good evening everyone welcome to the only regular city council meeting for the month of July July 15th regular city council meeting we will begin with our invitation followed by the salute to the flag delivered by Mr Jameson please rise before we I'm going to read a verse from the Bible that was shared with me from Pastor Jo from the church of 11:22 Ephesians 6:12 for we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against the rulers against the authorities against the cosmic Powers over the present Darkness against the spiritual forces of evil in the Heavenly places let us pray good gracious Heavenly Father we come to you tonight with heavy heart amongst the tragedy that happened this past weekend in B Pennsylvania we pray for the compensatory family and the loss of a hero that they had we pray for the other victims and their families Lord we play we pray for the Trump family and we pray for the safety of our sitting president Lord we just ask you to bring this nation in unity we ask you to put your blessings across our nation across our state and across this community words it's in the matchless name of your son Jesus we pray amen United States of America and to the for it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all me is order call council member Golding here council member horn here council member Jon here council member MAA here council member Sutton here council member Wagner here mayor Hoffman here moving on to approval of the minutes item a I move that we approve the minutes from The Joint City Council C Workshop held on June 12th 2024 second we have a motion and a second any discussion all in favor signified by saying I any post motion carries Item B I move that we approve the minutes from the regular city council meeting held on June 17th 2024 second we have a motion and a second any discussion all in favor signify by saying I I any post motion carries item C I move that we approve the minutes from the city council briefing held on July 8th 2024 second we have a motion and a second any discussion all in favor signify by saying I I any oos motion carries um next motion approval of the agenda we would ask I got it that it be approved without uh city manager item a that item will be um removed from this agenda pending a new contract I move that we approve the agenda with the removal of city manager new Vis item a second we have a motion in second Mr horn are we approving the no just the regular agenda okay any discussion all in favor signify by saying I I any oppos announcements or sorry motion carries announcements Miss Bing thank you mayor um first of all I want to thank our Jack Beach Police Department officers and all of our volunteers for all their hard work over July 4th and the three days following July 4th because those three days were still very busy for our Police Department every for those of you who may not know every police officer worked um on July 4th and they they make those sacrifices to not be with their families while the rest of us are with our families and so I want to recognize them and thank them for their their dedication to our community and keeping our community safe I also want to thank Chief Smith and Commander kembley for the time they spent with me on July 4th I was able to go to the police department and spend some time at the command post and see all of our cameras in action um and get a better feel for what goes on on July 4th um at at our Command command post and I'm proud to say that our city is very well very well protected by our police department and again thank you all for all that you do also want to thank you Chief Smith for participating in the beaches watch police panel last week um and for your uh your updates on on the issues that we're dealing with with here in Jack Beach and your transparency uh with the community I think it's important and I I hope the community appreciates that um anyone who was not able to attend the meeting you can go to beachwatch decom and you can see the video there all three police departments spoke so you can hear about what's going on in the other Beach communities if you would like as well but um Chief Smith was towards the end but um thank you again Chief I think you did a great job um also want to mention that Saturday July 27th from 10:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. there's going to be a free sports and school physicals for kids age four ages 4 to 18 at the Carver Center and this is provided by Ascension St Vincent and we also are starting our budget season for the city it's important that our citizens um be familiar with our budget and learn about what what we are how we're spending your tax dollars so we will have a budget showcase that will be held Friday August 2nd from 2: to 4:00 p.m. I believe it'll be here in the council chambers and then last but not least Senate Bill 280 which is the vacation rental bill that I've been talking about for months uh was indeed vetoed by the governor on June 29th and I want to thank everyone who wrote and contacted the governor in particular my colleagues who reached out to the governor and also to representative Michael and to Senator Garo who both reached out to the governor's office and urged him to veto the bill um so uh and thank the governor for vetoing the bill because it was a bad Bill now we need to roll up our sleeves and start working on a proactive solution that we can try to get across the Finish Line at at the state level thank you thank you Miss golden Mr Mesa oh yeah I do want to Echo what council member golden vice mayor golden had said about the police department for July weekend busy weekend um they do work hard and they do take the time to now you know they're away from families and obviously our service man serving overseas they volunteered just like I did and speaking of volunteers uh cop volunteers that you see out driving around the street giving parking tickets helping out uh traffic collisions uh they are volunteers uh they love this community they love the police department and they want to help as much as they can volunteering the three hours it is very disappointing and it's very disheartening and it makes me a little angry that some residents or business owners would want to beate them and treat them like nothing I witnessed something I witnessed something a couple weeks ago go finally got the the story it's very disappointing just cuz they're volunteers you don't me to speak to them like that a couple months ago I talked about treating people with respect regardless of what position they hold doesn't matter how many much money you do make does not matter what matters is what's inside your heart treat people with respect if you're going to treat a volunteers like that I mean that is just very disrespectful I don't care if you make a million dollars and you pay $500 $500,000 in taxes to Jackson will Beach you know how to do that not going to name any names or the business owner but it's very disappointed and if I witness that again I'm definitely going to say something moving on to better news uh Jackson reach has gained one resident and a half means my wife and my lovely stepson Jackson residence and S Pablo Elementary School G one student this coming August so I'm excited to wake up early drop them off at San Pao Elementary School he's very excited I think the last time I saw him excited this excited was when we took him to Universal Studios last December um so he's excited about living at the beach riding his bike to school getting dropped off by me or his mom so looking forward to it he loves the beach so yay that is all thank you thank you Mr Mason congratulations Mr horn um I do want to say um kind of on what Fernando was saying and following along with council member janon mentioned earlier it's horrible to see the political violence over the weekend um it's all about respect you know I'm glad that we have a beach full of people that do respect there's a lot of people up on this day sometimes we don't agree but we will find a common path to work towards the better of the beaches and um you know I do condemn all political violence and I just think that we all do need to come together um that's the downside the positive side I want to say congratulations to Jackson Beach ocean rescue and to the members of volunteer life saving Corps who went up to Myrtle Beach South Carolina last week and participated in the South Atlantic uh region lifeguard tournament it was I've been doing those tournaments for 30 years I actually participated um and it was I've never been rained out that much and had that much lightning and chased off the beach that much in 30 years um the Jackson be Jo for rescue though even with a shortened field probably 20% of the events ended up third place so congrat with them they feel a great team did a great job members of on C Core did a great job as well with a very very small team so um that happy year not normally you that takes my one of my announcements it'sing that Mr uh real quick uh so my wife was a teacher at s may have picked up an extra two student I'm not really sure um uh thank you chief for um your presentation at the beaches watch along with the other two chiefs they did a fantastic job I just want to zero in on one point that was made by Chief T and he he brought up the issue of social media especially on the heels of what happened this weekend um when somebody posts something in social media it's not the gospel and too many times people run with something that's said in social media and you really shouldn't and take it for face value of what you're reading do your homework figure out what's what the truth is and don't react in kind to something that's that may be slander so you don't know what you're talking about so um it could be for good it could also be very dangerous Mr ragner I hope I'm not going to steal one of yours so I'll let you know so um so I wanted to take a second because it's our first meeting in in July and just show my appreciation and for those that participated in volunteering for the beach cleanup on the 5th um it's one of my my favorite days it's great to see our community come out and be so supportive of of each other to you know grab bags in hand and go and and pick up and clean up and really make sure that our beach is the most beautiful beach in the land and uh it's a day my wife and I always look forward to and uh I'd encourage everybody who I know it's always tough on the fifth is a school day but uh on those days where you can make it I encourage everybody come out there it really is a a feel good heart ring uh experience here at the beach so uh come on out if you have a chance Mr wner Mr second uh just second thirding and fouring uh the recognition for Jack Beach police department and everything that uh uh fortunately didn't occur over Fourth of July weekend and um for having a a real um Sweat Equity weekend everybody had to work a lot and multiple uh multiple shifts and and WR shifts and the command center I believe I was there just after councilwoman Golding and um it was very impressive to see that appreciate all that you guys do uh thank you also to Mr Baron and Public Works um they were so far ahead of us when we made the decision to go north versus South with the uh PVC and the ropes they had already gone South for quite a way um but that's good that that uh those I think about eight or 10 blocks was uh was knocked out before they uh decided to uh at our Direction turn around and go north so appreciate that very much and I'm not done with my stickers yet but I will be soon thank you um I have a few left that didn't already get uh taken but um want to wish a belated happy birthday to our colleague John Wagner and an early happy birthday to our city manager Mike stop I get them month right is it this month okay good took only taking me five years to get this right um we will continue our Long Hill tradition of not singing happy birthday to you so that is our gift to you um also echo my appreciation of our police department and our um citizens on patrol and our Citizen Police Academy alumni association who made a huge um meal for all of our officers on Fourth of July because that was just the beginning of a really long weekend so they were out there working hard and appreciation to um Sergeant Wallace who not only drove me around on a ride along but had a reporter in the car earlier that day so um he did a great job representing Jacksonville Beach and what we had done to prepare for the holiday what you could see and what maybe you couldn't see um but that showed a lot of of pre-planning cooperation um and hard work so thank you all for that we had three businesses celebrate um anniversaries and I'm meant to write them all down and research them a little bit and I forgot to do it till just now um Penman Diner I think it's 5 years old and uh Taco l i is 16 years old and I remember that because they used the sweet 16 um movie poster uh Don and de recreated that which was really cute and there was a third one anybody else got me on that one okay if you come up with it uh blondish Salon blondish Salon it's not the one I was thinking of but congratulations to them so um but I I'll come up with it hopefully I we'll have a chance to announce it so congratulations ation to them on their longevity in our community and also to our left competition team thank you for that Mr horn and now we'll go to the city manager thank you mayor and councel um I wanted to provide you with a brief update on the proposed parking Improvement project at sunshine parking playground and I'm glad to see that we have some residents here tonight as well as the council may remember this project was discussed at the Joint City Council CRA workshop on June 12th the concept plan for this project formalizing parking spaces on the north side of pellon were shared with council with a consensus of both Council and the CRA to continue to the next phase of this project which is receiving neighborhood input last week the C placed door hangers on residents properties south of sunshine park with information about the proposed project the responses received have been overwhelmingly negative I want to reassure the residents and remind the council that this project is only in a concept phase part of our communication strategy was to solicit neighborhood input and feedback while in the concept phase of the project input and feedback will be shared with the CRA and Council to solicit consensus Andor project redirection as appropriate this will begin with the c coordinator mobs and director Ireland discussing neighborhood feedback and project Approach at an upcoming CRA meeting many residents communicated by email that they do not want any formalized parking on Pilon with with some offering suggestions for altering the project scope we appreciate all the feedback received to date and for others who may not be familiar with the proposed project have general questions or want to offer suggestions for improved parking at the facility please contact our staff as provided for on the door hangers thank you thank you Mr stopus uh we will is that it for announcements everybody okay we move on to Courtesy of the Florida visitors and we will um when your name is called you can come up to the podium state your name address and you'll have three minutes to address the council I do again think a lot of these comments are um related to the topic that Mr stopus just shared and I will say we've been pretty um I don't want to say overwhelmed but we've gotten a lot of emails a lot of um well thought out feedback um it's not at the council at this point um but the CRA has been included in that information as well so um just bear that in mind um when you come up to uh give your comments and if you want to just say you agree with the person prior to you you can do that as well um we will start with Megan Hennessy good evening Megan Hennessy 2956 St John's Bard I am have lived there 12 years um just to note St John's Bard did not get notified so we did not get any door hangers um we live three houses um north of H Leon so we get receive all the traffic that goes through the parking and over the last 12 years I've noticed the safety issue I have my kids we've had to teach our kids to ride our bikes since they were you know that age and dodging and leaving cars um we today you see about 30 spots and on a s any given Saturday people are on their way to sporting events what have you speeding through it's you know pretty dous situation this would be almost doubling the ount allowable parking so I see that as a huge negative um i' I've actually called the city asking that we don't allow any parking on this road to ticket and I've you know never had any response on that I also called the city ask me for traffic caling such as stop signs and we haven't met the criteria to allow for stop signs which would be I guess three five accidents in one intersection I've actually seen one accident at an intersection because people are not paying attention um there's I you know I do have some recommendations you mentioned recommendations I think things like for organized Sports when you look at organized Sports you have two teams each team bringing 24 vehicles to the field and then there's that turnover time where you have to come beforehand so that's really 48 cars at the parking and I you know to me a you don't allow organized Sports you actually don't even need any additional parking you know we've seen the 30 spots taken up and as you drive by that Park there's actually available parking um Open Spaces that people choose to actually just park on con daily on instead so I I don't want I think encouraging that we there is a negative impact to us um I am a civil engineer I've actually draw drawings for you guys for additional options so I'm happy to share them at my meeting tomorrow at 11:00 with the city or I guess the parks department um my last comment is you know I read the C and when they referenced Parks I think it was to elevate the marketability of the neighborhood around it and I feel like this is only a detriment to our neighborhood so I would like you to consider keeping the parks the park in the residential area the residential area so thanks thank you Mr tenness de lanman I'm hman oh I was so close yes like lman apples but no M now I got it I'm and I live at 3148 St John's B Lord I have been a resident of Jack's Beach since May of 1999 as my son says you have Liv here a quarter of a century mom and I have seen lots of changes in that time I am purchased my home on St John's Boulevard in 2001 when there was no activity at the park it was nothing but an empty green lot um some of the residents got together and we developed the actual Sunshine Park and it was built by the residents and there were like 80 to 90 of us we look like ants on a hill as they were putting up sunshine Park since then it has grown immensely we've attracted a lot of outside um entertainment for people using it for competitive Sports um I have a strong feeling about opening Pond St on and making that a thorough fair right now we have so much traffic on South Beach Park and people do not observe that speed limit of 35 M an hour which goes to 25 M an hour after you cross aola most people are doing 45 and 50 if we open that to a thorough fair you're just going to increase the incidence of injury to the residents that live in that neighborhood people already run that stop sign that is at St John's Boulevard in Pon Leon it's very difficult to park um at the park um and I know that people do it consistently and it's eroded all the grass and everything around there but I don't think that's a good idea either I've been against that um ever since it started and just as a homeowner who's been here a lengthy period of time I would really I am very much against opening PM da on and adding additional parking it's very frustrating for me when I go to the park people have moved the trash cans to set up borders for their soccer fields there's garbage everywhere from people you know on the playgrounds there's not enough spots for people to do the barbecuing I know you've set up schedules for sports to sign up to do the basketball courts and the tennis courts and all of that I think that we're just opening more we are not Adventure Landing we are Sunshine Park and I think it needs to remain Sunshine Park and not open to everybody who wants to come here from everywhere else and as a resident I do oppos it thank you thank you missman Chuck Mason I'm Chuck Mason I live at 3113 um St John I've been a resident for about 14 years um I also oppose the idea concept as it currently stands um for three main reasons right now as probably doesn't surprise anyone there are no sidewalks in our neighborhood as s are not sidewalks of most beach neighborhoods which was A New Concept for me when I mov here but at any rate that means where we all take to the street to go where we want to go and that means moms with baby carriages kids on bikes adults on bikes people that walk people that walk one dog six dogs somebody was walking eight dogs the other day God bless them but at any rate the streets are narrow and additional um traffic that that you we would have by uh increasing the uh um parking spots and also opening up to um the parkway would cause a riskier situation for everyone who who's um living on St John's or needs to use it to get to the park or whatever secondly um currently we have two- side parking on St John's Boulevard and um it's very tight and I'm also sometimes very surprised if there was a fire or something like that emergency vehicles could get through because I know I have a pretty small car and I have to be pretty careful um there's people that park there because we have some um um um R units that are there we have people that um have several peoples that people um household in the household that live there and so basically that situation makes it um difficult diffult I call it sometimes on the weekends and after hours The Gauntlet because it's hard to get through um not impossible um currently um um adding um additional parking vehicles um I've seen after the weekend and some nights there's a not a lot of trash but sometimes there's considerable amount of trash and I just think the additional parking there will R an increased amount of trash that needs to be picked up every Monday or I believe they pick it up on Mondays um after the weekend but the reason I know that is I live close to park and and I walk through it's on my walking route um three four times a week and lastly um I'm also a little concerned in the future when 51 spots if that's what eventuates um it can be I'm worried where people were going to end up parking they may end up parking in front of my house I live um around the corner from um P Leon so I'm not directly impact but I live 100 ft from the corner so anyways I'm worried about you know people parking on both sides of P which they could do they wanted to and um I think for those three or four reasons um that's that's why I'm poos thank you very much thank you Mr Mason M gold you want to speak now I just wanted to ask for some clarification because I think some of the emails we got mentioned this is this proposing that this connect ponon to South Beach Parkway no we did identify that there was a typo in the uh door hanger that went out it is not looking to do a connected to South Beach Parkway is looking to connect back to the internal parking lot of sunshine Park basically at the U where the point of the curve in PM St on there would be a cut through that connects into the parking lot okay I just wanted to get that clarification the South Beach Parkway thank you thank you you guys could keep it down so we can you think one designation probably important and that was that uh that connector was only way to exit from Pon into the park so it's not that it's and I think it's really important as we talk about the the overall impact that that's not a two-way street it's it's another way out to avoid people leaving back to thank you Miss Golding and Mr Wagner for those clarifications uh Brian B good evening Brian bur 3276 St John's Boulevard and so I live at the end of St John's Boulevard so I also didn't receive a door hanger which I understand was only intended to go to the immediate uh neighbors but as you can see everybody lives along St John's Billard has the concerns because of the tra that comeing through which I think we can appreciate now um first I want to compliment the city that you've done a fantastic job with that park over the years um it's really become quite a popular amenity as as you you now know and trying to accommodate more people um which I can appreciate I'm a park planning professional myself I work for the city of Jacksonville uh over 20 years of experience in the field um but I would I would caution um against trying to uh create situation love it to death so I think that we're in we're really kind of over capacity as it speaks in that Park where um On Any Given popular you know weekend beautiful day every square inch of that uh artificial turf field is you can have 30 different activities going on it's amazing there's not more you know run-ins with with each other but um my concern is that if there is more parking provided there that's formalized um uh that we're just going to increase that capacity of the park and add more conflicts um between user groups and people and emotions which will just uh you know uh are inevitable um I agree with all my neighbors that are here talking about the concerns with the traffic flow through neighborhood completely support that um but if you're looking for a way to uh accommodate more people at this park I would recommend uh looking into more bike racks there's actually a kind of a lack of bike racks in that Park you've done a nice job adding some sidewalk connections recently which is I think improve the access to the property um but more so than anything I think it just screams that we need more parks in Jack Beach um I know there was one Park identified in Old landfill site that maybe there's some future hope there maybe there's some other opportunities that can be identified even if they're small little pocket parks and know we don't have unlimited land but I think that just scams to say the city of Jacksonville Beach needs more Parks we're under servicing that amenity um for our community so thank thank you Mr Beret uh Suzanne beard hello um I'm Suzanne beard I live at with my husband and my dog at 2988 St John's borgard we also didn't get the little flyer on the door but we heard about it um I have really agree with everything everybody said I have three things I I would like to to say first is uh the increased traffic on our streets which is danger to our kids pets and uh simply backing out of the driveway we are um one house away from con Leon and I when I back out of my driveway I have to look both ways like three or four times to make sure something is not scooting down the the road um I'm just concerned um somebody mentioned two sides of the street part once the 51 places are filled up so they're going to start creeping around to our street and parking there too and it's just going to get worse um another thing that nobody's mentioned yet but I understand that to create the parking you'd have to move the fence and take down some trees there's like maybe 30 or 40 trees there they're mature trees they provide shade for families and parents that come to watch their children play um for dogs you know for people who are walking for people who are exercising um and also for the urban Wildlife the birds the squirrels and stuff like that uh taking those out and Paving all that area will just make it hotter and um you know it's that's where all the trees are in the park is along that that strip uh the other thing um that also mentioned was the overcrowding it's already crowded already uh trash is overflowing there's party streamers there's confetti left over on the weekends there's food contain coners there's food tonight I was walking in my dog and there was a diaper sitting there you know you get more people it's going to be more overcrowding there's there's no place for them really to be because the the uh Cabanas are filled up overflowing and you know crowding overcrowding leads to conflicts arguments fights and who knows what else so that's what I wanted to say thanks thank you Mrs Beard Alex Jenkins hello council members mayor Hoffman appreciate you guys thankless job I know it public service is a devil sword but I wrote the link the email kicking this Bucket over with everybody attached to it to drive just visibility and it's amusing to me right the room's really full what would happen if there was another 150 people here right now wanting to be in this room to speak would they be allowed to would y'all have space for them would the fire marshal say we've reached Max occupancy it's no longer safe to have this number of people contained within this space sorry y'all got to step outside or we'll you know document that you've been here the park is the same thing right everybody's addressed all the points the way you know the ways and the hows of of things going off the rails it is a gauntlet to get down St John Boulevard there are and I I told you guys this I mean we're probably closer to a 100 children just within four streets that's a really cool thing it's a very Vibrant Community we're all really close we know everybody that's why we were able to put all this together so damn quick we need to protect what we're building we're like a little uh sort of trophy I think for the city of Jacksonville Beach and how we've come together as a community we stewarded that Park really well but y'all it's a finite Supply it's a finite resource the boundaries are fixed you're not going to add any more space there and so to all the points that have been made related to conflicts that could arise or incre uh trashing and don't get me started on the trashing of all of it yesterday there was a family reunion of probably I'm not lying a 100 people they brought in huge Barrel smokers and grills uh by the way I'm the reason that you guys installed a fence on the east Southeast corner of that parking lot the the barricades I call the cops every single weekend and said you got people driving up inside the park right now to the barbecue grill so I'm that guy uh but I have three small children under the age of four I have a dog and these people are just absolutely Thoughtless and none of this began until Co by the way I used to drink beer at South Beach Park in high school when it was Tres so I'm a native born and raised here long before it was cleared and turned into a park I was partying at South Beach love that place um it's come a long way but it can't go any further and so that's why I think less than you know can we cram more sardines into this can uh to the city planner who who spoke I thought that was great yeah more Parks great and also remember you guys are public service we don't have to bend over backwards to accommodate everybody from n and the north side and the west side and the South Side we have the space that we have we have the parks that we have we love and fully appreciate that you guys are making them better But Sunshine Park doesn't have to be the Hallmark of Jack's Beach we don't need to allow every Tom that Canary that wants to come there on the weekends to be there the parking lots naturally thin it out I would politely push back uh uh Mr stopus that it doesn't connect to South Beach but yes it does because it's cut into that parking lot and just because it's one way doesn't mean that people aren going to come through that parking lot and cut around to get the free spots people by the way Park on that grassy area uh when there's still a third to a quarter of the parking spots left within the parking spaces themselves so I'm really wordy I've Burn Up 3 minutes I felt like it went by so quick guys appreciate you all you can't do this I don't know the utility and even bringing this to the CRA but you're going to hear from more people thank you for what you do thank you Mr Jenkins What's the statute of limitations on underage drink you just kidding uh Vick good evening uh my name is Vick B I live at 2761 St John's Boulevard I cannot follow Alex so uh I agree with what they're saying my wife and I just bought our first home on St John's Boulevard in April we're so excited to be a part of this community and to see the community come together to maintain what we have created is is so powerful we chose our home on that street for a reason for for access to the park for the neighborhood and the community Affair looking outside I see young parents pushing their kids walking their dogs and we're expecting our first in the fall and I want to be able to do that with them too increasing the traffic and the flow through there reducing the ability to have our own friends and family park in front of our home is not something that we signed up for so I implore you on ask you to from the bottom of my heart to consider this and to kill this proposal this is not what we want and uh keep the park beautiful that's what be all thank you thank you Dylan Glen I'm Dylan Glenn I live at 3081 pul in court um like Vic I've been in the neighborhood since February so I'm rather new uh we moved to the community because we have a a son's 13 months now and we wanted like a closed residential uh you know not through Street the park was a big draw right we have that right right next to us um I agree with everything everyone said I don't need to say the same points but everyone here is 100% accurate and I'm the furthest currently they're building but I'm the furthest house down on Pon St Leon um I'm closest to the park so the the existing parking that's already on the north side of the fence that's allowed we we deal with Parkers staying a little late blasting music I I get it everyone's enjoying the park it's awesome I really worry that these 51 spots that I look out to my front door that's what I'm going to see directly people lingering longer than they should I've come home and and there's been people like sitting in my driveway from the park which you know it's easy PL conversation but I'm just worried about this increased volume of these instances occuring more so I'm against this decision everyone else thank you thank you Mr Glenn stepen Park all right thank you um I had a lot written down here I'm I'm going to keep it quick with everybody else talking I agree with uh everything that's been said my name is stepen Park I live on 32 73 Horn Court um I mean I'd love the park go there every day have two kids one on the way um such a beautiful Park I really don't want the 51 spots um everybody said a lot of things and I agree with them all had them all written down um safety one of the biggest items just bringing 51 more cars that's 200 people uh please just don't do it I I just can't say it enough um also I think it would bring down all of our property values bringing a parking lot outside of the park into a neighborhood I think that would just kill our our our home values our the safety net of our community and just the family F of the entire neighborhood so I'll leave it at that thank you thank you Mr Clark lawren FR oh I'm sorry you said you don't wish to speak I'll I'll talk for one second okay just give me 3 minutes I got it hi R FR I live at 3148 ping H uh I can't uh say more than most what everybody else is here has said as well but having that Hing those parking spots is just going to diminish the park itself plain and simple I don't see any anyway around that and you know we'll take it up to the CRA when is in that CRA meeting on the 17th I believe a comment uh session and 22nd there's a formal meeting at 3 we'll pull up that information before you guys are finished with your comments today yeah but I can't agree with disagree with what anybody's has said at this point so I don't want to waste more of your time so thank you very much and good Lu never waste thank you Mr Frank July 22nd C chamb Daniel Don hi my name is Dan I live at 3142 Merl Boulevard I did not receive fire notification of the current concept um just wanted to take a moment and say thank you for hearing us out tonight the capacity of the park itself and the ability to peacefully and effectively utilize the park resources for the local tax Bay Community is a major concern for me adding additional parkings intended to allow a greater capacity of individuals many who are not part of the Beach Community to utilize an area that's already at or even Beyond capacity my understanding of the current concept is it's to address the problem of illegal or inappropriate parking of vehicles on the current grass along the edge of the park this itself is a downstream impact of a previous issue limited parking all the issues raised tonight far outweigh the previous issue of limited parking they raise the potential for actual potential dangers uh let me just close by borrowing a phrase that Rings true here the solution cannot be worse than the problem it is seeking to address thank you Mr D Hugh Adam Weston thanks very much sorry Adam Weston 3113 War in Court um agree with everything that everyone said my biggest concern is safety and the increased traffic I've got three young kids they don't always look when they go across the street they get excited um you know as much as we can instill in them to not do that multiply that uh issue with 51 cars that are not going to go to speed limit and it's terrifying so please this thank you thank you Mr Weston um that's the last of our speaker cards I want to thank everyone for um your thoughtful contributions to the discourse on this issue um I think this is case where we are very much victims of our own success here with this park it's come a long way um since high school uh and I also think that uh with Gonzalez park being offline that's probably um tipped up the demand um quite a bit so hopefully when that is um reopen that'll help uh level things back out but we know this is a destination Park and for all the reasons you all love living there people love coming to visit so thank you for your comments and um we we'll keep uh making sure there emails get to the C and uh for their deliberations as well I'm going to give everyone the opportunity if you aren't here for the rest of the city council agenda and you want to quietly go ahead and depart the council chembers we'll give everyone um just a minute or two to do that if you can go all the way outside um for your post U meeting conversations and and huddle that would be great but thank you all for coming be safe on the roads getting home it looks rainy out there [Music] okay that was it for Courtesy at the floor on moving on to consent agenda I move that we approve the consent agenda we have a motion and a second Mr hor can we take item off the okay consent agenda um has been uh changed to remove Item B which will go down to the end of our city manager and new business um any other comments on the consent agenda all in favor signify by say I any post motion carries moving on to we are skipping item a um Item B evening Council Tom D Police Department we're here to ask for approval for the purchase of two new Patrol SUVs under for Sheriff's contract for the newly created off positions for fy2 and just to add on to what Commander Bingham was saying these two vehicles are being paid for out of the 2024 budget we have two additional vehicles that are programmed in the 2025 budget to give us four vehicles from four officers thank you Mr stas and Commander Bingham is there a motion I move that we approve the purchase of two new Patrol SUVs under the Florida sheriff's contract for newly created officer positions in fiscal year 2025 for an amount not to exceed purchase already on site so it just be a matter of getting to the contractor getting outfit it excellent thank you Mr M I was getting asked the same question but it was answered now this is more of a I guess it's a question I was just watching brever Hill cop the new one I mean it was funny I was reminiscing when I was a little kid but there's there's I mean obviously it's movies obviously destruction of cop Corners that happens um we don't get that but I know some of the vehicles have been are going to be replaced with this what a month two months ago from those car crashes we had correct if we were to had two or three vehicles down whether it was forand or CarX do we have extra vehicles to put on we don't we have a very limited Fleet right now as far as Reserve um but I just spoke with the Boart representative but the third party vendor that's out there these vehicles today and we're star to get in or will be starting to get in one or two vehicles a week okay and then my next question is I know brosar in what is it St John's County do you know how many cities they're providing officer uh cut vehicles or is it just couple departments or are they fully you know no they fill contracts from all over the state of board okay that's thank you and yes Mr Jansen uh one one point of clarification when have an officer that's out for extended leave does their car become available for pool for a pool car for Pool Services yeah anybody goes out for u u light duty or medical leave or extended vacation that vehicle comes back to the department to be available for other officers thank you see no other questions or comments Madam cler roll call council member Golding yes council member Moren yes council member M Johnson yes council member MAA yes council member suon yes council member Wagner yes may Hoffman yes motion carries can we get another one at that price point I'll just I'll pay you guys just kid is that's a good price for no Mr horn did not just ask for a favor on his uh hot microphone in the city council chambers I can't afford it know that you know what I mean ask for asking for a friend exactly um the next item we have we uh recently received the resignation of a relatively new member of our community redevelopment agency Christy eand um so thankfully we have already created the positions of um first and second alternate so in what has kind of become an unofficial tradition of moving um the alternates up a space whenever we have a vacancy um so that's what we're going to be looking at today um we then have the opportunity to fill back fill the second alternate position which would um remain open if we go through if we kind of follow our past procedure which is always an if we still have two days worth of interviews of candidates and according to the city clerk 10 of them have indicated CRA as their top for their top two choices so um as we kind of go through these first two I would just ask the council to consider that we since there it's an Al it's a second alternate position it might be prudent to wait until we have those interviews done um because we won't really be uh lacking in that second alternate for too long so that's just my thought we do have a speaker card on this item U Mr Ken Marsh 10 Mar 2027 Gil Avenue First It's always important to acknowledge any citizen that takes time to serve on the board so I want to thank Dad and Ron for stepping up as the C alternates but tonight I'm up here to promote myself as an applicant for the C regular position it's always tough to promote yourself because you always s sound somewhat cocky but most of you know that I'm well versed on what the C how the C got started why it was started the history of the plans executed or not all the projects that support the plan um the past and present and the Tiff funding mechanism since I've moved here full-time in 2010 I've been and continue to be an active advocate for a better downtown Chris for sure has seen my face up here more times than she can count in her 12 years when cathine B was R the leader her and I met and talked about the need to move our downtown forward thankfully as a result of that meeting she allowed me to be guest columnist and the leader to inform our citizens about what the C was all about and those initiatives and then in 2020 I ran hard but lost on the at large Council seat but in spite of this experience back in December I was passed over for a regular CRA position and although I was later appointed to an alternate position it was to M Hoffman's disappointment disappointment that I kindly and respectfully declined she made mention to me that the C altered position would have the same seat on c as it relates to the discussions and she felt my input would be valuable but you see for me for the last 15 years I've always had a c in the discussion on the CRA but as a voice of the citizen and that voice should have no more and certainly no less impact on that seat of the table so the vacancy was not a right fot for somebody like myself that stays active on local Politics on an ongoing basis but I believe then as I do now citizen participation should be heard it should respond should be responded to and it should be encouraged I would be remiss if I did not admit that in other boards it is almost a given that the alternates stand in line for the next regular seat but the reality is this is not a given the agenda indic indicates this is also the time for you to reflect on the other applicants especially here on the CRA where the alternates have only been in existence for 7 months so tonight I ask you to take a hard look at my application and experience as well as the others and pro your most qualified selection on voting the C regular seat thank you Mr Marsh you really are nailing the three minute time limit congrat okay can we have a motion to appoint an applicant to fill the remainder of the vacant unexpired regular member term I move that we appoint bad Mosley or another applicant to fill the remainder of the vacant unexpired regular member term on the community redevelopment agency CRA with a term effective date of July 16th 2024 and term expiring December 31st 2027 second um can you we the motion to be for a nominee for the seat if you could just restate that okay I move that we appoint that Mosley to fill the remainder of the vacant unexpired regular member term on the community redevelopment agency CRA with a term effective date of July 16th 2024 and term expiring December 31st 2027 second we have a motion in a second to appoint faad Mosley to the vacant seat any discussion Madame th roll call council member horn yes council member Json yes council member MAA yes council member Sutton yes council member Wagner yes council member golden yes lra Hoffman yes thank you Mr Mosley for your service and for stepping into that regular seat um item two is is there a motion for the uh first alternate term to replace Mr Mosley's spot I move that we appoint Ron Whittington to fill the remainder of the unexpired first alternate term on the CRA with a term effective date of July 16th 2024 and term expiring December 31st 2027 second we have a motion and a second any discussion M CL roll call council member Janson yes council member MAA yes council member Sutton yes council member Wagner yes council member baling yes council member horn yes mayor Hoffman yes motion carries thank you Mr Whittington um do we want to make a nomination for the open now second alternate seat or do we want to hold off I don't think we M oops I was just GNA Mr horn I was I was just going to say I I would feel okay with holding off until we finish the rest of the interviews that you don't have to make it as a motion we can just not take up the item correct Mr C okay okay so we will keep keep that um spot open for now and it's just another good reason to have alternates on that board um moving on to item d u Mr do you want to speak on this yes this is just getting confirmation from Council for the members of council that will be traveling to Orlando for the Florida League of cities policy committees I do believe we have so we'd be looking to U formalize the authorization of that travel um if you could flip your lights on if you're planning to attend this meeting is it one meeting or multiple I believe it's for all three meetings that are associated with Florida Le City's policy committees the third one will likely be an overlap with the Florida lead of cities meeting that they actually have uh but this it is it is y okay I just have four lights um horn Mesa Jansen and Golding oh sorry s and then Golding turned her light off so we're back to FL nobody touch your lights okay Mesa horn Jansen Golding and Sutton and are you ready for a motion Miss gold go ahead I can turn your lights off I move that we authorize the following elected officials for travel to the the floor League of cities policy committee meetings in Orlando Florida council member goldings Jansen MAA Sutton and Horn second we have a motion and a second any discussion Madam for call council member MAA yes council member senon yes council member Wagner yes council member Bing yes council member horn I'll obain since I'm myself there's opinions are clear that's not a okay yes council member Johnson yes mayor H yes motion carries um all right item e let me guess Mr Baron you got it uh Dennis Baron Public Works director um the item before you uh appeared to me within the first couple years of me being in Jacksonville Beach we had an emergency sewer repair on the north end of town that was in the middle of A1A that caused uh um a significant amount of work to be able to get completed as well as brought up an opportunity to look at a project to do a a more complete and thorough repair that project entered our CIP moved on down through uh the years uh we had a lot of discussion on how to do it because it is running right down the middle of A1A so um that delayed the project we were going to do this we were going to do that we we discovered all kinds of different ways to try to do this um ultimately what we settled on is what's in front of you now which is the least impactful to traffic on A1A which includes a project to replace as it's shown on the the map there to to slip line majority of that project and then they allowed for up to five point repairs um during um this project which creates um over half the cost so it's kind of a a weird uh request so the project is to approve all of the slip lining and up to five repairs plus an additional contingency which could cover an additional sixth repair if needed um if we don't do any point repairs we won't spend any of that money and this project comes in at about $500,000 which is fantastic uh we just can't predict on the point repairs that are going to be needed that are actually physically going to have to cut up A1A so I'm here to get approval to move ahead with this project thank you Mr Baron and a motion I move that we approve a slip lining and Sewer repair project with Institute form Technologies LLC on State Road A1A for an amount not to exceed [Music] 1,143 and10 second we have a motion on a second Mr Mesa Baron thank you um this is a big project obviously everyone day there's traffic and busy when is this project supposed to begin uh well we won't be able to get any dates to when it's going to begin until we can actually get it approved and then we've got to work through fdot to be able to get our permitting process approved our mot or movement of traffic plan has to be approved by them as well as to the work we're going to be doing um there's there's a possibility this work could be done overnight rather than during buy times of the day uh the sewer line currently lays right down the middle median of A1A so uh you know if we have to do this during regular traffic time and dates we'll end up having to take inside Lanes close them off for being able to be able to get in and open things up so um we don't have a timeline yet on exactly when this would just be scheduled as we go and then I would have to communicate further as we get closer to construction dates as to what's happening so if we approve this tonight then you have to follow up with the state correct yeah that begin the process of Permitting through the state for the for the movement of traffic plan and then as well as once we have their permit in hand um the company will be working on establish in how they can do it they'll come through and um clean the lines first and then U potentially look at Cameron all that stuff to be able to see if there's any leakage if there's any Mis shifts of pipe or anything that physically has to be cut open to fix uh if we get lucky and there is nothing and they can go right through they'll be able to to do the slip lining without any digging whatsoever they would just be working out of the existing man holes and then they'll go back and Reign the actual sewer man holes to seal it all up and start all over so how long is this project um I have no clue I did not get that information as to what the time was on that okay thank you Mr Jansen uh two questions I think you kind of answered one will the state be helping us out on any of this if if it comes to digging up their roadway uh the state would be more than happy for us to replace anything and everything that we are willing to replace at our cost they will not be participating um they usually don't uh if anything uh um it gets larger when they begin participating because they're going to start opening things up and saying if we've got to open up particular areas they're going to want more pave than what we may disturb so um hopefully like I said with no point repairs we won't have any disturbance at all other than just you know working in the man holes up and down the street but um if we have Point repairs those could become really big really quick that that was going to be my second question is for the benefit of the city should should we have to replace line in of slip lining the cost of that increases significantly uh it does as well as whether or not fdot will even permit it um I know um a city to our North was requesting a line to just cross A1A and they were going to do conventional Crossing of A1A and they were told that uh they they would not permit them to open up A1A and cross the road so um this could be a big project that they may not even allow us to dig they would be allow us to do some repairs but to open up and to Conventional I don't know that they would approve that project they would be looking to push it off of the right away and completely move it out um which we don't have a place to do that for thank you for your hard work and wisdom Mr s Dennis uh same contractor that we're using overall 9th Avenue and the emergency repair and some of slip lining it is it is not the slip lining is in form that's who um does all of our slip lining the contractor that's doing the repairs over there uh we're doing slip lining over there too there there is a section that's going to be slip lining as well as our normal slip lining project that we're doing through the north end of town so um in situ form is who our standard is um and because of the warranty that they provide so uh this contract that we're using they actually were able to use a contract which is out of Illinois but it's a nation Nationwide contract that allows Institue form to be the primary and then they would sub out any of the point repairs because that's not their Forte is not digging up manually digging up and adjusting pipes it's to actually line the individual pipes so this kind of rounds them out to not have to find a general contractor to put on retainer that may or may not have to dig um I think the cost in here was $889,000 per Point repair so you could imagine if I try to hire a contractor and say Hey I want you to do these fiveo repairs at $89,000 but may not need you at all and so they're not going to know whether to mobilize or not mobilize and so this kind of puts it all together into a master service contract that we're using thanks thanks Mr horen I just going to say I know you don't have a lot of the technicalities in in regards to when it starts how the duration but when you find out pleas make sure we know because obviously we're invariably going to start getting calls and so when you get that information please make sure we we will and we'll we'll do a better job of communicating with you all than fdot doesn't communicating with us I was say a little bar but thank you um Mr Mesa do we know how old the sewage line is um I don't know off hand I know like I said the emergency repair we were doing uh when I when I within the first couple years of me getting here was a fairly major undertaking um I think it cost us a little over A4 million dollars for what we did do um and then that's when we discovered that you know we've got a lot of stuff inside that's got to get cleaned out pulled out bricks things that mysteriously appear in sewers that all have to get pulled out for us to be able to slip line so uh stit forms reviewed all of the videos they believe they can slip line this project they're the ones that actually brought this solution to us to say we think we can do it and then we'll put the point repairs in if needed okay I'm hoping it's easy peasy you mentioned their warranty on the slip lining what is the warranty I believe the warranty is normally a 10year warranty and the same thing goes with the lining of the manholes they do the same kind of thing so while we don't necessarily declare them a sole source they have to meet that kind of a warranty they're the only ones that's doing that kind of a warranty at this point so any other products that could uh could be eligible won't come up won't come through with a 10year warranty okay and at 18, North on A1A there there have been issues over the last few years I don't know if this is this doesn't go up to 18th but I didn't know if this is is this potentially related to that I think this is 18th I think the 18th is the one I was speaking of that came within the first couple years of me being here I think that repair is good to go it's a matter of this is a continuation because when we do find one pro problem we generally look at it globally to make sure we're not just fixing one little problem here and we're pushing the problem to the next next manhole of the next area okay thank you anybody else M call council member s yes council member wner yes council member golden yes council member horn yes council member Johson yes council member MAA yes mayor H yes motion carries thank you thank you Mr Baron um okay item F Mr ke good evening mayor council my name is Alan Kean I'm the application services manager in the is Department this agenda item is to upgrade our document management system uh a brief summary is that our current system has been in place for over 20 years and is that end of life this upgrade moves from our on premise servers to a Cloud solution and the total cost over a 3E period is $167,700 that we approve the purchase of a document management system upgrade from Upland software Inc and declare Upland software Inc a sole source provider for future purchases second we have a motion a second any discuss Mr Mesa obviously we have an incident happened in January this is all protected and has different type of firewalls I guess that's what you guys were calling so we're actually moving our current document management system to a cloud solution and we've reviewed the security requirements from this vendor and we prepared them against our CER requirements we vetted them and it is in compliance with what the is Department hased to be the new requirs okay thank you Mr um I have have a question about a statement at the end of that that for future purposes sorry for future purchases um what is the duration of that this is a three-year commitment so just for this three years okay because I guess I just the way it says for future purchases within I just maybe amend that to say within threeyear time limit I see what I see if if I can clarify I believe what you're asking is about the designation of a soul Source provider correct and that may be a a question that our City attorney could answer sure that that's just under our purchasing code there's certain ways certain rules and procedures we have to follow with with bidding um one exception to bidding is soul Source um purchaser Soul Source agreement that doesn't take the contract away from you all still having to approve it it just on the front end the bidding process is more streamlined if if there's they're the only type of company that could do it so it's not taking any Authority away from the city Council it's just facilitating a more expeditious way of handling this in the future to get it to you to get the city moving quicker because they staff has determined with their expertise that this is the only type of company that has the ability to handle this specific circumstance uh if I misspoke on the it side I please correct me do you agree then that is it limiting it is it within the limits of 3 years or is that declaring Upland software Soul Source provider for the undefined future yeah that's kind of what I was getting at just says future purchases the future starts from now and goes till Jesus comes back Amen Let me just read the motion to requested action to myself again and and I think I understood you and that that doesn't mean that we can't go in a different direction of you know and that the future contracts wouldn't come back to us but I I think it's within the three years uh city council could also amend the most right now if you want to to put that language in there I don't think it's necessary we have the record from tonight that it's council's intent for to be three years so either way I think we're good you're comfortable with it I just last I have the one question I wanted to ask I just when I saw that it struck me as a kind of very V open end statement Mr stopus yeah just to clarify for Council normally when we go with a a software solution uh we're looking for what will be a long-term partnership as Mr Keelan indicated the current system that we have is a legacy system we've had it for an excess of 20 years um this is the next level of software that they provide which we feel is the the right continuity for us moving forward so while it's a three-year agreement you could imagine if you know every 3 years we said let's let's switch off a Microsoft platform and go to something else for all of our operations you wouldn't want to do that so while Our intention may be the initial three years and Beyond the contractual window is specifically for the three-year window at the end of the three years and count if you want to clarify I can just weigh in I got some additional information from our CFO from Ashley goset who reminded me that the soul Source designation also allows us to um take on those future maintenance agreements for the software so a a better way maybe to uh have stated the motion would be instead of future purchases for future maintenance agreements so if that is language that would make make it more clear then you might consider that and it's doesn't say feature purchases it says feature purposes just oh okay oh wait I'm sorry in the requested action it says purchases on the board it say say purpos purposes probably would we're just poing all the holes of the Motions today um any other questions from Council would anyone like to amend this item for their comfort level Mr Jansen can we just change that word from purchases to purposes would that would that fit then I think that that's a material they sound the same but I would recommend amending the motion if we're unless sorry I don't recall which whoever read the motion did you read off that or off the sheet off the sheet so if you do want to I would recommend an amendment to the motion uh to clarify for the record if you do want to change that work like Mr Wagner does it create a counter issue if we've designated a threee and then at the end of three and a half years we want to do a maintenance agreement and this now has a finite ending period is that somehow great a limitation on the back hand that's unintended tonight no I think worst case scenario something might have to come back for city council for approval and don't take that out of context it's not a bad thing when stuff comes back to no no I'm with you thank you so that so you'll have a lot of time to prepare for the next pain you know five minutes of your life all right I'll make a motion that we approve the purchase of a document management system system upgrade from Upland software Inc and declare Upland software Inc a sole source provider for future maintenance second so to clarify you are amending the original motion to use the word maintenance instead of the word purchases correct Mr s it would appear okay we have a motion and a second to amend the original motion any discussion on the amendment Madam clerk roll call council member Wagner yes council member Golding yes council member horn yes council member Jansen yes council member MAA yes council member suton yes mayor Hoffman yes Amendment passes now back to the original motion as amended any other discussion Madam roll call council member golden yes council member horn yes council member johnon yes council member MAA yes council member of Sutton yes council member of Wagner yes mayor Hoffman yes motion carries good thing we broke this up the second one please miss that's exactly what I was going to say um I move that we delegate the city manager is the authorized representative to sign Upland software Inc quote number q- 317 463 D3 and both statements of work second we have a motion and a second any discussion Madam clerk roll call council member horn yes council member Json yes council member Mesa yes council member Sutton yes council member Wagner yes council member Golding yes mayor Hoffman yes motion carries section three I move that we authorize the mayor and city manager to execute the master Services agreement with Upland software Inc second we have a motion on a second any discussion Madam thir roll call council member jansson yes council member Mesa yes council member Sutton yes council member Wagner yes council member Golding yes council member horn yes mayor Hoffman yes motion carries um item G we have oh she there miss Karen Nelson Deputy city manager this item is actually a companion to the the item that you've just approved um once we purchase the upgrade for the opiv viw system all of the existing files will have to be rescanned and then transferred to the new database um there are currently over 6.2 million files in our system that presumably would have to be reimaged in order for us to get them into the new searchable database um the approximate time if we were to transfer all of those files is about 24 months so in an effort to to shorten the amount of time and uh to try and uh eliminate that process of transferring files that we don't necessarily have to transfer anymore we are proposing to engage a consultant to help us identify files that should be um purged before we start that transfer and migrate process um the contract would be with um SML Incorporated and we would be utilizing a piggyback contract for for those Services we have utilized SML in the past for to provide some records management um services for us this particular agreement would be for uh $200 an hour for offside visits or $2,000 a day that would be for an a day with an additional charge for travel and insul and incidental services and charges if approved the last one still has me a little shaken up um so I'm here to answer any questions that you may have the city clerk would be the one managing the agreement if it's approved so uh she would also be available to answer your questions thank you Miss Nelson and a motion I move that we approve the scope of services and fee schedule for records management consulting services with smnl Inc for an amount not to exceed $50,000 we have a motion on a second any discussion Mr Mason how many documents you said 6.2 million image files and so the consultant would would be able to help us to go through those files and identify those that have passed their retention date um don't really have an estimate of how many files that might be but that's why we need um to engage Mr dhy to to help us out with that process we are hoping to uh greatly reduce that number okay I hope whoever does it drinks a lot of coffee yes any other discussion from Council Madam call council member Mesa yes council member Sutton yes council member Wagner yes council member golden yes council member horn yes council member Johnson yes mayor Hoffman yes motion carries okay moving on to H Mr Scott did you want to speak on this one you don't have to but you're here figured I'd give you the opportunity no okay um we had a resignation one of the members of our uh police officer retirement pension board um moved uh two parts further south in Pon aidra and since he is the council appointed representative he is required to live this position is required to live um within the Jacksonville Beach city limit so um we need to replace him and luckily and I didn't say this earlier um but we have the long EST list of qualified candidates for our city boards that I've ever seen so um kudos to the cler's office and our Communications team for getting the word out there um to look for qualified applicants um this is a pretty um critical position it's a five member board and um we have two candidates that have um who are qualified and have been interviewed by the council so I will ask um for a motion for appointment I move that we appoint Matthew gry a city of Jacksonville Beach resident to a term as a council appoint a member of the police officer's retirement system pension board for the remainder of a term of a vacated seat expiring March 31st 2026 second we have a motion and a second any discussion Madam cler roll call council member Sutton yes council member Wagner I'm going toay I wasn't there so under Florida law uh you know you have to have yesal issue or a bias to my my issue was that I was and I've seen this I know it's a little Nuance but I I recommend you I hate for the other way council member or council member Wagner yes council member Golding yes council member horn yes council member Json yes council member MAA yes n Hoffman yes and um so motion carries thank you Mr grony for your willingness to um serve on the pension board and um just as a note we do um record all of the interviews and those are oh okay I just could tell you oh okay um we will work on making that more more clear the future but I do um I I think we had like I said a bevy of qualified candidates for all of our positions which was great to see okay so that brings us to the end of city manager new business so we will go back I remember to go back to the item that we took off of the consent agenda and who is doing this one miss goset good evening May Council gossip CFO um this item is to process a renewal with tan Technologies who's been providing fiber optic and network drop Services largely for our Beaches Energy and I Information Services Department um when it came time to renew we realized that the language in the agreement was not explicit to provide for renewals and delegate the authorities of the city manager so on the advice of our City attorney we've prepared this item that one allows us to execute the agreement for this upcoming year and two to provide the administrative authority to execute renewals in upcoming years um to the max of the 5year agreement both Beaches Energy and information services are happy with the services that that is being provided by the vendor and I'm happy to answer any questions you might have thank you miss goset and miss golden motion I note that we approve the first one-year renewal of the fiber optic and network drop Services agreement RFQ number o2- 2223 with teaching Technologies is second good we have a motion on a second discussion m r call council member Wagner yes council member Golding yes council member horn yes council member Janson yes council member MAA yes council member Sutton yes mayor Hoffman yes motion carried and the second part I move that we delegate authority to the city manager to approve and execute all subsequent renewal options through the maximum contract second we have a motion and a second there it is Mr horn um I just I again it comes before us to delegate to approve and execute sub renewal options through the maximum term um this one's like this a fiveyear um sometimes it's one or two I say okay I think if it's going out past 2 to three I think these things should continue to be brought before the council I think we should have input I think this is our duty um it's no dig at you Mike it's just I you know I think when this was brought up previously when we discussed something similar um another issue where it was just allow the city manager to handle these things in the future and I don't know who's some the statement was made somewhere that we'll try not to burden you with this and this is or something along those lines I want to make sure every everybody understands this is not a burden this is our job you know happy to do this and if it weren't for me sitting here talking we would have you know if this was just a one year and if we had gone through that first onee renewal we've already gone past that we sat we stop everybody ready we feel comfortable with it and we move right along um that that's that was my my comment there and that's why I I want that's why I want to uh take this off agenda and just bring that up I I think that this should come back to the council Miss gold Mr stopus have are you aware of situations where the city manager does not agree to remove a contract I mean to uh approve or you know any subsequent renewals yeah she got it um I think we we have had situations since I've been here where within a 5-year window which is one of our typical contract terms that we do um we've had poor performance by a contractor and rather than execute a subsequent renewal of the contract we have gone back out to bid and we have brought that back to council and we have said this contract is replacing what had been in place because the contractor was not performing to our satisfaction or to our standards um so that we have done that in the past but otherwise the contracts that you normally see for approval in terms of 5year agreements usually have if appropriate CPI escalators it lays out the terms and conditions and provided they're meeting all of those terms and conditions and the Departments are happy with the service we continue in that vein to to go through the the term of the contract whether it be three or five years Etc and I think uh Miss Gosa could you comment with regards to the maximum term if that's covered by our purchasing policy with regards to maximum contract R we do not have a provision in our purchasing ordinance or policy about maximum links on contract I think that there are some State statutes um about the duration um but usually we like to write our contracts for 5 years just to see what's different in the marketplace so we don't have a policy but we do have a practice so is there a reason that this is 5 years versus three years for this contract term so the the lengths put forward in the rfps are usually kind of the department looking at what their needs are and the time Horizon of any projects they might be working on um and also kind of the sensitivity of the market if um if prices are volatile we usually write it for a shorter period of time because we understand that vendors won't want to respond and commit to pricing over a longer period of time so truly the the length in the RFP is the Department's kind of preference on how they're do that work so as I understand it then that the these renewals would not happen if there primarily if there's a performance issue and that's something that you and your department heads would know okay thank you Mr Mesa Yeah question something that I just thought of on uh my colleague over here next to me brought it up um I know in the past Mike you have emailed us on certain situations where hey I'm doing um this is Administrative uh for example the the the light over on uh JTB and Sanctuary Bart um if we were to approve this and let's say you were going to approve a contract this contract I'm assuming you would send us an email just to let you guys know I am approving this contract or is this something you just do internally without letting us now now when when you're approving it you're approving it for a maximum of 5 years in accordance with the RF P or the bidding process that we went through and typically when we've had that the approval also has the delegation of authority to execute those contracts I probably do an excess of a dozen a year that are related to everything from sludge hauling and chemicals at the treatment plant to suppliers of materials for Beaches Energy or Public Works um yeah I don't know how many we have that are executed automatically on an annual basis they come to me for review I ask the director if they're happy with the service it's usually in line with the terms and conditions of the contract we go for another year and that is actually how our agreements used to be written it was kind of a boiler plate statement and I think in the changing of City attorneys we lost some some language okay Mr Jansen um our City attorney has flipped his light on and let him speak and then you're next I just wanted to add uh for the council's benefit that these contracts are typically written where the option to renew is solely with the city so these vendors are uh coming on board for the full length of term and it's solely in our discretion so we put that language in there to better protect us it's one-sided in our favor uh so that we could determine as things are progressive whether or not we want to cut it off um but it's it's only us that has that ability which is a a valuable asset to have I just want to point that out thank you Mr chansen yeah I just wanted to say that um IO your concerns uh council member horn as far as this not being a burden for us uh anything that comes in front of us quite frankly um that we had a similar um discussion reference to the authority of the city manager in the past it was a while back different issue uh the one thing that I I try to keep in mind is the size of our city uh if we were a smaller City like maybe somebody to the north of us uh it would be okay to see these things maybe come in front of us but with the size of our city I think that we we need to rely on our city manager and our staff our Deputy city manager to make these decisions uh just in the mere scope of uh what what the city's burned with seeing no more lights uh Madam CL roll call council member golden yes council member horn no council member jansson yes council member MAA yes council member Sutton no uh mayor Hoffman yes motion carries moving on to our ordinances this is a second reading do we have an update Miss Ireland good evening mayor and Council Heather Ireland Planning and Development uh no update for you and no change in the application but I'm here to answer any questions you might have thank you madam cler will we to read the ordinance by title please in ordinance of the city of Jacksonville Beach Florida vacating discontinuing abandoning and closing the Eastern 102 ft of a certain 12T wide EET running in an easterly and Westerly direction through that certain property located in the city of Jacksonville Beach Florida known as block 70 Oceanside Park Subdivision according to the plat book thereof recorded in plat book 8 page 13 of the current public records of dual County Florida providing for legislative findings repeal of conflicting ordinances seever severability scribers errors recording and non- codification and an effective date thank you madam cler this ordinance is before the council for a public hearing and consideration on its second reading I will now open the public hearing on ordinance number 2024-25 applicant if You' like to speak or you don't have to be available for questions um would anyone any member of the public wish to address the Council on this item seeing none this fellow caring is Clos can I have a motion I move that we adopt ordinance number 2024-25 by 102t long easement running in an East West direction through block 70 of the Oceanside Park plat second we have a motion and a second any discussion or questions from councel seeing none Madam cler R call council member horn yes council member Johnson yes council member MAA yes council member Sutton yes council member Wagner yes council member Golding yes mayor Hoffman yes motion carries is there a motion to adjourn I move wej second Motion in second all in favor signified by say I I any opposed that's what I thought thank you have a great evening great rest of your week meeting is a church that's