e e e e e at St alowishus Church on Westside Avenue so um you can keep their thoughts and prayers for him at this difficult time that was his best friend and the best man at his wedding so he is definitely itely feeling some type of way today and since it's happened it's been a lot so just wanted to get that out there um I will now turn it over to council president Waterman good afternoon our first director director KS good afternoon president wman members of the council I have one item before you this evening uh resolution 24524 item 1051 resolution will ratify an emergency contract with mclusky Mechanical Contractors Incorporated for the repair and replacement of the HVAC system at the firehouse located at 595 Palisade Avenue total amount of the contract is $129,600 [Music] the firefighters really need that relief up there um once once this is ratified how long do you think it'll take before them to come in and fix the AC do they do they have an idea the we actually I had the my division director director fona reach out to the company the problem that all people are having now especially HVAC systems is backlog on equipment so in L of that uh we're going to get them portable air conditioning and have that in place until the systems fixed I would say probably maybe four to six weeks total okay but they'll have portable air conditioners to in in the living quarters and yeah and common errors I want to thank you for your leadership on this thank you thank you afternoon members of the council I have three items for you today the first one is item number 10.36 that's a resolution number 24-50 and it's a resolution authorizing the business administrator to execute the discharge of a mortgage encumbering 34 Gardener Avenue um the homeowner was provided $6,000 for um a horp program that's the homeowner repair program um according to the repayment schedule no payment is due to the city at this time and with all items being met we ask the council to approve for the ba to discharge um the second item that I have for you is 10.37 that's resolution 24- 510 and this is a resolution authorizing the business administrator to execute the discharge of a mortgage and cuming 645 Ocean Avenue in Jersey City um and this homeowner received $20,000 for our firsttime home buyer program all conditions for the program have been met and are satisfied no repay is due to the city at this time as um this these are not this is not one of the 95 files right no it is not okay um the last item that I have for you is number 10.38 that's resolution 24-5 um and it's a resolution for the municipal Council to authorize the award and execution of subrecipient agreements for our summer youth programs under our community development block grant um on April 24th 2024 via resolution 24- 298 the city reserved $100,000 of its cdbg Public Service dollars to be airmark for summer youth programming um we are funding the following agencies educational Arts team Hudson community Enterprises new city kids Nimbus Dance Works Styles house team Wilderness the Kennedy dancers and the Urban League of Hudson County all at various Awards amounts totaling the $100,000 summer Reserve DEA um with regards so when we give the funds to the uh nonprofits um so is the services free do like so let's say if we you give I don't know someone $20,000 Grant um subsequently do Jersey City residents or youth get to attend that program for free is that money allocated to fund a particular amount of of of Youth how does that work so it would be different for each organization based on what their needs are and the application when they make application for funding to us so some agencies are requesting that we um pay for the funding of the staff who are actually executing the services some of the organizations um provide scholarship which is what nimus Dance Works does so it offsets the cost for the low to moderate income eligible youth to be able to participate um but there's a lot of budget analysis that goes through that because we have to make sure that we're not over subsidizing them and that they're using their funds appropriately some agencies want us to help offset the cost of their space and we put funds towards rent so it would be any eligible expense under the cdbg program guidelines thank you thank you Dasa just one second so just to make sure it's 10.36 10.37 and 10.38 that is correct thank you B good afternoon council president and council members division of immigrant Affairs we only have one item number 10.40 resolution 24- 513 seeking the author authorization to accept grant funding from the State Department of Human Services office of new Americans uh the grant is called the employment authorization assistance grant it lasts for one year starting from September of this year in the amount of $225,500 it will be um used to uh set up clinics to assist refugees and noties from four countries Cuba Haiti Nicaragua and Venezuela and also to assist uh the a AF hands uh with temporary protectors status uh to help them with the documents and application uh for the employment Authority uh to help them get started is this being dispersed uh this grant is it dispersed to like different groups so that they're the ones doing the Outreach or is this through the uh we have Partners about six partners that will assist us uh with the space for the clinics uh Personnel that speaks such as uh French creol to help the Haitians uh six partners that will be uh reing the grant funding what portions of it will the council be notified as to when the clinics happen or is it just like uh sure right now is still at the beginning stages and we're stillwaiting further details from the state department awesome thank you no problem thank you council president City Council Members I have two items uh for you today for cultural Affairs item 10.24 resolution 24 497 this is a resolution authorizing Professional Services to grci for fireworks for July 4th and 10.25 a resolution authorizing us to enter into an agreement with the Jersey City Board of Education to provide security at the Jersey City July 4th celebration 24- 498 so um is this the security for like the traffic control area that'll be handled by jcpd this is for wanding at the entry points say that one more time or wanding and bag checking at oh checking in okay they have all their own equipment so it's been partnership in the past thank you is this I was going to say is this the typical rate like 61.5 an hour for the 53 security guards and then another 68 for the senior ones or the supervisors it's based on their overtime rates ultimately it will probably be less than this so this is the max amount okay all right thank you Owen again good afternoon council president members of city council HHS food and nutrition has two items for your consideration item one resolution 24515 agenda number 10.42 a resolution authorizing the award of a contract to witson Food Service to provide 2024 summer food service program for the Department of Health and Human Services food and nutrition division is this the vendor from last year is the same vendor or a new vendor no good I know I know you guys are looking that's okay next one come on all right resolution 24512 agenda number 10.39 resolution authorizing the city of Jersey City Department of Health and Human Services to accept the 2025 Wick Health Services Grant from the New Jersey Department of Health thank youa I here I did I saw her unless she had to go down Laura to happen good afternoon council members I'm here for resolution 24- 482 item number 10.09 a resolution to cancel 11 months of the 2023 added assessment on the Block 9606 lat one qualifier c042 and due to the running assessment the subject property was renovated and have a five years tax payment from 2018 to 20223 and the amount of 25,000 in assessment value in 2023 the taxpayer 5 County Bo appealed and the payment was removed in 2023 the city erly charged the taxpayer 11 months of the tax payment amount therefore I'm requesting the city council to authorize the tax collector to cancel the 11 months ated assessment in the amount of $514 94 cents thank you good evening council president and members of city council I have one item for you tonight from City Planning um that is agenda item 10.53 resolution number 24526 a resolution of the city council designating a portion of dat site study area five is an area in need of Redevelopment the power of condemnation pursuant to the local Redevelopment and Housing law um several months ago Council passed a resolution directing this the planning board to study 10 properties located in Ward e um that were in a V vacant or dilapidated state for eligibility to be designated as an area in need of Redevelopment the planning board found that all properties met the criteria however um since the passing of the original resolution one property located at 391 1 Street um had begun Redevelopment and reconstruction of a new apartment building therefore um Council recommended the exclusion without prejudice of that property this resolution um will designate the other nine properties as an area in need of Redevelopment with the power of condemnation um quick question what's what's the difference in permitted use between the one versus the nine sorry councilman I don't follow could you rephrase your question so you said um the area is designated well study for for redevelopment potentially to build something correct um so designation as an area need of Redevelopment means it meets the criteria based on the state's Redevelopment housing law or designation for redevelopment as an area which could mean inclusion in a Redevelopment plan eligibility for redevelopment area bonds or in this case since there's the power of condemnation allowing but not requiring the city to exercise domain to acquire the yeah the power cable was unplugged okay whatever battery had di sure that I appreciate the planning's work to help us move this forward all these properties except the one being excluded that's now being worked on been the state of disrepair certainly since 2021 when they were flagged but many for years and years beyond that and then you in the planning purview but obviously once add added to the scattered site plan uh the jcra will contact the owners and our hope is for them to just take action and maintain their properties right that's that's issue that's you know step number one everyone benefits from that but we want to have the option and the tools if they continue negligent ownership of the properties for multiple more years that the city can take action and ultimately uh you know remove eyes soures from the community and return them to to the community as as you know well-maintained properties thank you okay uh hi Council we have two ordinances but I'm going to start with agenda item 3.2 ordinance 24- 057 an ordinance of the municipal Council of the city of Jersey City adopting amendments to the Lewis Mano Marin Boulevard Redevelopment plan regarding use and bulk standards to District Two of the Redevelopment plan and other Associated standards uh so the title does a good job here of telling you what this is all about uh but but this is regarding the embankment um and in the the first block of the embankment uh between uh Manila and Marin uh this uh Amendment before you allows for three different options to facilitate the development Redevelopment of that uh that block and requires the conveyance uh of the other uh portions of the embankment that would fall under the same um ownership claim uh to convey those to the city uh it also includes some other community benefits um with with regard to that development so a 30 foot setback for rideway related to continuing that down the embankment uh a Stairway an elevator uh to get up up to to that height um and the potential for um a a a bridge to the next block west uh under one of the options um a community meeting was done with Miss Cove uh neighborhood association just the other week and um I'm here if you have any questions so I have um an addition not a question but thank you g to City Planning they did a lot of work to to bring this forward and I had a chance to meet with most of the colleagues to update them on this as well um I I'll pass this around there are small amendments uh uh that we want to make before first reading and I believe if Amanda in law can can Chim how to do that I'll ask the surround sure um you're still going to have to make a motion councilman to amend so they'll need to be a motion in a second and then you can read it and if you give it to your Council colleagues that would be helpful read it into the record and then um we'll take a vote on it as amended uh there needs to be five yes votes no matter what and do I make the motion before we vote on first reading introduction or after we vote on first reading introduction before before okay so basically that would be the first thing we would do if we we doing a ceremonial okay correct got it all right thank you no other questions um we'll move on to 3.1 uh and my director uh Tanya Marion will take the lead here and I will support her as I can uh this is uh ordinance 24- 056 uh City Council sent the resolution to us a month ago asking us to review an ordinance to amend uh Journal Square to require mandatory affordable housing the planning board um deliberated a couple weeks ago and proposed something different I'm going to go through some things with you if you're good with that I think we need a little bit more of a solid base well first of all let's talk about mandatory affordable housing right so case law has made it really clear that and including the Fair Housing Act has made it clear that you need some kind of compensatory benefit that's what the word is but it's also word saying if I'm going to require affordable housing I need to make sure that the developer has a re reasonable and realistic opportunity to create that because sometimes and what was happening is that towns were doing mandatory affordable housing to kill development that's why that kind of of reasoning exists so when we looked at the affordable housing proposal that was given to us um we took an analysis of the accommodations so we use the word accommodations is to say this ordinance requires affordable housing period the second you have 30 units so there's no trigger the trigger is 30 units once you have 30 you're required to do affordable housing and that matches the io tier map 10% or 15% right if you think about Journal Square you can think about a series of circles that just get bigger the core we refer to a Zone one that's right on top of the path zone two is the air that's above the train so it doesn't really mean anything not right now zone three is you know kind of right next to that four 4 a five you get the point the further it goes out the bigger the numbers go um the accommod that was recommended in the uh councilman's was to do number of stories based on the units that required so the second you have 30 units you're required to do three affordable 10% three if you were required to do three units you got x amount of stories and I believe the highest amount of stories was five right so whatever requirement you would have gotten an additional five so our team did an analysis based on existing approvals of what that would look like realistically and what we had found was that it wasn't possible to actually accommodate the amount of affordable units within the site when you're capping it at three four or five stories and we did it based on a ratio this to say that if you required one affordable unit how many Market unit were you getting or whatever to accommodate offset that affordable in some of the instances it was want and some of the instances it was less than one which shows us that it's not reasonable but more or less not realistic right to actually create affordable housing so the more Equitable way to do it was square footage right so Journal Square does not have a density standard you can fit however many units that you can fit in that building based on what the envelope requires so using square footage is actually kind of the cleanest way to do it as well within Journal Square so our first recommendation was to use square footage within that within the analysis that we did and it's in your packets that's on in the agenda um you can see that we estimated 5,000 square feet for every one affordable unit giving us on average right so sometimes it was lower sometimes it was higher three Market to one affordable which we believe is creating a realistic opportunity to offset the cost of that affordable because remember it's not Apples to Apples right that affordable unit can be a unit that uh 30% Ami or below and three bedroom and your Market may just be a studio the Market's whatever it is that you can put in there right that was our first recommendation our second recommendation was based on the exemptions so again one two three four uh the councilman's exemptions were to exempt zone four 4 and 4 a so in order to be consistent we recommended that five 6 7 and8 also be Exempted again as I was saying these are zones that are on the periphery of the plan and they're actually adjacent to those lower rise uh lower density neighborhoods um we got some push back and so in our response to that we did an amendment at the hearing that just said here's our opinion our opin is that you cannot be arbitrary in what you exempt you can't say affordable housing here no affordable housing here affordable housing here when um zone four five six seven and eight have very similar bulk standards doesn't really kind of make any sense so either you exempt or through whatever or you don't exempt or through whatever but either way you do it clean so it's not arbitrary the planning board heard our opinion on that and decided that there should be no exemptions um and that all of Journal Square should be required to have mandatory affordable housing in that event what we recommended still the 5,000 square feet but a a height cap limit so in zone three you're going to be allowed to have 26 stories that's what the zoning is today we gave a cap of 20 stories based on the accommodations in zone four where we recognize that it's a lower Zone the cap right now is six stories so we gave it additional 10 story height there are so many numbers in this even I get confused many times if you think about it you get an extra 20 stories in zone three 10 stories in zone four that's the app um and so what you have before you the planning board recommendation first of all it cleans up um the ordinance though there it takes a lot of repetitive things things like there's some language in there that mimics 187 188 We just cleaned that a lot of that stuff up we cleaned up a lot of definitions that um were also cleaned up within the Land Development ordinance that you guys passed uh last year and the recommendation of course is the square footage for the accommodation and the no exemptions H yeah um so you said that in general Square they could just right now before this ordinance they can just build where any amount of units that the establishment per um permits correct that's correct so but does at any point will it trigger the io or no so you trigger the io in Journal Square based on a setback uh variance so for example um you see it lot Corner Lots yes they're actually required to have like a rear yard setback but for the most part they build all the way out right and because there's building within that setback that part of that building is 5,000 square feet or five units or more the the io is triggered that's how the io gets triggered at least within Journal Square oh yeah so what what doesn't work in Journal Square is the affordable housing overlay right because the affordable housing overlay is that tool that kind of allows the release of density so it doesn't there's no um you know carrot so to speak in Journal Square that works is there than I know um councilman Bano is uh supportive uh of most of what the planning board and you know planning department has put forth um I I know he has uh some issues with 4 and 4A uh those areas um not being not being excluded um because he is worried about let's say going 16 stories 18 stories um is there any way for us to um address that or exclude them or put a limit on the height um as um that that was oo's uh position I know not here right now but um just wanted to address it I mean the council can amend it the planning board's recommendation's going to stay whatever the recommendation is it's kind of done already in that regard um but I would caution as to do an All or Nothing which is for and on or keep it all because again I think removing 4 and 4 a set you up for arbitrary um and a challenge and the whole thing will get thrown out are are those areas more residential in uh character or like what what's the current height limit right now in the in that area uh in zone four in 4 a so zone four you can go up to six stories and less you are on a corner and you have a corner bonus you can go up to 14 stories if you have a corner bonus in zone 4A it uh is controlled by the street width so it can be any so if you're on a smaller Street you're going to get 40 feet uh if you're on a larger Street you can get up to 70 feet again it depends on the height of the width of the street okay thank you for putting this on the record that's all my my last question Matt um wow this is like really amazing to me so the the corner the corner parcel of land you can get more density right or you can go higher get more stories because you said typically it was eight and the um example you use the Usef but you said on a corner it can go up to 14 yep so Journal Square has bonuses written into it um and they're Corner bonuses office space bonuses So like um if you drive to the end of Baldwin Avenue 139 those two buildings that went up they actually utilize the corner bonus and they're 14 stories oh gas stations um concerns about this um from different developers da I know you work this out but uh Chuck I want you to come and ask this question that um concerning the partial that you have your client have because um he's he's at the end of almost at the end of the um street that he's going to build on that's what I'm saying they coming to us at the last minute this is always last minute stuff and um we don't get clarity cuz I'm just getting this I know Tanya done did her research and you know came up with the best plan possible because she's really fair if anybody I know is fair it's her she gets it with development but I know your client had a concern that I I just want to get clear what it is here based on what I'm hearing from Tanya what she's done well um yeah for the record Charles Harrington of Connell Foley um I'm not sure which client you're referring to but I do have concern both of them both of them your clients I I I have a number of clients that that have properties in Journal Square and I did bring this up to the planning board um our concerns uh specifically with regard to Zone 4 I have clients that that want to participate in in this they have properties in zone 4 where they would um you know they if they did projects with 30 or more units they would be subject to the affordable housing right um and then one concern is is uh uh is the 10 stor um that they think that's not enough that that we request that it be uh 20 stories uh like zone three and that that those properties are are um located within Zone 4 that are between Summit Avenue and and uh Kennedy Boulevard so there's a little pocket of properties that are that are within that uh close to the Homestead Place uh extension area um and a Homestead Place uh has well you have the Journal Square across the street which are you know 50 plus stories uh if not more I'm I'm sure it's more and in the homestead Homestead Place uh developments are 27 stories so the idea is within that zone four area uh to provide for the bonus uh similar to zone three that that you could have up to 20 stories uh and then there's there's you know because I understand there's a concern about some parts of Zone 4 that right that may or may not be appropriate but we think that that area uh would be appropriate uh and I I don't represent all the property within that area I'm just saying you know some of my my uh clients have expressed that concern and I know there's other property owners within that area that would would support that and then I also have uh other clients that have the corner lot bonuses there there's there's only so many that are within Zone 4 uh that have the corner lot bonus and they've already been identified as as properties that could support additional height so this may be you know we think it's it's an appropriate opportunity to provide uh similar uh you know another maybe it's 10 stories 20 stories for the corner lot bonuses they're already getting you know additional uh uh height but if they do the affordable housing it provides a greater opportunity to create the affordable housing on those lots that have already been identified as as um additional height properties so my my thought when my clients those properties maybe you car you can carve them out um and add them but again I you know I I don't dismiss the concerns of right of of Tanya that that you know there was an arbitrary and capricious issue out there that that could blow this whole thing up yes it can any other questions so not a question really but just so what we're being asked to do by councilman boano who won't be in attendance on Wednesday is to introduce and then his plan is to introduce amendments on the July 10th meeting yes okay oh he could introduce me let me ask you something we so if let me ask the Lord Department okay I let me ask you something um if we introduce it okay because um councilman is not here let's say the changes that he wants to make it's a substantial change this has to go back to the planet right um not necessarily it would have to go back up for a first read not necessarily go back to planning it would depend on what comes back so planning is done with this yeah correct us okay and just based on what the planning um our planning director told us the chances that we would take if we just start carving pieces out correct Tanya if we carve out certain sections we will be jeopardizing the whole thing yeah come on T I'm sorry I'm sorry if we start carving out pieces we will be jeopardizing the whole plan pretty much you take four out yeah is that what you mean yeah yeah I like I said um if you just want to think of it kind of logic right um zone four is closer to the core we always say the core which is again the path that's where we think the more density is reasonable to say the property that's closer to the path um should be exempt because we don't want additional density or height but the properties that are further right fine with um the logic doesn't exist right so you just have to be able to give a logic IAL analysis and that's what we did when we looked at them we were just looking to create an analysis that was logical okay thank you and just to be specific the state law does call for if the council does make an amendment that is going against the recommendation of planning you need to place those reasons on the record thank you Tanya afternoon Council um I have two resolutions to present um 24- 474 10.1 and 24475 10.2 both of these resolutions are for loss third party certificates the lean holders lost them and provided us an affidavit with a cost of $100 per certificate to replace them as required by State Statute so these are lean holders that um lost their certificate and we're just replacing them yes they pay us a $100 we just duplicate them okay um I have a couple more with um the law Department's help there are agenda 10.4 through 10.8 resolution 24- 477 uh through 24481 take one at a time read them each okay there there are resolutions to redeem tax sales certificates um for Block 2171 Lot 10 and 27101 lot one these resolutions are for properties that are actually a city street the developer here John can explain it to you so 10.4 we talk they're all the same this is a condo development right outside the Westside Avenue Light Rail station about a block away off Westside Avenue um and there have been some title issues where it does not appear that all the proper propes got transferred over to the various homeowners associations within the development the developer has since gone bankrupt and does not exist anymore because of the title issues tax bills were being sent to an entity that was not responding and obviously not paying the taxes so tax s certificates were issued on the properties they basically consist of that are they private roadways that were supposed to be dedicated to the city the problem was the way they were designed they are not up to spec for to be dedicated as public streets so they've remained as private streets but they need to be used obviously by the people that live there there was an example I believe over a decade ago of someone who'd done something similar I think in the same development who got title to the one of the properties through a tax sale foreclosure and then put up a fence around it to essentially extort the property owners to buy the property from them so this is to head anything off like that and then we can look into once the the homeowners associations have gotten together and figured out how to clear up the chain of title they're the ones that would technically owe the taxes on the properties anyway we get them to reimburse us at that time if they don't will file a lean on the properties and John um so this is this on it's not on Grant is it one of them it's the wests side station condos which are it's like mallerie technically it's like mallerie and Grant it's got the you know the Tribeca like that that that's right that's the condo complex correct yeah it is it's it's mallerie and Grant and Claremont it's kind of all nestled within there right on the other side of the parking lot from so these these entities PID the quote unquote lean um so what they they so what are we refunding resolution alliz and a payment who the $445 are you giving it back to Honeybadger so they're foreclosing they're trying to foreclose on the property and they want to put a fence around it so in order to stop that you GNA pay them back we have to pay them back we have to redeem the certificate so at what point like so so this money is not I'm confused so this is this money not collectible no so what usually happens is you collect the taxes from the The Entity that owns it because that ownership entity essentially doesn't exist anymore they didn't pay the taxes so we put the tax sale certificate up which means someone else paid the taxes on the property in this case honey badger is the one that you're talking about after two years if the property owner has not reimbursed them for the the taxes that they paid they can foreclose on the property and get uh full ownership of the property now we're trying to prevent that from happening just so we don't deal with a scenario where someone might try to extort others out of um being able to use their properties and and buy the property off of them I'm not saying Honeybadger would do that I'm not sure any of the entities that are involved in this have shown that type of behavior before we're just trying to head off any risk so I guess the bigger question is how do we sort this stuff out right so going forward it's really not on us to sort it out it's going to be up to the homeowners associations they're going to need to handle this through the courts to get title to the property we can do this once but they're now on notice going forward if they do nothing about it then they can deal with what comes their way okay hello council president members of the council hope you're all well uh I have several items for the Department of infrastructure the first one is agenda item 3.4 ordinance 24- 059 it's an ordinance designating uh Reserve parking spaces at various locations throughout the city the next one is agenda item 10 point 44 resolution 24517 it's a resolution authorizing a Second Amendment to the contract with eastn architects in relation to Reservoir 3 this is specifically for the design development and construction documents of the historic structures that are located within Reservoir 3 uh the amount is $256,800 when when would this um commence it's not for the um commencement of the construction itself it's for the development of the plans that would be needed for the construction to happen because they're historic structures there are several um state requirements for how the remediation of the structure happens and what it can be used for uh so we need to develop plans to do that um we are at the same time working on advancing the one structure that is farthest along that can move towards construction and Rehab um but that project has to go out to bid you may recall councilman that we had put it out to bid twice it came back with the bids being significantly over budget by uh over a million dollars so we're working on that part this is for uh design development for the other historic structures in general and you'll you'll try and coordinate this with the remediation that's happening at the same time so that there structure yes so the goal is to minimize the disruption to Public Access of the park as much as possible um so the remediation is the next phase of the work that's going to happen of the water um and this would be an additional phase on top of it the full vision for the park um has many many phases that will you know come in the future and uh how much longer do you anticipate before the public can enter at least for this season in terms of time so we were ready and then encountered a few issues so I don't want to give another date and jinx us um I I think we're very very close there's a little bit more work that has to be done on the interior uh which came up just with the passage of time while we were working on the bridge so the bridge portion is now completed there's some other work that we have to do along the path um I don't think it will be too much longer but I hesitate to give you uh uh you know this many weeks or this date at this moment once I get once we start the work that has to happen now uh which will be limited and contained and we have the professionals on the site and they have a start date and a timeline established then I'll be able to share with the council that you know we're this many days out which should be happening uh next week okay I understand we don't want to jinx it we jinxed it once before and um we we want to make sure you know it opens up smoothly exactly the next item is um so clarification from Brian Weller it's not an extension of um the contract amount which is the $250,000 it's just an extension of the time period that we are in contract with the consultant thank you that's an important distinction okay the next item is agenda item 10.45 resolution 24- 518 this is a resolution with Suburban uh consultant engineers in connection with the design development for City Hall Park which is also under the division of architecture and um this is just to extend um our work with the consultant who is working on this project on the development of the design for this project okay the next item is 10.46 resolution 24- uh 519 this is a resolution ratifying a Professional Services agreement with endpoint environment environment and infrastructure that is a professional consultant um that we have been using for oversight and management of the remediation that's ongoing at g-site that's at Garfield and caveen Point Avenue where there has been historic uh contamination on the site so uh this is required by a consent order that the city entered into with PPG um so this is just a continuation of that work um with this consultant endpoint okay and then the last one is agenda item 10.47 resolution 24- 520 this isn't resolution authorizing a contract with shik's nursery for the supply and delivery of trees for various locations throughout the city in the amount of $139,000 to $139,200 thank you all have a good evening thank you JY council members presenting uh item 10.49 resolution 24- 522 one item on tonight it's a resolution to exercise the city's option to renew the city non-management employee life insurance contract the cost for the year is 298,000 and is set to expire on June 30th of 2025 can I get life insurance or I mean we just put it in the popup bike lane so any questions for [Music] reti thank you everybody see if anybody have questions yes budget no downtown historic downtown. 32 and 10.33 reading of our uh budget for 20242 how has been the uh expansion of the boundaries for historic downtown like have you been able to accommodate I know you guys did like a pilot run before to do it but um any UPS or I think everyone is happy hey sees a huge difference down um on Nork Avenue they're really you know they they say it's really clean down there they don't have to hire someone to clean the front of their business and they weren't expecting you know everything that we're giving them okay and we have banners up there landscaping thanks thank you keep up the great work Acy okay take it from the top Amanda huh oh you with Stacy oh come on you you could you I'm not going to present all of Stacy but I am going to be doing um 1041 this is a resolution authorizing the health department to accept Grant from the New Jersey Association of County and City Health officials the total is 168,000 this is the final installment of what is just under under a $5 million Grant Stacey so you and Stacey can you can you state your name please yes I'm Brook Hansen you in Health Department oh wow you were the murals person before yes is our chief of administrative services for those that remember years ago when Margaret was in that role and then it became Paul Kate Paul Kate became the division director of disease prevention after inz retired and Brooke is making sure all Administration is on point excuse me who's dealing with the murals I'm just curious yeah the mural Department who took over Brook position is um I guess unfilled at this time and no not part of my department no no no since she's up here we didn't know so I think there was an or chart meeting today or we didn't know so since Brooke showed up yeah we know what Brook does and was asked you know for healthy human services he just figured we should ask yeah Brooke joined us in February oh council president it's a funded uh position that's not that's vacant at this point okay that's what we want to know can we get someone looking for all the vacancies that's why okay I'll happily send you my list of bacon if you know any nutritionists that speak another language I can use them um I am here to present to you um 792 d797 uh resolution 10.3 oh resolution 24516 um and it's a resolution authorizing the city of Jersey City Department of Health and Human Services to accept funds from Jansen under the national opioid settlement so as you know over the next several months we'll be continuing to receive additional funds through opioids this particular opioid settlement every other settlement I coordinate with uh the department of recreation and Youth Development to ensure the municipal drug Alliance gets funding and other youth organizations doing opioid prevention work that's not necessarily under the guise of the health department but is health adjacent questions thank you that's it so I have um take it from the top okay so our first reading ordinance is no 3.1 3.2 were spoken on we have item number 3.3 ordinance 24-58 and ordinance authorizing the accusation by purchase or condomin of a portion of a private easement located between City Block 9905 lot 99 and a portion of block 9906 Lot 1 one that transverses the Brunswick community garden I can briefly explain this one so it's a little complicated so give me a minute you both PR familiar in uh certainly I know the downtown version a couple other places but in section of downtown we have the Alleyways in the back of the properties so those Alleyways based on analysis that the Law Department had done are kind of private so they're they're not public the way streets are they're private they're you know owned by the neighboring property owners and um there's a private easement so people can go back and forth if you live on the the block so um in this case um we're talking about the alleyway that's um on the Alley between Mammoth and Brunswick between fifth and sixth and if you've been there it basically dead ends into the Brunswick Community card which is a lot that's owned by the city of Jersey City that we lease to the community uh to use for one of the gardens um so we've leased it that specific lot to the Brunswick community garden for 27 years so for 27 years that alley has been closed and that Garden has just operated there 27 years we think it's actually much longer than 27 years that it's been closed but we're waiting to try to get proof on that but we can definitively say for 27 years it's been closed um recently a um a real estate developer who is developing one of the other adjacent properties on the alleyway basically requested that the city reopen the alleyway so basically remove a portion of the community garden and reopen the alleyway so it can go and you know our response uh is basically look if that Garden's been there for 27 years when you purchase the property you knew it was there this isn't it's not like it happened six months ago right it's been there for 27 years um the garden deserves the full space and no other property owner on that block there's still the entrance in and out of Mama street right so it's not as if you can't access your Alleyway you you can you just have to go in and out on Mama Street um and you know I think the Hope had been that that you know the person would just sort of say hey we understand this is a Community Asset it's been there but that that hasn't been the response so we want to just make sure we have all our Tools in place that just make sure there's no legal ambiguity about what's going on with this Alleyway so what this resolution would do is allow the city to have the opportunity first to purchase and then if that didn't work use in the domain just to take that small portion of the alleyway again on that lot and then basically merge it with the lot that the community garden stands on so the Community Gardens lot it's clear and full and and all that um so that's a quick overview of what we're trying to do here I think that property's been there for over 40 years that community garden yeah yeah I me it's been there for a long long time okay on to our second reading ordinances item 3.4 you read 3.4 yeah three yeah 3.4 we spoke uh okay so second reading ordinance es we have item number 4.1 ordinance 24- 047 a bond ordinance providing for various 2024 Capital Acquisitions and improvements by and in the city of Jersey City in the county of Hudson state of New Jersey appropriating 60 uh therefore and authorizing the issuance of seven bonds or notes of the city to finance part of the cost thereof we have item 40.2 uh ordinance 24 Manda read into the we can't hear you the mic sir sorry go ahead Sean you wanted to say something to oh yeah sorry um just for the capital ordinance um we will uh update the spreadsheet that we provide the council with the um actual um items um there was some additional uh requests for engineering and architecture that the dollar Mount won't change but we're just reallocating some Surplus that uh will anticipate minor changes that won't affect the bottom line um item 4.2 city ordinance 24- 049 and ordinance amending chapter 188 housing accommodations and affordable housing compliance item number 4.3 ordinance 24-50 and ordinance supplementing chapter 332 vehicles in traffic Article 2 two traffic regulations Section 332 d a prohibited right turns on red signal to prohibit uh turns on red at all times along Montgomery Street item number 4.4 city ordinance 24- 051 and ordinance supplementing chapter 332 vehicles and traffic Article 2 traffic regulations amending section 332 -9 stop intersections to designate the intersections along Griffith Street as a multi-way stop controlled intersections item 4.5 city ordinance 24- 052 and ordinance supplementing chapter 332 vehicles and traffic Article 2 traffic regulations amending Section 3 32-9 stop intersections to designate the intersections of Montello Avenue with Fair Avenue and storms Avenue as a multi-way stop controlled intersections uh item 4.6 city ordinance 24- 053 an ordinance of the municipal Council adopting amendments to the Greenville industrial Redevelopment plan to create the Linden Avenue East um remediation and Improvement bonus item 4.7 city ordinance 24-54 an ordinance authorizing the sale of certain easement and property ownership rights in city property located at block 287 lot 5 and block 149 lot 9 on the tax maps of the town of Carney to the New Jersey City Department of Transportation subject to the city rights to continued use and maintenance of its water line uh item 4.8 city ordinance 24-55 and ordinance amending chapter 218 multiple dwelling Section 1 uniform security service and section 1.1 security service for a senior citizen housing housing for the disabled mandatory of the Jersey City municipal code that completes that completes our second reading ordinances there will be a public hearing on the 2024 2025 Historic downtown Sid assessment role and budget uh public hearing I have on the agenda theyed seven I believe before I came upstairs there were about 26 on the agenda so far uh we have petitions and Communications item six .1 uh to six to 6.42 do we have any question or comments on item 6.41 to 6.42 man you can just go to resolutions just yeah take it from resolutions take it from the top 10.1 resolutions and just speak if you can speak a little louder it's hard to hear over here oh I'm sorry appreciate it no thank you thanks thanks um okay so per the ba we're going to go straight to resolutions uh 10.1 10.2 were spoken on where 10 point uh item 10.3 resolution 24476 a resolution authorizing the payment to Marcos eumos in sorry was done 10.3 was also spoken on yeah yeah she no it's included but she actually started from 104 so she made a mistake so but that's included in all the way up to 10 okay so then we're uh we went yeah to 10.9 okay so items 10 point uh item 10.10 resolution 24- 483 a resolution honoring the 10th anniversary of the Salvation Wellness item 10 uh 10.11 resolution 24- 484 a resolution of the municipal Council of the city of Jersey City honoring the president of St Peters University Eugene uh on the occasion of his retirement um 10.2 resolution 24- 485 a resolution recognizing Justin hall for his exp on uh contributions to the music industry and cultural landscape of Jersey City in honor of black music month uh 103 resolution 24486 a resolution recognizing Michael DJ P dub Tucker for his outstanding contributions to the music and cultural heritage of Jersey City in honor of black music month item 10.14 resolution 24487 a resolution recognizing uh Donald DJ whiz Davis for his outstanding contributions to the music and cultural heritage of Jersey City in honor of black music month item 10.15 resolution 24488 a resolution recognizing Gerald Alon for his extraordinary contributions to the music industry honor of black history um in light of of these are like duplicity just different people so the the honores for the black music one is 1012 through 1022 um and also huh yeah and um also I'm a motion to add one more I missed one one more um or another individual let I read them so you won't mix up read them okay then we follow that way do you want me to read continue reading them individually council president say their names individually and just say you know music like history music that's it okay so um like uh council person Gilmore was saying 10 point um items 10.12 to 10 uh 22 are all in honor of black music month uh 10:15 is Gerald Alon 10:16 is double X um posi uh 10117 is Paul Kaiser 1018 uh Susie Q 1019 Kendall base 1020 uh Sahara J 1021 Sam black 1022 Mr lowash and uh up to item 1023 resolution 24496 is a resolution calling on the New Jersey state legislator to enact legislation Banning the use of um algorithmic uh systems to set the price and supply of rent dwelling units 10.26 resolution 24499 a resolution appointing individuals to the women's Advisory Board of the city of Jersey City item 10.27 resolution 24500 is a resolution appointing Terry Fox to the women's Advisory Board of the city of Jersey City uh 1028 resolution 24501 is a a resolution appointing Laur Laura as the tax assessor for the city of Jersey City item 1029 resolution 24502 is appointing Carl uh zapi Jr as a member of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board um 10:30 resolution 24503 is appointing Rachel as a member of the city alcoholic uh beverage board 1031 resolution 24504 is uh approving the reappointment of the individuals to the Jersey City Arts and Cultural trust fund committee 1032 and 1033 were spoken on item 1034 resolution 24507 is a resolution ratifying a contract award to Royal Printing service for printing official El um election machine and sample ballots for the primary election on June 4th 2024 item 1035 resolution 24508 is a resolution authorizing leans against the properties listed here in the cost for removing litter debris Etc to uh in accordance with njsa 40 uh col 48-24 and Jersey city code 287-4354 were all spoken on 10.48 resolution 24- 521 is a resolution ratifying an agreement with network management solution Incorporated for the support of proprietary computer network hardware and software without public uh bidding for the Department of administration division of Information Technology item 10.49 was spoken on item 10.50 resolution 24- 523 is a resolution authorizing the purchasing agent to sell various Motor Vehicles at public auction 10.51 was spoken on 10.52 resolution 24- 525 is a resolution of the municipal Council approving the application of Dwight street block associ ation to participate in adopt a lot program regarding block 25604 Lot 8 more commonly known as 184 Dwight Street uh item 10.3 10.53 was spoken on 10.54 resolution 24- 527 is a resolution uh renewing a Professional Services agreement with clearing and uh jacobe afor and Jacobs LLC to represent the city of Jersey City and various eeo independent invest tigations and a minute uh council president 1055 is not ours but 1054 and then 1056 through um let me make sure through 10 64 hours and I sent an email earlier today explaining and if anybody has any questions they can ask offline council president do you want me to read them into the record yes yes okay um so 10 okay so 10.55 resolution 24- 528 a resolution authorizing the city of Jersey City to apply for and accept grant funding from the Hudson County open space Recreation and historic preservation trust fund for the City Hall Park Improvement project 10.56 resolution 24- 529 a resolution amending a Professional Services agreement with the law firm of ay MC Mastro and Murphy PC to represent the city of Georgia city in various Union negotiations item 10.57 resolution 24530 a resolution renewing a Professional Services agreement with Charles Montage exquire to provide legal counsel to the city of Jersey City regarding conrail's abandonment of the six Street embankment item 10.58 resolution 24- 531 a resolution ratifying the award of a Professional Services agreement with the law firm of Brady greenan LLC to represent the city of Jersey City in the matter of Gregory curado versus city of Jersey City 10.59 resolution 24532 is a resolution renewing professional service agreement with light of Palma Greenberg LLC to represent the city of Georgia city Mark bunberry Scott Carbone Mark ales and Stacy Flanigan in the matter of recreation versus city of Jersey City item 10.60 resolution 24- 533 a resolution ratifying the award of a Professional Services agreement with um Antoine Law firm LLC to represent Captain James Reco in the matter of David golders versus city of Jersey City item 10.61 resolution 24534 a resolution ratifying the award of a Professional Services agreement with the same law firm and to represent the employee Michael L Ro in the matter of Travis Pitman vers city of Jersey City item 10.62 resolution 24535 a resolution ratifying the renewal of a Professional Services agreement with the same Law Firm to represent the city of Jersey City and the Jersey City police department in the matter of Christopher sakur versus city of Jersey City item 10.63 resolution 24-5 5 36 a resolution ratifying the renewal of a professional service agreement with Murphy Orlando LLC to represent John Manila Sean Gallagher and the Jersey City ward Commission in the matter of James cauldron and Jersey City United the ward map Jersey City ward commission John Manila Sean Gallagher and the City of Jersey City uh item 10.64% Scotland and Bowman LLC to represent the city of Jersey in the matter of Jeff Joseph and SRA Co for cityo Jersey City and then I have one resolution that's going to be a late item as res it will be uh item 10.64% matters in various departments this one you're walking out of here you missed one you said right uhuh you got all your music group here you got your music group just let her read it she know you have it council president it's in uh it's an i Compass I could approve it and it'll go right to the clerk's office yeah it's already in the system it was just that we just have to add it to the other items okay would it be 10.66 Amanda okay so then we'll have one more resolution to add which is 10.66 okay late items require six votes for approval for Resolutions okay okay motion second okay Amanda go ahead and read your spill we'll motion go ahead guys are killing me motion made motion made by well I'm just going to pick me okay motion to adjourn at 5:22 PM by council person Rivera second and by I'm gonna give it to S since he's quiet I'm it to there goes we are out of here at 5:22 goodbye take the lake out of more all right yeah we're we're out of here okay thank that's it yes it's messing with you today man