okay good afternoon everyone we're about to get started if we can find our seats silence our cell phones I greatly appreciate it so then listen and okay good evening everyone we are on the record today is Monday the 18th day of March in the year 2024 this is a city council Caucus meeting of the Jersey City municipal Council we had a scheduled 4M start the clock on my cell phone is showing 4:04 p.m. may we have a roll call for the commencement of this caucus council person Ridley here council person priner council person bajano council person Cay council person Solomon council person Gilmore present council person Dees council person Rivera here and council president wman we have all nine council members in attendance at 4:04 pm. on behalf of council president Waterman and the members of the municipal Council in accordance with New Jersey public laws of 1975 chapter 231 the open public meetings act also known as the Sunshine Law adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by the posting on a bulletin board of first floor of City Hall the annual notice which is the schedule of meetings and caucuses of the municipal Council for the calendar year 2024 and filed in the office of the city clerk on Thursday November 30th 2023 in addition at its time of its preparation the agenda of this meeting was similarly disseminated on Friday March 15 2024 at 6:47 p.m. to the mayor Municipal Council business administrator Corporation Council and the local newspapers and posted on the city's website so I can certify as to our total compliance with the Sunshine Law council president I'm going to turn it over to you afternoon President W and members of the council I have three items before you uh today resolution 24 191123 this resolution will authorize the purchaseing agent to sell 96 vehicles at public auction currently at the city's impound yard second one is resolution 24 1992 10.24 this resolution will authorize the award of a contract to Avid Exchange in corporate for the New Jersey energy tracking and Bill management system on the New Jersey state contract for the DP W division administrative service Avid exchange Bill management system is instrumental in managing the extensive network of Street lighting across the city with over 100 SE monthly bills to handle this system plays a crucial role in overseeing maintenance and operational cost associated with the street lighting contributing to the safety and functionality for the public infrastructure total amount of this contract is $ 6,985 500 and funds are available through the temporary through the DPW operating account two temporary incumbrances of $400,000 one on the P1 15474 that'll cover street lights signals and the second one is U and cameras the second one is 1 15473 and that includes buildings and Facilities yeah Greg have you been up to Union City and see the new street lights they have they're unbelievable I have not yeah are we've upgraded I know PS and G obviously their respond they they have been doing some of the upgrades on the LEDs is that that you're referring to yeah yeah but the lights are fantastic the streets are well lit and in certain sections of the city we need lighting I'll mention that to Lynch he oversees this project all right uh the last is resolution 24193 1025 resolution will authoriz the award of a contract to Noel computer systems incorporated for software Services associated with the Auto Impound management system under the national Co-op purchasing Alliance for the DPW division of automotive services total amount of this contract is $75,000 with a temporary incumbrance of $10,000 funding for this contract is available under the DPW operating account thank you very much evening council president members of council our first item is uh 10.6 resolution 24-1 174 and that's going to be presented by Chiefs drenan and the Julio afternoon this is a lease authorizing the use of a 10-year lease for Fire Training Academy training school training Tower multistory um that'll be located at DPW outside the Public Safety Training Facility the 10-year lease and I'm going to hand it over to Chief to Julio to talk out the details thank you um what we're proposing is this 10year lease to own as a training building it's a modular building a Class B bu building for training class B it'll be gas fed natural gas fed with three burn areas it'll have a tower for TR uh repelling uh elevator shafts everything we do within what we do uh this building is modular so if anything happens to any point of it at one time or gets damaged it degreg hates we can actually have that section removed rebuilt so this thing will last for 20 or 30 years if not more uh the price right now is what 1,781 th000 over 10 years this is really uh Paramount what we do because right now we don't have any training facility within Jersey City we're the biggest department in the city and we do need places to train besides vac buildings so this is really going to be Paramount what we do to get this building and might move us forward in what uh everything we do with the high-rise fire safety and everything if anybody wants a complete packet I do have some packets for you to look over if you want them I'm sorry councilwoman pass out the package you have packages I have some yes okay sure um the question was right now what do we do for this type of training I know you said we don't facility Jersey City could just sort of walk us through what the existing training looks like yeah um so I'll just say for 30 years we have not had a training facility since Society Hill was built so right now we basically around a city vacant buildings when we can get them buildings that will be Dem demoed and right now we have recruits 15 recruits shipped out to Pake County so we've been sending them around the state over the last 30 years to have that happen so we're looking with the training that we're accomplishing right now level to instructor we'd like to bring that back to the city so we could do our own specific training here and everyday training that we carry out there special operations and firefighting training do don't we use the um I seen the firefighters frequently in that in the old mcgomery projects like the last building off of what's that that's bright that's yeah Bri Street yeah do we that as well so actually now we are using that we don't know exactly when they're coming down in fact they broke in and ripped out the piping that was in there so we had for free pro bono stamp pip and Sprinkler Company came in and put it in for us but that's just a temporary fix and it's a mess in there it's really disgraceful you know it's time to move on for a new facility this training be for existing fire firefighters as well as new class of firefighters that come in or is this just for the new class of firefighters that are coming in councilman what we're looking to do is keep our guys trained and I'm compliant with all the regulations in the state we'll also be able to train new firefighters as they come in we still hold our accreditation to have our training school so what we're looking forward to going down the road is to be able to keep our new recruits in the city and train them here on top of that we should be able to if we set it up correctly and this is a plus for us we should be able to uh charge other departments to come in and train with us and let that facility maintain itself just like other departments charge us to go to their facility so that's one of the things we're working towards to be able to have this this facility maintain itself also to train onto us are there also going to be trainings for you know the batteries uh that are you know inside scooters and ebikes and now we do that training now and all that training will be incorporated in our training school and one of the other thing we want to bring back I think it was stopped many years ago that the um we had Through Fire Prevention we went into the high schools and brought kids from high school and introduced them to the fire service through different programs and we stopped that when we lost our training facility and we want to bring that back so we could introduce your young adults into the fire service to see if it's something they want to do and I guess my my last question um so we're going to release this this multifam device thingy correct for 10 years say it again I'm not you are we going to release this this um no leas it it says we going to lease it for 10 years this multistory training facility structure thingy correct councilman I can explain a little further so the reason we went with the lease option is because annually we receive dollars from um fire fire team might have a littleit better understanding of the verbiage but um basically penalties and through the fire safety and Fire Prevention Services so we're going to use those dollars to offset the lease payment so what happens after the 10 years oh you that's what I'm trying okay so we own it Lee so is at least okay and and the dollars come in annually enough to cover it that's cover it all right y it's lay way yeah um so also John with regards to talking about fire um do we have any updates on what's happening with the Grand Street Fire Station yeah we could have a little bit more uh larger discussion on that but we've been working with the with the uh police department as well um what we're doing is rehabbing Holiday Street currently um we're going through some of the processes with the professionals and The Architects for that um to move back in there permanently and while the litig goes on with um uh engine 10 that would then become rescue one so so engine 10 will move back into Holiday Street and then engine uh and then rescue one would move into the the new facility once it's completed so I have a question so being that we're touching that subject because I I have I have first of all I want to know what's the timeline because are we are we putting this stuff out for bid because if we are why can't you know why can't we do it inhouse and let like fire department handle this cuz I get worried when I go to fires and we still have brownouts you know and that's very very concerning and you know we we you know the it's it's it's scary I mean I I don't think we should we're in a position to be waiting 8 months a year I don't think we're in that position at all I mean I think that the the fire guys are here I think they can maybe give us a breakdown of a timeline that they could you know do with with working with the city but I just think putting it out to bid it's it's very concerning so so councilman right now we've been working with the fire department and our professionals to figure out what could be um done through the union direct hire and what would have to be outsourced some of the stuff with the architecturing and stuff has to be done by professionals which would be awarded through contracts but some of the masonary work or concrete work could be done through our Union program and we' worked with Chief Dilo on that I was gonna so so do so Chiefs do you guys have like a like a timeline on that stuff councilman right now I just first what we have to do is wait for the architectual drawings to come back uh we put a time limit on that to come back to us Within under a month and a half they tried to uh drag it out a little bit more but director kerce was successful in uh bringing that back a little closer for us to see what it's going to cost with some estimates so we're waiting to have a meeting with that architectural firm right now uh with this week or next to see exactly where we stand and once we know what the scope is going to be then we can put a timeline on that but we don't know the sculpt that he's designing as of yet and what he's seen so today's March 18th can we give us can we have like some sort of like a we we we need this ASAP we we're in we listen I I don't I don't want to sit here publicly saying you know somebody's going to lose their life but we got to we have a problem you know there's no need for to there's no need for engine company to come all the way from Dwight and ocean to put out a fire on Grand Street there's zero need for that we have a we have 10 engine and we have ladder 12 strategically placed for that we need to fix that well know within uh four weeks five weeks whenever the bid comes back and we'll present it back to council going to ask another question um with this training facility and leasing it uh would you be able to create educational videos for residents regarding how to you know properly deal with the fire if you know they encounter one cuz I know know people don't know you know like if you're cooking with oil like hey you know don't put water on it like this would be an opportunity for the fire department to release these kinds of educational videos yeah we will have the ability to do that uh director K working on the public safety training facility for the police and fire we have two large classrooms that are in there and an office for the training Division and we plan on having a officer assigned there full-time we also work with the fire prevention very closely for that now we have the space right now we're bouncing around looking for training rooms actually watering getting a day here or there so Chief What's the total amount of five Fighters and captives that you have right now we have 659 members total Thank You by opportunity for you know not just educating the firefighters but also educating the public as well so yeah Chief de Julio I just want to thank you again for the other night you are fantastic thank you for coming to the meeting thank you for your support our next item is item 10 -7 resolution 24- 175 it's a resolution authorizing an agreement with Fisher Telecom LCC for providing maintenance and support services for the Department of Public Safety of VI phone system without public bidding um I know that this resolution has been before you since 2014 um Public Safety as you know is moving away from the Ava system and going Cisco so this should effectively be the last year that we'll be using um this company for maintenance on the Avia phone system and it's in the amount of 46,2 7247 the next item is 10.8 resolution 24- 176 and it's a resolution authorizing the city of Jersey City to apply and accept funds from the New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety Division of Criminal Justice on behalf of the Department of Public Safety police to purchase body armor using the 2023 body armor replacement funds so we will be um basically using 6,136 193 and grant money to uh replace police body armor thank you Council have oh uh Mr Baker before you leave uh I was hoping director Shay was here or Moody was here because people are upset I wish you bring a message back to them because I'm tired of asking but a lot of people showing up here Wednesday night for a demonstration because they're annoyed with what's going on PE people are upset they have not received response from public saf on questions they've been asking they're going to Rally here at City Hall this Wednesday night councilman Solomon SLE and I have been meeting with Jersey City Heights parents with many things they are growing group and want to help they're a little annoyed we don't have a police Traffic Unit and I'm a little annoyed that I asked several weeks ago for information and I was told I have to go through the business administrator which I do not have to do I want a response from the public safety on the questions I asked and people out there are tired please give the message back to them because I'm tired of asking them and I was hoping he was here tonight so all right that has nothing to do with you it has to do with them okay we'll do councilman thank you good evening council members um the first item that I am before you today is item number 10.5 which is a joint um application made between the division of Forestry and the department of recre and Youth Development so I'm going to hand it over to our Forester to walk us through that ordinance excuse me that resolution this is uh resolution 24-17 3 uh it's a resolution authorizing the department of recreation and Youth Development to accept spot at lanter flight chemical treatment Grant funds uh from the State Department of Agriculture and it's uh $20,000 over the course of three years where where we use this uh funding and how so last year we got a grant it was $115,000 for the whole year and what we ended up doing was we treated 270 roughly red Maples and the idea behind that was that um of all the native valuable trees that are uh that do attract the spot on lanternfly the red maple is the primary one and so we treated the youngest trees that we had um because they're the most susceptible to damage so that was kind of the approach we did last time this time it's obviously a lot less money right so 20,000 over 3 years comes out to about I don't know six 6 and a half thousand a year um so we have to still kind of think about how we want to apply that I was thinking potentially um you know uh treating Maples in Parks um to try and you know help out on Lucinda's end but also to deal with places where people are going to congregate because the spot LF actually doesn't kill trees it's more of a pest and it's more of a nuisance to people so um that was one route I was thinking and then the other idea that I had which I'm still researching is whether we could try to do inhouse work meaning we'll buy the equipment that would be used we'll try to train staff and then maybe potentially um treat ourselves which will get a lot more bang for our buck you know considering that this isn't that much money and the red Maples are primarily concentrated in uh Parks or they all over the city they're all over okay are there any other tools like are you working with the county uh regarding the spotted Lantern fly issue um are they are you like overlaying some of their efforts are they doing something totally separate like yeah so the the county treats along major roads like the the hillside road that runs from the heights up into Union City they treat that road County Roads and then I think they accept up until they run out of money or material they accept request from the public to treat on even private property I believe so we would not be working like they would do something totally separate from us but it would be covering parts of Jersey City as well um but their method is different so they apply a bark spray and basically um you have to wait for it to dry otherwise it could be toxic whereas what we did last year was soil injections so it goes straight into the roots of the tree and up to the tree and then it doesn't have any impact on people or animals so um we do something slightly different our way is a little bit more expensive though but I think it's better given that people are going to have access to our trees because they're publica trees that that's the way we should do it and what was your way again I'm sorry injecting into the soil the RO system bug feeds yeah the bug will feed on it and die from it rather than spraying it on the tree itself where a dog could walk up I mean it's the the spray dries in like you know 10 15 minutes so it's not like a massive exposure issue but it's just safer to do it got it okay it's interesting lucenda yes councilman she finished I have just one more okay go on um my next item is item 10.9 which is a resolution um giving permission to the Jersey City Department of recreation and Youth Development to accept the monies excuse me for the Governor's Council of oh gosh we have a new name now um the municipal uh drug Alliance mostly um these are the 2024 to 2025 funds this is allowing the department to accept those funds now so we can put them into place and determine um under councilman Rivera's Guidance with the municipal drug Alliance um how those dollars can best impact our community with the community members who are part of the council okay Lucinda Council have the lights been fixed at the pool uh I believe actually one of the items before you today through the Division of Community Development is a uh resolution where you the council members will approve environmental review environmental review is a necessary step on the overhead lights at persing and following that environmental review which I anticipate Council will be approving today we have vendors lined up once a review is done to put the those overhead lights back in place please because I'm getting so many complaints and I think you are too youf about the pool being closed people up in the Heights are really annoyed with what's going on councilman respectfully um the pool situation affects the entire city because it's our only year- round pool it affects our staff who doesn't have the full hours to work so I'm with you and we are moving as best we can responsibly with the funding that has been identified um which is federal funding and we have to follow all the rules so we are doing all of it and those lights will be up there as soon as is feasible to get them please get it done okay thank you council president members of the council we have five items today for the Department of infrastructure um I'll ask each division director to present the item starting with Jen for traffic engineering good afternoon council president council members um the first one is item 3.3 ordinance 2416 this is an ordinance for Reserve parking for the disabled all of these listed locations uh were approved at the January and February meetings okay next one item 10 26 resolution 24194 this is a resolution authorizing the award of a Professional Services contract to stantech consulting services for um on call Traffic engineering services and this is um for one year and the contract is for $250,000 thank you hello good afternoon I'm here with the resolution uh 24-1 195 agenda number 1027 resolution authorizing the award of a contract to Kevin Downs Tree Service for the Jersey City tree planting contract of 2024 this is a one-year contract with two possible years of renewal the total amount of the award is 1,1 37,000 $600 uh but the temporary incumbrance is $80,000 at this moment sorry you want to go you go first um how many trees is this will this enable us to plant this planting season we're going to plant up to around 40 trees and try to evenly distribute it across all the bur or all the wards and um we're really hopeful about having a much more robust tree planting uh for the fall season and sorry this um this award just covers the spring or does this contract cover the fall as well the contract would cover the fall as well so this is a one-year contract with two possible years of renewal so possibly three years total got it and and I know you said more robust than the fall do we have sort of numbers of what we think the fall planting would look like not at the moment but I can provide that to you uh closer to um uh the end of summer okay and oh go forward the total amount based on the $1 million contract amount is close to 500 trees Citywide um just based on the cost per tree the planting cost Breakout Etc um locations are and things like that we're finalizing okay and then um is does this contract cover um um locations without an existing tree pit so it would it would actually create the tree pit or does this cover just the the planting of the tree yes it can cover uh the actual construction of creating new tree beds got it and then are you able to share with us the kind of current weight list if you will for people who have signed up for Street trees um so we sort of have a sense of where they're located and what what our options are we can yeah we can answer the requests that we've gotten I just want to add that uh about a year and a half ago we changed our process so that uh we would focus plantings on areas that were in the most dire need where we need to increase our tree canopy and then as we have Supply we would get to the requested locations um so we're no longer working off of the model where we're only planting where the locations are requested but we can share what we have so far yeah it'd be great if you could share that and then we would um at least know what's planned for the spring and then can look into the fall yes thank you will there be biodiversity within the trees are they different tree types are you going to like you know they not going to be like One Mono culture right or we do not want a monoculture we do love biodiversity now for this spring planting we are primarily going to try to plant Oaks because Oaks have a tendency to fall if they're planted in the fall so we really wanted to emphasize planting as many Oaks as possible um but we are going to be trying to create a more diverse canopy do you know the lifespan of the trees that we're planting or uh the lifespan of the trees can vary by species but they tend to be upwards of anywhere to 20 to 50 to 100 years depending on the species and the location that they're planted okay thank you good evening good evening Council good evening uh two items uh one is agenda item 10.28 resolution 24196 this is a resolution authorizing an amendment to a contract with mkw Associates LLC uh for the continued Professional Services and construction Administration services for Arlington Park improvements and the amount is $55,850 from Capital Grants Park account okay uh the second agenda item is 10.29 resolution 24-1 197 um this is a resolution authorizing payment of sale proceeds to purchaser closing cost for 18 Sherman Place to the city's escrow account clear skies title to be distributed to the seller at closing of title this is related to property acquisition for the new North District you very much DG good afternoon council president members of the council how are you uh I'm here today to present uh resolution uh 24- 183 agenda item number 10.15 uh it is a resolution uh requesting a change order amending the existing contract for intellects who are the vendors for our Consolidated affordable housing portal uh so we're extending the base term year uh and continuing for the installation and maintenance uh of the hardware and software related to the operation of the portal uh and the uh increase in amount would be 322,000 $390 122 um are there any questions about this resolution okay uh we do have a hard date now in June just for you all to know we are happily doing all of the data migration uh and we do expect to have our first application period open sometime in the middle of June uh so that our residents can access the portal we're very excited thank you for your support good afternoon council president members of the city council I have one item for your consideration this evening uh resolution 24180 agenda number 10.12 a resolution authorizing the city of Jersey City Department of Health and Human Services to accept the American Rescue plan grant for the year 2024 from Hudson County uh the to total of the grant funding is $213,000 and uh 213 310 and the matching amount of 10% is 23,7 and these funds will be used for congregate nutrition Meals on Wheels and nutrition education thank you good afternoon Council I'm here on two second reading items 4.2 and 4.3 uh I'm just I'm here to see if there are any questions that I'm I might help the council with um that was okay well I appreciate your time good evening good evening I'm presenting resolution 24181 it's a resolution authorizing the execution of anou with Hudson County School of Technology's work-based learning program we're going to be connecting their students with our division of animal care and control to help support our staff thank you thank good afternoon I have two resolutions first um is item 10.2 and that is the resolution honoring Mike mcnamer um his family and colleagues from the Bushwick community Garden will be present on on Wednesday evening um to honor the life of Mike uh and all of his work uh with the city of Jersey City and then I have 1012 a resolution authorizing the city of Jersey City Department of Health and Human Services to accept oh wait no that's yours wait which is the one I have um where is that one oh the one above it 1010 a resolution authorizing a shared service agreement with the county of Bergen Persona to the uniform shared service consolidation act um this is to provide Prevention Services this funding is $220,000 it is to offset cost of uh the ward based Health Educators for chronic disease prevention work because the Bergen County Department of Health applied for a Hudson Bergen collaborative effort many years ago and I think this is the last year of this fiveyear plan um and it just it's funding four of our staff and the time they spend on this project evening council president members of the council I am presenting item number 10- 1011 resolution 24179 this is a resolution authorizing an affiliation agreement with Kathy Lord Williams from the University of of Arizona wait wait excuse me Deja is next are you it s oh no no problem good afternoon members of the council I have about five resolutions for you here today the first one is for 10.14 resolution number 24-1 182 and it's a resolution uh requesting the municipal Council to authorize the business administrator to discharge mortgage encumbering 68 Beacon Avenue in Jersey City um this homeowner received a grant from DCd in the amount of $2,235 for the now defunct HP program and pursuance to the mortgage this indebtedness is a deferred payment no interest mortgage and upon the end of the 10th year after signing this mortgage it shall be forgiven in its entirety the next item that I have for you is 10.16 a resolution requesting the municipal Council to authorize a contract with Trident environmental LLC for the preparation of environmental reviews for program year 2020 22 Community Development block grant public facilities projects um we went out and solicited the appropriate bids um Trident coming back the best um included in this contract is the review of the curry Woods Food Pantry revitalization in the amount of $2,839 um Park upgrades for a list of all the parks that's going to come out to 25,000 $685 and for ada8 upgrades at the barrel Mansion for $7,777 for a total contract Award of $ 36,2 198 question okay yeah the environmental reviews are really important um as far as Federal funding is concerned I cannot do anything that's going to disturb ground at a site without undergoing a pretty in-depth enironmental review and we have to contract out for someone else to do that for us okay um the next item that I have for you is 10.17 a resolution requesting municip Municipal Council to reprogram funding and amend public contracts under the Community Development block grant for public services for the program year of April 1st 22 through March 30th 23 um so for this particular amount of funding um we gave $660,000 to Paco for its Recruitment and training for Law enforc Officers program they were unable to spend $5,000 of those funds so we are recapturing those funds and we are looking to reprogram those funds to the Urban League of Hudson County um for their summer youth program um the next item that I have for you um is 10.18 and this is to request the municipal Council to authorize the submission of fiscal year 2024 community service Block Grant application with the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs um the next item that I have for you is 10.19 um and it's a contract for the municipal um a resolution for the municipal Council to authorize the renewal of a contract with civitas LLC so they can continue to provide technical assistance to Jersey City and all aspects of our HUD Grant Management and program implementation um our contract with them is for $40,000 um in said contract we do have a right to new and we are asking for the city to be able to exercise that right to review clause in its contract thank you thank you um I don't know if I'm speaking a little out of turn but I did have another resolution that for some reason it did not make it um for your purview but I would have been requesting the municipal Council to recognize April 1st through 5th as National Community Development week and um it's unfortunate that we're missing this opportunity to stand in solidarity with our peers across the country as we celebrate 50 years of the Community Development block grant in the United States you uploaded it de you yes I did and the majority of these resolutions that were uploaded today were also uploaded and prepared for last meeting and did not meet the agenda thank you thank you so just a little explanation on the um on I Compass when when a um resolution is set for a certain meeting and if the ba is the last person to approve in I compass and if he doesn't approve it by a certain date then when he does approve it it may go it it's supposed to go on the next meeting but unfortunately I Compass doesn't automatically do that so what has to happen is whoever the creator of the resolution um needs to follow that on the agenda and then if they don't see it on the agenda then that person should contact my office and what I would do is make sure it goes on for that next meeting uh Sean as city clerk I want to thank you for all of your assistance and helping this be as smooth as a process as it can be especially as staff as learning um but our office has created a resolution tracker and I don't think the issue primarily lies with I Compass or with your team in the city clerk's office I think we need to have a conversation Citywide in reference to what the upload schedule looks like when resolutions are being approved because if I'm putting resolutions into I Compass two months in advance I don't understand about it not making meetings especially when I'm dealing with Grant dollars when I have a defined set time to spend and asking for applications and things aren't meting meetings so um I'm not pointing fingers at any particular one person but um I speak on behalf of myself some other division directors in HDC and likely others that this is an issue and reference to us conducting the business of the constituents of the city of Jersey City thank you thank you Deja National Community Development week is something that's celebrated across the country I don't know why we wouldn't have it the resolution on he's telling you what's the problem I know is I mean is it because it's yeah we I think we should just add it so so again council members just just so we're clear I mean when the ba is approving resolutions for a specific agenda meeting he's going through an I I can't even think of how many resolutions that he's actually approving but what he's what he's not doing or doesn't have the access to is like when they're State like if they're if they're place for a certain meeting for instance that resolution that we're referring to tonight was slated for or set for um March 6th and the only reason why I know CU my office was contacted however in it was approved on March 133 so when that gets approved because it was set for March 6th it wounded up on the March 6th agenda which has already been adjourned so the problem is with I Compass to be honest with you it's something that we're trying to talk to I compus about to where it doesn't default to the meeting that it was set for it would default to the next available meeting so then we wouldn't be having this conversation and it would have been on the March 20th meeting but based on what you're saying Deja you have a Tracker yes that is correct and the tracker what does your tracker tell you we accept it we received it Sean's explanation for this particular resolution is absolutely correct it was input with that wrong date the ba approved it on the 13th so it automatically put it on the 6th my team didn't catch on Friday today is too late notice to try to get it changed and put back onto the agenda although it was approved however I will state that I have a plethora of other resolutions that were signed by the ba on time to make the meeting that it was listed for and it did not make the meeting that is the larger issue that I just want to present to councel and have addressed on how we're going to work move forward on that but my team is aware of the process that corre if that happens they have to contact the clerk's office to get the date changed to get the reso moved to the correct meeting but then for for this one since it is timely for the beginning of April we can add it as a late item yes yes yes so we should just add that but to your point director it is an issue and I've heard this from other directors as well so whatever whatever this disconnect is should be addressed whether it's through a new round of training or or something along those lines thank you so so if it's the council's intention to the item just let me know and I can export the item because it has all the approvals just like director Anderson said um all I need to is the green light to add it but unfortunately it'll be considered a late item only because if it's not there when I publish the agenda it's considered a late item understood but let me ask because Deja had she she addressed a bigger issue that's what she addressed in um the ba office um do you have someone that can go behind you and check the resolutions cuz um just like the the clerk said sometimes it's uh you're overwhelmed and some of her resolutions are time sensitive so it's a bigger issue this this is just not a ceremonial thing this is a bigger issue yeah I mean what else can we do so you know because I know when we dealing with grants it's time sens and her Department deals with um grants and they're very time sensitive so what can we do to safeguard that I know you overwhelmed I I know you're dealing with the whole City here so council president respectfully I think I'm committed to the job and I think I'm fulfilling my obligations so I am overwhelmed but uh it's not prohibited to this the operations um will you lean on the directors for these that's why to not burden me and uh there's two things that we got to take a look at first the which meeting that it's set up for and and sometimes they don't make a meeting it's up to the department to update the date to the corresponding meeting for the following meeting and the second one is um the deadline for approvals is the Friday before our uh agenda meeting I and you'll see it right just to give courtesy because you know sometimes Dives a day late or law Department's reviewing an extra day I do my approvals on agenda day at 5:30 a.m. on Wednesday so that's three business days further than what the actual um timeline is so again if there's inconsistency with one Department approving it yeah or or uh you know we could take a look at that but that's kind of my Safeguard is that I I build in three extra business days for the approval process without that the director is knowing now it's right now it's out there but but um but that's kind of how our mechanism to try to get that done but we do have a director's meeting coming up in two weeks okay and just then the Law Department then they have to let us know how long it takes them to approve it maybe because after you sign off then where does it go Deja did say that even after you've signed it which you've signed it on time it's still not making the agenda well for that particular one I will state the issue was that it was approved for the March 6th meeting right so when he went in and approved it on the 13th it autop populated to the March 6th agenda and it didn't populate on this agenda so again that onus was on my office to follow the tracker reach back out to Shan and have it move from the March six meeting to the correct meeting for today right um I just wanted to highlight the bigger issue of um the ba being responsive and approving these resolutions but then the resolution still not making the meeting when it is posted for the correct meeting that's what I'm trying to figure out because you're saying he did approve it so there's something in between the ba and the agenda but that one in particular was set for March 6th corre and what had happened is I understand that one you want to know what happens when he approve because once he approve it it should hit the agenda it it should doesn't go through the law department at that time in I correct it's already pre-approved by everybody else I'm I'm the last sign off it's the last sign off and it's supposed to hit so if there is some glitch we work with dejon looking at those and trying to see where it's at but right but okay also this sounds like it's an issue within the software itself so can we see if there's a way to have a secondary fail safe where maybe you have it for one and then another meeting because seems to me like if we're paying for the software and there's a fix internally in the software maybe that's also one of the answers I we can talk to the vendor I'm sorry I didn't me to cut off councel one but um goad Sor this is not the first time this has happened and you know and and some of the stuff is timely and you know the city May is not capturing money and this is a time when the city needs money and we don't want to have to give grant funding back or not spend the grant funding so I just it just seems to me like it's a there it's a process issue and this is just something you guys should discuss at the ba meeting councilwoman I I I'm more than happy to work with every Department director and division director um as long as you know and director Anderson does follow up uh if it's not her it's someone else from her office will contact me and I'll you know export the items that unfortunately were set for a different meeting date I I'll put them in but to your point about I Compass hopefully we'll meet with them uh soon because that's one of the things that uh was a big pet big pet peeve for me where a resolution gets placed on a meeting that's already adjourned it should never happen that way but I don't know if there's something that they can put in there like a fail safe thing it automatically goes on the next meeting but until that happens we need every Department director and division director to make sure that they're staying on top of the items that they create in I compass and they're following like you direct had said that you have a Tracker separate tracker I think that's great I hope and wish that every other department director and division director follows that as well um I I know we had a purchasing seminar and I happen to be at the purchasing seminar and I mentioned this at the purchasing seminar because it's very important when you don't see your item on the agenda I we try to publish it in a timely manner if you don't see it contact the office and we'll make sure it goes on the next meeting thank you Danny good afternoon council members I have three items for your consideration the first item is resolution number 24-21 agenda number 10.33 it is a resolution authorizing calendar year 2023 appropriation Reserve transfers for the Law Department pretty much this request is for various laws forms for um Union negotiations tax appeals EO investigations Court filing phase and reverse tax appeals second second item that I have is resolution number 24-22 agenda number 10.34 it's a resolution authorizing an emergency temporary Appropriations and the need for this resolution is to provide additional appropriation in the temporary budget available so the continuance of city services with no disruptions last but not least resolution number 24-23 agenda number 10.35 it's a resolution authorizing calendar year 2023 appropriation Reserve transfers for the division of Human Resources this is strictly for fees outside of attorneys such as workers compensation physical therapy and CarePoint Health any questions thank you thank you afternoon council president and council members I have three items for you this evening first is item number 10.32 resolution 24-20 it's a resolution providing local support for backpack boys JC LLC to operate a class 5 retail cannabis business at 746 Grand Street it was approved by the CCB on 11:14 2022 and the planning board on February 6 20124 we do not have any distance issues with this location what's the address again manard 746 Grand Street that all it no Grand Street oh the fire yeah that's the corner property it's at the junction I believe at the corner the corner triangle properly yes second on the agenda is item number 3.1 it's ordinance first reading or actually second first reading ordinance um 24- 014 it's an ordinance amending chapter 87 Amusement devices um article automatic Amusement devices it's an amendment to comply with state law it's really for any kind of arcade games where it's like it's not a guaranteed win um it's more specific for RPM Raceway located at 99 cave in Point Road they have machines in in their location that it's not an automatic win every time like you would see say a Chuck-E-Cheese and therefore the state considers that gambling and that's why we're making that change just for that one particular location and last I have um it's ordinance number 24-8 it's agenda number 3.2 it's an ordinance amending chapter 175 food handling establishments n 242 pace and good order of the code of ordinance of the city of Jersey City to establish regulations for third-party delivery companies and food delivery drivers although this um particular ordinance uh really falls under HHS I was actually a little surprised and I expressed my concerns with the the councilman on why it was assigned to Commerce and the reason I have such a pushback on it being assigned to Commerce because we're very small division um I only have six employees I currently handle 29 different licenses two quarterly tax collection accounts two boards with an annual revenue of 12 uh $12 million um and like I said in just in the last two years we were given the Cannabis licenses as well as the smoke shop licenses and I just don't have the staff for it and I also was a little surprised when I spoke to and confirmed with director Flanigan that she wasn't even no one reached out to her to discuss this ordinance uh sorry Manor let me sorry let me just respond to that so appreciate director Woodson there so we put it in Commerce because we thought that it had enough similarities with other things that Commerce runs such as entertainment licenses we emailed director Chone and director Woodson um weeks in advance of first reading to start the discussion uh director Woodson expressed his concerns and at that point we went to the business administrator and the mayor and said these were these were our reasons but ultimately you run the administration of the city if you like it to be in another division we are happy to work with you we're open it's obviously that was our first thought but we're not fighting for it to be here um we're going to reintroduce this and we'll talk about it we can talk about it now or later so our thing is just before Wednesday I you know if it's you know here's here are our reasons for Commerce but if the ba wants it somewhere else you know chain of command you know Ba's in in you know in charge of the government you guys let us know and we'll adjust the ordinance to match where we think it should sit yeah that I understand but I just still don't understand why HHS wasn't even consulted about the ordinance when they also have licensing because it it's a Commerce issue but again we went to the ba so director respectfully please come to us which we we started this conversation weeks ago um I think it's an overstep to to start telling us who and who in city government we should not be speaking to we have spoken to the ba the ba is in charge he will let us know and we we've been very communicative over the last month so it it is the mayor and the ba in charge of the government let let let them dictate to us before Wednesday he can I just ask something I received a call from a person and they said that this is an illegal ordinance and the city's going to be sued over this have you heard anything about that I have not heard anything all right well it's going to happen probably you want sure so um this um it's illegal we just take one pass it around so um just briefly in terms of this and and I defer to the um clerk how he would like to do this so we submitted an i Compass last week the Amendments we had discussed sort of you know as a group and then what you'll find here is the summary of the amendment ments and then the redline draft so people have a chance to review them they will be substantial so you know either if the council agrees we would either have to amend the second reading or we would reintroduce his first reading and defeat the second reading and I don't know which you know Clerk or others you guys prefer I mean to me the cleanest way to do it is to introduce this ordinance a new ordinance and will defeat the second reading um but if you wanted to amend it um at the meeting on Wednesday it would be a substantial change so then we would have to actually reintroduce it at Wednesday's meeting and read vertise it for a public hearing for the April 10th meeting it's totally up to the council but normally what we did in the past we would introduce an ordinance that you know the clean version of the ordinance and we would defeat the second reading ordinance sure and then um I appreciate that I so just to kind of quickly summarize the updates you know we met with the um app companies and we met with a lot of the biking kind of Advocates I think it's fair to say that their requests were were different in different directions um on different things so we did our best to um hear from everybody and incorporate changes um this goes through kind of again them them detail by detail some of them are more small language changes um ultimately the core of the ordinance Remains the Same um so just briefly walking through it again the high level the top level is um regulating the way that the Food Service delivery apps operate in the city it includes a price floor um the app companies do object to that um there is a court case that I think with the referencing rich in New York City um however New York City is different New York City is a hard cap that just doesn't allow them to charge more than a certain number which is now what this ordinance does and it's still in court so we don't have any rulings yet the the judge has only allowed it to continue in in court um and obviously we I think we need to move forward and take action um it includes some regulations um and worker protections uh for the most part the app companies say they're now doing those things but we do think it's important to put them in writing and then the last is the initial regulation on the ebikes um you know Hoboken is doing their version um it hasn't pass Hoboken but they're considering it their version really puts the onus on the delivery folks to register uh to take tests and things like that we understand why they're doing it that way we do have a couple concerns on that one is if if we think this is work on the bureaucracy having us register the hundreds and hundreds of e delivery folks in Jersey City would be an extremely large bureaucratic task that's why we want to go through the app companies that already to a degree do this we also think that we want to make sure that um responsibility falls on both parties that if the app companies are encouraging drivers to or delivery workers to move really quickly um that's that's a shared responsibility right that safety uh is on both parties to ensure that the way that the uh relationship operates is done uh to not incentivize unsafe behavior on our streets we think both folks have responsibility the employ employer or the contractor whatever term you want to use and the delivery workers um we did make some some changes again to the way in which that was done and those are all detailed here so those are the that's the kind of the summary of it yeah so just um two things I mean if we can get clarification on where this is going to live I think that I agree with director Woodson's point is like this is too much for Commerce Health and Human Services [Music] handles um you know the the they're already working with the food establishment so I think that that might be a more natural fit director Flanigan I would love to hear your thoughts since evidently nobody has spoken with you about that um and then the other the other piece of it though is that has there been any conversation with the council in Hoboken about considering our ordinance because I know we've worked with the police dep department on the ATV like Motocross ordinances that we passed here and our police department has shared them with the other municipalities so there's some uniformity in the region yeah we have um so we met with their the council lead Council sponsor in January to discuss the ordinances and we've been in communication and sharing drafts back and forth uh the law department has produced sort of an analysis which we can share which basically says our ordinances take different approaches but they're compatible with each other and ultimately you know the I think think the the ordinances can work with each other the the core question though is if we were to kind of adopt their approach it would just be a you know multi just we would have to have a huge bureaucratic thing for a city of 300,000 people um and My worry is that it doesn't share responsibilities among delivery uh bikers and the app companies it it just puts it on the delivery workers and we don't think that's a fair approach and we understand why they're doing it that way but we think it has to be shared and I don't disagree about it being shared I'm just saying that there are people that are going to be fill of room between both yeah they're going to be ordering in Jersey City for Hoboken and back and forth and so I just you know you also don't want to create even more confusion for the people who are just trying to you know do their work and make money so they can pay their rent right so I just I just think that that as we're moving forward with this the more you know I think if there's some things about Hoboken that I really do like especially their education piece um which is part of one of the reasons why we have a lot of the road issues that we do is because there is none for you know people who are on these bicycles to actually use the road the right way but but I do agree that you know we're C cities of different side so I just I just don't want this to to create more problems you know when we're trying to solve yeah understood we'll share the the what the Law Department sent us around with everybody councilman are we um with the registering of the bikes and the Riders are we I think we spoke about this briefly and I spoke about it also with um some of the Uber reps are we having like a universal ID or are they being required to get a different ID for each company and is it a way to kind of uniform it instead of you know if I'm doing door Dash and I'm doing Uber like that's a lot of different uh idas to keep up with agreed it is I mean there three there three the three big ones the way the ordinance is written is it does suggest that there'll be one from each um company that you're delivering from and as you're delivering from all the three major ones then ultimately there may be three again you know the the tradeoff on our end was for for there to be one universal one that the city is responsible for maintaining is a huge Endeavor on the city's part um that makes sense yeah to that point um and to talk about compliance who's going is the third party app the one responsible that for them to wear the correct best or have the correct correct identification or is it going to be on the ride so the companies are responsible for providing a vest and any of the companies can do it so if a riter requests that and that's a core safety thing then it's on us on enforcing the actual terms of the ordinance right um making sure that you're you know wearing the vest um and then you know having the ID and things like that but we obviously hope to be partnering with the companies that they're also working to make sure that their contractors or employers again employees are following the law too right just that if you know let's say I were to hire someone to redo the sidewalk outside a house yes there a contractor but if they do a terrible job and I just say it's still still my responsibility right so we we we want real shared responsibility here from all parties then what do we do in the case if somebody is from Bon delivers from Bon ends up in Jersey City and picks up a delivery in Jersey City doesn't have the vest doesn't know that they're supposed to have this identification I mean they they they would have to follow the Jersey City law if they're going to do either a pickup or a delivery in Jersey City so who would ultimately be in charge of compliance an enforcement so it the one is obviously anyone in jcpd is can enforce an ordinance and obviously we would educate and work with jcpd on this it would fall under the division that you know ultimately it's placed in you know so to the extent if it's in Commerce Commerce has inspectors if it's HHS and an HHS as well they have inspectors you know we're we're open um but but it would both fall under the you know General jcpd you enforce all ordinances and then the inspection and whichever division is responsible just one correction Commerce doesn't have any inspectors apologize one one other question then about the police department enforcement when they've been given directives from the attorney general not to you know pull over bicycle it's not to you know pursue bicycle is how how are they GNA actually enforce it I mean I think it would be a variety of ways but like if you're if first of all an incident occurs right then you're there and you're both dealing with whatever Road violation may have occurred as well as being able to say hey here's the ordinance wasn't followed um Additionally you would have the ability to potentially you know if you're going to uh you know do some proactive enforcement obviously would start with education talking to people hey here are the rules of the ordinance here's what needs to be done um but just like any ordinance on the book someone can come and say hey you're not following these things here's you know a summons based on the specific ordinance violation that's done that's how they would operate just like every other ordinance and one one final question then just for on the record um for businesses restaurants that do not work with these third- party apps is that where the the registration fee comes into play and and do they have to generate their own numbers so if if they are um doing delivery themselves then yes they do have to comply with the terms of the ordinance if they're not and they're just you know whatever pickup then they don't I think in order to make this successful which it should be um we do need to hear from Public Safety about what type of enforcement they can do because the council woman's correct they're not able to pull over bicyclists and even if they could it could be very hard and dangerous to do that um I could just foresee you see walk down Smashburger their bikes are lined up they're we you know they're delivering for different apps so how are they going to know in the right time what vest to grab what id to have handy on them and I think our Public Safety or whoever is going to enforce it may just say listen this is too difficult for us to even enforce and then you know all of this hard work um goes nowhere we can speak in before second reading with them talk to everybody thank you very much thank you everybody and then we'll we'll speak between now and Wednesday which we're fine I'm gonna huddle up with HC and HHS and provide feedback to councilman solman tomorrow great thank you oh they don't got no you might this ain't gonna work send that up and and councilman uh councilman Solomon once you guys have the conversation and you'll let me know which way you want to go whether we're going to um add a first reading ordinance or if we're just going to amend it you know it's a substantial Amendment and we'll just have to read advertise just let me know which way you want to proceed thank you thank you Paul you could come now Paul PA so again good evening council president council members I am presenting item 10 11 this is resolution 24179 sorry this is a resol resolution authorizing an affiliation agreement with Kathy Anne Lord Williams from the University of Arizona and the Department of Health and Human Services to uh complete her 90 hours of practicum with us while supporting Clinic efforts in uh division of disease prevention questions thank you very much okay with pleasure we have to add some resolutions okay all right soon as I'm nearing the end I will turn it back over to you council president all right um first reading ordinances the only one that was not covered is item 3.2 city ordinance 24- 015 is an ordinance to codify the planting of native plants throughout the city of Jersey City well hold on I think this this would um this will be an ordinance as well too um um the the the RCV rank Choice voting for the rank Choice voting um now Britney um just just so the record is clear um from a legal perspective we're okay with this correct oh I would have to see the final version but we did speak to councilman Solomon did work with him on changes that would need to be made to make sure that it's tied and doesn't bind a future Council yes uh I believe this draft ties it to the specific legislation at the state house which can only last for two years which is the term of the council correct as long as that's the update yes yeah so is this is this actually on the agenda because that's a that's I just want to provide CL excuse me sound like I was 12 again um the reason that uh we didn't present it from the administration's perspective is because um understanding that it's still a pending bill that has to work its way through the legislature and if anything changes in that legislation it would void the ordinance and we'd have to come back and start over again so from a procedural perspective um you know we were requesting that the council you know allow the leg ISL to produce a final uh Bill and then we would tie it to that final bill so that was just the administration's perspective on it about proceeding I mean if if if we have to cross that that bridge when we get there I don't think we should we should hold it up because at this point it's it's it's only been two years and if we had to hit the reset but it's not really us anyway because most of us probably won't even be here anyway for the um after two years anyway so can can I sorry yeah so just just with respect to the ba on this one I mean I think that that with the way the bill so there's there's back and forth to get here so just this would this what would say so rank Choice voting right now is not um uh you know the lawal land in New Jersey so we couldn't do it if we wanted to there is a bill in the state legislature that would allow me municipalities to opt into rank Choice voting but to opt in you actually have to do a referendum so you don't even just do it you do a referendum we had talked about doing an ordinance a trigger ordinance right the trigger would basically say okay we know we can't do it now but we're going to pass the ordinance and if the state legislature allows us to do it it would go to the referendum the concern that we had received from the Law Department was you know well what happens three years from now what do rank Choice voting mean you know 10 years from now so we re amended the ordinance to TI to specific bills in the legislature that have specific numbers that are in the ordinance and so this I think does speak to the the Ba's concern which is the legislative process we have the titles so there may make some amendments but we we're committing to saying that this is a rank Choice voting Bill we are we want it we want rank Choice voting and if those bills pass the legislature then we would go to that referendum now the legislature operates in a two-year cycle just like we do so let's say we pass this ordinance by our dream world this gives momentum to the campaign the bills pass in Trenton and then we go to the referendum here in Jersey City but let's say in the two years it doesn't pass that legislative terms end in essence this ordinance then expires at that point it has no bearing Beyond you know the end of the legislative term whatever the date January 5th 2026 and a future Council if they wanted to do this again would have to do it again so yes the bills could be amended in the legislature but we've tied it to the specific titles um and we are basically saying hey we this now six months from now if they passed the bills and were're really concerned by the changes we could resend this ordinance and Nothing Stops us from doing that this was all of a way to try to we're trying to basically demonstrate our support for rank Choice voting in a way that's more substantive than just a resolution um and the trigger ordinance we think does it um speaking of hobok and Hoboken did do a version of this and they didn't even tie to the legislative bills they just passed the a trigger ordinance for rank Choice voting so hopefully that helps explain some of some of where we're at with it are you introducing it for this meeting or yeah we'll look to introduce it for this meeting so we can get it um we add it as a late item okay um then we go from there got it if anyone have any further questions comments or concerns between either now Wednesday or after the first reading if it makes um if it pass the first reading they can reach out as well any questions Mesmerize the the just my my only not really question I guess more just a comment I understand your reason for wanting to do it as a trigger ordinance but I know when we went down this road with the ccrb and we talked about doing trigger ordinance there was conversation that the public sees this as something that we're passing now and then it doesn't happen happen there might be like a false Nar they it might not ring true to them or it might cause more frustration so that's that would just be my only comment um you know I understand why you want the push but but knowing that it might not happen in this cycle just just something that just just my own two cents here Unity meetings yes we we we've had several uh Community meetings for this um at the request of several other council members we even did one with the seniors um because we feel like the seniors we didn't want them to be confused on this um but M you bring up a a very good point uh with regards to confusion that's why it has to be Clarity and it has to be educational campaign as well that way we're not confusing because ultimately that's what we don't want to do I agree I've sponsored one of the one of the educational workshops we had for them and I this is not this is not not my opinion about rank Choice voting itself just you know just to make sure that we're being really clear with the public yes so just to be clear council members we're going to be adding this as a late item correct yes yes okay all right with that being said the only second reading ordinance that wasn't touched on is the last one 4.4 city ordinance 24- 013 is an ordinance you go ahead were there any questions about the native plants ordinance that sort of got skipped over I am sorry about that that's okay the one that we were supposed to start with yeah that's the2 24115 an ordinance to codify the planting of native plants throughout the city of Jersey City any questions this is actually something that the city is generally doing as a best practice within the public rideway and within our Parks um also with our trees but this is codifying it um to make sure that it you know finds up what we want to do there'll be an educational campaign around it it's also to help um educate residents on on like the role of native native plants because we've had instances where we have had rain Gardens or native plants in the RightWay and people think that they're weeds so we've had twofold had a bunch of uh rain Gardens destroyed in uh the height and you know really appreciate uh your work on this Council woman and um regarding the reporting requirement you're saying that that's going to come in a later iteration cuz that will come in a later iteration because we want to understand the universe of people who are going to opt in and just want to make sure that it is set up the right way also for the division of sustainability to be able to maintain it so so that will come at the next iteration but right now really the most important piece is the educational piece not only for the general public but also for our own City staff that will be enforced this because this has been an ongoing issue for as far as I know 10 years now um with people getting tickets for trying to do pollinator Gardens in their front yard so that will come just not not right away all just I just want to um also U add for a late item uh which is an ordinance uh naming U the Miller Branch uh Library cultural art Arts Center the auditorium as the uh David daoud Williams Cultural artart Center in honor of David daoud Williams councilman do we have that um uploaded in I Compass yes C of Jersey City to accept the gift of a bronze statue from the family of friends of Michael Union okay uh Council that one was late but to honor the late councilman we wish to proceed on that one nothing wrong with I compass on that one we we're just trying to get through the process so that one is a resolution correct yes okay the resolution so we'll we'll get to that at the end that would be 10.37 okay so council person Rivera's ordinance is going to be 3.5 ordinance 24- 018 late item okay got it now moving on to our second reading ordinance the only one that was not touched on was the last one item 4.4 city ordinance 2413 is an ordinance supplementing chapter 3 332 vehicles and traffic Article 2 traffic regulations Section 3328 prohibited right turns on red signal to prohibit turns on red at all times at multiple locations in proximity to schools and parks in the Heights neighborhood any questions or comments we have our speakers lists right now we're at 54 any any questions or comments on petitions and Communications 6 .1 through 630 there no offic of communications any questions or comments on reported directors 8.1 hearing them we have our meeting claims and then on to our resolutions item 10.1 City resolution 24-1 169 is a resolution to commemorate the life of Michael J selano former councilman item 10.2 was touched on earlier item 10.3 resolution 24- 171 is a resolution calling upon the state legislator legislature excuse me to enact legislation that would allow municipalities to collect and direct a portion of its tax levy to support small businesses item 10.4 resolution 24172 is a resolution condemning the backlash against Adell mangene if I mispronouncing that correct me and urging the United States Senate to vote in favor uh for the confirmation items 10.5 at the meeting through 10.19 were touched on earlier item 10.20 resolution 24188 is a resolution ratifying the award of a contract of Verizon business Network Services LLC also known as Verizon select Services Inc for data services on the state contract with Department of administration division of Information Technology item 10.21 resolution 24-1 189 is a resolution authorizing an agreement with H&L systems for the annual support of proprietary computer software without public bidding for the Department of administration division of Information Technology item 10.22 resolution 24-1 190 is a resolution ratifying Award of a contract L marketing LP for architecture and engineer Construction collection government single single user annual subscription under State contract for the Department of administration division of Information Technology items 10.23 through 10.29 would touched on earlier item 10.30 is a resolution excuse me resolution 24-1 198 is a resolution authorizing the Jersey City Law Department to file affirmative tax appeals on behalf of the city of Jersey City in the year 2024 item 10.31 resolution 24-1 199 is a resolution authorizing the settlement of action entitled Daniel ly versus the city of Jersey City docket number H l-25 9520 sorry can I pa sure can we either have a closed session or or some memo yet I mean it's a large sum that's contemplated here sure yeah we're working working with outside Council outside Council handled this case we were working on the memo but however you'd like to proceed with it I can provide you to the memo tomorrow morning and if you still feel that you need to close session you want okay it do you want to check the memo first before we say close session only because then we won't be able to vote on the item if we're going to have a closed session so we would have to add an item to have a Clos session and then eventually bring this settlement back but if the memo can be addressed um and address the concerns of the council perhaps we wouldn't have to have a closed session not time um it's it's it's time sensitive once we pass it but um if the council needs more information U if I can get you the memo in the morning and if anybody has concerns we can add it as a late item big yeah yeah sensitive it becomes time sensitive once we pass it you said right for this one yes so it could wait till the next meeting right sure if the council needs it we ask that's what I'm saying no it's fine if the council needs information we can do it my non-legal opinion uh council president yeah what we we we're shown a good effort and presenting to the council for for approval so um I think the parties would understand that you know we're working through the process I I just think anytime there's a a large lumm of a settlement we just just should just be standard procedure that we we're briefed on this via closed session because these like sure and councilman we just don't know when they're going to be presented so we don't handle the agenda so we just find out that it's being presented as well we submit it and then sometimes you know it makes one agenda or the other but if we want to set up um something more frequent we can do that so yeah I think five o'clock would be sufficient and then um Council maybe to your concern maybe we'll entertain um I'll work with the council president on scheduling but maybe we'll entertain settlements say the second meeting of every month so Sean has adequate time to prepare a close session if we need it how people want their money at the end of the month not the beginning sounds like a good plan all right and the last uh resolution item 10.3 36 resolution 24-204 is a resolution of the city of Jersey City consenting to the undertaking of a sewer system Capital project by the Jersey City Municipal Utilities Authority are there any questions on that the ba would like so just that this was something that was pre-approved prior but um looks like the block and lot was not uh part of those original Maps so just including the additional work so we approved this resolution already we're just in the correct yeah I can give you the spe yeah and then the very last resolution will be a late item and that's the gift from the family of late Michael Young correct HDC week cdbg week csbg week oh oh that one too everything together G week yep okay I got to write this down otherwise I'll forget all right with that being said motion may I have a motion to adjourn at 5:34 pm and I heard that motion made by I believe council person SLE may I have a second second by council person priner on the motion to adjourn at 5:34 p.m. all council members present by acclamation please say I we are out of here at 5:34 p.m. thank you so much everyone present and everyone watching at home remember Teamwork Makes a DreamWork have a great great night stay safe