the next day I always have a clean up party so I invite my family okay everyone if we can find our seats silence our cell phones we're about to get started and if we can close the side doors and the back door I greatly appreciate it thanks but I don't I was I actually I actually want is going to Atlanta are we live got we're live yeah okay good evening everyone we are on the record today is Wednesday the 6th day of March in the year 2024 this is a regular meeting of the Jersey City municipal Council we had a scheduled 6 PM start and the clock on my cell phone is showing 6:03 p.m may we have a roll call for the commencement of this meeting council person Ridley here council person priner here Council person budano here council person SLE here council person Solomon council person Gilmore president council person Dees here council person Rivera here and council president wman we have all nine council members present at 6:03 p.m. can we kindly rise for a moment of silence please former W councilman Michael Sano Jersey City artist Joseph Knight thank you very much on behalf of council president wman and the members of the municipal Council in the coordinance with New Jersey public laws of 1975 chapter 231 the open public meetings act also known as the Sunshine Law adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by the posting on The Bold Board of of the first floor of City Hall which is the annual notice it's the schedule of meetings and caucuses of the municipal Council for the calendar year 2024 and filed in the office of the city clerk on Thursday November 30th 2023 in addition at its time its preparation the agenda of this meeting was similarly disseminated on Friday March 1st 2024 at 1:40 p.m. to the mayor Municipal Council business administrator Corporation Council and the local newspapers and posted on the city's website so I can certify as to our total compliance with the Sunshine Law council members before we move on to our order of business we do have an item to add that was discussed at the Caucus meeting and it's the very last resolution on the agenda and I'll read it into the record item 10.32 resolution 24168 it's a resolution honoring deputy chief Nick Flora on his retirement motion I have a motion to add item 10.32 resolution 24168 to the agenda motion was made by council person Cay may I have a second second second by council person Ridley on the motion to add item 10.32 resolution 24168 to the agenda council person Ridley I council person priner council person bajano I don't know Nikki should I say I Nikki you're the best I did you sweat that one out yes council person Cay I council person Solomon I council person Gilmore I council person Dees I council person Rivera hi and council president wman motion carries unanimously 90 to add resolution 241 168 to the agenda so council members since we're adding that one I believe we talked about it at caucus we would like to defer to resolutions 24140 24149 and 2468 do I have a motion to defer motion motion made by council person Cay may I have a second second I'm G to give that one to the council president it was close really close on the motion to defer the resolutions 2440 149 and 168 counc person Ridley I I thought you were upset okay council person Prince AR I council person bajano Hi council person Cay hi council person Solomon hi council person Gilmore hi council person Dees I council person Rivera I and council president Waterman motion carries 90 to defer to resolutions 2440 149 and 168 and we'll start with the first one give me one second okay the first one is item 10.4 City resolution 24140 is a resolution recognizing to seek heritage month of April 2024 so we want to vote on it or do you let's vote on it first okay on resolution 24140 council person Ridley I council person priner I council person bajano I council person CLE I council person Solomon hi council person Gilmore I council person Dees I council person Rivera I and council president wman City resolution 24140 is approved appr unanimously 90 we have someone to come up so this is the seek Heritage Month whereas the city of Jersey City is pleased to recognize and Comm commemorate the Monumental achievements of the seek community and desires to bring awareness for the month of April 2024 a seek heritage month and therefore be resolved the municipal Council of the city of Jersey City recognizes the month of April 202 for as seek heritage month for its dedication and contributions to the community say something good evening esteem council president Joyce Waterman MERS raise the mic a little bitam gu guests I arjuman jaia pharmacist and passionate Community activist stand before you today with a deep sense of honor and pride as I advocate for the sick Heritage Month bill in our city today is a historic day as We Gather here to pass this bill and acknowledge the invaluable contributions of the siik community to our society April holds a special significance for the sick community and it's during this month April month that we came together to cook and distribute 10,000 meals to those in needs across the tri state area additionally we repeat this act of service every November I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to council president Joyce Waterman and council members for their unwavering support and their dedication in making this bill a reality your commitment to embracing diversity and fostering an environment of inclusivity and respect is commandable and sets an example for others to follow as we sit here in this Council chamber I'm reminded of the extraordinary impact the sick Community has had on our city their selfless acts of service their dedication to education and their unwavering commitment to equality are qualities that we should all strive to emulate today as we pass the sick Heritage Month Bill let us not only recognize the contributions of the sick Community but also send a sounding message of appreciation and gratitude by doing so we not only honor that Heritage but also Inspire others to embrace diversity and work towards building a more harmonious and inclusive Society this bill is not just a piece of legislation this is a symbol of our City's commitment to embracing and celebrating our diverse communities it is a statement that we value and respect every individual regardless of their background our faith by officially recognizing uh siik heritage month we are creating a space where every member of our community feels valued respected and included thank you for your time your dedication and your unwavering commitment to our community today we have the opportunity to make history by approving the sick Heritage Month Bill and taking a significant step towards a more inclusive and harmonious City let us seize this moment and pave the way for a brighter future thank you can you just state your name for the record again can you state your name for the record spell it for us arjumand a r j u m a n d Jia j u we r i a thank you so much who's Danny your phone thank you have a picture okay come on come on sunny okay conratulations this your phone oh yeah okay I could take a [Music] okay man not that I'm showing favoritism in any way but this next resolution is near and dear to me because there's a friend of mine who is uh coming on board with the city of Jersey City before I go into all of that let me just read it into the record item 10.13 resolution 24149 is a resolution appointing an animal control officer with the authority to investigate and enforce animal control laws of the state and certain ordinances on behalf of the city of Jersey City Council Members will be taking a vote on resolution 2449 council person Ridley hi council person Prince AR hi council person bajano Hi council person CLE congratulations on your appointment and with that I say I council person Solomon congratulations excited to work with you I say I council person Gilmore Sean you said this is your friend I just want to make sure wait wait wait wait before you vote before you vote I just want to put it on the record he is a dieh hard Jet fan okay I knew that would swaying council person Dees I congratulations council person Rivera sh have known that first I vot I and council president Wardman resolution 24149 is approved unanimously 90 so like I was saying it gives me great honor to swear in my friend Mark Burns I known Mark Burns for many many years I'm not going to name the number of years because I don't want to date each other on how old we are but um he was born and raised in Jersey City and no one is more deserving and cares about animals like Mark burn does uh he's posted on Facebook so many rescues that he's had and I'm so excited to have him here in Jersey City it's he's going to be such an asset to um Stacy Flanigan's office and I'm excited to work with him too in the best way that I can so so it's my honor to swear my friend in Mark Burns b got to get official oh fine all right Mark you repeat after me I Mark Burns oh your left hand on the Bible right hand up sorry i marck Burns do solemly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the governments established in the United States and in this state under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully impartially and justly perform and just all the duties as a director as a direct of the division of animal care and control of the city of Jersey City according to the best of my ability need you to sign and you can Council I would like to I would like to thank you your unanimous vote on this appointment it is uh uh a great trust you have put in me and uh councilman you especially uh and I assure you uh we will do this diligently we will do this properly and we're going to help a lot of people and a lot of animals thank you congratulations Mark well deserved all right and on to our last resolution which is item 10.32 resolution 24168 is a resolution honoring deputy chief Nick Flur on his retirement council members going to be taking a vote on resolution 24168 council person Ridley uh Flora you know that uh you have definitely uh left your imprint here in Jersey City you know that you have worked very very closely uh particularly with the w a community and all of our captains meeting you know that you are still our favorite Captain even though you're deputy chief now um I just thank you for always uh being there always listening to the residents always being willing to uh to reach out and compromise and always being willing to um address their needs no matter what capacity you were in and we appreciate that and happy retirement I will I council person Prince so Nikki it has been a pleasure to work with you from before I was on Council attorning this Captain's meetings for my neighborhood association and while on city council you are an exemplary um person and you really do have done the city proud and and the police department proud um your patience and your professionalism has always been some of my favorite things about you and you are missed the other day I was like I need to call Nikki about this and I like I can't call about this anymore but anyway but you you've always been available and you've always um been honest and have done the right thing and I appreciate that I vote I thank you council person Bano Nikki I'm not going to tell the stories of when I taught you in the police academy because I don't want to embarrass you but no Nikki let me tell you I know your mom for years and years from St Joseph's Nikki we miss you tremendously and I'm sorry you left and I hope at the Port of authority you do just as great a job as you did for us here in Jersey City and uh I've known you for many many years and you're one of the best so congratulations Nikki and I wish you would come back are you going to vote oh I vote oh you're going to make him sweat say no should I say no Nikki or what no Nikki's one of the best council person s deputy chief Flora we miss you we need you and I'm really sad every time I think about the fact that you're not with the Jersey City police department you are a paragon of Integrity you're a pillar in the Community you're an example of you know the kind of police that we need in our city and you left a big hole and a high bar for everyone that comes after you and we have so much to thank for you you saved countless lives in in your tenure here at Jersey City people that will never know the work that you diligently did behind the scenes um to make sure that our city was safe and it's a testament to how well you worked with all the council people that you were always there 247 if we if I needed to call you you were available for not just me it made me feel special but I know you afforded that to every single council person up here and you were there for us and you were there for this city when we need you and I really hope the Port Authority is treating you well and I hope to bring you back one day with that I vote I council person Solomon deputy chief thank you for everything you did for the city um there there are few people in Jersey City who who are in held as high regard from all members of the community right from the entire ranks of the department from the top to the officers on the beat everyone respects the work you did go to community meetings talk to folks everyone respects how much you cared for the city and the professionalism and integrity with which you carried out your job so uh this honor is is you know uh welld deserved but also you know we should do so much more to thank you for everything you did so I proudly vote I council person Gilmore um yeah Nick I just want to um thank you for your services it's a hard job to be a police officer um so the record reflect I can I can I'm never going to do it um but I do want to thank you for your service I remember before my Council days being a community advocate sitting on a p setting up meetings with you discussing the Dynamics of community policing and you've always been receptive to the concept um you check the boxes of what police good police leadership looks like um I wish we were able to remove Deputy Chief and you know made you the chief to keep you here um because just of just the environment and which you create for the officers for the community um we're going to it um but if they should ever treat you wrong and P Authority just give me a call I think I'll be in a better position in 25 so give me a call with that I vote I council person de gief Nick we've known each other for a long time I want to thank you for setting the model of good policing here before the buzzwords of community policing and Community engagement you led that charge as an officer as a captain and as deputy chief you always practiced what you preached and the other officers not only respected you for that but followed suit and it is you know tremendously changed Jersey City from the times that you started as a police officer I'm so happy that you got to be a part of that and I hope you understand that you're such an integral part of that change um I think you know what we're doing here is great but there should be a room named for you with the the public safety Annex and it should be about you know future police officers and what the model is so I proudly vote Yes you're going to be so missed and I thank you for all the help that you've offered not just myself but the rest of the council answering my calls and texts at obscenely late hours um and always getting information to us honestly and quickly thank you council person rera am Nikki uh man you've been real man from the beginning I I I I hope you remember like I remember the convers ation vividly when I went into the South district and told you uh you should be the chief and uh that was a long time ago man and uh you are an amazing person man you really are uh from the times that I spent out there in the we hours of the night you know going to homicide scenes going to all kinds of scenes you were there for me man and you gave me numbers to share with our Council colleagues here this city is going to miss you a whole bunch and we've already started feeling it all right so uh I proudly vote I and we're going to send now Richie boano is going to bother you a lot at Port Authority I'm telling you that right now so and council president wman icki um you just been a great guy I want to say you're very responsive and and sometime when you in public office you know everyone don't respond and that's so important that you that people respond everything the council has said I say ditto I do wish you well I know you know your asset to Port Authority they don't even realize you know who walked in the room when you walked in there so congratulations mom you did a great job be proud of your son and Nikki keep doing what you're doing God bless you Nikki Nikki I just forgot one thing Chris and John my sons went to school with Nikki at St Peters they said to say hello to you I forgot to mention it before resolution 24168 is approved unanimously 90 thank you Nick while you're posing for pictures I just want to say I don't get a vote up here but if I did it would be nine times I would vote Yes for you um you are an asset to the city I thank you for your many years of dedicated service and keeping us all safe you are an exemplary employee and the Port Authorities very lucky to have you but like you said to me before you're just the phone call away so councilman Bano is gonna remember that so Nick the floor is yours thank you guys I'll try to be quick um to the to the council I I prepared this but I wish I could speak from the bottom of my heart I'm I'm it everything is genuine though I took my time writing it so um you guys are all just off the top of my head you guys are genuinely a Class Act and I love you all and I appreciate you all and the sentiments that you felt about me were I feel the same exact way about each and every one of you guys um I would take a bullet for you genuinely you know and I I appreciate all the support you guys gave me um throughout not only I know some of you throughout my careers but uh um I'll keep this stuff out of it but uh you definitely exemplify how government should work um from the police department standpoint you guys gave your unwavering support to the Jersey City police department I'll be forever thankful you held us accountable though I I when when our guys did something wrong you guys you know told us but when our guys did something right you stood by our side and even when it wasn't popular to stand by our our cop side you guys were there whenever a cop got hurt every single one of you called me and checked on them and offered your prayer and support um sometimes we had we were involved in critical incidents that went viral or had some negative attention and you all were the first to stand besides us and support our cops knowing that the vast majority of them do the right thing um and I think it's important that they do the right thing and the reason why they do is because the vast majority of them are from Jersey City we're born and raised in Jersey City and being the most diverse midsize city in the country it's you grow up differently you know um we respect each other we treat each other you know the way we would want to be treated or our families be treated so that's why I truly believe we have the best Police Department in the country the these guys they um every single day they they risk their lives and they they do the right thing and I'll always support them and sometimes even when they make mistakes you know it's it's mistakes of the heart I mean just mistakes of the mind not of the heart they're trying to do the right thing the vast majority of them anyway so uh to I want to thank my mom um we lost my dad a couple years ago but uh my mom and dad did a great job with me and my brother myself Sister We're uh all of us are public servants my my sister's an agent my brother's a trooper and um we genuinely believe in a noble cause and we think we're doing the right thing we try to every single day um to my wife she's my rock she's been you know she was with me all all you know we grew up together she's been with me since we're 19 years old my two kids they're my pride and joy if I ever talk to you I'm always talking about them um I wish they would could be born and raised in Jersey City but uh you know for whatever reason we wanted better for them but uh hopefully they turn out all right but um thank you guys um I really appreciate you I'm genuinely a phone call away and anything with the Port Authority me um new kid I graduated with Captain K you got us and thank you to my friends too Timmy's always has right back my friend Sunny um my family couldn't be here my son had basketball so he's going to the NBA so he's gota I love you guys thank you so much I didn't see him read from the paper not one bit so that was generally from the heart all right on to our regular order of business on to our first reading ordinances item 3.1 city ordinance 24- 009 is an ordinance of the municipal Council of the city of Jersey City adopting amendments to the PO hook Redevelopment plan and creating block 11606 Redevelopment plan item 3.2 city ordinance 24-12 is an ordinance of the municipal Council of the city of Jersey City adopting amendments to the Liberty Harbor North Redevelopment plan regarding use and bulk standards on tax block 15907 also known as block 24 of the Redevelopment plan and item 3.3 city ordinance 24- 01 3 is an ordinance supplementing chapter 332 vehicles and traffic Article 2 traffic regulations Section 3328 prohibited right turns on red signal to prohibit turns on red at all times at multiple locations in the proximity to schools and parks in the Heights neighborhood council members are going to be taking a vote on items 3.1 through 3.3 council person Ridley I for introduction council person priner I for introduction council person bajano council person SLE I for introduction council person Solomon I for introduction council person Gilmore I for introduction council person Dees I for introduction council person rera I and council president wman items 3.1 through 3.3 are approved unanimously 90 for introduction okay on to our first reading ordinances I thank you uh second reading you know what I forgot to introduce you guys I just promoted Amanda bransky as dep second my second Deputy so congratulate Amanda bransky on her promotion congratulations and she just corrected her clerk so on the second reading ordinances sometimes she treats me like I'm her son uh item 4.1 city ordinance 24- 007 is an ordinance naming the playground located at J Owen Grundy Park the Jeremy Farrell playground in honor of Jeremy Farrell this is a public hearing on this ordinance any member of the public wish to be heard please come up to the podium and state your name for the record motion second motion to close the public hearing on city ordinance oh oh hold on we have a speaker sorry I'm late sorry I'm late Al AR I just want to say that anything we do for Jeremy Farrell is a plus he was a great guy okay and just love this city thank you this is still a public hearing on city ordinance 24- 007 motion any member of the public still wishing to be heard come up to the podium please state your name for the record we have a motion to close the public hearing on ordinance 24- s by council person Rivera seconded by council person CLE on the motion to close the public hearing on city ordinance 24- 007 council person Ridley hi council person priner Hi council person Bano hi council person CLE hi council person Solomon hi council person Gilmore I council person Dees council person Rivera I and council president wman motion carries 90 the close of public hearing on city ordinance 24 4-7 for final consideration and Adoption of city ordinance 24-7 council person Ridley um I just want to say that Jeremy is missed um he was a great person just as Al said uh he was always there to uh offer his advice and um speak with us even after leaving the city and no longer being in Corporation Council I will miss our conversations and I think this is a fitting honor I both ey thank you council person Prince so one of the first things Jeremy did when we came on or I came on as a new council person was put together a booklet outlining everything that you needed to know as a council person he was the first person that ever did that that actually gave us a toolbook that's how much he respected the work that we did and knew that we would be good partners working together um he's definitely missed as a colleague and as a friend and it will be nice to be able to go to the park and think about him I vot I thank you council person bajano Jeremy faroh was a good friend and when he was in the Law Department he was so very helpful on so many issues and I'll tell you something I miss him oh I Vote die council person SLE I'm proud to called Jeremy frell a friend a mentor he you know know I I met him right after the mayor won his election and um I clarked for him uh in the law department and he became a councilman he assisted me you know with some of the institutional knowledge that you would need in terms of you know running a city and where conflicts have been and you know what what did what did we try to do to resolve it and you know Jeremy was also a member of this beautiful community and he worked very hard for Jersey City but most importantly he was a father and I remember my last conversation with him and I asked him how he felt you know having a new child and um he said it was exhausting but he literally found a new love of his life instead of politics he would run back home to be with his kid and um he had so much love for his child and um it's so sad to see him go and I hope that you know after we rename this park on his behalf that his uh his baby will get to play there one day and with that I vote I council person Solomon yeah um thank you to the council president for for this uh ordinance and uh I will proudly vote I you know Jeremy deeply deeply cared about Jersey City um you can see that from his work with you know then councilman fup to Mayor fup to the MUA to uh Newport and uh you know having the this playground right right on the waterfront where you know his child and and wife are going to be able to go and play and experience and see that fitting honor is is really uh the least we can do so I proudly vote I thank you council person Gilmore I council person Dees a great man who care deeply about this city I thank him for all of his contributions and for treating the council with respect and I was bringing us up to speed on projects that were going on to make sure that we understood everyone's perspective um this playground would be a great honor to him and his family iot I council person r that was a gentle giant you know Jeremy U so I'm I'm going to give you a real quick 20 second story about Jeremy when we were first campaigning back in 2012 I didn't know how to publicly speak in front of people so I was always speaking with my hands like this right and Jeremy said like this so let me tell you guys something Jeremy said what are you doing you got to put that away and uh I didn't know that you know there was a certain way of speaking of of hand gestures and you know that guy put me downstairs and said hey this is how we speak and he kind of like coached me you know through that I will never forget that man you know he he was an amazing person and for meeting him uh for the time that I know for you know for the time that I've known him man he he truly became family man so you know his the the news of his death kind of like rocked everybody up here and uh but we definitely miss him I 100% vote I council president wman I um and I want to say Jeremy just was a giant um it's a void you know different places you go through the city and if you ever been with Jeremy to those places you feel his absence but um I just believe he's just looking down on us trying to get us through these difficult times because he really had compassion and he really cared about people one thing about Jeremy he always had a way of telling you something what without you thinking that it was your idea that's a gift he had and so that I will truly miss from Jeremy so um with that I proudly vote on city ordinance 24 d007 is approved is adopted excuse me unanimously 90 that honor is well Des erve too um Jeremy was like council president said a gentle giant um one of the nicest guys I ever met I ever had the pleasure of working with and um like council person SLE said I hope um his child is able to play in that playground one day it's a great honor well deserved okay on to our next second reading ordinance item 4.2 city ordinance 24-10 is an ordinance amending chapter 69 special Improvement districts Article 2 Central Avenue special improvement district this is a public hearing on this ordinance any member of the public wishing to be heard please come up to the podium and state your name for the record you're speaking on the ordinance sir okay just give me one second hey you ready Tyler Crosby okay uh okay um good evening uh council president Waterman and members of the city council my name is Tyler Crosby I am the director for the Central Avenue special improvement district I have a statement from our Board of Trustees that I wanted to read into the record tonight uh dear council president Waterman and members of the city council on behalf of its 450 members the Central Avenue Sid Board of Trustees kindly advises the governing body to approve ordinance number 24-10 which will amend the cassid city ordinance to remove the outdated Sunset Clause provision as Jersey City's first special improvement district in 1992 Central Avenue stakeholders initially inserted the sunset Clause to provide an added layer of security that the program would work as intended by 2024 Central Avenue is the only Sid program in Jersey City and possibly the entire state of New Jersey which still has a sunset Clause provision it is no longer used with Improvement District programs as other mechanisms are already in place to ensure accountability to its members including Board of trustee elections public hearings on annual budgets annual Audits and enabling legislation enacted by the governing body after over 30 years of providing outstanding supplementary services to our district and members continuously voting to extend the Sid program we believe it is now time to remove the Antiquated regulation and the unnecessary administrative burden it causes we thank councilman CLE for preparing the amendment to the ordinance and the other members of the city council who vote in support of this amendment CID members look forward to continuing investing in Jersey City and our commercial Corridor for many years to come respectfully submitted president Gilbert Mendes and the Board of Trustees thank you very much thank you this is still a public hearing on city ordinance 24-10 any member of the public wishing to be heard please come up to the podium and I see Phil Carrington good evening this special improvement district and all of them I'm having a time in my life trying to understand exactly what is the need for them I'm not sure this particular one but the one for Martin Luther King I see no need for it I'm trying hard as I possibly can and as a result of this black folks are losing their properties why because this is an additional tax on top of the tax that have already risen for an example I used to own I was still own I used to have paid taxes on this old building for $100,000 9 years ago is now assess for $600,000 so I'm paying taxes much much more for the same old property Mr carington we have to make sure you stay on the subject of Central Avenue Central a Avenue special improvement district all of them are quite the same is it not therefore my question is with the special improvement district it doesn't have to be this particular one my concern is that there's no need for them and I'm hearing people come here complaining or stating what should have been done for them over and over all they're doing is adding taxes onto everybody's property the special improvement district whether it's a Central Avenue or Martin the same thing the process is the same thing which is an additional set of tax onto it and I don't see the need for this one or for any of them I need ORS to be disbanded I can't get clarity and I'm not comfortable with them or anyone there is no need for a special improvement district there is no need at the beginning might have been Jersey City is booming with real estate and development there is no need for them that is my viewpoint good night Phil this still a public hearing on city ordinance 24-10 any member of the public still wishing to be heard please come up to the podium and state your name for the record second thank you for that uh we have a motion to close the public hearing on city ordinance 24-10 by council person Riva second by council person CLE on the motion to close the public hearing on city ordinance 24- 010 council person Ridley I council person priner I council person bajano council person SLE I council person Solomon hi council person Gilmore I council person Dees I council person Rivera I and council president Wardman motion carries 90 to close the public hearing on city ordinance 24- 010 for final consideration and Adoption of city ordinance 24- 010 council person Ridley council person priner Hi council person bajano council person Cay today is a great day for the Central Avenue Sid I proudly vote I council person Solomon I don't know if the sunset was originally a Michael Yun idea my very first meeting with him was about putting sunsets into legislation but I think at this point 30 years in it's a great success and we feel very confident in moving forward so I proudly vote I council person Gilmore I council person Dees I council person Rivera I and council president wman city ordinance 24- 010 is adopted unanimously 90 on to our last second reading ordinance item 4.3 city ordinance 24-11 is an ordinance approving technical amendments to ordinances 22- 084 and 23-13 to correct typographical errors this is a public hearing on this ordinance any member of the public wishing to be heard please come up to the podium and state your name for the record motion oh let me just make sure she is looking like she's not okay so we have a motion to close the public hearing on 24-11 made by council person Cay may have a second second second by council person Ridley on the motion to close a public hearing on city ordinance 24 de 011 council person Ridley council person priner council person bajano council person CLE hi council person Solomon hi council person Gilmore hi council person Dees council person Rivera hi and council president wman motion carries 90 to close the public hearing on city ordinance 24-11 for final consideration and Adoption of city ordinance 24- 11 council person Ridley hi council person priner Hi council person Bano council person SLE hi council person Solomon hi council person Gilmore I council person Dees council person Rivera hi and council president wman city ordinance 24- 011 is finally adopted unanimously 90 okay moving on to our public request for a hearing please pay attention to your agenda is I'm going to be calling the number in the first name of the individual with that being said our first Speaker 5.1 lever I didn't see Le bur she's not here okay next speaker 5.2 Gina Gina is here good evening as always I want to thank the council for their time attention and advocacy we appreciate you um I also want to thank yall for um just as a side note for passing the appointment of Mark Burns as the ACO director um he's got a fantastic rep uh reputation excuse me in the animal rescue community and we're all really excited that he's starting uh that he started this week so we're grateful for y all to um vote him in uh so thank you for that um I want to move back to a topic that's very important to me that's Mental Health crisis intervention in the city and the way that we police um our residents um I want to remind us all that about a week ago Mark six months since Andrew Washington was murdered in his kitchen and I know that there's a lot of work being done to put a mental health uh Crisis Intervention Program into place and these things don't happen overnight and it's got to be a stepbystep process that said I'm still curious as to where the deescalation training is for our police folks I came to y'all with a um statistic a while ago that basic deescalation training has shown to reduce officer injuries by on average 36% so it is a no-brainer regardless of how long it takes us to put together a mental health crisis response team there's no reason why we shouldn't be training our officers who are currently policing us on the streets in this city and get them trained in deescalation tactics it protects them and it protects our citizens I've heard director sheay start throwing the word deescalation around but I have not heard specifics about where that training is taking place is it the 500 hour training is it one of the certified trainings that we all know has worked in other cities the specifics are very important and I have not heard those if have heard them I'm definitely interested to hear what you've learned I want to thank you for continuing to hold the office the Public Safety Office accountable and I'm asking that we continue to do it uh last uh two weeks ago yall approved $1.8 million for example in Tech and Communications expenditures this week they're asking for 2.7 million more I want to thank councilman Rivera for your comments during the Caucus meeting on Monday when you spoke up about Brown out homes and response times this is what we're asking for we're asking for accountability for the tax dollars the two $28 million that are budgeted for the public affairs um office in our city thank you next speaker 5.3 Tina seea is not here okay 5.4 Edward Perkins he's not here neither okay 5.5 Philip Carrington he's not here oh he's Oh I thought he said good night I thought you look I apologize Phil I you laugh council president W members of the city council again I'm pH Carrington looking back and R through spec last week I was very offended by the statements that was made by these white Jews I think the position that the that they them and the Palestinian was brought has brought here continuously does not fit but anyway dealing with their selfishness they came on with the most of their problems were in a white plastic bag and they're saying that they would leave Jersey City because of the threats of the statement that was made none of those statements or none of the things that were Sav uh those people head were bandag there was no casts and so that was really Petty these other people are talking about bombs dropping on them and they're dying and so they're very insensitive I'm I'm very proud to be as black as I am so nobody can't say that I am part of Hamas or supportive Hamas nobody can't say I'm part of the Jews I'm too blackly anymore because they both don't like us anywhere but that being said the Hamas is indeed yes a terroristic organization of course they only keep speaking about October 7th which means that they're very insensitive what's happening after that and both sides are just imbalanced however South Africa brought the Israeli government before the world Court in December 29th charging them with genocide in in January 26 the world Court came back and with a statement saying it is plausible that genocide has occurred genocide is occurring or genocide will occur in other words they agree with the South African the South African basically say that the action of the Israelis is state sponsored terrorism state sponsored terrorism is considered a pagon the term prron or state sponsor terrorism is the same thing the Jews brought against Hitler so you can arguably say since that they're not found as being as terroristic as Hamas that the Jews who support Benjamin Netanyahu as of January 26 is the new Hitler of the 21st Century they engaged in genocide I I I'm very offended by that I'm not going to call it I'm just going to call it human beings because we see last week people running behind a truck in the desert hungry naked trying to get food you drop a bomb on them people and trying to tell us they are they are bothering you this is this is just really inhuman and so y'all need to clean up your dirty act it is very hurtful on my part the worst thing they can say with those signs of desecration the property I want the property Mar can't drive people drop things on on on my building my side they urinate do all kinds of things I'm not going to run because the do call the police when I can but that's no reason for them here bring this silly complaint to to this body asking for assistance five .6 Albert good evening Council um I had a big decision tonight whether to come here and speak to all of you people or to go home and build an arc but I did happen to make it here um you usually I write something usually I read something tonight I'm going to read something that was written by the Hoboken city council because I feel that it's important that it be in the record a vote on the conflict in the Middle East would be inherently divisive and counterproductive for all concerned therefore the hoken city council has unanimously decided to put for forward the following statement regarding the conflict in the Middle East we as representatives of the city of Hoboken stand resolutely against all forms of bigotry hatred discrimination including anti-Semitism and islamophobia as a diverse and inclusive community we Embrace and celebrate our differences while fostering an environment of mutual respect and understanding recent events have underscored the importance of reaffirming our commitment to combating Prejudice and promoting tolerance we unequivocably condemn any Acts or expressions of hatred directed toward individuals or communities based on their religious beliefs or nationalities as leaders in the community we clearly we hear clearly the expressions of pain of resident of Hoboken and Beyond and we want to ensure that there is no spillover of this conflict into Hoboken we pledge to continue working tirelessly to promote diversity educate our residents about the importance of mutual respect and ensure that Hoboken remains a safe and welcoming Place R together let us strive to build a more compassionate Society where every individual is valued and respected I gave you a copy of this because I felt it was important and I think that what was said here is something that I've been asking for for the last four or five months all we want is is to live together in this city comfortably and safely thank you 5.7 Charlene welcome I just have a quick PSA if I might to all pedestrians watching tonight's hearing I would like to suggest that if they like wearing dark clothing that they consider white umbrellas honestly so you can see them at Corners because a night like tonight is pretty hard to drive and see a pedestrian firstly I'd like to say good evening council president and council members thank you councilman Gilmore for responding to my email about the historic preservation process that we're currently undergoing about the master plan element um I'm awaiting all others to respond to my email if you would be so kind um certainly I would love to know what your position is and what your interest in historic preservation is um most of you were here back in April of 2018 um and supported the adoption of the a new demolition ordinance in an unanimous vote of 8 to Zer after 90 minutes of public comment that slowed and even halted the knockdowns of historic buildings worthy of preservation even the mayor acted by his issuing an executive order that halted nearly all demolitions until the lawyers f suit and then he can and then the council's council initiated the ordinance that eventually protected historic Properties or had them under review for a 40-day period of time so what happened next is the ordinance was challenged in Superior Court by a property owner wishing to demo a house on Sherman Place and in July of last year the court ruled that the ordinance that you had all voted on was in conflict with the municipal land use law that only allowed the H historic preservation commission to make determinations about whether a property is historic and not the officer at the historic preservation office and um it was only the commission that could deny a demolition along with the zoning office officer so okay demolition a value of valuable housing continues to be a problem throughout the city Wards a b and F are still those areas that are being targeted by Developers for these larger properties deeper properties and knockdowns so wow that was quick anyway what I ask you to do all of you continue please to press the Law Department to rewrite this ordinance and I'm sorry your time is up I thank you thank you so much speaker 5.8 narice no okay 5.9 uh Yale okay 5.1 10 Kevin Weller signs are back hello I'm feeling a little political tonight let's talk about the Mayoral race I just met with former New Jersey governor and former Woodbridge mayor Jim McGreevy after more than 10 people contacted me to make sure that happened Brian stack from Union City and several uh Jersey City Democratic committee people are in his Camp already similarly I've been asked to meet with Bill o day which will happen within a few days I remain open to meeting with Madame President Waterman and councilman Solomon should he choose to run I've even been asked to run for mayor my middle initial is C so KC for JC or even KC for RC for rent control I have confirmed press and at least two tenant organization endorsements and more than a few volunteers should I make that move I believe very strongly the tenants of Portside Towers will choose our next mayor can you imagine a Portside Administration given everything we've managed to figure out might be best if you just join us now some of us attended the Jersey City Democratic committee meeting just last week councilman Gilmore and Cay were there we brought the rent control issue to the floor of the jcdc it was said that the renters feel abandoned by our party this was met with Applause we won the room and that room is the heart of the future of the democratic party in our city then what happened Congressman Menendez Senator mcnight and mccoury Assembly women women stamato and Ramirez all publicly endorsed our cause in front of the entire jcdc each one of these leaders of our party pledged their support shared their personal cell phone numbers and email addresses and met with a number of us on the spot I contacted them all the very next day mcg's team reached out right away Stato too I owe them both a followup I hope to hear from the others soon I want to close by addressing acting Corporation Council Britney Murray we did see the letter from the city's outside Council about discussing litigation here I of course agree she should not do that that letter very narrowly defined what should not be done your lawyers were careful to limit what you should not discuss to litigation they did not however endorse refusing to read the law at the request of both renters who should be protected by the law and two sitting elected council members at an open public meeting renters who are not subject to any litigation will continue to ask you to read the law out loud if tenants or landlords are harmed in part because Britney Murray is actively engaging in concealment of what should offer protection to renters and constructive notice to landlords there may be unintended liability to borrow a phrase spoken by Peter Baker In This Very Room this concealment may be at her own legal Peril for we are all initiating investigations which cannot be stopped by anyone in this room 5.11 Jessica good evening city council I think you all know by this point that on o October 19th the rent leveling board issued its ruling that both Portside buildings have always been subject to rent control in their ruling the board ordered a six-year look back for our first petitions in 2022 so what's happened in the over 140 days since the board's ruling pretty much nothing we are still overpaying to the tune of a million dollars per month we're still being harassed by Equity into signing illegal lease renewals at illegal rates we've not received roll back rates or rebates we have heard nothing from the landlord tenant office since January 5th over two months ago so let's discuss the pressing issue of non-compliance with the faer ACT specifically regarding the landlord tenant office's disregard for a rent control board decision this matter not only affects individual constituents but also the integrity and effectiveness of our local government the fuler Act was designed to offer a flex ible efficient framework for a municipal government when any part of our local government such as the landlord tenant office fails to adhere to its directives or the decisions of bodies like the rent control board it not only undermines this framework but also erods public trust and confidence in our governance legal precedents underscore that violations of the fauler ACT can lead to judicial intervention including court orders mandating compliance invalidation of non-compliant actions and even personal liability for officials involved beyond the legal ramifications such violations risk significant reputational damage diminishing The public's trust in their elected officials and Municipal bodies ignoring the need for an investigation into this matter is not a strategy that will benefit our city in the long run inaction could potentially invite lawsuits necessitate remedial me measures and result in the invalidation of council decisions creating a cycle of inefficiency and mistrust that could hinder our progress on other fronts as representatives of this city and its people it is your duty to ensure that every arm of our local government operates within the bounds of the law and in alignment with the principles of fairness transparency and accountability launching an investigation into the non-compliance issue at hand is not only a step forward to rectifying this issue with the landlord tenant office but also a declaration of your commitment of upholding the standards of governance our constituents expect and deserve I urge the council to consider the long-term impacts of in action and to recognize the opportunity we all have to strengthen our Municipal governance through decisive action please I ask you as I've asked you before initiate an investigation into the lto the landlord tenant office demand the lto issue a correction the look back is the year to 2016 not to 2017 as was as was previously communicated demand the lto to obtain 2016 leases from Equity residential and please don't look the other way don't let Administration lawyers tell you this process is opaque or complicated when it is not 5.12 Rihanna thank you good evening council members my name is ran mow and I'm speaking to you for the third time I respectfully ask you council members to use any and all powers at your disposal to assure the implementation of the rank control board decision of October 2023 it seems the council could launch an investigation into why the board decision has not been implemented furthermore it seems there is selective enforcement of the ordinance 260 I worry that there's a perception that we are affluent complainers with nothing better to do with our time and I want to assure you that that is far from the reality following the birth of our daughter my husband and I chose Portside Towers because it's known in the area to be a more affordable rental option or at least it was in 2020 um more so than some of the newer luxury buildings little did we know that four years later due to the egregious and illegal rent hikes we would be paying half our income on rent why is it important to us to live in the area some folks might ask why don't you just move well we work in the area both my husband and I work within 1.5 miles of where we live we value community and what it means to be part of a community to live in to work in to spend money supporting local businesses and making connections with those around us as an educator I think it's important to be able to live close to where you work it means that I can be there for my students to attend evening events support them when they have after school performances for example mind you this isn't just my opinion just this past week I presented at a national conference on affordable housing policies and practices to attract and retain teachers in the wake of the national teacher shortage crisis research shows that when teachers can't live close to where they work long commutes lead to stress and burnout we should care about the people in our communities and we should be taking this issue seriously Equity has clearly price gouged its tenants flagrantly ignoring the rent board's decision you may recall from last time the threatening overtone of their email promising if and when we Prevail in court your subsequent increases will be based on the market as they have in the past meanwhile council members there's been a new development a friend of a Portside tenant had looked into moving into the building and received this response and I quote even though you're unable to push the least start date to your ideal move in time frame in early March you would still be locking in a rent controlled apartment which would help to minimize rent increases upon your annual renewals Equity is making a mockery of the rent control board decision it's making a mockery of city council and everyone else here because they don't truly believe that it's rank controlled and that anything will ever be done please council members prove them wrong and do the right thing thank you for your time thank you 5.13 Mark Mark here no okay 5.14 David making all the noise good evening I'm Dr David Mason this is my daughter Adeline this is my first time speaking directly to the council I'd like to talk about courage here in front of my daughter specifically the courage not to do what is easy often the easiest thing to do is nothing it's easy to wait for problems to just disappear on their own easier certainly than to stand behind the few if there was a David and if there was a Goliath I've got to think about Joe standing in the background waiting to see what would happen it would arguably be terrifying to walk up next to David link arms and stare down the giant to quote Cloud Atlas Joe would have been one small drop in the entire ocean but what is an ocean if not a multitude of drops easier still is the is the prospect of not doing anything when doing something might cost us effort connections opportunities like the opportunity that comes from a powerful and Wealthy political Ally it's not at all surprising I think that DC lobbyists have the kind of power that they do but when their ask is to do nothing at all who indeed can refuse like getting paid to stay at home watching TV it's a great offer I'm a great lover of the '90s TV series The West Wing there's a great line it's not the battles we lose that bothers me it's the ones we don't even suit up for we can't we can't do what's right we can't lock arms with David and stand up to Goliath without the courage to Bear the brunt of possible blow Council persons to my mind what my neighbors have been asking for actually since 2018 as I understand it is courage what I'm asking for tonight is courage you can be partners and none of us need stand alone in the remarks I wrote for the last meeting I asked why is this hard how can it be that four months have passed since the board ruling and yet to this day and minute no rents have been corrected no stolen money has been returned and rents are still being raised because Equity feels it's been given permission both by the absence of enforcement and by being told directly that 4% increases are allowed and I remind you all that until the rates are corrected a 4% increase from 4500 to 4680 for example when it's supposed to be 3500 is not a 40 a 4% increase it's a 34% increase any increase any increase is illegal until rates are corrected and all approp processes are followed for controlled increases what we're asking for is courage step up if you're waiting for us to just go away it ain't going to happen so Jump On In there's a game being played here we all we all know what's right the math is not hard to figure out what's hard is to have the courage to help us make it stop goath wants you to keep doing nothing and we know it's easy but have courage get in it with us and we'll get your backs just as you get ours thank you thank you 5 5.15 Eric good evening council members Equity claims they care deeply about their tenants but I know you heard countless stories from tenants proving the contrary my family have also suffered from their total lack of care we have two young girls who are all allergic to mold and one of them also suffers from asthma through the years we had water intrusions and water leakages several times and in different places and nothing was done to address these issues efficiently this is why we decided to hire an external auditor to check for the General State of our apartment this the result was quite upsetting and included black mold that have been painted or over previously the auditor recommended several fixes it was back in November and to this day we are still trying to get Equity to complete all of them we've been promised it will be fixed within a week every time we reached out this is an Urgent health matter that directly affects our children so we created our C click fix ticket and had an city inspector review our bathroom here could confirm that the CK in the bathroom had visible mold and that our continuous cleaning and applying of mold products will not fix the problem since Equity I've previously just added cheap non mold resistant cul on top of existing mold I had to remove and replace this myself and I found both mold and humidity behind it should not be this way we have buckling tiles with PRS in the growth that probably hides more mold we don't know and we will not know until Equity complete the recommended steps so we are not impressed with equity's care for the tenants their actions speaks louder than words and again we see that the only thing they really care about is their profit thank you for listening please enforce the ordinance thank you Derek 5.16 Derek good evening Council this is uh my second city council meeting my first time speaking so thank you for your time I first moved to Jersey City about 12 years ago um had been at Portside since 2020 I uh genuinely love living in this city um which is why I feel so strongly about this topic as do my neighbors I felt compelled to speak after attending my first meeting in early February and thought it might be worthwhile to share my perspective and my perception of how that first meeting went from the perspective of a first- timer in that meeting similar to this evening I stood here and to support and listen to my neighbors who detailed exactly how our landlord is in violation of ordinance 260 and how they're completely disregarding the decision by the rent level board this is not news to you you've been hearing it over and over again the facts of which are not ambiguous there's no interpretation here what came as an absolute shock to me as a first time attendee was witnessing the seeming indifference from the council uh I sat in that back corner over there and I waited for all the speakers to finish just anticipating some kind of response I mean the preparation the emotion into this how important this is there was some kind of response coming surely and then the meeting just kind of ended uh the silence was deafening I think it spoke a lot at least to me it was surprising to me to see that so much effort and time was being spent I met with silence uh to be honest I left that meeting with uh more questions than answers my first question was why has there been such a lack of action from the city officials thus far the city was initially made aware of this issue way back in 2018 that's a lot of time and opportunity to do something official make a corrective measure why did it take a legal complaint filed by citizens to compel the city to take action the presence of which does not preclude the council the mayor or the landlord tenant office from taking action even now the ordinance and laws of the city should not be enforced or applied selectively as it very much seems they are now so my question is why is that another question is why is the L tenant office unwilling or unable to take action inquiring minds might be especially interested in understanding the motives of the individuals that occupy that office who seem eager toci side with dep pocketed corporate landlords over the average citizens of the city my questions are not intended to make a point to Simply make a point and they are not rhetorical I look forward to a response and update and acknowledge me a link anything that is signaling to us that we're being heard because I did not get that last time and I hope that was just an anomaly and it might be different tonight thank you for your time 5.17 Carol uh good evening council members I recently came across an article discussing landlord's opposition to rent control asserting that they should be able to raise the rents as high as they want if the market will bear it unquote the sentiment while seemingly innocuous carries profound implications that warrant our inent attention so let's dissect this statement firstly the use of should should by definition is used to say or suggest that something is proper reasonable or the best thing to do nothing about subjecting individuals to as much Financial stress as possible sounds reasonable to me people not profits should be first second as high as they want the notion of raising rents as high as they want begs the question why we know why because they want to because they want more money it's like a child that wants to eat as much candy as they want and when we ask that child why they say well because I want to eat as much as I want to picture a scenario where a landlord driven solely by profit motives has the authority to raise rents as much as they want families are already struggling to make ends meet my neighbor would be here but she's a single mom of Two And when faced with the decision to Stay or Leave Portside when her renewal came up she chose to stay because her younger daughter didn't want to leave her school or friends so lastly the phrase if the market will bear it is particularly egregious this reductionist approach angers me to no end it reduces tenants to Mere economic units devoid of humanity and emotion instead of every Market or inside of every Market are people human beings it's easy to take advantage of people when you hide behind the words like Market but what if I said quote landlords should be able to raise rents as much as they want if the person can bear it or what if I said landlord should be able to raise rents as much as they want if the family can bear it or how about this one landlord should be able to raise rents as much as they want if the single mom of two can bear it how does that sound to your ears behind every rent hike is a story of hardship a single parent working multiple jobs to put food on the table a recent graduate drowning in student debt or a senior citizen on a fixed income forced to choose between medication and rent should we subject these individuals to further Financial strain because a market dictates it we are basically saying let's push people to their limits financially and emotionally let's subject someone to as much physical strain until they can bear no more it's like saying let's knowingly push that single mom to the brink of financial ruin by Framing the issues in terms of abstract economic principles saying things like the market we risk dehum we risk dehumanizing the very individuals affected by these policies are we willing to build a world where the well-being of our people takes a backseat to profit margins as we deliberate on rent control policies let us not succumb to the alert of profit at the expense of humanity let's instead strive to build a society where the dignity and security of every individual is safeguarded thank you 5.18 Gabby dear council members my name is Gabby bwe and I've been a resident in Jersey City since 2011 and this is my first time speaking in front of you my first stint at Portside was from 2011 to 2014 a starting rent of 2,300 an ending rent of 3,000 triple four digit increases reasons increased operation costs my second stint at Portside Towers 2017 to current starting rent 3,125 as of yesterday raised to $ 4,22 within a 13-year period that's an 87% increase I was under the impression that given the rent leveling boards determination there would be no increase for 2020 24 however the rent was increased ports side's blanket statement at this time no adjustment will be made until legal proceedings have concluded so your renewal offer stands as is you notice the words increased operating costs no longer come into play the biggest impediment to change is the statement if it's not broken don't fix it the problem with that statement is people accept the status quot or are scared to challenge however today you see people who want that change standing behind me for a system that is broken and an organization that has been violen rent control conditions for years as council members you have a duty of care to help its constituents that's us we request the council to initiate an investigation to stop illegal rental Rises thank you very much 5.19 Henry evening thank you for give me opportunity to speak tonight I want to uh devate a little bit from the rank control but it's very close related with the subject we are talking about is something with the chapters 218 multiple dwelling article four withholding units from rental market under the section section 218 day 13 is O occupancy required under this law is amended last year ordinance 23047 it says all unit shall be rented and occupi by attendant within 60 days after the end of the preceding tency under the section 28-15 violations and penalty for the second offense a fine of not less than $100 more must be put so this is something that I just do a research today for the pide tower for the apartment East Tower 1810 is on the market 196 St this did on August 22nd 2023 apartment East Tower 26 12 on the market 223 days this did on July 27 2023 West Tower 318 on the market 252 days this did on July 24 2023 West Tower 706 listed on October 14 2023 on the market 144 days West Tower 1210 this did September 27 2023 on the market 168 days so the day on market and the vacancy it will take out two months notice still if over 120 days it still violate the law here so the sign I'm trying to say is that you have the law you had a mean because you can get it from the r Row the r row have the information that you had to put in there when is the last vacancy happen when is the new tenance in there so you will you will be able to calculate how many days that is they can it so you had to follow the law you had the means to do it and this will bring down the run because the people doing the comparison they're looking hey this house this apartment runting for this price I get a good deal because of my my my my price lower than what I did so basically this will raise the rent higher than it's supposed to be it basically artificially rais the rent that we are supposed to pay thank you for your kind attention Thank You 5.20 Tasha good evening council members my name is Tasha Sati today marks my second appearance before you all I ask for each one of you throughout my speech to keep in mind continually the thought of what side of History do you each want to be on as you know our landlord Equity residential has never met the criteria in Jersey City's ordinance for any approved rent increases on October 19th of last year the city's own rent leveling board confirmed this further Equity has never been sanctioned by Jersey City for any illegal rent increases to date as many of you may know Equity filed a lawsuit against Jersey City and federal court back in November of last year amongst its ongoing battle with court side tenants Equity wants you to believe that they are the victim and that the rent leveling Administration decisions should be reversed because among other baseless and frivolous arguments in their complaint there has been a violation of federal law including a violation of the Fifth Amendment to the US Constitution Equity attempts to argue that the buildings and the right to rent them at market prices is also a form of property that has been taken without compensation however ever let me bring your attention to the fact that investigative reports over the last two years have suggested that the nation's biggest corporate landlords which includes Equity are instead raising rents according to a national software so this is not market prices this is from an article by patch uh the justice department is now investigating this matter and has argued that the software has used a centralized pricing algorithm to inflate prices costing renters millions of dollars this is a reminder to you all of the bad actor Equity is and if no action is taken by the administration bodies of Jersey City there is no doubt that a precedent will be set in regards to other corporate landlords in Jersey City while we know you have no power in the federal Court's decision in equity's case against Jersey City you have power here today as city council to help enforce the rent leveling board's decision we Equity res residents continue to be presented with illegal rent increases and we have watched our neighbors become homeless we have watched as our building continually Cuts corners on everything from the safety of our residents to Daily building code violations this is the time that you need to ask yourself what side of History do you want to be on and further ask yourself when will the rent increases start to affect you and when will you receive a rent increase so high that you can no longer stay in Jersey City with all due respect we earnestly request your assistance in compelling Equity residential to comply we ask that you faithfully and partially and justly perform all of the duties you have been elected to do as council members thank you 5.21 Daniel good evening City Council Members this is my third appearance before the the council and Portside residents as you know have been attending city council members uh meetings since November of 2022 to get rent control enforced at Portside Towers on October 19th 2023 the rent leveling board determined unanimously that both the East and West Tower so both 155 Washington Street and 100 Warren Street were subject to rent control they also made a legally binding determination that rents must be rolled back to 20 16 rates so 6 years before the first illegal rent petition in 2022 this has not happened in fact Portside is still increasing rents illegally they've distorted the facts by increasing rents from their current levels based on the CPI which they have no authority to do because they haven't reduced rents to 2016 rates they aren't allowed to increase rents until they have reduced rents to 2016 rates it's pretty simple they can only increase rents if they've met all of the the provisions of the rent Control Ordinance which they have not because they have not reduced rents to 2016 rates as determined by the rent leveling board's determination the decision is not stayed so ending P pending litigation is completely irrelevant here the office of landlord tenants relations under the leadership of director shyron Richardson administers and enforces the rent Control Ordinance so they're in charge of these recalculations what does it take for a six-year look back to be forced we have a law that has to be followed here the office of landlord tenant relations isn't following it and council members it is your duty to investigate the neglect by the office of landlord tenants relations under the fauler ACT you can do that you can play a part in getting the laws followed what does it take to get an investigation it shouldn't be this hard for City officials to follow the law please investigate you can help us by investigating the office of landlord tenant relations it's not that complicated and it shouldn't be this hard to do so to have an investigation thank you 5.22 Dano evening our speeches at the last meeting got quite some attention in the Press there even was a quote from Myas speech saying I'm claiming the process to be corrupt let me substantiate my claim with some facts the online form for the landlord registration was altered quietly in 23 important mandatory information have been removed the same person who did this is now trying to change the look back period for the rent roll back calculation in favor of our landlord Equity even was allowed to submit a partially filed form on paper despite electronic filing is mandatory Dina hon who was a well respected lawyer before taking position of as director of The Office of L landlord tenant relations initially confirmed the rent control status of our buildings back in 22 suddenly she changes her mind and reverses course completely finally she was removed just when an investigation into rent control issue was announced a subject matter expert was replaced by a pster with no housing experi expence whatsoever who does not even write us anymore for plausibility deniability when laws are not followed plausible deniability britne Murray refused to answer public questions from tenants we talked about it social media comments on followups posts are still being censored there is so much more I need to keep it brief all of this becomes even more interesting when we look at the ties of Mayor fop to the investors and mega landlord Lords he receives support from a super pack called Coalition for Progress which receives donations from major developers in our city including iron state for example pup was holding a fundraiser for that super pack with investors on the luxury y of frankella landmark with very tight Clos to iron State poop did receive a generous discount for this event of about 95% for the regular rental cost for the ship City contracts were awarded to developers via shell companies in return for donations on top of that the city gets $2 million per year out of the pilot scheme uh program perhaps to look the other way while we are overcharged by 12 million every year with illegal rent we discovered so many more details on this all I need to keep it brief are they all related to our case we can't say for sure but we can all think it together let's do that yes money and the desire for Limitless power oh sorry I thought it so hard it came out of my mouth but there's an easy solution for that President Waterman start the investigation you promised us eight weeks ago we are still waiting 5.23 Sonia good evening why is so much luxury housing in a city where most can't afford it titled Jersey City today last week we too ask you these kinds of questions many times as we have never gotten any answers we can only keep asking but first a quote from the article at the same time it has brought many together to fight for their place in the city and to hold City officials accountable take note I will get back to that now the questions as a psychologist I asked many all day long first for basic comprehension what is it in the article it is the promotion of luxury housing specifically our mayor and council president bman regularly engage in what seems to be a politician's favorite way of promotion ribbon cuttings everywhere how I ask can a new luxury building still make you proud after everything we've told you for over two years how can you still look in the mirror and how do you sleep at night being aware that Jersey City is a fogner act City and that tolerating the crimes of our landlord and of City officials puts you with one foot into prison another tool of psychologists is bottom lining which leads me to this in the 80s there was a German TV show called money or love one of the first dating shows even as a kid I never understood how candidates who had the choice of taking money or or finding love could choose money obviously it's not that rare I feel you had the exact Choice multiple times here's the bottom line of what you got I quote from the article transfer of wealth from cities working and middle classes to the real estate industry impoverishment as more of their income goes to housing a less diverse city as residents become more divided along race ethnic and class lines conflict and division as people struggle to remain in their homes or find new ones and I'll add just some more facts from our story two lawsuits against the city countless residents who were forced out of their homes over 50 press coverages that document what's going on here thousands of Voters who will remember this and now I draw from my experience of coaching Executives like you a boss who is mad at you all the time even though you try so hard to follow his rules but somehow cannot make us go away tired and sad faces when you look in the mirror sleepless nights on the other hand remember the quote I started with what we got is love thank you 5.24 Suzanne good evening council members I have lost count as to how many City Council meetings I've spoken at as a tenant in Portside towers and as of Jersey City I moved to Jersey City in August 2021 and have ever since complied with paying an illegal overpayment of rent every month had I underpaid paid or been a day late on my rent I would be faced with overzealous eviction notices from Equity residential instead I have been drastically overpaying every month which is only appreciated by equity and marup frankly I would really like to know something that should be simple that should be automatic and that I should NE not ever need to ask yet we keep needing to ask when will the city start to follow the rent control laws in place ordinance 260 was passed by the Jersey City Council why is it that ordinance 260 Still Remains unequivocally unenforced even after going through the legal process we have still had no response from director shyon Richardson and we are still overpaying and facing illegal rent increases increases every day you are all well aware of the fauler ACT which explicitly States the council has a duty to investigate neglect of legal duties by City officials under said act each of you made an oath to perform your duties as a council member of Jersey City when you were sworn into your seats has there been any initiation of an investigation into mayor philli or director shyon wi Richardson as to why ordinance 260 has not been enforced why the city is selectively enforcing rent control or as to why the tenants who won rent control last October have still not received new leases any rent roll back or any repayment of monies owed to them and why Equity continues to operate paranormal with no punishment two to three Council meetings ago you president Waterman said you would investigate please interrupt me if you have initiated an investigation human beings animals even insects normally do what they must to protect themselves actively neglecting to investigate can potentially lead to legal ramifications including prison I doubt anyone here wants to go to jail I do not need to add more fluff to my speech I would just like to ask again when will an investigation be initiated when will we receive new leases when will the city start enforcing or ordinance 260 for Portside tenants and all tenants in the city if there is no further comment on behalf of the council I urge our own legal teams to file a court order for fauler ACT compliance nonsensical inaction by this city should not be tolerated any longer to end I at least have faith in the justice system and I truly believe that Justice will ensue for all involved thank you 5.25 Drew good evening City Council Members my name is Drew kachowski and I'm back yet again not just on any day but on the evening of my birthday I'll be 27 years old in a few hours and I should be out on the town with friends or out of state with my family celebrating as initially intended but instead I opted in to stay here and take a stand against Injustice and illegal rent prices how fun right illegal did you hear me say that word how can you hear it time and time again from this group but still sit there and continue to take no action when we your constituents have outlined what you can do I'll reiterate what you can do you're allowing the bureau to blatantly ignore the rent control ordinance chapter 260 and with that you have the power to push the board to look into ramifications of landlords who fall short of their legal obligations you have the power to impose an on the reccord investigation as to why the October rent leveling board's determination is still not being followed and with that the corruption of the city's administrative process under the fauler ACT you have the power to investigate neglected legal duties by City officials you may sit there and choose to listen week after week at these meetings but your insolence of continual reluctance to help us is so loud you have an ethical obligation to look into this as council members of our community know that in action is action in and of itself you do realize that you have the power to help dictate this narrative right you can take action on the A4 mention steps no one is holding you back but yourselves this is in your hands once again since the last meeting even more news stories are coming out so why not take control of the situation when it's your duty and you have the ability to do so on March 1st the Federal Trade commission's business blog released a statement and I quote landlords and property managers can't collude on rental pricing using new technology to do so it doesn't change that antitrust fundamental the agencies filed a joint legal brief explaining that price fixing through an algorithm is still price fixing regardless of the industry you're in if your business uses an algorithm to determine prices a a brief filed by the FTC and the Department of Justice offers a helpful guidance for antitrust compliance end quote I don't know how much clearer we can be with what is happening to not just Portside tenants but tenants across your jurisdiction yet alone the country if the FTC and the the justice department are in our Corner why aren't you I'm going to end this with what I've said in my last few statements and I will continue saying it let's make some good news together thank you for your time 5.26 Aaron is Erin here okay good evening council members my name is Aaron Kent I've been here many times first I'd like to thank Council member Frank Gilmore the everything WF newsletter and Erica who's not here tonight I don't think for helping us spread awareness this week and for your full support of the complete and thorough enforcement of rent control in Jersey City thank you a question for everyone in this room how lucky are we to live in America this is a thought I had yesterday warm in my bed thinking about the starving and dead halfway across the world the fact that things are so dire on the other side of the world that a man had to light himself on fire just to get get someone in this warm comfortable country of ours to pay attention I am mentioning this because sometimes it feels hard to talk about a thing like rent control in this climate while I watch my neighbors right here in Jersey City fighting with each other about a conflict I'll never pretend as a white privileged woman of Northern and Western European descent to fully understand I'm incredibly sorry for what they've had to endure and continue to experience on a daily basis but again how lucky are we to live in America the American dream a dream so many would kill to have many die trying to get it others die knowing they'd never even have a chance so here we are Americans in this country of ours you are very much a part of the machine that is supposed to grant us this dream it is our duty all of ours to not be complacent in matters Global and local because as broken as the system is we see it in this very room all the time at least we have a voice this is why we are here every two weeks and that's why I'm here to talk about rent control even as a war wages on because what does lack of respect for the law and lack of care for our fellow man what does it say to all those people dying and starving halfway across the world in this extremely privileged situation it says we are casual and complacent I've seen members of this government body roll their eyes get up and walk away as we talk I've seen smirks and laughter I'll reiterate what my friend Sonia has said how in almost one and a half year of speeches we haven't been directly addressed more than twice but really do you know how lucky you are we are asking you to take your duties seriously and not be complacent I have seen people come here come up here and ask you to support a ceasefire for a conflict happening halfway across the world but how can we expect that to be done when we can't even see compliance and enforcement of the law in our very own City what is the American dream it certainly doesn't look like us renters who don't own property immigrants expats minorities it certainly isn't me divorced childless ranting at city council every two weeks I think just about everyone I went to high school with who lives in a suburb with 2.5 children in a nice Green Lawn and a white picket fence good for them but my God how how many people around the world would kill to stand here every two weeks just like me to sit in your chair and roll your eyes and get up and walk away and still get paid and not enforce laws just like you can we not even do the bare minimum enforce basic laws respect our rights stop the complacency when we think of how many people would die to be in this room tonight voicing their complaints fighting for their rights they would die to be in our position with our basic rights as renters being violated every day just imagine what they to do to be in yours one with so much power please do the right thing 5.27 Joel good evening council members on March 1st a Jersey City blog post asked why so much luxury housing in a city where most can't afford it the following is quoted and or paraphrased from this Blog the short answer is that's where the money is luxury or market rate housing maximizes property values and tax revenues the growth of luxury housing almost to the exclusion of any other kind of housing suggests that those with a stake in this kind of development hold sway in Jersey City they are Partners in a growth machine that relies on redeveloping the city for the financial and political Capital it provides to lure large developers to Jersey City the city partnered with developers and financial services corporations providing generous tax and other incentives including resoning for tallic buildings to develop the Waterfront The increased profit opportunities attracted luxury housing developers including the developers of Portside Towers these incentives were Justified as an economic development program creating new jobs businesses and tax revenue to pay for City Services unfortunately the jobs created in luxury developments are mostly low-end service jobs with limited prospects for Upward Mobility the blog further points out quote incentivizing the growth of luxury housing has fed real estate spec culation artificially driving up the cost of housing and making Jersey City one of the most expensive places in the country to rent an apartment housing has become more commodified attracting investment firms buying hundreds of the city's apartment buildings to add to their portfolios these buildings are often poorly maintained and operated as tenants are pressured to leave as investors look to cut cost and increase profits end quote this is certainly supported by the experiences with Portside Towers we've shared with you since we began our unbroken string of un public comments in November of 22 first quote the high cost of housing leaves less income to spend locally on goods and services this hurts the local economy through lost businesses jobs services and taxes and much of the economy consists of mom and pop stores struggling with increased rents much of their income stays in the city and has a ripple effect conversely much of the income from L luxury housing goes to investors outside the city end quote how does this blog relate to our ongoing conversation one the loss of tax revenue due to the tax breaks negatively affects city and county services and cheats our Public Schools rental revenue does not remain in the local community Corporation mega mega landlords have developed large portions of Jersey City who fragant FL the ordinances of this body has passed and have siphoned off countless millions of dollars from residents with little value return to Jersey City more importantly these Mega landlords who do not follow your ordinances can be a revenue source for the city under the penalty provisions of chapter 260 the bog concludes the promotion of luxury housing as an economic development strategy has caused conflict and division as people struggle to re m in their homes or find new ones but at the same time it has brought many together to fight for their place in the city and to hold City officials accountable end quote that's why we keep coming back you are accountable thank you 528 Shannon hello good good evening Council um I wasn't here at the last meeting because I had a very rough day I got laid off and that surprising news took all my energy and I tried to think of which of my neighbors would let me um crash with them my former employer at the hospital decided on a restructuring and several of us nurse leaders and Educators had our positions eliminated the shock of being told I was expendable felt completely awful I was told it was a monetary decision that the finance department had decided that the nurses could do without us the leaders and the Educators should a finance department be making that kind of clinical decision the finance department is of course an important part of the hospital we have to keep the lights on and the doors open but should folks who have never worked one day at the bedside be making decisions that affect nurses and ultimately patients is that their job I know this Council can't answer that question and you've been asked a lot of questions tonight but maybe you can answer a similar question to the one I just asked it seems like a simple question and I would genuinely like to know it's this are we the tenants of Portside Towers asking for help from the right place is this the city council Jersey City City Council in the position to enforce the ordinances of Jersey City that aren't currently being followed by our landlord despite hours upon hours of volunteer work by dozens of us hundreds of speeches and more documents and rigorous research than you could possibly believe is it possible that we're wrong and this isn't the proper way to get the help we need to put it another way is this your job you're busy and we're busy we have gotten the Judgment from the rent leveling board that we were right to spend all the time pursuing this fight to correct illegal activity but still millions of dollars of rent are being charged to us millions of dollars of illegal rent being collected by Equity every single month if you're not in the position to help please please let us know who is we'll take our energy there but if you are in the position to help and you're not doing so we need that explained 5.29 John good evening Council so here are here we are again two years are coming to these meetings and though we've made some great strides forward the landlords continue to violate the laws and the city's Administration continues to assist them we still await meaningful action from you our city council Representatives it's been two years of giving you a growing list of examples of wrongdoing by landlords you've even been presented with evidence demonstrating how City officials have colluded with our landlord to vertue processes and aside from a few words of sympathy here and there a brief public discussion with your legal council a few weeks ago where the content of chapter 260 regarding rent rent rolls apparently couldn't be discussed even though it's a publicly available document from what we can see our words have been met with barely a shrug you've even heard how people have been forced out of their homes as a result of the landlord their landlord's Behavior or appalling living conditions and still a deafening silence can you put eles in our position and appreciate the amount of Stress and Anxiety this is putting us through are you not outraged about what is going on local government is local government is neglected to represent the interests and well-being of its City's residents rent Control ordinances will put in place to protect them from crippling rents will any one of you say enough is enough and publicly call on the city to enforce its laws president Waterman I understand you're in the running to be our next mayor and sincerely congratulations I do wish you well in that undertaking and I'm sure that goes for all of us I will say that since Rising rents and the greed of corporate landlords has guarded such a huge amount of focus locally and nationally sooner or later the 200,000 or so tenants in this city will want and hear where you stand on this issue they'll find it very reassuring to hear that you pledge to hear you pledge that as mayor you would be prepared to enforce the city's rent Control ordinances that your predecessor steadfastly refuses to thank you 5.30 Mel good evening um I have a carefully prepared speech as I've had many times before but um I'm just it's not worth repeating you've heard us say everything again and again we've added to our concerns we've given you proof we've shown you what needs to be done we've asked for your help and we're still here waiting we're fed up of coming you must be fed up of listening to it I hate public speaking my heart is pounding right now I don't want to be doing this nothing just absolutely nothing we've had a couple promises we've had a few glimmers of Hope and we're still waiting what else do we need to put in front of you that we need you to action what else can you do I'll let you finish first I mean I'm done I'd love to hear from you um so this is what I would like and I think the rest of the council I'm not going to speak for the rest of the council but for us or for me rather um if you could compile all of the documents of the alleged increase es the letters the leases all of that information I don't know if you've sent them to the landlord tenant office but if you have not sent them send them to them and to CC myself and your councilman councilman Gilmore as well um so that we're aware of it and that we could follow up with the landlord tenant office to ensure that this doesn't happen Okay that's we we need evidence we need something to work with I haven't you're shaking your head I'm telling you how you could help us I sympathize with you I hear you every time I would not want to be in this position and for you to help us help you that's what I'm asking for I mean we will help you at every step of the way and I'm pretty sure every document that's been required of us has been sent that we have been compiling all this information for months if not years now it's all available to you whatever you need is 100% available this investigation into why nothing is being done is fully with you and we'll make sure you have whatever you need it's it's insane that this is the first time you're now asking for it to be because we are under the impression that we've done everything we've been asked of th this is with regards to after the um ruling so this is four months later information don't what you need but make sure you have it yes please okay and than we want to help you okay thank you thank you 5.31 Gracie no okay um 5.32 poolo no okay uh 5.33 Michelle dear council members over the past year under philli and metros tenure our city has experienced a credit downgrade across multiple agencies including Moody's S&P Global and Fitch the credit downgrade signif signific signifies a degree a decrease in the city's creditworthiness and it reflects concerns about our reduced Financial flexibility it also points to a harmful lack of transparency accountability and prudent fiscal policies Fitch likened the situation to deficit financing necessitating special emergency financing notes the city's audit for the years ended December 31st 2022 and 2021 revealed a troubling combination of overspending and unreliable financial reporting resulting in a staggering 27 million in deferred debt for the $27 million in deferred debt for the current year the Auditors expressed an adverse opinion on the city's financial statements stating that they do not fairly present the city's financial position in accordance with us generally accepted accounting principles so how is this relevant to our fight for tenants rights and enforcement of run control I've already called for an investigation into how our city manages its finances knowing the city suffers a significant deficit it shouldn't be a novel idea for the city council to investigate why bad actor landlords who have been violating chapter 260 have not been fined chapter 260 empowers administrators to penalize violations with fines per chapter 1-25 based on the bad behavior of our landlord alone it should be Child's Play to beef up our coffers because each day a violation continues it constitutes a separate offense why not put Financial pressure on the offending landlords it's no-brainer investigate and start issuing fines to this end and not in replacement of an investigation I'm supporting an idea that was recently shared with me I call for the council to put forth a resolution that holds Equity residential accountable one that cites the specific chapter 260 Provisions that it continues to violate and all related fines we'd be glad to support such an action imagine the good faith it would show voters and the Auditors if the city would begin holding bad actor landlords accountable while simultaneously contributing to the restoration of Jersey City's Financial stability let's talk after the meeting and let's get this done thank you 5.34 Allison no okay um 5.35 is Tara in Council even March 6 exactly four months since Portside tenants received the rent leveling board's letter of determination regarding the rent control cases here's what we all know one Portside tenants one the board voted unanimously 60 Equity does not have the authority to raise their rents not even by a penny bernsteen and Associates the law firm representing Jersey City in the port side related Court action stated in a March one letter to you that to date no party in either action has been granted a stay of the calculation of the legal rents therefore the Jersey City office of landlord tenant relations will be complying with the rent leveling board's determination and recalculating the Regal rents for Portside Towers roll backs and recalculations aside I hope that Mr Bernstein is advising you the city's persistent non-enforcement of chapter 260 even after tenants one is not what the courts will want to learn to this date there are chapter 260 violations that are not being fined in Portside and throughout at Portside and throughout Jersey City tenants are suffering Equity continues to behave as though it's immune from the determination and it is still raising rents at Portside the city's administrators are not fulfilling their duties you have a responsibility under the faler ACT to investigate and Mr Bernstein's counil councel does not absolve you from taking prompt action please help the tenants of the city thank you 5.36 Janice hey guys listen up before you guys sit down I'm I'm gon to you know it this is this is a lot like uh I'm listen I'm I'm not an attorney and I don't know what's going on here I personally think this has taken way too long so I'm going to promise you that next next time we're here I'm going to stand out there with you guys and hold those signs up 100% hey we're I'm going to repeat the last one 5.36 Janice no okay 5.37 MEA good evening thank you for this opportunity to speak I want to thank councilman borano Sal and Gilmore for three months ago standing on the right side of history and supporting a permanent ceasefire resolution the voters of Jersey City will remember those Jersey City elected officials who decided to turn a blind eye to the genocide being perpetrated on the Palestinian people by us-backed Israel the voters will remember our elected officials who regarded this genocide as a religious issue instead of a moral issue the voters will remember those who chose to look away way when us bombs of mass destruction rained down on children as they were being systematically starved to death again this is not a religious issue it is a moral issue those elected officials who have chosen to dig their heels in and turn away from the clear case of genocide being perpetrated on the Palestinian people in Gaza with our tax dollars are finding themselves more isolated and unelectable voters will remember their elected officials who chose not to speak up against the billions of our tax dollars being sent to Israel instead of that money being used to help families here struggling to make ends meet to help with homelessness and Social Services in our city as well as infrastructure structure voters across the country will follow Michigan Michigan nightes and lead the vote uh will follow Michigan's lead and vote uncommitted in the next state election candidates on the local and state levels who stand on the right side of History will be voted in as their positions on This Global issue resonate with more than 80% of democratic voters this is a pivotal moment in our history I would love to feel proud of the city where I have resided for 37 years instead of ashamed if Union City North Bergen and wehawken City councils voted unanimously to stand up to Injustice and adopt an immediate permanent ceasefire resolution so can Jersey City please do the right thing and do your part to stop this needless death and suffering it is clear that pressure from the local city levels 5.38 Samantha 5.39 Janine I'm here to speak about the Jersey City Public Schools and as we know it was a big uproar at the last meeting but what I'm here to say I find it Mighty amazing that all of a sudden politicians want to jump in the ring and councilmen are writing articles about they want to sit down with the board education but where were you at when we needed you to step up for our children I spoke many times at the board meetings in reference to my daughter being harassed and bullied I spoke many times about the hip law being violated and everything that we go through in the school district we have meetings time and time again not one councel person that I have called stepped up returned the phone call or had anything to say when I'm telling you that my child is being abused in the Jersey City School District the superintendent is aware of it the board is aware of it everybody is aware of they seen videos they had letters they had threats they had everything and not one person stepped up but it's so funny now that they had a major argument and every body want to jump in the arena to have something to say but where were you when we needed you where was any of these Council people educational Gilmore you came to the real talk at the church that Norman Fernandez had you heard us speak I spoke to you where were you so a lot of them are well aware of what's going on our children are being bullied you have kids sitting there wanting to kill themselves you have parents afraid to speak up because of the retaliation in the Jersey City School District and then they worried about what's going on the board member you only upset because Mr marvs came in and made a change because the rest of them sat there time and time again they received letters they watch videos they heard me speak they heard her father speak they heard other parents speak and still nothing's being done you want to know the real issues of the board why don't you come to the next meeting and sit there and you ask us what's going on talk to the parents don't talk to the board members don't talk to the rest talk to us talk to the ones that sit there while Dr Fernandez is playing on her phone when her condescending attitude looking down and talking to other people when we're standing there crying about our children that's what you do you come to the meeting and see what's happening with our children you talk to my daughter and ask her how it felt for them to move her across the town to another school but you left the bullies there talk to me about how the Jersey City police arrested me for defending my daughter and the school district did nothing know my child was bullied and right after they watched the videos how ironic I was cleared record expunged because I did nothing wrong but stania and as a substitute teacher with the Jersey state district for almost 10 years I lost my job for what for protecting my daughter I'm a parent before I'm anybody else and I'm going to stand for my daughter every time and if it was your kid being abused I need each and every one of you to tell me what would you do if it was your child it's on video and when you asking the board I didn't ask for a miracle I didn't ask you to crucify the kids what I asked you for was to have a meeting and let's Rectify this but instead I was met with just attitude thank you thank you 5.40 re uh Sabrina no are you uh Darren that would be me Okay so Thursday night 30,000 students their parents Guardians and Georgia City Public School Employees tax and taxpayers won because democracy transparency accountability and F had finally appeared the Board of Trustees that actually care about the individuals and stayed weren't like the ones that abandoned their jobs and left the State Department of Education doesn't have any legitimate or legal reason to intervene in this um this is a board matter and a board matter only so I'll be interesting to see if they try to come and intervene we'll be ready for them now to these laughable elected officials the mayor in the media the mayor says that there's Merit to an appointed School Board what kind of Merit is Philip talking about I'd love to ask them um and and it's amazing that some of you board members have responded with the lack of real affordable housing in this city the parking nonsense going on sky high taxes craters in the streets that people can't drive you guys are confident about the school board so the media claims that several council members said uh the idea of appointed School Board uh has gained so some momentum where's the data show me I want to see it the media and the mayor said that everyone can clearly see the dysfunction of the current School Board um there dysfunction there when did following Robert rules of law using democratic process to vote people in and out when did that become dysfunction Thursday night did not end with a walk out of everybody the people who care about our kids they stayed there the ones that that have been doing criminal stuff left braa let me address you you should recuse yourself from meeting with anybody about the school board since your family member is the director of the human resource department causing all types of Hell in this District um you can shake your head no but everybody knows everybody I got Yo listen listen listen before before before you keep on stop the clock stop the clock stop the clock but before you keep on with your rhetoric I don't have a a board member or no director that Rivera is Smith in us so you need to know and you need to check yourself and know what you're talking about you can start his clock again keep on going so representative uh SLE and Rivera believes that um the a conversation need to be had about an appointed School Board very interesting where are you guys black people are being attacked on a regular basis by this superintendent this HR director that the former president and vice president this now I don't know why you guys are commenting do us all a favor and do yourselves a favor educate yourself about what's going on there first come to the meetings ask questions to get involved other than that you shouldn't be saying anything because it it it doesn't make sense see the problem in this town is that to get people out of office they got to die or go to jail and that's the biggest problem in this town and that1 billion dollar budget people get to do nepotism racism and all types of stuff that's going on and it's ridiculous educate your yourself on what's happening with the kids in the school system before you start commenting I know it feels good to start to talk about it when the Press call you but sometimes you can say no comment 5.42 Jim good evening Council first of all uh respect for Drew Justice for Drew respect for women's history month and year respect to our black community I'm here to talk about the ceasefire in Gaza again I keep hearing many people talk about it this is a very important historical issue it's going to be on your record forever you to the people who did not stand up and be counted and vote for a ceasefire when this genocide is going on in front of us every single day on our video video on our mobile phones it's not controversial the pope has called it genocide the pope has called it Israel a terrorist State and it's not just Muslims who are getting killed there are plenty of Christians and Palestine on Christmas Day Israel bombed a Christian Church in Bethlehem the B the birthplace of Jesus That's how little respect this Israeli government has for human rights religion and anything else you hold here president uh Lula of Brazil uh spoke up and said this is like Hitler killing the Jews and he says this is not an army fighting an army this is the Israeli army fighting children women and today this is fresh news today once again Israel shot people who were going to get food from food trucks so I'm calling you to join J Union City North Bergen we hawen and all the other voters in in Union in Hudson County majority Democrat voter majority want to ceas fire do the right thing be on the right side of History thank you very much 5.43 musab he's not here no okay um 5.44 kazia uh good even evening everyone my name is Kesha tman I'm here tonight because something really needs to be done about the Jersey City Board of Education uh I want to know how the Jersey City Board of Ed allowed a special educ uh special education teacher to resign after she was founded on charges of bullying failure to educate our children and verbal abuse yeah she also assaulted um another the student but that wasn't what she was founded for but my point is she's a special education teacher these are all autistic children she did this tat that we know of and the parents are here Dr Fernandez knew about it everybody at the board knew about it nobody did nothing but to the first student that this happened to now they allowed her to resign so she can go work somewhere else and perhaps do this to other children and there there needs to be some kind of rules put in place and also there were teachers that knew they knew about it but they were scared to say something about it because of the retaliation and there needs to be a protection order put in place for anybody working in the Jersey City um public school system because no one should have to feel afraid of losing their job or the backlash or retaliation because they see something and say something some people are just so you know content with um going along with wrong instead of standing up and fighting for what's right and I don't think it's right mothers that are working some like my friend Janine Blair there should not have been any backlash with her concerning her job because she stood up and defended her daughter like she said she is a mother first before anything and you know like I said I don't feel like it's right because if some someone says something and they become Public Enemy Number One and the real bullies are at the Jersey City border ed if you ask me not just the you know we have to worry about other students we have to worry about the Jersey City border of Ed because they're bullies they bully the people who work for the school system and it's not right something needs to be done and yeah um I I don't even know what else to say I'm I'm I'm just thank you speaker 5.45 Jade okay thank you 5.46 Dominique good evening everyone um just like uh Miss tman was saying my son uh Marvis Cadet he's a student in 10th grade at uh Dickinson High School and his teacher U Miss Christine De aonzo I just really wanted to play something she's been uh verbally abusive to my son hat you so long stop going over tracing every letter right get it done it took you a whole per to write six definitions that's absurd oh this is her um screaming at my son because he's taking too long to write and also on his IEP it says he needs more time to write and then she uh she also ripped up his paper look look mus ripping his paper because he took too long to rise something something needs to be done with her she was able to resign and that's it I don't have anything else to say it's not fair that uh special need children are just overlooked ignored I don't send my son to school to get bullied by nobody I expect him to come home the same way I sent him that's all 5.47 Marvins 5.48 Von also so here to voice my concerns about the same teacher Christine di aonso she has harassed intimidated bullied and assaulted my son as well uh she called him the nword slapped um she assaulted him by striking him on the shoulder and after that I've noticed his behavior changed we started recording her and hear some of the things that she was saying saying that she hates Jews um she's telling the students to look up her peoples Charles Manson which is a cult leader and a murderer David Kesh another cult leader associated with Waco Texas disaster um here she is yelling and threatening my son threatening to throw her shoe at him here she is emasculating another boy asking him if he wants to wear a dress uh here She is again telling the students to ignore and disrespect another special education teacher who happens to be black here She is again threatening students with arrest for recording her I know my time is up but I also went to Mr gillmore's office I got nothing but your Aid Erica I gave her over 30 something recordings request in a meeting which you also called the mayor's office spoke to his Aid requesting a meeting with her I haven't spoken to either of you guys how it is we allow a monster like this to collect $105,000 a year to mentally physically and emotionally abuse our children continually she's done this for 20-some years my son he had to be medicated he's a former shell of who he was after he got to her he threatened suicide he walked out of our our home I'm running on less than four hours of sleep every night from 2022 when this happened until now due to the damage she has caused and and brought upon my household keep letting teachers like this exist and pay for it we're going to have more students wanting to hurt each other more school shootings more lawence Campbell for the for you those those of you who don't know who Lawrence Campbell is he's uh one he's he's Jesus that incident that took place at Walgreens he's the one that ambushed two Jersey City cops and one of them died van I have to uh cut you off because your time is out I I understand hey Von listen Von listen up I'm I'm actually extremely glad that I wrote that article now so listen tomorrow after I get I get into City Hall at 3:30 all of you guys can come to my office and we can chat and then we can do that whole transparency stuff that I want to do and we could just include everybody listen we we've let's start again it's time boots to ask that's started thank you thank you Von speaker 5.49 Carol hi Council people good evening uh first of all as a mother of kids in judic city I'm pretty shocked by what I just heard so I just want to say guys I'm really sorry about this um I'm back to being a Jew now after being a mother um you know to just remind you to please concentrate on the resident of Judy City I know you're hearing a lot of things people are talking about what's happening but at the end of the day we really want you to worry about what's happening here not much has changed for us actually it's got a bit worse like the stick are still there but there was also March this weekend calling for free Palestine from we hwen to Jersey City I don't need to tell you what that means it means essentially like no Jews here no Jews allowed in Hudson County um on top of this there was a pretty bad sign and you know about that councilman Salomon in front of my house um that was pretty anti um Israel that my daughter happened to see first at 8 years old understanding what it meant which is not very pleasant as a mom and I was told that there is nothing we can do although it's on the pavement this is a private property I would like to think that we can do better as usual I would like to think that if it was any other minority something would have been done and I'm here just like wondering what it means for my kids to grow up here my pars are here tonight with me from Paris my dad grew up in Tunisia my mom in Morocco that you leave those countries for bringing Jews I am a first generation French I grew up in Paris I don't need to tell you what it was like over there I got spot on routinely for being French called a people drew sweats on my desk I was told that two of people to kind of living things get branded in life livestock and Jews and so you know by the time I was 23 I took my bags I went to London and my dream was to come to America I came here because this is the most diversity in America I get to speak here as American citizen and a French citizen with my accent you guys can't get half of what I'm saying probably by now but that's okay um I'm a mom you know it's it's cool to be here like I love it and I don't want my kids to grow up like that like I don't want my daughter to like cry at night because there was a horrible sign outside that no one dealt with I don't wanted to ask me why we so hated that she think she's cursed frankly to see all of that she was at the M when you know there was this horrible protest as well I don't want my kids to grow up here like this is Jersey City I've asked a few times now I'm going to ask respectfully again if you cannot bring us together I get it it's hard I know you guys have like so much to do if you come bring us together because it's too hard right now at least like take a stand again hate as a whole right like do what Hoboken has done it's not difficult it's not difficult to say like there's no space for hate in this city there's no space for ha in America and we can all be this is all I'm asking for this is it I'm just hoping I don't have to come and speak again it's a long night for you you probably seek of hearing from me I don't want to come all the time and speak to you but I'm just asking you to please like you know just like condemn hate it's not difficult this is really again what I have to say at this point thank you thank you for listening to me have a nice evening 550 Donna Donna good evening on this rainy night um I'm sure that I'm not oh my name is Donna Ruchi okay um I'm sure I'm not saying anything that you haven't already heard but I wanted to add another voice to to those to those who are asking to asking the council to reconsider a resolution calling for a ceasefire um in Gaza a permanent ceasefire because I was more than disappointed when the council did not pass the resolution last time and things have have gotten so much worse in Gaza since since the resolution was defeated like now the death toll is more than 30,000 people mostly women and children um thousands more have been forced from their homes they've been displaced Israel tells them where to go and it ends up that they're bombed there as well you know homes schools hospitals universities and all kinds of Institutions are destroyed um since you defeated the resolution um now people are starving this week more than a th 100 Gins were shot to death by the Israeli Armed Forces when they surged on the convoys bringing them food they're starving the UN said that they're on the verge of famine um let's see um since you uh since the the resolution didn't pass here the international court of justice has said that the charges of genocide by Israel are plausible and countries all over the world have been speaking out in in support of that you know agreeing with that and if if you watch it I watch it um some of the statements they're really really um amazing you know um since then also the uh the United States has has uh vetoed two ceasefire resolutions at the UN even and President Biden even though he says that the bombing is indiscriminate or over oh God I'm almost um he he still sending weapons more than ever and the move the movement in our country has really grown other people have pointed out how the opposition here and around the world has has uh is calling on Israel to to stop the genocide you know I don't think that that's um that criticizing Israel can be equated with um anti semitism so I saw this documentary recently called isra israelism which has been banned in a lot of places and I can get some insights on on why some people who were raised in traditional Jewish households were you know gain this um unconditional support for Israel and it's something that maybe um maybe the counselor and other people should should look at okay thank you 5.5 One Rebecca no Rebecca uh 5.52 Al hello um my name is Zach I was uh here to ask to speak for Al who is sick that all right no you can he has to be here okay 5.53 Cheryl and all um I work for Jersey City Public Schools and I want to say that um I hope that would happen Thursday night stick because um Dej moris he put out some hard questions they they couldn't answer they should be able to answer it and the problem is the board allows the district to skate on just about everything I've been at board meetings for about 2 years now and I've been tackling racism discrimination agism sexism if it's ISM at the end of it that human resources department practices it I was recently elected VP of my union 2262 the first African-American woman to be elected to that position African-American woman was also elected to the president's position and we're facing racism in our position when we go to help our members we are restricted when we go to the board building we are restricted from going upstairs and speaking to supervisors and we should be able to speak to supervisors cuz we need to help our members that way two times we went there the first time we sat in the lobby for 3 hours I made calls nobody ansed me I sent emails nobody answers me went back again Monday the same thing happened De John questioned it and he wasn't let up on a superintendent she didn't have an answer but we know that and I have nothing against the teachers the teachers union president but when he goes he goes wherever he wants to go so it's something unfair about that so I know it's racism and I keep fighting against and I keep speaking against it and I have sent emails to to board members at this point I'm not worried that you don't have jurisdiction I'm worried that these are people that work for Jersey City Public Schools and tax dollars pay our salaries and we live in Jersey City so that should bother you so I will continue to fight and keep speaking now cuz I know whose shoulders I stand oning so I want to know do you know whose shoulders you stand oning cuz we need help we need help please thank you have a blessed night oh and also ps20 school on Danford Avenue on the third floor looks like a Dumping Ground it's a fire Haz it and we've sent pictures we've sent emails and nobody is doing anything about it people children are in that building even though they're down on the first floor shouldn't look like that on the third floor cuz they could do something with that third floor taxpayers dollars that's what you should be worried about and I also know that they misappropriate taxpayers dollars that should concern you also so I'm asking you to please look into that when we send you emails please we're not playing we're serious I work it I live it I see what's going on and we need help from the city council thank you have a bless tonight thank you speaker 5.54 Chris he's not here no Rez where oh Chris Perez perz I didn't even see you Chris no I didn't see I honestly didn't see Chris you're losing weight Chris Fe me then all right uh good evening Council uh there are a handful of concerns I would love to touch on however with the limited time I am speaking tonight as the president of the Jersey City landmarks Conservancy jclc we are a non for profit volunteer organization founded in 1999 to protect and promote the architectural cultural and environmental Heritage of Jersey City hopefully you've had an opportunity to enjoy segments of our new oral history series that highlights the lives of long-term residents an important part of Jersey City's history a project funded in part by a grant from the Jersey City arts and culture trust fund with a screening of our first film in these very council chambers last August we applaud the division of City Planning and the historic preservation office for taking on the overdue historic preservation master plan process we have concerns and would like to see the process elongated to ensure that we get it right we copied you last week on a letter we sent to City Planning and the historic preservation office expressing our concerns recommendations and offering our resources to assist with the historic preservation master plan process in this letter we explained how the jclc recently hosted a workshop with Community organization leaders from all over the city how this helped us identify goals that may be missing and improve goals that were included in the draft recently adopted historic preservation Master plans from other New Jersey municipalities were also used for reference the jclc and the organizations we engage with are yearning for outof the Box creative thinking and an opportunity to shape the long-term vision of our City's preservation efforts we believe the current historic preservation master plan process needs more time to address errors omissions and create a framework that embodies a long-term vision and meets the state of New Jersey's requirements for master plans we requested that the process be extended and offered our support this letter was undersigned by the following organizations and additional organizations that Express report after we sent out our letter the Bayside Park neighborhood association Crescent Clinton North Madison Association embankment preservation Coalition friends of Cornelius Parker Park friends of feris Triangle Park the greater neighborhood association historic poish hook Association I love Greenville Jackson Hill special improvement district the Jersey City Parks Coalition kmid of Kings Madison Avenue Block Association McGinley Square community board parishing field neighborhood association Riverview neighborhood association Sergeant Anthony Park neighborhood association the Sherwood Claremont neighborhood association and the Westside Community Alliance we are not criticizing the city or city planning this is a huge undertaking undertaking that we can't expect to come out right on the first try with limited time ideally revisiting a city's historic preservation master plan is a process that is carried out every 10 years thank you speaker 5.55 Maya Maya no okay that oh you are here okay come on up thank you hello again um I'm here again to ask for the passage of the ceasefire resolution um first just to express my solidarity with the renters um and the parents facing racism in the schools I'm sure there were other issues that I would also agree with although it was difficult to hear in the back um but what I came here to talk about today is again to ask you to pass the ceasefire resolution um again I'm a Jewish resident with Israeli family um and every every day that goes by without a ceasefire shows some new horror that I can't have even really imagined if I tried um it's so far beyond time for local governments to act and to you know to just do what we can to exert pressure on our federal officials for a ceasefire um at this point three other Hutson County towns including Union City and wehawken have passed these fire resolutions 70 cities across the country have passed these fire resolutions um and it really is the floor I mean bny melon for examp example a bank that's funding one of the main weapons manufacturers responsible for killing Palestinians in Gaza has a location in Jersey City you know we could be asking to shut down this bank but we're just asking to start for a little resolution saying it's actually bad for people to be killing each other um it's it's a pretty low lift and just to to tell a couple stories from this week although I I don't like to to sort of go over and over again the trauma particularly um for Palestinian residents whove had to kind of put themselves out there so many times to different governing bodies and relive that trauma but just this week there was a the Israeli military brought in an aid Convoy to North Gaza where people are starving and eating animal feed and 16 children have died of malnutrition at this point and then fired upon indiscriminately um the crowds of people trying to get food killing um the estimates up to a 100 including in the subsequent Stampede of people trying to flee from the bullets um and flee from being crushed by tanks or the aid trucks um so every day it's just something horrible like this I saw another gentleman husten I forget his last name who wrote a letter to President Biden saying that since the last time he'd asked for a ceasefire 220 members of his extended family had been killed in GL um and in in Israel just this past week a hostage who was taken on October 7th and then released in the last ceasefire deal her name is Alana was water cannoned in the face protesting the Israeli government begging them for a ceasefire to release her husband in another agreement and a 10-year-old kid was shot in the West Bank 10-year-old Palestinian kid so if she can be water cannoned in the face after being captive for so many months calling for a ceasefire I think we can pass a with no such violent time is up so that's that's everyone Sean yeah that concludes our speakers list all right first um I just want to thank everyone for coming out for sharing their views I think this is the greatest part of our democracy when we allow people to come and conduct themself in a reasonable Manner and voice their concerns displeasures and all that um with that being said I do want to take this time to apologize both to the border of Ed individuals that came in Portside um I just feel like I got to do better and you know I'm I'm GNA take that task to do better but just to put things into context and into perspective um it is extremely concerning to me um with a hurry on the tapes and things of that nature um but I did I just don't want it to be lost in in all of this that just so the record reflect I have been advocating more than I would make the argument more than anyone in a county as it relates to M treatment of all demographics before I was elected um so with that being said like I said I take accountability and with respect to the board it is a it's an interesting Dynamic for me in a sense that my primary focus and what I get paid for is to create legislation on a municipal level that's what I get paid to do that is my responsibility that is my job I'm a Advocate at heart so I do the additional things um um with respect to vanau that's our for for not following up but we did send the correspondence to the appropriate um to the appropriate people I have those emails and I'll share them with you later on but I just want the record to reflect that there is there is a fine there's a fine line for me and my role right it's everyone is like oh what is educational Gilmore doing why is he still advoc why is he why isn't he still not advocating it's not that I'm still not advocating it's that my role have increased and what I supposed to do as it relates to my obligations and I tell people in the in the community all the time you can create another coach rule this work is not mutually exclusive to just me doing the work we have to do it together and to do it in solidarity when you when you put a drastic burden on one individual it becomes overwhelming right so with that being said I mean I just I'm just a person that take full accountability and I always want to be transparent but I like to put things into context um so with that being said again you know I just think that it's good for people to constantly come out voice their concerns voice their displeasures I hear it I sit up here I look you in the face because when I sat on that side of the podium or from this day is I I I I understand the the pain and the anger and that stuff is real that stuff is real trust me I'm not being dismissive or neglectful in any way shape or form so I just wanted to say that so the record reflects okay anyone else we're good all righty any questions or comments on petitions and Communications items 6.1 through 6.9 19 hearing none any questions or comments on office communication 7.1 or 7.2 hearing none any questions or comments on reported directors 8.1 and moving right along to our claims and addendum number one council members going to be taking a vote on claims and addendum number one council person Ridley hi council person priner Hi council person bajano council person SLE hi council person Solomon hi council person Gilmore I council person Dees I council person Rivera I and council president wman claims and addendum number one are approved unanimously 90 on to our resolutions council members before we take a vote on the resolutions item 10.2 uh with the administration's approval we would like to withdraw it because unfortunately the family couldn't come to tonight's meeting so if the administration would agree to have that withdrawn absolutely thank you so with that being said council members I'm going to be taking a vote on items 10.1 through 10.13 with the exception of 10.2 which has been withdrawn 10.4 and 10.13 were approved earlier council person Ridley hi council person priner all council person Bano council person SLE I for all council person Solomon hi council person Gilmore I council person Dees hi council person re hi council president wman items 10.1 through 10.13 with the exception of 10.2 which has been withdrawn are approved unanimously 90 on to our next set of resolutions items 10.14 through 10.24 again that's 10.14 through 10.24 council person Ridley I council person priner council person bajano council person select I for all council person Solomon I council person Gilmore I council person Dees I council person Rivera hi and council president wman items 10.44 through 24 are approved unanimously 90 and for the balance of our resolutions items 10.25 through 10.32 with the exception of 10.32 was approved earlier council person Ridley hi council person priner Hi for all council person Bano council person SLE hi for all council person Solomon hi council person Gilmore I council person Dees council person rera Hi and council president wman items 10.25 through 10.32 are approved unanimously 90 and may I have the magic motion to adjourn at 8:58 p.m. I heard the motion made by council person Riva may I have a second second and I'm going to give it to the loudest council person priner on the motion to adjourn at 8:58 p.m. all council members present by acclamation please say I we are out of here at 8:50 a.m. thank you so much everyone in present and everyone watching at home remember Teamwork Makes a DreamWork have a great night stay safe