so p oh yeah my evening everyone thank you for being here I'd like to call order the July second meeting of the city of Jackson Beach um planning Miss should I say it again I mean it was so cool when I said it the first time okay but but thank you everyone for being here um so I'm just GNA go very briefly through how we run our meetings um base our decisions on competent substantial evidence including testimony provided at the meeting any who agent that wishes to speak will need to fill out a speaker card they located um in the side table by the door and turn them into the CL um our practice that regardless of the type of issue we are asked to decide upon each member of the public is given three minutes to speak um and we we asked that everyone refrain from speaking out from the audience ofing gring you know even though I did crack a joke because I made mistake ear meeting um just to you know kind of keep it and make sure that everyone is feeling comfortable you silence yourell phon so with that um let's go to the agenda um namee David do here Mar Mo here Nicholas Andrews here Colleen white Justin lurman here Justin Henderson pres D here and I'm assuming we have a b we great okay the first item on the agenda is approval of minutes and I do need to propose a change to the April 22nd um 2004 meeting minutes um and that is simply that the description of the um I'll just say it this way um the language says there were no speaker cards on this item and no one came forth to speak that language is used to describe um the conditional use application um p um I'm also asking that that same language we used to describe the discussion we had regarding the comprehensive plan um and with that change I'd like to um hear whether we're willing to Sir David do yes Nicholas Anders yes Justin lurman yes Mar Warren yes Justin Henderson yes thank you thank you very much commission that clation um and then we can we take up the minutes for June 10 please do we have a motion to approve to approve Nicholas Andrew yes Justin lurman yes David D yes Justin Henderson yes Mar Mor yes thank you very much everyone um do we have any correspondents no no correspondence um does anyone have any expart communication to disclose do we have any old business um go on to new business PC 0924 please through the chair this is PC 0924 it is a conditional use application by the Episcopal School of Jacksonville Incorporated for our property located at 322 North 11th Avenue it is a conditional use application for Education Services located in the C1 commercial zoning district is for a new classroom building to augment the existing Episcopal School that's in the surrounding area Episcopal School of Jacksonville uh has submitted a canal use application for the establishment of educational services in the C1 zoning District to construct a new classroom building in coordination with the existing School located across 4th Street North at 3321 Avenue North The Proposal includes the construction of Le school facility with a total of eight classrooms and Associated parking the development represents an expansion of the existing School into a new parcel which is in the se1 zoning District subject property uh is currently vacant and ready for development it is situated within the commercial limited C1 zoning District which uh primarily allows for commercial uses with conditional uses subject review and approval by the Planning Commission pursuit to section 34 342 D12 of jacks development code Educational Services is listed as a conditional use in C1 the applicant has provide the necessary documentation and plans required for the code review adjacent uses are as follows the Episcopal School to the West Commercial office to the north multif family to the East and a retail shopping center to the South the applicant is aware of the adjacent existing multhy family uh has positioned the school building on the southernmost portion of the property of the two lots so that the um parking lot is the closest thing in proximity to the multif family the proposed use will not negatively impact the surrounding uses and is compatible with the goals objectives and policies comprehensive plan and is consistent with the character of the surrounding area approval of the application will allow for the expansion of the educational facilities while respecting the existing zoning regulations and land uses in the vicinity based on the provided application and Analysis stated in the report the Planning and Development Department recommends approval of PC 0924 thank you Mr will the applicant please come forward to be swor in and give us any presentation please raise your right hand and state your name address David H 3747 salt M Court South do you swear or affirm that the testimony you're about to give in this matter is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so you go yes sir thank you uh no presentation basically you have it there on the board we're looking to uh start any day or as far as right now we have the me's almost complete we're we're running 70% of the plans and we're looking forward to over the next week to have those completed and send submit them to the city for approval we have questions for the sir I I do have one um can you give us an idea of how the circulation kind of work so the the children come to the school do their parents drop it off do they come in there is we actually feel we feel like this is going to actually be a little better than what we have now right now they just have the one entrance right there front of school so we're actually will be dividing the the grades that we'll have in this part this eight classroom will be third grade to fourth grade so we're looking for them to come down um um what street is that four come down Fourth Street so they just pull right there and then drop their kids off and then they'll take off and then take a right at the stop sign and we're actually encouraging our kids to actually walk across at the cross where you have the stop stop sign instead of like directly across to the school so what we'll be doing is splitting we'll be splitting the grade so the the main campus there will have uh your prek 3 four and then uh first two second and then be the older kids we want to be occupying this new building thank you sir any other questions thank you very much sir okay thank you thank you Christian appreciate it I'll now open the public hearing do we have any speaker cards no thank you Nick is there anyone in the audience who has not filled out a card who would like to address US seeing none I'm going to close the public hearing do we have any discussion have a mo I don't have any discussion mind my motion or do you want to talk about anything I just want to make sure no I live right next to them I can't wait for the parking lot to be something discuss yeah so I'm just looking at it correctly like so right now it's just an empty parking lot lot okay and you got two multi family units in between that and the commercial land the street do you all own the church on the other side also I wish you did need help SPL four years ago when when we bought School motion to second please just Murman yes David do yes Nicholas Andrew yes Justin Henderson yes Marg Mor yes your application has been approved thank you thank you uh planning department report please uh we will be having a meeting on August 12th at we have two items um and then uh we will be sending out dates very shortly for the upcoming Land Development uh workshops so we will be doing another board based uh Workshop these will be in August I don't recall the exact date for yours but I'll get it out to you as soon as we uh confirm everything thank you we areed thank you