okay everyone we are on the record and please remember to silence your cell phones like I'm doing now okay today is Wednesday the sixth day of December in the year 2023 this is a special meeting of the Jersey City municipal Council we had a scheduled 400 p.m. start the clock on my cell phone is showing 4 pm exactly may we have a roll call for the commencement of this special meeting council person Ridley is absent council person priner here council person bajano is absent council person SLE is not here council person Solomon here council person Gilmore council person Dees here council person Riva here and council president wman here we have six council members in attendance at 4M can we kindly rise for a moment of silence please former corporate Council Jeremy phoh and also former city employee Russell Hanigan okay before we move on I just wanted to Mark council person Cay present at 402 PM so now we have seven council members and now I see council person bajano coming in at the same time at 4:02 PM so now we have eight council members present at 402 p.m on behalf of council president Waterman and members of the municipal Council in accordance with New Jersey public laws of 1975 chapter 231 the open public meetings act also known as the the Sunshine Law adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by the posting on the bulletin board of the first floor of City Hall which is the annual notice the schedule of meetings and caucuses of the municipal Council for the calendar year 2023 and filed in the office of the city clerk on December 15 2022 in addition this notice of the notice of this meeting was sent out on Thursday November 30th 2023 at 3:25 p.m. and the agenda of the meeting was similarly disseminated on Monday December 4th 2023 at 5:40 p.m. to the mayor Municipal Council business administrator Corporation Council and the local newspapers and posted on the city's website so I can certify as to our total compliance with the Sunshine Law so council members just so and members of the public and everyone watching at home I just want to State for the record we have eight council members present so for a resolution a majority of the members present to pass would be five affirmative votes okay with that being said I'm going to turn it over to our public safety director or we we good thank you director and just another reminder to make sure to keep the aisle clear all right so council members our sole purpose for this meeting is to consider item 10.1 City resolution 23- 903 which is a resolution of the Jersey City municipal Council concerning Israel and Palestine can I read it into the record or if you would like to council person s okay okay a resolution of the municipal Council of Jersey City concerning Israel and Palestine whereas Jersey City is a city of diversity one of the most diverse in the United States standing as a beacon of light hope and opportunity for all people and cultures and whereas Jersey City residents embody a spirit of acceptance and respect and have worked together to establish a city where each person is valued and celebrated whereas Jersey City condemns hate and Terror in all its forms whether it's racism anti-Semitism islamophobia LGBT anti-lgbtq sexism and terrorist attacks in the United States or across the globe whereas Jersey City decries the horrific attacks on October 7th against innocent Israeli civilians and whereas Jersey City also decries the loss of all innocent Palestinian civilians killed in the subsequent War whereas all human life is precious no matter their faith or ethnicity and whereas Jersey City Mourns the loss of all these lives whereas the Hamas terrorists that committed the acts of October the attacks of October 7th do not represent Islam nor all Palestinians and whereas millions of lives are at imminent risk from further escalation of the conflict both in Israel and Palestine as well as in the region whereas Israelis Jews Palestinians and Muslims live side by side in Jersey City where we celebrate each other's faiths through Interfaith ifar Passover saders and community activities whereas both Jewish and Muslim communities in Jersey City are grieving the innocent lives lost and the current escalation of conflict in the region now therefore or it be it hereby resolved by the municipal Council of the city of Jersey City as follows the city council for the city of Jersey City resolves our unwavering opposition to hatred and racism in all of its forms and will continue to Foster an environment that values diversity and upholds the principles of equality and understanding as the golden door of America Two we call on Governor Murphy attorney general platkin and the New Jersey State Legislative representatives for Jersey City to provide more resources to combat Rising cases of anti-Semitism and islamophobia through public education identification as well as the vigorous investigation and prosecution of hate and bias crimes three we call on the city of Jersey City Communications Department to work alongside the Jersey City police department to establish an anti-hate campaign that inform informs residents what to do in the case of a biased crime and how to report it as well as a campaign that celebrates the diversity of our city four the city council for the city of Jersey City resolves to work alongside Faith leaders and Community leaders to hold a meeting to find ways to unify this city Provide support and discussions on community healing and five we're encouraged by the negotiated human itarian pause which will allow the flow of desperately needed humanitarian Aid as well as the release of some of the hostages and we call on President Biden and Jersey City's Congressional Delegation to call for a permanent ceasefire which ensures the release of all hostages and the unrestricted flow of Aid to Gaza as well as Justice safety security and healing for all Israel Isis and Palestinians through a restart in the peace process thank you okay council members so I'm going to be calling for a vote on resolution 23- 903 council person priner so firstly to councilman CLE I want to thank venu for the enormous amount of work you have done listening to all of our communities across the city and how the um the conflicts that are happening um with Gaza Hamas and in and with Israel and how they're affecting everyone here and trying to find a way to bring people together um personally I I grieve for our Israeli community and our Jewish community and I grieve for our Palestinian Community our Muslim Community and it's very clear to me when listening to all of these groups the amount of trauma and emotion and pain it's causing you all um as a city council person I also need to be very aware of how World effects impact our local community and it is also very clear that because of this pain um it's been very hard to reconcile how we're going to move forward with this resolution um it also is you know challenging when I have parents call me from both communities talking about how their children don't even know how to talk about what is happening here um and it is you know also very very concerning when we're seeing an enormous uptick in islamophobia and anti-Semitism because of the events that are happening and playing out in the world where we have no control um and in addition to that the focus has shifted from the council from some of the things of the work that we are tasked to do by the electri body which is going to budget hearings which is making sure that our constituents have heat which is making sure that potholes are filled and this I do not come to this decision lightly but because I cannot reconcile these I'm going to have to abstein okay council person Bano uh I would like to see a committee formed or a task force be created to bridge the gaps between the various groups involved in order to solve these issues I'm going to vote Yes because I hope this piece as I as I said I want to see a task force formed and have these issues solved between these various groups thank you council person CLE I want to thank everyone who passionately shared their perspect their perspectives during recent Council meetings through your remarks calls emails various forms of expression our diverse Jersey City Community Community is a tapestry of beauty pain raw emotion and your voices have been heard and deeply empathetically woven into this text our freedom of speech a Cornerstone of democracy allows us to express our opinions openly over the past two months the council has endeavored to craft a unifying text that reaffirms Jersey City's commitment to our beautiful communities and condemns hate and Prejudice starting as a response following the October 7th attacks to condemn Hamas this resolution was written also to emphasize our values as a city where people of all backgrounds Thrive together we wanted to stand and be counted when these incidents immediately affected our communities here in our home as the son of diaspora Palestinian immigrants raised in the Heights with Seven Sisters this journey is deeply personal for me if my parents had not sought a better life in this country I might have faced the Fate as many Palestinians today who are detained or killed in historically High numbers especially following the last 7 weeks despite the gravity of the situation and our limited Municipal Powers we brought forth a resolution to condemn Hamas and reaffirm our commitment to combating anti-em ISM islamophobia as we actively work to protect our local houses of worship with security and assistance security assistance and coordination mayor Philip has worked tirelessly with the Jersey City police department on that front this resolution while not a solution to the broader conflict is about celebrating our city and allowing our richly diverse City to stand and be counted a resolution condemning Hamas will not somehow Scandal them into changing course a resolution calling for Biden and global leaders to bring a ceasefire will not magically make it happen it's about giving the Jewish and Palestinian communities a voice to feel seen and heard it's about supporting both communities that have seen arise in hate crimes across the country it's about emphasizing the moral consistency to condemn violence wherever it occurs regardless of the victim's ethnicity or faith this chamber has served as a forum for those passionate discussions and for each side to hear one another personally I am both and at once horrified by the loss of innocent lives in Israel and the indiscriminate bombing in Gaza that is being funded and supported by our government a critical mass of Jersey City residents of conscience representing every Hue from Young Jewish Americans to Arab citizens of Christian and Muslim faith and every mosque institutionally within Jersey City and New Jersey writ large has called for a ceasefire this the language in this resolution advocates for a bilateral ceasefire with the return of all hostages seeking peace Justice Safety and Security for both Israelis and Palestinians over almost two months we work tirelessly to perfect the language with Jersey City constituent support and comment collaborating with council members Community leaders residents and organizations like the ADL and despite our best intentions the outcome may not be universally embraced because the issue is larger than this resolution the resolution serves as a Jersey City Centric effort to make our affected communities feel heard the issue does not exist in a vacuum our most affected communities have weathered tensions bigoted attacks and we've addressed security concerns especially with synagogues and mosques the issue impacts us here at home and there's a legitimate fear that Regional instability affects the safety of Americans Israelis and Palestinians alike I remember vividly how the world changed after 911 and the abject fear I had as a child at ps28 and I went into public service to ensure that I did my part that we didn't make the same mistakes and that we do not continue Vicious Cycles that previous leaders have left us all unsafe and vulnerable we do that through community service action dialogue activism tolerance acceptance and understanding and regardless of today's outcome let's hold space in our hearts for the affected communities please exercise Civility and respect my colleagues as I respect them our Shared Hope is for a future or Palestinian and Israeli brothers and sisters enjoy peace dignity freedom and security while it may may not happen today today or tomorrow let's consider that this is not the end but the beginning the beginning of more dialogue and conversations with Community leaders and most importantly with each other our interconnected communities both here and abroad require reasoned and empathetic consideration of this crisis for the sake of our futures and our future Generations I dare to dream of of a world just like Jersey City where there's not only diversity in color and Creed but diversity in thought and speech a city like Jersey City where we can discuss protest rally for causes both locally and globally a world like Jersey City where every nation and every person is given an opportunity to build a better life in equality dignity and respect and where the rights to life liberty and pursuit of happiness are inalienable world like Jersey city that has served as a safe haven for generations of immigrants seeking to build a better life I dare to dream of a world like Jersey City where a mayor that is the grandson of Holocaust Survivors and a first generation son of Palestinian immigrants can both be elected and work together towards common good regardless of the outcome it is my hope that this resolution serves as fertile ground for for these discussions we do not live in the Garden of Eden nor am I naive enough to think that we ever will we have to create our own version of Eden one where we command Deere our identities work tirelessly with each other and with our communities where we can cease looking at each other as caricatures of our fears and relish Relish in the richness that we can offer one another thank you I vot I council person Solomon um I want to start by thanking um my colleague for his um leadership and and those beautiful remarks um I want to explain my vote and approach and start by telling everyone what it's going to be and and I will abstain today on the vote and I understand that that is a vote that makes no one happy and I would only do so if I genuinely believe it is the right thing for our community um I want to share an email I received from a constituent a few weeks ago that stuck with me and helps explain why I believe it is the right decision and and my constituent wrote although I am personally supportive of a ceire in Gaza I don't think anyone voted for you or your Council colleagues to navigate complex issues from the world stage I'm all for Council Members expressing their opinions on National international events via social media and op ads but I fear that spending time and debating resol solutions that would at best have a microscopic impact on the unfolding events in the Middle East only distract from the many serious local issues we face for sure take steps to make sure every Jersey City resident feels safe and secure but I can tell you that Netanyahu and Hamas are not listening to city councils in America that was his remarks and I think there was wisdom in his assessment um in my six years in office um I have not addressed or or uh introduced a resolution about Affairs outside our country and while I respect everyone who has advocated and believes this resolution will influence our state's Congressional decision makers those who have the power to make change I respectfully descent Senators Menendez and Booker Congress people pay and Menendez their positions are unaffected by our actions here I know the organizers who support the resolution have spent time lobbying our federal representatives and to date I have not seen those Representatives host meetings heal division or explain their positions in detail I deeply deeply deeply respect the effort of my colleagues undertook to find common ground and as my colleague just said regardless of the outcome that the process has to become fertile ground for our next steps as a city however despite those extraordinary efforts we have seen division grow in the city that that division is signally bigger than everything in Jersey City um but we are seeing it before us um when I ran for office I promised my constituents that I would focus on Jersey City and that my intention will be always to Place Jersey city first that does not mean I do not see and am deeply moved by the extraordinary pain that I have heard from Palestinian constituents from Muslim constituents from Jewish constituents and Israeli constituents I know that my decision will not please members on both sides of the resolution who had asked uh for yes or no but my pledge is to listen to seek common ground and to Foster communication and compassion my gu principal remains doing what I believe is best for Jersey City and this commitment will continue to be the beacon as we navigate these challenging times and work towards healing in Jersey City V is exstension thanks thank you council person Gilmore goodness um want to thank councilman SLE um for his leadership on his resolution thank all of you who reached out whom I talked to set down extensively um I've been meeting with people for easily the last week up until that this meeting right here um um fortunately for me um I really have to I don't have no political position to take um as I really don't look down the road I don't care about reelection I don't know if I'm going to run again so for me this is not a political um decision for me um I have tooken everything that everyone have said and for me I'm trying to find the common ground what is right here and the resolution is saying that Jersey City um despised of hate of all forms um councilmen have worked tiously with both communities to bring forth a resolution um and I understand the sentiment that some people are saying well you know we shouldn't really be discussing International Affairs that's that's a valid point um but but it's in front of us right we have to do something about it um so I'm going to vote year in a sense that when I hear of someone say ceire is stop the killing on both sides so for me and my vote um that's why I'm going to to vote here um IR regardless of what happens whether it pass it fails or whatever I think we all do a disservice to the conversation if we don't continue to work together I'm sure that we don't agree with the same decisions we make every day right so we just have to find it in our heart to one throw religion out the window throw race throw cach we are all human we all creation of a greater purpose so in light of all that um i v i I will continue to reach out and work with ID of sou council person Dees I'd like to start off uh thanking councilman slay for working tremendously and incredibly hard to put this together um not only did you work very hard bringing communities together and getting the language beautifully written uh I understand how much of a weight this has put on you um and how hard you know this journey has been so I really thank you for your commitment to this work um the language that you put together about Jersey City and us being a community that rejects hate is true I believe everyone up here in this room and throughout the city condemns all violence and all hate with all groups we want nothing more than peace for all people I do however believe that as an elected body we need to continue to work locally to support the communities that feel this hurt and feel fear I'm thankful that we've been able to give all different groups a choice the passage or failure of this resolution is going to result in one of those groups or sides to feeling fearful and because we were not able to find middle around because we were not able to drive home the sentiments of the resolution of being of recognizing Jersey City as a Haven of of hope uh and love I going to also abstain on this vote but committed to working with all of the groups to bring us back together and to do what the work that we can to make sure our community does not reflect any of that hate or agitation here thank you council person re as a as a councilman of city of Jersey City for 10 years I'm deeply aware of the diverse community that we do serve the proposed resolution advocating for ceas fire between Israel and Hamas drafted by my Council colleague Yousef Sal is a matter which I think we can all agree requires International diplomacy however after carefully listening to perspectives and sentiments within New Jersey City and following a period of thorough reflection and respect for the wide array of views held by our residents I've decided to abstain from voting on this resolution our City's diversity is not just the characteristics it's our strength it's essential that that any decision made by this Council honors and respects the Mosaic of cultures beliefs and opinions that make Jersey City unique while the global issues are complex and elicit strong emotions our primary focuses our primary focus must remain on fostering a community that upholds respect inclusivity and understanding for all its members I will have stand thank you and council president mman well um good afternoon everyone um this has been such a challenging uh resolution for us all first of all I want to um thank councilman Cay who has been pretty much in the thick of this not only that the last meeting um he was disrespected just trying to do the right thing I've met with leaders on both sides and at the very beginning when I had a conversation with them and they asked about resolutions could we put anything forth I told them then I said I will abstain until you guys can come together and work together on what the wording should be I said it from the very beginning I have met with them again there is still no Unity along this line what I have seen this resolution has tore our community apart either way somebody's going to feel like they're the victim and somebody's going to feel like the winner as a representative of both sides I will abstain but I gave an offer out to those leaders I said I grew up during the Civil Rights era and when we were fighting for freedom and Dr Martin Luther King was leading he always demonstrated peace and part of that peace demonstration was when we serve one another it was and so January is coming and that's the day of service that Dr King put aside for us to serve communities I said it would be good if both sides can come together and do some type of service and televise that put that on Facebook because Jersey City is so diverse we have to show people that we are united we against all forms of hatred that's just who we are as a people but I seen this resolution T our community apart I've seen it it really did and so that's why I'm abstaining I said it from the very beginning they have not come together no one is really listening one side want a resolution one side don't like the word cease fire there has not been no neutral ground no Common Ground so that lets me to know no one is is really listening yet we're not at the listening point so with that in mind that's the only reason why I'm abstaining really but I do believe in equality I do believe in Freedom I do believe in humanity I do believe we all should have a voice but this voice have to be United because this is such a delicate situation very delicate so I'm open to to see if we can do some type of service together I'm open I said it before I'm no one walks out this room a winner today no one because our city has been divided so now let's see if we can unite our city like it once was let's respect each other and let's make the world see that in Jersey City this is a place where you can feel safe so I don't have to clap nobody don't have to clap okay thank you go ahead Okay resolution 2 23- 903 the vote in the in the affirmative was by made by council members bajano Cay and Gilmore and extensions were made by council person priner Solomon the Rivera and council president so the vote is 305 which is defeated resolution needs five votes when you have eight council members present if anyone wasn't here from the beginning motion to adjourn motion to adjourn is made by council person CLE and seconded by council person Rivera at 4:32 pm. on the motion to adjourn council person Prince AR council person Bano council person SLE council person Solomon hi council person Gilmore hi I council person de council person Rivera and council president motion carries 80 with council person Ridley abson to adjourn at 4:32 p.m. thank you so much everyone present and thank you so much everyone watching at home remember Teamwork Makes a DreamWork have a great rest of the night guys keep keep it civil please