrams on my website which is Sandy golden.com and just go to there's a tab for news and events and if you click on that you it'll give you a drop down and you can see Penman Road and I have updates on Penman Road there and you can actually see the diagrams that the city that the Consultants have provided us and feel free to take an opportunity to look at that the city of Jacksonville will be scheduling a community meet so that the community can come out and see the the updates and ask questions and talk to the Consultants but that hasn't been scheduled yet and then just want to remind everybody that we have Land Development code workshops coming up we have one on Thursday August 22nd that's um primarily for our board members to participate in um but anyone's welcome to attend and then Wednesday on the 28th of August the city council will have a Land Development code workshop and all both of those are at 6 p.m. here in City Hall thank you thank you Miss golden Mr Janson yeah I'm just going to touch briefly on uh some of the that my colleagues stated one I just want to thank the city staff for your hard work in this budget seon it was a great budget showcase the workshops went smoothly all the questions were answered and um akin to our prayer tonight I feel like there's a renewed strength in our city as well um so thank you for all your hard work in that uh I also want to say that I'm proud that all of our council members the mayor was out of town far she probably would have been there as well uh attended the Florida Le of cities conference kicking off this legislative season so um there's strength in numbers let me let let me tell you that and that every single one of us intended so uh I think there's something to be proud about in that and then last but not least I want to say kind of belated happy birthday because you here so we can sing to you wait till next year so that's it for me thank you Mr Jansen anybody else so um thank you for um May Pro time buing for sitting in and I didn't realize that those tabletop exercises were going to come in handy quite so soon but I'm glad that you were there and ready to go thank you for always representing the city so well um I do want to let everyone know I don't know um Mr Jansen is normally the one to make the school board updates but we did have a meeting with the school board chairman this morning the three the three beaches Mayors as well as the mayor of Baldwin um just to get an update on the updated facilities plan so um it's moving more favorably in the direction of the beaches School and I think we've established grounds for kind of renewing regular meetings um and and more regular conversation not just when we're kind of in crisis but um just to keep that up as we should um as determined by our inter local agreement there's also going to be a walk next Saturday on August 31st is that right um and it's an opioid um awareness Memorial walk so um I would invite anyone out to that walk it's free to participate they'd like you to register um they are going to be giving away um Naran for anyone who uh would like to take one of those it's a a really effective treatment for opioid overdose um and something that our city is just simply not immune to so would invite anyone who is interested to come out to that and also I know I said we would move this meeting quickly but um a lot of our local nonprofits have our INF fundraising season and I just want to make a plug uh for uh the August 27th um Beam Beam of light Gaya September 5 the beaches Council on Aging is having a singer songwriter showcase on September 13th the beaches museum is holding their Beach Legends Gaya September 21st be's Fine Art series is hold holding their Dancing with the Stars and on October 5th Mission house will be holding their gry Gayla so there's a lot of great opportunities to have some fun and support some really great uh nonprofits in our community and that is going to have those for you madam clerk so you don't have to write all those down okay any other announcements from Council moving on to Courtesy of the floor we have one card from Megan to lo you can come to the podium give us your name and address and we will have three minutes to address the council uh my name is Megan at 13 Freedom Way in Jacksonville Beach um I want to say good evening and thank you for having me I'm going to read it's easier for me um thank you for the opportunity to speak to you today um as I said I am a resident and business owner in jock Beach um um I'm here to discuss an issue with the that we're seeing an issue with the local food truck ordinances um food trucks represent a dynamic Innovative sector of our local community they bring diversity creativity and a unique dining experience to our streets creating opportunities for entrepreneurs and enriching our community's food and beverage culture however the existing food truck ordinances are providing to be overly restrictive posing significant challenges for small businesses and limiting the ability to thrive um the current regulations and impos sting and seemingly unnecessary restrictions on where food trucks can be stored nightly these constraints not only hinder the growth of a new and existing food truck business but also limit the variety of foods available to our residents and visitors many of our residents see these food trucks as being a beneficial addition to our community however the complexity and cost of compliance with these ordinances often deter potential business owners this not only affects the individuals looking to start their own business but also impacts the local economy by competition and Innovation um so basically I'm just here to say I would like for the ordinances that were written quite a while ago to be looked at to be reviewed um and maybe expand from this isn't a one- siiz fit all there are different types of food trucks there are different varieties there are different standards that can be set and maybe a different criteria that can be set depending on where you can fall into that so um again I thank you also I want to say thank you for everything with the school boards stuff um as a CBR parent um it was a shock you guys came in um we couldn't be happier with the seeming response that we're getting from the district so thank you thank you Mrs Tios that was the only speaker card that we have for the evening so we will start with um a consent agenda I Mo that we approved the consent agenda second we have a motion in a second u m call no all in favor signify by saying I any oppos my brain is still working its way back okay so consent agenda is approved we'll move on to city manager new business item a this looks like a Mr Baron item Mary Council this is the first of four items held over from the last meeting uh the first item you have in front of you is a renewal actually not a renewal it's a rebid of the roadway striping contract um our last contract is expiring coming up and so we put out to bid a roadway striping contract um the uh the same P the same group that we've been using Landmark uh was the only bidder we've gotten and they've agreed to a threeyear with a three one-year extensions beyond that for the contract Steen thank you Mr Baron just a reminder please turn your cell phones off if you don't mind or your rers at least um we'll get a motion we'll do one part at a time I suppose I move that we award bid number 23 24-8 pavement Road striping services to Landmark Paving LLC second we have a motion and a second any questions or comments from Mr Baron Madam clerk roll call council member Goldie yes council member horn yes council member jansson yes council member ma yes council member Sutton yes council member Wagner yes mayor Hoffman yes motion carries uh section two I move that we authorize the mayor and city manager to negotiate and execute the contract as a result of this bid award second we have a motion on a second any discussion from Council Madam K call council member horn yes council member Json yes council member MAA yes council member Sutton yes council member Wagner yes Council M Golding yes mayor Hoffman yes motion carries section three I move that we delegate authority to the city manager to approve and execute all subsequent contract extensions through the maximum contract term second we have a motion on a second any discussion M roll call councilman I'm sorry you turned on the wrong light Mr Wagner again Mr wner hi um so I want to have some dialogue around the um the approval for item three the approval uh execution capabilities for the next six years I think considering we only had one vendor um so you know there's no competitive nature L opportunities here and then to extend that out for 6 years so I think probably nice and say for 3 years and then that gives us periods of time after that where we can ensure that it goes out the bed and the council opportunity to look at it is have a question no okay any other discussion any other discussion on this motion missing um there is I think we've used this contractor before have we we did um this contractor has been in place since uh it was last bid it was labeled 2017-8 so it would have been fiscal year 2018 was when this was awarded so we've been six years under the current uh provider with no issues or problems uh they come out of Orlando um it's it's the local that's the only one that's been even I mean we we solicited requested multiple people to bid this was the only one that bid and they consistently been working for us for the last six years with no issues or concerns okay thank you any other questions Madam CL call council member Json yes council member MAA yes council member ston no council member Wagner no council member Golding yes council member horn no mayor Hoffman yes motion carries uh next item Mr Baron uh this is my second item mayor council this is for uh landscape maintenance services that are provided to Public Works facilities we have these broken down into three different sections uh the first section is the Water Reclamation facility and lift station facilities uh section two are the water plants the raw water raw water wells and monitoring Wells and section three for drainage uh properties and we're requesting that we award section one to Rockaway who was the lowest bidder and sections two and three to Bright View and accordingly alternates for um secondary contracts if needed um bre view has been a cut been one of our vendors for quite a while we don't have any issues with any either one of the of these vendors thank you and a motion on item one I move that we award bid number 23 24-9 for landscape maintenance to Rockaway Inc as primary contractor and Right View landscape service as secondary contractor for section one and to Bright View landscape service as primary contractor and Rockaway Inc as secondary contractor for sections 2 and three second we have a motion on a second Mr Mesa Mr Dennis uh question SE the U the landscape meance um if one is too occupied or busy then the other company comes in and generally we award it based on the lowest bid so we award section one unless we have any problems with them completing their task for section one as they're assigned or the alternate as section two and three if we don't have any issues that'll the way to run for the entire uh 5year term of the contract if for some reason we do that lets us automatically go in and pick it up usually uh the reason we award it that way is if they are a higher bidder which is in this case U it's more expensive to go with the alternate for each alternative selection so we wouldn't want to execute that unless we know we have a failure or breakdown in the contract itself but this would allow us to continue on without having to all of a sudden be trying to figure out how we're going to get items mode if for some reason a contractor goes belly up or vanishes or is not responsive at least we would be able to continue to continue with landscape maintenance for those facilities okay thank you Mr Janson so these Wells are these localized shallow Wells that are wherever the Landscaping is or is just like s similar to the one that we're looking at in 67 North the supply well they they could be it could be anything we've got monitoring wells around which were a lot of times were old Wells that were abandoned and then turned into monitoring Wells to monitor um for salt water intrusion um we have other well sites that are around there's one right near Publix that we we you know monitor maintain there's one down on horn that we maintain so they're just sporadic all throughout the city that we do for the water side um and then like I said we've got 38 list stations that are included on the Wastewater side that are done as well okay thank you any other questions from Council Madam CL call council member Mesa yes council member Sutton yes council member Wagner yes council member Golding yes council member horn yes council member Jansen yes mayor Hoffman yes motion carries section two I move that we authorize the mayor and city manager to negotiate and execute the contract agreements as a result of this bid award second we have a motion and a second any discussion Madam clerk roll call council member s yes council member Wagner yes council member Golding yes council member horn yes council member Johnson yes council member MAA yes mayor Hof yes motion carries and I will say since the vote already went through that Rockaway does the Landscaping at the beaches Museum and we are incredibly satisfied with them and they're very responsive so hopefully they will do continue to do a great job for us um next item C so my third item is a painting and Milling um project you should have a chart there that's part of it there we go um anyway there basically there's 14 different areas uh throughout the city um we had those broken apart simply by neighborhood there's no uh Rhyme or Reason as to U order or who's going to be first or who's going to be last or are they going to do them all um we had to section them out to specifically to withdraw item number nine which gets applied to the c um funding so that's on that's part of down the very bottom end down there keep going further south there you go so anyway so anyway so it's two different funding sources part of it is CRA and part of it is through our sto standard uh Paving scenario so we did bid this out we did have three responsive biders they were actually all three very close um we did award we are recommending award to the lowest contracted bidder um we only put a 10% contingency we don't really expect to have any extra um we were not even sure we were going to have enough to be able to do this much which is another reason why we broke it off into 14 sections in case the bid went crazy and we didn't have enough money to actually send those many sections out we could have actually canceled sections off uh we did not have to do that Finance worked with us to be able to find enough funding to be able to do it so this project is is a little over $6.2 million total and of course I'm here for any other questions you may have thank you Mr Baron and a motion on section one I move that we award bid number 23247 asphaltic concrete Milling Paving an overlay of City Road roadways to hubard construction company for an amount not to exceed 6,266 N20 second we have a motion in a second any discussion Mr Mesa Dennis um how long is the uh this project going to be with once everything is done so I'm not exactly sure how long it'll take it depends on how they decide to to move in generally speaking they're going to move in and go Section by section to be able to keep all their equipment located where they need to and try to approve it I have not of course until we have a pre you know uh construction meeting have an idea of what order they want to do these in uh where they're going to be parking their equipment any of that stuff's not been hammered out yet um but once they go I'm going to say this is going to be probably a month 6 weeks total and they'll be in and out um because they'll be moving through a lot of these pretty fast milling and overlaying itself doesn't take long it's it's more long lines of getting the equipment there and then getting all the trucks to bring in all the raw materials to be able to do that well I do appreciate you know the uh getting this done I know a lot of neighbors and some surrounding areas have been asking for it and I've hearded plenty of time so I do appreciate it and I know we can make everyone happy I know magic wand all the worlds are paved the other question I have since some of those neighbors are seeing their northern part on Penman being paid Tanglewood area if you're on the south end 24th Street 23rd Street and if you go down by uh fth Avenue North and 19th Street and 18th Street I those roads are pretty bad um but I know some of it has to do with with the trees with the roots and everything is that that been identified for the next year two two three years so we're currently using a a pavement condition index software which actually breaks down each segment of the road and gives it a value from 0 to 100 um so when we ask the computer to tell us what are the worst streets this is what it populated out with a few exceptions um a good example is like some of the culde saacs right there you can see it may not necessarily show they're ready but it doesn't make sense to do the rest of the subdivision and not include those short little roads that may not get as much travel as the main roads throughout the subdivision so some of them kind of make sense to do as part of completing the entire neighborhood and not segmenting off little short little streets that may not be in as bad a condition so at the end of this this should increase our payment condition index average overall and then this is also one of our strategic plan initiatives to move towards this payment condition index so when we're done with these these roads will all be valued at 100 because they're brand new and then we'll reshuffle the deck and see which ones are available for the next round so I can't really tell you where the rest of them are all I can do is tell you by the top these are the worst that we have and then these will all be made to be 100% And then we'll begin the next stack and a lot of times we do wait and only do a Paving contract every two or three years simply because it takes a lot of money to be able to do this this is one of my second pavment contract since being here 5 years um so the last one was about 3 and 1/2 years ago or so so this is a culmination of three and 1/2 years where the funds to get to the 6 $6.2 million so that helps because the larger amount of money you can get the better bids we can get actually if I just take my small amount my $2 million and try to do roads it's not going to look like there's very much impact to it this is approximately 20% of Jacksonville Beach roadways that we're responsible thank you for teeing that if I was going to ask you to do a reader digest on the PCI because we have been talking about that for quite some time so it's very exciting to to be honest as soon as this project is done you're going to see that strategic plan project showing to go to completion because we're going to move forward from that spot so even though this isn't scheduled to be done for another couple years with it being this big of a project we know it's going to queue it up for us to move forward so it's going to be a good one for us to be done with things I never thought I'd say that a pavement condition index is very exciting Mr horn um yeah a couple things and thank you for that do that explain did just is a clarification you said 6 weeks I'm guessing 6 to 8 weeks yeah I I don't expect it to take that long for them to move in because when they start moving in they're going to be working um you know to try to get all the stuff down so whatever material they order they got to get down that same day again just for ceration is that first section or for 20% of the beaches I'm thinking they'll get through the majority of this within a couple months okay and then what's on what's the my SP on this like what when we to do this again um well generally that all comes back to how much travel and how much uh you know so we forecast this in our pavement condition index to to rate it as a primary Road or a secondary Road based on how much travel how big the trucks are how small the trucks are whichever direction obviously um things that really big trucks are not good on roads they the equivalent by weight of you know up to 10 or 12 cars so that kind of plays into it so there's not a guarantee but what we try to do is we try to plan around between 20 and 25 years some of our things that we're doing now has been 20 years or 25 years since they were micros surfaced which will become one of the things we begin to do moving forward is looking at some micros surfacing which will help extend that before we have to get into a full Mill and overlay okay so we're about 20ish years on a lot of this I'm I'm guessing so that's what I thank you oh there was another light on the board somebody turned it off okay we ready good Madam CLK roll council member Wagner yes council member Golding yes council member horn yes council member Johnson yes council member MAA yes council member Sutton yes mayor Hoffman yes motion carries and the second section there I move that we authorize the mayor and city manager to negotiate and execute the contract agreement as a result of this good award second we have a motion on a second any discussion Madam for call council member Golding yes council member horn yes council member Johnson yes council member MAA yes council member suton yes council member Wagner yes mayor Hoffman yes motion carries that concludes Mr Baron's portion of the evening moving on to Beach's energy item D oh it doesn't oh dang it sorry I called it too soon we worked Beach's energy in there somehow they must have given mic a milkshake good evening mayor and Council Administration Jamon Parker Beach and serves substation and transmission supervisor I have two items tonight the first is to Grant a non-exclusive easement to ja to R fiber optic communication cables into our Samson substation Samson substation is one of six stations that beaches ownes operates it's in St John's County about a mile west of I95 on 210 and um at the intersection of St John's Parkway uh we have two transmission lines out of there that ties to the outside world it's a very important station for us the electro mechanical relays and Communications ADM that is currently in place is 1960s technology it's been in service since 1982 it's time to upgrade when to upgrade comes the communications aspect of it so we have worked with ja for the last about a year and a half two years to come up with a dual redundant fiber optic scheme and in order to connect the protective relay devices at our station and their station to the north we need to grant them using the station thank you Mr Parker and a motion I move that we approve a non-exclusive grant of e to Jaa for fiber Ingress into Samson substation second we have a motion in a second Mr Jen uh just a quick question for you so um I want to dive in just a little bit deeper what is what is the reason why we communicate with Jaa and what is why why is that established communication required so at this substation we have four transmission lines two come to the beach to provide power to the beach and two connect to the outside world one being NL station and one a ja station um so you've heard the term the grid the National Grid all utilities are completely interconnected um on the east coast of the US and Canada so our station physically electrically ties a j station um on each end of the station you have protective relays which are looking for faults on the line it could be lightning it could be trees it could be the car hit Pole to in the morning scenario and if you have communications between protected devices at each end those protected devices are now enabled to act faster than using uh historical classical timers so we're going we're going to have the capability to clear a fault in less than a second as opposed to 20 seconds excellent thank you Mr MAA um I'm just glad it's being upgraded thank you anything that that's over 20 years old even though 20 years is like still in this Century not last century so I'm just glad anything is being updated it's I'm just saying thank you but you're welcome thank you Mr horn um part of my ignorance but I I know enough about our efforts for cyber security I don't know about ja I wouldn't want to impune that but do is there any risk to us as far as connectivity if we connect into or allow access to somebody else in their system so this particular communication system is what would be considered dark fiber it's not publicly accessible it all resides not firewall that's what I want here thank you any other questions from Council Madam cler roll call Council horn yes council member jamson yes council member MAA yes council member of su yes council member Wagner yesc yes mayor Hoffman yes motion carries item e okay IM is for our Jacksonville Beach cation which is located at um 1111 F avue South right next to an elementary school and at the end the driving range uh the distribution Breakers at this station are roughly 20 years old they've been Serv Serv since between 2003 and 2005 the planed life cycle replacement on a distribution breaker is approximately 20 years so we're right there right now um we currently have this particular station um alternately configured because of some maintenance issues with a couple of the breakers um the timing um has worked out well we planning to buy new Breakers anyway we solicit bids for new Breakers it's um more or less a standard that we've implemented at two other stations so we're very familiar with the technology and how they operate and the mainest practices uh we solicited bids we got one response back and that was from my ABD Inc um the lead time is approximately just under 6 months that aligns with our FY 25 project to have engineering completed this fall and we will do construction late spring early summer next year thank you and a motion on item please I move that we award bid number 23 24-11 excuse me to AB Inc for the purchase of 38 KV vacuum circuit breakers for an amount not to exceed $722,500 [Music] [Music] Mr Baron comes back I asked for them all to be stuff together too uh May and Council this this last item for me is actually acceptance of an FB Grant to the tune of $1.75 million for a filter replacement project at the Water Reclamation facility should have a couple slides teed up so as you see on the left picture those four stainless steel cabinets that are above our ch contact chamber is our current filters uh those are a disc filter for lack of better understanding it's a round circular plastic piece with um cloth over the top of it that we have to glue on manually that goes into each one of those and as the water comes out of the um chlorine contact chamber it goes through those filters which is what we consider to be a polishing filter to clean it up to the best standards that we can get at this time which is what we create our reuse water that heads to the golf course for for being able to use for the golf course and then other Municipal uses on the right hand side same overhead picture you can kind of see where the filters are stacked on top should have another slide you want to go to the second one we get a second describe it okay so anyway uh so the area um directly west of those filters going north and south is where we plan on putting the new filters which is in the green space between the vrs which are the round units in the middle of that picture and then the actual contact chamers so they'll actually be uh filters in between those that'll be on the Green Space to be able to do the same job it's a different kind of filtration system um that's what we have planned to do we're currently uh design engineering this right now um so we got the request in for Grant and we got approved for this one so this will help offset some costs for part of our Senate Bill 64 this is a Shoring up our Senate Bill 64 one of the first real projects of this 64 to produce reuse water to turn our 4.5 million permitted a day to be able to send it to reuse I have to be able to send it to reuse consistently um the four filters we have now are high maintenance and they also are not the greatest at keeping everything in running so when those go down we have to send the water out to the outfall obviously knowing that we can no longer do that we need to shore up the ability to be able to send clean water uh consistently to the golf course and our other Municipal irrigation so that's the reason for this project and glad to have the extra free money to be able to help build it Kudos on seeking out and receiving that Grant and I do want to take this opportunity to make a plug for the citizen information Academy if you participate you will get to see these filters in action firsthand so uh keep an eye out for that to come this fall and a motion please I V that we approved the standard Grant agreement with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection in the amount of $1,750,000 for the construction of the wastewater treatment filter replacement project second we have a motion in a second we got a couple lights Mr Mesa um first all I do want to thank you for apping for these grants it's free money since we have some residents here um I knew cities will apply for Grants and sometimes cities don't get them but I didn't realize that it's not easy filling out a Grant application there's a lot of doct you know you got to do eyes cost your cheese not many C City gets them or departments get them so I do thank you for that um so any free money that we can get that will help us out I know you're on top of it uh it's what I gathered when I first met you you took me on a tour of a water plant uh for the citizens here that water plant it's pretty pretty nice I would suggest you uh do the citizens information Academy um you will learn a lot from it and this past weekend obviously all of us were uh at the at the conference and I talked to some of the engineering renders and uh they have some little good things to say about our water plant and one of them said uh they you're on top of things and I was taken back by it in the getaway I was pretty excited but thank you very much um and that's it thank you just one said you are on top of it though so I don't know Mr James uh quick question for you first off you're an expensive dat um the so the filters is it do they work independent of whether or not we're using gas or liquid chlorine would that change over or is that going to make a difference it it doesn't make any difference at all this actually just provides a uh a I don't know how explain it ultra fine filtration to be able to push the water through that collects anything that might otherwise reflect in our total dissolve solids so it'll actually clean it up enough to where it meets the standards to be able to go to the golf course um a lot of times our water will meet that without going through the filters but we still run them through the filters regardless to assure that we're making and putting out the best quality water that we can for our reuse system um and then ultimately it'll get chlorinated before it becomes reuse it gets chlorinated again as it leaves um the plant so um it won't affect depending on what no matter what kind of coring it is these are literally just a physical fabric um yeah I was just ConEd whether there was going to be a cost involve since we're switching over to the the liquid maybe green pipe I don't know what it would be nothing for those other than other than just getting rid of those and actually we're intending to keep these and try to keep online as a secondary in case we end up in a situation where we need to produce that much more water which is ultimately our goal is to try to push 4 and2 million a day and be able to assure that we can do that every single day which is which is key because obviously if I have to notify D every time I'm using the outfall and I can't use my filters for two weeks that's going to get uh very problematic from dp's end of it thanks a lot thank you Mr wner so thank you for everything tonight thank you for everything tonight um so question and it's a financial question so the in the memo it states the Project's approximately a $3 million project and then in the grant page the grant of course is 175 and we're matching 175 is the difference between 3 million and 3.5 million in case there's overages so so there is no matching requirement to this grant this was a grant um fund that I establish you know so a lot of times we're using our local um oh I when it when it checked guarantee guarantee Ma I just assume that's just we have to show that we've got it and then we've got it budgeted as a project for the city to be able to so that they have some Buy in that we're actually going to do this project so we were going to do this project anyway it just happens to be uh usually our 5year CIP is what we put forward as our approved fiveyear CIP from from you all to to be able to show that the city invested in doing this project and completing it for the D grants that's what a lot of times they need for them um so with the math that's been done it was it's it was approved at the 1.75 so I'm not sure if the project comes in let's the 3 million is stated in the memo and there's it doesn't matter how much is totally spent as long as we spend P St 175 yeah as long as we spend past the 1.75 yes that's correct and and we complete the project so most time while they'll spend that money down first they won't necessarily get your final until you actually get the project completed so this will be my first go around with an FD Grant we've applied for several uh we have been awarded previously some grants to do with some vulnerability and resilience stuff that we've done and we've got a um an appropriation grant that we're working through that was on the coronation so this is actually my first round at Deb I know the first question out of their mouths was can you use arpa for funded money left over from the Corona virus scenario and because the state still has money left and so we were able to meet with the consultants and find out we could accept those funds they just have a timeline to be spent by and and we're sure because most of this is equipment heavy as soon as we order the equipment we'll have spent the majority of the money because the of the filter requirements will be very expensive to begin with any other questions from Council Mt call council member MAA yes council member Sutton yes council member Wagner yes council member Golding yes council member horn yes council member Json yes mayor Hof yes motion carries and now you're done thank you Mr bar Miss Nelson good evening mayor and Council Karen Nelson Deputy city manager in this item we are seeking approval to amend the pay plan for the in the collective bargaining agreement with the Fraternal Order of Police um this is for year three of the three-year agreement this will be effective from October 1 of 20124 through October through September 30th of 2025 um due to what uh what we're seeing in the local market over the past especially over the past several months we're seeing neighboring agencies implement really unprecedented increases to officer police officer starting pay and so to respond to that and to make sure that we remain competitive in the market the city and the union agreed to reopen the contract for the third and final year for wages to discuss wages only um so in order to address this the city and the union agreed to uh a tentative agreement to raise the starting salaries for police officers from 5361 which is where we are in 2024 to 6532 that is a 23% increase the starting of the p uh pay grade um there is also an increase at the maximum for police officers of 7.6% to about $90,000 we are also proposing to implement that same 7.6% across the board to our Corporal and Sergeant positions we feel like this will better position us for the final year of the contract to move into 2025 uh and stay in a better competitive position as we see how the market is going to react um with your approval we we looking at additions to the 2025 proposed budget of $557,000 additional dollars um I am here to answer any questions that you may have along with sergeant coohill Brown of Jack Beach PD and JJ Dixon representing the fop thank you Miss Nelson and a motion please I move that we approve the amended appendix C pay grade schedule of the collective bargain bargaining agreement with the Fraternal Order order Order of Police effective October 1st 2024 second we have a motion and a second Mr Mesa um Karen thank you thank you Mike thank you um and also actually I know these numbers are obviously it's a significant race worthy I think for in my opinion um I know we have received calls from you Karen to adjust the pay uh throughout time 3% not just the police but everyone else um so I do appreciate being on top of it and I know when it came to the bonuses and and what was it last year um and we were all I know I was saying let's let's go for it so do um very happy for this um if I'm correct this is higher than the rest of the agencies slightly slightly so we're we're we're number one maybe just a little just a little bit well any little bit counts um I have more to say way to my colleagues but um thank you Mr Jansen yes sort of sound like a broken record as a former law enforcement officer and now City Council uh has never lost to me the importance of Public Safety it's our number one responsibility it's our number one priority that's why it consumes a greater portion of our budget uh so I'm going to say thank you to our law enforcement family and the hard work that they put in it's much deserved we got to remain competitive um my question for you orbe not question can you um just brief the public on the incentive program and the longevity of that for those that either had experience or going through the academy that we put in place last year sure so we over the past couple of years have done a taken a couple of measures to try and um improve the pay scale and the incentives for our incoming police officers um one thing that we did in 20 it was last November was to increase the starting pay but at that point we were not able to Shi the entire pay scale so but we so we weren't able to get quite the impact out of that that that we're seeing with this particular proposal uh we also recently implemented a uh sponsorship program for um candidates coming through the police academy where we are offering to under C if all criteria is met offering to pay for up to 8 weeks uh salary while they're stillo the program and then pay their tuition s the program and testing fees um but uh the incentive program that you're talking about uh Council Jansen for uh awarding or kind of slotting in a um an incoming candidate with experience um the chief and and his team over at um the police department worked really hard to put together a a a metric you know it's a point system that allows for um bringing in a candidate at a certain step based upon a variety of um criteria including years of experience and whether they have special teams and other other criteria that are specifically important to the city of Jacksonville Beach Police Department so um I really commend them on working hard to to put in place a system that is objective and that we can use consistently to decide where to bring those officers in as they're coming in with experience thank you thank you for your hard work Chief thank you and and Sergeant C thank you for your work as well Mr ragner so I'll I'll start with councilor Jon finished and that's you know expressing my appreciation for the city staff for the chief and his team and for all those that have helped uh champion this this much need to change and driving to make sure that we create a safe of communi as we can't our residents and I know that this was no small task I know you guys have been working all of you you know extended hours and very hard push this through to get it done in conjunction with our budget process so um I just you know I know it's a Yan's lift and really do appreciate everybody's efforts outside of the efforts we appreciate every day that you guys did you know we know that this was a a Hing extra effort the the one question that I have is have we had time yet to kind of put our thoughts around how we communicate this to the residents of Jack's Beach in a in a way that um will accurately address the significant amount of feedback that we receive around their concerns um on how we're positioned with our police department and um how they're you know how they're being compensated their Staffing levels and those type of things uh and if we haven't you know thoughts on them we might and certainly we we are always mindful of the right time and the right uh way to go about commun communicating these really significant changes to be public so uh certainly that is as soon as we receive approval from Council um that is we we'll begin working on the messaging and putting out the messaging um we want to make sure that the community knows and the state knows that that that we are offering competitive salaries and benefits for our police officers um along with all of the other uh things that we believe make us an attractive place to work I think I think they'll be very excited I think many people take a lot of ownership in this they feel they stepped in to help kind of raise awareness I want to make sure that we absolutely thank you Mr MAA this question is for our chief um and it's might be for Caren as well as this PE back on what was saying on the on the messaging obviously uh residents have stepped up and said you know they support the police department you know give them raise etc etc so we're fortunate to live in Jack Beach and you and I have had conversations and how this commun supports you guys um the um before I ask the question for the residents uh we did a video 3 years ago saying come to Jack Beach and work now with this when we do vote on it are we have we thought about doing another one to where we are the agency to come work for we're launching a a Facebook page and a campaign at 7 o' so in five minutes it's going to go out AA Facebook and we got and announcement and of course we work on that as we go I just want to first of all give credit to our elect officials all come through for us I want to give uh credit to city manager incredible job um this is 31 years I've never seen anything like this here and is a definitely um you we all listen to the citizens it's what they wanted and this is a long-term investment Public Safety that will affect things long after um I'm gone and I think it's an investment that'll pay off and I just can't thank the citizens and elected officials and Mike and Karen enough along with the Union I I wasn't prepared to speak tonight I was going to um I do have some words I'd like to share with the citizens in yall just not tonight but I'll do that later time but thank you so much I've U probably slept more in a week than I have in the last two years so thank you and at 7:00 so you got to get moving if there's anything I know I will do anything you know to to go recruit some uh qualified candidates and maybe go to other agencies and I talked to the sheriff and he's happy for us and um I I would understate to say this is sent U shock waves throughout all North Florida and the law enforcement Community we haven't even announced it yet so there's a lot of people calling us just asking us how we did it how you all did it and how we all agreed upon it so the the ramifications of this have just not been felt yet and uh it truly makes us a leader in all Florida I that um so thank you so much I'm just so humble and thank you and before I end up my speaker speaking time and pass it on Chief thank you Sergeant coell Sergeant Brown and all your board members and everyone that uh you guys do a lot of work a lot of good work for the community and even with with the with the little amount of staff you guys have had in the past you guys have done a good job and I'm happy that we will not be a revolving door I know before my time many officers were leaving to go to other agencies and I'm hoping that's that's that's the end and we're the best agency to come work forward thank you Mr har brief um short sweet uh uh a vote doesn't convey our you know thoughts same as everybody else on the council we support you you know wholeheartedly police EMS teachers you all are not paid anywhere near what you should be paid I wish you all were paid like a jaguars work thank you Miss Golding thank you um I just want to add that in response to what you said about our support you make it easy for us to support you you and your department make it easy for us to support you because I don't know how many times you know you guys have been so responsive to our citizens just what you're doing in the community your transparency the way that you're communicating with our community um I think that makes it so much easier for everybody to understand how you know how easy it is for us to support you so thank you so much for all that you do thank you Mr Mr S turn it off too quick so thanks uh Chief and and David and Karen and Mike um you know and really just for the public I don't think it's a surprise to anybody but you know having to Scrat and Claw and try and fight for resources you know for the past 4 years since all the craziness started um you know is is a real struggle and and this is putting us in a in a lead position and hopefully uh there'll be some calming to all of this um and and won't be in the same situation here um 20 something per is obviously you know unprecedented and some may think outlandish and all of that we certainly don't see that in the commercial sector uh at all but um it's necessary uh to be able to keep up and um and we have to do that you know in the name of Public Safety so I'm supportive of it and um appreciate it thank you Council I think we're going to have a um a positive vote so you can go ahead and initiate the: um sequence of communications and I just want to Echo um what everyone else was saying and rarely do we see cities and municipal government be so quick quick and so responsive and I know that's an important tenant of our mission and um but it really just shows also the collaborative nature of the relationship between the city and the union to get something like this done so so quickly in response to to the labor market really um being so so competitive and putting so much pressure on us so I'm looking forward to seeing the recruitment efforts aided the retention efforts aided and um and really being able to to take something with from this investment really make something of it um we do need to tell the story better I think if we learn anything uh in March um since March is that we are not sharing enough of the good things that we're doing and not just not just with this but we just we're about to approve for new officers in our department we just installed license plate readers in many of our cars um some of this has been long we've been working on it for a long time it may seem reactive but it's certainly not and the most notable of that is the SWAT that was on order for years two years but it was only going to be what two more weeks more week two more weeks so it's finally here so we've we've made a lot of really intentional Investments um and I think that we need to we need to tell that story and I would ask the the city staff to make sure um that we do that in an effective way um as well as your communication efforts through social media through um your newsletter all of that has been I think really helpful to our citizens to see what's going on so I see no other comments uh mam th call council member suon yes council member Wagner 100% yes council member Golding yes council member horn yes council member Jackson yes council member MAA yes mayor Hoffman yes motion carries and before we move for adjournment uh Miss JJ Dixon asked to say a few words and JJ Dixon is the representative for the fop on good evening everyone won't be long I've asked Sergeant coohill to come up here I know everybody knows who he is and I'm not going to say much but my name is JJ Dixon I um represent the Florida state P order police our address is 242 office Plaza Drive in Tallahasse Florida 32301 I had a whole bunch of other stuff I to say but you all have already said it so what I want to say from and this is very heartfelt for me I I worked almost 30 years in law enforcement and so now I'm on this side of you know police work um I have represented agenes officers from the beaches to Pensacola to clear water and I have not seen something like this in my time with Florida State Fraternal Order of Police to have um an entire Council a mayor city managers you're wonderful Chief he's absolutely amazing he shows so much care and concern for the officers the agency and for the citizens obviously but to have everybody on the same page and not fighting one another not fighting me not fighting the officers not fighting no one's fighting anybody I think we all realize that something needed to be done and we kind of put our heads together to figure out what that something could and would be um something that was was plausible for obviously the citizens the community and something that you all could live with and I just want to say thank you for the care and concern that you've shown not only for your citizens um because at the end of the day as as Jansen said and we go way way way back but as he said um Public Safety has to be number one if I can't sleep at night if I can't trust that my kids can come home safe from school if you know if I'm not if I don't feel safe then everything's gone for for me everything's gone and so I just thank you all for for what you've done um in in respect to what they what what what has is happening around us and what what needed to be done here I thank you for stepping up to the plate and doing that and I was I was so happy to call my friends um down the street and tell them that um you know it's not even October one yet and you guys aren't number one [Music] anymore first thank you everybody up the dice Mr FAS Karen um Ashley I know this was a a heavy lift a huge investment made in the safety for the citizens and visitors to Jacksonville Beach selfishly I'm going to be here probably for the next at least 12 years so I'm going to reap the most from that investment probably of anybody standing in this room so to that I thank you all very much thank you Sergeant coohill um you have something Mr goad I just wanted to um U say that Miss Dixon and I grew up in JSO together back in the early 90s it was I won't get the exact uh we worked the same beat together and I just want to say I'm very proud what what what you've done with your career um retired and now you're still advocating for for law enforcement in another capacity and it's just good to see that you stay behind the badge and behind the blue beyond your career thank you thank you what you done and I did forget one thing in kind of the list of things that have been we've been working on which is the cameras that we have throughout downtown and I've started um with with the chief and uh leadership of the police department bringing in uh downtown business owners particularly our bar and restaurant owners downtown to come and see a demonstration of the cameras working and then to take a tour um of the police department and we've had one so far and I think everyone agrees it was very positive and we're going to continue to do those um starting with downtown but really I think we can uh if if you have anyone who's interested they seem to be very willing to show show the capabilities there of that camera system so that's another another huge investment that we've made in the safety of our community um I'm very proud of the fact that the city is willing and able to do that so thank you all very much for for that and for all of your work to get us here uh seeing no other lights I will ask for a motion to adjourn I Mo we adjourn second all in favor sign signify a I post meeting