okay if youone if we can find our seats silence our cell phones and if we can close the side doors and the back door I greatly appreciate it we're about to get started thank you very much good afternoon everyone we are on the record today is Monday the fourth day of March in the year 20124 this is a j city council meeting of City Caucus meeting of the Jersey City municipal Council we had a scheduled 4 pm start the clock on my cell phone is showing 4:01 pm. may we have a roll call for the commencement of this caucus council person Ridley is not here yet council person priner counc council person Bano council person Cay is not here yet council person Solomon here council person Gilmore not here yet council person the J here council person Rivera here and council president wman here we have six council members in attendance at 4:01 pm. on behalf of council president Wardman and members of the municipal Council in accordance with New Jersey repu laws of 1975 chapter 231 the open public meetings act also known as the Sunshine Law adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by the posting on the bulletin board of the first floor of City Hall the annual notice which is the schedule of meetings and caucuses of the municipal Council for the calendar year 2024 and filed in the office of the city clerk on Thursday November 30th 2023 in addition at its time its preparation the agenda of this meeting was similarly disseminated on Friday March 1st 2024 at 1:4 40 p.m. to the mayor Municipal Council business administrator Corporation councel and the local newspapers and posted on the city's website so I can certify as to our total compliance with the Sunshine Law council president I'm going to turn it over to you good afternoon our first director director KS good afternoon president Wardman members of the council I have five items before you uh this evening uh resolution 24156 10 2020 resolution will authorize the award of a contract to herk rentals HC for the purposes and Delivery for the purchase and delivery of a 600 AJ diesel articulating boom lift to the US community's government purchasing all Alliance known as Omnia part uh partners for the this this item is for the Department of Public Works division of automotive services total amount of the contract is $143,800 and is funded to the DPW oper operating a capital account what what's the purpose of the lift the lift we're replacing one that's approximately 10 years old any of the workers that use a counsilman elevating any elevated areas or things like that it's a safety reason okay we're we're replacing the one that we yes have correct yeah thank you you're welcome 24157 10.21 resolution will authorize the award of an open-end contract to Northeast sweepers and rentals Incorporated for the pur purchase and delivery of various parts and repairs for the ravo street sweepers as needed through the Keystone purchasing Network for the Department of Public Works division of Automotive Maintenance we presently have 10 ravo sweepers in the fleet and waiting delivery of six Elgen sweepers which are expected mid year once the new sweepers are received we plan to keep four of the ravo sweepers of spars and auction off the remaining six units total amount of this contract is $100,000 with a temporary incumbrance of $155,000 funding for this cont contract is available on DPW capital account next is resolution 24158 10.22 resolution will authorize the award of it open and contract to loss and Products Incorporated for the purchase and delivery of various automotive parts and supplies as needed through the US community's government purchasing Alliance known as Omnia for the Department of Public Works Automotive Services Division total amount of the contract is $44,000 and is funded through the DP W operating account next is resolution 24159 10.23 resolution will Au authorize the award of a contractor Cintas Corporation for Uniform Rental for DPW employees to the US community's government purchasing Alliance known as onia partners for the DPW division of administrative Services the depart total dep amount of this contract is $300,000 with a temporary incumbrance of $40,000 and is funded through the DPW operating account and the last is resolution 24161 10.25 resolution will ratify the award of an open-end contract to Western Industries North LLC for pest control services Citywide throughout the sourcewell purchasing Co cooperative for the DPW division of buildings and Street Maintenance total amount of the contract is $150,000 with a temporary incumbrance of $55,000 and is to the DPW operating account can this be used um to address sort of rat issues across the city that's that's one of the reasons we know we we deal with these issues now especially as the warmer weather comes up we have a lot of issues down in the plaza area I've discussed that with uh Rachel and a lot of that has to do with the placement of garbage by the food uh companies down there so I think a little more due diligence on their side and I know um uh director Flanigan has also been engaged with this too so yeah my understanding is is uh hopefully at some point there'll be a the containerized trash uh on the Plaza which hopefully will help but but can basically what I'm saying now is is with this contract can we reach out to DPW and ask for assistance if we have you know Road and contamination issues we get normally I'll get the calls from Rachel you know and we we do do the baiting and things over there but as I say we need some assistance on their end and enforcing the the um what the trash that's being put out by the uh food agencies that's that's one of the big problems right but but sometimes the it's not just on the Plaza the the rat issues right right and and so can we reach out saying is this a contract that helps us work with you so if it's on second and Hudson I can reach out and say okay great but understood that we have to work on the containerized trash to help address the issue I was going to ask if we could do some research on trash containerization as well across the city and uh maybe changing the trash culture in Jersey City Sonia has been doing that unfortunately as you say you know we get a lot of requests for additional waste receptacles but the problem turns into then people are putting their household waste today at this point it's more of an Enforcement issue you know I I repeatedly asked um you know members of the council to to see if we can work together to get my sanitation inspectors back I think that would make a huge huge difference this way we have people specifically signed as they were in the past and we can send them out to deal with areas of concern you know right now we're at a little bit of a disadvantage because they they work for another agency how many sanitation inspectors did you have in the past and how much would you anticipate probably had close to 10 even more um what I'm looking to do is see if we could get four of them assigned with the supervisor obviously divide the city into WS you know we would do it by District Northeast South and West and then you know go out there and do blanket enforcements because the problem is is that unless they're receiving a summons for violation they continue to do it so essentially they would go to these um trash receptacles look through the Y things for any clues and recyclable issues that's exactly right okay okay I hope we consider it uh if the administration can look into that please a huge issue yeah we're working on that um right now we do have quality of life doing that and most of that work currently um but if it needs to go back to the sanitation we're definely open it we just want to make sure it's done the most appropriate way okay hey have a good evening council president before you call the next director I just want to Mark council person Ridley Cay and Gilmore all present at 4:05 PM so we now have all nine council members present thank you director Baker good evening council president members of council Department of Public Safety has two resolutions this evening the first is item 10.10 resolution 24-1 146 it's a resolution ratifying an award of a contractor Software House International Corporation for the purchase of 2024 maintenance of the city of Jersey City's police division and fire division infoshare Public Safety project to the New Jersey Cooperative purchasing Alliance Bergen County Co-op for the Department of Public Safety Communications and Technology the contract is in the amount of 1, 647896 184 uh this is the annual maintenance and software update for the uh CAD the computer AED dispatch software record management system for police and fire and also info share uh which is the electronic transfer of evidence and stuff between prosecutor's office and other law Department agencies our next item is 10.11 resolution 24-1 147 it's a resolution ratifying the award of a contract to Verizon business Network Services for police data services under New Jersey state contract for the Department of Public Safety Division of communications and Technology Center it's in the amount of 1 million $122,500 um this is not only the data Network to the 48 locations we have it's also voice and facts however what I want you to to know is that we are working on two projects that I hope to complete this year which will lower this amount by more than six $600,000 and it's uh we actually started I'm just hoping to complete it by by mid year what are the projects we are switching from an AIA phone system to Cisco phone system like the city has but we are Contracting through Cisco for the service so I would be paying 44 or $500,000 as an example to Verizon I'm only probably going to pay $288,000 for um Cisco on the other end is we've been building our own fiber Network around the city so we no longer need Verizon to uh provide us with fiber for our networks so in the locations that we have that as I replace that that's going to be saving at each location $5,000 a month thank thank you good job oh I'm sorry Mr Baker quick question are you are you filling in for director Shay yes okay so maybe if you could just relate a message well maybe let me let me just address ba uh and this has to do with uh the overtime at the fire department we just need to know you know why isn't that happening you know we do have some houses that are being browned out and we've had a couple of uh uh close calls throughout the City where you know houses are responding from you know much further than where they're supposed to be at because we have stations that are like out because of overtime so we just who do I address that with with I think the best thing to do councilman is tomorrow I'll set up a meeting with you so we can address it you know in close detail I don't know specifically what instances you're referring to but if there's a problem with that I want to make sure they're address immediately so I'll be more happy to reach out and see if we can set a meeting to go over any details about it right well you know I mean it'll have to be after 3 P.M my meeting right so we can we I I'll be happy to do that but we need to address this is a pretty serious concern here absolutely there's anyone with the fire department we to bring as well that have more knowledge and more it would be great if the chief was here you know if you could address him or you know or the uh EXO there but yeah we just definitely need to have them on on on the meeting absolutely okay thank you hello council president members of the council I have just two items for you today taking it easy on you um the first one is agenda number 3.3 ordinance 24-13 this is a first reading ordinance um for the division of traffic engineering to um improve a series of intersections in the Heights neighborhood specifically by uh restricting right term turns on red which has been something that we've been receiving requests from the community on and in Partnership um with councilman SLE so in the ordinance you'll see listed a number of intersections there are 15 of them um and the idea is uh to focus on intersections specifically that are near schools and Parks as a starting point um because we're seeing a lot of near misses with vehicles turning right on red and encroaching upon the crosswalk um creating a danger situation so this is um proposing a number of intersections that are um priorities in terms of injury and location to restrict I I was going to say thank you for your work with this and for meeting with the JC Heights Community parents and um this ordinance is supported by um data we're doing what's on your mind month survey and and I was actually really disturbingly surprised to see that uh most people in the Heights don't feel safe crossing the street uh between a one to a five uh five being the safest and one being um not safe most participants in the survey did uh select a one one or a two so um I really appreciate your Swift action in this and um thank you thanks councilman and yeah I just want to recognize that City Heights uh parents group they've been advocating for these changes and you'll see over the next few months um a series of interventions this is just the first step um that requires Council action and then other things like curb extensions improving crosswalks and intersections and corridors as a whole uh is something that we'll be advancing and sending all of you information on before we get started with with the work in the next few weeks okay the next one is agenda item 10.18 resolution 24-54 this is a resolution authorizing the office of historical preservation to apply for and accept a grant award for the New Jersey historic trust pre preservation um in relation to Reservoir 3 so we are um accepting a grant in the amount of $750,000 for Rehab specifically of the gate House 2 historic structure that is on site at the reservoir if you remember uh council president and council members we tried to advance um the award of a bid to rehab these structures last year and we were not able to do so because all of the bids came in significantly over budget several millions of dollars over budget so we're hoping that this additional Grant will help add to the available amount of grant funding we already have so that we can finally move forward on this work and um just for reference Gate House 2 is a structure that's located right at the corner of Summit Avenue and Reservoir Avenue it's the first structure that you see when you enter from that corner of the reservoir thank you before you go on that issue I spoke to you before will you see Mike Manel tomorrow morning yes I already reached out to him councilman about the crosswalk he's looking into the permitting of that we had not uh authorized a permit so he's just looking into what happened what they're doing I want it removed the People Want it removed can't believe they're doing that and it's if it's because those two drug houses they're opening up there to make it easy for them get tell tell those workers to get out of there please okay let me just thank you B I let me just look into the reason and I'll get back to you okay would you please thank you have a good evening good afternoon good afternoon yeah so I'm GNA start I only have two solutions the first is 1012 uh this is a retroactive opioid settlement fund uh this is money that I think got lost in the mix uh it's $45,000 for prevention work it is actually going to be paying 2023 uh funds for to offset Recreation and Youth Development work lucenda couldn't be here and I've been managing opioid um funds and this came across my desk about a month ago and so we all were trying to figure it out cuz this wasn't a grant that was in our house to manage uh but we Furious teamwork here Kev we pulled it together we reviewed what had to be spent and um this is going towards last fall and spring efforts of recreation and youth Dev velopment so it's funding um different vendors we can send you the list of everything that it's supporting um the the overage for recreation was about $63,000 of uh unbudgeted additional activities last fall and this is offsetting that with the $45,000 Grant um some of these opioid dollars come late and not organized and this one came came through the uh Law Department and I think just got lost in the mix so we need to accept the grant so that we can open the account and charge 2023 funds against it y so you said the funds is going to be used to offset 2023 unbudgeted items in the department of recreation and Youth development as part of prevention and support for nonprofits and uh Staffing of events and activities for some of the spring and fall uh prevention engagement activities so I guess I'm I'm just confused as it relates to um so they provided this Ser what what would have anything yeah so um about six weeks ago we received an email or the email came in um to the Law Department regarding an opioid settlement fund report uh so that was sent to me because typically I'll manage the opioid grants this was not a grant that was in our books and all of the money needed to be spent in 2023 and I already spent my opioid money for 2023 so I worked with Recreation on unspent activities that would fulfill the grant purpose and we pulled through some of those items that were unbudgeted to offset the city's current fund from 2023 and we were able to put we we talked to the gr tour he said that was fine so we put together that Grant report but we never for normally accepted this money into the city coffers so we have to do that in order to offset that and reclassify this grant okay and who who was initially responsible for executing it so all of the opioid dollars come in through the law department so um the person's no longer with the city so um when it came to my desk um we all work to see if it was already accepted um so there was no record of this being accepted so that is why I'm coming to you now to accept the funds well I guess my last question is do we fix the glitch is this going to happen again yeah the opioid money comes into uh the law department but I guess anything that was going to that person might not even get to us so now we have to figure out how and what new dollars are possible to come in this was a grant that money had already been sent and we only knew about it because there was no Grant or fund to put the money in so they approached me and I didn't know anything of this money um so we did some research and found that uh we can't find a letter anywhere uh and hopefully uh the next person that we we name in the role of corporate Council um can help clear that up that's I would say more for the administration how do we add it quickly these are settlements that come in that's why it goes a l apartment unlike a lot of the other grants that are accepted so there's multiple tronti these come through so this is separate from the other opan money we've already received and potentially we receive in the future it came in um you know we had a transition during that period we got it back in December I think yeah I think December is when they came in so in the future we'll have someone assigned to that Peter for what's that Peter fort no lot Peter these these grants just come they're they're settlements so they're going to come in through the law department but they don't come with anyone's name on it and they don't come with any real Clarity and this one I actually when I went on to it um it's every all of the documentation is internal but the the the check came before the documentation so they're trying to catch up with themselves too so I think you know many times we come to you a year before we get the money and sometimes the money just comes and then we come to you after so next one the next one is the most exciting one it is uh 10:13 it's a resolution appointing an animal control officer with authority to investigate and enforce animal control laws of the state and certain ordinances on behalf of the city of Jersey City uh that person named in the resolution is uh Mark Burns our new division director of Animal Care and Control um he's here and on Wednesday evening uh our city clerk will swear him in uh he is a he can introduce himself if you'd like how doing Council my name is uh Mark Burns I'm a a product of Jersey City born in Margaret ha like like so many of us graduate of St Anthony's High School frier High um for the last 12 years I've been an animal control officer with Bergen County for the last eight I've been the super visor of 16 officers 52 municipalities approximately 800,000 residents and um today is my first day as your director of Animal Care and Control it's my pleasure to be here still here eight hours later so this is just a minute State yeah Mark as I said to you I want you to speak to Nicole she has four animal control four animal hospitals and she's very uh interested in this what we're doing here in City all right and I'll get you get hold of me yes sir thank you thank you Danny council president um would it be okay if we defer to that item during the council meeting tomorrow night so I can get Mark sworn in and he doesn't have to stay for the entire meeting we go way back so made a promise to him let him stay oh don't do that something'll never he'll never jam with me again thank you oh Lord good afternoon council members um I have one resolution for your consideration tonight it is a resolution authorizing temporary Appropriations for 2024 it's 10.1 right Danny I'm sorry yeah it's resolution 24-1 137 agenda number 10.1 how much sorry about that and I'm going to repeat the title is a resolution authorizing temporary Appropriations for 2024 this resolution is needed because it's for the continuance of city services during the temporary budget period without any disruptions Annie do you have an idea I know you're not directed but when they will present the budget well we're targeting the final meeting in March March 20th but introduction thank you good afternoon Council I'm here on two ordinances item 3.1 I'll start with ordinance 24-9 this is an an ordinance of the municipal Council of the city of Jersey City adopting amendments to the Pauls hook Redevelopment plan and creating the block uh sorry block 11606 Redevelopment plan this was a this started with a resolution from city council back in September of uh 2022 um this was a an older Redevelopment area that was restudied this particular block uh 11606 and declared an area in need of Redevelopment once again um and there are two elements to this Ordinance one amends the existing zoning which is the poos hook Redevelopment plan uh and there is a map attached uh to that that explains that change and then the other element is the the new Redevelopment plan that's being proposed in this ordinance block 11606 what that Redevelopment plan does uh is that it it takes the existing uh senior housing project um and preserves those senior units as affordable senior housing it also mandates a public park and public Plaza and it allows for a mixed use development of uh 600 units 90 of which will be uh destricted as affordable units I can just just that I can just Jo that really for the record for folks knowing and and the applicant is here so they can answer questions and meet with council members um you know there's still couple of ongoing items that being discussed but uh yeah it's it's 12,000 Square it's it's in the existing parking lot um no parking spaces will be lost because they'll all be replaced in the parking garage of the new building um so I think it's important to just state that it creates the 12,000 roughly square feet of Green Space um has to follow inclusionary zoning so has to be 15% affordable um no tax abatement um granted um and then there are some commitments to make improvements to the senior building at 72 Montgomery uh as part of it um as well would this be the second affordable housing project downtown with inclusionary zoning um uh this this is a um there there was another one on Grand Street um that was quite large but there are a number around uh downtown okay so the city's stock is increasing in terms of affordable housing at least downtown yeah okay um I forgot and and thank you uh councilman Solomon one thing I did fail to mention is there is a piece of Green Street that's currently operating as a public sidewalk but it's actually private property uh the the Redevelopment plan will also require the dedication of that so it is part of the public Street take that Q um agenda item 3.2 ordinance 24-12 this is an ordinance of the municipal Council of the city of Jersey City adopting amendments to the Liberty Harbor North Redevelopment plan regarding use and bulk standards on tax block 1597 also known as block 24 of the Redevelopment plan uh this was a an amendment that's being uh brought back to the council as part of resolution 23- 941 uh the the the scope scope of these amendments are focused on block 24 of the Redevelopment plan uh there are uh the majority of that block is developed uh while there is a portion of it un that Still Remains undeveloped the the Redevelopment plan now requires that it be a hotel and nothing but a hotel uh this amendment allows for it to be developed as a hotel but also be developed as uh with a portion of residential as well um the residential density on that block is is increasing in uh by 300 units in this Redevelopment uh Amendment and uh 15% of those units would be required to be affordable if uh the project moving forward does include residential the uh planning board recommended adoption of this ordinance they found that it was consistent with the master plan uh in their uh resolution memorialized U with this recommendation they included a uh condition to be added to these amendments which is not uh add it's outset abundantly clear uh they stipulated in the resolution that uh development on this site uh be no more than 340 feet in height um and we calculate that to the roof we do have some height exceptions for uh rooftop mechanical and amenity space but uh I I believe it'd be um clearest for us to um re-upload that exhibit to include that number where it doesn't exist right now um there is several attachments to this the 340 numbers pulled from the fourth attachment the resolution from the planning board and I'm suggesting that we um for clarity sake update uh the attachment number one with that number uh are there did I go into enough detail on the content of the amendment or would you like go further I just this is this had come before us before correct that is correct the one thing I recall back then was there was a conversation back and forth about what the existing zoning allowed for versus what um was being proposed and there had been different interpretations and I recollection was maybe Tanya had sent us a memo and I was just wondering if you could either resend that or or just update us on on what existing allows for versus what the proposal it that same memo is is in here it's just deep in it so if you thumb through it you might have not you might not have seen it um it spoke to the uh the zoning in place and the height uh restrictions in place allowing for a building comparable to 340 um and uh that that memo is in here I can highlight that in in an email that I can uh disseminate to uh to the clerk thank you thank you Acy from the Municipal Court council members uh my name is Stacy Dix Kowski I'm presenting resolution 24-1 145 from Jersey City Municipal Court with a community Solutions program um this is a resolution that authorizes the city's use of funds from the US Department of Justice Bureau of Justice assistance grant that was awarded to the city in 2022 for a community Court Grant initiative and it's in the amount of $60,000 uh to be used to contract for software development with New Jersey Institute of Technology so the software uh will be used to track data and Trends from Grant funded activities initiated with the enhancement Grant um this tracking will in turn allow for data-driven programming and so that we can be responsive to what we're seeing to deliver services in a more effective way um the addition of the trend will also guide just use of where you can go into the city to deliver the services to make it most efficient thank you oh I I was going to ask like what kind of programs like would would be data driven are you talking about like um PTI pre-trial intervention um trying to find out uh more not retributive policies but rehabilitative policies for the court like that so so pre-trial intervention and pre-trial Services um are under the superior court at the state and the county level this is funding that was awarded to the Community Court which is called Community Solutions which is providing alternatives to the traditional jail sentencing fines um and connecting individuals to Social Services to really try to address that root cause issue behind the behavior leading to contact with criminal justice system with the enhancement Grant what we did was develop an Outreach team so we're actually going into the community as Court employees and um going to the Library community centers and asking individuals offering assistance and looking up corrent information we know during the pandemic a lot of people Miss court dates they moved they didn't have the digital access to log in so we are um mobilizing our services and going out into the community to provide that assistance and then to hopefully help individuals address outstanding cases that may be suspending their driver's license and perhaps preventing other employment opportunities so that's what this this data will um allow us to focus what areas of the city perhaps we should be mobilizing services to as well as the types of um cases that we're helping to address yeah I I think U I just think you guys are doing a great job with with this community initiative um I've seen several individuals they had like domestic dismute and you guys get them with anger management and different programs like that um so I like and I'm interesting to see what the uh what the data is going to show I know it's going to be positive because I've like seeing it firsthand um how beneficial it is thank you Andrew excuse me good evening Madame President esteemed members of city council this is the this must be the Jersey City Municipal Court portion of the agenda uh I appear before you tonight with two resolutions 10.7 on the agenda and 10.8 resolution 24143 and 24144 and as I sit here watching everybody come up to the podium I think to myself I spend my entire life in front of judges in every Court majority in Jersey City and yet I still get a little nervous when I have to appear before city council I think that's probably because I very much still appreciate the appointment this would be my 23d year of serving as your city's public defender I'm proud of that fact and I'm proud of the people that work for me and those are the two resolutions that appear before you tonight thank you thank you can I just Echo the sentiments though of councilman uh when you mentioned um the good work they're doing in the community courts they really are they're doing an excellent job and and you've been so supportive of the courts I can thank you enough we uh it's a trying time I know our public defender service is probably five times the case load it ever was I just left 28 cases just this morning uh for people who are Indigent and need public defenders but we are serving the community from the judges down to the court staff everybody's doing the best they can so thank you for your support are there are there things the council could be doing uh in terms of D like I'm try I'm trying to think of uh changing laws that uh you think are unnecessary like sometimes we have a fine plus like or a fine Andor imprisonment I don't know if that's something that you guys deal with where people are being imprisoned for fines um because they can't pay the fine or is there something that you know the council could do in terms of you know tying up those kinds of laws I think the council's been very Progressive and every time we've come to you with a new idea you've been enthusiastic about approaching that Progressive approach I in my private practice go throughout the state uh and see other courts that really pale in comparison to how Progressive we are we always start with incarceration we always work backwards from there we never leave a stone unturned today's day and age and it's a crazy thing uh because of Bale reform and because of uh the way the system exists we have people who come in all the time who have got into a domestic violence dispute with a loved one somebody had too much to drink at dinner and somebody does something they should have done and now those people come in and have to be processed and they spend a night in jail and these are people who are have never had anything to do with the criminal system doctors lawyers professionals uh and so we don't we don't take it for granted again that a single night in jail is too much time if you don't belong there and that's not always the best road to recovery for people so uh we've got a very like-minded group of of um justices judges and prosecutors as well so I think we're working together as a team there have been some public defender offices I want to blab the point that have been having some problems locally and around the State losing their public defenders um I don't think we've been in a better position despite the increased workload because we all view it the same way there's no one case anym or less important than any other so awesome thank you thank you for asking me a question I appreciate it absolutely thank you good night everybody thank you he Sean you can take it from the top okay we'll do that all right council members our first reading ordinances were all touched on earlier so I'm going to move right on to our second reading ordinances item 4.1 city ordinance 24- 007 is an ordinance naming the playground located at J Owen Grundy Park the Jeremy farell playground in honor of Jeremy faroh item 4.2 city ordinance 24- 010 is an ordinance amending chapter 69 special Improvement districts Article 2 Central Avenue special improvement district um item 4.3 city ordinance 24- 011 is an ordinance approving technical amendments to ordinances 22- 084 and 23-13 to correct typographical errors onto our speakers list we currently have 36 speakers any questions or comments on petitions and Communications item 6.1 through 6.15 hearing none any questions or comments on office communication 7.1 there are no reported directors we have our claims and addendum excuse me just the claims and on to our resolutions item 10.1 was touched on earlier item 10.2 City resolution 24-38 is a resolution honoring mlin funeral home for 93 years of service to the community item 10.3 resolution 24139 is a resolution celebrating March 31st as transgender day of visibility in the city of Jersey City item 10.4 resolution 24-40 is a resolution recognizing six heritage month for the month of April 2024 item 10.5 resolution 24141 is a resolution honoring retired General Edward M daily on his street naming dedication item 10.6 resolution 24-42 is a resolution approving the appointment of Joyce Clayborn as a predm municipal prosecutor for the Jersey City Municipal Court items 10.7 through 10.13 were touched on earlier item 10.14 resolution 24 -150 is a resolution of the governing body certifi certification of compliance with the United States equal opportunity excuse me equal employment opportunity commission's enforcement guidance on the consideration of arrest and conviction records in the employment decisions under title 8 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 item 10.15 resolution 24151 is a resolution authorizing the city of Jersey City to enter into polling place lease agreements with the Hudson County Board of Elections uh sorry Clerk and council president and administration just just one back on 1014 could someone from HR come and just speak to us about that yeah sure um Jim Carol was unavailable today but um if you have questions about it you can contact Jim he should be back tomorrow uh we have to do it before we submit the budget um but it is certifying to our our hiring practices so I can have Jim speed you okay great just a piggy back up on Britney's statement this is an annual resolution that we have to do every year um and then the polling place this is just a reimbursement um of from the Hudson County Board of Elections for each polling place that they use in Jersey City um item 10.16 resolution 24-15 2 is a resolution of the city of Jersey City ratifying memorandum of agreement between the city ofers jerse City and the Jersey City supervisors Association item 10.17 resolution 24153 is a resolution of the city of Jersey City to approve the memorandum of agreement between the city of Jersey City and the city supervisor Association item 10.8 was touched on earlier item 10.19 resolution 24-55 is a resolution of the municipal Council authorizing the planning board to to study an amendment to the PowerHouse Arch District Redevelopment plan items 10.20 through 10.23 were touched on earlier item 10.24 resolution 24-1 160 is a resolution rejecting the sole bid received by the city of Jersey City on February 6 2024 for the contract known as HVAC and boiler maintenance number 231 12-4 item 10.25 was touched on earlier Britney would you like to take the items 10.26 through 10.31 sure um Council 1026 through 10:31 these are all renewal of Professional Services agreements uh they are ongoing matters that are just continuing over from the previous year so we need to renew the contracts and 1028 and 1031 are for the same case we just have different contracts for different individual defendants so I'll provide the council president an update as to where um the litigation stands and if anybody has any questions they can contact me offline when we have stuff like this we should have closed sessions or should be advised so I understand most of it being with the police department for all the years but I think the rest of the council I don't think they're aware of half of these situations okay and last item is a late item item 10.32 resolution [Music] 24-680 pm. motion motion made by council person Cay may I have a second second by council person priner on the motion to adjourn at 4:49 p.m. all council members present by acclamation please say I hi we out of here at 4:49 p.m. thank you so much everyone present and everyone watching at home remember Teamwork Makes a DreamWork have a great night stay safe everyone wait the meeting is not over guys just kidding