##VIDEO ID:xrhu2-T138c## surprise we have a second meeting I know you guys thought we were done yes we are all out of sorts because it's a Tuesday and we normally meet on Monday and we uh had a special budget meeting in advance and our um the person who normally seconds our motions isn't here because he is out on his anniversary evening so bear with us as we get through this meeting um we will begin our Tuesday September 3rd regular city council meeting with an invitation followed by a salute to the fund delivered by John L please stand please stand dear Lord please provide us with the grace and guidance from your hand to allow us to help influence and drive the positive change for our community please provide wisdom and the ability to tell right from wrong to all of our elected officials city leaders and staff as we strive to make our community better please ensure that our community maintains the level of passion for our community and helping drive this Improvement within our community within your name and with your wisdom and love we pray amen amen Ali to the flag of the United States of America and to Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all this meeting is by the order of council member Golding here council member horn here council member Johnson council member Mesa here council member Sutton here council member Wagner here mayor Hoffman here moving on to approval of minutes I move that we approve the minutes from the regular city council meeting held on August 19th 2024 second we have a motion and a second any discussion from Council all in favor signify by saying I I any post motion carries IEM be I move that we approve the minutes from the city council Workshop held on August 28th 2024 second we have a motion and a second any discussion from Council all in favor signify by saying I I post motion carries approval of the agenda I move that we approve the agenda second we have motion on a second any discussion all in favor signify by saying I any opposed motion carries announcements Miss Goldie thank you mayor um just want to let everyone in the audience know that tomorrow night there will be a meeting a beaches watch meeting to learn about the local and state ballot measures and we will have our city manager Mike stopus who will be talking about the Jack Beach Charter amends um Atlantic Beach city manager Bill Killingsworth will be talking about the Atlantic Beach Charter amendments and supervisor elections Jerry Holland will be talking about the state amendments so uh it'll be uh tomorrow night 7:00 at the beaches Branch Library I hope Mr MAA because it was closed today for some issues um also want to mention that um I had the opportunity to attend the Beach's Memorial walk that the May participated in this past Saturday and it was sponsored by city of Jacks Beach pro project op way Jacks and the Florida poison control centers and they gave out Naran um they also um you know spotlighted I guess you might say for lack of a better word um all the lives that have been lost in our community and the importance of Overdose awareness um so it was it was a really really good event and I hope that people will consider attending the event next year because the more Naran that we can get out into the community hopefully more lives that can be saved and then also um in light of tonight's Proclamation about suicide awareness I just wanted to take a moment to remember Corporal Andy lavender who passed away to to Suicide um 5 years ago and exactly 5 years and 1 month ago um passed away on August 3rd 2019 um here tomorrow was started in 2021 after Joe Kenny's son also committed suicide um I just want to remind everyone that it's okay to not be okay and I do appreciate the mayor for doing this Proclamation because um that another tragic um issue in in our community and and we there are so many lives that we need to be saving and I hope that with the help of great organizations like here tomorrow more lives can be saved and then the LA the last thing I wanted to mention was um wanted to let everybody know that the Florida League of cities president asked me to chair the municipal operations policy committee and so I've accepted that appointment and will be the acting chair for the coming legis session thank you congratulations Mr s uh just uh congratulations to uh Bean here in our community a few of us had the opportunity to attend their annual um beam ball at uh TPC and I think they were as a great event and great turn out I think they were headed toward a record for the um charity um from that night so uh good for them and just a recognition of all the great work they do for those in our community in need Mr h i will be short sweet I just want to thank the Jackson Beach Police Department for all their efforts without going too far into specifics um had a chance to speak with them several times today in regards to something and I greatly appreciate their hard work and efforts and so other members of the community I'll just leave it at that all right thank you Mr horn um nothing like a vague uh announcement from Council um we have a couple City sponsored events coming up we have and I'm going to encourage you if you're planning on going any of these events check the Facebook page for any weather updates because this week is looking a little dicey but if all those is GL we have seawalk sessions tomorrow out in the um Lake the plaza area and the food truck is an ice cream truck which I think that that is dinner so I'm good with that um and then we have a Moonlight movie on Friday that is top G Maverick um so that is always a good time and if again if the weather's well we will have the return of mar movie trivia and that's always total chaos which is great and then in the um along the lines of charity events coming up that bees C Council on eing which you know familiar familiar so you know what I'm trying to say as dollar wide is having their singer songwriter event on Thursday night so that should be a great event to raise money for that organization as well any other announcements thank you Council moving on to cons I'm sorry cesy of the Florida visitors we have one card Tim AER AER sorry tell me how to pronounce that this is the best I've ever heard oh four letters that's super difficult my name is Tim AER from 2386 snowy e Drive and I come down here to talk about the special event policy so a couple months back I had a charity Beach Olympics where we were playing cornhole running relay races uh football toss you know playing patty cake and um two hours into a police office came down here and just said you need to shut down immediately I'm not leaving till all the the tents are are gone and I was like what did I do he's like you didn't allow a special permit now I've been doing this for the 3 years I've had 200 person in Bay Watch beach parties the cops had come they said everything's cool there no problem so it seems like there's a new policy in place and so fine shut down my event it's okay so I go down to the permits office I'm like hey can I see what it says and I I'll read it to you what they gave me the special event shall mean any pre-planned activity activity parade or gathering of group of persons animals or vehicles or combination thereof having a common purpose to be held at facility rental area or Beach proper or in the ocean and how I read this is basically um if you got if you want to do anything at all ever we can shut it down if it's pre plan and so it's too vague and people at the permitting office understand that as well and I said okay cool how do we work to fix this and they said city council approves it and so I'm okay like I I mean I'm an events guy I've thrown 400 events since I've been here in 3 years I've been doing my whole life I've thrown 500 person events for four star generals I've worked at a fertilizer PL it's very my second nature of throwing events and safety and all the logistics and everything and um seems like this document was not written by somebody with as much as experience as I have so I'm happy to work with whoever writes this and uh redo it and that's basically why I'm here and I don't know if it's them and they're just trying to just get away go to C counsil or if it's you guys I don't know who it is so whoever that person is I would love to work with them and another problem I had just to highlight is I went down I was like I wanted to have a DJ in front of Surfer Bar and I just want to have Street performance people going from Surfer to the wck hop here wherever you know and I just want to entertain people I want to I want to make Jacksonville fun like I'm a fun guy I do a lot of events I was a fashion show this weekend and they're like sorry um we need 90 days in advance uh to approve this so I had the police chief and Fire Marshall and perming people in the office for 30 minutes which we could have BS for 27 and approved the um event 3 minutes but they're like sorry special perly policy you can't do anything about it go city council so I think it's unreasonable I would love to help fix it and um I just want to bring that up as a guy that throws events every you know twice week thank you thank you Mr AER that is the only speaker card so we'll move on to consent agenda I move that we approve the consent agenda second all in favor signify by saying I post consent agenda is approved the U next item is the proclamation for Suicide Prevention and we are um thank you Miss Golding for teeing that up I know that this came uh was born out of a discussion at the um Florida of cities where um Suicide Prevention and mental health is a particular focus of the um outgoing president I believe it was um so we reached out to here tomorrow which is a local organization um that that does tremendous work in this space to give us some information to put this Proclamation together and I'm going to go ahead and read the comments I don't think anybody is here from here tomorrow but we'll deliver um this proclamation to them would you like to deliver it Miss Golding sure okay thank you not put you on whereas suicide is a national epidemic and is in the top 10 leading causes of death for over 49,000 American lives annually and whereas suicide was declared a National Emergency in child mental health by the American Academy of Pediatrics the Children's Hospital Association and the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry for being the second leading cause of death for children adolescence and young adults and whereas many people struggling with Suicidal Thoughts feel desperately alone as suicide remains a topic discussed in many circles in many rarely discussed in many Circles of our society and whereas according to the Centers for Disease Control dunball County remains a high-risk County for suicides and whereas here tomorrow is a 51 Z3 whose mission is to transform lives by building a community where suicide prevention is accessible without barriers and whereas here tomorrow's vision is that all community members who are at risk for suicide can access mental health support services and live full meaningful lives and whereas since opening in 2021 here tomorrow has provided no cost no weight mental health support to more than 2,000 friends which means hopeless or suicidal individuals and family which refers to loved ones support from here tomorrow is accessible and affordable for an entire year through inperson virtual and phone follow-ups funded therapy with 93 collaborate collaborating part providers and weekly support groups fighting the stigma of mental health and whereas here tomorrow is located at 9103d Street in neptun beach and has served at least 87 Jacksonville Beach residents feeling heless or suicidal now therefore be have resolved that by virtue of the authority vested in me as the mayor of the city of Jacksonville Beach I Christine Hoffman support hereby support Suicide Prevention and Proclaim September 20 24 as Suicide Prevention month in the city of Jackson Beach Florida and call upon each citizen to consider preventing suicide through awareness conversation and mental health support thank you moving on to city manager new business item a you Synergy good evening Council name is Wayne Hugh be energy utility superintendent here to get the approved or disapproved bid number 24235 the train Ral service for cookery Industries any motion I move that we award bid number 2324 -06 reconditioning painted surfaces on pad mounted Transformers and switch gears to worth Contracting ink we have a motion is there a second second we have a motion and second Mr Warren is that what I thought you first B is for the crane service cooker Crane Service go back yeah go back to the P to Transformers pission Transformers is worth Contracting their local contract Jackson all right and we do have a motion in a second on item one any discussion or questions for Mr Hughes from Council I predicted this was going to be a funny Mee you guys I disclaimer that in the very beginning see Mall council member horn sorry Council Golding yes council member horn yes council member MAA yes council member Sutton yes council member Wagner yes mayor Hoffman yes motion carries uh motion on number two I moveed we delegate authority to seing manager to approve and execute all subsequent bid extensions through the maximum bid term second we have a motion on a second any discussion Madam for roll call so I do I have a question on the uh the the um the vendor that we're awarding it to was there a competitive bid process yes I went through I think three different vs B on thank you uh Mr s uh just a question both on this and a couple other items here that we're going to discuss for um Mr stopulos difference between a bid extension and a um there's another term here renewal could you explain that and is is there is there any substantive difference and and I'm just reading some language from one of the other items I'm going to ask our CFO to come up and answer that but I don't believe it's material um so the way that we have been phrasing it a bid extension means all the terms of the original response stay in place and I think our City attorney can probably rain a little bit more but um when they bid they bid for three uh sequential years and so if we exercise the extension it's exactly what they bid at the same cost at at what they Bid And so in their um in their response they may have had an escalator in there and they cannot change it versus a renewal so a renewal um I might lean on our City attorney to clarify that so legally I don't think there's anything different if the terms are defined in a specific specific bid there could be a difference otherwise I think they're synonymous and in a general sense we put a bid out on the street uh so that anyone who wants a bid on it has all the information at the time including length of time potential renewals so that any company knows the factors so what I'm trying to say is everyone's aware of how long it's going to be for and that we retain The Authority for a certain number of extensions to ensure a Level Playing Field uh whether it's called a renewal or an extension I don't think that legally matters um well the only reason I bring that up is because an extension I I would think an extension would be the exact same terms uh that had been originally proposed a renewal can often times be negotiated uh at a higher rate or different time or something to that effect so that that's the reason I asked the question so they would be limited to what they put in their bid response um for the length of the term including all renewals when they could they bid in or all all extensions it's it there's there's no reason why they could change things up because of of one word now as as Miss goset already said they might put in their original bed that we'd like this price increase in year four year five but then we know that before we before we award it so we're aware of that and we decide whether or not our committee and then city council whether or not to accept that bid if it's if it's the best bid so there's there's there's no way for someone to get around our policies and procedures if it's an a renewal versus an extension thank you Mr horn I did not see a specific increase or contractual process where this would increase has the ability to increase in subsequent terms is that correct or did I miss something in here just so said another one on that subject believe it's a 3 years across the board same price fix fix fix price thank you any other questions from Council Madam clerk roll call council member horn yes council member MAA yes council member Sutton yes council member Wagner yes council member Golding yes mayor Hoffman yes motion carries now crane rental services bid 23245 the craneal services for cooker Industries uh contracts they do they'll be doing all our crane lifting heavy looking all that thank you Mr Hugh and a motion I move that we award bid number 23245 for Crane Ral services to Coker industrial Contractors Inc second we have a motion and a second any discussion or questions from Council see none M CL roll call now that's record it's all of us today don't worry Mr wner so I just want to validate this on this was there a competitive process yes sir there wasn't yes sir but there was only one responding okay we several different vendors only one gu only cook responded that I appreciate that clarification so the the end result was we we ended up with one one proposal correct thank Mr MAA actually came to to my mind I think I asked this question I don't know if it was to bees energy or Public Works last time it was I think it was crane R but obviously there's been incidents with cranes all over the place just want to make sure I mean this is a good this is a good legit company it's been around for 30 40 years okay all thank you Mr horn um page 11 number 10 cancellation nonenal adverse change rate increase notice the city should be given at least a 9-day notice of cancellation nonenal aage change of increase in Rise of appable do we have I was trying to figure out and again this was the one that we updated the um agenda with this afternoon I reviewed this as quickly as I could um but do we have the right to step out of this suddenly there's a increase that is not in our interests it just says it just says we're going to be given uh notice 90-day notice of a rate increase whether we have the ability to accept/reject said rate increase if we don't see you find it agreeable let me take this one if and you I I don't have the full bit in front of me I'm trying to look at it right now but in a general sense and if any staff hears me missp speak factually please please uh chime in and and even the term like should be yeah I mean should be it's for a certain period of time here I think it was one year um so we always retain the right the any extensions that are authorized by by city council those are solely at the discretion of the city so we could choose not to to utilize those extensions so we would have to go through the contract for the initial term of one year but after that excuse me if the city feels that whether it's a performance or perhaps an issue of price if we don't want to execute one of those renewals uh it's our discretion we could stop at that point now you know some of these have a motion a second motion for you all to delegate the authority to the city manager to approve and execute all subsequent bit extensions uh you know I don't want to speak for him so if he wants to chime in but I know if if he's hearing anything um from staff that's that's controversial or or worrisome I I know he would almost certainly come back to you all despite the fact that you had already delegated authority authority to him if it was anything out of the routine or out of the ordinary so I don't know if that answers your question Mr s not Mr Mr horn yeah that was close it's it's a little it's a little ambiguous um um but if me if if the rate is the rate if this is the rate that is listed and you guys are comfortable with this rate for the first year I just the way that was worded it gave me some pause you finished yes okay that's good any other questions or comments from Council will uh Mr ragner clarify I I may have lost track so we're right now we have we're discussing Item B number B see no other lights Madam city manager stopus yeah um along the lines of what you were saying uh councelor horn just wanted to point out for the benefit of all Council that uh we reserve the right to uh terminate the contract of the 30-day notice for what is effectively any reason that we want including for convenience so if uh if we get to the end of the year and they say they're not happy with the terms and conditions of the price that they're charging and they want more money and we say we're not prepared to pay more money we can terminate at that point at the onee Mark instead of doing a renewal uh or more importantly if it's middle of the term we also have the ability to terminate midterm as well with 30 days notice see no other lights Madam clerk roll call council member MAA yes council member Sutton yes council member Wagner yes council member Golding yes council member horn yes mayor Hoffman yes motion carries uh next uh item two I move that we delegate authority to the city manager to approve and execute all subsequent bid extensions through the maximum bid term second we have a motion in a second I think we've covered this one pretty much Mr ragner so I I'd like to propose a Amendment to the motion uh that um where we would take this particular item and and have a discussion at a upcoming Council briefing to discuss the concept around a bid request that does not result in a competitive bid um and with consideration that in that case that contract would would have to come back at the end of its uh uh initially requested terms so you know I think we have an obligation no say that so can you state it in the form of an amendment which should be brief and amend the original motion I'm going to ask you to so I'd like to amend this motion that um so that we uh uh so we can consider it post discussion at a council briefing there's a mo there's a motion to amend um Mr City attorney let me let you jump in here I don't want to jump I hesitate to jump in because there's a motion in not a second but I think what you're getting at you might just be inclined to deny this you know vote against this motion okay um I'm not sure I just based on I don't see how to practically accomplish the amendment again I I apologize for jumping in no um yeah I the spirit is I want us to end up in a robust dialogue from Council around this topic I think it's it's an important topic and it shows that we're trying to manage the city's finances so if that if that's what you recommend we can do that and if that doesn't work out then I'll figure something else out so just in terms of the motion on the floor there's been a motion to amend is there a second seeing n Amendment fails so we'll go back to the original motion um but Mr ragner desire to hold a robust discussion around the bidding process uh is acknowledged Mr horn I was just going to say yeah actually that's so so clarify councelor Wagner's concern so that what you're saying is that if we were to deny the extension the city manager approval through then if if we deny that does that mean we have a one-year contract and then we will come back and have to rebid this next year no it just means you haven't delegated authority to the city manager uh so when the first potential renewal all this contract is up would have to come before the city council for vote okay and provide to provide clarification because the terms of the contracts vary so we've had one two 1 three and five it isn't to stop the initial term of the contract we still need to continue the work to be done but if it wasn't in a competitive bid process rather than allowed to perpetuate for 6 8 10 years we'd say okay there's a a time in which it needss to go back to council and compe B process probably needs to occur that's that's the basic concept that I'm trying to advance I just I think it's you know demonstrating good fiscal management Mr uh Mr C yes Mr Wagner I just want to clarify um it was a competitive bid process but I think your concern is there was only one respondent yes but I just don't want the public to think it was not not competitively bid it was competitively bid your concern was because there was only one respondent you'd like to take a closer look um well and I tried to situations like this resulted in a competitive bit process because we've also had one where everybody that bid on it was accepted so I think we ended up with seven vendors and so clear clearly there wasn't a differentiation on price we would not have ended up with all seven so that so my phraseology may be off but my intent is that if we did not end up in a place where there were more than one person Bing and us in the most competitive situation does that make sense yes I just wanted to clarify that it was competively B yeah so in the interest of um staying on the agenda me keep moving down the board Mr M Mr bra oh my God M um you said we there was a competitive but there was only one bit that came in correct okay the question I have is is was there a reason why there were one or is it people the other the other vendors weren't interested cuz it wasn't money I just want so so in the past generally we get two or three biders on this type of service all the time I will tell you that over my tenure here I've had several of we've only gotten one bid however we still require that service and in fact this service is Shar I mean father works also uses the same service through this Crane Services so it does happen but it's not because we're making it difficult it's just maybe they're backed up and don't and I'll give you a really good example like Tree Service tree swimming services for example well you know all these local companies B but you know three of them are owned by ask them and so they don't bid that only one of them bids because they own almost everything it's very s stuff like that happens okay but it's not it's not very common this just happens Mr ston um so I just want to acknowledge what Mr Wagner uh had asked cuz I do think it's important that we that we have that discussion and delineate between cuz the last one we talked about a um number a and this number B they're really different and the language in the in theuh contract is different and even to the level of using should versus shall and different things like that so um I I do think that that needs to occur and in situations where there's the opportunity for the price to be increased that isn't necessar neily defined then I think we have a responsibility to uh uh to manage that so I I agree with um needing to have that discussion and that would be the issue that I would have uh in in approving this any other discussion from Council so the motion on the floor is to delegate authority to the city manager to approve and execute all subsequent bid extensions through the minimum through the maximum mid term Madam cler roll call council member Sutton no council member Wagner no council member Golding yes council member horn yes council member MAA um no mayor Hoffman yes Ty vote motion fails all right you will look for that crane extension to come up again next year item C all requirements sorry solar yes Alan P director energy I'm here to bring this back to you back in December of 2022 you approved purchase of five additional megawatts of solar energy at a price not to exceed $36 per megawatt since that time and in the Solar industry prices for many many reasons have increased drastically the vendor came back to us um this last few months and asked for $43 I know it says 40 they've actually increased it to 43 at that time uh us and some other cities have decided we're going to exit this project and so we're coming back for year approval to get out of the project thank you any motion please I move I move that we approve cancellation of the all requirements project solar Phase 2 participation agreement second we have a motion in a second Mr Mesa M uh you said you're saying it went from $405 to 43 so it was 3365 average per megawatt and now it's up it's actually up to 43 in the last month so you know I can buy gas today is $212 of mbtu I can I can produce gas at or produce a megawatt at $22 so $40 is obviously almost double what we pay for regular you know average a lot of power that we produce in our other plants okay any other questions Madam CL roll call council member Wagner yes council member Golding yes council member horn yes council member V yes council member Sutton yes mayor Hoffman yes motion carries Mr Pam will you please um thank Mr Hughes for his presentations he raised out of here he did stand the podium much longer than he probably expected to so appreciate that all right the final item on the agenda is item D who is uh Miss Le good evening May and council members at the end of May we issued a request for proposal for property and Workers Compensation Insurance and we did receive three responses uh in July due the complexity of our insurance we hired a consultant side to review and compare the proposals and to give our evaluation committee their recommendations based on their recommendation and each committee members individual evaluation L Lake of cities was selected for both property and workers compensation coverage I am asking I apologize um I am asking for you to award the RFP for various property and Workers Compensation Insurance to the Florida League of cities and to delegate authority to the city manager to approve can execute all subsequent renewals through the maximum contract period thank you Miss Lam and a motion please I move that we award the entirety of RFP number 06- 2324 for various property casualty and Workers Compensation Insurance coverages to Florida League of cities sir we have a motion and a second discussion Madam clerk roll call council member yes council member horn yes council member ma yes council member Sutton no council member Wagner yes mayor Hoffman yes motion carries uh second item motion I move that we delegate authority to the city manager to approve and execute all subsequent renewals through the maximum contract period is there a second second second we have a motion and a second Mr M just a quick question for city manager um Mr mik if this is approved and obviously next year you approve this without visiting us if there's a change or anything you is this a phone call that we will get or you will bring it up to councel um I got the bid pulled up right now and I'm trying to find out what it says with regards to the pricing from year to year Year miss leam I'm not sure if you're aware what happens to the pricing uh when we go to the next term of the contract actually no but thankfully I have the consultant from cyber George Ericson here to answer any additional questions good evening uh yes to the best of my knowledge uh the proposal that was received in respons the RFB was for a one-year term and they did not address any subsequent rates beyond the first year of the contract so and can you also Express for Council the maximum number of uh years that the agreement could go uh I do not know um if the RFP specifically asked for a specific number of years in it uh I don't believe that uh that there is anything in the contract or the proposals or any of it that go beyond one year I don't think that there's it's very difficult in Beyond one year because the rates and the market changes so fast that and especially with property insurance uh all it takes is one hurricane and the rates that they quote you today are no good next year so uh almost all vendors are reluctant to go beyond 12 months with their rates at this time okay so my next question is if we approve this and this goes through and they come back next year with same rate you don't need to contact us but if they come back at a higher rate is this something that needs to be addressed to us I would want to come back to councel if we're going to be paying more especially with the fact that uh it's apparently a onee term okay thank you yes um for council's benefit I just pulled up the relevant section of the RFP um contract period is defined as October 1 2024 to October 1 2025 with an option to continue for four additional one-year renewal periods subject to Renewal premium terms to be mutually Mutual agreed upon uh so there would have to be some sort of negotiation between the parties on price after the first year Mr s and I would um expect that should we approve item number two that would um delegate authority to negotiate that to the city manager so I would have a problem with that how long have has it been since we've put this out to bid I think the last one was 2019 is that correct I think so yeah I think there was a 2019 uh bid and that's when the current program was put in place but that was I think a onee term as well that has been renewed every year so so so what prompted us to go out to bid this time we we just decided that it was time after we I don't were're done with our contract renewals the extension of Ral so we needed to it was time to go back through and and also go through the process and get the best that okay um any other questions from Council I do want to take the opportunity to publicly acknowledge the incumbent insurers excellent handling of our cyber issue earlier this year um they provided I can't see Karen's face I think she's probably nodding uh exemplary service to us in a really uh challenging time so um I think we definitely got our money's worth on that that line of coverage so I appreciate um appreciate their efforts and their excellent service to us that's the only time I've been directly involved in in seeing what our insur has done for us so I really um appreciate that and wanted to say that publicly um the motion is to delegate authority to the city manager to approve and execute all subsequent renewals through the maximum contract period Mr stopus one of the things I would like to throw out to council for consideration is that uh we don't want to end up in a cycle where every year we are doing the competitive process and going back out on the street because there will be a point where insurance companies don't want to deal with us if we do this every year U and if you've seen the size of the submission packets that need to come in they're also quite substantive uh one of the things I would throw out there for your consideration is that perhaps number two be revised as a motion that says delegate authority to the city manager to negotiate a renewal to be brought back to city council for consideration so that way uh if we are able to negotiate something we feel is reasonable that can be put back in front of you for consideration of a formal approval without necessarily just saying we're going to go back out on the stream especially if there's a negotiation process that needs to take place with the V so I think you could amend this motion to give me the authority to negotiate that Amendment but not to execute it that it needs to be brought back to counsel for your formal action especially with it be a oneye term Mr Mas I would make a motion to amend number two to delegate authority to C manager to approve and negotiate all subsequent renewals through the maximum contract period is that remove approve Neti I mean you can make whatever motion you want making sure so delegate Authority city manager to negotiate is that what our renewals through the maximum contact period just the negotiation okay so there's a motion to change the wording to negotiate a renewal is there a second for that Amendment okay seeing no second um Mr horn and Amendment fails Mr horn sorry so if we do not in yeah in the scenario we do not approve you to do not give you the authority to approve any renewals but the renewals just come back through US each year or we are limiting I mean because we're not limiting ourselves the the renewals would come back through city council which you're authorizing me and and staff to sit down with the vendor and negotiate what that extension would look like for your consideration correct so again yes so if this so if this fails then you will continue but it does not it just does not make us a one year it just makes it it still has the the extension the the renewal contract period through whatever is in contract the certain number is a 5 years doesn't mean that we have to go to bed correct yeah so it does mean we don't have to go to bed okay that's what I want that's what I'm trying to avoid is is having to go up to bid year after year I want to make sure that if they're providing a good service and product for us that we can continue to do so for the maximum term that was in the advertisement for the RFP but again by us if we do not pass this you still have the authority to continue to negotiate if we don't if we don't pass number two as presented correct we still yeah I mean it's it's it's still coming Mr City attorney I I think it's an inherent authority of Staff um that's delegated by the board to you know work on matters like this and negotiate it and so long as you're if you choose to deny number two you you would as it's originally phrased and cently on the table you're still retaining the authority to be the ultimate decision maker on whether or not if a first renewal comes back to you on approval it's it's it's approved by you all I don't think um that proposed amendment would clarify things but I think things could still proceed even if the amendment is well the amendment is not failed but we're not limiting ourselves if we don't pass a motion um granting negotiation power CU I think that power is is already inherent I I think it was a good idea to clarify it but it's not NE it's not necessary and this does not put us back to the RFP again in one year correct thank you I just makeing sure miss gold so the last contract was 2019 until now so how was it handled each year and you know if you could kind of walk us through that and and did the rates change from year to year from 2019 to 20 to now and if so how was that how was that handled um so uh they did change uh based off of uh certain factors there was uh increase in payroll there was also items uh with our workers comp in particular was the uh modifier that we had depending on how many workers comp claims that were acted things like that that it did affect our price um I could not give you the exact detail as to where or uh where the item change in price come from but I will get back with you on that that item find out so did they come did they I because I don't remember them did they come back to the council every year so they were so this what we're approving tonight would if number two is how it was handled from 2019 to now is what you're saying that's correct and so what would what would cause you to bring it back to us instead of you Auto you know would there be any would there be any particular criteria or that that you would say this is this this is going to need to come back to the council that's a that's an incredible what if question so you know the question becomes at what point does Administration look at it and say we're uncomfortable with the direction that this is going um and if it's a point of uncomfortable it's not necessarily about putting it back in front of you but also the possibility of going back out on the street for an RF okay thank you Mr Mesa uh just um Mr St good point I know um I don't want us to go back into the biding process if I don't want Insurance to think that we are a problem so that's just my concern but I do uh see all this thank you any other questions or comments from Council Madam for roll call council member horn no council member jeno council member mea yes council member suton no council member Wagner no council member baling yes mayor Hoffman yes motion fails uh we have no resolutions or thank you thank you both for your work on this very complicated issue and good Lu getting all those miners down here and can I have a motion to adjourn I move that we adjourn second all in favor signify I I and opposed I Mr Sutton and Mr horn you can stay everyone else have a great evening this meeting is